Combined Operations --pg.8 1AD joins BCT fight --pg.10 TableTable ofof ContentsContents 33 COMMANDER’SCOMMANDER’S UPDATEUPDATE BRIEFBRIEF 66 CAVCAV ScoutsScouts movemove thethe frontfront lineslines 1111 MedicsMedics buildbuild aa betterbetter FLAFLA 1212 SPOTSPOT REPORTREPORT 1414 InIn honorhonor ofof thosethose whowho foughtfought 1515 TToo rreemmeemmbbeerr tthhoossee wwhhoo ffeellll 1616 WomenWomen inin thethe monthmonth ofof MarchMarch 1717 CCOOBBRRAA’’SS UUNNSSUUNNGG HHEERROOEESS 1818 IraqiIraqi Culture:Culture: TheThe NewNew IraqiIraqi ArmyArmy 1919 SAFETYSAFETY FIRST!FIRST! withwith SeanSean MorrillMorrill 2020 ThisThis DayDay inin HistoryHistory 2121 WarriorWarrior SoldiersSoldiers callcall homehome 2222 COBRACOBRA FITNESSFITNESS 2323 COBRA’sCOBRA’s LIGHTLIGHT COVER PHOTO: The Rough Riders of 8th 2424 SGT’sSGT’s TIMETIME Squadron, 10th Cavalry patrol the streets of South Baghdad’s Al Rasheed District in their M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle. (Photo by U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Brent Williams)

COBRAS Printed circulation: 3,500 Commander: Col. Michael F. Beech Command Sergeant Major: Command Sgt. Maj. John E. Moody, Jr. Public Affairs Officer: Maj. Mark Cheadle Editor/Graphics: Staff Sgt. Brent M. Williams Staff Writer: Pfc. Jason W. Dangel Cultural Notes: D. Saleeh In accordance with AR 360-1, this insert is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. Army. Contents of this newsletter are not necessarily the views of, or endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, Department of the Army, III Corps or the 4th Infantry Division. The Cobra Strike is published monthly by the 4th Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs Team, 4th Infantry Division and is reproduced via a contracted publication company. Questions or comments can be directed to the editor located at Forward Operating Base Prosperity, in Baghdad, Iraq at 677-1117. All editorial content of this newsletter is prepared, edited, provided, and approved by the 4th BCT Public Affairs Team and the 4th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office. This insert is printed by the Al Sabah Jadeed Printing House, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Army. Over the past four months, months alone, we have com- counterparts, the level of suc- we have seen significant pleted over 200 missions cess equal to or higher than improvement in the Cobra involving raids and searches, what is seen when conducting area of operations as a result along with over 3,200 combat solo operations. The Iraqi of the diligent work and per- patrols in central Baghdad. Army is showing that they severance of the Soldiers Since January, we have are ready to take the lead due from 1-12 Inf., 2-506 Inf., 8- patrolled and cleared over to the training that they Col. Michael F. Beech 10 Cav., 2-77 Field Artillery, 6,600 miles of roadway. By received from the Military I am proud of the enduring 704th Support Bn., 4th keeping these routes clear of Integrated Transition Teams, effort that our Soldiers have Special Troops Bn. and our terrorists and improvised which have been training the put forth in helping the Iraqi newest addition to the 4th explosive devices, we allow IA to secure their country. people build a more secure Brigade Combat Team, Task greater freedom of movement Another main focus of the and prosperous country. We Force 2-6 Inf. for other crucial missions brigade concerns Essential are winning here so we don’t Despite the large area for including security, essential Services. The Special Troops have to fight at home. I would which the brigade is responsi- services and governance. Battalion have overseen also like to thank the dedica- ble, we have had great suc- The Cobra Brigade has infrastructure projects worth tion of our families and cess conducting combat oper- been working alongside Iraqi more than $5 million in friends back home, and for ations. There has been a security forces when conduct- Baghdad. These projects pro- all of the support which keeps decrease in attacks with the ing combat missions. During vide Iraqi citizens essential us motivated and mission-ori- increase in the number of the 15 major combined oper- needs such as water, electrici- ented. combined and Iraqi led oper- ations involving the Soldiers ty, and sewage and garbage ations. In the past three of 4th Brigade and their Iraqi disposal. COBRA STRIKE!

Greetings Cobras! my children, mom did it commander didn’t tell the driver to slow Years ago, when my kids right and that was the stan- down, or the driver wasn’t licensed properly. were much younger than dard; and my oldest had We can not afford for a vehicle to break they are now, my wife had taken it upon him to down on a patrol because we didn’t conduct an emergency in the states. enforce mom’s standard the proper PMCS prior to going on the mis- She traveled alone to while she was gone. sion. We can not afford to be on mission and attend to that emergency, You may have found that realize that we left our tow bar in the motor and the boys and I were story amusing, but the pool because we didn’t do a pre-combat left alone for 10 days in truth of the matter is that check or inspection prior to movement. And Germany. At the time, I we need standards in every- finally, we can not afford to take short cuts was a sergeant so I thing that we do. Without when clearing or loading our crew served thought it would be too standards, how would we weapons. much to run a 16-man pla- measure the proficiency of Whether its 0200 in the morning or 1400 in toon and come home and a task or test? What rules the afternoon, we have got to pay attention or handle a First Grader Command Sgt. Maj. John E. Moody, Jr. would we use to ensure someone’s lapse in following a standard will and toddler so I took uniformity of an organiza- be fatal. “Leaders” need to ensure that every- leave. tion? The Army’s standards are established one is trained to standard on the crew served One day, after I had completed the first and directed by the Department of the Army weapon that he/she is behind and that train- mission (dinner), I sat down with the kids and local command policies. But standards ing needs to be validated every so often so as and was preparing to eat dinner, and I looked mean nothing unless they are enforced! In to maintain proficiency. In all of the exam- and noticed that no one was eating. So I ask, the example above, my 6-year old was mak- ples above, if someone doesn’t enforce the “What’s the problem?” Immediately, the ing sure that I adhered to mom’s standard. In standard, it could cost someone’s life. If you First Grader replies, “Mom doesn’t do it like the Army, leaders make sure that Soldiers have been a strict enforcer, then I encourage this.” Needless to say, I got that for the next adhere to the Army’s standards. Our busi- you to continue. If not, then tighten it up a ten days. Whether it was the way I prepared ness is a high-stake business. Anything less notch. We can’t afford to have a lapse in a the food, washed the dishes or replaced than enforcing strict adherence to a standard standard. Soldiers learn the standard. things backed to where I thought they belong could be costly. Leaders teach and enforce it. in our home, I was wrong, because I didn’t do We can not afford to have a vehicle turn Cobras! things the way mom did them. According to over and kill the gunner because the vehicle Cobra 7 Story and photos by U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Brent Williams Soldiers of the 8th Squadron, 10th Cavalry conduct security assessments The Soldiers of 8th Squadron, 10th Cavalry with local mosque leaders in South Baghdad. The commanders of 8-10 Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Cav. constantly touch base with the local imams of the mosques and citi- Infantry Division, maintain security for zens of Baghdad to ensure that their neighborhoods are secure. This Coalition Forces in central and southern method helps to build upon the local Iraqi communities' trust in their Baghdad’s Al Rasheed District. Their duty is to leaders, Iraqi Security Forces and Coalition Forces. help the new Iraqi government and its security forces take responsibility for their nation’s capital. vide medical attention to the wounded police officers. Lt. Col. Gian Gentile Working with Iraqi Privately hired local guards in civilian clothes in the Sunni Squadron Commander Security Forces to com- mosque then opened fire on the American Soldiers. bat anti-Iraqi forces, “My Soldiers quickly, aggressively and accurately returned the Soldiers of 8-10 Cav. conduct combined patrols daily with fire to those guards in the mosque, wounding one and killing Iraq’s Ministry of Interior commandoes and Iraqi army sol- another,” Gentile said. diers. The combined forces patrol markets, residential areas Immediately, U.S. Forces working with their Iraqi counter- and mosques in an effort to build trust and maintain security parts, assessed the situation and addressed those in the in the local communities. mosque, using the loudspeakers in their vehicles to call for a “That is what I see as the beginning of trust between the cease fire. Iraqi people and their security forces, and once we have a Arriving on the scene shortly afterward, the senior MOI basic level of trust, I really believe that the ISF will be able to commander on the ground and the squadron commander met destroy the insurgents very quickly,” said Lt. Col. Gian with the leaders in the mosque to find a peaceful solution to Gentile, squadron commander, 8-10 Cav., a native of the tense situation. Danville, Calif., who has more than 24 years of military serv- Gentile attributes the violence to a lack of trust between the ice. Sunni men and the predominately Shiite security forces oper- The Iraqi people, explained Gentile, will begin to recognize ating in Baghdad. Recent incidents of sectarian strife created the legitimacy of the ISF once they feel that they have a secu- by Shiite militias posing as Iraqi Security Forces and attack- rity force that can fundamentally protect them from the AIF. ing Sunni mosques has contributed to the Iraqi public’s dis- “I do believe that they are starting to see that ability in the trust. ISF,” Gentile said, “and that is what is going to produce, I Despite, the random violence, Gentile said he believes the think, peace and ultimately, the defeat of the insurgents.” basic essentials of trust are being established between the Gentile recalled a recent event as an example of the chal- Shias and the Sunnis in his area of operations. Since the event lenges that lie ahead for Coalition and Iraqi Forces alike. at the Sunni mosque, his area has been relatively quiet. The Iraqi police, acting upon a tip from an Iraqi citizen that “What needs to start happening quickly, right away, and this several homes in an area in South Baghdad were being used what I tell the men who live in and work at city mosques,” to build improvised-explosive devices, took hostile small- Gentile said, “the Iraqis cannot shoot at Iraqi Police, at MOI arms fire from a Sunni mosque in the area of the investiga- Commandoes, because they are the legitimate security forces tion, he explained. The Iraqi police returned fire. During the of the government of Iraq. engagement, two officers were wounded, one seriously. “They have to acknowledge that and cannot shoot at MOI Soldiers from 8-10 Cav. responded to the Iraqi police’s call Forces. That is where we have to start at. That is the begin- for help, and a patrol in the area arrived on the scene to pro- ning” said Gentile. 4 COBRA STRIKE! April 15, 2006 Command Sgt. Maj. Rafael Rodriguez Squadron Command Sergeant Major

