2006 annual report

2006 Annual Report Page 1

Since 1985, The Aliveness Project has been a place of life-giving support for people whose lives have been changed by HIV/AIDS. In 2006, we served 1,352 individuals — that’s one in four individuals living with HIV infection in !

In 1985, a small group of individuals living with HIV gathered together in homes to share support and potluck meals. In 2006, our on-site Meal Program and Food Shelf together provided the equivalent of more than 80,000 meals — and at least 500,000 since 2000!

In 1985, there was no effective treatment for HIV infection. In 2006, although treatments for HIV infection help many people live longer, our members still need the healing therapies of our Complementary Care Program to combat the symptoms of this disease and side effects of current treatments.

In 1985, less than 100 cases of full-blown AIDS were reported in Minnesota. In 2006, The Minnesota Department of Health reported 318 new cases of HIV/ AIDS — a five percent increase — and a total of 5,566 Minnesotans living with HIV/AIDS. In 2006, The Aliveness Project added 181 new members and served 15 percent more people than the previous year.

In 1985, The Aliveness Project was founded by a small group of volunteers. In 2006, more than 1,000 individuals volunteered over 30,000 hours to run food shelf drives, serve thousands of hot meals, provide complementary therapies, and donate hundreds of gifts for our Holiday Basket Program!

In 1985, there was little funding for AIDS services. In 2006, over 300 volunteer ambassadors helped collect one in four dollars out of a total of $100,000 raised by our 103 Dining Out for Life restaurants!

I want to express my sincere gratitude to all our staff, volunteers, members and supporters who have made it possible for The Aliveness Project to serve one in four Minnesotans living with HIV/AIDS in 2006!

Joe A. Larson Executive Director

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Board of Directors Marsha Berry Lisa Boone Terry Chambers Deb Cohen, Vice President Max Fallek Jeffrey Farnsworth Richard Hernesman Randy Hornstine Dara Rudick Barbara Satin Scott Schlaffman, Secretary William Schlichting, President Ralph Thorsgaard, Second Vice President David Welper, Treasurer Ed Yort

Membership Advisory Committee Pam Benson Daniel Cashman Tom Genty David Hanson Randy Hornstine Roger Moore Theodore Pinegar Tedd Richardson Scott Schlaffman, Gaming Manager Ralph Thorsgaard, President

Staff Dan Capelli, Food Shelf Coordinator Sean Divine, Food Services Director Dan Gerard, Cook Brian Gray, Substitute Cook Jennifer Gunderson, Gaming Coordinator Donavan Harmel, Kitchen Assistant Johnny Herda-Brown, Membership Services Director Mike Jefferis, Prevention Case Manager Joe Larson, Executive Director Tim Marburger, Director of Fundraising & Special Events Frank Mlakar, Kitchen Assistant Louis Taylor, Receptionist Monica Travis, Volunteer Services Director

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Since its founding in 1985, The Aliveness Project has served an growing number of individuals living with HIV/AIDS. During 2006, we added 181 new members — an average of 15 members per month. Since 2000, the number of members served each year has nearly doubled, with a 15% increase in 2006. Last year, we served 1,352 members — one out of four Minnesotans living with HIV/AIDS!

2006 Demographics Number of Members Served Annually 1400 Aliveness HIV/AIDS Program Cases in 1300 Recipients Minnesota 1200 GENDER: 1100 Female 25% 23% 1000 Male 75% 77% 900 Transgender 0.4% NA 800

700 RACE: 600 African American 32% 22% 500 African-Born 3% 12% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Asian/Pacific Islander 2% 1% Caucasian 53% 55% Hispanic * 7% 8% Aliveness HIV/AIDS Native American 5% 2% Program Cases in Other / Multi-racial 2% 1% Recipients Minnesota * Hispanics are part of a variety RESIDENCE: of racial groups and may be Hennepin 66% 57% listed under other categories. Ramsey 16% 18%

Dakota 2% 4% AGE: Anoka 2% 3% 0-13 years 0.1% 0.5% Washington 1% 1% 13-19 years 0.4% 1% Carver 0.4% 1% 20-29 years 8% 10% Scott 0.2% 1% 30-39 years 24% 24% Greater Minnesota 6% 15% 40-49 years 44% 41% Wisconsin 1% NA 50-59 years 18% 18% Iowa 0.2% NA 60+ years 5% 5% Unknown 5% NA

MODE OF EXPOSURE: CHILDREN: Men Who Have No Child in Home 82% NA 48% 52% Sex with Men 1 Child 7% NA 2 Children 7% NA Heterosexual 28% 12% 3 Children 3% NA Injecting Drug Use 5% 7% 4 or More Children 1% NA MSM / IDU 3% 5% ANNUAL INCOME: Perinatal 1% 1% < Federal Poverty Level* 70% NA Other 3% 1% > 100% & < 300%** 18% NA Refused / Unspecified 2% 9% > 300%** of FPL 6% NA Unknown 10% 13% Unknown 6% NA TOTAL INDIVIDUALS: 1,352 5,566 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS: 1,352 5,566 * $9,576 is the 2006 Federal Poverty Level for an individual. ** $28,728 is 300% of the Federal Poverty Level for an individual.

2006 Annual Report Page 3

posi+ive IMPACT

Maria finds a new home at The Aliveness Project

“My name is Maria. I was born and raised in Spain. I didn’t know much about AIDS when I lived there — except that I thought it was affecting gays in the United States. When my husband and I both tested HIV positive in 1985, I knew instinctively to keep it quiet because of the stigma.

“My husband and I used to travel to Minnesota to visit my husband’s family. Eventually, after he became too sick to travel, we both settled in Minnesota.

“After he died in 1995, I felt scared and alone. I didn’t speak English well, so it was hard to communicate with people. I became depressed, believing I would die soon, like my husband.

“It was a very difficult period in my life. Finally, I started coming to The Aliveness Project.

“What really struck me was seeing people like me. Through the friends I met at The Aliveness Project, I learned that I didn’t have to be secretive or feel shameful. I now feel safe and normal.

“Because of HIV, I have faced depression, ongoing pain and numerous digestive problems. The massages and shiatsu I receive through the Complementary Care Program really tone down these symptoms. On a scale of 1-10, my pain is often as high as “7,” which is pretty severe. After a therapy session, however, my pain is about a “4” for several days, making it possible to take care of myself and still be active.

“Currently, I have a part-time job, but I also try to volunteer occasionally.

“The Aliveness Project’s staff and volunteers give hope to me and other members — it makes a difference to know that people care. Thank God that The Aliveness Project is here for people like me!”

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posi+ive IMPACT

Rob feels accepted and wants to give back

“My name is Robert. I tested HIV-positive in 1985. I lived in California until 1988. When I returned to Minnesota, I heard of The Aliveness Project, but I think that I was hesitant to come here. I felt uncertain and afraid to be out about my status.

“In October 2006, a friend in treatment told me about The Aliveness Project. He gave me an application, which I completed. Then I called to make an appointment with the Director of Membership Services.

“It was love at first sight! The kindness, humanity and generosity of the place were overwhelming. At The Aliveness Project, I felt instant affirmation of who I was and my place in the world. From the receptionist to staff and other members, it was a nonjudgmental and welcoming place!

“I have found the complementary care therapies to be very holistic. All the therapists work closely together and, thanks to acupuncture, I have quit smoking.

“Now I volunteer with The Aliveness Project, because what I get from everyone here is so much more than I can give back.”

2006 Annual Report Page 5


On-site Meal Program The On-site Meal Program is the cornerstone of The Aliveness Project. Many of our members have limited incomes, so meals help them maintain a balanced diet and good health. Our cafeteria serves lunch six days per week (Monday - Saturday) and supper on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Number of Meals 28,406 Individuals Served 893

Food Shelf Program Along with our Meal Program, our Food Shelf helps supply additional food resources for our members and their families.

Food Shelf Appointments 1,997 Individuals Served 537 Family Members Served 3,509 Pounds of Food Distributed 77,572 Number of Meals Provided 51,715 Complementary Care Our Complementary Care Program is one of our most unique services and provides healing therapies posi+ive IMPACT such as acupuncture, chiropractic treatments, massage, shiatsu, and other body treatments. Individuals using our food services report: 92 percent say “the meals & food shelf help me Each of these therapies complements more maintain my health.” traditional treatments and helps our members 90 percent say “these services help stretch my manage the symptoms of HIV/AIDS and decrease financial resources & live independently. the side effects of medications.

Complementary Care Sessions 2,970 Individuals Served 551

posi+ive IMPACT Members using our Complementary Care services report the following benefits: 63% experienced a decrease in the intensity or number of symptoms (fatigue, muscle or joint pain, sleep problems, neuropathy, headaches & diarrhea). 68% reported a decrease in feelings of sadness or depression.

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Care Advocacy Program Our Care Advocacy Program provides advocacy services for members who and who need short-term assistance with finding financial assistance, housing, health insurance or other basic social services.

Care Advocacy Sessions 816 Individuals Served 369

posi+ive IMPACT “Success began for me the first day I came to The Aliveness Project. I was homeless, and staff helped me find a clean, quiet shelter appropriate for me. “Since then, I moved into my own apartment and have been living there for more than a year. The food shelf also provides much- Holiday Basket Program needed food. With this assistance, I have Our Holiday Basket Program is a special program been able to also afford basic necessities for that provides gift baskets for members and their my new apartment.” family members. Each basket includes clothing, - Lisa hygiene items, food products and other presents. Positively Alive Program In 2006, hundreds of individuals, families and organizations donated thousands of gifts, wrapped Our Positively Alive Program offers HIV prevention presents, adopted baskets, sewed quilts and outreach services (which includes distribution of stockings, and delivered baskets. condoms, safer sex kits, and bleach kits), individual counseling, and case management services.

Number of Holiday Baskets 574 Outreach Interventions 1,453 Adults Served 785 Individual Counseling Sessions 228 Children Served 481 Case Management Sessions 170

posi+ive IMPACT “I have received a Holiday Basket for the past few years….. One year, I remember needing a winter coat and then receiving it in my basket. It really made a difference for me! I don’t have much money to afford things like that. There are always fun items in each basket that make me feel good, because I know they were given and made by someone who cares.” - Sharon

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HIV Speaker Bureau Our Speaker Bureau is made up of members living with HIV/AIDS, and our speakers are in high demand. Our Speaker Bureau presents to schools, colleges, communities of faith, chemical dependency programs and workplace groups. In 2006, our members delivered 64 presentations, reaching an estimated 1,842 youth and adults.

HIV Resource Library The Aliveness Project also offers services to help our members be as educated and self-sufficient as posi+ive IMPACT possible. Our HIV Resource Library has a number of books and magazines related to HIV/AIDS and “When I first came to The Aliveness Project, I the latest information regarding HIV treatments and was surprised by all the things that were there. I have used the computers and library to help me ongoing research. learn more about HIV resources available to me. Our Library also offers Internet access for members “Now when I am here, I feel part of the fellowship. I know that I am with others who who want to research medical and treatment are having similar experiences.” information, as well as identify a variety of - Steven resources.. In 2006, 285 members used this service during 2,402 sessions of 30 minutes or approximately 1,200 hours of sessions.

Other Services There are a number of other services that are coordinated by our staff and volunteers, as well as other community organizations that use our facility to conduct outreach to our members. Last year, these services included: Educational Seminars on Topics Related to Current Treatments, Healthy Living, etc. Free Access To Social Events (theatre performances, concerts, etc.) Free Hair Cuts. Outreach Programs for Injecting Drug Users and Other Populations. Social Gatherings, such as our Summer Picnic, Halloween Party, etc. Veterinary Services for Members’ Pets.

