The Terpsichorean
1 W. Our Flag goes over the top October 1918 ui en Z to •— Q * a S (S 1 a 8 1 5 i £ V i •£' American National Association DANCING, ^' riw/r^f JtfVSTERS OF OFFICERS FOR THE ENSUING YEAR President— F.-ntod-T, liett,-. - • Secretary — George F. Walters, 85 ' Mass, J19W. Third St.,:Daytdn, Ohio. Orange St., Waltham, Treasurer —Edward A. Prmz, 420 N. Firsi Vice- President— Roderick C. Grant, joth ' St., St. Joseph, Mo. • ": -New York. Trustees— W. L. Ulim. , Kockford; III. Second Vice-President—Albert V. Tuttle H M Robb pittsburg. Pa. 21 E. North Ave., Baltimore, Md. Walter N. Sobie, Hardiord, Com.. Third Vice-Preident— Isidore C. Sampson. Advisory Board — Mrs. Fannie Blinman, Lynn, Muss. San Francisco, Gal.; C. B. Severance, Fsurtli Vice- President— Mrs. Alice K. Wawantosa, Wig.; Fred Christensen, Bott, 2625 Gilbert Ave., Cincinnati, O. Seattle, Wash. OBJECTS OF THE ASSOCIATION. To elevate the art of dancing and promote the welfare of its members by en couraging legislation, State and National, for the proper regulation of dancing and the protection of the public and the legitimate teacher from the unscrupulous and incompetent pretender. To give full support for the betterment of humanity by encouraging and tea,cb- ing only the highest grade of dances, such as those approved by this Association. To originate and adopt new dances and establish a uniform method of teaching them. TO PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS. The much needed reforms in dancing can be brought about only through or ganization. All progressive professions are organized ; why not the Dancing Masters! Competent teachers of good moral character are invited to join.
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