Command Sgt. Maj. Rafael Rodriguez, 8-10 Cav., scans the rooftops of buildings in a neighborhood in South Baghdad where sniper activ- ity has been reported. The cavalry scouts working on the ground with Iraqi Security Forces are helping the Iraqi Army, Commandoes and police forces to refine their tactics, techniques and operating procedures, helping the ISF to take the lead in security operations in Baghdad. The ISF contribute a lot to the “He sees the little kids smile. He sees Rough Riders’ current mission, said the Iraqi people making change. They Command Sgt. Major Rafael are out on the ground, touching the Rodriguez, 8-10 Cav. Iraqi public. People don’t appreciate In fact it would be impossible with- what the American Soldier is doing out them, he explained. here because they are not on the “There is a hell of a lot more Iraqi ground.” soldiers than American Soldiers,” said As the cavalry scouts of 8-10 Cav. Rodriguez. secure south and central Baghdad, “I wouldn’t compare them to they are also working to train and American Soldiers; it takes a long equip the Iraqi Army, he explained. time to get them to that level,” he “I look back, and I remember the said. “They contribute a lot on the Iraqi army in (2003), and the IA now, checkpoints. They are doing a lot of they are about 200-percent better,” patrols. They are doing combined Rodriguez said. “They got what sol- patrols with us daily.” diers do — somebody is in charge of Rodriguez acknowledges that when them, telling them where to go, where working in the Iraqi urban environ- to be, where to orient their weapons. ment, the mission of his cavalry Now they stand – they fight.” squadron is considerably different Recognizing the long work that lies than that of the light reconnaissance ahead for U.S. and Iraqi forces, role for the scouts of the U.S. Army’s Rodriguez said he knows that his Lt. Col. Gian Gentile, squadron command- Units of Action. Soldiers will be successful in their er, 8th Squadron, 10th Cavalry, inspects However, he added, the Soldiers of mission. Iraqi checkpoint operations in Southwest 8-10 Cav. are well-trained, confident “Maybe, at the strategic level, there Baghdad. The Iraqi Security Forces work- ing the checkpoint outside the Al Amarriya in their skills and the ability of their are challenges,” he said. “At the polit- Mulhalla, or neighborhood, are dealing equipment, and dedicated to accom- ical level, there are challenges – but at with Anti-Iraqi Forces attempting to dis- plishing their mission. the Soldiers’ level, we just do what we rupt security in their area by using snipers “The Soldiers know they have a job are told and come back.” and planting Improvised Explosive Devices to do,” Rodriguez said. “They know The Iraqi people tell his Soldiers in the local communities. U.S. and Iraqi they are making a difference. Stuff that all is not perfect right now, the Forces are working together in South and that when people watch or read a command sergeant major said, but the Central Baghdad, conducting combined newspaper, they don’t see, but the Iraqis also tell his Soldiers that it will patrols to maintain security for the commu- Soldier on the ground, he sees. get better. nities and defeat AIF activity in Baghdad.

April 15, 2006 COBRA STRIKE! 5 8-108-10 CaCavv taktakeses onon alalll encompassingencompassing missionmission inin southernsouthern BBaghdadaghdad

10 Cav. have come a long with the local populous in and dismounted patrols, Story and photos by way from the days of caval- the west Rasheed District in conduct raids, collect and U.S. Army Pfc. Jason Dangel ry scout Advanced Southern Baghdad. act on intelligence, act as Individual Training at Fort The Rough Riders are also somewhat of a civil affairs The cavalry scout has been Knox, Ky. responsible for clearing sup- team as they clear roads of called the commander's eyes On today's battlefield in ply routes of Improvised Improvised Explosive and ears on the battlefield. the harsh and dangerous Explosive Devices and must Devices all while maintain- Historically, their main environment of Iraq the 8-10 be able to remain ready to ing a Quick Reactionary responsibility has been to Cav. troopers are required to respond to any emergency in Force status. conduct reconnaissance On a recent mission March operations to obtain combat 10, Troop B's 2nd Platoon of information on the enemy approximately 15 scouts and the area of operations conducted a joint patrol with for producing combat intel- Iraq's elite 1st Battalion, 4th ligence, but as today's battle- Brigade Police Commando field constantly evolves, so unit from the Iraq Ministry does the scout. of the Interior. A popular phrase within This was the first joint the ranks of the U.S. Army patrol the platoon conducted is "adapt and overcome," with the Iraqi unit. and that is exactly what The scouts conducted a Soldiers from 8th Squadron, tight operation and the 40 10th Cavalry, 4th Brigade strong Commando unit from Combat Team, 4th Infantry Soldiers from the 8th Squadron, 10th Cavalry, 4th 2-4 added excitement to the Division have done as they Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division and Iraqi patrol. take on a wide array of mis- Police Commando conduct a joint patrol. The Commandos took con- sions in southern Baghdad. complete a handful of mis- the battalion AO. trol of the operation and "There are a lot of things sions a scout from World "A lot of the time we will were greeted by jubilant involved in our job," said 1st War II would never even respond to IEDs and other Iraqi citizens, a sign of the Lt. Shawn Wiley, 2nd dream of. emergencies," said Spc. continuous improvement of Platoon leader, Troop B, 8- Aside from urban area Max Mielke, cavalry scout, the ISF. 10 Cav. reconnaissance, Wiley and Troop B, 8-10 Cav., a native "We have been trained "Our primary mission is to his men conduct lethal and of Iowa Falls, very well by the conduct urban area (recon- non-lethal engagements, Iowa. Americans," said Pvt. naissance), but on any given carry out strike operations "We have to always remain Mohammed Rashad, 2-4 day we have a responsibility on suspected insurgent reactionary no matter what Commandos, during a patrol to complete all kinds of mis- strongholds, conduct raids mission we do," he said. in a densely populated area sions," Wiley said, a native and act somewhat as a civil On a typical day Wiley and in West Rasheed. "Our of Pine Bush, N.Y. affairs team all while main- his troopers from 1st forces are ready for the mis- The Rough Riders from 8- taining good relationships Platoon conduct mounted sion 24 hours a day."

