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CIVIL AIR PATROL September-October 2006

Everyday Heroes of the U.S. Air Force Auxiliary

SUPER SUMMER Cadets Excel at NCC, Other Activities

9/11 CALLS MEMBERS Patriotism Leads Volunteers Into

ACADEMY BOUND CAP Postures Cadets For Next Level cap volunteer Sept-Oct 06 11/2/06 7:35 AM Page b cap volunteer Sept-Oct 06 11/2/06 7:35 AM Page 1


September-October 2006

FEATURES 2 9/11 Impacts Membership Five years later, members share inspiration for joining. 6 Border Sorties National commander testifies before House committee. 9 Sea of Red CAP members take part in Red Ribbon Week. 2 The tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, had 11 Georgia Wing on Their Minds a profound effect on CAP membership. Unit’s missions gain praise from State House. 12 Animal Instinct 40 Wings of Freedom Feline friends help CAP hone search skills. Pilot of historic bombers says CAP gave him aviation bug. 16 Aerospace and Beyond CAP member spreads AE message across nation. 42 On the Marking Cadet embodies, shares spirit of CAP. 18 Blind? No Problem! Cadet shares his CAP experience. 46 Springboard to Success Cadets sail from CAP to military academies. 20 Ham and CAP Go Great Together Members promote CAP at Hamvention. 21 Seasonal Sensations DEPARTMENTS Centerfold pullout features cadet summer programs. 5 From Your National Commander 22 Lead to Succeed 51 Achievements Cadet Officer School readies youth for careers, life. Officers, Cadets Honored 24 Egg-citing School National Staff College prepares members to lead. 53 Region News 26 Greatest CAP Show on Earth Blue cadets perform missions at Oshkosh. SUBSCRIPTIONS 30 Worldwide Cadets The annual subscription rate is $25. To subscribe, mail a IACE takes youths across the globe. check to Volunteer subscription, CAP Public Affairs, 105 S. 32 A New Frontier Hansell St., Bldg. 714, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112-6332 Airline expands cadets’ horizons behind the scenes. 34 Full Body Workout ON OUR COVER National Cadet Competition tests youths in every way. Cadet Eric Daniel Nelson of the Middle East Region's Color Guard 37 Chaplains at Work salutes during an outdoor presentation at Civil Air Patrol's National CAP member fills in for deployed minister. Cadet Competition in Herndon, Va. Special coverage of the competition 38 Seeing Stars as well as other summer cadet activities begins on page 21. CAP member talks telescopes. Photo by Marc Huchette, CAP National Headquarters

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Five9/1 Years After1 Volunteers Still Feel Strongly About Serving America By Lenore Vickrey

he events of Sept. 11, after that day, he knew others would including as an operations officer, 2001, left an indelible soon be called to defend the coun- and recently, he and fellow CAP mark on the psyche of try abroad, and he was compelled to members flew four sorties and more America. Many citizens do his part. He joined CAP in than 11 hours in support of a new T were stirred by October 2002. Army and Navy joint homeland a newfound patriotic “I looked at many missile defense system. spirit to defend the U.S., organizations, but kept “I feel even more strongly about and a significant number coming back to the Civil CAP than I did when I joined four found that opportunity Air Patrol due to my love years ago,” Stokes said. “We play an to serve in the Civil Air of flying,” he said. important role in our nation’s secu- Patrol. Stokes obtained his rity and a vital role in support of Statistics show mem- scanner and observer rat- the Air Force and the general avia- bership increased by 11 ings within six months, tion community.” percent within two years and has participated in 29 Like millions of other Americans, after 9/11. Capt. Jon L. Stokes actual search and rescue 1st Lt. Gail Swanson watched in Capt. Jon L. Stokes sorties, five homeland disbelief as the twin towers col- was one of those who felt the call to security sorties and 12 counterdrug lapsed on her TV screen. Eighteen CAP. Now commander of Senior sorties, accumulating more than months later, the writer found her- Squadron 5, California Wing, he 160 flight hours as an observer. He self in New York City where she had never joined the military, but has served in many capacities, spent three months interviewing

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Americans who helplessly watched as rescue workers to in my hand,” she said. “I will thousands died in the terrorist attacks of help them docu- never forget these people.” 9/11 felt compelled to somehow make a ment their stories. After her New York expe- difference. For many, the answer was Among them: rience, Swanson wanted to volunteer service in the Civil Air Patrol. Claudio, who per- help in some way. She sonally evacuated stopped by a CAP display at 20,000 people out 1st Lt. Gail Swanson the Naples, Fla., airport and of lower Manhattan; was intrigued to learn there “I joined CAP so I could help a firefighter who survived by diving was an organization that helped in my country post-Sept. 11, and I onto the back of a fire truck and preparedness, search and rescue, continue in CAP because I think it’s pulling the fire hose on top of him; education and even homeland secu- a great way for a citizen to be a part others who told of cars melting in rity. She joined up, and has since of the solution in helping the coun- an underground parking garage and served as a squadron, group and try fight the war on terrorism,” said of finding a pair of hands on a near- wing public affairs officer, the Flori- Swanson. “It’s also a great way to be by firehouse roof. da Wing director of public affairs of assistance in times of disasters, be “I can only liken it to being in an and as a ground team member. She they manmade or natural.” operating room during open-heart was also named the 2005 Florida “The day after Hurricane Charlie surgery and holding a beating heart Wing PAO of the Year. hit, I was tasked as a Naples senior

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squadron ground team member to in homeland security, she knew it A CAP aircraft was the first allowed to go to Port Charlotte to help the was time to join. She has served as fly over Ground Zero, providing Florida Wing ‘Recon One’ team,” her squadron’s aerospace education high-resolution digital images to she said. “We performed a ground officer, and, like Swanson, has espe- the New York State Emergency team search for victims needing cially enjoyed working with cadets. Management Office. help. We found approximately 21 “The most meaningful part has been families on one stretch of road who inspiring or contributing to the were out of food, water and baby cadets’ interest in serving their coun- a role model. “CAP members are formula. We reported back, and try and in flying,” she said. some of the best, most those supplies were quickly brought She’s also been honorable and giving to the families.” involved in CAP’s people I have ever As a PAO she has been inspired counterdrug program known. It is a pleasure by the dedication of CAP cadets, as a mission transport and a considerable and the officers who help them pilot and has been an honor to serve with become “leaders of tomorrow.” aircrew member on at them and especially to Maj. Lynda Kilbourne, an associ- least four search and be asked to lead them.” ate professor of management at rescue missions and “The work we do is Xavier University in Cincinnati, also exercises. hugely important, and it joined CAP after Sept. 11. She’d As a deputy com- Maj. Lynda Kilbourne gives special meaning to considered joining while completing mander of officers, a my flying,” she said. her private pilot license, but after vice commander and a squadron “My attachment to CAP is even learning about CAP’s increased role commander, Kilbourne has served as stronger than when I joined.” ▲

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[ from your national commander ]

abulous! That’s the word that comes to mind when I reflect on Civil Air Patrol’s 2006 annual conference in Reno last month. With the theme “A legacy of service … poised for the future,” this event was truly the best of the best. The national recognition cere- mony, the general assembly, the learning labs, the exhibit hall – every aspect of this notable gathering went off like clockwork and was handled flawlessly by the host of volunteer members involved, especially those Fin the Pacific Region, and our staff at CAP National Headquarters. The conference highlights were many indeed. First, the CAP National Board elected Brig. Gen. Amy Courter of the Michigan Wing to serve as national vice commander. This marked a historical milestone for CAP – the first time a woman has served in a national command position in the organization’s 65-year history. Also, the Cessna-sponsored opening reception – a celebration of CAP’s 65th birthday on Dec. 1 – was first class all the way. Custom-decorated cakes adorned with images of CAP’s history were ceremoniously cut in the exhibit hall to kick off our yearlong anniversary celebration. The national recognition ceremony was a sterling tribute to our members and their achievements. Congratulations to all of our award winners – especially adet Lt. Col. David Maver, Cadet of the Year; Lt. Col. James Zoeller, Senior Member of the Year; and members of the New Mexico Wing’s Gallup Raptor Composite Squadron – this year’s recognized Squadron of Distinction. In addition to individual awards, I’m proud to announce that CAP took home a number of organizational awards. First and foremost, we were recognized with a Summit Award by the American Society of Association Executives for Hurricane Katrina relief operations in 2005. Also, CAP’s public affairs team took home nine awards from the Southern Public Relations Federation, including two first-place Lantern awards for the CAP Public Affairs Toolkit and the Van Don Williams video; a certificate of excellence was presented for CAP’s new flagship magazine, Civil Air Patrol Volunteer. In closing, I want to tell you how pleased I am that, to date, CAP’s overall safe- ty record has been excellent. With only one more month left in fiscal 2006, I implore each and every CAP member to remain vigilant and think safety at all times! Also, because of the focused effort on recruiting and retention at the unit level, our membership stats in the officer category are now stable. We still have a ways to go with retention in the cadet category, but it is getting better. What a wonderful way to close out the fiscal year – on top and “poised for the future”! Semper vigilans!

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National Commander Testifies Before HASC Border training prepares CAP for follow-on request

ivil Air Patrol National Commander Maj. Gen. CAP Cessna 182 and a Gippsland GA8 Airvan. Antonio J. Pineda testified before the House CAP gained valuable lessons on tactics and employ- C Armed Services Committee recently to answer ment in the sometimes hostile Arizona flying environ- questions about CAP’s recent training flights along the ment. Additionally, Pineda said CAP’s aircrews reported border between Arizona and Mexico. several instances of suspicious activity to border patrol The meeting took place in Yuma, Ariz., where Pineda officials. testified alongside federal and military officials, as well "CAP was called upon to perform these missions in as a representative of south central Arizona Native order to help the state of Arizona spot immigrants in Americans. distress and, in the process, prevent the loss of lives on CAP was tasked by the U.S. Air Force to conduct the Mexican border," said Congressman Duncan search and rescue training flights in Arizona to ensure Hunter, R-Calif., chair of the House Armed Services the units are ready to conduct operational missions if Committee, whose district is located on the California- requested by other governmental agencies. Mexico border. "The problem had reached epic propor- CAP’s Arizona Wing began flying missions along the tions, with 70 deaths on the Arizona-Mexican border in Arizona border on July 17, flying 94 flights and over recent weeks alone." 319 hours in a CAP Cessna 182 aircraft. In addition, Hunter has worked to seal the U.S. border to illegal the New Mexico Wing flew two additional aircraft, a aliens and drug trafficking. He authored legislation in

Civil Air Patrol Volunteer 6 September-October 2006 cap volunteer Sept-Oct 06 11/2/06 7:36 AM Page 7 Yuma, Ariz. Yuma,

The Sun, Photo by Jacob Lopez, courtesy Jacob Photo by of Civil Air Patrol National Commander Maj. Gen. Antonio J. Pineda speaks before the House Armed Services Committee in Yuma, Ariz. Alongside Pineda, from left, are witnesses Lt. Gen. Steven Blum, chief of the National Guard Bureau; Col. Ben Hancock, commanding officer of Marine Corps Air Station Yuma; Deputy Chief Patrol Agent Jeffrey Calhoon, U.S. Customs and Border Protection; and Vivian Juan-Saunders, chair of the Tohono O’odham Nation.

1988 that led to construction of 40 miles of fencing and “CAP has performed admirably in its border patrol border infrastructure. In 1995 he authorized an additional training operations, demonstrating our vast capabilities. 5,000 Border Patrol agents, and he recently successfully The success of these training missions contributed to a added an amendment to the Border Protection, Antiter- very positive review by the committee,” he said. ▲ rorism and Illegal Immigration Act of 2005 that calls for a total of 698 miles of fencing at the five most tran- sited and problematic locations along the southern border. “CAP’s proven track record in SAR missions and our availability of large numbers of aircraft and trained personnel uniquely positioned CAP to success- fully conduct these type missions,” said Pineda.

During the CAP training flights on the border between Arizona and Mexico, CAP’s eyes in the skies spotted and photographed Abandoned Vehicle suspicious sights, such as this vehicle abandoned in the desert.

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Final Salute To Aviation Legend CIVIL AIR PATROL NATIONAL COMMANDER Maj. Gen. Antonio J. Pineda


MANAGING EDITOR Julie M. DeBardelaben




Photo by Paul Glenshaw Paul Photo by CONTRIBUTING WRITERS The casket of A. Scott Crossfield, one of Civil Air Patrol’s most loyal advocates and Janet Adams, Jayson A. Altieri, Kimberly supporters, is carried to the Columbarium at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia Barnhart, Kimberly Harper, Jennifer Kornegay, Victoria Terrinoni, Lenore Vickrey on Aug. 15. Crossfield passed away on April 19 when his Cessna 210 crashed in Georgia. For comprehensive information on Crossfield’s aviation career and his contributions to CAP, see the July-August issue of Civil Air Patrol Volunteer online at ADVISORY COMMITTEE Col. Virginia Keller Adviser to the CAP National Commander for Public Affairs Rocket-Launching Cadets Lt. Col. Karen Copenhaver Director of Public Affairs, Middle East Region Meet Moonwalker John Desmarais Deputy Director, CAP Operations Lt. Col. Michael Marek, Director of Public Affairs, North Central Region 1st Lt. Thomas Rehman Former Chair, National Cadet Advisory Council Capt. Steven Solomon Public Affairs Officer, Maryland Wing Drew Steketee Executive Director, CAP Historical Foundation

ON THE WEB Go to daily for squadron and wing news.

