NHarrp 352.07 •y of H72 (. H. 03824 1974


YEAR ENDING c3 oo December 31, 7974





Town of

Holderness, N.H.


December 31, 1974


University of New Hampshire Library 352.67 mi INDEX

Results of 1 974 Town Meeting 4 Warrant 7 Budget 9 Detailed Statement of Payments 12 Fire Department Report 19 Library Report 21 Conservation Commission Report 22 Planning Board Report 24 Town Hall Bldg. Comm. Report 28

Health Officers' Report . 29 Pemi-Baker Health Agency Report 30 Park Board Report 31 Vital Statistics 32 State Audit Report 37 PROCEDURE OF THE HOLDERNESS TOWN MEETING - MARCH 5, 1974

At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Holderness, qualified to vote in Town affairs, and held in the Town House of said Holderness, March 5, 1974, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon the following business was transacted. The sealed ballot boxes for the Town, the School, and the Constitutional Convention were delivered to the Moderator, Mr. Laurence Roberts, by the Town Clerk. They were opened by the Moderator and the ballots were counted by clerks under his supervision and that of the Town Clerk. At 10.14 A.M. the Moderator called the meeting to order and read the articles of the warrant. The polls were declared open at 10.19 A.M. and were closed at 6:00 P.M. All ballots were counted by the ballot clerks with the following results:

Total Ballots cast: 372 Names on checklist: 714

For the Town

Town Clerk — Gertrude L. Eisner Town Treasurer — Joseph Carvelli Selectman for 3 years^— Charles L. Currier Tax Collector — Bernice Shields Library Trustee for 3 years — Evangeline W. Dana Overseer of Town Welfare — Laura M. Heath Superintendent of Cemeteries — Lyle Thompson Trustee of Trust Funds for 3 years — Charles J. Ayer II Fire Wards — James L. Cripps, George S. Richards, Paul E. Whitman Constable — Lyle Thompson

For the School

Moderator — Laurence H. Roberts Jr. Clerk — Ann L. Noyes Treasurer — Joseph A. Carvelli Member of School Board for 3 years — Edward Wentzell


The opening of the Town Meeting was delayed 15 minutes to permit completion of ballot counting. At 7:45 P.M. Mr Roberts opened the meeting and read the entire warrant. Then, under Article 1 he read the results of the balloting for town, school of- ficials and for delegate to the Constitutional Convention. Article 2. to accept reports of town officers. Vote in the affirmative.

Article 3. to raise and appropriate $100 for the New Hampshire Humane Society Vote was in the affirmative.

Article 4. To raise and appropriate $500 for the Sceva Speare Memorial Hospital. Vote in the affirmative.

Article 5. To raise and appropriate $1,000 for the Pemi-Baker Home Health Agency. Amended by Mrs. Wolf to read $1,048.00. Amended article was voted in the affirmative. Article 6. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Clerk to add names to the check list and present them to the Supervisors of the check List. Vote by show of hands. Motion defeated.

Article 7. To see if the Town would accept a gift of land from the Science Center. Moved to table until Article 9 was heard. Vote to table article was in the affirmative.

Article 8. To see if the Town would appropriate $16,000 for a new town truck and sander and to make alterations to the existing truck to enable the Town to plow snow on all town roads. Article amended to read: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $16,000 for the purchase of a new town truck and sander, and to make alterations to the existing truck to enable the Town to plow snow on all Town roads, said sum to be paid as far as possible out of ftmds received or to be received by the Town from the Federal Revenue Sharing Trust Fund under the State and local Assistance Act of 1972. Vote by show of hands was in the affirmative.

Article 9. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $18,000 for necessary repairs and improvements to preserve the old Town Hall, said sum to be raised by borrowing on the credit of the town through the issuance of a note or notes of the Town under the Municipal Finance Act RSA 33.8. Amended as follows: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $40,000 for necessary repairs and improvements, including offices, in and to preserve the old Town Hall, $9,000 of said sum to be from the Capital

Reserve . Fund established at the 1973 Town meeting with Federal Revenue Sharing Trust Funds received under the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, and the balance of said sum to be raised by borrowing on the credit of the Town through the issuance of a note or notes of the Town under the Municipal Finance Act, RSA 33.8, provided that said sum shall be expended by the Selectmen only after a five man building committee, appointed within 10 days of the date of the adoption of this Article, shall have conducted such studies as they deem proper, shall have prepared detailed plans for said repairs and improvements, shall have held two public hearings of which notice is posted and published and shall have considered all suggestions made at said hearings before said plans are submitted to the Selectmen for the letting of a contract. Vote was by written ballot. Vote was in the affirmative. The meeting then returned to Article 7. Vote to table indefinitely was in the af- firmative.

Article 10. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $1900 for renovation of the Town Library. Vote in the affirmative.

Article 11. To see*if the Selectmen may accept for the Town such financial aid as the Town is or may be entitled to receive from the Federal Disaster Assistance Ad- ministration was voted in the affirmative.

Article 12. To see if the Town will authorize the Town Treasurer to transfer to the Town Conservation Trust Fund the unexpended balance of funds appropriated for the Conservation Commission in 1974. Vote in the affirmative.

Article 13. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to investigate a program to provide a Town tax map, such program to be presented to the voters for approval. Vote in the affirmative. Article 14. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to borrow in anticipation of taxes. Vote in the affirmative.

Article 15. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to dispose of real estate acquired by the Town by Tax Collector's fee. Vote in the affirmative.

Article 16. To see if the Town will vote to make any alterations in the amount of money to be raised and appropriated for the support of the Town as recommended by the Budget committee. Amended by Police Chief Frizzell to add $3500 to the Police Dept. in addition to the $20,000 recommended. Amendment seconded by Mr. Frank Webster. At this point a motion was made by Mr. Harrison, selectman, to recess the meeting. Motion seconded. Moderator declared a recess. Date of continuance to Town meeting deter- mined to be March 12, 1974.

March 12, 1974 The Moderator opened the meeting at 7:30 in the afternoon in the Town Hall. He read amended Article 16. Vote on amended article was by ballot. Vote in the affirmative.

Article 17. Dr Staples offered a vote of thanks to Mr. Malcolm Taylor for his service to the town as Selectman. Mrs. Taylor moved a vote of thanks to Richard Gordon for his 19 years as Town Treasurer. Mr. Webster commended Dr. Staples for his work on the Planning Board. Mr. Flint suggested a letter of thanks to the Science Center. Mr. Frizzell suggested a moment of silence for George Plant, and a hand for Mr. Keeney for his service as part time patrolman. Meeting was then adjourned.


To the Inhabitants of the Town of Holderness in the county of Grafton and State of New Hampshire quaHfied to vote in Town affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at the Town House in said Holderness on Tuesday, the fourth of March, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the polls shall be

opened . and shall close not earlier than six o'clock in the afternoon, to act upon the following subjects, the second and subsequent articles to be acted upon commencing at seven-thirty o'clock in the afternoon of the same day:

Article 1: To choose all necessary town officers.

Article 2: To accept the reports of all town officers.

Article 3: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100.00 for the support of The New Hampshire Humane Society.

Article 4: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $500.00 for the support of the Sceva Speare Memorial Hospital.

Article 5: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,175.00 for the support of the Pemi-Baker Home Health Agency.

Article 6: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $200.00 for the Town Health Fund.

Article 7: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to apply for, contract for, and accept on behalf of the Town such financial aid as the Town may now be entitled to receive or hereafter become entitled to receive from the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration.

Article 8: To see if the Town will vote and appropriate the sum of $5,400.00 to com- plete the Town office construction.

Article 9: To see if the Town will vote to exend the sum of $6,000.00 from the Capital Reserve Fund established in 1972 for the furnishing of the new town offices and con- ference room.

Article 10: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $18,000.00 to purchase a new town truck and to equip said truck with frame, plow and wing, for winter plowing; said sum to be paid out of current taxes.

Article 11: To see if the Town will authorize the selectmen to establish a committee for the purpose of investigating the feasability of constructing a new town shed and presenting this recommendation to the next Town Meeting or Special Town Meeting called for that purpose.

Article 12: To see if the Town will vote to extablish a Capital Reserve Fund as authorized by RSA Chapter 35, to finance the cost of a town tax map, as ordered by the Legislator, and a complete re-assessment of the Town as ordered by the Department of Revenue Administration. 7 Article 13: If Article 12 is voted in the affirmative, to see if the Town will vote to transfer to said Capital Reserve Account, established by Article 12, any sums remaining in the Capital Reserve Account established in 1972 after the payment of any ap- propriations from said 1972 account previously authorized, or authorized by the 1975 Town Meeting.

Article 14: If Article 12 is voted in the affirmative, to see if the Town will vote to transfer to said Capital Reserve Fund established by Article 12, such additional sums from the Federal Revenue Sharing monies received, or to be received by the Town, under the State and Local Assistance Act of 1974, as will fund said Capital Reserve Account at 525,000.00.

Artice 15: If Article 12 is voted in the affirmative, to see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to expend monies from said Capital Reserve Fund established by Article 12. for the purpose thereof.

Article 16: To see if the Town will vote to prohibit the plowing of the private driveways of Tovm officials.

Article 17: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to borrow in an- ticipation of taxes.

Article 18: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to administer, lease, rent, sell and convey or otherwise dispose of any real estate acquired by the Town by any Tax Collector's deed.

Article 19: To see what action the Town will vote to take concerning the use of the old Selectmen's Office in the Town Hall. (By Petition).

Article 20: To see if the To>*ti will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000.00 for the construction of retaining wall and completion of fill in the public parking lot between the Holdemess Community Church and the Holdemess Fire Station on Route 3. (By Petition).

Article 21: To see if the Tovt-n will vote to raise the salaries of the Selectmen to S1,(XX).00 per annum; each effective for the 1975 fiscal year, in view of additional bur- dens and the much more complex administration of town affairs now imposed. (By Petition).

Article 22: To see what action the Town will vote to take toward the future disposal of its solid waste, in order to comply with the July 1, 1975 no-bum deadline, including the alternatives of sharing the Ashland land fill and/or the Plymouth disposal incinerator or any other legal alternatives as decided. (By Petition).

Article 23: To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate to defray the costs of operating the Fire Department.

Article 24: To see if the Toun ^-ill vote to make any alterations in the amount of money required to be raised and appropriated for the ensuing year for the support of the Town, as recommended by the Budget Committee in its report; to raise and appropriate all sums so determined; and to pass on any other vote relating thereto, not previously acted on in a prior acticle.

8 \ Article 25: To see if the Town will vote to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program and to direct the Selectmen or a committee selected by them, to hold public hearings thereon and to hold a Special Town Meeting for the purpose of voting on the necessary rules, regulations and ordinances in connection therewith.

Article 26: To see if the Town will vote on insurance for Town officials and employees.

Article 27: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to accept grants from the State of New Hampshire or the United States Federal Government.

Article 28: To transact any other business that may legally come before the meeting.

Given under our hands and seals this 15th day of February in the year of our Lord lineteen hundred and seventy-five. TOWN OF HOLDERNESS CHARLES CURRIER STEVEN HARRISON JOHN PUTNAM A True Copy. Attest: Board of Selectmen CHARLES CURRIER STEVEN HARRISON JOHN PUTNAM Board of Selectmen BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF HOLDERNESS

PURPOSE OF APPROPRIATION: Ffacal 1975 General Government: Year [1975-76] Town Officers' Salaries 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 Town Officers Expenses 9,000.00 10,500.00 Election & Registration Expenses 900.00 600.00 Town Hall & Other Town Buildings 700.00 2,000.00 Employees' Retirement &. Social Security 2,800.00 3,700.00 Protection of Personf & Property: Police Department 23,500.00 24,630.00 Fire Department 16,000.00 15,220.00 insurance 2,200.00 4,000.00 Planning & Zoning 1,270.00 1.450.00 Damages & Legal Expenses 1,000.00 1,500.00 Civil Defense 300.00 1.00

Health Dept. [Ind. Hospitals & Ambalancc] 6,248.00 6,0OO.0C Vital Statistics 100.00 100.00 Town Dump & Garbage Removal 3,900.00 4,500.00

Highways & Bridges: Town Maintenance-Summer & Winter 36,450.00 36,500.00 Street Lighting 1,460.00 1,460.00 General Expenses of Highway Dept. 7,000.00 9,500.00 Town Road Aid 589.89 587.45

Libraries: 2,735.00 3,260.00

PubUc Welfare: Town Poor 2,500.00 2,500.00 Old Age Assistance 2,200.00 2,200.00 Aid to Permanently & Totally Disabled 1.00 1.00

Patriotic Purposes [Memorial Day, Etc.] 255.00 380.00

Recreation: 2,200.00 1,760.00

Public Service Enterprises: Cemeteries 600.00 600.00

Debt Service: Principal & Long Term Notes & Bonds 8,800.00 15,000.00 Interest-Long Term Notes & Bonds 2,320.00 3,501.00 Interest on Temporary Loans 900.00 1,000.00

Capital Outlay: Town Road construction 7,000.00 9,500.00 Town Office Construction 40,000.00 5,400.00 New Equipment 16,000.00 18,000.00 Conservation Commission 300.00 150.00 Humane Society 100.00 100.00 Town Office Equipment 6,000.00 Reassessment 20,000.00 Tax Map 5,000.00 Payment to Capital Reserve Funds 18,554.00

TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $207,228.89 $241,154.45

Estimated Actual Estimated Revenue Revenue Revenue Previous Previous Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year [1975.76] SOURCES OF REVENUE: From State: Interest & Dividends $ 20,000.00 $ 23,871.00 $ 20,000.00 Savings Bank Tax 1,400.00 1,975.00 1,800.00 Meals & Rooms Tax 5,500.00 6,747.00 6,000.00 Highway Subsidy (CI. IV & V) 7,000.00 9,495.00 9,479.00

Reimb. A/C Business Profits Tax (Town Portion)i) 6,000.00 8,917.00 7,500.0C

From Local Soorcci : Dog Licenses 450.00 481.00 450.00 Business Licenses, Permits &, Filing Fees 450.00 554.00 450.00 Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 19,000.00 21,980.00 19,000.00

10 Interest on Tax & Deposits 2,200.00 4,000.00 2,500.00 Withdrawal Capital Reserve Funds 9,000.00 6,000.00 National Bank Stock Tax 15.00 36.00 15.00 Resident Tax Retained 5,000.00 5,044.00 5,000.00 Normal Yield Taxes Assessed 300.00 848.00 300.00 Rent of Town Property 112.00 Income from Departments 1,500.00 1,779.00 1,500.00 Bonds & Note Issues (Contra) 31,000.00 18,400.00

From Federal Sources: Revenue Sharing 18,000.00 12,189.00 17,000.00 Disaster Relief Fund 1,620.00 23,000.00


TOTAL REVENUES $207,228.00 $241,154.45

Total estimated "Revenues from all sources except Property Taxes" deducted from Total "Appropriation recommended by Budget Committee" gives estimated "Amount to be raised by Property Taxes," exclusive of County and School Taxes. FROM THE SELECTMEN'S OFFICE:


This Office has been recently notified that the Town will not be re-assessed until after September of 1975.


Requesting $5,400. to complete Town Office Construction. This money to be raised by taxes.

Requesting $6,000. be released from the Capitol Reserve Fund established in 1972 for Town Offices and the equipping thereof.

Requesting $18,000. to be raised by taxes for the purchase of the second truck for winter plowing. This truck to be equipped with a new plow, wing, wing-box, and frame.

Requesting that the Town establish a new Capitol Reserve Fund of $25,000. for a Tax Map and the Re-assessing of the complete Town. This money to be taken from current monies on hand and monies to be received from the Revenue Sharing Act.

Requesting a Committee be appointed to investigate the feasibility of constructing new Town Sheds. This Committee would recommend a site, plans, and cost figures to be reported at the next annual meeting or a special meeting called for that purpose.

Requesting that the Meeting express their opinion with regards to this Town applying for Flood Plain status for the purpose of obtaining flood insurance coverage.

11 Requesting the Meeting to express an opinion on the future plowing ot town otticials private driveways.

Recently the Auditors from the Dept. of Revenue Administration recommended that the Board ot Selectmen review RSA Chapter 41 with particuliar attention to Duties and Responsibilities and the preservation of Town Records. It was explained that unless a portion of the Town government was organized into a District such as a School District, or a Sewerage District, then "The Selectmen shall" be held responsible for all monies received and all monies spent. It was further indicated thet the Selectmen will be held solely responsible for all vouchers and the accounting of all transactions in behalf of the town. It further states that a proper place shall be provided for these Records.

The Selectmen now feel that with the new Town Offices, and the fireproof vault, that these reccommendations should be followed.

The Selectmen wish to thank all who have helped with the Town Offices, particularly the Committee for their help and Mrs. Bea Flint for the beautiful mural in the Town Clerk's Office and the picture for the cover of this year's Town Report. Also a thanks to all of the Town Officials and Town Employees for their fine cooperation throughout the year.

Selectmen Steven Harrison, Chairman Charles Currier John Putnam DETAILED STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS

TOWN OFFICERS' SALARIES J. Carvelli, Salary $ 400.00 C. Currier, Salary 600.00 G. Eisner, Salary & Feeds 2,119.66 S. Harrison, Salary 625.00 L. Heath, Salary 240.00

J. Putnam, Salary 575.00 B. Shields, Salary & Fees 880.93

TOWN OFFICERS' EXPENSES Branham Publ. Guide Bk. 1 1 .30 Brown & Saltmarsh Supplies 346.42 Clays Newstand, Supplies 32.07 Concord Typewriter, Repairs 32.50 C. Currier, Mileage & Meals 23.05 D. Dana, Professional Services 597.94 M. Dillingham, Assist. Treasurer 25.00 Drews Nursery, Flowers 10.00 G. Eisner, Misc. Expenses 144.66 Equity Publishing Co., Statutes 110.00 Barbara Fortier, Transfer .70 S. Harrison, Misc. Expenses 154.52 L. Heath, Misc. Expenses 15.00 Homestead Printers, Printed Forms 92.67

12 I.B.M., Suj^plies, Typewriter 13.76 Mountain Media, Reports & Printing 2,257.28 N.H. Tax Collection Association, Dues 10.00 N.H. Clerks' Association, Dues 8.00 N.H. Association Assessors, Dues 10.00 N.H. State Treas., Audit, Repqrts, Type. 1,351.64 N.H. Municipal Assoc., Dues & Reports 134.50 Pemi National Bank, Vouchers 90.63 Postmaster, Postage 349.14 H. Sargent, Bookkeeping 1,700.00 B. Shields, Clerical & Supplies 228.72

Smith Piper, Rent 1 , lOO.OC N.E. Telephone, Service 226.53 Tower Publ. Forms 14.00 Charles A. Woods, Transfers 32.70 ELECTIONS AND REGISTkATION: F. Ayer, Ballot Clerk 2.00 K. Beij, Ballot Clerk 21.50

J. Carvelli, Ballot Clerk 37.00 C. Cripps, Ballot Clerk 16.00 B. Currier, Ballot Clerk 3.00 F. Currier, Ballot Clerk 13.00 D. Dana, Ballot Clerk 50.00 E. Gehling, Ballot Clerk 1 1 .00 F. Hanaford, Ballot Clerk 40.00 S. Harrison, Tapes 42.00 L. Heath, Ballot Clerk 4.00 L. Heath, Ballot Clerk 6.00 E. Jenkins, Supervisor 40.00 H. Karsten, Supervisor 80.00 G. Melanson, Ballot Clerk 13.00 Mountain Media, Ballots & notices 207.80 P. Needham, Supervisor 83.92 O. Staples, Clerk 11.00 G. Richards, Ballot Clerk 8.00 L. Roberts, Moderator 1 1 7.00 H. Sargent, Asst. Moderator 12.00 B. Shields, Ballot Clerk 9.00 L. Thomson, Ballot Clerk 3.00 M. Winton, Ballot Clerk 13.00


J. Currier, Cut Trees 50.00 G. Cripps, Flag Pole 43.84 B. Currier, Plumbing 791.15 H. Graton, Repairs 465.00 M. Leverone, Furniture 24.00 N.E. Tel. Service 376.74 N.H. Elec. Coop Service 240.75 Puccetti's, Supplies 3.68 J. Putnam, Furnishings 332.50 Sanel. Paint 12.26 Squam Boats, Supplies 11.70

13 RETIREMENT & SOCIAL SECURITY Treasurer State of N.H. 2,477.20 N.H. Retirement 486.91

CIVIL DEFENSE B.J.'s Diner, Food (Flood) 21.67 S()uam Boats, Rentals 77.00 Squam Lakes Exxon, Fuel 8.80

VITAL STATISTICS G. Eisner, Statistics 29.50 POLICE DEPARTMENT Ayer Insurance 325.00 B. Bean, Pris watch 18.00 Carlsons Motors, Repairs 28.38 Car Go, Tires 215.56 Carsten Prod., Bike Plates 36.00 Central Equip., Equipment 459.00 Clays News Stand, Supplies 17.60 Clifford Nicol, Stationary 302.54 Del Chemical, Supplies 8.00 Enetnman-Revin, Badges 46.50 Equity Publishing Company, jStatutes 5.00 Exxon Co., USA, Fuel & Misc. 1,793.02 Floyds of Manchester, Uniforms 1 1 2.80 Francesco's, Supplies 16.51 W. Frizzell, Salary & Expenses 5,770.45 R. Gagne, Salary 2,009.95 D. Goodridge, Wages 69.00 Gulf Oil, Fuel 13.48 S. Harrison, Box Rent .60 E.C. Heal, Repairs 27.34 4-J's, Film 9.47 R. Keeney, Wages 6,622.62 Kellys American, Gas 13.00 Kelly Auto Body, tvepairs 92.00 Lakes Region Hospital, Reports 6.00 3M Products, Supplies 43.56 Laconia Citizen, Advertising 13.32 G. Mack, Wages 760.50 Macks Mens Shop, Uniforms 368.51 Mersons Uniform, Uniforms 97.45 H. Miller, Wages 127.50 Mountain Media, Printing 23.60 Pocock, Photography 12.00 Plymouth Police, Tests & Copies 522.75 Town of Plymouth, Radio Net. 300.00 Rands, Supplies 7.97 State of N.H., Exams 50.00 Sceva Speare Hospital, Medical 24.00 Samaha's Store, Supplies 9.10 Sawyer's Jewelry, Badge Repair 2.00 14 Smith Piper, Office rent 100.00 Squam Boats, Supplies 6.00 N.E. Telephone, Service 520.61 R. Tivey, Pris. Watch 4.50 G.A. Thompson Co., Supplies 8.85 L.M. Thompson, Move Equip. 17.50 Twin Press, Forms 132.00 Town & Campus, Supplies 89.95 Union Leader, Advertising 58.21 Paul Whitman, Build Box 25.00 Dr. Zak, Medical Services 15.00

FIRE DEPARTMENT B. Baker, Calls & Permits 29. 10 B. Eastman, Calls 10.00 E. Ford, Calls 21.10 S. Graton, Calls 130.92 K. Hawkins, Call 5.00 E. Jenkins, Permit .75 M. Long, Calls 25.00 Lakes Region Mutual Membership 2,716.72 G. Mack, Call 7.40 R. Marden, Calls 27.55 A. Piper, Calls 5.00 G. Richards, Permits 7.50 M. Taylor, Calls 18.35 State of N.H., Trees 8.20 W. Veccey, Calls 5.00 P. Whitman, Trees. 1974 Approp. 1 1,369.86 P. Whitman, Calls 12.60 L. Whitten, Calls 5.00

INSURANCE Ayer Ins. Co., Premiums 3,016.60 PLANNING L. Staples, Expenses 343.01 Lakes Region Planning, Membership 1,076.00

