Bushland Rehabilitation Plans

Mortlock Reserve

Middle Harbour Catchment




Mortlock Reserve


BACKGROUND Reserve Summary


Refer to Map 1 -Vegetation Communities 1.1. Creekline Vegetation 1.2 Weed Assessment

Refer to Map 2 - Land Management Issues 1.3 Vulnerable and Threatened Species 1.4 Locally Rare Species

2.0 FAUNA 2.1 Terrestrial Vertebrates 2.2 Other native Fauna Groups 2.3 Introduced and Feral Animals 2.4 Vulnerable and Threatened Species 2.5 Locally Rare Species

3.0 BUSHLAND FRAGMENTATION 3.1 Habitat Corridors

4.0 FIRE

Refer to Map 2 - Land Management Issues for details of fire history.


Refer to Map 2 - Land Management Issues for the location of stormwater channels.



8.0 RESERVE USERS 8.1 Vandalism and Misuse

9.0 EXISTING PROPERTIES ADJOINING BUSHLAND 9.1 Noxious Weeds 9.2 Encroachment 9.3 Dumping 9.4 Pets

10.0 ACTION PLAN 10.1 Rehabilitation Works Objectives

Zone Definition

Refer to Map 3 - Rehabi litation Zones


Refer to Map 4 - Rehabilitation Actions for each individual zone.

10.2 Management Strategies, Plans and other Programs required for a successful rehabilitation process


Mortlock Reserve is a small reserve located on the eastern foreshore of Tunks Park covering approx. 5 820m2. Brothers Avenue separates Mortlock Reserve from the bushland of Tunks Park. The bushland is also bordered by Vernon Street, the Tunks Park foreshore carpark and the waters of Long Bay. Eucalyptus piperita ( Peppermint) and Angophora costata (Smooth-barked Apple) form the dominant Woodland vegetation association. Other interesting native remnants include Syncarpia glomulifera (Turpentine), Banksia integrifolia (Coastal Banksia), Ficus rubiginosa (Port Jackson Fig), Casuarina glauca (Swamp She- oak) and Acacia fimbriata (Fringed Wattle).

The southern end of Mortlock Reserve is highly weed infested. This is the area where the bushland becomes narrower towards the junction of Vernon Street and Brothers Avenue. There is a combination of garden escapees, annual weeds and exotic vines threatening the remnant vegetation in this zone. The Mortlock Reserve Bushcare Group currently works throughout the remainder of the bushland parcel excluding the steep rocky cliff edges adjacent to Long Bay.

Recreational opportunities are limited. There are no formal or informal tracks traversing the bushland. This is reflected by the successful regeneration over the years in an area where human use is minimal.

Site History

Aboriginals frequented the valley and used the creeks as a fresh water source for many thousands of years. Shell middens are represented in the area and perhaps many other signs of Aboriginal life are present but remain undiscovered. The Aboriginal name for this area has been lost along with most of the verbal history of the local indigenous people. The successive generations of Aboriginal people had a deep respect for the area, living in natural harmony with the environment for many thousands of years.

The original name for this bushland area was simply Vernon Street bushland. The street was presumably named after Mr. Walter Liberty Vernon, Alderman of St. Leonards and the first in 1890. Mr. Walter Liberty Vernon designed many sandstone brick houses in the North Sydney area and later went on to become the Government Architect. An earlier name for this Street was New Street.

In 1999, the bushland was given a formal title and named Mortlock Reserve in an official ceremony. The bushland was named after Mr. Bryce Mortlock, a local architect who designed many houses and buildings in the North Shore area. Bryce is a pioneer bush regenerator who has lived in Vernon Street since 1950 and formed the Vernon St (now Mortlock Reserve) Bushcare Group. But before Council’s ‘Bushcare’ Program ever existed and even before bush regeneration was ‘bush regeneration’, the Mortlock family could be found in bushland across the road from their house pulling up weeds during their weekend and suppressing the rapid growth of Lantana (lantana camara) and exotic vines in the canopy. Thirty years ago a bulldozer arrived in Vernon Street and began to knock down the trees. Mrs. Mortlock and her neighbours attended the scene and halted the Council’s operation to remove the trees and replace them with manicured lawn.