6 COBRA STRIKE! April 15, 2006 1st Lt. Shawn Wiley, Troop B, 8th Squadron, 10 Cavalry, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division talks with citizens of West Rasheed in Southern Baghdad during a routine patrol.

"I enjoy my job," the young in Baghdad." ing terrorist actions against Baghdad, Wiley said he Iraqi Commando said. The West Rasheed the people living in the area. looks forward to conducting "Everyday we are on the AO has seen fewer and As The Rough Rider joint operations with ISF streets working to make this fewer attacks each month Battalion continues to con- personnel as security condi- country better, and keeping and Wiley credits his unit as duct an all-encompassing tions continue to improve in our families and friends safe well as the ISF for prevent- mission in southern West Rasheed.

Soldiers from 8th Squadron, 10th Cavalry, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division conduct a routine patrol in the West Rasheed District in southern Baghdad.

April 15, 2006 COBRA STRIKE! 7 Photo by U.S. Army Spc. Brian Anderson MNC-I PAO Soldiers in the 5th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Division, along with the 4th BCT’s MITT prepare for a cordon and search of the Al Amarryia neighborhood Sunday. The Iraqi Soldiers, observed by the MITT, confiscated chemical masks and protective suits and more than 50 AK-47 assault rifles with ammunition during the operation. The mission was a response to more than 30 attacks occurring in the area over the last 30 days. Story and photos by Spc. Brian Anderson see they are well on their way to violence that sparked the operation into becoming an effective security force." existence to an Iraqi Soldier. The 5th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Division, The 4th BCT, MITT, injected advice "We have kids, not much older than observed by the 4th Brigade Combat throughout the mission to help ensure (me), running around with guns and Team's Military Integrated Transitional success. threatening the people," she said. "We Team, embarked on their largest mis- "We have been training 5th Brigade don't feel safe in our home." sion to date, as they conducted a cor- for three months, and the 3rd Infantry The Iraqi soldiers operated with dis- don and search of the Al Amarryia Division was training them before we cipline and professionalism, as they neighborhood Sunday. took over," said 1st Lt. Andrew Harris, patrolled the streets of Al Amarryia, The 5-6 ID confiscated chemical operations, 2nd Battalion, 506th searching every house they crossed. masks and protective suits and more Infantry, 101st Airborne Division, cur- than 50 AK-47 assault rifles with rently attached to 4th BCT in support ammunition during the operation while of Operation Iraqi Freedom. "They instilling a sense of security in the res- know what they are doing, so we didn't idents of the neighborhood. have to help much. The joint operation between Iraqi "Every once and a while we would Security Forces and U.S. Troops make an observation, and they would included the 8th Squadron, 10th take that and use that to help them run Cavalry, which secured the outer things smoother at the next house," he perimeter, while the Iraqi Soldiers con- continued, "but, for the most part, they ducted the door-to-door searches. were on there own." Lt. Col. Gian Gentile, commander, 8- The 5-6 ID broke up into size 10 CAV, thought the Iraqis did well elements and worked their way handling a mission this size for the first through the neighborhood, often stop- time. ping for several minutes to answer the "They were able to quickly and effec- questions and concerns of the citizens. tively mass two battalions into this "We have (a lot) of trouble here," said Photo by U.S. Army Spc. Brian Anderson area, secure it and begin going through Sahar, a local resident. "It is good that Confiscated AK-47 assault rifles are homes," Gentile said. "All one has to the Iraqi Army is here now." displayed after a joint operation do is watch them operate and they will Sahar described some of the recent between the 5th Bde. 6th Iraqi Div. and 4th BCT 8 COBRA STRIKE! April 15, 2006 Soldiers in the 5th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Division, listens to an Al Amarryia resident express his desire for security in his neighborhood during a cordon and search Sunday. The Iraqi Soldiers, observed by Military Integrated Transitional Teams, lead by the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, confiscated chemical masks and protective suits and more than 50 AK-47 assault rifles with ammunition dur- ing the operation. The mission was a response to more than 30 attacks occurring in the area over the last 30 days. Photo by U.S. Army Spc. Brian Anderson "This area is very hot," said 1st Lt. the reply came easy. offered cards with contact information, Hider Al Asadi, 5-6 ID. "We needed to "The 5th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Division so the Al Amarryia residents would be very careful, and watch out for each is here to support and protect you," have someone to call if or when an other." officer after officer and Iraqi soldier attack occurs in the future. The question ISF heard the most was, after soldier would reply. Al Asadi said the 5-6 ID will contin- "when are we going to have permanent After telling the residents they will be ue to train and conduct missions, both security in our neighborhood?" protected and their neighborhood joint and independent, in the effort to The unit already knew the answer and would be secure, the Iraqi Soldiers secure Iraq and root out terrorism.

Photo by U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Brent Williams A resident of Al Amarriya discusses security concerns with Iraqi Soldiers patrolling in his neigh- borhood. The Iraqi Army's 5th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Division participated in a combined operation with the 4th Inf. Div's 4th BCT as part of operations to rout AIF operating during recent months in South Baghdad. The combined operation employed Soldiers of the 4th BCT’s 8-10 Cav, work- ing with IA to conduct security operations against AIF operating in South Baghdad.