DOG DAMAGE & LEGAL FEES E. Corson, Dog Damage 24.00 Grafton Cty. Atty., Issue Petition 7.00 L. Heath, Dog Damage 30.00 Murphy & Deachman, Fees 1,947.20

Treasurer State of N.H., Penalty Late Tax Rate 1 10.00 Wakefield & Ray, Fees 740.00 Chas. A. Wood, Title Search 65.00 HEALTH

C. Currier, Wages & Expenses 1 ,441 .82 M. Currier, Wages & Expenses 324.44 P.T.A., Health Fund Approp. 200.00

Pemi-Baker Home Health Agency, Approp. 1 ,048.00

IS Rands 7.77 Sceva Speare 500.00 Town of Plymouth Ambulance 2,526.25 TOWN DUMP W. Danforth Wages 17.50 W. Earl Wages 59.50 Mtn. Media Permits 13.60 Puccetti's Supplies 8.50 "^ D. Taylor Wages 57.00 C. Tenney Wages 3,600.00 L. M. Thompson Wages & Equip. 456.% L.M. Thompson, Jr. Wages 42.00 C. Winton Wages 63.25 SUMMER MAINTENANCE Lewis Avery Chipper Rental 105.00 Campton Sand & Gravel Matls. 551.04 E. L. Chamberlain Wages 49.25 W. Danforth Wages 485.00 W. Earl Wages 1,086.75 C. P. Howe Gravel 323.00 Jacksons Waste Oil Used Oil 252.00 Lumbertown Culvert 199.92 Merrimack Farmers Supplies 270.00

N.E. Culvert , Culvert 845.48 Preventive Maint. Weedkiller 569.25 Paquette Paving Materials 2,046.31 D. Taylor Wages 1 ,420.50 L. M. Thompson Wages & Equip. 5,602.04 L. M. Thompson, Jr. Wages 664.50 C. Winton Wages 1,361.25 WINTER MAINTENANCE Campton Sand & Gravel Matls. 97.81 E. L. Chamberlain Blow Snow 75.00 W. Earl Wages 927.50 W. Danforth Wages 280.00 R. L. Gordon Plow Driveways 256.00 H. Hanaford Equip. Hire 71.60 International Salt, Winter Salt 3,012.32 Paquette Paving Plowing & Matls. 5,247.39 B. Shields Plow Driveway 6.00

D. Taylor Wages 1 ,534.00 C. Tenney Wages 240.0C L. M. Thompson Wages & Equip 5,233.75 L. M. Thompson, Jr. Wages 858.00 Whitehall Chemical Anti-Freeze Sol. 250.95 C. Winton Wages 2,105.13

STREET LIGHTS N.H. Elec. Coop. Service 1,228.46

16 GENERAL EXPENSE HIGHWAY DEPT. K. Ambrose Letter Truck 40.00 Brooks Auto Supplies 101.35 Cantin Chev. Repairs 162.28 Cargo Tires 392.72 Chadwick-Bros. Parts 89.40 Dobles Chev. Parts 130.33 Exxon Co., U.S.A. Fuel & Oil 1,243.63 Gulf Oil Corp. Fuel 45.36; Hazelton Supplies 30.02 Inter-Lakes Medical Treatment 15.00

Interstate Mach. Inc. Rebuild Plugs & Install 3 setchains 1 ,775.81 Mastros Plumbing Install Furnace 38.50 Merrimack Farmers Supplies 44.13 C. R. McLoud Chainsaw & Repairs 245.55 N.H. Elec. Coop, Traffic Light Service 166.54 N.H. Explosives Supplies 28.64 Howard Parker Used Furnace 75.00 Four 'T"s Supplies 8.50 Ponbro Sales Hardware 182.58 Puccetti's Hardware 74.40 Roy's Auto Wrecking Repairs 656.90 Sanel Auto Parts & Supplies 178.94 Smith Piper Supplies 1.50 Squam Boats Rope 24.00 Texaco Inc. Lubricants Etc. 270.83 C. B. Titus Fuel Oil 359.72

T. R. A. Treas. State of N.H. Town Share 589.89

LIBRARIES E. Dana 1974 Approp. 1,506.40 L. Hall Wages 522.00 S. Hites Wages 245.20 A. MacDonald Wages 401.60 TOWN POOR Town of Ashland Surplus Fd. Exp. 1.91 N.H. Cath. Charities Case #10 653.75 Duguays Mkt. Case#20 1 5.00 Farley's Rexall Case #10 1 .85 Finast Case #10 239.11 Food Town Case #10 10.00 J. Hughes Deliver Surplus 132.00 O A A Treas. State of N.H. Town Share 2,109.08 MEMORIAL DAY A. Forbes 255.00

17 PARKS & RECREATION V. Andrews Salary 1,000.00 Burkes Trucking Rubbish Removal 15.00 Clifford-Nicol Tickets 23.20 Ann Coone Signs 31.00 G. Melanson Mowing 38.00 Pike & Son Fence 900.00 Puccetti's Supplies 11.20 N.E. Tel. Service 45.32 N.H. Elec. Coop. Service 21.70 Rands Supplies & Pump 196.92 Squam Boats Supplies 8.50 Sundries Shop Supplies 16.30 CEMETERIES W. Danforth Wages 270.00 R. George Wages 108.10 L. M. Thompson Wages 133.50 L. M. Thompson, Jr. Wages 36.00 Tilton Sand & Gravel Material - 24.00 C. Winton Wages 44.00

LONG TERM NOTES Pemi. Natl. Bank Fire Truck & Grader 88.00

LONG TERM INTEREST Pemi. Natl. Bank Fire Truck & Grader 23.20

SHORT TERM INTEREST Pemi Natl. Bank - Tax Loan 13.20 CONST-HIGHWAY Richard Avery Gravel 207.00 Ashland Lumber Supplies 44.55 W. Danforth Wages 935.00 W. Earl Wages 423.50 Lumbertown Culvert 918.79 Brian Marsh 90.00 Paquette Paving Materials 2,374.36 D. Taylor Wages 567.00 B. Smith Wages 319.00 C. Tenney Wages 48.00 L.M. Thompson Wages & Equip. 4,210.00 L.M. Thompson, Jr. Wages 816.00 Trapper Brown Const. Equip. Rental 1,208.00 C. Winton Wages 860.75

CONST. LIBRARY H. Heath Wages & Matls. 655.94 J. Mayhew Elec. Work 216.77 Persons Concrete Cement Work 1,000.00 L. M. Thompson Equipment 28.00

18 CONST. TOWN OFFICES Graton Const. Contract 37,000.00 H. Hanaford Equip. 25.00 P. Hedstrom Arch. Fees 935.00 Patridge Artesian Well 2,306. 10 NEW EQUIPMENT International Harvester Truck 12,375.00 E. W. Sleeper Sander 3,700.00 CONSERVATION Conservation Assoc. Dues 35.00 Grafton County Map 107.00 Hold. Cons. Comm. Warrant Article 148.00 Postmaster Postage 10.00 N.H. Humane Soc. Appropriations 100.00 HOLDERNESS FIRE DEPARTMENT


Paul Whitman, Treasurer


January 1, 1974 Balance on hand $ 334.14

January 14, 1974 Town Order, Dec. Flood Exp. * 974.47 $ 1,308.61 December flood expense 1,103.47


Balance on hand February 15, 1974 $ 205.14

From Town Treasurer 1 1 ,868.96 Sale of firefighting equipment 541.06 Ayer Insurance refund 87.00

$ 12,702.16


Actual Budget Over Under Heat $ 1,288.45 $ 1,323.50 $ $ 35.05 Lights 334.27 500.00 165.73 Telephone 352.17 325.00 27.17 Insurance, incl bond 1,091.40 1,158.00 66.60 Bank Charges 14.08 14.08 Gasoline & oil 474.23 430.00 44.23

19 Radio & Alerting 1,503.52 2,200.00 6%.48 Mutual Aid Dues 50.00 2,721.81 2,671.81 Postage & Office Supplies 47.34 58.00 10.66 Training 729.00 750.00 21.00 Meetings 143.00 143.00 Fires 2,639.35 2,500.00 139.35 Salaries 475.00 450.00 25.00 Fire School 55.00 55.00 Bldg. & Equip Maintenance 1,108.43 1,600.00 491.57 New Equipment 1.970.52 2,000.00 29.48 $12,275.76 Balance 12/31/74 426.40 $12,702.16 $16,016.31 $447.83 $4,188.38 Total Receipts $12,702.16

Total Expense 12,275.76 Plus balance on hand 426.40


National Bank

December 31, 1974 $3,160.94 Minus checks outstanding 2,734.54

$ 426.40


12/ 3 Sandwich M.A. $ 216.00 12/17 Snow & power failure 141.00 12/19 IbraRoyea 6.00 12/19 Smoke chase Rt. 113 6.00 12/20 R. Towers Chimney 6.00 1/ 3 Resucitator E. Brock 12.00 1/10 New Hampton M.A. 57.00 1/16 Meredith M.A. 30.00 1/18 Pump out Post Office 6.00 2/ 2 Ashland Chipping Mill 72.00 2/ 6 Moultonboro M.A. 90.00 2/11 Piscapo 414.00 2/12 Rekindle Piscapo's 18.00 2/15 Repack hose 36.00 3/ 2 P. Hendel Chimney 30.00 4/21 Moultonboro M.A. 72.00 4/24 H. Hanaford's cat 6.00

20 4/25 Town Dump 24.00 4/27 New Hampton M.A. 108.00 5/ 4 Campton-Thornton M.A. 174.00 5/ 5 C.W. Jirkovsky, Leaves 21.00 5/20 Child Search 21.00 5/20 Moultonboro M.A. 60.00 5/26 Collins St. Ashland 72.00 5/27 Moultonboro M.A. 27.00 6/ 5 Guy Magoon Ashland 99.0C 6/ 7 New Hampton M.A. 60.00 6/ 9 E. Roberts propane gas 36.00 6/25 Sandwich M.A. 60.00 7/14 New Hampton M.A. 27.00 7/19 Gas wash-down Library 15.00 7/20 Glines 54.00 8/ 3 Center Harbor M.A. 21.00 8/15 Boat 5-Finger Point 30.00 8/18 Waterville M.A. 21.00 9/ 1 Old Plymouth Hospital 117.00 9/ 3 Willard Smith Chimney 24.00 9/16 Meredith (2 fires) 144.00 10/22 Tilton Inn M.A. 81.00 11/ 5 R. Demers Stove 15.00 11/17 Meredith M.A. 81.00 10/12 Plymouth F.D. Gas wash-down @ Fieldhouse 30.00


Balance January 1974 $ 251.13 Town Appropriation Receipts 2,735.00

$ 2,986.13

Expenditures Books & Magazines $ 221.44 Social Security 71.94 Custodian 200.00 Supplies 132.70 Repairs 239.72 Fuel 269.63 Electricity 247.65 Insurance 154.70 Miscellaneous 138.16

21 $ 1,675.94 Salaries 1,229.60

$ 2.905.54 Balance December 31, 1974 80.59

Proof of Balance Balance in Meredith Trust Co. per statement Dec. 31, 1974 201.24 305.40

Less Deposit 506.64 and Outstanding Checks #494-504 426.05



Libraries exist to bring together books and people. Ours is a friendly library, where all members of a family may choose books to take home. We try to provide good books that people enjoy and to encourage children to develop good reading habits.

Given access to the library, children will use it more than any other group. We must continue to supply the best in children's reading.

We appreciate all the improvements at the library this year. There have been many new people visiting our library. Readers are borrowing more books. Measurers have been taken to simplify routine and not expand staff.

As we look at new goals for the coming year, we hope to provide service that represents the interests of all the community.

Thanks are due the TRAPPER BROWN CONSTRUCTION CO., INC., for their thoughful donation of Book Marks for the use of the Library patrons.



The commission's biggest accomplishment in 1974 was aiding in the completion of the detailed soils analysis of the town. This was presented to the townspeople December 5th at a public hearing in the fire station with over fifty in attendance. Such enthusiasm, we feel, is evidence of the growing concern for protection of our town's natural resources upon which so many incomes depend.

22 Technicians of the U.S. Soil Conservation Service from the Woodsville office will continue to work with and advise this commission as we face future land use decisions. Soils information will also help the planning board, health officer and selectmen in their work. It took over 18 months to explore and map the 23,615 acres in Holderness, one-seventh of which is water area. The public is encouraged to use these data and maps as well. Soon all the information gathered will be easily accessible to residents, developers, property owners and anyone else interested in the town's soil base.


This year's Holderness youth to attend Spruce Pond Conservation Camp in Allenstown was James A. Hayes who lives on Route 175 at Hard Hack Corner. Jim, a Plymouth AREA High School student, has long been interested in conservation and natural systems and very ably represented the town during the one week session. Applicants must be at least 14 and going into the 9th grade.


"Operation Bottleneck", our glass recycling project at the town dump, continues under the direction of Commissioner Derwood Corbett. He is assisted by whatever volunteer help is available at the time. In 1974, almost $200 was collected on the sale of glass cullet. The commission now does business with Recycling Services, Inc. in Wor- cester, Mass. They pick up our barrels and pay l/2c per pound. New Hampton's con- servation commission has asked if we would be interested in going into a bulk operation with them and Bristol if arrangements could be made.


The commission is still attempting to contract with the U.S. Army Reserves to reclaim and stabilize the gravel pit area of the Town Forest on Beede Road. But "red tape" and a heavy workload on the Reserves hasn't allowed them to come to Holderness yet. But we did manage to have the forest cruised by state and county foresters as reported in last year's annual report.


In order for homeowners and businessmen on the intervale to obtain flood insurance or loans, Holderness must join the federal Flood Disaster Protection Act (P.L. 93-234). This includes adoption and enforcement of a building code, traditionally not a very popular subject. Building codes and flood plain zoning are outside the scope of our activities. But the new soils maps, in conjunction with elevation data, will assist other town officials in delineating flood prone areas. The commission plans to help in this regard. TOWN DUMP:

State law prohibits the open burning of any town dump after July 1, 1975. If a com- munity is making an honest effort to solve its dump problems a six-month extension is possible. In 1%8 the commission was asked to look into phasing out the existing dump on Lamb Swamp in East Holderness. This led to meetings between area towns with similar problems. Then a landfill method was suggested which brought into focus the need for

23 soils data. A special dump committee was formed to zero in on details leading to using another town's already established facility. They reported at the 1972 town meeting on their "negotiations" with Ashland. Now Plymouth is talking about taking in other towns in order to help them pay off their new high-heat incinerator. And the commission still feels recycling is an important element in planning solid waste disposal. Under this continuing burden we are attempting to come up with further information by Town Meeting, 1975. Time is running out! Respectfully submitted, Richard L. Currier James Cripps Mollis Willoughby Derwood Corbett Almon Bushnell "Tink" Taylor, Chairman


The 1974 Holderness Planning Board report will in part duplicate some of the items contained in the 1973 report, some of which endeavors are still in progress, while others have been completed.

The HOLDERNESS PLANNING BOARD has held sixteen evening meetings this past year, twelve of which have been combination Public Hearini^s & Regular Business Sessions. Some 19 subdivisions have been before the Board this past year. Most of the smaller subdivisions are cared for in one or two sessions, while some of the larger ones become almost "continuous items." Some of these subdivisions remain as "con- tinuous" agenda items because of the failure, and unwillingness on the part of the developer to comply with the subdivision regulations.

The Holderness Planning Board believes that it has been given the responsibility of certain duties to perform, one of which is NOT to approve a subdivision unless and until the requirements of the subdivision regulations has been compiled with. All of which is for the best interest of the Town economically, and for the welfare of those who reside here. It is becoming more & more apparent, as growth & development occur, that the Town is fortunate indeed to have Subdivision Regulations. Yet they are only applicable in certain areas, indicating a great need for other measures to be formulated and accepted in order to guide development, and thus protect and preserve the natural resources, which are ours to wisely use, enjoy and preserve for those who will come after us. This past year has been a very busy one for the Board, and some of the plans that were mentioned in the last Annual Report, alas have not been accomplished. Plans are currently under way to present to the voters for study & consideration the so-called Emergency or Temporary Zoning & Planning Ordinance, mentioned a year ago. As previously stated, this measure can only be utilized for a limited time (two years) thus giving the Town an opportunity to try out for a limited time those measures that afford some protection for orderly growth. During that period, measures that are more per- tinent to Holderness alone could be formulated, and receive consideration by the Townspeople.

During the sixteen meetings that have been held this past year, the Planning Board's endeavors have been so absorbed with the review and study of proposed subdivision plats

24 and public hearings with the abutting land owners and developers, that it has not been possible to give sufficient consideration to this emergency zoning & planning ordinance. Perhaps we should have held twenty or more meetings instead of sixteen, but that seems difficult to arrange.

In order to keep abreast of new legislation and become better acquainted with measures that are not new, the Chairman of the Planning Board has participated in several Planning Workshops and Seminars this past year (at his own expense). One was a college semester course entitled "Soil Analysis and Community Planning Workshop" which was two hours weekly for 12 weeks.

Another was a two day seminar on "Land Use" at the University of New Hampshire at Durham. He has also attended about 18 afternoon & evening seminars or field sessions on Solid Waste Disposal, Incineration, Federal Flood Insurance Program, Stream & Water Quality Studies, etc. If one wants to experience a most interesting & stimulating session, and one that any citizen would find advantageous, is a day trip to view the Solid Waste Disposal Plant for the little Town of Nottingham, a town about the size of Holderness. The citizens there separate their trash, delivering at the disposal plant their waste paper, which is bailed, glass is brought in separate containers and is then crushed and barrelled. Tin and other metals are crushed & boxed, while the garbage is brought in plastic bags which attendants place in a very efficient incinerator. The paper, glass & metal are sold, lessening the waste disposal cost to the town by about 50%. Plymouth is planning to undertake such a project in the near future. Holderness is supposed to find other means than it's present dump to care for it's solid waste after July 1st, 1975. A continuance of the trip to Nottingham to visit the solid waste disposal plant at the University of New Hampshire, and the incinerator at Durham would also be enlightening.

It is not only new legislation and regulations that need to be "learned", but sometimes there are beneficial old laws on the books of which one may be unaware. Such was the case in Holderness with Class VI roads. Class VI roads are roads that have not been used by the public, or maintained by the Town for five or more years. A New Hampshire Town is not supposed to use any of its road appropriation moneys to repair or maintain such roads. State &/or Federal Road Aid cannot be used on such roads. Repairing or rebuilding such Class VI roads must be done at the expense of who ever is going to benefit from them. Knowledge of this law can save the tax payers considerable money in the future. Copies of this law are now in the Town Records and the tax payers are now being saved considerable money, or it will be put to better use. This information was discovered through the Planning Board Chairman's contact with the Lakes Region Planning Commission.

Last year, as a part of the Planning Board's Annual Report, planning Board finances were discussed. A brief summary of these figures for 1974 should be of interest. Planning Board finances are kept in two categories, #1, those expenses incurred for routine operating expenses, and #2, those expenses incurred through the implementation of subdivision regulations, which figures need to be balanced against income from the application for subdivision approval fees. These fees are turned over to the Town Treasurer, and often "lost" in the General Funds! The Implementation expenses for 1974 were $230.44. The Town received an income of $247.25, making a Profit to the Town of $16.81, which is 12 cents less than the "profit" last year.

In category #1, the Town appropriated $175 for Planning Board operating expenses. Actual money spent was $112.57, leaving an unexpended balance of $62.43. This latter unexpended balance occurred because of the number of subdivision administrative 25 reviews, the Board has not yet finaUzed the printed forms & data which lists the various steps and information needed to acquaint the developers with the several steps and procedures to be followed in complying with the subdivision regulations, and state requirements, and the recording of those procedures. These forms & lists are ap- proaching readiness for printing. This item was included in last year's budget.

Mr. Lawrence Flint, and the Planning Board Chairman, Dr. Lawrence Staples, represent Holderness in the Lakes Region Planning Commission, an organization composed of 22 Towns in the Lakes Region. The Commission has two meetings each month, one an executive Committee meeting (Mr. Flint is a member of the Executive' Committee) and one meeting of the full Board, the representatives from the 22 Towns. These latter meetings are held in one of the member towns, making traveling a con- siderable distance necessary on some occasions. Last December there was a meeting in Brookfield, a distance of 51 miles from Holderness, on a wet snowy night, when slipping & sliding over steep hilly country in 2nd gear used up plenty of gasoline, and readily kept one from going to sleep at the wheel.

Amongst the many regional activities of the Lakes Region Planning Commission the following should be of special interest to the Town of Holderness:

The final report of the Metcalf & Eddy Survey of Solid Waste Disposal situations confronting the 22 towns in the Lakes Region, was published in late January, 1974. Methods & costs for several plans were given and recommendations suggested. These included plans & costs for the individuals towns, should they choose to "go it alone", also survey figures if one or more towns joined together in a single project, with one of the towns as the receiving "host" Soil and other studies indicates that it would be difficult (or impossible) to find 25 or 30 acres of suitable land in Holderness for a sanitary land fill. Cost figures showed a probable savings of over 30% if Holderness joined with Ashland, using their operation already in progress.

During the past summer surveys were instituted in the Squam Lakes & watersheds, studying pollution areas, nitrogen, phosphorus and oxygen content at various levels and locations. These studies will continue during the coming year. Recently the L.R.P.C, together with the Clean Water Association, spearheaded a very impressive opposition to the attempt of the state Water Supply & Pollution Control Commission to lower their standards to permit the base of a septic tank - leaching field sewage system to be only 8 inches above high water table, instead of the former depth of 4 feet! Such a change could lead to the failure of the sewage system within a very few years, in many instances.

Of special interest to Holderness was the recent payment of $1,550 by the Lakes Region Planning Commission to enable the town, together with other gifts, to have Holderness's remaining 11,000+ acres of land, soil mapped. This project has just been completed & final maps and interpretive data has been delivered to the Holderness Planning Board and Conservation Commission respectively. This gift of $1,550 alone was considerable more than the fee for Holderness* membership in the L.R.P.C. This membership fee for 1975 will be $1,050, twenty dollars less than last year. The 1973 Planning Board report made reference to the formulation of a map of Holderness Flood Plain along the banks of the , and in the River St. & Holderness Road areas, that had been requested by, and sent to HUD in Washington for their use in the Federal Flood Insurance Program. In the spring of 1974 informative Flood Insurance data and a number of duplicate maps was received from HUD, the maps delineating the extent of the flood plain in Holderness. These maps are to be used 26 if Holderness should participate in the Flood Insurance Program. The Planning Board Chairman attended three of the four meetings held in several of the surrounding towns during the past several months where the Federal Flood Insurance -Program was discussed by Federal and State officials. A brief mention will now be made of several of the items that were stressed at these meetings for the enlightenment of the Holderness Taxpayer, for they will soon be called upon to consider and vote on this Flood Insurance Program.

The cost of "flood disaster" in the U.S. this past year was in excess of 6 billion dollars. This expense has been rising from year to year due to the fact that more and more building was occurring in flood plain areas. One purpose of the, Flood Insurance Program is to curtail some of this building, and/or type of building construction. Only buildings and structures within the flood plain are involved in the Federal Flood In- surance Program. Roads, bridges, pumping stations, etc. in or outside of the flood plain are not involved.

In the event that a town does not participate in this Flood Insurance Program no building or mortgage loans will be available to anyone in the Flood Plain area from any V.A., F.H.A. or other loan programs, or F.D.I. C. banks (which is just about all banking & loan institutions) nor will flood disaster funds be forthcoming in the event of future flood damage. Under this Federal Flood Insurance Program, those who wish may purchase flood insurance at very low rates for building & contents, at about 10%, with the government paying 90% (of the premium). Flood insurance, other than from the Federal Flood Insurance Program is obtainable only through Lloyds of London, at almost prohibitive rates.