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Today there are an estimated 1.039 million to 1.185 million individuals living with HIV/AIDS in the United States — the largest number ever — according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of these, between 252,000 - 315,000 (24-27%) are unaware of their HIV infection and are not getting the care they need. The number of people living with an AIDS diagnosis has been increasing in recent years: from approximately 290,400 in 1998 to 425,910 at the end of 2005. CDC estimates that approximately 40,000 people per year in America become infected with HIV, a number that has remained relatively stable — but unacceptably high — for much of the past decade. According to the Minnesota Department of Health, since the beginning of the HIV epidemic in 1981 until the end of 2006, 8,149 cases of HIV infection were reported in Minnesota. 2,838 of these cases are known to be deceased. At the end of 2006, there were 5,566 individuals reported to be currently living with HIV in Minnesota — a 6.6% increase from 2005. Of these individuals, 3,105 (56%) are living with HIV (non-AIDS) and 2,461 (44%) have an AIDS diagnosis. The Minnesota Department of Health reports that 318 Minnesotans were newly diagnosed with HIV infection in 2006 — a five percent increase from 2005. This is the highest number of new cases reported in a single year since 1995, when 343 were reported. Previously, the number of newly diagnosed AIDS cases and the number of deaths among AIDS cases had been declining due to the introduction of new antiretroviral treatments (including protease inhibitors) in 1996. Over the past few years, however, there has been an increase in the number of diagnosed cases of AIDS, from a low of 124 cases in 2001 to 163 in 2006 (a 31% increase). People of color continue to be disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS. While approximately 88% of males in Minnesota are white, last year 55% of the new HIV infections were among white men. Men of color make up approximately 12% of the male population, but 45% of the men diagnosed with HIV in 2006. Similarly, women of color make up 11% of the female population and 68% of the new cases of HIV among women. Some additional 2006 statistics include: Young men (ages 13 to 24) made up 35 or 11% of new HIV cases. This is about twice posi+ive IMPACT the number reported for this group in 2002. “When I first tested HIV-positive in 1997, Gay and bisexual men made up 64 percent I was living on my tribe’s reservation. It of new cases. seemed like there was little support for Native Americans living with HIV. Women made up 28 percent of new cases. “One time, I was picked up by the tribal Young men and women (ages 13 to 24) police and — because I had HIV — I was accounted for 18 percent of new cases. quarantined for five days. It seemed like they wanted me to live with shame. But I One in three people who tested HIV-positive did not want to live my life that way. last year were "late-testers" — meaning they “I first heard about The Aliveness Project had already progressed to full-blown AIDS from a relative who had recently lost by the time the infection was diagnosed. someone due to AIDS. She told me it was a Typically, they were living with HIV for place to help those living with HIV. eight to 10 years before their diagnosis. “I finally came here and was overcome by the helpfulness, friendliness and caring of Currently, there are more Minnesotans the people I met that first day. After years living with HIV than ever before — of dealing with how I was treated on the and, as a result, more people in need of the reservation, I finally found a place that was services offered by The Aliveness Project. welcoming and felt so comfortable! - Amy In 2006, one in four Minnesotans living with HIV/AIDS used our services!

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Our phenomenal team of caring volunteers is truly the heart of The Aliveness Project! For the first time in our organization’s history, over 1,000 individuals served as volunteers during 2006! These volunteers came to us as individuals and from a variety of community and workplace groups. Together they contributed an unprecedented total of 30,000 hours to The Aliveness Project! Last year, our volunteers included: Aliveness Project members. Community members who have a personal concern for people living with HIV/AIDS. People from a wide range of ages — from children to teenagers to senior citizens. Mostly residents of the Twin Cities — however, some volunteers travel from Duluth, Rochester and many parts of Minnesota. Our volunteers also come from other states and countries from around the globe. Volunteer teams from corporations, schools, colleges, and faith communities — with significant increases in the number of individuals from all these groups. Volunteers play a vital role at all levels of our organization and programs, including: Annual Volunteer Recognition Event Holiday Basket Program Board of Directors Housekeeping and Maintenance Building Improvement Kickball, Bowling and Sledding Parties Complementary Therapies Kitchen Helpers Data Entry Library Dining Out For Life Membership Advisory Committee Errand Drivers Minnesota Red Ribbon Ride Fall Fundraiser “Carnival of Life” Newsletter & mailings Food Shelf Program & Food Drives Office Assistants Fundraising Professional Consulting GLBT Pride Booth Reception Desk Hair Cuts Vet Clinic HIV Community Picnic Web Design and Maintenance

THE VALUE OF VOLUNTEERS! posi+ive IMPACT The Aliveness Project could not exist without “(As someone living with HIV), I also volunteers! Their collective work is both vital and participate by volunteering. It helps me invaluable. For the year 2006, Independent Sector realize that there are many people out assigned a value to volunteer time of $18.77 per hour. there who are supportive. “Volunteering helps me break through the What this means is that our volunteers’ efforts last year stigma and isolation of HIV by being — a combined total of at least 30,000 hours of service involved with other volunteers. They have — have an estimated value of more than $563,100.00! really helped me to no longer feel We would need to increase our annual operating ashamed.” - Andy budget by at least 85% or hire 14 full-time staff to complete the work of these committed volunteers!

2006 Annual Report Page 10 THANKS TO OUR 2006 VOLUNTEERS The Aliveness Project thanks and acknowledges the following volunteers from 2006! Please accept our apology if your name has been inadvertently omitted.

Businesses / Organizations GAPS Assembly - New Spirit United Church of Tree Trust Sue Austin & Family 16th Avenue South Block Club, Christ Tulle & Dye Inc. Erin Azer General Mills Betty's Family New Spirit United Church of Turtle Club Laura Bachinski & Renee 3M Girl Scouts Christ , Eagan Twin Cities Bicycling Club DeLong Abbott Laboratories Glad Creations Quilt Block Normandale Community College Twin Cities Front Runners Wendi Bame African American AIDS Task GlaxoSmithKline Nursing Program Twin Cities Gay Hockey Jim Bartingale Force Great American History Theatre Normandale Nursing Program Association Edith Bacon All God's Children Metropolitan Guthrie Theatre North Central University Twin Cities Gay Men's Chorus Yanni Bacouros Community Church Hamline University North Dakota State University - Twin Cities GLBT Pride Patrick Bailey Alpha Kappa Psi Hamline University Campus Little Country Theatre Twin Cities Goodtime Larry Baker America Votes Ministry North Hennepin Community Softball League Maria Baker & Kevin Hiniker American Financial Hamline University College - Phi Theta Kappa Twin Cities Quorum Lisa Baldwin & Jennifer Kusz American Red Cross School of Law North Hennepin Community United Theological Seminary Bariso Balla Americorps Hamline University United College - Nursing Program University of Minnesota - CLA Susan Bangasser Ameriprise Methodist Student Movement North Saint Paul High School Group Brian Barnes & Bill Williamson Ameriprise - Hammergfen & Meyer Northwestern Health Sciences University of Minnesota - GAPS Amy Barrett Black Employee Network Hands On Twin Cities University Assembly Karl Barrett Ameriprise Pride Coalition Harbor City International School, Novel Women Book Club University of Minnesota - Dawn Bartell & Lois Peterson Amore Coffee Duluth O'Keefe Matz Chiropractic Clinic GLBT Programs Office Emily Bastian Aspire Chiropractic Hennepin County HIV Clinic Olive Salon University of Minnesota - Stephanie Bauman The Atons of Minneapolis Hennepin County PLL Omegon Medical Schools World AIDS Layne Beckman AT & T Hennepin County Probation Open Door Day Coalition Scott Belcher ATT League Historic Theatre Group OWWLS University of Minnesota - Lonny Beliveau Augsburg College Hope House Park House Occupational Therapy Andra Belland Augustana Apartments Hospice Twin Cities Phi Theta Kappa Program Amy Bemis Aveda Institute The Imperial Court of Minnesota Positive Link University of Minnesota - Julie Benson Balance Chiropractic Integrative Therapies, Rochester Pride Institute School of Dentistry Pam Benson & Family Basilica of Saint Mary Inver Grove Heights Animal Project for Pride in Living University of Minnesota - Lisa Berg Best & Flanagan, LLP Hospital Project Remand School of Public Health John Berg Best Buy Finance KARE 11 Prudential Financial Services University of Minnesota School Marsha Berry Bethany Lutheran Church KFAI Radio Pulte Homes of Public Health Anthony Bettendorf Bethel University Kiwanis Club Quest EAGLE University of Minnesota YMCA Eileen Bezat Bethlehem Lutheran Church - La Oportunidad Quilters for Restorative Justice "Y Buddies" Joe Bielawa Senior High Ministry Lavender Magazine Ramsey County GLBT & University of St. Thomas Anya Bilgutay Bio Script Linden Hills Acupuncture Friends - Employee Resource University of Wisconsin - Alisha Billingsley The Black Guard of Minneapolis Little Country Theatre Network River Falls Scott Bilodeau & Richard Carper Bloomington-Kennedy Lutheran Church of Regions Hospital V.A. Medical Center Mark Blachowski High School Christ the Redeemer Regions Hospital ID Clinic Wake Up We're Affected Mary Blegen Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN, MACTION RE/MAX Results — Amy Ruzick Walgreens Stores Elizabeth Bley Volunteer Council Macemon Photography & Kay Johnson Wedge Community Co-op Alicia Bloch Blue Cross Blue Shield - Maplewood Middle School Rivers Way Meditation Center Wet Paint Melanie Bloom & Olivia Meyer Blue Pride Maplewood School District Robbinsdale Armstrong High Wilsons Leather - Marketing Lisa Boone Blue Cross Blue Shield - Mavrik Realty School Department Gary Bobzien Heart of Blue MaxWell Pharmacy Robbinsdale Cooper High Women Venture Justin Bodie Bonnie Sainio's Homemade Medtronic Triangle Alliance School Woodbury United Methodist Rob Boisvert Cards Memorial Blood Centers ROR Tax Professionals Church Thomas Boman Boy Scouts, Scouting for Food Memorial Blood Centers Rotary Club - Minnesota Y Force University YMCA Kirk Bonner Bristol Meyers Squibb The Men's Center RSVP Vacations YMCA Ridgedale Gloria Boxell Brownie Girl Scouts Metro State University - Saint Paul Academy YWCA - Minneapolis Downtown Cheryl Boyes Buy/Sell Realty Lavender Bridge Schneider Drug YWCA - Minneapolis Midtown Daniel Boyer Carlson School of Management Midwest Energy Assoc. The Seesters Zheng Qi Acupuncture Clinic Jane & Anne Boyer Graduate Volunteer Corps Minneapolis City Council & Staff Shen Men Acupuncture Liz & Joe Brandel & Family Century Community College Minneapolis College of Art & & Natural Health Care Kent Brainerd The Chair Design Shepherd of the Lakes Individuals Jim Brenny Children’s Hospital - Minneapolis Community Lutheran Church James Aisenbrey Daniel Breslin Teenage Medical Services & Technical College Shoe-A-New Rafai Abdelmouneim Bev Brogie & Matt McLaughlin Peer Educators Minneapolis Edison High School Sister Sludge Coffee Sharon & Sam Abelson Elbert Brown The Children’s Theatre Minneapolis North High School Skills for Tomorrow School Izzy Abraham Felisha Brown Christ Presbyterian Church Minneapolis Public Schools Skyview Middle School Kenny Adams Philip Brown Christ Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis South High School - 7th Graders Patricia Adams Charlie Brown Edina Minneapolis Urban League Soul Essence Kristi Adamson Susan Brunelle Church of St. Joan of Arc Minneapolis Washburn High Spring Lake Park Area Learning Heidi Adelsman & Mike Everetts Bridget Bruner Claire Housing School Center Michelle Adman & Family Mary Buhr Clark Consulting Minnesota AIDS Project St. Cecilia's Catholic Church, Dan Adolphson Ernesto Bueno & Chris Guzman Coffee Eclectic Minnesota College of Minneapolis Chance Agers Chris Bun College of St. Benedict Acupuncture & St. Francis Cabrini Catholic Alejandro Aguilera Fr. Clem Burke Columbia Heights High School Oriental Medicine Church Sandy Agustin & Desiree Larson Korene Burke Communications Workers of Minnesota Council of Churches St. John's Confirmation Mack Alee Molly Burke & Family America Minnesota Dept. of Health Students Christine Anderson Korene Burke Costumes & Creatures Minnesota HIV Services St. John's of Prior Lake - Bob Anderson Sandy Burke & Caroline Cretin-Derham Hall Planning Council Confirmation Students Darlene Anderson Dave Burton & Amy Ouradnik - Spectrum Students Minnesota International Center St. Nicholas Church, Carver Mark & Deborah Anderson Richard Buske Dahl Chiropractic Services Minnesota Life College Stardust Lanes Bob Andress Kimberly Bussey Dally Massage Minnesota Opera Student Global AIDS Campaign Jerry Andrews Matt Butts De la Salle High School Minnesota Red Ribbon Ride Target Corporation David Ansari Leslie & Jim Byrne District 202 Minnesota School of Business- Target Corporation Member Andy Ansell Susan Brott Double Rainbow II Group Massage Program Service Center Nancy Anselmin & Dave Vidnar Molly Cacek Eastview High School Minnesota Stocks, Debentures Target Financial Services Neville Ansley Sue & Rich Cairn & Family Edina High School & Bonds Volunteer Council Alyssa Arabadji Paul Capetz El Colegio Charter School Minnesota Vixen Target Volunteer Council Gene Arel Jamie Cardenas Experience Works Mississippi Market Tibotec Therapeutics Frank Arena Mark Carlton & Grandara F.L.O.W MN Life College Ticket Works Rebecca Arnoldy John Carlson Friendly Hills Middle School Mounds View High School Todd Konkol Catering Julia Ashley Lois Carrier Gap Inc. Mystic Lake Casino The Town House - Charlie Atilano Ruanova Bill & Lynn Carrol & Jackie Triangle of Hope Michelle Atkins Brent Casey

2006 Annual Report Page 11 THANKS TO OUR 2006 VOLUNTEERS The Aliveness Project thanks and acknowledges the following volunteers from 2006! Please accept our apology if your name has been inadvertently omitted.