The Mortlock Reserve Bushcare Group began in 1995. In 2000, the Group spent a total of 135 hrs regenerating the site. Activities undertaken on the site over the past 5 years include primary, secondary and maintenance weeding; exotic tree injection; ecological management burns (pile burns); and bank stabilisation, mulching and planting degraded bushland edges adjacent to Vernon Street and the drainage line.


The Bushland Management Team visited the site for approx. 80 hrs during 2000. Activities undertaken included bank stabilization and mulching steep gradients; spraying annual weeds along the perimeter of the bushland; and maintenance weeding throughout the Bushcare site.


Reserve Summary

Bushland Council Zoning 5821m2 Area of Reserve

Level of Degradation: - <10% 2835m2 10-30% 313m2 31-60% 584m2 >60% 945.5m Length of Boundaries 1 No. of Properties Adjoining Bushland N/A Length of walking track


Refer to Map 1 -Vegetation Communities for location details.

Mortlock Reserve bushland consists of a remnant vegetation community, which is part of the Sydney Sandstone Complex – Sydney Sandstone Gully Forest (10ag) as indicated by Benson and Howell, 1994. The vegetation is symbolic of the North Shore and consists of:

1. Angophora costata (Smooth-barked Apple) and Eucalyptus piperita (Sydney Peppermint) Woodland community with a midstorey dominated by Casuarina glauca (Swamp She-oak), Banksia integrifolia (Coastal Banksia), Glochidion ferdinandi (Cheese Tree) and Pittosporum undulatum (Sweet Pittosporum) and an understorey dominated by Lomandra longifolia (Mat Rush).

For further information see: Appendix 4 – Table 1: Classification of vegetation communities. Section 3 – Native plant species list for Mortlock Reserve.

1.1 Creekline Vegetation

The stormwater channel was converted to a concrete drainage line early in the 1990’s. The original vegetation adjacent to the stormwater drainage line has, in the past, been highly disturbed. The Mortlock Reserve Bushcare Group are working towards rehabilitating this edge by removing herbaceous weeds and planting native species.


1.2 Weed Assessment

Refer to Map 2 - Land Management Issues for the location of Weed Zones.

Weed species are present in the various locations due to many factors. Morning Glory (Ipomoea indica) and Balloon Vine (Cardiospermum grandiflorum) remain a threat to the canopy areas. Fishbone Fern (Nephrolepsis cordifolia), Crofton Weed (Ageratina adenophora), Asparagus fern (Protoasparagus aethiopicus), Paddys Lucerne (Sida rhombifolia) and Cassia (Senna pendula) are present in the southern end of the Reserve. Milk Thistle (Sonchus oleraceus), Ehrharta (Ehrharta erecta), Summer Grass (Digitaria sanguinalis), Cobblers pegs (Bidens pilosa) and Fleabane (Conyza sp.) are commonly found along the edges of the roadway.

Weed species adjacent to roadways and residential areas are present due to many factors that contribute increased moisture and nutrients to the bushland edge. These include:

- ‘Hard surface’ runoff from impervious surfaces e.g. Roads; - Stormwater entering the bushland; - Imported fill soil and major disturbance to the original soil structure when the road was formed; - Dumping of garden clippings into the bush has also enabled many ornamental species to spread throughout the bushland in the past.

Along the perimeter of the bushland adjacent to the road the original soil profile has been disturbed and the native seed bank (found in the topsoil) has been buried or lost. The native seed bank takes many years to develop and mature. Major soil disturbance makes unassisted native plant regeneration almost impossible. Due to this factor, to assist regeneration, sections of the bushland may have to be planted with local indigenous species. The placement and selection of plants will reflect their natural occurrence in the existing bushland ecosystem.

For further information see: Appendix 4 – Table 2: Weed assessment details. Section 4 – Weed species list for North Sydney.

1.3 Vulnerable and Threatened Species

There are no known vulnerable or threatened species in the bushland of Mortlock Reserve as listed in the Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995.

1.4 Locally Rare Species

Locally rare species include Pultanaea flexilis in this Woodland vegetation community.

Species that are low in population numbers include Acacia fimbriata (Fringed Wattle), Hakea gibbosa (Rock Hakea) and Banksia spinulosa (Hair-pin Banksia).

For further information see: Appendix 4 – Table 3: Regional significance of Locally Rare Species.