This flood insurance is much like fire insurance, causing those living or owning property in the flood prone area to contribute something toward the benefits that they may later receive, if flooded. In exchange for these benefits there must be certain restrictions on structures and/or the type of structures built in the flood plain area. The town as a whole should be concerned because if someone in the flood plain area would like to purchase flood insurance through this program, but cannot because the town has not voted to participate in the program, and there is a flood, and damage is received, that person has ample grounds for legal action against the town. The "cut ofl" date" for participation is June 30, 1975.

This flood insurance program is not a local or state affair, it is strictly federal.

Controlling and guiding growth in any community is everyones business. The Holderness Planning Board needs the support of everyone. This period of inflation could mean the "unloading" of land, both larger & smaller parcels, and the purchase of these areas by a developer whose main thought is to make a "fast dollar". Alertness and protective measures are needed now more than ever before. Lawrence M. Staples, D.M.D.

Chairman, Holderness Planning Board

Planning Board members are: Jon Bourne Frances Ayer, Secretary-Treasurer Milton Huckins Lawrence M. Staples, D.M.D., Chairman Donald Haeerman John Putnam, Selectman Representative Francis O'Donnell Representatives to the Lakes Region Planning Commission are: Lawrence Flint Lawrence M. Staples, D.M.D.


Pursuant to the Article passed at the March 5th, 1974 Town Meeting, the sum of $40,000 was appropriated for the excavation and construction of basement offices beneath the old Town Hall, and the Selectmen were directed to appoint a five person building committee within 10 days following this Town Meeting. In Compliance with this article the following committee was appointed: Frederick Brown, Arnold Graton, Harold Hanaford, Olive Staples & Hollis Willoughby.

The Committee met weekly to discuss the various elements that would need con- sideration, such as the fireproof vault, size & location of offices for the Selectmen, Town Clerk & Tax Collector, & Police Dept., where to drill the well, the placement of the septic system, among other items. In collaboration with the architect, Paul Hedstrom, various sketches were considered. The finalized plan was presented to the Townspeople at Public Hearings on April 23rd & May 16th.

In compliance with State Law, the contract for the alterations that would construct these basement offices was put out for bid, and the bidders for the contract appeared at a meeting with the Selectmen and the Building Committee at the Selectmen's Office in the Holderness Central School on June 16th, 1974.

Of course all of this planning had to be done without really knowing what would be found, once real excavation for the foundation was commenced. We all prayed real hard that the Town Hall was sitting on a gravel drumlin, and not on a granite ledge! For- tunately lots of lovely gravel was excavated, and no real problem was encountered during this phase of the operation. However, there was considerable delay in removing the old vault, which apparently had been constructed to outlast posterity, or to serve as a bomb shelter. The jackhammer was heard by all for days while they were trying to loosen it's hold on the Town Hall.

Work proceeded thru the remaining summer months into fall, and Mr. Graton completed his part of the contract in early December. However there was considerable "finishing up" to be done before the offices could be moved into.

Paint brushes needed volunteers to move them, shelves needed to be constructed and such. It was real community teamwork on the part of the Selectmen: Charles Currier, Steve Harrison, John Putnam, & Town Clerk Trudy Eisner, joined by Bea & Bert Flint, Don Goodridge, Bob Keeney, Dick Miller, Norman Peoples & former Selectman

28 Malcolm Taylor Sr. With all working together, it was possible to have the of- fices sufficiently complete, so that on December 31st, Lyle Thompson and Cy Winton moved the Town Clerk, plus her boxes of books, records & all into the new Town Offices The Town is most grateful to former Town Clerk, Corrinne Cripps for the loan of files and other equipment, until such time as we can provide "our own", (soon we hope)

If you should "just happen" to have an extra file cabinet or bookcase tucked away in your attic or barn, do contact Trudy Eisner, she might just happen to be able to use it.

We also want to thank the Permanent Town Hall Committee, composed of Trapper Brown, Lyle Thompson & Paul Needham for making available a part of their funds to aid in the restoration.

The Committee feels that the sum appropriated has been wisely spent, and the most necessary phase of the proposed plan has been completed. This provides offices for the Selectmen, Town Clerk & Tax Collector, Police Chief, the Town Vault, vestibule & lavatories, and brings the project to near completion.

The Committee believe that the citizens of Holderness can be justly proud that at long last our Town Officials have appropriate and suitable accomodations.

Town Hall Building Committee

Olive Staples, Secretary Hollis Willoughby, Chairman Fiederick Brown Arnold Graton Harold Hanaford


There have been 46 Permits issued this past year for the proper handling of waste matter. There have been 337 seperate responses made either to complaints or for the inspection of properties relating to possible health hazards.

There have been 43 tests conducted relating to drinking water, and 47 tests of other type/samples in Cotton Cove, Livermore Beach, and several of the larger brooks within the community.

During this past Fall it was hoped that action would be taken regarding some of the tests that were done, however, the test results were too late in being returned.

For the past three years the Health Officer, the Selectmen, and the New Hampshire Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission have been working with the residents in the River Street area to develope a Sewerage District to meet their needs, and it now seems that thay are about ready to begin construction. RECOMMENDATIONS:

Continue to support the present Septic Tank Ordinance.

Attempt to work out a better method of water testing so that results will be known immediately.

29 This Report completes a three year appointment and may I sincerely thank the citizens of Holdemess, the Board of Selectmen, and the Squam Lakes Association for the support of this program. Charles Currier Health Officer


The Pemi-Baker Home Health Agency, Inc. is a non-profit organization, (Inc. 7/17/67), supported in part by an annual appropriation in the budget of each member town. The Board of Directors is made up of an appointed member from each town; ministerial representative; nurses and a physician. Its purpose is to provide part-time nursing service in the home, under the supervision of a licensed physician. A Medical Advisory Committee determines and approves medical policies for nursing care and interprets the Agency's services to the public.

There is a standard fee covering each visit. Patients are expected to pay this fee if they are able to. However, under certain conditions fees can be adjusted to reflect the financial ability of the patient, by the Agency Nurse.

The scope of care of the Agency ranges from new-borns to the elderly. The Agency is equipped to handle Medicare; Blue Cross/Blue Shield '65'; Medicaid and private patients.

The Nurses work on a salary basis and all fees are turned over to the Agency. They are on duty Monday-Friday from eight to four. There are two full-time RN's; one part-time RN; and two Homemaker/Home Health Aides.

The office is staffed by a part-time secretary/bookkeeper. She is available Monday- Friday to answer any calls. The telephone number is 536-2232. For your convenience, when there is no one in the office, the Agency has installed a Codaphone to receive any messages.

Anyone living in one of the eleven member towns may ask for a visit from the Nurse. However, treatment and continuing care can be provided for a patient only under doctor's orders.

Under the supervision of the Agency Nurse, a Homemaker/Home Health Aide service is now available through this Agency. This service is a community-wide program designed to place a trained, responsible worker in the home where illness, disability or other problems may threaten normal family living. Please feel free to ask about this additional service.

It has been the Agency's pleasure to serve your community. Respectfully submitted; ELEANOR S. WOLF Town Representative


The summer of 1974 was a banner year for the Holderness Town Beach. The season opened with a Clean-Up Day on June 23rd attended by many townspeople, young and old. The official opening was July 4th weekend, and a record 78 Beach tickets were sold at $6.(X)/family for a total of $468.00. Vivian Andrews was our very able and personable lifeguard, and in addition to her lifeguard duties, she conducted three weeks of swim classes for 64 Toddlers through Swimmers. Officer Bob Keeney obtained "Resuscitation Annie" for the classes to aid them in learning valuable lifesaving techniques.

Many additions and improvements were made to the Beach area: new covered trash barrels, signs for parking, regulations, and waterfront area, a new swing set and play equipment, and 700' of fencing. Stain was donated by Walter Hill of Ashland Lumber Co. for restaining of picnic tables. Dot Farmar mowed the field to provide an additional parking area for 1975, the Pemi-Baker Chapter of the Red Cross donated new float lines, Lyle Thompson added and leveled sand in the parking area and low swampy spots, and Trapper Brown Corp. matched funds raised by a bake sale to purchase the swing set. The fencing was erected in the fall by Pike Industries at a cost of $900.00. It is hoped that fencing of the entire Beach property can be completed in the near future, pending set- tlement of a boundary dispute with a neighboring property owner.

Very special warm thanks to Paul Needham for installing a new pump, and for all the time and effort he has volunteered every year to the Beach.

1974 was climaxed by the generous donation of a check for $496.25 from Frank Webster on behalf of the Squani Lakes Conservation Society. The Park Board has earmarked this money for future Beach improvements such as new float and lifeguard stand and additional play equipment. We are most grateful to the Squam Lakes Con- servation Society and hope that with these improvements our Beach will become an increasingly enjoyable summer gathering place for all the residents of Holderness.

Respectfully submitted. Gale Melanson Chairman Phyllis Brown Treasurer Nance Ruhm Secretary

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c G G >^ ^ (30 > 3 3 3 3 3 3 "3 3 1— 1— < z DEATHS

Date 1974 Name of Deceased Age Jan 1 Bessie Fox Pease 96 Jan 3 Everett Almond Brock 64 Feb 3 Nellie Ames 80 Feb 14 Herbert H. Ash 73 Apr 22 Winnie M. Perkins 72 Apr 27 Howard Raymond Greenleaf 77 Apr 29 Gladys May Gordon 65 May 29 Keith Philip Hunnewell 66 May 31 Edward James Latuch 78 June 3 Peter Victor Sylvestre 87 June 8 Elizabeth R. Beaulieu 80 July 4 Elsa Munster 89 Aug 9 Edward M. Westburgh 76 Aug 10 Vern Gile 19 Aug 11 Ada Pink Smith 94 Aug 23 Clifford E. Ireland 76

Sept 10 Colbi Gerard Vaillant 1 dav Oct 17 Clarence Thomas Winton 71 Nov 1 Paul D. Durand 20 Nov 13 Leola Lorraine Baker 40 Nov 29 Ruby Demers 59 Dec 13 William Gardner Downes, Jr. 69


















A-1 - Comparative Balance Sheets - As of December 31, 1973 and December 31, 1974 8 A-2 - Analysis of Change in Current Financial Condition 9 A-3 - Comparative Statement of Appropriations and Expenditures 10 - 11 A-4 - Comparative Statement of Estimated and Actual Revenues and Budget Summary 12 - 13

LONG TERM INDEBTEDNESS: A-5 - Comparative Balance Sheets - As of December 31, 1973 and December 31, 1974 14 A-6 - Statement of Debt Service Requirements 15


GENERAL FUND ; B-1 - Classified Statement of Receipts and Expenditures 16 - 20

TAX COLLECTOR ; 21 - 22 C-1 - Summary of Warrants C-2 - Summary of Tax Sales Account 23


D - Statement of Town Clerk's Account 24


E - Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, Encumbrances and Fund Balance 25


F- - Statement of Account 26 TOWN OF HOLDERNESS



EXHIBITS ; (Continued)


G - Statement of Account 27


H - Statement of Account 28


I - Statement of Principal, Income and Investments 29


J - Town Officers' Surety Bonds 30 &lalf of ifrui Mampfilitrp Sppartmrnt af iSrurnuP Al^mtnifitration

aidttrord. 03301

Division of Municipal Accounting Frederick E. Larlantc iilominiBStaitrr OIRKCTOII

February 10, 1975


Board of Selectmen Holderness, New Hampshire 03245


Submitted herewith is the report of the annual examination and audit of the accounts of the Town of Holderness for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1974, which was made by this Division in accordance with the vote of the Town. Exhibits as hereafter listed are included as part of the report.

One of these audit reports must be given to the Town Clerk to be retained as part of the permanent records.


Included in the examination and audit were the accounts and records of the Board of Selectmen, Treasurer, Tax Collector, Town Clerk, Free Library, Fire Department, Conseirvation Commission and Trustees of Trust Funds.


General Fund:

Comparative Balance Sheets - December 31, 1973 and December 31. 1974 ; (Exhibit A-1)

Comparative Balance Sheets which disclose the financial condition of the General Fund, as of December 31, 1973 and December 31, 1974, are presented in Exhibit A-1. As indicated therein, the Current Surplus increased by $16,506, from $28,650 to $45,156 during 1974.

- 1 - Town of Holderneas February 10, 1975

Analysis of Change in Current Financial Condition ; (Exhibit A- 2)

An analysis of the change in current financial condition of the Town during the year is made in Exhibit A-2, with the factors which caused the change indicated therein. These were as follows:

Increase in Current Surplus ;

Net Budget Surplus (Exhibit A-4) $30,506

Decrease In Current Surplus ;

Surplus Used to Reduce Tax Rate 14 , 000

Net Increase in Current Surplus $16,506

Ccparative Statements of Appropriations and Expenditures - Estimated

and Actual Revenues ; (Exhibits A-3 and A-4)

Comparative statements of General Fund appropriations and expenditures, estimated and actual revenues for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1974 are presented in Exhibits A-3 and A-4. As indicated by the Budget Summary (Exhibit A-4), a revenue surplus of $28,725, plus a net unexpended balance of appropriations of $1,781, resulted in a net budget surplus of $30,506.

Long-Term Indebtedness :

Comparative Balance Sheets - December 31, 1973 and December 31, 1974 ; (Exhibit A-5)

Comparative Balance Sheets showing the outstanding long-term indebtedness of the Town as of December 31, 1973 and December 31, 1974 are presented in Exhibit A-5. As stated therein, the long-term debt increased from $54,500 to $76,700 in 1974. Matured long-term notes of $8,800 were paid and long-term notes of $31,000, authorized by the 1974 Town Meeting, were issued during the year, A statement showing annual debt service requirements (principal and interest) is contained in Exhibit A- 6.


General Fund ;

Classified Sta t ement of Receipts and Expenditures; (Exhibit B-1)

A sxunmary statement of receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1974, made up in accordance with the uniform classification of accounts, is included in Exhibit B-1

- 2 - Town of Holderness February 10, 1975


Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, Encumbrances and Fund Balance ;

( Exhibit E )

The fiscal activity in the Revenue Sharing Fund account during the year is disclosed in Exhibit E, As shown therein, available funds at January 1, 1974 totaled $3,500. During the year, entitlement payments in the amount of $21,540 were either paid or allocated to the Town and interest of $706 was realized in investment of idle funds. In accordance with the vote of the Town, $16,000 was expended toward the acquisition of highway equipment. The unappropriated balance of the fund at December 31, 1974 was $9,746.


The accounts and records of all Town officials charged wi i the custody, receipts and disbursements of public funds were examined c d audited in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, ; .id accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as were considered necessary in the circumstances.

Verification of uncollected and unredeemed taxes was made by mailing notices to delinquent taxpayers as indicated by the Tax Collector's records. The amount of uncollected and unredeemed taxes as stated in this report are therefore subject to any changes which may be necessitated by the return of verification notices.


In the audit reports submitted to your Board for the past several years, we have commented on and offered recommendations concerning proper bookkeeping procedures to be followed by Town officials. During the course of our examinations, we regularly test whether such prescribed procedures are being carried out. The various bookkeeping procedures recommended by this Division constitute a system of internal control for the safeguarding of the Town's resources. Reliance for adequate internal control should not be made wholly upon our function of examination and audit. The duties and responsibilities of governing officials constitute a most important part of this system of internal control. Those officials in positions of governing authority must therefore establish and maintain sound business policies and practices and assume the responsibility for their proper execution.

During the course of the current examination, the following significant matters came to our attention:

1, The Town has executed a surety agreement with a developer, whereby the developer is to deposit one- thousand dollars ($1,000) from the proceeds of the sale of each subdivision lot into a savings account established for this purpose by the Town's Counsel. The agreement further specifies that the developer shall submit his expenses for the construction of work within the development, to the Town Counsel for reim- bursement from said escrow account.

- 3 - Town of Holderness February 10, 1975

In our opinion, the Town Treasurer, rather than the Town Counsel should have custody of the escrow account to comply with the provisions of R.S.A, Chapter 41, Section 29, which is quoted in part herewith:

Duties: "The town treasurer shall have custody of all moneys belonging to the Town and shall pay out the same only upon orders of the selectmen,"

2. In our audit report covering the fiscal year ended December 31, 1971, we were critical of the way the Selectmen's casii payment journal was being maintained. Our review of this record in 1974, disclosed that total classified expendit; res therein did not agree with the Treasurer's total 1974 expenditures, by the sum of $15,393.58. Obviously, reports prepared for the Selectmen during the year, comparing appro- priations and expenditures were inaccurate. In addition, in order to locate and correct the discrepancy noted, it v/ is necessary for the auditors to expend a considerable amount of time. This resulted in an increased expense to the Town in connection with this examination. We again recommend that the Cash Payment Journal, maintained by the Selectmen's bookkeeper be reconciled to the Treasurer's records on a monthly basis; and, that any discrepancies between these records be traced and corrected promptly.

3. In examining vouchers paid during the year, we noted several instances wherein expenditures were made without proper substantiation. The Selectmen should adopt a policy of not authorizing disbursements whenever accurate and complete documentation of expenditures is lacking. Proper documentation should take the form of receiving slips, vendors invoices, etc. We also strongly recommend that to assure proper safeguards, no town documents or records be removed from the Selectmen's office at any time.

4. Our review of the Tax Collector's records revealed that the 1974 property tax warrant was understated ty $4,116.49, as Indicated herewith:

Actual Amount of Property Tax List $454,325.46 Stated Amount of Tax Warrant 450.208.97

Understatement of Tax Warrant $ 4,116.49

Additionally, supplemental warrants for added property and resident taxes, levied during the year, were not given to the Tax Collector. This constitutes a violation of the applicable statute.

- 4 - Town of Holderness February 10, 1975

It is essential for the purposes of internal control that warrants be given to the Tax Collector for the collection of all taxes levied by the Selectmen. It is equally essential that the accuracy of all tax warrants be ascertained before the commitment thereof to the Tax Collector.

5. It has been the policy of the Town to allow the Fire Department to expend its annual appropriations from a separate checking account under the custody of the department's treasurer. We are of the opinion that this policy is in violation of the provisions of R.S.A., Chapter 41, Section 29. We mentioned this statute earlier in this report. Consequently, we recommend that all Fire Department monies belonging to the Town be returned to the custody of the Town Treasurer in accordance with the aforesaid statute.

6. As indicated in the General Fund Comparative Balance Sheets (Exhibit A-1), the sum of $15,101 is due to the Holderness School District at December 31, 1974, on account of the 1972-73 school tax. In this regard, it should be noted that the annual school district tax is a mandatory assessment against the Town for which property taxes must be raised statutorily. All such taxes must be remitted in full to the School District before the end of its fiscal year. Excess revenues received by the School District in a given fiscal year are returned to the Town in the form of lower school tax assessments in subsequent fiscal years. Neither the School Board nor the Board of Selectmen have the statutory authority to amend the amount of the school tax after the approval thereof by the appropriate State agency - formerly the State Tax Commission, now the Department of Revenue Administration.

7. Article 6 of the 1973 Town Meeting raised and established a Capital Reserve Fund in the amount of $25,000 for the purpose of constructing, equipping and furnishing a new Town Office Building. In 1974, the Town voted to expend $9,000 from the Capital Reserve Fund towards the cost of renovating the old Town Hall; thus leaving a balance o^ $16,000 (excluding interest) in the fund. During the course of our examination, it was noted that the Treasurer still retained custody of this fund as part of the Revenue Sharing Funds. In accordance with the provisions of R.S.A. Chapter 35, Section 10, the Treasurer, upon our recommendation, has transferred the unexpended portion of this appropriation ($16,000) and interest accrued therein ($1,367) to the Town Trustees of Trust Funds on January 27, 1975.

- 5 - Town of Holderness February 10, 1975

Conclusion ;

The provisions of Chapter 71-a, Section 21, require that the auditors' sunnnary of findings and recommendations (letter of transmittal) shall be published in the next annual report of the Town. Publication of the Exhibits contained in this audit report is optional at the discretion of the Board of Selectmen. This letter, however, must be published in its entirety.

We extend our thanks to the officials of the Town of Holderness for their assistance during the course of the audit.

/^-^ Yours very truly. ^^ .^ -Z- -^


FEL:fhp Spfiartmrnt of iSrurnuF Abminifitratian danrorb. 03301

Division of Municipal. Accounting Frederick E. Lapuant^i (Hommiaaionfr DIMCTON

February 10, 1975


Certificate of Audit

This is to certify that we have examined and audited the accounts and records of the Town of Holderness for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1974.

Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as were considered necessary in the circumstances.

In our opinion, the accompanying balance sheet and statements of sources of revenues and expenditures present fairly the financial position of the Town of Holderness at December 31, 1974, and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applicable to governmental entities, applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding fiscal year.

