International Single Species Action Plans for

CMS AEWA and Raptors MoU Action Plans

Date Species Range States Coordination Links/Information Note published 1 Aquatic1 Warbler Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, Aquatic Acrocephalus paludicola Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mali, Mauritania, Warbler MoU, /international-species-action-plan- Morocco, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the Russian BirdLife, aquatic-warbler-acrocephalus- Federation, Senegal, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine European paludicola 2016 and the United Kingdom. Commission nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti on_plans/docs/acrocephalus_palu dicola.pdf 2 Audouin's2 Gull Algeria, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Document AEWA/MOP Larus audouinii Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey. ment/nature/conservation/ 4.10 recommended a revision of the wildbirds/action_plans/docs Audouin’s Gull SSAP, 1996 /laurus_audouinii.pdf but the MOP did not instruct the Secretariat to take any action with regard to the revision.

3 Bewick’s3 Swan Russian Federation, Norway, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, AEWA, To be http://www.unep- Cygnus columbianus bewickii Finland, Poland, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom, convened W Siberian & NE/NW 2012 Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, France, Greece, Ireland, under Eurosite onal-single-species-action-plan- European population and/or WWT conservation-northwest-european- population 4 Black4 -faced Spoonbill China (Macao, Hong Kong), Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Birdlife Platalea minor Russia, , North Korea, Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand International, blication/international-single- 2010 CMS species-action-plan-conservation- black-faced-spoonbill-platalea-0 5 Black5 -tailed Godwit Albania, Algeria, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, AEWA, http://www.unep- Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Croatia, Czech Government Limosa l. limosa Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Service for onal-single-species-action-plan- Limosa l. islandica Finland, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Land and conservation-black-tailed-godwit 2008 Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry, Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Water Republic of Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Latvia, Management Libya, Lithuania, Mali, Mauritania, Montenegro, Morocco, (DLG) of the Netherlands, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Poland, Netherlands Date Species Range States Coordination Links/Information Note published Portugal, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United Arab, Emirates and Yemen.

6 Black6 -winged Pratincole Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, France, Germany, AEWA http://www.unep- Glareola nordmanni Hungary, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Bahrain, Chad, Cyprus, onal-single-species-action-plan- Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Israel , Jordan, conservation-black-winged- Lebanon, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, pratincole 2004 Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Congo, The Democratic Republic of, Côte d'Ivoire, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Namibia, Rwanda, Sâo Tomé e Principe, South , Tanzania ,Togo, Uganda, Zambia.

7 Blue7 crane Southern and eastern , Namibia The Southern The development of a Anthropoides paradisea African Crane rce/birds/cranes/anthpara.htm Biodiversity Foundation, Management Plan for AEWA, ICF Species – Cranes, a EWT legislated process Partnership under South Africa legislation, will provide a detailed plan for the conservation of the Blue Crane in South Africa. 8 Chinese8 Crested tern China, Indonesia, Sarawak, Malaysia, Taiwan (China), CMS, AEWA Sterna bernsteini Thailand and the Philippines. n/international-single-species- 2010 action-plan-conservation-chinese- crested-tern-sterna 9 Corncrake9 Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, AEWA http://www.unep- Crex crex Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Botswana, Bulgaria, China, Congo, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, onal-single-species-action-plan- Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, conservation-corncrake Greece, Hungary, Iraq, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Israel, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, 2006 Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia (the FYR), Malawi, Malta, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Serbia & Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sudan, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria (Arab Republic of) Tadjikistan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Date Species Range States Coordination Links/Information Note published United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. 10 Egyptian1 Vulture(1) Raptor MoU Global Action Plan is Neophron0 percnopterus In Prep. iles/publication/eu-sap-egyptian- under preparation vulture_review.pdf 11 Eurasian1 Spoonbill Platalea The present Action Plan covers the distribution in Europe, AEWA, http://www.unep- leucorodia1 –leucorodia, western Asia and Africa. The plan distinguishes five Eurosite archeri, balsaci & major or populations: Spoonbill onal-single-species-action-plan- The Atlantic Population Platalea leucorodia leucorodia Working Group conservation-eurasian-spoonbill- The Central European (Panonnian) & Southeast European complete 2008 Population P. l. leucorodia The West Asian Population (so called "P. l. major") The Red Sea subspecies (P. l. archeri) The Mauritanian subspecies (P. l. balsaci)

