Tynwald Court. St

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Tynwald Court. St TYNWALD COURT. ST. JOHN'S, SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1913. The usual semi-military- guard of honour The captains of parishes present (apart from those who are also members of the was provided to keep the route of the Legislature) were Messrs T.Alien, W. A. officials and legislators from the chapel to ; T. C. S. Moore and the hill. The Isle of Man Volunteers mus- Stevenson, T. Moore tered 00 strong, under the command of Richard B. Quirk. Lieut. Cewie. Surgeon-Major Richardson The following clergy attended ;—Cation was also with the Corps. There were also on Owen, Cation Spicer, Canon Quine, the parade the Officers' Training Corps of King Revs. E. H. L. Locke, S. B. Botwood, W. A. William's College, under the command of Lewis, R. Jones, C. H. Leece, M. W. Har- Lieut. Watkins, numbering 25; the Church rison, T. 11. Kneale, H. Kinred, D. C. Lads' Brigade cadet battalion, under Major Woodhouse, liawcliffe, R.. Clain, J. H. Cain Gale; and St. Andrew's Life Brigade, (Lezayre), P. W. Stubbs, R. Wakeford, W. under Lieut. Killey. Davies, Gregson, and W. A. Rushworth. The Governor, having assumed the chair His Excellency the Lieut.-Governor ar- of State, with the members of the Council. rived at the church at the appointed hour and officials around hint, and the Keys on (11-20 a.m.), and was received by the guard the lower platform, the Court was "fenced" of honour with the Royal Salute. His Ex- by the Coroner of Glanfaba. cellency was attended by his sword bearer, The out-going Coroners were then called Major Mackenzie, commanding the Douglas on to give up their wands of office, and the Volunteers; Lieut. Mylehreest, and Capt. in-coming Coroners were sworn to execute Sugden, aides-de-camp; Col. Madoc, Head their offices for the ensuing year. The new Constable of the Island ; and Lieut. Weales, Coroners forthe respective sheadings are R.N.R. His Excellency was accompanied as fol lbws by his Secretary, Mr B. E. Sargeaunt, in -2. E. Christian. Court dress; the Lord Bishop, in canoni- Michael—Philip Teare. cals; and the other members of the Legis- Middle—W. Lewis Clague. lative Council. Divine service in the Ayre—John Kennedy. chapel was conducted by the Government Garff—A. Curphey. Chaplains, the Revs. E. H. L. Locke and Ruelien—C, Cork' ll. S. B. Botwood. Miss McKnight presided The Acts passed during the past year by at the organ, and King William's College the Manx Legislature, all of which had re- boys' choir assisted in the music. At the ceived the assent of ths Majesty in Council close of the service, the procession to Tyn- on 13th June, 1913, were then promulgated wald Hill was formed in the following in the usual manner. The title and pur- order :—Four sergeants of police; coroners; port of the several Acts were read out by captains of parishes; clergy; the Mayor of Deemster Moore, and the Manx translation Douglas ; the High-Bailiffs; the Chaplain of the same was proclaimed by Mr Robert of the House of Keys; the Secretary of Kerruish, one of the members for Garff the House of Keys; members of the House Sheading. The Acts promulgated were— of Keys; the Speaker of the House of The Gaining and Betting Act, 1913. Keys; the messengers of the House; the The Punishment of Incest Bill, 1913. Governor's Secretary; the members of the The Probation of Offenders Act, 1913. Legislative Council; the Lord Bishop; the The Elementary School Teachers (Super- Sword Bearer; his Excellency the Lieut.- annuation) Act, 1913. Governor ; the aides-de-camp; the Chief The Isle of Man Industrial Home Act. Constable ; the Surgeon to the Household; The Highways (Motor Oar) Act, 1913. the Government Chaplains, The Lord's Rents Purchase Act, 1913. ProrePflingS on Tynwald Day. TYNWALD COURT, JULY 5, 1913. 479 The Fisher Divorce Act, 1913, MOTOR) EdlIASAGHET, NUT CHUM/ TRIG AS THREE-JEW. The Kinrade Divorce Act, 1913. Ta'n aigney as y chooish jeh'n Slattys shoh With reference to these Acts the following dy char ayes pooar in Voayrd Gurneilys Yonyriagh dy yannoo annaghyn elley bentin summsaies in Manx and EingliSh had been rich ymmyd jell caayryn motor ae kiarkiyn prepared motor. I.—TEE GAMING AND BETTING ACT AMEND- MENT myr, 1913. 7.—THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS The object and purport of this Act are to (SUPERANNUATION M7T, 1913, provide for the punishment of persons using The object and purport of this Act are to or frequenting a betting-house, adapt the Elementary School Teachers (Super- annuation) Act, 1912 (being an Act of the Im- perial Parliament), and to make the provisions TN SLATTYS GAMMAN AS OHEBBAL (LHIA- thereof operate as law in this- Island. SACHET), NUY CHEEAD YEIG AS THREE. JEIG. YN SLATTYS FIR-INSEE BUNNEYDAGII Ta'n aigney tie y chooish jeh'n Slattys shoh (TOYRTTS FAAGAIL OIK), NUT CHEEAD dy ehiarail eon kerraghey sleih jannoo ymmyd TEIG AS THREE-JEIG. ny thaaghey thie-chebbal. Ta'n aigney as y chooish jeh'n Slattys shoh di yecasaghey Y1) Slattys Fir-ynsee Bunnedagh 2.—PUNISIIMENT OF INCEST ACT, 1913. (Toyrtys fa-agail oik, Nny Cheead yeig ae The object and purport of this Act are to ghaa-yeig (Slattys Ard-whail 110etin), as provide for the punishment of persons guilty (Iv char ny kiArailyn jeh hug yn Leigh jeh'n of incest, Ella II shoh. TN SLATTYS KERRAOHET CROIAGHT, NUT 8.—ISLE OF MAN INDUSTRIAL HOME CHEEAD 'YEW AS ACT, 1913. The object and pinport, of this Act are to Ta'n aigney as y chooish jeh'n Slattys shah enable the Trustees of the Isle of Man Industrial dy chiarail son dy cherraghey sleih Ityndagh Home for Destitute Children to carry into effect. ;lett crolaght. an agreement for the sale of Strathallan Ran and Premises to Joseph Cunningham, and for 3.—THE PROBATION OF OFFENDERS other purposes. ACT, 1913. The object, and purport of this Act are to Y N SLATTYS TIIIE TAR ROO GB ELLAN niche provision for the release On probation of TANNIN, NUT ClillEAD 'YEIG AS THREE- offenders in certain cases. and for other EW. matters incidental thereto. Ta'n aigney as y chooish jeh'' Shittys shoh sly chur pooar dy ny Fir-lireishtee Thie TN SLATTYS PROWALTYS CHI-AIMEE, NUT Tarrooghve alai) 'Vanish' son Paitehytillreigit CHEEAD YEIG AS THREE-3E1G. dy chooilleeney bargane son creek Halley Tan aigney as y chooish jelen Slattys shoh Slrathallan gys Joseph Cunningham, as son dy yan oo kiarail son fivrey veih bondiaght er oyryn elley. prowalt,vs jeh kimmee ayns. cooishyn as son oyryn elley bcntytt huggey, 9.--THE LORD'S RENTS PURCHASE ACT, 1913. The object iced purport of this At are to 4.—THE FISHER DIVORCE ACT, 1913. enable the Trustees of the Common Lands to acquire the Lord's or Chief Rents of this Island, The object and purport of this Act are to and to enable person., liable to pay such rents dissolve the marriage of Caroline Hand Mary to redeem the same, and for other purposes, Fisher and Percy Fisher. YN SLATTYS CII1ONNAGBEY YN MAYLL TN SLATTYS SCARREE FISHER, NUT CHIARN, NUT CHEEAD YEIG AS THREE- 011EVAD -TRIG AS THREE-3E1(3. Ta'n aigney as y ehnoish jeh'n Slattys Ta'n aigney as y chooish jeh'n Slattys shoh dy eaysley yn poosey jeh Caroline Maud Mary dy char ayes pooar ny Eir-hreishtee ny Thal- Fisher aq Percy Fisher. looyn near chionnagheY Mayllyn Chirp ny Ard-vayllyn Elan slob, as sty chooney lesh sleih to hie orroo di eeek theid ny 5.—THE EINRADE DIVORCE ACT, 1913. maylim dy aa-ehionnaghey ad, as son The object and purport of this Act are to dis- cooishyn elley. solve the marriage of Joseph Kinrade and Emily Jane Kinrade. The Royal assent to the foregoing Ada was given by his Majesty in Council at the Court at Buckingham Palace on the 13th day of TN SLATTYS SOARREE KINRADE, NM' June, 1913. CliEEAD YEW AS THREE-JEW. Ta'n aigney as y chooish ,jeh'n Slattys shoh Va'n Coardoil Reeoil currit gye ny Slattysyn dy eaysley ye poosey jeh Joseph Kinrade as roio aoit magh liorish E Ard Ooashley ayes Emily Jane Kinrade. Connedl ee y Quaiyi ee y Plaase Buckingham er y trass-yeigoo laa eheyoo vee, nuy 6.—THE HIGHWAY (MOTOR CAR) AMEND- cheead yeig ae threcteig. MENT ACT, 1913. • The object and purpose of this Act. are. to Three cheers were given for the King, empower the Local Government. Board to make and the ceremony of promulgation was con- further regulations with regard to the use of motor cars rend motor cycles. cluded. The procession was re-formed and returned to the chapel, where a short sitting YN SLATTYS- -RAADYN MOOARF.Y (CA AR of Tynwald was held. The New Acis---nitnN and English, 480 TYNWALD COURT, JULY. 5, 1913. Present: His Excellency the Lieut.- Report and Accounts of the Harbour Governor (Lord Raglan), President; • the Board for year ended 30th June, 1913 Lord Bishop (the Right Rev. James Denton Report and Accounts of Asylums Board Thompson), the Clerk of the Rolls (Mr for year ended 31st March, 1913. Thomas Kneen), Deemster J. C. Stevenson Accounts of Board of Advertising for Moore, Deemster Callow, the Vicar-General year ended 31st December, 1912. (Mr C. T. W. Hughes-Games), the Vener- Public Auditors reports on the accounts able Archdeacon (the Rev. John Kewley, of— M.A.), and the Receiver-General (Mr J. T. Tho MAIMS Board for the year ended 31st Cowell, J.P.)—,in the Council.
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