April 15, 2006 COBRA STRIKE! 9 Story by Pfc. Jason Dangel

A battalion-sized task force part of the Central Artillery Regiment; and Soldiers were also required consisting of approximately Command Reserve, or "call Company B, 40th Engineer to complete additional train- 700 Soldiers from the U.S. forward force," and was Battalion. ing on their personal Army's 1st Armor Division called upon to assist in the Company B, 1st Bn., 35th weapons, as well as crew- arrived in southern Baghdad ongoing Operation Scales of AR and Battery B, 4th Bn., served weapons, such as the to provide additional securi- Justice, a mission to provide 27th FA are working directly M2A3 Bradley Team ty and support for the gov- additional security as the with 2nd Battalion, 506th Fighting Vehicle and the ernment and citizens of Iraq. Iraqi parliament begins Infantry, 101st Airborne M2A2 Abrams Tank, Task Force 2nd Battalion, selecting the new govern- Division, currently attached Rodgers said. 6th Infantry, currently work- ment, he said. to the 4th BCT, 4th Inf. Div. According to Rodgers, ing under operational con- Task Force 2-6 will return Soldiers from Company C, Task Force 2-6 has adapted trol of the 4th Brigade to Kuwait once their mission 2nd Bn., 6th Inf., are work- quickly to the combat envi- Combat Team, 4th Infantry is complete, Grable said. ing under operational con- ronment because of the Division, is working hand- The unit brings six compa- trol of the 4th BCT's 8th excellent training they in-hand with the "Cobra" nies to the fight to include Squadron, 10th Cavalry. received in Kuwait and the Brigade to mitigate terrorist help received from the expe- activity in South Baghdad. rienced Cobra Brigade. "We were called to Iraq to Despite the short amount assist Multi-National of time the unit has been Division-Baghdad, to assist operating in southern in the Scales of Justice Baghdad, Task Force 2-6 has Operation here in Southern already seen early triumphs Baghdad," said Maj. Jeff in their operations, Grable Grable, executive officer, said. 2nd Bn., 6th Inf., 2nd "We have already had Brigade Combat Team, 1st great success since we Armor Division. arrived here two weeks "Our Soldiers received a ago," he explained. "Attacks lot of good training down in Photo by U.S. Army Pfc. Jason Dangel are on the decrease in our Kuwait, and now they have Soldiers from Company C, 2nd Battalion, 6th Infantry, area of operations." the opportunity to use that 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armor Division, prepare Whether Task Force 2-6 is for a mission at FOB Falcon in southern Baghdad. training and contribute to called back to Kuwait or the this fight," he said. two organic companies; While staged at Camp unit stays to continue to The task force's primary Headquarters and Beuhring, Kuwait, the unit assist the Cobra Brigade, mission is to conduct clean Headquarters Company and received extensive training Grable says his Soldiers are and sweep operations to Company C both of 2nd Bn., in a multitude of situational ready. clear major supply routes of 6th Inf. training exercises to include "Our Soldiers are very Improvised Explosive The other units currently convoy live-fire and impro- proud and excited to be with Devices and minimize attached to the task force, all vised explosive device the 4th BCT, contributing to enemy capabilities in the 4th from 2nd BCT, 1st AD, clearance, said Staff Sgt. this fight," he said, "and BCT area of operations, include Company B, 1st Tyjuan Rodgers, human we'll stay here until our mis- Grable said. Battalion, 35th Armor; resources noncommissioned sion is complete." Prior to arriving in Iraq, Batteries A and B, 4th officer, HHC, 2nd Bn., 6th the 2nd BCT, 1st AD was Battalion, 27th Field Inf.

10 COBRA STRIKE! April 15, 2006 BlacksmithBlacksmith medicsmmeeddiiccss upgradeupgrade

Story by 2nd Lt. Julie Cyr 704th Support Battalion As U.S. Forces embark Field Litter Ambulance was or ambulatory patients. Iraqi Freedom in 2003, prais- upon their fourth year in sup- equipped with all the medical Evacuation Platoon es the new M1114s for their port of Operation Iraqi equipment necessary to treat Soldiers took the litter kits, "great maneuverability." Freedom, Soldiers continue and transport four litter consisting of chains with Versatility is an additional to adapt their equipment and patients or eight ambulatory hooks for securing litters, out advantage of the M1114s training to the ever-demand- patients to higher levels of of their tracked ambulances over the old FLAs. The mod- ing needs of modern warfare medical care. and installed them in the ified M1114s are capable of and the battlefield. Sgt. Catherine Platt, an backseat of the M1114s. carrying a full crew when not During Operation Iraqi Evacuation Platoon noncom- The Soldiers worked with being used for medical pur- Freedom, Soldiers from the missioned officer, describes Company B, 704th SB to poses. 4th Brigade Combat Team's the modified M1114 as "a have holes drilled in the vehi- Since any gun truck could 704th Support Battalion have lighter, quicker, safer vehicle cles for installing the chains. be converted for patient been a proponent for the on the battlefield" compared The result of their efforts, lit- transport in the event of an most recent of these evolu- to the old ambulances. ter patients on spine boards emergency, the 704th SB has tions, improving upon the initiated the installation of U.S. Army's standard evacua- litter kits and spine boards in tion vehicle for treating and every one of its M1114s. evacuating casualties for The Evacuation Platoon medical treatment. Soldiers have assisted in the The combat medics of battalion effort by training Company C's Evacuation Soldiers from the Gun Truck Platoon have taken the lead Platoon on loading patients in transforming the M1114 into their newly modified Up-Armored High Mobile M1114s. Multi-Wheeled Vehicle into a The 704th SB Soldiers are MEDEVAC vehicle capable Photo by U.S. Army Pfc. Jason Dangel pleased with the develop- of protecting Soldiers and The inside of the newly constructed M114 HMMWV con- ment and adoption of the patients alike. tains all the necessities to transport casualties safely modified M1114 as the new First conceptualized by the and efficiently from the battlefield. standard for wheeled evacua- 3rd Infantry Division's 703rd Although the FLA was a reli- can be loaded into the vehicle tion vehicles. Support Battalion, the new able evacuation asset, like through one of the back The combat medics of up-armored evacuation vehi- the other vehicles in the doors. Company C use the modified cle was converted using an "soft-skinned" M998 The Evacuation Platoon M1114s as their primary M1114 and litter chains from HMMWV family, the M997 Soldiers also modified the evacuation vehicle because an M113 Tracked is vulnerable to small arms tactical commander's seat so of its superior armor protec- Ambulance. fire and Improvised they can turn around and tion and maneuverability and Upon completing the trans- Explosive Devices. treat patients during trans- employ the company's five fer of authority with the 3rd When the Army began port. M997s to transport patients Inf. Div., the "Blacksmith" adding armor to its vehicles, The Soldiers utilized the staying at the forward operat- medics of the 704th have only the cab of the FLA remaining space in the ing base. taken the lead in outfitting could be armored. Armor on M1114s to stock their vehi- The M1114 MEDEVAC the M1114s throughout the the patient compartment cles with medical supplies, HMMWV allows Charlie battalion to be used for would make the vehicle dan- storing larger equipment and Company medics to provide patient evacuation. gerously top-heavy. an extra aid bag in the back the best emergency medical At the beginning of To solve this problem, hatch. care possible on the battle- Operation Iraqi Freedom, the Company C, 704th SB's Staff Sgt. Sandra Guerra, field while protecting M997 HMMWV was the Evacuation Platoon modified who drove the old FLAs for Soldiers and their patients. Army's primary wheeled four M1114s, equipping them the Company C Evacuation MEDEVAC vehicle. The for en-route care of two litter Platoon during Operation April 15, 2006 COBRA STRIKE! 11 Iraqi National Police from the 3rd Battalion, 4th Brigade Public Order Brigade search suspected insurgents responsible for attacks on Iraqi Security Forces and Coalition Forces in Southern Baghdad. During the operation 3-4 POB Police apprehended on suspect that was on the Iraq Ministry of the Interior’s most wanted list.

Photo by U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Brent Williams Soldiers from 8th Squadron, 10th Cavalry, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division hold a group prayer before the start of a mission at Forward Operating Base Falcon in southern Baghdad April 2. Photo by U.S. Army Pfc. Jason Dangel Photo by U.S. Army Pfc. Jason Dangel (ABOVE) Col. Michael Beech, commander, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division and Gen. Dan Mcneil, Forces Command Commander, discuss Staff Sgt. Edward Chelby, operations with Iraqi Army offi- Company A, 1st Battalion, 12th cers from the 5th Brigade, 6th Infantry presses 315 lbs. during Iraqi Army Division in central the Cobra Gym Powerlifting Baghdad. Competition at Forward Operating Base Prosperity March 31. The event was hosted Iraqi National Police from the 3rd by the FOB Prosperity Mayor Battalion, 4th Public Order Cell and the next competition Brigade search for bomb making will be held April 31. Prizes are materials during a raid in south- available to the winners. ern Baghdad. During the opera- tion one individual was taken into custody for suspected attacks against Iraqi and Coalition Forces.

