1909-11-03, [P ]

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1909-11-03, [P ] Furnished rooms with he;it, for rent. Apply at this office. Will the person who took the bicycle L4TB t. J. VOELTZ mmm from in front of the Fair store kindly return it. tilled by Ore Car in Homesteke LEST YOU FORGET The Baptist Ladies' aid meets with Mine—Burial at De Mrs. Ketcham Friday afternoon. Smet K3RA5 Everyone welcome. Ask Your Friends About I am prepared to bore wells in any Mrs. Vpeltt and daughter, mother part of the county. Call on or ad and sister of A J. Vueltz. killed at dre«j Geo. -Simpson. Lead yesterday,arrived in Madison this Sunnyside Sootless Coal . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Curtis wer« even­ morning from their home in DeSinet. THE ONLY PERFECT FUEL ing passengers for Howard to call on Additional particulars of the accident the family of their son, Hairy Curtis. are to the effect that Mr. Voeltz. with It Is HOT STUFF For a LONG TIME Two plain diunks appeared in a partv of sightseers, was engaged in a tour of inspection of the Homestake TOW!f' Judge Sponholz's court this morning. We don't urge you to bay Hard Coal early, as we They dad the price and each paid mine and was passing tnrough a tunnel $9.15. when ths deceased man was struck by always have all kinds of Coal on hand at all times, an ore car and sustained a fracture of bat when you get ready for your winter's supply, phone Remember all electric light bills the sknll. He was immediately taken must be paid at the Lake Coonty bank to the company's hospital where he J"!!, / on or before toe 10th or a fine of #1 Hi***: ^sJWWpwKfW.^ died in a few minutes after the acci­ will apply.—Win. Rae, City Auditor. dent. A brother of deceased went to w Mr. and Mis. R. B. Walker have de Lead from DeSmet yesterday to accom THE MILL js^u* iii/h cid^d to remove to Sioux City to re­ pany the remains home to the latter side. Mrs. Walker and children de­ place and they will arrive there over Mill 240 PHONES Store 445 O- -~l_. parted for that city this morning and the Northwestern road tomorrow morn­ Mr Walker will follow in a day or ing. The mother and sister's visit to t W'O. Madison today was for tne purpose of In a letter to The Daily Leader taking possession of the personal effects John Huntamer who recently visited of the deceased, especially his uniform K~o«**-k«*Lr Rwoco An Unusually Attractive, Up-to-Date in Madison, states that he is nicely worn in the Spanish American war, it nettled with hie family in Tacoina, having been the request of deceased to I^arnaK DiaSS Line of Wares, was inspired by the Wash., and all are pleased with their bis parents that at death be desired to new home. be buried in the uniform. The Odd MISS B0GEN Temple of Karnak on the banks of the River Nile. Special meeting Madison comman Fellows of DeSmet will take charge dery, K. T., Friday evening, Nov. 5 of the funeral, deceased having been Headquaters fop All Knights Templar in the city are a member of that order. Each piece is finished in antique brass and Nile green. The lourteously invited to be present. — H. decorations are the Lotis flower, the Sphinx, the Iris, the Pargris A Fowler, Recorder. Fine and Up>to-J)ate Frank Sedan and Ed. Wese departed EQUAL SUFFRAGE and other ancient Egyptian symbolical designs. Our first order of thin morning for Kingfisher, Okla where they will remain permanently. these goods went so fast that we had to reorder. -Mr. Wese has purchased farm near Stale Campaign Opened With Kingfisher and Mr. Sedan will ioin his Convention in Sioux Falls parents who have resided there several years. To-Day Today's local grain market: Wheat at Reasonable Prices No. 1, 93$; No. 2, 91J; velvet Sioux Falls, Nov. 3. —With the first chaff, No. 1, 90; No. 2, 88; dnrom meeting this afternoon ia the Metho first Class workmanship on J. CHRIS SCHUTZ, diet cnurch, the equal suffrage conven No. 1, 74; No. 2, 71. Oats, 33. Corn, DRUGGIST JEWELER ill Barley, 45 to 48. Flax, $1.4(5 tion will commence its three days' ses all our hats is guaranteed Speltz, 90 cwt. Timothy, $2.60 cwt. sion iu Sioux Falls. COMPLETE OPTICAL ROOM Z. F. SEARS, OPTICIAN IN CHARGE A. D. Smith, conductor on the south The convention has been widely ad We also carry a large assortment of Veilings, freight, has decided to make his home vertised, and large delegations of •••••••••BRBBBBBnDMBBBnONMHBBHBHBi in .Sioux Falls, Mrs Smith and chil suffraeists from all over the state