12 Eur1 asian Curlew AEWA, RSPB http://www.unep- Numenius2 a. arquata In Prep. document/stc10_14_draft_i ssap_eurasian_curlew.pdf 13 Ferruginous1 Duck Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Austria, AEWA http://www.unep- Aythya3 nyroca Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Central African onal-single-species-action-plan- Republic, Chad, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, conservation-ferruginous-duck Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, France, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Latvia, Lebanon, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Lithuania, Macedonia 2006 (Former Yugoslav Republic of), Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Moldova (Republic of), Mongolia, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, Netherlands, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sudan, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam, and Yemen 14 Great1 Snipe Norway, Sweden, Poland, Estonia, AEWA http://www.unep- Gallinago4 media Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia 2004 onal-single-species-action-plan- conservation-great-snipe 15 Great Bustard Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, CMS Great Covers only Middle- Otis tarda tarda Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Bustard MOU bustard/sites/default/files/docume European populations 2013 (Middle European population) Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Date Species Range States Coordination Links/Information Note published nt/GB_MoS3_Inf_10_Great_Bus tard_Action_Plan_0.pdf 16 Greenland1 White-fronted Greenland, Iceland, UK, Ireland AEWA http://www.unep- Goose6 Anser albifrons flavirostris onal-single-species-action-plan- 2012 conservation-greenland-white- fronted-goose-ts

17 Grey1 Crowned Crane Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, AEWA http://www.unep- Balearica7 r. regulorum and Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, gibbericeps In Prep. Zambia and Zimbabwe. Very small, currently non-viable ment/mop6_25_draft_issap_ggc.p populations of Grey Crowned Cranes are also found in df Botswana, Malawi, Namibia and South Sudan. 18 Lesser1 Flamingo This action plan covers the entire African, South Asian and AEWA ( New http://www.unep- Phoeniconaias8 minor SW Asian Lesser Flamingo breeding and non-breeding coordinating range. It requires implementation in the following 12 organisation to onal-single-species-action-plan- countries regularly supporting >1% of the regional be identified) conservation-lesser-flamingo populations of the Lesser Flamingo: Botswana, Ethiopia, 2008 Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, India, Kenya, Mauritania, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, United Republic of Tanzania and Uganda. With the exception of India and Pakistan, the range of the Lesser Flamingo is fully included within the AEWA geographic scope. 19 Lesser1 White-fronted Goose Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, AEWA http://www.unep- Anser9 erythropus – Western Hungary, Iraq, Islamic Republic of Iran, Kazakhstan, Palearctic population 2008 Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, onal-single-species-action-plan- Russian Federation, Sweden, Syrian Arab Republic, conservation-lesser-white-fronted- Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. goose-western 20 Light2 -bellied Brent Goose Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, the UK, France and AEWA, Irish http://www.unep- Branta0 bernicla hrota Spain. Brent Goose Research onal-single-species-action-plan- East Canadian High Arctic Group – conservation-light-bellied-brent- 2006 population largely goose-east coordinates work internationally 21 Long2 -tailed Duck Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands (to Denmark), Finland, AEWA, WWT http://www.unep- Clangula1 hyemalis Germany, Greenland (to Denmark), Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russian Federation, international-single-species-action- In prep Sweden, United Kingdom. Key regions/districts of the plan-conservation-long-tailed- Russian Federation in which the plan is to be duck-0 implemented are: Arkhangelsk, Komi, Krasnoyarsk, Murmansk, Nenetsia and Yamalia Date Species Range States Coordination Links/Information Note published 22 Maccoa2 Duck Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, AEWA, http://www.unep- 2 Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, the United Republic of 2007 Oxyura maccoa Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe onal-single-species-action-plan- conservation-maccoa-duck 23 Madagascar2 Pond-heron Burundi, Comoro Islands, Democratic Republic of Congo, AEWA( New http://www.unep- Ardeola3 idae France (Europa - Iles Eparses, administered from Réunion coordinating and Mayotte - eastern Comoro Island), Kenya, organization to onal-single-species-action-plan- 2008 Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Seychelles be identified) conservation-madagascar-pond- (Aldabra), Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, heron Zimbabwe.

