Concerned Citizens Movement Manifesto 2010





Memorializing The Life and Times of The Hon Malcolm Guishard

Although we have had a by-election to fill the vacancy in St. Paul’s/St. John’s Constituency – 9, following the untimely passing of the Hon. Earl Malcolm Guishard on 12th June 2007, and the Concerned Citizens Movement was successful in retaining the seat, these are the first general elections since the death of our beloved stalwart.

Much has been said about the life and times of the Hon. Malcolm Guishard or “Guish” as he was affectionately known. Notwithstanding all that has been said, much more needs to be said. The Concerned Citizens Movement is eternally grateful for the contribution he has made. His political savvy, coupled with his wellspring of energy and verve were dispensed selflessly and our Party, our beloved island of Nevis and indeed the Federation of St. Kitts/Nevis have been the beneficiaries.

The Hon. Malcolm Guishard served the Concerned Citizens Movement for twenty (20) years. He served the people of Nevis in government for fourteen (14) years. He represented the Constituency of St. John’s in the for fourteen years. He represented the Constituency of St. Paul’s/St. John’s in the Federal Assembly for fourteen (14) years and the people of St. Kitts and Nevis for four (4) years as Leader of the Opposition in the Federal Parliament.

There is perhaps no other who has consistently, passionately and vociferously championed the need for Nevis to have its own independent government than the Hon. Malcolm Guishard. There is perhaps no other who has articulated and insisted that the most practical way to resolve the inequity in our Federation is to have a separate government in St. Kitts and a separate government in Nevis, than the Hon. Malcolm Guishard. He was a relentless advocate for Electoral Reform. His views in this regard are clearly more relevant and urgent today as we prepare to cast our ballots in the Federal Elections.

As we are asked to make a choice in these Federal Elections, it is inevitable that we will reflect on the past. It is our hope that our reflection will guide our deliberations as we endeavour to vote into office Parliamentary Representatives for the next five (5) years. The service of the Hon. Malcolm Guishard has been exemplary

2 LEADERSHIP YOU CAN TRUST CONCERNED CITIZENS MOVEMENT and we express our heartfelt thanks to his parents, his wife Yvonne, his children and his siblings and other extended family who shared him with us.

The life of the Hon. Malcolm Guishard was a life of service to others and he has left his mark on every facet of the development of our beloved island. Whether it is Tourism, the establishment of the Nevis Tourism Authority, the Call Centre, the advent of the competition in the Telecommunication Industry and the emergence of “Chippie” and “Digicel” and others and the savings that the competition has brought to us all, the Affordable Housing revolution that has taken place in Nevis or a Political Culture of Inclusion and Respect, the mark of the Hon. Malcolm Guishard is there for all to see. His life epitomized the standards set by the CCM of committed service and decency in political office. In housing in particular the inclusiveness of Malcolm was obvious in that everyone who qualified was provided with housing regardless of political persuasion. This is a far cry from what obtains now.

The Concerned Citizens Movement joins with the people of Nevis and the people of St. Kitts and Nevis in recording its gratitude to the late great Hon. Malcolm Guishard for his lasting contribution to the people of our beloved island and country. The Concerned Citizens Movement pledges to continue to provide leadership

we can trust as we seek to realize the aspirations of the people of Nevis as a lasting memorial to the life and times of the Hon. Malcolm Guishard.

LEADERSHIP YOU CAN TRUST 3 CONCERNED CITIZENS MOVEMENT CONTESTINGCONTESTING RATIONALERATIONALE Now more than any other time, our island - our Federation requires Leadership We Can Trust. The Federal Elections, coming as it does after twenty-six years of the political independence of St. Kitts and Nevis, provides us with a singular opportunity to undertake a critical evaluation of our relationship. The outcome of such an evaluation must convey to the political parties contesting the election, the aspirations and ultimate desire of our people, the outcome of which will validate and convey the expectation of the electorate to the political parties contesting the election in Nevis, the ultimate desire of our people.

