Week Module Item

What is WebDriver and what was Week 1 Selenium WebDriver Overview the need for it? Inroduction as tool for web application What are the needs for test automation and how it fullfils them Cross browser testing Building custom test automation frameworks, full programming support needed.

Selenium WebDriver -Introduction Introducing WebDriver History Setting Up a Selenium-WebDriver Project Getting setup ready for Selenium WebDriver

Setting up Eclipse, Java, JUnit and WebDriver libraries Creating and running first test Whiztrial Setup Running test on Whiztrial and Summarizing Commonly Used Selenium methods/Apis Uderstanding and creating basic test template using WebDriver Debugging Commonly used methods/APIs WebDriver get() getTitle() findElement() sendKeys() click() quit() timeouts() Basic Contructs of WebDriver WebDriver Interface WebElement Interface By Class Introduction to WebDriver documentation

Week 2 Getting Started with Java Introduction to IDE and setting up Eclipse Understading Eclipse Introduction to Java Concept of OOP, Object and Class Writing a simple Java program Variables and Access Control Constructor Basic Data types Decision Making : if, if-else, nested, switch Loops: for, while and do-while String Array Collections : Array List, Set Interface Inheritance Polymorphism Exception handling

Week 3 Java Unit Testing Framework Concept of Unit Testing Need for Unit Testing framework Introduction to Junit

Understanding basic Web Technologies Introduction to HTML Introduction to CSS Introduction to Javascript

UI/WebElement Locating Strategies using Locating UI Elements (WebElements) Week 4 WebDriver By Id By Class Name By Name By Link Text By Partial Link Text By Css By Xpath By TagName

Various other Selenium WebDriver WebDriver Interface Interface methods WebDriver Nagivation Interface WebDriver Window Interface WebDriver Timeouts Interface

Alert Interface Alert Interface

Various other WebElement Interface important methods related to WebElement methods Interface

Handling some typical test scenarios using Handling elements with same id Week 5 webdriver Handling dynamic objetcs/ids Handling Dynamic Elements on the page Locating with / selector Extracting all links of a page Finding and clicking links one by one on a part of webpage or full webpage User Input - Filling In Forms Checkbox radio button Drop Down and select Drag And Drop? Popup Dialogs Moving Between Windows and Frames Navigation: History and Location Cookies Taking a Screenshot Taking video recording

Selenium-WebDriver implementation for HtmlUnit Driver different browsers Driver Driver Chrome Driver Android Driver Cross Browser Testing

Introduction to Ant Ant build process

Case Study : batch automation Basic Elements Automation Testing for a live project Whiztrial site explanation Writing manual testcases Writing automated tests Running them as a batch Looking the results. Triaging and loggin bugs.

Week 6 Introduction to TestNg What is TestNg Installing TestNg in Eclipse TestNg annotations Understanding usage of annotations Running a Test in TestNg Batch Running of tests in TestNg Skipping Tests Parameterizing Tests - DataProvider Assertions/Reporting Errors TestNg Reports Using TestNg in Selenium XSLT report generation using TestNg Working with excel files Introduction to POI Working with mail Introdcution to Mail API Working with logs Introduction to log4j

Covers complete implementation of Data Driven Automation framework implementation Framework in WebDriver using TestNG using data driven techniques Desinging the framework Using Excel Skipping test cases Generating Reports Emailing test results

Running framework automation through Ant

Evaluation A final test for all the participants