Dan Cashman Sidney Evans Emily Hanka & Mary Rugani Naomi Jensen Julie Leffingwell Jim & Billie Cashman Reneka Evans John Hankins Rebekah Jensen Don Leggett Mark & Melissa Caulfield Richard Evans Eric Hansen Johnny Jersild Michael Lemmer & Family Chance Evers Kimberly Hansen Martha Jirovec Sondra Lemmon Jim & Margie Charlebois Vickie Faine Michelle Hansen Barb Johnson Dorothy Lerma Jessica Cheney John Falkowski David Hanson Corey Johnson Joaquin S. Lerma Ken Cheney Max Fallek Kevin Hanson David Johnson Ann Leviton Kathy Chinn Jeffery Farnsworth Jim Hanstad Garrett Johnson Steven Levy Julie Choquette Rose Fehrman Diane Harder Halvin Johnson Lee Lewis Charles Christiansen Mary & Lillie Fellman Colleen Hardy Jonita Johnson Tom Ley Chistopher Cichon Heidi Fellner Bobbi Harrington Kenny Johnson Mandy Licklider-Baseman Donna Clay Mike Ferguson & Steve Lerner Colleen Harris & Family Michael Johnson Mike Lilja Scott Clugston Anthony Ferguson Gretchen Harris Samearl Johnson Emily Lindstrom Benjamin Cohen Beth Ferkey Jane Harris Tom Johnson David Lipman Deb Cohen Brandon Fesser Lois Harrison Trisha Johnson & Paul Stern Collen Lockman & Mary Clare Eva Cohen Amy Firecloud Beth Ann Hart & Loretta Jerrit Johnstone Wren Loeffler & David Wells Neena Cohen Micheal Fischer Dischinger Brandon Jones & Krissy Olson Jennifer Loewenthal Anne Coleman Kevin & Tracy Flanigan Jim Harvey Mary Jones Tara Loftus Adrienne Coleman Jared Fleischer Eric Hastrieter Nareta Jones Amy Lopez Tracy Comer Cate Fogartz Darin Hatch Frankie Jones Jason Lopez Julie Corbin Sherman Ford Russ Hatten Amanda Jones Russ Lovaassen Jim Cordaro Deborah Fox Jason Hatton Keyona D. Jones Diane Love Aaron Crenshaw Beth, Charolette & Gene Mitzi Heath Amanda Jones Rosemary Lovett & Family Tim Cronin & Michael Frear Frampton Johnny Hedgepath Charlie Jordan Clay Lowen Jane & Bill Crouch Jerome Franklin Courtney Henderson Mary Jordan & Family Michael Ludeseher Sally Curran & Breeana Blalock Scott Franz Tricia Henderson Carole Jore & Joanne Wawra Michael Ludeseher Dr. Greg Dahl, DC Bess Fredricks & Zeb Henderson Shreve Jason D Joy Jeff Luedtke Dennis Daigle David Friederichs Josh Hendricks Ed Juda & Christy Allen Scott Luers Doug Dally Jules Friedman Charles Hendrix Amy Juhl Doug Lund & Mark Olson Wendy Danielson Andy Fritsch Elizabeth Hendrix & Dan Doleral Janine Jungbauer Nancy Luong Susan Danziesen Stella Frosberg Rachel Hennen Ann Kabtensen Scott Luther Kim Dayton & Laurie Hanson Susan Frost Pam Pwiko Rob Kacheroski DeAndrea, Andrew & Isiah Teresa de la Hoz Danny Fry Amanda Henry Dr. Stacy Kaczmarek, DC Lynch & Miguel Alises Michael Fry Nhia Her Dr. Kara Kalbus, DC Nancy Lyons Jonathan Dealey Tara Fujimoto Harris Melissa Herda- McKee Kirk Kamish Vanessa MacCullun Mike Debelak & Janet Conn Ravi Gadam Margot Herman & Aric Hareland Terese Rowe Kamp Michael Maddalone Pam Dehkes Eddie Gaines Damion Hernandez Rizwam Kassam Linus Maddock Mame Delaquil Rita Galston Richard Hernesman Mary Katynski-Johnson Brian Maddocks & Carolyn Erickson Angie & Sally Gangl Julie Hessler Vicki Keefe Richard Madigan & Ed Debra Detloff Emily Gannon & Skylar Sarah Hickman Margie Kehn & Nancy Strelow Anderson Robert Dewtte Judy Garrison & Family Freda Hilal-Young Adam Keim & Brian Mangin Dr. Heidi Magnuson, DVM David Dexheimer Sarah Garry Lyn Marie Hill Liz & Keith Keller Lori Mahla Jessica Diamond Mary Ann Gaspar Tim Himango Lynn Kelly Liz Maldonado & Family Dennis Dillion Jason Gaughan Cooper Hipp Jaymie Kelly Anne Malknecht Chris Dinderman Roth Gempler Michele Hoffman Natalie Kelsey Tim Malkovich Heidi Dinger Randy Genrich Lorna Hoffregge Jim Kemp Kara Malmgren Dann Dobson Stephen Ghostley Grant Hogan Sara Khalfa Deb Malmon Christopher Dodge & Rebecca Kuglin Tanya Hogren Angi Kigin Maria Mancuso & Gary Morin Dan Donkers Terry Girling John Hokanson & Keith Johnson Dariann Kihlstadius Antonio Marante Matthew Dosser Jennifer Gisslenlee Lisa & Raven Holm Sean Kinsella Tim Marburger Brian Doud John Glass Matthew Holsen Clark Kinser Margaret Marek Mary Doyle Noah Glenn Doug Holt Kathy Kirkeby Judith Marget Melissa Driggers Ken Golden Holly Holt Kelly Klein Francis Mark Don Druin Shelly Golden Alex Holzinger Mari Kay Klein John Marmion Leslie Dubay Luis Gomez Phil Hoop Robin Knight Christine Marrier Bonnie Dudovitz David Gonsior Will Hoover Joe Knight Teresa Martin & Family Cathy Dunaway Jeff Gooderum Dayna Hopko Leslie Knudsen Gary E. Martin II Judy Dunlevy Robert Gotwalt Randy Hornstine & Donald Flies Tracy Knutson Denise Martineau Carole Dunn Cheryl Grady Ronn Houle Corey Koelemeyer Dr. David Marty, DC Shawn Dunn Anne Graham & Beth Wright Robin Howard Ferrel Koelemeyer Shannon Masica Cindy Durant Peter Graham Bill Hubbard & Jeff Parker Claire Kohuut & Jessica Hennes Dan Durbin & Greg Lamb Mary Grandy Victoria Huitt Randy Koloziej Dale Maskrey Mary Dwyer Brian Gray & Conrad Fischer Sanford Hunt Ron Komro Molly Matheson Jennifer Dylla & Kate Thorsen Jessica Green Karen Hunt Dixie Koopman Clayton Mauer Ann C. Easthorn Marchelle Greenlee Paul Huntington Tim Kopischke & Family John May Allison Edwards Cory Gregory & friends Paul & Sandy Huntington Marci Kranz Al Mayotte Curtis Lee Edwards Pete Griswold Linda Huntzicker Dr. Brenda Kress, DC Meg McAlister Sarah Edwards Drew Gronquist Shannon Hurley Doug Kress Anne McBean & Caitlin Lenox Sara Edwards Steve Grosberg April Huseby Balaji Krishnan Benjamin McBoerough Ashlee Ellert Bob Grotwalt Don & Jenny Hyden Evana Kvasnik Lori McBride Rae Ann Eisbrener Michelle Gunderson Carol & Tom Hyder Sasha Kvasnik Denise McCabe Eric Enger Gail Gwinup Yumi Inomata Chris LaBelle Joleen McCamman & friends Stephen Eland Jeff Hackler Dr. Malia Ireland, DVM Ann & Evan Lamphere Kate Nelson & Laura McCarty Ed Davis Janice Hafertepe Sandra Isham & Allen Anderson Chuck Larsen Kelly McClure Chanelle Ellison Chuck Hagel Joshua Iversen Dana & Brian Larson Sam McClure & Betsy Peterson Allison Elvervin Steph Hahn & Steve Eric Jackson Nancy Larson & John Lang Cari McCollor Molly Emery & David Stacy Haidle Katie Jackson Paul Larson Kim McCoy Sharon Engle April Hairl & Tanya Schwantes & Mindy Daugherty Lauryn Larson Dale D. McCumber Sarah Engwall Branden Hakals Jeremy R. Jacobsen Mike Larson Drake McDougall Jean Enting Tom Hale Joe Jakubik Michael Larson Willie McDowell Cindy Erickson Joshua Hall Lisa Jamila Chuck Larson Michelle McGaughey & Faye Arlen Erdahl Penny Hall Dr. Edward Janoff Joel Larson Sean McGee Greg Ertl Shawn Hall Marsha Jarvela Andrea Lawrence Mary McLauglin Doug Evans & Sherry Dean Halland Jody Jarvis Tom Lee Erin McNeese Jeannette & Isaac Evans Chris Hallin Mark Jenkins Robert Lee Robyn Meadows & Lief Erickson

2006 Annual Report Page 12 THANKS TO OUR 2006 VOLUNTEERS The Aliveness Project thanks and acknowledges the following volunteers from 2006! Please accept our apology if your name has been inadvertently omitted.