These Federal Elections provide the electorate – the people of Nevis, an ideal moment to undertake a referendum on the governance of the in the fourth year of its term since acceding to office in July 2006.

It is propitious at this time for the people of Nevis to weigh the Nevis Reformation Party and the Concerned Citizens Movement and determine by their vote which Party has demonstrated the kind of leadership that engenders CONFIDENCE; which Party has demonstrated the kind of leadership that engenders HOPE; which Party has demonstrated the kind of leadership that engenders TRUST!

The Concerned Citizens Movement, since its formation has earned the distinction of being relentless in its advocacy for Nevis to be an equal partner with St. Kitts and has forcefully articulated how our two islands can co-exist as equals. The efforts of the CCM to bring about equity within our federal framework were thwarted by the Nevis Reformation Party. Clause 113 of our Constitution was invoked by the CCM and the vote thwarted by the NRP and its leader the Honourable Joseph Parry who campaigned vociferously against the people of Nevis handling their own affairs. Even today in Government, the NRP refuses to even discuss the political relationship between St. Kitts and Nevis. Instead, it has embarked on a fool’s journey of joint 4 LEADERSHIP YOU CAN TRUST CONCERNED CITIZENS MOVEMENT Cabinet meetings with the Federal Cabinet which have not in nearly 4 years yielded a single, tangible benefit for the people of Nevis. Nevisians have been bombarded with empty rhetoric by the Parry led NRP of “devolution of power” and “constitutional reform”. No proposals have ever been advanced for serious consideration by the people leading to the conclusion that the NRP is content with the status quo and the lopsided political arrangements between St. Kitts and Nevis.

The Concerned Citizens Movement during its term in government in Nevis restored our people’s confidence and pride and reversed the syndrome that forced many nationals to flee their island home.

The Concerned Citizens Movement transformed the economic landscape of Nevis, introducing new and substantially upgraded services thus

providing a better way of life for all our people.

The Concerned Citizens Movement since its election to the Federal Parliament has raised the level of the Federal debates and its representation of Nevis, is nothing short of excellent. Our elected representatives - the Hon. , the Hon. Malcolm Guishard (our departed brother) and the Hon. have conducted the peoples’ business with foresight and maturity. Our nominated member of the Federal Parliament the Honourable Michael Perkins has likewise provided excellent representation for the people of Nevis in the Federal Assembly.

The legislative agenda of our Federation has been significantly enhanced by the contributions of CCM representatives. Arguably, the milestone contributions are the enlightened, practical and relevant input into the Education Reform and Electoral Reform Legislation and the constant and unrelenting agitation for National Security and the welfare of our people on which the voice of the CCM has been unparalleled.