Photo by U.S. Army Pfc. Jason Dangel Photo by U.S. Army Pfc. Jason Dangel

12 COBRA STRIKE! April 15, 2006 April 16, 2005 COBRA STRIKE! 13

CCoobbrraa SSoollddiieerrss RReemmeemmbbeerr LLiiffee ooff FFaalllleenn CCoommrraaddee

Story by Pfc. Jason Dangel

"Corporal McKinzie's Brigade Combat Team. actions reflect the finest tra- Mckinzie, riding alone in ditions of the American the turret, called off direc- Combat Soldier; moving to tional fire over the patrol the sound of guns and fight- radio network manned his ing to protect his fellow machine gun to gain and Soldiers. No greater love has maintain contact with the he, than to lay down his life enemy as a gun battle for his brothers." ensued, said Danna. With these words, a "Cpl. Mckinzie died fight- solemn Lt. Col. James ing for his friends. He died Danna, commander, 2nd fighting for his country; he Battalion, 6th Infantry, 1st died fighting for what he Photo by U.S. Army Pfc. Jason Dangel Armor Division, bid believed in," Danna said. Capt. Charles Cogger, commander, Battery B, 4th farewell to one of his Battalion, 27th Field Artillery, 1st Armor Division says "In my book Corporal Soldiers in a memorial cere- goodbye to one of his Soldiers during a memorial cere- Antoine McKinzie is a true mony at Forward Operating mony at Forward Operating Base Falcon March 24. hero, and his spirit will live Base Falcon. on forever," he continued. FA, 2nd Brigade Combat fire. The battery, serving 8th Cpl. Antoine McKinzie, team, 1st AD, was killed Squadron, 10th Cavalry is 25, of Indianapolis, Ind., when his convoy came currently attached to the 4th assigned to Battery B, 4-27 under attack by small arms Infantry Division's 4th 2nd Bn., 6th Inf., bids farewell to brothers-in-arms Story by Pfc. Jason Dangel

The Gators of 2nd Battalion, 6th Infantry, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armor Division bid farewell to two Soldiers at Forward Operating Base Falcon April 5. Sgt. 1st Class Darrell Clay a cavalry scout platoon leader from Fayetteville, N.C., and Sgt. Israel Devora, a cavalry scout squad leader from Clint, Texas, both assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Bn., 6th Inf. were remembered for their bravery, honor and courage as friends said their last goodbyes to their fellow brothers-in- arms. Clay, 34, and Devora, 23, were killed in southern Baghdad April 1, when their convoy was hit by an improvised explo- sive device while on patrol. "Sgt 1st Class Clay and Sgt. Devora's actions reflect the finest traditions of the American cavalry trooper," said Lt. Col. James Danna, commander, 2nd Bn., 6th Inf. during a speech to dozens of Soldiers attending the ceremony. "Sgt. 1st Class Clay and Sgt. Devora died fighting for their friends and died fighting for their country," Danna said. Photo by U.S. Army Pfc. Jason Dangel "They both loved being cavalry troopers and at the time of Command Sgt. Maj.Ronald Orosz says goodbye to two their deaths they were doing what they loved." of his fallen warriors during a memorial ceremony at Forward Operating Base Falcon April 1.

April 15, 2006 COBRA STRIKE! 15 CCoobbrraa SSoollddiieerrss cceelleebbrraattee Women’sWomen’s HistorHistoryy

Photo by U.S. Army Pfc. Jason Dangel Story by Pfc. Jason Dangel Soldiers from the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division gather to celebrate Women’s History Month at FOB Prosperity March 28. Soldiers from the 4th Brigade Burnett, Headquarters and "This day is a special day," 4th Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Headquarters Company, 4th BCT; and Brigade Combat Team Command Sgt. came to together to celebrate Women's a rendition of "the spoken word," or a Maj. John Moody. "We have come History Month at Forward Operating freestyle speaking, was performed by together today to remember all the Base Prosperity's King Cobra Café Staff Sgt. Melvin Moore, HHC, 4th accomplishments women have made March 28. BCT. throughout American history," he con- The observance, sponsored by the 4th "We have so much to celebrate dur- tinued. BCT Equal Opportunity Office, gave ing Women's History Month, both as a "There is no better place to celebrate Soldiers the chance to reflect upon the nation and our Army," Horne said. Women's History Month than in a mil- achievements women have contributed "America would not be the strong itary setting because of all the contri- to American Society. and compassionate nation it is today butions that women have made in the The celebration's theme, "Women: without the remarkable contributions military," he said. Builders of Communities and women have made to art, science, pub- According to the Women's History Dreams," featured various poems pre- lic service, sports, politics and count- Month Association, the celebration of pared by 4th BCT Soldiers and fea- less other professions," she said. women's history in this country began tured guest speaker Sgt. Maj. Arlene "'If the soul of a nation is to be saved, in 1978 as "Women's History Week" in Horne, retention sergeant major, 4th women must become its soul,'" Horne Sonoma County, Calif. Inf. Div. said, quoting the recently deceased In 1981, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) Soldiers were treated to personal woman pioneer Loretta Scott King, as and Rep. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) poems by 1st Lt. Laura Curtis, 883rd she reflected on all the great women in co-sponsored a joint Congressional Combat Stress Clinic; Sgt. Brandon American History. declaration pushing for a national According to Horne, a story that is Women's History Week, later approved rarely told is the story of women fight- the same year. ing for the right join the military to In 1987, Congress lengthened the cel- defend their nation. ebration to a month, declaring March "Women's struggle to defend their Women's History Month. nation dates back to the start of this country," Horne explained. DDiidd YYoouu KKnnooww?? "In the United States Military, necessi- ty has often led women to opportunity, MMoorree tthhaann 440000 wwoommeenn,, and when our country needed us for the job we were there," she said. ffiigghhttiinngg oonn bbootthh ssiiddeess,, Horne said as women embark on a ddrreesssseedd uupp aass mmeenn ssoo 150-year celebration for the right to Photo by U.S. Army Pfc. Jason Dangel Staff Sgt. Melvin Moore, HHC, vote they will also be celebrating a 50- tthheeyy ccoouulldd ffiigghhtt bbeessiiddee 4BCT performs a “spoken word” year anniversary since women were during the Women’s History granted the right to become permanent tthhee SSoollddiieerrss dduurriinngg tthhee Month celebration at FOB members of the nation's armed forces. CCiivviill WWaarr.. Prosperity March 28

16 COBRA STRIKE! April 15, 2006 CCOOBBRRAA’’SS UUNNSSUUNNGG HHEERROOEESS Pfc. Nathaniel Cameron, Company A, 4th STB, 4th BCT Pfc. Nathaniel Cameron started his was performing his Crew Chief duties UAVs and career in the U.S. Army a generator preparing to launch one of the aircrafts. would have mechanic, but when he did, he never The pilot commanded "launch," but left troops on thought he would become a mechanic Pfc. Cameron did not comply. Due to the ground working on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. his proficiency as a crew chief and his without aerial In the Summer of 2005, Cameron attention to detail, he noticed that the coverage. attended a ten-week course that quali- engine was not at full throttle, as fied him to work on the Shadow 200 required for launch. Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. With utmost professionalism, he used In addition to his mechanic duties, his radio to politely remind the pilot to focusing on the plane's engine, go to full throttle before launching the Cameron also serves as a Mission air vehicle. Had Cameron not been as Pfc. Nathaniel Cameron Crew Chief. vigilant in his duties, that mistake One evening, in February, Cameron could have cost his brigade one of its Pfc. Charles Nichols, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 4th BCT