Ruth Meger Vivianne Nyangweso Derrick Revies Linda Slarks David Valentine Sue Meger & River Berens Barbara Nygaard Jean Rice John Sylvester Wendy Van Klevan Dan Mendez Jaime Nymann Teddy Richardson Brandon Smith & Milly Oudhoff Kelly Van Moorlehem Dennis Menke Jim Nynas Debra Riley & Kasey McGee Charisma Smith Cathy Van Valkenburgh Mary Lou, Bill, Marie & Joseph Lynette Obara Ann Rinkenberger Katie & Lorna Smith Lee Vang & Anthony Ferguson Menkevich Michael O'Brien Jenni Ripley Scott Smith Kate Varnes Molly Mennenga Kathy O'Connor & Amy Clark Ann Ripplinger Shirley Smith Nicole Vaughn Nick Metcalf Mary Ann Olander Roxanne Robinson Rachel Smoka & Dan James Velek Paul & Karen Metty Jeri Oliver Susan & Joe Robinson Richardson Tony Velez John & JP Meyers Judy Olsen & Pat Gamnis Zalphia Robinson Mark Snyder Dan Verhenkamp Stephanie & Diane Michaels Mark Olson & Donna Currie Eric Sollien & Family Sarah Vermilyea Annie Miga Pat O'Neal Bryan Rockhill & Chris Borek Sandy Solomon Debbie Vertelney Mary Ann & Lowell Miller Stephanie Ken Rodgers Steven Sorensen Jamie Vigness & friends Doug Miller Trudy Ornberg Ellen Roeder & Lyle Jackson Jamie Sorensen Steve Virnig Sabrina Miller Jimmie Orr Lee Roehl Jody Southerling & Family John Vos Jack Miller Diana Ortega Edson Rosenberg Sally Southwick Kelly Vossberg & Dave Murphy Karen Milos Tricia Ortiz Katherine Roseth Lisa Spady John Wahl Dave Minge J. Mickey O'Shea John W. Ross Gregory Speak Tom Waldburger Geri Mittleider Emilie O'Toole Michael Rossman & Brian Sotok LeAnne Sprague Carol Waldoch Tanya Moden Lisa Ottoch Teresa Rowekamp Maureen Springer Nancy Waldoch William Mogan Steven Owens Kathryn Rozin Emily Scribner O'Pray Valerie Waldoch Andy Momont & Kim Langness Meghan Palank Rebecca Ruddy David Stanton Mathew Wallisch Carrie Monroe Kevin Palmberg Dara Rudick Jessie Steele Charles Ward Jay Munson & James Murray Beck Palmer Lisa Rudquist Doug Steward Tim Wargo Jo Montie Steve Pamo Paige, Robin & Kaiah Russell Gretchen Stich Jessica Warner Kathy Moore & Colleen Barry Derrill Pankow Amy Ruzick & Kay T. Johnson Vern Stock Lee Watkins Roger Moore Julie Paquette Jenny Ryan & Nicole Kubista Maria Stommes Archie Webb Teresa Moore Jessica & Dan Park Bonnie & Terry Sainio John Stone Phyllis Weiner & Shayna, Maya Sam Moore Rose Park Paulette Salo Tom Storkamp & Devi Berkowitz Elizabeth Morgan Charlie Parker Kevin Saltzer Caitlin Strand Jessy Weiss Jennie Morris Richard Parks John Sammler Kate Strathmann Dave Welper Sharon Morrissne Maxine Parsons Sarah Sampolinski Ellen Strawman Theresa Westerlund & Family Lori Morse Magdelyn Patry Patti Sanner Shawn Streepy Carol Westmoreland Elizabeth Mortensen Roberta Paultol Roth Sanner Lory Strom Heather Wheatley & Missy Bachler Nick Pavlick Barbara Satin Mollie Strom & Anna Skorcesky & Kristi Wollitz Don Moschkau Victor Pearson Charles Saxton Michelle Struss Babette Wheeler Moses Aria Peczalsiea Ann Schabo Nancie Sturdevant Heather White Linda & Jennifer Mott Steph, Paul & Gillian Pederson Don Schaper Char Sullivan Gwen Whitmore Abdel Mouneim Ron Pence Bobby Schauerhammer Mackenzie Sullivan Kaylen Whitmore Bryan Mryland Walter Scott Penn Gary Schiff Peggy Sundermeyer Paul Whittemore Mike Muehlbach Kerry Peterson Susanne Schipper Sven Sundgaard Molly Wilbur-Cohen Leroy Mueller James Peterson & Bruce Scott Schlaffman & Tom Genty Maria Surma Donald Wiley George Muellner Johnson Bill Schlichting & Steve Lenius Rick Sutherland Victoria Wilgocki Thomas Mulhearn Pam Peterson Lyle Schlundt Barb & Mike Swanson Christa Williams Sharon Mullin & Family Dave Peterson Amy Schneider Priscilla Swanson Loree Williams & Co-workers Mark & Shirley Mund John Peterson Lindsey Schneider Janelle & Rick Tadlock Jimmie Williams Jill Munro Diane Pfeffer Edward Schoening Laura Tabolich Michael Williams Marcia & Mark Munson & Family Deborah Pierce & Doug Jason Schoumaker Bill Taylor Edmond Williamson Dave Murphy Maria Pilar Nelson Heidi Schreiber Louis Taylor Chauncey Williamson Linda Murphy Theodore Pinegar Betty Schreuder Dennis Taylor & Mark Sauerbrey Aurelia Wills & Family Hannah Myhrom Dale Platt Nita Schroeder Eleanor Taylor Mary, Sarah & Andy Wilson Sarah Myott & Kathy Bormann Sherry Pope Sue Schultz Louise Teeter Rick Wilson Karen Nachtsheim Ginny Poplau Michelle Schulze Amanda Tempel Chris Wilson- Grady Jun Nakazumi Christine Popowski Tom Schuster Tim Tennant-Jayne Jacqui Wimer Joyce Nalwoga Mike Port Cheryl Schweitzer Sara Testen & Jon Devries Jacqueline Wimes Rachel Navaro Gretchen & David Porter & Rachel Peltier Susan Thielke & Debie Bruns Ralph Winkelmeyer Landreth Neel Joseph Porter Linda Scott Mary Thomas Margaret Winkels Madeline Neenan Diane, David & Noah Pothast Ray Scott Anthony Thompson Carol Ann Winther Margaret Nelson Mary Prahl Mike Seeman Jane Thompson & Family Matthew Witchell Michael Nelson Catherine Pruszynski Pat Seger Ralph Thorsgaard Brook Wodziak Brad Nelson Denny Purdem James Seidel & David Green Rahel Asrat Wolde Caylee Nelson Pam Pwiko Cathy Seviola Kelly Thorsten Scott Wolf Bob Nelson Dr. Jen Quast, DVM Pat Sexton Matt Thyne Jim Wolfe Michael Patrick Neppl Amie Quinn Lauren Shapiro Lynn Tiger Steve Wolfgram Maureen Ness Lisa Radquist Bri Sharkey Sharon Toetschinger Paul Wordes Sarah Newberry & Andrew Mike Radtke Terry Shaw Janie Tobenson John Work Slack David Rak Janet Sheldon Emily Torgrimson Jim Wurdemann Deborah Newcomb Barb Ramhorst Curtis Shelmon & Laura Nethercut David Yale Rachel Nieder Glory Ramsey Todd Shipman & Brad Bernstein Tim Tormoen Senay Yargici Paul Nielsen Melody Randle Christina Shoemaker Travis Trautmen Diane Yeager Patricia Niswanger Teresa Rankin Wesley Should John Travers Toni Yeamans Matt Nolan Mike Rater Bonnie Showers JoEllen, Greg, & Maggie Travis Ed Yort Tom Nolan Ela Rausch Tom Sievers Dan Travis Delange Younge Donna, Peter & Michael Pat Ray Anna Silva Scott Travis & Tara VanLanen Kelly Young Norbeck Su Reaney Lee Silverstein Sarah Trowbridge Merra Young Martha Nodarse Jason Redepenning Brandon Simmons Raymond Troy Nan & Jim Zosel Andrea Nordick Daniele Reed Tom Simon Alan Tse Mary Zubrzycki & Family & Kandace Creel Bart Regehr Mike Simon Anthony Tuchscher Lee Zurek Kenori Norem Marthar Reger Miriam Simons & James Klahr Joyce Northrup Carol Reid Laurel Singer John Tulk Todd Norton Kristy Remme & Kerrye Ruberg Al Sjoberg Dr. Craig Turino, DVM Dorothy Novak Moses Renault-Moses Janet Skidmore Gerry Tyrel Mary Novak & Lisa Nadeau John Repa Scott Skinner Jeffrey Unglaub Barry Nuestad Rand Retterath Lorissa Slade Kathy Vader Sarah Nurnberger Beth Retzlaff Tanya Slade Dr. Ann Valenti, DVM

2006 Annual Report Page 13 THANKS TO OUR 2006 DONORS! The Aliveness Project acknowledges the following donors for their gifts from January 1 to December 31, 2006. Please accept our apology if your name has been inadvertently omitted. Thank you for your support!

Individuals — Phillip Momont Sandra Isham Arthur R. Stoeberl Michael Arquin Financial Gifts Christopher R. Morlock & Allen Anderson Ross & Doris L. Taylor Milton Arriola Frank J. Olson Susan A. Jaqua Amanda & Mark Tempel Amy Asche Patron Friends: Lynn M. Ostrowski & Nancy Hovland Heather B. Thayer Julia Ashley $2,500 — $5,000 Mats A. Sexton Kathryn D. Johnson Linda Theis Michael Ashling Kathleen & Allen Lenzmeier * Howard D. Small Amy C. Johnson Kelsey True Alison Aten Estate of Donna M. Mellum Eric A. Sollien * & Timothy J. Charest Anthony Tuchscher Anna Atter Aaron Keith Stewart * Conrad & Stella Jones John F. Tulk * Daniel Aucapina Friends for Life: Marjorie Thomas Mary Jordan Joe Vanderscheuren Greg Auseth $1,000 — $2,499 Brian D. Thorson & Jeanne Witzig Kristine K. Vann Otto Baade Michael Garret & Tony & Dennis C. Bless Tim Jordan & Glen Flaherty Michael & Debra Venker Debbie Baaske Scornavacco* Steve W. Virnig Chris & Amy Kirby Rev. Gordon Vogt Lesley Babb Joel Hoko Marcus Waterbury Piotr Kloda Dale & Jennifer Warner Peggy Babcock Dona Jordan & Jacqueline White John M. Knudsen Marvin Welk Herbert & Vicki Bacal Edward M. Juda John A. Weghorn & Brian T. Austin David Wells III Ron & Kay Bach Lindsey R. Kopp Ralph Winkelmeyer Gary W. Kowalke & Wren Loeffler Suellyn & Ted Bache Joseph A. Larson Steve & Margie Krause Robert S. Wilkinson Tom Backen & Charles C. Jordan * Compassionate Friends: Randy Kunz & Mark Wheeler Karen Williams, Pharm.D. Amanda Bacon John Ollmann $100 — $249 Kyle D. Kusche Deanna C. Williams Rodney D. Bacon Dara Rudick & Ryan Allen* Vicky Adams & Kathy Bell Sarah Lake & Linda Pippin Bill & Willie Mae Wilson & Timothy J. Gluszak Robert & Michelle Wilhelm * Anonymous Jane Lanctot Ronald C. Wilson David Bahl & Mark Shaw Stan D. Atkinson Amy S. Lange George L. & Lynda L. Withbroe Bob Bahr Committed Friends: Lisa Barrett & Jane R. Newman James B. Wolfe John Bak $500 — $999 Jim Bartingale Douglas A. Larson Stephen C. Woodworth David Baker Johnny R. Anderson Dean Borghorst Jack R. Lewis Beth Wright & Anne Graham & Rebecca Budimlija Melissa M. Brown Glenn Bottomly Dana Lien Michael Wysocki Joyce Baker Thomas J. Burke Jason Bright Steve Lilienthal Peter Zetfel * Kelly Baker Daniel P. Cashman Bev Brogie & Matt McLaughlin & Thom Grogan Karen Ziegelman Pamela & Steve Baker Gene & Charlotte Frampton * Beverly Brogie Vern Maetzold Louise A. Ziegler Colleen Bakken Thomas Hale Henry E. Bruns Jill Manske & Michael Kluthe & Debbie Johnson Michael S. Hnida Dave Bryant Tim Marburger Friends: $1 — $99 Lisa Baldwin & Jennifer Kusz Fred Jurgens * Joel R. Buchan Mary P. McGraw Ross Aalgaard & Paul Mendez Bruce Balick A.R. Kircher John & Mary Ann Callahan & Dawn P. Mans* Sam & Sharon Abelson Bryan J. Ball James C. Lundquist Samuel W. Carlisle Patrick & Patricia McLaughlin Hinda Abrahamson Jim Balluff Gregory A. Rogers & Andrew Bertke Mary L. McMahon Jean Adams Tony Balluff Paul J. Rozendaal Thomas R. Carlson Loren Meinke Jackie Addink Willard J. Bandow & Bruce Chambers Michael Cassidy Cheryl A. Meyer Ephraim Aelony Craig Bares Bill Schlichting Gary A. Christensen Richard E. Miller Ginny Agresti Victoria Barkley & Steve Lenius Clarence Coffindaffer Elizabeth Miller Mona G. Ahlf Art Barlow & Steve Reissmann Marjorie A. Swanson Philip W. Cooper Carl Mullen Terry Akewine Jane Laurie Barnard Gregory Terhaar John Cowles III & Amber Munson Mary E. Albing & Jane Lien Kelly Barnebey Kathy Vader * Page Knudsen Cowles Matthew & Michelle Myers Danny Alcantara Dawn Bartell & Lois Pederson David J. Welper Laura Crosby Sharon J. Olson Steve & Annette Alderson Theresa Bartelman Mary Wennen Marianne C. D'Angelo Avon R. Omps Krista Aldrich Leon J. & Katherine M. Bartelt Capt. Josh Wieland Richard Darland Tonja M. Orr Sam M. Alick Don Barton & Dr. Thai-An Doan Charles Dettloff Cheryl O'Shaughnessy Dominick Allen & Michael Ingeborg Bash David Yale Mark S. Dietz & Tom Segal William W. Pace Bredemeiers Bruce & Emily Bastian Steven E. Dobberstein Charles Parker & Ron Brunk Kate Allen Doug & Joyce Battcher- Supportive Friends: David & Anita Dorffman Michael N. Pearson Bill & Sharon Allexsaht Malchow $250— $499 Jeff Duffin Shawn R. Pearson Jonathan L. Allnett David Bauer Anonymous * John G. Early Steve Pearthree Jessica M. Alsip Paul & Dianne Bauer William P. Barnett Lief Erickson Patrick J. Peine Kristen Ames Deborah Bauknight & Kerry M. Cashman & Robyn Meadows Michael J. Peller Firazer Andarge Catherine Baumgartner Rex J. Beyer Richard Evans Milo Pinkeron & Virgil Taus H. Andrew Andersen Constance Beckers & Nicholas D. Meyer Bruce Fehr Gordon Price Angela Anderson John R. Beckwith Thomas E. Buchner Michael B. Ferguson Don F. Quaintance Bruce D. Anderson Herbert Beighey Chuck H. Burrill Kevin H. Flam * Tuladai Ramodit Carmi Anderson Kiran K. & Kumar G. Belani Gordon Carlson Don Flies Judy Ratliff David Anderson & John Garver Lindsay Belland Jerome Clarke Katherine C. Forbes Su Reaney & Vince Ghess * Eric Anderson Christopher R. Belling Scott F. Clogston Gerianne Ford Edward W. Reed Greg Anderson & Donny O'Brien Benjamin H. Cohen * Maurice E. Foslid David C. Reider Holly Anderson Jessica Bellock Harlan G. Copeland Susan K. Fruetel Moses Renault-Moses Kenn Anderson & Johnny Les Bendtsen Barbara & Jay Deitch Michael E. Fry Steve Riendl & Paul Hanson Hedgepeth Fran Benjamin Francis & Janet Eggert Robert L. Gamble Ashley Riser Kevin Anderson Brent Benrud & Pamela Beth Ferkey & Jim Plourd Joseph W. Gaspard Stephen Rocheford Kirsten Anderson Johnson Roger Grusznski John Goggin & Julie Weighter Lee L. Roehl Lee & Sheila Anderson Doug Benson & Duane Philip & Susan Gulstad * Cheryl Grady Dorothy A. Rossing Lynette S. Anderson Gajewski Colleen Harris * Kathryn A. Grande Curtis D. Rottweiler Mark & Deborah Anderson Kris Benson Mark Holmberg David B. & Margaret E. Gray Julie Ruddy Mike Anderson Steven Benson & Doug Nelson Keith Grennier Richard W. Rueter Robert Anderson Kelley E. Benyo Janine E. Jungbauer Charles C. & Mary Jo Griffin Richard A. Scarlett Sandy Anderson & C.J. Michurski Janice H. Kaye Cathy Guetzlaff Scott Schlaffman Tita Andrada River Berens Marguerite M. Kelly & Carla Olsen & Tom Genty John Andrews Julie Z. Berg Revocable Trust Brennan Hannon Sue Schultz Anonymous * Julie Berg James C. Kemp * Davis Hanson Davana Shah Anonymous Jon Bergherr Edward J. Kulik * & Cecil Cheek * Scott Skinner Anonymous Terrance Berglund Jeffrey D. Lorch Harold & Shirley P. Haskovitz Carol A. Skradski Arletta M. Appelhof Chip & Tracie Berniard Barbara J. Lovaasen Robert V. Hassen Steve Smilanich Marley Applebaum Marsha J. Berry William R. Lowell Kent D. Hensley Jake Smith Allan C. Applebee Andrew S. Berton Melissa Mattson Fredrick J. Hey, Jr. Keith H. Smith Andy Archer Barbara Beshoar Anne E. McManus David Hillert Christopher R. Smith Nick Archer Roger & Lennore Bevis Gregg R. Meyer Bertine Holmboe * James O. Snustad Laura L. Arleth Bob & Angel Bichsel Andrew Momont Kevin R. Horne Frank J. Sorauf Lou G. Arndts Nancy Biele & Kim Langness * Kathryn L. Houston Stephanie Steele & Kerry D'Amato Elaine Aron William J. Beirmaier