The Concerned Citizens Movement has been in the vanguard of the fight against crime and violence and has been the only Party to present a comprehensive package of recommendations LEADERSHIP YOU CAN TRUST 5 CONCERNED CITIZENS MOVEMENT to the government and people of the Federation; firstly, at the Prime Minister’s Symposium on Crime held at the Marriott’s Resort on the 12th December, 2008 and then at the National Assembly on the 17th December, 2008 during the 2009 Federal Budget Debate. But as far back as the budget debates of December 2007 the CCM sounded the alarm that crime and violence threatened to engulf our Nation and that the entire resources of our Country should be marshalled to stamp out this scourge. The Concerned Citizens Movement was ignored and vilified. The result has been catastrophic for our young Nation with 17 murders in 2006, 16 in 2007, 23 in 2008 and 27 for 2009. Already there have been 2 murders committed for the New Year. A terrible price to pay for the neglect of our National Security and the lack of foresight by the Government in addressing this critical developmental andLEADERSHIP socio-economic issue. YOU CAN The Concerned Citizens Movement is serious about good governance! The Concerned CitizTRUSTens Movement has always been serious about good governance! Whether in or out of government, your Party – the peoples Party will continue to provide LEADERSHIP WE CAN TRUST. The Concerned Citizens Movement is committed to the people of Nevis being political equals of their fellow citizens in St. Kitts. To that end, the Party has agitated and continues to agitate for a sensible solution to the near 2 hundred year old history of political friction between St. Kitts and Nevis. The answer cannot be to stick ones head ostrichlike firmly in the sand as is the approach favoured by the NRP. The answer has to lie in constant agitation and forthright representation of the people of Nevis where these difficult questions are confronted not avoided. The Concerned Citizens Movement is however mindful that the Joseph Parry led NRP has indicated that there will be no discussion of independence for Nevis so long as the NRP is in power. Since it is the Premier and the Nevis Island Administration which has the power to invoke Clause 113 and since the NRP led Nevis Island Administration has turned its back firmly on the aspirations of the people of Nevis to occupy their own political space and make their own political decisions; the Concerned Citizens Movement is obligated to contest each and every election whether Federal or local to ensure that it provides a powerful voice for the people of Nevis, be it in the Federal Parliament or the Nevis Island Assembly. Governance is serious business. St. Kitts and Nevis perhaps more so now than ever before in our history requires sober LEADERSHIP WE CAN TRUST. Until that glorious dawn of independence for the people of Nevis, the Concerned Citizens Movement will always be there to provide 6 LEADERSHIP YOU CAN TRUST CONCERNED CITIZENS MOVEMENT representation for our people in each and every available forum. Our people deserve nothing but the most able and committed representation and the Concerned Citizens Movement have demonstrated over the years that in or out of Government, it represents LEADERSHIP WE CAN TRUST. INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION Twenty six years since our independence, and even amidst the frequency of joint Cabinet Meetings between the Federal Government and the NRP led Nevis Island Administration, Nevis is still not allowed to collect taxes from Federal Companies doing business in our island such as Cable and Wireless, First Caribbean Bank, National Bank Group of Companies and S.L Horsford and Co. Ltd. to name a few.

YOU CANNevis does not have legislative authority over Education, Health or Ports although we cover the full cost of their operations. Nevis has no control over its internal security. Nevis still does not get its share of donations to the Federation from international agencies or friendly governments. Yet, the people of Nevis go to the polls on average, every two and a half years while the people of St. Kitts go to the polls once every five years.

Whether it is comprehensive or superficial, analysis of the ship of state would reveal that it is drifting aground rudderless and forlorn. Governance under the NRP is manifested by supercilious, ultra-partisan and vindictive leadership. A tumultuous wave of crime and violence has become the order of the day. Corruption is blatant as it is rampant and the reformation of the electoral process is woefully skewed and has been badly corrupted from within. The present NRP government has, through its policies and programs, presided over an unprecedented escalation in the cost of living and a dramatic increase in our national debt, the effects of which have hitherto never been experienced. The current environment favors fear and an insidious state of hopelessness has crept into the psyche of a once buoyant and confident Nevisian people.

The Concerned Citizens Movement therefore cannot sit out this or any other election. Not when our Federation remains as it is. Not when the Nevis Reformation Party is so badly mismanaging the affairs of our people. Not when a climate of fear, intimidation and raw nepotism and corruption has now become the order of the day in Nevis. The Concerned Citizens Movement cannot and will not surrender Nevis to the despotic, unprincipled and indecent leadership of the NRP.

The Concerned Citizens Movement is the only party which always champions and promotes the best interests of the people. The Concerned Citizens Movement therefore, must continue, in or out of government, to provide LEADERSHIP WE CAN TRUST. LEADERSHIP YOU CAN TRUST 7 CONCERNED CITIZENS MOVEMENT NATIONALNATIONAL ISSUESISSUES There will always be discourse on why we are contesting the elections. There will be myriad views that the Federal Elections have nothing to do with the Local Elections and that when these elections are over the Nevis Reformation Party will still be at the helm of government in Nevis. But this does not negate the fact that St. Kitts and Nevis is one Nation and while there are Federal Elections we are duty bound to contest them. Additionally, during this epoch of our union, the current economic and social environment in which we live has rendered us borderless and makes us increasingly susceptible to the vagaries of our time and what happens in Basseterre reverberates in Charlestown and vice versa.

