Event#2019676901 Entries Close: 5:00 p.m, Wednesday, July 31, 2019 at the show secretaries office , after which Officers of the Heart of Ohio Sussex Spaniel Club time entries cannot be accepted, canceled, or substituted. President: Jeff Colwell PREMIUM LIST Vice president Alda Morris Treasurer Lori Colwell HEART OF OHIO SUSSEX SPANIEL CLUB Secretary Debbi Miller (Licenced by the American Kennel Club) Unbenched - Outdoors 5939 Trumbull Road, Geneva, Ohio 44041 email:
[email protected] Friday, August 23, 2019 BOARD Sweepstakes and Veterans Sweepstakes Beth Launder * Rusty Morton * Judy Opel AKC National Owner-Handled Series SHOW COMMITTEE - SHOW CHAIRMAN Judy Opel, email:
[email protected] Assistant Chairman: Jeff Colwell
[email protected] Committees Catalog Ads Nancy Launder Catalog Sales Kathy Koteles CGC/CGCA Alda Morris Dinner Tom Miller, Margie Wunderle, Judy Manley Grounds Jeff Colwell/Bill Wunderle Hospitality Lori Colwell/Judy Opel Specialty Shirts Debbi Miller Specialty Logo Debbi Miller Raffle Connie Drake Trophies Beth Launder,Tom Launder Bill Stanton Community Park Trick Dog Testing Brenda Griffin Chapel Road Puppy Games Kim Kesselring/Shelly Bock Madison, OH MargieWunderle Supported Entry Mary Jo Marsh Website Rusty Morton MAIL ALL ENTRIES AND FEES PAYABLE TO THE SHOW SECRETARY Welcome Bags Brenda Griffin and HOSSC Kathy Baraga - Specialty Show Secretary, 1256 Nesbitt Road, Sagamore Hills, OH 44067 330-603-5114 Fax: 330-467-2759 Email
[email protected] PHOTOGRAPHER AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB CERTIFICATION Brian Kurtis. P.O. Box, 1056, Niagara Falls, NY 14302 716-285-1624 Permission has been granted by the American Kennel Club for the holding of this event under American Kennel Club Rules and Regulations.