2006 Annual Report Page 14 THANKS TO OUR 2006 DONORS! The Aliveness Project acknowledges the following donors for their gifts from January 1 to December 31, 2006. Please accept our apology if your name has been inadvertently omitted. Thank you for your support!

Friends: $1- $99 (Continued) Kimberly Caprini Ken & Sonja Dahlager Kermit L. Erbes Cindy Gehrz Jeffry Bies Jill Carlivati Richard & Marjorie Dahlager Dan Erie Barbara Geiser Leenderf M. Bijnagte Aaron Carlson Lisa J. Dahle Mike Erie Rachel Geissinger Julie Binkley Carrie Carlson Lisa Dahle Asha Erler Greg & Melody Gellerman Mark Birkeland Jill D. Carlson & Rhonda L. Dorothy A. Dahlenburg Pam Erler Christine E. Gendreau Herm Birnberg DeCoteau Dennis Q. Daigle Elaine Mae Estabrooks & Anthony R. Andler Mary Ellen Bishop Pres Carlson & Cornell Mitchell Jan Daly Luke Evens & Zabrina Sue Gerard & Lisa Beckstrom Judith F. Bjork Chris & Christy Carr Greg & Sara Dalzell Warzonek Thomas E. Gerhard Brian L. Blaine Ellery Carr Kenn Damgaard Kristina, Mo, Erik Suzanne Gervasi Greg Blair Lois Ann Carrier Wendy D'Amore & Kaia Fahnestock Robert H. Gibbens Rob Blair Bob & Teresa Carson Zoe Daniels Kane Family Rhonda Gilbraith Phil Blanding Abbi Case Connie Darrah Jeffrey N. Farnsworth & Jeff Radford Neda Miranda Blazevic- Rachel Y. Casper Sheri Dauer Barb Farstad William R. Gildemeister Krietzman Joe Cassioppi Tim Daugherty Wendy Fassett Amanda Giliotti Melanie Bloom & Olivia Meyer Wayne Cassman Chad Davies Scott M. Fearing Manon Gimlett Walter A. & Jacqueline A. Blue J. Kevin Castly Kim Davis Toby Feiges Jessica Gingerich David & Bonnie Blumberg Louisa Castner Laurel Davis Tom & Nancy Feinthel Pamela Glander Jim & Fran Bly Jeff Caulum Mary & Kathy Davis Thomas G. Fenner Feben Gobena E.B. Boatner Annalisa Cecconi & Jason Kuntz Tom Fidiam & Bob Flory Chris Goble Chuck Boe Gary & Ellen Cerra Stacy Davis Bobbie Field Larry & Pam Goehring Catherine Boebel-Grotenhuis Padmaja Challakere Blake & Lisa Dawson Mike Field & Ralph Lowis Lynn Geschwind & Clarke Sara Boeck John & Sarah Champe Teresa de la Hoz Mike & Kerry Fine Goset Courtney Boettcher Norman & Mary Beth Chapel & Miguel Alises Tom Finnegan Jacqueline A. Gohdes Jon Bogen Michael Chatt Amy Dean Deborah Fiscus Loree I. Goldman Michelle A. Bogusz Keith Cheetham Deborah Dehnhoff Bob & Beth Fitzsimons Jules & Janice Goldstein Diane Bolanda Joel & Lori Cheney Mike & Maureen DeMoss Michael Flaherty Frank Gonzalez Don Bolke Alessandra Chiareli Jane DeMost Dennis Fleming Raymond L. Gooderl Stacey Bolton & Michael Haase Myrtle & Rebecca A. Dennis & Sandy Scholes Jean Goodman Judith Bonsignore Mary Chilvers Jennifer Deno Shawn Fletcher Jane Goodnight Brad Boggren Shelley Chimander Genna Deprey Martha Flynn Brad Gordon David & Penny Bosselman Jenny Chin Peter & Molly Devries Lois M. Foehringer Ciel Gordon Rita Bottelberghe Carol Chomsky David Dexheimer & Everett Courtney Fogel John Gordon Elizabeth B. Boyle Rosalin Chrest Tong Tom Fokken Malcolm Gordon James Boyle Pat Christensen & Don Olson Dennis & Judy Dhooge Neal & Sarah Foman Robert & Jennifer Gordon David Braaten Ryan & Emily Christensen Richard Leyva & Scott Dibble Larry Fonnest Dr. David Gottlieb B.H. Bradford Susan J. Christiansen Lukas Dickie Kelly, John & Alli Fontecchio Robert Gotwalt Jonathan & Stephanie R. Robert Christopher Dennis & Nickie Dillon Robert B. & Kristine M. Forseth & Norman Jones Braman Marissa Cinquemani Linda C. Dobson Yvonne Forsite Susan Goulding Bob Brandt Christina Cipolle Karen Dodge Matt Forte Jes Goulet Bruce Bratton Karen Clark & Lisa Gunderson Sue Dolian Mark & Sally Foster Jim Goulet & Ray Nelson Randy Bratvold Travis J. Clemens Annika Dommer Marcia Foutch Lonnie Grabham Mary Braun Jane Clements Dan M. Donkers & Kevin Michael Foye Jim Grace Frank Bredie Chuck Clingman Saltzer Barb Frame Deena Graf Vicki Breese John Clouse James Donohue Scott Frazier Marge Grahn-Bowman John Brehholz & Jerry McCabe Norma Clubb Maura G. Donovan Jean Freeman & John Newlin Robin Grande M. Breivik Beth Clysdale & David A. Whitman Jeanna French Jana Graney Paul Brekke Joel & Christy Coaty Robert & Jenny Donovan Christine Freund Ann Grant Sonja Breyfocle Nina Cocchiarella Suzanne L. Donsky David J. Frid Tim Grant William C. Brice Susan Cogger Janet Dorfman Katie Frie William D. Gray Gus Brihn Deb Cohen Ted & Hilarie Dorsey Kenny & Staci Friedman Mark Grebner & Ken DeVries Monica Bringle Lenny Cohn Brian J. Doud Rochelle S. Friedman Connie Green Cynthia L. Brockway Mike Cole Gerald Dove Kelly Fries Kelly Green Meghan Brogan Ra'mon-Lawrence Coleman Carol Downs Jodi R. Fritsche Kirsten Green David Broni S. Coler Brandon Doyle Brenda Froisland Owen Green David Brookbank Gregory Collins & Kim Pam Drinkwine Kristen & Teri Frost-Tibben Beryl Greenberg David Brown Kleinschmidt Molly Driscoll Windy Fuekchaker Sara Grewing Michael Brusky Sheila Collins Heather Droen Jim Fuller Robert & Susan Griggs Allen E. Bryant Alan Colten Tammy Drummond Michelle A. Fuller & Matt Sara Grimaldi Bethany Buchanan David DeForest Colvig Elysek Duffy Thorson Bethany Grommesh David H. Buchkosky Mary Conner & Maryn Hallock Nicole A. Dufour David Furbur Del Grote Brandy Buras Lynda Connova Adam Duininck Adina Fuss Leann Groth John A. Burbank Collin Connvoy & Gary Reetz Ginger Dunivan & Leif Shley Sara Gabrick Neal Gruenberg Rick Burgess Dana Lee Cook Lisa Dunning John Gabriel Silvester Guadiana Lona Burgin Roy & Evelyne Cook Robin Durand Gary Gabrielson Richard & Susan Guerrero- Robert Burke Peter Cookson & Paige Bera Douglas Duwenhoegger Ravi Gadam Mangelsdorf Donn C. Burleigh Jim Cordaro & Bruce Rubin Michael Dvorak Theresa C. Gaffney Geraldine A. Gulbranson & Mark P. Heymans Nick Corriere & Betsy Gustafson Jane B. Galbraith Brenda Gunderson Angeline Burnham Scott Coryell Jeff Dyer Lynn Gallagher Cheryl Gunderson Georgann Burns Mary M. Coudron Lynn & Greg Easter Mike & Jean Corlett-Galligan Tesa M. Gunderson Jim Burns Toni E. Couteaux & Mary Pat Kathleen M. Edwards Nicholas Garcia Geoffrey Gunning Gary Burseth Tiedemann & Raith Ralston Frieda Garnder & Susan W. Karen Gustafson John Burton Martha Coventry Thomas Edwards Oppenheim Lori Gustafson Weslie E. & Faith M. Buss Anita Cracauer Patricia Eells & Marcia Kempe Erin Garner Janet Gustke Mark Butcher Kathy Jo Cracraft Roxanne J. Eggert Lee Gartner Staci L. Gyekis David & Martha Butler Larry & Jane Crain Nick Ehalt Chris & Nancy Garty Joseph L. Haferman Eric Butler Dean L. Craker Rae Ann Eisbrener Brett Gastineau & Annette Bekah Haines Katy Buxton Sharon Creamer Josh & Kelly Ekerholm Cross Frances Halder Steve & Susan L. Bye Sue T. Crolick Scot Eklund Laurie Gathje Robert W. Halfhill Margaret Byrne Glenn Crown Paul Eknes-Tucker Miguel Gaud James Hallar & Christian Lewis Richard H. Cable Michael Cummins Priscilla Elwell Ellen C. Gavin Jane Hallas Jonathan Cain Irla B. Cundy Dee Elwood & Bruce C. Kelley Brian Halvorson Ford Campbell Joyce L. Cundy Jeanne Emrich Gary Gaylord Randy Halvorson Allan Caplan David S. Cuneo-Justin Erik G. Emro Mike & Lisa Gears Marcia A Hamilton Julie Cappucci Clint Czupka Linda Engdahl Kathleen F. Gerhman Shana Hamilton

2006 Annual Report Page 15 THANKS TO OUR 2006 DONORS! The Aliveness Project acknowledges the following donors for their gifts from January 1 to December 31, 2006. Please accept our apology if your name has been inadvertently omitted. Thank you for your support!

