Puma’s homework SUPERHEROES Autumn 2

Our topic this term is ‘Superheroes!’ Please could your child/children try to complete at least one task during the term and before the Christmas break. If you have other ideas we will be very excited to share these too. The most important thing is that the children have fun completing it/them.

Either take some photos of yourself or do Talk to a real life (e.g. Draw a superhero made out of 2D Try listening to superhero theme tunes, for some drawings of yourself being a superhero doctor). What can you find out shapes. Don’t worry if it doesn’t look example the 1960s cartoon Spiderman at home. Maybe you helped in the kitchen about their job? exactly like them. How many different theme song. Make up a song or rhyme about (Wonder Wash-up Woman) or tidied your shapes can you use to make them? a superhero (can be made up) and write it as bedroom (Captain Clean)? Add labels to the you would want it to be sung (like a poem) picture to explain what you did. Create some simple Top Trumps cards about Write a book review of a superhero If each letter of the alphabet equals a Show how you have shown independence superheroes. What number would you give story that you’ve read. It could be a number, starting at a = 1, b = 2 and so on, and responsibility (this can be presented for strength out of 100? So what book, a comic or anything else that’s what would be the value of a superhero however you want). would you give , Black Widow written, but no films. What did you name? For example Batman = or the ? enjoy? Did you like the way it 2+1+20+13+1+14 = 51 Take your time ended? Who would you recommend and use resources to help you with the it to? adding on each time (you could have a picture of them). Create a poster for a film about a new Research one superhero in depth. Make a flipbook showing the adventures Make a house fit for a superhero out of junk superhero who would help around our school How did they become a superhero? of a superhero stick person! materials found around the house/garden. or area such as Green Litter – he is really good Who are their friends or family? at recycling! Who are their enemies? All the superheroes come to you for their In History we are learning about fire- Write some of your own word problems Make a meal fit for a superhero to give them costume design. Create a range of costumes fighters from the Great fire of about superheroes and see if an adult lots of energy for their missions! for different superheroes with different London, who were superheroes! Can can answer them. E.g. if superman saved Think about our Science lessons and having a powers. How would you change them to suit you tell me some facts about fire- 10 people one day and 6 another, how balanced diet. their personalities? fighters? many people would he have saved altogether? Each week your child will be given spellings to learn. They have the choice to learn 5 (mild), 7 (medium) or 10 (spicy). They will be tested every Friday. The children will also be given 1 or 2 Mathletics tasks a week (usually just a 10 question activity) – if they have trouble completing it at home they can use school time to complete it, if they let us know.