3 2.0 FAUNA

2.1 Terrestrial Vertebrates

There are relatively few fauna species within the Reserve. There is evidence of Ring-tail Possums (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) and the Grey-headed Flying Fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) who frequent the area on nightly foraging trips. Blue-tongued Lizards (Tiliqua scincoides) and Green-tree Snakes (Dendrelaphis punctulata) have also been sighted in the bushland area.

Common bird species can be found in Mortlock Reserve including the Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala), the Pied Currawong (Strepera graculina), the Australian Magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen), the Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae), the Magpie Lark (Grallina cyanoleuca) and the Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike (Coracina novaehollandiae). Sulphur-crested Cockatoos (Cacatua galerita) and the Sacred Kingfisher (Todiramphus sanctus) are also occasionally seen on the edges of Mortlock Reserve.

There is a lack of nesting hollows in Mortlock Reserve due to the absence of mature native trees that tend to bear such hollows. Native birds, arboreal mammals and bat species suffer from the lack of safe nesting and roosting sites. These creatures play an important role in the ecology of the vegetation communities of Mortlock Reserve. They act as pollinators, natural seed dispersal units, and aid in the germination of some native plant species.

For further information see: Section 5 – Fauna in North Sydney Section 8 – Law and Policy: National Parks and Wildlife Act, 1974.

2.2 Other native Fauna Groups

· Terrestrial Invertebrates · Aquatic Vertebrates, and · Aquatic Invertebrates.

A formal survey of the diversity and abundance of the above group of organisms has never been undertaken by North Sydney Council. It is recommended that more detailed studies be undertaken in the future.

2.3 Introduced and Feral Animals

Tracks, scats and other traces of the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) have been identified in Mortlock Reserve. The Red Fox would probably have a territory covering the area of both Mortlock Reserve and the adjoining Tunks Park bushland.

It is recommended that Fox Control Programs be implemented in conjunction with neighbouring Council areas, or if possible, on a regional basis. The Fox Control Program would also have to be an ongoing yearly expenditure so that Foxes from outside the city that move into the newly created urban bushland niches are not left to take up a territory and begin to reproduce in the area.

For further information see: Section 5 – Fauna of North Sydney: Introduced Species.

2.4 Vulnerable and Threatened Species

There are no vulnerable or threatened fauna species found in the bushland of Mortlock Reserve as listed in the Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995.


2.5 Locally Rare Species

A formal survey of the diversity and population size of all existing fauna species in North Sydney has never been undertaken, therefore, it is impossible to ascertain whether a species is rare or not. The precautionary principle is utilized in bush regeneration activities to accommodate this lack of knowledge. Current and ongoing data collection of fauna species exists as a result of the community based Wildlife Watch Program and sightings made by Council staff and Contractors. All fauna is protected in North Sydney and it is essential to know what exists to assist in better management practices.


3.1 Habitat Corridors

The bushland of Mortlock Reserve is bordered by Vernon Street, Brothers Avenue, an enclosed drainage line and the waters of Long Bay. The narrow shape of the bushland allows weed species to freely colonize around the perimeter and spread throughout the bushland parcel. Invasion of the bushland by exotic grass species from adjoining areas of lawn is minimal in this Reserve.

There are no formal or informal tracks found within Mortlock Reserve.

The bushland of Mortlock Reserve lies adjacent to Tunks Park bushland. These two areas are separated by Brothers Avenue.

4.0 FIRE

Refer to Map 2 - Land Management Issues for details of fire history.

A series of pile burns were conducted during1998 on the Bushcare Site. Five major piles of stacked woody weeds were burnt to encourage the germination of native seed stored in the soil. The results were positive with many native species emerging from the ashes. Identified species included Dodonaea triquetra (Hop Bush), Entolasia marginata, Acacia fimbriata (Fringed Wattle), Omalanthus populifolius (Bleeding Heart Tree) and Grevillea linearifolia (White-spider Flower).

Fire is an ecological tool required to sustain the plant communities of Mortlock Reserve. There are several areas throughout Mortlock Reserve that require burning for the purposes of maintaining diversity and stimulating the germination of native seeds which lay dormant in the soil. Some species can be eliminated from a bushland area due to the absence of fire.