Friends: $1- $99 (Continued) David J. Huberty Alexis Kantor & Jacqui Loosli Tom Larson Glen K. Martin Russ Hammond Mike & Christina D. Huck Pam Kapsner William Larson Jaidyn Martin Claudia Hankin Gary A. Hudson Kate Karshna Rosie LaVon Ruth E. Martin Paul Hanscom Mary Jane Huggins Bruce A. Kauk Kurt D. Lawrason Maryanne Marx Chuck & Janice Hansen Victoria Huitt Nancy A. Kauppi Bonita R. Lawrence Heidi Mastin Jodi Hanslick Carol F. Hull Ken Kausalik Janice A. Lazarus Pete Mathison Barb Hanson & Jim Deger Dale Hulme & Sue Quist Jenny L. Kaushal Eve M. Lee Julia Matson Betty Hanson Rich Hunt Kaye Kearin Chad Legois Christopher Matthews Christian M. Hanson Betsy Hunter Vicki Keck Diane Leider Ben Mattson Steve Hanson Becky Huset Patricia Keeler Diane Leigh & Janet Hamilton Shelley Mattson & Tetsuya Shimano Jeff Huset Patricia A. Keeler Josh & Gina Lemon Kristine Matulka Angie & Chris Hanson-Huff Paul Husso Tom J. Keen Geoffrey Lenox Gwen Mau Katie Harholdt Barbara B. Huwe Michael G. Kelley, Jr. & Anne J. McBean Anne Mauren Tom Harkcom Judith Brin Ingber James R. Kellogg Kathy Lentz Brian T. May Patricia G. Harmison Al & Deb Ingersoll & Becky J. Olson-Kellogg Andrew S. Leonard Allan C. & Karlene K. Mayotte Anne Harrington Rebecca Irestone Rosemarie Kelly Doris Leraas & Joan Theis Eileen McAurley Melanie Harrison Amanda Irrgang Ron Kemmet John Michael Lerma Gayle Fuhfer-McCandless William & Beth Hart Deborah Isabella Anne Kempainen Gypsy LeRoy & Courtney McCandless Adrienne Hartje F. Iverson Desiree Kempcke & Karen James Leslie Ann B. McCaughen Dewey Hartley Joe Iverson Duke Heather Lessard Marilyn J. McClain Tom & Pam Hartmann P.M. Ives Sara Kempner L. Letofsky Wendy McCollor Jeff Hartreeve Julie Jacobs Ed & Bev Kevorkian Randy Levy John W. McConnell, M.D. Edi Hasan Brian Jacobson Erin Keyes Steven D. Levy Heather McCrillis Gay Hassan Kristen Jacobson John Keymer Jonathan Lewis Julie McEathron-Lohmann Kurt D. Haugen Mandy Jacobson Valerie Kies Richard, Jan Tina McFarland Julie Havemeier Mark & Jeanne Jacobson Sara Kil & Jennifer Lillemo Michael P. McGee Shirlesia Hawkins Michelle Jacobson Sherry Kilburn Molly M. Lindblad Kelly McGuire Susan Hawkinson Philip & Beverly Jacobson Laurie Kilfoy Phil & Barb Lindblad Kevin McLaughlin Mike Hayden Robert Jacoby & Duane Atler & Cara Mia Antonello Therese Linderholm Elizabeth McMahon Jeff S. Hayes Beth Jaeger Andrew Kim Diane K. Lindgren Karen McNichol James Hayne & Eric Larson Joseph J. Jarvrik Yoo-suk Kim Nicole Lindgren Katharine McRoberts Elysa Hays Dan Jankovich Marcia Kimball Ryan Lindner Norine McVann Barbara S. Hedin Julia Janousek Jim & Nancy M. King Dawn Lindquist Pat Mehigan Art & Bev Hefte Drew Jansen Robert Kirby & John Capecci Pat Lindquist Mark & Christine Mehl Denis & M.J. Heinisch Cathie Janson & Andrea Weiss Eric Kleman Scott Lingen Erica Menzel Larry & Mary Beth Heller III Les & Linda Jax Eric Klis John S. Livingston Jim & Sandy Menzel Kyle Helmbright Michael R. Jefferis Gary Klocek & Donald Alegona Marty Lloyd Joel Merriam Dale R. Hemming Jeff Jenkins & Christina Gehrke Tam Knapton Jenny Loeck Greg Merrill Anmarie Henderson Phil Jennings & Bonnie McClain Judy L. Knight Peter & Karen Lowenson Roxann E. Metz Courtney Henderson Naomi Jenson Melissa Koch Tara E. Loftus Margo Meyer Thomas J. Henderson Amy Jensen Lynch Robert W. Kofski Sara Logan Olivia Meyer Gary Hendlin Jamie Jerden Heidi Kolata & Melanie Ostrowski Paul & Cathy Michaelson Roberta Hendrickson Kristi M. Jereska Randy J. Kolodziej Christina L. Losee Kasey Mickschl Charles A. Hendrix Mary & Christina Jerkins Brianna Kopka Vai Loven William J. Middeke & Elizabeth Dolezal Martha Jirovec Jeff Kopp & Jim Kober Dawn Lozer Laura E. Migliorino Claire Henn Jean Johansson Keith & Sue Koppen Kristy L. Lucksinger Jonathan Mikkelsen Julie Hennen April Johnson Sid Korpi Megan D. Lucy Jeffrey Miller Frank & Jane Hennessy * Brad Johnson S.L. Kowski Deb Ludowese Lance Miller Mark D. Henning Elizabeth Johnson Roger Kozan Mark R. Ludwig Mike Miller Paul Herb Heather Johnson Kelly Kraft Joleen Luhmann Robert W. Miller Kris Herberg & Teri Linander Joel R. & Laurie M. Kramer Andrew Lund Thomas B. Miller Timothy Hern James & Maureen Johnson Agnes J. Kranz C. Lundberg Tony Mills Greg Herzog Jasmine Johnson Les & Susan Kraus Phil & Jo Lundblad Michael Miranda Art Hetherington Jessica Johnson Leah Krawetz Gary Lundgren Randy P. Miranda Jed & Brooke Heubner Jessica Johnson David Kremer & Dale H. Jon Lurie Michael K. Mlinar Jan L. Heuman Katie Johnson JoAnne Krieger Michael T. Lutsey Magdiel Moales Melissa Heus Kimberly Johnson Rick Krietzman Mark Lyons Mary M. Moe Mark Heymans Kjel Johnson & Emily Palmer Eric & Kim Kroetsch Rox & Marlene Maass-Cooley Eunyoung K. Mohrlant Jayson Hicks Martha Johnson Adam Krueger Gayle Macaluso Anne Mollerus Liam Higgins Nicholas Johnson Ben Krueger Molly MacLeod-Roth Steph Molliconi David Hilden & Julie Railsback Nora Johnson Nicole Kubista & Jenny Ryan Robert A. MacMurdo Thomas & LuAnn Monahan Lynn Marie Hill Richard Johnson Susie & Jukka Kukkonen Stephanie MacPhail Jay Monson P.J. Hillesheim Samearl Johnson Colin Kulow Rhonda & John Madden Mike Mooney Jerilyn Fosdick Hirsch Steven L. Johnson Janice Kuschner Jill Madsen Judd D. Moore Dai Hoang Thomas R. Johnson Patrick & Tricia Simo Kush Craig & Nancy Maehling Mike & Michele Moore Jennifer Hodowanic Zachary R. Johnson Kathy La Plante Angela Magnuson Ronald & Kristin Moore Susan Hoehn Jodi Johnston Patrick J. & Mary E. Lair Linda Maher Teresa L. Moore Matt Hoenck Aaron Jones Dean Lambrecht Timothy & Emily Maher Claire Moreau Anne M. Hoerner & Marcia Alexander Lon Lamprecht Kathy Mahoney Joseph Moreau Monica Hofe Janet Jones Larry Landt Shannon Mahoney J. Morgan Diane & Anthony Hofstede Robert F. Jones III Beverly J. Lane Tim Mahoney Gary Morin & Maria Mancuso Jane B. Holbrook John Joostead Deakin Laner Lauren Maker Benjamin Morrill Kurt & Amy Holter Alissa Jorgensen Lisa Lanz Jodi Malmgren Wendy Morris Richard A. Hooks Wayman Linda Joseph Rosemary Lapensky Deb Malmon Ann Mortenson & Phil Koski Steven Hopp & Lyle Jackson Brett & Marylynn Kadrie Charlie LaPierre Elyse Mancy Charlotte L. Moses Will Horn & Bryanne Engen Wayne Kaehler David LaRochelle & Cindy Rick & Bridget Mann Paul A. Moss Ann Horne & DeAnn Adams S.J. Kafka Rogers Gary Mansfeldt & & Craig Miller Bruce Horner Jennifer Kahn Chuck Larsen Connie Blaschka-Mansfeldt Tim Mudge Ryan Horvath Rachel Kahn Elizabeth Larson Robert & Mary Ellen Manske Cory Mueller Brian Hoskins David Kaiel Brian K. Larson Scott Marble Jan Mueller Korey Houska Kara Kalbus & Samantha Veide Eric Larson Kathryn Mardis Therese M. Mueller Anna Hovde Emily Kampa Holly Larson June Margoles Vita Muggli Craig & Susan Howe April F. Kane Nancy Larson Todd & Judith Marshall Heather Muller Charles Hubbell Wayne R. Kaniewski Scott T. Larson Don W. Martin Mark & Shirley Mund

2006 Annual Report Page 16 THANKS TO OUR 2006 DONORS! The Aliveness Project acknowledges the following donors for their gifts from January 1 to December 31, 2006. Please accept our apology if your name has been inadvertently omitted. Thank you for your support!