Pfc. Nichols has been The decision was made to status. bumper kits and escalation assigned to HHC, 4th let Nichols handle all Once complete with the of force PA systems and Brigade Combat Team since aspects of the company’s T/I, Pfc. Nichols worked sirens. January 2005. He is in the Maintenance Program. with the company supply Nichols performance over Headquarters Platoon and Since that time, Nichols sergeant to complete all nec- the last three months has has been the first sergeant’s has attended all of the battal- essary paperwork. He then been nothing short of driver for more than a year. ion-level XO meetings, dis- prepped and staged all superb. He is a shining Nichols , from Fouke Ak., tributed and tracked all of trucks for shipment to FOB example of the Army values. enlisted in the U.S. Army the Company's maintenance Falcon. Nichols completed Aug. 4, 2004. This is his first forms and ensured that all this process in three days combat deployment. faults were annotated, veri- and was the first XO in the Since being in Iraq his fied, and fixed or parts were battalion to have all of his company has gone through put on order. vehicles on flat racks ready several changes, one of Nichols spearheaded the for turn in. those being that the compa- stay behind tactical vehicle Nichols coordinated and ny’s executive officer was turn-in. As part of this scheduled 20 of the tasked to help out the process, Pfc. Nichols had to Company's M1114's to Georgian Battalion at anoth- coordinate and schedule the receive the new gunner er forward operating base. inspections of 15 trucks and vehicle restraint system and This requirement left the ensure that they were combat lock retrogrades as Company without an XO. brought to mission capable well as several of the new Pfc. Charles Nichols Spc. Adrian Vara, Company A, 704th SB, 4th BCT

Spc.Adrian Vara has been assigned to Fuel System Supply Point, a system Company A, 704th Support Battalion that provides fuel for FOB Falcon, the for nearly four years. Like so many sol- Iraqi Public Orders Brigade, and Iraqi diers, he is already a veteran of Police, as well as units in the 4th Operation Iraqi Freedom. Brigade Combat Team. Vara has been a stellar performer His contribution to the Petroleum and since the relief in place with Alpha Water Platoon has enabled them to Company, 703rd Support Bn., 3rd issue and receive nearly 2 million gal- Infantry Division. lons of fuel during the first quarter of Initially, he was an operator at the this deployment. Spc. Adrian Vara

April 15, 2006 COBRA STRIKE! 17 Cultural Notes: The Army of Iraq

To protect us from the enemies of our freedom Saddam decided to invade Kuwait. Saddam then used the Iraqi Army to oppress the uprisings of the Iraqis in the south and north of Iraq. So the international community imposed sanctions on Iraq, and the Iraqi Army was neglected by Saddam because he was afraid of the Iraqi army. After the liberation of Iraq, the peo- ple have the chance to have an army that is committed to its people and its country, and not for any one individ- ual. This army is not just for fighting its enemies, but they are helping the Iraqis on many fronts as they learn to treat the people with respect according to the new concepts of international law. Photo by U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Brent Williams The day of the falling of Saddam’s Iraqi Army Soldiers of the 6th Iraqi Division’s 5th Brigade practice drill and statue became the day of the freedom ceremony prior to a pass and review on the Iraqi Army’s Forward Operating of Iraq, because the statue was repre- Base Honor in Baghdad’s International Zone. sentative of the dictatorship of the for- mer regime. Story by D. Saleeh So the April 9th is a great day for the Iraqi nation, and it’s All the nations have an army to defend their country. a good start for the Iraqi people. In Iraq, the concept is different, because of the people and It’s a good start for a better future for the next generations the history of Iraq. living free and having an Army protecting the borders from More than 80 years ago, the powers who run this country the enemy’s of our freedom. established the Iraqi Army in 1921. Iraq was run by a king, who was supported by the king- dom of Britain, and he established an Iraqi Army based on concepts seen in the Arabian armies. Based upon Arabic ideology, the Iraqi Army based its actions on events happening in the Arab homeland. This means that if the country of Egypt was fighting in Palestine, then the Arab armies in the Middle East were fighting Egypt’s wars. As a result, the Iraqi Army fought in Palestine in 1948, and many other crises that did not concern with what the Iraqi Army was created for. After many revolutions took place in Iraq, the Ba’ath Party took power in Iraq, and that was the worst period in the history of Iraq. First in 1981, Saddam’s regime involved the Iraqi Army Photo by Spc. Brian J. Anderson in the Eight Year War with Iran without any logical reason. The 5th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Division, drives past residents of During the period of 1981-1991, almost all of the revenues Al Amarryia neighborhood during a cordon and search of Iraq went to military manufacturing, and afterward, Sunday.

18 COBRA STRIKE! April 15, 2006 DRIVINGDRIVING TOTO SURVIVESURVIVE ININ IRAQIRAQ Safety by Mr. Sean Morrill recent attack techniques using METT-TC, consider “crew mix” is right by pair- Safety Officer that have been used against things like the time of day ing experienced TCs with 4th Brigade Combat Team us and plan ways to counter the mission will be accom- newer drivers are some 4th Infantry Division them. plished. considerations here. Driving in Iraq has its Use this knowledge while Are your crews rested, are Civilian drivers and own unique challenges and preparing for your Mission your vehicle lights work- pedestrians pose many situations that good drivers to come up with controls ing; are you ensuring all accidental hazards here in and Truck or Track that reduce threats in terms vehicles are using “stop Iraq. Most local national Commanders must recog- of equipment, communica- light” during the day when drivers are not formally nize and adapt to in order tions, driving techniques, headlights are off, so that trained, disregard traffic to drive and survive while use of personal and vehicle brake lights will function? signs and rules. Driving accomplishing their mis- protective equipment, and What will the weather be defensively to maintain the sions. how you will employ gun- like? Has it rained recent- bubble, along with the use By using Composite Risk ners and other countermea- ly? Or will grease, oil and of sirens, horns, lights and Management, drivers and sures during the mission. dust that have built up on gunner’s Escalation of TCs can identify these haz- Using scenario thinking the road mad things that Force signals are essential ards, and prepare for many can also help you develop much more slippery? How in preventing collisions of them ahead of time to controls for possible tacti- will this affect your speeds with civilian vehicles. ensure the successful com- cal hazards on the mission. and spacing? Multi- Vehicle crews must main- pletion of their mission and Consider a rehearsal if National Corps Iraq has set tain Situational Awareness, the safety of their troops. time permits, or do one in maximum speed limits in try to predict civilian vehi- What are some of the your head when looking at our area as 55 miles per cle movements and main- unique hazards here in a map. Look at things that hour maximum on hard tain distances from them on Iraq? To make it easier, try would stop the mission or surfaced roads; 35 MPH a continuous basis during looking at them in terms of cause it to fail. What are maximum for inclement the mission. Drivers must tactical and accidental haz- good alternate routes if weather; and 20 MPH max- also consider where they ards. Use of the familiar your main one is blocked? imum for unimproved are and adjust their driving Mission, Enemy, Time, Think about what to do if roads. methods based on location. Terrain, Troops, and you have a breakdown and Weather, visibility, traffic To tie all of this together, Civilians acronym can help how to get the essential and road conditions may when you have identified get you organized. cargo, information, or per- make these too fast for the tactical and accidental Tactical Hazards: For a sonnel through? What are when your mission is being hazards you face; and have list of tactical hazards con- your actions on contact if conducted. When looking come up with countermea- sider some of the most com- attacked at a chokepoint? at Terrain, consider the sures for them, they have to mon that the Enemy has What would you do if you type of roads you are using. be understood by everyone employed. To counter them, receive indirect fires during Are there canals in the area on the mission. Using a get a good intelligence an unplanned halt? along rural roads? In these good convoy briefing for- update for the current situ- Using the 4th Infantry cases, you may want to con- mat, such as the one found ation, a route status prior to Division OIF Leader sider planning to use on Card 401 and 602 of the departure, and know what Handbook Card 602 can ground guides if the tactical OIF Leaders Handbook the most likely threats are give you ideas, and outlines situation permits on nar- can ensure your controls that you will face on your battle drills for what you row country roads near are briefed and followed. mission. Do a good map might face. canals and to have combat Use of these tools and reconnaissance and look Accidental Hazards: locks off in case you need to CompositeRisk for choke points, overpass- There are many existing get out fast. Making sure Management will greatly es, known hostile areas, and and potential accidental that drivers are licensed, increase your ability to where recent attacks have hazards here in Iraq. When gunners are qualified on drive and survive in Iraq. occurred. Keep abreast of looking for these hazards the weapon system and