As addressed in the Bushland Fire Management Policy, 1997: Section 4 – ‘several areas that contain high fuel levels require burning not only for ecological purposes but also to manage the fuel levels on some sites’.

For further information see: Appendix 4 – Table 4: Fire history of Mortlock Reserve. Section 9 – Bushland Fire Management Policy for North Sydney Council.


Refer to Map 2 - Land Management Issues for the location of stormwater channels.

Stormwater originates from the local suburb of and is discharged through the bushland of Mortlock Reserve at its most eastern boundary (opposite No.1 Vernon St) into the receiving waters of Middle Harbour. The open drainage line was converted to a concrete channel in the early 1980’s. The channel was created with a series of rocky obstacles to slow down the velocity of the water entering Long Bay and to reduce the effects of stormwater on the surrounding bushland area.

Other urban runoff originates directly from the Vernon Street roadway.

For further information see Appendix 4 – Table 5: Stormwater characteristics of Mortlock Reserve. Middle Harbour Catchment Management Plan, 1999: Stanton Library.


There are no known Aboriginal sites located within Mortlock Reserve. However, all Aboriginal sites are significant and protected in the North Sydney area. Sites may be present but remain undiscovered at this time. All sites require specialist management and there are certain procedures which need to be undertaken in relation to bush regeneration practices, monitoring and maintenance processes.

The identification and location of all known and potential Aboriginal sites in Mortlock Reserve have been recorded on a closed access database and an Aboriginal Site Management Strategy for this bushland area was prepared in 1999 by North Sydney Council’s Aboriginal Heritage Officer.

For further information see: Section 8 – Law and Policy: Aboriginal Heritage Management. Aboriginal Site Management Strategy for Mortlock Reserve 1999. Development Control Plan: Heritage and Cultural Resources, 1999.


There are no known European Heritage Sites found within Mortlock Reserve.

For further information see: North Sydney Heritage Study Review, 1993: Stanton Library. North Sydney Council Heritage Inventory Database: Stanton Library.


The community commonly uses the bushland of Mortlock Reserve for nature appreciation. The area also acts as a green buffer zone and is an aesthetically pleasing part of the urban environment.

8.1 Vandalism and Misuse

The presence of graffiti and structural damage is minimal within the bushland of Mortlock Reserve.



9.1 Noxious Weeds

Noxious weeds such as Asparagus Fern (Asparagus densiflorus) and Morning Glory (Ipomea indica) are common throughout the Reserve. Other noxious species that are present but occur in lower densities include Lantana (Lantana camara) and Large Leaf Privet (Ligustrum lucidum). The Mortlock Reserve Bushcare Group have been responsible for the successful removal of these noxious weeds over the past decade. During 2001 contractors will begin working in the more degraded areas of the bushland to aid the continuing removal of these noxious species.

As regeneration activities are initiated in Mortlock Reserve by the Mortlock Reserve Bushcare Group, the Bushland Management Team and/or Contractors, Noxious Weeds notices will be sent to any property owner harbouring such weed species adjacent to current work sites.

For further information see: Section 4 – Noxious Weeds/Environmental Weeds list for the North Sydney Council area. Section 8 – Law and policy: Noxious Weeds Act, 1993.

9.2 Encroachment

There is no recent evidence of encroachment into the bushland of Mortlock Reserve.

Any person found to be encroaching onto bushland areas will be approached by Council and the issues concerned will be discussed.

9.3 Dumping

There is little recent evidence of garden refuse dumping and dumping of household/industrial rubbish in the bushland, although reminders of past dumping episodes can often be seen.

For further information see: Section 8 – Law and Policy: Local Government Act, 1919.

9.4 Pets

Dogs and cats are infrequently seen throughout the bushland of Mortlock Reserve. Should you wish to exercise your dog in the bushland areas, certain conditions apply. Cats should be kept in at night for the benefit of our local nocturnal native fauna that reside in the Reserve.

For further information see: Section 8 – Law and policy: Companion Animals Act, 1999 and Councils Policy on Dog Control in North Sydney.




10.1 Rehabilitation Works Detailed information and the location of rehabilitation works to be carried out over the lifespan of this document in each bushland area. Each bushland reserve is divided into smaller Zones to provide a more detailed vision for each different location. The rehabilitation works are then given a priority rating.