Friends: $1- $99 (Continued) Jason Osburn Cynthia Rosera & Su Sandon Anna Schultz Robyn Stegmaier Jack & Fran Amanda Osgood John Reshetar Steve Schultz Troy & Jocelyn Stein Wohlenhaus-Munday Ryan Osgood & Kristi Maidmet Jeff Reuter Timothy K. Schultz Lynae Steinhagen Donna J. Munro Brent Ostrowski Elizabeth Rey & Lindsay Hey Paul A. Schumacher Susan E. Stellmacher Dana Munson Wendy & Chuck Ott Frank Rhame Anjanette Schussler & Anna Kenneth J. Stenglein Eileen C. Munson Amy Ouradnik & David Burton James Rhodes Norstedt Kathy Stennes Carolyn S. Murnane Mike, Jenni & Jack Overstreet Emily & Sarah Rhude Janet Schutte William S. Sternberg Arlene Murphy William S. Owen Shannon Ricard Byron & Mary Schwab John Stevens Bob Murphy Anne Packard Rose Richards Steve. Jean & Moe Michelle StHilaire Linda Murphy Kamie Page Dean A. Richardson Schwabacher Barbara A. Stoll Maureen Murphy Jennifer Paist Kathleen A. Richardson Jill Schwimmer Patricia Stone Jeff Myers & Randy Bye Rodney V. Palmberg Naima Richmond Melita Sconiers Jeff Stout & Ron Overlid Jamie Nabozny Patti Palmer Lisa Riddle Len Score Kate Strand Joanne Nahem Dave & Nicole Palmieri Paul G. Rider Steve Searl Kate Strathmann Steve Nardini Manny Palomo Jana L. Rieck Greg & Molly Sebold Shawn K. Streepy David Neiman Sandra Panek Joe L. Rine William S. & Jane Hanger Steve Streitz Becca Nelsom Gretchen Pappen Danny J. Rinerson Seeley Jasmine Stringer Carl S. Nelson Clark Paradise Jenni Ripley Willam H. Seely Harry & Bonnie Stroessner Chris Nelson & Tom Karki Pat Parker Sheila Rise Gerald A. Sellman Dennis Stromback, Carl Helen M. Nelson Kevin & Michelle Parsneau Jerry Robbins Anna Selmecki Peterson & Andy Kleavis Jennifer Nelson Matthew A. Pate Nan Roberts Lachelle Semanko Matthew Stromberg Judy Nelson Josh Patrick Robert L. Roberts Sarah Senseman Ross Strommen Luke Nelson Emanuel Patterson Samantha Robertson Sara Shah William Stuckey Maria Pilar Nelson & Monica Williams Melissa Robshaw Donna Shaheen Todd Stump Rebecca Nelson Tucker & Elizabeth Patty Eric G. Rodgers Geoff Shannon Brian Sudla Robert Nelson Marion L Paulson Vicky Roers Christine Shelton Char Sullivan Mel Nerheim Tom Paulson & Lou Vlanos Jennifer Rogers Jo Shilling Lauren DeLand & Joe Sullivan Pat Nesbitt Pam Pearce & Barb Burroughs Shirley H. Shimada Mackenzie Sullivan Caroline Neu Jay Harvey Pearson Rena Rogers Steve Shimp & Ellen Nacik Herbert & Cynthia & Ronald E. Joki Chuck Roman Al & Terri Shoberg Melissa Summers Neubauer-Stahnke Shelly Peddicord Jonathan Rome Heidi Shustarich Vickie J. Sumner Pat Nevin Cheryl Pederson & Elizabeth Riedl Christopher P. Sibilia Frank Suppa Walter Newman Gladys E. Pederson Dave J. Rompa Bill Silva Corrie Ann Swanson Cecelia Newton Jean A. Petersen Larry Rose Lee Silverstein Jack & Gloria Sweet Christine Ney Cheryl Peterson Timothy Rose Steve Simon John J. Szczech Rachel Nieder Karl, Ann, Cole & Tyler William Rosen Matthew A. Singer Laura J. Tobolich * Marcia Niedorf Peterson & Vaughan Skille J. Hamlin Sjoberg III Chetan S. Tanavade Sue Nieman Mary Ann Peterson Hal H. & Melodee R.L. Rossi Vicki L. Skarin Robin Taple Matthew Nohr Ryan Peterson Andy & Kaley Rotering Rebecca Skoler Gary Taruscio Brandy Nolan Jeff Peterson Steven Roth Mark Skrivanek Anne M. & Kelly E. Taylor Joshua G. Nollenberg Jody Peterson Lodge Collin & Barbara Roverud Lucy Slater Linda M. Tedford Kata Norak Paul Petrella Randy Rowoldt Dennis Slattengren Steve & Jennie Teichman Debra Nordstrom Gregory Petrie Andy Roy Julia Sleik Thomas A. Teigen Paul & Karen Norell Michelle Petroff Kevin Rozman Ted Smebakken Andrea Templeton Ruth A. Norman Polly L. Pfeifer Ann Rubin & Sandy Almquist Rhonda Smedstad Denise Templeton Zara & Sarah North Mark Pierson Susan Rudd James & Joanne Smith Jon Templeton & Bret Bannon Jenifer Northwick John P. Pikala Caitlin M. Rude Jason Smith Tim Tennant-Jayne Alfred W. Nott & Keith Brulla & Christopher Tibbetts Teri Ruder Jeff Smith & Jane Eschweiler Judith K. Tennebaum Sean Nottingham Jane Pinkerman Marybeth Rudolf Jill Smith Renee E. Tessier Tony Nowicke Dale Pippin Lisa Rudquist Kenneth W. Smith Mary E. Texer Barry Nuese Stefan Plambeck Roxanne Ruid Michelle Smith Bryan Theobald Virginia Nugent Jerome & Mona Poehling Tara C. Russell Rosa Smith Mark Thiel Barry J. Nustad Nancy Polikoff Karen V. Rutan Judith Smith-Hodne Larry & Lisa Albert-Tholkes Maggie Nye Marlene G. Polk-Pearson Kelly Ryan Deborah Snouffer Cynthia Thomas Barbara G. Nygaard Tanya Pooler Nate Ryan & Leah Peters Deb Snowdon J.R. Thomas Jaime Nymaun Caitlin Powell Jessica Rye Bill Snyder Martin Thompson Cia Nypower Heather Powell Paul Sakry & Philip Park Karen Snyder & Deb Wee Shawna Faith Thompson Liz Oberholtzer Chris & Tanya Pozega Kevin Saltzer Greg J. Solem Gary Thorn Steve O'Brien Cynthia Preston Ken Salzberg Wendy Solnitzky Jeff Thornton Ben O'Connor Dean E. Preston Dennis Sanders Colleen Somerville Mark & Michelle Thorson Justin Odegard & Stacy Gerdes Brian & Mary Price Mick Sandin & Mary Cashman Mark Sommerfeld Gary T. Thrift & Don Sund Marie Odle Catherine Price Eric E. Sandstrom Marie F. Sorensen Justin Tidmarsh John J. Odonnell Phil Price Jennifer Sanner Mary Sorensen & Chad Kilander Bryan O'Donnell Jim & Monica Priesen Barbara Satin Jackie Soucek Geri M. Timperley Terese & Ethan O'Donnell Lucille J. Prinson Matt Saunders Karen E. Souter Bradley Titus David Oelschlager William Prottengeier Joanne D. & Douglas K. Savitt Gerald L. Spande Meg Tofte Bruce O'Gara & Merra Young Kris Schaefer Trevor Spande Anne Tonolli Donald C. Ogren Mike & Jerri Pumroy Shannon Schaub Andersen Spensley Jill Topeff William O'Keefe Jennifer Quast Shelby Scheuerman Nina E. Spicer Michael J. Toppe Isabelle Olander Vickie Quick & Sebastian Davin John Schlobohm Ian Spiden & Deanna Rodgers Timothy O. Tormoen Robert & Mary Ann Olander Charles Qutob & John Elsing John D. Schmidt Tammy Spier Russell Toscano Daniel Olson Linda Raines Rosemary T. Schmidt Ruth Spilhaus Joe Tower Greg Olson Kevin Rajotte Joe & Marilyn Schmit Adam & Rachel Spilker Thuan Tran Jerry A. Olson Bea Ramsey Traci Schmitt Mark Spitzack Greg & JoEllen Travis Jon Olson & Hallie Pattee Sue Rawlings Kent Schneider Joshua J. Spitzer Maureen J. Trenavy Karen Olson Roseann Records Jim Schoekpe Kathleen Spitzer Ramona Tremer Ken & Roberta Olson Michael Reed Susan Schonfeld Daniel M. St. Martin Megan Trinnell Stacey Olson Jon & Melissa Reese Nicole Schoonover Scott Staples Steve Triplett Tennille Olson & Jace Hagen Jeano Reeves Joy Christensen Schranhler Ian Stark Marie Tromburg Tisha Olson Mike Reid Brian Schroeder Theresa Stark Greg Tromiczak Tony Olufson Rita C. Reinecker & Lena Collister J.T. & Devon Starzecki Katie Trotzky Thomas & Patricia O'Reilly Andrew Reineman Kristen Schroeder Ryan Stauff Angela Tucker Tatiana Ormaza Mari Rensch Warren Schueneman Denis & Mary Stedman Donald W. Tucker Wanda Ortiz John Repa Alyssa Schulke Jill N. Stefansen Lindsay Turner

2006 Annual Report Page 17 THANKS TO OUR 2006 DONORS! The Aliveness Project acknowledges the following donors for their gifts from January 1 to December 31, 2006. Please accept our apology if your name has been inadvertently omitted. Thank you for your support!

Friends: $1- $99 (Continued) Christine Wellner Isaac Young John Goggin & Julie Weighter Charlotte L. Moses Lisa B. Uhlig Maureen Wells Kelly Young Ruth E. Gonzalez Mike Muehlbach James Uhrhammer Janine Wenholz Scott Zahren Gary Goodman Steve & Sharon Mullin Ronald Urbanski & Scott Wells Mark Wenzel Allan J. Zawistowksi Joan & Libby Gordon Mark & Marcia Munson Andrew Usset Daniel & Robin Westacott Michael J. Zeis Robert Gotwalt Pat & Sheila Murphy Karen Utter Karen Westberg Terry Zila & Norman Jones Michael O'Brien Vick Vadnais Jack Westerlund Nicholas Zimet Colleen Harris Richard J. Olson Debra Valentini David Wheeler Jennifer L. Ziskin Gretchen Harris Patti Nix Edith Valerdi Deb Whitcomb Jane Harris Nancy Holdgrapher * Denotes members of Friends of Gregg Van Alstine Chris White & Cheri Collins Aliveness, a program for donors Beth Ann Hart Jan Parkins Ken Van Arsdale James White who pledge regular monthly or & Loretta Dischinger Jean Nead Lisa van der Steur & Bill Delano Kelsey White quarterly donations to The Sarah Hickman Nick Pavlick & Randy Holst Joshua Van de Veuter Maree White Aliveness Project. Mark Holmberg & Doug Nelson Philip Persons Keri A. Van Derel Patrick M. White Linda Huntzicker S.R. (Jamie) Peters W. Christian Van Meter Rebecca White Katie Jackson & Phyllis Taylor Kristin Van Putten Gwendolyn M. Whitmore Individuals — Gifts In Kind & Mindy Daugherty Marilyn Peterson Tom Vance Dexter & Paulette Whittemore Vicky Adams & Kathy Bell Michael R. Jefferis Julie Pierce, Rob & Grace Ross VanDer Schaegen Shanon Wichterman Mark W. Addicks Mark Jenkins Jones Jacob Vander Zanden Cathy Wieland & Richard Sam M. Alick Martha Jirovec Rob & Grace Jones Randall Vanderesch Lopez Darlene Anderson Jason D. Joy Kathy Regan Krista VanMoorlehem Karlene & Jeremy Wieland Edward L. Anderson April F. Kane Patrick Reid & Blaine Peters Janice Vassar Barbra Wiener Mark & Deborah Anderson Janice H. Kaye Kristy Remme Matt & Michelle Vaughn & Susan Hoffman Robert Anderson Kathy Kirkeby Moses Renault-Moses Karyn Vidmar Phyllis Wiener & John Schmidt Randy & Mary Klauk Deb Riley & Kasey McGee Corrie & Matthew Vihstadt Richard Wildberger Laura Bachinski & Renee Angela Knapp Ann Ripplinger Tom Vize Jean Wiley DeLong Cara Knittel Terry & Bonnie Sainio Rebecca Voelkel Jean Wilkens Wendie Bame Riggs Dixie L. Koopman Patti Sanner & Maggie George Dawn Williams Dan Bernick Jody Krou Lyle Schlundt Jerri Wachter Lisa Williams Kathy Beyer Brian & Dana M.J. Larson Lauren Shapiro Jessie Mae Wade * Kurt Willons Dennis Bidwell & Eric Zander Joseph A. Larson Aidan Sigel-Bruse Mark Wagenius Paul Wilson Alicia Bloch & Charles C. Jordan Miriam Simons David J. Wagers Shannon Wilson Shane R. Bochet Kathleen & Allen Lenzmeier Katie Smith Eleanor R. Wagner Shawna Wilson Jonah Bridger Thomas L. Ley Rachel Smoka & Dan Kathleen Wagner Nathaniel Wilson-Grady Peggy Carnes & Eric Van Wyk Salina Little Richardson John E. Wahl Brent Winch Daniel P. Cashman Rosemary Lovett Gerald Sorheim Mary Walquist Therese Winkel-Johnson Karen Childs Richard Madigan James Szymczak Ann Walters Roland J. Winters Amy Clark Craig & Nancy Maehling Louis Taylor Steve & Laura Wang Adam Wirtzfeld & Rita Panton Deb Cohen Edmond Manning & Coleman-Taylor Family Katy Warner Douglas & Joy Wise Neena Cohen Tim Marburger Ralph Thorsgaard Grace A. Warren, DDS, PA Sarah Wisneski Anne Coleman Judith Marget & David Green Gregory Waymire Dick Wisti Douglas Dally Brian Mangin & Adam Keim Emily Torgrimson Michael D. Weahkee Nathan P. Wiswell Erica Davis Jon Marshall & David St. Clair Greg & JoEllen Travis Jeff Weaver & Blaine Sharp Sally Witham Timothy Deprey David Marty Kim Troedsson Sarah Weaver Jennifer Witt & Melinda Neville Mark S. Dietz & Tom Segal Bryan Maske John F. Tulk Karen Webb & Steve Lomen Jeanette M. Wittmer Chris Dinderman Meg McAlister Craig Turino Julie Weber Roma Witzig Loretta Dishinger Kelly McClure John Vener, MD Gary & Darlene Wegner Ellen Wold Phyllis Doty Cari McCollor Gary Wachs Augusta Weide Diana Wong Rae Ann Eisbrener Jeanette Mefford Jessy Weiss & Louis Taylor Aimee Weigle Brett Wood Lief Erickson & Robyn Sue Meger & River Berens Lori Wellman Gayle Weigle Debra Wood Meadows Larry Melquist David Wells III & Wren Loeffler Jules Weiland Erik Wozniak Jeanette & Isaac Evans Dennis Menke Christa Williams Marilyn Weisberg Eliot Wrenn Max E. Fallek Paul & Karen Metty Robert H. Williams Barbara Weisman Karen Wrenshall Kristin Farrell Marcia Miller Andrea Wrobbel & Tom Wegner Amy M. Wright & Sarah Suik Gary E. Flatgard Cornell O. Mitchell David Yale Jessy Weiss & Louis Taylor Ralph Wyman Kelly Fries Carrie Monroe Toni Yeamans Alicia Weizant John Yager Tara Fujimoto Harris Julie Moore Ranslow Zuber Mike J. Welch Pat Yahnke & Jonathan Harris Lisa Moore David Weller Megumi Yamasaki Judy Garrison Gary Morin & Maria Mancuso Dan Wellik Patrick Yeager Mary Ann Gaspar Sharon Morrissey

Look Name(s): ______

what Address: ______City, State, Zip:______

your gift Telephone: (______)______E-mail:______can do! Enclosed is a my gift of: $100 $75 $50 $25 $______ $100 — Provides food shelf services for 6 households. Please charge $______to my credit card: MasterCard Visa $75 — Funds 3 sessions of acupuncture, massage, and other I want to pledge a monthly donation of $______: healing therapies. $50 — Supports services to help I will mail in my donation. Please make a monthly charge to my credit card. a member find housing, financial assistance, health insurance, or For credit card donations, please complete the following: other needs. $25 — Pays for 11 hot meals. Credit card number: ______Expiration date: ______Name on credit card: ______Your signature: ______

2006 Annual Report Page 18 THANKS TO OUR 2006 DONORS! The Aliveness Project acknowledges the following donors for their gifts from January 1 to December 31, 2006. Please accept our apology if your name has been inadvertently omitted. Thank you for your support!