April 15, 2006 COBRA STRIKE! 19 IRAQIIRAQI FREEDOMFREEDOM DADAY,, April 9, 2006 CHERNOBYLCHERNOBYL DISASTER:DISASTER, April 26, 1986 To commemorate Iraq's liberation three years ago, OnOn AprilApril 26,26, 1986,1986, thethe world'sworld's worstworst nuclearnuclear powerpower when coalition forces removed Saddam Hussein's plantplant accidentaccident occursoccurs atat thethe ChernobylChernobyl nuclearnuclear powerpower regime from power, the Iraqi government has declared stationstation inin thethe SovietSoviet Union.Union. April 9 "Iraqi Freedom Day," says U.S. Army Major General Rick Lynch, spokesman for Multi-National DACHAUDACHAU LIBERALIBERATED,TED, AprilApril 29,29, 19451945 Force - Iraq. OnOn AprilApril 29,29, 1945,1945, thethe U.S.U.S. SeventhSeventh Army'sArmy's 45th45th InfantryInfantry DivisionDivision liberatesliberates Dachau,Dachau, thethe firstfirst concen-concen- 4TH ID ENTERS IRAQ, April 13, 2003 trationtration campcamp establishedestablished byby Germany'sGermany's NaziNazi regime.regime. AA Advance elements of the U.S. Army's 4th Infantry majormajor DachauDachau subcampsubcamp waswas liberatedliberated thethe samesame dayday Division entered southern Iraq in support of byby thethe 42nd42nd RainbowRainbow Division.Division. Operation Iraqi Freedom. The rest of the Division fol- lows the next day. LOCHLOCH NESSNESS MONSTERMONSTER SIGHTED,SIGHTED, MayMay 2,2, 19331933 AlthoughAlthough accountsaccounts ofof anan aquaticaquatic beastbeast livingliving inin TITANIC SINKS, April 15, 1912 Scotland'sScotland's LochLoch NessNess datedate backback 1,5001,500 years,years, thethe mod-mod- At 2:20 a.m. on April 15, 1912, the British ocean liner ernern legendlegend ofof thethe LochLoch NessNess MonsterMonster isis bornborn whenwhen aa Titanic sinks into the North Atlantic Ocean about 400 sightingsighting makesmakes locallocal newsnews onon MayMay 2,2, 1933.1933. miles south of Newfoundland, Canada. MARGARETMARGARET THATHATCHERTCHER SWORNSWORN IN,IN, MayMay 4,4, 19791979 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN DIES, April 17, 1790 MargaretMargaret Thatcher,Thatcher, leaderleader ofof thethe ConservativeConservative Party,Party, On April 17, 1790, American statesman, printer, scien- isis swornsworn inin asas Britain'sBritain's firstfirst femalefemale primeprime minister.minister. tist, and writer Benjamin Franklin dies in Philadelphia at age 84. LUSITLUSITANIAANIA SINKS,SINKS, MayMay 7,7, 19151915 OnOn thethe afternoonafternoon ofof MayMay 7,7, 1915,1915, thethe BritishBritish oceanocean REVERE AND DAWES RIDE, April 18, 1775 linerliner LusitaniaLusitania isis torpedoedtorpedoed withoutwithout warningwarning byby aa In Massachusetts, British troops march out of Boston GermanGerman submarinesubmarine offoff thethe southsouth coastcoast ofof Ireland.Ireland. on a mission to confiscate the Patriot arsenal at WithinWithin 2020 minutes,minutes, thethe vesselvessel sanksank intointo thethe CelticCeltic Sea.Sea. Concord and to capture Patriot leaders Samuel OfOf 1,9591,959 passengerspassengers andand crew,crew, 1,1981,198 peoplepeople werewere Adams and John Hancock. As the British departed, drowned,drowned, includingincluding 128128 Americans.Americans. Boston Patriots Paul Revere and William Dawes set out on horseback from the city to warn Adams and NELSONNELSON MANDELAMANDELA INAUGURAINAUGURATED,TED, MayMay 10,10, 19941994 Hancock and rouse the Patriot minutemen. InIn SouthSouth Africa,Africa, NelsonNelson RolihlahlaRolihlahla MandelaMandela isis swornsworn inin asas thethe firstfirst blackblack presidentpresident ofof SouthSouth Africa.Africa. FIRST BLOOD IN THE CIVIL WAR, April 19, 1861 On April 19, 1861, the first blood of the American Civil BERLINBERLIN BLOCKADEBLOCKADE LIFTED,LIFTED, MayMay 12,12, 19491949 War is shed when a secessionist mob in Baltimore OnOn MayMay 12,12, 1949,1949, anan earlyearly crisiscrisis ofof thethe ColdCold WarWar attacks Massachusetts troops bound for Washington, comescomes toto anan endend whenwhen thethe SovietSoviet UnionUnion liftslifts itsits 11-11- D.C. monthmonth blockadeblockade againstagainst WestWest Berlin.Berlin.

WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE BORN, April 23, 1564 STSTAATETE OFOF ISRAELISRAEL PROCLAIMED,PROCLAIMED, MayMay 14,14, 19481948 According to tradition, the great English dramatist OnOn MayMay 14,14, 1948,1948, inin TelTel Aviv,Aviv, JewishJewish AgencyAgency ChairmanChairman and poet William Shakespeare is born in Stratford- DavidDavid Ben-GurionBen-Gurion proclaimsproclaims thethe StateState ofof Israel,Israel, estab-estab- on-Avon on lishinglishing thethe firstfirst JewishJewish statestate inin 2,0002,000 years.years. April 23, 1564. FIRSTFIRST ALLIEDALLIED JETJET FLIES,MayFLIES,May 15,15, 19411941 On May 15, 1941, the jet propelled Gloster-Whittle E 28/39 aircraft flies successfully over Cranwell, England, in the first test of an Allied aircraft using jet propulsion.

20 COBRA STRIKE! April 15, 2006 CCoobbrraa WWaarrrriioorrss pphhoonnee hhoommee...... Story by 1st Lt. Kyle Simon 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry, 4th BCT

The "Warrior" Soldiers of leadership of each company engineer, Co. E, said he real- Jenkins explained that the 1st Battalion, 12th spoke briefly to families at ly enjoyed speaking to his opportunities like this are Infantry, 4th Brigade home and then passed the wife and kids back in Texas evidence that conditions for Combat Team, 4th Infantry remaining time to their and looked forward to the Soldiers here today are Division talked to their fam- Soldiers. evening. markedly better than previ- ilies face-to-face via satellite Capt. Avery Stemmons, "When they told me about ous deployments. using the battalion's Video commander, Co. D, 1st Bn., this, I didn't care what was "I was here for OIF I and Teleconferencing system 12th Inf., explained the for- going on, I was going to be the Video Teleconferencing March 26. mat he used in an After here for this," he said. is a lot better than just being The event was an opportu- Action Review. Blakes was happy that his able to call home, because nity for morale, giving you actually get to see your Soldiers the chance to tell family", he said. their families all is well in The families that attended the combat zone. the event in Texas were also Sgt. Jonathan Jenkins, pleased. Deanna Sump, computer systems analyst, wife of 1st Sergeant Dale Headquarters and Sump, Co. D, said "The Headquarters Company, 1st families that were here Bn., 12th Inf., setup the today thought it was really equipment in preparation for neat." the event and explained that Stemmons remarked that the VTC system works by all the Soldiers and families broadcasting a signal on a appreciated the opportunity pre-existing satellite net- Photo by U.S. Army 1st Lt. Kyle Simon to talk to their loved ones. work back and forth from Pfc. Chino Thompkins, Company E, 1st Battalion, 12th "Overall," he said, "it was Fort Hood, Texas. Infantry, 4th Brigade Combat Team, speaks with his wife a huge success for our Normally, he said, com- Tiffany and his children using the brigade Video Soldiers and their families, manders use it for official Teleconferencing equipment March 26. especially the kids!" business, but it is now being "First sergeant and I opened children were able to see Because of the resounding used to keep in touch with and answered a couple of him. "They're pretty happy. success and positive feed- loved ones back home as quick questions for the first This is the first time they've back regarding the VTC well. 5 minutes", he said. actually seen me on cam- with families in Fort Hood, The VTC is a lot like a "Afterward, we gave six of era," he explained. 1st Bn., 12th Inf. has sched- webcam, with the exception our guys eight minutes Pfc. Chino Thompkins, uled two more VTC sessions of having a much larger, apiece to talk to their fami- also of Co. E, echoed this month for its crisper picture. A battalion lies. Blakes' remarks and said, Headquarters and Bravo wanting to use the VTC for "The guys had the room to "This was better (than a Companies. conversations with their themselves and we had a phone call), because I nor- Leaders expect they will FRG simply coordinates schedule of the names, so mally don't get to see them have a high turnout of with the Brigade and the transition from Soldier when I talk to them." Soldiers looking for the Division Jenkins explained. to Soldier as well as family Thompkins normally chance to go beyond just When the battalion's to family was smooth and speaks to his wife Tiffany talking- but actually seeing Company D and E conduct- easy," Stemmons said. and their three children by their loved ones back home. ed their teleconference, the Staff Sgt. Samuel Blakes, phone about once per week.