Civil Air Patrol Volunteer is published bimonthly by the Civil Air Patrol, a private, charitable, benevolent corpora- tion and auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force. Please send all For Colorado Wing Civil Air Patrol cadets who took part in the national finals for the correspondence to Public Affairs, 105 S. Hansell St., Bldg. 714, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112-6332, telephone (334) 953- 2006 Team America Rocketry Challenge, who better to meet than Buzz Aldrin, who 7593, e-mail: [email protected]. Opinions expressed along with Neil Armstrong, became one of the first two humans to walk on the moon on herein do not necessarily represent those of CAP or the July 20, 1969. After these Foothills Cadet Squadron members were honored for Best U.S. Air Force. Civil Air Patrol Volunteer welcomes manu- Recovery at the competition, Aldrin signed their rocket. Pictured from left are cadets scripts and photographs; however, CAP reserves the right Alexander Guytan, Preston Nicholl, Reid Doucette, Patrick Kohlman, Shane Marquardt, to edit or condense materials submitted and to publish Aldrin and Squadron Commander Capt. Michael Lawson. articles as content warrants and space permits.

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RedRCAPCAP eCelebratesCedlebr aRibbonRtes ibbon Drug Awareness Week

by Jennifer S. Kornegay

AP’s nearly 57,000 mem- drug cartel members. school programs. The overriding bers will join military, law “It’s an annual, national celebra- objective of each is to instill a drug- C enforcement and school tion of his memory and an opportu- free attitude. officials nationwide on Oct. 23-31 as nity for our members to rededicate CAP has purchased more than participants in Red Ribbon Week. themselves to CAP’s drug demand 200,000 red ribbons that reads The annual observance, which reduction mission,” said Jan Hoff- “Civil Air Patrol – United Against encourages youths to say no to drugs, man, assistant program manager for Drugs,” which will be distributed to also commemorates the supreme sac- CAP’s Drug Demand Reduction every wing for this year’s celebra- rifice made by a 1986 casualty of the program. tion. Wing and squadron obser- war on drugs – agent Enrique In addition to community out- vances will have common goals: To Camarena of the U.S. Drug Enforce- reach, which includes Red Ribbon honor agent Camarena and to rein- ment Agency, who was kidnapped, Week, the DDR program consists force the antidrugs message, said tortured and murdered by Mexican of education and training and Hoffman.

Enrique Camarena Jr., son of slain DEA agent Enrique Camarena, and Miss USA 2005, Chelsea Cooley, emphasize the antidrug message at the Civil Air Patrol’s Drug Demand Reduction booth during the Pentagon’s 2005 Red Ribbon Week festivities. In addition to the booth, the Middle East Region Honor Guard performs there each year.

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Red Ribbon Week is a time when the nation comes together, but CAP goes “beyond that. We do it every day. Our drug demand reduction message makes people realize CAP is an organization that is truly helping the community and its families.

– Lt. Col. Jett Mayhew Middle East Region DDR Coordinator”

Lt. Col. Steve Levesque, the emergencies we face, and it is ongo- Massachusetts Wing's DDR admin- ing,” she said. “Red Ribbon Week is istrator, explained the importance of a time when the nation comes CAP’s participation in Red Ribbon together, but CAP goes beyond Week. that. We do it every day. Our drug “It is at the core of our drug demand reduction message makes demand reduction mission,” he people realize CAP is an organiza- said. “The goals of Red Ribbon tion that is truly helping the com- Week tie right in with CAP’s goals munity and its families.” of promoting community aware- In her region, Mayhew said CAP ness, forming community coalitions Red Ribbon Week activities range and promoting drug awareness.” from partnering with schools for set up a display there as well. “The whole idea of the red rib- “Just Say No” poster contests to “It is a wonderful opportunity. bon campaign is to make it known, members marching in parades and We get the chance to talk to so by wearing the ribbon, that you are handing out red ribbons. many people in fighting the drug a part of a positive, drug-free “Since it is near Halloween, some war, including generals and admi- lifestyle,” he added. members give out red ribbons and rals,” she said. “It's in our bylaws," explained CAP materials with candy to trick- The event will feature a keynote Lt. Col. Jett Mayhew, Middle East or-treaters,” she said. address by Camarena’s widow, Region DDR coordinator. “It says In addition, the Middle East Geneva, on Oct. 23. CAP will respond to all humanitari- Region Honor Guard annually per- For more information about an emergencies.” forms at the Pentagon’s Red Ribbon CAP’s Red Ribbon Week activities “The negative effect of drugs in Week festivities. CAP, along with and the DDR Program, go to this country is one of the biggest other branches of the military, will ▲

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Georgia House Singles out Wing for Praise

Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue holds a reprint of the painting “We Were There,” presented by, from left, Georgia State Legislative Squadron Commander and Georgia Rep. Barry Loudermilk, Georgia Wing Commander then Lt. Col. Guillermo Heredia, CAP National Commander Maj. Gen. Antonio J. Pineda, outgoing wing commander Col. Don Green and Lt. Col. Thomas Smith.

he Georgia House of Representatives 290 sorties and 395 flight hours, and 10 disaster relief expressed its appreciation to the Georgia missions, including post-hurricane relief. Wing’s volunteers by presenting two res- Perdue, who is also a pilot, stated in a comment to olutions during a recent gathering in the the more than 100 cadets and CAP officers gathered in Capitol Rotunda. the rotunda, “If my ELT (emergency locator transmitter) TGeorgia Gov. Sonny Perdue and several state represen- is ever activated, please come find me.” tatives joined CAP National Commander Maj. Gen. Loudermilk recently took the helm of the Georgia Antonio J. Pineda, outgoing Georgia Wing Commander State Legislative Squadron and began recruiting new Col. Don Green and more than 100 Georgia Wing members, including Georgia state representatives Lester cadets and officers for the occasion. Jackson, Melvin Everson and John Lunsford, who were House Resolution 1699, presented by Geogria Rep. all in attendance. Barry Loudermilk, honored the wing for its service to In response to the state’s outpouring of support, the the state. House Resolution 1742 paid tribute to Green Georgia Wing presented Perdue and the Georgia House for his accomplishments and contributions in support of and Senate reprints of the painting “We Were There” by the Georgia Wing. artist Diane Kraus. The painting depicts a New York In 2005, the wing participated in 60 search and res- Wing Cessna circling over Ground Zero on Sept. 12, cue missions, 24 counterdrug missions, which included 2001, the first civilian aircraft flown after 9/11. ▲

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South Dakota State University graduate assistant Dan Thompson holds a young mountain lion about 2 years old that was shot with a tranquilizer dart at Camp Remington in the Black Hills of South Dakota.

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South Dakota State University graduate assistant Dan Thompson, left, and South Dakota Wing pilot Maj. Leo Becht join forces to track the behavior of mountain lions in the wild.


n South Dakota, pilots famil- ing the population of the animals pilot Maj. Leo Becht. iarize themselves with the Black for SDSU in this unique, win-win The tracking process starts when I Hills – one of the most diffi- partnership. Thompson and South Dakota cult areas to locate missing aircraft – Students in Jonathan Jenks’ Game, Fish and Parks personnel and practice radio search patterns wildlife and fisheries sciences class tree the mountain lions with by tracking mountain lions. If it rely heavily on CAP pilots to fly hounds, tranquilize them and fit sounds cool, well, it is! them on research missions. SDSU them with radio collars. Some col- Col. Mike Beason, South Dakota students use the data they gather to lars have a GPS receiver so the ani- wing commander, obtained the learn about the lions’ interaction mal’s position can be monitored tracking mission when he was the with other animals, determine several times a day by satellite, said wing’s director of operations. “We when a female gives birth and even Beason. Because they never see the learned South Dakota State Univer- when an animal dies. They can also animals from the air, the radio sig- sity was conducting studies of estimate home ranges and popula- nal procedure is similar to tracking mountain lions in our Black Hills tion size. an aircraft’s emergency locator region and determined it would be SDSU graduate assistant Dan transmitter. good training for our aircrews Thompson, who spends much of Since male lions can travel 30 to because it’s a heavily forested area his time tracking the migration pat- 40 miles per day, knowing their last and in rough terrain,” he said. terns of lions as part of his doctoral position is important for the mis- For the past five years, the wing research, makes frequent flights over sion’s success, said Beason, adding has played an integral role in track- the Black Hills, primarily with wing that females generally stay within 15

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miles of their location. When CAP first began flying one mile.” “With a male lion that moves for the mountain lion research “Tracking swift fox, for example, over a great distance in a short peri- project, only about eight lions requires the entire mission to be od of time, the best way to locate were collared. Now there are 38. flown after sundown since the ani- him is through aerial telemetry,” said Mountain lions aren’t the only mal only moves when it’s dark. We Thompson, who has been tracking animals tracked in South Dakota fly these at about 6,000 feet above lions for the past three years. with the help of CAP. A previous the ground and fly a grid search pat- Becht flies the plane in the vicini- study tracked antelope, which num- tern to find them,” he said. ty of the lion’s last known location, bered as many as 30 in Harding All of the information collected is and if the signal isn’t acquired County. Other studies are tracking valuable to the South Dakota Game, quickly, he circles, putting one the movements of turkey, sage Fish and Parks Commission in man- antenna parallel to the horizon, grouse, swift fox and pine marten. aging wildlife populations in the which gives the best reception. “Tracking the different animals state. Based on 2005 tracking data, a Once the signal is picked up, he changes the way we conduct the hunting season was established to flies toward it; Thompson then studies,” said Beason. “The size of manage the capacity of 145 moun- switches between antennas to deter- the animal determines the size of tain lions in the Black Hills. mine which side of the aircraft the the collar, which is important “In some instances, we could not signal is coming from. because the larger collars for lions follow animals without CAP’s assis- “Doing this, the plane can home have a stronger radio signal, which tance because of cost and the num- in fairly accurately on the signal can be heard up to 30 miles away, ber of relocations,” said Jenks, without much delay,” explained Bea- whereas the small collars for a pine adding, “CAP’s help is absolutely son. “When close over the animal, marten can only be heard within essential.” ▲ both antennas are used simultane- ously to determine the strongest sig- nal strength, which lets the crew know when they are over the animal. With several passes over the animal from different directions at 1,000 to 1,500 feet above the ground, the crew can determine accurately where the animal is without seeing it.”

A radio collar is partially visible in this photo of a 174-pound male mountain lion caught in the northern Black Hills, south of Sturgis, S.D.