Our two islands are besieged by crime and violence. The fact is we can no longer take comfort that the two miles of water that separate our two islands of St. Kitts and Nevis is an insulating barrier against crime and violence. Today, we have a multiplicity of sea-craft that ply our waters, there is frequency of travel and the points of entrance to and exit from our island have increased and all of us are suffering as a result of the exponential increase in crime and violence. Crime and violence and our security as a people are critical National issues.

The escalating cost of living has attained malignant proportion. The fact is we are a country that imports to satisfy our consumer needs and wants and it will be argued that we have no control over the price of commodities. We however have control over the decisions we make and the way we manage. It is clear to us that while the government basked in a “labour of love” and “sunshine of power” we are experiencing fatigue and hardship, sun burn and sun stroke as the cost of living increases daily. The crippling cost of living is a critical National issue.

The current Federal and local Governments have placed our country in a strangle-hold with an 8 LEADERSHIP YOU CAN TRUST CONCERNED CITIZENS MOVEMENT

ever increasing debt burden and the global economic situation is only exacerbating our situation. While the Party in government has advocated that it will cut expenditure we see little effort to grow the economy through the introduction of new policies and programs. Consequently we fear that the cost of living will be further increased and crime and violence will become pandemic. The massive debt of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis and the island of Nevis are critical National issues.

Education law and policy are set at the Federal level. The Concerned Citizens Movement is convinced that the education of our people has to be the central pillar in our National development. Education and training for our people especially our young people is a critical National issue.

The Nation of St. Kitts and Nevis continues to suffer from a lopsided allocation of developmental funds. The Federal Government in St. Kitts begs and borrows in the name of St. Kitts and Nevis but consumes in the name of St. Kitts only. This leaves Nevis at a comparative developmental disadvantage to its sister island of St. Kitts. The Concerned Citizens Movement sees the equitable allocation of developmental resources as a critical National issue.

Foreign representation is a matter for the Federal Government. The future and welfare of the people of Nevis can and are impacted by the nature and quality of representation offered at the regional and international level by the Federal Government. Matters such as the OECS, CARICOM, the Single Market and Economy, Free Movement of people are all critical National issues that confront our people.

The matter of taxation and the proposed introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) which is even now being actively pursued by the Labour and NRP Governments without a word of consultation or information to the general public is another matter of national importance which demands a National response.


Mark A G Brantley is an Attorney by profession. He is the Managing Partner of the prestigious law firm Daniel, Brantley & Associates, the largest law firm in St. Kitts and Nevis. He was educated at the University of West Indies, the Norman Manley Law School and the University of Oxford.

Mr. Brantley has been a Senator in the Nevis Island Assembly for the Concerned Citizens Movement from July 2006 to present. He is also the Leader of the Opposition in the National Parliament having been elected by the people of St. Johns and St. Pauls (District 9) on 27th August 2007.

The Concerned Citizens Movement and indeed the populace of Nevis are pleased with the contribution and representation of the Hon. Mark Brantley at the Federal Level. On the 25th January 2010, the electorate of St. Pauls and St. Johns – Nevis 9 will again be provided with the opportunity to renew their trust in someone who has provided selfless representation. On Election Day you’re asked to vote overwhelming for CCM Candidate – Mark A G Brantley. CONSTITUENCY #10 Hon. V AMOR

Alexis Jeffers

Alexis Zook Jeffers was born on 25th November, 1968. He received his education at the St James Primary School, Gingerland Secondary School, Charlestown Secondary School Sixth Form College and later the Broward Community College and Florida Atlantic University in Florida. began his working career as a School Teacher and taught at the St James Primary School for just over two year where he helped to shape the lives of young impressionable children at that time. He also was employed at TDC St Kitts/Nevis Ltd for about seven years and managed the Car Rental and Hire Purchase Department.