24 Middle2 -European Great Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, CMS(Middle- Bustard4 (1) Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, The European bustard/en/document/great- 2013 Otis tarda Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Poland Great Bustard bustard-mou-action-plan , Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine. MoU) 25 Northern2 Bald Ibis Morocco, Syria, and Turkey. AEWA, BirdLife http://www.unep- Geronticus5 eremita International (through ation/ts10_ssap_nbi_complete_0.p RSPB, df 2006 BirdLife Middle East and SEO/BirdLife Spain) 26 Pink2 -footed Goose Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway. AEWA, Aarhus http://www.unep- Anser6 brachyrhynchus University, 2012 Denmark onal-species-management-plan- Svalbard population svalbard-population-pink-footed- goose-0 27 Red2 -breasted Goose (1) Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Romania, The Russian AEWA, WWT http://www.unep- Branta7 ruficollis 2012 Federation, Ukraine, the key regions/districts of The (through Russian Federation in which the plan is to be BSPB/BirdLife onal-single-species-action-plan- implemented are: Kalmykia, Khanty-Mansi, Kurgan, Bulgaria) conservation-red-breasted-goose Orenburg, Rostov, Stavropol, Taimyr, Tyumen, Volgograd and Yamalia.

WWT 1995 (2) Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Greece, Kazakhstan, Romania, ublic2/documenti/117-69989.pdf Russia, Turkey and Ukraine 28 Ruddy2 -headed Goose(1) Argentine Republic and the Republic of Chile CMS (Ruddy- It was officially adopted Chloephaga8 rubidiceps headed Goose headed- in 2013. 2010 MoU) goose/en/legalinstrument/ruddy- headed-goose Date Species Range States Coordination Links/Information Note published 29 Saker2 Afghanistan, Armenia, Austria, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Global Falco9 cherrug Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, The Saker cument/saker-falcon-task-force Action Plan (2016): Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Romania, Russian Falcon Task 2012 Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Force ptors/en/document/sak Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and possibly India (Raptors MoU) er-falcon-global-action- (Ladakh). plan-sakergap

30 Shoebill3 Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Rwanda, AEWA http://www.unep- Balaeniceps0 rex South Sudan, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania and 2013 Zambia. Some level of implementation may also be required in Burundi and the Central African Republic, publication/ts51_ssap_shoe where the Shoebill is deemed to be an occasional visitor. bill_0.pdf 31 Siberian3 crane Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, China, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, CMS (Siberian Individual flyway Action Leucogeranus1 leucogeranus 2010 Mongolia, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Russian Federation, Crane MoU), crane/en/documents/action-plans Plans. Uzbekistan AEWA 32 Slaty3 Egret Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe, AEWA http://www.unep- Egretta2 vinaceigula Angola. 2012 onal-single-species-action-plan- conservation-slaty-egret 33 Slender3 -billed Curlew Albania, Algeria, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, CMS (Slender- Numenius3 tenuirostris Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Kazakhstan, billed Curlew /action-plan-conservation-slender- Malta, Morocco, Oman, Romania, Russia, Spain, Tunisia, MoU) billed-curlew-numenius- Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, tenuirostris-july-1994 1996 Uzbekistan, Yemen, Yugoslavia, cspeciesactionplan_tcm9- 199216.pdf (Final draft, 2002) 34 Sociable3 Lapwing Russia and Kazakhstan AEWA, RSPB http://www.unep- Vanellus4 gregarius (breeding), Eritrea, India, Iraq, Israel, Oman, Pakistan, Sri Lanka (wintering), and Afghanistan, onal-single-species-action-plan- Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Iran, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, conservation-sociable-lapwing Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates and 2012: 2004 Uzbekistan (migration).

http://www.unep- onal-single-species-action-plan- conservation-sociable-lapwing-ts- no-47

35 Sooty3 Falcon Raptors MoU In 2016: Falco5 concolor In Prep raptors/en/workingg Date Species Range States Coordination Links/Information Note published roup/sooty-falcon- working-group,

2008: raptors/sites/default /files/publication/Act ion%20Plan%20for% 20the%20Conservati on%20of%20Migrato ry%20Birds%20of%2 0Prey%20in%20Mad agascar%20- %20Sooty%20Falcon %20and%20Eleonora %27s%20Falcon.pdf 36 Spoon3 -billed Sandpiper Russia, South Korea, North Korea, China, Taiwan, AEWA, CMS, Eurynorhynchus6 pygmeus Malaysia, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh BirdLife n/international-single-species- 2010 action-plan-conservation-spoon- billed-sandpiper 37 Taiga3 Bean Goose Belarus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Kazakhstan, AEWA http://www.unep- Anser7 fabalis fabalis Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, the 2015 Russian Federation, Sweden, Ukraine and the United Kingdom. document/aewa_egmp_inf_ 2_issap_tbg.pdf 38 White3 -headed Duck Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, China, AEWA, WWT http://www.unep- Oxyura8 leucocephala France, Georgia, Greece, Iraq, Islamic Republic of Iran, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Morocco, onal-single-species-action-plan- Pakistan, Romania, Russian Federation, Spain, Syrian Arab conservation-white-headed-duck Republic, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. It should be implemented in the following countries where the introduced North American Ruddy 2006 Duck Oxyura jamaicensis occurs: Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Implementation is also required in any other countries within the range of the White-headed Duck where the Ruddy Duck is found in captivity.

