SYSTEMATICS AND PHYLOGEOGRAPHY OF SUCKERMOUTH SPECIES (CHILOGLANIS) WITH EMPHASIS ON THE LIMPOPO RIVER SYSTEM AND IMPLICATIONS FOR WATER MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. Report to the Water Research Commission by MJ Matlala, IR Bills, CJ Kleynhans & P Bloomer Department of Genetics University of Pretoria WRC Report No. KV 235/10 AUGUST 2010 Obtainable from Water Research Commission Publications Private Bag X03 Gezina, Pretoria 0031 SOUTH AFRICA
[email protected] This report emanates from a project titled: Systematics and phylogeography of suckermouth species (Chiloglanis) with emphasis on the Limpopo River System and implications of water management practices (WRC Project No K8/788) DISCLAIMER This report has been reviewed by the Water Research Commission (WRC) and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the WRC, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use ISBN 978-1-77005-940-5 Printed in the Republic of South Africa ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The genus Chiloglanis includes 45 species of which eight are described from southern Africa. The genus is characterized by jaws and lips that are modified into a sucker or oral disc used for attachment to a variety of substrates and feeding in lotic systems. The suckermouths are typically found in fast flowing waters but over varied substrates and water depths. This project focuses on three species, namely Chiloglanis pretoriae van der Horst 1931, C. swierstrai van der Horst 1931 and C. paratus Crass 1960, all of which occur in the Limpopo River System. The suckermouth catfishes have been extensively used in aquatic surveys as indicators of impacts from anthropogenic activities and the health of the river systems.