Bulletproof Dance vest for legacy K9 Lars Page A12 Page A2 Wednesday, .50 March 24, 2021 $1 thechronicleonline.com Serving Columbia County since 1881 New Grocery Outlet taking shape Jeremy C. Ruark / The Chronicle Courtesy drawing form the City of St. Helens Planning Department Construction for the new Grocery Outlet along Highway 30 began last fall. This is a conceptual drawing of the new Grocery Outlet being constructed in St. Helens. Rainier. with this story at thechronicleonline. ($84,945,316), health care and social lets had an average annual employ- JEREMY C. RUARK Specific details about when com. assistance ($52,378,690), educa- ment of 788 in 2019, ranking them
[email protected] construction will be completed and According to third quarter of tional services ($46,375,798), public fifth highest in employment behind Work is moving ahead for the when hiring for the new store would 2020 Oregon Employment Depart- administration ($38,429,376), con- manufacturing (1,552), health care new 16,000-square-foot Grocery take place have yet to be released. ment information, there were 320 struction ($36,043,065), transporta- and social assistance (1,455), ac- Outlet store under construction at Oregon Employment Depart- food and beverage stores and 534 tion and warehousing ($23,178,815), commodation and food services 475 S. Columbia River Highway. ment Regional Economist Shawna general merchandise outlets in Co- accommodation and food services (1,233), and educational services According to its website, Sykes said the average wage of food lumbia County with a total payroll ($22,274,908), the balance of retail (1,143).