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McArdle’sMcArdle’s expertiseexpertise inin aerospaceaerospace educationeducation feltfelt nationwidenationwide Photo by Andrea Johnson Photo by

By Lenore Vickrey

t. Col. Mike McAr- dle’s involvement with CAP began, appropri- ately, in the classroom when he was recruited Lby one of his students, a CAP cadet. As the school’s aviation and space education teacher, he was an obvi- ous candidate for membership in the Wisconsin Wing, and the Lt. Col. Mike McArdle's hot air balloon, Flower Power, flies high at an early morning opportunity to apply his vast ballooning rally in Erie, Colo. McArdle’s enthusiasm for aviation has strengthened knowledge in this new venue imme- CAP’s aerospace education program. diately flourished. McArdle, who is also a colonel in space education officer at the the U.S. Army Reserve, joined CAP squadron, wing and region levels, in 1989. Over the years, his vast and is now serving as the Great knowledge and expertise in aero- Lakes Region’s deputy chief of staff

space education have touched liter- Connie Reeves Photo by for aerospace education. His impact ally every aspect of CAP’s program includes a decade committed to nationwide. CAP’s National Conference on Avi- “Mike McArdle is an icon to ation and Space Education, where those who know and work with the he has inspired hundred of teachers CAP aerospace education program,” and, in turn, countless students said Lt. Col. E.J. Smith of the with his presentations on such top- Nevada Wing, the Pacific Region’s ics as “James Bond in the Class- deputy chief of staff for aerospace room” and “From ‘Wings’ to ‘Top education. “He is a great asset to Gun.’” aerospace education.” McArdle starts the hot-air balloon burner McArdle’s contributions to cur- McArdle has served as an aero- before takeoff. riculum development, one of his

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fortes, includes an innovative guide for McArdle’s Milestones teaching aerospace education across the Lt. Col. Mike McArdle has received curriculum, as well as Connie Reeves Photo by many awards for his work in a leadership role in aerospace education. Among them: developing the • 2006 Frank G. Brewer Civil Air National Aerospace Patrol Memorial Aerospace Lifetime Education Officer Achievement Award School, where he • Crown Circle for Aerospace Education Leadership Award, presented by CAP, 2001 serves on the faculty. Lt. Col. Mike McArdle He is also responsible • Carl E. Guell Aviation Educator of the Year Award, for helping many AE presented by the Wisconsin Council on Aeronautics, directors and program participants receive top rat- 1993 ings on their compliance and unit inspections. In • High School Teacher of the Year for Aviation-Space addition, his aerospace reach includes leadership Education, presented by the Wisconsin Department of in developing the National Cadet Aerospace Edu- Public Instruction, 1993 cation Academy at the Experimental Aircraft • Aviation Educator of the Year, presented by the Billy Association in Oshkosh, Wis. The Wisconsin Mitchell Chapter of the Air Force Association, 1992 Wing’s AE Web pages – developed by • Wisconsin Wing and Great Lakes Region recipient of McArdle – serve as a model for other wings. (See the Frank G. Brewer-CAP Memorial Aerospace Senior Member Award, 1992 “I always have the curiosity to learn something new every day. Since there is so much to learn Wing awards attributed to his leadership: about aviation and space, I am always learning,” • Outstanding AE Program, Wisconsin Wing, 2006 said McArdle of his devotion to the field. Compliance Inspection “Lt. Col. McArdle's passion, vision and lead- • First place, 2005 National AE Mission Award ership have revitalized the Wisconsin Wing’s • First place, 2005 Great Lakes Region AE Mission Award aerospace education program and made it a • Third place, 2004 National AE Mission Award model program for the rest of the country,” said • First place, 2004 Great Lakes Region AE Mission Award Col. Donald J. Haffner, Wisconsin Wing com- • Outstanding rating, AE Program, Wisconsin Wing, mander. “He is a true asset to the entire Civil 2002 Compliance Inspection Air Patrol.” ▲ Lt. Col. Mike McArdle will discuss “Ten Ideas for Aerospace Education” during the 2006 National Conference on Aviation and Space Education slated for Oct. 19-21 in Washington, D.C. For more information, go to

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Doing It All With a Difference

By Janet Adams Alex Parks, cadet commander of the Bangor- Brewer Composite Squadron, has completed every challenge the Maine Wing offers. Since he joined CAP in 2002, he has participated in four winter survival overnighters and four summer encampments. And he’s done it all without the gift of sight.

ow cold does it get in the great north woods outside Bangor, Maine? Bangor-Brewer Composite Squadron Cadet Commander Alex Parks knows – Hupfront and personal. In February 2006, he participated in an advanced winter survival Alex Parks joins his mother, 1st Lt. Susan Hall, challenge that left him chilled, but exhilarated. on her first aerial refueling mission.

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After a search of Parks, who is a member of the encampment his unit’s honor guard team, is area, Parks and his pictured during a Memorial winter survival Day parade. buddy found, in his words, “the coolest tree in the world. Not only Parks. “I recommend the could we climb it advanced course to all, and use it as a and if you have never multistory couch, been, go! It is an incredi- but we used its ble experience – and you lowest branch to will not be able to help lean big sticks but live if the situation against.” The two were ever real.” placed layers of “CAP has given me a pine boughs over sense of responsibility, a the lean-to and fig- sense of leadership,” said ured the shelter Parks, who enjoys being would keep them part of his unit’s honor protected from the guard team and a mem- numbing cold of a ber of the encampment long, dark winter staff. night, with tem- “You learn so much peratures dipping being around a squadron: down to minus 20 self-confidence, how to degrees. work with other people, Because the advanced class simu- covered his damp earmuffs, stowed being accountable and the lates a real-life survival situation, inside his sleeping bag, had frozen. importance of discipline. Even my they were equipped with only water, In a philosophical vein, Parks notes, posture has improved,” he said. a sleeping bag/ground cover, a knife, “All in all it was a very educational Parks’ mother, Susan Hall, echoes some food, a change of clothes and, night.” those sentiments. She joined CAP unfortunately, a shelter that was too In the morning, Parks discovered in July 2002, a few months after her small. The inadequacy of their shel- he had left his and jacket out- son, and is now a first lieutenant. ter became apparent when Parks got side the shelter. “Ever try to put on She has accompanied him on refuel- in it first and realized the “shelter a jacket that is literally frozen stiff ing missions (KC-135 flights), was too low for me to be able to zip when you are already shivering vio- watched him go up rock-climbs and up my sleeping bag without taking lently?” he asked. But, a brisk walk rappel down from 40-foot heights. out the whole thing.” Then, there with Lt. Col. James Jordan soon “In CAP, Alex is judged and val- was the wind. “Our layer of pine warmed him up. ued for what he can do, not for boughs was no match for the wind “This was my fourth winter sur- what he can’t. He has never been and blowing snow. I kept relearning vival, and I learned a lot and had a babied or excused because of his ▲ that all night!” he said. He later dis- good time despite the cold,” said blindness," his mother said.

Civil Air Patrol Volunteer 19 September-October 2006 cap volunteer Sept-Oct 06 11/2/06 7:36 AM Page 20 Hamming It Up in Dayton CAP, Ham Radio Operators Perform Missions for America By Kimberly Barnhart

ven as strong storms pounded their way Maj. Jim Jones of the Ohio Wing, left; Malcolm Kyser Jr., CAP across Dayton, Ohio, thousands of peo- National Headquarters assistant chief of mission support; and ple streamed into the 54th Annual Col. Moe Thomas, then special communications adviser to the Hamvention. The 25,000 attendees are CAP national commander, stand ready to connect with ham radio not the kind of people to be deterred by enthusiasts at the 54th annual Hamvention in Dayton, Ohio. a little bad weather. Not this group. In fact, tornadoes, hurricanes, times of war and times of Epeace are when this special group really steps up and provides an invaluable public service. They are known as adviser to the CAP national commander and a ham amateur radio operators, a network of enthusiasts com- radio enthusiast. “And where best to search for potential municating by ham radio. Their annual conference is CAP engineers, systems managers and communicators none other than the Hamvention. than Hamvention!” Ham radio has been around since the early 1900s and With this in mind, several CAP members and cadets has made significant contributions to the economy, to hosted a booth at the convention to educate attendees science and to society. In fact, when other methods of on the purpose of CAP. The booth was complemented communications have failed, ham radio has been there, by the Wisconsin Wing’s Mobile Command Center, a getting the information to those who needed it most. As high-tech communications vehicle. a result, many lives have been saved by the information “We received a warm and welcoming response from provided by ham radio operators. the people at Hamvention, and we invited the attendees Since the Civil Air Patrol operates the largest single to share their volunteer spirit by joining CAP,” said dedicated radio network in the nation, it is a natural Thomas. “Several participants signed up to become draw for the “hams” of amateur radio. Together, the two members on the spot.” groups use their talents, skills and resources to provide “Most importantly, CAP continues to work side-by- federal, state and local agencies with communication side with amateur radio operators, emergency services support for search and rescue and disaster relief missions. and other groups to provide successful missions for “Most CAP missions require flexible and reliable America,” said Thomas, adding, “Together, CAP and communications support, along with a host of dynamic the American Radio Relay League members can play an and resourceful members who make that support a reali- even more dramatic and significant role in service to our ty,” said Col. Moe Thomas, special communications nation and our communities.” ▲

Civil Air Patrol Volunteer 20 September-October 2006 cap volunteer Sept-Oct 06 11/2/06 7:36 AM Page 21 Cadets Sizzle In Summer Programs

Summertime in Civil Air Patrol brings out the best of CAP’s 22,000 cadets, who take part in dozens of activities centered on four basic themes — leadership, aviation careers, Air Force careers and flight training. The programs are not just fun and enriching for youths, they are also vital to the future of America’s aerospace industry. cap volunteer Sept-Oct 06 11/2/06 7:36 AM Page 22

Ready, Set, Lead! Cadet Officer School Preps CAP Youths for Life

lamming volleyballs, Patrol, there’s never been any activi- instructors, the cadets are top-notch crossing “minefields” ty like this,” said Schoessler, who and it’s such a great learning envi- and immersing oneself attended lectures by prominent ronment. It’s a melting pot of good in books and lectures experts of military and aerospace ideas and great solutions,” said may seem an unlikely history, such as Lt. Gen. Stephen Maness. summertime combina- Lorenz, commander of Air Universi- Maness worked closely with Lt. tion for youth. ty at Maxwell. Col. Edward Lee, CAP’s Pacific SBut for 102 highly motivated For adult CAP and Air Force Region director of cadet programs, Civil Air Patrol cadets, Cadet Offi- leaders like Air Force Reserve Lt. to teach about 15 youths in their cer School in Montgomery, Ala., Col. Jerry Maness, who helped flight how to lead others effectively, was a chance of a lifetime, not to teach and guide the cadets, the a topic that resonated with cadets mention a great bar- course also provided satisfaction. like Schoessler. gain. Other topics of discus- Youths like cadet sion included the history Daniel Schoessler of of air and space power, as the Ohio Wing came well as communication from across the coun- skills and strategic think- try to take advantage ing. of training that would During the lectures, cost thousands of dol- the cadets peppered lars elsewhere. speakers like Dr. David “The things I Sorenson of Air War Col- learned here are not Mark CAP National Headquarters Huchette, Photo by lege and Dr. Tom Hughes just things I can use in of Air University’s School Civil Air Patrol but of Advanced Air and things I can also use Space Studies with ques- the rest of my life as a tions, then discussed top- business manager,” said Cadet Michael H. Dunn of the Illinois Wing makes a point during a Cadet ics afterward in groups. Schoessler, who aspires Officer School class at Huntingdon College as Brandon Wegner of the Evenings found the to be a private aviation Wisconsin Wing, left, and Daniel Palmquist of the Texas Wing look on. cadets hard at work read- consultant following ing and writing essays on college at Ohio State University. “I think it’s probably one of the air power, as well as serving and “It was amazing. In my entire best experiences I’ve ever had with spiking volleyballs during matches career as a cadet in the Civil Air CAP. It’s a wonderful group of between flights.

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Cadet Officer School participants work to Wing Heinreich, Nevada Tiffani Cadet Photo by solve a team challenge during the popular Project X, a course that teaches cadets to solve problems together within a set amount of time and with a limited amount of materials.

Though the cadets sacrificed a and that really shows a lot of team- Air Force Reservists and CAP offi- week of their summer vacation, they work,” she said. cers. didn’t seem to mind the extra work. “It didn’t turn out as well as we During Project X, cadets impro- In fact, cadet Devin Adams of planned, but we’re learning how to vised to scale physical obstacles like the Alabama Wing was overjoyed work together, and not being able pools of water or "damaged bridges" while reading about and writing an to speak makes it 10 times harder. with simple tools like ropes, barrels essay about Gen. Benjamin O. So, we’re all learning about each and planks. In the end, they learned Davis Jr., commander of the famous other and how to work with each valuable lessons about the difference Tuskegee Airmen. other’s personalities,” said Batista, between practical and theoretical He and the air war pioneer share an aspiring Air Force doctor. leadership. a bond: Adams has already flown 19 Ultimately, the cadets did very Project X was the favorite part hours at the controls of a CAP well, especially since they went for cadet Claire Patterson of the Maule and Cessnas 172 and 182, almost two weeks without getting Indiana Wing. The course also sym- not to mention a Cessna 152, a dirty, which even mature youth like bolized her COS experience. Piper Cub and Bonanza. once in a while. “It was great. I would definitely “Hopefully, I’ll go to the Air Their chance came during Pro- recommend it to anybody. I learned Force Academy or West Point. I ject X, a leadership training exercise to read others’ leadership styles and have a long life of studying ahead of conceived and first developed by the to evaluate how they are as a me, but I like the studying part. My German Army and conducted at the leader,” said Patterson, who was roommate’s cool. Everybody’s cool. U.S. Air Force Squadron Officer pleasantly surprised at the thrill It’s a real good experience,” the School facility at Maxwell. COS gave her. cadet said just before engaging in an Stomping, splashing and more “I thought it was going to be a intricate team-building exercise. than a few cheers prevailed as the lot of hard work, and it was, but it Minutes later, the cadets looked groups of cadets finished the course was fun at the same time,” she like busy ants, silently traveling up that is orchestrated by SOS staff, said. ▲ and down hallways and in and out of classrooms. Cadet Alysandra Batista of the Florida Wing helped prepare her flight by reading instructions. “We’re putting together

puzzle pieces without Cadet Alysandra Cadet Daniel Cadet Claire Cadet Devin Lt. Col. Jerry being allowed to speak, Batista Schoessler Patterson Adams Maness

