The Brauer-Manin Obstruction and the Fibration Method - Lecture by Jean-Louis Colliot-Thel´ Ene`

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The Brauer-Manin Obstruction and the Fibration Method - Lecture by Jean-Louis Colliot-Thel´ Ene` THE BRAUER-MANIN OBSTRUCTION AND THE FIBRATION METHOD - LECTURE BY JEAN-LOUIS COLLIOT-THEL´ ENE` These are informal notes on the lecture I gave at IU Bremen on July 14th, 2005. Steve Donnelly prepared a preliminary set of notes, which I completed. 1. The Brauer-Manin obstruction 2 For a scheme X, the Brauer group Br X is H´et(X, Gm) ([9]). When X is a regular, noetherian, separated scheme, this coincides with the Azumaya Brauer group. If F ia a field, then Br(Spec F ) = Br F = H2(Gal(F /F ),F ×). Let k be a field and X a k-variety. For any field F containing k, each element A ∈ Br X gives rise to an “evaluation map” evA : X(F ) → Br F . For a number field k, class field theory gives a fundamental exact sequence L invv . 0 −−−→ Br k −−−→ all v Br kv −−−→ Q/Z −−−→ 0 That the composite map from Br k to Q/Z is zero is a generalization of the quadratic reciprocity law. Now suppose X is a projective variety defined over a number field k, and A ∈ Br X. One has the commutative diagram Q X(k) −−−→ v X(kv) evA evA y y Br k −−−→ ⊕v Br kv −−−→ Q/Z The second vertical map makes sense because, if X is projective, then for each fixed A, evA : X(kv) → Br kv is the zero map for all but finitely many v. Q Let ΘA : v X(kv) → Q/Z denote the composed map. Thus X(k) ⊆ ker ΘA for all A. Given a subgroup B ⊆ Br X, we write B \ X(Ak) := ker ΘA A∈B Q (where, for X projective, X(Ak) = v X(kv)). With this notation one has the inclusions Br X B X(k) ⊆ X(Ak) ⊆ X(Ak) ⊆ X(Ak) . In this way, each A ∈ Br X potentially obstructs the existence of k-rational points on X. Example: Let V/Q be the affine surface 0 6= x2 + y2 = (3 − t2)(t2 − 2) and let X ⊃ V be a smooth compactification. We take the element A ∈ Br X which is given on V by the 2 quaternion algebra (−1, 3 − t ). One finds that for all places v 6= 2, evA : X(kv) → Br kv is 1 identically zero; however at v = 2, evA is identically 2 . Therefore X(Q) must be empty. The surface V is a special case of a surface defined by an affine equation x2 − ay2 = P (t), with a ∈ k× and P (t) ∈ k[t] a polynomial of degree 4. A smooth projective model of such a surface is called a Chˆatelet surface. In 1984, Sansuc, Swinnerton-Dyer and I proved that Br X if X is a Chˆatelet surface, then the condition X(Ak) 6= ∅ is a necessary and sufficient 1 2 J-L. COLLIOT-THEL´ ENE` Br X condition for the existence of a k-point. We actually showed that X(k) is dense in X(Ak) (under the diagonal embedding). One may wonder to which extent this result holds for other classes of varieties. That it could not extend to all varieties was foreseeable but it is only in 1999 that the first uncondi- Br X tional example of a smooth, projective, geometrically connected variety with X(Ak) 6= ∅ but X(k) = ∅ was produced (Skorobogatov, further work since then by Harari and Sko- robogatov, see [17]). For X a curve of genus one, if the Tate-Shafarevich group of the Jacobian of X is finite, Br X then X(Ak) 6= ∅ implies X(k) 6= ∅. This observation is due to Manin (1970). For curves of genus bigger than 1, quite surprisingly, it does not seem absurd to ask whether the same statement holds (see [18]). 2. Calculating the Brauer group Br X One would like to be able to compute X(Ak) . For this, a prerequisite is to compute the Brauer group Br X, or a least a system of representants of Br X/ Br k. Suppose char k is zero, and X/k is smooth, projective and geometrically connected. We write X := X ×k k, where k is an algebraic closure of k. 2.1. The “geometric” Brauer group. For computing Br X, we have an exact sequence b2−ρ 3 0 → (Q/Z) → Br X → H (X, Z)tors → 0. Here b2 is the second Betti number, which one computes by using either l-adic cohomology 2 2 H´et(X, Ql) for an arbitrary prime l or by using classical cohomology H (X ×k C, Q) if an embedding k ⊂ C is given. The integer ρ = rk NS X is the rank