are Hair Goods, Neckwear, Etc. A specialty is (hen going to that city this mnrninu in attendance. made in Fancy Work. Best suggestions given as Besides the dyed in tbe wool suffra The schedule of Mr. Smith's train to working and selecting materials, A ftQW 1 aves him in Sioux Falls every other gists, there will be delegates present lnubt and Sunday, making home more from a number of the fraternal socie assortment of Stamping Patterns. < nvenient in the C^ueen City. Th ties of the state. It will be the aim of 1835- R. WALLACE tiiuiily will reside at 800 South Duluth the convention to convert all the dele avenue. gates and send them back home as mis m sioTii.ries of the cause. ('has. Running, residing with his Tne equal suffrage convention held I a rents in Eden township, Codington in Sioux Falls is simply to be Silverplate that Resists Wear county, committed suicide by shooting starter for a state campaign. The himself in the breast with a shotgun suffragists will invade every town in Among women of taste 1835 R. Wallace Silver Plate let Friday morning. Deceased had the state and put up the question of -MiJiered an injury by falling from a votes for women" before every citizen has always received first preference. Its exquisite unary during the threshing season of the state if possible. designs—its splendid workmanship—its "Sterling Sil­ a mi since that time bad been in ill Rev. Anna Howard Shsw, president ver" appearance—its "wear resisting" qualities---and hra 1th. He was brought to Madison of the National organization, is expect tor medical treatment returning to his ed to arrive in Sioux Falls this even­ that little added touch of the exclusive are the differ­ home a few days ago. The yoang man ing to be present during the three ences whioh distinguish it unmistakably from ail other wa- aged 18 years. days of tbe convention. Both she and plated ware. Aberdeen News: A well known Mrs. Kachael Foster Avery, nationa n -ident of Aberdeen the owner of vice president, will deliver addresses The new Blossom Pattern—a full line is found at this ~ >;ue blooded cows, and the milk his at the Beveral meetings held. l imijy uses is of a \ery good quality. This evening, the suffragists wil store— is an entirely fresh idea, delicate in design, He reports that yesterday a woman nold a reception for Rev. Anna Shaw superb in execution, finished in French Gray with • .tiled him up and asked if he bad any the parlor of the Cataract hotel polished shield. It is the pattern of the year. nmre milk on bad than the family Thio reception will be pnblic and an SMART PEOPLE w sild use. Investigation showed that invitation is extended to everybody tin re was a plentiful supply, and tne especially men, to be present. That is people who are smart in their attire and An Unrestricted Guarantee woman stated that her baby was ill •'ifid the doctor ordered her to see that clever in their ways—we have the clothes for. That Protects You Absolutely he received good care. "The doctor Our garments are full of that snap and told me," said the woman, "to give goy.Tessey vim that typifies the smart American him cow's milk and not milkman's WE GUARANTEE that 1835 R. WALLACE Silver of to-day—and are all of a nat* • milk." The woman was assured she Addresses Deep Waterways Plate That Resists wear, will give absolute satisfaction could have all the cow's milk she ural individuality that makes and we agree to stand behind and replace every piece needed to restore baby to health. Convention in Session at you feel at home in them. of goods bearing the 1835 R. Wallace trade mark Yankton Press: In accordance with New Orleans Try a suit on to-day—costs you nothing but that does not give satisfactory service in mmj house­ an order issued by Frank H.Hitchcock, postmaster general, all the postoffices your time. $15.00 up. 'Bout time fit New Orleans, Nov. 2.—Governor R hold. of the United States, beginning No S. Vessey, of South Dakota in bis state the overcoat, eh? We're ready, prices vember 1, will charge 10 cents for ment to the convention here said: We have the exclusive sale of these goods; registering letters and packages, in­ ranging from $6.00 to $30.00 'South Dakota is deeply interested stead of 8. At the same time the in­ no other store in Madison can show them to you in the water way project. We believe demnity limit will be raised from |2."i this is to be tbe great national project to >v»0.
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