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TakingTaking ChargeCharge Top Volunteers Gain Leadership Edge at National Staff College By Kimberly Harper

n egg, drinking straws, a plas- niches to ones primed for leadership CAP leadership. tic cup and masking tape in an organization evolving to meet “Through the NSC, I was able to A served as simple tools in a the needs of 21st century America. broaden my vision and think out- team-building exercise that was any- Maj. Timothy Steppan of the side the box,” he said. thing but simple. The task – drop South Dakota Wing’s Sioux Falls Maj. Sonia Soto, testing and per- an egg from 10 feet without break- Composite Squadron, the 2005 sonnel officer at Puerto Rico Wing ing it using a dozen Headquarters, cher- straws and masking tape. ished the opportunity No matter the fate of the to work closely with egg, the objective was for her peers in the conti- the students to learn nental U.S. about themselves, group “Just being here is a dynamics and how to big accomplishment,” bring out the best in oth- she said. ers. Instead of merely The weeklong listening to lectures in National Staff College a sterile classroom training gave the 52 par- environment, the ticipants, some of CAP’s attendees brought life Maj. Timothy Steppan, left, of the South Dakota Wing builds a balloon finest volunteers, a com- to the concepts dis- tower with Lt. Col. Betty LaGuire of the California Wing and Col. William prehensive understand- cussed by interacting in McManis of the Vermont Wing during a National Staff College leadership ing of the organization’s a dynamic group set- exercise. rich heritage and the var- ting without the divi- ied challenges facing sions of rank or rib- anyone in a position of responsibili- Moral Leadership Officer of the bons. ty. This strong foundation fostered Year, credited the course with giving Lt. Col. John Eggen, the Arizona the students’ development, from him a better grasp of strategic- Wing’s legislative liaison officer, volunteers highly skilled in their thinking essentials for successful praised the multifaceted lessons:

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the best leaders they can possibly Alabama Wing – Lt. Col. Rick Hasha be, CAP enlisted the services of 18 Alaska Wing – Maj. Kenneth Nestler, Maj. David Thompsen instructors selected from business; Arizona Wing – Lt. Col. John Eggen, Maj. Norman Rogers Air University at Maxwell Air Force Arkansas Wing – Lt. Col. Robert Britton, Lt. Col. Alfred Gore, Base, Ala.; the CAP executive lead- Maj. Guina Williams, Lt. Col. James Williams ership; and the CAP National California Wing – Lt. Col. Dennis Edmondson, Maj. Paul Gerst, Maj. Charles Guthmann, Maj. Arthur King, Lt. Col. Betty LaGuire, Headquarters staff. Lt. Col. James Sena, Maj. Michael Woods “We prepare them for the chal- Colorado Wing – Maj. Daniel Lukensow, Lt. Col. Edward Phelka lenges of leadership by showing Florida Wing – Maj. Richard Dean, Maj. Crist Fellman, Maj. P. Garman, them strategies for moving CAP Maj. Deborah Grimes, Lt. Col. Herbert Schulman, into the future,” said Lt. Col. Peggy Maj. John Vredenburgh Myrick, director of National Staff Georgia Wing – Lt. Col. Andre Hance College and a member of the Cali- Iowa Wing – Maj. Suzanne Tomlinson fornia Wing. Maine Wing – Lt. Col. Jeffrey Weinstein “We’re not teaching them how, Maryland Wing – Lt. Col. Wes LaPre, Maj. David Lawlor but showing them why things are as Michigan Wing – Lt. Col. Franklin Newman they are and how they can effect Mississippi Wing – Lt. Col. Othar Simmons, Maj. Howard Smith change,” she added. Nevada Wing – Lt. Col. David Jadwin, Lt. Col. Lorrie McCarty “Learning about other personali- New Hampshire Wing – Lt. Col. Donald Davidson ties we work with really opened New Jersey Wing – Maj. Robert Green, Col. Robert McCabe things up for us,” said Steppan. “An New York Wing – Maj. Christopher Smith Ohio Wing – Lt. Col. Steve Canfil approach that might get the best Oregon Wing – Maj. Ira Rosenberg response from me could shut anoth- Puerto Rico Wing – Maj. Sonia Soto er person down cold.” South Carolina Wing – Maj. Tommy Tucker “This was a tremendous privilege South Dakota Wing – Col. Mary Donley, Lt. Col. Cynthia Merchant, to be able to learn and interact with Maj. Timothy Steppan people who have the same vision, Southeast Region – Maj. David Crockwell the same goal and the same desire Tennessee Wing – Maj. Dale Lahrs, Lt. Col. George Melton to serve our country,” he said. Texas Wing – Maj. George Klett, Lt. Col. Don Roberts The class not only formed strong Vermont Wing – Col. William McManis bonds with like-minded peers from Virginia Wing – Maj. Joseph Bateman, Maj. Thomas Portanova across the country, but also Washington Wing – Maj. Shelly Norman strengthened the students’ bound- Wisconsin Wing – Lt. Col. John Nagler less enthusiasm for CAP. “The camaraderie has been ter- rific,” commented Eggen. “You can’t focus on any one area. Force Lt. Gen. Stephen R. Lorenz. Soto echoed his sentiment: “The It’s all important,” he said. About Lorenz, he mused, “Where experience of working together has Eggen was particularly impressed have you been all of my corporate been a highlight of the class. We with the pearls of wisdom presented life?” have learned a lot from each other by Air University Commander Air To help students blossom into and the instructors.” ▲

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NationalNational BlueBlue BeretBeret keykey partpart ofof EAAEAA AirAir ShowShow

By Lenore Vickrey

ore than a quarter million spectators mission. The cadets, all Blue , were carefully were treated to a spectacular air screened for the privilege of participating in the week- show by the Blue Angels and an aer- long summer experience of a lifetime. ial demonstration by the Air Force's “It's a very sought-after activity for CAP cadets,” said newest jet, the F-22 Raptor. There Col. Austyn Granville Jr., activity director of National Mwere mass formations of vintage World War II aircraft, Blue Beret 2006 and a former cadet. including the B24 Liberator and B29 Superfortress BLUE BERETS PERFORM REAL MISSIONS bombers, and 50 Cessnas flying at the same time, which Blue Beret differs from typical CAP encampments, ultimately joined acres and acres of airplanes, more than said Granville. “There are encampment-style barracks, 10,000 in all. Celebrities like Harrison Ford and John but we perform real missions. We operate emergency Travolta mingled among the crowd, checking it all out. services, and we check on aircraft. There’s a lot of mis- Participants in the Experimental Aircraft Association's sion work supporting an air show. It’s very unique.” AirVenture Oshkosh in Oshkosh, Wis., one of the The Blue Berets' main duties included directing air- world's largest and most prestigious air shows, also craft to park after they landed. Volunteers also worked included some 120 CAP cadets who were there for a in the airport towers, checked tail numbers against lists very special purpose – to be exposed to the world of avi- and made sure the runways were safe, in addition to ation while performing an important emergency services tracking down emergency locator transmitter signals.

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Beret Shaping 101: Members of Bravo Flight shape their new berets.

“We worked the flight line, and we guarded a lot of and points in between. the vintage aircraft and the ultralights that were here,” Building a team with people you’ve never known said Cadet Lt. Col. Mark Harper, 17, of the Texas before is part of the challenge of Blue Beret, but it’s the Wing. most important thing a participant can take from the “Blue Beret is one of my favorite activities,” said experience, said Harper. “It’s what I learned the first Harper, who has been in CAP four years. “I’m a student time I came. You’ve got to build a team when you don’t pilot, so to be able to come to one of the greatest air know anyone, and you have a very short time to do shows and work behind the scenes was awesome.” that. You’ve got to put the personalities away and do the Cadet Col. Abby Pasinski of Nevada, 19, attended job that’s necessary.” Blue Beret in 2004 and returned this year as cadet com- Apparently, Harper’s “attitude” trickled down to the mander. “It was an amazing experience,” she said. “It other cadets. “There’s been a real cohesiveness among was interesting to me how they combine all three aspects the whole operation this year,” said Granville. “There of the cadet program – aerospace education, emergency have been clear lines of communication, and everyone’s services and a cadet program – into one activity.” been enjoying the sights and sounds.” ▲ This year’s Blue Beret went very smoothly, said Granville, with geographical representation of cadets Blue Beret Public Affairs Officer Teri Gregory from Oregon and California to Florida and Pennsylvania contributed to this story.

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National Cadet Summer Activities

Aircraft Manufacturing and Maintenance Academy Advanced Technologies Academy

Aircraft Manufacturing and Maintenance Academy students learn At the Advanced Technologies Academy held at by building and doing, as they work on a Cessna Mustang at the Peterson Air Force Base, Colo., cadets hone Cessna Aircraft Co. maintenance training and manufacturing facility technological skills using sophisticated tools such as in Independence, Kan. ARCHER, satellite-transmitted digital imaging and the Satellite Tool Kit. Honor Guard Academy Air Force Air Education & Training Command Air Force Space Command Familiarization Course Familiarization Course Photo by Loucendy Ball, Rocky Mountain Region Loucendy Ball, Rocky Photo by

Students practice proper protocol for funeral processions during the Honor Guard Academy at McDaniel College, Westminster, Md. Cadets were trained in four honor guard elements: ceremonial/demonstration, colors, funeral and drama.

Cadet Kristen Andree of the Michigan Wing creates air and bottle rockets for test flights A cadet enters a T-38 Talon during the Air Force Air during an Air Force Space Command Education & Training Command Familiarization Course Familiarization Course held at the National at Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas. The course provides Aerospace Technical Education Center at cadets with flight training experience. Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla.

Civil Air Patrol Volunteer 28 September-October 2006 cap volunteer Sept-Oct 06 11/2/06 7:37 AM Page 29 s Shape Tomorrow’s Leaders

Engineering Technologies Academy National Emergency Services Academy

At the Engineering Technologies Academy held at Auburn University in Auburn, Ala., students work Photo by Gary National HeadquartersWing Photo by Brockman, on the construction of a carbon-fiber airfoil, which

Advanced ground search and rescue students practice they will test in a smoke tunnel. The academy triangulation with topographical maps during the National fueled the imagination of students interested in Emergency Services Academy at Camp Atterbury, in pursuing careers in engineering and aviation. Edinburgh, Ind.

Aerospace Education Academy National Flight Academy

Cadets test their flight skills and embrace Cadet 1st Lt. Corinne Simons checks to see if water is in teamwork in a virtual cockpit at the Aerospace Cessna 182’s fuel at the National Flight Academy in Oshkosh, Education Academy in Oshkosh, Wis. Activities Wis. Students at flight academies in Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Virginia included learning about aviation history, and Nebraska were provided 10 hours of hands-on flight time. model-airplane construction, overcoming GPS challenges and flight in a CAP aircraft.

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IACE Opens Doorw

to World By Lenore Vickrey “IACE is the epitome of the Civil Air Patrol cadet program, opening doorways to the world. As global messengers, our young men and women experience new cultures, make new friends and also contribute toward a better understanding among the youth of the world.” – Col. David Ellsworth, National IACE Director

ixty-one Civil Air Patrol cadets from the U.S. Programs at CAP National Head- got the chance to explore aviation and promote quarters. “Our youth learn what international goodwill this summer as part of aviation is like in other countries, the 2006 International Air Cadet Exchange. and other cadets come here to learn about aviation in S“It’s one of the top things a cadet can do,” said David the U.S.” Maver, 18, of the New Jersey Wing. Maver, who was Since 1948, CAP has been a partner organization recently named the CAP National Cadet of the Year, with the International Air Cadet Exchange Association, spent two weeks in the Netherlands for his IACE experi- providing youth exchanges with 14 countries. CAP par- ence. He’d originally been assigned to travel to the Unit- ticipates to help youth gain a global understanding of ed Kingdom, his first choice, but when his assignment the interdependent nature of the aerospace industry as changed to the Netherlands, he wasn’t disappointed. they learn about other people and cultures. In fact, he said, “I couldn’t have asked for a better “This year, CAP hosted 12 countries: Australia, Bel- program.” gium, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, the IACE has been held for 58 years, according to Rob Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey Smith, deputy director of Aerospace Education & Cadet and the United Kingdom, for a total of 73 international participants,” said Col. David Ellsworth, national IACE cap volunteer Sept-Oct 06 11/2/06 7:37 AM Page 31 ways

Cadet David Maver, right, enjoyed making friends from Canada, New Zealand and Australia during his trip to the Netherlands this summer as part of the International Air Cadet Exchange.