Respectfully submitted,-ttfic Q /; -r V- />. L^li;i...u(p-^o Frederick E. Laplante Director DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ADMINISTRATION



LIABILITIES AND CURRENT SURPLUS December 31. 1973 December 31.1974

Unexpended Balances of Special

Appropriations :

Town Hall Construction $ 2,540 915 Town Construction - Highway 6.868 832 $ 9,408 $ 1,747

Due To Trustees of Trust Fund a/c Capital Reserve Fund 25,000 17,367

Property Tax Overpayments Payable 94 145

Unexpended Revenue Sharing Funds 3,500 9,746

Yield Tax Security Deposits 305

Deferred Yield Tax Revenue 397

Due To State of New Hampshire ;

2% Bond & Debt Retirement Taxes 217 933

Fire Department Fund 1,309

School District Tax Payable ;

1972 - 73 Assessment $ 15,101 $ 15,101 1973 - 74 Assessment 137,684 1974 - 75 Assessment 184.270

152,785 199,371

Total Liabilities $192,313 $230,011

Current Surplus 28,650 45,156


- 8 - EXHIBIT A-1 TOWN OF HOLDERNESS General Fund Comparative Balance Sheets As of December 31, 1973 and December 31, 1974

ASSETS December 31, 1973 December 31, 1974


In Hands of Treasurer $138,248 $132,057 Fire Department 1,309 426

$139,557 $132,483

Accounts Due To Town:

From Federal Agency ; Disaster Relief Act Funds $ 18,157 $ 23 063 Revenue Sharing 8.308

From State of New Hampshire : Business Profits Tax 1,715 Road Toll Refunds 81

Other: Dartmouth College - In Lieu of Taxes 2,114

19,872 34,068

Unredeemed Taxes ;

Levy of 1973 $ 3,686 Levy of 1972 760 632 Levy of 1971 275

1,035 4,318

Uncollected Taxes ;

Levy of 1974 $102,679 Levy of 1973 59,841 1,403 Levies of Prior Years 658 216

60,499 104,298

TOTAL ASSETS $220,963 $275,167

- 8 - 2

EXrilBIT A- TOWN OF HOLDERNESS General Fund Analysis of Change in Current Financial Condition Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1974

Current Surplus - December 31, 1974 $45,156

Current Surplus - December 31, 1973 28.650

Increase in Current Surplus $16,506

Analysis of Change

Increase in Current Surplus ;

Net Budget Surplus (Exhibit A-4) $30,506

Decrease in Current Surplus ;

Surplus Used to Reduce Tax Rate 14,000

Net Increase in Current Surplus $16,506

- 9 -

EXHIBIT A-3 TOWN 0> HOLDERNESS General Fund Comparative Statement o£ Appropriations and Expenditures Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1974

Appropriations Forwarded Appropriations From 1973 1974

General Government:

Town Officers' Salaries 6,000 Town Officers' Expenses 9,000 Election and Registration Expenses 900 Town Hall and Buildings Maintenance 2,540 700

Protection of Persons and Property ;

Police Department 23,500 Fire Department 16,000 Planning and Zoning 1,270 Insurance 2,200 Civil Defense 300 Conservation Commission 300

Health and Sanitation ;

Health Department 6,248 Vital Statistics 100 Town Dump 3,900

Highways and Bridges :

Town Road Aid 590 Town Maintenance 36,450 Street Lighting 1,460 General Expenses of Highway Department 7,000

Libraries 2,735

Public Welfare;

Old Age Assistance 2,200 Town Poor 2,500 Aid to Disabled 1

Patriotic Purposes 255

Recreation ;

Parks and Playgrounds 2,200

- 10 - A-3

j(Assets) 6t Receipts, Total Appropriations Reimbursements Amount Expenditures Balances Forwarded And Transfers Available 1974 Unexpended Overdrafts To 1975

6,000 $ 5,441 $ 559 $ 9,000 8,938 62 900 843 57 3,240 2,351 26 915

23,500 21,306 2,194 75 16,075 14,478 1,597 1,270 1,419 149 2,200 3,017 817 300 107 193 300 300

6,248 6,048 200 100 30 70 3,900 4,010 110

590 590

1,620 38,070 36,026 3,664 ( 1,620) 1,460 1,228 232 7,000 6,382 618

2,735 2,735

21 2,221 2,109 112 75 2,575 1,054 1,521 1 1

255 255

2,200 2,308 108

- 10 - EXHIBIT A-3 (Continued) TOWN OF^HOLDERNESS General Fund Coiiq>arative Statement of Appropriations and Expenditures Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1974

Appropriations Forwarded Appropr iat lonas From 1973 1974

Public Service Enterprises ;

Cemeteries $ 600

Unclassified ;

Damages and Legal Expenses 1,000 Employees' Retirement and Social Security 2,800 Humane Society 100

Debt Service ;

Interest on Debt ; Tax Anticipation Notes 900 Long-Term Notes 2,320

Principal of Debt ; Long-Term Notes 8,800

Capital Outlay ;

Town Construction - Highways 6,868 7,000

Land and Buildings ; Library Construction 1,900 Town Hall Construction

New Equipment ; Highway Department 16,000

Payments To Capital Reserve Funds 25.000

Totals a/c Town Appropriations $ 34,408 $167,229

Payments To Other Governmental Divisions ;

School District Tax 152,785 338,454 County Tax 37,058

Overlay (Abatements and Refunds) 8.126

$187,193 $550,867

- 11 - A-3 (2)

(Assets) £c Receipts, Total Appropriations Reimbursements Amount Expenditures ------Balances .-— . Forwarded And Transfers Available 1974 Unexpended Overdrafts To 1975

600 617 17

300 1,300 2,928 1,628 72 2,872 2,955 83 100 100

900 1,320 420 2,320 2,320

8,800 8,800

13,868 13,036 832

1,900 1,901 1 31,000 40,000 40,266 266 + 9,000

16,000 16,075 75 * 9,000 1,367 17.367 17,367

( 1,620) $34,530 $236,167 $211,293 $11,080 $3,700 $ 19,114

491,239 291,868 199,371 37,058 37,058

8.126 13,725 5,599

( 1,620) $34,530 $772,590 $553,944 $11,080 $9,299 $218,485

- 11 - EXHIBIT A-4 TOWN OP HOLDERNESS General Fund Comparative Statement of Estimated and Actual Revenues and Budget Sumnary Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1974

Revenues SOURCE Estimated Actual Excess


Current Year ; Property Taxes $443,161 $455,111 $11,950 $ Resident Taxes 6,000 7,280 1,280 National Bank Stock Taxes 15 39 24 Yield Taxes 300 3,672 3,372

Prior Years ; (Added Taxes) Property Taxes 335 335 Resident Taxes 360 360

Interest on Delinquent Taxes 2,200 2,307 107

Resident Tax Penalties 187 187

Surplus Used to Reduce Tax Rate 14,000 14,000

From State of New Hanqishire ;

Interest and Dividends Tax 23,871 23,871 Savings Bank Tax 1,975 1,976 1 Meals and Rooms Tax 6,747 6,748 1 Highway Subsidy 9,495 9,495 Business Profits Tax 7,203 7,202 1 Road Toll Refunds 640 (1) 640

From Federal Agjency ;

Revenue Sharing 16,000 16,000 Disaster Relief Act Funds (1973) 3,288 (2) 3,288

From Local Sources, Except Ttixes ;

Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 19,000 21,820 2,820 Dog Licenses 450 493 43 Business Licenses, Permits and Filing Fees 450 1,531 1,081 Income from Departments 978 978 Rent of Town Property & Equipment 112 112 Miscellaneous Income 33 33 Dartmouth College- In Lieu of Taxes 2.114 (3) 2.114

$550,867 $579,592 $28,726 $1

- 12 - EXHIBIT A-4 (Continued) TOWN OF HOLDERNESS General Fund Comparative Statement o£ Estimated and Actual Revenues and Budget Suinnary Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1974

Budget Sumnary

Actual Revenues $579,592

Estimated Revenues 550.867

Revenue Surplus $28,725

Unexpended Balances of Appropriations $ 11,080

Overdrafts of Appropriations 9,299

Net Unexpended Balance of Appropriations 1>781

Net Budget Surplus $30,506

(1) Included refund due from State of New Hampshire at December 31, 1974 j

(2) Due from the U.S. Government at December 31, 1974 <

(3) Accounts Receivable - December 31, 1974 \

- 13 - EXaiUTT A-S TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Long-Term Indebtedness Conparatlve Balance Sheets As of DeceBd>er 31, 1973 and Decenber 31, 197A

ASSETS Decenber 31. 1973 Decenber 31. 1974

Amount To Be Provided For Retirement of Long Tern Debt $54,500 $76,700


Long-Term Notes Outstanding ;

Fire Truck Notes - 1972 $28,000 $24,500 Grader Notes - 1973 26,500 21,200 Town Hall Notes - 1974 31.000

Total Liabilities $54,500 $76,700

- 14 -


EXHIBIT A- TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Long-Tenn Indebtedness Statement o£ Debt Service Requirements As o£ December 31, 1974

Fire Truck Note 4 1/2%

Amount of Original Issue $35,000 Date of Original Issue January 14, 1972 Principal Payable Date December 30 Interest Payable Date December 30 Payable at Pemlgewasset National Bank Plymouth, New Hampshire

Maturities Fiscal Year Ending ; Principal Interest

December 31, 1975 $ 3,500 $1,103 December 31, 1976 3,500 945 December 31, 1977 3,500 787 December 31, 1978 3,500 630 December 31, 1979 3,500 472 December 31, 1980 3,500 315 December 31, 1981 3,500 158

$24,500 $4,410

- 15 - A-6

Grader Note Town Hall Note 4% 5%

$26, 500 $31,000 March 21, 1973 October 1, 1974 March 21 October 1 March 21 October 1 Femlgewasset National Bank Femlgewasset National Bank

Plymouth, New Hampshire flymouth, Ne*r Hampshire

Tot.als Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest

$ 3,300 $ 848 $ 6,200 $1,550 $15,000 $3,501 5,300 636 6,200 1,240 15,000 2,821 5,300 424 6,200 930 15,000 2,141 5,300 212 6,200 620 15,000 1,462 6,200 310 9,700 782 3,500 315 3.500 158

$21,200 $2,120 $31,000 $4,650 $76,700 $11,180

- 15 - EXttlBIT B-1 TOWN OF HOLDERNESS General Fund Classified Statement of Receipts and Expenditures Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1974


Current Revenue:

?rom Local Taxes:

Current Year: Property Taxes $354,422 Resident Taxes 4 »780 National Bank Stock Taxes 39 Yield Taxes 778 $360,019

Prior Years: Property Taxes $ 56 ,692 Resident Taxes 1 ,230 Yield Taxes — 71 57,993

Interest on Delinquent Taxes 2,307

Penalties on Delinquent Resident Taxes 187

Tax Sales Redeemed 949 $421,455 From State of New Hampshire: Interest and Dividends Tax $ 23,871 Savings Bank Tax 1,976 Meals and Rooms Tax 6,748 Highway Subsidy 9,495 Business Profits Tax 8,917 Road Toll Refunds 559 Forest Fire Reimbursements 35 Old Age Assistance Reimbursements — 21 51,622 From Local Sources, Except Taxes: Motor Vehicle Permit Fees $ 22,022 Dog Licenses 493 Business Licenses, Permits & Filing Fee s 1,531 Income From Departments: Police Department $ 75 Planning and Zoning 248 Health Department — 655 978 Rent of Town Property & Equipment 112 Miscellaneous Income — 33 25.169

Total Current Revenue Receipts $498,246

- 16 - S

EXHIBIT fi^l (Continued) TOWN OF HOLDERNES General Fund Classified Statement of Receipts and Expenditures Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1974

RECEIPTS (Continued)

Receipts Other Than Current Revenue ;

Proceeds of Tax Anticipation Notes $ 68,000 Proceeds of Long-Term Notes 31,000 Yield Tax Security Deposits 305

Grants from U.S.A. : Revenue Sharing $ 12,732 Interest on Invested Revenue Sharing Funds 706 Disaster Relief Act Funds 1.620 15,058 Interest Earned on Capital Reserve Fund 1,367

Appropriation Credits ; (Refunds) Fire Department 40 Town Poor 75 Damages and Legal Expenses 300 Employees' Retirement and Social Security 72 487

Total Receipts Other Than Current Revenue 116,217

Total Receipts From All Sources $614,463

Balance - January 1, 1974 138,248

GRAND TOTAL $752,711

- 17 - EXHIBIT ll-I (Continued) TOWN OF HOLDERNESS General Fund Classified Statement of Receipts and Expenditures Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1974


General Government:

Town Officers' Salaries $ 5,441 Town Officers' Expenses 8,938 Election and Registration Expenses 843 Town Hall and Buildings Maintenance 2.351 $ 17,573

Protection of Persons and Property ;

Police Department $ 21,306 Fire Department 14,904 Planning and Zoning 1,419 Insurance 3,017 Civil Defense 107 Conservation Commission 300 41,053

Health and Sanitation :

Health Department $ 6,048 Vital Statistics 30 Town Dump 10,088

Highways and Bridges :

Town Road Aid $ 590 Town Maintenance 36,026 Street Lighting 1,228 General Expenses of Highway Department 44,226

Libraries 2,735

Public Welfare:

Old Age Assistance $ 2,109 Town Poor 1.054 3,163

Patriotic Purposes 255


Parks and Playgrounds 2,308

- 18 - EXHIBIT B-1 (Continued) TOm? OF HOLDERNESS General Fund Classified Statement of Receipts and Expenditures Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1974


Public Service Enterprises ;

Cemeteries $ 617


Damages and Legal Expenses $ 2,928 Taxes Bought by Town 4,232 Employees' Retirement and Social Security 2,955 Humane Society 100 Abatements and Refunds; Property Taxes $ 7,229 Motor Vehicle Permit Fees 202 Property Tax Overpayment Refund 346 7.777 17,992

Debt Service;

Interest on Debt ;

Tax Anticipation Notes $ 1,320 Long-Term Notes 2.320 3,640

Principal of Debt ;

Tax Anticipation Notes Paid $ 68,000 Payments on Long-Term Notes 8,800 76,f00.

Capital Outlay ;

Town Construction - Highways $ 13,036

Land and Buildings ; Library Construction 1,901 Town Hall Construction 40,266

- 19 - EXHIBIT B-1 (Continued) TOWN OF HOLDERNESS General Fund

Classified Statement of Receipts and ' Expenditures Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1974


Capital Outlay ; (Continued)

New Equipment ; Highway Department $ 16,075

$ 71,278

Payments to Other Governmental Divisions ;

County Tax $ 37,058

School District Tax ; 1973 - 74 Assessment $137,684 1974 - 75 Assessment 154.184



Total Expenditures For All Purposes $620,654

Balance - December 31, 1974 132.057

GRAND TOTAL $752,711

- 20 - liXH|IBIT C-1 TOWN Ofr HOLDERNESS Sunmary of Warrants Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1974

- DR. - 1974 1973 1972 1971 1969

:ollected Taxes- January 1, 1974

'roperty Taxes $ $57 ,616 $262 $ $ Lesldent Taxes 1 ,260 20 leld Taxes 965 174 158 44 les Conmltted To Collector:

•roperty Taxes 454,325 esident Taxes 6,140 leld Taxes 4,804 (ational Bank Stock Taxes 39 ed Taxes: roperty Taxes 786 335 esident Taxes 1,140 360 erest Collected on Delinqtlent Taxes 2 ,166 34 5

1 alties Collected on Delinquent esident Taxes 64 123 rpayments to be Refunded:

/c Property Taxes 51 rpayments Refunded

/c Property Taxes 346

$467,695 $62,825 $490 $163 $44

- 21 - EXHIBIT ^C-l (Continued) TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Summary of Warrants Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1974

Levies Of;

- CR. - 1974 1973 1972 1971

Remittances to Treasurer:

Property Taxes $354,422 $56,459 $233 Resident Taxes 4,780 1,230 Yield Taxes 778 27 National Bank Stock Taxes 39 Resident Tax Penalties 64 123 Interest 2,166 34

Abatements Allowed ;

Property Taxes 4,733 1,084 Resident Taxes 200 360 20 Yield Taxes 118

Uncollected Taxes -Dec ember 31, 1973 ;

Property Taxes 96,353 408 29 Resident Taxes 2,300 30 Yield Taxes 4.026 965 174 13

$467,695 $62,825 $490 $163

- 22 -

: EXHIBIT C-2 TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Sununary of Tax Sales Account Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1974

Levies Of ; - DR. - 1973 1972 1971

Unredeemed Taxes - January 1, 1974 $760 $275

Tax Sale of August 14. 1974 4,232

Interest and Costs After Sale 15 19 68

$4,247 $779 $343


Remittances to Treasurer:

Redemptions $ 546 $128 $275 Interest and Costs 15 19 68

Unredeemed Taxes - December 31. 1974 3.686 632

$4,247 $779 $343

- 23 - EXHIBIT D TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Statement of Town Clerk's Account Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1974

- DR. -

Motor Vehicle Permits Issued ;

1973 Permits $ 309

1974 Permits 21,042

1975 Permits 671


Dog Licenses Issued ;

182 @ $2 $ 364 18 (a $5 90 1 Kennel (a $12 12

$ 466

27 Penalties @ $1 27


Dump Permits 427

Filing Fees 23

Bicycle Licenses 18


- CR. -

Remittances To Treasurer ;

Motor Vehicle Permit Fees $22,022 Dog Licenses and Penalties 493 Dump Permits 427 Filing Fees 23 Bicycle Licenses 18


- 24 - EXSIBIT E TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Revenue Sharing Fund Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, Enctimbrances and Fund Balance Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1974

Available Funds - January 1. 1974 $ 3,500

Add Revenue ;

Entitlement Payments $21,540 Interest 706


Total Available Funds $25,746

Less Expenditures ;

Capital Expenditures ;

Highway Equipment 16 . 000

Unappropriated Fund Balance - December 31, 1974 $9,746

- 25 - EXHIBIT F TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Holderness Free Library Statement o£ Account Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1974

Balance - January 1, 1974 $ 251


Receipts During Year t

Town of Holderness 1,505


Expenditures During Year ;

Books and Periodicals $221 Fuel 269 Insurance 155 Repairs 240 Utilities 248 Supplies 133 Payroll Taxes 72 Cus todlan 200 Equipment 110 Miscellaneous 27


Balance - December 31, 1974 $ 81

- 26 - EXHIBIT G TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Fire Department Statement of Account Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1974

Balance - January 1, 1974 $ 1,309

Receipts During Year :

Town Appropriations $11,869 Sale of Equipment 531 Insurance Fund 87 Miscellaneous 29


Total Amount Available $13,825

Expenditures During Year ;

Fire Pay $ 2,639 Flood Payroll 1,103 Training 729 Alert System 1,504 New Equipment 1,971 Building & Equipment Maintenance 1,108 Gasoline and Oil 474 Utilities 1,976 Insurance 1,091 Postage and Supplies 47 Attendance and Dues 193 Officers' Salaries 200 Custodian's Salary 275 Miscellaneous Expenses 89

Total Expenditures 13.399

Balance - December 31, 1974 $ 426

- 27 - EXH^IT H TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Conservation Conmlsslon Fund Statement of Account Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1974

Balance - January 1, 1974 $2,105

Receipts During Year ;

Sale of Glass $272 Unexpended Balance of 1974 Appropriation (Article 12) 148 Interest on Investment 118



Expenditures During Year ;

Glass Recycling Expense 112

Balance - December 31, 1974 $2,531


EXHIBIT I TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Trust Funds Statement of Principal, Income and Investments Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1974

PRINCIPAL Depository- Balance Balance Plymouth Guarantee January 1, December Savings Bank 1974 1974

Eliott and Hannah Merrill 30256 $ 200 $ 200

Hugh Ramsey 30257 100 100

Elizabeth Brown 30258 100 100 1

Cox Cemetery 30259 500 500 [

Nora Ellsworth 30260 100 100

Charles Dinsmore 30261 200 200

Melissa Crawford 30262 100 100

Emma P. Cox 30263 50 50

Henry Huckins 30264 100 100

Daniel Batchelder 30265 100 100 '

Caroline L. Leverett 30266 200 200

Watson Lot Fund 30267 500 500

Etta Cox and J. W. Brown , 30268 300 300

Lilly Carr, St even & Julia Worthern 30269 200 200

Guy S.& Ruby W.Davison Fund 41852 1.500 1.500

$4,250 $4,250

- 29 - - INCOME lance Earned Expended Balance Balance of Mxy 1, During During December 31, Principal and Income 74 Year Year 1974 December 31, 1974

257 $ 25 $ 282

101 11 112

j 117 12 129

98 33 131


168 20 188


18 4 22

51 8 59

41 8 49

11 11

491 54 545

16 16

91 16 107

248 96 344

$324 $21 $1,984

- 29 - ElXHIBIT J TOWN OF HOLDERNESS Town Officers' Surety Bonds 1974

Number Amount Term Beginning

Tax Collector :

Bernice E. Shields New Hampshire Insurance Company 33-40-78 $65,000 March 5, 1974

Town Treasurer ;

Joseph A. Carvel 11 New Hampshire Insurance Company 33-40-78 $20,000 March 5, 1974

Town Clerk ;

Gertrude L. Eisner New Hampshire Insurance Company 33-40-78 $ 8,000 March 5, 1974

Trustees of Trust Funds;

Richard L. Gordon New Hampshire Insurance Company 33-41-11 $ 1,000 March 7, 1972

Eleanor S. Wolf New Haiq>shire Insurance Company 92-56-75 $ 1,000 March 6, 1973

Charles J. Ayer II American Fidelity Company 82-28-31 $ 1,000 March 5, 1974



School Board Barbara C. Currier, Chairwoman

Kevin J. Barlow Edward Wentzell

Moderator Laurence Roberts Clerk Sharon Matthews Treasurer Joseph A. Carvelli School Doctor Alastair Craig, M.D. School Nurse Mary Richards Assistant Superintendent of Schools Daniel A. Cabral Superintendent of Schools Kenneth Smith


March 9, 1974

The meeting of the Holderness School District was called to order at 7:30 by Mr. Laurence H. Roberts, moderator.

Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Barlow seconded Article I - 1 move that we accept the salaries of the School Board, Truant Officer, and fix the compensation of any other officers or agents of the district. The vote was in the affirmative.

Mr. Hayes moved and Mr. Wentzell seconded Article II - 1 move that we hear the reports of agents, auditors, committees, or officers chosen, and pass any vote relating thereto. Mr. Brown amended and Mrs. Biddle seconded that we accept the reports... The amendment passed, and the motion passed.

Mr. Webster moved and Mr. Taylor seconded

Article III - 1 move that the District appoint any agents, auditors and committees in relation to any subject embraced in this warrant. The vote was in the affirmative.

Mr. Barlow moved and Mr. Brown seconded

Article IV - 1 move that the District raise and appropriate the sum of $364,052 for the support of schools, for the salaries of school district officials and agents, and for the payment of statutory obligations of the District, and to authorize the application against said appropriation of such sums as are estimated to be received from State Foundation Aid, Sweepstakes, together with other income and School Building Aid, the School Board to certify to the Selectmen the balance between estimated revenue and the ap- propriation, which balance is to be raised by town taxes. The $250.00 difference between the motion and the School Board's request is the contingency fund to be taken up in Article VI. Mr. Beij amended and Mr. Putnam seconded the motion to read $353,097. This amendment accepts the Budget Committee's recommendation. The $11,305 increase in the teachers' salaries category by the School Board is to cover an increase for the teachers, plus an additional teachers^ide and a speech therapist for one day each week. There are 16 children who would benefit from such a program. Mrs. Flint asked how our children are doing in high school. Mr. Wentzell, a member of the Plymouth High School Faculty, said they are doing well, that the teachers try not to think of the students as coming from a particular town. The question was raised about the formulation of the budget. Mr. Eames begins the long process of putting together the figures; the budget goes through much screening and paring down; the final budget is made alter the money has been voted at the school meeting in order of priorities, the teachers* salaries having highest priority. This year their increase is 7-8% in salaries, with the remainder for Blue Cross/Blue Shield, allowing $400 per teacher. Mr. Brown stated that the School Board tries to get the best value from each dollar; we must pay teachers in line with what they could earn in other towns - we are lower than Plymouth, Laconia, Meredith, same as Campton, higher than Rumney. The School Board does turn back money to the town each year. The amend- ment, $353,097, was passed. Mrs. Staples amended the amendment, and Mr. Brown seconded, to read $358,652. The increase of $5,555 is to be for a speech therapist and classroom aide. The amendment passed. The problem of bus transportation on Rt. 113 and East Holderness Road was brought up. Mrs. Gehling moved that we add $5,000 to the budget for transporation for outlying districts Mrs. Stillings seconded. Mr. Hunt was asked for his opinion and said the problem could be taken care of by feeder lines. The motion did not pass. The motion as $358,652 was passed in the affirmative.

Mrs. Staples moved and Mr. Taylor seconded Article V - I move that the District vote to authorize the School Board to make ap- plication for, to receive and spend in the name of the District such advances, grants-in- aid, or other funds for educational purposes as may now or hereafter be forthcoming from Federal, State, local, or private agencies. The vote was in the affirmative.

Mr. Carvelli moved and Mr. Dana seconded Article VI - 1 move that the District establish a contingency fund to meet the costs of unanticipated expenses which may arise during the year in an amount not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250), all in accordance with RSA 1 98:4-b.

It is a law that this fund must be in the budget; it has never been used. The vote was in the affirmative.

Mrs. Ayer moved and Dr. Staples seconded

Article VII - 1 move that the District vote to approve the action of the School Board in accepting and expending funds from the Federal government to pay for flood damage caused to school property during the period of June 26 to July 6, 1973. The motion passed.

Mr. Wentzell moved and Mr. Carvelli seconded Article VIII - I move that the District vote to indemnify and save harmless any officer or employee for loss or damage arising out of any claim, demand, suit or judgement, by reason of negligence, or other act resulting in accidental injury to a person or accidental damage to or destruction of property while said officer or said employee is acting in his official capacity or employment pursuant to the provisions of New Hampshire RSA 31:105. 4 This has already been passed by the State Legislature. The vote was in the affirmative.

The School Board will appoint a clerk to act until the next election in March, 1975. Mr. Brown was thanked for his seven years of service on the School Board. Mrs. Gehling asked to have a committee formed to study the transportation problem; she is willing to be on it.

