Andersen Consulting Is the World Leader in Today C 3Kland (Moor
The Daily Collegian Thursday, Oct. 8, Scoreboard Daily Trivia In The Bleachers by Steve Moore ANDERSEN Today's Ouestion: Who is the leading scorer in Penn Stale field hockey history, (Answer tomorrow) ®1 992 Tribune Media Services. Inc. AllRights Reserved Yesterday's Question: In what yeardid the Penn State CONSULTING r 'than team one tts last no-n«coming game, (Ancwer Oct 1970 the bon., lost to Syracuse 24-71 ARTHUR ANDERSEN & CO., S.C. Baseball Defining Business Advantage... PLAYOFFS American League Yesterday at Torc,,to v Andersen Consulting is the world leader in Today C 3kland (Moor. • +2l at T010 1,17 ,Core a-31. 837 information technology consulting, helping Saturday. Oct. 10 Toronto tt<ey 13.13 or Guzman 16.5) at Oakland (Darling 15 101 3 o organizations effectively apply technology to their Sunday. Oct. 11 Toronto a! Oak4l-1d 4 ,9 p Monday. Oct. 12 business advantage. But that's only part of the Toronto at Oakland, p m d ,pcpssary Wednesday. Oct. 14 74mnd at Toronto pm 0, 826 p 11 necessary comprehensive business solution Andersen provides Thursday. Oct. 15 Oakland at Toronto. F T pm. a necessary We also work with our clients to carefully position National League Tuesday Atlanta 5 .tttsbLrg, people and processes, as well as technology, for Yesterday !gilllIII=IIIIIIII/1 Tomorrow maximum, continuous benefit from business and Atlanta (Gia,,e .7'o 6' at Pitisbcrq IWakelield 6 it 3 • r, Saturday. Oct. 10 technological change. Atlanta al Piti,h,Fc. , F F' p m Sunday. Oct. 11 Atlanta At Plttsburep.
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