of the geometric N´eron-Severi group. The vanishing of b2 − ρ is equivalent to the vanishing of the coherent cohomology 2 3 group H (X, OX ). The group H (X, Z)tors is a finite group, which one computes either as 3 the direct sum over all primes l of the torsion in integral l-adic cohomology H´et(X, Zl) or as 3 the torsion in classical cohomology H (X ×k C, Z) if an embedding k ⊂ C is given. If X is a curve, or if X is birational to a projective space, then Br X = 0. Remarks 1. It is in general quite difficult to exhibit the Azumaya algebras on X corresponding to the divisible subgroup (Q/Z)b2−ρ. 2. When k is a number field, it is an open question whether the group of fixed points (Br X)Gal(k/k) is finite. 2.2. The “algebraic” Brauer group. Define Br1(X) := ker[Br X → Br X]. For comput- ing this group, we have the exact sequence Gal(k/k) ∗ 1 ∗ 3 × 0 → Pic X → (Pic X) → Br k → Br1 X → H (k, Pic X) → H (k, k ) × where the maps marked with a ∗ are zero when X(k) is nonempty. The group H3(k, k ) is trivial when k is a number field (this is a nontrivial result from class field theory). There are cases where it is easy to explicitly compute the group H1(k, Pic X) but where it is difficult to lift a given element of that group to an explicit element of Br1(X) : Even if one knows a 3-cocycle is a 3-coboundary, it is not easy to write it down as an explicit Br X 3-coboundary. This may create difficulties for deciding whether a given X(Ak) is empty or not. Such a delicate situation arises in the study of diagonal cubic surfaces ([6], [13]). J-L. COLLIOT-THEL´ ENE` 3 To get a hold on H1(k, Pic X) one uses the exact sequence of Galois-modules 0 0 → PicX/k(k) → Pic X → NS X → 0 . 1 Here NS X is of finite type. If NS Xtors = 0, then H (k, NS X) is a finite group. 2.3. Curves. If X = C is a curve, then Br1 C = Br C (as noted above), and the above exact sequence reads 0 → Jac C(k) → Pic C → Z → 0. 1 Since H (k, Z) = 0, we thus have the exact sequence Gal(k/k) 1 1 (Pic C) → Z → H (k, Jac C(k)) → H (k, Pic C) → 0 which one may combine with the above long exact sequence. The group H1(k, Jac C(k)) 0 1 classifies principal homogeneous spaces under Jac C = PicC/k. The map Z → H (k, Jac C(k)) 1 sends 1 to the class of the principal homogeneous space PicC/k. If k is a number field, we thus have a surjective map from Br C to a quotient of H1(k, Jac C(k)). In practice, it is quite hard to lift an element of this quotient to an explicit element of Br C. Examples 1 1 1. If C = Pk, then the natural map Br k → Br Pk is an isomorphism. 2. If C is a smooth projective conic with no rational point, we have an exact sequence 0 → Z/2 → Br k → Br C → 0 1 7→ [AC ] where [AC ] ∈ 2 Br k is the class corresponding to C. 2.4. Residues. Let A be a discrete valuation ring with field of fractions F and with residue 1 field κ of characteristic zero. There is a natural “residue map” Br F → H (κ, Q/Z) and an exact sequence 1 0 → Br A → Br F → H (κ, Q/Z) . Let k be a field of characteristic zero. Let X be a smooth, integral, k-variety with function field k(X). Given a closed integral subvariety Y ⊂ X of codimension 1, with function 1 field k(Y ), we may consider the residue map Br k(X) → H (k(Y ), Q/Z). One then has (Grothendieck) the exact sequence M 1 0 → Br X → Br k(X) → H (k(Y ), Q/Z), Y where Y runs through all codimension 1 subvarieties of X as above. From the exactness of this sequence one deduces that Br X is a birational invariant for smooth, projective, integral k-varieties. 1 2.5. The projective line. Let us consider the special case X = Pk. As noted above, 1 Br Pk = Br k. The short exact sequence above thus reads 1 M 1 0 → Br k → Br k(P ) → H (kP , Q/Z), 1 P ∈Pk 1 where P runs through the closed points of Pk and kP is the residue field at such a point P . 4 J-L. COLLIOT-THEL´ ENE` One may compute the cokernel of the last map : there is an exact sequence P N 1 L 1 P kP /k 1 0 −−−→ Br k −−−→ Br k( ) −−−→ 1 H (kP , / ) −−−−−−→ H (k, / ) −−−→ 0, P P ∈Pk Q Z Q Z where NkP/k is the corestriction map.
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