Law Critique DOI 10.1007/s10978-017-9218-3 Bourdieu’s Five Lessons for Criminology Victor L. Shammas1 Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2017 Abstract Drawing on a close reading of Pierre Bourdieu’s works, I offer five lessons for a science of crime and punishment: (1) always historicize; (2) dissect symbolic categories; (3) produce embodied accounts; (4) avoid state thought; and (5) embrace commitment. I offer illustrative examples and demonstrate the practical implications of Bourdieu’s ideas, and I apply the lessons to a critique of orthodox criminology. Keywords Critical criminology Á Embodiment Á Historicization Á Pierre Bourdieu Á State theory Introduction Criminology has been remarkably slow to absorb Bourdieu’s ideas. This is partly explicable by Bourdieu’s own relative lack of engagement with crime and punishment, albeit with some notable exceptions (e.g. Bourdieu 1987, 2014; Bourdieu et al. 1999). Bourdieu also represents a continental European moment in the social sciences: trained at the E` cole Normale Superieure in the 1950s and steeped in the Heideggerian–Husserlian–Hegelian traditions of postwar French philosophy, Bourdieu’s approach may appear abstruse to contemporary researchers engaged in essentially practical studies of relatively circumscribed empirical domains. Most criminologists simply lack the philosophical training required to appropriate fully Bourdieu’s critical-reflexive agenda. Notwithstanding, a Bour- dieusian movement has gained ground within criminology in recent years. & Victor L. Shammas
[email protected] 1 Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo, PO Box 1096 Blindern, 0317 Oslo, Norway 123 V. L. Shammas Criminologists and penologists are putting Bourdieu to work, mobilizing and deploying concepts such as the field (Shammas and Sandberg 2016), social capital (Ilan 2013), cultural capital (Sandberg 2008), and habitus (Fleetwood 2016; Sandberg and Fleetwood 2016; Ugwudike 2017) to solve real research puzzles.