Mr. Jeffers is a businessman by profession and is one of the original founders of Caribbean Pool Services where he currently manages the day to day operations of the company. in community work for most of his life. He was a member of the Boys Brigade, 4H Club, Anglican Young Peoples Association (AYPA), Nevis Island Council and the Nevis Youth Council. He is presently the President of the Highlights International Sports and Social Club. CONSTITUENCY #9 The Concerned Citizens Movement is pleased to present Alexis Zouk Jeffers as its candidate for Nevis 11 comprising the parishes of St. James’ and St. Thomas’. To this end, the Concerned Hon. Mark Citizens Movement craves your continued support as a party continues its rescue operation of our BRANTLEY beloved island home. LEADERSHIP YOU CAN Vance W Amory

Vance W. Amory co-founder and leader of the Concerned Citizens Movement has represented the people of St. George, in the Nevis Island Assembly since 1987 and in the Federal Parliament since 1989. He served as from June 1992 to July 2006 and is highly respected as a leader and statesman at home and abroad. His enlightened and dignified style of leadership has instilled confidence and pride among our people. The unprecedented development and growth which took place under his watch as Premier and Minister of Finance can be attributed to his astute financial management and leadership skills.

As a politician for approximately 23 years, the Hon Vance Amory brings with him an unwavering commitment of service to the people of Nevis as evidence by his tenor in the public and private sectors. He started his career as a teacher in the public service and through application and training he elevated himself to Permanent Secretary of Finance in the Nevis Island Administration. He served as Manager of the Nevis Branch of the St. Kitts Nevis and National Bank, before venturing as an entrepreneur with the establishment of A&M Enterprises in 1989 and GCSL Nevis Ltd in 2006.

The Concerned Citizens Movement is privilege to have as its candidate for Nevis 10 – St. Georges’ Gingerland, the Hon Vance Amory and kindly request the electorate of St. Georges to continue CONSTITUENCY #10 supporting him. He is a man who has demonstrated time and again that he possess Leadership We Hon. Vance Can Trust. AMORY

Alexis Jeffers

Alexis Zook Jeffers was born on 25th November, 1968. He received his education at the St James Primary School, Gingerland Secondary School, Charlestown Secondary School Sixth Form College and later the Broward Community College and Florida Atlantic University in Florida. Mr. Jeffers began his working career as a School Teacher and taught at the St James Primary School for just over two year where he helped to shape the lives of young impressionable children at that time. He also was employed at TDC St Kitts/Nevis Ltd for about seven years and managed the Car Rental

Mr. Jeffers is a businessman by profession and is one of the original founders of Caribbean Pool Services where he currently manages the day to day operations of the company. He has been involved in community work for most of his life. He was a member of the Boys Brigade, 4H Club, Anglican Young Peoples Association (AYPA), Nevis Island Council and the Nevis Youth Council. He is presently the President of the Highlights International Sports and Social Club. CONSTIUENCY # 11 The Concerned Citizens Movement is pleased to present Alexis Zouk Jeffers as its candidate for Nevis 11 comprising the parishes of St. James’ and St. Thomas’. To this end, the Concerned Citizens Movement craves your continued support as a party continues its rescue operation of our Mr. Alexis JEFFERS YOU CAN TRUST CONCERNED CITIZENS MOVEMENT DOMESTICDOMESTIC ISSUESISSUES

The Concerned Citizens Movement strongly believes that national issues are often rooted in and significantly impact domestic issues. To be practical, we have to contribute to the resolution of domestic issues to validate the Party’s seriousness and bolster our contribution at the Federal level. For us, “charity begins at home”. We cannot ignore what is happening locally and must always assess critically the Party’s capacity and readiness to lead our island to the next level of development.

The Concerned Citizens Movement must always be true to itself and the people we represent. We must lead by example – in our homes, in our communities, in our constituencies, in our island, in our Federation.

The Concerned Citizens Movement CANNOT ignore the alacritous cleansing of the Civil Service of individuals who, despite their professionalism are victimized by the NRP.