39 White -winged Flufftail Ethiopia and South Africa; and in Zimbabwe and Zambia AEWA (New http://www.unep- Sarothrura ayresi where the species has been recorded. coordinating 2008 organization to onal-single-species-action-plan- be identified) conservation-white-winged-flufftail Date Species Range States Coordination Links/Information Note published

Other ISSAPs

Species Date Range States Coordination Links/Information Note published 1 African Wattled Crane 2002 Angola, Botswana, Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, ICF, A joint initiative of Bugeranus carunculatus Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zaire, Zambia, and Endangered can-wattled-crane-program.html the International Zimbabwe Wildlife Trust Crane Foundation and the Endangered Wildlife Trust in partnership with organizations and individuals from the eleven African nations where Wattled Cranes occur.

SSAP proposed under the auspices of AEWA.

2 American Black Duck 2011 USA, Canada USFWS, Anas rubrupes Environmental ybirds/pdf/management/focal- Canada and species/AmericanBlackDuck.pd Canadian f Wildlife service 3 American Golden Plover 2010 Western Hemisphere - Pluvialis dominica lt/files/file/American_Golden- Plover_Conservation_Plan_10_02- 28_v1.1.pdf 4 American Oystercatcher 2010 Range wide - Haematopus palliatus lt/files/file/American_Oystercatche r_U.S._ConservationPlan_10_02- 28_v2.1.pdf

US Atlantic and Gulf coast 2010 lt/files/file/American_Oystercatche r_U.S._ConservationPlan_10_02- 28_v2.1.pdf 5 American Woodcock 2010 Canada and USA Woodcock Scolopax minor Task Force default/files/Woodcock_Conser vation_Progress_Report- 070610.pdf 6 Audubon’s Shearwater In progress Caribbean DNCA Covers P. l. Puffinus lherminieri ecies-in-the-spotlight- lherminieri and P. audubons-shearwater/ l. dichrous 7 Azores bullfinch 2009 São Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal European Pyrrhula murina Commission, nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti BirdLife on_plans/docs/pyrrhula_murina.p df 8 Baer’s Pochard In Prep. EAAFP Aythya baeri activities/task-forces/baers- pochard-task-force/ 9 Balearic shearwater 2011 Algeria, France, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, UK European Puffinus mauretanicus Commission, nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti BirdLife on_plans/docs/puffinus_puffinus_ mauretanicus.pdf 10 Bicknell’s Thrush Catharus 2010 International bicknelli Bicknell’s s/CurrentBirdIssues/Management/ Thrush FocalSpecies/Plans/BITH_Plan_July Conservation 2010.pdf Group

11 Bittern 1999 This plan is intended for implementation by conservation European Botaurus stellaris organisations and others within the whole of the EU, Commission nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti although it is recognised that the Bittern does not currently on_plans/docs/botaurus_stellaris. breed in all member states. In implementing this plan, it pdf will be important to target actions towards areas where it will be most effective in maintaining the range and numbers of Bitterns. Even areas with small, fragmented populations (such as in Italy, southern Germany and the UK) are important for maintaining the range of the species. Some of the actions proposed are targeted at non-EU countries, particularly Poland, where there are still substantial Bittern populations, since the status of the species in Europe as a whole is probably linked to its future in these core areas. It should also be remembered that enlargement of the EU within the next few years may well include a number of these countries. 12 Black -capped Petrel 2012 Caribbean, USA International Pterodroma hasitata Black-capped ybirds/pdf/management/focal- Petrel species/Black-cappedpetrel.pdf Conservation group and the USFWS 13 Black -footed Albatross 2007 USA, but includes collaborative international efforts Conservation Phoebastria nigripes s/CurrentBirdIssues/Management/ Action Plan for FocalSpecies/Plans/BFAL_LAAL_Pla Black-footed n_Oct2007.pdf Albatross and Laysan Albatross 14 Black Oystercatcher 2010 Canada, USA, Mexico - Haematopus bachmani lt/files/file/Black_Oystercatcher_C onservation_Action_Plan_10_02- 28_v1.1.pdf 15 Black Rail In Prep. The Center for Laterallus jamaicensis Conservation we-do/research/species-of- Biology concern/blackrail/working-group/ established an Atlantic and Gulf Coast working group 16 Black Stork In Prep. Wetlands Ciconia nigra International, 7_waterbirds_part5.1.2.pdf Ramsar