10.2 Management Strategies and other Programs These additional documents are required to assist a successful rehabilitation process.


10.1 Rehabilitation Works


The priority ratings given to each action in the matrix are subject to the availability of staff, funding and existing ideologies at the time of creation. For these reasons modification of priorities may occur as special circumstances arise.

ST (Short Term) Action completed within 2 years.

MT (Medium Term) Action completed within 2-4 years.

LT (Long Term) Action commenced after 4 years.

O (Ongoing) Action is carried out on a regular basis for the life of this action plan.

C (Commenced) Action has commenced.

CP (Completed) Action has been carried out.

Identification numbers e.g. 1A, 1B etc. shown in the Issues column of the Action Plan relate to the corresponding Map for that zone and the action required.

NOTE: The Rehabilitation Plan is designed to be relevant for a five-year period and to be extensively reviewed and updated at the end of this time.


Mortlock Reserve Bushland

- To conserve and restore the remnant indigenous plant communities of the area,

- To rehabilitate disturbed bushland edges to reflect the floristic and structural diversity of former vegetation communities,

- To conserve locally rare flora and promote biodiversity,

- To control and reduce the spread of weeds throughout the bushland,

- To provide native habitat for the local indigenous fauna and encourage the creation of corridors to other bushland parcels,

- To protect and conserve areas of Aboriginal Heritage,

- To minimize the effects of stormwater pollution and urban runoff in the surrounding bushland,

- To minimize the spread of weed species from adjacent land, and

- To facilitate adjoining residents wishing to regenerate remnant bushland in their backyards or recreate the bushland which once existed there.



Refer to Map 3 - Rehabilitation Zones for the location of this zone.

Remnant Woodland community dominated by Angophora costata (Smooth-barked Apple) and Eucalyptus piperita (Sydney Peppermint) with a midstorey dominated by Casuarina glauca (Swamp She-oak), Banksia integrifolia (Coastal Banksia), Glochidion ferdinandi (Cheese Tree) and Pittosporum undulatum (Sweet Pittosporum) and an understorey dominated by Lomandra longifolia (Mat Rush).This entire zone is regenerated by the Mortlock Reserve Bushcare Group.

Refer to Map 4 - Rehabilitation Actions for the location of Proposed Actions in this zone.

Issue Current Condition Proposed Action Priority Performance Me asure Vegetation Management Weed species emerging in Sweep through the area six times C/O ‘Good Bush’ areas are adequately good/fair bushland due to natural per year removing new weed maintained. dispersal processes. growth – working from the good bush out into the degraded edges. Integrate a regular maintenance schedule. Roadside (Vernon St) under Continue to plant out roadside C/O Continue to rehabilitate the area threat from annual weeds due to edges with native indigenous and maintain. ‘edge effects’ and urban runoff. groundcovers and midstorey species that will tolerate shady and moist conditions. Integrate a regular maintenance schedule. Weed invasion along the Remove weed species from this C/O Weed species continue to be perimeter of the drainage line due edge. Mulch and plant out with suppressed and the area is to weed seeds being transported indigenous species that will adequately maintained. from the upper catchment that tolerate elevated moisture and become concentrated at the ‘end nutrient conditions. Integrate a of pipe’. regular maintenance schedule. 1A Approx. eight piles of woody Woody weed piles will be burnt ST Piles are burnt and the post-burn weeds (1m high x 1m long) have during the cooler months of 2002 area is adequately maintained. been created on the Bushcare site (weather permitting). The fires during primary weeding activities will be assisted by the local Fire over the past two years. Brigade. The fire will be used to stimulate native seed stored 12 Issue Current Condition Proposed Action Priority Performance Me asure within the soil. Maintain post- burn areas. 1B Weed species growing on steep Employ contract team to abseil MT/O Weeds on the cliff areas are cliff edges above the Tunks Park steep cliff areas to remove weed suppressed and this area is Jetty Carpark. Although mostly species. Maintain on an annual annually maintained, where native species colonize this basis. appropriate. section, species such as Lantana (Lantana camara), Bitou Bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera), Asparagus Fern (Asparagus densiflorus) and Paspalum Grass (Paspalum diliatatum) occur here. Reserve Users Vehicular access gate located on Remove gate and install a ST Wooden bollard has been 1C Vernon Street at the western end wooden bollard, which blends installed. of the Bushcare Site discourages with the existing wooden easy pedestrian access. fenceline.