The Concerned Citizens Movement CANNOT ignore how the School Apex Co-operative was commandeered and relegated to a desk within an increasingly marginalized Department of Co-operatives by the NRP.

The Concerned Citizens Movement CANNOT ignore the illegal and immoral padding of the St. John’s Constituency Voters list by the NRP.

The Concerned Citizens Movement CANNOT ignore the blatant violation of the Physical Planning Regulations in the construction of projects for NRP friends and family. Examples include the Sea Bridge Port, the Drag Race Track and the erection of a 100 foot Telecommunications Tower at Bath Plain, none of which went through the proper planning process as mandated by law.

The Concerned Citizens Movement CANNOT ignore the frustration some individuals experience in order to conduct business because they are perceived not to be of the same political persuasion of the party in power.


The Concerned Citizens Movement CANNOT ignore the open association, tacit support and public recognition given by the NRP led government to some criminal elements in our society even as crime and violence have reached an unprecedented level.

The Concerned Citizens Movement CANNOT ignore that the government is functioning as if it is elected to govern only NRP’s supporters rather than being the government of all the people of Nevis.

The Concerned Citizen Movement CANNOT ignore that the cost of living has increased substantially under the governance of the Nevis Reformation Party notwithstanding their campaign promise to reduce it.

The Concerned Citizens Movement CANNOT ignore that our Premier’s communications are often cloaked in deceit and falsehood and that he has repeatedly brought our island into disrepute by his public utterances and those of his Ministers and bevy of highly paid advisors.

The Concerned Citizens Movement CANNOT ignore the unprecedented divisiveness introduced by the NRP into our island where members of Government routinely take to the media to curse and vilify ordinary Nevisians and others whose only sin is that they do not share the political views of the NRP.

The Concerned Citizens Movement CANNOT ignore the unwarranted attacks and hostility towards foreigners in Nevis especially our Caribbean brothers and sisters from Guyana and the Dominican Republic which is a recipe for further divisiveness in our island.

The Concerned Citizens Movement CANNOT ignore the terrifying signal sent to investors foreign and local alike by the NRP’s hostile takeover of the Cable companies business and its compulsory taking of several plots of Nevisian’s land across the island of Nevis.

The Concerned Citizens Movement CANNOT ignore the giving away of our domestic water resources by the Joseph Parry led Nevis Reformation Party government and then buying it back at an exorbitant cost.

LEADERSHIP YOU CAN TRUST 13 CONCERNED CITIZENS MOVEMENT CCM DECLARATION The Concerned Citizens Movement is committed to good governance and strong leadership, economic advancement and the pursuit of our inalienable right to be a free people.

The Concerned Citizens Movement believes in the destiny of an independent Nevis as a culmination of the hopes and aspirations of our people and will continue to dialogue with the people of Nevis on that issue.

The Concerned Citizens Movement will, so long as the Federation remains, continue as a responsible political party within the Federation and advocate a bipartisan approach to the wholesome governance of our Federation. The Concerned Citizens Movement shall, so long as the Federation remains, campaign for simultaneous elections for the Nevis Island Assembly and the Federal Parliament.

The Concerned Citizens Movement will intensify its efforts to have safety and security take pride of place. To this end the CCM will seek the revision of relevant statutes; to adequately equip our law enforcement agencies; and the stationing of a Deputy Commissioner of Police in Nevis.

The Concerned Citizens Movement shall concentrate and focus its lobby to review, revise and initiate measures that will facilitate the stabilization and cost reduction of basic consumer items.

The Concerned Citizens Movement is renowned for the dispensation of LEADERSHIP that the people can TRUST and will continue to be a bastion of hope for the people. SPECIFIC PROPOSALS OF THE CONCERNED CITIZENS MOVEMENT

National Security

To echo the words of Nevisian Stephen Walwyn:

“Crime undermines our social and human development, our economic development and in a very real way, our democracy.”