17 Black -tailed Godwit 2008 EU (NATURA 2000) nature/conservation/wildbirds/hu Limosa limosa nting/docs/black_tailed_godwit.pd f

18 Blue Chaffinch 1995 The islands of Tenerife and Gran Canaria in the Canary BirdLife Fringilla teydea Islands archipelago (Spain). nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti on_plans/docs/fringilla_teydea.pdf 19 Blue Swallow 2002 Hirundo atrocaerulea g/files/documents/Blue%20Swallo w%20International%20Action%20P lan%20Final%20Report%202002.p df 20 Bobolink In prep. - Dolichonyx oryzivorus 21 Bonelli's Eagle 1997 France, Greece, Italy, Portugal and BirdLife, Hieraaetus fasciatus Spain. In addition action needs to be taken for the species European nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti in Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, and Commission on_plans/docs/hieraaetus_fasciatu Turkey. s.pdf 22 Buff -breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis lt/files/file/Conservation_Plan_for _the_Buff- breasted_Sandpiper_10_02- 28_v1.1.pdf 23 Canada Warbler - Cardellina canadensis In prep. 24 Cerulean Warbler Dendroica 2007 Cerulean caerulea Warbler s/CurrentBirdIssues/Management/ Technical FocalSpecies/Plans/CeruleanWarbl Group er.pdf