director. “They were hosted by 12 CAP Maver said he made new friends during the exchange. wings – California, Colorado, “On the last night there, we had a farewell party and Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, barbecue with cadets from 12 countries,” he said. “We Ohio, Oklahoma, Maryland, New Mexico, had a great time!” Tennessee and Texas – for a total of 10 days and According to Maver, IACE is an experience all CAP four days in Washington, D.C.” cadets should have. “It was phenomenal,” he said. Maver said he wouldn’t trade anything for his IACE Ellsworth agreed: “IACE is the epitome of the Civil experience, which included touring the Netherlands Air Patrol cadet program, opening doorways to the with Dutch Air Force pilots who took him and his fel- world. As global messengers, our young men and low cadets to all the major cities, including Amsterdam women experience new cultures, make new friends and and Rotterdam. At each stop, they were given “almost also contribute toward a better understanding among full access” to aviation facilities. the youth of the world.” ▲ “We got to see F-16 Fighting Falcons, and we got to get 30 feet from the runway and watch them take off,” he said. “The pilots and staff worked really hard to make sure we had a good experience.” He especially enjoyed visiting the Amsterdam airport These IACE participants stand near the runway and the Port of Rotterdam, the largest port in Europe. to watch F-16 Fighting Falcons take off at Volkel Air Base in the Netherlands. cap volunteer Sept-Oct 06 11/2/06 7:37 AM Page 32

New Frontier Airlines Program Promotes Aviation Careers

By Jayson A. Altieri

ourteen CAP cadets experi- essential to airline operations, A panel discussion conducted by enced some “stick time” in a including employees loading and selected senior leaders, including F cockpit simulator and much, marshalling aircraft, cleaning cabins two who graduated from the Air much more during a Frontier Air- and catering. Force Academy and one from the lines summer program designed to The behind-the-scenes experience Naval Academy, complemented the promote careers in aviation. also included unprecedented access hands-on activities. And, as an The new one-week program, the to maintenance facilities, flight atten- added bonus, Frontier treated the brainchild of Lt. Col. Edward D. dant emergency procedures training cadets to suite passes for a Colorado Phelka, the Colorado Wing’s direc- and airport operations centers. Rockies baseball game at Coors tor of cadet programs and senior “When most people think of Field in downtown Denver. manager of operations at Fron- jobs at an airline, careers as “The program was beneficial to tier’s hub at Denver Internation- pilots, flight attendants or tick- me. It gave me a glimpse of what al Airport, gave the cadets et agents leap to mind,” said the airline industry is really like,” hands-on experience. They Phelka, “but there is so much said David Pankove of the New Jer- worked alongside pilots, more that goes on behind the sey Wing. “I learned how hard it is flight attendants, mechan- scenes to make an airline work. to clean an airplane and turn it ics, customer service Cadets interested in careers in around in 40 minutes, and I got agents, dispatchers, the airline or aerospace industry to see places the average traveler schedulers and others need to know they can make doesn’t see and that was really cool.” meaningful contributions in so many different ways.”

Frontier Airlines NCSA

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The expression on their faces says it all. Working behind the scenes in the airline industry is fun and rewarding!

“It was an awesome program,” said summed up the experience best: “Fron- Michael Hargis of the Missouri Wing, tier Airlines and its employees, who are adding, “it gives you a lot of respect consistently involved in the communi- for the people who work for the air- ty, were honored to be a part of this lines.” program, especially as it pertains to Frontier CEO Jeff Potter perhaps youth in aviation,” he said. ▲

When most people think of jobs at an airline, careers as pilots, flight attendants or ticket agents leap to mind, but there is so much more that goes on“ behind the scenes to make an airline work. Cadets interested in careers in the airline or aerospace industry need to know they can make meaningful contributions in so many different ways.

– Lt. Col. Edward D. Phelka Colorado Wing director of cadet programs

Civil Air Patrol Volunteer 33 September-October 2006 ” cap volunteer Sept-Oct 06 11/2/06 7:37 AM Page 34 Atten-HUT! NCC Showcases Top CAP Cadets

rder ARMS!”

““RightO FACE – left FACE – about FACE!” “Spike it, spike it!” “On your mark, get set, GO!” If it sounds hectic, it was for near- ly 200 cadets who recently took part in Civil Air Patrol’s 2006 National Cadet Competition in Virginia. Sixteen teams from eight regions gathered to vie for the best color guard and drill teams in CAP and to compete in many other areas. Winning took a lot more than inspiration for the cadets who competed in drill and color guard as well as quizzes, volleyball and running. The clatter of half-step marches, the slams of volley- balls and the gasps of cadets completing a mile-run made Color guard cadets up just part of the excite- from left, Austin Jeanneret, ment. Caitlin Mueller, Brian Weber But, making it to NCC and Dennis McFadden III of the Illinios Wingmarch are first required surviving com- shown in formation outside Town Hall in downtown Herndon, Va.

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petition at the squadron, wing and region levels. In the end, a Pacific Region team from California won the U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff Sweepstakes Trophy for the color guard team, while an Ari- zona contingent took the Sweepstakes Trophy for the drill team. The competition brought sweat and tears for partici- pants like Toni Christen of the Washington Wing. “My team’s been through a lot. We’ve been staying up every night polish- ing shoes. We stayed National Headquarters Marc Huchette, Photos by Excelling at National Cadet Competition stretches beyond cadence calls and ceremony. Here, up until two in the cadets participate in what is for many a grueling one-mile run. morning last night getting ready for ing officer who wants to fly helicopters in the U.S. mili- inspection. It’s really stressful and we’re working tary, said concentration was one of the greatest chal- hard, but it’s good to meet the other cadets,” she lenges she faced in the competition because one slip of said. the foot can spell disaster. Turning the wrong way, she Christen, an experienced marcher and aspir- said, was her worst fear during her team’s showing at the National Air and Space Museum’s Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center near Washington Dulles Inter- national Airport. The youths also had to come prepared to show their knowledge, answer- ing questions like:

The competition includes drills that emphasize proper handling of the U.S. flag.

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• What three factors shape experience? carrying flags during drills that tested the proper retire- • In mythology, who flew closest to the sun? and ment of colors, dozens of other cadets like Phillip Guisti • What is the photosphere? of the New York Wing met near Town Hall to begin the Cadets began studying CAP aerospace textbooks race. months in advance, said Michael Piazza, a New Hamp- “I wanted to go (run) under six minutes, and I shire Wing member who actually lives in Maine. accomplished that. It felt great,” Guisti said. “We practiced, we pulled questions out of books, we By afternoon, after teams had belted out as much vol- made up our own questions, and we did constant quiz leyball as their sinews would allow, rest had come. bowling at the squadron,” he said. The evening was for celebration, one highlighted by a “Every chance we got we were doing that or drill speech from Air Force Lt. Gen. Michael Peterson, chief practice. We’d practice our innovative drill or quiz bowl of warfighting integration and chief information officer drill, then our innovative and quiz bowl, back and for the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force at the forth,” said Piazza, whose brother, Robert, is also a Pentagon. cadet. Peterson, whose home is Biloxi, Miss., said he knows Piazza said the practices began in January and were CAP intimately because cadets helped family and friends held three times a week, but his peers knew other teams of his last year when Hurricane Katrina swamped the that started preparing before then. state. That preparation evidenced itself on the final and “You’ve chosen a path that will lead you to success. perhaps most rigorous day of the competition with a You are different. You have made a choice that will mat- mile run in downtown Herndon, Va., followed by vol- ter for the rest of your lives,” Peterson told cadets, many leyball matches. of whom would go home, hoping for another shot at While color guards competed at raising, lowering and glory at next year’s national competition. ▲

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Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Samuel Dauer, left, performed two weddings while filling in at the Army National Guard’s Fort Harrison in Montana. One of those weddings united Pfc. Derik Oshio to Kandace Weston at Fort Harrison Chapel right before Oshio left for Iraq.

haplain (Lt. Col.) Samuel Dauer of the Beartooth Composite CSquadron in Billings, Mont., put a lot of miles on his car during the past year as he drove 106 miles round-trip to get to squadron meetings and another 290 miles one way to fill in for the Army National Guard chaplain at Fort Harri- son, Mont. During his time with the Army National Guard, Dauer said he has per- Special Ministry formed 23 services as the stand-in for the Guard state chaplain, who was in Iraq with a Montana National Guard battalion. Dauer said he served as a Civil Air Patrol chaplain, not as a Guard chaplain. Chaplain In that capacity, he performed two weddings at the Fort Harrison post chapel before the 163rd Infantry Battalion went overseas, and he arranged for two other weddings at the county courthouse. He also offered benedictions at several events fills in and helped minister to a unit when one of their own was killed in Iraq. Dauer has been a CAP squadron chaplain for 11 years. He goes to Billings, for Guard 106-miles round-trip, three Thursdays a month for squadron meetings. He nor- mally drives in excess of 5,000 miles on CAP business annually, he said. chaplain He just retired from the Army National Guard as a major, where he did not serve as a chaplain, even though he has been an ordained Southern Baptist deployed minister for 17 years. In the Army, Dauer served as a tank driver, an artillery officer and in the nurse to Iraq corps. He is also a registered nurse. Dauer is one of the few CAP chaplains to gradu- by Vicki Terrinoni ate from the Air Force’s Air Command and Staff College and Air War College, both held at Maxwell Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Samuel Air Force Base, Ala. Dauer of the Beartooth In his retirement from the National Guard, Composite Squadron in Dauer said he is continuing to provide chaplain Montana served in place of an services to Guard units in the Billings area while Army National Guard chaplain remaining active in CAP. ▲ who was deployed to Iraq.

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The Spitzer Space Telescope at Lockheed Martin is shown before being shipped to Florida for launch. Seeing

the atmosphere caused on optics. He proposed a telescope in orbit around the earth and controllable from the ground. The fourth and final of NASA’s great telescopes and observatories, Spitzer is designed to take images and spectra of a wide range of astronom- ical objects in the infrared (wave- lengths of 3 to 180 microns). It con- sists of a spacecraft, an 0.85-meter telescope and three cryogenically cooled science instruments — the infrared array camera, infrared spec- trograph and multiband imaging photometer for Spitzer. Launched from Cape Canaveral, Fla., on Aug. 25, 2003, Spitzer is performing an extended series of science observations. The California Institute of Technology, home of the Spitzer Science Center, operates the Science Operations System. Barba leads the center’s observatory By Jennifer Kornegay planning and scheduling team. “We are in line-of–sight contact ncouraging kids to reach for hand how exposure to the wonders with the observatory in space at all the stars may seem like a corny of space can inspire young people. times, scheduling two downlink/ E cliché, but when California Spitzer is named after Princeton uplink sessions per day using three Wing member Capt. Steve Barba University professor Deep Space Network sites across the does it, it carries a lot of weight. Lyman Spitzer, who As the scheduling lead for the was the first to suggest Spitzer Space Telescope, Barba, who a telescope above the is a strong supporter of CAP’s aero- atmosphere would space education mission, knows first- limit the distortion

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inspiration to aim higher. “I’m not a rocket scientist, but I do work with them,” he said. “We have astronomers who specialize in Stars our solar system, some that work on “The organics necessary for life, rather than being rare in the galaxy and some that work on extra-galactic observations. So, there the universe, are actually very common.” – Capt. Steve Barba are some very interesting conversa- globe. Data is then brought back to so far away that we can no longer tions going on in the halls around the center, where it is processed and control it. So, it could keep going here. Everyone has his or her area of put in an archive and provided to until 2014 but, again, that depends expertise; no one person can know it the scientist who requested it in the on funding.” all, so we have to all work together.” first place,” said Barba. Attracting talent into the aero- “I love what I do,” he said, Barba stressed the importance of space industry is important for its adding, “I’m really lucky.” the work Spitzer is doing. “It is very future, said Barba, who believes So is CAP for having members interesting stuff. It can be stressful, catching the interest of youth early like Steve Barba. ▲ but we know the data is information is the best way to do that. that has not been seen before or has “Aerospace education is so “Young people have to not been interpreted in a certain way important, especially for kids. You be turned on to the before,” he said. “We’ve seen evi- have to get them young,” he said. dence of stars with planets orbiting “There aren’t enough real world, possibilities of this field, them. One astronomer has found well-known applications of technol- and CAP, more so than that the organics necessary for life, ogy where they can see themselves rather than being rare in the uni- working in this industry. Young other activities they may verse, are actually very common.” people have to be turned on to the Discoveries like this should make possibilities of this field, and CAP, get involved with, gives the telescope’s value obvious, but more so than other activities they them the opportunity to Barba knows scientists must be may get involved with, gives them accountable to taxpayers. Future the opportunity to imagine them- imagine themselves in funding will determine how long selves in this field.” this field.” Capt. Steve Barba Spitzer keeps beaming information “I can see CAP expanding its back to earth from outer space. education function to explore the “Funding is the biggest issue,” he concepts of space and space tech- said. “In order to get the higher res- nology even more at the local level,” olution images we get by being in he added. “CAP should be looking infrared instead of visible light, we forward to our cadets being part of have to cool the instruments on the teams that do go back to the board, and we do that by burning moon and to Mars.” helium. It runs out of helium in Barba was humble as he praised May 2009, and that will render two the other men and women who of the three instruments unusable. have made Spitzer a success, and, California Wing’s Capt. Steve Barba leads But the infrared array camera will who knows, some CAP cadet may the Spitzer Science Center’s observatory remain usable until the spacecraft is one day credit Barba’s work as their planning and scheduling team.

