issue 7 / Sep 09 - Jan 10 / £1.80 Where now for anti-fascism? ANTIFA in Germany No Borders in Calais the state we’re in The Camp for Climate Action Green Authoritarianism Reflections on camping Anarcha Feminism No Pretence’s intervention Cartoon An American in Manchester September ‘09 - January ‘10 Contents Shift Magazine Issue 7 4 Anti-Fascism in the 21st Century PHIL DICKENS maps today’s fascist and anti-fascist politics 8 Interview with German anti-fascist group TOP Berlin TOP BERLIN reflect on the state’s response to neo-Nazism and its impact on Antifa 11 Interview with No Borders in Calais After the No Borders camp in Calais, two of the organisers talk about how it went 16 Cartoon An American in Manchester, by ELINOR 18 Romantic visions of indigenous communities - barriers to a radical ecology RUSS HIEDALMAN takes a look at the idea of community in the green movement and the BNP 21 Climate Camp and us A perspective paper on this year’s camp by the ANARCHIST FEDERATION 25 The Climate Camp as radial potential LEWIS BASSETT argues that the camp should turn to engage with production 28 Some thoughts on Anarcha-Feminism CHEPINA HUKKU witnessed the No Pretence intervention at the Anarchist Movement conference EDITED BY Lauren Wroe Raphael Schlembach PICTURE CREDIT Bobington I (cover), ross mcross (p.4), Robert Brook (pp.6/7), PCCC Antifa (p.9), Joe Rigby (pp.13-15) CONTACT SHIFT
[email protected] EDITORIAL “What’s wrong with taxes?” – We were confronted with this sentiment by a large majority of those attending our workshop session at this year’s climate camp on Blackheath Common.