BULGARIA: Capabilities, Organisations, Policies, and Legislation in Crisis Management and Disaster Response
BULGARIA: Capabilities, Organisations, Policies, and Legislation in crisis management and disaster response Todor Tagarev Petya Ivanova Nataly Ivanova ÁÚËÃÀÐÈß: Ñïîñîáíîñòè, îðãàíèçàöèÿ, ïîëèòèêè è çàêîíîäàòåëñòâî çà óïðàâëåíèå íà êðèçè è ðåàãèðàíå ïðè áåäñòâèÿ Òîäîð Òàãàðåâ Ïåòÿ Èâàíîâà Íàòàëèÿ Èâàíîâà IT4Sec Reports 128 http://dx.doi.org/10.11610/it4sec.0128 BULGARIA: Capabilities, Organisations, Policies, and Legislation in crisis management and disaster response Todor Tagarev, Petya Ivanova, Nataly Ivanova Institute of Information and Communication Technologies CSDM | Centre for Security and Defence Management www.IT4Sec.org Sofia, March 2015 Todor Tagarev, Petya Ivanova, Nataly Ivanova, BULGARIA: Capabilities, Organisations, Policies, and Legislation in crisis management and disaster response, IT4Sec Reports 128 (March 2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.11610/it4sec.0128 IT4SecReports 128 „BULGARIA: Capabilities, Organisations, Policies, and Legislation in crisis management and disaster response“ This report provides information on the main risks for the population as result of natural disasters and industrial catastrophes and currently prevailing conceptual views on crisis management and disaster response, reflected in the Disaster Protection Law. In terms of organization, the central executive power continues to play the key role, primarily via the MOI General Directorate “Fire Safety and Civil Protection.” The Unified Rescue Service is the backbone of the country’s crisis management system, providing for preparedness and response of regional and municipal authorities, other ministries and agencies, critical infrastructure operators, other trade companies, volunteers, health services, and the armed forces. The report presents also information of levels and sources of financing, as well as Bulgaria’s crisis management capabilities, including those of potential interest to the EU and other Member States.
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