Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1952-04-11
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(AP Wlr.,-ot. ) ... And Nebraska Floods Hit s. Dakota ... .. And Iowa ••• l'tIRS. ANNA COVRJO. 92. BELLEVUE, NEB.. Ia lifted abGllrd a tratltoJ' after her TIlE WATER PATROL IN PIERRE, S.D., RESCUED A MOTUER an(l h~r dangh AN EARTHEN DIKE AROUND A FARMSTEAD NEAR BI.ENCOE kept walen from Ihe ~US80url fum home wa threatened by the rilll~ MIlISoIII'I rinr. !'tlore than 20 rarm ra:mwes W, :! years old, from the Locke hotel which Is cut off from all facillUl"s ~d hns to river temporarily In hand Thursday. S",1rlln6, muddy water from the river have nooded lowlands, were eV~llllted from Bellevue, a suburb of 0Inaha, 'nIurlday after .. 12 square be reacbed by boat. The flood crest II e~ted In loux City on Monday. Blencoe I about 50 mites south 01 Sioux City. mile ana wall cau.. hl between the lurl"iD« !'tDnouri and PW~ rivera. , Serving the Stat. The Weather University of Iowa Fair and wal'lller today. Campul and S .. turda.y lner..... nc cioudbteaa and mild. Hl,b Iowa City wuy, n; low, u. Hla-h lerwcI e at Thursday, U; low, 25, heat. IlitIes. main Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto - five Cent. Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, April 11, 1952--Vol. 86, No. 136 ~art 01 1Jn~ visited d aDd [~iq. • • - II 00 . a ers on Inue Ise Morris Probe Begun Damage,in Millions; U.S. Lawyers Stall 6 Months Before -He Thousands Homeless Took Cleanup Post · By The Assoclaled PreQ W ASIDNGTON IJP) - Rep. The levee-busting Missouri river raced fOUl' feet deep through Kenneth Keating (R-N.Y.) said the main street of South Dakota's capital city of Pierre Thursday and Quick Court \ Test Thursday that six months before posed an ominous threat to cities downstream . Newbold Morris was chosen as Floods along the Missouri and other midwest rivers made thou4 the administration's cleanup man sands homeless and caused mil- Ihis connection with a surplus lions oC dollars in property dam· down aboul Saturday as the flood ships deal was under investiga age. peril grew. .Of Steel Seizure tion by the criminal division of In Sioux City, la., the flood Flood HJIs 1\1111 Count,. the justice department. paralyzed the city's livestock in Morris, appearing before a dustry. Ali shipments to the Fifty families living in three WASIDNGTON (JP) - Lawyers ing back to life again, Secretary townships or Mills county border . tor the nation'!: embattled steel of Commerce Sawyer Instructed hOllse committee on which Keat stockyards were halted and pack ing is serving, said this was the ing planls prepared for a shut- i ng the Missouri ' river were industry angrily accused the gov- the nationaf product1bn uuther eVllcua t d as the stream slowly ernment ot "stalling" Thursday ity late in the day to lift its batl r\rst lime he had neard nny-thing about it. edged up to a flood crest expect as federal attorneys staved off a on steel deliveries. ed next week, quick court test of President Tru- The NPA had {rozen deliveries Keating asited him whether he would have alreed to become a The muddy Missouri, on its man's power to seize the steel in advance of last Tuesday's Senate Votes to Let mo t destructive spr e in 71 mills. strike threat. special assistant attorney general and start on his corruption hunt years, hit Pierre a crippling blow, In U.S. district court, Judge I other swift-breaking de- engulfed the entire town of Fort ments: if he had known about it. Subcommittee Probe David A. Pine upheld gover Would Have Refused Job Pierre, a community of 700 across Sawyer, named by Pr '~sldent ment objections against an in "I certainly would not have ac the river, and smashed through. mediate hearing of the dispute. Truman as boss of the govern McCarthy's Ouster levees as far as 200 miles down ment-seized mills, sought to allay cepted It (the appointment)," Judge Pine said that under Morris replied, He added that if stream, court rules he had no choice but industry tears that he would give WASHINGTON (JP) - The sen- Flood waters spilled across 100 the steel workers an immediate he had any idea that such an in to give the government <It least ate voted 60 to 0 Thursday to let blocks of Pierre, driving 1,600 of pay boost and perhaps approve a quiry was under way he would 20 days to reply to' the companies' the city's 5,'700 population from union shop contract. have rushed to Washingten and a subcommittee go on investi&at suits for a permanent injunction "got it cleared uP." their homes, against seizure. 