Mr. Carvelli moved and Mr. Brown seconded that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was voted on in the affirmative.

Respectfully submitted,

ANN NOYES School District Clerk Holderness THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE

to the Inhabitants of the School District in the Town of Holderness, in the County of Grafton, State of New Hampshire, qualified to vote upon District Affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at the Holderness Central School in said District on the 8th day of March, 1975, at 7:30 o'clock in the afternoon to act upon the following subjects:

1. To hear the reports of Agents, Auditors, Committees or officers chosen and pass any vote relating thereto.

2. To choose the necessary School District Officers for the ensuing year and to determine their rate of pay.

3. To choose Agents, Auditors and Committees in relation to any subject embraced in this warrant.

4. To see if the District will establish a contingency fund to meet the costs of unan- ticipated expenses which may arise during the year in an amount not to exceed Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00), all in accordance with Revised Statutes Annotated 198:4-b.

5. To see if the District will vote to authorize the School Board to make application for, to receive and spend in the name of the District such advances, grants-in-aid or other funds for educational purposes as may now or hereafter be forthcoming from Federal, State, local or private agencies.

6. To see what sum of money the District will raise and appropriate for the support of schools, for the salaries of school district officials and agents, and for the payment of statutory obligations of the District and to authorize the application against said ap- propriation of such sums as are estimated to be received from State Foundation Aid, School Building Aid, Sweepstakes together with other income the School Board to certify to the Selectmen the balance between Estimated Revenue and the appropriation, which balance is to be raised by taxes by the Town. 7. To transact such other business which may legally come before said meetmg.

Given under our hands at said Holderness this 15th day of February, 1975. BARBARA CURRIER KEVIN BARLOW EDWARD WENTZELL School Board A true copy of Warrant - Attest: BARBARA CURRIER KEVIN BARLOW EDWARD WENTZELL School Board


To the inhabitants of the School District of Holderness qualified to vote in district affairs:

You are hereby notified to meet at the Holderness Town Hall in said district on the 4th day of March, 1975, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon to act upon the following subjects:

1. To choose a Moderator for the coming year.

2. To choose a Clerk for the ensuing year.

3. To choose a Member of the School Board for the ensuing three years.

4. To choose a Treasurer for the ensuing year.

Give under our hands at said Holderness this 15th day of February, 1975.



1975-1976 BUDGET

endei ;et ittee 76 "O .^ gSR •s .?* tj i® -^ g Su!) & 9 ^ U e 9 a:

Purpose of Appropriation: 100. Administration 110. Salaries $ 1,120.00 $ 1,120.00 $ 1,120.00 135. Contracted Services 345.00 1,345.00 1,345.00 190. Other Expenses 615.00 615.00 615.00 200. Instruction 210. Salaries 126,402.00 134,621.00 134,621.00 215. Textbooks 1,906.00 2.021.00 2,021.00 220. Library & Audio- Visual Materials 2,465.00 1,228.00 1,228.00 230. Teaching Supplies 7,564.00 7,215.00 7,215.00 235. Contracted Services 720.00 640.00 640.00 290. Other Expenses 2,295.00 3,170.00 3,170.00 300. Attendance Services 400. Health Services 3,568.00 3,804.00 3.804.00 500. Pupil Transportation 1 9,200.00 25,657.00 25,657.00 600. Operation of Plant 610. Salaries 9,070.00 9,796.00 9,796.00 630. Supplies 2,550.00 2,860.00 2,860.00 635. Contracted Services 780.00 870.00 870.00 640. Heat 8,500.00 7,200.00 7,200.00 645. Utilities 3,350.00 4,260.00 4,260.00 700. Maintenance of Plant 4,100.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 800. fixed charges 850. Employee Retire. &F.I.C.A. 13,000.00 10,066.00 10,066.00 855. Insurance 3,689.00 4,361.00 4,361.00 890. Other Expenses Health Ins. 5,200.00 6,923.00 6,923.00

900."' School Lunch & Spec. Mill< Prog. 5,731.00 7,360.00 7,360.00 1000. Student-Body Activities 2,050.00 2,050.00 2,050.00 1200. Capital Outlay 1267. Equipment 1,892.00 802.00 802.00 1300. Debt Service 1370. Principal of Debt 15,875.00 11,875.00 11,875.00 1371. Interest on Debt 7.976.00 7.230.00 7.230.00 1477. Outgoing Transfers Accounts In State 1477.1 Tuition 95,294.00 102,750.00 102,750.00 1477.3 S. U. Expenses 11,665.00 10,861.00 10,861.00 1479. Expend, to other than Pub Schools 1,480.00 1700. Summer School Contingency Fund 250.00 250.00 250.00

TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $358,652.00 $373,200.00 $373,200.00

Federal & District Funds

4> ^ ^ \0 -^ g in a « 2^ U O S UT < tf REVENUES & CREDITS AVAILABLE TO REDUCE SCHOOL TAXES Unencumbered Balance $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 Revenue from State Sources: Sweepstakes 2,799.00 3,354.00 3,354.00 School Building Aid 7,563.00 3,562.00 3,562.00 Foster Children Aid 200.00

Revenue firom Federal Sources: NDEA-Title Ill-Science, Math & Lang. 200.00 Sch. Lunch & Spec. Milk Prog 2,250.00 3,600.00 3,600.00

Total School Revenues & Credits $ 13,012.00 $ 17,516.00 $ 17,516.00

DISTRICT ASSESSMENT $345,640.00 $355,684.00 $355,684.00

TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $358,652.00 $373,200.00 $373,200.00


As a Superintendent, I am inspired by knowing that the improvement of an educational system is a matter of a concerted, continued effort by many people. The people of Holderness have determined an educational standard of high quality and fortunately, they have seen fit to fund the system. Your continued pursuit of excellence will be highly important in determining not only the course of education in Holderness, but also the very direction and extent of student preparedness in the years ahead.

The strength of all education, and ultimately the strength of our entire system, springs chiefly from the basic educational background provided in our elementary schools. The proposed school budget for the 1975-1976 school year is a compromise between the needs of the school and the state of the economy. Although several services for students should be increased and some added, the economic climate has necessitated their ex- clusion. The Holderness school's educational progress is evidence of the impressive results that can be achieved through your support. We respectfully request your support of the budget.

Respectfully submitted,

KENNETH SMITH Superintendent of Schools


Chapter 189, Section 48 Revised Statutes Annotated of the State of New Hampshire, requires that the school district annual report show the total amount paid to the Superintendent of Schools as per the following quotation: "Reports. Each superin- tendent of a supervisory union shall annually prepare a report of the total salary paid to the superintendent, showing in detail the amount paid by the state and each local school district, and their share of same. Said report shall be filed with the school board of each school district involved and shall be included in the annual report of the respective school district as a separate entry. A like report and entry shall be made for each assistant superintendent, teacher consultant, and business administrators, if any is in service in the union."

One-half of the supervisory union expenses is prorated among the several school districts of the union on the basis of adjusted valuations. One-half is prorated on the basis of average daily membership in the school for the previous school year ending June 30th. The salary of $16,500 which was received by the Superintendent of Schools of Supervisory Union #48 during 1973-1974 was made up as follows: $2,500 paid by the State of New Hampshire and $14,000 was prorated among the school districts com- prising the Supervisory Union. Allowance for $800 travel within the Union was also prorated as stated above.

The salary of the Assistant Superintendent during 1973-1974 was made up as lonows: $2,400 paid by the State of New Hampshire and $11,600 was prorated as stated above. Allowance for $1,200 travel within the Union was also prorated as stated above. The table below shows the portion of salary and travel charged to each school district:

Asst. Asst. Adjusted Supt's. Supt's. Supt's. Supt's. District Percent Salary Travel Salary Travel Campton 14.83 $ 2,076.20 $ 118.64 $ 1,720.28 $ 177.96 Holderness 17.51 2,451.40 140.08 2,031.16 210.12 Plymouth 41.23 5,772.20 329.84 4,782.68 494.76 Rumney 9.97 1,395.80 79.76 1,156.52 119.64 Thornton 7.89 1,104.60 63.12 915.24 94.68 Waterville Valley 4.23 592.20 33.84 490.68 50.76 Wentworth 4.34 607.60 34.72 503.44 52.08 KENNETH SMITH Superintendent of Schools HOLDERNESS CENTRAL SCHOOL


To the School Board, Superintendent of Schools, Parents, and Citizens of Holderness, I respectfully submit my annual report.

We have several new Faculty members this year. Mrs. Charity Gorrell has replaced Mrs. Ellen Tapply as our First Grade teacher. Mrs. Gorrell recently received her M Ed. degree in early childhood education from UNH. She has prior experience in Sanbornton. Mrs. Peggy Hendel is now teaching Second Grade, having been hired after the "retirement" of Mrs. Judi Landry. Mrs. Hendel has earned her M Ed. degree from PSC and has previous teaching experience in Meredith. Mr. Tim Peters has replaced Mr. Bob McCadem as our Industrial Arts specialist. Mr. Peters has some teaching experience in New York and earned his B Ed. degree from Oswego College. Mr. Greg Steinsieck is teaching Art this year. His M Ed. was also earned at PSC. Mrs. Mary Gualdoni has replaced Dr. Walter Smith as our Music specialist. She has done graduate work in Illinois and Plymouth and holds a M Ed. degree. A new addition to our program this year is Speech Therapy, and we have been very fortunate in securing the services of one of the very few specialists available in our immediate area. Mrs. Barbara Goodnough has worked in clinics and public schools from New Hampshire to Alaska. Her wealth of experience has helped her to assist several youngsters with minor speech pattern dif- ficulties.

Returning staff members include Mrs. Patricia Heinz, Miss Linda Morse, Mrs. Sally Webb, Mrs. Sandell Morse, Mr. Larry DiCenzo, Mrs. Nancy Hogan, Miss Marilyn Barden, Mrs. Arline Bownes, Mrs. Mary Richards, Mr. Larry Lord, and Mrs. Mary Smith.

Our support personnel make a significant difference in the degree of efficiency with which our School operates. They include Mrs. Fran Currier, our very capable teacher aide, and Mrs. Deborah Underwood, our efficient classroom aide. Mrs. Pat Giroux is our very competent School secretary. Mr. Richard McCormack is our tireless head custodian and he is ably assisted by Mr. Arthur Comeau. Mrs. Rose Carvelli is our Hot Lunch Manager and she is assisted by Mrs. Marjorie Hayes and Mrs. Norma Pike. It is indeed worth noting that because of their efficiency and frugality we are still able, even in this difficult period of high inflation, to offer high quality nutritious meals at a very reasonable cost.

Several people in the Community are serving as volunteer aides, and we certainly want to express the appreciation of the entire school for their "lending a hand" where needed. These individuals are: Mrs. Diane Boynton in Kindergarten, Mrs. Nancy Ruhm in the Library, Mrs. Barbara Cirincione, Mrs. Pat Giroux, Mrs. Arline Woodbridge, and Mrs. Pat Farley in our Learning Disabilities Program, Mrs. Ki Clough in our Fourth Grade, and Mrs. Harriet Ireland in our Language Arts Program.

A very significant addition to our general program this year has been Speech Therapy. Several childern, who have a variety of minor difficulties associated with the correct pronounciation of letter sounds and syllables, are receiving regular therapy from Mrs. Goodnough. We are very fortunate to be able to offer this important service.

As part of our continued effort to provide children with sequential programming, which will provide for continuous progress, our Language Arts Curriculum Committee 10 recently completed its Language Arts Curriculum Guide. This booklet will serve as a guide for teachers as they plan and implement their programs. It clearly lists the skills that we expect most children to be able to demonstrate at the end of each of their years in School, in the areas of writing, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and usage, speaking and listening.

The Friends of Holderness Central School is our School - Community organization that has replaced the PTA. This group has been very active in the last year and has organized a number of events that have provided students, teachers, and parents with the opportunity to see and meet each other while enjoying a meal, a softball game, etc. The Organization has also sponsored Book Fairs which have provided a vehicle by which good literature is being circulated in the Community.

Holderness is very fortunate to have the highly competent and dedicated staff that it has teaching our leaders of tomorrow. Their tireless efforts have contributed significantly in developing a School that every resident can be justifiably proud of. However, we all recognize, too, that our Community has made it possible for us to develop what we have because of its willingness to provide the materials, equipment, and other basic resources needed. Without these "raw materials" our efforts would have been severely hampered. We thank all of you for the commitment you have made to education in Holderness and hope that in this period of economic difficulty for all we will still be able to maintain what we have labored so hard to develop. Our town, and indeed the Nation as a whole, cannot allow our potential producers and problem solvers of tomorrow to be inadequately educated. For if they are, we will pay at both ends: Our National production will go down while our National expenses will go up.

REPORT OF SCHOOL DISTRICT TREASURER for the Fiscal Year July 1, 1973 to June 30, 1974

Cash on Hand July 1, 1973 $ 5,572.12

Received from Selectmen $292,868.10 Revenue from State Sources 8,634.49 Revenue from Federal Sources 5,880.78 Received from Tuitions 674.00 Received from all Other Sources 655.72

TOTAL RECEIPTS $308,713.09

Total Amount Available for Fiscal Year 314,285.21 Less School Board Orders Paid 314,275.41

Balance on Hand June 30, 1974 $ 9.80 JOSEPH A CARVELLI District Treasurer Aug. 16, 1974


Date For Whom Description Amount

July 2 State of N.H. Hot Lunch, March 297.87 July 9 U.S. Treasury Title III 403.00 July- 12 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 33.25 July 12 State of N.H. Hot Lunch, April 187.80 July 12 State of N.H. Hot Lunch, May 276.89 July 16 Town of Holderness Appropriation 25,000.00 July 20 State of N.H. Hot Lunch, June 141.97 July 31 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 33.25 July 31 Outstanding Ck. #10974 1972-73 16.48 Aug. 13 Town of Holderness Appropriation 20,000.00 Aug. 22 Mrs. Edward Noyes Filing Fee, 2 Yrs. 9.00 Aug. 31 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 33.25 Oct. 1 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 33.25 Oct. 18 State of N.H. Building Aid 4,762.50 Nov. 5 Town of Holderness Appropriation 15,000.00 Nov. 5 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 33.25 Nov. 14 Treasury of U.S.A. Flood Disaster 1,752.00 Nov. 21 State of N.H. Hot Lunch, Sept. 194.85 Dec. 1 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 33.25 Dec. 1 Hemes Brothers Refund 112.5C Dec. 3 Town of Holderness Appropriation 25,000.00 Dec. 7 John Woodbridges Tuition 168.50 Dec. 12 State of N.H. Sweepstakes 3,871.99 Dec. 17 Town of Holderness Appropriation 70,000.00 Dec. 29 Charles Tanner Tuition 337.00 Dec. 31 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 33.25 Jan. 7-74 Town of Holderness Appropriation 12,000.00 Jan. 11 State of N.H. Hot Lunch, Oct. 366.00 Feb. 1 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 33.25 Feb. 8 State of N.H. Hot Lunch, Nov. 532.84 Feb. 11 State of N.H. Hot Lunch, Dec. 271.25 Feb. 18 Town of Holderness Appropriation 15,000.00 Feb. 28 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 33.25 Mar. 25 Town of Holderness Appropriation 20,000.00 Mar. 26 State of N.H. Hot Lunch, Jan. 338.95 Apr. 1 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 33.25 Apr. 28 State of N.H. Hot Lunch, Feb. 295.99 Apr. 29 Town of Holderness Appropriation 40,000.00 May 1 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 33.25 May 8 Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 10.30 May 20 Town of Holderness Appropriation 12,000.00 Apr. 27 John Woodbridges Tuition 168.50 May 10 State of N.H. National Forest 108.78 May 13 State of N.H. Hot Lunch, March 382.25 June 4 Town of Holderness Appropriation 5,000.0C June 10 Town of Holderness Appropriation 33,868.10 May 8 Blue Cross Refund 58.35 June 28 State of N.H. Hot Lunch, April 330.34 June 28 Holderness Cen. School Misc. Refunds 39.7c June 2r Leonard Hunt Blue Cross 43.5.'

12 Total Receipts During Year $308,713.0 DETAILED INVENTORY




Tax Rate—$63.20/M


Veteran—$50 credit on tax [Exvet]



NR—Non Resident c c O 0; Descripton o .- "D E in NAME of Property Tola

in *z < <

Adams, Bessie R Trailer 300 Adams, W. Carleton NR 1.5A 200' Proctor shld ' & Cottage 8,060 Boat 336 8,3% Adams, Fletcher NR boat 500 Adams, Harold & Gloria R Mobile Home 2,000 Exvet 600 Adams, Leroy & Beulah R Mobile Home 1,715 Adams, Stanley C. & Gladys K. R House & Land 75A 4,250 Exvet Adriance, Vanderpool ^Vj & Barbara H. NR 5A, 480' Shld 10,944 Ahern, Henry D. NR 200' Baker Shld & Cottage 5,610 Allen, Donald M NR boat 1,260 Allen, Martin A. & Mildred F. NR 424' J.B. Williams Prop. Land & Bldg 23,370 boats 1.596 24,966 Allen, Stanley R. & Marion S. R 183 Shld & Cottage 7,000 Allen, Gordon W. NR Boats 304 Althoff, Charles C. NR 100' Shld Little Sqaum & Cottage 5,500 Boat 323 5,823 Alvord, Buell, Est. NR 750' Shld, 3 Cottages 34,000 Alvord, George C. NR Boats 1,862 Alvord, George & James NR 150' Shld & Cottage- Little Squam 5,050 250' Pariseau Shld & Cottage 14,300 19,350 Alvord, James B. NR Boats 562 AMF Inc. Bowling Products Group NR Boats 2,021 Ammon, E. Jean NR .75A Hawkins Land & Bldg Route 113 4,750 Andersen, Olav T. & Ruth S. NR 200' Shld & Cottage- Big Squam 8,550 Boats 494 9,044 Andrejkovics, Steven J. NR Boat 150 Archfield, Augustus T. NR 184' Shld & Cottage Big Squam 6,200 Boat 420 6,620 Armstrong, John C. & & Constance A. R 5A Land & House 13,680 Boats 450 14,1J0 c c Descripton » _ • NAME of Property 2 • Tota

Assessm Assessm

Arnold, J. Herbert & Beverly J. NRl/3Int.ThurberLd7A 3,100 3/36 Int. Cottagers Cove 140 3,240 Ash, David B. & Nancy T. R Mobile Home Exvet 2,600 Avery, Frank K.

& Eva M. R lA Land «fe Bldg 1,400 Avery, Maurice & Madeline R 4A Land &Bldg-Rte 175 1,900 Avery, Mona A. R Land &Bldgs-Rte 175 1,100 Avery, Richard P. & Ivis M. R Land & Bldgs - Rte. 175 Exvet 1,350

Avery, Thomas J. R Land & Bldgs - Rte. 175 Exvet 1,400

Ayer, Charles J. & Frances C. R 15A Land & Bldgs. 6,300 Ayers, Robert F. & Elizabeth A. R lA Land & Mobile Home 2,760 Ayotte, Robert & Roberta NR 100' Shld & Cottage - Big Squam 3,780 Boat 100 3,880 Bailey, Kenneth E. & Doris

Bailey, Ray & Eleanor Pierce » Lowell E. NR2.5A Pine Knoll Assn. Kesumpe Heights 3,300 Baker, Benjamin A. R Boat 100 Baker, Edwin C. Jr. & Louise NR 100' Shld & Bldgs - Little Squam 4,750 Baker, Herman & Miller, Russell R 26A Land on U.S. 3 600 Baker, Kenneth M. & Shirley E. R 1.5A Land & Bldgs 4,500 Garage 560 Exvet 5,060 Baker, Loren E. & Linda M. R 8A Evans land & Bldgs 4,500 Baker, Raymond & est. M. Lillian R 26A McDonald Land & Bldgs 8,600 Brogren Prop. 4,000 12,600 Ballinger, Wynne S. NR Boats 2,369 Barker, Cmdr. N.C. R 3.5A Morgan Land, Lot 4 & Bldg Exvet 9,000 3 A

c «. ^ oi- « c c Descriptor! 0> E NAME of Property M Tota

Barlow, Kevin J. & Anne E. R Land & Bldgs Exvet (2) 12,770 Barnes, William S. & Mary W. NR 17A632'Shld&Bldg 18,960 Fairclough Lot 250 Boat 100 19,310 Barr, William A. NR Boat 840 Barry, Donald T. & Emmy L. NR 1.5A Young land & Bldg 1,870 Barry, Mrs. Ellen NR 17A600'Shld&Bldg 17,700 23A Gardner Prop. 2,300 House & Barn 5,500 Boats 1,068 26,658 Batchelder, Norma M. R Land & Bigs (2 Apts) Exvet 3,970 Batman, Co., Inc. NR 45A Land 3,600 Beal, George J. & Carole A. R White Oak Motel & Cottages 30,000 Bears, Charles R. R Mobile Home 1,952 Beehouwer, Owen & Lillemore NR Bios Land 1 225 Beij, Pierce H. & Kathryn S. R 200A Land & Bldgs 5,420 75A Brown Pasture 1,125 75A Eastman Pasture 1,125 44' Nicolay Shld 1,000 8,670 Bellandi, Thomas R 4.5A Taylor Land & Bldgs 9,600 Belland, Jean D. & Urilda B. NR 2.5A Land & Bldgs 3,600 Bendix, Harold NR Mobile Home 380 Bennett, Ellen F. NR House Great Island 6,600 Bennett, John T. Jr. NR Boats 3,374 Bennett, Miles N. NR Potato Island & Bldgs 3,000 Boats 300 3,300 Bennett, Richard A. & Patricia M. & Marsden, William H. NR Morgan Land & Bldgs 2,050 Bennett, W.S. 2nd NR Boats 440 Bensch, Michael B. NR 8A Howard Small Land 635 Benson, Charles NR Boat 308 Bergen, Elston 3rd & Nancy NR 1/3 Int. Thurber Land 7A 3,100 3/36 Int. Cottagers Cove 140 3,240 Berry, Bertha W. NR 2. 5A Berry Place 2.600 Porter Land 100 Capron land 300 3,000 c ^ o•t « c c Descripton _ 9 E NAME of Property 1 S Tota » Assessm ^1 <

Bettencourt, Albert H. & Elinor A. NR 176' Shld Mooney point House, garage 9,100 Boats 1,232 10,332 Big Perch, Little Perch & Mooselauki Pond Trust NR 275A Forrest Products Co. 11,000 lOOA Jacquith land 4,000 lOOA Atkinson land 4,000 33A Davison land 1,320 7A Bump land 280 20,600 Blackburn, William & Jeanne R Matthews land & Bldgs Lots 8 & 9 2,000 Blair, Richardson NR 14A Land & Bldgs, Shepard Hill 14,000 Boats 840 14,840 Blaisdell, Roger J. NR 50' Shld & Bldg, Little Squam 3,000 Blake, Mrs. Marguerite R Mobile Home 570 Blake, Warren A. & Lillian NR 95' Shld, Spohrer Prop. Kesumpe Point 6,566 Blanchard Mrs. Ella R Little Holland Cabins 200' Shld, Little Sqaum 21,000 Blanchard, forrest S. & Eleanor NR 300' Shld, Big Squam & Bldgs 8,840 Bios, Peter & Merta NR 45A Bean Place 8,090 18A Whitman Place 540 lA Bios land 225 8,855 Boardman, Earl G. NR 80A Huckins Hill land 15,200 Boat Service, Inc. R Boat House & Basin Little Squam 6,000 Bothwell, Theodore P. NR 83' King Shld & Bldg 8.400 Boat 247 8,647 Bourne, Philip W. & Jonathan NR 1.2A Shld & Bldg 7,586 Bowden, Burnham NR Boat 426 Bowden, P.P., Inc. NR 4A 700' Shld & Cottages 46A Boat House, Garage 38,644 Boats 400 39,044 Boyce, Mrs. Linden R Mobile Home 1,000 Boynton, Evan L. & Palmeri, Ogestine NR 14A Pinemere Property 9,050 Boats 300 9,350 Boynton, John & Diane R 1.5A Wescott Land & Bldgs 10,100 2/10 Int. Dock Shld 456 10,556 c o 1 Descripton « nent E al in of Property Tot NAME ® essi -2 » i/i •'> r- M lA Ml ^1 < <

Brandhurst, Richard NR Boat 600 Est. Brau, Charles F. NR 1.75A Deming Shld & 2 Bldgs 11,350 Boats 1,512 12,862 Brayshaw, Donald & Evelyn NR 134' Kelley Shld & Bldg Route 113 5,800 Bresnahan, Thomas & Elaine NR lA Lot m White Oak Pond & Cottage 10.000 Boats 150 10,150 Bridges, Turner A. NR Boat 826 Brock, Mrs. Ora L. R Mobile Home 2,000 Brogren, Donald & Nancy R. R Intervale land & Bldgs Exvet 6.030 Bronwell, Arthur B.