April 15, 2006 COBRA STRIKE! 21 Fitness advice by Lt.. Col.. Darron L.. Wright Executive Officer,, 4th Brigade Combat Team Personal Trainer certified by the American Counsel on Exercise

SSttaayy ffiitt iinn tthhee ccoommbbaatt zzoonnee!! TOPIC OF THE MONTH:: Periodization Workout Schedule Periodization- the MON CHEST/TRICEPS 2 TO 3 WEEKS BICEPS/CHEST key to muscle growth and strength TUE ABS/CARDIO change-up ABS/CARDIO development WED BACK shocks BACK/TRICEPS

The key to muscle develop- THUR SHLDR/BICEPS major muscles LEGS/ABS ment and growth, which in turn leads to increased FRI ABS/CARDIO CARDIO/SHLDR strength is to practice a weight training concept, or technique called “periodiza- Shock your muscles and tion.” the goal’s you will achieve Periodization is not a new sooner and see immediate concept but has long been a results and gains. technique practiced by all The final key to muscle body builders and your aver- growth and increased age weight lifter to see gains strength is to eat healthy. in muscle growth and It’s best to eat five small increased strength. meals throughout the day It is nothing more than versus your standard three changing up your weightlift- large meals. If you do eat ing regime every two to three three heavy meals in the weeks. dining facility, make an For instance, if every adjustment. Eat less and Monday you workout chest Photo by U.S. Army Staff Pfc. Jason Dangel add two additional meals by using the flat bench, and Warrant Officer Marlene Pearce, supply, 4th Brigade to your diet. the incline press using free Combat Team, performs the squat exercise during a work- These meals can be pro- weights, then your body out ag Forward Operating Base Prosperity. Staff Sgt. tein shakes or meal develops a pattern which Michael Jordan provides the spot. replacement bars. your major muscle groups weights to dumbells as a change up your exercises in By eating five small meals such as your pectorals learn whole new chest workout the gym. See the chart for an a day your body is constantly as this becomes muscle such as the decline press with example. working to digest your food memory and over time you dumbells or cable fly curls. The key is to keep your which leads to increase will see minimal gains either By applying this technique muscles guessing--just like metabolism and aids in in strength or appearance. you will see more increase in we do in operations through- weight loss or cutting fat in Your muscles needs to be muscle growth, and your out our battle space. order to build the beach shocked from time to time in strength will increase. This Whereby, we avoid setting physique you have always order to increase growth both technique applies to your patterns so the enemy can wanted. in mass and strength. Using whole training regime, or target us; the same applies to periodization technique, you split. your weight lifting training. should change from free Every two to three weeks, Don’t develop patterns.

22 COBRA STRIKE! April 15, 2006 By Chaplain (Capt.) Will Horton Engaged by Jimmy’s outspoken “Class dismissed,” the teacher said 4th Brigade Combat Team Chaplain faith, the teacher proposed a scien- sitting down at his desk. 4th Infantry Division tific experiment. Reaching into his Easter reminds us that it is not the Easter showers bring refreshing refrigerator, he produced a raw egg egg or the Easter bunny that matters powers. and held it up. “I’m going to drop but the faith. When Jesus arose from Easter is a time to reflect on the this egg on the floor,” he stated. the dead, it wasn’t about his scientif- power of God and our faith to act on “Gravity will pull it toward the floor ic transition from death to life. It it. A story is told about a high school with such force that the egg will cer- was about his power over death. class whose teacher challenged tainly break.” Fixing Jimmy with a Christ died that we might have life, Christians and their faith. “The look of challenge, he concluded his an eternal life. proposal. “Now Jimmy, I want you Out on convoys, walking a foot Easter story is nothing but a myth,” to pray a prayer right now and ask patrol, teaching or mentoring the Jimmy’s teacher announced a few your God to keep this egg from Iraqi military and para-military days before Easter break. “Jesus not breaking when it hits the floor. If he units, remember that the power of only didn’t rise from the grave,” he can do that, then you’ll have proven Christ’s resurrection can lift you continued, “but there’s no God in your point, and I’ll have to admit above any hardship or difficulty heaven who would allow his son to that there’s a God.” that threatens who you are. be crucified in the first place.” After pondering the challenge for Our spiritual fitness is developed “Sir, I believe in God,” Jimmy a moment, Jimmy slowly stood to in the challenges of our faith. Faith protested. “And I believe in the res- pray. “Dear Heavenly Father,” he is believing in God’s existence and urrection!” began. “I pray that when my teacher living a life that reflects that belief. “Jimmy, you can believe what you drops the egg…it will break into a Whatever your faith background, wish to, of course,” the teacher hundred pieces! And also, Lord, I make sure you are grounded in the replied. “However, the real world pray that when the egg does break, Almighty God who created science excludes the possibility of miracu- my teacher will have a heart attack and the opportunity for your faith to lous events such as the resurrection. and die! Amen.” be tested and exposed. The teacher The resurrection is a scientific After a unison gasp, the stunned apparently had more faith than he impossibility. No one who believes in class sat in silent expectation. For a thought he did. Jimmy knew that miracles can also respect science.” moment the teacher did nothing. At God would not strike him dead, but “God isn’t limited by science,” last he looked at Jimmy and then the Jimmy also knew that his teacher Jimmy responded. “He created sci- egg. Without a word he carefully put would not bet his life on it. ence!” the egg back into the refrigerator. Keep the FAITH!

PROSPERITY PALACE CHAPEL WORSHIP SCHEDULE SUNDAY: FRIDAY: 0930 Hours - Catholliic Mass TUESDAY: 1900 Hours Fullll Study (Faiith)) 1100 Hours - Generall Protestant 1900 Hours Gospell Biiblle 1300 Fiirst Friiday of the Month Contemporary Study/Worshiip Rehearsall Jewiish Serviice 1330 Hours - Generall Protestant Liiturgiicall WEDNESDAY: SATURDAY 1600 Hours - LDS 1930 Hours Biiblle Study (Dust to 1830 Contemporary Worshiip 1830 Hours - Generall Protestant Gllory)) at 3rd fll Pallace Rehearsall Gospell 1930 Gospell Worshiip Rehearsall THURSDAY: MONDAY: 1930 Hours Offiicer''s Chriistiian 1900 Hours - Biiblle Study (Purpose Fellllowshiip Driiven Liife))

April 15, 2006 COBRA STRIKE! 23