Businesses / Organizations — Greater Twin Cities United Way Rainbow Chinese Restaurant The Bibelot Shop, Inc. The Men's Center Financial Gifts - Donor Designated Funds RE/MAX Results Bloomington Civic Theatre Metro Sales 128 Café Grizzly's Grill N' Saloon - Amy Ruzick & Kay Johnson Bloomington Kennedy Microgistix A Rebours Groveland Tap Rix Restaurant High School Midwest Energy Assoc. Abbott Laboratories Healthspirit Holistic Services Roche Pharmaceuticals Blue Cross Blue Shield Mills Fleet Farm All God's Children Metropolitan Hennepin Avenue Methodist Rudolphs Bar-B-Que of Minnesota Minneapolis School of Massage Community Church Church, Two See Couples Rudy's Redeye Grill Blue Cross/Blue Shield of MN & Bodywork, Inc. Altria Group, Inc. Hennepin County Rural AIDS Action Network Borders Minnesota AIDS Project Ameriprise Financial - - Ryan White CARE Act Funding The Saloon Boy Scout Troop #110 Minnesota Freedom Band Employee Giving Campaign Highland Grill The Sample Room Boy Scout Troop #443 Heights Theatre Anemoni Sushi & Oyster Bar Holy Redeemer Catholic Sapor Café/Bar Brave New Workshop Theatre Mixed Blood Theatre Arezzo Ristorante Church, Maplewood Sawatdee Bar & Café Brian Graham Salon Music Matters AT&T League MN Home Depot Foundation Sawatdee Thai Restaurant Brownie Troop 410 Mystic Lake Casino & Hotel Aura Hugh J. Andersen Foundation Seedling Eventful Florals Buca di Beppo Naked Minnesota Auriga Hunger Solutions Minnesota Shoe-A-New Café Twenty-Eight Nicollet Ace Hardware Aurora Spa, Inc. IBM Employee Services Center Signature Café & Catering Capella University Nordic Home Axel's Bonfire - Blaine The Imperial Court of Minnesota The Society for Marketing Cat & Fiddle Beverage North Star Gay Rodeo Axel's Bonfire - Chanhassen The Imperial Room Professional Services Central Lutheran Church - Association Axel's Bonfire - Eagan The Independent Solera Women's Circle, Winona, MN Northern Light Church of Christ Axel's Bonfire - Mendota Heights Intrepid Home Services Spalding Catholic St. Francis Ceridian Lifeworks Services Northern Sun Axel's Bonfire - Savage It's Greek to Me Project The Chair Salon Northwestern Health Sciences Axel's Bonfire - St. Paul Jakeeno's Pizza & Pasta St. Martin's Table Chanhassen Dinner Theatres University Axel's Bonfire - Woodbury Joe's Garage Restaurant St. Nicholas Episcopal Church Children Affected by AIDS Open Arms of Minnesota Azia Restaurant & jP American Bistro of Richfield Foundation Our Savior's Lutheran Church, The Caterpillar Lounge Kafé 421 Star Tribune Foundation Children's Quilt Project - Oakes, N.D. Band Box Diner Karma Night Club Storeworks Dahlen Lutheran Church WELCA Pagoda Salon - Jeff Lillemoe Bar Abilene Kentron Foundation Supatra's Thai Cuisine Children's Theatre Company Park House Barbette The King & I Thai Teresa Charitable Fund of the Christ English Lutheran Church Park Nicollet - Betsy's Back Porch, Inc. Kopp Family Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Christian Student Fellowship - Methodist Hospital BioScrip Pharmacy Koyi Sushi The Thanksgiving Fund - University of Minnesota Park Square Theatre Birchwood Café La Belle Vie American Endowment Foundation Church of St. Alphonsus Patrick's Cabaret Brass Rail La Fonda de Los Lobos Thomson West Church of St. Joan of Arc Phillips Wine & Spirits Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Lake Harriet Christian Church Three Rivers Park District City Pages Portland Village Buona Sera Lakewinds Natural Foods Employee Club Claycraft, Inc. PRIDE Institute Cafe Brenda & Home Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Clear Channel Outdoor Radio K Café Latté Land Design, LTD. Foundation Communications Workers of Rainbow Foods - Robbinsdale Café Twenty-Eight Linden Hills Acupuncture Tibotec Therapeutics America, Local 7250, AFL-CIO RE/MAX Results Carmelo's Ristorante Lone Spur Grill & Bar Trattoria da Vinci Continental Diamond - Amy Ruzick & Kay Johnson Central Lutheran Church - Longfellow Grill Trikkx Nightclub Crate & Barrel - Minneapolis Restorative Massage & Women's Circle, Winona, MN Lotts of Love Trocaderos Restaurant & Nightclub Designs by Shoshana Bodywork Therapies The Chair Salon Luna Rossa Trotter's Café Double Rainbow II Group Roger Beck Florist Chez Daniel Bistro MAHADH Fund Tulle & Dye, Inc. Drive 105 Salon Intrigue Chiang Mai Thai of HRK Foundation Twin Cities Gay Men's Chorus Drive Thru, Inc. Second Harvest Heartland Chianti Grill Mark Waldorf Enterprises, Inc. United Methodist Church, Encore Software Senate District 43 - DFL Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. - Marshall Field's Frazee, MN Episcopal Church of the Nativity, Sibley Bike Depot Hennepin Avenue May Department Stores Victor's 1959 Café Burnsville Skyview Middle School Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. Company Foundation Village Wok Restaurant Extreme Beverage SouthSide Farm Store Christos Greek Restaurant Mayday Café W.A. Frost FireLake Grill House Special Events America Christos Union Depot Place Maynard's Restaurant Wayzata Community Church & Cocktail Bar St. Nicholas Episcopal Church Church of St. Alphonsus MCAD Bistro The Wedge Community Co-op Fitness Together of Richfield Church of St. Joan of Arc McCoy's Public House Wells Fargo Community Support Giorgio's on Hennepin St. Paul Academy Senior Class Clicquot Club Café Memorial Blood Centers Campaign Great Clips for Hair Starbucks Coffee - Rosemount Colossal Café Minneapolis Eagle Wesley United Methodist - France Avenue Store Starbucks Coffee IDS Center Communications Workers of Minneapolis Foundation Church Griffith Printing The State Theatre America, Local 7250, AFL-CIO - Sam & Dona Jordan Family Fund Westminster Presbyterian Griggs Cooper & Company Studio 41 Cupcake Minnesota AIDS Coalition Church - Social Justice Hallau Shoots, Inc. Sweeney Todd's Salon Curran's Restaurant Minnesota Department of Health Committee Hamline University Bookstore Sysco Foods D. Brian's Deli Minnesota Department Wilde Roast Café Harmonee Valley CSA T.J. Maxx Damon Farber Associates of Human Services The William D. & Joyce E. Haskell's The Wine People TAMS - Childrens Hospital Dangerfield's - Ryan White CARE Act Funding Sexton Family Foundation Holy Redeemer Catholic Target Greatland - Ridgedale David S. Ascher Minnesota Red Ribbon Ride Woolley's - St. Paul Church, Maplewood Theatre de la Jeune Lune Charitable Foundation Mount Olive Lutheran Church Yum! Hyatt Regency Minneapolis Tibotec Dino's Gyros - Plymouth Naked Minnesota Intrepid Home Services TicketWorks Diversified Graphics, Inc. Network For Good Jewish Family & Children's Tony Kubat Photography, Inc. The Dorsey & Whitney Newsense - Leslie Faricy, Ph.D. Service Treasure Island Resort & Casino Foundation Nochee Joe's Garage Restaurant Twin Cities Dining Guide Drive Thru, Inc. North Star Softball Tournament Johnson Brothers Liquor Twist Films Edina Grill Northwestern Health Sciences Junior Lutherans of LCCR U of MN School of Dentistry El Mesón University - MCAOM Businesses / Organizations — Kowalski's Markets - Uptown University YMCA El Nuevo Rodeo Oddfellows Gifts In Kind Kowalski's Markets of Lyndale Uptown Tattoo Emma's Restaurant & Lounge Open Your Heart Accolade Salon/Spa Landmark Theatre Corporation US Food Service The Episcopal Parish to the Hungry & Homeless ACME Comedy Company Lavender Magazine Walgreens (Store #0828) of St. David Papa's Pizza & Pasta Ameriprise Financial Employee Leavenworth Animal Welfare Walgreens (Store #9511) Erte The Restaurant Park Plaza Café Giving Campaign Society Wallace Carlson Printing & Peacock Lounge Pastrami Jack's Aprés Complete Party Lotts of Love Warners' Stellian Falafel King Pilgrim Lutheran Church & Tent Rental Lunalux Wayzata Community Church FireLake Grill House & Cocktail Bar Pizza Lucé - Mpls. Downtown Armstrong High School Lutheran Church of Christ The Wedge Community Co-op First Course Pizza Lucé - Lyndale Avenue AT&T League MN the Redeemer Wesley United Methodist Five Restaurant Pizza Lucé - Franklin Avenue Atons of Minneapolis Macalester College Church & Street Lounge Pizza Lucé - Duluth Autópia Macemon Photography WFTC 29 Georgetown Court Apartments Presbyterian Homes & Services Aveda Institute Minneapolis Mark VII Distributors Wilde Roast Café Giorgio's on Hennepin Foundation The Basilica of Saint Mary Marshalls Williams Sonoma GlaxoSmithKline Prime Timers - Mpls./St. Paul Chapter Best Buy Mary Kay Cosmetics Wine Company Greater Minneapolis Council of Professional Interpreting Bethlehem Lutheran Church - McCormick & Schmick's Wine Merchant Churches - FoodShare Program - Greg Toltzman Senior High Ministry Memorial Blood Centers Matthew F. Witchell, Inc.

2006 Annual Report Page 19


OPERATING STATEMENT - UNRESTRICTED BALANCE SHEET Fiscal year ending December 31, 2006 Fiscal year ending December 31, 2006

INCOME: 2006 2005 2006 2005 Contributions, Memorials & Grants $ 207,388 $ 195,333 ASSETS: Government Grants $ 291,256 $ 256,550 Cash $ 74,136 $ 165,124 Special Events $ 103,031 $ 68,944 Investments $ 274,625 $ 189,597 Charitable Gaming $ 36,227 $ 61,497 Grants and Contracts Receivable $ 30,862 $ 39,467 Investment Income $ 17,188 $ 4,848 Other Assets $ 39,999 $ 27,420 Miscellaneous $ 2,728 $ 2,633 Property & Equipment $ 156,205 $ 162,058 Total Support and Revenue $ 657,818 $ 589,805 Total Assets $ 575,827 $ 583,666

EXPENSES: LIABILIITES: Salaries & Benefits $ 325,402 $ 253,660 Accounts Payable $ 12,166 $ 13,453 Meal Program $ 59,736 $ 49,654 Accrued Salaries & Vacation $ 26,978 $ 23,750 Food Shelf $ 37,282 $ 36,163 Payroll Taxes Payable $ 269 $ 729 Complementary Care Program $ 41,663 $ 44,170 Other Liabilities $ 3,323 $ 4,852 Utilities/Maintenance/Insurance $ 45,682 $ 35,403 Total Current Liabilities $ 42,736 $ 42,784 Professional Fees $ 23,803 $ 16,567 Other Expenses $ 87,808 $ 68,756 Total Net Assets $ 533,091 $ 540,882 Depreciation $ 12,133 $ 13,564

Total Expenses $ 633,509 $ 517,937 TOTAL LIABILITIES Change in Net Assets $ 24,309 $ 71,868 AND NET ASSETS $ 575,827 $ 583,666

Fundraising 5% Where your donations go: Programs Programs 75% 75% Administration 20% Fundraising 5% Administration 20%

2006 Annual Report Page 20

Our Mission To encourage self-empowerment and provide direct services to persons living with HIV/AIDS.

Tel: 612-824-LIFE (5433) Fax: 612-822-9668 www.aliveness.org

730 East 38th Street Non-Profit Org. U.S Postage Minneapolis, MN 55407 PAID Mpls, MN Permit No. 3134

2006 Annual Report Page 21