25 Cinereous Bunting 2003 The Action Plan requires implementation in Turkey, BirdLife, Emberiza cineracea Greece, Iran, and possibly Syria and Iraq, which all European emik/albayrak/Dosyalar/2003%20E support breeding populations, and Bahrain, Cyprus, Commission .cineracea%20action%20plan.pdf Ethiopia, Eritrea, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Yemen where the species occurs either on migration or in winter. 26 Cinereous Vulture 1995 Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, BirdLife Aegypius monachus Croatia, France, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Former nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia, on_plans/docs/aegypius_monachu Portugal, Russia (Europe only), Spain, Turkey and Ukraine s.pdf 27 Corso -sardinian Goshawk 1999 Sardinia (Italy) and Corsica (France). European Accipiter gentilis arrigonii Commission, nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti BirdLife on_plans/docs/accipiter_g_arrigon i.pdf 28 Crested Coot 2002 Spain, Morocco, Algeria and Portugal Convention on This action plan Fulica cristata the net.InstraServlet?command=co is intended to Conservation m.instranet.CmdBlobGet&Instr include Crested of European anetImage=1312540&SecMode Coot in Wildlife and =1&DocId=1451136&Usage=2 Appendix II of Natural Habitats the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds under the Bonn Convention. 29 Dalmatian Pelican 1996 Albania, Bulgaria, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia), Pelecanus crispus Greece, Romania, Russian Federation, Turkey and nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti Ukraine. on_plans/docs/pelecanus_crispus. pdf 30 Dark -bellied Brent Goose 1997 Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Britain, France and National Branta bernicla bernicla Russia Reference Centre for Nature Management in Netherland 31 Dark -Tailed Laurel Pigeon 1995 The islands of Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro BirdLife Columba bollii in the Canary Islands archipelago. nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti on_plans/docs/columba_bollii.pdf 32 Dunlin 2010 Canada, USA, and Mexico - Calidris alpina lt/files/file/WHSRN_Dunlin_Conser vation_Plan_10_02-28_v1.1.pdf 33 Egyptian Vulture(2) 2008 Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, European Neophron percnopterus Romania, Spain Commission, nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti BirdLife on_plans/docs/neophron_percnop terus.pdf 34 Eleonora’s falcon 1999 Algeria, Croatia,Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Morocco, Spain, European Falco eleonorae Tunisia and Turkey: and in all countries were the species Commission, nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti spend some time when not breeding: Albania, Bulgaria, BirdLife on_plans/docs/falco_eleonorae.pd France, Madagascar, Malta and Portugal. f 35 Emperor Goose 2016 USA, Canada AMBCC Chen canagica mbcc/News_files/EMGO%20A MBCC%20Mgmt%20Plan%20Fi nal%20Signed%20Sept%20201 6.pdf 36 European Roller 2008 The entire European breeding range of the species European Coracias garrulus garrulus Commission, nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti BirdLife on_plans/docs/coracias_garrulus_ garrulus.pdf 37 F ea's Petrel 1995 Mainly the island of Bugio in the archipelago of the Birdlife, Pterodroma feae Desertas (Madeira, Portugal), but action is European nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti also to be undertaken in the other islands of the Desertas, Commission on_plans/docs/pterodroma_feae.p especially Deserta Grande, and df potentially, the Azores. 38 Great Bustard Middle 2010 Austria Czech Republic Germany Kazakhstan1 Birdlife, European population) Hungary Moldova Morocco Portugal Romania European nt/nature/conservation/wildbir Otis tarda tarda Russia Serbia Slovakia Spain Turkey Ukraine Commision ds/action_plans/docs/otis_tard Azerbaijan Albania Armenia Croatia Georgia a.pdf Macedonia, FYR of Russia Serbia Slovenia Austria Azerbaijan Bulgaria Czech Republic Germany Greece Hungary Italy Morocco Portugal Romania Russia Serbia Slovakia Spain Turkey Ukraine 39 Great Bustard 1998 China, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Birdlife Otis tarda tarda Uzbekistan International, And Otis tarda dybowskii 40 Greater Spotted Eagle 1997 Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia Birdlife, Aquila clanga Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, European nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia Commission on_plans/docs/aquila_clanga.pdf and Montenegro), Finland, France, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine. 41 1999 Iceland, Denmark (Greenland), Norway, Sweden, Finland Birdlife, Falco rusticolus and Russia west of the Ural Mountains. European nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti Commission on_plans/docs/falco_rusticolis.pdf 42 Henslow's Sparrow In Prep. Canada, USA USGS, USFWS Ammodramus henslowii midwestbird/focalspecies/Docu ments/HESPWSSum.pdf 43 Houbara Bustard 1995 The islands of Fuerteventura, Lobos, Lanzarote and BirdLife In The Canary Islands Graciosa in the east of the Canary Islands nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti Chlamydotis undulata archipelago. on_plans/docs/chlamydotis_undul fuertaventurae ata_fuertaventurae.pdf 44 Houbara Bustard 2005 The breeding distribution of the Houbara Bustard ranges BirdLife Chlamydotis undulata from the Canary Islands through Mauritania, Morocco, Africa/EN/Houbara%20Bustard200 undulata Algeria and Tunisia to Libya, from Egypt to Palestine and 5.pdf the Arabian Peninsula and from the Caspian Sea eastwards into Afghanistan and Pakistan and, further north, over the Aral Sea to 120°E into Mongolia and western China. 45 Hudsonian Godwit 2010 Western Hemisphere Western Limosa haemastica Hemisphere lt/files/file/Hudsonian_Godwit_Co Shorebird nservation_Plan__10_02- Reserve 28_v1.1.pdf Network 46 I mperial Eagle 1996 Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, BirdLife Aquila heliaca Greece, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, sap/Imperial%20Eagle.pdf Lebanon, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Oman, Romania, Russia (European part), Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Turkey, Ukraine, Yemen and Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) 47 Ivory Gull 2008 Circumpolar CAFF, file:///I:/International%20Single%2 Pagophila eburnea Circumpolar 0Species%20Action%20plans/Ivory Seabird Group _Gull_Conservation_Strategy_Sept (Cbird) _2008.pdf 48 Lammergeier 1997 Within the EU this plan is intended for implementation in: BirdLife, (Bearded Vulture) Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Italy and Spain. European nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti Gypaetus barbatus Information has been also compiled for Andorra, Commission on_plans/docs/gypaetus_barbatus. Morocco, Switzerland, Turkey and pdf Morocco. 49 Lanner Falcon 1999 Italy, Greece, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia and BirdLife, Falco biarmicus Turkey (for Falco biarmicus feldeggii); Tunisia, Algeria and European nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti Morocco (for F. b. erlangeri); and Libya, Egypt, Israel, Commission on_plans/docs/falco_biarmicus.pdf Jordan and Syria (for F. b. tanypterus). 50 Lapped -faced Vulture 2005 BirdLife International, Nairobi, Kenya and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Sandy, Bedfordshire, UK AF/Africa/EN/Lappet- faced%20Vulture2005.pdf