& Virginia W. NR 115'Cannon Shld «fe Bldg 8,100 Boat 170 8,270 Brooks, George W. & Lucille NR Mobile Homes (2) 500

Brown, Abbie L. F. Mobile Home 1,900 Brown, Earl F. & Marguerite C. R 2A Land & House Unf. 3,760 Small Office Bldg 2,000 5.760 Brown, Earl M. & Myra R Mobile Home 2.500 Brown, Frederick E. & Phyllis K. R 4A Land & Bldgs 5.600 Brown, Ernest E. & Ida P. R Bldgs, Perch Pond Rd. 800 Brown, Ida P. R 3A Land 380 Brown, J. Wilcox NR Boats 380 Brown, Miss Lucille M. NR lA 1000' Shld & Bldg 9,000

Brown, Natalie L. NR Shld «fe Cottage, Finistere Pt. 7,200 Boat 600 7,800 Brown, Roger S. & Edith C. NR 100' Shld Chocorua Pt. 2.280 Brown, Roy H. & Bernice D. NR Mobile Home 2,950 Buckley, Frances M NR 60' Shld & Bldg, Glen Cove 3.560 Burleigh Corp. 40A Fairclough Land 2.050 5A Tobey Farm, Land & Bldgs 8.255 10.305 Burleigh Farm Assn. 200A Land & Bldgs 50.000 Burnham, Betty R Mobile Home ' 800 Burtt, Floyd W. & Shirley B. R 1.5A Land & Bldgs 3.760 c Descriptor) « c NAME E 1 S of Property M S E » •- lA • lA lA < <

Bushnell, Nellie J. Calley, Richard & Goud, Frances R 3A Land and Bldgs 3,850 Butler, Alexander B. R Mobile Home Exvet 1,800 Butler, George T. & Victoria R. R 67A Land & Bldgs 64,350 Garage & Apt 4,560 323' Shld 5,426 74,336 Butler, Richard P. & Florence L. R 45A Land & bldg 2,810 Byron, Evelyn S. NR Land in E. Holderness 380 Came, Guy C. NR Boat 400 Cardosi, Nancy NR 210' Shld & Bldgs 15,680 Carey, Pamela NR 3.9A Morse Land & Bldg 7,600 Carson, Richard O. & Yvonne M. NR 28.5A & Bldg 3,850 Carson, Joseph & Elizabeth R 7.5 Melanson Land & Bldg 1,750 Carter, Nettie R Mobile Home 1,220 Carvelli, Joseph A. & Rose E. R 40A Shld & Bldgs 100' Shld 10,920 Chabot, Andre & Theresa R Lots#14, 15, 16&Bldgs 3,700 ISA Pierce Land & Bldg 6,455 Apt #1 House 11,400 Apt #2 House 14,000 Garage 400 3/10 Int. Dock Shld 684 36,639 Chabot, Peter A.

& Alice H. NR 1/2A 120' Shld «fe Bldg 6.430

Chadderton, Kenneth L ,

& Susan J. R 1/2A Land & Bldgs 2,470 Chaffee, Roy W.

& Ethel I. R lA Land & Bldgs 3,300 Chamberlain, Ernest L. & Helen M. R lA House Lot & Bldgs 5,020 Shop 510 Land & House-6 River 4,380 Land & House- 14 River 5,500 24A Shaw gravel pit 1,200 16,610 Chamberlain, William & Barbara NR 100' Shld, Bldg, Garage 17,000 Boats 895 17,895 Champion Papers, Inc. NR 200A Jones Woodland 4,000 ^ >- c ^ ^ o • c C Descrjpton • _ • NAME E 5 E of Property m u • m M < < Champney, Clifford R. & Lorraine E. R 5/8A Land, Mobile Home Garage 3,920 Champney, Roger B. & Paulene B. R lA Metevier Land & Bldgs 3,414 Chase, Anthony B. NR lOA Und 1,000 Chase, Mary E. R Land & Bldgs 7,700 Chayer, Mrs. Grant & Noyes, Ora R Mobile Home 1,500 Chenard, Peter NR lOA Und 280 100' Shld & Bldg 3,900 4,180 Chestnut Hill Mobile Homes Sales, Inc NR Smith Land & Bldgs 2,880 Trailer Park land. Road & utilities 17,120 Cheney Land 2,500 Office 2,500 25.000 Chevalier, Bruce & Erika NR Matthews Lot #2 & Bldg 1,500 Boat 300 1,800 Childs, Marion R Mobile Home 2,280 Choate, Thomas H. & Jane NR 55A Webster Land & Bldgs 44,700 Boats 1,140 Harris Prop. & Bldg 9,800 55,640 Cicco. Michael J. Jr. & Beverly NR 3.5A Shld & Bldg 13,500 Apartment House 6,200 19,700 Cirincione, Patrick W. & Barbara A. R lA Land & Bldgs Exvet 8,500 Cizynski, William & Phoebe NR 125' Shld & Bldgs 6,370 Clapper. William &Ruth R Land & Bldgs 3,200 Clark, Mrs. Rosalia R 150A Homestead 8,500 50A Land 1,500 Exvet 10,000 Clark, William S. NR Boat 230 Closson, David D. & Mildred C. R 4A Und & Bldgs 5,340 1/36 Int. Cottagers Cove 140 Boat 100 5,580 Closson, Terry H NR 2A Land & Bldg 9,000 7/36 Int. Cottagers Cove 980 Mines Prop. 1,740 11,720 c ^ Oi- o c Descripton « NAME E of Property Tota « Assessm < Coleman, Bruce & Elizabeth R Mobile Home Exvet 2,200 Collins, William G. & Sophie F. R 100' Shld & Bldgs 8,200 Mobile Home 3,000 Exvet 11,200 Comeau, Arthur G. R 1.2A Land & Bldg Exvet 1,380 Conklin, Nancy M. NR 500' Shld & Cottage 14,850 Boats 105 14,955 Connary, Merlin NR 200' Shld on Finestere Pt. 500 Conrad, Doris NR 50' Shld & Cottage 2,950 Conkling, John NR Boats 756 Connell, Richard R Mobile Home 2,600 Converse, John L. & Ruth B. NR 135A Land & Bldgs 5,375 Cook, Charles B. NR Boat 350 Coolidge, Harold J. NR Long Island (Part) Land & Bldgs 12,100 Boats 2,500 14,600 Coolidge, Robert T. NR Boats 380 Coolidge, Thomas R. NR Utopia Islands & Bldgs 7,100 Copenhaver, Dr. L.B. NR Boats 450 Corbett, Derwood W. R Land & Bldgs 3,720

Cote, Richard I. & Helen A. R Mobile Home 1,160 Covin, Theodore M. NR 2A McLoud Lot 1,000 Crain, James P. & Ann J. R 3.5A Lot #2, Morgan Farm 3,150 Craig, Dr. Alastair NR Boat 1% Crane, Dr. Henry & Emily NR Hadley Island & Bldg 4.000 Boats 1,270 5,270 Crawford, James NR 40A 516' Shld & Bldgs 16,560 Boats 680 17,240 Cripps, Corinne R Welch Land & Smith Piper Bldgs & Store 7,300 Cripps, Gary & June R 1 A Piper Land & Bldg (unfm) 3,080 Crone, Katherine G NR 7.5A 500' Shld & Bldg 15,%0 Crossett, William W. NR 100' Shld & Bldg, Lot m McLoud Land 7,220 Crowell, Michael E. & Margaret A. R Mobile Home Exvet 2,300

9 O Q) Descriptor! _ • 2 E NAME J of Property o "" !5I Of •^ 9 -I

Crowell, Dr. William L. & Barbara H. NR 400' Whitehall Shld & Bldg 75' Avery Land 14,220 Boats 980 15,200 Crowley, Mrs. Mary E. NR 180' Shld & Bldg 7,400 Cummings, Charles Jr. NR Giles Shld & Bldg 3,300 Curran, Est. Florence NR 300' Shld & Woodland Bldg 6.920 Currier, Bertram & Patricia R 50A Land & Bldgs 6,750 Colburn Lot & Bldg 2,750 9.500 Currier, Beryl D. lA Land. Rt. 113 380 Currier, Charles L. & Frances R Land & Bldg Exvet 3.950 Currier, Mrs. Dorothy A. R 3A Land & Bldgs 250 Currier, Leslie F. NR Smith land & Bldg 3,000 Currier, Preston B. & Mary R. R 6.5A Land & Bldgs Mobile Home Exvet 4,950 Currier, Elwin A. NR 30A Piper land & Bldgs 5,700 Currier, Richard L. & Barbara C. R 17.5A Land & Bldgs 4,400 Currier, Stephen W. & Elizabeth A. R 60A Land & Bldgs 4,000 Cushing, William G. & Jacqueline R 5.5A Siek Land & Bldgs 7,150 Custance, Robert & Ruth NR 150' Maynard Shld & Bldgs 7,720 Boats 1.520 9,240 Dalton, Paul NR 69.5A Land 19,460 Daly, Carl F. R 129' Shld Land & Bldgs 6,440 D'Ambrosio, Patrick B. & Agnes S. NR 3/4A Lot & Bldg 3,040 Dame, Sheburn B NR Shld & Cottage 4,400 Dana, Donald E. & Evangeline W. R Twitchell land & Bldgs 6,000 Danforth, Worthern M. &CeliaM. F 7A Land, Bldgs & Mobile Home 1.030 Daniels, Edwin E. & Priscilla D. NR 3.5A 246' Shld, 2 Bldgs on White Oak Pond 5,640 Dartmouth College Boats 1,254 Davenport, Richard NR 1/2A Tyler land & Bldgs 4.000 4A Northrup Land & Bldgs 10,300 7/36 Int. Cottages Cove 980 15,280 10 \

c c Descriptor! _ • E NAME tA of Property M Toto » Assessm -1 <

Davie, Mrs. Helen M. R 800' Shld & Bldgs 11,860 Davis, Guy E. R Land & Bldg 1,180 Davis, Larry & Patsy R 3.5A Land & Bldgs 1,710 Davis, Wendell J. R Land & Bldgs 630 Davison, Edith M NR Davison's Garage (Exxon Station) 5,500 Dearborn, Barbara NR 3A Livermore Land & Garage on Intervale 3,000 Mobile Home Office 2,000 5,000 Dearborn, Richard A. & Judith J. R 5. 5A Pulsifer Land & Bldgs Exvet 10.000 DeCrestfaro, Mildred NR 50' Shld & Bldg 3,340 Camp Deerwood, Inc. R lOOA 1650' Shld & 18 Bldgs 52,620 Homestead & Land 17.100 1 Craftshop Ext 1,120 Boats 2,500 73,340 DeFlaminis, Edith M. NF 1 A McCready Land & Bldg 1,595 DeManziarly, Yoland R 5A Land & Bldgs 3.600 DeMarco, Dominic & Dorothy NR 1/2 Int. D. Rogers Land & House 1,950 Demers, Maurice W. R 2A Land & Bldgs 3,000 Mobile Home 1,440 4,440 Demers, Robert G. & Judith A. R Land, Bldg, Garage 4,310 Dennison, Mary S. NR Boats 1,200 DeWitt, Dr. Reginald NR 420' Shld & Bldg 11,480 Boat 1,700 13,180 Dixon, Robert & Brenda R Mobile Home Exvet 2,800 Doggett, Edward NR 100' Shld & Bldg 6.280 Boats 721 7,001 Downes, Richard T. & Joan C. R 2A Kleinman Land & Bldgs 9,800 Downes, Dr. W.G. Jr. NR 100' Shld, Bldgs 7,680 Boats 250 Trailer 500 8,430 Downes, William III NR Boat 100 Downing, Mrs. Laura R Shepard Lots 13, 14 Cottage, Garage 2,400


I w C c c O O Descriptors _ • E O P

NAME of Property Tot essi 1 • 9 <*> r- M (A -1 < < Dragon, Robert & Mary L. NR 4. 3A Land, Mobile Home 4,229 Dubeau, Nellie R 2A Smith Land & Camp Exvet 880 Draper, Richard Mobile Home 1,500 Ducharme, George G. NR 3.5A Lot #11 Morgan Farm 1,960 Dunnell, William W. Jr. NR 6A Great Island (part) &Bldg 4,980 Gay Lot & Boathouse 1,130 Boat 150 6,260

Duda, Thomas A. 104-A Siek Land 3,780 & Judith R Boat 200 Dunphy, Edwin B. NR 35A Coxboro Rd. Dunton, Elaine D. R Land & Bldgs 3,220 60' Shld & Bldg 3,510 Durgin, Mary NR 60' Shld & Bldg 3,510 7,020

Dussault, Robert T. Motel, 6 Unit, 6 cabins & Gloria R lA Land, Garage 18,060 175' Shld 2,940 21,000 Lot #11 & House at Eagan, Earline F. R Heritage Hill 7,200 1.5A Drew Land & Camp 1,570 Eagle, Harry NR 2A Drew Land 760 2,330

Eames, Robert 5A Conrad Land & House 9,500 & Cynthia R Boat 380 9,880 Mobile Home & Land 2,755 Eastman, Barry G. R Land & Bldgs 1.280 Eastman, Lillian A. R Eastman, Robert D. 75' Shld & Cottage 4,700 & Janet NR 80A Land & Bldgs 4,500 Eisner, Gertrude L. R 175A US Plywood land 3,000 7,500

Fabian, Richard V. 4.7A 300' Shld, Lot 25 & Georgene W. R White Oak Pond 4,180 Boat 400 4,580 8.7A Land & Bldgs 10,200 Fairbanks, Pauline S. R 1/2A Lewens land & Bldgs 880 Fairclough, Herbert Jr. R 1.5A Shld & Cottage 5,000 Boat 250 6,130 50' Shld & Cottage 1,685 Fairclouch, Mae A. R Mobile Home & Lot 1,280 2,965 Farley, David C. & Patricia A. R 1.5A Land & Bldg 7,030

12 >- c O qi Descripton _ a» E NAME of Property S


Farley, James & Evelyn R Mobile Home 2,500 Farmar, Arthur G. NR Jones pasture 1,900 Downing Land & Bldgs 2,100 4,000 Farmar, Florence, Arthur G. Marjorie, & Leblanc, Dorothy R Farm & Homestead 4,500 Farnham, Mabel E. NR 22A Clark Prop. 1,000 Farnsworth, Albert H. & Betty P. NR Shld. & Bldg 4,500 May Land 600 Boat 250 5,350 Felten, Ambrose & Ann L. R lA Land, Mobile Home, Garage, Boat 1,730 Field, Logan S. & Flora R. NR 36. 5A Land & House 14,545 Field, Mark G. NR Boat 100 Field, W. Stanley & Carlotta M. NR 500' Shld & Bldg 15,600 Finenco, John NF 230' Shld & Bldg 6,610 Boat 300 6,910

Fisher, Rudolph J. NR Shld & Bldgs 18,500 Boat 250 18,750 Fitzpatrick, James & Marie L. R lOA Land & House 2,750 Motel, Office, Pool 16,500 Exvet 19,250 Fleming, Joseph NR 24A Levesque Prop. onRte. 175 2,875 Fleming, Robert F. NR 11. 2A Vina Henry Prop 2,510 Flenniken, Wayne & Judith A. NR 169' Shld & Bldg 5,300 Fletcher, John C. & Elizabeth D. NR 180' Shld & Bldg Little Squam 5,620 Flint, Laurence B. & Elizabeth M R 600' Shld & Bldgs Big Squam 26,680 Boats 195 26,875 Forbes, Arthur W. R 17A Land 510 Forbes, Dorothy H. R 51A Land & Bldgs 3,600 Ford, David D. & Patricia A. NR 30' Nielson Land 1,000 Ford, Hattie R lA Land & Bldg 780

13 c ^ ^ S • c c Descriptor! • _ • E NAME J of Property Tota 1 • Ml Assessm <

Ford. Robert W. «& Patricia D. R 50A Woodland 1,000 35A Land & Bldgs & Mobile Home 2,180 Exvet 3.180 Fowler. Wesley & Lynde, Norman NR Land & Bldgs Evena Cove 4,920 Fox. John M. & Dolores M. NR Lots #11.19 White Oak Pond 9.200 Boats 476 9,676 Fracher, Edmund & Yvonne R House & Apt 5,500 Francisco. Louis NR Land & Bowling Alley 15,000 Store 1,800 Boats 200 17,000 Franck, Douglas NR Boat 380 Frank, Augustus A. & Patricia S. R 2 A Webster Land, House Garage Exvet 22,595 Freedberg. Dr. Irwin M. NR Lawrence Land & House 8,400 French. Herbert NR Boat 380 Fretz, William F. NR Boat 100 Gabriel. Ralph H. & Christene NR Ogden Land & Bldg 5.170 Boats 250 5,420 Gabriel. Robert T. NR Boat 280 Gadd, Thomas B. NR 255' Shld & Bldg 7,250 Gaft'ney. Thomas NR 3A Merrill Land 114 Gagno. C. Roger R Mobile Home 1,800 Gagnon. Roland R Mobile Home, Shed 1,850 2.16ALots 1,400 3,250 Garland. Jon NR Boat 42 Gatz. Philip NR Boat 196 Gaumont, John C. & Theresa C. NR 120' Shld, Bldg 7.740 Boat 500 8,240 Gehling. Marion L R 250* Shld, Cottage 7,900 Moose Horn home 3,000 Mobile Home 2,380 13,200 George, Harry J. R Mobile Home 2,660 George, Pearl E. R Mobile Home 1,330 George. Russell & Hazel R Land & Camp 660 Giebutowski, Theodore A & Patricia A. R Drew Land 6,300 14 ^ c «_ ^ o « c c Oescripton 9 _ • E NAME of Property Tota O M Assessm ^1 <

Gilbert, Owen J. NR lA Land, 25' Shld 1,330 Gilford, Industries Inc. NR 5A Plant land 2,280 100' Squamese Land 1,000 36A May land 7,600 1100' Shld 38,000 48,880 Giroux, Girard Jr. & Patricia S. R 3A McLoud Ld & Bldgs 9,480 Glidden, Lawson W. NR 100' Shld, Bldg Little Squam 5,300 Glines, Darius R 9A Land & Bldgs 1,000 Goodhue, John Jr NR Willoughby Land 550 Goodrich, Eleanor B. NR 3A Land, House, Barn 4,515 Boathouse, Piper Cove 380 4/36 Int. Cottagers Cove 560 5,455 Goodridge, Donald B. & Marilyn A. R lA Gilbert Land, House Garage Exvet 6,520

Gordon, Richard L. R 37A Land, Home, garage 10,850 Evans Property 1,330 Antiques barn 2,000 Building 3,500 Bldg on Little Squam 4,000 200' Shld 3,800 Boats 450 25,930

Gordon, Melvin J. NR Boat 952 Goss, Russell P. & Mary L. R 387' Shld, 12 Cottages 17,700 Boat 100 Exvet 17,800 Gould, Lela B. NR 250' Shld, Bldg, Big Squam 6,750 Graton, Arnold M. & Elizabeth A. R Land & Buildings 2,200 Graton, Arnold M R Black Horse Motel 13,000 Land & Cabins 7,500 20,500 Graton, Milton S. NR 12A Evans land 900 Graton, Stanley & Janice R Austin Land, Mobile Home 1,600 Graziano, Anthony & Irene B. NR 485A Avery Land 14,125 Greason, Stephen B. & Elizabeth F. NR 118' Shld, Little Squam Juliette Land, garage. Shed, Cottages 14,400 Boat 250 14,650

15 c c o 1 Descripton « _ • E o E NAME • • of Property • - • "* r lA M -1 < < Great Northern Recreation

& Devel. Corp NR 5A Hunter Land, Bldgs ]12,900 Greenfield, Arthur NR Boat 150 Greenleaf, John L R 75A Land & Bldgs Exvet 615 Greenleaf, Roy C. NR Mobile Home 200 Est. Greenleaf, Walter R 200A New Discovery Rd. 4,880 25A Evans land 450 25A Pearl Pasture 712 6,042 Greenwood, Reginald & Gertrude R 45' Shld, Cottage, Big Squam 3,980 Land & House, River St. 1,380 5,360 Est. Gregg, David A. NR Perch Island 1,650 Boats 400 2,050

Gregg, Virginia NR 560' Shld & Bldg

Mooney Point ]18,770 Ogden Lot #6 3,300 Swain Prop. 1,850 23,920 Grossmans of NH NR Mill & Bldgs 3,500 Avery Land 1,000 Willoughby Ld & Bldg 2,760 Wiggin Lot 1,000 Brown Land & Bldgs 3,000 Land & Shed 2,500 13,760 Groth, Daniel NR Boat 280 Grumman, G. Sterling NR 140' Shld & Bldg 6,800 Longfellow land & Bldg 6,714 Boat 610 14,124 Guion, Richard P. & Jean M. R 8A Land & Bldgs Exvet 4,400 Gulf Oil Co. NR 2A McCutcheon Land & Bldgs 23,200 Haan, Peter & Elsie R lA Land & House Exvet 5,560 Hack, Bert H.