2. President Trwnan brushed ing ouster charges against Sen. off an industry leader's charge AP'" Wlrephot. KeatIng told the ousted clean l»llIes GIve Wa,. Nel'otlatlons Break Up up man that he enly wanted to Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.). Dikes gave way downstream at that he seized the mills in "a cor The charges were preferred by Meanwhile, negotiations be rupt political deal" with the CIO. Police Battle Pickets at Western Electric know whether he had known South Sioux City, Neb., putting tween industry leaders and the about the inquiry, and that he Sen. Homer Benton (D-Conn.), the city of 5,1157 at the mercy of Truman declined to comment on who said they justify McCarthy's CIO stj!elwerkers union broke up PICKETS SKIlll\USH WITH POLICE In Iront of a. Western Electrlo company warehouse Thursday was not accusing him ot any the river. The river is expected the charge at his news confer expulsion [rom the senate. Thursday night without any sign after an attemp~ to break throu .. h the picket line to allow ortlce workers to enter tbe buJldlnr. Police wrongdoing. to climb five feet higher by Mon ence. In a formal counter-attack, Mc of progress after day-long talks. 3. However, CIO President were unable to budge tbe line but the communication workers later pulled ott the plokets, announ "There was no misconduct," day or Tuesday. The negotiations will resume at 10 Morris Silld, "by me or by my Carthy Thursday urged an Inqulry The flood could affect 3,500 Philip Murray lashed back at th(' cing', "tomorrow no one &'Cis I.hrourh." into Benton's conduct by the same a.m. today. "deal" assertion by Clarence B. (New York) law firm." persons and 144 blocks. It was not brought out jmme rules subcommittee, although he A state ef emergency has been "We're still en dead center," a Randall, president of Inland Steel said "I have absolutely no con union official said, indicating company, denQuncing it as "n ma diately What \he outcome was of proclaimed in South Sioux City thi! justice deptlrtment investiga fidence" in the Democratic mem and acroq the river in Sioux City, that nothing had changed since licious and deiiberate lie .. , an bers of the subcommittee. Ihe pre-seizure negotiations col Insult to President Truman and Telephone Strike Idles 260,000; tion. In Omaha, where the flood lapsed in New Yark on Tuesday. me." He called Randall "a pre McGrath. Investlntlon Bewn. Follctw crest two feet higher than the President Benjamin Fairless ef vnricator of the lowest type." Morris, New York attorney and That brought a series of a~ city's flood wall is expected April U.S. Steel and CIO President A survey ot the rar-f1ung in sociaHte, was coiled 'by the house retorts from members of the sub. 17-18, Mayor Glenn CUnningham Judiciary subcommittee in its in Philip Murray, both present at the dll~try indicated generally that committee and others preceding considered calling out the entire talks led by presidential assistant the companies were issuing back Violence Flares on Picket Line vestigation of former Atty. Gen. the uhanimous vote which rejected city civil defense unit. Across the John R. Steelman, declined to to-work calls as soon as their fur , J. Howard McGrath's admioistra a move to take the inquiry away river in Councll Bluffs, Mayor say how the peace parleys were nnces could be tired up. However, DETROIT lIP) - A plan for oHher Indicating what course the were not. In general, however, it tion of the justice department. from the subcommittee, which III James Mulqueen erdered a 24 gOing. U.S. Steel and some others said settlement of the four-day-ola talks were tnking. was all orderly. Apparently turning over Keat- now apparently nearing the com- hour watch on all the city's ing's statement In his mind, Mol'- pletion of its work. $3 million system of levees. Order Ban Lifted it might be 10 days before full tclephonc workers strike stl iI Any settlement here with Mich No Pickets a~ Des Moines IriS remarked that as between Any significance that vote BotwmJ&nd Ia Threa:ened With the industry's fires roar- production Is restored. eluded negotintors ThuTSday in igan Bell was expected to point The Des Moines office of the hlmsel! and McGrath, McGrath might have had had been removed Things looked even darker for the midst ot reported mounting the way toward agreen, nts n3- Northwestern Bell Telephone would be the only one who would In advance when McCarthy an- bottomland tow.ns Uke Modale, idleness. tionally. company said late Thursday that know about it, II he were under nounced that he wouid vote Mondamin and Blencoe in Iowa. Estimates of the striking CIO's COmPany Orten Raise . criminal investigation. against the move to discharge the Water was spilling into Modale President Wants Postmasters os.OC that lIm~ th~re w~s ~o plck- "SO' whot would be the purpose subcommittee from further eon- and getUng uncomfortably close ; Communications W 0 r k e r s of Thn CWA .