Milnathort Community Council
Milnathort Community Council Minute of the Milnathort Community Council (MCC) Meeting held on Thursday, 12th February 2015, in Orwell Parish Church Hall 1. Welcome: In the absence of the Chair - CClr Hamilton, CClr Milne-Home, Vice Chair, chaired the meeting; he welcomed CClrs Bennet and Thomson. CClr Cottingham later joined the meeting for Agenda Item 4 onwards. Also in attendance were Perth & Kinross Council (PKC) Clrs Giacopazzi and Robertson, and 5 members of the public. 2. Apologies: Apologies were received from CClrs Hamilton, Pettinger, Halford and Smith, and from PKC Clrs Barnacle and Cuthbert. 3. Police matters: PC Dougie Stapleton presented the Police report. Recent local crimes/issues included: Youths tapping on residents' windows in South Street. Vandalism to the trellises in the War Memorial Garden. Shoplifting at Sainsbury's Store - 'detected'. Possession of Cannabis in Kinross -'detected'. Break-ins at Bayne's Bakery/Cafe, Kinross, and Buchan's Garage, Kinnesswood, both of which were under enquiry, and An attempted break-in at Bowers' Hair Salon, which was also under enquiry. Other crimes in the wider area included fly-tipping, thefts from commercial premises and from works vehicles, theft of lead from roofs, and bogus workmen attempting to defraud residents. PC Stapleton also reported that three drivers had been warned about inconsiderate/illegal parking in North Street/Wester Loan. The Chair advised that Police Scotland were currently reviewing its 'Multi Member Ward Policing Plans' for the PKC area. These plans are reviewed every six months in order to keep local priorities up to date. Police Scotland are seeking feedback on the following issues: Main community/safety concerns for each community.
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