51 Laysan Albatross 2007 USA, but includes collaborative international efforts USFWS Conservation Phoebastria immutabilis s/CurrentBirdIssues/Management/ Action Plan for FocalSpecies/Plans/BFAL_LAAL_Pla Black-footed n_Oct2007.pdf Albatross and Laysan Albatross 52 Lesser Kestrel 1996 Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia- BirdLife, http://www.terredelmediterraneo. Falco naumanni Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, European org/action_plan.htm Egypt, France, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Commission Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Libya, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Morocco, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Yemen and Yugoslavia. During migration and winter most African countries – notably South Africa where large numbers winter – are visited by the Lesser Kestrel, and parts of the action plan will also need implementation in the Afrotropics. 53 Lesser Scaup In progress USA, Canada Aythya affinis s/CurrentBirdIssues/Management/ FocalSpecies/LesserScaup.html 54 Lesser Spotted Eagle 1997 Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, , Bulgaria, Croatia, BirdLife, Aquila pomarina Czech Republic, Estonia, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia European nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti (Serbia and Montenegro), Former Yugoslav Republic of Commission on_plans/docs/aquila_pomarina.p Macedonia, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, df Israel, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine. 55 Lesser Yellowlegs 2012 Western Hemisphere - Tringa flavipes lt/files/Lesser_Yellowlegs_WHSRN _Conservation_Plan_12_09-05.pdf 56 Little Bustard 1997 Within the EU this action plan needs implementation in European Tetrax tetrax France, Italy, Portugal and Spain, but information has also Commission documenti/1_285_2009121812260 been compiled regarding Russia, Turkey and Ukraine. 6.pdf 57 Long -billed Curlew Numenius 2009 Canada, USA and Mexico USFWS americanus lt/files/file/Long- billed_Curlew_Plan_- _USFWS_rev_2009_Sept.pdf 58 Macaronesian Sparrowhawk 1999 Canaries (Spain) and Madeira BirdLife, Accipiter nisus granti Archipelago (Portugal). European nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti Commission on_plans/docs/accipiter_n_granti. pdf 59 Madeira Laurel Pigeon 1995 The island of Madeira (Portugal) Birdlife Columba trocaz nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti on_plans/docs/columba_trocaz.pd f 60 Marbled Godwit 2010 Canada, USA and Mexico - Limosa fedoa lt/files/file/Marbled_Godwit_Cons ervation_Plan_10_02-28_v1.2.pdf 61 Marbled Teal 2008 Spain, Italy, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria (Western BirdLife, Marmaronetta angustirostris Mediterranean population) European nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti Commission on_plans/docs/marmaronetta_ang ustirostris.pdf 62 Mediterranean Shag 1999 Spain, Italy, Greece, France and Gibraltar (UK). BirdLife, Subspecies were Phalacrocorax aristotelis European nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti not evaluated desmarestii Commission on_plans/docs/phalacrocorax_arist separately by otelis_desmaretti.pdf BirdLife International 63 Middle -European Great 2010 Portugal, Austria, Germany, Kazakhstan, Hungary, European Bustard (2) Morocco, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, Commission nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti Otis tarda Azerbaijan, Slovakia on_plans/docs/otis_tarda.pdf

64 Mountain Plover 2010 U.S. Shorebird Charadrius montanus Conservation lt/files/file/Mountain_Plover_Cons Plan, U.S. Fish ervation_Plan_10_02-28_v1.1.pdf and Wildlife Service

65 Murre 1996 CAFF file:///I:/International%20Single%2 0Species%20Action%20plans/Murr Common murre/common e_Conservation_Strategy_March_1 guillemot (Uria aalge) 996.pdf

Thick-billed Murre/Brunnich's guillemot (Uria lomvia) 66 Pacific Black Brant 2002 Canada, Mexico, Russia, USA Pacific Flyway Branta bernicla nigricans Council Documents/Pb_plan.pdf

67 Pacific Common Eider 2008 Canada, USA, Russia USFWS Somateria mollissima v- bsp/mbm/pdf/pacific_common nigra _eider_action_plan.pdf 68 Painted Bunting In Progress Mexico, USA Passerina ciris 69 Purple Gallinule 1999 Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece and France. European Porphyrio porphyrio Commission, nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti BirdLife on_plans/docs/porphyrio_porphyri o.pdf 70 Pygmy Cormorant 1996 Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, former Yugoslav Republic of BirdLife Phalacrocorax pygmeus Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, rax_pygmeus.pdf Turkey, Ukraine and Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia only) nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti on_plans/docs/phalacrocorax_pyg meus.pdf 71 Red Kite 2010 Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, European Milvus milvus Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Commission, nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United BirdLife on_plans/docs/milvus_milvus.pdf Kingdom 72 Red Knot 2010 Western Hemisphere (rufa+ roselaari) WHSM Calidris canutus lt/files/file/Red_Knot_Conservatio n_Plan_10_02-28_v1.1.pdf 73 Reddish Egret (1) 2014 Caribbean, Mexico, USA Reddish Egret Egretta rufescens Working Group EEG_plan_final_single.pdf 74 Reddish Egret (2) 2009 Gulf Coast Egretta rufescens Joint Venture Coast%20Joint%20Venture%20Con Monitoring, servation%20Planning%20for%20R Evaluation, and eddish%20Egret%20Final%20July% Research Team 202011.doc Waterbird Working Group

75 Red -footed Falcon 2010 The range states in the European Union, Ukraine, Serbia European Falco vespertinus and the Balkans. Commission, nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti BirdLife on_plans/docs/falco_vespertinus.p df 76 Red -necked Phalarope 2010 Western Hemisphere - Phalaropus lobatus lt/files/file/Red- necked_Phalarope_Plan_for_NE_U .S.__CAN_10_02-28_v1.1.pdf 77 Roseate tern 2009 OSPAR Sterna dougallii Convention sessments/Species/P00415_roseat e_tern.pdf 78 Sanderling 2010 Western Hemisphere - Calidris alba lt/files/file/Sanderling_Conservatio n_Plan_10_02-28_v1.1.pdf 79 Scaly -Sided Merganser In Prep. Russia, China (mainland and Taiwan), Korean peninsula EAAFP Scaly- The draft action Mergus squamatus sided activities/task-forces/scaly- plan will be Merganser sided-merganser/ presented to the Task Force, Fifth Meeting of WWT EAAFP Partners, for formal endorsement. 80 Snowy Plover 2007 USFWS http://www.westernsnowyplov Only Pacific Charadrius nivosus populations (The USFWS has a recovery P%2010-1-07.pdf covered plan for the Pacific Coast Population of the Western Snowy Plover Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus)

81 Spanish Imperial Eagle 1995 The plan mainly covers Spain, the only country with a BirdLife Aquila adalberti stable breeding population. However, /documenti/111-48697.pdf some recommendations for Portugal and Morocco have been included. 82 Sprague’s Pipit 2010 U.S. Fish & Anthus spragueii Wildlife Service Prairie/species/birds/spraguespipit /SpraguesJS2010r4.pdf 83 Steller’s Eider 1997 Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Russia and Wetlands Polysticta stelleri Sweden International nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti Seaduck on_plans/docs/polysticta_stelleri.p Specialist df Group, European Commission 84 Upland Sandpiper 2010 Western Hemisphere - Bartramia longicauda lt/files/file/Upland_Sandpiper_Con servation_Plan_v1.1_10_02-28.pdf 85 Western Sandpiper 2010 Western Hemisphere - Calidris mauri lt/files/file/Western_Sandpiper_Co nservationPlan_10_02-28_v1.1.pdf 86 Whimbrel 2010 Western Hemisphere - Numenius phaeopus lt/files/file/Whimbrel_Conservatio n_Plan_10_02-28_v1.1.pdf 87 White -Tailed Laurel Pigeon 1995 The islands of Tenerife, La Palma and La Gomera in the BirdLife Columba junoniae Canary Islands archipelago (Spain). nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti on_plans/docs/columba_junoniae. pdf 88 White -tailed Sea Eagle 2012 Danube river basin. Convention on Haliaeetus albicilla the /840_ActionPlanWTEpublbyCoE.pd Conservation f of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention) 89 Wilson’s Phalarope 2010 Western Hemisphere - Phalaropus tricolor lt/files/file/Wilsons_Phalarope_Co nservation_Plan_10_02- 28_v1.1.pdf 90 Wilson’s Plover 2013 Western Hemisphere - Charadrius wilsonia lt/files/file/wilsons_plover_conserv ation_plan_13_10-18.pdf 91 Zino's petrel 1995 The island of Madeira in the Madeiran archipelago Birdlife, Pterodroma madeira (Portugal). European nature/conservation/wildbirds/acti Commission on_plans/docs/pterodroma_madei ra.pdf