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Wings of Freedom, Wings of Dreams

By Janet Adams

Capt. Bob Oehl of the Florida Wing sits in the cockpit of the B-25 Mitchell he flies for the The Collings Foundation’s Wings of Freedom Tour. Oehl, the nephew of World War II

hero Air Force Gen. James H. “Jimmy” Doolittle, got his Joe Panza Photo by start in aviation as a CAP cadet in the Texas Wing.

ith a deep roar, the B-25 this opportunity,” said Oehl, who first soloed at age 14, Mitchell speeds down the run- a year after he joined the CAP Group 13 Shamrock way, shaking the ground and Squadron based at Ellington Air Force Base in Houston, thrilling the crowd. Once air- Texas. borne, Capt. Bob Oehl shows Oehl’s mother was a CAP member in 1942 during offW the agility of this grand dame of World War II. World War II. She loved to fly and give her son moral Christened the Tondelayo by her original crew after a support, and the two often character in the 1942 movie White Cargo played by pin- flew together. Oehl’s father up favorite Hedy Lamarr, the B-25 is often joined by worked for Grumman Air- her equally renowned sisters, Nine-O-Nine, a B-17 Fly- craft, a job that took the ing Fortress, and Witchcraft, a B-24 Liberator. family across the country. Other vintage planes from World War II, Korea and While they were living in Vietnam are also crowd-pleasers on the Wings of Free- Texas, Oehl was often in the dom Tours, sponsored by The Collings Foundation of company of astronauts, Stow, Mass. Thanks to these tours, a generation that has pilots and pioneers in avia- tion. Among his heroes was

known only jet aircraft has the opportunity to experi- Photo courtesy of the U.S. Air Force ence the sight and sound of these meticulously restored Oehl’s uncle, Air Force Gen. Gen. James H. “Jimmy” and maintained warplanes at airfields across the country. James H. “Jimmy" Doolittle, Doolittle, an uncle on his These majestic “round-engine warbirds,” as Oehl calls made history during World mother’s side of the family them, are flown by about 100 pilots. War II when he led the and a famous World War II “CAP helped me get started in aviation, (and) were it Doolittle Raiders on the first Pacific Theatre pilot who not for the start I received with CAP, I would not have air strike over Japan. flew the first strike on Japan,

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an “impossible” mission against Tokyo in the B-25 include acquiring and displaying warbirds and other vin- Mitchell. Doolittle trained his men to fly the big tage aircraft, along with collecting recordings of stories bombers off incredibly short aircraft carrier flight decks. from the heroic men and women who flew them. Oehl continued his association with CAP, joining the While flying the B-25 on the Wings of Freedom Tour, Salt Lake City Squadron in Utah and later the Van Nuys Oehl said his deepest satisfaction has come from the Squadron in California, where he was cadet commander opportunity and “the honor of meeting the members of and received the coveted Brig. Gen. Billy Mitchell the greatest generation who sacrificed so much to ensure 1 Award. This achievement was followed by 5 /2 years in we have the quality of life today so many take for grant- the U.S. Air Force, logging 900 days in Korea and Viet- ed.” It is that sense of dedication, commitment and nam combat zones. After returning to civilian life, he was integrity he hopes to instill in the young men and involved in research and design work with the Bendix women of the Gainesville squadron and to celebrate Corp. before earning his captain’s wings flying Boeing through the Wings of Dreams Aviation Museum. ▲ 727s, 737s and DC-8s worldwide for six commercial air- lines. After a 20-year hiatus from active CAP involvement, Oehl rejoined CAP in Gainesville, Fla., in May 1998. As owner of Express Air, a flight school based at Keystone Heights Airport near Gainesville that features both airplanes and gliders, he spearheaded and managed a youth soaring program. This evolved into the Gainesville Composite Squadron Glider Pro- gram under his direction. Since 1999, Oehl and his glider team have hosted two International Air Cadet Exchange glider encampments and have flown 800 youths of all ages without an incident. In addition to his flight school and CAP squadron duties, Oehl and his partner, 1st Lt. Susan King, are in the process of setting up an aviation museum and education center at Key- stone Heights Airport. They were recently awarded a grant from the Wolf Aviation Fund to support the museum’s start-up. Appropriately called Wings of Dreams Aviation Museum and Education Center, the museum’s mission will

Oehl — one of only about 100 aviators flying the World War II-era B-25 Mitchell bomber — believes that were it not for the start he received in CAP as a cadet, he would not have had the opportunity to fly warbirds with The Collings Foundation out of Stow,

Mass. CAP National Headquarters Tynan, Jim Photo by

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South Dakota Cadet Keeping CAP Spirit Alive

By Kimberly Barnhart

Under the leadership of Cadet Susanna Marking, second from right, the 2005 South Dakota Wing Drill Team practices for the North Central Region Cadet Competition. The South Dakota Wing recently named Marking the 2006 Cadet of the Year.

hroughout the nation, cadets prove the 2006 Cadet of the Year. In just a few years, she has themselves daily in character, service emerged as a talented leader, organizer and role model in and dedication to the mission of CAP. CAP and her community. This South Dakota State Uni- Within these ranks will come the versity honor student has a personal mission to keep the future leaders of America, one of which spirit of CAP alive and to share her passion with others. Tis a young college student named Susanna Marking. Her love for CAP began at an early age. As a young The South Dakota Wing recently named Marking child, Marking joined her parents at squadron meetings,

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where she quietly did her homework. Her father, Lt. She also credits CAP with her strong work ethic and Col. B.T. Marking, recalls, “She would sometimes watch enthusiasm for volunteering. “It’s everything to me,” she the cadets drilling and mimic their marching, much to said. their delight and amusement.” “Aside from life training, the greatest things CAP has In the eighth grade, at the urging of a classmate, given me are the friendships! I have loved getting to Marking attended a joint South Dakota/North Dakota know all the amazing cadets through wing events, Wing encampment. The experience, which provides national cadet special activities and the International Air youth the opportunity to perform drills; train in Cadet Exchange,” she said. “CAP members are like an repelling, fire arms and emergency services; and socialize extended family to me whether I've met them or not, with other cadets, was one she would never forget: “It because we all have common goals and experiences.” grabbed a hold of me,” she said. From that point on, “I have met so many dedicated, talented and extraor- Marking immersed herself in CAP. dinary people through this organization, and I cannot Marking, who chairs the wing cadet advisory council, thank CAP enough,” she added. is trained in emergency services and has assisted with This summer, Marking attended the same South search and rescue missions in the Black Hills of South Dakota/ North Dakota encampment that inspired her Dakota. “It’s a big thrill to pack up and leave in 10 min- commitment to CAP. This time, though, she participat- utes – getting my gear and knowing I may be able to ed as the encampment cadet commander. She hopes the save a life that day,” she said. In 2000 and 2002, she seven-day event was as memorable for attendees as it was also helped her squadron transport and move evacuees for her and that it encourages them to keep the CAP into temporary shelter when fires threatened the Black spirit alive. Hills. Her advice to other cadet leaders is to “have a passion “I can’t imagine how my life would be without hav- for what you are doing, believe in the program for it to ing been a part of the CAP,” said Marking. “CAP has work, take advantage of the opportunities CAP offers helped me be more assertive and organized.” and have an active interest in each cadet's progress.” ▲

Cadet Chief Master Sgt. Nicole Anderson, left; 2nd Lt. Ann Ziegler; and Lt. Col. Susanna Marking moderate a Cadet Advisory Council meeting during the 2006 South Dakota Wing Conference.

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Marking’s Moments ENCAMPMENTS 2006 Joint Dakota Cadet Leadership Encampment Cadet Commander 2004 Joint Dakota Cadet Leadership Encampment Cadet Deputy Commander 2003 Joint Dakota Emergency Services Encampment Cadet Executive Officer 2002 Joint Dakota Cadet Leadership Encampment Flight Commander (Honor Flight) - Honor Staff Member 2001 Joint Dakota Emergency Services Encampment Flight Sergeant 2000 Joint Dakota Cadet Leadership Encampment General Attendee NATIONAL ACTIVITIES 2005 National Cadet Competition – North Central Region Drill Team International Air Cadet Exchange – United Kingdom 2003 Cadet Officer School (Honor Flight) 2002 National Emergency Services Academy – Advanced Search and Rescue School (Honor Flight) WING LEVEL 2006 SD Wing Conference Conference Coordinator Cadet Advisory Council Wing Chair SD Cadet NCO School Instructor 2005 South Dakota Wing Drill Team Flight Member 1st Place 2004 Color Guard Competition Coach 1st Place Cadet Advisory Council Vice Chair SD Cadet NCO Leadership Academy Instructor 2003 South Dakota Wing Bulletin Editor South Dakota Wing Magazine Staff Writer 2002 South Dakota Wing Bulletin Staff Writer Color Guard Competition Head Coach 2nd Place 2001 Color Guard Competition Commander 3rd Place REGION LEVEL 2006 Cadet Advisory Council South Dakota Wing Representative Region Drill Competition Judge SQUADRON LEVEL Current Position: Big Sioux Composite Squadron Cadet Executive Officer Cadet Lt. Former Staff Positions: Cadet Advisory Council (Primary Squadron Representative), Col. Susanna Supply/Administration Sergeant, First Sergeant, Cadet Commander, Marking Cadet Public Affairs Officer, Leadership Officer and Color Guard Commander AWARDS 2006 South Dakota Wing Cadet of the Year 2005 Ira C. Eaker Award Commander’s Commendation 2004 Public Affairs Officer of the Year 2003 Amelia Earhart Award Cadet Public Affairs Officer of the Year Find Ribbon 2002 Commander’s Commendation Award Gen. Billy Mitchell Award 2001 Community Service Ribbon Recruiter Ribbon cap volunteer Sept-Oct 06 11/2/06 7:37 AM Page 45 cap volunteer Sept-Oct 06 11/2/06 7:37 AM Page 46 Leaving the

By Kimberly Barnhart

Brown, along with more than 100 other cadets from n the days following the ter- wings across the nation, has been accepted into a U.S. rorist attacks on Sept. 11, military academy this fall. Brown, who serves his wing 2001, many Americans as a cadet second lieutenant and deputy cadet com- mander, will attend the U.S. Military Academy at West turned to news reports, look- Point. Iing for answers and mourning with Did Brown’s participation in CAP contribute to his appointment? The Civil Air Patrol Volunteer asked some those who lost loved ones. One of the academy-bound cadets this question and, not teenager, while watching a local surprising, the answer was a unanimous, “Yes!” news story about the Civil Air “CAP has certainly given me a leg up on everyone,” said cadet Maj. Erinn E. Scott of Hoover, Ala., who Patrol’s role after the attacks, not joined CAP on a whim. Scott has been appointed to only found his personal answer, the U.S. Air Force Academy. She said knowing about but also his future. Cadet Chris drills and , as well as the leadership training she was provided in CAP, will help her succeed. Brown of Memphis, Tenn., had “Everyone in CAP is given a chance to succeed or to long dreamed of joining the fail,” she said. “I have learned from my mistakes and from others and have adapted my leadership style.” military and now realized joining Scott hopes to one day work at the academy, but CAP was going to be his first step until then, she will pursue an education in mechanical toward reaching that goal. engineering with a concentration in missile research and development.

Civil Air Patrol Volunteer 46 September-October 2006 cap volunteer Sept-Oct 06 11/2/06 7:37 AM Page 47 Nest More than 100 Civil Air Patrol cadets are taking flight from their local wings to attend the nation’s military academies.

In Prairie du Sac, Wis., cadet Tessa Knott is prepar- motivated cadets who were willing to put forth hard ing to attend the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. Knott’s work. The program benefited me by allowing me to dream is to be a pilot and to participate in search in res- experience a form of dedication. It was a way to moti- cue missions. She said the Coast Guard Academy will vate me to reach my dream of attending the Air Force help posture her to embrace that career field. Academy,” she said. “Eventually, I hope to successfully CAP provided Knott with her first orientation flight graduate from the Air Force Academy and become a last year. When she looked down and saw the snow- pilot/physician.” covered landscape below, she said she knew her future CAP National Commander Maj. Gen. Antonio J. would be in flight. Pineda said he is impressed, but not surprised by the Her CAP experience produced only one regret – she number of CAP cadets accepted into military acade- didn’t join at an earlier age. mies. From the air to the sea, Cadet Senior Airman Paulina “The Civil Air Patrol functions as a combined team Kolic of California has been accepted to the U.S. Naval effort between the cadets, parents and senior members. Academy in Annapolis, Md. If the cadets want to succeed, we are there to help Kolic joined CAP in 2004, motivated by years of them,” he said. “By their senior year, they are comfort- watching the hit TV drama “JAG.” She credits CAP for able in and they know how to act, how to sit giving her more self-confidence, and encourages all and how to answer questions correctly. They are ready cadets to strive for excellence in school and to never to serve, wherever that may be – in the military, in the give up. civilian community or in the corporate world.” Self-proclaimed military brat Diana McVay of Wash- By providing discipline, motivation and leadership ington, D.C., will attend the U.S. Air Force Academy. skills, CAP and the influence of thousands of volunteers “CAP was the starting point of my dream,” she said. have helped these cadets make a good impression, “As a volunteer program, it allowed me to work with wherever or however they choose to serve. ▲

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Cadets selected for military academies

U.S. Air Force Academy Anthony T. Hill, Arizona Wing Sarah G. E. Hoh, California Laura Abbott, Oregon Wing Wing William Adorno II, New Jersey Wing Winston M. Jean-Pierre, Florida Wing Christopher Applegate, California Wing (also Althea H. Johnston, Minnesota Wing accepted into U.S. Military Academy at West Point) Andrew M. Johnson, Alabama Wing Kayla Beach, Florida Wing Dennis Peter Kaszynski, New Hampshire Wing Jonathan M. Benson, Missouri Wing Rebekah Kepple, Iowa Wing Nathan G. Brazzel, Texas Wing Tessa R. Knott, Wisconsin Wing (also accepted into U.S. Coast Guard Academy. Accepted U.S. Coast Guard Academy appointment.) Scott Brenner, Pennsylvania Wing Paulina E. Kolic, California Wing (also accepted into U.S. Naval Tegan Bukowski, Washington Wing Academy) Adam M. Cain, Indiana Wing Chester N. Kraft, Alabama Wing (also accepted into U.S. Military Justus S. Carey, Tennessee Wing Academy at West Point) Patrick K. Collins, Florida Wing (also accepted into U.S. Coast Austin M. Krohn, California Wing Guard Academy. Accepted U.S. Coast Guard Academy appointment) Jacob Lair, Missouri Wing Anthony R. Lannigan, Mis- souri Wing Jason A. Lebahn, Minnesota Wing (also accepted into U.S. Naval Academy. Accepted Naval Academy appointment) Ryan McCoy, Pennsylvania Wing Craig F. McGreal, Kentucky Wing Diana L. McVay, National Capital Wing

Donald P. DeGarmo IV, New Jersey Wing Hannah Marcelo, Virginia Wing Brian W. Dunlap, Alabama Wing (also accepted into U.S. Military Michael J. Masiello, Michigan Wing Academy at West Point and U.S. Naval Academy. Accepted U.S. Air Angela Moronese, Colorado Wing Force Academy appointment) Eric Meyers, Arizona Wing Robert A. Durbin, California Wing Eric Nelson, Connecticut Wing Kevin Finster, Indiana Wing Christopher Ng, Massachusetts Wing Peter R.N. French, Texas Wing Kyle P. Novac, Georgia Wing Gregory Fromknecht, Pennsylvania Wing Kevin O’Brien, New Jersey Wing Todd J. Gamiles, Oregon Wing Matthew Orvis, Hawaii Wing Christopher X. Giacomo, New Hampshire Wing Melissa L. Perkins, Utah Wing Christopher L. Hartman, Missouri Wing Megan Peterson, Colorado Wing Daniel E. Hartman II, Missouri Wing Neil M. Pfau, Kansas Wing Skylor Helm, North Dakota Wing Peter G. Pfau, Kansas Wing Chelsea L. Herzfeld, Minnesota Wing Joshua Plocinski, Pennsylvania Wing Lisa J. Higgins, Georgia Wing

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John Rebolledo, New Hampshire Jacob C. Wilson, Oregon Wing (also accepted into U.S. Naval Acade- Wing my and U.S. Merchant Marines Academy) Matthew W. Reynolds, Alabama Michael R. Winn, Virginia Wing Wing Diana Wong, North Dakota Wing Tiffanie Richardson, Arizona Wing Kelly Wright, Pennsylvania Wing Joseph Roy, California Wing David Young, Utah Wing Daniel I. Ruffin, Ohio Wing (also accepted into U.S. Zach Zimmerman, Arizona Wing Naval Academy, U.S. Military Academy at West Point, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy and U.S. Coast Guard Academy. Accepted U.S. Naval Academy appointment.) U.S. Naval Academy (Annapolis) Benjamin D. Schimelfening, South Dakota Wing Claire E. Clancy, Colorado Wing Carl A. Scott, California Wing Kellye R. Denney, Florida Wing Erinn E. Scott, Alabama Wing (also accepted into U.S. Military Jamie B. DeSpain, Alabama Wing (also Academy at West Point and U.S. Naval Academy. Accepted U.S. Air accepted into U.S. Military Academy at West Force Academy appointment) Point. Accepted U.S. Military Academy at Christopher A. Smith, Washington Wing West Point appointment) Shea Speer, Arkansas Wing Brian W. Dunlap, Alabama Wing (also accepted into U.S. Air Force Academy and U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Accepted U.S. Elizabeth Spencer, Oregon Wing Air Force Academy appointment) Linea M. Stuckey, California Wing Nicholas Engle, New York Wing Ruby A. Tamariz, California Wing Ralph N. Grossman IV, New Jersey Wing Carrie Tengelson, Colorado Wing Kristin M. Hope, Utah Wing Daniel Torgua, Hawaii Wing Wesley Jahraus, Hawaii Wing David Michael Waddell, Oregon Wing Paulina E. Kolic, California Wing (also accepted into U.S. Air Force Hannah Warren, Arkansas Wing Academy) Jason Whitehead, Florida Wing Gabriella M. Leano, Texas Wing Harrison Whiting, Florida Wing Jason A. Lebahn, Minnesota Wing (also accepted into U.S. Air Force Academy. Accepted U.S. Naval Academy appointment) Bridget Whitting, Minnesota Wing Matthew D. Lowen, Virginia Wing Reese M. Williams, California Wing Jason Kamoku Mahuna, Hawaii Wing Timothy “Alex” Williams, Texas Wing Josh Mann, Arkansas Wing Ralph (Ekolu) W. Miller III, Hawaii Wing Daniel J. Moorman, Maryland Wing Kenny O’Loughlin, Virginia Wing Janell G. Peske, California Wing Elizabeth A. Phillips, Idaho Wing Gabrielle K. Quatse, Pennsylvania Wing (also accepted into U.S. Military Academy at West Point) Brian Glenn Rigez, Pennsylvania Wing Daniel I. Ruffin, Ohio Wing (also accepted into U.S. Air Force Acad- emy, U.S. Military Academy at West Point, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy and U.S. Coast Guard Academy. Accepted U.S. Naval Acad- emy appointment) Erinn E. Scott, Alabama Wing (also accepted into U.S. Air Force

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Academy and U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Accepted U.S. and U.S. Coast Guard Academy. Accepted U.S. Naval Academy Air Force Academy appointment) appointment) Kaitlin Torgerson, North Dakota Wing Daniel Ruiz, New York Wing Richard T. Wells, New Jersey Wing Michael Seese, Pennsylvania Wing Jacob C. Wilson, Oregon Wing (also accepted into U.S. Air Force Erinn E. Scott, Alabama Wing (also accepted into U.S. Air Force Academy and U.S. Merchant Marines Academy) Academy and U.S. Naval Academy. Accepted U.S. Air Force Academy appointment) Forrest L. Wallace, California Wing Stephen J. Wathen, Kentucky Wing Marisa C. Yarmie, Virginia Wing Orlando R. Zambrano, Florida Wing

U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Brock Hashimoto, Utah Wing Timothy I. McDonald, Wisconsin Wing Daniel I. Ruffin, Ohio Wing (also accepted into U.S. Air Force Academy, U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Military Academy at West Point and U.S. U.S. Military Academy (West Point) Coast Guard Academy. Accepted U.S. Naval Academy appointment) Christopher Applegate, California Wing Jacob C. Wilson, Oregon Wing (also accepted into U.S. Naval Acad- (also accepted into U.S. Air Force Academy) emy and U.S. Air Force Academy) Christopher R. Brown, Tennessee Wing Jamie B. DeSpain, Alabama Wing (also U.S. Coast Guard Academy accepted into U.S. Naval Academy. Accepted U.S. Military Academy at West Point Patrick K. Collins, Florida Wing (also accepted appointment) into U.S. Air Force Academy. Accepted U.S. Coast Guard Academy appointment) Brian W. Dunlap, Alabama Wing (also accepted into U.S. Air Force Academy and U.S. Naval Academy. Accepted U.S. Air Force Academy Stephen Hills, New Hampshire Wing appointment) Tessa R. Knott, Wisconsin Wing (also accepted into U.S. Air Force Jesse A. Faugstad, Minnesota Wing Academy. Accepted U.S. Coast guard Academy appointment.) Matthew J. Jadrnak, Indiana Wing Riley Matsco, Pennsylvania Wing Joshua D. Knight, Texas Wing Paul Rigez, Pennsylvania Wing Chester N. Kraft, Alabama Wing (also accepted into U.S. Air Force Daniel I. Ruffin, Ohio Wing (also accepted into U.S. Air Force Academy) Academy, U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Military Academy at West Point and U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. Accepted U.S. Naval Academy Jonathan E. Lanier, North Carolina Wing appointment) ▲ Phillip Linder, Kentucky Wing Thomas McShea, New York Wing David Meador, Oregon Wing Joshua Olson, Colorado Wing Gabrielle K. Quatse, Pennsylvania Wing (also accepted into U.S. Naval Academy) Daniel I. Ruffin, Ohio Wing (also accepted into U.S. Air Force Note: The names of the academy selectees cited in this list were provided Academy, U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy by the Civil Air Patrol wings.

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Gill Robb Wilson Award Gen. Carl A. Spaatz Award Gen. Ira C. Eaker Award Highest award given to officers Highest award for cadets who Second-highest award for cadets who complete Level V of the CAP complete all phases of the CAP who successfully complete all Senior Member Training Program. Cadet Program and the Spaatz Phase IV requirements of the CAP (Only about 5 percent of CAP offi- award examination. (Only about Cadet Program. The cadets listed cers achieve this award.) The offi- one-tenth of 1 percent of CAP below received their award in May cers listed below received their cadets achieve this award.) The and June. award in May and June. cadets listed below received their award in May and June. Maj. Jack W. Arnold GA Steven D. Marks CA Maj. Daniel W. Stouch MA Michael A. Kelly (#1603) CO Cash A. Upton CA Lt. Col. John T. Kelly NY Aaron Angelini (#1604) IL Diana L. McVay DC Lt. Col. Gary W. Metz PA Micah J. LaVanchy (#1605) MO Martin L. Lohn FL Ryan C. Strug (#1606) NC Anthony R. Davila GA Heather R. Gallagher GA Paul E. Garber Award Maj. Eric G. Haertel, MD Maggie C. Minton GA Second-highest award given to Maj. Joseph J. Nicosia MN Benjamin H. North GA officers who complete Maj. Michael J. Bocklage MO James T. Godar IL Maj. Edward J. Leonard MO Level IV of the Daniel P. Metcalf KS Maj. David L. Roberts MO CAP Senior James A. Krystaponis KY Member Training Maj. James L. Stetzenbach MO Joshua J. Waddell MN Program. The Maj. Doris R. Van Hoven MT Gregory R. Gullberg MO officers listed Maj. Jason J. O'Brien NC Chrishon A. McManus NC below received their Capt. Terrye L. Mitenko NE award in May and June. Lt. Col. Donald C. Davidson NH Ryan C. Strug NC Lt. Col. Ronald A. Bricker OH Laura M. Jones OH Lt. Col. Thomas R. Holer AL Maj. Douglas M. Ray OH Jeremy A. Hanson OR Maj. John W. Kruger AZ Maj. Edward L. Elliott OH Ryan M. Hoffman PA Capt. William T. Lynam AZ Capt. Charles W. Sattgast OR Adaime Aviles PR Maj. John R. Aylesworth CA Capt. Reginald McDonald PA Sam M. Imbriale RI Lt. Col. Lawrence W. Kinch CT Lt. Col. Linda J. Martin TX Antonio G. More' TN Capt. Sheri L. Browning-Lee CO Lt. Col. Matthew M. Johnson UT Charles E. Watson TN Maj. John R. Kachenmeister FL Maj. Richard T. Edgerton WA Eric A. Mabry TX Maj. James W. Martinez-Ruiz FL Maj. James N. Walsh WI Daniel W. Palmquist TX Maj. Judith A. Healy IL Capt. James L. Childress WV Sabrina K. Scholla WA Maj. William G. Duffey MA Maj. Michael Carlson WY

Distinguished Service Medal Col. Charles S. Glass MER (second bronze clasp) Awarded for conspicuous performance of Col. Charles D. Greene GA outstanding service in a duty of great Col. Clair D. Jowett WI Col. James E. Palmer CT responsibility where the position held Col. Mitchell P. Sammons ME and results obtained reflect upon the Col. Jan E. Van Hoven MT accomplishments and prestige of CAP Col. K. Walter Vollmers ND on a national scale. Col. Kathryn J. Walling MD

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Discover all the benefits of Civil Air Patrol!

The Civil Air Patrol offers challenging opportunities for youths 12-18 years old, chaplains, aerospace educa- tion enthusiasts and adults with an interest in home- land security, search and rescue, disaster relief and humanitarian missions. Leadership training, technical education and an opportunity to participate in avia- tion-related activities are just a few of the exciting benefits of CAP membership.

Become a CAP volunteer! For more information, visit our Web site at or call (800) FLY-2338.

INTEGRITY • VOLUNTEER SERVICE • EXCELLENCE • RESPECT cap volunteer Sept-Oct 06 11/2/06 7:37 AM Page 53

[ region news ]

Great Lakes Patriotic Events Honor Veterans OHIO – Members of the Ohio Wing’s Group III partnered with various community groups recently to celebrate Flag Day, Armed Forces Day and Memorial Day. During a Flag Day retirement ceremony, approximately 1,000 worn American flags collected by members of the North Canton Composite Squadron, Medina County Skyhawks Composite Squadron, Akron-Canton Senior Flying Squadron Wing Ohio Leslie Onusic, Photo by and the Summit County Sheriff's Department were incinerated. Other participants in the event included the Summit County Sheriff’s Department Color Guard, Akron Police Color Guard, Marine Corps Reserve Unit Color Guard, Young Marines Cadets Joanne Stallard, left, and Company, American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Jacob Onusic, Capt. David Stone and cadet commander Kaylen Also, the North Canton Composite Squadron and Ohio High School Junior Onusic, all of the Ohio Wing’s ROTC decorated various sites in Green, Ohio, including the graves of veterans, with American flags on Armed Forces Day. Working with Navy veteran Bill Brown North Canton Composite of the 1st Division Command, 10th District of the American Legion, the two Squadron, decorated veterans’ organizations carried out a memorable service for the city's annual Memorial graves with American flags on Day parade by strategically placing more than 200 flags. Armed Forces Day. Nine members of the North Canton Composite Squadron marched with JROTC members in the parade. One squadron member honored veterans with a salute and presentation of a red, white or blue carnation. The combined CAP/JROTC team won the parade’s Best Color Guard and Best Drill Team awards. >> Capt. David Stone Middle East Region Ship in Distress Rescued

NORTH CAROLINA – During Fourth of July weekend, an aircrew participating in the North Carolina Wing’s Sundown Patrol helped rescue a vessel in distress. The cruiser, located in Bogue Inlet north of Wilmington, N.C., reportedly suf- fered the loss of both engines within 15 minutes of the initial distress call and was dead in the water. An aircrew from Cape Fear Composite Squadron – consisting of 1st Lt. Glenn E. Bailey, pilot; Capt. Glenn Drew, observer; and Capt. John Kay, scanner – picked up the distress call, transmitted the craft’s location to the U.S. Coast Guard and observed the rescue from the sky. The crippled ship was safely towed to harbor. Photo by Capt.Photo by NorthWing Carolina John Kay, A white cruiser boat in distress in During the wing’s annual Sundown Patrol, which begins on Memorial Day Bogue Inlet, N.C., is flanked by two weekend and continues through Labor Day, aircrews patrol recreational U.S. Coast Guard emergency waterways throughout the state looking and listening for needing response boats. A North Carolina assistance and providing weather advisories and telephone contact with Wing aircrew heard the cruiser's authorities when there is an incident on the water. distress call and forwarded the location to the Coast Guard. The "The citizens of North Carolina are facing the threat of increased hurricane activity, according to the National Weather Service, and our goal is to be at boat in the lower right is closing the peak of readiness for disaster relief missions both from the air and on the in on the endangered craft to tow ground," said 1st Lt. Victor Lewis, emergency service officer for the Raleigh- it to harbor. Wake Composite Squadron. “Sundown Patrol,” he added, “provides aircrews and radio operators with valuable training in preparation for these missions.” >> 1st Lt. Don Penven, Maj. John Maxfield and 1st Lt. Elizabeth Butrim

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[ region news ]

North Central Ham Fans Hone Radio Skills NEBRASKA – People across the country heard the radio call sign "Whiskey Bravo Zero Civil Air Patrol" recently during Field Day, a national event organ- ized by the Amateur Radio Relay League. During Field Day 2006, members of WB0CAP Youth Amateur Radio Club, a component of the Nebraska Wing’s Gen. Curtis E. LeMay Offutt Composite Squadron, teamed up with the Bellevue, Neb., Ama- Lt.Photo by Col.Wing Nebraska Waite, Dave Maj. Ed Moss reaches teur Radio Club to operate a “Get On the Air” station. The 14 participants included out to fellow “hams” CAP members and amateur radio operators, as well as members of the Boy Scouts during Field Day 2006, and Girl Scouts. an emergency training The radio operators mimicked situations in which electrical power is compromised, exercise organized by and they tested their skills in setting up and operating radio communication equip- the Amateur Radio ment under conditions that can occur during a hurricane, tornado or other disaster. Relay League. They also attempted to swiftly make radio contact with as many participating stations as possible, ultimately making 169 contacts in 42 states and four Canadian provinces. >> Angel Waite

Northeast Rescuers Find Downed Plane, 3 Survivors PENNSYLVANIA – Members of the Pennsylvania Wing, searching with local volunteers, found three of four passengers alive after a plane crash in central Penn- sylvania north of Midstate Regional Airport in Centre County, about seven miles east of Philipsburg, Pa. The three injured passengers – Mohammed Abdel- Khalik, 31, Fayez Abdel, 33, and Justin Hughes, 18 – sustained multiple injuries; the pilot, Kaul Mitchell "Mitch" Wilson, 21, died in the crash. All of the men are from Springfield, Tenn.

Photo by Tony Ghaffari , Centre County (Pa.) Sheriff’s Office , Centre County (Pa.) Ghaffari Tony Photo by Capt. Erin Long, 1st Lt. Roy Long and cadet John This crashed plane in central Pennsylvania was discovered by a Smith, along with Centre County Sheriff’s Office Search team of CAP members and local volunteers. Three of the four and Rescue team members Shannon Allison and Anya people on board survived the crash. Ryba, discovered the plane a half mile northwest of the airport in rough, tree-covered terrain. The search team quickly started medical treatment for the sur- vivors and called in additional emergency medical help. Ground search team members 1st Lts. Brian Bonner and William Schlosser also assisted emergency staff at the scene. According to Mission Incident Commander Lt. Col. William Geyer of Pennsylvania’s Group 1, 28 wing members participated in the search and rescue mission. The Pennsylvania State Police and local EMS crews were also involved in the search. >> 1st Lt. Linda A. Irwin

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Member Uses Modified Police Interceptor to Track Down ELTs OREGON – There's a black police cruiser patrolling northern Oregon, but instead of tracking criminals, the driver of this car tracks signals that could come from downed aircraft or lost hikers. Photo by 2nd Lt.Photo by Wing Oregon Scott Maguire, 2nd Lt. Robert Lawrence, emergency services officer and pilot with the Oregon Wing's Columbia Composite Squadron, configured a black Crown Victoria police interceptor to search for emergency locator transmitter signals. Since 2nd Lt. Robert Lawrence stays vigilant with the help of a beginning operations with the vehicle, Lawrence has taken specially adapted cruiser. part in more than a dozen successful ELT missions. The vehicle features a laptop computer on a swivel mount, a global positioning system, a wireless Internet link and three radios monitoring aircraft, CAP and mutual-aid fre- quencies. In addition, the car is equipped with ground mission essentials, including hand-held radios, first-aid gear and additional direction-finding equipment. Lawrence said he also uses the car for cadet training: "When I have CAP cadets along, I like to let them do most of the work," he said. "They operate the navigation system and learn how it works, and how to locate the ELTs." >> Scott Maguire Rocky Mountain Search Team Finds Crashed Plane, Injured Man COLORADO – Colorado Wing members recently located a private plane that crashed near Alamosa, Colo., in southern Colorado, and helped rescue the plane’s injured owner. The aircrew members discovered the plane and its owner, David S. Cruden of Chandler, Ariz., in a field just before dark, and then directed a helicop- ter to the crash site. Cruden, who sustained minor injuries, said the engine of his aircraft, a Piper PA-28- 150 built in 1965, had failed, forcing him to make an emergency landing in a clear- ing. The plane was reported missing after the pilot transmitted a Mayday call. An official with the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center at Langley Air Force Base, Va.,

contacted the Colorado Wing after receiv- Wing 1st Lt.Photo by Colorado Young, Mark ing a signal from the downed plane’s Colorado Wing members located this downed Piper aircraft in a field in southern emergency locator transmitter. Colorado. The owner of the aircraft suffered minor injuries in the crash. Nine aircrew members participated in the search. The wing launched one aircraft from Durango, Colo., and another from Westcliffe, Colo. A privately owned helicopter was also dispatched from Montrose, Colo., at the request of the Conejos County Sheriff’s office. >> 1st Lt. Steve Hamilton

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[ region news ]

Southeast 6 Alabama squadrons test minds, muscles in Iron Man Competition

ALABAMA – Members of the Alabama Wing’s Auburn Composite Squadron recently pumped up their wing by developing and hosting the first CAP Iron Man Competition, with tasks tailored to test the physical and mental mettle of wing members. Members of five other composite squadrons – Autauga-Elmore, Bessemer, Chilton County, Maxwell and 117th Air National Guard – gathered for the event on the Auburn University campus in Auburn, Ala. The competition consisted of a variety of graded physical and skill events. Of the several physi- cal challenges, the highlight of the event was the classic Iron Man run with a CAP twist – a four- mile course around and through the campus with stops at 10 task stations, where members’

problem-solving and aerospace education skills were tested. Other activities included a uniform Capt.Photo by Wing Mitchell, Alabama Jimmy inspection, a drill competition and a compass/direction finding course in which teams had to travel to multiple target points using a compass and then employ directional and transmitter-find- ing equipment to find and silence a beacon somewhere on campus. An awards ceremony capped off the event. CAP-U.S. Air Force Commander Col. Russell Hodgkins presented trophies to the overall and individual event winners. Team Bessemer, the champions of the competition, won a traveling trophy, medallions and commander commenda- tions signed by Southeast Region Commander Col. John Tilton. Team Maxwell earned second place and Team 117th came in third. Cadet Gregg Michael of the Alabama Wing’s 117th Composite For organizing and hosting the event, the Auburn members earned a Benchmark Award from the CAP/CAP-U.S. Air Force compliance inspection team during a Squadron participates in the recent inspection of the wing, and the squadron was asked to eventually make the “not-so-suicidal sprint” during the contest a national annual event. Plans for the second competition, scheduled for first CAP Iron Man Competition. April 14, 2007, are already under way, and the squadron plans to include regional The competition was developed participants. >> 1st Lt. Christopher A. Tate and hosted by members of the wing’s Auburn Composite Squadron. Southwest Cadets Take to the Virtual Skies TEXAS – Ten cadets and officers from the Brownsville and Corpus Christi Composite squadrons recently practiced flying on U.S. Navy T-45 Goshawk simulators at Naval Air Station Kingsville in Kingsville, Texas. “It’s a great opportunity,” said Maj. Fidel Alvarado, project officer and deputy commander for seniors. Simulator technician Bert Alvarez and his brother, retired Air Force officer Art Alvarez, helped organize the unique training program. The Goshawk flight simulator graphically renders the south Texas geogra- phy. Cadets made approaches to local runways, and others touched down at a virtual Brownsville International Airport, complete with accurate repre-

sentations of the airport’s flightline, including the old Pan Am building the Maj.Photo by Wing J.E.Texas Carrales, Brownsville squadron calls home. Some tried their hand at landing on an Cadet Ruby Moreno of the Texas aircraft carrier in the Gulf of Mexico, while others attempted aerial combat. Wing’s Brownsville Composite Squadron concentrates on a difficult The group also toured the new Model C or “Charlie” simulator, the eventual replacement for the current model, which features graphics based on com- landing in a U.S. Navy T-45 puter-enhanced satellite imagery and a glass cockpit with digital readouts. Goshawk flight simulator at Naval Air >> Maj. J.E. Carrales Station Kingsville.

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READY FOR THE JOURNEY OF A LIFETIME? cap volunteer Sept-Oct 06 11/2/06 7:37 AM Page d