The Concerned Citizens Movement is committed to the fight against crime and violence in our Nation. There has been no louder advocate for the Police and the Security forces. There has been no stronger voice for greater security in and for the people of St. Kitts and Nevis. 14 LEADERSHIP YOU CAN TRUST CONCERNED CITIZENS MOVEMENT

We as a Nation have for years neglected to confront this problem, tolerating it and even in some cases harbouring and encouraging it. As Governments, the Labour Party and the NRP have stuck their heads in the proverbial sand like Ostriches and have been engaged in petty tit for tat politics, a petty blame game, fiddling melodiously while Basseterre and Charlestown burned.

Rudy Giuliani was credited with cleaning up the crime situation in New York City. In 1981 when he served as US Associate Attorney General in accepting the report of the Reagan Administration Task Force on Violent

Crime, he said this:

“Violent crime is pervasive. We cannot afford to indulge in long philosophical discourses – we must act immediately.”

In 2008 there were 23 murders in St. Kitts and Nevis. Even in little Nevis there were 5 murders, a dubious new record for an otherwise unblemished island. In 2009 there were 27 murders in the Federation. This year we have already had 2 murders in the first 7 days both in Nevis. To date we have heard nothing from either Prime Minister Douglas or Premier Parry. Statistically the picture is stark. Only El Salvador with 55.3 murders per 100,000 people is higher than St. Kitts Nevis which has the dubious distinction of being the 2nd most murderous place in the world at 51.53 murders per 100,000 of population when our population is extrapolated. Just so the harsh reality of our predicament is made manifest, St. Kitts Nevis has a higher murder rate than Sierra Leone (50 per 100,000), Honduras (49.9 per 100,000), Venezuela (49.4 per 100,000), Jamaica (49 per 100,000), Angola (40 per 100,000), South Africa (38.6 per 100,000) and Colombia (37 per 100,000). To put this in context for our people the rate in New York is just 7.3 per 100,000 people and that in Los Angeles with its own gang culture just 12.4 per 100,000 people. It is now safer statistically to walk the streets of New York and Los Angeles than it is to walk the streets of Basseterre or Charlestown. Is this what we want for our country? This is not a time for long debates. WE MUST ACT NOW.

LEADERSHIP YOU CAN TRUST 15 CONCERNED CITIZENS MOVEMENT Proposals by the Concerned Citizens Movement i. We must continue the development of police/community partnerships. Police should be seen in the community alongside community leaders cleaning the sides of the road, painting signs, undertaking community activities, engaging in sporting activities (Police football, basketball, cricket teams or even leagues organized by the Police but with private sector funding). In this regard the CCM is proud that the annual Malcolm Guishard Memorial Basketball League sponsored by the Honourable Mark Brantley had a team of Police officers participating over the past 2 years. ii. Amending the National Security Council legislation to immediately appoint the Premier of Nevis and the Head of Customs to that body and institutionalizing fortnightly or monthly meetings as necessary. The CCM lobbied hard for this inclusion when this legislation was debated in the Federal Assembly but was ignored. The Premier of Nevis must be involved in every facet of our national security especially when it comes to the island of Nevis. We can no longer afford the nonsense Federal approach of pretending as if Nevis does not exist. iii. Changing sentencing guidelines for Magistrates and the High Court to avoid where possible the charging of fines for criminal convictions. It is standard for the Magistrates to charge say $5,000 in 3 months or 6 months in prison especially for drug offences. Such sentencing potentially leads to a spiraling in crime as convicted persons seek to raise the monies for their fines sometimes turning back to the very crime for which they have been convicted for raising the monies. The Court should impose custodial sentences or suspended custodial sentences or even probation and community service with fines, particularly large fines, as a last resort. iv. Focusing not just on our young men for anti gang training/orientation but also our young women. Reports suggest that many of the gangs use the young women as their eyes and