& Marion S. R 2.9A Land & Bldgs \12,475 Swimming Pool 1,500 13,975 Hagg, Melvin W. & Edna R lA Mobile Home, Shed, Shop Exvet 3,100 Haines, Edith M NR 169' Shld, Bldg Big Squam 5,250 Hodges, Elizabeth R 4A Piper Land & House 3,400 Hodges, Peter G. R 4.5A Land & Bldgs 4,950

16 c ^ i- c O 0) Descriptor) c 0) _ » E NAME

Hall, Kathrvn M. NR 178' Shld, Livermore Cove 4,058

Hall, Lester I. & Lucille M. R la Land & House 1,860 54A Henry Prop 1,080 30A P. Hall Land & Bldgs 2,830 Portable Saw Mill 150 5,920 Hall, Victor R Mobile Home 1,800 Ham, T. Hale & Fanny C. NR 30A Moon Isle & Bldg 7,700 Hammond, Everett NR 100' Shld & House 3,640 Hampson, Eric R Mobile Home 2,200 Hanaford, Harold C. & Florence M. R 1.5 Land & Bldgs 4,560 50' Shld & Bldg 2,545 Exvet 7,105 Hanna, Mrs. Paul R 300' Shld & Bldg Rte. 113, BigSquam 10,300 Hanson, Frederick R Mobile Home Exvet 1,200 Harlow, A. Patricia NR 77' 4/7 Int. King Shld & Cottage 2,290 Boat 50 2,340 Harris, Henry U. & Mary W. NR D.H. Wllloughby Farm 19,600 Harris, Mary W. NR 75A Willoughby Land 3,750 Harris, Russell H. & Patricia A. R 1.6A Land & Bldgs Heritage Hill 12,700 Harrison, Steven & Martha R Land, House, Cabins 8,800 Boat 100 8,900 Hartwell, Hubert C. Jr & Lillian G. R Mobile Home, Bldg, Garage 2,375 Hartwig, Romain R 180A Hubbard Land & Whitman Land, Home 5,930 Haseltine, Franklin & Knudsen, Josephine NR 1000' River Shore 9,500 Bldgs 7,000 Boat 200 16,700 Hawkins, Clifton & Dorice R 3A Land & Bldgs Exvet 4,370 Hawkins, Kenneth & Thelma NR 77' Shld, Bldg- Glen Cove 7,650 Boat 400 8,050

17 «- c O Q) c Descriptor) _ • 2 E NAME 9 at of Property o "" -I

Hawley, Frank J. Jr. & Alethea W. NR 240' Shld, Land, Bldgs 17,640 Hayes, David & Janice R 7A Land & Bldgs 3,525 1/3 Hubbies Island ifeBldg 803 Boat 150 4.478 Hayes, Marjorie S. R 8A Land & Bldgs 1,600 Heath, Mrs. Anna R Land, House, Garage 3,300 lOA Land, Coxboro Rd. 500 3,800 Heath, Harry L. R 14A Land & House Rte. 175 2,800 Heath, Laura M R Pearl Pasture, Camp 380 Heath, Lester A. R 40A Sanborn Land, Bldgs Exvet 4,910 Heath, Michael & Janet R Lot, Bldgs, River St. 3,080 Hendel, Peter J. & Margaret R lOA Land 2,240 Henderson, Mrs. Harold L. R Mobile Home Exvet 1,450 Henderson, James Jr. & Ruth W. NR 110' Shld, Cottage, Rte. 113 5,000 Henry, Vina R 3.2A Land, Bldgs, Coxboro Rd. 2,320 Hepworth, David NR Boat 140 Herbert, Maurice S. NR Boat 250 Est. Hession, Ann NR 8.1A Keith Land & Bldgs 4,400 Heyman, Mrs. Elsie NR Mobile Home, Land 3,920 Hiam, Peter & Helen NR 1100 Shld, 50A Chestnut Hill Assn 44,200 Hickman, Joseph & Emily J. R 125' Shld, Bldg,MooneyPt. 6,850 Boat 500 7,350 Hill, Katherine A. R 6ALand, Bldgs, Rte. 175 1,650 Hill, Lewis G. & Rowena E. NR 96' Shld, Camp, Kesumpe Pt. 4,560 Boat 600 5,160 Hill, A. Walter & Donna K. R 1.5A Land & Bldg Shepard Hill Exvet 9,520 Hill, Walter W, &Edna R Land, Bldgs, River St. 4,400 Boat 200 4,600 Hilliker, Eugene F. & Mary D. NR 1-1/3A Goodrich Ld, 4,370 4/36 Int. Cottagers Cove 560 Boat 50 4,980 18 1- c O o> c c Descriptor! _ • E NAME of «> -2 • Property Toto « in Assessm ^1 <

Holderness School R 662A Land & Bldgs 480,635 Jones Prop 14,250 Maintenance Shop 344,885 Hole, Mrs. Helen G. & Keiser, Melvin & Elizabeth NR 1/4A Laurel Island, Cottage 6,200 Holland, Ralph R. & Myrtle T. R 1/2A Land & Bldgs Exvet 3,880 Hollister, William H. NR Boats 250 Hopkins, Ruby Moss R 3.5A Land & Bldgs 10,900 lA Smith Land 600 11,500 Homes, Thore & Marit NR 1.5A Dyment Land, Bldg Cotton Cove 5,600 Hovey, William B. & Marilyn R. NR lA Land & Bldgs 4,320 Hovey, Charles F. NR 35A Land & Bldgs 13,300 Howe, Amelia R 50A Farm, Land, Bldgs 2,065 1/3 A Lot, Camp 350 1,015 Howe, Robert F. R 3A Howe Land, Rte. 174 300 Howe, Charles A. & Eva L. R 1.5A Land, House, Garage 3,710 Howe, Charles P. R 85' Shld & Bldgs 2,880 138A Land & Bldgs 5,640 8,530 Howe, David P. Jr. & Joyce L. R la Land & Bldgs Exvet 3,000 Howell, Jerome R Boat 100 Hubley, David & Dawn R Land & Bldgs Rte. 3 Exvet 3,000 Hubley, Earl P.

& Mary J. R Mobile Home 85C Huckins, Mrs. Florence R 130A Chase Land & Bldgs 7,000 Huckins, Leroy S. & Laura P. NR 5A Piper Land 300 Huckins, Maurice L. R 1/2A Shaw Land 150 Huckins, Milton W. R 26.5A West Wind 11,641 65A Webster Land 2,850 9A Intervale Land 180 40A Brushland Land 600

Homestead 3,000 ] 8,271 Huckins, Reginald & Dorothy R 220' Shld & Bldgs 8,750 Boat 560 9.310

19 1- c c O 0) Descriptor! c ^ T3 0) _ 4> £ NAME of Property 1/) Tota

» ssessm

lA -1 < < Hughes, Greg A. R Mobile Home 2,240 Hughes, James NR Boat 100 Hugny, Ruth NR Boat 616 Hunkins, Carl, W. R Mobile Home 2,100

Hunkins, Mildred I R Mobile Home 7A Land & Bldg 2,450 Est of Hunnewell, Keith R Land & Bldgs 3,350 Hunt, Leonard & Shirley R 29A Webster Land & Bldgs 19,550 12 Lots on White Oak Pond 5,020 Boat 380 Exvet 25,470 Hunter, Michael NR Boat 170 Hunter, William S. NR Land on Shepard Hill 490 Hutchins, Archie R Land & Bldgs, Mt. Prospect Rd. 1,170

Hyde, Harold E. & Mary R. NR 1.5A Mines Land & Bldgs Garage 7,000 Inkell, Theodore & Mable NR Mobile Home 2,600 Ireland, Clifford E. & Harriet A. R 142' Shld, Pinehaven Motel, 8 Cottages Exvet 18,700 Ireland, R. Blake & Anne Loeb NR 4 Lots & Bldgs on White Oak Pond 12,050 Boat 530 12,580 Irion, Robert D. NR 111' Shld & Cottages 16,530 Irvine, Daniel J. & Theresa NR 5A, 5 Cottages 4,000 Ives, Patricia NR 39A Schmuck Land, Bldgs 11,400 Jacques, Nelson A. & Sadie M. NR 110' Shld, Cottage Weaver Prop, Little Squam 9,300 less, Thomas NR Dean Lot 600 lirkovski, Charles W. R 3A Land, Trailer 1,360 Est, Johndroe, Elizabeth 20A Ora Huckins Ld & Bldgs 4,140 Johnson, Blake NR Boat 150 Johnson, Frederick C.

«fe Rhea S. R Land & Bldgs Exvet 3,800

20 '- c ^_ o « c c Descriptor! 0) _ fl» E NAME * a, of Property Tota

Assessm ^1 <

Johnson, Lee T, & Lillian C. NR Shepard Pk Lot, Cottage 4,950 Johnson, Wilfred R 1.2A Young Land & Bldg Mt. Prospect Exvet 6,960 Jones, Gordon H. & Leone A. NR 34A Craig Prop., Barn 7,300 Kaplan, Sara NR 500' Shld, Cottage 14,000 Karsten, Herbert H. & Mary C. R 5A Piper Land, Bldg, Barn 5,380 Kaupp, Dr. Harry NR Boat 1,365 Keating, Dennis & Moulton, Robt. NR 100' Shld, Cottage S. Currier Place 13,160 Keefer, Scott K. NR Boats 1,520 Keough, Walter R Mobile Home 700 Keith, Susan B. R 90A 2280' Shld Cromwell Pt. 51,984 Boathouse 1,000 7.5A Amesbury Ld & Bldgs 10,130 3A Berry Mill Land 1,000 lA Bacon Land, Cottage 6,750 8/36 Int. Cottagers Cove 1,120 71,984 Kelley, Mrs. Barbara NR 85' Shld, Cottage 3,915 Kelley, John J. & Anna G. NR 150' Shld, Bldgs Boathouse, Little Squam 6,000 Kellogg, Howard & Frances P. NR lOA Webster Land, Bldgs 23,170 Shed 250 Boat 100 23,520 Kemple, Camilla NR 75A Piper Land 1,500 1300' Main Shld & Bldg 11,780 13,280 Keniston, Davis B NR 275' Shld & Bldgs 8,770 Keniston, Priscilla NR Boats 796 Kennedy, Albert C. & Joan H. R la Blanchard House 2,090 Land & Bldgs 4,000 Exvet 6,090 Kenneson, Dean R Boat 76 Kenney, Frances L. NR Lot #13, Morgan Land 2,925 Kenney, James W. & Laura L. R Land & Bldgs 5,100 Kertes, Dorothy R. R 1.5A Birchwood Inn 9,500 Trailer 150 9,650 Kent, Gordon E. & Denise R. R Giroux Land, tJldgs 6,160

21 c ^ t c c Descripton • _ • E NAME m S E of Property m • ^ : m•• < <

Kimball, Brian & Christene R Mobile Home 2,600 Kimbell. Arthur W. R Land & Bldg 6,160 King, Harlan Jr. & Janet E. R 2A Land & Bldgs Mt. Prospect Rd. 7,000 King, James W. NR 50' Shld, Cottage Dove Cove 4,350 King, Mrs. Joan R 43A Land & Bldgs 6,000 Kip & Joe's Inc. NR Davison Land, Garage 11,500 Attardo Land & House 2,340 13,840 Kisselburgh, Roland E. & Jean D. NR 3/7 Int. King Shld & Bldg, Glen Cove 1,720 Knapp, Mrs. Ruth L R 3A House & Land 1,775 Knox, Dr. Kenneth & Marcella W. NR 300' Shld, Boathouse 7,800 17A Land & House 8,200 16,000 Kuhn, Louise C. Jr. & Nancy H NR 300' Cannon I^nd, Bldg 11,830 Boats 182 12,012 Kuhnhardt, Edith NR Boat 84 Ladd, Robert NR Blueberry Island White Oak Pond 1,000 Ladeau, Mrs. Liza A. R Mobile Home 600 Lambert. Elizabeth F NR 7A Und, Bldgs Perch Pond Rd. 2,10r Lambert, Frank NR 6A Lambert Land 3C Lamson, David F. NR 2A Land, Bldg Linle Squami 5,550 150' Shld Boat 770 6,320 Lanier, Mrs. Jean NR 3A Merritt Land, Boathouse, Bldg 27,613 Boat 950 28,563 LaPlant, Roger & Irene R Mobile Home & I^nd 2,200 Latv'is, John C. NR Boat 570 Laughy. Mrs. Gladys E. R Mobile Home. Land 1.470 Laware, Mrs. Lucy R Bldg, Merrill Prop. 600 Lawrence, O. Kent NR 70A Whitman Land 1,400 100' Pulsifer Shld 950 2,350 Leavitt, Guy & Irene NR 150' Small Land. Bldg Little Squam 5,600 LeBaron, Dr. Paul NR Boat 300

22 o 1 c c Descripton • _ • E NAME of M 2 • Property Toto ^ ac » Assessm ^1

Luhtala, Arthur N. R Mobile Home 1,800 Boat 200 2,000 Lunny, Joseph A. & Dorothy E. NR 2A Moryl Land, 2 Cottages 2,860 Luquer, Thatcher P. & EHzabeth R. NR 200' Webster Shld 7.13A& Cottages 11,090 Boats 435 11,525 Lyman, Frank Jr. NR Kilpatrick Land &Bldg 1,700 Boat 380 2,080 Lyman, Mrs. Jean NR 300' Shld, 2 Bldgs 17,840 Boats 600 18,440 McAulay, AHce G R 50' Davison-Ayer Shld 3 Bldgs, Garage 5,860 McCarthy, James & Genevieve R 1.5A 58' Shld, House garage 5,880 McClay, Theodore &Ruth R 1.75 Lot & Bldgs Exvet 2,620 McCormack, Euna R lALot-N. River St. 380 Ames Land & Bldgs 2,380 2,760 McCormack, John G. & Euna R Land & Bldgs-N. River St. Exvet 3,870 McCormack, Richard NR Land, Body Shop & House & Lot-S. River St. 4,828 McDonnell, Lloyd A. & Mitchel NR 4A Land & Bldg, Sava Prop. Rte. 175 7,200 McCuin, Clifford & Florence R 4a Land & House, Mt. Prospect 5,192

McCutcheon, Stanley D . & Dorothy J. R Land & Bldgs, N. River St. 3,520 McDowell, Ann NR 8. 7A Land 1,948

McCranie, Allen R lA Lot , Garage 560 McLaughlin, Florence R 1/2A Land & Bldgs 800 McLaughlin, Robert W & Elsie R 3A Land, Bldgs N. Ashland Rd. 5,040 McLoud, Merlond E. & Martha R 270' Shld, Lots 10, 11 4,536 Loti(^13 665 3 Bldgs 9,900 Lot 12 300 Boat 200 15,600 24 •- c «_ O c 0) Descriptor) c E NAME 1/) of Property Toto » Assessm

in < Mack, Alice G. R l/2ALand&Bldg 550 Maclean, John K. & Elizabeth G. R 50A Conrad Ld & Bldgs & Pool 24,000 5A, Barn Conrad Prop 1,120 25,520 Maher, Harold J. NR Ouellette Land & Bldg 4,400 Main, Alice A. NR 3075' Shld, White Oak Pd 6,000 91A 800' Piper Shld, Bldgs 15,200 21,200 Marden, Mark A. & Jacqueline NR 124' Shld, Bldg, Rte. 113 4,625 Marden, Robert W. NR Marden Land, Rte. 113 400 Margeson, Ronald E. & Rosella H. R Barn, garage. Pool 6,356 34A Campground 9,520 Bldg 9,940 25,816 Mark, Robert B. & Theonie D. NR lA Land, Camp, Rte. 175 500 Marr, Margeret L. NR 200' Shld, Bldg. Little Squam 6,550 Marriott, Emmet J. & Catherine NR 100' Shld, Bldg, Cotton Cove 5,300 Boat 100 5,400 Marsh, Irving R. NR lA Closson Land, Bldg Garage 4,300 Marshall, Mrs. Lena R Land & Bldg 1,600 Martel, Emile & Margaret R 7.5A Land, Bldgs 6,740 Martel, William R. NR 1/2A Land & Bldg, Rte. 175 1,170 Martz, William B. & Elsa N. NR 45A Land & Bldg, Rte. 175 5,500 M astro, Joseph & Judith R 217' Shld, 16 Cabins, Garage, Home 27,900 Boat 100 Exvet 28,000 Matheson, Kenneth NR Smith Land 1,200 Matthews, Harold & Janet R 18A & House, Cotton Cove 5,600 May, Richard T. & Mae F. NR 4A Land, 280' Shld 5.520 May, Dr. Rollo NR 45A Land, Bldgs, Coxboro Rd. 10.540 Est. Meade, Marjorie NR Shld & Bldg 9,700 Meakin, Dorothy D. NR 7.5A Goodrich Land & Bldgs, Coxboro Road 3,000 Boat 530 3.530 Medeiros, Manuel W. R 1.5A Hunter Home, Shepard Hill 4,500 25 or dent c c t Descripton _ * E NAME in of Property Tote \n

Residen Non-Resi Q) Assessm lA

Metcalf, Joanna J. NR 140' Shld, Bldg 4.352 Boat 800 5,152 Miclon, Delphia W. & Gertrude E. R lA. 50' Shld, Bldgs lOA Pariseau Land 10,280 Boat 200 10,480 Miller, Brandon & Henrietta NR 2A Land & Bldgs, Lots 15, 17 River St. 4,400 Miller, Gerald

& Lorraine R 1 A Land, Bldgs, N. River St. Exvet 3,360 Miller, Paul F. Jr. NR Boats 883 Miller, Mrs. Helen C. R Barr House Land, Gift Shop, Route 3 6,000 Miller, Richard R 1.75A Ld, Bldgs Rte. 3 3,700 Miller, Marguerite NR Mudgett Land 500 Miner, Edith P. R 325' Shld Marden Prop, Big Squam 400' on River Lots 4, 5, 2 Bldgs 31,700 Monahan, James L. R Boat 100 Monti, Mrs. Elizabeth NR 340' Shld, 2 Bldgs 11,712 Moran, Robert NR 3.4A Land 1,349

26 •- c O v Oescripton c _ 0> E NAME of Property S o •" -I Moren, Russell R. R 6A Taylor Land 1,140 2A Unf. Home 4,400 Exvet 5,540 Morris, C.C. NR USA Pinehurst Prop, Shld Farmhouse, 6 Bldgs 45,020 A Frame Bldg 4,000 Boats 250 49,270 Morrison, Carl NR Grace Hazen Shld. Bldg Garage 8,600 Morrison, Lois, Ruth & John NR lA 3 Sisters Island 3,300 Morrison Estate, Hayes, Janice E., Jenness,

Alfred R. «fe Est. Nyleen, Morrison NR Mainland Shld, Trailer Hubbies Island, Bldg 2,606 Morrison, Ralph B. & Robert H. NR Meadowbank Shld & Bldg 6,150 Morrissey, Barbara R Mobile Home, Barn, Land 2,150 Morse, Richard F. Jr. & Sandell H. R 14A Webster Land, Homestead 22,400 5.89A Huckins Land 2,170 24,570 Morse, Robert A. & Joan F. R 26A Seven Pines Rd. House Exvet 5,260 Morse, Sherman NR 10.25A Webster Land, Bennett Brook 5.130 Moser, Chris NR Boat 600 Moses, Harold & Sarah NR 60' Shld, Bldg, Little Squam 3,340 Muise, Martin V. NR McLoud Land 860 1/10 Int. Dock Shld 228 1,088 Mullen, Thomas N.T. NR Boat 150 Est. Mumford, George NR 215' Shld, Bldgs 9,900 Boat 550 10,450 Murdock, Francis &Mary NR 151ALd,CoxboroRd. 3,020 Murgatroy, Bernard & Mabel NR Land & Cottage 2,900 Murphy, Gardner & Lois B. NR Land & Bldgs, Shepard Hill 4,875 Murphy, William C. & Margaret M. NR Lot 31 McLoud Land 2,500 Murray, Melvin F. & Cynthia D. NR 95' River Shld, Cottage 3,355 Murth Inc. NR Former Fletcher Bldgs, Land 14,150

27 <_ i- c ^ O Q> c c Descriptor) _ • E NAME of Property M Tota -2 « « Assessm

in -I < Musgrove, Donna & Morrison, Carl NR Grace Hazen Shld, Bldg, Garage 8,600 Musgrove, Frank NR 250' Shld, cottage 8,450 lOA Merrill Land 1,250 Boat 200 9,900 Mystic Realty Trust NR 200' Adams Shld, Bldg 9,650 Nagy, Albert N. NR Boat IOC Nardo, Frank & Svea NR 74. 7A Batchelder Land Rte. 175 6,408 Nassar, Joseph G. & Esther F. R Lot #22 Chocorua Pt. McLoud land & House 1/10 Int. Dock Shld Exvet 5,678 Najmola, Anthony & Anna NR 2.5A Land, 2 Camps, Rte 113 5,45C Needham, Paul R Boat 100 Neel, Samuel E. & Mary W. NR 425' Webster Shld, Rte. 113 16,690 New England Telephone NR 4A Smith Land & Bldgs 4,500

N.H. Electric Coop, Inc. NR 82.15 Miles Power Lines Sub Station Equip. (?2,600 Newell, Robert L. & Maude G. NR 100' Shld, Mooney Point 5,330 Nielsen, Knud B. & Mary E. R Lots, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 24,

27, 28, 32, 2>2>, 34 & Bldgs Shepard Park 11,654 Boat 300 Exvet 11,954 Nielsen, Eric R 2.6A McCrillis Hill Rd. 700 Nielsen, John R Lot & Bldg 996 Niles, Nancy J. NR Land & Mobile Home 1,480 Niles, Howard & Emeline R 1.7A Mobile Home 2,380 93 Devel. Corp. NR 50.4A Morgan Prop. Lots6,7,8,9, 10, 11,14, 15 22,680 Nord, Elin O. NR lA Land, Camp, White Oak Pond 1,800 Noseworthy, James P. & Jacqueline P. R Store & Land, Rte 3 6,400 Noyes, Edward Lee &AnnW. R 315A Land, Bldgs 18,400 Noyes, Mrs. Marjorie C. NR 6.5A Land, Bldgs, Cottage 5,165 28 3

o 1 c c Descripton • _ • NAME E of Property Toto « Assessm -1 < O'Donnell, Francis E. &Concetta M. R 70A Land, House, Garages 8,700 Ohnemus, Walter E. NR Boat 550 Oliveski, John Jr.