Refer to Map 3 - Rehabilitation Zones for the location of this zone.

A highly degraded remnant Angophora costata (Smooth-barked Apple) and Eucalyptus piperita (Sydney Peppermint) Woodland community dominated by a midstorey of Glochidion ferdinandi (Cheese Tree) and Pittosporum undulatum (Sweet Pittosporum). The bushland of this zone also contains many garden escapees including Ulmus (Ulmus parvifolia), numerous Agave (Agave americana), White Cedar (Melia azederach) and Chinese Tallow Wood (Sapium sebiferum).

Refer to Map 4 - Rehabilitation Actions for the location of Proposed Actions in this zone.

Issue Current Condition Proposed Action Priority Performance Measure Vegetation Management Pittosporum undulatum (Sweet Thin out this species at a rate no ST Pittosporum undulatum is Pittosporum) is gradually greater than 20% per year. Inject appropriately thinned out and the colonizing the area and becoming Pittosporums that are limiting the area is maintained. dominant in the midstorey. growth of other native species in the area. 2A Exotic garden escapees located Remove exotic garden escapee C/O Garden escapees are throughout this zone as described shrubs, trees and groundcovers. appropriately removed, the area is above. Work in small section only at any rehabilitated and appropriately one time concentrating efforts to maintained. eliminate these species. Depending on the species, larger shrubs and trees may be injected or cut and painted with Roundup Biactive. Rehabilitate the area with native indigenous plant species. Noxious weeds present within the Remove noxious weeds from the C/O Noxious Weeds are removed and understorey, midstorey and entire zone by target weeding. the area is appropriately

14 Issue Current Condition Proposed Action Priority Performance Measure canopy of this zone. Maintain. maintained. Morning Glory (Ipomea indica) Target weed these exotic vines. C/O Weed species are appropriately and Balloon Vine Cut and paint with Roundup controlled and the area (Cardiospermum grandiflorum) Biactive (or similar with low maintained. smothering sections of the surfactant). Practice canopy canopy. protection in other areas where required. 2B Weed species colonizing along Plant out the degraded edges with ST Degraded edges are rehabilitated the edges of Vernon Street due to native indigenous species that and maintained. ‘edge affects’ and urban runoff tolerate high moisture conditions from the roadway. and mulch. Maintain. 2C Weed species growing on steep Employ contract team to abseil MT/O Weeds on the cliff areas are edges above Brothers Avenue. steep cliff areas to remove weed suppressed and this area is Limited native species colonize species. Maintain on an annual annually maintained, where this section. Species such as basis. appropriate. Lantana (Lantana camara), Asparagus Fern (Asparagus densiflorus) occur here.

Pittosporum undulatum (Sweet Thin out Pittosporum undulatum, C/O Selective culling of Pittosporum Pittosporum) can also be found in removing specimens that are undulatum as appropriate. high numbers on the steep edges dominating other native of this zone. indigenous species in this area as a priority. Plant with native indigenous species where natural regeneration is not viable.


10.2 Management Strategies and other Programs required for a successful rehabilitation process.

Management Strategy/Program Priority Responsibility

Stormwater Channel Management Strategy LT Bushland Management Team

Fire Management Strategy MT Bushland Management Team

Fauna Study LT Bushland Management Team

Feral Animal Control Program MT Bushland Management Team

Wildlife Corridor Strategy ST Bushland Management Team

Community Education Program C/O Bushland Management Team

Community Education Program – Noxious Weeds, Domestic Animals, Garden ST/O Department of Open Space and Refuse Dumping, Local urban Flora and Fauna (on a reserve by reserve basis). Environmental Services; Bushland Management Team Issuing Notices (where required) – Noxious Weeds Notices, Garden Refuse Dumping ST/O Notices. Bushland Management Team C/O Promotion of Council’s existing Programs: Backyard Bushcare Program, Wildlife Bushland Management Team Habitat Gardens, Wildlife Watch Program. Biodiversity Management Plan (Taking into account an ‘All of Council’ approach i.e. planning and assessment, field LT Environmental Services staff procedures and practices, responsibilities of local industry and businesses)