16 LEADERSHIP YOU CAN TRUST CONCERNED CITIZENS MOVEMENT ears and couriers. The CCM calls on our parents to be especially vigilant and to have open discussions with their children even those who go to school and appear to be well adjusted. v. Develop comprehensive anti gang legislation looking to places like California and New York for guidance. vi. Develop a specialized anti gang unit within the Police force and charge them with, inter alia, educating the public as to what to look for in terms of gang signs, clothing and behaviour. This unit should be mandated to purge the highways and byways of gang members by enforcing loitering laws, littering laws and by continually disrupting and harassing gang members. vii. Redirecting financial resources if necessary to an all out assault on crime and antisocial behaviour. Fighting crime must become our number 1 priority as a Nation if we hope to survive. In this regard we should focus on all aspects of crime from littering to loitering to public drunkenness to lewd behavior. Let us reintroduce some standards into our public life. Rudy Giuliani as Mayor of New York cleaned up the crime in that City by among other things enforcing the little laws, loitering, lewdness, public drunkenness, jaywalking. The idea was that if we clamp down on the little things, then they are not allowed to fester into a climate of antisocial behaviour and ultimate serious criminality. viii. Develop a modern youth detention facility in Nevis on lands made available by the NIA to service the Federation while maintaining the current prison in St. Kitts. Wherever possible we should separate youthful offenders from their more seasoned older counterparts. Private sector participation could also be sought in this endeavour. (In this regard, we should use inmates to provide labour for food cultivation on abandoned cane lands in St. Kitts. This will aid us in promoting a healthy Nation while at the same time attacking the high cost of living and lowering our food import bill). ix. Continue efforts to train and recruit and modernize our Police force and emphasize the

LEADERSHIP YOU CAN TRUST 17 CONCERNED CITIZENS MOVEMENT use of technology in crime prevention, detection and prosecution especially cell phone and internet technology. Force resources should be spread throughout the Federation (not just in St. Kitts) and personnel deployed where most needed. In this regard, Nevis should be allocated a much higher number of Police force personnel as, unlike St. Kitts, Nevis does not have the army or coast guard based there. x. Continue efforts to train, recruit and modernize the Prosecution service so as to ensure that the State is best served in criminal prosecutions. xi. Immediately remove all duties, consumption tax and the like on the importation of home and business security systems and positively encourage homes and businesses to invest in their own security. xii. Introduce in conjunction with the Department of Education and the department of Social Welfare on both islands a robust monitoring programme where at risk youths are identified from the youngest primary school ages and are taken in hand even at that stage and provided with the necessary institutional support to ensure a path away from crime. In this regard the Church and community groups can play a very useful supporting role in providing after school programmes for at risk youth. xiii. Introduce CCTV immediately in all our city areas. xiv. Consider the introduction of compulsory national service for all of our youngsters between the ages of 14 and 20 where efforts such as Project Strong become a model for the Nation. xv. Shore up security at all our ports especially in Nevis and demand that security be in place at the docking stations for the Seabridge. In 2007 the CCM made this call and the Honourable Prime Minister reacted negatively. He has since recanted and propose this as a good idea but it is yet to be implemented. The need for security at the SeaBridge and enhanced security at the ferry terminals and ports of entry into St. Kitts and Nevis could not be clearer. On this there should be no room for politics. There should only be room for 18 LEADERSHIP YOU CAN TRUST CONCERNED CITIZENS MOVEMENT action. xvi. Develop an aggressive anti crime anti gang media campaign partnering with the likes of our own Nevisian Frederick Morton and his Caribbean channel Tempo and his “Badness Out of Style” campaign. This CCM proposal has already borne fruit and has been embraced by both the Federal Government and the Nevis Island Administration. xvii. We need to put more police and security personnel into the known trouble spots in the Federation. The CCM proposes a surge of security personnel at least over the short to medium term to bring these communities back within our societal norms. xviii. The CCM promises to ensure that financial resources are committed to depressed communities for infrastructural projects in those communities and that the members of those communities are gainfully employed in the execution of those projects so as to generate financial activity and development in such communities.


ALL THREE FOR WE Concerned Citizens Movement


CCM candidates for Federal Elections moment after being nominated VOTE CCM x FOR

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