& Rosemary NR 2A Land Rte. 1 75 760 Olsen, Russell NR Boat 340 O'Neil, James NR Boats 238 Owen, Nelson L. & Eva A. NR Geo Avery Land, Bldg 1,870 Owens, Alfred J. NR 106' Yellowstone Shld & Bldg 5,715

Owens, Henry E. NR Owens Land, Rte. 1 1 1,100 Marden Ld., Cottage 4,400 190' W. Perkins Shld & Bldgs 12,600 18,100 Paglia, Ann J. NR lOO'Shld, Bldg, Little Squaiii 6,600 Parker, Howard & Margaret NR 75' Shld, Bldg, Garage 4,780 Boat 760 5,540 Peach, Gordon Jr. & Martha R. NR 200' Shld, Bldg, Garage 9,560 Peart, Alric & Grace R Land, Bldgs, River St. Exvet 2,470 Pease, Heirs of B.F. & Mary NR 20A Hill Prop. 760 Pemi Fish & Game Club, Inc. NR 400A Woodland, Bldg 4,650 Peoples, Norman W. & Margaret R 100' Shld, Home 5,850 Boat 100 5,950 Perkins, Lloyd O. R 30A Land, Bldg Exvet 1,800 Perkins, Paul NR lA Swamp Land 55 Perkins, Est. Winnie R 350' Shld, Little Squam 3,800

1 A Land & Homestead 3,410 7,210 Perry, Mrs. William G. Jr. NR 3A 350' Shld & Bldgs 9,950 2.5A Main Prop 150 Boats 100 7A Island, White Oak Pd. 760 10,960 Peterson, Richard W. & Barbara A. NR Colliander Lot, Bldg Coxboro Road 3,520 Pettengill, Mrs. Mildred R 129' Shld, House 6,560 Exvet Boat 140 6,700 Phelps, Maxwell NR Boat 420 29 c O 01 Descriptor) « • ^ -o _ E NAME of Property ® Iff -2 o •'I r- M l/> ^l <

Plantamura, Michael J. NR 150' Shld, Bldg, Rte. 3 5,050 Plymouth Bldg Assn., IncNR 5A Elks Land, Clubhouse 14,000

Poitras, Robert R. & Gwendolyn S. R Matthews Lots 6, 7, Bldgs 2,800 Boat 180 Exvet 2,980

Polin, Ann D. NF{ Boat 1,320 Porter, William Q. NR 250' Shld, Cottage 14,200 Postlewaite, Robert D. & Mary E. NR 200' Shld, Cottage, Little Squam 4,900 30 Boats 275 5,175 o c 1 Descripton « c E NAME of Property 5 E i/i 9A in < <

Potter, Arthur R. & Lucille M. R 50' Shld, Cottage 4,250 Boat 340 Exvet 4,590 Potts, Robert H. NR Boat 500 Powell, Eugene A. & Bernice M. NR 192' Shld, Camp Fayal. Cottage 6,400 Preston, Elwyn G. Jr. NR Boats 480 Preston, Frederick B. NR Boat 100 Preston, Jerome & Richard L. NR 2300' Shld, Mooney Pt. 48A Gehling Land Brown Prop. lOBldgs, garage 102,140 Pringle, Charles A. & Lela C. R 100' Shld, Cottage 4,650 Boats 598 5,248

Proulx, Paul L. NR 1 1 A Goodrich-Beede Land 4,480 Public Service Co. of New Hampshire NR Power Lines 33,000 Pulsifer. Bertram & Laura NR 35A Shld on White Oak, Thompson Land & Bldgs 17,250 50A Pasture Land 750 lA Mead Shld 1,100 145A Fred Power Prop 2,175 l/2Int. Woodlot 200 21,475 Putnam, John R 160' Shld, Bldg Exvet 5,590 Putnam, Verna R 40A Land & House Exvet 5,600 Camp Quinebarg NR 25A Shld, Camp, Winnetaska Prop. 26,500 Quivey, Edward L. NR 8.5A Boardman Ld, Old Town Rd. 3,800 Rand, Watson & Erma R 318' Shld, Bldg, Big Squam 11,650 Boats 228 11,878 Ray, Alex & Sandra R Pine Shore Motel, Restaurant 18,220 Raymond, Chester Merrill Lot & Unf. House 2,100 Reardon, Rev. Arthur

& Tierney! Rev. James» NR 43' Mountaineer Shld Bathhouse 8,085

31 >- c ^ ^ O 0) c c Descripton _ • E NAME of Property lit Tota i/i :? «2 o Assessm

1/) -1 < 1 Reardon, WilHam J. & Rita L. NR Lot 13, Bldg 7,430 Remington, Kenneth F & Gertrude H. R 40' Shld, Chocorua Pt. Land, house. College Road 9,720 Trapper Brown Corp. RIC Inc. R Land, Garage Mobile Home New Office Bldg, Storage Sheds, Workshop 21,720 Rich, John P. NR Boats (6) 1.576 Rich, Norman & Marilyn R 3.5A McGrew Prop., House Exvet 4,900 Rich, Mrs. Olive F. NR 350' Shld, Cottage 15,680 Richards, George S. R Boat 250 Richelson, Julius NR Boat 350 Richelson, Erwin NR Boat 300 Richer, Mrs. Antoinette NR Wilder Shld, Bldg 6,050 Boat 300 6,350 Ricker, Albion & Mildred R 25A Land, House Mobile Home 2,750 Riehs, Martin Jr. & Ann C. R Colonial Eagle Motel 24,000 Boat 150 24,150 Ristaino, Joseph A. & Lucille E. NR McLoud Ld., House 5,225 Boat 1,000 6,225 Robinson, Arnold & Georgette R lOA Land & Bldgs, E. Holderness Exvet 4,655 Robinson, Roger A. NR 2A Converse Land 210 Rockywold - Deephaven Camps, Inc. R 8,780' Shld 275A Bacon Prop Haskell Land Felch & Bennett Land Greenleaf Farm Whittemore Land Van Ness Property Bixby Land Birch Island True Land McBride Property 1 Welsh Land Bradley Property Bldgs & Saphouse 12 Boats (93) 192,675 t- c ^ c o a> Descriptor! c NAME E of Property Toto » Assessm in -1 <

Rogers, Edward L. & Joyce A. NR 1/2 Int. Delia Rogers Prop. Rte. 113 2,040 Romprey, Mrs. Lena NR Mobile Home 2,000 Ross, Archibald D. & Eleanor R. R Land & Bldgs, Rte. 175 Exvet 3,850 Rowley, F. Hunter NR Boat 150 Royea, Ibra D. & Agnes L. R 60A Porter Land 1,500 lOOA & Homestead 3,300 5,800 Royea, Ibra B. & Ruth A. R 13A Land, House, Garage Exvet 2,920 Royea, David & Joan NR 20A converse Land 3,360 Rupert, Kennedy F. NR Boat 100 Ruhm, K.B. & Nancy J. R 7. 5A Morgan Land & Bldg 22,440 Russell, Ann H. NR 140A Frey Prop 3,500 Russell, Marguerite NR 50' Shld & Bldg 5,700 Rutgers, Ernest E. NR 290' Shld, House, Little Squam 15,600 Boat 300 15,900 Ryan, Est. Robert NR 85AGreenleafLand 23,700

15A Graziano Land & House 1 ,500 25,200 Ryer, Harold & Barbara NR Mobile Home 2,190 Sacco, Robert

& Edna NR Land , House Shepard Hill 3,800 Sacco, Nickloss NR Boats (2) 308 Saliba, Moses A. NR 100' Shld & Bldgs, Little Squam 6,400 Sanborn, Mrs. Blanche P. NR 100' Mt. Prospect 2,500 1/2 Int. lA Woodlot 200 2,700 Sanderson, Richard E. & Mary H. R 400' Shld, Lots 1,2; 3-16 Chocorua Point & Bldgs 17,420 Karsten Land 2,500 Lot 20 McLoud Lot 750 100' Rusby Shld, Bldg 5,770 Boat 200 Exvet 26,340 Sapers, William NR Boat 100 Sargent, David B. NR Boat 182 33 •- c ^ c O 0) Descripton NAME E of Property rota ssm 9 V in i/i in m «5 < < Sargent, Harrison A. & Eileen R. R 2A Land & Bldgs Exvet 6,000 Sargent, Mrs. Ada R Land, Bldg, Rte. 175 500 Sargent, Gwendolyn B. Smith R Mobile Hotne Exvet 2,000 Saulnier, Joan G. R Mobile Home 2,200 Sava, John & Patricia NR 31 A Knapp Land on Rte. 175 1,550 Sawin, Edward, Jr. NR Boat 100 Schutmart, Wayne H. & A. Cornelia NR 100' Shld, Bldgs Chocorua Point 11,400 Schutter, George M NR 260' Shld, Bldg 9.900 Jewell Prop 300 Boat 175 10,375 Schwartz, Irving &Ida NR 100' Shld, Bldg Little Squam 4,860 Schwartz, Norman D. NR 80' Shld, Camp Ilee 1,520 Sewall, Est. Harold A. NR 100', 1.5A Land & Bldgs 4,100 Mobile Home 2,100 6,200 Shanker, Benjamin NR 95' Shld, Bldg 7,800 Boat 150 7,950 Shaw, Katherine NR 100' Shld, Bldg Little Squam 4,500 Sharpless, Barry & Jane NR 50' Shld, Bldg 8,540 Shields, Bernice E. & Henry Jr. R 50A Land, Bldgs, Rte. 175 Exvet 4,200 Siek, Richard A. & Jean M R 4A Field, Mt. Prospect 224 3.4A Landaround House & House 12,980 379' Shld, Bldg 12,090 2 Boats 475 5A Land (Anderson) & House, Bldgs 14,260 Boat 835 Exvet 40,864 Silbert, Bonnie &Dot NR Boat 100

34 ^ 1 »- c •^ ^_ O 0) c Descriptor! 0) E o E NAME of Property » « lA 1/) -1 < < Simpson, Hubert, Marion S. Mary L. NR 165A Greenleaf Land & Cottage 5,600 Sleeper, Maurice B. & Marie F. R 120' River Front, Lot 29 & Cottage Exvet 2,420 Sliva, Patricia NR Trailer 500 Small, Cloyd, E NR 70' Shld, Bldg 2,430 Small, Mary E. NR 8A Land, Sugar House 1,075 Smith, Barr & Judith NR 100' Mardin Shld, River Front & Bldg 4,940 Smith, Darrell D. & Joyce M. NR lA Matthew Lot 15 & Cottage 1,880 Boat 100 1,980 Smith, Mrs. Eleanor NR 536' Osborne Shld 12,200 390' Asquam Prop 9,900 25' Keith Shld 570 2/3 Int. Keith Shld & Cottage 3,000 65A Shepard Hill 29,000 Prop & Bldgs 6A Goodrich Land & Tea House 2,000 57,240 Smith, George &Gail R 6A Willoughby Land & Bldgs 2.850 Smith, Gertrude NR 165' Shld, Bldgs, Big Squam 6.260 Smith Gwendolyn E. R Smith Land & Bldgs 4,900 Smith, Kent A. & Beverly L R 4A Land, Bldgs Exvet 3,950 Smith, Norman P. Jr R 3.6A Land Exvet 5,340 Smith, Norman P. Sr. R lOOA Land & Bldgs 5,190 275A A.H. Smith land & Bldgs 4,500 Land & Cottage 4.000 Merrill Land 550 2,300 Piper Shld, White Oak Pond 10,925 23.515 Smith, Mrs. Preston R 550' Piper Shld & Bldgs Exvet 13,570

35 >- c O 0) c Descripton 0) _ 4> '^ E Si NAME of Property i/i Toto sssm

in i/t 1/) (A -1 < <

Smith, Richard C. & Nancy H. NR Eastman Land, Bldg onRte. 113 5,700 Smith, Stephen W. NR Boat 200 Smith, Woodrow NR 45A Dinsmore Land Rte. 175 1,350 65A F. Heath Land 1,950 3,300 Smilie, Charles D. NR Boat 100 Snow, Rev. Albert & Janet A. NR 200' River Front, Bldgs 5,700 Boat 100 5,800 Soutter, Dr. Lamar NR 25A Bowman Island 5,500 Boat 150 5,650 Spaulding, Dayton M. NR Boat 300 Spencer, Arnold W. & Evelyn H. R 125' Shld, Bldgs 9,850 Boat 100 9,950 Spencer, Larry T. & Eleanor R Lot 14, Hob Nob Land 8,200 Sperry, William H. NR Karsten Land, Rte. 3 • 3,800 Squam Boats, Inc. NR 312' River Shld, Bldgs 30,300 Squam Lakes Assn NR 1-3/4 Closson Land 1,100

Squires, Newell I. NR 125' Shld, Bldg, Rte. 113 6,820 Stafford, Henry W. R 40A, 7 Pines Rd, Bldgs 6,440 Stahl, Benjamin Jr. NR 200' Washburn Shld Bldgs 14,850 Boats 710 15,560 Stanley, Edward & Marion J. NR 20A Forbes Land, Bldgs on Rte. 113 1,300 St. Anselms College NR 125' Shld Mooney Pt. Bldg, Garage 6,555 Boat 100 6,655 Staples, Lawrence M. & Olive W. R 300' Shld, House, Cottage 11,200 Boats 175 11,375 Stark, Archie & Eleanor NR 125APulsiferLd, Bldgs 16,250 Morgan Land 1,200 17,450 Stauffer, John E. NR Boat 350 St. Cyr, Clauvis R lA Land, Home Exvet 4,000 St. Cyr, Andrew, G.B. & Dorothy A. R Land, Bldgs, River St. Exvet 3,560

36 «- c o o> c c Descriptor! • _ • ^ E NAME Si in of Property Tota lA « lA Assessm < Stepp, Robert M. & Eleanor NR 110' Shld, Bldgs, Cotton Cove 15,000 Boats 125 15,125 Stepp, Thomas J. R Boat 100 Stevenson, Edward & Marie NR 1/3 Int. Thurber Land 3,100 1/36 Int. Cottagers Cove 140 3,240 Stillings, Franklin W. & Joyce R 18A Land, Bldg Exvet 1,830 Stone, Mrs. Gunvor A. NR 828' Shld, House Boathouse 24,630 Boat 200 24,830 Stone, Mrs. Gwynneth R 200A Land, Bldgs 6,390 Strand, Carl C. & Patricia B. NR Olsen Lot, Bldgs 1,380 Boat 100 1,48C Stuart, Lyman & Darnell R Land & Bldgs 6,720 Exvet Sullivan, William & Joyce NR 125' Shld, Bldgs 20,140 Sun Oil Co. NR 20A Intervale Land and Gas Station 52,680 Swinnerton, Lester B. NR 4A E. Holderness Rd & Meeting House 780 lA Thibadeau Land 190 970 Sylverter, Mrs. Gladys R Land & House 1,300 Tanner, Charles NR 1.5A Land (feUnf. House 11,620 Taylor Bros, Malcolm Theodore & Frederick NR 1500' Dhlf, 50A, F.B. Allen Prop 2 Bldgs 40,200 Taylor, J. Arthur NR 400' Shld, 3A, Bldgs on Shepard Hill 24,420 Taylor, Delevan R Land, Bldgs, Mobile Home 4,980 Taylor, Dr. Harold NR 18A Main Prop, House & Bldgs 5,665 Taylor, Ethel R 74A Land & Bldgs 6,135 Taylor, Malcolm Jr. 8c Helen R House on 7,000 Horse Barn 280 Boat 150 7,430 Taylor, Malcolm, III R 3A Milliken Prop 570 Boat 224 794 37 O O c Descriptors _ ® NAME of Property o ""

Taylor, Ruth E. R lOOA Land, Bldgs Coxboro Rd. 7,000 Temple, John P. NR boats 324 Tenyck, Gerald R. & Marilyn NR 208' Shld, Cottage, 16A Land, Lodge, Bldgs 72,500 Tenney, Cecil & Charlotte R lA Land & Bldg 2,400 Thileen, Ralph H. & Lois I NR 65' Shld, Bldg, Big Squam 3,960 Thomas, George W. NR Boat 1,360 Thomas, J. Thomas & Betty A. R 12.45A Siek Land, Bldgs 19,280 Boat 1,400 Exvet 20,680 Thompson, George A. R Land, Bldgs, Garage 4,185 Thompson, Lyle M. Jr. R Mobile Home Exvet 2,000 Thompson, Lyle M. & Doris P. R 1/2A Land & Bldgs 4,340 Thompson, Peter R 40A Middleton Land 2,000

Thomson, Dr. William I & Thelma R 300' Shld, Bldgs 23,340 Boat 100 23,440 Todd, Dr. Donald P. & Priscilla M. NR 3.5A Dana Land, Bldg 4,950 Boat 200 5,150 Tower, Ross H. & Alice M. R 4A Land & Bldgs 3,300 Boat 375 3,675 Townsend, Richard S. NR Lot #10 White Oak Pond 2,510 Trafford, Bernard W. NR Boat 250 Triplett, William H. NR Camp Wachusett 38,680 Boat 800 39,480 Tucker, Myra R Land & House 820 Tyrrell, Harry E. Jr. & Constance J. NR 5A Kinser Prop, House Barn 3,130 Twombley, Dr. Gray NR llaLand, Rte. 3 1,100 Uhle, Dr. Charles NR Boat 250 United Leasing Corp NR 34A Long & Keith Prop Little Squam 15,200 Urquhart, John NR 470' Shld, Bldgs 19,885 Unger, Carol M. NR 100' Shld, Bldg 8,400 Valentine, Elizabeth NR 240' Shld, Homestead 36,280 38 o i c c Descripton o _ • E NAME of Property Tota •2 • o ssessm •^z < < Valpey, Robert W. NR Land, Bldgs, Tract #1 8,260 Tract #2, Tract #3 236' Shld 3,965 189'Shld,Tract4 3,175 15,400 VanHagen, Charles S. NR Lot #4 Hob Nob Lane 1,065 Vanlngen, Evelyn H. NR 30A Webster Land, Bldgs 4.750 VanVliet, Esther M R 3A, 114' Shld, Bldg, Garage 5,600 Veasey, Lewis W. R Lots 15, 16, 3 Bldgs Holderness Park 11,000 104' Shld, Bldg, Garage 3,685 13,285 Vicinus, Charles H. NR Lot #12, White Oak Pond 5,300 Vincent, Arthur NR Mobile Home 400 Vittum, Carroll R Mobile Home 1,200 Voorhis, Grandon E. Sr. NR Mobile Home, Land 2,380 Waldron, Eugene M. & Julia R. R 50A Land & Bldgs Exvet 7,900 Walker, Glennon L. NR Boat 300 Wallner, Woodruft & Gertrude NR lOA Closson & Severance Land 6,975 250' Shld, Piper Cove 5,700 12,675 Walsh, David & Gilles, Gerard NR 75. 3A Howard Small Land 13,300 Walsh, Sylvia R Mobile Home 2,200 Walsh, Thomas B. NR 363' Shld, 2 Bldgs Boathouse 18,300 Boat 700 19,000 Waltermire, Edith E. R 49A Land & Bldgs 2,570 Walters, Jonathan Boat 120 Ward, Alice E. NR 148' Shld, Bldg 5,370 Boat 250 5,620 Ward, Peter NR Boat 380 Washburn, H. Brad- NR 7.5A 200' Shld, Bldg ford Jr. Boathouse 12,280 Boats 340 12,620 Washburn, Stanley A. & Ida E. R Land & Bldgs 2,280 Watson, Harold S. R 27A Melanson Ld & House 4.260

39 c ^ O

Assessm ^1 <

Watts, John C. & Marion F. R 100' Shld, House 7,680 275' Ward Shld Garage 8,180 Boat 100 15,960 Webster u/w Edwin S. R 29. 5A Checkerberry, Sheep, Mink, Groton Is. 14,000 17ADemerrittShld 48,510 348A Willoughby Land 56,430 290A Smith Land, George Land & Downing Lot 7,250 5.5A Sanborn Lot on Lee Cove 7,000 104A Mt. Livermore 2,600 57A Langdon Land 1,425 137,215 Webster, Elizabeth F. R 2A Jones Land & Bldgs 10,400 Webster, Frank G. & Marycke B. R 7.1A M.F. Webster Homestead 35,000 27.3A M.R. Webster Homestead 17,000 14.2Camp Minimum 23,570 5.3A Camp Paugus 4,500 24A Bradley Land 2,400 1/2 Int. in boathouse 1,500 Carnes Island 3,000 House 75,000 Boats (6) 600 162,570 Webster, Est. Jane NR 34A Webster Prop 4,250 Welch, Mary P. NR 165' Shld, Bldg 6,750 Wensburg, Peter NR Boats 1,670 Wentworth, Gordon C. & Jeanne A. R 294' Shld & Belle Cottages, Big Squam 15,380 133' Shld, Bldgs 13,710 29,310 Wentzell, Edward & Eunice A. R Lot #6 Jones Land & Bldg Exvet 7,780 Werner, Eric &Daga R 191' Shld, Big Squam 2.1A Land, 12 Vinga Cabins & House 20,600 Wescott, Ralph & AnnM. R 1.5A Land, Mobile Home -" Exvet 3,260 40 >- c «. O 0) c c Descripton _ • NAME of Property Toto

Assessm Assessm

West, Eric F. & Eugenia L NR 650' Shld, Bldgs 17,800 Boat 120 17,920 West, Richard S.

«fe Ruth S. NR 1227' Shld, Boathouse 29,000 65A West Wind 1,625 8A Pickle Land, Bldgs 3,850 34,475 Westberg, Ingrid NR 28A Shld, Bldg White Oak Pond 6,000 Westburg, Walter & Dorothy R Lot #8, Heritage Hill Exvet 6,350 Westover, Garry R Mobile Home 1,000 Whatley, Allan & Jean R Boat 450 Wheeler, Ronald R Matthews Lot Mobile Home 2,700 Wherland, Robert E. & Joan L. R Boat 252 White Hat Restaurant NR Dunlap Prop 10,600 White, Hazel ML NR 75A Carr Land, Bldg 3,860 White, John O. Jr R 14. 2A Land, House Exvet 6,035 Whitehead, Robert V.C.Jr NR Richardson Island & 10' Shld 6,800 Boats 200 7,000 Whiting, John T. NR 150' Shld, Mooney Pt. Cottage, Guest House 8,420 Whitman, Paul E. & Janice A. R 2.5A Land & Bldgs 4,960 4.5A Lawrence Land 1,400 6,360 White, William J. NR Boat 84 Whittemore, Albert & Helen R Young Land, Bldg Exvet 2,320 Whitten, Linwood & Jane R Jefferson Land & Bldgs 3,800 Wickman, Robert & Dorothy NR Lot #6 White Oak Shores 6,710 Wiggett, Carole R Mobile Home 1,265 Wilkie, Dale & Maurine R Mobile Home Exvet 2.300

41 c «_ ^_ oi- « c c Descriptor) e _ • E NAME of Property

• Assessm <

Willoughby, Mollis E. & Alberta E. R 79A, Homestead 6,000 House & Land, River St. 3,290 Land & Office Bldgs 4,135 Market, Bldg 4,600 Exvet 18,025 Wiltse, Melvin W. & Gail D. R 4A Baker Land, Rte. 3 7,000 Winwood Corp. NR 480' Shld, Bldg, Big Squam 14,340 Winslow, Eugene & Gloria R 250' Shld, Bldg, Garage 12,410 Boats 100 Exvet 12,510 Winton, Clarence T. & Margaret R. R lOA Small Land, Bldgs, garage Exvet 4,500 Wolf, Eleanor S. R 22.3A Hayes Rd. Land & Bldgs 4,790 Wood, H.Curtis Jr. NR Boats (4) 1,000 Wood, Rawson NR Boats (2) 1,060 Wood, Violet R 2A Land & House Exvet 1,000 Wood, Walter & Beverly NR 110' Shld, Bldgs Big Squam 5,800 Woodbury, E. Davis & Corrine NR 75' Shld, Bldg 4,360 Woodward, Douglas

" & Beverly NR Lot #4, Matthews Land 440 Woolworth, Richard G. NR Boat 100 Worthen, Bertha NR 200A Woodlot 5,000 Wright, Donald C. NR Boat 900 Wright, Harry NR Boat 200 Yarnell, James B. NR Boat 100 Young, Emmett W. & Elizabeth E. NR 2A Pierson Land &Barn 310 Est. Young, Pan L. NR 8A Piper Land, Bldgs Trailer 3,820 115A Land Rte. 175 2,875 7.040 Young, Robert M. & Elian W. NR 11. 6A White Oak Shore &Bldg 9,560 Young, Robert T. & Elvira O. NR Ogden Shld & Bldg 7,000 Boat 100 7,100 42 ^ c ^ o a> c c Descriptor) _ • c E 2 E NAME 0) of Property 0) M w c (A o Z < < Young, William & Susie R 57A Land, Homestead 4,160 12A Dean Land 240 Exvet 3,000 Youngman, Burgess H & Gayle E. R Lot #13, House Heritage Hill 8,550 Zimmer, Anthony & Linda R 1.2A Land, Mobile Home 1,880 Zimmer, Frank & Leslie R Mobile Home 2.200 Zimmer, Philip { & Dorothea R 3A Land, Mobile Home Exvet 2,330

Zimmer, William J. &Rose R 4A Austin Land 160 Land, Bldgs on Rte. 175 1,400 1,560


Acres Assessment Armstrong, John & Constance 24 168 Dunnell, William W. Jr. Tree Farm #529 60 420 Feldman, Merrill I. 140 980 Frank, Augustus A. & Patricia 26 182 Gaudet, Gregory E. & Mary H. 28 196 Hunt, Rev. Marshall 16 112 Siek, Richard & Jean M. 125 Forest Land 875 Recreational Use 55 Wild Land 123 Steven, Phillip & Marian Tree Farm 22 154 Burleigh Corporation M.F. Webster Land 3 Pine Hill 111 Mt. Livermore 440 New Discovery Rd. 400 Recreational Cotton Mountain 600 Use Sleeper Billows 540 Merrill & Basin Islands 22 Tobey Land 45 43 Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes