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http://www.archive.org/details/introductiontoreOOking AN INTRODUCTION TO THE RECORDS OF THE Virginia company of LONDON







I -1 o "^T HOG ,i



Tlio history of the IJocords of the \'irLi-iiiia Company is so fully told in tlio followinj^- pages that it need not \>o lovltMvcd here. Tiioir importance to historieal rosearcli has long lioen rocog'nized. Tliey reeord tlic beg'iuninLC.s of one of the (ir.-t ventures in English seltienient on the American Continent, and in themselves contain the germs of subsequent developments in its administration and society. They present a picture which could not lie paralleled in the history of any other colonial establishment. The recognition of this has induced many attempts to print them, but thus far no successful attempt to print them in ti). ir (Nitir^uy. The lack of a complete edition has greatly handieap])ed historical stmlents. it is this lack \\hicli the present (^dition proposes to supply. Jn mv report for IDO-i 1 gave the reasons in favor of the pi-inting by the Library of Congress of this manuscript and of -imilar nnpnblj.^ied records. Jt would save excessive weai' and tear upon th(^ originul-: il \vould enable the texts to be studied by investigators who can not coine to \\'a>hingtoir. and it would encourage that thorough, detailed, and continuing study of ihcm which their value and inte)-est demand and a proper under.-tanding and representation of Anioi-icaii history requii'e. These rea.sons apply with peculiar force to those invaluable records, unique in them- selves and unique of their kind. Loss or injury would be irrepaiable. but maltipli<'d and made available for students in printed form they will pro\e of great and pcj'mancnt ]nxblie utility. The following introductory essay is intended lo develop the historieal and biblio- graphical relations of this record. It is the result of careful and laborious research as the by its author. Miss Kingsbury, who has made herself expert, not merely to main documents, but as to collateral and subsidiary documents, both in this country and abroad, and who has throughout had the benelit of the advice and counsel of one who has made a thorough study of American colonial history-Trof, Ilerbei't L. Osgood, of Columbia Cniversity. Heuhjcrt Putnam, LihfKricni of Congress. ^^'oKT^I^GTON Chauxcky Four).

C'hit'f\ Divif>ton of 2[(inuKcr!pts.


I. ClIAKACTKi: OF TJIK VJKOINIA CuMPAXY Page COMI'ARISON' WITn EAUllKP. MOVl'.MtNTS Fell; lilscOVKUY 11 I'rivil'*gos ijf land, tnuk-, mill ^'Ovi'iiiiiK-nt H CoMl'AIilSON' Willi KAl:l.U;lt MOVKMKNTS lOU TUAllE ...... 11-14 Nlenihant Ailvonturtrs 13 Mii?(;iivy Conii>aiiy 13 ISiroKTAXlE or TllH VlUlll-MA KEfORDS 14-16 A souive lot- .supi>I('iuL'iiting tho ret-onl.- ot" the uthei- trinliiiu' cninpanies .... 14 A soiii'oc- for the i^tiiily III the initial foriii:^ of Kiii;li.--li (oloiiizatiiiu 15


OrGANIZATIO.V OF THE COMPANY rXIlKR TRK 111 AKIKR or lOOij 17-21 Preliminary efforts for a charter • 17 Charter of KiOO IS Policy of the iimlertakei-s 19 Records of the perioTl 20

CHAXfiE IX CITAIiACTF.il KKiiM UiOli To ITiOi' 21-2.')

I'olitical and commercial .statu." Iieli ire lOOi! 21 Change in the statu.* after 1009 22

Cl.\.s.ses oe i;i;ioi:i)s 2.3-24


1. Fundamoutal ducaments eiiianatiiij:; from the Crown 24

II. The court hook? 2.'.-L'.S Volumes extant in 1623 2'>

Irrciiaralile lo.-^s hy their disappearance 2ti

III. Documents issued by the company ...... 28-31 Instructions to Sir Thomas dates and Lord De I.a Wair 28

Chancery proceedings concerning disputed adventures . . " 30

Scattered documents concerning the Inttery ,30 V. Publications of the company 31-3.5 Broadsides 31 Sermons 32 Declarations ...... 32 Value of theie documents in disclosing the pmgress of the (.lantation .md the jiolicy

of the company . 33



( CiiAHArnci: ani. vAi.n; or the clas>iv— '..iitiniifii.

, tli,. IV. I.rtt.r.-' in. I pl.nit.-is uji.I i!..- ,,'uiino .i( Aivall't: rir .-tt'i ill the crilonv \'I. I'riviite i);ii'>-r.-i of adventiuvrs ....

VII. .Sujjpli-iiientary conteiiipdrai v loinsiiiiiKk'nco .


Gknkr.m- cu.\kactki! di" Tin; !:i;coki>s .39-41

Tlie t'onri'e of iiutliority di.'icliipiid in till' rmonl^ 39 The relative value of the vaiionsi classi-s 40 Puhject-matter of tlit- records .40 The Jei-fl-rson' Librauv in- the Liukakv or C'oni.i:j;ss ...'..... 41-48 I'lirchaseof the Jf'fl'ersuii l,ibnu\ - Thr Dri.L'inal MSS.aud roiit.'in]i(iraiv traii^fript", acquired

:-. in 1829, and the transeni)t,s of ih.- hitf -all , and oi Ih,. ei-h 111 ccnturie.'!,

acquired in IS 1-3 . 41

The contemporary cojiy <'f th.^ rourt hook--.\cqirirein t In :\Ir. .Icfi'.TS.m 44

^lanii.'-rriiit record.-! of the company, Vohiiur III 4 ! -48

Karly history and condition as described by \\'iii. Stith 45 Later history and condition 46 Contents and description of the volume 46 The "courte booke" of the colony -Content.'' and de^crii)tinn 48 TRASSCRlP^rS OF THE VlItClXIA ReCOKUS 48-54 Kandolph copy in tlie collection of tlie Virginia Historical Society 48-51 Description and content.s 48 Early history 49 Later history as told by ^Ir. Loijih Robinson .... 50 Citation of the volumes by Ilenin

"Instructions, Commicons letters of advice." U>0«>-1 1's.'-i —Scvciitecuil centiirv script " Mi.scellaneous records, 1600-109:?, Hickman or Bland" copy . . . .


Smyth of Xibley Paper.s, lettens of John Pory and of John Harvey . 55 Collections ok Amkricaxa 55-57 John Carter Brown Library 56 New York Public Libraiy 56 Harvard Library ...... 57 Private collections— lilirary of Edward E. Ayer, Chicago, and one in New York 57 Traxscruts IX TUE New York Plblic Lihrarv ...... 58-59 Barlow jiapers, Bancroft papers, Siuiancas transcripts 58


CoL-LECTiox.s IN England—FcnuAu I'ai'kks, Magdalknio Ciili.i:i;k, CIa.idkii History aiiil ik'r^fi'iiition ...... Coiiteiit-J

Original rei'ovils aiul dofunu-ntfi of tlie comi'any SamlysFcrrur lottor.s ami lottery from the colony

CoF.I.EITKINS I.V E\UI.ANll~l'l P.l.K- liKl.dlJ) CmCK

Maiirhestur paper.-, hi- tnry anil (jliarattfr Doi'unient.s ...... Memoranda anil letter.-; of Sir N.itlKniirl Kicli Slate papers, colonial and doniefstic Origin of the collection ...... Character and contents— docuirient.-^ n{ the comjiany and of tl I'jivy Council, and supplementary curri'sp'indence ...... Kecords of courts 04-00 Records of case.-: in the adniiraUy ciiurt ..... G4 Record.s of ca.ses in tin; court c if chancery .....

Reconl of the quo wurrtaUo in tlie court uf the Kinj;'s hcncli .

CoLl,Ks.TIOSS I.V E.V141.AND—TriE PrIVY CorXCU, (IrKICK 60-07

Character of the ordeis in the register hefore and after \&22 . 60 Description of the records of the Privy Council ..... 07 CoLi-KCrioNii i-V Englasd— lUiixisii Misfim 67-atents--orit;inal records of the coniixiny 07 Citsar papers ...... 6S-69 Letters from John .^^a^tin 68

Bargrave propo.'itinns . . , 69 I'uhlicati(jns of the ciTinpany


Okiianizatiox ov the ojMpaxy ...... Membership

Meeting's, kinds of cijurt.'^, po\ver>= of thecnir.ts

Officers—treasuier, deputy, council, comnnttees, audit. n-s, and additional nunor otficers . Metiioiw or prockiht.e 4-7.T General usage and elections 74

Rewards liy frraiitin.s? shares of .stock (ir by irrantint: land 74 ReCOHV) books I'KOVIDrn FOR 1)Y TlIK COMPANY r.5-7S Determined by the -'Orders and r',,nstitulions": (1) Fundamental Charters, (2) La-ws

and Orders, (:)) I'atc'Uts and In.li-ntures. (4) Acts of Courts, (5) .Acts of Committees,

(0) Li.-ts of .\.dvtntuiers and ni I'ianters Determined by action of the ci>urt from time to time: (1) Lists of men sent to private Pi-titions. plantations, (L'J Duplicates of Patent^, C!) Rates of Commo.lities, (4) Ri'gisfer of

(5) Records of covenants between adventurers ami indentured servants, (0) Rolls of Adventurers, (7) Certilicates


Pnge The kxtant kelokd.s—iriu cocut hook: 78-S" History of Uiu coiitLiiiponin- ropy 78-81

Roas-ons for intikiii;; tlir. trati^rriptn 78 Contemporary acroiiiits of tlu> tnin*criptii)ii ...... 79 Dr. Pec-lcanl ami llic " I)iKr.,iir.-o of tlu- OKI Company" 80 Arthur Woridnnili 81

Description r.f the coTiti'iuporary coiiy in tlie Lilnary of Criu.irross SI -84 Bimrmi; 81 Supervision of transciiptiou liy Xicliola.s IVrrnr and tlio f.inuy of entry 82

Auto<;i-rtpli-= and attestation 82 Proofs of aceiiracy

System of keei>in3; tlie 1. .art liook 84 ContentH of the eourt linuk 85-87 Conoial eliarueter, IliUMGl^l'; 1G22-1(;l4 85 Data servini; to reconstruct lust Ijooks SO Documents meutioui-il hilt not intered in the ri.urt hook 86 Doeuments reeorded in tiie court l.iook and found el.-ewliere Dncunients recorded in the court Ixjok and nnt fuund elsewhere

TUE KXTANT .Sfl'PI.KM EXTA P.Y ItECOIil.-! 87-103 Documents ixiviuiT an outline of the activity of tlie company .... S7-9S Publications nf the C'lnipany 8S-y2- ComparisciTi of publications before and after 1022 .... 88 Broadside of May 17, lti20 89 Declaration of June 22, 1()20; Two editions of tuo issues each; omtents uf 89 Notes of sliippina and valuation of commodities and culture of silk 91

Declaration^ of lli22, sermons and treati.se.", and jjenoral \vork>j 91 Puli'ications planned, hut either not executed or lust .... 92 Documents revealing the movements for trade and indn.stry .... 93-96 Kesourees fnrnishin:.; capital hefi>re tlie overthrow of tlie li.ittciies, March S, 93

Invesfmenis, liil'.i-li.-_'ll 93 Income and inve.^tment, 1621-1024 94 .' Documents which con<*ni the relatinn with till' coll, ny . 96-9S Political supervision 96 Industrial supervision 97 Religioas and educational movements 98 98-99 Record.s of the colony Orders, petitions, anil comniL-'.-inns of the goveiuor and council 98 Court hook—judicial and executive procedure of the governor and council 99 Documents Mhich concern the development of factions in the company and the r charter 99-101 Dispntes and claims of individuals—Manchester and Ferrar papere lOO Investigation by the I'rivy Council lUl Documents which record the relations between the com).any an.l the Crown 101-103 Before 1022 and after 1022 101 Quo irammto suit—Tin- wiit, the information, the arj^umeiil, tlie decision . 103

coxTjjyrs 9

T'ligc CoNCM srox Vai.ih m tiu: \'n;.;iNL\ l.'Kiouns 10:1-105

Iiiiporlaiu-e fnr iin iiii.li'r.-taiKiiiii; of tiio m-ganizatiuu ami arlhity of the ruinpaiiy, tlie object

of (he previous (h.'-eii-^iuii . 10?,

Value ill u stii'iy of tie; piol)U.iiis of -^late 104 105 QuestJous of |.oliry ar- to trade, inouopnli.s, ami enl.jiiizalioa 104 llc-latioiif' witli Spain 10!

The economic ai)(l iiiiUi.'-trial .'-ituation ill Eiifilaml 105

Organizations of other cOMipaiiies for trade 10.") Value in the .'^tiidy ijf proprietary' colonies ...... lOo


EvRNiVj LUADixci ui" TO THE c'ONFisc.vTioN oi' Tur: i;woi:i>s liv -niK l'i:ivv ('oiseii. . . 107-lOS Tin; coNi'i.iCATiox of Tirr: i:i;r-or.i)s, may :'", Iii":: lOs-111

In charge of the clerk of tlie Privy Council. .May liL'-.Noveiuher V, UL'o . . . liiS-109

Aoees-siljlo to the eomaii.--sion of May '.I ancl lu the coiiiliany lOS

Accessible to the committee of the I'rivy Council of July 22 101)

Accessible to tlie coMiinis.'^ion sent to Virginia 10!)

In charge of the commissioner.^, Xovember 7-21, 102:"!, ami of the coni]iniiy, Xovendier 21, It52:!-Jiuie, 1024 100

In cluiige of the royal couiniis^ion after the di.?solution of the company, .hine, 1024 . . 100 TlIKORIRS AS TO Tilt; F VTE 01" THE RECOKDS ...... 111-11.5

llctention by the Privy Council for the successive eommissi'ins of 102.5, ]0:li, and 10114 . Ill Dissipation among the members of the successive commisi-ious ...... 112

Private coUeetions whii'li have been seavehetl in vain for these records . . . . 112-115

liritish Museum ll;i CoUections of the Jlaniuis of Bath, of Lonl Sackville, of the Earl of Coventry, of Thirle.staine House and Hattield House, of tlie descendants of Sir Thomas Smythe

and of the I'arl of .Southampton, and of Colleges aii'l other jirivate coUeclions . . 11:3

DftSTKUtTro.V 01'- THE liUoRlj- 115



Table of expla.vatio.vs 110-120 Documents, Nos. 1-704 121-205



Tlic indiviiliial ollori wliicli had voxoalcd itself at the close of the medii'val peiJud ill other |i]i,isc-; (;f (he eeoiiuiuie dp!iu-i!t -.xnd in the iiiililai-v history of the past qnaiter eentury was e-peeially prominent in the uiovenient in ]00(i for a society of adventurers to trade, in Viro-iiiia. The eoniniereiul advance liad hecMi due chietly (o pi'iviite enterprise, and the naval exjieditions into the West Indies a<;ainst the Spanish had lieen iittcd out and prosecuted hy such ad\enlurons spirits a.s Sir Francis Drake, while the zeal for exploration and for j;old. which inspired John and. Sebastian Cabot to search for a pas.sairc to Cathay and tlio East Indies in H!>7, led Sir Hiunphrey Gil>)ert and Sir Walter IJalei^^-h a cent\iry later to seek out the rcsoui'ces of the lands from Florida to >scwfoundland. It is the same spirit of adventure which inspired the narratives of John Smith and Henry Speliiian as they told of their relations with the Indiai!s of America. But it is in the profrress of both the^ commercial and tlie political life of En;;Iand that the Virf;inia Company is important. For the plantation founded and nourished by a private concei-n as an enterprise purely for <;ain was the social cau.-:e from v.hich (le\eiopcd the colony as a form of go\ernment. Its political orjianization is seen in its relations to tl\e Crown, of which there were two distinct phases. During ihe first three years it was distinctl}- a creature of the Kino'. the atTairs of which were conducted by ilie Kiu'w throuo-h a council created by himself and responsible to himself, while to tlie investors were left the privileges of raising the funds, furnishing the supplies, and sending- out the expeditious. It was a moditieation of this form of management to which the government reverted after the dissolution of the Company in lti24, and again at the end of the century when royal colonic.-, were su1)stituted for proprietary and corporate forms throughout America. In the second phase the undertakers became distinctly proprietary, retaining the commercial responsibilities, but assum- ing governmental functions in place of the King. A comjuirisun between the royal grants fordisco\ery in the sixteenth century and those of the Virginia Company shows that there was an increase in the direct territorial relations between King and subject, a limitation upon monopoly 11

12 iMnoiii <-n(>\ of Irmlc. ;iiul ;i toiidoiicv (ui tin- iJuitur tlic. Ci'owii to rcluiii diivillv or iiidircctlv llic ])()\vi'i-.s of novoniiiii-nt. Tim-, in tljo It^ttcrs pulciit lo Uiclianl W'aido, 'riioiiiii> A.-^licliiirst, ami a:>.'JOfiati,'s in i:)Ul,' to Sir iliiiiiplivoy Gilhcit in 1..7S, and lo Sir

WaltiT Kaloij^li in lost,'' tlio Crown fonlVnTd pioinietorsliip of latid with (In- riulit tog-rant it out in fcf simple at will. But in KiOG tlic land was lirjd hv \W nndcrlakprs, and a

<;-inia charter it wa-^ uraud-d hy the Kinj;- to those ap]>roved by the eonneil; iindei' file seeund, by tile meiidicrN of the eompany to anyone who sliould have adventured a eerttiin sum of iiioiiey or his person. The tief, distinctly so eaUed in the earlv charters, foi- whieii lioinap-e was to be rendered, with no service, liowe\e!', save that of one-(ifth of th^ ^rolr] ;nid silver oained. had disappeared: and tiic onlv direct feudal relation with ihe Kiujr which rcmaiiiodaroso from the requirement of a per cent of the prcciou.s metals. The monopoly of trade by which Wardo, Gillierl. and Kaleigh were allowed to seize and detain any one who traliicked within two hundred ieaoues of a set- tlement Avas altered in liji'i; so that the planters had only the riolit of collecting a tax from such interlopers. The rij.dits of i,'overnment which had been surrendered absolutely to the grantees in the sixteenth ccitury charters m c^re reserved to the

Kino- by the letters patent of IrioO to be exercised throuoh the council. In llinli these powers wei'e conferred on the company as an open body, it must Ijc remem- bered, and thusditlcred from the earlier grants and from the later proi)rietary grants to liOrd Baltimore or to William Penn. iVlthough the charter emphasizes the govermrient of the plantation, the Virginia

Company was purely a conunercial cnterpi-i.sc conducted l)y a private concern, e\-eii bcfoi'e the charter of ItJtiO. as is shown by the history of its early years. It was backeil by the patronage of the King, luit only for the purjiose of advancing the trade of the Kingdom in foreign parts and saving the Crown fiom expen.sc and responsi- bility, as had been the ])olicy in regard to the other trading companie-. Nevertheless,

"• it was a step toward tohniial expansion, foi-. a> has well lieen said, the explorer is potentially a colonizer," and the army of laborers on the plantation became in tiinc an army of free tenants in a colony. '^ While in the spirit of its commercial life the company was closely allied to the etVorts for ex]iloration and search for go'd, morally i, in its oi-ganization, as^vell as in its piir- pose, it resembled the inivate companies for tiade based on ancient charters, and m its development is to be imderstood only through a knowledge of both of these earlier movements.

oBiddlc, Cnhnt, Aijpenili.'C, jip. .311', 31-1, for this cliaiter. »Hal:luyt, Principal Xan'j'iUom, VIII, 17-23, 289-296. 'Osgood, H. L., The American Colonies in the nth Cmturii, I, S3.

' c/im;m:ti;i{ of tiii: comi-aw 13

Tlitis in order to piolcct trade, l)ii! nit for expl.iialioii utid .settlement, tfio smcieiit

charters 'i, and pai'ticiilarly the one of 150-1, incorporated th^t eoiupany into a " liody rolitick." The words oC the

grant dcehired its purpose to be ''for tlie <;-0()d Ciovernmi-nt, Kule and Order of

* * * * • the I'^'ellowsliip of ^Jerehiints Adventurers *. As also of all and * * * overy otlierof the suhjeet of our heirs ii.sinjr (lio scatr of Trade of tlie * * *."" said IMerehants Adventurers This was aKo tlio ohjrct expn'ssed in

lh(^ charter to the Ktist Jndia Company.'' allhou,i;h if enntaincd an additional provi-

sion for tlie aeipii^ilioii of lands l>y pnieliasc. .Monojidlv oi' trade and powers of government over factors, masters, or others in the cmpliiy of the company were conferred, bui the exemption from customs wa^ to continue U>v only four years, and

the only yettlemeuts provided for were to h:)\e the t'oi-m of faeli.iies. It had been established a.s a regulated company, that is, one in wliicii each iudi\ idual invested his

own ea])ital suljject to the rules of the comiiany; but in HJ\-2 by increasing the

importance of the directors and investing sujus for a limited period it became a joint stock cornjjany.'-" A.S a prototype of the coni))anic.- later iueorporatt'd l)oth for discovery and trade, such as the Virginia Company, the ^iluscovy or Uus^ian Company, krow)! as the ''Merchant Adventurers of iMigland for the diM.()\-eri"s of lands and territories

unknown," was established in 15.5.") v.itli a joint stock of fij.nno. Sebastian Cabot

was appointed goveriioi' for life and w itli him was associated a board of directors of 4 consuls and 24 assistants. However, this company had also the rights of the compa-

nies for exploration—that is, those of con(jucst, of accpiiring lands, and of seizing the

ships of an}' who should infringe on their monopoly of trade.'' In 1.58-3 a conuuittee from the Mu.seovy merchants dre\Y up a set of resolutions concerning a conference with M. Carlile tipon his "intended discoverie and attempt into the hitherniost parts of America,"'^ which was not dissimilar to the phm 0I Sir AValtei- Kaleigh, and hence foreshadowed com])anies of the seventeenth century. It proposed to send forth 100 men for one year, providing £4,000 for the adventure, in order to gain a "knowledge of the particular estate of the countiy and gather what conunodity

« Liii^'f.'lhach, Thg Marlinvt A'heiifurfr.': of I^iKjIand, l'lS-l':i(i U,r extracts freiii thf charti-rs. Tlie thst two are imblislied in Kymer, Furdcra, ami Hakluyt.

'> Efist Inijia Conii'iiinj, Chm-leri'.

'•Cuniiingliani, W., ll.c Groiith uf EmjlUJi ludu'lr;/ and Ojinwcrre )i, Mndn-n Thiirx (tMlitioii of

lOOS), Part I, cli. \l, s^ec. VU.

''See the jiatent in Ilakluyt, II, 30!-oll). For full citation of the title.i of printed work.s referred to in the notes, see the Bibliography, p. 212, jMxt. < See " Article--^ SL-t down by the Committee'^ apiiointeil in hehalfi- of t hi.' Company of .Alnscovian Marchants to conferre with M. Carlile, upon his inteniled discoverie and attenijit into the hither- moot parts of AuierJea," printed iu Hakliiyt, VllI, l-iT-l.iO.

1-1 J^ritoni {"I loy

iiiTiy lii'icuflcr l)i; ludlc'd for."" Al.so, like, llii A'ivninia (\)iii]);uiy, it providcfl for a

joint stock coiisisti ml;' cI' two <';l()ll))^-, oni> of "afl\ ontiirors" anil oik; of "eiili'ijiriscr.s,''.

OiU'l) to have oiio-lialf of the lan.ls wliicli should 1)0 divided aiiioiio- the inemliers by

the {ijonenility, hut all trade was to heloii'.,'' to th.c iidvoutnrcrs suid the eoi'iiomtiou was

to he elosed a f ter the first ud venture. 'Iln' selieine ditVered from the sixteenth century enterprises, which were especially inten

•^overnment was coiisiflercd, iiut it confoiined to the i'lea.s of (iilherl and llaleigli

and of the tiv.ihiiir eouipunies, in that its rights over trade were to he purely

iiionoi)oli>l ic.

A]'>ii:u-i/nt'y this plan of the ]^^usco^-y Company stands a': a eonnertino- link

botween tlu' ideas of tlie explorer and those of the trader and thi^ planter, a iilan which

may he said to have been carried out by the Virj^iniu ('om])any. It is signiiicant that many of the members of the Virginia Company were men who had taken part in the expeditions of the late sixteenth ecntui-y and had hiH'u intcrest(;d in certain private

voyages of exploration carried on during- the live years preceding; the receipt of its

first charter, while most of the leaders of this company were at the same time stock-

holders and even oflicei's in the I\Insco\y Company, the Company of Merchant Adventurei'S, the East India Company, and later of the 'r\n-key, tlic Cminea., and the African companies.

It is unneces-ary to cite the chartei-s of other companies or to search the histtay of the trading- cor]ioi-ations of the sixteenth ccntui'v in order to show that the Virginia Com]iany was similar in character. But, like the Museov\' Company and the East

India Company, it was established to carry on trade in new an.d unirdiabitcd lands, and hericc had the additional features of a comijany whose purpose \\as exploration and plantation. The latter chai-acteristic appears more es])ecially in the charter, the former in the instructions and correspondence of the entire period of its life. The

object of its first undertakers «a.s doubtless to search for minerals and for a route to the southwest, and to secure for trade the materials which were native and peculiar to those region'". The plantation was a necessity for this purpose, and incidentally, because of the character of tiie country, it was forced to become a colony. To estab-

lish a settlement which should Ix^come a market foi- English goods, to advance the shipping, to spread the religion of the Jvingdom were doubtless moti\es which aroused .-.vm]iathv for the undertaking; hut the arguments which brought investment were the opportunities for gain. The position of the Virginia Company in the development of English ex]>loi-ation and trade was therefore important, and the study of its history is of value not only

for the light which it throws on Virginia itself but for an understanding of the economic condition of England as well. Nor is this all. The few private records .which remain of the ^Merchant Adventurers Company and those of the East India

vuM;\t'Ti:i! or riii: vv\ir.\\y 15

('(lIlipiMiy .-(inv-l)!)!!,! -n rli.M'lv ill I'lilM aiul ill Mllljc . ! ||);iiUr (() tlu' Cdlirf l)(M)k of (lie \ ir,:jinia C'lUiipany that liic .--iiuiiarily iii Ini-jii uV orj-Liii/'atioii am! inrlliiHl> of comhirtiiij;- l)ii-,iiiCN.^ i^ (-.ialili..lnH!. 'riir fart tliat llir p'ivalc riTdrdv, (In. hooks from whicli lli(> kllo^\KMl,^o of tlu- arliial liiianrial tian-arlidiis coiilil lie olitaiiiod. at-f inissiiiL;- in iiiosf ca-cs. may proM' thai tia'ir lo-, in the ca-c oT tlic cariv ^'i^oillia

C'omjiany is luK diic ii> iiiiciitional iK-tniclioii, l.ut to tlh' vrm ral i)pinii)ii of tlii> period llial siii-ii mairi-ial \\ ;w \aliiflr <.

'I'hr only nlhcf mtri-pii-r of M liirh ili(-ic i- M! Ilifii^iit iiiati'iial for anylliiiiL;- like an

(•.\ii,Mi--liv.' -!iie of the ^ ii'uinia Company to supply a sourci- of inforniation concrrninij- all of tlu'.rc companies. TJn. conrhision seems valid. tluTefoVe. Ihal the ereat mas- of min- utes, orders, instrnetions. letters, and memoranila of lln' company for N'irg'iiiia will aid in the interpretation of the comparatively few rer-urds of tlie eai'lier associations.

The records of this eoinpany are ni>te--aiy to enuMe fme to coinpn hend the- life of the otliei' C(^mpaiiics. as is its liisior\' to the iniderMandine- of llu-ir de\elopmoiit. It was diii-ine the life of the eomijany that the plantation e-iailually assumed the aspects of a colony, that the settiemiMit which was originally planned for exploration and tiic discovery of L;(jld lii.'eame a center for the development of the natural and a^'ricultural resou!ces(d' tin; surroiindint:- country. The origin \\iihin the colonv of the iisscmlily. of local l:o\ ernment, of pi-i\ate ownershiii of land, and of freedom of trade i- to he found liefore the dissolution of the eouijiany liy the C'ro\vn. 'J'here- fore the records of the company, as v/eil as those of tlu' colony, form the material tlirouyh which the lii-^tory of the lieeinniir^s of Enelish cc'Iouies, vii'wed from the standpoint of Iho coKmist. is to he eainetl.

Their value for the comi)rehension of the development of ])olitical institutions ill Eiio'laiid is not so patent. The e^o\^ ino corrc.spoiuU'iice i;etween the Crown and t!ie company and the interference in the acts of the company stand r.s exidenee i>i the gradual increase of the interest of tlie Crown (w its counei! in the undei'takiiie-. This interest was most apparent when the tobacco trade promised a revenue to the

Crown, but the encourao-enjent of thi' urowtliof other staple products, the s])asmodic revival of acts touchine- Knelisli shijipiue- and the iialance of trade, and the main- tenance of staple ])orts in Engiand ai'e all new activities appearlne- in the recoi'ds of the comi)any. Throiiehout. also, is sipparent the readiness to allow the already luieerlain economic policy to he altered or luiililird hy the- political J'elations with Spain, or l.'ccause ni moral or \\himsical vie\\s.

The gradual deiinitioii of policy on the part of the Stuarts, ])erhaps tirst apiiarent under Charles I, is i-losely conneeteil \vitii the headers of the Viryiiiia Company. 1'he opinions expressed in the courts of the comiiany by the adherents hoth of the Puritan party tmd of the parts of the (.'rown. the correspondence between the Privy Council

261Uo—05 1>

IC ixruorx cj'ios'

liiul the ( ()ii;}i;iii\ , tlif Ktti'iN ;iii(l inciiii.'i';i'Hl;i coin'C I'ui iiLi llu' i liiiijiiihy ami it-- polii'y. and tlic .-'(i.ii-v of tli.' t'oriiuiliuii dT the Sainlys aiul the Warwick lai'iiuii-. rL-.-ultiii;;' in the dissolution ot' the cunipany. fnrni>h I'vidcncc of the v'radual d('\ oiopnicnt (if the despotic iittitudo ot' the Slirarts. e>prci:;lly in tlieir rea<-h fur ii'\eniii> and in tlicir rcprcs:5ion of the princijiles uf freeduni. The appointment of the eoinmi^sions to investi

,4eps in Ihc uric.Nlh ol a eo|..nlal sy-lmi and stein and poln-y i> no! rcacheii luil il aftei' tin ( 'oniinunw call !i. the inlhience o\' the a.--soeiale.^ of ,Ianie^ I and n\' fharlcb 1 i> app.irent.

K\e!y iiIeiM' of eoloeia! 'le\ eloj)r,icnt. fi'oni the mixed ^^\stem which existed under tlie ]>atent of Ifloi; {n the ehaitcrecl proprielai'y eoini)any after Lilo',) and the roval piovinee after \i'rj.-l. i> here illu-traled. Tlie ti;iii-itinn from the chartered to the Koyal (io\'ermnent in ltiL'4. the piidiule lo "the most imporianl transition in

American lii.stor\ pre\iou-: to the colonial I'evolt."" is oidy to he unueistoud fi'om these roeords, since the Icndeni-y to self-^'overnment in the eolony is cmc cif the pretended rea-ons for the ove)lhro\v of tlie eompiany. All the >tei)s of the elianc-c

;ire to 1)e lrae<'d in the i-oyal co; re-pondence, in the mi niorandii of thi' I'oyal ])ariy. and in the n'cord of the -nil niid<>r the writ of y"" irnrnihtd. The si;^-niticanee of sueli material is best urider-tocid from the fact that •"the constitutional law and practice (_)f tin' old colonial sy.-teiii has not yet lieen attempted to lie known." and tis vet no boiik lias been writteTi eoneerniiTj- the forms or functions of the liritish Government as employed in colonial iidmini-^t ration.

Q^lmivds Bnnjiht

Tin: C)i;<:amzatu)N of tiik CoMrANV as in iljOf!

In llio year pivrcdini;- the urant of a charter to tli(^ Vir(;iiiia Company tliore had been niuv(iiiriil> along two liiio^ for e.^tahli.-hiny plantations in Virginia, one by private invr-tnirr.i an.l the oilier liy royal i)ittronaui'. Examijies of the private interests are the ( !ilfrpri->e of the Karl of Soutiianipton in lUO.") and that of Lord

Zoiieli a^- set forth in hi-- eontraet" ^\itll Captain (ieoru'e Wuynioiith v\' October cio,

Itju:.. In tlii- LmiiI Zoiirh a>irecd to .-.eer.re and ])rovidc two ships and :iOO men of

"iii-ts suitalile for a colony,'" and to [lay i'lon to Captain W'ayiuouth for tin' trans- j)ortation of the suir.e. The i'ltei-estini;- featiii'e i^ the a^u'reenient. sui^-<.;-e-tive of feudal relation-, that L()i\l Zoiuh -honld be thi> liist oilieer ami liu\-e the first choice of land, ^vhih^ C'aplaiii \\ aynionth a- .-econd otlieer should lia\ e --eeond choice of land, which he \va> to hcild from the former as lonl paramount for himself, his heirs and a--i.L;-ns. At the --anie linic Sir dohu I'oijlia.m ^\a- bn-ily iaiua.L;'ed in the attc'Uipt ti) forni royal colonic.^ by oltraininu' charteis from the Crown, wliereliy the territory from 34- to 4."i' north latitudi,^ -hould l)e taken uii'ler the protection of the Kin<^'. and private -i-tticuietits shoidd thus be excluded.

The plan svhich obtained followed neither course. thoui;h it \^a^ hound to result

in a moditication of l'ophani"-< sclienu'. The ni(]ii\<'-, of the t;rauiees and the

Hi'guiiients which iiuUiced the Kini;- in Ii'I'm; to abandon the policy of Elizabeth and to tj-ive royal ]iatrona<;'e to the undertaking;', and even to a-.-'Ume royal control, .are set

forth in a petition jn'e-entcd to Parliament in Kind, entith/d l»ea--on- for rai-dnn- a put)li(]ac stocke to lie inniloied in the di'-coNX-rin;.' of such counti-ies a-> may lie found

.'"'' most convenient * * "' It is evident, however, that the unknown plan of investment in the adventure of lilot; i^ not here sui;'j('>b'd, since thiM'ewas no iidima-

tion of linancial --ujijjort by the Kinu'. 'Ida.' stock N\as a[)parcntly to l>e raised liy a tax V\)u\t the emoderate g-ainesof those that contrary to lawc abu>e the [)oorc." and

was not ill any way to >)c ''raised upon the sweat of the poore or the industrie of the

«Priiitfil ill full in Brown, (kaeaiis of the I'lnlfd Sutoi, I, o.VSo.

^I'lintcd in lull, i'wowii, (n'xtxif, I, .3t>—12.

18 t\l HOD! i'TKtX

'" liii^liundin.-n, Aii iliccr. iloniamlcd froiii anic man wiihont inv-cnd' a-suraiicc di' Ljainr anil iDpc ni I'liUiri' jirolit

* " * I'ut ill -iicli -nrti' that llii' paver -hall foi- (•\(ry ij'' paicd uaini' iiij''." Totlic

Iviiiinlolii ;ujfl to till' Crown wi'ir to n

!i year wcvc to lie aildivi to His .Mai''-ty".< ivi'cipt-. !.y ai! innvasr of nianv tlioiKand poiuul-^ in the inipo..|> iumI laistom^: aiut furtlin-niorr il Would >a\ ior loo imieh of afTcrlacon of a jiopidtir Slate to lex ii- nionic-- witiioiit iinpai-tiiie- -onie conNcnicnl portion to his Majrstie." !)Ut llic \alnr to diippini; ua- niiplia-izcd pcrliaps more vio-oi'oii-ly a-- d'-vi'lopinL; a drfmi-; lo tin i-!and. a-, fiii-ni-liinu" a soinri' for the necc-silii s for >liip-- conlu.jr. piich. t:ir, and i-c-,in and a-. ])roirrrui;.; Ilir sliippinu

Tlic di-.iraliilitx ;i I from decay. of ir\ ivalof lie deeliniiiL'; export trade, a-- well a- Ilia I llie of e,-,la'i!i liiii- inipoMahon of iie( c-sil ic- from a. pai I of llii' dominions, tlioiieh distant, was urued. lou'i tlier wilh tlie iiniiorlanee of strentitlieiiine- l,y -.I'ttliMiient those count rios alri'ady :;c([nired Iiy di-><-ove;-y. That >.iicli undi^rrakinus hy private ontoi'prise had Immmi f;ii!iires: ilial it was more hoiiorahle for the State to hack an exploitiitioii hy puhlic ronsmt than liy private li!onopol\ : (hat pidilie c.liniies were

Ijoiiucl to Ije more ohefliiTit and indu-drious hei-ni-e of the erealer eoiiiideiice in the ehavaeter of the control, \vere all rea-ons whieh had long- hefori' been set forth wherchy to e-iin the si.p]iurt (jf the Cro^\n.

cuAini;)! OF Ji'itiy.

The royal aid as linally ohtained for a colonial emerpri>e came in a somcwdiat difTeri;iil form. The letters patent to Sir Thoma.s (laics and otln^rs for plantation^ to be made in \'irginia" show that the invpstun'iit was made solel\' by indixiduals. and that th(' joint stork' ^\as not public, althoueli in the reeuhition of alVairs in

the colony the body rif undertakers was to lia\"e little inliuenee, e\i'n as far as il> eoiniiicrcial interests in the ])lantaiiou were concerned. The busine>s maiiaecment

was left to the joint stock com[)aiiies. and the mau'a/ine was controlleil by a treasurer

or cajie merchant aiul by two clei-ks elected by ihi' President and (/oiincil in the

Colony. In fact, the only acti\'ity id' the adveiifiirers, ^o far as it is revealed in

the extant do(atments, < i)n-.i-ted iii the choice in London of one or more o-roups oi

ae'Ciits. called ••companies." to mana^'e the o-oods sent out and receix'ed and to

look after the [jrolit i.'' The nndeitakers were to have all lands \',ith their resources

f'Fiira reprint et the lelti'i'= latent, ?i'e r.mvvii, d'.jirsif, I, .i2-()L', or ?oorf',~ (''•„i:lihiln,iis.

''.I,-,' ../..«, I„.^l,-:nln,„:<'ii,:l finhrisf'n-lh,''i<.>:Ciuiiin,lofn,r Cnlnuh.:, Xuvenil.el' IV, IHOli. Iic|irint.

in P.reun, r,',,/t'x(V, T, t')4-7"i. from a ni;iniiscri[it rcceni Imok in tin- ret;ister's ollice ol VirL'iiiia. There

i.« a iii.inii.-criiit copy in tlie Lihrary (l Coi':;i'i'-.-, in tlie I'/r;/'/."' .l/'(.srf//r()!i'U"-s lirmnh, li:uiJ-lG;j.'.

pp. 2.v:i3.

VM>i:i<' sli; -JIIOMAS SMYTJli; 1<) wliicli l:iy within .".it miles of tin- iil:in(;iti<>n in any ilirfction. (o^vtlKM- with the isltuuls within lno niih's of iho coust. unci wi.tc privilciicd to iiih.ibit and I'oi-tify the saiiiL- aceoidinij;- H- the rouiicil for ^'illrillia ^iionld direct. 'Die riyht i'roolv to tnULspoi't siibjeet.s was uranled the investois. wiiih' tiicy wove ]]eriiiitted nistoiiis free for seven yeaf- to export armor. ])i-ovisiiin--. and ail neccs-iiii's of life for llie eolonift^ts. TiH'y eonld impo-e ai)on any snlijrcls of the Crown, who were not iidveiitnrer.s, tr:ifiicl

Hut tiie p)verninent of the colonic- anti of ihi- tcriitory of Viroinia w;is reserved to the Crown throiio-ii tin- council of liurtcen for \'iiyini.-i, winch was to lie ai)l)ointed by tlie Ixins/- and to resiiK- in KnLdand. Insl nicl ions'' wen^ issuerland si^'iieil l.y the royal hand, which outlined tl]c form of adininisterinL;' aflairs in the

.settieiiient nnd created a council of thirteen in the <-(_>loiiy. 'I'hcN' coid'erred upon it the ri^-ht to coin money and lo jjass iirdinance- which should lie valid till iilterod by tlie Crown, provided tliat they shouhi lie consonant with the laws of EnylaTid. This council in Vir<^inia was to choose its own presichMit for one year. It coidd remove him or any meiMber for just cause and till the vacancii's. All civil causes and fdl lessiM- criuunal cases were to be di-cided by the president and council, the former havino- two votes in case i;f a tie. Cases of nian-lauohtei' and the more lieiiious crimes were to be tried before a jury and were ymnishabie with death. To the presidciit and council was res(n'\efl the rieht of pardon.

Tile coLuicii in l-^iiLiiand imminatid to the Crown the persons to whom lands were to lie 'granted by tin' Kiiit;-. It had. in fact, the siqierx'i-ion of atVaii's, appointed the iirst council in \ii-c-inia, issued ordms for the condin't of tlie first expedition under Captain New po; t.' and provided a paper of advice'' as to the cstabli>lmient of a f'.irt and td' a to\Mi.

It is in this latter docuuK'nt tiiat the tirst indication of th(> real motive of the undertakini;' is found. Tln^ orders laid down were to ••niakt" choice" of tiie river "" whicli bendeth iuo--t toward the ^drth-^\'est. for that way vou shall soonest tind the other sea." while the choice of a liealthy location, wise ititer- course with tire natives, and tin' foititication and preparation of a single settle- ment were empha-i/cd. The chief objects. how(>\(M-, were to })lant in a place

" Printed in full, Brown, (nm.^i.-:, \, 04-75. ''See f'lWu/u Orddi-x mill D'n-a-ti'ii,/, Deeeniln-r 10, Itjeii. .Manuscriiit in tfie I.ilirary ef O niLTe.-s,

Virginia jnardtaneous lU-runU, IGOO-IOU.J, \,\>. IVi-'Jo. lU-printed in Ilr.iwn, (•inffls. I, 7.V7!l.

cS'ee Iiislritclioiin b'l I'liii of Adfire, 'Dijix'ni]n-r, lOOti. >[anus,-riiit in tlir I.ilirary of Cen^'re.-^s, 17c- ginin Jfe/i/^fOic't/tw Hnyri!'', VUni-iny?, pp. 14-17. Kcprintfil in Hro\vu, 'r'.7/t'.

iii) n'j'RouL vriox

which ^Iioulcl l)c tillul " lo roo'ivt- thr liad" oF ali tlic coiintTics about." to dis- cover iiiim'nils. ami to lind the- ]Mi>sa^-(> In the wcstt-in son.

'• The loss of the rcrord-', ))(.)lli fif (he fniin<-il aii

covering; this peri. id, heaves, as the only s,,uree of infoi-inatioi:. hoth for afl'airs in

Enolniid and in \'ir;jinia, the nai-ralixes of tlie early settlers. Of tlie.-c the nio^t

imnortant are tlie ivpoM-, of Caplaiii Newiiorl. and the rtdalionsof John ^^inilli. of Edward ^hlria V\'in;;li(dil. and of (ieoine Terey." The eounvil had dispatched three

expeditions, all under (.'aptain Xewjiort; one in. Deeeniher, lent!, in tliree ships with Il'U 1,-nii^nams; anoiner in Orlohrr, li'.Dl, \\ilh two vessels and alxnit the same

luuuher of pa>sen;.;ers: and a third in AuLjiist of liios with about Ti> I'niioi'ants. 'I'he reports of Newjiort. Percy, Wino-lieid. and Smith entouraued the managers

of the enterjTi'ise to c. lait pro\(vl that a chan^'c in ohjcct as ^vell

:is in policy would he iicee--sai-y. ]-'rom .Vewport came (hvserijilions of the fruitiul-

.soil, , ncss of (lie of the ([uaiititio.s of lish and of tindier. and of clay for mak-iujf brick, and enumerations of the po.ssiljle exports, coniprisinu- stnrjjoon. clapboard, Mainscot, sax-afraye, tobacco, dyes, furs, pitch, resin, tin'jjentinc. oils, wines, wood and soap ashes, iron, copper, pearls; but the rcjiorts as to the mint's were vague. He declared that the country wa- rich in ijold and coj^per. and took lujuiewith him earth

to be assayed, while Smith, in ^1 7'/-i'- lulntiun. states that he had been left to dig a

rock vvliicli Cajitain Newport thought was a nuiie. but no mention of I'esultsis made. Tlic full description of the country by Newport and also by ("aptain .lohn Smith

gave the I'ouncil a clear idea of its geogi'ajihy, a-- is indicated by the instructions to

Sir 'i'liomas Gates in Jiiii'.i. Ibit the expedilion. whic'i ]ii'nctrated to a distance of It'.ii

mil(>s up till' river, lii'ought the explorers to lio-tile ti'ilics and left the council slill

uncertain, though ho]iel'ul of the discovery of a passage to th(> ^outh sea. Further-

more, Captain Ne\\ port posili\ eiy stated that there coidd be no eoiniuerce with tiie

Itidians, and all evidence shows that the jrLitive.s were to l)e a resource for the neces-

sities of ]if(- ratlier than U\\ the exchange of lucrative objects of trade, llenee it i.s

that the l)roadsid< Avhich was i^^ued liy ihc company in 10(i'.».'' a-, an incident of its

"Sce.Uilin Smith, .1 Ti-nf. lUial'io,,, li.iuS, ri'piiiitcd in Vrbrr, Murkf uj .hihn SmilJi, 1S84; Vifomr^f

of Vii'iinia, by Kihvard .Maria \\in<;tiel(l, i)riiiteil in tlic Aolhimli'^iia Aiiwrirand, IV, 77-103; 0)ix(riti- * ' tioiif (j'lll'crcd out of ri Dixcunrsi ui llw r/niitnlion hi. Vn-'jiinii lij.tG, by (ieeri^o Percy, i)rinteil in

Urowii, (ieiii.-i!', ], 15:i-li:>S; ;\!iil tlu- I'ellouiiiir cloc-iiiiit'ius j.njliLiMy wiitliu liy Cai'tain Archer:

tin,- ,-, .I,,„i,.< V.iil. intn thr ' * hij r,ij,', .1 lichililun if Ihr ]y...Ci,icnj ,f IIU; f,;,,,, nmhi. : (liri.-'toijhtr

Xt'ii-iinrl, \m:. |.riiit_'il in .\i-rl,,i,.,l..,,:.j Jni.ririi,,,!, IV, 40 ."iS; 77,. Hsrrij.li'on of tit, unn-ill^ronrcl ,ii,

aii'l rnnnti-.j of V'iriy,i,iii, )uinic(l in the .l/r/„,, ,„'.,;/,>! J,», ,•;.,,,»,, IV. ofl-ti2; .1 Jln.f D.-irrlptlon of tlie Penple, [.rintfil in Anlinfuioi/iii AnirrU-.i,,,,, IV, ii:M;5.

f' Sum 7;/-;7a»//i", printed Fcljruary Ks, IGO'.i. This dneurut'nt is reprinted iti Force's Tnutri, 1,

Xu. 0.

attempt tn ^ecuiv i.-Li])it;il !'(ir tlir unilrUiikiii;^; ill i(< new I'oriii. iMni)li:i>i/.od tlic I'ic-h- iioss ol" tho Sdil and the rcsdiiri-cs of tiie cMuntry which in i.-itoi- _v>-:us wmihl viold almndtmt roturii — tlie value of tho seitlcmciit as a iiiarkcl U>v Kn^-ii>h cloths, and the !id\-aiita- and sliiiilmildiiio- wliicli wouhl ionic liuin coloiiizatlon. r>ut the eflort to develop the resources of the country and to found a settlement

for Muli pur]>oeni to ha\c hrcn iiisulhcicnt. the mac;'azine was mi^manaued. and the relations wilh the Indians were strainrd. To .lohn Smith imist ]>.. Mttril>iUi'd tin' wisdom of forocrinL;- the nec(>s^ity of sdone- support from England and of the e>talili^limcii( of permanent colonial --eltli'menis and the de\elop-

mcnt c>f (lie country for self--u{)i)ort."

TiiK CiiaN(;f. i.v C'iiakaciki; fkom Itiot] to luOK

The fact that the source of auihoi'ity bcfoi'e li'.oii w-is in the (^"rown is nowhere so clearly evidenced as in (lie i-ecor'.ls ihemseKcs. The fundamental documents emanated fnvm the Kine- aiui his Conneil or from the council for

\'iri^-inia reprcsentiiif;' the royal autliority. all in--trti(tions to ollicers bore the sign urinual and all letters and rei)oris from (.'ai'luin Newport, from ]'"dward-

Muria \\'in_i;-tield. aiui from hl^ associates wci'c addiesM'd to iln' eouiicil for N'irginia. Furthermore, the pre-ident and council appeared in the name of the C'ri'wn as the

plaintitl's in ji suit by which an attempt was made to enforce the contract with the

nristcr of the "tiuift of (iod" for suiiplyine- provisions (o the )iassc nisei's in a vovau;e to North Viruiuia.'' J'he direct I'clatioiis of the planters to the Crown are siuiilarlv emphasized by two heretofore un[iublished documents, which are in the Libniry of Congres-, consi^tine- of the oaths admiidstered to (he coIoni-.i-> and to the secretary of the colony.'

'Jdie cotmuercial -~l:;tiisof the midertakine- is more dil!icult to di'ternnne than the

political. That the company was oreani/ed foi- the ]uir])ose of exploration and trade has been proved, but wliether the control of ti;ule was \csted in the council or in companies or eroups of undei'takers is uncertain. 'L'he exact ndation of the comicil to the plantation and «{ the Crown to the enterprisi> nuist have been .stated in the

" For a history of tlie ecjaiii/atieu ef the comiiaiiy ami i.f tlic fnuniJin- ei tlie colciny, s« e ( It^'ooil,

1, Chs. i-iv.

''Bililiograplilful List el tiiu Ker...nls of tlie Viiyiiiia t'eiMiiau}', y/..-/, p. IJl, Xn. 7.

^•List of Recor(l.s, p. il'l, .Vo.s. 5, 6.

22 isri;vi)L ctios

(•(jiirt liDok, 111 whi.'li wi'i-i' k,.[it ill,. i-r,i>nK nT t!if ift-^ id' lii.' cnutirii and

J'l.ir lH'rli;i[)s of till' ci.iuiiiihii's Lln' ;iilmiiii--ti;iliun of ti'aJi . 'I'hi< Imok, cuvcrinij tlie period fiMiii tin.' L'.-^lli cf .lar.uarv, I'luti. i,i the I-Jtii of Fchriiiny, 1»'>1."). was in tlif pos-(>s^ion 111' llic coniiiaiiy as late a^ \i'rJ'\. Iml unforluiiately no trat'O (if tin- l)Ool< Iiiis yrl lii'i'ii (li>(;n\(.|i'(l and (•vcii it- fxi.-tciK-v lias in r.'lnrdrc li.'cn unkiiowii."

^^'llativ>•l• may li;i\i- Ii'tii tl;(> smii'-'^ >>( coidnd. thr nan-alioiis of C;\iit;iin

]'iTi-y, lM\\ar'iii-iii''d. and Caj-ifain Xc\v]).>;-1 in;lic:iti' that the Inislncss of

(he company con-istcd (.liiclly in lai-inu' t'imds and .•(lulppini;- t'vpcdii ions to Uo sent to Vir_^-inia undiT C:i[ilain ,\i'\vpni-t. 'I'lii- railure of the iiivesdiient to hrin_i^ in i-oturns (d' <4'old and siUci- ami "f artiiles for trade, or to aeeomplish anything- in the way o\' dismvery of Iradr imuii'~ !> tin' 'last Indies diirino- the lirsl three years, served to <-on\-ince lioth Kini;' and undt'i'takers that a ehanne in method of control was es-entiai. The doeimieiii known as •"iieastnis au:iiii-l puh!ishin<;' the Kinys title to N'ire'iniu. A jiisliliealion for plantimr N'irii'inia""'' s,.enis to show an agitation anion;/ the investors ari-^in;:' From fear le-t the desire to jilaeate Spain, oi' relio-joiis consi(leia(ions. mie'ht lead the C'lowii to ahiindon the sehenie. The arounients there adduced may ^\('!l <'Xpl;un the readine -s of the Kin^;' to ^nrrendev not ordy tlie coin- niercial and territorial eoiitiol hut also fidl i-iuhts of oovernineiit to the corporate

Inidv of till' Virginia company, and thus to a\"oid any rupture with Spain. Certain it is that thi^ desire for unire direct authority and foi- seciuine;' lai'jj:pr investments were the moti\es of the petitioners in asking' for a new charier.

As a result of this movement the letters patent of M**:'! were issued, transforni- ing- the undei-iak.ers into a Imdy peditie. In this ca~e also the documents are especially cliai'acteristic of the oi'eaui/atinn. Whorea- the Crown was foi-nierl^- the source of all power. lice-iiminL;' with iriii'.i the council id' the company, acting as a

.staridiiig conmiittee f^r the ad\entiirers rath.-i- than in the nauie of the King. exercised the controlling authmily. After the charter of ]ijl:i had jirovided for move freipiejit meetings of the generality, the council was gradually superseded by special coinniittees and the tendency aro-e to decide all niatti-rs of importance in the general (piartei' courts and tn insi-t upon all eonuuunications lieing addi-es-,ed to the company rather than to the council. 'I'he act of incorporation erected a commercial company and ni.nde it the overloid of a pioiirietary province. It at once strengthened its plantation as a center for tratlic and e.-tahlislied a system for joint management of land and irade to extend o\-ei- a p. riod of seven years, prom-

"Wlicii the I'rivy Ounicil demanded t'ae recemls nf the i-oiii]aiiv, a iv.'eipl iH-aiiii-; the dale April

21, iri2;i, was ^'ivoii to the si^oretaiy ei" the i-omiiany tm- the several cnart hooks.'' This document was diseovered tiy tho Editor amenL' the Ferrar paiiers, Macdaleiie CoUt-ire, Caniliridtro, in Decemlier, UK);;. Sv List of r.ee'.nis, -,. 171. X.\ ^T". ''Tiiis doeinuent was ri'cently Inund liy the F.ditnr in tlie llodlei.iu l.iliriiry. Pnd.. \<. llM, Xo. 1.

' r\ /)/,/.' yii! 77/01/ IS' sMY'rin: 2i\

Wuvj; (Ii\-i(li"ii

corjioration vv\v:i\ as I'lcarly as do irs lir.)a and i.anii)ldr(s (hal il was a Imsiness vt'utiK-c. 'riii'se records may !»• tiToiipi-d into sc\cn dassos."

TitK Ci.AssKs (IK ]!Kr(M;i>s

J. Tlip fundamontal docmiuMUs of tin- I'omiiany were tliosc by vii'l iic. of whifli

it had its iryal formal ion, and omsL-rrd of tiic IrltiT- patent, rhaiiers, and ordei-s

in eonncil issued liy the Kini;' and l'ri\\- ('ouneii,

II. The acHeity of the ad\ entuivr^ \vas ree.irded in tlie eomi Ixioks. whirh coiu- prisrd the minutes of tlir transactions id' tlie <-onipan\. In those hooks were icopt the discussions and diHd>ions with re-ai'd to t!ic plani.ilion. the ijianting- of land, and all tinancial policies and plans foi- de\ elo]]iii-- tlir entei-pii^r and incrciisino- the income.

III. In carryiiij;' on its husincss the company pnc connnissious to the oovornors of the colony, issiieLl i-et;-ulatioiis for the seltlcis, ;nid. from time to time, sent instructions to tlio t;o\-ernor and council (if the e-olony. It tif-ii yranti'd lands and patents, entefod into contracts, issuvi! receipls. madi' jihnis in court, and kept statements of aci'ounts.

IN'. l-"rom the colony itself came reports, cl'clarations, letters, and complaints.

They were an essential part

N . To the public, for tlie purpo.--e of inspirinj^- conlidene(\ ^eeuriny adventurers, and maintainino' the interest and support of its mendiers. as well a> of defending itself aj'-i'tinst the accusations of its enemies, the company is-ni'd ajixcrtiscments, broadsides of its shipping' investments, declarations, p-amphlet^, anil sei-mons.

\'\. A large part of the information \vhieli <-anie tci the com[iany was derived froni ])rivate correspondence between iiu'mbors of tlie com|)any antock con:panies for trade or jilanlation, and records of the--e transactions fornierl a \'aUiable supj-lement to those of the company


VII. To the student of history luioth.er group of suppiemi'ntary material is of o-reat value. It comes from the records of r-onteinporary companies, corporations, and towns, as well as from the ('orre--i)onilence of ollicersof --late or of other persons who were not directly concerned in the transactions of the N'irginia Company.

" Tor tlie tlor-nmfiit^ in tiiesc \;u'ii.ii> i'la.--fs, .^^t-e the (lH--iti.'iiti.ins l.y KniiKui nuiiierals at tlie left of each entry aiidrr the " ]J:-t of Kccerdr^," /.-.< [.p. IlM-l'O...

24 . . i\Ti;n!ir<"riu\

AlUif llh">c iTcDi-tl- of t!n' i\iiii[>a!i_\ I'nr tlu^ i>oiio.;i provious to lOlO, so fur a.- tlii\y wine kiiuwii lo liim, were coUi-ttcc! and iriiriutci! in I'uH (,r cilod. if :ihvitdv nvailalile in .'uin'rira. by AlcxaiHiei- lirowii. in llie year IS'iD."

1. — KrM)A.Mi:.\TAI. I'OIT.MHNTS

As far iis appears from tlio evidence of the exlaiit doouiiient.s, wlieii I'V the cliartors of IHOO and If.l:.'. .lanies T siii'rendered lo the euiiiininy full riohis of trade, as well MS territurial and L'overinnental rights in^'irL'inia he ;i])parenll\' lost all interest and part in the uiulertakin;^, and it wa- mdy when the plantation had developed into liie colony, and wli^n at (he expiration of tlie ])rivileoi.s of fri^i' inijioi'ltition in Itil'J, the husiness of the corporation had heeonie so us^ei^ hy the shi)) 'J'r, i-si,,; , in liil!'.'' Jn both in.'itancos the protection desired was oranied. When the linancial sti'iugency forced the adven- turers to great etforts in JiU4. and they appealed un.-uceessfully to J^arliamoiit for aid, the Privy C<.>uneil !ittein])ted to arouse conti lenee in the vindi-rtaking throughout the country. It passed ordeis urging' the city companies of London to In\'est .sums in the Vireinia lottery, and in the following- year it addressed sinnlar orders to the

Se\'eral C'itycs and ']"o\\nes oi the Kingdouie." v\ith special letters to the lieu- tenants of County Surrey.''

ih.it the aid thu^ secured w a- not such as lo draw upon the resources of the Crown, and the attempt of members of the company to gain u monojioly of the tobacco trade in IGlti met with the .same opposition as had -iniilar eflorts on the part of tlie merchant adventurers iti previous years. On the other hand the company was com-

"Fur tlie ilocinnciits ot the [.erin.l fruiii lOOu-liin'.i ii..f lafiiticncd by y\\\ Brnwn iu lii; OnifsU .//'

///»; ViiUiJ Si-fi,:-. iiiM>t .if wliirli liuvc ivceiitly Ijecn ili-ci'Vercd, See List of the Iteconls of tlie Viigiiiui

Conii^ti y, ^(..7, [ip. li!t-lL'."', No<. ]-:'.8.

i'lii ih^rcli, llil'.t. Abraliaiii mid .)o!m Jacobs reccivcit a grant I'^rtlie collection of customs or imports on tolmcco. This liocaine an iniiiintiiiil feaUiro of ttu! bu,-iHcfs of the company in its later procedure. See List of lieconls, j.p. 1J7, '[29, Xos. b'-i, 73.

cBrowii. ti',u>!f, IT, IJ40-644.

rf List of Iteconls, p. l:!-', Xo. 102.

f Brown, Ocnesi<, II, 67b, 679, tiS.">, 7:13, 760.

/List of Lecdi-.ls, p. TJC. .\.i. V.i.

I \in:i; SI I! THOMAS s]i villi' 25

jM^lIrd ;i;4;iitist il-^ will tn -uliiiiil (.!' tn llir ( iTiitlliriil iU iilalilul iou lis ;l jk'IkiI ruloiiy

hy -luincs 1 in his spusiim-lic clloi-ls to (lovrlnji a imlicv wliicli slimild smvc KiiL^iaml

fioiii an (ivei'population of \:io;(l)iiiirls." ^Vith (he exception of these uiiiiiiportaiit r.Mationv with the Crown, theeoinpanv •seems to have condaetocl its Imsincss independently of rovul aid or intetfereiice dur- ing the first decade of its oxistciiee as a corporate liod\-.

II.- -Tin; foiur riioin'

It is therefore in llie court book of thr company ;ind in its instructions, corro-

.sponden.-e. and other ivcords sujj;ov^tcd undcrthc i>receilin,t:- clussilirations 1! and ill. that its activity and methods must he found. That court hooks were kept under

tile U(hni'ii.->tratiou of ."^ir 'I'lioma-^ ^mytl)e i^ known from the receipt in the k'errar

papers, already referred to. The lirst, hook cMcndcd from .lannarv :2>i, Klnt;, to

Fcln-uai-y 1), li!l."i, and with it were •other pci-tienh'i' wrilinui's hclonu-iny to the

company," The .-econd included the period hetween January :'.t. 101.".. and ,lulv I'S,

101'.). \\\vAX tliese l)C'oks contaiui'd can only he surnii^ed from the scope of tlie two

-js. later volumes, (kited \\n\\ li'.p.j. to May •^-J.. \tVl-I. and .Mac l^o, lc,22_ to A])ril 2, l()2?i, the contemjjortiry co])ies of which are now extant and in the Lihrar\- of Coiiyrr\-v, at A\'a-liiu;4-L;>n.'' Tlie contents of the""otlier pcrticuler wrilinox." none

of wliieh are now known to be extant, arc su;j-i;e>ted by a memorandum of .Sir Xutluiuiel Kich in a doiumcnt amony the ^Manchester papers. In attemptincv to prove tile good done dui-iug Sii' Tliomas Smytlie'.s admiui a "bookeof iierticulers"' con-

taining the "Public workes: done in .S"' T. Smithrs lyme", and showiiio- •'the

.-^'' p'lenty of Amies iSi.- left in l'\\. Smitlios lyme"; the si;roud was a •juicular ." already dellin'reil to the Com'' in which appeared the ".Staple Coniodiiyes r;i\'sed

in S"" T. .'^-mitlies tyme"; while the third foi-med a ••collcc of lh(^ pubiicij workes

made by .S' ,Sa. .Vi-oall w''' Ik^ [eomi'n>etl" and \va-i entitled "•The pticulars of

tlie Pxiatis". ijirh mentions two documents contained in thi> Nolunie. Il(.' >tates

''There is a .-eric- of 1-1 urders of the Privy Conneil ior tlie traiispoitiiti'm nf iiriMjiiei- t'l ^'irlJiIlia

lills ill tlie ye;trs 1617 iiinl n.it tiitherlo noted. List of Rcnonls V\>- l-'l-l".l. Xos. 1, -11, ('.."i, !I0. Tlie

trau.'-ijortatiou thus e/fected i:= meiitioueil liy ^liss K. M. l.ennanl, 'I'll,: l-jirhi Jlislnri/

I'nor Helief, iiji. 229-.330, ii.

''This reeeipt ciiven-.l the.-i- fuLir vohiine;;, "the ofiuT perti.ul'T wiitint,'.- helun^'iii;; tn the

((iini>uny." iind tun vnluiuei of tlie mint hook of the .-^..iiu is Islau^ls C )>;niy, l»re.iiil,er .'!, li;i:i, to

.Tmiuary LM, 1i;l'0, and Fehruary 7, hil'U. ti^ Fehruary I'.i, liiL'.'. ]l..\vev,.r, the .-i-eond volume of the court hook, which is now in the J.ihrary of (_'nnj;re>^— ihe foiirdi \ol;ii)U' here lueiilioneil — \va^'

COiitinueil until .Iniie li', !i'''.'-l, after the return of the recorils to the enuijiany.

2C> isTh'oin I I ni\

•• lluil 1 l.:ll,n•^ 1. !l'. 1.;. 14. i;.. >.\.i-.." .-..iitaiii tlio •Loiiyiic of the Xutimv." iiiicl that on p:i<;»'s .".1 to :.:» \\:i- ••Sir T. Dales Xrv." In hi.s not. s for discu>isiori Ki-.h also rcfiTf- to •Thi' (nmtc Mookes," and furth.r drclarps that ••Wiott renu'mlun-s 4 warrant;:" liy wiiifh h)ttiii.< woro ercftod iiiidor the haiuls of the ••C'oiinsi.|l of Vii-i^inia". In <'>nnoctioM with thf; lotliTV he r.ites •"th" Aivoinpts" of (iaUno.ll and di'cLuv.s th;ii ••lit- kcj)l TaMes"." Thus tiio (!isi<>\-.rv l>_v ihi- Ktlitor of thi'.-o two doiiinicnts in those two similar tolli'ctions Ijcli^nirin^- to tin- ho>ti!o factions iuis proved tiiat the <(,ini)an_v possps-ed moiil hooks; Imt a knowh-dLri- of thtjir contents must he o-aini'tl from other sources.

To supjily the h)ss of these doeiuni'iits (,f the eompany. Imth during the control of tile council au.l after that conlrol hn.l pa~-"-d into the hands of the company hy virtue of the rlinrter of ]\\\-l. there is a considerahle mass of material, whicli atiords a fair outline of the tnin>actioii- of the couiiKiny and the life of the colony. Hut much of this informalion i.- lacking in tie.; coiiipleti:ness and authenticity which would have heen suppli(>d hy the court book and the other records. The greatest lo.ss is i)erhaps that of delinite knowledge eoncernino: the linaucial status of the company. The sums adventured by individuals and corporatit>ns is preserved in two alphabetical li.sts; l»ut, so far as is known, only one of tlie^e lists is ofhcial. and that inclu ies the names of the p:5rticuhir lulvcnture about the year ]«11'>.'' The other is an unpublished li>t apj)arently both incomplete and unotlicial, and was probably made somewhat later than ltU> at the order of the court.' although the date 1018 has been assign<>d to it in the Manchester pa])eis, where it is to l>e found*' From the records of the various London companies ;ind from records of Kng-iish towns. as ul>o from adventures >ealed to individual^ l>y the Virginia Company, comes the most authentic information concerning the larg(> simis invested during this decade.

Jn a similar way tiie knowledge, otherwise to be found in the court book and •'The pticulers of tlie lioates," concerning the ships dispatched and the sums e.xjK-nded for the ei|Uipment of ])lanter.s. individuals, and companies, is scattering and indetinitc. The broadsides issueil aie calls for adventurers, planters, and colonists, with the reijuirenients or stateuients concerning the lottei'v schemes; but they do not fui'nish the wide information u'hi<-h is found in those of the later period. So far as revenue is concerned, there wa> pi'obably little I'.wept that which came from new adventurers

"Tliis: y>a[ier is ovideiuly a seiii-s of roui;h notes <>£ head.-- anil reierenoes to iirovc charges of mi:?iuanagtinoiit hy the Saniiys lartioii. It is in tlie haixlwritiiiir of Sir X. Rich. List of. Kecorils.

\,. ir.T, N.i. 4:>.

ihrowii, Gei.fy.s, I, 4fhi-li.Jt.

•"For ail act providing for sucii a ooiupilatioii see tlie record of the court. Dec. 1-3, 1019.

''List of Kei'onis, \>. Vl'i , No. b>>.


i.Mirn sii! riioM \s surrtii: 'j? and tho lottcrii-s, Imt v.o liuvc no way of kiiowiiifr fNcn tlirit r«'~ioiint"'. while our knowledge of the itieome from tohaeco and coninioditie-^ l)ioii;^dit from N'iririnia is derived from thr.'C or four sAtterinir r<'

Kven our knowledt'e as to tiie eeonomie c-ondition of the coionv is most iiideJiuito and -comes only from printed ])ani]>lilets issued liy tin- company. .Iiidginjr from the sources of information in tiie Iallie(l relations of individual planters, the declaration- >iy tiic com])any. anil i\cn the records of the court books aie all inon- ^.n-ncral in cliurpini-(s and tlu-ii- jiced-. m> • poitcd from tinf t<> time liy rv-turning ^hip-. alforderi the adventurers a hody of information eoncerninjr the soi-ial eon.

The individual enterpri-e- of this decade in the life of the company are alto^rether unknown. exce]>t /roni a few contract^ for -hippinjf found her<- and there. Such movements nur-t at ha>t have been noteil in the court book. Of the tirst "hundred." established in I'llS. nothinjr is reeorded except the sinirk- report, heretofore unknown.'' of a meeting; of the eommittee for .Smythes Hundred. But the trreatest lo-s which we sutter throuirh the disiippcarance of the court book is that of material which, -^liould throw liyht on the aims, motive-^, and unsuccessful efibrts of the company and on the sti'u^.'fles and diflicultie- throuirh which it passed.

For example, there i> a sin^rle reference to an attempt to found a colle^fc. but no infor- mation whatever on the subject. The faction- which developed and which resulted iiiiuUy in the di>Nolutioii of the company evidently e.\i treasurer of the A'iryiaia Couipyny a- liavinjr been "somewhat Ijettered at a later meeting of the Simimcrs I-land Compan\" by his choice as trea.-urer of that company." ])roves that the change was due to factional difference-, although tlie extant couit iK>ok^ open with the refu.sal of Sir Thonms

Smythe to continue as trea-urer. Similarly. t!ii> choice of officers for the company, the votes received by each, candidate, the appointments to jwsitions in the colony.

"List of Kecords, Nos. b'.i. i;

illniL. Xi.. 7t;. Tliif- is !iiiiiin-.r tin- IVrr.ir juiptT- <.f ila;.-.tali-iif Ci.Ui-zf. CiimluMjie.

<•//./'/., X... lOs.

28 iMh'iiDi criox

tlic p'.'tition.- I" Ihc i-Dmiiiiny :in.l il- a.'tii.n (licrfiiiion, and iuuimmmh- otlicr acts, rovcaliii-' tlic ivinlinii. ami atliuuir nf slir inalvidiial iiirjiilxM-.-.. aiv all iinkiiowii.'

111. i>(i(imi;n r.v if..-rri) m iiik comi'anv

Or rlu' otlicial (luciiin.Mii-, i>^iiiMl !,y the roiniiany (hirin.L:- tln' doiM-lc rr..in liinn (,,

KIJli tlir i!K.-,l iiii]"ii-lant lia\r licrn iiiikiinwu ii|) h. llii-, time, 'i'hcy inrliidc the

liisl iii>(ni(ti(iii-^ cvrr -i\,.,i f, -nv (.iiimi- .'.f l.y a a (•(.lony an Knnli.di ailiiiini-^tiatix i-

l)ody, and lliL' i'rr,,id> <,f (lie liy lii-M Miil- .-iitri-cd t lir cnin paiiv ill clianrci-y fur the of ciifuiriiii; l)ur])u.so the i.ayiiiriil- dI' -uin.-- adxentiiMMJ in the eoiiii)any and of .seeiiriiio-a jart ..f thr ineome lioiu llic h.tliTy. wiiieh the eonijiany claimed had licen withhold hy the a-viil. A\'iliiam I.c-.c-on.'' knnwledo-c The whicli th<' aduiiini-tialdrs ol' the alhiiis of the eomiKiny hud uained from the early M-ttler-. and their LiTa-]) of the neees-ities for cxpliM-ation, tor trade, foi' and the conduct <,f athdr- in the j.lantation. ha-; hitherto l.een a matter of • .surmise l.ascd on the relation^ of the planli-r.-. Krom llu' Instrueeons, orders, and e(>u-,ti!ue(.in> to .'~^ir 'riioina- (iate-."" ' in May. lun'.i. ami a similar document o-iven to ••SirTho-,. \\'esl Kidiiht LlJ:La^varr "' in lt;(i;ioi- Itjld conu'> a i-evrhuion f the adventurer-. a> well a- of the policy .adopted and of the UK/thoiN outlined fur the ])ro-c> ul ion of their cHorts. These iiiNtruef ions to ( iates and De La A^'arr afforded the autisoi'ity for tin- termination of the previous ^i;-o\ern- nn^nt in A'iruiui;!. the -tated ideas of the company as to locations for settlcnn>iit-. forts. an

reference to l!alcit;h".- eoloni-i-. The u'eneral policy in admini-terinu the allair.- of tile colonists and the detailed ord.er- as to the relation- \\ith the Indians, as far as they enneern euards. trade, and treaties, and the (hiily life of the inliaiiitaiU-, indicate a detinilenes- in lla- conlnJ of liie couipanv which formerly was not understood.

In such a revidati

"Sciitteriuir iniennuiii u nf >iu-li a iliaiacu-r reuccrnin:.' thi.< lu'iicl a]>i.cars in ttio di.-'cns'^ion.-: and juarrels rec(->rdvi! in the later C'jc.it li. .jk-.

(-List of Kecor.l-^. ).[.. rj:5-124, X..-. L\X I'l, Ji', 1'4, L'-i, UO. L'T. •_'.•>. 2',l, ol.

There are three i-a,-es reccrileil in ilu- e'liamery iirocecdini:.- in wliicli tlie cnini.uny aftemjited to cnfovee the payment <"il' adveiitareil >uiiif. Tl;e t>ill ..i oi'niiilaint i.- identical in e;ic!i case, willi tl;e exception of the names of tlie defendant and the .sniu.s tliey underw rote. Tlie liill. dated .\pril L'.s,

1613, again.-t Sir Henry Xevile, l^ir }lenry Carye, and ei.t;litcen others is printed in r.Miwn's ',, ,i,.;/'.v; .,;' the Uidlcd i^tatf.'i, II, pp. 6:^3-6ol, from a coi>y fouml ameuj.' the Smytli of Xihlrv pajier-. It liiffers shghtly in ortho;irapliy only from tlie oriirinal Teeord. The li\t' recornpplv even mere vahialile information than the hill- ef roiiii)laints.

fThis manuscript is in the B..dleian I.ilirary, Oxford. Ash„-<,U',i,i M.nin^rriph. 1 147, folios IT.i-liXV.

It was discovered by the liMitor in i leteLn-, lin):i. See also l.i^t ..f llecords, p. vs:, Xe. 10.

•'Aslnnoloiu .Uuii.

vm)j:i: .s/a' tiiomas sMyriin 29

liii.-^i.s for hcliof llml (lie allaii- of liir (Miiiininy \mti' luauiii^-i'il and it-^ I'l'covd-i wcro kept ill a sy.liko way.'

TLo euiapaiiy laid liotoiiic ic>ii\inoo(l tliai the {Kilicy of .lotin Siiiith wa-; a Mise piio, and lier.i'i' il oi'dcnv'l that a miinin'idf jdantalioiis -.lioiild lie settled and that eilorts should l;i.' iniinodiatcly dirrcted !o liuildinu' hrrdthi'id and siillii-ient huu-cs and

to ])!aniiiiji w idi'ly cnoiiL;-]! foi- ihr -clf-uiiport of ihr coniMinnily . Hi re was the

<;'eflii wliii-h Nvas to devehip into the coioiiy. linl ihc plan \\a^ I'.s yel hy im nii'an>

so fa: -reaeldn'j;. A coninion >|(]ri-. a rouunon niaua/inc conuiion nd'eetofies, lahul'

hy i;ruii|)s uiih a .^U])erinti'niient fcr caili li\(.' or ,-i\ |HT.--un-. ihr pvohihition uf

1 lade witli thr Indians rxcept Ihron'^h t he t riii'k nuTrhanl were rconnmic inelh(xls

whifh looked to the j^ain of (hi ad\rnturei' in Londiin rathri' than to ihi' cK'velop-

iiieut of a eulonial .'ettkiULi.t. V.'hen the -eltlei'^ hud lifconie

capable of defense, then nioasurcs wi'ie to he t:i!;rn to ]i:-ovide i-eturns. so "that our

lleeti-s eoiiie not home empty." l)i^e()\i'ry oi' ihi' ^t;a.^ and of royal mines, exchange uf eommoditie.--. the e.xaction of irihiite. and thr

the country fi.ir the ))ur))o>i' of seenrinLi' "wines, pitciie. Tarre. sopi'-a,-hi>. Steele.

Iron. PiiJestaues, heinpe. tlaxe." >ilk ^Ta-s. ti-^hiiiL;- for peaiis. rod, and slurt;iv)n were to he the sources of re\ciute. Tin" in-^truetion-, ])!aeed authority implicitly in the

haiuU of the u'l'verntir. who \\a- expected to liea.r. hul imt necr>-ari!y t

advice of the council and to judji-e liccordini;' to "naturail riuht and equity then vppoa the ni(a'n(^s of the lawe."

The ao-ents of tlie coriioi-ation— the i;c)vernor and hi- council in N'iryinia — ri'ceived their aiithorizatii.Hi fur the exercise of judicial as well a> lei^i.-lative powers through

a coiiiniission. 'J'he one is~acd to Sir'l'honias Ciate- i- lo--t. hut douhlk^s- is as similar

to that

of "insti-uctions for -uch ihiiiu-. a~ are to l>e sente from A'irginia. l

orders and comiiii-sions are the oidy dotanuent- Avhicii >how anythino- <.if the direct authority exercised by the comjiany o\er atlair- in the ))!ant:ition until the i->sue of the "Great Charter of privileges, order-, and Lawes" in November. liiL^.''

Otherwise, the whole cour-e of the activity i.>f the company under Sir Thomas Smvthe was in strong' contra--t with the work of Sir Kdwin Sandy>. It was a con-

"Care on the piirt of the eumi.aav i~ d\-< .-on in x\\t- v-'onoral ia-truitimis of lODf) to the licutenaiit- rovenior of Virginia, wliich are known only tiiroii^'h a loj.y of the ^ixtli ariieli-. prei^Prveil in the papers

of the Manniis of Lan.'^itowne. /'."'.. X". '.i. ''The commission bear.s tlie ilato IVl'iuai v L's. Kiiii. It is prinli-.l in lull in r.rowii, (;eiic«i.<, I, 37^>-oS4.

< Printed in full in JSrown, C,eu,.-<:^, I. ."sJ-risii.

'I J'fSt, \K M. This st't of instrurtioh- to "iiivurnor (ioor^-v Wanllry, allliou;;ii i;iven late in

hilS. bi'lon^is hitli in -(lirit an.l ofiect !. iln- ji.-ri...! of tin- Sanilys-S,.tuhaniplou adiuinistratiou.

,{0 l.\Tj;()Di cyyn.v

tiiiu-il ^1 nr^'jlr 111 aiMii.-c Niii'li iiiUTi";! ill (lii> ^cliciiic as w (iiiM i-r,-u!t in iii\ rsliiinil.

Tin- jirnhlnii i.f jnai ki'tiiiu- tin- iu'hIucis <>!' I'.tr colony, \-.liii-li conccrn'/d the lalcr coiirpaiiy. ili'.! Hot aii-.' mil il towai'il the cio>f of lln piM-ioil, w hen a ,-iML;li' iin>uriTSsful cllort \\a> Diadr lo uaiii a iiioiio|),il y of llu- -a!.- o|' loliacco. In oiilrr to incifasi^ the capital -tock. till' loiiijiaiiy iiiailc pi.-r.Minal apiuals anil i-,>iiril printi'd siatcnii nt-- anil

(li'scription^ wliic'ii it --(atit'r.'il lii-(ia(l!,\'. Th" >!nry i> told in the lists of ad\'cnliinTs cili'd alio\-('. in tlic lai'Mr^l (iidca\ ors to sfriiir new [ilaiilrr.-. and nrw ad\ cntni'i^s ffom indi\i(liial (own and uuild. in lii.' vlloii.- to cnrorrc tlir iMyniriil of >iini-. alreadv ad>.i'nlni-cd. in a I'l \\ !(Tci|il- (onci'!'inri

Icj^ali/ccd iiy tin- iliai t'T of fidi'. and in pi'intcil liroadsifl(>s am! dec larations. Tims the sunis luUeiituiC'! Iiy indi\idiiai-. !i\ the \-aii(in-. London conqianii's. and hy llic towns of I'Jnolaiid life LiiNi'ii in a scrii/sof i\'i|uests fof ad\"entine and in hills of ad\enluvc" issued l)y t iic (I iinjiany and found in thr records of lh(i-.(' coiii))anic> and towns'' a:r; al-o ill ]>rivatc colKci ion-. 'Ida- clianceiy priucediii^s. in tiiree ^iiits, .-talc that the coniiiany altcnijitcd to -.ciure :ni adventure of 'Jls.odii and th(.> equiinniait of (liiit men diirinii' the year lilli. and tin; failure to accoiii|)lish it- ])iirpo-e was set I'orth hv the det'enilanl- as a ica-on for refu-ine- to pay the -unis ad\eniured. Incidentalh' there was uientioui'd an income in the' yeai li'.l". of L's.oi)(.i from the lottery, (d'

fi'.iHio from tlie --de of the Somers Island-, and of t'Cuii or i'siiu from the disposal of the shi]) /'• /,' ]\<'i-f.' llowe\ei'. with the e.xeeption (d' an unjiulilished, letter from Sandys to the ma\"or id' .'-andwiidr' concernine- the adiventme hy that town, iu which he iiudo-ed a. li-t of the suhscrihers to that jjiirticular ad\ciiture. with the sums s(M d{>\\-]\ ])\ eai h.' tlie oHicial records re\'eal luil little as to the siiirs which must have lieen receixeil hy the eoni[>any. In a similar manner theie are luiauthi-ntic records of ec(jnomie value coiicerniny ih.e lolterie- aiid the imp.iriation id' tohacco. Of the hitler a few reeeii'ls and mem- oranda amone- the]>apersof I.iui! Sack\ille'' and the Karl De La \Varr" are pcisitixely

"Per tlie ti-At et tlje.-e ail\ eutuiis. -ee J'.nnvn, ';,„..^:.<, I. i':;s. lTii'-.".. :;0S, HiM-i (lias sii;natiiiv ivf SL-fVctary ah.l -ca! ei ceiuiKiiiy i. 4."c'-.!. 4'>:i-4, 4fU-L', 4(;;;-.3; []. 4:iO 'sii;iuUare and seal', -io-i. Fur

;."t piil.li.-liril ol 1 L'L'. iL':;, •-':;. tueiii'.t Mv Li-t INveius, i^].. Xus- Hi, 17.

''Fiir this sc'i.-.-'of alioiit :;u ncei.l.-- .^ee Urnwn, 'Vci/is/.v, J, :2.')4. -.'57. L':i7-s, l'77, :i77-s, i.'7S. JsO--.?,

I'iil, I'srj-:;, :;o2-i;. :;iiii-7. :;()9-ii), :;,ss-!i. :;'!0. S44; II, .Sos-ii, m;u, riiji, 5'ii?. liSG-ts, ritiO-i, 70S-!i, 7-'>7. Also

Li.=t oli Records. ],. lJ-2. Xo. la,

'11,1,1., Xos. -21, 2-2, 2\ J7, :;i.

'Trintcil in Brewii. '../«.-.•>, I. 4iU- L', 4i»-ri.

f <';<•,» The list is [.iiiited iu tiili in I'.iov, n, .w'-s I. 4ii.V.>.

/List oi Itecails, j.. lL'7. Xe. .V.i.

'.' ll.iil.. X... :'.."i. lie, ;in.l Brown. ^^7-. .-;.-, II, 771'. See alsu relVretu-e in i.ayiiient.s fer n,l niece .-cut tn

N'ii'.;inia in llu' Lis; ..i' liei-ont^. p. \'-2, Xe. i;;.

I MiLli Sli; 7//U.I/.1.V SMYTIIIJ 81

all t!i(Mv is ill o.\i.sti.'iicr irLitini^- (u llic (niLiiii uf ii liuilc wliicii was (.•^l,ill!:^l^!d in Ihl'.l

1)1- • U> worth -t'lUO.ddu. or thr runner. tluTc is :i DiTJaratiim loi' llir Lottuiv."

pulilislicd in mi.j \)\ ihi' ri)ini)aiiy. and :in ordor of tlic I'rivy Connt-il, toyctlier witli

Icth'fs ui<;ino- iln' t<)\s lis of llio Kingdom to iuhcntuir in tliis iIk' scfoiid yroat lottt-rv

of the coin])any." A hltcr Irom llie govoi'iior oi' the Vir<;iiiiu Coiiipany to the

mayor ami aldcniu-ii of Jp-wieli'' i,-. lo the same ellecl, Inil none of tlie.sc documents tell of the ii.coiiii' therefinin. The nnly record which will gi\e an idea of the \alne

of the (irst hittery is in the ehaneery ])roceedii;^s, ;ind relates to a suit of tiie company with Vv'iUiam J>e\t:son {a secure moneys, from the lottery,'' in whicli the

sum received in IGl;; i- here slated to haN(! heen .f:.',7'.i;; and io sliilliiiM-s. The

aii.swer of Leveson is of furtlier interest in that it alone tell.- of llie meiliods hy whieh the Inisiiiess -was conducted and of the hou-e Imilt for the lottery west of St. Paul'.s C'luuch.


T'hc stru<4ole for capital and for settlers bijfore ItjlG is most apparent fj'om the advertisements that were i>.>ued. The liroadsides of the years ir,ii',). ICIO, and 1611 are printed as ollicial declarations of aa intention on the part of I he company to send voyages to Mrginia, ami contain the necessary information as to the classes of emigrants wanted artilicers emly - and the conditions antl nnvards for emigration.

'J'he liroadsidc of Felnuary. Itlll. is of most value, in that the classes of emiu'ranls with the uumhers of each desired are speciHed, while that of lOlU is a defense at;-ainst the slander of recently returned colonists, and emphasizes the former need of artilicers as colonist-.' The luoad-idi^s of 161o and Itil.') con^'ern the drawing of the lotteries, the latter declaring in a general way the pros[)erous condition of the country and announcing the pi-ize.^ and rewards, thus atlording some conception of the .sums received from such an enterprise.' The publications of the year 1616 disclose, as well as assert, the prosperity of the settleuiciit and the assurance of its success, though giving no statistical information. That of April ari'anges foi- the first division of lands among old ad\enturcrs an.d i)romises the same to new advcn-

" Brown, Oousix. 11, TtiU-TOti. Fur unjiablislicd It-tter.-^, sec List of Kcconls, p. 124, Xus. o2,

.33, 34. 'Jjln'l.,yn.7\.

< ll.i.l, Ni>. 28.

''Uccause of till' cii'M- reliuion uf the piiblicaUoiis of the romjiaiiy to tiie il(x-uiuei\ts i-;sueil liy llie- coiiiiiany, the ili^eu.-sir.n ui I/las- V iiteeedes that i>f Class ]\'.

'These are ull reprinted in Bnjwji, (J.nc^h, I, (Ij 24S-L'4y, (!') oo4-:;Di3, (o) 439, (4)445, (5) 469-470.

• /r.rowii, Oaicfis. T, tlOf>, 761-76.5.

2ijl05—00 3

32 isrioiDi ( ]io\

turors, d.-(l;iviiiL.- lln' int. 'ni ion to .>eial a now <;-ov(,Tnoi- :uid siirveyors to the colon}- I'oi' tlio piuposo, \\iiil.- iluit (jf tiie \\iiiti.'i- of the Niiue yt-iir iiiiiioiincos that any h!ettlor> i!i;iy i-rtiirn to l'",ii;^-liinvill."

[ti adilitiuii to thr ailvrrtj-:cii)cnts Cor iii\ cstiiicnt ami advLiiturc ln>tli ol' person and of iiuiiicy, the eoniininy [tut fortii a .^ciios of imblieations, con8i>>thiy of four seiinoiis liivaeiied before llie eoiiijiany at stated intervals, intended to arouse both iniereat and confidence in their llnlUrt;d^inJ;. Thoi' alloi'd but littfj if any delinitc iiifornialion. l)iit revival thr spirit of llir times, as aisu tiie lines of criticism and resistant !• which the e'i,i)paii\ had euniinii.dly to meet.''

Ihit of far greater im]iortanee to a couiprelien^ii^n of the attitude of tiie com- pany, and I specially of the progress of the plantation, arc the declaratiijns concern- in;^'' tiie ciiluny. -wliich were ])ublislicil by the conii)any.' 'fiiey are nine in muubcr and bear tlie following titles and dates;

(1) Xiiru Jh''tanii'>'. J>oiidon. fOU'J.

(2; Vinj'niin rirl.hj mhuJ. London, April l,"., ICuy.

(3) A Ti-vl nnJ •^'nii: r.. (lij-J,indin„ iif (/iLpni-2>o>sc ami each of the JHantat'ion^ 'by tiie aiitJiority of tlie (io\ernor and Councellors of the Phuitution."

London. If.lo. [December 14, liio'.t.]

(1) 3'('vv.v//vv/( Y'n-olnla— a poci]i. Kilo. drrhnvi;.,,, (5) .1 Ti'w ,.f the e^taU

(t!) I>,: L't. U'ro'/.y liJat'ion. Loiulon. July <;, liui, \vith Cn.i>^]unrs E]nslJc


(7) Th.' Xro- Uf: ijf Virginta—second jKirt of Xi nut Britannia, by "theCoun-

seU of Yirgini'a." London, ilay 1, IOIl*.

(,s) tiood Xeire-fj'ivni TT/v/Z/hV./, by "\\'hittaker. London. Itil3.

(9) .1 lavl'c eajinl .in iiaj'raron of the pre-^eid State of Vliylnia hy Ralph llaininer. l^ondou, IGlo.

The documents published in iti'.'l.' and also the i)oem of 1610 M'crc ellorts on the pai t of the comiinny to defend itself aoainst charges of failure in earlier years and to reval the advantages wiiich Mere prc)mi>ed under the new systeiu of eo^ernment.

This is di^-tinctly the tone and moti\'e of the Xora Britannia, in which aj>])iar aigu-

« I'.iowii, (kiKsh, 1, 77-!-7;9, 7ii7-7y!l.

fcBrown, (kaeu.\ I, (1) L'SL>; yl) 293; (3) .SlL'-Slti; (4) 3GO-o7;!. A fuin-th K'linon [.ivatjlicl hy

Kioliard Ciukanthorpc, Jlaivli i!l, lli08,(l, on tht- anniversary of the accession of Jmncs I, lias favoralile references to llio jjroject. fi-ec r>rn\vn, Getnvix, I, 2.3o-L'5tJ.

< Brown either reprints all of these or cites the reference. 6Viiftrf», I, (1) 241-243; (2) 279-2S0; (3)

337-353; (:) 42CM2G; (.3) 427- 12S; (6) 477-47S; H, (7) 558-559; (7) 577-5S8, (511-620; (9) 746-747.

LMi/'h- ' SI I.' -J flOMAS SWn'JlllJ 33

mctits ill Aivor of (.h.- o.luiiy, and tin- .-tutoiiiciits of the iiluns. ivsouicts, and i.fods of the culony, tou-ctbor with an outline of the ixnvQvniwnt which was now to he a(hninistiM(Hl.

.1 'Jr,i,' ,/„,/ suuvr.i

Mi'.d hy il„. .oinpaiiv diirinir the tinst ])eriod of the plantation. Jt ulso hold, out the promise of iniprov.d conditions under Gales and De AVarr. La ^vho are to be shortly .-eiit to Vir-inia \\ilh a complete outlit of men and piovi-ions. Th..- second document d;-M-rilK's the southern part of the country and cites the advanta-'es of Florida a^ evidence <.f the opi)ortunities in Viririnia. After the time of 1 )e La Warr th.. pul,li-lie,l accounts of the plans, movements, and succcsm's of the coloni-ts heeame more conij)lete. While the state- ments of De ^Varr La in his ll.litlon are a bare (Mitiine of the conditions as he found thejii and the improvements in trade and disco\ ery tu which Captain Aroall had contributed, tojrethcr with his loniships plans for the future, it is of v:riue as forming, with ILiiuor'.s narrative four yeai's later, a su r[)riMnsh' accurate and satisfactory treatment of the development in the colony dui-in^- tliu.-e years. Hamor o-ivesa clear statement of the method.-- and suec(>ss of Captain Dale in his relations with the Lulijins. of hi.-, or-'aidzr-tioii and refonu of the c'olony. and of hi- establi-hment of order therein, and reveal-^ clearly the stale of alVairs on the arrival of Gates, the cause of the failure heretofore, and th.^ details of the building- of the successive towir-. with d.^scriptions and -tatisties for eaeh. We. gives also an his- torical narrative of the relations with the various Indian tribes and his knowledoc and statement-, concerning the resources of the country are equally satisfactorr. While AVhittakcr's Guvd X.-u::„ and The X.,,^ Life of Virghica are of value us corroborative evidence, they add but little to the knowledge of condi- tion.s or resources, and evidently were written luorc in the spirit of the poem of ir.lO, being intended to in-^pire contidence in the management of the colony, in the new .system, and in the otilcur.s installed, as well as to arouse enthusiasm in the project.

It is evident that these publications are of moie direct value in the .studv of the progre-.-. of the colony and t-1! at lir-t li:ind hut little more than the methods employed by the comjiany to gain it- end. but. together with the other repoj-ts from the colony which are pie.served in manuscript form, they to an e.vtent supply has what been lost by the disappearance of the court book. Thcv \mi\e that there was a gradual change in the motive anrl means of the company, due entirelv to the exigencies of the case. The failure to discover precious metahs forced the

34 ixrimiti criox

(.(>ni)):iri_v 1(1 riMiucni h^Ai' w it'll tile (livi!<'liinrlit of the irsnun-cs of tlic coliiitrv mid with tlic proihictiwii ol' .-lapU'. articio- wlii.-h WffL- urclcil in Kiij^liiiid. Thru, too. the tirst written l;i'.\s prnnml-alc! I,y (lutes, lie L:i \\':\v\\ and Dale in IC.IO-ICIl', martial in form and h.ush in ehara<'ter, reveal the type df the plantation \vhi(dj the company nor was to I.h- re;'ulated as if it were a mililary discipline, and the ]n-odu,H' v as to helon-; to the eonunon store. Thns (he evils of the earlv isettlcmeiit were to he avoided. JUit of neee-sity this phm was temporarv. .vroall, like Smith, was a ^-ood eoloni/.er. Tlie e.xploraticnw of ."-^niith and his trade with the

Indians, to.L;el]ii'r with th(! order and i)ros])erity which were hrou^-ht liy I'lale, nsulteil ill the founding of various settlements, siieli us Ileinien and others farther -oiith. vvhieli hec'inr- selt'-snpiiortiiiL'; and indepeiKlent of the '• supplie,-," from EiiM'hind. This mciuit that the eonipany was to ho forced to a-snine a dillerent altitude toward the colony, that tin; common la!i(.ir. common store, and comnion trade must he abandoned. By InlJ- private lands had Ijeen eiveii to a few inhahitants. every t'amilv

Lad been assured of a house of four rooms, rent free, for one year, and women Itad been sent to the colony to aid in keeping- the settlers contented and permanent.

AVhether the comiiany inadi> any resistance to thi> de\'elo]iment \\ithin the set- tlement, by which the adventurer in London must share the profit with the phintei-. will only he known wlicn the court book -hail have been di-covcred, hat it is certain

1(1 that by 1 G the jioint of view of ilie leaders of the company luul ehaiie-ed. Tliey had then come to realize ijiat they weic to be the middlemen for tiic marketing;- of the produce of the pluntei-s. This j, proved liy the movement in HHC for the monopoly of the import;\tion of the only lucrative staple, tobacco. Aeain, in IHl'.'. ^vhen the lime for free imp'.'rtation from the jilanlalion had expired, tliev mo-t eagerly soiie-ht an adjustment with the Crown, althour;di, in IGll, Sii' Kdwin Sandvs by this time the leadiuy spirit in the company, had lieen the chairman in the Iloii-o committee which re|)orted ae-ainst monopidies.

To such an extent had the colony now o-ro\vn that the instructions gdven to Sir

George Yeardley in November. J tils, called "The tireat Charter of privik\i;cs. orders, iind Lawes," recognized the nece.ssity for local government. They provided for two hou.ses, tlic '"Council of State," to be chosen by the eom[)aiiy in its (juarter court, and the general assembly, to consist "of the Council

"For (he Cijlimij of Vinjliu.i Ih-il'Dnnn, J.n.r,.: lhn„r, M,„n!l »„'/ Marlinll, ,v., eliiee.-.l i«r [piil.lica- tion on Doceniher ]?,, 1611, i'^ a code tlrst estiilili-lied liy Sii- Tliuin.-ibi Cites, >.Iii/ 24, I'UIJ, ai.pn.ved by tlie loi'J governor, .Tune 12, IGUi, amt exc ini'lilied and eiilarp;il Ijy Sir Ttiomas I>ak', June 22, Kill. They are rei^rinted in Force, Truds, ^'oI. III.

1676B25 r\IU:i! ,s7/," 77/f»,!/.!.S SMYTHi: gf,

chosen (lilt of i-arh Town I Iniulri'd ur nllicr |i;irli<-nl;ir riiinliiliim."" Tlir iii'cnl ilit'- fcrcnco this lictwocn net of lln' r>.iiii);iny ami tlmt of nine \ oars In^furc. wlicn t lie

instnu-tioiis to tiatos woiv i^snod and the laws df i ).-ih> w<'r(< aiiiinived. i-; apparriit.

AVhiHher it was due entirely (o the ne.-essities ari-iii^- from therlianued eonditinns

ill the colony heretofore noted or to llic aliii--i' of power li\ Sainuid .Vr^^all. from Ifdt;

toliil'.l, is iiiieertaiii.'' \\hcthi'r it w;i> l)nl a rellciion of ihe y-rowinp' populai- senti-

ment within the eo'iipany hy \s liirii the jjencrality exeieiscd the powers of adminis- • tration or whether il was due to the inlliirnce of the opinisilion " in ])arliamenl can not be settled witlioiu fullei rceord-. than are at ])rescnl. extant.

iv.-"i,KTTKr:s ri;oM tiik i'i.antkks and im.cokds ok tui: c!)i.o\y

The priidrj li'iioi t- friiin thi: co!unisls.and. thi.^ printed dcelaral ions of the ronipanv

were of coiir.-e l):i-.i.-fl on the letters from tin" ])!;uilei's and on those from the _t;-(_)veriior

and i-oiineiiof \'ir<;iiiia to the X'ii-t^-inia t'oni]i:iny. TluM'e waMV also letters from iiidi-

viiliials in the colony to oflici'rs of t!ie company or to other adventurers in l-jioland.

They may jjerhaps rc\e;d m.ire clearly the conditiim cd' ail'air-, in the colony and the

'intlueiicc.s which moved the company in its clian;j-e ot' policy, sinci^ they do not attemjit

to coiicoiil. excuse, or jjalliale any of the ciriaim--tances. Six of these narrate the

story of the \'oyage of (rati'-, and Somer.s, the misery in the plantation on the arrival of (.rales and of De La W'air in liljo, ;nid the steps that were taken to impio\'e con-

ditions.'' Throiiiidi othei' letti.'rs from the colony thi' company ^-ained its knowledj^'e

respecting' x'oyao-e-- to \'irL:iiiia. pron-n^ss and oi.li-r in the colony, and the huildiiiL;- of

Jumestow n.'' especially under Sir Tiiomas 1 )ale. and a-^ to the jiru^peiiry of the ,-etllers.

Dale in lull, outlined his plan-^ and his aciiievements, ui'Lied the sending- of i^.ono men,

and --ue-c-evteil that tli" dillieulty id' secnrino- planters miL'hl lie o\'erconio hy making-

tiie settleiiient a penal colony. In l(il."). l*',!,;. ani; lill7 the company recei\ed

reassurances from Dali". Ilaiiior. and Rolfc of the pios[)erity of the colony; Init the

puhlications of thi> company and the letter-- from tlie colony from ICil.'i to lijjs were

« List of Record.-, p. I2!i, Xo. 7l>.

''TliKre are extract.s from two letter.^ liealiii;.; with lliu allegoil inisapproiiriatic^iis and abuse of power

tn- Captain Arpdl, (Icpaty i;oveinnr from V:\\. llilT, to April 20, 1019. One of tliesc was addiv.s.-pil to

Captain Argnll and i.i-ars tlie date Ant;n-t T2 \<\\S: tlic ntlicr to l.oni Pf !.a Warr, August 2:;, liilS.

Tliey are i>re?ervoil iu llic court liook of the roin;>any umlfr the il:ili' nf .tunc 111, 1(;22. .^i-e also

Jhld., Xos. S2, s:i.

(^Tliese letters were from tlie srovenier and council, .July 7, UUO: from Joliu Itadi'lifle, OctoUer -I,

IfiOO, riabiicl An'her, Au-u^t :'l. ICm, ami from Captain Somers and l.oel La W'air, Auuu-t, UUO, to

the Karl of Salisbury; ami tnan William Stracliey in .1 'J'nir llrj,. rlui-,/, Jn\y l.^, 1010. Tbcy are

reprinted in Ilrown. Cmr.;^. I, .52S-:;:12, -1OO-402. 402-41:;. 41i;-ll7.

.1 Uqyrhjn/, in I'un-ha^, }i..-. Pihjrnuc, l\ 1734-17.")0. ('See Stracliey, True , pp.

3G I.\TRIil)l (I'loX cilhor very Tew in inmilnT, or lum- nut Imtii piv-i-iHcd. Tlnv-c won' flic yoiirsof tlin cxcos-iivc. almses in llir colony uiitlcl- Sir Saiimrl Arii-all."

'riii^ only ovitlcncr of reconU kcjil. In ilic colonists is an al)>tract of "A KcLjisli'v

book diirin;^- tl.c (iouin' i|'' admiral, and for y' lime ])"',^cnt, prin cijial (iou'' of \'iri;""' in ihc ycai' UUs. This ahstract was pro))alily made in lT:;ii

under the direction of K. Ilii'kuian. depuly cleric of the ^l>neral court of Vir^-ii-iia at lliat liuie. and has hei-ctofore Keen unnoticed, l-'rom il conies a knowled^'c of

correspondence helweeu the L'overnoi' and Hcrmuda Jlundi-ed and 1\ icouji'litan. and between the yo\-ernor and the coiniiany in Jjiuidon. A comijlainl of the laru'ene.ss of

privileo-p c-ivon to t';iplain ?i!artin in his urant is si^nirK-uit because of the loni;- con-

test during- later ycai's. lietween the company and C'aiitain Martin over lliis jiatent.

Thei-e aic, too, a niunber id' iommi-.sinns to (ilileer-> for trade anil fr)r command, and

several warnMits, edicts, and ])roclamalions. 'riies(- are vei-y similai' in cliaracter to

those issued by the governor and council in iCcJo. and reveal the fact that methods of government had not alten-d materially, thouch the source of autliority liad Ix'cn

changed by the j^reat charter of Itil^'s. The severity of penally and the threats of

reduction to slavery for oll'ense are perhaps tln^ features most charactei'istic of the


VI. — ri;iVATK rATKl-.S t>l'' AT)^ KXTl'KETIS

^V]ule the comjiany pi-obably did not oilicially use the private correspondence

recei^-ed from the i-olouy by individual ad\-enlurers. it doiditless prolited by the

information ^\hich it eontairuHl. 'I'luis. (iic relaticin of John Kolfe,'' addressed to Lord I'ich and the King in 1616, ranked in value with the descriptions of lialph

Ilamor, for it discussed the water supply of the colony, its food, clothing, houses, and goveriunent and gave statistical information as to tln^ various towns, their location, the number of their inhabitants, and their oflicers. There are at least six other letters extant, similar in character, thougli of less \-alue."' But another series of private paper- i);irlake,- mo-t >tronely of the nature of documents of the company. These are the contracts and correspondence relating

"For the loj; bouket Aivrall uml fm- tln-so letters in. m .S|,flnuin, Pule. Ar-rJl. and Kolfe. ceu Brown,

.".0 1 llixlorii, IV, 2S, 6Vh..'S(>, I, 428-439, 4.s:-!-t.SS, 4.--S-!9-t. -SO.S ; II, iWtl-lUO: Viriilnlfi Ma./.r.:,,.: of 29;

X, 134-138. Al^o note.1 in the T.ii).^t, p. 12.'!, Nos. 39, 40. 50- ^For full citiition of these abstracts of about twenty doi.:uments, see ]/jid., Xos. 40, 42-48,

52, 55-57, fit, 65, (57, 74, 75.

cReprhitod in tlie Vinjlnni Ili^lorlr.il f!f;;htn; 1. . Winwoi.d, .Tune 3, OtiitK!.^, I, to 1>. .M., June IS, 1614; (6) Whittaker to :\Ia-ter (}., June 18, l(i]4. See Brown, (1) 640-644; (2) 497-500; (3) 500-501; II, {4) 7S0-7.s2; |5) 747; (6) 747.

VM>nn SIR THOMAS sMVriJB 37 to individual ;ulvon(uros to \'ir<^iiii:i or to jrroiijis of advpiihirors. Tlioy indicate a teiidonoy iti the coiiiiianv to orant private nioiiopolios and to oiicourni;o privtite setdoments— nieasnies wiiicii mdicati' the ui'n'.viny- iinporlaiui' of the umlortakintj and the development of indi\idiial trade. Oidy one series of ddcutnents iTlalino- to indi\-iilnal ad\ luilurcs i> I'xlant. thn.-;^ hy whicli ivOi'd Zouch's invrstiiiont in ^'il•i^i^ia was secured lo him. His cunl r:icts were made in May, lt;is, witii John Harerave and James ]5retl. TJKne is al~o liis warrant to dohn Fennci' to pass to Vii-yinia and trade with tlie colony and the savaL;i's in his ])innace Si!i;r J'olcm), in February, 161S IK."

The othei- series ol' documeids, which illu-trate tiio legal forms and methods of the company, as also the way in which the lir.-t plantations were undertaken hv privati> means, cuneei'n SmUl.c^^ Hundred an! J'orkeiey Hundred. Among the

Ferrar papers are the nduutes oi tlie im^cting of the connuittee for Smythe's

]Iundred on ^Fay S, ItVLS,'' the lirst record eoncerning the hniulifd, which provides for the sending out and equipment of thirty-fi\ e im-n al an exjKMise of i'ti57 9s. -id.

VII. — fsrpi'LKiiKNTAiiv (•L>XTi;>u'<)T:AKY fi i!;i;i:^;i'( )N1)i;n( F. and i;Kcor;i)s

In addition lo the d(jcume:its which are eithei- oliicial recortls or similai' to sucli records in character, there is a large amount id' correspondence between ofliccrs of state in ICnglnnd and oIIh't indivi(hials which by its i-eference throws ligjit on the alTairs of the company or gives additional or eon-olioralive data. All of this wliich is earlier in date than lijlt: has be.^n pub!i.-,herown. There are seven letters, the dates of which fall between KWG and 1019, that are of the same cliaracter; l)at they add nothing in fact to tlu' otlier documents, although luo of them reveal the mea-ures taken even at this early date to impress youths and maidens for Virginia and to send reprieved prisoners to the colony.'' Of the documents of this charact(r. wliich are given by Ilrown, perhaps the correspond- ence between tlic Spani-h ahdia--ad,of in London and the King of .-^pain is the mo^t valualde, not in the trustworthiness

9'j. "Fer tluSL Jocuinruts see List of Iteci.l-, [.. 11.9, X.is. 77, 81', 9S,

bJbkl, Xe. 76.

cUm'I., Xos. 84, S5, SS, SVl, Wi.

88 ixTj.'oni'criox

si. .11:1! (lulu uiiil M'lM' (<> lix (!ut.-- uirl t'uiTv \\ 111, h uro kiiowi! from other sources."

Of siinilur vuliic uic llu" rlinnii.li's of lluui's. AMmt's (JcMmriipliy. Smilli's Mup of

ETi<;luiiil uud !ii- (ioiKTul Ilisloiy, the Coiniiums Journal, tlic w ritiiijxs of Sir Fer- din!iinhiCior"i\s.uiid other inutci-i-il wliich eiiiaiiulfil fnnu th.' j'lyiiiouth udveiitui-ers."

Hnnv!!. '!,„c 'Tlih'.r ,,f Cniitriit.-^."


The charncler of tho documonts of the oom^wny ul'tcr \i',l'J is fuinLiniciitallv tlic tlio same as in precedint;- tiec-uic Virginia v.ns s!ill ;i piciprictaiv proviiifc. willi a cuimiiririal cDiuiKiiiy u> an lacrlunl. and thci-rfoi'c llio conipanv was still the iniuicdial(> sourci^ of all uovernmeat in ih<' (••ilony. 'I'o il canie all ajjjicals i'roiii colonial an.thnritii's; it (-xiTci^cil conti-ol ovoi- all cnninicrcc liotli froiu and to Viro-inia: it g-rantod all land and all i)vi\i!(\r.-('s. .Vltli(niL;h the nunihor of doc- uments einanating- frnjii the C'l'own"- tliat i-, of tli'' lir-t class -is l;ii'i;(\ tliev are i-alher an indieatiijn of th.e inereasinp- wealth and ininoi-tanc< of the ('oiiij)any, than f)f royal intei'ference. They concern the ref^ulation of trade. c<>in[)lain of the al)use oi jiower tiy the connjaity. or proviilo for the investigation of its acts rat Iter than assume any aulliority in the direct ailniini.stralion of its afluirs. ]n them interference in the nranao-enient is furesliadoucd. luit it is not until the dissohition (^f the eonipany that the Cr(.)\vu again liecomr's the proprietor.

The mnss of nuircriuls which form llie rrcoi-fls for this [lei-ioil is mui;h greater than in the earlier decade. 'I'his is due on the one hand to their preservation in two or tliroe collections, and on llie other e,-j)fcially to the ^ast growth of luisines> in the com[)any and the ra|)id de\-elopnicnt from a colony for exploitati'jn into a colony for '-ettlemcnt. Tims the ni!nut(\s of tlie compaiiy, forming the second cla^- of documents, -!iow that it comuielrd a larger amount of business than any otlier proprietary company.''' These minute^ comprise two hirge volumes of the court hook, and liU Til mamiscript pagi's.'' In the third class there arc nine letters from the company to the g(i\ernor and council in the colony, and twelve from the latter body to the eon!i>;iny, in adilition to a lai'gc number of receiiits. commissions, instructions, and laws.'' A mass of material belonging distinctly to the i)lantation serves as a jiart id' the records of the

"bee documents umler Class 1 in the Li.-t ot Ileconis. 6For this statonient, as also for a full anilerstanclinu' of the c'uiraitrr nf th«rnmp;uiy, i^ce Osgoo

The Amennnt Colonies in tin- Scifiilivnlh Cenlnnj, 1, til. '•Grouped under CI.iss IJ in the List uf llecerds.

• dihid., Class III. 39

40 iy.'n:()!)rrrjii\ ciiinpiiny -.uhI n( tin^ sanu- time imlli.~l)o^~ ;lii' sIoin of Ihc, lio^^iiniinjTf of the political unity ol' (In' culoiiy. 'I'lii-^ Lii'oup (.•oii^ists of Ihc "eoiuL lioolu'"' of the council (if the cuiiiny iiuii!>-ii)n-;, o)-(Um>. j)ioclaiiiati(.ins. and warrants to subordinates in (lie colony i.-sncd liy thi' ^'ovtM'nor anfl I'oimi.'ii in N'ire-inia, and

3."> jiotitiuns to the sani;> hody fr

tions of the company for this tinal ]ii'riod u^ its existence numljcr ','> laryo

broadsides, 11 declarations containiiii;- K.'iS pilntcd ]'iae-es, and -I sermons and

(realise.^ made up of 1,'ji.i pa;^-es.'' I'lio sup.]ili'i!)'_'ntary ollicial material found in

lh(> coi-respondence bitween inilividu.ils of the cumjiany and of the colony or between mend)ei's of tlu^ com]iaii\ in J'^nu'land, in addition to the records of the

jM'i\:;!e companie-: within the lai'ijer body, include-- many documents and memo-

randa.'' .Sixty-.six of the.-e are ]M-e^er\cd in llie .Manchester paper.s, while 7S are

from the l"(M'r;ir ])apers, which are r.ow tirst made known and published. The

unodiciid material, consislinn' of records of

ft) documents.''

Idle I'elative value of thi> Aarious classes of the records for this period has

been altered liy the jn-eservation t>f the court boolc which ha? made the otlier material sup]'>lementary, or even >id)sidiary. with the exccpticju of the correspond-

once; for in it is either iX'Ciuded oi' summarizi-

compaiiv had rei'ei\'e(l from all othiM' sourcc>. (,r which it imparled to huli\ iduals

or to the putilic l)y other mean-. lUit thi> fart that the otlier records are supplementary does not decrease iheir \alnc, ftir they often furnish the data which are the basis of the ads ami conclusion.- of the company, while .some of

ihem id.-o reveal the lej;al or ]ioliiiral proce.-ses of rhe company, of the colony,

of the courts, f)r of tlu^ sovereign auiliority. and others are of ,e-reat value in the

liirht -which they throw on the di— entino- pai'ty within the company. The subject-matter of the court beok. as well ai the character an.d contents of the \arious documents, proves the chanjicd condition which the increu'se of

business had V)i-ouL;lit about, since a laro-e proportion of the records deal with the founding- and con.ductinu- of pri\ate entci'prisi's. and many of them are rerll\- documents of a private nature, it is ajiparent that the company still looked upon the colony as a source of income for the investors, but that the ulterior object

"Groupe.l uu.lcr Ckua IV iu tlie l.i-t ..i Kocord:.. Tlicse papers are all iuthe Lilirary of Congres.s. blhl'L, Class V.

i-llil., Claw V J.

lib!'!., Clas.q VII.

rni: coi.luvtioxs or nocrMnxrs. niii: un', 41 hail bcconio tlio (li'vi'lopnicnt of iln^ louiirci s of \'ir':;iiiia iii->lfLid of the produc- tion of \\iniltli tlirouuli mini's ;ind t!ic o[)cnin!r of new li;id(^ routes. As a result, of this cluuiLie in eoniiucreial 61)jort had come the need of lar,L;-er. more numerous, and UKjre seatl' red settii'merits in the colony, luul of eTe-aier co-o))eiiition on tho pari of tlie settlers, althoueh it may widl lie (daimed that llie latt(>r nreessitv had heiii ui-e-ed upon the leiulers liy the nnsnr.ina^-enienl of Captain Ar.jall durine- the ihi-ee yeai's jn-cvious to the change in administration. in order to incroaso the number U'>. Free tenancy was now o-uaranteed to all indlxieluals, even lo indeuti'd servants, at the expiration of -even years. 'J'iie orpiiiization of joint sloidc companies foi- thi^ manage- ment of trade, whieli sup]ilanted the magazine, was a moxement towai'il pri\-ate enter- prize. Hence it is tliat ihe.-e sulijects. to.i^'ether v.ith those which concern the impor- tation and sale of tobacco, occu[iy the e-real(u- part of the court hciok. tnid must have consumed nio,-t of the attention of the <'i.)i'i)oration. 'idi(^ liur

The minutes of the colonial legislative assembly, the i-ecord'^ cd' the coloidal court, the petitions to the governor and council, and the coinmis-ions antl orders granted by that b(jdy are all distinctively new featuri-s in the records. Here is evidence of the ci-ea- tioi! of the ( olony. witii its body of free citizens, out of the plantation, with its body of half-servile laborers.


The rec(.)rds of the company under the administration ol >\v Edwin Sandys and the Earl of Southampton, or the copies of them so far as extant, are to-day scattered among many i)ublic and private collections botli in Enghmd and i)i America. 'Jdio Libraiy of Congress at Wa-hing-ton possesses l>y far the largest and most impor- tant collection in this country. It contains the contemporaiy certified copy of the court book from 1019 to 16-24, as well as a mass of original correspondence, or contemporary copies of the same, between the company and the council in Virginia.

42 iM'h'iiDic'ijns ll also iiu!i!(l('- many urlL;iii:il ri'cords r.f tlic ((iluiiy, ir.aii}- ciyiiteiait!) ct'iilury tnin-

.sciipts of llic miyiiial i-nii,iiii.-si(iiis, iialfiits. aii

Tho i'ij;-litoi'ntli contuiy traiwciiiits and tlic o;-i J Jliraiy of Couoi-css hxnn 'I'lioinas J(,'floi't.oii's (.olk-ction in two did'croiil: aroups: tin' lirst in ISl."). winMi his lil)racy. piircliased '"in a lump as it stood on tlic ralaioLjuo,"" " was srcurrd Wy (_'on^n•s^ for liic sum o\' S:^•!.

"No. rJi. Kecords

'S\o. \--J. (M Kecords of Vii--inia. 1- vols. fol. M.-^. viz:

'A. Lelleis. pruclaniatious in ICii'i'-i'^'.. and corrospoiidoncc 1^25.

(42) 'J'ransactious in council and asscmldy, their petition and his nuije.sty's answef.''

•Mi. ('.>}. Oi'der.-, from Feh. li;-_':^ to Nov. Vyil:'

"L\ {''>/) A. Foreign husiurss and IiMpii

'J'ran.-actioiis of the coiun'il from Dec. '.). l.Iay I'o. IToo.""'

Tlie voluuu's of .TeliiM-.^on manuscripts j'clating to the coiuj^iny. which became

(ho j)roperty of the Go\eriuiient in l.sl.j. wei'c as follows:

(1) Kn-4 h,,r:< „„ulrlnj ih, A^s.mhhj :,. Y,i. n.mnUll.',/ (Used by i leniu.o-.)

(li) .lournal of the Council and Assen)bly. 1 lii^; -Id.-U. (Tsed by llenino-.)f/

(?>) Misceilaneou- l>ec-inls. li'.i.it'i-Ki'.iL'. with a >m;dl i|uart(.i containing;- abstracts

of lioUs in the offices of State bound into the volume. (Commoidy l.rnown as tlie F>land copy, becau.sc so cited l)y lleniny.)

" JMaiiu-:(iii't lottLTs ot 'J'homn;- .TeflVrsdn in the Library of Congre.^ii. In tliis iL'ttcr to William

lleiiin;^, M;'.ii.h 11, Isl.i, iiDiii 3[i>iilii ello, .Mr. .lefirrson statnl that lie couM ii.it n tDin a voluine, since

Coiigres^s huvl [lUichasc'l hi-' lilir.uy.

''The "Catal.vL'Uc. riv>i'l"iit Jcffcr.-^mi's lilmiry ^as arranged by liim.-eli', ) to lie sold 27tl} 1S20, at aurtion, at the Lmi^j liin.ni. lVnn-_\ Ivaiiia .\vfnuc, Washington , of FiOjinary,

'• \K 4, is in the Library of Coi!;:re.-.s Mi.^nVnnfOv^ Pamphhls, Vol. S.5V(, Xo. 14. LS:50, <^This iri classitieil as one folio maiinscriiit in the catalo-.'ui' nf the Library of Conyre.s.s, ami

the latter is doubtless the niaiiuseript coveririsr the jieriod from Kii'G- i(j.'!-t. ''This maiuiscript also contain.-? loose i)apor.s to lOlVJ.

(Ca'iil..-iu, of the Lihrarii of Congnvs, 1S30, p. Hi?.

'.',. f Cnl'ilmjnc 'jj t!,e L'thrarij

!7This is proliably the same manuscript as that lumtioned aliove under the Jefferson catalogue as

No. V22 (-!•_'). There is no other mauuseript in the Libraiy which coru-sponds to the title here given or to the descrijiti'in aliiive.

Till-: voLLfcTjoxs Oh' jjovi.Mi.sr.s. wiii-my, 43

(J) M ;>.<:, Ihin.i'i's J'.ip.rs. Ii;:li; HjS.!. l„xli-i,lh,„.~., C,,,,,,,,:?;,,." l.tUrs ,>/ Ailrir,' and ,i(liu-niith.)i^ (iiiil I'uht;- Sj,,_,(-'',s. J 'io,l,i,„iitl'>,i.s- dr. CollritnJ, Innixri-llial mul


'J'lie oiitire set in tlic tirst <,'rou{>, ;u'<|itired in ]>;:.".>, is roinposi'd either of oriirinul docutuents or of conleniporarv transcripts, -while the second imju'r of tlie second group belon

Hickman, who was i-hrlc of tii.- iieneinl court ii. ITJ-!. Tiic ori^iii ami idiMitilicalioii of tlie-^e various vohnno. to^-ethcr with a later cunnoni\ known as the [John] liandolpirfof Roanoke] copy. lia> lieen a suliject of doubt and discussion, arising from the conllicting descriptions of tlie voiunn s hy the early historians of Virginia. William Stilh and John D. Ikirk, and liy the editor of ni;ii^y of the documents in ISOO, ^\'illiam Ileninj^'.

The following- statements with regard to the fir^t j^roup made by Mr. .Tellersoa in a lett<>r to Hugh P. Taylor. October -f. iM^o," will ser\c as a basis for the attempt to ;iscertain the Instory and authenticity of those manu-(-npts; ' Tlie oidy m-,iiiu>cript-. 1 no\\ possess relating- to the anticiuiries of our countrv arc some folio volumes: Two of these are the proceeding|sj of the Vii-gitna compan\- in England; the remaininjf four are of the Records of the Council of Virginia, from

102-2 to 1 Toy. Tiie account of (he first two volumes, you will see in the preface to Stiths History of Mrgitna. They contain the records of the Virginia Company, copied from the oi-iginals, under the eye. if I recollect rightly, of the Karl of South- ampton, a member of the company, bought at the sale of his librai-y by Doctor l}yrd. of V>'cbt-iveT-, and .-^old with that library to Isaac Zane. These vohmies hajjpened at the time of the sale, to have been borrowed by Col. R. IMand.'' whose lil)rary I purchased, and with this they were sent to mc. I gave notice of ii to ^Ir. Zane. l)ut he never reclaimed them. "The other four volumes. I am contident. an- tiie original oliicc recoi-ds of the council. My conjectures are. that when Sir dohn Randolph was about to begin the History of Virginia which he meant to write, he (torrowed these volumes from the council oftice to collect from them materials for his work. He died before he had made any progress in that work, and they remained in hi- lihiary, probably \mobservcd, during the whole life of the late I'eyton Randiiliih. hi- son. From his executor, I purchased his library, in a lump, and these volumes were sent to mo as a part of it. I found the leaves so rotten as often to crumble into du>t on i)eing handled; J bound them, therefore together, that they might not be unnecessarily opened; and have thus j)reser\ ed them forty-seven years."'

a From the Xotional Jiikl'tyau-ii; Dctolici- 111, 1S-J.5. 'Col. K. Blaml .litd Oitolvt-r 2U, 1776.


fu.NTK.Mj'oiiAin rovy oi' ruv. con-.r isook

Tlic two voliimcs i^fenrd {o l.y Mr. .lellVison as tlio "i)n)coefUn.i;s of (ho Virginiii Coiiipiniy in Kiigland'" hit tin- cciitomiKiruiv copies of (ho court Itodk wliich woro .sooiirod hy tho Hon. Williuiii liyrd, of Wosiovm-. Vir^iniii, from (in: of Earl cs(a(o tho of . Suiitlmniiiton. oitiioi- ;it (ho, :iiiu> of hi^ doalh in K.'.im or l;itoi-. Sin.no Mr. liyrd was a liuy of l.> li\inu' in J.ondoii in ICii;?, it iiiav iiavo boon wlirii iho "\'ir!;inia ostato.- \\oro loft him in Ji'.Tl. or oven in ItlST v.-hon ho made a \ i-il io England, (liat lio Miado tho piirohaM'." Tliat tin' l)Ool:.s romainod

]>>.--.sos>ion in tho of Iho (hv-^ooiidants of Mr. Uyrd for a contury i.s proved hv tlio f;iil (iitd (hoy are mentioned in a niamr->ori()( calalonuo of (ho iiljrarv of (he

(hird A\'illiam P.yi'd. uho died in 1777.'' lui( (hose two volunie.s were not in tlic liltrary of Colonol I5yrd. when i( was sold hy Ids widow in Philadoi])lda to Isaac Ziino. ^Jr. Jeiioi-.soii\s sttitoinont that )ic pureliasod thoni fi'om Colonel Bhmd may be aeee])tod.' but it would be dilTicuh to prove whe(hpr he i.s equally reliable when he states (hat the vohinios had brxi: loaned to Colonel Bland and had not beet; rotuj'ned Liy him to Colonel Byrd, or win;! her ilr. Deane is correct in -aviny tliat

Colonel IViaiid, a-- an antiquary, h.ad ,-ooured (hern. That Stith used those contempo- rary copies of tho court book in his //'^fori/ of yh-tiniui. is apparent from his dcscriptioji of them, a- als(.> from hi~ -tatosucnf (hut (hoy had liei'U conununicated to him by (he "late wordiy jjrosident of our council, the lion. "W'illianj ]>yrd, esq."''

MAMx;iiuT UTX'tn:!).-: or Tiii'. coJD'AXi, voLU>rr, iii

The other manuscript volumes, vvhich the Liljvary of Congress acquired from

!Mr. JolVor.son and which are iiioludcd under Xo. Vl'l of the JetTcr>on catalop'ue, belong to the early seventeenth contni-y. They are the documents which ]\Ir.

Jetlei--.on referred to in his letter to ^Ir. 'J'aylcjr a:- having come from the lilu'ary of the lion. Pc} (on Pandolpli in such a fragile condition, and which in a Ie((or to

Mr. "W'ytlio, of danuary lt>, 17li.j. urging the necessity of publishing the laws of Virginia, he describes in a similai' wa\-.'

«AVil!i;)m Kyrd (lied Deoeuiber I, V.\'.\. See Byr.l, W.^onj i,j fm- D'ohrmg I.hn:

'' 't'atiildj.'iie of ihv ('.links in tin' Liliraiy ;it Wcstovcr lieloivj-iii^' tn Willi.iru Kynl, I'.s'ii-.," p. -to?, in Thr ]Vnin,,/.< ,jj O.luiid WlUhnn IJy,-, I, f>\Vvd Ijy .T. .^. lia-srlt.

' For a di-si Ti|itioii of tlieso vohmies ami the circuuir^taiK't's of tlieir ui;ikiii>.', s._'i? tlie liiscussion, pp. 7S-SI, r;st.

''It it^ hardly pn,--

Randolph, and with tlie liliniry of the latter to Jefferson. This is one of tiie" solutions suggested by Justin \Vin-or. See Xnrnil'ur and CiiUcal Jllftory of the United Slates, III, 158.

«lleniug, Statute.< at Iau-'jc, I, p. viii.

rUE i'(>LLi:CTH)\'.< OF DOCIMIW'TS. Ji;n:-I(i.", 45

That those nn? tho j)ai)(M-s .lisrii

the Hickman (Bhiiul) trnnsri-ipts. In \u-i profMr.', Stith ci>nlir!,is the ilo-i-ri'-tidn

by Mr. Jefler.son, luit lie ;ii>purently ili^stixiys liir IiUut's lliroiv tliut Ihi- papers in tlie possession hud been of J'evton Kun-lolpli r-iiiec I he dcalh ..f Sir .John Randolph

in 1730. Mr. Stith wrote his pivt'uce in 1740, and suMoests that liicy were at tliat

time in the pussossiim of tlie Ifoiisr of UnrL'Cs-c-.. allhoiejli lie does not make a I)ositi\e statement to that efl'err. lliv a— erlions air worlh ireordino-, since lliev

carry the history of the volumes l)aek tliii-ty years and also throw lij^ht on the Iliekman transerii)ts.

"I must chicdy dejiend upon sueli of our Keeords. as are still extant. Many of them doubtless perished in the State-house at .Tames-'I'own, and by other Aeeidents; and those, which have survived the I'^lamrs and Injuries of 'rime, have lieen so earc- lesly kept, are so broken, interruptcil. and d.i'tieicnt, have been so mani4-led liv -Moths and Worms, and lie in such a confused and junililed >State (at least the most ancient of them) beiug' huddled together in single Leaves and Sheets in Books oid of the Binding, that 1 foresee, it will co^t nic inlinite I'ains and Lal>our, to reduce and digest them in any tolerable Order, so as to form from them a just and comicctecl Narration. And some of them have been lost, even since ^Ir. Hickman was Clerk of the Secretary's OtHce. For I cannot tind. among the Papeis in our Ollices, some old Kolls, to which he refers. I have therefore been obliged, in a few I'oints, to de]X'nd U])on the Fidelity of that Gentleman's Extracts out of our oMest Kccords, made for the Use of Sir John Eandolpli. But these things; were so fai- fi'om discouraging and rebufiing me, that they were rather an additional Spur to ni\ Industrv. For I thought it highly necessary, before they were entirely lost and de^troved. to applv them to their proper Use, the forming a good History. But as the House of Burgesses in a late Session, upon my shewing their moldering and dangerous State to some of the Members, have justly taken them into their Consideration, and have ordered them to be reviewed and fairly tran.scriijed. 1 doubt not, by their Assistance, and with the Help of the late Sir John IJandolph's Papers, and such others, as are in the Hands of private (TCntlemen in the Country, and will undoubtedly be i-eadilv communicated to further so no>)le and so useful a Design, to be able to collect and compose a tolerably regular and comitlete History of our Coimtry.""

Hence, we are again left in a ([uandary. The papers may have come into I'evton Kandolpivs possession through the ai'rangement made by the burgesses for their transcription; but no transcript made diiTctly from the documents as late sis 1740

is known to Us. Whether tliev were borrowed from the province by ]\lr. Stith or by Peyton Kandulph, his f)rother-indaw. or by some otiu.'r historian or anti(juari;ui is not yet proved; and our only evidence that Jefi'erson secured them fi-om Peyton

Randolph's executor is his statement made twenty years after the date of the purchase.

"Stitli, Hi/ionj nf Vii-'j'.nhi, prfl'ace, )•. viii.

'I'hc pajicr^. al'lcr ;ilnin>t iti ( n ccntiiiy the "upildl, were in ;i still iiionMli-ploi-ilili'

(.•oiidilidii in I'.iiil (Ikih tlml l,y dociihcd Mr. Stilli, Init llic lunsc pnov,-, 1kiv(> now r;u-cl'ii!ly been and >l;iliriilly ivjiaiivd. Tin- oidi^- of coiitrnts o( tlit> \oluiiios (wliilr luit flH-oniil(\ui'Mli_v airanovdi may Ik- known i'rcnii tlio alistrai-ts m-.idr under the diivi-tion oF llit'icnian aliout, ]7-!2. Tlii- a^rcrs witli an arraii^^i'monl dctci'niiiK'd l)v t\:c early ])a_L;-in:di(in. the .subjt'ct-niatter. and the wiitino-. 'fluit tlu'se nianiisri-iplN ai-L" oriu-inal leeonls or .y the t'oriii of .-roiiio of them. l)y the sit;'iiatiires of oilier-., and liy the aato,erai)lis of the soeretai-ies and clerks: of tlie period. The supposition is that they cscaiied destruetion v.hi'ii the l^rovinee House was burned in ]>acon's rel)e!lion in l('>~s, duriuL;- tiie adniinistralion of Goocii in IC.I'S, and a.i^ain dui'ihL;' the l?cvolutit)n, be lost only to to 1 he State in the latter half of the eiyliteentli eenlurv.

The volume desiunuted as 1-J2. A. in the JellVrson eataloo;ue, and there entitled

-•_':-;. "lietters, proelamations in Uc'i' and correspondenee lt>2."i." i.s c\identlv the one referred to by |)aee in the Hielcuian alistniet of the rolls as "the otlier side of No. A 42." " 'I'his abstraet Is a ijuarto binmd into the J//.V(/A/;;34. Tlje latter was evidently used by flening in compiling his statutes.

Fi-esuniing tiiat this fragile dui.aiiii.'nt, v.liicli is the only one concernin-'j- the company find the colony while controlled Viy the company, foi'med one volume, its contents was as follows: No. A 42:

1. ('/) Miscellaneous letters from the Privy Council to the governor and council in A'ii'giiiia in li)23. p)i. 1-:-!''. An unknown holograph.

{h) Declaiatioir of the condition of the eolony and answers thereto in

l('i23 4. Yi\i. 3"-7". An unknown hologra])h.

"This volume uf corres[ioiidcnce is citeil in tlic List uf lieoinls a;' Uie "Maiinst-ript Ricenls of tlie

Virginia C'oinpLiuy of LoiiJoii, Yiil. Ill, pt. ii," tlin,-- iuchnlina in Vol. Ill all of thi.s ini-ccilaueuu.s jnamiscript inaterial of the company.

6 ••[ I Edward Sharplcss hail been a, clerk the secTL-tary of the colony, Oliristupher Davi.-on, and succeeded him upon hi;- death in the wiatcr of l(i2-'; 4. Me riMiuiincu as acting t^eeretary until hid trial on May 20, 1G24, for giving copies of the act.s of the a.s~embly to the commissioners of the King; John Sothenie then took uij his duties-'.

<^ See I'lates, l>'>>t, Vol. 1 1 for illustrations of these holographs, am.l for evidence as to the autographs.

77/;; <:()i.ij:fn(i\s m- ncx'i .]ii:\'i's. itiiv.-inr, 47

J. Fuii'laiuciilal ui-il( IN, ,-!iai(c'i>. unlinanros, and ill^t nirlioii-^ liy tlic

fonipiiuy in LiMidnn ami laws of the asso!nl>ly in \'irtiii!ia. pp. S-:.'l. Parllv liologi'iiphs as al>o\('."

No. A 4'J. •'Tho other sido.:"

1. {'() Lvttcis from tln' colony to the Kin;;- or to thr coiniiany hctween

1621 and Jic'"'. An unkiio\\-n !i(i!oj,a-apli.

ih) l.eltLrs fi-oni till" company to tlio roKuiy l.rtwi'm Kli'l and Aui;ii-.t *;, JiWH. lloloL^rajilis of Edwai'd .Sharplcss.

2. histrurtiuns. commissions, proclamations, ordt ;>. wanants. and Icttors

of tlie ^-oNi'i-iior and caplain-u'i'mTal of \\\ .j-iida and (d' tin- ;!ss(.ndily. p[i. o6-53. Partly the holo^'rapli of Edward Sharplcss and partly perhaps of Christopher

Davi.-oii, clic >'Tr.'iar_\ (d' liii' cliIoii_\ from Xmcmher. lii-_'l. until his death in the winter of 102o 4.''

4. Tetitious to the iio\ernor and council in ^'irL;ini:>. pp. 58-63. Holo- graphs as of the precedin<;-.

'>. \ iii!>celIaneoiis lol'eition of letters lietween the l*ri\y Council and the

Commissioners for ^'il;4inia on the one h.wid and tla- sjov ernor and council in

Virginia on the other, in \&i:< (i. ])p. >S"7ie a h-tlcr fr(jiii the Virginiii Company

of London in KJi'U, p. 71. und a census of liii.'4, pp. 71-7,j. I'nknown holo- g'rnphs similar to those in the lii^t piart of this end of ihe \olume.''

The tirst {nnt of the volume tlius opens with the letters of the Privy Council tc) the colony on Aiuil l'S, \^'<-?>. when i\w Kir.e' iirst liee-an tlie actii.ui lookino' toward the dissolution of the company, and Mith the lir>t direct euriesponly. March '>. J'l:.':! J. when the assemhly seems to ha\'e ceased. After tliirt pagi-. copies of seatteriM'l documents appear in a dill'erent writing, commencing on the haei^ of the last assemlily record. These are largely fundiimeiital or coirstirutional. including the instructions of November 20,

IGOO, the charter of Itii'o. the order of Hii'T enlarging the council, and the oaths administered to otlicial.s of the colony of the same period. The other part of the volume opens w ith the correspondence between the colony and the home go\ernnient.

.rt.fter a hiatus of fifteen pages the documents of the go\ernoi- and assembly liegin as indicated under the second division above. The writing is that (jf lulward Sharp- less and Christopher Havison. and remain- the same throughoid. the petitions of the next group. The last group of miscellaneous documents agrees in subject with the

"Tliia volume is cileil in the tJst ot Ilecords. a^ ">I.SS. Reconls uf tiie Viririiiia Cmupany of Lijn- rtoii, Vol. Ill, pt. i."

6 Chri.stopher Davi.son was appnintfl at a quarter ooiirt, .June 1?;-!, IG'Jl. His couiniissioii was sealed Xnvember "JS, 1021.

•' 'Cited in tlio List ef IJecnnls a.< .MSS. Kei-erds of (lie Vir-iaia C'oii.i.luiv, V..]. Ill, pt. ii."'

26105— O-o 4

48 isrudiii ( rii)\ letters of the lir-.( part aiitl in aut<>i:TU})ti v itli the \\\< ,-eetioii of thi.se letters. On

:i fly leiif ainojig tlie luo*e papers is insorihcil li.e ioUi.wine-: •Recoiils of W . (.'iav- hoiuiie or Claihoriio. y Joseph [.Tokejr| Tho Farloiie <.<: \'pt<)n oent 'J'iios. 15:i[u]rljaj,'[e] Clef Cone". This may helouy to the records of the pi'iiod after

.May 1-t, 1G-J6. when Williaiu Clayhoiiri;e was a()poiiitcd secretary of the eoloiiv liv

Charlos I. <>r it may have been ))iace(l in an earlier \oliiiiie, or it may indicate that a pai-t at Ica-t of the earlier volume was tniiiserihed under hi> direetioti.

Section F. Cm of \o. \t.'. in ih.' .Lllir-on

Fchnuivy, 1(>2l'. to \o\i'nd_.er. Ii'.l'T. and includinu- Ioom- jiaee-- a- late a- JoM-f. i- the

.;|' only octavo maiuicri]>t the-e i.r, .),!> and h-i , lir.-,i .-u\ed from it- aliliu-4 ii-.ele>.s condition \>y ropaii-. That thi> i- ihe ori;^inal Mottcr of the come hook of the e

norand council in \'iroinia. conlainine- tlie oriirinal lecord of suits tried iiefoie tliat

body and of order- i~



It is now certain that at lea>i two copies of the court book e.xi-ted nt the boginniuo- of the nineteenth century, since tho -o-called John Randolph [of lu.'anoko] copy Las recently couie to light.-' It bears e\ery evidence of beine- an eighteenth

I'ontury ti'aiiserijil uiadi^ from the contempcnaiy copy now in the Library cif Conjfross: the maiuiscript i-. C)f thi' century foliowiiiL;' that of the contemporary copy: the order, para.erai)ldiie-. form of insertion of documents, and material is identical: but tho omissions and errors arise from illee-ibility in the earlier manuscrip.l. The other ditf'erences lie in occasional care less rioss by tho copyist and in the fact that the abbreviations are expanded and the spelling and the capitalization are modernized.

The caption of the first volume of this eiohteenth century copy is as follows: "The Ancient Records of this Colony under The Tretisurer and Company." It opeirs with "A Quarter Court held for Yiieinia at Sir Thomas .Smith's house in

"The three vohime.- an in the cuUection oi the Virginia Historical f-ociety in Kichmond, I'lit llirv are FO (.-losely a.=.^ociated with tlie LiVrary uf Congress MSS. that they are discussed hero rather than under the MSS. ot liichuumd.

77//; coiJjJcTJox,^ ui- nuci.ui'.s ].-<. nuG-iar, j9

Luni.-. L'^lli (i(l A|.nil aii.! cmK un imuc ."i;i:> with Uic coiirl ol" July ?,,

UVl-1. 'I'hf linal viaKiiicnt is ;is lollows; ••'riic r,-,i ,,r ihr ( '()iii],anv"s Acts arc coiittiineil in a Sceiuul \ dIiiiiil'." ^'|.lulll( 11 lirnjn-, \\itli a I'ouit ol' -liiU- 17, 1(]22, and c'l(>5:(\s on patiO 4'.U wiili ilio jirocvciliini-.s nf .) imo 7, Idi'i. ll l).^ai> the caiUidn.

•'I'iio Ki\'(M-(I> iif lln' Ciiiiiiiaiiy (if \'i;'L;iiii:i. \'nl. L^'." l'a^•(^s 1!)^' to .".itL> include a list of "'ilie n;inu's of llic A(i\ciiriiii", s I'ur \'ii-^inia. ;w tla y won" in tlic Year lO'iO.'"

•" On the in.>idc nf the huani of tlii- volunn* i-- ^\ riltiMi ihe nainc. Sain"! Perkins ol'

C'aw'son." 'I'luM-c i~ a third \(iliiiiii> nf thi- M'iif> ol' i ranscripts whirli i-> drscriiicd. hy ^Ir. H'lliinsoa thu-: •Thr dthci- vdlinnc Ix'^iin- with, the liixf chai'tfi- to the projo-ietors oi' t'ai-oiiiia ihitcd i\w I'ith of Maivii. in the hftci-nih year of Chaiie^ II.

(10(33) and ends pa.u'i' -M-:; witli n'port of (he pctilinn of I'luliji Landwcll a,i4-ain>t tlic

Lord ElliiiLjhain niarlr h\ the Lords (. 'onuiiitlcr.-, of TrarU' and ]Mantations, Dated at the ('ouucil C'hanihvi- j.\\{h of Apiil |t;,s:i."' This dominicnt 'iids (mi i>a>;-e ."(3n. 'I'hc " \oluiiie clo.sr^ on jKiu'r 'Vl 1 with A .Mnnoiial foi ohiaininL; a more [>erfi'ct JJent lioU. iS: advanein;;- Ilcr Maji.\sty"s (.hdt IJents in ^'il^il^a". ( )n the lirst cover is the date. •.Srpl!»'" 17."i'.i.'"

Mr. i^rown thinks (hat thc.-e eopi(> weic made foi- Colonel Uichard Bland from Colonel l?yrtr> \'ohnnes anrl pa>-c.l to Theodorielc liiand of the family of Cawson, tiic o-raiidfather of .lohn Kaiidolph of lloanoke. to whom they finally came. lie adds that the ISyrd volumes went to .Mr. ddier^on with the Piland collection, \\hicli he l)oueht ahout 177r.. instead of the eopi(;s tlieref rom." .Mr. .lame.-on suee-(.,^ts that

,(ohn liandolph of lIoanoki> may havc^ inlnM'ited ihive transerii)t-, from liis ereat uncle, Sir John lomdoliih. In this case also th(\\- would ha\<^ lieen made fi'om .Mr. I>yrd"s volimie.-. and perhaps sliijuld liave eon(^ to .Mr. Jetlei-son with the I^evton

IJandolph lifnary, hut this \voiil.l not account for the name "C'awson" in the second voluiue. Furtlu'rmore. according tc) Mr. Sianard. John Randolph of Koaiioke was not an heir tn Sir John Randolph, and the families were not even on friendly terms. Mr. Ih'own's supposition s(_'ems the more plausible, since

Thcodoriek liland. jr.. of Cav.son nray ha\e leceived the volumes from the son of Kichard Bland by yift or purchase, thoiigh not hy inheritan(e, and. as Theo- doriek Bland, jr.. di(;d without heir.s in 17'.'i). tlu^ hooks may iiavc become the pro})erty of his sister's son, John Randolph of Roanoke. The location of these volumes since the time of the death of John Randolpii of Roanok'e is known. According to Mr. lU'own, John Randoljih'' in a codicil t

"See an ai-oMiut i^f "Two inaiiuscript voliuru's no«- in the l.ilnaiy of (^'unjircsH, at \\'ashiut;tiiii,

\"ul. I'M, April, IS'JJ. D. C," in The M

Jefferson saj'.s he purcliastd in 177S.


50 i.\rj;')i>i (/ inx

his will ill iNL'G loft liis lil.nirv l.> the iita>trr inid i'rlj.iws ot' Trinity ('..IUm/o,

Cambrid<;-c, but in 1S;11 su all(>i'iMi tiic will as to lH'(iU(.'iith it tu his nicrr. K. T.

Brvaii. Certain it is, liowcvci-. that I'oi- ten vimi^ after his death on Mav 4. is.".:;, the volumes rciiuiiiKHl in his lilnaiy in Koanuke, tor Hon. jlu^li I'lair (iriyshs examined them at that plaee on .laniiary 11. ls4M. 'i'he lihrary was .-old in ]sir,, but it is evident I'mni the stalenicnl of .IndL-e AX'illjani lieii;ii. the exeeutoJ- v( the estate, that llie Randolph copy of the eoiirl book reinained in hi^ hands.

The later iii toi\ of ihi- eopy i- (,dd l>\ Mr, Ivi i;jii loji.inon. oi \\'a, hin-ton, 1). C. as rollout;

"A. eomph'te lran:,rii|it oi the lu'coid- of the \'irL;inia ('oinpan) h.ad been in the possession of .John lian(hilph of lioanoki'. and by .Mr. Jhindolph's exeeutor. dudei.

William Leie-h. was phn-Hl in the hand.>- (d' my falhei'. -hoilly after the teiiiiination of llie war between the Stale,-. Tut- \'ir;;inia llistorieal .'^oeiet}', lunine- tlicn n,, shelter of safety fur sueh a \voii:. my father i)laeed il in the ^'alllts of one <<( the banks of Kiehmoiid. with a \ iew to transferrine' it to the .Soeietv. as s(jon as it eould lie done with Safety. Hi- death occuii-ed before tin hi.- ojiinioii) thi- eould be done, .\fter his ih'atli. hi-^ family tran-feri'ed to the .Society the eopv ma(h' b\- liini- solf. It \\a- some time before tliey were able to diseo\er the place of depo-it of the

Ivaiidoiiih (-'op.\'- ^^^d they lina'lN reeo\-ered it. and transferred tliis also to the \iv-

' yinia llistorieal Soei(^fy. ^vhi-re it now is."

^Ir. C'onnay l!obiir-on. the father of My. J.,eieh licifiinson, prepared for the pre.-s two volumes of ab-traets from the court book, which were editi'd later bv 1\'. .\

Broek for the \'irL;inia Hi-tiU'ical Society and entitled 17,v//„;,/ (

Tlie third N'ohime of tliis Uandolph series, which i- cited both ijy Burk and

by Jleiiin^-'' as ••.S.iicient Ivccords. \'ohimc> IH," was copied from tlic traii-cript attested by U. Hickman. This volume of .Mi-cell:ineous Kecords, lt:i.)(;-lr,!.i'. i- tlie only ^-olume wddch contains the substance found in the Randolph eojiy, and is of

"See a nianiiscvipt letter to Mr. Wertliiiijrton (.'. I'onl. ('hi(-f of the I»ivi-ion of Mami-cripts in tlie

Library of CnngreP.-^, Pecciiiber XS, l!Mt\ Tlie>e vnlniiics, and the thivl .le.-:,-iil>e,l l)y Mr. l;obiii.=on-s

fattier are now in the Vivuinia Historical Society colleetiou in Kidiiiionil.

^ \ letter 111 Mr. Knliiiison to ViX. Peane, July 1, l.SdS. For the u.-e ot tliis k-tU-r, a?- al.-n one frein

IMr. Deanc to :Mr. linhiiwnii of .IiilyG, l.'^tiS, the Editor is im'.elileil to:Mr. J. Fraiil;linJaine-i;in, ].rofe.-si.r of hit^tory in Chicatro t'niver-ity. In a meinriranihua Mr. Deane state.s that heiu-iiecteil lhe^e volumes

in April, 1872, at wliich time Ihey wore at the lioiise of Mr. S. .\. !Myers, the law partner of Mr. Con- way Robinsiiii.

''For the extiart.- fioni the ".-\ncient Keconls," \'ol. Ill, i-o called, liy lleniiig, .^ue Stntuks al

Large, 1, Hi-UZ icollaicl reailinus ;/iveiii, ll:;-l-JO. l-l."\ Me,. L'nti, 2l'o.

Tin: fOLi.LfTioy^ of j>()rc.ui:\T!<. nuc-icrt 51 nil eurlior dutr. ;ir,(l, lil^c tho oi-i^;iii;il rnlN., is li'-s clirdii'ild-icjil in iirfaiijffnifiit.

'I'liiit llie Kumluliih (-ui)y ^^;l< not iiiiulr fnuii thr (ii-i,L;iii:il rt'eoid.s In fviiletifcd Ijy tho fact tlial tlio alistnicls int' identical witli those of tlic IJirkniaii or •'ISlaiid"' copy.

That hoth Jleniiii;- and lliiili iisod the Kaii(lol[)h lopir.s c)f the rouit book and also the third vohnne of that sorios is ])ro\td liy thi>ii- dcscrijitions of tlte vohuiie.s, whik' the pa^-r i('fereiiii< in Anciiiit Hr.Mid-^" cited by Henin;;- cuincide in each case witll these three \-ohiiiies. Mv. rieniii;;- speaks of three l:ii\t;-e folio \-iihilHes not in the orllio^-i-a]jhy of the a^-e of the events, and coiiipiji'd without nnicli rcM-ard to method foi- the p;ii-jH)se of foiinini;- niateiial for a history of \'iii;inia, and states that the tii-st two vohunos are lainutes of the pi-oceedin,us of tlie London (.'oinpany, and tile Ihii'd an (epitome ui the K\ei~|ati\ c and judieial ;ie(s of aiitliorities in \'ii--

(•inia, so far as then extant, which were ri.'yiilarly transmitted to KnqdaniL These. he continues, were used by .Inhn lUirk. who ^ot them from John Haiuloiph, and also bj' Skelton dones, JSo;i, to eom[)lete i;iirk"s lli-lory of N'iro'iiiia/' ]\Ir. liiirk liiinscll" declares tliat there are two large vohimes, insti-tid tif tliree, as stateil by llening, "containiag the- minutes of the London Company togetiier wit!) tlio pro- ceedings of the N'irginia Couruils and Assembly, with little interruption to the middle of the reign of George IL"*


The. three volumes containing transcri)its of the Mrginia Keeords which came from the Jellerson Ltljiary in islo are unique, containing copies of records since destroyed. Two of t'lem are attested by IJ. lliclanan. the deputy clerk of the general court in ITi'i!. and the third is the only si'ventcentli i-cntiiry transeript in

1' our posso^sidii. Lnlil I he liiindnlph cnpie--. the t\\<.> larue \-ohnnes inchide copies of recDrds since destroyed.

Of tliis group the '• First laws ni;ide by the as-enddy in Va. Anno ftWo" bears on the back of the last page the following indorsement in Mr. ,Je!iVrson's hand: ••This \' as found ;unong the manu-cripr pa[)ers (.)f S'' John IJandoljili and by the Horible. Peyton Kandolph. es(|. hi-, sun was given to Tho'. Jetlerson," and is attested as follows: --Cupia Test K. Hickman D C (i C." 'J'his early eighteenth century transcri[)t was made by the same copyist as wei-c the .Mis.'ellaneons Keeords. lOOti-lOUii. and is the volume used by Hening and referred to in his first volume, paii-es 121^1:^!'. It must al-o be the subj(

Heniug, April s. IMl."). in wliieli he stale-^ that the manuscript mark(Hl "A" contains laws of l(J-2o ii, thirty-tive acts, wdiich wa> given him liy Peyton Kandolph from the materials used by Sir John Kandolph, and which .Mr. Jellerson declares to

4-_', "Tlfnin-, Sl'ihitiM at Liinji; I, 7ii ii. ('a"l. MUiik, Iliytor,! „/ I7,y/.-„;.-, I, rli. V; H, 7, 67. bti tho ••Only coyn oxtant of thr.^e laws!""' In IMC! Mr. Je(Icr.' of Viij;-inia in lii.s posse.- sioii, .since tl'cy iiiiiquo weio iui(t could iwl h.' replaced.'' Tlic internal evidence poiiit.s to the fact thai IleninsT also used the olhcr volumes of this set, a fact corrohonited by till- following;- staleincnt of Mr. Jcirorsini in a letter to Mr. (ieorL'V Vrattcrson, • May V. Jsl.-,: J e;ivc lo Mr. .Milli;;un a note of iIki-,,- folio \ol!iuic> of the Laws of "\'ir!.'inia bclon<,"-ino- to iLe Lilnary uhirh Iieino' in known hands, will l).- recovered. One is a- MS. volume from which a |>rintcd cojiy is now preparin;^- for publica- '"'' tion. ]\lr. llenini;- was doubtle>,-, u-ijia- them in the preparation of his later volumes. Certain it i- that tliesc documents form the basis for a part of his lii-st voUiUK-, in ho cites .J,,,iri,i'l which the ••/ th, Cnunll uml Ass, ,,,11 1/, /^;.Y;-y6'.>',J, as bplonoin;,'.- to Thomas .IcUcr.Mni. and as liavini;- been •'purcluisfd by him with the library of I'eyton IJandolph. from hi> executor-." 'i'he third, the Jfisr,lliiiio'>i.s Eecorih, 7G06-1G9..'. he states wa- bono-lit by Mr. dellerson ••from the execiUor of Kiolmrd liland, dec'd."''

'J'lu^ seventeenth century volume, entitled //i.^tf'd/oit.y, GimiiilZons letters of Advirr iijiiJ (Klii-iijiih'iAiiis and P'All/'jue Sprt'd'es. J'r'i.diiiiintiong d'c: Collcct'-d, tmniiCrd)rd mid ddd/- nui^/ (..riiininid tii/ tin- (Ir'ninioll Urrnrds. i)0,r r.rfiiiit. lirlioi-lii)'/ to tin' Axs, nddl,:. is a vclliim-covc-red book, with an embossed ti<^-ure on the back cover, and with tlie follov.int;-: ""E ]<'>:.'l Publiifj Letters and Orders." On the outside of the front co\'er upside down is: --lO John Lland Richard Blan [d]

Alexander ^.lorris.iu." while on the hrdf (hat remains of the tirst fly leaf is the name ••Nelson." On the Uy leaf in iln> book in pencil is the statement: ••date of

]\1SS 10">('-lt>'.t,T;" and on the front i-o\'er similarly i-: •" 17" Century eopie Bland." Thi-j ])re.scnco of IJicuard I'dand's name in the book shows that Mr. Jetterson .secured it with the Ukuid Library. Tiie wriline- of the volume is similar to the early seven- teenfli century system in ma.ny of the abbreviations, the use of the double/', and the formation of some of the letters. Evidently this is a collection of correspondence of the colocy. tian-cribivl from the court bo(M<- atid from thi' mi>cellaneous papers of the three N'ohmic-, of the manu-cript records of the company.' The second \'olu!ue of documents from I61.H] to XiVyi is in an eie-htcenth centurv hand, many of the documents bearine- the atto-tation of W. Hickman. The bindiiig-

"Jefferson I.etrer.-^, in tlie Lilirary of Cori'jrress. Tlii.-- is an error, sinc>e a conteTni«irar_v copy has been found ainonjr tlie ''fraiiilo papers'' in JeltVr.-on's own possession at the tinie.

'''i'honias .Teffei-son to .To!m D. Biirk, Monticello, Felirnary :?!, ISO:;.

(\\\ 1). Johnston, ir.du^ii nf lh( l.\l;;-r:i 0/ Ovif/.rss, I, 17S.

'Mteninii, Sliiliit>:<: nt T.nnj.. I. 147, ]•".:', 2l>-). Tlio tirst I'onr voUunes of tin's work wore paMishe.! in ISU'.i. By an act of tho a.-senihly in lsl;i the work was conipletc.l. In l.s-j:; the tirst four volnnie.s were ro)irinted.

fKor the eontent-s of this volume as late as ltJ24 st-,. the Li.-t of Records.

'I in: (:\x or iioa .\j j:\ts. unc-n;!', 53

i-< ill cmII' iiiifl licaiv on I'm- li;irk tli.- I'll htlivl, " \"\r . Ki'coids." liouiul into the

hack of this volume is a siuuli ((tiarto ol twviuy-li ve iniyrs, i-oiilaiiiiii;;' outlines of doruments in llio Manuscript Keconls of the Coiiipauy, which sctncs to iilciilifv (he loo.sc paoe.s of the orioinal recoiils as KoU .\. 4l'. and an ai)straci of Oiiitain Aryall's reo-istci- dui-iii>i- his H-ovcrnuKMit." The docuiiunts in tin- folio voluuic^ arc cliarlci-s, instructions. coiuiiii>sion.-. l.J tcr-- fron: the Vv'wy Council, and olhcr docuiiicnts eniaiiiiliiij;- from the C'r

.sccurecl with the liland lihrary. an erroneous desii^nalion as is proved hv Stilh's statement in his preface, that II. Hickman iiKule a cops of the IJecords for Sir efohn liaiidolpli.'' Ikit li:e volume lias hci'ii kiio\vn feU' the jiast century as the " IMand copy," iillhoujih its title as a '• Hickman"" or a •• Kandoli>li"" \olume would he nioi'e appropriate. Tlic conclusions wddch ha\'e lieen formed with i-eeard U> these oi-iyinal and conteuiporury manuscripts and the later transcript-- di>clo.-c little eoncerning- the ciietinrstance.s xiiider Avhieh they were nnide. or the orieinal owners of the voluinos. I'nt the imi'ortant facts to disco\t'r. in order to determine their authenticity, are the pei'iod of lln' tian-cript and the documents from which tla^ copies were made, and these facts in each case have lieen ascertained.''

"Tlie ilocuiuijnts there reterivd t(i \>y I'lcjf are iMteJ in the ''J.ist dI llicoids." Xlie oii;.'iiuil register of Ciiptaiu At>:all luis not been found.

b For the contents of tliii= vohiine see the ],ist of Eeenrds.

'lienint;, ,SUtti:U:.-<, I, L'l';!, 224-i!S8. •^Slith, History uj Vinjinia, Preface, \vhich is dated Deceinufr lil, 174f).

^ l'\ir inihli.shed Htaleiiients and di^cns-inns of tiie hist'.rv and identity nf the voluMie.-i in tlie Lila-ars' of Con;;ress wliich cnneei-n the Vii-.jinia L^'Diiiany, as also of the liandolpli copy, see: l;olx-rt C. llowi.soii, JliMoriiof Virrjinni, I, I'll' ilootnote). lS4o.

J'tli.i'np'g j;:,,;riij,],;/ Fordyce M. llalil>ard, Life of ^^i^ Francis W'yatt in A„„rlr,in ( fo,.lnote). lS-1^.

Hii^^li I'duir (iri.iTsby in Ou- .•4.

J[ohii] W[ingate]"T[liointon], \ii tU- II!.l:n..:l Mn,,,,::,:,-. IVl.ruaiy, Isr.S.

Cliarles Canipl'dl. JIi.-sii0. William Green, in tlie .Sunlheni Litemri/ Mes--eii'jii; .September, 18(38. Justin WiiiPor, yniratiic and C'ntlml Hifkiry "/ Ameririi, III, 15S. 1885.

E. I). Ncill, Virrjiiilii fAuiipany of Loiirloii. IS.Sy. J. Franklin Jameson, "The Iv.-conls of the Virginia Company." An addre.ss delivered liefore

the Khoile ]-

p. 8- Alexainler Brown, in the .V'igif-.lne of Amencmi Ilii'lnnj. .\pril, ISO.'I Lyon G. Tyler, in tlie l:>j,o,-t uj Ihf A.i.friran Ui4;,-lr.,l A.:

54 rx'j'uon! vriax

The Library of Congress !i;is rec-iitly ;u(iuiro(l ii liu-jre imin'hor of transcripts of those nuiiuiscriius in now tlic iii)rari.>s of (Jrcat Britain pci'taininu- to the Vii-i^iuia Company or to the colony viiidor tlio authority of the company. It thus possesses roproduc'ionsof allot (ho Virginia material in the British Museum, the I'rivy Council oliice, tlie l^odlcian i^ibraiy, and the .Magdalene Coliege ]>ilirary. Ctuuhridgc. In tin,' J*ubhc Uecord Oilicc all doccpiet jioiices on \'iroinia, all records of suit> in chancerv ai.'d the adniiralt>- pertaining- u> \ irginia, and (he rjun t/\irnnif<_' in the King's Hench. by which the company \v;is disso|\ed, as well as the most imporlant documents and eoiTesfWiidence. have been transcribed or photograjihcd for the Librai'v of Congress f)ut the corrcspnn(hiicc of the planters, the less important correspondence of the company, and niciv mcmoianda are yet to be Iran.-cribed. The hitter material is fairly outlined in the L\il. s/,,(, i,<(.tr ,,/ r,,j..rs^ Colonial Series, 157-4- to 1(j(50, and in the Appendixof the eighth I'epi.rl of the L'. >,/,,[ rw,v/////.v.svV-/, ,.,i Ilhlnriral Manmcrlpts, or is printed elsewher<' in full. '

The eollection of pul)lications by tlie company lielonging to the Lil)rarv of Congress is fairly oood. It contains twelve of those which \\ere issued before KilO. but of the later books it has only three. The Declaration of IG20, the Declaration by AVaterhousc in Wl-1. and ,)ohn Donne's Sermon of the same year, in addition to

Smith's General History, are the only ones of the eighteen now extant whicli are in the Libi'ar^'.


The colonial records in raclimond, \'irginia. relating to the period of the company are extremely few in number. Fortunately the original docuinents, which are in the Library of Congress, v.-ere borrowed or abstracted from (he state liouse in time to save them from destruction during the lievolution or bv fire in l.^O.j.'' There are. however, two vulunirs of original records in the Virginia

State land oHic>e containing grant- of land in \y>iZ and li'i'-l, which were cvidentlv entered by A\'il!iam ClaylKmrne. nt that time surveyor for the colony. The liis- tor}' of contemporary documents })efore UIl'.}. whicli are located in the district of the old settlement, may thus be brielly (old.

The valuable collections of the Virginia Historical Society in Eichniond embi'ace the John Randolph of Ivoanoke transcripts described above, while the

State library has tluee sets of transcripts und one set of abstracts from tlie liriii.-h rublic Record Oliice. Of the latter the De Jarnette papers, Iiiit6-1G'.»1. include only

«A1( of those jinppvs an- inclu^le't in tht- Li-t of Ili.-i-^inls.

''\Villiaiu G. Stanar.l, "The Virginia Archives" in tlie lleiiorl vf Ihf Aincriruh Hisloriral. A:

'nil: i:oi.ij:vriu\s oy /iovcml'Ms, j(jiij-ji;y, 55

of doi'iinicni< of intoi\-<(; a few the inlhr .AruudnnaM iiml AVindcr ii;ipcr.-, are full and careful copies- of several of the Iuml;- and iiiiiii)V(anl (luemneuls, fnllouinn- oeiu-rallv theortiiography of the orjoinals; vliilr ihe Sain-lmrv ahstraets contain coniparatividv full outlines of those doeunieiits included in the CoL ,,diir of Sl,ii, J'ujhrs, Colonial Series.

:\iANrsri;irTs ix riiK n!;w yokk I'n'.Lic Lir.ij.vuY

The New York Puldie Lihniry is next in iniporlanee to the Librarj' of Cohotcss in manuscript material on the ^iro•inia Company and second onlv to the John Cartt-r Brown Li])rary of Providence. Hhode I-hind. in luihlicarions. lu the Lenox hranch

of the \ew York Library is to Ije found a uni(|ue .-et of dociunenls relating- to the sotilcmont of Iv.M-kclcy IluiiJrcd in VA'.K known as the Smyth of XiMey papers

wdiich •ai'c from the collrdion of \'iri'inia inatia7 and died in lf4L The collectir.n compri-i's over sixty papers, ori^'inal and contemporary trun.-eripts. relatin-- to the settlement of \'ir<>'inia between Kilo and 1034. After i)assine- into the liands of John Smyth the youne-m-, and more recontlv into the Cholmondeley collection at Condover Hall, Shropshire, the manuscripts were offered for sale in January, 1S8S, by Mr. l>ernard Quaritch, fiom whom they were lately liought a-id given to the New York Public Library Ijy ]\ir. Alex- ander ^laitland."" With the exception of the manuscripts in the Ferrar collection relating to Smylhe's Hundred, these form the only extant records of the important movement for private plantation-- in Virginia under the regime of the company. Two other valua})le documents are now in the po--session of the Lenox ljil)rarv,'' the holograi)hic letter of .Joh.n Pory. secretary of tlie colony, dated Septemlier So. ]tVi!), and Commissioner John ]]ar\-ey's dcelaiation of the State of Viiyinia in I&IA.


The matmscripts in the Library of Congress, the Smyth of Xibley papers in the New York Puljlic Tiibrary. and the patent books in ^'it•ginia are the only original records of tlu^ eoiu'iuny or of the colon\- previous to WrI'.j now in America. Hut there ai'c two public collections of Americana which are (>xtreinel\- valual)le for this pci'iod: The John Carter P>rown Lil>rary in ]'j'o\-idence. Phode Island. Mhich contains only book- on .\merica pulili-hed before the year PSUO, and the New York Public Library.

"Qiiot&l from the New York I'uhUr IJhmrii Bulklin (ISDT), 1, liS, ami (1S()9), III, KiO.

6 List of EccorJs, X'os. 133 and 0-)0.


50 nriiuKLrrios

111 tlui .loliii (';u1(M- liru\\ii Ijilii'aiy arc two royul ]ir()c];iiii:ili<)ns, which iwc tlio only dociuuents of iho cliiiiafkT I'dr the jnTiod in Auu'iifu; while ii do'.'hinii ion of :i division of land in KilO, which is a Miiiph'mnitai-y pannildct in tho I >, -J-iriitioii lnj thi' Coin/xijiij of duno, l'2, 102(1, has no du[ilical(^ in existence, aithouuli ih('!-(^ is an iiiiporfect copy of lli(> latli'i- in the llrili-h .MiisiMiiii. 'i'lic cojiy of tiic li'c'O declara- tion ill tho Lenox Lihrary is also uni(nu\ sinc' it cnntuins a dillcrent suiiplonu'nlary pamphlet of which ihcre is hut one other to Ih' found, ncithi-r of \\hich has jicieto- forc been noted." It is a declafa(io!i of Novenilier 15, Kl'Jti, coneerninj:- tlie dispatch of supplies, and i)r(e,(s liy ilsdale liiat (his i.-, a later edition of the deelaralion of

June 2'2. Tlw^ dohn Carter llrown Lilnary al-o contains a iiniijue tn>aiise l>y dohn

Brinsley, heariu'j- the date Kc'-J, the only oiher copy of which is i,, the Lenox \': ldhrar\. It lias al-o two sernions, one liy I'alrick C'o[)land, cnlitlcd ni'iiln'^ doil

he Tlunili'l.'' with duplicates in ihe posses-^ion of Kdward K. Ayer, and of the of there re(piot Lilirarv, Soiithpoit, (..'onueetieiil . a.iid one by dohn Ponne, which arc copies in the Lenox, the A.\er, and (he (.'on^ressional lihraries. In addition to these rare books, the Declaration cf I'Mward Walerhouse of ]1'j-2i\ coiitiiinini;' "1'he Liconvenienees thai havi> haiipened, lli-Ji.'." and (j!,s,r,'ot!o)ix to be /'V>ni\^iJ for of the eoniniodi- inol-'uKj of v't /."////<- for .^i/l- irn/'/,is. If'i-jn, inclullin^ '"A valuation tios e-rowinu' and to lie had in ^'irginia•, rated us they are worth," are to be found in the riovideiiee collection, while the latter is also in the Harvard and the Lenox >'' jmblished by librario.s.'- Li the same year a 7>. "f on thr art of oo'lhoi xilf was Southainjiton. Jolin Ranoeil. c.ntainin^- a royal hdicr (d' enconra-vment to (he Karl of now to be found botli in the Hrown and iln' Lenox libraries. The New York Public Library is .--econd only in \ahie to the John Carter I^rown Librar\ for this subject. In addition to the books noted above it contains of lOi'o. two uni(iuc publications of the com]i;iny. the tirsi i-, a broatlside May 17. tlie Editor. catalogue of I'.crnard Qnariteh. in which i.s the only cojiy known to A

York. This library has also ilic lirst eililioii^ of "The ntlier copy is in a i.rivate ci.'.U-ctinn in New tlie letter-- of the Kin- thetlec-'arationuf lOl'O; the treatise I.y l';moeil, ivi.ihite.l in U.-.-':i, lontainiii;,'

I,.: Thinhd, and his Ikrlamtlo,. ho.r the monh'^ and of the council; Patrick CopUui^l'.- V,otU,r,-s (;,„l !Mrluod:o,u,i thr Stat. ,^ Ih. r.J.,„;i. 1(!22; John ur,r f!hpo..cd, iuihli>hed in li:-2; Ivlwael Wal.Thouse'. Donne's Sermon. lii'_>2. in the l.ilirary of Congivs,s. ftThcre is a luanuscript coj.v of this .-cniion are he found in C'The Iiian„r„;,nirs'' was [.uhlishcl a-parutdy as a hn.aasidc, and copies to of .Ann.iuarics, London. A copy was in tl.c the Lenox Lil.rarv and in the colh^ctions of the Society mentioned in the (.tuariU-h catul-uac of -Ma> Cholnioiid.'.lev collection, v.hich is prohahly the one ('l-^rroilkms, sold to Mr. Kalh(leis,-h. The supp.«tion 1.SS7 This, as also a copv of the was not seem as a part of the Deelaralion of K.hvard Watcrhonse does th-it it waso'rijiiiiallv pablisiu-d the page is the ..nl> one containing the hlxiadside, and valid, since the .T..hii Carter i;r,.wn copy inserted. in that case lia^ evidently heeii triinuieil and

77//; viii.hi:cri()\s or /»o(.t.i//;v7'n, icic-nn'i 57

1SS7, May. (U-^cril.rs -iirii a KrnM.I-iilr. v, hidi i^ known (.. have Ihtu purclia-od liy

Kall.tl(.n-..'h. is Mr. Tlu' ser.nul .1 .V,,/. ,,/ lln Sl,;j,/>:„ii. ,/,-., s, „/ In Vnyiiuu !ii

tU:iI. Tlie C"lu)lmonik'Ic_\ copy of lh\< aNc.) wu-, sold liy .Mr. (^uaritrli to ^iv.

K:ill)tlcisi-h." A lliird cojiy oT iIk' -anic i-^ in the collrclion of prinlfd liro;;

Tlif voinnu's of prinlrd materia! rrlitini;- to tlu- \'iri:i[iia Conipanv. which arc in the Harvard Li!)rary. ha\e hcen nii'ntioiied aliove.

Two private collections di'srrve nn^ntion for tlieii- coniiiaralively larp' niiiiiiier uf imporfarit puhlications of the company, tiie pri\ale collection in Ne-.v York and that of Mr. Edv.aid .\yer. in Chieau'o. Illinois.'' In addition to twenty other rare pnMieations of tlie eo]iipany Mr. .Vyer has a iiniijnc Iiook entitled "-(Ti-eevovs

Ciron(>s for the I'oorc."" lti'21. It refers to tin- \'ir^inia Company in its address only, and in the .-statement of the nnmlier oi' poor that had hcen sent to \'irg-uiia,

but is of value for an undcr-t.mdinL;- of that movement. '\'\\c other [irivato collection is of about the same .size. It contains the duplicate of the IGl'ii declaration in the Lenox and liie only known coin* td' a four-[)ae-e tract entitled •'Declaration how the monies wire di--j)oscd (beine) collections for the Grammar Schooles." by Patrick Copland.'

"In tlie catitlogLif of j;iiniinl t^i.uitch ii.r May, IS.sT, the liroadsitlo of j\Iay 17, 16--'0, ami the Kote of the Sliipiiiug, Iti2], arc beth iioti'il as lieinj; nniijue since each contains the final clause: " AVho- s?ocver transports liinisflt lt any other at liis oun chan;c unto Virjrinia, sliall fur each person so trans- jiorleil before inid-sninmer, 1025, have to him ami his hciis foic\i.v ''0 ai ivs oi laml upon a first and 50 acres upon a second division." A co]iy of tln^ Xo(c of tlic Slii|ipi!iL', \iV2\, in tlie f'liolniondeley collection is suidlarly described in the fifth report of the lli.-toriral .\laiuiMi ipts C'ouiniL-sion, pa^e 341. The Quaritch copies were sold to Mr. Kalblleisch, whose collection went to ;Mr. I.efferts, and finally through tlie dealers, Geo. H. Richmond or iJodd, Mead A Co., either to a jirivate collection or to the l.eno.K l.ilirary. l!ut the Lenox copies either do not corre-'pond to (hese descriptions or were not purchased from Mr. Lefferts. The voUnnes of the Lefl'erts collection, v.hich Averc not sold in

America, were sent to .Sothehy, En>jland, but Mr. Kaiues of tlie Xeu- York !'ablic Library states that no early Virginia material was allowed to return to England.

'>The collection of Americana lielon.L'iiiv to Mr. Aver is open to tin.' pul;lic throuijli the

Xewberry Library. For the early Virf^iiiia material of the library sec ImU'X under "Ayer, Fdward."

('This tract is described in the Appendix of the Fiflli P.ciiort of the Historical Manuscripts

Commission, as follows: "X Declaration how the monies, viz., 70'', 8s. lid., were disp.ised, which was gathered t'>y -Mr. PatricU Copland, preacher in the Royal .laiocsi at the Caiie of (;ood Hope (toward the buildin;; of a free, school e in VirL'inial of the jjenlleiueu and mariners in the said ship; a list of whose names are under specified, iVc. 4'" 7 pp. luiprintcd at London by !•'. K. Ml'-'."

58 isTnoui criux


Other iittcnipts lm\e liooi iimile to sec-virc rt'somccs I'ur rcsc:iri-li in Aiiicriua.

Not only i.s tliere tlu- a;4-^ivt:;iti ni of rxtM^.-pts t'loni the Eiioli.-Ji documents in

Kif'limond, :i.s desciihed nl)ove. and tin- aciiiii-^ition of transcripts in tin- Library of Coiiii're.ss within rcLTnt years, l.in half a eenluvy ano a simihir intere.^t \v:is disphiyod l)y col]octor> and lii-torians in New York City. I'onnini;- tl)ree collee- tions whieli are tu-da_\ in the Leimx ]>ilnary.

William 11. Asjjinv.all. a ni'M-chanl. .-ecureil anior.i;- olli(>i pajjers the Chalmers collcrtiuii of letlcr> ajul (loeuments relating'' to \'ir_cjiiiia from Itjm; (o 1775. 'J'hey were in turn sold to -Samuid Latham "Mitchell l>ailow, a lawyer and notable eollecloj' of \c\v "i or!; City, from \vliom a piu't were ]iurcliasef| hv the library, while olhcrs came to the Lenox with tin' IVmeroft trans.Tipts in ls".»3. Chalmers had been a clerk in th(^ State paper ollice and seems to ha\e taken thest^ oxti'acts, outlines, and sonn'times fidl eo2)ies from the Plantation otiice papers, since he eontinually refers tti thcni in his J^J/t/'rn/ AnnaJs.'' Ihvy are modern- ized transcripts, failing' tn follow the early orthopraphy, ablireviatious, and capitalization. The writing is cramped and ciflen almost illegible, while the

table of contenis is im-omplete and useless. 'J'hey comprise (1) a series of brief outlines of I'ii\y Council orders; (I'l extracts from the Dudley-Carleion papers:

(3) outlines of adilitional Ci:>uneil ortlers; (4) a cah'iidar of certain of the colonial

State pa))ers: (."i) outlines of council orders dealiiio- with other tradinp- companies.

All of the original documents are at present in tiie Pul'lic IJecord Oiiice and are noted in the Bibliop'raphical List of Records following. The IJaneroft papers relaiino- to N'im-inia and the Simancas Archixcs are well boiuid, clear, and apparently earefid. correct, and full copies of the documents iucluded. The first two volumes of the Bancroft collection bearing on the Virginia Company are transcripts of many of the documents in the State paper ofliee. probably made' in l^b'l by Noel Sainsbury. but the lisi i^ not complete. While the peculiar and characteristic signs of aV)breviation ai'O nt^t followed, the orthog- raphy seems to be accurate throughout. Furthermore, the collection includes the dociuiient entire, unIe-> otherwise indicated. The table of e(;ntents is carfeid and correct.* 'The •"Simancas .-Archives" is a vohujie of transcripts of "Papers in the Simancas Archives relating to the History of A'irginia and other portions

"See a :^tateiin.-nt l>v ^'ictllr H. ralt^it.-. Aiiril 14, liS'.'o, inserted in the first volume of tlieso paj)ors now in the Lenox. 6 Tlie doeuiufnts transeribeil iu Viotli tlie Chalmei-s-lJarluW rjul tlic Baucruft volumes are noted in the List of Records under "Remarks."

'iili: coi.i.i.vi lusa or hovi mi:m^. luiti- inr, 59 of Aincric:i IjoUvcvu lijus an.l liliM. iiiiulf for Aloxanucr llrowji and inaiiv of them usod liv him in his Imok. 'J7i,- ^',„,.v/.v ,,/ //,,: /'. .s." The only docuinont rehithig- to \'ii-L;inia wiiitii is not rcpiodiictHl in liiat colicrtion is a repotition of the. proclamation of the Kin^- of Enoiaiid roncerniiio- tohaoco, bearing the date

November 1-. lOi'-l.


i"i;);i;ai; taimiis

The most, nniip.ie eollection in i]n^llnd for the study o!' thi ^'ir<:iaia Company is that in llii_^ pi---e-sioii of Maijdeleiie C'o!ir-i', t "ami iridic-. As tli:' propej-ty of Nieliolas and Joiin Ferrar, who wore seeond only to Sir Ivlwin Sand.ys in their acti\-ity in the eoiapany, it woukl lie in\aluatik'; Iml iis imporianei' i^ further oidraneed by tin- fact that it eonlains the i-ori-'.'-pondrnn- and papers of Sir Jv.lwin Sandys hini>olf. Tlie~.' seventy-eight pa[>ers, whl.di are either reeords of the company ov \itally eonceiii it. eover the period of the Sandys-Southampton inthience from HilT to the sumnuM- of l

\ng papers eomrrn family atf;urs only, and date from liinl to the middle of the cio-hteenth century. Some of tluMU are doiibtle.ss those recei\'ed from the F.arl td'

Dorset b\' Dr. Peekard. when he was jireparin;^- his JA/cfV.v a/' yir/icldx J'\rror."

The fii'.st knowl(>d;4e of the Ferrar papers in later yeai's was conununicated to the Virginia ifagaziiie of History by ^licliael Lloyd Feri;ir. I.ittle (fidding. Ealing. England. He sent a number of tran.seripts and photographs of letters to the maga- zine for ptiblication. among which were some halt' dozi-n liearing on the atVairs of the company, but the mmdier which he was pei'iuitled to reproduiM; was limited by the college. AVhile ^Ir. Feri'ar was (.oni|)leting a histoiy of tin- Ferrar family the entire eollection was depositeil at lii- lionn-. and it was therefore in Ealing in the fall of 190o that the Ivlitor wa- tir^t permitted by the autlioriries of the college to "sec and note the contents" of the pajiers. liefore the follow ing summer Mr. Ferrar had died and the eollection had been rt-lurned to Caml)ridge. where complete trans- cripts of all letters and photograi)hs of all documents relating to the ^'irginia

Company were made for tlie Library of Congress under the supervision of the Editor.

.-iOiircheil «' In tills work L»i-. I'eckanl states that tin- Karl of Dorset lia^l had lli^^ lil.rary and

had sent hini a few lonse i>aiier.s lielonL'inir to the Virjinia Cuiniiaiiy.

60 LXTUODl CT I oy

Tlu'^i.' ;iiT !m(,-i . paiu'ls many u\' tlirlii 1i.mi;v; imirli daiiiii^i d, ami il i< apiMrcnt

tluit thi'V art' a pafl (if a lar.u>'i- ciillrrtiuii wliii-li nm>l liavi' In-fii nculiTlcd wliik' in

(lie ^)n.-^^.-.i()n of the family. There are xime enveloixs without httei'.-, manv ruligli iiu'iiioi-ancla \>y liolh Xiehola^ ami .lolui Ferrar. --onii' account Imok-.. unci some ron<:li draft- of iietitions to the Iloii-e of C'oiiuiion-- and of dis(ii->i(,ns on the silkworm. The aiilouraplis \\ hicli they fuini-li of luith Nicholas and John Kerrar

liave heeii 1^]^ no little iiiteivst. as well a- value, U>v the iilentilicalion of other jiiipeis

in the I'niilic IJeeord Oliice, and in I he J.iliravy of <'onui-e-s. Furthermore, ihe

j)i-oof that Nielidla- l-"enar himself suii.'i-\-ised the ti'anscript ol' the courl hook is thus {gained.

Ill this collection are t\\ enly-thrce [lajirrs \\Iiicli are \ei-ilalile records of the

(i)i!i)>any." Tv o documents i/\\r oui- only knowledec ,if the linancial allairs of Siuythc's Hundred, slje-ht indeed. Inil from them comes lulditional information coucerinne- the sy.^tein of organization of the societies for prix ale adventure. Sundrv otliei' uniijue tliouoh scatteied documents are aiuoiie- these ))a])ers. such as vecei]its for money expended, shinvin;;- the metljod of husiuess. reiiorls of eounuitteev, and of

proeecdino's of the eomnii~siii?iers. revealini;- the liitterness of the factions, drafts oi-

origiiuxl records of certain courts. foi-min.L:' the only proof of the accuracy of the eopie.s of the court hook-, anri throe new proceedines cif the courts of the Soir.ers

Islands C'oin[)any. One of the latter is evidently a liloller and reveals the methods

used in keeping the court hook. The y/"/ ^r./mintn in Iviio-li.-li, Axdiieh was served

upon the treasurer and coni[>anv, ^\()uld liave lieeu of the f.';reritest vrtluo liad not the orioiiml record of the suit in tiie Kin

niueh has been lost.

The .serie.s, consisting of twenty letters fi-oui Sir lOdv.in Sandy.s to John FY'rrar, .shows more clearly than any other doiaunents we possess'- who the real nianager.s of the ali'iiirs wore and w hat xvas tiie spirit of tlie Sandy- faction. The absolute contidence which Sir Edw in .Sandys had in .lohn Ferrur and his great love for both of the brothers is significant. ^Moreover, the knowledge of the atlairs of the company, the careful watch over every act and inovemont afi'eeting the business, the deep and earnest

plans for the advancement of its interests revealed in these lettei's prove that Sir Edwin Sandys was the keen linancial manager of the undertaking. It was evidently

he who determie.ed what the policy should be: li(> was apparently the statesman

a Li.st of Records, Xos. 7r,. 138, tti4, l'5S. lV.O, 30:5, .304, o!l4, 4l'1, 423, 470, 479, .539, 541, o43, and


'' For the.-e letters see Jhid., X<>s. 120, 131, l:!.5, 13il. 171. isl, l!il, 1'.I7, 21 1, 219, 271, 27.5, 2S2, 307,

31.5, 31(3, 317, 3tJJ, 36S.

77//; <<>/. I. /:(-rii)\s nr nociM i:\Tt 61

and tlio politirian, diivrtini;- the iiicilioil of ad lir.--, tn l'i,> lor.U ,,{ tlio cfinncil or tlio iittitudo to 1r> as~iinic(l tuwan! tlic Ci-owu. (.•ontrollinL;- (lie cuinu ^o that he inio-lit be present wlien there wa- danuiT of faction, (•onecalino- the iiifoi-nmtion reeeived from the eolony when he feared it woidd entail eriticisni. ^[nch of (lie personal feelino- and animosity tiiat existed is jiore ,-ho\vn. and inindi also which reveals actual (inancial conditions,

Tlic last of jiaiicr- uioiip l!ie-e comin-i-es thirly-live leltcr-.. all hut one or two of which -A-erc wrillcn hy ]da?iler> or adventnniN. rc-ident in Ihi- colony, to Sir

Edwin Sandys." Of llie-e. ti\ecame from ( io^crlUlr 'I'canllev. (en from either. loim Tory nr Ocnr-'' 'riioi-jM'. M'crrtaiics in the colony al dilicrcnl limes, and two from the cape mcrcliani: uf l!ic remainder, al leaM len aiv fiom ,,,], .ni-t- whose opinion-.

ami reports have noi ie;,ehed us in any dlher way. Thes,. Idlers are as full of

eoinphiint wilh re-ard lo the in-iiflicient supplie- •^ent with new planleis. as are tiie

letter.s in the Manclic-ier jiapers which Sir Naliianiel Iv'icli and the Iv.irl of Warwick

used as a hasis o( accu-ation aeaiiist tiie manaecinent of tiie ron)panv, Init tliev

differ from the other coi)ipl:iin|s in that they are kindly in .-[)irit. Mr. I'ory's letters are full of deliniti^ information coiH'ornin;:;' the afhiirs. needs, and hopes of the

colony, wliile Gnvenior Yeanlley al-o e-i\ es some \alaaMe statements with ree-,ird to new settlers, the coimeil. tlie relation- v.ith the Indian-, and the eovei-mnent of the colony; ln'th complain i:>f the scant jirovi-innine- of the new s(>((l,vrs. The Imrden of the Yeardley letters, however, is the investie-ation of the allairs of ("aptain Ar^-all and the eonsiMiuent criiici-m drawn upon himself frnm J.ord Itich. rnfortunatelv. comparatively few additional data are atlorded coneerinne- {\v ArL;aII affair cither by Pory or by Yeardley. The i)lanters themselves tell much of tlndr condition and of the districts in which they have settled, but the tliemi> (d' tlieii- !ettei-s i-, most likeK' to be a demand for pronii.-cd payments or a complaint a- to the seareitv of provisions and clothes, '{'he attitude toward Yeardley is o'enerally favoralilc, dohn liolfe alone

.supporting;- Ar^'all and eriticizint;- the governor. As from all coi-respondciiee of such a character, m^w idi-a- are eained. new jmint- of view, and often additional knowlodo-e of relations with the Indians and with one another. ]\Ian\' of these letter-, arc annotated by Jo'ui Ferrar. reveidini;- the degree of importance which he attached to their various and


A class of documents, very -imilai' in eharaeter !ait of ipute dill'erent s)iii-it. is the Manchester papers, now in the Public KiH'ord Oflice, London. Koliert, l'>arl of Warwick, and his cousin. Sir Xathanicd Rich. i\(-re both members of the company.

"For these letters, see List of lic-conls, Xos. 0:i, m, 1 l."i, 1 1'.i, l;;4, !.•>:;, l.".ti, l.\s, ICtl, 17:;. 1711 ISO,

235, 2.S8, 239, 241, 243-2-50, 2-32-2.5.3, 28-3, o43. 400.

62 l\TUiil>rci /ox

ISir NatlKinio! was a Icadrr in tlic ^\al\\ ick laclioii. v.liilr l^-rl IJobiMt. after tlio dissolution of the comiiaHV in l^'rM. Ih'cuiih- a incinlh'i- uf tlu' ((miikII I'd! X'ii-o-inia. The tliiid wile of the Er\rl \va- Eleanor, Countess of Sussex, daiighti'V of Riehaul Woitley. and she, after the death of tlie Kail of Warwiek, married, as her fourth husband, Edward ^lonlaour. seeond Karl of Maiiehestei-. Thus i( i^ ilmt the

Kinilioltoii nianu.-eriiits, whirli ;nv tlir rreonK of theDuki'nf ?>hinelie,-(i'r. conlain a lar<;e rollorlion of i>rlit ion-, d'clai-alitiiis. ni'Miiorunda, Ii-I1lts. and li-U whirh

thi' ( cniniialed fruin W'inwick fa.tion .'aliiainel Kich and Aldmnan .!(,linson, jirinir niover> in thai i-onlliel. lienry Montaj^ue, N'i>eount ,Ahintcr. v. a,-, at one time lord presiijmt oi' the I'rjvy Counrih 'i'herefore many of the Man( lu'stiT papers may have heloiiL'-ed to him. The auto_ura])hs, however, identify those whieli ronecrn llic \'irgiuia Company as havinu' helon,L'ed to Nathaniel Uieh.

The Manche-tcr and the Feii'ai' papel-^ therefore present tjje two >id(_'^ of tills eonlliet, not in open eoui-t nr even in private content. Iml in tlie private documents and memoranda of the leaders. The eolleclions are of ahout the .same size, there being sixty-six pa];)ers in liie Manchester series, to ?evenly-eiuht in the Ferrar group.

These, also, are unbound, hut since thi.' gnalrr pait an- rougli notes of document-^, or drafts of prupo^iiions or speeches, tliey are nu'.cli lUDrc diliieult to decii)lier than the Ferrar ]iapcrs. Indeed nainy of thiMii are almf)st illegihle, atid not a few are unintelligible, having no coiuiectiiig thought.

A dozen of those pajnM'- m:iy he con->iilr!'ed docvnneniai'v: tliat is, rough copies of letters, petitions, and declaration^-, or v{ acts cif the ciiniiany. or cd' its memliers and oiBcers in an ofticial capacity. A few e memoranda by Alderman Johnson and Nathaniel Kieh that the company was to be overthrown l)y fair means or foul. In two or three papers are carefully prepaied lists of alleged evil deeds of Sir

Mamisi-riptx, "Tho.^t- MaiK-liester papi'i's .m- raleiularetl by tlit.- Kui/'d Cuminmiun on Hidoriml

Beport VIII, Part 2.

SListuf Record?, p. 140, Xo. 170.

' 77//; f<)ijj:cii(i\s Of nuci .]ji:\'i\s. jcm-u:.!'! Oy

EcUvin Sandys aiid C!it!ilo(;iU's of (!ii' funlls uiid eri-ors nf (he fuiiiiiany, while Ibc critii-iMTis ol' tlie policy ami ol' (lie iiiaiiaL;rniciil of the .oniiianv arc set di>\vn in order, based on Ictlci-s from colonists, of whicii there are clcvm in tlio coilcrtion.

Ill these criticisms and drafts of ]iroi)0-iti,)!i-- imich information is afforded concernint;- the niana<4cment, orL''anization. and condition (.)f the colony and eoni- ixiiiy. 'I'lins. various l)ooks hepi hv the company dnriii^r Sii- Thomas Snnthe's not time, and other\vi>e kno.vn. are mcntioiicth " Five or six i()Ut,di draft-; of proj)Ositions C(jneerninc- tin- tohacco and salary (jnesiion are also to he fonnd here, as well a- numeiMus statements of snm- advcninred. of th.e numhev of nnMi sent to the ctdony, list^ of memher-; favorahlc to one faction or the other and candidates for ofliee from l>oth ])arties. >hiny of the rcnii:!) notes of both .Tolmsou and Rich furni.-h the only source of oiformatinn concei-ni:i;j' the directions yiven to the commissioners appointi'd 1:iy the C'rov/n to investigate the condition of the comiiany and of the colony and their act> and reports, hnt a fact of c'reatcr siji- nilicance is this, that the \A'arwick collection contains a do/en roni^li ilrafts of directions to those conmn.-sioni'rs. of cliai-;j;es against the company to he sent to that body, of pi-eliniinary I'cpoi-ts coiicernine- the goNi'rniucnt of ^'ircinia, aiul of projects for the settlement of the <;-o\-ernment and the colony. The sonrce of the schism is here revealed, and the ac(ai^ation by Sandys that aecn>er and judge were one is jn.-titied.*


The other large group of \'irginia record-, consisting- of over one hundred and twenty separate docuuients, is found among the colonial and domestic papcr.s deposited in tiie Public Keeord Oltice. 'i"he sonrce of this collection is uncertain,

^lueli of it came friMu the I'lantation OHiei:. an^l pcrliap- from the Privy Council Ollicc. The consolidation of depositories took place in 157."s, but the ellorts of

Dr. Thomas Wilson, the first clerk of the papers, to force the previous and incumbent nlaoi^trates to hand over all documetits to the State, were evidently often miavailing, and hence it was that the creation of a State J-'aper Oliice was not really accomplished until the period of the conii>any. After Sir Thomas "Wilson succeeded his uncle during- the reign of -lames I the aid of the King -was much relied upon, and, though partially successful, the recent revelation of quasi- pul)lie documents in pri\"ate collections shows tiiat not onl'i earlier but later ofHeials considered papers of record private property.'' Thus some of the Salis-

o List of Ftccoid^, Xo. 4r.S.

6 A letter from Sir Edwin SanJya to .hihn Ferrar, citeil in tlie IJ.-t of riccrirds, Xo. 3i7.

'-Scargill-BirJ, .t O'liile to tlu; Docutuatls in the PnMir Heconl Ojlicr, tiilroductioii, p. .xxxvi. See also W. X. Sainsbary, "Calendar of Documents relating to the History of the Slate Paper Office to the ye^r ISOO," in the Dr^.niy Kivpeis lU'jjort, Xo. oO, Appendix, No. 7, i>ii. l.'12-293. 20105—05 5

64 ISTh'dUl CTJOX bury papers, wlii.li "".Vi!.-,)!! failed to mciiiv, arc now at llatlield Iloiisc; and others have puNM-d with the Lan.^dowiic coll- rli>>ii into the LJi-itish .Musfuni. wIrmv thov arc known as tlie I>ur<;iii*y jiapcrs. .^iniihirly, the Cottonian pajicrs in tlic ^Musciuu orfjriiia'iy holon^'cd to Sir ]Jol)ort C.' of Jaiuos I.

Amont,' thi' Stato raiicis dciiosili'd in the liecord OlKce are tin; letters to

John Ferrar, dtited from \ir;;inia in April. lii'iS. which may h!i\e liecn seized liv the eoimnission aiijininted un ^lay 'J. ICij;;, to in\OsliL:a(e the all'airs of tin- eom-

))any. I'licre. to;.), are founil the attested copies of letters and leeurds in tiie colony wlii'li ( oncern the Maivey C'onjjiii.-.sion, sent to the (vjinmissiiin in }'",n^land

hy Ivlward SluLr})le-->. A few of ihe.-e papers seem to huv.- heloneed (o the company, such as the dneuments piMtainine- to the ^\ allonns and dated 10:21; IVii-y's re))ort from \'ireinia. in the same year; and two copies of docunu'nts hv

CoUinewiiud. dated the latiei' part of hrJo. ' All of these fai'ts lead to the con- chisiuu lliat a pviri of t!ie recordis id' the commissions, and a part of the. confis- cated record- of the comp.uiy are here dt posited. Jf scj, -^slicre are the remainder of these iuo>t x'aluahle documents ;*

Tlic ct)lonial papeis ainl ihe domestic correspondence inehidc ahout fortx-ciiiht which are rec;.>rds. and ahout nineteen which are dnciimcntary in character. The liist grouj) contain-., amon;;' citlicr jiapeis, many of the petitions and letters addressed lo the Kin;;- aial to the l'ri\-y Council, and many others of the council. Jt is thus ajiparent that the i-nyad correspondence of the I'rivy Council antl the rri\-y Council papers w hicli should accimipaiiy the ret^'ister are in tins collection. To the second e-rc)up belonj^- those p:ipeis which contain projects presented by individuals and answers to such proyjositions, lists ui adventures for the company, and also lists of men sent to tlie colony aii


In the lil)e|s of the admiralty court, instance and jirize, are found records of suits in which the \'ii-i;iida Company is plaintiff. As a part of the contro\'ersy in which William Wye appears as defendant i- tl.c suit of Yon^e >:•<. IJobeils; while the fraenienl of the record of the Ivirl of Warwick />. Edward ]»ruister

«List of liecenl..;, j.)). 145, Jf., Xus. L'L'7, L'l:;, -144, 5l'ii. .=.7!I.

& Fi^r a 'lisciis.-i'.in oi tliu fate of tlie niis-iijg i-Lviinls aail the {•rohability as to tlieir existence,

Bee ch. V, po.4.

-'Jiii: cin.LKcTJdXs III-- nociMrM's. it:ii:-ii:."i 65

coiK-'Tliin;;- the, trciilrlr o^•|^ llir .vliip,-, X,j>li.,i< uiiil 7); 'i^n , r cniiiplclrs the li^t of

(•uses ill tliiil court \sliicli in any \v;iy ;i!l('ci tlu> \'ii-o-ini;i (.'mniianv. 'I'li'' l:itti'r i-. so

torn aii'l (Id'accil thai luii for an (HTasional dato or fact, il alVoriN no inl'oi inatior, of

tlir ollici- value. Anion^- fovnu'l mat M'ial of (lii' ;-uil a^-aiii. t \\\v arc two valuahlo

dociimeiUs, naiiicly, the coniiiii-.-ioii c-ivcn to Wye and a letter from tlie treasurer

and council to Sir Cieoi-e ^'caidhy. diled .lunc l' I , ICl'.i. In the laltcr are valualile

references to Ar^-all. and the comidaiiil- a.u'aiusl ^\'_\ e, ihou^^di lorn and illeu-ilile,

reveal soniettiin-- of tlie !i-- estiiiiuted as rosiiltinL;' fr.>ni tlie failure to >ettle the

ptisst-ncvrs in ^irL;i;lia. Tlie>e recoi.U ^>i llie adiniialty courl liave not hereto-

fore lieeii [lublished, although ihcy were cited 1/y K*. (i. .Marsdeii in his di>cu>,>ion

of those documents." J'.ut tlie chaneerv tili\s, which have fnrni-Jied the records of suits by the Virginia C'ompanv. have only just l;een indexed, and hence the docu!neiit> ]ia\-e ii'>t hcretofoT'o heen known.

The record of the '/' ' i';iriui)ifi) <-m\ h\- which the \'ir^ini:i C'omiiany svas (ner-

tlirown has been erroneously declared to he not exlant, a mistake due to a dilier- ence in \-iew\\it!i reL'ard to (lie court out of which such a vril would he issued and as to the court in which the writ ^\•ould he riUiirnalile. Hence the search

for the docunuMil has hilhci'to heen conducted in the r:-!tv lla^- of the Chaucerv

instead (d' in the coram rec-e i-,,!! of the Kinu-'s 15encli. It was in I he laltcr roll that

the full n-cortl of tlie writ, the i)leadinos. a.nd tiie judc-ment wtu-c di-co\ered liy the

Editor in the fall of r.ujO.'. In A 6'"/'A .'- ih.. I)ur,i,„. ..!.< i. th, /'»///;,; J!,,;.r.l ''>mn

]\Ir. ]'>iid e-i\'0^ tl'.c following cxplaiuitioii of the iiloriln ,!,_ ijua irdrnnitii: They

'"consist of the ])leailine> aiii.l jud^'ments on writ< of '(pio wai'ianio" in nature of

\vrits of rig'lit on beha.lf cjf the Kini:" a;jrainst thosi> wh(_) clainnd or usurped anv

ofllce, francljise. or liherty. The pleading;-; and judymenis on writs of "ipio \vai"-

raulo' or of '(juo litulo ciamaV took place in the ]v.in,i;"s Inucli or tbc' Exehe(|uer

and are enrolled on the "coram I'ee-e rolls" or tlii' mc'iiioramki rt)lls' accordine'lv.""-'

1'lie statement in the court hook of the company i< that the 'comjiany had been

.ser\-ed with proi'css oul of the Kini;".- Hi'mdi by \ iiiue of a ([Uo warranto." It was

this clue and that fi'um^Ir. .Scur.i;ill-J'>ird that led the Editor to conduct the. search successfully in the coram i-eu'*^ I'oU. In the Iteuonl Oflice are alsij ihc doc(piet books, which alford some knowlcdeo

of the j>'rants of thi' Kinc- atl'ectine- the cirstoiiis on tobacco, and the patent rolls,

o H. <;. Mars.lfii, " Keconl- ut the .Viliiiii-aity Court " in th" Trnnsnrt;,-,!,^ .,f O,,' Unijal Ilhloriml

.S'ncf'f/;/, new s-ciies, Vol. X\"l, '.jO-iiti. M;niy i«rts ui tlic.-c rccniils :uc UMilci-ipliciahk-, ami as .1

result the tranan-ipts ma4e lor the Library of ('i.iii.avss arc iiiconiplete.

6 For a fliscussion of the content of the docuinent, see ;;'/«(, \>. 103. cV. 1G6.

66 /.V77.'0/>rC'770.V vhii'ii coiitiiin Iho letters p,Ut>;ii (.f '[*>'.»'>. iculi, ;iiid ICil'i. In ttic c(ilimi;i] onlrv book> aiul iuimii^' the proei;mi;itioii> (if the iviri^- aie onlers ci' tiie ]'i'i\v Council and ol" the Kiiiy, all of wliich are reeonlcd in Iho Privy (.'ouneil register.^

l'i;i\'Y COUNCII. KlXilSll-.Ii

Since the Privy Council louk no direct i)art in the atlairs of tlie conipany

betwoon ]<11V and tlii> .sninnier of PiL'-.'. its ordeis related lo t!ei>.e regulations wliieh would enable tliraet- cf the cnini\iiiy tn advance the inteiests of the kin;_;doin. leavinjf absolute power to the company a- the jir.iprieior. Thus fully one half of its thirty

measures durinj^- those five year- wcie rcp-rieve> of prisonei-s, v. iili the warrants nec-

essary to send them to A'iryiiua

the cities of tlie kingdom to the coluny. During- this period the Crown commenced

its uttem))ts to secure a revenue from the tobacco trade. and a series of orders iinally

resulted in the a])]iro\al of the contract wilh the coriijuuiy in ]-Vbruary of llii'il ?>.

In its foreign and external relations the company was of course subject to the action of the Privv Coiuicii. and hciu-e the ordei's in council concerned the contest with Spain over the attack of the Troi^nnr. Furtherinore, the disagreement wilh the northern colony concerning tidiing privileges had to be adjusted by the couu'-il and resulted in the renewal of the patent to tlie northern colony and in regulaticnis us to rights of fishing. It was in the suinmer of IG'ii that the first movement was made which brought the dilliculties between the factions into the open board. Tlie ])ctition of Jolui Bargrave against Sir Thomas Smythe, Alderman Johnson, and others, in which they wei-e accu&ed of ndsmanagement, resulted in the defeat of Bargrave six months later, as was to have been expected from the hostility of the Crown to the inirty in Parliament led by Sir Edwin Sandys, of which J'.argravo was evidently a mendjer at tliat time, liut tlie storm broke in the following Ajn'il. state of the irginia when llie conuni-siou was appointed to impiire into the true \ and Somers Islands companies. From that date until the dissolution of the com- pany in the summer of 10:.4 the council Im-ied itself witii the atVairs of the company. >so less than 81 orders are recorded which create conunissions and empower them the to investigate both the colony and the company and in the end to a-sume functions of government in the name of the Crown, while seven of these documents pass directly between the council and the ci>lony. and no oilier mea-ures were con- of sidered except those which enabled the Warwick faction to tear down the work business. the adventurers and to lake into it- own liands the control of the entire comnnssions here The.se forms of guvernment, planned by the Crown and the in a recorded, by which the authority -wa- vested in tlie conmdssioners and later Here- committee of the Privv C'umcil, stand for the liegimdng of royal control.

Tin: i'i)iJ,i:c'ri(tM< oi' i)Oci iii:\-rn. imc-ici'i (37

toi'ore, wlih :i tVw (-\cc})i icm,-, tlicsi' nnhM-- Ijuvc Iioimi kii<;\vn only llirou.uli tiio

Ciilcndar (if s(utc jKLpcrs. ;iik1 cvimi llicii iii.t more l!i:m oiii'-luilf li;iV(' Ixm iii(;luilcd.

'riii> I'rivy C'oiiin-il Ollici' ami it- rciMM'ds are localcii in ilii> trca-iii-v Imildinj;-,

AVliitoliall, I.ondoir. liu' l^•^isl(^s of the couiKdl orders are la^pt in tlic elcrl^'s odlce

but all cf the early rcL^-isleix are je.-operly almiit to lie iTaiisfiTred tn (lie J'utijie Kceord Olliee. 'I'lie-e i^eei^tiT-; coniriin the orders of the eouneil. and. after

Charles I, also the ]ielitions received and the letters issued 1)\ the e(.umcit. In the earlier rei^-ns -ucli documents were not recorded: wliellur lliev were even preserved as pidilic doiaiments i- not certain, allliouu-li. as >(;i(ed aliovc, many of thcin have found their way l

material, d,-itin<;- from tli(^ '\o

i'.i;nis]i .MLsr.UM

The collection of manuscrijit-; fi-om wliieh the most valuahle returns mifiht lie

expected is in the ISritiMi ?\fuM'um. The doi'uments there deposited are small in

number but they are of yreat value, and none of them have heretofore iii'cn printed. The orio'iiifils of thi' precedents for patents of the Viri;inia v'ompany. which are now noted for the lirst time, evidently formed a pare of the records of the company, and it may be that they are sonu^ of the copies of the reconis made under the supervision

of Nicholas l-'errai-. or they may lie the drafts of patents which were tiled by the eompany according to an order of it- court. Not only is the wriiini^- similar t(.) much of that in the eontem})orary transcripts of the cuuit book, but the\- are unsigned copies, tuid the headines of a numlier of them scem to be in the aulo(;-ra])h of Edward Collino'wood. The caplion of the series shows that theco]iies were msule for the sake of preserving;- the foi-m, and reads a- follows: ••I'residimts of J'atents, Grants &

Commissioners by tli(> \'irL;'inia Company. IGi'l."'' 'J'he com])any thus preserved the leijal form of the \-ari(nis e-rants. l-'our of thcui are of \alue not onlv for the form hut for the knowledj^-e they furnish of the distinction made between the four classes of adventurers: those -who paid money into the trea.sury and atjieed to plant one hundred ])ersons, tlio.sc who e.stal)lishetl a private plantation, those who were private

planters, and tlio.se wdiose 'shaics e.xeeedino-c lA) acf are exempted from pavinge any Kent to y" Companv foi- the per.sons tlicy transixirte." In addition C(!rtain

knowledge is afforded concerning the grants. Tavo out fif the other nine documents are commission.s granted to owners and masters of sliips for Noyages to \'irginia, b^'

"The clerk's oflice is euterfil from Downing street, liut tlie liknuy cimtaijiiiiL' tlie (riginul ilucu- monts must be readied throuirh tlie m;iin entrance on Wlutehall.

6"List of Records," pp. 1-19 ff., Nms. -'.'x.'., L'-'i7. L'BT, l'7i>-27S, i".iS, 2!I!I, :^l':j-::2."). The volume is oatii- logiied as AddU'ional ^fSS., 14~Sj.

68 j\Ti;(H)i fj'iox

^\lli(•ll dun- arc lo Iraii-pnrl i,uv..-muvix to N'ir-Mi.ia. Another i^ a covouanl l.v flu> cciiipany tu pay Inr the victualiiio- aiul ti-aii-iiortino- of jia-^scnocr.s. wliiio still anutber is for llic lianM-iortiuL;- <>f ooods only. ()llii>r funns an' Mioso used for o-raiiting- rights of fishin.u on iIk^ cmsI of America, for voya.uvs to N'ir-iiiia. and frrt- lisliiucr along- Iho shore.-, and others -till for dis.-ovovy. lishing. and ti'ading in furs in Vii-giiua. Tiie eo\enaid signed ],y A\'illiani Kwens in wliieh ho :igiT-erl to lit on! the sliij> (r,"}-(/r i-eveals the foi-ni of contraet leqiiired of the n\asiers of .ships hv the compa.ny.

Theso pajiers form tlie last group in a volume which (ontaii\s "A Catalogue of the Nohilily erf England in the time of King dames the lirst." HVjC. and -'A list of all the Ollirers l.elonging to Courts of dustir<' the Kings household c'c Ifeuenuc \v"' their seuerall fees." There are several signs for idenlilieati.Mi, but none whicii iudicaie the origir.ai oune!- of the volume. It is a snr.dl (piarlo in leather, hearing tlio .signature, "li Cowl- A. l"."," on rh,' imier euver. and also tljc arms of James Ilindley with the nu.'tto. '"unus ol idem." At the bottom of the same eover is

Mi'illen the following: '-rnivhased at the .-ale (d' '\\'. Hej'v. ieks lihrary at Sotheby's. i!7 Apr. lst;:j. (J,(,t 127), " while on the sectjnd lly leaf in the upper rightdiand corner is the inserjjiti,,;,: ["uo gift of .M'' Dan' Prinee, Tjookseller. Oxford—July

:i-i'' IT'.ti." Farther than this the hi-tory of the )'apers is unlcnown.

Another.set of documents in the Mu-einn is also unii(ue. One of these sup- plies all that i- known out-ide of the coui't book ainl a single reference in Aro-all'.s legisler book regarding the eontrover-y over the gi-ant ol' land to John Martin in Virginia. The other letters from ?ilartiii to his brother-indaw. Sir Julius C;e-ar. writ;ten in Di ee'ulier. ld:^-2. give -tartling suggestions with I'egai'd to an ideal policy foi- the colony. "I'lie mi'iuiei' howi' to bringe in the Indians intr> subjection w"' ;iu ." out makinge utter extirpation of them . . is the heading of the paper in which ^lartin propo-es to disable the main body of the enemy by cutting them off from their scuirees lA supply a! liomi' and liy dc'stioying their ti-ade. ][o woidd "( Ihu.s require two hundred soldiers 'ontynuallie harrowinge and burneingc al! their Townes in wynter." liy this means and by gaining a st(jre of grain for two vears' snpjdy. he jjlan- for tlie reci>\iry from the massacre. In order to st\-ure the entire teriitory fi-om the Indians, in a second letter he propounds a scheme by which the Crown or the company can make a ••IJoyall plantation for gods glor\- his Ma'"': and Royall p';'(jgenyes euer happines and the Coini)anies exeeedinge good." The responsibility ;ind Cijiitrol was to be thrown upon ihe .shires of England. The fact that the ^hirtin letters have not heretofore been gi'iierally known may be due to an crroi' in the catalogue. 'J'hey appear under tlie name '"Tho. ^lartin" instead of "Jho. >.Iartin.""

"List ut" Keo.r.l.s Xi,.s. ;!7.s, :;,s4, :«.'>.

77//; <(iijj:(-no\s of ixnTMnx'] s. ii;ii; n;;', ' C,\)

Two otluT inojict- I'd]' ilic ;i.l\aniTm(Mil of thi' culoiiy arc in the sam(>' collection of papers; one by Captain riart;ra\ e, hmliier til' the J>(aiior ( 'aiilerliury, is ilaU'd l)eecnil>or 8, 1 t>-io. and lIuMttticr a year hiter. Tiie latter rchUi^s (o the division of income from toliaceo between the Kino-, the phr.iler, and lli" urower, with a reward to those cndeavoriiiL;' to ))reserve, the plantation, but aj)))rn\rs the I>ileldie]d otVer.

The l)ilehlielii oiler itself !< al--o in this eollet-tiou.'' (.'nptaii! I'ari^i-ave's ])ro[)osilion for the (;-o\erniiieiit of the eolon_\ >tandr, midway between alisnlnte n>yal control and Full autdiiomy of the ])lanter.^, and iiolds an ipiijiortanl jilace in the develop- ment of tiic plans from the |ii-(iprietnry to the royal eolcmy. I'\irlhermore, it is rather sioiiiiicaut that in the eolleciion of Sir duliiis C'lesar aVe to bi; found the jiropo- sitions of .Martin, of ]'iarii'ra\e. and the document by \vhi<'!i lln^ eouuuis.vion was

tiually appointed in ItliM. toe--tablish the jj-overnnu^nt in \'iri;inia iindei' royal control. Sir Julius C'lesar. haviie;' lieen a judy-e of aduni'ally under Elizabeth and chancellor of the exehetpier in the reiyn of Janus J, became ma>ler of the ndl-, on Januai-y

10, lilIO 11, and one of the kcepei's of the groat seal on ^May ">. ICiil. ]lis position evidently enaliled Inm to secure a laro'e eollectlein o! \aluab!e di-afls of docimients.

Thi.s was sold at auction in IT.'iT. ()ue-thii''i cif tln^ cdllei'tion \\a> purcha.-ed by the Earl of Shclburne (Lord Lansdownej from ^\'ebb and came to the Museum among

the Lan.-d',.N\ ne paper,-. 'i'wo collections of printed material of the company are to lie found in Eiigland,

the ]?riti.-h Museum and the So.ieey of Anliijuarii's. While the lliiti-h ?iluseum has

a lai'o'C number of the earlier publication,-, it |)o<>e,-se> only the declaration of June

'22, 1020, and also the uiuque note (jf shipjn'ne- of It'ii'i,>, the nidy other cupy of -which

i.s owned bj' the Society of Antliiuaries. The collection of tliat society is lieh in

roval proclamations, be-ide- po--essino; a copy of the Note of Shipping, If, 2 1, and

of the Iii/'iiiir,)ii,n<:is of 1i;l'2. The -cattering docmnents to be found in private collections throughout T.ugland aie often valuable, but nowhere else is to be found

an\- considerable nund)er of papers or any that are of gi-eat imporlanco.''

n Lift et Iteuerd.-, Nos. ii04 .ami 7:;.'!.

I'FortlioHe documents in privutt.' cuUection-, see ihu List of Iti cords. In tlii' concludin^^' .^icetion

of this " Litniduction" will be ioun.l a discus-ion uf tht rolleitii'ii- wlucli l.ave Inx-n sciuvliud in vain for material rdalint; to the Vir^^inia Company. Furthermore, a statement will there bi; found of tiio.se

familie.^ in whose ])ussession we sliould expect to find A'ir-rinia records, bei-aur=e of tlieir connection with the men prominent in thi- company or iu tlie c Jiiimi-.-inu- w iiicli .supplanted the cc.mpany. A very

heliiful article, entitled "Tlie .^tuart l';ipers," is piii.li-hvd by Mrs. S. C. L..inias, in tin; 'J'nihsa<-llu„.i of

thi }:ui/id lJh!urla:l ,S'."-,V/;/, nevv .S..'ries, X\"I, \i:-\?,2.

Organization- of tiik C'omi-any

la oi'dcr to fomju-cliond \\li;it tho rocurds of tlio coiiijiiuiy wore iind wluU Ihoiv valiie, il is mccssaiy lo .^aiii :ui iind-T-liiiidiiiv; ol' tli^' svstcMi \\liicli llic coriKjralion worked out. in ordrr to furtlici- it^ inu'jKiso-. Tlie fornix and usages of llio company aftei- 1*319 were (ieieniiined liy the rliarters o-ianted hy tho |\lii.. mul liy tho •Orders and Constitntioiis" whieh il adopted in lillUand piiiited in .liiiie. l(li\)," allhoiiuli the latter were altered or newly inti i'jjreted from time ro tiiin' hy art ion of its courts.

Tlie meinbersliip of tlie company was uuliunted and \\a> (planted liy tiie courts to anyone who had "adventiu'ed"' £1'2 li>s. for a -.iiare of slock or to whom tlie I'om- pany had awarded a sliare of stock for ser\iee>.'' Tlie di-limlion between a inemhcr who was free of the company and an owner of iatid in \'ir;;inia v,as brought out in a coiitro\-erM" on t'eliruary I'.t. li'rj:.' T., in which a jn'oposition to limit the ad\ent\u'er> to those appi'oxed by the j^meralily r.iel with op-pnsition on tin' L;'roiind tliat land in

Virginia was lielil in free und conniioii socage and I'ouid not bt> forbidden to any man.

Hut .Sir .lohn ^lrool^e, the le;_;:d au.lhiuity in the cuuqiany, declared that such exclusion was ao'rceable to tin" law >ince it was a i|uestiun (ji a \-olc in ;i couit and not a ques- tion of ownership of land. 1 he aryiiincnt \\:c. ba^ed on the ]Hi\vi'r to withhold tho privileg'o of votino- from Samuel 'W'rcjth. who was under cen-ure. and similarly ou the power to exclude any nnu \Nho had purdia-cd land fi-oni a number who was indebted to the company imtil the debt-; \veie j)aid. This discussion also revealed that no oath of fidelity Nvas requirerl in the \'ir,>,'-inia Company as in the ^luscovv and other corporations. .At a Later date the Kint;' ]n'oposed tliat no inonilj.'Dr should be free oi the courts who had not .-cut men to the colony as plnniers, claimin^^ that les.s than thirty of the ad\-enturers coidd mei't the rciiuirement.'' The power to dis- franchise an unworthy mcmlier was i-eserved to the company.

"Li-stof Ueconlp, Xo ]s:l.

''IMS. Keeords of the Virginiii Comiiaiiy of bom!, m, C.nrl fin,:!:, \'ol. I. Nov. 15, iG19.

clhil., II, Fel). 19, ]t)22,:l; I, Nov. a, lii'.i).


72 " i\Ti;ni>i CTIOX

TliR nunnlioix incl in foni-f.-roul or .'s of vaiinus iner.du'rs of tlie company " until the time of the tohaeeo contract, when a i-omijany Imnso was eslahlished. ]n the (puirtcr couit the advcnturei-s elected all councilors and principal officers of the company and colony, made all laws and ordinances, conlirmed all grants of

land, settled all (juestions of trade, and jiassed all measures which should bind the company for a term of years. Their action with regard to questions of a new charter and of investn'i'ul for tlie colony wa- legal only when ti-aiisacted in a (piarter court, but thev might transfer to other cnuris actions which concerned correspondence

M'ith the hn-d treasurer or similar busint-ss. I'^il'teen of the generality and live of the council formed a nuorum for tlie ordinary coui'ts, and in those they signed warrants, ordered the pavnient of liill^ passed by the auditors, and sealed bills of adventure. In that meeting al.-o were perfected commissions for transportation of men and pi-ovisions and for trade and barter. Special officers and committees were appointed in tins court, and even actions of great important'C, such as the

dissolution of llie magazine or the extension of fieedom of the comiiany to hon- orary meudiers. were consnuunated.'-' The officers cho-en l>y the company were a council, a treasurer, a deputy, auditors, a general conuuittee of sixteen, a secretary, a bookkeeper, a husliaiid, and

oi- governor not only as the ii beadle. The adventurers looked to the treasurer president and modeiat.n-. Iput a- tlie manager of their business interests, and expected him to be responsible for the policy of ihe company in its ndations with the govern-

ment and tf) formulate and present plans for the development of the plantation and the profit of the a'lventuivrs. Td him was entrusted the supervision of the treasury and the collection of moneys. The care of the court books was given to tlie deputy. It was his duty to attend to the engrossing of the orders and resolutions of the courts, the registration of letters to and from the company, and the fornudation of statements to be given to the public, lie also keiit the court of the connnittees and supervised the issue of warrants. The conni'il was a liody. gradually increasing in size, elected for life, and was sworn by the lord chancellcjr or ijy the lord cl)ami)erlain. In the earlier years it was the most iuijiortant coiuniittee of the generality of the company, but after hyll its

"MS. Kc.nn.lsof the Vii-ini:i Company ef Li.ikIoi., Conrt DuuL, V.jl. II, May L'4, IiiL':!. Ui. Ull'.ri'O; Fel.. 2J, lf,l Il,i:l., I, llec. ir>, Uilli; IVc. :;, mile .Tan. IL', ]i;i9,l'0; Feb.

vyj)i:r: riii: swiiyssoi 'iiami'tox i/nz/v/.v//.' ivvo.v 73

duruvs seem oftoiitim<\-' to h;i\ i- luTii ;r--~i>^ru.'il In i lie, amlilDi-s or lo •

According to the '"( )j(lcrs and Consl itiitions" ils cliici care was the [iivj)ar:tlioii of

l:i\vs for till' coiuiianv and I'or the cohuiy, tlic is-uc of iiisl nu-t ions lo tlie e-o\-oriior

iiiu'l coiux'il of the (^dony. and llie formation of a ju'eliniinarv court foi' tiie trial of

the oflicers of tlie, (-(inipany oi- v( the cohniy. Hut tfie jirarlice in tin' courts was to

refer to it those dilltcadt (hitie, for wliieh it< tilled and dislini^ui-.hed jiersonntd lunde

it cspei'ially lit. To it was rid'ei'red. us a linal resort, the examination of thi' claims of

John Martin, tliO atteni|il< to nain a statement td' aceounts fj-oiu the idd ma^a/.inc, and the setllciuent or arhilration of l)oth the Hare-raN-e and the Are-all cases."

A fiody called tht- "' connniUci's" ^\ a.-^ at first ('omposed of Iwehe mcndiers, si.\; ijcing chosen annually, hut lahM' the numljcr was increased to >i.\tecn, four heine'

elected anew each ye;ir.'' Its duties \vere chietly to atl<'nd to the Imyine- and selline- of the couuuodities of the company, .and to the furnishine- of ships depiirtiiig

for ^'irl;illia. The auditors formed the other important standine- conunittee, composed of

seven n)eiid)ers, elei-tcd annually. Tlie ch.ief duly assigned to ihem liy tin" "Orders

and Constitutioiis" was that of reducing to ;i lio(,)k the receipls and e.xiicnditures.

The court hook discdoses the faet that the comjiany in, posed u[)on them the hurden

(d" exiimining all claims against the com[)any. a-' well as all claims of the company, of

iuNcstigating tlie aci-ounts of the lotti'ry and 'd' the magazine, of determining the

awards of land or of sliai'cs for service or for adventure, of jiei-fecting all patents and grants, and even of investigating controversies, siudj as the l>argra\e and Maitin cases and the dispute as to the seal and' coat of arms.'' The other ollicers perfoi-med sucli duties as usually prutaiii to those who hold

the corresponding titles.'' A.S the husiness of the company increased adilitional ollicers were clroson, us those for the control and execution of the lutterie-, and of the tohacco coidi'aci: while the custom of referring important mattei-- to special committees grew rapidly, until

in the later yeai's many duties \\ere transferred to them from tlie council, and even

from the auditors. In tiii- way siudi athiii's as the securing of men to send to the

"M.S. Kecor.ls (if tlie N'iigiiiia Ci>'ii|iaiiy el' I.enden, Court linuk, \'>\. 1, Nij\. 17, Kjll); Nev. .3,

lt)l;i; .Tune :'8, lOi'U.

(//.-./., I, May :. I(i21.

f Ihid, I, Jniio 24, Hili); Dee. \h, 1019; i\h. 2, UUO 20: Feb. lO, 1G19 20; May 2:1, 1620. For a

, discussion of tlie seal of tl-.e eumpaiiy, see Couke, "C'layliunie tlie ttrl.cl," in tlie M'uiuzin,' nf

American Ilisloi-if, Nt-u York, ^'el. X (ISS.'i); and also Baxter, ''Great Seal of the Council for New Eiiglatid" in 7/„W., Vol. XI (1SS4).

<'A reiiort of the coiaiuittce aiiiioinleil to (IcM-rilje the " particiihn- iliuies" of the several ollict-ra

is among the Jlauchester ]iai-ieis. It i.- incorijoiated in the iiuhlislied "Laws ami (jrders." List of

Kecords, Xo. ICie.

74 ixrh'onicTiox colon_v, the. provi.^ionint)' o!" .-hips, thi; licariiio of potllioiifs, Uicinvostigiitin"^- of cliiiins, the scndiiii,' of iiiukls to tlio colony, the pkiiminir for now settlements jiiul industries, the repiosenting- of the interests of the conipiuiy in riirliunient, the defending of the coinpiiny in tlic suit of the 'jco wfrru.'Jd were intrusted to special coniniittees."

MKTiions o]" ]'ito<.;i;ijriin

In order to seeure leuulity of action, tlie "Orders and Constitution.^" were read at <.)ni' 'juurtiM- ''ourt v.wh ye;ii-. siiu-e in those nicclinj^s the measures of o-rcat importance were deterndned.'' Tliat tiie foi'nis and iismi^-cs followed in other com- mercial coHi[);uii< s, in othi-r corjiorate liodii's, and in Parliament greatly inliuenccd t!ie di^ci>ions of llie conipauy is m'cu in the followinij ilhistrations: The question as to tlic entry in the minuter- (d' the numr.^ of dissendM-s or of reasons disallowed bv the court except !)y .-iiocial order v,a,- thus settled according to the ])ractice

in rariiament: to prove that individual adventurers would not be lial)le for the debts of the company in the management of the tobacco magazine, decisions were the cited both in ;: ca>e involving the corpt'ralion of Xoruich, and in iusulvency of the ^Muscovy Company; when the quc-tion aro-e as to salaries in the tobacco business involving i.'l(iO,i)n(>, the preccdcid fui'nished by all joint stocks of no greater capital than £7,000 was brouglit forwait!; the custom of private coi'i>orations as well as of judicial bodies of impo.-^ing a tine upon any man who spoke against the judge or the court was urged by Lord Brooke as a proper action to be taken against Sanuud Wroth.' Fdections were conducted by ballot, except foi- the council,

in which case, as in all other matters, the will of the court was determined t)y an ''erection of hands." The reward for services leudered ))y the otlieers v/as determined by the court

and .set down in the Order- and Constitulions. The annual payment to the .secre- tary was il-M, to the l)eadle fin. U) the hu.-.band f.V.i, and to the bookkeei)er

.£'50. AUhough the chief oliicials aiid cnnmiltees received no salary, at the expira-

tion of the year's term of ollice it was cu>tomary to award 20 acres of land in Virginia to each individual, with the provision that such land should not be .sold. The company -inularly rewarded individuals who had rendered great service, but

.sometimes it granted shares of stock instead, or agreed to transport for the indi- vidual a certain nund>cr of men free of charge. Shanes thus given could not be sold

below par value of -t'i2 It's.'' Kacli sluire carried with it the- privilege of a vote in

iiCoai-t Hook, July 1;;, DLCeinber 1-5, lOUi; :March 2, liilSi,2U; .Juno lii),. July 7, 12, November 15,

iJeceniber l:.'., 1620; July 3, October 7, November G, 1622.

l>Ihid., I, Jan. 31, 1019/20.

clhhh, II, Dec. 11, lf.22: .Tan. 14, V,-2?,\ Fel.. 4. 1022 2:5; IVc. 11, 1622.

aihl,l., I, June 28, 1020; November l.n, 1020; May 2, 102i.

vxnni,- Tin: s.wnys-sui rri [Mi-rox MiuiMyrnATiox ' 75 the (-oiirts aiul llic receipt of IOIIiutos of huA in Yiryiiiiu on llic first division, with ;i similar amount on the second divi.'-ion providing- tiic, lirst M-i-tioii hud hopu peopled. In addition, the sending- ol' a 'man to the ])lantatiou liefoic niidsunnner ol' If.-io

entitled tlie ad\enturer to :>0 acres of l;ind on eacli division. If a planter had

adventured liis person only, after tlirec years" residence in the cohiiiy the con!))any

o-ave hiui one shaiv of stork: or if a resident in l^iuland luid sent a man to the cohmv wiio liad remained there three years, the one wlio liure the ciiar-e was sinii- hirlv regarded. Throu^li I'l'ward or by puichase an in

and not possess stock, hut in- nii.uht secure tlie latter within Ihree year;:- hy '-plant- ino-" or peopling- his land. The result wa.> tlial there were tive classes of indi\-i

connected with tlie company.

(1) The old adventurer who had paid at least tl-j lUs. for a share of stock, and who thus owned, rent free, at least !(»•» acres of land aft(u- tiie first division which took place in ItVlfi. tlrat after (2) The nvw adventurer wtio had exactly the same privileovs. exeei^t

seven years he must pay 1'-'d. to the company for e;!<'h ;'.n ;icres <;',iined by trans l)ortation of setilers.

(o) The adventurer who received a share of stock for service or for adventure of person and who would laivc the i)rivilei:-e> of an old or of a new adventurer according to whether he I'eccived the award before ur after KjlO.

(4) The individual who had received a ^rant of land for servire or who had purchased land and had not yet g-ained the grant of shares of stock by adventure of his person or by sendinrf out planters. {o\ The individual who had purchased land of a debtoi- of the company and could not become free of the courts until the debts were paid.

it vsiU thus be seen fehat ownership of land and possession of fre<-'dom of the company were not alway.s coexistent, but that each involved the possibility of the other." No assessments were evei- levied upon the shareholders, the first sugges- tion of such a course coming h\,m tlie Pri\y Council in .fuly, 10:25.'^


The companv was thus a body of adventurers, who had gained the freedom of the company by payment of money, by rendering a sei-viee, or by settlement of land in Virginia. It was presided over by a treasurer cliosen by itself at will, and coiidiu'ted all of its business through its regidarly elected othcers or committees, or by special committees. According to the "Orders and Constitutions" it kept

""Oiaois and Coustitutions; " List of Ueconls, >'o. 183. Cwnt £:jol.; I, May -', 1621; June 28,

1620; Nov. 15, 1620.

'>Ihld., II, July !t, 1623.

TC' i\Ti;ui)LCTioy

;i colliiik'li' ii'C'ii-il of ;(,, ariio'i^ in ihc comls iind roinju'llril its tilliccrs lunl coiiiiniUeos in dn ihc suiiH'. l'i-r)\i-.iun was tljii-- mail'; I'm- ,

(1) CojMes of till' letti'vs jiatiMit-, and also of all U'llci-s, orders, and dirct-ti(jns from (lie ivim^' and his eounrif, u> well as the, replies of tla^ eomiianv.

{2} 'I'lie hnvs and siandiiiy oideVs pa-sed in quarler cnnrls U>y llie e'

{''•) \ reL;i-ter of all j)atenl>. charters, and inflenlnres vt' \alidily L;ianted hy

(he company, of all in.-lractioii- i>-ued, liy the cniinril, and

(4) The a.-ts of the -vneral courts.

(.J) The acts oi (he commitlces; iiwoiecs of provisions sent to ^'ircinia hy the company; th( certilieates of llie recoi[)ts to he returned from \ ii'L'inia; invoices of goods sent from \'ir^inia \vilh tlu luishand's cerliticate of reeei[it or defect.

(0) The names of au\i.'nturers. hy payment f)f niorioy or by rendei'ine- service. to whom shai'cs of land had heen ^iven, together with the nundier of shai'cs belonging to each person; the lawful transfers of shares from one to another: the names of His ]\Iiijebty"s council for Virc-inia.

(6a) The names of all planler< in Yire-inJa on the public and ori the pri\ate phmtiitioiis .soparatidy, liascd on thi- certiticatrs from the goxeruor and council ii! Virginia and from the lieads of each planlation."

AH of the-e liooks were in the custody of (he Secretary, and ^\•er<; to be kept in tlic company's chest, together willi the originals cd' the letters patents and all other paper--. Jn his eusiody also were the husband's books of accounts of ovcry vo\'age to Virginia, all accounts approved by the auditors, the canceled and uncanceled charter parties, and all bonds issued to the company.

The proof of the care with vrhicb tlie company kept its i-ecords is found in the contemporary copy of the court book, a?id in a fcAV scattering originals and copies of originals which are pre-erved among tlie Feri'ar a.nd ^lanclioster piipei-s and in the British Museum. That all of the fiooks I'ecpiired liy the orders and con.stitutions were really kejjt can n<;)t l)e proved, since not a page nor a coj)y of a page of many of them is knov.n to be e.xtant; but the copy of the court book serves as an evidence that the huvs wei'C as carefully obc^'ed in this respect as in others. The references in the minutes to many of these records, the inser- tion of many of them in the copy (if the coui-t book, and the contiiuial provisicui foi- supplcmentar}- records all go to .show that tlie •"Orders and Constitutions" furnish a reliable outline of the records kept by the company.

"A note of .such a list of men .SfUt to Virginia i.lurin<; the time of Sir Tho.s. .Smythe i.'ii among the Maiicheater papers. List of Records, No. 443.

vyiJEU tuj: ,s.[}. i.i):!-:-soL"r/iA.un'ox M>Mi\h-<-n;ATiox ' 77

Till' hoiilvs -wliiih till' ctniiis idilcil to iln^ li>t ol' i fford.- I'loin tiiiu- to tiuio

roM-al ;ui iiK-i-cii:-iii(^- (.'ilort to coiiduct tlir liusiiic--^ in nn onlcrly iiiiiiiinT. liiimo- cliatcly upon iissuniiiig' liis

iii\"{.'.sli<;ation of (ho accounts of Sir 'i'liouias Stiiytli'\ Jii tiiis connection four books and four rolls won; iH'cparcd t'oiitainino- tKo suhscriptions. wliiclj had hcon

made for carryino- on liic !)usini'>-,, and a list of the ad\-enlurers willi the sums

invested durinj,' the ])rev!ous years, 'j'he tioasurer nia'_'<», in which he asked that the SPO'etary and Mr. Carter should make thi-ec catalooau's of the ad\-entnrers indebted to the company in order that ihey niiL;lit be ei\-en to a solicitor for collection, lb- thi'ows li;:^ht upon the customary caridi^ssness ],y urLfin;^ thsit the lists siiiiuld 1)0 ni:tde •frmn the conipauy's l)Ooks and not from memory," lest many a .i'12 It's should be lost."

On May 17, llii''), three book> of the deputy ^^ere audit<'d. 'i'hc lirst contained an account of the money disbui'sed for provisions.'' the secinid. a catalogue of the provisiona sent to the colony, and the third, a list of the nam(\- of the persons dispatched to the plantation witii the trade of (nieli. Piecause of thi- er(v;tion of private plantations in later years it was ncces>ai-y that these reciu'ds .should be sup])!emonted. Hen(;o an order of court ]ir(_i\'ided that tln^ names of all pi-rsons transported to Mi'ginia should be reported to the company and that a bookkeeper should be a})pointed to be at the liouse of the c(.nirt to reei.-,t(n' tlie names before the departure of every ship. This record wa- to consist (jf the name, a,i;e, country, profes.sion, and kindred of eai;li individual and was to state at ^vhose chai'e-e the transportation was etfected. C'ontrarv to custom each piM'son was required to pay a fee for reeisti-ation. A dujilicate of the ree'ister ^\as to 1.)e sent to the (io\t.'rnor of Virginia, but the names of tliosc departinj;' witc not to lie made public until after the ship had sailed.''

Provision was made in It'c'C for lieepini.;- du\)!icates of all parents issued.

A part of tliis series is now deposited in the 15riti>h r^Iiiseum, from ^vhich the vurioiis kinds of patents and the term-, for each may be discovered.'' A registra-

tion of all shares passed from one member of the company to another was ordered

on November lt», 1621. and such a book was to be useil as evidence of the right to be admitted to courts. Other records added from tinu' to time were a book containing the rates of commodities,' a register of all petiti(.ins to the court,

"List of Keconlir, Xo. I'll. *T\vo warrants are preserved among ihe Ferrar pupers, one addressL"! to tliu Karl of Soiithanip-

tou and one to Deputy .Tolni Ferrar. List of Recorl?. p. l-t9, Xrp?. 25S, 259.

c Court Book, 11, Nov. IS, 1622.

tiAnti', p. 07. -'Order of Court," I, .Tun.- 2i;, 1620.

(Court Book, I, Dee. 13, 1C20; Jan. .31, 1620 21.

78 • isrnoiH en OS

\\;\t\ \y1i1i (lie uiii(3:L tlici'ciijH)!!," ;i j-crmd (if all (•<)\'('M:in(s lictwccii ailvcntiin-i-s

ami iiu'.i'iiliiri.'il .-.(.tn ants, a lopy of wliicli was to l.i' sent to tin' uovvTuor of

\'irj;inia.'' 'I'lic rolls sigiud liy ;ul\ cntiiivrs must ha\T l)i'i'ii numerous, ^'iue aro

iiic'utioncd in the conit I'ook on July 'lU l(ii!l, in adtlitiou to otiiei'ti cited at various times.'

With the increase \n trade and tin; e>i.alilislnn(nl lif the ^(Jnl])an^- nia^-a/ines

new nioasures were adopied )'oi- eontrMllin;^- the Inisiinss. The>e oi'ten consisted of separate dticumcnfs rather than hooks. A slatcnienl was lluis re(|uired of the deinitv eei'tifyiuu' that t!ic tiei-lit ii.id heen paid hel'ore any e-oods should l)i' delivered, and iti\"oiees were also (ieuianded of tiie cape merchant.'' C'ojiies of such certilicate-, as also uf the accounts of the Irea-iirer of the \ariuus joint stock imestmenls for the t;lasc^ wurlcs and for tin.', fur trade, wi;i-e kept in the couipany"s client.''


iiiSTOKY OK mr: cu.vi e3H'Oi.:ai;\ curv

The pau' Ify of the actual extant doctunents of tlie couipan\- has made the circumstaneevs (d' the transcription of the rourt lioolc the ij)orc interestino- and its authenticity the nu)ic important. A.s the f^rowiuo- coidroversy betweeu the two factions of the eompanv resulted in serious accusatioirs of mi^nianaii'cment 1)y sundry a,d\"enturers and planters, the

Crown soon apiiointed a commission to in\ e^:tiyate tiie. allair,> of the eompanv, with a conse(juent sequestering of all of the company's court liooks in May, IQ-l'r,/ 'J'he deal' mind vi Mchohis l'\'!-r;(r immediately foresaw the danger of a seizure of the documents of the company, and apipreciating full well the value of the " court books, reg-istei's and writings, instructions, letters, etc.,'" as ]>olitieal papers and also as evidences of the possession of land and investment of capital, upon their return h'v the Privy Council, he •-.lid fairly copy out, all the court books, etc. (which cost 50") and caT'ried them to the noble Earle of .Southampton."^

"Cuiirt Ii„.j::, ]], Oct. Jo, i;i':2.

*//'('/., n, Xov. 18, ]6:?l'; Xuv. 1\\ lOiJ.

c/iiW., I, May S, ]|JL'2; II, Jaly I, 1152.3.

dlbiil, I, Apr. .S, liii'O.

tIbUL, I, Jan. \

f Court Booh, II, :^lay 14, WSX

9"SQnie diroetions for tlie roUeitinvr mati-riaU I'.^r tlie Wiitiii'.' the lil'ii uf Xicli: Ferrai," a iiiaiiu- script in ttie Cambridge I'uivtrsity Library, ;Mui. 1.-16 (Ikikt-r 35), \>\>. SH9—132, c-speaLilly p. 392.

I siii:i: Tin- yAsitys-soi rii \\irro\ .\iim/\jsti! \tio\ 7<)

nuriiii;- till- l'"llii\viiiO' veil- (iic ;ic!i\"iti"s iif Nirli,)l;i-. I'rrrar, a-- well as the nlli'nlion nf hIIkm- nn'inln'r.- of tlic cur.ipanv. iiiu>t lia\r iici-ii liiid!-!- ^rcal strain.

TIk' tiiiu' 11)1 tuk'i.'ii ill atU'iKl:iiiri.' •Iwico or thriro a wcfK"" upon tlio Privv

Coimcil, and in tiii^ atlom|.'l- lo <1( rciul tlir (aiiy n>jaiii-l llio rliaru'i-s of •"aliusis of ifs ))rivili'^-t'-.."" \\as fv idiMitly drvotod to siiprrx i-inu- [\ir li-an.-cTipl of tlic com- pany"-^ i-cro!\U. I'lic allr.-^lalioii at the I'lid of cai-h' volmiii> >lio\s> lliat tile lirst was coiupli'U'd .laiiuary .;>. itlL'.'l 4. and llx' srrond dunr l'.». lii:.'!.'' 'l'lii> \\;i> none loo .soon, for ju,~t a ^\("l-: l;ili-r llir Prisy Council oi-d(.'n'd Deputy Kcrrar to lirinj;- to ttir coiiiK-ii ( jiaiidicr all palrnls. lio(.k> of account--, iinoi.'c-, of Iho coni])an\-, and lists of sculcr^ in llio colony, to lie i-i'taincd Iiy iln- ]'ri\'y Council chest until furlhiT notice.' A coiiinu-sion had heen apjioinled t\vo days liefore lo take " into their liaufN all cliarl>Ts. letters patent, ^ranlc- and in.-t ruclions, liookes,

."" ordci's. letters. ad\ ice-, and other writinus ciincernin:^- tin' conipam '' The com- pany ur^i-d in tli.--e \\ords thai the council >!iouid jx-rndi the hooks to remain invio- late: "60 hy lliis meancs |that i--. hy the lran>ci-ipt

I'oi- the lutuie to 'li^pox^ of the ('ominuiie, that tlic recoi-d- of their ]xist ^Vctioii.s may not lie corrupted & faNiiied." i'lirthei-. v\!ien the council dcMiianded that the

Earl of .Soul iiampti'ii should siirrciuh'r lo the comini---.iijiii-r> his copies of the

)-ecord>, liefore he sailed foi' the N<'tlierlands in Au;:ust. he sent them word, '"that he would as soon part w"' the evidences of his Land, as w"' the said co})ies, heing' the e\'ideiice of his lumour in thai Ser\ ice."'

How these transcrnits were made, and esiiecially wdiat hei-ame tif them at that time, and where they remained for tin' fcdlrwino- half century can lie a matter of

"IVckanl, .l/.„,r,;,-..- ..f //,,• /.->, of M,: Xu-hnl'i.-: F,, ;•<•,: \^\,. S>i-lii7.

''Acconliu^ t'l the iittt-statioii t\v.> lull renins ucre oniitteO. Mh> ?.0. liiL'il, uiul June 1, ICl'-J, .Tiid iilso a jiart of .May :.'0. Wj-Ci. The le'ein-vu iilistriicts ioiupri=e a littli_' uii.re than about one-liall ni the original reeerds an.l are iie'.c-li iimre euncjilete I'ur 'he later year- win 11 the reiitreversv uitli the Killer over the tobiiccn cuiitraei -inA the ;ihii~es: of tip: eonip^iny was In ia^ eanieil eii. T!ie jiart of the court houlc wliie'i reveals must with regard to internal nr^ranizalion, eoiniueivial activity, ami inner life of the c

Argall, tlie old iiiaf.'a/.ine, the I'iorce 2Xitent, and many other private '/raiitrt are not included, ilore- over, a cuniiiarison of the iiublicatimi with the ori'iiiial mauiiseripl sliows thai the .lolui llandolph of Eoanoke copy was used almost exclusively, and many inaecuiaeies liave resultC'l.

' tirder of the Privy Council, .Tune iV,, ](iL>4: List of Itecinls, Xn. iWl.

''The coiiiniission was sealed July I'l. 1i'L'4: /'

"•"For these quotations see />;.«'o/o-.-r n/' the (il>l C;i:i}ioiiii

Pnry Council, April, Kil'.". List of l^ecrirds, No. T-iO.

80 i\'i'i'unL'<"j'n>x

conj'.H-tiire only, Iiu-im! oh tin- di\L-i- >i:iliMijin(^ oi' ci>iitriiip-);-:irv tnith(n-ilif>. 'J'lu-.-o

fire three in iminln']-:

(1) 77,. J):sr,n,r.-<. ,.fth. (>l,l (..u,ju, „,,../ Vn;j:„l,ia,Jilr,:^^,,ltuilnPrn-,i Coi'.ncil, Mill. W.lj.

{>) Tin Mruion'softlu: L:p nf Mc/mlus Fmvr Inj Jh: r.rkunl ;„ 1700.

(y) .\ Sl„.rlC.JI,rt;„„.4i/„ Mn..i n,,„.irL,, 1„ thr (I,. 1 I i Vinl'ninl I of (n„,J,ll,nl. V A Tt U T .0(1 ! 11 .1 1 , W( 1 urj H rii

bclween JO'.'i iiiul It'.i:.. aiKl |irinLL-(l in hJ.M l>v jrnhiird <.'o!c>.' (Ihl The JjisO"'.-, of tli, <..:„junnj .;ivc- HMIrl) \\sv :.-A\\w iji.li.uy oj" (liO

recon.lr. a-- '.loi> Ur. 'i'lir .v'l \)\ rrrkani. lajl- turili the hiltcv u i re ImLi'ii rrum

(he I\ic:mijiv> ol Xiehola,-. Fenar" hy hi> iirother .loliu. about lO.'.-i. and (heicjoi n

thi.- \V(il-k may hf roi'-ich-red a-^ ha.-rd tm eoiitejnpuraiy aiilhority. AerurdiiiL:- to

Di'. Peekard. Xicholas Fenar. kiiowin;^- thai nialiee wa-^ at «urk. procmefl a

elerk lo eopy out all tin-, eourt huol..- and other \vi-IlinL;-s and eau.-i.'d tjjeni to lie

caitd'nlly eollaied w iili the ori;^inal. It eo>t iiini the .-uni of -f.',o, « lik-h he thoui^'ht

uas the bi-.-t sci-\u-e he could render the conijiany. After the sci/:nre of all tln' U)nninients of the eompany. and al'ter Lord Treasurer ]\lkldle-ex had pi-oeum.! s^entenee a^ain-l t he (•t>nipany, Mr. Ferrar irifornicd Sir I'dward Sandys and uthei's of what hi' liad tione. The.^e ineii wi-i'e ;^rea(ly rejoieed and ad\-isr'd thai the eojiii'^

he taken to lln- I'.arl of South;. nijitiMi. v.ho was -,0 o\ereoine that lie i> .-aid to have eiul)raeed Mr. l"cn-ar and to ha\e d'^elarid lliat hi' \ allied them a> an ('\-idonre of liis honor more than a-^ evidences of hi- huid. John Fcriar is quoted as havino- stated that llie Earl of Soulhampton was advisnl not lo keep the.-e rei'oi'ds in his house and .so delivered Iheni to Sir Roherl Killiorew". who left them tm his deatli to Sir

Edward Saekvilh'. the Earl of .Dorset. ]\Ir. Ferrar continue.s that tlie Earl of Dor- set died in IHoi. but he iiopes the rceord.- are -till in the possession of ih.e Earl's family. *

(.'erlain it i- that Di-. Feekaid liad a lar^c eoUeetion of manu-tiipts which eoneerned the \' iiiiinia L'oniiiany. some of which nui-t he con.-idercd a part of the I'ecords of the company, for such were the Ferrar papic'is desei'ibed abo\e which

])r. JV'ckard bci|iieathrtl to .Mau'dajcne C'ollci^e. Cambrido-e. That some of tbem. at least, came from the Earl of Doi-et"s family is to be concluded fi'om the statement of \)\\ I'eckard that the ""nuke had had hi- library searched and found a few loose papers, which he sent lo him."'' Some of them doubtles.s bclonj^ed to Dr. I'l'ckard'-

"Tliis paniiilikt i< in liie v.iluniu cititleil: 0>i>>i 'W" I'iUl'tn:! from Thr Gorrriiur rufl 0>j, .jumii nflhr

Somiiier JsIoikIx, irilh Aiuu-xal i'<;/if,'.v, priM\lcil to thr l:'ujl,t Huiujr'iljU Tlic (.'oirucd 0/ stutr Jnlii thr rnli.

1651. Loiji.lon, I'l-inted t'cr IvlwarJ Ilusljaml, llJil. 5.1-1. *I'e(kanl, \<\>. J 'ill.

fSee discustfit'ii wi tin- Furnir iiapcr.-, pp. .jii ft'., uatr.

' I.V/J/.7,' Tin: ys--S[> HAM) i Til AMl'TOS M)MJ\1.\TJ:AT]()X tsl

\vi<\\ .MiimIki Fcirar. iSct. tlif :l..iy n( (hr piiirlKi-r of ilic two Miluiuos ['roin tlif cstiitc oT the Duke ol' Soiuliainiitnn liy (_V'l(incn\'illi;iiii livnl in IdT;-; or lOSS i'ur

(.It) o-uiiious has liiiii crcdciKH' lhroii_uii >taU'iiu'iits of Mr. ISvnl hini> is 110 eviiliMict' that thi'_\ camr from tl i- Karl of Dorset's faiin'lv. That tliey were sent to Tirhliidd liy the Ivarl of Southampton hefore lie sailed for the Nothcrhuids and there reinalned iinlil hi- son's lihrary was sold after his death ii; KUIT seems [iroliahle. rerha])s -oiiie of thr other records -went to Sir liohert Killinirw. as stated liy .lolin j'criaj-. and i'\cn -^oiiii' fn.im which these copies weri> made. l>y 'J'he statement Woodnolh. who wa- a nephew of Xiehohis Fei rar, tiiat .-^ir John llaiivers had the transci-ipl- of the record-- made in older to keep out of the way an iridievnt man who had lu-en employed i.y tlic company as a copyist and who mie-!i| lie j.iei.-uadieil io >ay -omr-tliin;;- ill of Sandy- and of Soutliampton, does not hear the stamp of truth or even of prohahility. There may liave Ikh'h a cojiy made liy Danver--. Imt the interna! evidence re\eals that the exi--tin'j: vohimes in the Lihi'ary of CoiiLires- were not traii-crihed liy any one man, and that the work was accomplished umder the jier-onal d.irection of Mcholas Fcrrar."


The contcmporai-y copies; of the court l>o )ks. which ai'i^ now in the Library of Congress and wliich may well be ca.licd the Ferrar coj'ie.-, consi-t of two voluiites of large ijuarto size well bound in roiieh calf. Afiont i>>'.is the books were boxed, that is. repaired with new liack- without disturbing the sewing. The old l.tbids were pasted on the new backs and bear the title in gold letters on red leather: IJccord of the Virgin: Compan: . while gold letter.-, on black leather indicate the volume:

Vol. I. amM ol. II. . In the lirst \'olume lu'inila striji- are i'iast(.'d from the iiiiior cover to the tiist and to the Ia>-t Hy leaf in order to sirengtheii the liindiiig.

The paper is of the seventeenth century type, haud-iimde and uneven in texture. In the lir.st volume there arc three hundrefl and lifly-four pages. A\itli ti\"(> fiv leaves in the front and seven in the tiack. \vlii!i' the second contairis thri.e hundred and eighty-.seven page.s preceded by three Hy lcave> and followed by fmir. with two extra manila pages in lioth the front and back. 'I'lie pencil enliies on the first leaf of the lirst vi.ilume are a-- follows: ••Records of the \'irginia (.'om[;anv of

London. \o\ I. .\pril I's. l

'' t, U'.2T. The above title in hand id' Mr. A. K. Siiollord Sig. : ]|. F[riedenwaldJ

"_t Sh'-rl CiiUrrOnii ,,/ ih.- M„,l l!,„„n;>:::'J. r.is,.i,,o< Jrnin the on

6 Mr. Spotford was the Liln-ai-iaii ot ('eiiijri-^s from ls(j4 to 1897. .Mr. FriedenwaM was in char;^'e of the Division of Mannscripts rroui )^!)7 to 1900.

82 IXTUitlifcflOK

'.'7. ". Orl. LI Oil (lie iii-^iil' i.r (1m> I'loiii. ciiviT (,!' (ho srcoiul voliiiiic ill ;in m\kiH>\vn

•• inodi'i-ii i-,: :',r,(; " iiulOL-niiili p. cf with p. 71 v M," unci un llir (ir,-,l iiianila l.';il': "Mav

'2i>, 1022 ,' to ,hi!ic 7. lirJi."

Tho di>C()\orv tif the Ffirar naprrs lia-; iiiadr it jnissihlo to make a linal -tato-

iiioiit both a> to the imnbod o|' the ti-an>ci'iptioii of tlir (lociiniciiK and as lo its

arouracv. for tlic autoniaiilis Ihci'i- found of .Nicholas Fcrrar and aUo of hi~

clerk or l)Usii;e---< an'i'iil in lii- pri\-ate aeeounts pi'ove indispulaMy that tlie-e two

men Mi])crvi-ed and carried on the co]i\ iiiL'' of the volmiii'.-.'' Paitieularly in the second vohiini'. where Iheii- are many enli-ii-. of re[iort-. of ruinmiltei'^. pidjeet^.

M)ljjection-, letier-, jietition-. declaration,--, and relation-- hy the co)n]ian\ or li\

individual:-, (he lieadini;-. the initial \\ovd,-. e\en the lir>t lii f each doennient, and

soiurlime-, eiilin d.jemneii!-- are in the aiitoL;rapli of Xiciiohi- l"

of tlie insertion is u.-uall}' hy his assistant, ^vho \\a< ])erliaps 'I'liomas ( 'edict t. liis

)n.'pl)e«-. All of the insertion^ in the tii>t \oluine and ahout t\\ent\- in tin; --econd

arc entirely in the so-cailed Colleft aulo;.'raph, mimlierinu' about the same as tlio.--e

.suporinteiulcdi liy the d.^puty himself. The v,ay in which thi-se insertions are

orouded in, i- e\-idenc(> that they were coiiied fiom the orie'inal documents in -paces left for the j^urjiose hy the hired copyist.''

As to the identity of the other three or four di-tinct autoe-raplis. in wliii-li the rcinainin_u- pair of the vcdumes appear. ne>lliin^' has lieen deli'rmined. The iirst and third copyists are distim-tly dilTerent in ,-t}le. while what ujipears as the writlni:- of a fourth and a sixth clerk may (xissihly he identical with that of

the first, ^\"ith the exception of the autograph of Nicholas I'ernir. the whole is

clearly, carefully, and lei;il)ly written in the clianictcristic I'uiuuiii.;- haiul of the ))eriod. rescmldin;^- the chancery hand. The spellinj;-. ca[)italixation. and abhrevia-

tions are distinctive and characteristic of each copyi--t. The use id' cur\-ed lines

to complete blank spaces at tin* cud of the line, and often at the bottom and lop of the p;\ee. shows the labor expended to nrd

ments by the si'crelaries. Jv,lward ^\'aterhouse and Kdwai-d (_'oHini:;-wood, in the

Iirst vcdume. and by Thomas Colic-tt and Ivlward Collinewood in the second. That

the insr-rtions \rere copied from the orig-inal docuuients is sh.)wii ]i\ th(> --tateinent

"The Utter on jiaji-' .".I'li i- iilentical with that I'li paL.-'- 71 ot the frau'ile .-^evciiteotitli ci-ntia-y j.:\|.fTs

referred t(i aljuve le- Vol. Ill, pt. ii, ei tlie l:,ro;.l<;/l}.r Vn-ghn; C..,,,/,,,,,;!.

^Forexainplesof the antofjraiih et MclioUi-^ Fcrrar and ef tliat ><{ his rt--^istaiit. Thonia- Cnllctt (?),

see the plates in thi.--- vohuno.

<'For the (loeuiiieiits? tlms inserted in tlie C'ouit Beok .-^ce List et KeeordM under "Kelcreuce."

For an illustration of the insertion of tlie documents see the plali .- in this vrilume.

f \i)i:i! TUi: .^- \\ nys sdi -j-i/AMri i>\ .w )//\ /<7/v iv/ov g^

in tlip iiK'HiDruinluni of \(i|mii" 11 that in Iwo ip (lir l luul l'r.-?i uii.s>iii^-

for purpose of r/ollatidii. .Many i)aL;rs ii'\i.'al tlio curn'ctiun-. of ci-rors or omissions

of llm copyist. In most instari^cs tliis was dour hy IvKvard CoUiui^wootl liiuisclf,

tl!Oii<,'li soiiu-tiiiirs !)y 'I'homas C'olU'tt.'' At llir 1;ottoiii of i-acli jiul^c i.- tl:i> si'_;-iiatui\'

"Coiic Collini^-wooil.'" the al)!)ro\ialion slanilinsj- for concovdal. as is siiown L)v IIjo • woi'd ujipcariii^- as C't)in;or

In fi.d(lition to ttiis internal ovidoncc of arciiracy. fnrllirr proof of tlic raru witii

wlui-li the ipoolrs wcri' t ransrrilM-,1 is found aniou;j- tin- Fi-ri-ar paper-. The records

of four court- were tlie; e disro\ ered. Avliieli are alnio.-t identiral willi tliosc of the

same date in tlie Lil)rary of C'onLi'i'e-s volmnes.' 'I'jie oid\- dillerences. and tliese

are not minierons. arc tho-e wliieli would nalni-ally re-iil( from (lie faUilMlitN of llic

copyist, and I lie ap]iarent cu-ti'm of tlie tim(^ to ignore the oi-tho^raphy of the

oriL.-inal. Oiie is h-d to !udie\-e liia! t!ie-e loose paye-, of court- foi'm a ]iari of the

l)Ook I'rom \\ hich the copy \v:i- made. This i- sho\\ii liy tli(> use (jf iarc-er h-tters to emphasize certain -words, and liy I'dward C'ollinL;-\vocid".s corrections of the Lilirnry

of Conoiess copy to mid^e it confoi'm to these drafts. ICvi'ti the omission of one or

t\\() lines in the Fr-rrar cojiy. later corrected, can lie accounted for by i-eference to

these shi'ets. since in ca -h crse it has resulted from the same woi-d oc>;uri'ine' in the same place on two succe-sive line-. Furihermore. the direclions in the mai-e-in vf

these courts as to where ceriaii! ilocuments were to be entei-ed wei-e ffdlowod in the transci'ijjt and se, m in pfiint to these as a part of the oriL;-inal minul(}s. The

autoerajih of the c<.)urt ludd on June -J'j i- identical with that of the fir-t copyist of the transcript, while tlie c(.)urts of Jidy J and Jvdy H wi-re aji])arentl\ written liv the. .^ixth copyist t)f the transcript. Aiiione- tlie Ferrar jjap'Ms aie two drafts uf a

resolution concerning the "LoTfer siieaeh touchine- !M'' Alderiu. Jolmson," which

was entered in the court l)ook. One i.- a I'oue'h draft written, alt'/red. and corrected

by Edward C'oliinyw ood. and beariiie- the above indor-enieilt liy th(' writer and a

similar indorsement by ,I(jhn I'errar. 'I'he othei- drr.fl is in tlu' aiitooiaph of the si.xth copyist of the court book. foUowine- the alio\'e. and is attested l)\- Kdward

Colling'wood. 'J'he transcript in the court book i- identical with the latter, but

the vote is omitted; the su), stance, hi^iwcver, i-- _e-i\en aftiM' tlie di-'-ussiou follow-

" Fur the i-vidfiice tluit the eerrei-ti.iiw ;ire hy Kilwunl ('elliuirweoil, mmiiare tlio autographs

as shown in tlie plates of Vol. II, jxj-yt.

''Signatures of Edwanl Colliivi^wood may al.-o be I'ouud in the I'nlilic Kcronl OUU'f aiiinny the .State J'ap'r.-< OJuniai, II. Xos. 10-11. IM. l!.l (II. III). His jfi-nature is ruprodaee.l from the

first Plymouth Patent. June 1, WZ\. in tlie .\f'isin,'l,„!

'Compare the iilates in \\>l. II, /)...-Y. Thc.-o courts arc (lau.>l starch 7, ir.L'l' .S, July 4, IttL'o,

July 9, ]t):'«5, January S.'), iri'o 4.

Si i.\'rh-ui>i <-iii>\ m'^ the pix'seiiti'lion of (he rc.-^olutioii. Thus thi'v scorn r;ith(M' to litive heon drafts of a rcsohition \\hR-h had Ixoii pri'sriitrtt lh:ui of one pirpiu'cd to he ollci-fd.

Coinpaiisoii hctwei-n lhi?so rofcu-ds of touits and ii draft of a Somers Iskiiids court. in the .simo colloetion, k-ad-^ to the eoiKlti>ii)n that tliev do not form a part of llio blotter or lihirretl lioolc from which ihe oriL;iual hook was nuuh', since tlic Litter are irmch coriccti-d and altcr> rl utid tiicn canceled diau'unallv iVc/ni cornier to corner;'' but are rather ;. jiart of tln^ ori^^inal hook itself. I'iio I'cliabilitv of the Library of

Conji'rpss li'an.-cripts is also contii-nied liy colhitin^' tliem witii the original ilocnuients, oj' with otlier cupio of ilie dt). uvnerits, whicli arc in.scitcil in the conri book, and tho.se careful comparisons h;i\ e sho\vn how accurately I'-dwanl Colli ni;\\(j(Hl and his ii.s.sistiint.s conducted the \\ork for Nicholas Ferrar.''

Tin: svsiKM kiokcino thk ecu irr hook or .

The system by which the iiiii,nte> of the courts were kept is thus outlined in the minutes: the court book was fir^-t drawn up by the .secretary, wa.s approyed by the deputy, and later accepted or correctetl by the court.'' That there mu.st haye existed a "IJliirr lioo]

Rich, which is a warrant reijuiring' ail recorils of the court to be brou!.;ht to the commissioners on Virginia, and includes the "Court Ilookcs v,-''" sliould warrant the sd Kecord'. ami the lllurr bookes w '' .-hould wairant the Court ni:)')ke and is the tirst o-round of the Uecoi'd'; tlsat it may [bcj di^cciucicd whether there be any dili'erence betwcene ihem.""' The entries in the court book are the miiuites of all the yarious courts, of teyerul meeting's of the .Somcr.s Islands Comjniny, and of one mei'ting- of the conunittees.

Introducing- each court is a li-i of the ad\enturor.s in attendance. A comparison of the number with the munber of \otes cast as recorded shows that th.-e are quite complete for the <[uarter courts, but in the ordinary courts eitlier the attendance was yery small or tlie entry was incc)mplete, since the ii.--t is often terminated with the expression "and diyers others."' It was sometimes entered later than the transcript of the body of the text, a.s though from a book of attendance, but no mention of a roll book is found among the records. This part of the book alone furnishes a yalnable comment upon the social classes interested

in the undertaking and from it may be gained a knowledge of the faithfulness

a Post, T'latesin Vol. II.

*Forany yariationsof iinportanre, see footnotes to ilncunicnts in the "'Court Book," I'lOf/, I, II.

<' Court Book, 1, Dec. II, 10T2.

('List of Ro.^ords, Xo. 40-5.

vxiii:/; Tin: s.wjtys sniTiij Mrr(<\ mkm imsti.; .\rn>s S5 ol' (lie nioinljcrs and cspcrially oT the factions \\-\\u-\i drvclniH-d tDwanl the close of its hi.sfory.

The oi-doi' (if bii-iiios docs not soeiii to liavc hceii lobular. The ap[)ruval of tlie pre\i(. us court i-; usually rccdidcd tirst. althoutdi many tiiucs thi- is deferred until the quarter court: tiien follows the i-oijurt uf Ihe tiTasuicr. through which the important matters t.i l,e determined are pi-e.-enled to the coui'l.and the hearing- of petitions, ijas^in- of shares, and -rants of land apjiear at the end of ihe ,se>-ion. In the ordinai-y courts were )iro|ioanded all of those matter^ which did not ivquire action in the ;;ciiei'al <'ouii and often uiany mea^^ules for ]ireliminaiv dis- cussion which were po^tpojied for tinal action to tlie fuller court. Tliu> the recoixh of the eoiinnoii coui'ls and aUo of th.e ])re]iarative court.- usually contain the full reports and di-eu-~ions of the various suhjeels. while the statement- in the ijuarter courts !ire hriid' and perfunctory, emhodyino- the decisions reached in the lesser courls. The rc])orls of ollieer-. fi'oni which -o imudi concerniiiu- the tinancial status is to be learned, are entered in the minutes of the u'ener.d eoui-t. 'J'o trace the course of any question ueeessilates a search through all of the courts, lait iu the quarter courts will be found the idections and the final action cm all law- aii'.l ordinance-^, on the patents for i)riv;ite plantations or lUonopoli. s. or. in slioit. on all measures by whicli the couijjany •^vould be li.)uud for a term of veai's.


The business recorded during;- the lir.-t two years of thi^ Sandys administration concoiMied th(> esttiblishment of laws and oi'ders in the eonq>aiiy ^nA in the colony. the systeniatiziny' of methods, the fonualion cd" joint stock (.-ompanie- for the erectioii of new ind.u-trics in N'ii-oinia. and the ojieninu' u)i oi !iew adventures Rut after tln^ tuassacrc early in the year Ki'Ji'. the whole tone of the hook chanecs. Personal feuds and quari-els, coirjplaints, and aciusations till the pajrcs. Whether the friction was duo to the extreme distress brouj^'ht about by the attack

February, Kii-l 3, the Imrden (>f the record concerns the tobacco contract with the Crown. It resulted in the discus-iun of salaries for the otticers and the (juarrel with Saiiuu'"! AVroth, which occupied the attention of the company for three month-.

Then followed the Butler and .lohnsou accusations, the investie-atiou by tin.' Crown, and the dissolution of the coiu})aiiy. It is literally true that, after June, l(;2i', no new measures feu- trade, for industry, or for conunerce aiT entered in the court book. There was the usual transferring' of shares and hearing- of i)etitions and claims, but the business activity was eyidentlv destroyed. That the colon\- could su!\ i\e the

8(j iSTh'oni. rriox

iiia.ssaoro mul contiiuie i(> (k-vclopiiieiil, v.illi .~.i> littK' oMfouraj^iMniMit. froir. ihc pro- prietor is fvidi'iice of tlio frl'.oiiij fouiidiition hiM diniiii,'- the goNi'inorsliip of Sir George Y(-;ii(ll(\v.

From I ii'^ court l)0ok il would Ik: j)(i--.i!)!c to reconstruct a part or the whole of some of the other )cc(iid<. A h-l of ;d! of the .-hips departiiig or arriving with the MHiiifs of the ju;istcrs c(.>ultl thn- 1..- drawn up. hut tlif terms of the charter ])arty couhi not he dctermim-d." A full stateuunt of tiie shares of stock granted oi- transferred, of tiic hinil assigniil for adventure or for service, and of the private plantations ei-'-rlid rtmid lie given. l",ven a jiartfal financial account could be rendered, though not an itemized .-tatenu nt. Tln' larger sums invested or received from the various sources are n>naliy given in tlic treasurer's plans :ind tlic officers' ici,..ils. ulthougl: :;;ifort'.!n;itf^ly "idy thos(i ,-,j' (),,-. tre:isurei- and dcpntv aii' entered in full. 15nt from sr-tiltered stat(Mnents in plans, reports, aiid disiussions. from o-nints. jsatiaits, suit-:, letters, petitions, and claims will come much that will illuminate the liuancial siviiation when these are gathered together. The full record of all documents for -which record was not ]irovided elsewhere was made in the court liook. Plans, reports of connnitti-es, and reports of chief ofQeers seem to have been entered in full, but letters to and fiom the colon}-, and to and fi'om the jirivy council, petitions with the action thi-reupon, charter parties, grants foi' namopolies. lists of departing' planters, expenditures and i-eceipts of th(^ magazines, and rolls of adventure, were all reeoi-dcd in the other-hooUs provided by the '"Orders and Constitutions" or in the ))ooks created later. \ single illustration will suffice. Of the twenty-seven letfei-s sent tn the eolonx and received from the colony, copies of many of v.hich have been found among tin; pajiers in Virginia, but fifteen are meutioTied in the court (wok, and only a few are sjn'cad in fidl upon the minutes. A great many more dueuinents are entered in the court book during the later j'cars. due evidently to the desire to keep a i-ecord of the controversy which might serve as a defense ugainst the accusations of the malcontents. That many of the.se were not entered in the original court book is revealed by the marginal notes in the extant court minutes of the Ferrar papers, which read a.s follows: -'Enter the quietus e.st." "•Enter th^- resolution." and other similar directions.

The court liook is not oidy a source of informati'm, but if also spives as a guide

to the other records of tlie company. That all of the twenty-one domunents men-

tioned but not entered in the court l)ook have been found in other collections is mo.st importimt and interesting. These include some of the publieations of the company, most of the correspondence of the company with tlie King and with the

"The tL-niis in general are given in \.h& PitM'UnU fur rutcds in the Briti.sli Jli^funi. List ot

Records, Kos. 2.=ii.", -257, 266, 207, 2fiS, 276, 277, and 278.

ixi)i:i; 77//; .s w id s sni in.\\!rri>\ Mnijxis rir\Tio\ 87 colony, many

wei-c iHihli'licil by ttii; (oini);iny, petitions and lottc!-s to tlir Kin^-, and orders of the

Kiny-'s council. r,ui thirly nio.-l \alnal)l'.- dncinuenls ai-e s|ii\'a(i upon llie luiiuiti'S Avliicli lia\e not yot ln'on discovered auioni;' oihur pajier^. Tiiese include a Tew peti- tions to the KiiiL;-, lua.uy jtetltions recci\-ed liy tin' coniiiiiny. a nunilier (d' letters I'rou) and to tho colony, tljc inoposiuoii-- hrouuiit forward in lla^ altc-nijit to form a tobacco contract with the King-, the ])hins jiropounded by the treasurer for the advancement of the entcj-prise. and thr deelai'ations of the stale of the allaii's (jf the company and " of tlio colony by the sani<"' o(!li-er.


1)OCL':mf,nts ol'ti.tmxo tiik ACTi\-n-v ov lui: (Omtaxy

The organization and tht> methrjd of \)ri_>cedurc of the com))any have been outlined, in ordir to enable the readei- ro compreliend thi^ nature of the reco)-ds, and throuo-h tiiom the niaehincry liy which it conducted its inteinal allairs; liut there is a wider and more imjioitant litdd to coic-iihir. Tho I'eal interest in tlie company conies from its activity in cai-ryinn- on trade and in develoi>ii',^- the resources and o-o\('rnment of the colony. Auain, the startiuL;' point mu^t be the court 1)Ook, not only as a o-\ude to the records -which it kept in executino- it,> purposes, but in discovering what activities are to be traced. 'I'wo kinds id' documents atl'ord the cletircst outline id" the sid)ject: in one are tiie rejjorts \vhich the ti-ea.surer ofi'ered to

the company and ^\ Inch are spread uiuni tlie minutes: in the other are the printed

di^claratioiis and ln-oad--ides which the company issiii'd for the purpose of s(?curin<:;-

intcr(-st. confidence, and invt^-tment in the undertaking;-. With the same motive it reprinted treatises and. publi-luMl -ermons whii-li had been delivered liefore the company..

The first report of Sir Kdwin Sandys after he liecame treasurer was otiercd

on Novcnd)er :;, liil'.'. in which he thus delined bis policy: Tho resources of tho company wire to 1)0 auu-mentcnl by settling and developing- the company's land and by increa>ing- the lUimber of industi-ies to be established, an action which must advance tho plantation from a colony for exploitation into a colony for settlement. The report begins with a statement of the number of men wliich had been transported

«A11 of tho^e (locuinonis. whpther entered hi tlio (-ourt Kmk or not, are cited hi the List of

Records, anil are also refi'rreil to liy fuot antes in this fiiitimi of the loiirt Ihiok.

88 jyr/.-<)i)i cv/o.v

\>y Ihc ii.inpiuiy foi- tli.' colli'or hiiul and I'or tin' pulilir iiiml dnriiit;- Ihr suinnuM- ;iiicl

colli imu's with proi>osilion< to [\iv .-uinc rlUcl. by wliicli ."Jnii mldiiiuna! persons

slioiiUl lie sent to the eo!nny. Ion ol' wlioiii weje to he nuiids for wives and loi) to he

ajipreiitiees or servant^ from tli(- city. The t>lhiM- measures di,-eiis

of I he devidopmeni which rapidly tool< j)lace. Fiist of lliese was the (dhii't to eslahhsli olhei' eouinu)dities in \ ii-L;iida and Lcstrain the excessixc inddnciion nf

toliacco: tli^' so<'ond was tlu- eiicoiira^emenl id' a spiiit of local patriotism in the

colony. Tlio treasurer uif^-es tlial miMi should he sent froiii the \o\\ countrii-s to raise foi'tiiicatious fur the colony, .-talini;- that the colonists were willinn' to hear the chnrj^es of the work since ihey had recerilly heen eiicouni;_;ed hy the chailers and i;-rants of liherties. 'I'he dc[).ndence. of the comptmy ujjon the lotteries for an incijiue ;).nd the care lo arranj/c for an economical transportation of the men are indications of tlie tinaneial j'olicy and status of tlie colony. The income of the lottery is estimated at f:;,.",ii(i. and the total expense of perfectiuii- the ])lan suhmitted

is placed at t.'4.oni) or f.'i.nnu. Six months later the treasure)' made his annua! report, which i-evcu!ed to whal extent his plans had heen executed. It was issued as a hroadsidc under the date of

the court in which it \\as delivered and describes the state of the colony from April, IGIS, to April, Kill', taken from a yeneral letter to the conipiiny. and then proceeds to

outline the succ(\ssful activity of the colony during the succeedintf year. It empha- sizes the I'rection of pri\ati' plantations, the, number of men sent to the coiupanv's hmd. the commodities provided for—there beini;- ten instead of two as in the former yea)-— the intere-l in th.' care of ndieiou and education in the colon\', and the stable

tin.ancial i-onditiou of the company. The general receipts amounted to =f!),8.Sl 14s 1 Id and the disliursements were iTo.4:-'d 14s t'Td, but the surplus in the college fund more than exceeded this deliciency. liic receijits from that source bidiig f 2.04^ t>2s ll.kl and

the expenditure-- -fl.477 l.")s .!id. The lottery \\as reported to have an increase in stock over the previous year of il.L'oo. Although not re-elected treasurer, the financial

management reniained in the hands of Sir Ed\\ in Sandys, as is pi'oved by the enti'ies of his plans in the court book and by his private letters to John Ferrar. A scheme

outlined in the court of July 7, lOi'O. is practically the measure put forth in the

printed declaration (if dune •_'_*. lt)2n, and pro])o>es a contiimation of the policy stated above.

The printed documents of liil!) and lt'i:.'n add but little to the plans revealed in the treasurer's leports cont'Ciiiing the activity of the e(jmpan\', although the measures

taken to ad\-ance the comfort of the planters and of the tenants upon arrival in Virginia, the esta'ilishment of many private plantations, and the encouragement given to the self-g(n'erunient of the colony are brougiil out more clearly. After the

note of the shipping in JOi'l. so far as is known, there weri> no propositions issued

' r\/)i:i{ 'riii: s WHYS so( TJiAMi-roy .i/m//.v/.v/7,m77'>.v 8',)

by tlu! c'onipaiiy. This w :;^ iiii<. to llic iiia-^;i.-l-i' \'. liiih paialvzcd the cllorts of tlu' fOinpaiiv fill- a tiiiii.: ami t'orird ini')ii il [lulilical ions of liclViisr and cxiaiso oi- dii-ectioiis of warnirij^-. While tlu> eoniiiany was lorn \iy dissension, al'ler \&22 the colony slowly hut steadily nilvaueed. The |)ro]uielor \sas no longer active, and the center of interest is thei-efoic transfeiTeil from the courts in London in which tlie

|i. plans had heen eoneidveil | he M'tdeim nt in which llicy were nialwrinu'. The various puhlicaiions of the coiii])any alloid not vidy an und

A book of great iuipoi-tance was issued by the company in .hine of the same year containinji- a s(u-ies of declarations.'-' There were at least, two editions in the year l<;i'i), ha\ ini;- variali(/ns in the title iia;^-e: in the tir-t edition the pages are nunilun-ed accor

Snodhain. The latter vai'ies also in the tuthograjjhy of the word "colony"" in the title. The former was probabh- the lirst edition and was composed of jximplilots, each of which may have been issued seijavately, and seems to have been I'eissued, with an additional pamphlet concerning a di\ i^ion of laud in Virginia.'' iu w liieh the signature is cousecuti\e. Copies of the Hr>t issue of the iirst edition of the "• Decla-

"" rations are in the I-rar\aid Lifirary and in the New York I'ublic i^ibrary ("' No.

1"). but the only co))y of the second issue is in the John Carter r)r(jwn l.,ibrary (copy "'A""). The I'opies in the Ibitish ^luseum. the C'iuubridge rniwrsitv

Library.'' the Liljrary of Congre-s. the Joim Carter Hrown J^ibrary (co[iy '"li''), and the New York Public Lilu'Lirv ('J'homas Addison Kminet Collection, "No. 2") are identical and are evidently tin' tirst is-,ue of the second edition. The copies in the New Y'oi-k Public Library and in a pii\'ate collection in New York are probably a second i.ssue of the second edition, having four additional pages and containing a

"List of Etvonls, Xu. 174.

bllM., No. I,s3.

''The ]ianiphk't must Iiave l)efn printed in IHlt!. An iinpen'i.'ct copy is in the British Museum.

•'Tliis copy is oviduntly iiapurl'cct, since it lacks paires 91 and !(2.

•)0 IMIHtlU II loS

'" (it'cl:ir;itioii, By liis M;iic^ti(>-; (.'iinii'/vM iV'i- \'ii<;iiiia." diitcd Xo\-('nil)('r IT). KiiiO."

'Die p!ij;-iiiiition ;ukI tln' si'^nutuv',' are iMjn>(.'cuti\ o hut the stvli.' of iyy^' is cliauij-cd.

The piun[)lilet- includeil in all cilitioiw are as lolluws:

(I) "I'v his Maii'stjis Coiiiisi.-i] Tor \'i( oinia."' 'Jlii- is a dcelaiatiun of the industries wliirli liave heeii e.-.faMishiMl, of the i^ood l;i)\ ermiient \>iiieli has heea foriui'd ill liie cdioiiy so that it ••tx-oiii-, u< Iuim' the fai-e and fasliiuii of an or(h'rl\-

Slate." and of the piiri)<,s<' of the company in tiie division of land,

(•>) "A Xole of the Shippini;-. Men and I'rouisions sent to \'irL;-itna, hv tiie

Ti'easurer jind ('oinpany in (he y(>eri' biln."'

(:!) ""A l)erlaration (if the Su])iilii s inlende.i to he sent, to \'ir_i;inia in this yeare, \iVj.\i. Is dnlij. ir,-jii.""

(4) '"The Xanii's of tiic Adnonturei's. with liieir seuerall sninnies a

* * * jiaid to Sir Tlios. Smith." to "-Sir I'.apti-t IIiehs,"and to -'Sir Kdwin Sandys." * * * (5) •' Orders And Constitutions, for the hettcr goucnung- of the said Coiiipaiiie ' * " Aiii>o WA'.k and Itl-Ju." Some light is tiu'own upon these puljlieatioii.s by the court book, in which provision for four similar ]iampldets was made between November, KJlV), and June,

10:^0. as follows:

(1) An ad\'ertiseuient for laborers. approve(l to be published on November 17,

101 i*.

(2) A publication which shoidd confute the .slander as to the banx-nness of the soil in \'iroir,ia. ordci-ed Noveml)e)- 'J.-J..

(o) A list of the names of adventurers with the sums ad\ I'utured, ordered io be drawn up by the trea-urei' ami Dr. W'iiistone. l)c<-ember l.'i.''

(4) An apiology for Mrgiuia. ordc|-ed to Ije printed June 2o, Itii^O. On June 26 and 2.S it was pro\ided tluit tiie -taiidiiig- orders shouM be printed and annexed to tiie book to l>e g'iven to all menil)ers by order of the council.

Tlie conclu.-'ion sih'Ui-. \alid tliat tlie.se pamiihlets are rhe one.s included in the book and that they first appeared at various times, but that linally in June, li'i20, they were collected, the fourth one addend, and the volume jmblished tindev the date of the latter. The publication of this declaration in four dillei'ent issues during- the year 1(120 indicates the interest which ."^ir Edwin Sandys had aroused in the measure, as well as

"Thi.s is c'lipy Xo. :-! in tlie New Ycrk I'ulilic l.ilirary. Tlic coi>y ia the jirivate liliniry is evidently the Sinytli of Nihlry volume, sceuroil from the Cholmoiulfly papers throui^h Bernaril Quariteli.

''Sncha li:?t of adveutinvrs is amonu; the Manchester paper?. List of Kt-eonls, No. .=iS.

r,\/w:A' 77//; .S.I \ /)i .s -.'-(,'/ 7/7. M/yyo.v i/M//,\7.sv/,',iv /dv 9i_

the \ivility (if llic cniiipiiny. wliilf rcloi rinc tf> llic Imok in iinirli ol' Uic (orre- spondoiic'i? of the tlic '•iiiiio attiiudc toward tin- Nciiliin:'. Jii orilor to

^- proiiiDtc the .-illv iiuhi-lry a iianipl.le; nitilli^ii dhs, rrii/i,,,i.'< to h^' fullon;,! for

)nal-tinj (if Jit nxiiii.^ fur silL ir.,i'n:i.-<," wrku'ii liy i'.auofil. wa- Iraii-^latotl iiinlcrilio patrfmugo oi' tlu^ ri>in]niiiy toward tlu'Cnd of tlio your lO-Jn." It c

ciilled ""A Aaliiaticiii of ihc Coiiiiiiodiii.'- Lirow iiiLj' and to \h- had in \'irL!inia: ratorl as they arc wujlh."' iii whiclj i-^ iirrl o;' 4'.' arlicliv-,. The

JiiitiiTal coiiiinoditio \\hirh did not I'lijiiirf e>.])(M;ia! cidtivalion. -ui h a- \ariou> l

of tis!i. fur.-. woi)d-., ^hiidi.^ aiid hrl'iii'^, \-,ere ol' i-oiir>e inrhidrd. I'nt (hi- proof of

rapiil developiiiciii in Ihr iudii-t rial haliit-^ and o;^n[la^ion^ of I hr coloni-L- is mo.sl

ilnpoilanl, ami tliv no!e of tin- .-hi))jiin^- of ihe -anie yi-ai- and Ihe nne in 1 i!lM ai'e

<-ontinn;itory. In Ihe i'onnrr i- thi' -latrinenl of iIh' nnniher

f(,)iir iiKUi.-^ti'ie'.s. and in the latter a .-iniila)' declaiation. 'I'he rapid traiisporlation

of settlers iuii.! the (U.'\eh.)i)nient oi' pri\ate plantaiion- in lhe, .~>ur-

pri.-inj:-. Thus in \'\-l() .-ix sin])- with i''0(i pcr-ons were sent to the eolony, and4it(>

iiioro .settler.s wei'e to lie sent at onee, of whom yH'i were (h'-tined for tlie eoin-

piiiiy's land. The next year tlie nuniher of ships dispatched increased to twenty-one

and the niuii))er of persons to l.:;i»o_ wliile the niunber (d' patents Um- private plantations grew froni -ix to twenty -ix.

Duriny the year l^Vl-l liie ho:)k- jninted hy tli>- company were nmdi less \ainal)!e.

iii'.nuM'ous. the-)'c Ir^itiL:' T/'n > ih>r'i! i< of tlosf tlo'i „: rr 3!o.y.f,^,;il. h\ Edward Waterliouse. was more concerned \vitli tlie dlsa-ter than with the previous development of the

jihintiitioii. '- A broadsidi^ is inserted in tlie copy of this declaralion in the John

Carter Brown Lilnary. entitled, "N iroinia JncoiivenitMicP.s,"" ' ^\hich wa.s jiuhlishcd .•separately and was a set of direction- with regard to the provisitms whielieach per.son

.should liav e l.iefore -ailinf;' for tiie cokuiv. Thi- inelnded apjiarel. \ ictual.s, household

implement.s. arm-, suoar. spice, a'.;d fruit for consumption at sea. and net.s. hook.s.

lines, a.nd a tent for large nnndu'i'-. The declaration was niado that for it.s own tenants the ^'irginia Company folhiwed the proiiortionate ])rovis!on as set forth in

this broadside. It i- at oin-eau advcrtisenient for new tenants and a warning against

the dangers which had wrought ilis-atisfaction and brought complaints to tlie com-

pany. Two s(M'mons and two treatises were ])ubli-hed in the same year: one ()f tlie

"Thi^ translatiijii was on.lereil in an iniUaaiy cmirt i;>n Xoveiiilu'r l.^, liiL'O, and uas rcportcil ready

forthe pre.«s on DfceiiilKT 13. In the same cnurts tliere i.s a fli!=cns.=i(in of the jirices of counnoditieii

[irodiK'cd in Viri^inia. List of Reconls, p. I.IS, Xna. i.-,o. ITil.

M,i-t of Recor.ls, |>. l.'C, Xo. iS\X

'•//.'./.. Xo. I'ilL'.

',)2 ismohi c'ni).\

lallcr \\;i- a ropiiiil of liiiiiDcirs linok nii -ilk ^'.oiins. iiii'liuliiio- ;i IrlU'r of oncouraue-

iiiLMit finiii llic Kino- ami o:ii' of uihiri.- from tlio I rca^mri', w hii/li wcic iiit('ii(l(.'d to

Iiroinolc liic imiusiry of -ilk a-; opiio.-ed lo thai ol' toliarco:" llu' oilier trratisc was

t.)y -lolin r.rin

tlu' foiui'lalioii of schools.'' C)f the s;'.riu' rharactcr was a foiir-|)at^i' i>aiup!ih't. Nvliich

was i>'.if:!i.--h'"l in iho same yrai'. 'h-clai iii'j- the sums which ha.d been coflcclcd "losvai'

the liuildiu;^' (jf a frec' schooK' in ^'i^,^•inia.""'

A niimkei- of jjciicral woil.s wci-e apju-in cd l>y tliC' conipaiiy in ihe courts oi- were-

accejjted and rcwardeik I'iin- tiie |n-o[)i)sii ion iiy Smith to wi'ite a l]i-lor\ nf \]\-.

ninia tin AinilJ-i, ]li2l. seems to ha\e iiccn acci'ptalile to ifie ad'.-cntui'cr-, whilt.'

(jcori^i- liujjli. who had iTndered service lo the X'iri^inia council fiy wrltihu' a ireatise

(.)n l;o\ crmiiiMu. was pulilijy eidoyizedi ii[)'.>\\ hi< h'-'itieathin^' *'ln,i (o the couipanv for the education of ii!liilcl>" children.'' Ivlward Ilennett wa- airmiitcd to the coin- .pany as a reward for a Ireati-e atjaiii-4 ihe importation of tohacco from Spain, and

the ehrtniicler, llciwes. was ^-ranted li! pound- (if tohaceo as a yearl\- pasinent for hi- rcdercnces to \'iruinia.'

A numher of works were sug-yested in the courts of which we Iki\c n«.i trace or

which can nol he ideiititicd us ap])eui'iiii>- under other titles. 'I'o \\-]iat the comiianv

referred when it jietitioned t!io .\rchhishop of C'anterlniry for jiermission to ])ui)iish

the book whi;li he had i)rohi!)ili.'il is unknown.' The jirinted hoof; jiroposed hy Sir Edwin Sariily.< (;u Xo\eiulier 4, i&J^K in whii'li he wi-lied to defend the lottirie- ami

to hasten the di-patch of person- to ^'ir;4inia. may lia\"e been tiie diclaralion of the

.sbippint;- in lO-Jn, hut it is not men.lioned again in ihe court book. In Ini'l three olhm'

proposed publications failed to be executed, so far as is knowji, the tir-t of which wa-

H treali-e on the eovernmi-nt oi ^'iriJihia h} 'I'hoin.ts I);'re-]'a\'e." 'l"he second was a defense of the company, and concerned the Iiealth. trade, and manner- of (he eoh_)ii\'. and the third considered the defects and remedies of \'ireinia and di-cus-,ed the food.

"The first sirj^'K-tinu el' n ii?[.rint m this iHu.k came in a cuun ei <;)rtii!)cr :;i, liiL'l, liiit it w;{s imt

until Peiitemljfr 5 of thi'\eai fi^llowing tluit the Ijuek was onU-iLil ti> lie jji-'nteik iiu-lu'iiir/ the' two

letters. List of Heconls, No. o47. The soraions were Vbr/inia's Go'l. hr TlimihnJ, liy Patrick CViplaml

1022, ami niic- hy John Dimiio. s^ee List of Rfcoi'ils, ^os. 312, 375.

* All order of court, l)eceiiilver 19, ir.21, iirevidi'il lor an exiiressioii of gratilmle to .Totin Hrinsley and an ai>iiointiii<'nt of a coinniitroe to ]r.Tn-e and rcjiort u|ion his work. On .lamiary 1(3 the com- niittee wa.^ uranted additional tiiiie, and ratrick (.'opUiinl was asked to review the book and report to the coinpany. bi.-'t of Kecords, ,\o. 2!il. < List of Ivecords, Xo. 28ti.

a Court Bool; TI, Xoveinlier 20, ltj22.

ellml, I, April 12, 1021.

f Tl.hl, I, .Tidy IS, lii20.

S Jljid., J, Fel.iruary 22, I02i)21.

iioiilth. rortiliciitioiis. v.L-iihh. and r.liuion ui tin colniiv." In Uk- l'

aud to add th(MU lo the jiiinlt'd I) Hik>, iiu! it .-.ciMii^ id i)a\c failed, siiu-e no trace of

stich a. publicaliou iia- iicc!! I'oiind. and ii.i liiinl ardoa is rc(urdcd in liic ciini-! !.)Ook.*

Tx^ruMKXTs l;^.^ i;ai.in\; iiii; .m« >\ i:Mi:M> fui- ii.'.uii; am> iNnrsiuv

Till' printi'd adviTli-cnu'iiU l)cl\Mcn li'il'.i and lii-jj wvvv .-u<(^-•^^ld in >c-i-uii)}<'-

tl)C capital will! wliicli to ctirrv iMi liif ciiicrpri-c. l[ now rcniaiii-- to discover how the trade wa- ron lii^'tcd .-oid controUrd. ho\> the i)lan'.ation was dc\ eloped and

^!'o\'tinid, and how \\i< lin-ine-- \'.a- tlnally dr-tio\ed.

Tlie incoHH' wliieh eiiahled ihe i-on!](any to pro\ide for new industries in H',V.)

iind iGin was derived from the i'l;.' iiu. paitl hy each new adviMitnrer for eacli new

li,..-. sharpof st

advaneemenl of reliL;ioa smd of edueation iii (liee<.loriy \ver( friMpient. and thus the account and mana^ji'iiuait of the eollene land liceame important. Before the intro-

duction oj" t'l'oedom of trade into the rohmy. and the di— ohition of the old nr.igazine

on January 12, KJlti lifi, the eumiiany liad some ]irorit fnjni that monopoiy/ but the case wit )a which returns came from the loiteri 's had douhtle-s led the comi)aiiy to abolish the monopoly of trade which liad become so diflicult lo maintain. That tbo, company depended on tlie lotteries i- indicated by tiie followino- statements in the court book: On i >ecend)er I, Itll'.i. the lotteries v.cre coni inued until summer because there was no other im ans of seeiirino- money, ami the jilan jjiit forth foj- the devel- opment of the colony on .Tuly 7. I'll''.!, provided that the e-timaled expense of -fl7.800 should be met by the income from the lotteries, -svliich would amount to i'lS,O0fJ.

Jfiforiuation concernir.L;- the organization for conciui-ti!!^' the lottery is wantinjr.

Books and rolls and catalogues of prize- are referred to but ha\ e not been found.'-'

Tims the only doemnents which tlirow li^ht on the system outside id' the court l)Ook are tlie records of the suit of the \'irginia CV>!npany against ^^'illianl Leveson. an agent for the lottery in ItilS, which discloses that books and rolls luul been kept, and that a house for the lottery had been erected and furnishe'l ••at the west end of St.

I'aules Church:" a pro'damation by tin' King for tin' overthrow of the lottery' on

March S. IfJi'o :;l: and a frw letters -..dietir.i;- inve-tnaMits.'

Tli(^ investnuMits by the comi>auy during llie period of the lotteries follov.ed three lines — the old magazine, tlie planting of the ])ublic and the college lands in

«C.>",i i:n.,l.. I, Ainil 12. .lune 11, i:!, 1021.

b Ih;,l., I, Xoveniber 10, 21. 1..21; Maicli i:i, 11.21 22.

c]l,!,I.. I. .July 7. li;l!i.

an,!'}., I, ,Tnne 24. l«;i'.'; .I:'nu;iry 12, l;ila 2(1.

fl-ist of Reeonls, Xos. 2S, 2il, 71. 7S.

!t-l is'i /;i)in criox

^i^J4illi-l, and t!io cn'clioii u\ iiidn ii-ii-s fi,i ilu^ i>n> IitI ion of ciM-taiii rdiiiiiioditii'.--.

Tho ccmrt })i)()k i> llir only -^oiii-oo of inl'onnation with ifL.;ii(| to the olil niii"'uzin(\

ill whirli tliL' couipany tliroi'i^li it^ jj-cncral stock of iho cuniiiany had invcstctl more

than t\\ icr a.-^ iiiurh a-; any other ad\()it iii-i-r. llcnri-, dnriu.u the la-t half of the viar

UilO. it made (M-ery clloi-t to ii'ain an aecoinil anil scrure a j^i'ttlriniMit id' tn;it ad\-('ntnrc.

The di-^cu-i-ion, w lii.h iC'-idrcd in the adoption (if fri.-c tfado (o tlie cidon v. re\eaK tln'


\\hieh ihc eom;ian\ had had ffoin that joint -toek. and incifh'nlalK' ,-ho\v^ that it had some i-eluiwiN from the [lul.lie hn.d- in \'iii;inia." 'Die immhei'-. of men ^ent lo ihe

company's land, ani! their iMpiipment are Lii'.en in the piinled de(dai a! ion--, in the

rei'ort- of the ti'ea-iiirei- >]iread on the minnte--. and in th" di~i ii-.slciiis riv;orded in

the court hook, and althonedi the ,-um-, invi>ted for the piir[ioent thron^di the

income from the lotiery. Tlie transportation of .!I>.-oliite per>on- in the year jtil'.'

to meet tlie commatul of the Kinii.- and the s.ntlemen; of hoy> and eids on th.e company's land jircvious to In:;-.', were otiier meanr. ti-ed to people the pidilic :ind college lands.''

Five comm, were (Vtahlished by iietion of the courl. Xo record !> extant of the exact nature of (he investment.

Imt it a])pear,- from the court liook lo h.ne lieen chielly an investment from the eeneral stock". The mo\'cm(Mit for monojjoly of (/ertain industries rather than a monopolv of all trade >)e,e-ait ilurino- the latter jiart of the year 10-20. and as a re-ult the record- deal extensively \\ ith plans for the sole imijortalion of tohat'co. hy which a joint

stock' of £l.i.Oi)i.' was to be raised to carry out what is known as the " Somer.scales plan." The oveitliro-\v of the hitterie- carried eoiisternation to the company. An inconie was esseiitiiil with which to send out settlors to de\"elop the soil or to create new industries, but the eenera! stock wa- so low that tlie company could not oven

carry out its plans f.u- ylas>work-. Finrilly. after -everal month- of discussion, recourse was had to -pecial adventure or new joint -tiick comiianies for special

undcrtakino-s, controlled by a trea-urer who should be elected by the adventurers in

the scheme. Tints followed the criation of a -cries of ma.ea/ines for tiie erection of a g]as.s furnace, for the establishment of a fur trade, for sendinu' mai

found only in the court book, and the data there eiven is very insulHcicMit. This, of course, meant no adNaritage to the u'eneral stock, anil the company was forced to discover mean.- for securine- return- from the i;eneral investment and an income with

"Ojii.-t Do'J:, r, JiiJicLM. L>S, .Tuly 7, ]:!, Xnveinl.ei- :;, Dereialiei L"). 161!i.

blin,l., IVremlier 2:'., Irll^i; ,1anu;u-y ]•_', Felniiary 2, llil'.)L'0: .Tuly .'l, lr<2i.


\vliicli t'l 'l('\-t'lii]) llio (•iiiH));iuy"^ hind, ll'^iici-. i)ri\;ili' ])l:iii(iti

!uul privalc palrnis uml niiHHipnIio-i I'or the inilii.--liT <>{' y\[r\\ and tar. for ironworks, for new (li-covcr'n's wow ^i-aiiti-il. wliilc >pi'rial (.•oiimii>>iniis for trailr iiloiii;' llir t-o-.ist and for lisliint;- added to the reveiuio. \\'illi the exccplioii cd' the inos'ement for ])rivate planla.tions luid fm- the sole importation of tohaceo, hut frw records exist

oulsido of the cotirt hook to reveal tiie-e \-iL;-orons eiidra\-oi- . to reap lln' I'esuUs of tlie ju-rciit invest iuents in ilic earlier yi ars.'' 'I'he grants fur ]iri\alf planiations to iiidivif'.iials or ^^-roui-is of iniii\:duai-. calKd Inindrcds, coumieiieed as early as ICilO, hut inei'eas-ed r;'[>idly diH'iiiu' and after Ii!:.'!. there heini;' entries in the court liook of over fifty ])atents granted in four years, which pro\ide for the traii--i>ortalion of at least 10(1 men eaidi and oftiai for four times as many. The system hy wiiieli each hundred in \'irL;'inia and the ad\enturers for ihi' huiidivd in Knuiaud v,as oruanized is to h)e found in the court h(,)r)k and in the extant rteori.l- of the companies. 'I'iie minutes of one ujeetine- for Martin's llun'li'ed and one for Smythe's llnndj'ed. and the I'ornis for patent- deposited in the liriti-li Museum, in addition to aliout seventy papers of ]5erlv(dey Hundi-ed. adVord a \ ery satisfactoi'y rccou-truction of tlie terms of agrooiiiout, the expenses, the pro\'isioiuii<;-. the foun of e(>vo.inm(Mit, rlie instructions issued to the captain or (.;-o\ernor of the lumdred. and the terms of settlement with tenants and sei-vants. The adventures of ],ord Zoueh and Lord La AVarr in IdIT and IGIS. ar.d of the ^Valloons and Fnuieh in ICc'I. complete the series of which any

rec'')rd exists.''

But the ])i-i\'ale e-cants did not prondse sullieient income to meet the ercat demands for sup])lies from the e-eneral stock which the massaer-e of \(>2-?. brought about. As a result the company tui'ned to the income from toliacco, regardless

of its hieh purposes and its endeavors to enfori'C the jiroduction of other coui- modities. This feelini; of the importance of a eontr-ict for 'he sole importation of

tobacco took such a slrony' liold upon the company that from .May, IOl'l', until

its dissolution, just a year later, noiiiine' else worth mcntionine- is recoivleil in the court book, while the (|uarrc' cmicenunt;- the salaries to he paivl for the nianag-e- inent of the £100.000 to be invested in tliis project monoiiolized the attention of several courts. In addition to the record of an entire year in the court book, luimerfius memoranda of \aiious estimates of the value of the tobacco monopoly to the Crown and to the company are deposited :imong the Manchester papers

"The ili-en>sioiis in the Cunrl I:',-, J: \vitli reL.':ir.i to (lie niajiziiie, the ilBM'li.iMiii'iit ef cnimnoditicH,

anil private plantatieiis will 1)f feund tliruUi;h tlu- lin.lex mi.KT lliuse lifailiiifrs.

'j For the documents on ISerkeley Hundred sec- the Smyth uf Xil^ley rapcrs in the New York Public Library, which are cited in the Li.st of liecords. See iil.

96 i\ii.'iiii; < rhi\

ill llio, I'llMir l'i-;-').-i! ( >;lici'. Tlir rnliiliiiinicaliimN wilh the l'li\v ('ulllicii 111!

(lio siilijiH-l lire .-})r(-;;il mi tlio c-(.iiii|i;iiiy"s iniiiiilrs, :iiiil an- iilso In lio I'diiiid aiiiont4' t!ie C'dlonial State jiajifrs. This .scrios iiiciiKK's the pinrlaiinUioiis (,( the Kini;- in

Iti'i-l, and (ho \M-\y iini[>.>siii.ins and iin'a.-iiiTs for IdIjuvv-o iiiip'irlai iuii <>!' liw same year. Tho pfDiioniif conilitiuii > the comii^iny, the anidunt of tlif, iiiiiiortatioii and of tlic t-iistonis \aliic to tlie

King, the relation^ wilh Spain, and lla' econoiiiie \alu('.s in Enjrjiuul arc all liroiinht out in the estimates, discussions, and ai-u'iunents."

DOcu.MKNis DiMi.o.siNr; '1111; i;i:i.ATUi\s with tiu: coi.unv

The study ol' the relations of tiie coin[)any to the cohmy and the devclopnient within the colony iriay be liased on a

]:)ateiits, and e-rants. Thus the emphasis on the custom of martitil law in the colony and the seNcrity of [Penally imiio^ed is re\ealed both in the court iiook ;ind in the extracts I'roni (ro\(M-nor Areall'- re,i.''i>ter.'' The athlitional forms of government rc(piived by the development of the eolony are recorded in the court Iiook, bv which the company created the offices of deputies to the governor for the colleo'e ;xnd for the puiilic land, secretary, treasurer, chancellor, and sur\e3"ov, and provided for the conijicnsatiou of ofliccrs hy eraiits of land, liy transportation of tenants, hy the income of the company's land, and by allowance of fees.'' The rcque.-t> for the appointment of a council of State and for laws and ordci's, uri;'en(ly repeated liv

Governor Yeardley, as recorded in ilio court l;ook in ]

o-overnment of the colony i.s rc'corded in three documents, the instruction- to V'ov- ernor Yi ardlcy. November .s. fiUS. which created tln^ land system, the instructions

to (ioveruor Wyatt. July i'4. li'ii'l, whicli empliasized the industrial de\ elopnient,

' •'" and '" An (Jrdinaiiee and Constitution ' for a (,'omicill of State and (Tcnerall

Assembly" in \'ir;.:'iiiia. which contirmcd the political forms.

These documents provided for the creation of twu councils. 'j'he council of state, composed of the j^v-nernor and council, was to form an c.\ccuti\e and

"bist of Keconl-', iiO, 102, 147, 1S4, IS.i, .-,!!, 2iyA, L'ST, -14S, :l;i_', :;'>'.. -110, -11:1. -111. 414. 4l'4, 4L'."".,

43], 481', 676, 678, 680, GSl, 682, 691, 692, 693, 695, 606, 703, 705, 712, 724, 729, 73:!, 7:;7, 744, 747, 756. See also the index of the Court Cook, po^-t, Vol. II, uivler 'Tobacco."

t'LLst of Reconls, Xo. 40, fl.

'Court Book, I, April 3, May 15, 17, 1620. See also Brucp, Ei'onomic Historij of Vinjinia.

xjyin.i! riii: swiDssnr-j'iiAMi-roy .i/m//a7.s/7,mv/(>.v 97 jiidicitil IhkIv, ami tin- •a--'-ciiilil\'. ((iinno-cil of tin- (ii<_;li. wa-; ti) In- i)i!ri'ly a lrt;i,-lati\t' IukIv." 'IIu^ aji])ro\-:il of a

(luarlcr court of tin- coiniiaiiy. wliicli was iKTr,-.-ary for Icn-aliziiiL;- lliu acts i^f the as--oiiil>ly, is rcfcrrrd to in the rwurt liool; in tlnn ]ilacos only.'' 'I'lic coiislitutioii ami the proNi-^ions for (li\i.--ion of liio roiuitry into citios aiul liorouL;'hs, recorded both in the instruction.-, ;ind in ihc ])atciits by wliicli t'nc ';'o\crhiiiciit of thi^ pri^at('

]ilanta1ioi!s was dclcL::itolart;n"s. and lierlceley Hundred referred to ai>ove, the corre-pouiLnce of Sunnirl .\ reall with licrnnida. Hundred, and the conmus.siun.s for L;o\-ei-nme!it issued by iio\-ernor .VrL'all ami later by the council of Stilte coiupleti' the siiurces on this subject.' The precedents for ])atents are valuable in the informatii.'U wliich lh(\\' atlord witli I'ceard to the position c>f the fidlowino- cla.-sos of colonists: The old adventui-er not subject to rent: the

:id\enturei' payiuL;' nuuiey for hi> .--hares and ai^ri^eine- to transport Jni.) ]iersous; the adxeulurer settline- a jiriNate plantation: the in'iividn.al planter.'' These documents also throw liuht on the liberty of the imliv-idr.al, his exemption from taxation without his consent by the colony or by the ))ri\-ate plantation, and his submission to a ^^oxernment almost tnililary in chai'acler. The strict supervi-^ion which the coni]iaiiy exerci-.ed over the economic, indus- trial, and ^ocial conditions of the colony i-< to be seen in the measui'os enacted in the courts and in the coi-re-pondence between tiie company and the colony, sup- plemented by a laro-i' numlier of ]iri\ate letters to tlu' ollicers of tiic company. Four letters to the colony are meufioncd in the court book, o! which two hnve not been found, but eight othi'rs not mentioned are extant. It is more diiHeult to determine what letters canie from the cohiny. due to the usually brief reports of

tlio letter.s in the court book, to the omi.-sion of the date from the copies of the

letter.s, and from the uncertainty of the date of the i-i'ceipt of the letters as noted

in the court book. .se\iMi letters .--eeni to have, been rec(Mved l)y the comjvany of

which no trace li;is lieen found, while only foui' of the ten extant are mentioned

in the court book. Jt is apparent therefore that oidy n jiart of tlie ofllcial corre-

.spondence is in existence. Tlie diret-tinns to the colony disclose the ciire and earnestness of the couqany. and emphasize the endcavor.s to establish the various

commodities. Mhile tlie descriptions given by the colonists are extremely valuable in the ])icture they present of th(^ir etl'orts. aniliitions, and attainments. The pri-

"LU of Kco.nls, Ne;-. 72, 200, 201.

bCovrt Bool:, I, April >, :\Iay 15, 1620.

''The latcntf, tlieArgall corrosponileme, an. I tlie roi-enls of tin.' Ilumlreds arc new material aail will aid much in an inidcr.~taiiding of the local conditions ami government.

('List of llecords, Xos. 299, .32:5, 324, 325,

98 [NTHODVCTIOy vatc corrospoiidontc proves that the official luttors were likel}' to give but one pbu.se of the i:on!aiiiing of similar deprivations in tiie colony.'' The company was not only interoted in the economic and industrial develop- ment and the necessaiy political forms of the colony, l>ut, as Sir Edwin Sandys declared, it had a hiffher pui^pose than the Muscovy or the other commercial corpo- rations. This hiph ideal is proved by the attention which is devoted to plans for the college, by the appointment of ministers, by the collfctions in the churches, an


The acts of the administration in Virginia are recorded in the volume of contemporarj- records of the company kept by the coloin- which arc described above. They consist of a series of nine orders and proclamations bv the governor and council and of twenty-one orders, proclamations. connnissi(nis, and warrants issued by the governor as the executive officer of the council for the regulation of affairs in tlie colony. They cover the j-ears lt>21. 1&2-2, and 16l'3, and concern the colleition of taxes, the designation of laborers for public works, the regu- lation of jiriccs of c

a For a citation of thesp letters in tlip IM of Reoonis, set.' the Index iiniU-r " Letters." •' i PoKt, Vol. 11, Iniiiv-c under I'oIIi-.-l-," " Kduaiii'.n," "Mini>trrs." claims for ^Mijft'.s ;iiul for laoin y-^ flii«', iIi'iiiuihIs hiv fiiltilliuont of coutriuts, requests for pardon :uiJ for justiticiitioii in ]XTsoiinl tjUMvri'ls, (.iciimnds for lauds, and i)PtItion3 to be allowed to return to


A series of documents remains which does not bear directly on the organization of the company or the expression of its activity in trade and in colonial enterprise, concerns the but is invaluable for a study oi the history of the company, since it relations of the individual meudjers to one another, reveals tlie itnu^r life and motive of the company as a whole and of the various groups, and explains the conditions which resulted from the interference of the King and tlie overthrow of the corponi- the company. tiou. The entire movement centers about the growth of factions in Sandys The movement begins in the years just preceding the accession of Sir Edwin trouble over to the position of treasurer, and seems to have had its origin in tlie

im.lcr "Warrants," oFor dtation ot these documents in tho List of Records, eee the Index "Commii^sionf," "Proilamation."," "Orders." ftlist of Kecorilf, NoK. 138, 139.

fJiiii., Nos. 240, 521, Wo.

' • rf/Wd, No3. 116, 154. •

100 I\'t intUI (TKlX

Sir S;iiiiurl ArL'ull .mil tin' iiiiimiiilinriil of Sii- ( umu I'l' Vc:ir(i!i'y :is n\)\ iM-iior of iho colony. Il liiKiUy itnohcd iiiiuiy nf tin- ihtsoii;)! roiiiphiiuls ami i.lillitulliL's \\ h'uli prescntcil tlM-niM-l\i's to rlif coinpiiny. and ihcicfdi-e i-(>(|uiri's a .vtuily of thosr prohliMiis Ucfcirc it can In' uavlcr.-too.J.

The nicasui'cs wiiii-li thus arosi' with iX'L;ai'il to incli\i(luals :ir(^ to he fonml chiolh' in flio ('(nirr hook. 'rh('y .--iiiijily nnuh infoi-niation whicli can nut h.' obtained olsewhcre witii rej^aid lo tlic mclhoils of ]u-o(i'diu\' of the coinpany. nnd iitl'ord scattered data of Lj-rcal imivirtancc in addilion to lli'> liL;hl thcv thixuv

Oil the di-spu-tcs of tlic fa-c!ion>. The .sulijcel-- di-eu'<-ed ineludi' sneh )ii'o!i'ein'; as (.lie relations with tiji.' northei'ii colotiy. the eimlliri with Spain concTninL' the ship 7r"^^7'/<:•/. the suit ;iL;-ain.-t \\'illiani Wye foi- failiiiL;- to land setih-rs in Wv- o'inia, and \"arion-; accusation-; against (io\ei-nor \iaidley and Captain Areall for inisi;-o\-el-nnieht in the colony. The accounts of Sii- 'I'honias Sniythe. the sellle- iiicnt of AldcMnan Iioinrt dolinson's accounts foi- thi.^ niajiazice. and the ilh\cality of Captain dohn ^Martin's jiatcnt for a plantation, were also (jueslions \vhieh were of \-ilal importance to the tinancial aiiairs of llie conipany and took tiie allen- tiou of nunuTous courts; hut neither the act-ounts vi. >[v 'J'honia.^ Sniythe nor of the magazine were cvi.t ad]'u--ted.

Tho claim- aj;'aiii.st the coin]iaiiy ])rcscnted hy William Tracey, hy William Welden, the deputy of the ct>lU\ue land who was siij)ersedod hy GeorLi-e Thor[i.'. and hy the heirs of Sir Geoj'i;'e Soinei-s for a coHipoiisation for ilii> >onn-rs Islands are hut illu-tralions of the many demands made ujion the company. The court sat as a indiciai-\ ))ody to -el lie nmiierou.-- i)er--oiial i|uari'e|s. indudinu' the Brewstor-Aruali, the Aruall-Smythe. the r.ar,L;-t'a\e-Si!!ythe. and the dohnsun- South;\n!pton ca-es. Disjmtos -which arose within, tln' courts and resulted in slander and counter accusations took much of the limi-- and aUi'iitiou of the companv, the trouhle hctween the coimeil and Stuiniel Wroth o\('r thi> (pn-sliou of salaries thus t'onsmuini;- the entire time of the courts for threc^ months, (n-u:

December to Fetn-uary. l^ii'i' 3. ]i\ the various collections in J.ondon aie ahout iroidile,. il dozen papers which y'ive additional infoi'm;iti

In.li-N, "For tlie lii-^tiiry of tlie.-e cases as given ie, the cnurt l«iiilc, see the citatinns in tlic

T.i-^t of l;.-i.>nl>. J'o.^t, Vol. II, uuiIlt tliL- names sugjrtj.^ted. Kelerenecs tn tlie dtK'inneiits in tliu uiav also be founil in the Jn^lex.

I'M)/:/.' y ///; N 1 \/MN NO/ 77/ I i//'V'i\ .i/m//\ /.s'v// r/vov Ki] tlic nociisatioii- of tl.r \\':ii-\\ ick parly aii- well 1'iniiid''(|, in -<> S.iV a^ lln'v rrlale

to c<.)iic('aliilrnt 1)1' tilt" siillciiiiLr^ ;in'l (ii-sat isl'actidiis in (lie ruldiiy. culiK's us a surprise." For a lii.-toiT ul' tin- factions the studi'nt iimsl liivt i-e\ lew tlio reports ("if the p.-r.-ona! iM>nllicls referral tn alio\i' and llicn liun to t!u> ruiineroiis

(locium-nts whirli indiuto tin' iicfiisations ai;ainsl tho r(imp:;nv, the defetiso of the colony and of the coiiq'.any. and the ir.rindratida and letters iii)uii the ehai'^^vs.

When tiie (|uarrels had linally iieen eariied l(; the I'l'Ivy < '(Uineil. the maltor \VKS (jikoii up (illieially hy the t'onipuny. and the second \(ilunie of the court hook after tJie sju'Iivl;' nf Itc^'. is composed entii'cly of documents sjiicad upon the minutes which concern the action of the company, in fact, all of lie- p-apers a.lter that time arc of the same chtiraeter except the recoi'ds of the n-o\-ernor and council in ^'iruinia.

Since, tlioy numher upward of two hundred, it will !)' impossihli^ to disi'uss them

.>se))aratoIy, hut it must he reniemhered tliat in ihem is to l).- found an outline of the history of the company reachiuL;- hack inio the time of Sir 'riionias Smyihe, presented first l)y one faction and then liy the other, 'riie most iiniK)rtant of these reviews are the cbarf^X'S of Captain lintle]-, of Alderman .Tohnson, and of Captain Baryrave, with replies to each: the complaints of the adscnturers and of the planter- against the

Sandys administration, anil a decl.aration hy the ""ancient planters"' couijiarinj;" tln^ two adniini-trat ions in the colony. Finally, the "" l)isc0!ii-s(> \v of the whole situation. Another most important <:roup of jxipers is a sei'ies of pi-ojccts for readjustiiiL;" the ;.';o\-criunent of the colony and the adminis- tration of the (•ompany. The projects of ]\hntin, r>arorave. llitchliidd. and iJich thus alViiril an opjiortuidty to -tudy the heoinninu'- of I'oy.al control. The relations hetween the (_'roun and the coni|)any a-sumc tliive different phases duriuL;' tlic Saiidys-Scnithamptou administration — the lirst lietVire the dis- cussion over the tobacco contract in U'rl:'.. the second eoncernino" that contract, and the third relating to the abuses in the co'npany and the dissolution of lln^ corjtoi'a- tioii. ^riii^ court liocik sIkiws a readiness and a desire on the part of the company before Itli'i^ to refer to the Privy Council such nratt 'rs as the magazine accounts which seemed beyond their control, but it also contain- declarations to the etl'ect that an interfereme with the patent ri;.;iits is not to he tolerated. The ([uestions arising- in those years couccin the transportation of dissolute persons to the col- ony, the T-i;iht of the Kini;- to nominate men from ^vhoni the treasurer should lie chosen, the rcslriclion on trade to other t-ountries, the rt^fusal of a new charter to the company, and the dissolution of the lotteries. .Supplenunitary to these records in the court book are the orders of the Pri\y Council affecting- all of these

"Citatioa of llu'se (IdriiuKiit- in tlir I.i-t of Ilcconl? may tie fo\iiiil by letViiii't- to llip Index' undcT tlic Sniiilys-Ffrrar leUfi?, the Kicli ami Johnson nionioraiula, ariJ tlie letter.^ in the Man- cliester [laiicrs.

102 l^'J|;(>Illci'/ox

pi-()bl('ir,-;. One ul' I'm' iiiusi !in[inr!u'il ilm niiii'iits. h'i\vr\-ci', lin-- nof lipt-n I'ouinl.

pillri' tllO (Mlnils i'dl ;i lirw liutciil cai, not lie l|-;lcc

llio court liiiok. It was lir>t jiioiximmI Xovoiiihri- l,'). U'.i'u, unci \\;is onleroil to l).>

conliniu'd ai'd to he coiilirnitHl ])y I'arlianii'Mt on .lanuarv .'31, ]f>:.'U l'J. On llic

2"Jd of till' follow in;.;' uionlli llif Lords \\ei(> appointed to seiMiri- tiie seal, and

on .V|)ril 1l' the objeetions of llie altm iir_\ -L:-<'nr'lal. lo wlioni llie Kin^- had referred

the patent. \sei'e discu-sod. 'i iiat it ne\er \\cnt into ellei-l is certain, sinee no record is to l>e found aniono- (hi- siL'n manual warranis in the rt'eord oUice or in

the siv.iiet docijU'et book, l-'urihernioir. it is not enrolled in the cjianeerv files,

and it is n(.)t entered on the patent I'oll-. ^vhil<' in the sail of the .jHo ,/://, i/n/o

the only lilters patent eited are tiio^i.' already known of ](!(>b, lt'iii:i. and liilL'." Unless the doeiunents lia\-e been lo>t or the date of the enlr\' has Immmi nns-

tiiken tiie eomliisioii niu>t be reuelied that after the .-lu-render of I lie di'aft <;>f the new charier to tiie stilic-itor ,i:-eneral it disappeaietl fioni --iL'ht. Dui-inu- the \-ear l(r_':>

tlie coianuinications between the Kin^- and the eoii'.paiiy eosierrned the' toliaeeo eon- triU't and its linal ac?e])tauei> at the eominand of the Kinu', and revealed the niaturirv of the i)oliey of intcrl'erenee which iiad been develojiitig dnriny the pre\ ions years. The number of aecu>alions ayainst the coiupaiiy increased during;- the \ear. and the rccoi-ds of the early part of lti23 abound in leiters of coni])!aiid and charyes u{ inisniana^einent from the eolouy. Tlie nienioranda of ).hc A\'arwick partv. found among- the .Manche^tci' paiier>, arc also essential to tlio nndei-slantliny of the movements toward the o\'erthi-ow of the company. ^lany of the fortv conmumi- cations between the King' and the company are .-'proad on the court l)0(d<". while all of them are found in the Privy Council register. These include the couunis- .sions lo the lioard chosen to investigate the atfairs of tiie com|)any.'-' and the

"The Kclitor scanliCu llie loUuwiiiL,' Llociimeuts in tin; t'lililie iJcionl Ollirc fnr .1 rteeRl or citiitioii nf tlji.- fliarter:

Sign Jluiiiial Wan-ants, Xos. U, 1:;-17.

Exclieqiier, 11) .Tiimes I. ilii2l.)

Doequet 01 tlie Signet Oliice.

Chancery Privy Seal, 19 James I, .Tamiar3--.\iigust. (1021.)

Tlie sug^rt-^tion tliat a charter wa.-^ reis^iieil at a later date led to a siiuilnr fmitless search in the Chancery of the I'rivy Seal as follows--:

2-i James I. July, Ausrust. (1024.)

7 Cliailes I. February. .Ahirch, (Jeti'lier-I)eceiiilier. (I60I.)

9 Cliailes I. .\ugns-t. (lti/..S.)

14 Charles I. .\uirnst. Se})teiuber. [ViSS.)

16 Chai-lo.= I. April. (1G40.)

''A record of the grand, eiunmittee appointed tu defend the company bet. «iv the commteioners and a record of 'a nieethig of the commissioners are among the Ferrar ]iapers. List of Records, Nos. 3!>4, n4a.

t'.v/i/./,' -riii: ,sM\/)y.s socniAMj-jox j/)i//\7.v7'y,M77().v 103

i't\i to Nii^iiii;!. 'I'lio conTsjioiiiloiico botwecii tlie Kiiijif mill ihc colony fluriti^' tlioso iiioiifii.-^ of s(i-nt;'o-l(. conr.Tii('i.l the latter coiimiission iind (^siahlisliod tin- foviil uutlioritv, Imt the Icttcis trom tlio colony woro iiddi'i',-:s(Hl to llu' conip.uiy u-- hito :is the rlo-o of the \^^,ll\ six months after the judi'ment wa-; i-enJorrd in the ijim inirrdiiln >iiit.

The. I'eeord of Ihi^suitis found \\\ \\m vora m nq, /•

IGOti and especially of Irloii. 1 1 I'lmniei-ates thi' rit.'hts o-rantcd to the corjjoration, and flaiius that othi'i' ])ri\"ilri.res wen- ne\er useil. The third doeuuieiit is (h(^ reply

of Attorney-! ienrral (,'o\en(ry in which he pray^ i\ir I he con\'iet ion of the accaised on !i''eninit of thi' ii-.nrp:Uion of pri\ile'.;es anil i-ile.-. those nientioiied in the infor- mation, claiinin;:' that tiiere hail not lieen sniiicieni ans\\(M- in any jioint. The answer of Nicholas Fei rar and others slatrs that the comjia.ny i,^ ri'ady to \'erify its ri^'hls as (juotrd. 'i'lir juduinent was rendered on tin moriow of Holy 'I'linity, and declares that Nirholas h'i'rrar ainl the others luc con\ieted of the usurpation of privileges and that tiie '-said pri\ileyes arc taken and sei/cd into the hand of tiie

Kin^- and the said Nicliolas Forrar and others shall not intermeddle but shall l)e exelnded from the usurpation of lil)erties. privile^^r^s. and fian(.diis(\s of the same so taken from the Kin^u'. and that they are to sa(i.-fy to thi' Kino- his tine for the usurpa- tion of said ];ii\ilei;-es." The \\v\\ of •jim ir^ n-ii nif v:w^ is>ned ()ut of the Ivitiys

J^enrh on the 'J"ui'-day next after the, morrow of All Souls (Xovcmlier 4. liVJo).

The suit was ojJeiH'ii on the Friday after the niiindi'cini of St. Martiji's (Novcmher

2.S). and was then postiioned until the, (>io'lilli of Hillary (January l't»). it was postponed a second lime to th'^ quindecim of I'la-lcr (.\ piil It). ;ind iuduinent wa.s

(inally lendered on the morrow of Trinity (^lay l'-1. 1(',l'4).

VALFl': 01' Till' VHJGilsIA KFC'OKDS

It ha.s been the i)ui'pose of this })a[)er to L;i\o to the reader a knowledge of what records the ^'iru•inia Company kept and to arlord a o-uide to (he extant records, as well as to indicate the character and imjiortance of the various col- lections of i-erords and of the Nariou.s cla.ssc.s of docmnents. 'I'he value of this

.series of papeis is threefold — it discloses the organization and ttctivity of the companv: it aids in an understandino- of the vations pi-oblems, policies, and con- ditions of the State under th(^ early Stuarts; and it is of o'reat importance in a .studv of the entire nio\emcnt of the earlirr and of the later century for exploration, foi' trade, and especially for colonization.

104 iXTUunvvTjoy

Tlif ol)jiT( of till- pre\ ion- clisriiv-rioii lia^ ln'Cii to show thai an inthiuife laiowlodtfc oJ' tlio uicfhaiiisin of the i'0iii|);iiiy, of lht> nii'thod- iif tdhei' rorporations imil lui--ltH-

1)V the company in conducting- its court-, in kcopin<:' its books, in securing' capilid. and in fifiding investment ^Yhich would lesult in iiumediate icturns anrl enable tlir com- pany to transport men to tlie colony, has been pointed out. Thi^ exidcncc id' tlu^ change of- the piunlatio!i from a colou_\- for exploilaticjii to a colony for sclllcmont, and the consequent effort of the company to stimulate exploration, settlement, and tiie development of resourei\s, as widl as the jiroof of the liberality of the pro|irietor> in advancinj^' self -^xivernment. has Ihmmi outlined.

The indii-ation in tlu- recortls of the colony that the euntro! chaii^'od from absolute authority cenlrali/rd in the ;_;o\ernor to local nianau'ement and j^uNei'mncnt iliroiii;li a rcijresentative legislative assembly, and that the social conditions t!e\'i'lopcd from life in a few comi>aet settlements lo i)lantation lifi' has been su(;'oe.,i..(b Moreovci', the documents whiidi show the etl'orts of the joint-stock companies to gain protection and become privileged monopolies, on the one hand, and the tendency of the Crown, on the other, to utilize the conipanv to relieve the comitry of its undesirable ])opii- lation, to secure a share in the revenue, and finally to assume the full propriet()i->!iip of the colony has been cited.

The court book and other records of the connxuiy have another value in that they ini'identally aid in an und(.'r-tanding of many problems of the gON'ei'nmeiit. Thus the attitude of the King t<.iwar de>ire for marriage relations with .*^[ianish royalty. \'arious (|ue--tions of )xilic\' were ofti/n discussed in the meetings of the company, >uch as the freedom of trade and of fishing, monopolies, customs, and ship never once forgotten. In fa.ct, the argument that democracy was unavoidable, since the phuiter had the pi'i\ilege of the ad\'enturer. was urged in opposition to the aecusatioiis of tin' King that the compan\' faxored democratic forms. This spirit in the eomiiany i-< al>o seen in the tendency to address rarliameut -whent-Ncr possible, as i!lu>traied in the mo\'emcnt for a ne^v patent and in the settlement of the tobaico .[uestion.

The economic and indu.-trial >iluation in Kngltuid is perhaps better re\ i aled than any other pluisc of aUairs. Tlius the connnodiiie> whie-h were in demand and not

vxni:i; rui: .^.[\jiys--sOiT/rA.\/rr(>x AiiM/M.-, the compniiv, uikI iippcar auain and a-aiii in llif various docunioiils. Tlic {io\cr(\- ity shown llir rompa.ny was under to i^-o to llio ('(.ntinent for mm lo supcTiidoiKl and cari'V on (•\ery iiidu^tiy wlui h it altcmptid lo csluhlj^li in the col- ony. Diitclmicn, Swtdrs. I'olcs. and Krenrlunon wcv,' thus imporled for condiiclinj^- sawmills. cidtivaiiiiL; sill-woiiiis, and making; potash, clapboard.-, .--alt. wines, and olass. AVluMi cnj^-ineors for con-tructiiiL'', forlilicalions w(-re desired, (icneral Cecil declared tluit ho hiid nut men for ihe |>urpo>e, hut hoped he nnelit he aide to reeoni- muiid .some. Frenchmen of ahiliiy. The papers whi

V!igal)onds and of hoys and yirls I'urnish a comment on a ^pe(•i.d phase of soi'ial life, while the spirit of the entire records revp.-ds the di'mand for !Ui outlet fur uetivit\- and an oi)pinl!mity for iii\e.-!ment.

ThrouelKuit, the miiuUi'- of the eiisii'ts a.nd the correspondence and reforences to the other trailin;^' comjiaiues emphasize the sliim^- sindlarily hetween their oreanization and that of the N'ireinia corpoi'ation. Illu-tral ions of this fact ai'e .-eeii in the. citation of the ])ivccdciU fi'om other joint->tock companies of employing a deputy and a director. v( the sidaries [.aid in the East India Company, and of the liberty of trade enjoyed l>y the .Muscovy Company; while among- (lie Ferrar papers are draft.s of petitions from the Commons to the Kint;' in the wi'itine- of Nicholas Ferrar on behalf of the Tui-kcy nu'rchanl-' and of the '"(iinny and IJir.uv" eompan\', showinj:- the intimate ndations Ijetwcen the dillVrent ino\ements. lVi-lia])s the nio-i important re.-uli of a study n( the N'iroinia Company comes from the knowlede-e v.hicli may he e-ained oi the whole iuo\em(Mit which had as its oliject exploration, trade, atid .settlemeni before and sinci' the time of (he company in all of the colonic-. In its reeoi'ds ;ire to he found one of the earliest .-oun-es of information conconunL; <<.donial experience from the I'-nulish standpoint, antl hence through them may be <.;ain(>d an understanding (d' the way in which proprietary colonies were e.stablished: of the dev.dopment of the plantation into a t'olony of .settlement; and of the conseiiuent rel.alion between the settlers and the ]>roprietor. These steps as well as those by which the Crown was led to resume the authoritv and to cstabli.sh a loyal jiroprietorship in place of that of a comiiany or of an indivi- dual, and the consequent development of the frci'dom of the settler were repea.ted in the history of all of the proprietai'y colonies of Anan-ica.


5. Ehv 3ixtc nf tire (iDrtotual ^^critrbij

Jt w;w in .Iiily. \''<'.'-2, tlr,i( llio i.-(mtr()\-i'rH_v ))i'(\\ocn the i';iclioiis in (ho conqiuny

Wii.s first bi'ou^lit bi'l'i)rc IIk.- J'ri\"y Cruiiicil. unci. stranLjcly ciiouuli. (lie plaintill' wa.i

John l>:irgrav('. \\ iio lator cliainpioncd tlioso \vlH)in ho now acciisod. The euniiilniii- an( doc'lavod that he had h>st ('..riHi) ]i(iun(N (liroimii the '•unjust praedees and miscarriaf^e of M-oveinnien("' on (he part of ,Sir Thomas Siiiytbe and Alderman Robert Johnson. Tiie matter was refeii(^d to a eoiiiniittre composed of Lord

Viscount (irandisoii. i^ord liroolc. tlie niasl'^r of tlie rolls, l^oi-d Keeper Co\'entry. and Secretary Conway, but th(.' all'air drat^-^^i'd on in the enuneil until it was linally settled on Jaiuiary 2'1. Uy2\l ». hy its ordei'in<_'' r>ari;ia\e to forbear troubling' Sir

'I'iiomas Siuydie.'' l''rom that time ti^e batde between thi- facdons in the company had be<;un. Tlie tobacco contract between the loid treasurer as )-epresentati\e of the

King on the one hand and the company on ihe other, \\lii(li had occu]iied so much of tiie time of the coui'ts, was allowed by the Privy Council on the I'd of February.'' But the spirit of conflict was seen in the entii'c correspondence, and during- the few succeeding; months bitter com[)laints concerning- tln> mismanagement of atlairs in the colon}' -were made by Nathaniel Butler in his I'nnifi^.-liKj cf the Colony of Vir(ihur,:' That both of thoe originated in the

Warwick faction has been i-eveal(_'d b}- the Manchester jjapers. On April IT a committee headed l)y Lord Ca\"endish was summoned Ijeforo the ]'rivy Council to defend the Yii-g-inia Comiiany agaiAst the ••grievances of

Planters and Adventui'crs."" As a result, the tirsi blow N\as sti-uck at tlie liberty

"That the Virginia Company h;Kl a largo iuhuIhi of rccorilf^ whidi are not miw exttint has been revealerl by a stuily of the existing: documents. In a'ldilien to the nri'jinal eourt Imek.-! and the tive otlier reeord.s provided for hy ttie "Oiders and Coii!slitutii>ns " there were the book.-^ createil at a later dale, tlie ihiplic-ates of patent.s and grants, the petitions, and all of the account book?- of tlie varions magazines and joint .stock eomjianies. If the paper.s of tliu private plantatieii.-s and hundreds which are represented ))y the .-^niyth of XibUy iiapers, were added to these, the volnine of niis.-ing records would l)eeonie very great. A discussion therefore of what resources have been seaiulied, though in vain, seems desirable, in order to aid further iuve-stigatiou. 6 List of Kecords, Xos. 351,401. olbid., No. 401. 'flbkl, Nos. 3SS,395.


108 i\ 'r/:<)iii ciios

of till', conipiuiy I'll' wlicu l'ri\ V Coimcil nniKuinrdl tlial i! \v;is (lii> l\iiio's inlcnlicui

tliiit a <'o;iiinissi(in l.o slioiihl appoinliMl t>> iii,|iiin' into llir, .state of iIh> Vir-iiiia iiiid Soiucrs Islands iiianlalions/' Froiii that, lime tlic atlaiis of (ho coiniiain were

mulci- .sm\cillaii(,-e. and (lie <-oriTsp..iid(MiL-i', (lie ti-adr. and ovfii (he [HTsnnal lilicilv of its oli-H'ors wore suhjcct to rostvaint. Tlie coinpauy was inuiicdiatclv forhiddi-n to receive jirivate lettei's anv e.\ee],)l on i(- own l)iisii)ess. wliile on liie -JSlli of the •same inunlli ils letters wore disalldwin Sandys, and Nieholas and Joliii Eerrar c(.)nlinod should be to their houses, a piuiishment inllicted for a. contomjjt (if an order of the coun

The danger of conliscation of tlie company's i-ecords \va.s fully realiz(>d for the the first time on Muy 22, lt;23. when the l')i\'y Council enfoiccd ;i ])re\ious older to surrender "'all Charters Books, (and by name the lilurred I'ook or P)ooks). Ijctters.

Petitions, Tjist.s of Names and Provisions, Jnvoyces of Ctoods. and all otlu: i' As-ritincf whatsoever, and Transcri])t.s of them, belonging to them." The new order declared that the " Blurred P>ook or Books" had been kept back. The documents were to be surrendered to the clerk of the council, but the cu.stody of the reeoi-iLs was given to the commissioners. Each party was to have free use of them "in sucii sort as to ye

'" Commissioners shall seem good.'' Eurtheiiuorc all Boxes i.^ Packages of Letters which hereafter shall be brought over from Virginia or ye Sununer Islands during this Conmiisslou" were to ho "immediately deli\'ered to ye Conmiissiouers by them

List of Records, Xo. 4t37. riiiit.xl in full in I.e Frny, 1, 2S9-1>90. * List of Records, Xos. 476 and 478.

<^See Orders in Coimcil, cited in Itild., Nos. 50G and "jIO.

iwn: (>/ rm: oi:ii;/\.\i. imfoi.-Ds 109

((, lie lirukcli ()|H'n. |.'.Miis"(l <,; (itli.TW i-i- (li-|i<^-fil [nl'l :i- llirv liiill liii'l ciill^r.""

The iTciirds wcnMii llir iios>fs>i(ui of tlic eloi-k of (Ik. rouiicil I'roiii I licibdc ( if i !;:-.(, idcr, or carlior, until X()\-riiiluM- V. ICc'M. .-is is sliown \iiMirr- nf ?*I;!y '> r('i|iiirc(l cf tlic (•dunfi! a •inniis of wrilinu's" lock<>

Acarcl'ul .-'(arcli I'or llic inissiiii;- pii])crs inusl ctoiimiiMR-i' at tlii-^ )i(iint. All limio-li

the li'cnrrl-.. or at loa-t the court liool;s, wen- latiT rrlurncii to tlic i-onipanx . >oiiir fii' tlicni niay have liccn rctaim-d 'ly tlif cotnnd^-iiomM-s or liy indi\idiial.-- tliorrof.

'riion't'on-. Iddd.pii away in iiic (•(IIitI ions oi' tlio hciis of iho,-c men. it nii^dit iie

.supposod. woidd lio fouiul the nuirh soin^lit-l'i.r doriniii'nt-<. 'I'lic nienihrrs til' this coiiiuiission. croalod A])ril 17. ^\|1M' Sir ^\'il!ianl doiics, Sir Xioliolas Fortoscuc Sir

Francis Ciol'ton. Sir llicliard Sntlon. Sir 'William j^ilt. Sir llmry Hoiirhior. and

Sir Ilciiry Spillcr.'' liiil, as t'ar as can Im? dclcrinincd from poi--.oiial invc,-;i;.',ation.

I'l'oni the i'C]>ort of tli?' lioyal Comnds^iiin on Historical .Mauuscrijits. from con\ersa- tion with Sir Henry .Maxwell Lyte. of that hody. oi' from other men convei>aut Aviih tlie [n-ivute and j)uhlic de|xisitriries in iMiu'land, none of tlie papers did I'ciiiain in the ])ossession of those commis-ioners. A coniniittco of the l'ri\v Council may ha\'e had access to these pa]ieis. for on July 23 Lords Grandisoii. C'aiew, ;ind Chichester wc^re appointed to lake into con- sidoi'iition the rojiorts on the colony and to present to the council oi'ders most lit for the. rogulittiott of llio eovcrnmeni of N'iruiriia.'' .\iioth«r i:'r(jup of men intrusted with the invo.stieation of allairs al that time, and into v.hosc hands and jirivate posscs.sion nULi'lit l:ave come papers l)eloiie'in.i;- to the company, were John ILirvey.

John Pory, Atji'uham Percy. Samnell i\Iiitth(>ws, and John Jetl'er.son. This couuui.s- sion was soot to Vi'Liinia for the par[)oso of investiiiatinL;' conditions, and many of the documents hearing on their relations with the colony are ;uuoiii;' the colonial State paper.s.

The docuir.ents i-emained in tlie custody of the commi.--sion until November 21. and were then returned to the .secretary of the coiiipany. An order in ciMincil declared that all the "JJook.s and writiiiys, whether I'eiiuiyueinj;' in the hands of the

Com'" or elswher. shalho fwthw'" deliuered hy Iinentorie vnto the .said Com])any."" The complaint had been made by the treasurer that lliey could not make answer to the ij'i" irarranfii wliich had been issued out of the Kine-"s ISench ajjainst the company

without the use of their records.' Therefore, from Novemljer, llJL'y, until .lune.

('List of l^vocerils, Xo. oIS. ftJt'U, No5.^0.

(•For the order in (.oeiieil creating lliis coininis.sioii, see lUid., No. 499. («7W., No. 547. «2tW., Xo. 593.


110 7.\77,'0/>CC770.V

1<')L'I. thr rn!iii):iii_\- w:i i.'i i)o.,-,->ioii nf il-, dncuiiii'nN, :ui(l it v.as durino- (liiit [M.-rioil

(liat Xicliolus Fcrrar \vas l)u^il_v ciii^'aj^'cil in liavin;^' tiiciu tnmsci'il.uMi.

The last oi'iitM- wliirli rojicenicd {hc>c ircnrd- from DecciiduM- HO, Iti-JH, uiilil the coin)iaii_v ^\'a^ iiiially ()\-i'rthro\vii, in ,luriO of tiic foilowini;' year- \s!ion tho ori;'atii- za(ii)ii. acciM-dini'; to Xotlicr^olo. luTanioa company for trado and not for uxivoi'nmciii —

•• was :i letter of the eouneil to Nicliula.s Fenar, l^epnric," to hrin^' to theni unopened all letters wliich had eoMie in a i-hip lately arrived from Virginia." That llic Kinj;- in the meantime was concerned in the p!-isei-\atioii of ail papers rehttiiiL;- to Vir^'-inia is seen in a letter froiii Secretary Con\^-ay to Sir Tliomas Merry, in wliicli he Nviis rc(iucstcd to preserve all ]iapers in the possession oi' '• his late co!I^in."' Joln^ I'untis, vice-admiral oi Viijiinia. and any others wliicli conrcrned the bu-iafss.-'

Followinj^- lip tiie recall of the cluirier. therri\y Council n-i>lcd of Lor<} Pie.sidcnt Mandeville, Lord Paj^-et, Lord Chii'hester, the lord treasurer, the comptroller, the principal secretaries of

.state, the chancellor of ihc excheipier. the chancellor of the duchy, the attorney- general, the solicitor-a'eneral. Sir Rol.iert Killigrew, Sir Thomas Siuytlie. Francis Goftoii, John Wolstenholme. and Alderman Johnson.

Two days later an order in council was issued instructing- ]VIr. Ferrar, deputy of the company, to liring to the council chamber all patents, books of accounts, and invoices of tlie late corporation and all lists of people in the colony, to be retained \>\- the keeper of the c(juncil chest till further oi-der.'' Thus was ended the control of the government by the old organization, if not of the allair- of the company and its colony, and thus the records pas-^ed into the charge of the clerk of the Privv Council.

A commission to establish a government in Virginia, is to bo found in the chan- cery privy seals under July of the twenty-second year of -lames I, countersigned to pass V>y immediate warrant. The patent roll of the period records th.is commission. dated rluly l.^. lt):i4, by which the Virginia Company- was to be supplanted and the first royal pi-o\ mcc in America was to be established.' The recoi'ds of the old com pany, however, are not lost to sight till three days later. On July l.o the commis- sioners met at .Sir Thomas Smytlie"s house and determined that (he charters. seal<. and writings "f the company Avere to be brouglit to Sir Thomas Smylhe's hcuse iind

n For the order in counril crealint; lliis cuiiaiiis.--ioii, fee List of Kccords, No. 60S.

i List of Kecurd.-', Xo. bS3. '' Ibid., Xo. 6S9. <-7&jU, No. GS7. '/6id, No. 70L

iwi'i: or Tin: oinnix \i. i;i:voi;i>ti HI

kept in clmri.'T" of thi- cln-k of lhi> coiniiiissioiicrs, 11. i'\.flioi'l>v, to lie usp/l liv tlie. conimissioiicrs lit })K':isui(\"

In the Privy Council register, under date of June 'Jil. IfrJ-l. tliei'e is iin order for Jlr. Fci-nir to deposit in tlie <'ouncil chiunhcr tlie pupcvs of the late eotporation, and

in tlie iiiai'<;-in is a notr wlm-li o-ives the last o-limn^iv ,,f those rcconis. it reads

as follows: "Nd: All ilnis ]'alents hookes of accounts iVcc were delivered to Henry Folherhy clarlce to the C'oniissioners, by order li-oui the Lords the IH of July 1G24."''

That. thc

Virginia had all of llie original records of the comjiaiiy in Ihcii' possession at tliat

date i.s thus proved. "\\'liat beeaiiie of th(^ni lat(>r can l>i^ a matter only of specu- lation. That they had been so carefully prcsci'ved and were (h^posited "for use by

the meinbers of the eommission'M's." secnis to indicate tliat tlie thcoiy of their destruction by the Crown is not tenable. 'J'here are two theories wliich seem much more likely. It may be that they ])risscd tin-ally into the possession of the Privv Council, which evidently soon assumed the burden of the control of the attairs of the

pi'ovince; for, on May IM. KWO. a ro_\ al [ivodamation ariangid for a council which was to be subordinate to the Privy Council.'' The papers may thus have remained Viith the King's Council until the creation of the commi-^-ion for ^'irginia in ]t531.

wliicli in turn -iva-i snpplanled by the P.oaid of Conimis-;ioncrs foi- I'^oreign Plantations in J6;3f.'' The commissit)n created in Jidy of l+ was composed of the lords of the

couneil and "certain others." and the council register seems to indicate that it wa.s usually the council .sitting as a commission. After 1(521 the papers, letters, and instructions were all issued by the council, the commissions to the councillors and to

"List of Kecords, No. 702.

''i6W., I*;o. 6S9.

ck letter to the Karl of AVaiwick dated Xoveiuber 16, 1624, bears the signatures of the council

for Virginia as follows: Sir Tlioiuas Smith, Fenlinando Gorge>^, .John Wol.stenholme, Samuel .-Vrgall, Thoiua-s Gibbs, Samuel Wrot, and .Jolin Pory. Tliere had lircn some question concerning the addition of names to tlie comnussion, but whether tbi- ]; a porlinn (inly of the council of July 15 or a new organization is uncertain. Ihid., No. 73s.

''The members of the couimission for Viigiiiia apjiuinted .Tune 17, 1C31, \vi.-ie: Edward Earl of Dorset, Henry Earl of Danby. Dudley Viseount Dorchester, Secretary Sir John Coke, Sir John Danvers, Sir Robert Killigrew, Sir Thomas Rowe, Sir Robert Heath, Mr. Recorder [Heneage Finch], Sir Dudley Diggs, Sir John Wolstenholiue, Sir ]'ni:i.MH \\'iatt, Sir Joliii r.iook-. Sir K.-iielin Digby,

Sir John Zouch, John Bankes Tho«. Gilili. Nath. Uott LWn.liV], "Sir. San

Nicholas Kerrar, 5Ir. I5arber, and John Ferrar. S,x' n,/.,,,!,,! l;,i,.rs, \\,\. VI, Nw. 14.

The commissioners for plantations appointed .\pril 2s, p;.;!, were: William Laud, Archhishop of Canterbury; Thomas Lonl Coventry, Inrd kecjior: ];ich:ud Neile, .Archbishop of York; Itiihard

Earl of Portland, lord high treasurer; Henry Karl of .Manchester; and .--even other ollicers of state.

26105—05 S

112 ix'Jh'onccTiox

govcrnor-i of the ('oloiiy passed tlio privy soa) and wore cn<;'iossed on flio. patoiil nill, iind the letters or papers from the eoloiiy were addressed to the eomicil.

Aiiutlicr theory i»K to the fate of the reeords is that they wei'C at first in charjie of lIiMiiy I'oiherhy, eU-rk of tiie coinmissioni'rs. but that tlicy wore frraduall_v seattei'ed aiiK>i)<;' tlio ini'iiilji'i's of tlie coiuinissioii most iiiteiosted in tlio career of tin; comptiny as the aulhorily of (he eonimission lieeamo pmely tliat of uovernmeut. 'Die meni'jers i.l' the eouiniissiun, ereated .Inly iri, ltiL*4. in wliose l'amili(s sueii iiajiers mi^tif l)e I'dund, are as follows: Henry \'isrount Mandeviile. Lord President of the C'oinicii, AN'iii. Lord ruj^'ct, Aniiiony Lord Chiehester, Sir 'I'homas Edmonds, Sir John .Suekling, Sir (.ieo. Calvert, Sir Kdward Conway, Sir Richard Western, Sir Julius Caesar, Sir Humphrey ^lay, Sir Saville Hicks, Sir , Sir Henry Mildmay, Sir Thomas Coventry, Sir Robert Heath, Sir Fcrdinaudo Gorges, Sir Robert Killigrew, Sir C'harles Montague, Sir Philip Carew. Sir Francis (Jostou [Gofton], Sir Thomas Wroth, Sir John Wolstenholme, Sir ]S"athaniel Rich, Sir Samuel Argall, Sir Ilumplirey Handford, Mathew Sutclilf, , Francis While, Dean of Carlisle, Thomas Tamshaw, Alderman Robert Johnson, James CanilnU. Ralph. Freeman, Morris Abbott, Nathaniel P>utler, (leorge Wilmore, William Jlackweil, John .Mildmay, Philip Germaj-nc, Edward Johiison, Thomas Gil)bfs. Saiiuiel AVrote, John Porey(0, jNIicbael Hawes, Edward Paiavaeine. Robert Ixiteman. Martin Pond. Thoiiuis Styles, Nicholas Leate, Robert Butt, Abiaham

Cartwright, Richard Edwards, John Dyke, Anthony Aldy, "NA'illiam I'aliiier, Edward Ditchtield, George Mole, and Richard ilorer." Had not the receipt from the rri\y Council to the secretary of the company

revealed the existence of the earl}' records in 10::!3, and had not the memoranda of Sir Nathaniel Rich eontirnied the fact,' the thcor\- might be put forth that the papers of the early period were burned in the destruction of Sir Thomas Smythe's house at

Deptford on February 6, 1618 19. The tire at Whitehall on the lOlh of January, 1018 19, at which the privy seal, signet, and council records are supposed to have

been destioyed, is sometimes suggested as the ctiu-^e of the disappearance of the

Virginia records. But the facts given above, in addition to the statement of Sir

Thomas Wilson to the King that there had been but little loss of pajiers since they had been transferred to the new otKec refutes that theory. '^^

It remains for the future enquirer to examine the collei'tions whith are known to contain papers belonging to the families indicated by the names of the various com- missioners and of the Privy Councillors for that period. .Such investigations are made difhcult by the transfer of papers from one branch of a family to another, necessitating

n Virgiiiiii ^^aga:i1le of HUtory, VII, 40.

''Ante, pp. 2.5, 03.

i-Documeiits relntinrj to the Ilhtory ofthi r'uhlic Eemn! Offin; in tlit> KiHvn-.l Office.

iwn: or Tin: oi!!i:i\.\i. [iKronus 113

ii kn(i\vledi.'.'i' of tlic ^i^noiitciu'v "f tlii> Viiri(iiis fiitnilir.^ rcjjn'sciitecl. lla\'in<;f found the lioirs of the fimiilios in inic>;tion, the seuich may tlieii l)e eonchifti'd throiijjli tlie reports of the Ivoviil C'otnnii.-sion'oii llistoiieul M:iniiseri))ts. But this is imt sutiieiout. Sinee trace of the family is often io^t, or no eviatest confusion alst) resuUs fi'om the sale of libraries, anrj \\hili' the catalou-nes odleian Ijil)rary— or until they have been made known to the pulilic through the ^lanuscripts Conuuission or by private cnterpi'is<'.''

Another dilfieulty, which can not be o\'ercome by the inclividual student, is the insufhcicncy of the catalosjues of eaily date. This is gradually Ijeing met by the re-issue of catalotjue.s and calendars in the liritidi Museum, and the Bodleian, although the new catalogue of the latter is oidy " sununary."' The Ashmolean and Eawlinson jiapers in the r>odlei;ui may afl'ord many sui'piises. Furthermore, the earlv reports of the ]NJanuscrip'ts Conunis--i()n were often incom))lete iind loo yeneral in character. Hown^ver, the more recent volumes are full calendars, and the older volumes may be republished in time. In the <>rcat collections of the l>iitish ]\tuseum are brought together the i)apers or portions of the papers of a few of the men with whom we are concerned. In the Lansdowne collection arc about one-third of the pnpers of Sir Jidius Caesar, master of the rolls, which were sold at auction in 1757. Among these have been found the valuable letters of John ^birtin and the draft of the commission of 16'2-i.

In th.e Harleian collection, brought together liy liobcrt Ilarley, Earl of Oxford, at the close of the seventeenth century, and among the papers of Sir John Cotton, who was a noted antiquarian of the time of James I, are a few important docmiients. The valuable collection of the Manpiis of l>ath, containing the Cecil papers, has been recatalogued and found to contain nothing which concerns the company after 1610, and nothing of the earlier period not kiuiwn to Alexander Hrown. Two other collections, imperfectly calendared by the Manuscripts Conuuission, arc those of Lord Sackville, of Knole, Seven Oaks. Jvent, and of the Earl of Coventry. Croome Court, Severn Stoke. Worcestershiie. Since the statement was made by John Ferrar, in the later years of his life, that Sir Jiobert Killigrcw had left the Virginia papers to Sir Edward Sack\ ille. the Earl <.>f Dorset, our interest in

"The search f'jr tlic n i-onis Ikc^ not milv l"c;ii cninluctrl iileiij: tlic.-e linos, Ijut tlie collections bc'longinj.' to the families of the otiicers of .State uri'icr .Iallle^^ I, ami Charles I, have been investigated.

1] 4 /;^ rinnn vTiox

(lii;- (Mllc.-iioii is iiiti'P.Nilii'i!. I'.otli Sir lu.lu'i't KilliuivNv aiiil Kirli.ird Sackville, Karl of I'm-M't. ai'o soon lo luni- lioni vitally taniiu'rii-d willi tlic coiiniany and tiio, sclllr- niont of its iill'iiii's. 'I'wo oUior rniiiii'etiniis of this family may havr lii'mioiit t{\n'C'tlii'r

C'ollootioiis wiufli mi,i:lil i.(mtuin Nirinnia ])a])«'iN. Kidiaid Sackvillo, Karl of Dorset, niarriod Fnuices, tlir daiiL'btov of J Joisol Craulield, tlic iiist Karl of Middlesex, and ho himself becanii' heir to tlu' ('raiili"ld lioiise and title us third earl. 'I'lic lirst Karl of Middlesex was the lord t rea-iirrr durin'j,- tln' ri'^-ime of thr comiiany and lij/iir"- proininriitly as the indiviiiual m ho eonducfed the i/m, ii;ir/;ii,f<' suit a<^ainst the

Viri^inia Comjiaiiy. Kiirtlierniorr. ijie.nid Saek\ille ^Vl^-.t is the dii-eit deseendani of Lord De I.ia ^\arr, of \'irL;inia fame. 'I'lie eomliinalion of the four houses of Killiyrew, Saclcville, ^.iidddesex. and l^e Ka A\'arr, uhieh were of so L':rcat importanee in Virginia affairs, leads to the hope of a valiiahle collection of mamiseriiits. Four doeunients arc mentioued in the r''p(.irt of the commission, and the.-^e refer to the tobaceo trade, l)ut an inquiry of Lord Saekville its to other iiiaterinl in his pos.scs- sion elicited the repl^' from Lionel Saekville West that I>ord Saekville knew of "no other papers at Knole relating' to the colony of Viry-inia than those mentioned in the iTport of the coimiiis-ioners." It iii:.y he, however, thtit a more careful calendar of this collection will disclo.-c paiiers of yrcat importanee.

From ]\]arcli 1-1, lilb!. to Jaiittary 11, l(i:-'i», Thomas Coventry was soliciloi- o-enerah Ititer. durino- the Saiidys-Si>uthanipton adminlsti-ali^Jii of the Virijinia

Coiii]:).-inv, he held the position of attorney -"i'eiieral. (Jn NoNinnber L, iGi'."), he became lord keeper, and remained in that oliice durin;^- the period coineidinL;- with the organixation of the ei>lonia! a'huinistration. Hence if was that, when it was found from the r<>port of the, 31anuscripts t'onuiiission that mwny of Lord Keeper Coventry's pajicrs had not been investigated, the Editor addres.scd a letter to the Karl of Coventry, Croonie Court. This resulted in a eontiriuation of the statement, and a promise to search the papers which are now in the ''strong room here." In a letter to Ambassador Choate, July 27, I'JUJ-, the Karl of Cov enlrv made the following statement: "'In com[)a!i\ with a .-on 1 went through the lioxes contaiidng pa])ers of the Lord Keeper Coventiy in whidi 1 tlioitght it likely I might hnd the documents referring to the Viig-inia Company of Londun, some, time ago, but J. could discoxer nothing relating to the company." The letter goes on to say that the "papers are in bad condition and \-ery dilli

states that there i.s no material in thtit collection relating to the early lust(My of Virginia, and a manuscript catalogue, kindly loaned to the writer by Lord Salisbury,

()!• F177; '1 lu: <>iU(:i\M. Ri:ctii;ns 115

indicates that tlif ))aiicis al llallii'ld IIou>c, iw>\v licinp- (alcialaicd, have no bearing on the subjoct in liaiul.

By tracing tlic family f<)iim\-li()ii.> ot tln' ilosccndaids of Sii- 'I'homas Snivtbo and tlie Ivirl ol' Suiitliiiinplnn inU-rinariia,i;-cs aic found wtiirli ini;j-l;t result in the location of valuabh" p.iii.T- in m.auN of [\ir iai'L'-e dej)(wiioric>. Ail nf tlicse iiavc been investiii-ated b\ ih.' Abiiui-i-ri))t-< C\>innu<-ioii. '\'\,n^. fi'oni Sii- 'rininias Sniytlic tiic documents iniyht have bocn inherited by the liist uv the second Karl nf Leicester; by Sir Sydney Slafford Sinythc. baron of the e\cliei|ui'r in \17-2 and hi.-t of fho descendants of the male line: by tlie ei^iitli \'iscoiint Strauuf<.)id. vice pfcsident of tlie Koyal (jeoi^raphical Society, willi wliose deatli in l.si;ii (li(> seniof bfancli of the family was tcrminatcel; and by the pfesent Dulce of Marlboi-oiio-ji lhi-oui;li the second mai-riaft: of Lady DoiMthy Sydney Smylhe. daiejiitcr of li'obcrt. second

J'.arl of Leirc-tcr. The ^Vli.thesh>y family is (c.-day i-e]iicsi_MiliMl in the houses of tlie Duki^ of Ledfoi-d and of the l)id-;e of I'mtland. the b.i-nei- ijavin^ inlici-jtcd iho

Jiondon pfoperty of Itobei-U tliird Karl of Suulliamjiton, and the laller tlie Ticldield estate.

The largo number id' doeinnpnts among the Smyth of Niblev ]japers" suggests that in private collc-ctions may be many rei'oi-ds which concern tiie private enterprises or companie-. formed within the Ci.irpoiation for setting out plantati(.ins and cai-i\ ing on trade. Other groiijjs of iiianuseriitts and early l>ook.- have seemed to oiler opportunities for tlie di^co\ei-y of the missing records. ])ut tlie Lambeth l\ilace Library, the cnlh-ge lilu'aries bulb of Oxbud and of (.'ambridge have jiroved \alae- loss, with the exception of that most important groii[) in Magdelene College. (Cambridge. Every one of the college libraries, has been searched or investigated, but to no avail. All Soids College. Oxford, contains a collection of manuscripts which may ail'oi-d a few i)apers on the subject when it has l>ecn more carefully catalogued. The fact that the original records of the company liel'ore ItUl), and a compara- tively small portion aft(n- that date have not been discovered has led generallv to the conclusinii that the party of the Crown destroyed the evidences of the misman-

agement during the first decade and of the cnmparatixely prosperous condition in the second. Thai they fai'ed to take into account the records in the colony and the Ferrar transcripts of tlie court book is the good forture of posterity. Jkit the

destruction of the records can iiol ])roperly be considered as proved until the iteddic collection- have lieen moi-e carefully calendared and tin- private ccdlections have been more thoroughly investigated. The absolute lack of evidence that the Crown and its supporters held such an attitude and the knowledge that the coiniuissioners took the record- into their charge "for use" encourages the hope that a faiihfnl

endeavor to discover tiieii- location may yet be rewarded by success.

"A)iU\ \>. .>3.



]-.Xri,AXATOi:Y NX)Ti:

of (he Vir,i;ini;i Company, ThlOisI, iuHiule'^ all ilnor.inents Ifttvi-^, i.uMi.Mti.-.ns, <>r oth.T rcconis able to discover, and or relating to the coini>iiiiy l.rtuocn Itjltl and Itii'i, whUh tlif IMito, li«s ],L-fn r.rown in the Gemais of the nho those pi evious to lOlil whirl, are not published or cited by Al.sander stn.lent ..f history the neeessary United Stales. The objeet in cmpilin- the li.-t ha- b>..n to -iv.- to the aid him in finding information concerirmtr each document in as ronvenieiit form as i.ossible in order to chronological order, but with or in identifying the papers. Tlie


in.ui the (,'rown. I. Fundamental doctiments, emiintitin-

II. The court book of the .om|.aiiy. instni.'tions. comuii-sions, grants, receipts, official corre- III. Doearaents issued by the comp.iny: spondence. IV. Records of the colony: court b.i.,k, .mlers, rcprnts, letters. V. Publications of the coiupajiy. VI. Private papers of iudi\idc,:d u.lvcntiirers. VII. Supplementarv currespoii.ience and records of noumembers of the company. 119

dnuifanls SfirMrattirg Tijnrattmt nf ^nntmnits

Ivl. in the New- AXT. Society of .Siiliqiiaric?, T.onvlon. NEWB. Library of E. Aver BEL. CoUectiMn of the Earl of Rutland, berry Library, Chicago. Belv.Mi- Castle. ^'Y. New York Pu))lic Library. [-N'Y] Tran^crijit in New York Public Li- BM. Briti.'^li >Jn.seiini, Entrlaiul. BOD. Bo.lloiati LibraiT, Oxford. brary. 1". Lilnnry, Pari.-". C)AMI!. CaiJiliridire IJiiivereity Library, En>;- Inii'erial Lond.ijn. lan.l. I't;- Privy CouJicil, Connecticut. CHILI). Coller-tiou of J. Eliot Iluilgk in, Child- BEQ. I'eiiuot Liliiary, I'et worth well, Uirliinond, Surrey. BET. Collection of Lord Lecontield, POV. Boroiiyh of Dover, P^ngland. Houti-, County Sussex. York City. DBOB. Collection uf Hon. G. iL Fortescup, IVRIV. Private lilirary in New Drojimoie, 3Iaidenheail, England. I'BO. Public Record Olllce, London. ILVBvV. Harvard Library, Camhridije, Ma.~sa- Q. (.iuct-nji College, Oxford. chnsetts. R- Arcrdve^' of Jesus, Rome. England m>. Rf-pusitorv of the Hou^e of Lord.-^, liEAP. Borough of Reading, London. ^HEK. !SherlH)in-ne Castle, County Dorset. Molyneux, .Suf- IPS. Ipswicli, Entrlaail. SL'F. Collection of W. W. JCB. John Carter Brown Library, Provi- folk County, England. Norlhundier- dence, R. L SYO.V. Colle<'tion of Duke of England. KP. Collection of Lord Sackville, Knole laml, Syon House, Kidi- Park, County Kent. VHS. Virginia Historical Society, LAMB. Lambeth Balaco Liljrary, London. nioud, Virginia. Collccti'.m of Duke of Pt.rllai.d, Wel- ].ET. Ix-icester, ICnijIand. WELB. LC. Library of Coiirrress, Washington, D.C. beck Abbey. Collection of Ednmud U. Wodehouse, [LC] T^an^^c^iIlt in Library of Coiigre?s, WOD. \Vasliin;;ton, D. C. es(i., England. Borough of Wycombe, England. INfC. ihicjdalene College, Cand.iridge, Eng- WYC. land. YAR. Yarmouth, England. MONT. Montague liouse, London. GENERAL ABBREVIATIONS

A. L. S.

1600-1608] i>/-v7 or Tin: laivonns 121


1.* RoHSons against imblij^hiiit,' tlie Kiii^''^ titlo tu Virginia. A jiiflificatiou U>r phiutiiig Vircrinia.

VT. ];>•/: Taiiiifr .MSS., XCIIl, fo. 2m (,,1.1 l>,. :;.VJ). BOD. [U']

1606 (?)

2.* "A plaine tU-rlaracon, liow irreatlip Uh! ffiriuoiuri of tin/ Toljacco iiniiost have bene endani-

H'^eJ l.iv that fuiiim^, and what pn.Hilt ami heiietitt their lalKiiir A travell liave brought to his Ma'"-." BM. [LC]

VI. Jicf: I^ii'^'lowiie, Caegai I'aiierfi, ]5(i, to. SS.

TIk- iIhIo i< ill Um- iiulfX ill iho writiliK (if tlie ci'Tilury. The imnu-s luciitieiu'il in tliu ilofll-

iiH-iil [in. VI' Ihut it u'Mi a-i I'lirly um Ifil'i, tiiu 'hnc wlicii tol.iicn) wns lirsl |.lniU«l in VirginiK.

1606 7

1603/7. rKEKTJAUT 16-1807,8, I-EEILUARY 4

3. Payments for apjiai-el and tobaero for .Mr. tleor^'e I'erey i^eiit !) liim in Vir^jinia. RYON. VI. AV/.- l!olls of the Duke of Xortliuiiiberlan'i)a.

1607 8

1607'6. FEBRUARY 8 ie08'9. FEERUAKY 3

4. Paymenta for >Ir. Geo. Percy fur iiecesi^ilie.s for Isiiililint; ii hnu^;e in Vir-;iiiia and for trinkets.

VI. A'./.- K(.ll:j of tlio Duke of X.irthuniberland. SYOX.

riih: Calendar: Ili.-^t. MS-S. Com., SUlh l:,p,„-l, L'2i)a. 1607

5.'- King- and Privy Council. Oaths of supremacy and alle:.;iance administered to colonists. -0". I. AV/V :\IS. Rec. Virginia Co., \'ol. Ill, pt. i, [.p. I'H, LC. aduiiiii.-tereil by" ioveriiorand Council inVirginia. 0.* . Oatliof the Si>,-retary of the Colony

I. Rpf: -MS. Kec. Virginia Co., Vol. Ill, pi. i, p. L'l. LC. 1608 7.* Poijham con Havercombe. The President and Council of the Virginia Company v. the ma.-^ter of the "Guift of God," for not sufiicieiitly pro\ iding tlie pas:;engers. Complaint, answer, and judgment. PRO. [LC] l!74, III. A'.;/'.- .\dniiralty, In.-tance anil Prize, Libels Vij, Nos. 279.

Tiiis .«liit coiiccnis ttio uorlli.Tn ccOniiv lor Vi'>,'ini:i.

MAY 28

8. Ralph, liOrdEure. A letter to Sir KoK-rt llarlev, stating that Captain Newport has brought over Captain Winglield, aecu.=ed of some treacinry, but n^t yet tried. WKTyB.

VII. liif: MSS. (if the Duke of I'.irtlaml.


• Reprodnced in tlit present publication. [LC] TransiTipt In tlie Library iit i;uiiKrfs.«. I, n. m, eti-., rt-pruscut tlie ilai.s nf document.

122 nrhvin cTiox [leoo-ieii


9.* "Virginia Council (P^. General in

III. Jiff: MSS. of the Mar.iui^ of ].;;nH.lowne, Xcl TvS. PkIi: Calenilur: His^t. :\1SS. Com., Fifth Jlrj,,.,!, 2'M. MAST

. S' ltnij;ht 10.* Virginia Conucil. "lii?tru'r'<.>;i.-, or.U'v.---, and con?ti!uri>ns . . to Tlumia? Gates [Virgini;i.J" [LC] (loveriio' of N'iririina . . . by v.- lii.-^ Maieslies Conncell for BOD.

in. A',;/.- Ashmoleaii M^:i^., 1147, fos. 17.=.-]90a.

A (iiiilc-iaiioriiry copy. 1609 (?)/lO 11.* Virginia Council. "Instructions, onlers, ami constitncon.^- ... to S' Tlioiuas West knight

of . . . I i . by vs his Mat'"' Connceli for Ihc Conijianie aiivoiturcKH l,o- Warr " [for ViP.:;i.ia]." HOI'. [LC]

III. 7iV;V .\shinulcau MS.S., 11-17, fo.'^. lOl-L'O.xi. A c.nlfuii.orars cocy.

1609-12 (?)

12.* G[eorg'e] P[ercy]. "A trew relation of tlie jmx'ecilinK'-'i and occurents of inomente ivhich lia)>].ineil in Viririuia from .'^' Thonia.i (iates— IdOi) to niv departure, A. h. 1002 have ' [Itil-J]." I'KT. IV. ]!rf: 'Sl<<. of Lord I.econlield, No. 81, -ith to I7th century, vellum, p. 1. I'nl,: Cataloiine: Hi-'. -M.SS. Com., .SV..V/, I!.p,„t. :107.

1609 10

1609,10, KEBRtJAKl' 7-1610:il, FEERUART C

13. Payments for tobacco for the Larl and Lf>rd Percy and for Ceorjre Percy in Virginia. VI. J!'f: 'Sl->. of the Duke of Northumberland. SYOX. riib: Calendar: Hist. .M.<:^. Com., SIxlh Jypnrt, 2291). 1610 NOVTSMBER 18

14.* George Yeardley. A letter to .^' Henry Peyton, statin;; that the country needs oidy "round and free support of mei; and money." BOLV [LCJ \I. Re): Kng. Hi.^t. .M>--^., c. I, n-w No., MS. 2Vt724, fo. 3. 1610 11

MAFXn 1 " 15. Town of Ipswich. Order f.ir adveiituriuir out of the tovvue treasure one hundred pounds

111 Viru'iaia.'' H'-?- . . . in the Viiyage

VII. liff: Kxt. from General C'jurt Books, 4 March, S Janus I. I'lih: Calendar: Hist. MS.S. Com., Xinth Rqiorl, pt. 1, p. 2.n6.

1611 (?)

16. Virg-inia Coimcil. A letter "to S' Kajihe Wmwood, Amba.'sador," requesting adventurer* in the Netherlands, and telling of the prosperotf^ condition of the Colony. :\IONT. HI. Rn': Duke of Biiccleuch and Qneensberry ISLSS., Winwood Papers. Rob: Full calenilur; Hist. ifSS. Com., J:rpnrl on above. Vol. 1 t.l.S99), p. 103.

1611-1613) i.isr (!/ nil-: uia-oihik 1-2H

1611 APRIL

17.' Sir Thomas Smytne. A l.'ttcr !.• S' \\:\\<\iv W'iiiw .h«1, \lHll;ls^:l,lo|•, ;u-kiim\ Ic.l-in;,' -CTl' liom

aliovu rf(]iu-.t, itiw.l Mri.lin;/ Hit- l.ill- of a.lvrntiuv. MUNT.

III. y,V/V Diikf (.1 iliUTl.-uiU a. 1.1 i,>nc..ii-lion-y .MSS., \Vinuu,,.l raj^ors.

I'u.h: Full Lal.-:i.lar: lli-^t. .M.S.^. C'..iii., n,,.ort on alx.vo, Vol. I (l'^"''). !' 9^-

1611 12


18. Eru;^. A I'-flcr lo the Farl of linllaml (..nr,-riuM._' ]>.iU-V lUj.aiiurtMvith Ihroe liuinlri'd iiK'U at cxpcMiiL' ot £S,0,iO. BKL.

VJI. ;.•'/.• Karl of Kutlaii-l I'apurs.

I'ul,: Calendar: Ilist. MSS. Com., Ti'.ljOi Itrport, \A. A, p. 429.

1612 APHII. 28

10. Sir John Digby. A Ktlcv to W. Tnnnl.nll lY.iuLrniii.L: the- .Spanisli attitiido toward tlio

Virginia iilaiitatioii, and nther letter.': of similar cliaraeter. SilEK.

Vll. /,''/.- George Win-lield ]>igl)y :^ISS., Kegister of Letters.

Vuh: Cdendar: IIi>t. MS.S. Com., Tcitli ]^,j>o,t, pt. 1, jip. 576, .''.Sli, G00,GU8, 609. NOVEIilBKR 25

20.* Virgfinia Company. Viri.'inia Company con Sir Thfuiias Mildmaye, James Bryarley, and Maiilifw de Qne.

III. 7.V/.- Chanrery Pr...eeedings, .janu? 1, Bundle V, Xo. 2,1'7.

decf,mbj;r 11

21.* Sir Thoma.s Mildmaye. The answer of Sir Thonia.< Mildmaye to the hill of eomplaint <.i the Virginia Company. PKO. [LC] HI. Puf: Chancery Proceedings, James I, Bundle IT, Xo. 2,27.

1612 13


22.* James Bryarley and Mathewe de Qucster. The answer of James Bryarley and Mathewe

de t )uester to the bill of complaint of the Virginia Company. I'KO. [LC] III. ]:>/: Chancery l'ri.>ceedings, Janic.^ I. Bnmlle U, Xo. 2,27. JAKUAPY 38

23. John "Wheeler. John AVheeler t.) Sir lUiplie AVinuood reiiuestiug adventures in the lottery fnr himself and others. .Alo.NT.

HI. J!rf: Pake nf Huccieuch and

I'al,: Calendar: Hist. M.SS. C-nu., A'.j.o/-( on above. Vol. 1 (ii^'.i\t), pj.. 122-12:;!.



24.* Virginia Company. Virginia Company con Sir 11. Neville, Sir Geo. Iluntleye, AVm. Hall, et al., regarding the payment of sums adventured. The bill of complaint. PRO. [LC] III. Ilrf: Chancery Proceedings, James I, Bundle V, So. 4,17.

124 ISritOht CTUiX [1613-1615

25.* Sir Geo.-g'e Huntley. Thi- answtTof Sir Cifu. Huntley to the Mil of coMiii^iiiii of tlif Vii;;iiiia Coiupany. ]'K(>. [I.C]

in. I!if: Cljaiicvry i'r .coodiiif.',-^, .Taiiic- I, ]'.nn.llo U, No. 4/17.


26.* Virg-inin Company. >'!r^'ini;i Coiiii>aiiv con Sir Kdinoud Toyd, Sir .Tnhn Saiumes, et al., njrinliii^: Iht- payment of Rims advonturiHl. The liill of complaint. I'KO. [IC]

Jil. J!.f: C'hancfiy rrococlinjr-, Janic- I, r.undle V, No. 2/G9.


27.* Sir John Saiiunes. The answer of .sir John Samnies to the hill ot corniilaint of the Yirjfinift Coinj.any. I'KO. [LC]

III. I!'/: Clianeery Proc.'edinj:s, Junu;^ I, I'.nndle 1', Xo. 2;t».


as.* Vivgiuia Company. Virginia Company con William LeveKui, regarding the payment of certain Mnn? collected in the lottery and not surrendered. The bill of complaint. III. ];'/: Chancery rroceeding.s, James 1, Bundle U, Xop. 2,55. PKO. [LC]

29.* William Leveson. The answer of Williuu I.eveson to the hill of complaint of the Virginia Company. PKO. [LC]

III. /.'(/.- Chancery I'roeeedings, James I, Bundle U, Xos. 2/55.

1613 14

(1613, DECEMBER S9J-1G14 [JANtTARY 8]

30. J. Xiuntius. Letters to Sir llaphe \Vinwood, ambassador, concerning the rumor of a Spanisli attack on the Virginia Colony. MC»«T. VII. It'/: Duke of Bnccleueh and l>ueen.sberry MSS. Winwood Papers. riih: Calendar; Hist. MS.S. Com., ii;<:po--( on above, Vol. I (ISI'I), pp. 122-123.


31.* William Hall, Esq. The answer of William Hall to the bill of complaint of the Virginia Company. PKO. [LC]

III, lief: Cliancery Proceedings, .Tanie.s I, Bundle V, Xo. 4 17.

1614 15 FEBRUARY 23

32. Privy Council. Order of Privy Council to L<-)rcl Howard Effingham, Sir Goo. !lIoTe, Sir Ed. Howard, and othei-s, requesting cooperation in the lottery and sending books for advi'nturers' snni.^. WOD.

I. }:cf: (1) M.^.S. of L. K. Wodehon-c. (2) :MSS. of W. W. Molynenx, Escp Pub: (I) Calendar: Hi.st. MSS. Com.. Tlurteaith R.^url, pt. 4, p. 4".7.


33. Consideration of the "Letters from Lonles of the Oumsell concerninge the Lotteiy for the helpe of the Kn-lislie in Virginia." READ.

VI 1. }i



34. Action nl' tlir a-srnil)lv. Kviin :iM(.Tiiiiiu to iir;^v iiili;iliit;iiits to ii'lvoiitui.' in thi^ Virginia ' Icllrry. YAR.

\\\. llrf: ('.irporatinii ul (iri'iit Yiu in.iutli. Ucc-onl.--, 10 Istizulirih to li; Jamt-s 1, Asseni-

I.ly I'.ook. l)(j).

I'nh: CiilejiJar: lii.-l. -MS>. (.'in., .V',,//, /,V^«.,/, pi. 1, p. ol'.l.

1615 16


35. Certificate for KM 11..-. of TiuiMiirj tohu.vo fr-oni Viru'inia. KP. ]1I. /,V/.M,^S. of 111., l.aillt.- La Warr.

I'ulj: Calen.lai-: Ili-t. :\!.-S. ('..iii., Fninlh J;.,:url, "U.

1615 16, MAF.rjI 0-1023, JUNE 8

36.* Shareholders in the Viiginia ('oiiipaii> from liil'v-KJL';!. PRO. [NY]

VI. Ref: State Papers, Colonial. .Tames 1, Vol. Jl, No. :;:;. l\ih: ]'o-;/in:ii yUKjii-Jiie of lUsfiinjiind IHoijrdjil:!/, 1\', L'Uil-.SlO. iitWU.). Tr.iu^orii.t in tliu N. Y. lul.lio l.ilitan , li^iiicrnfi. 1,



37. Virginia Company. .V li ttrr to the mayor of Sali.-^lun-y conci-riiiug a collejie lor Virginia. 111. J'l'b: yen; Ln.jhinil llklovkvl oiid Goimlogkal Rajkler.

1616 17

38.* Virginia Council. A ]iroclainatioii by lli^ Majesty's Council for Virginia giving licence to any in ^'ilginia to return, by ..ibtaiuing perini,s.-ioii from the governor. ICY. III. Rff: Smyth of Nibley Papers.

Fuh: Broun, Gmesltoflln VnUr^ ,Sl


39.* Governor Argall. .1 letter and proela-.iiatioi'S or eilicts as to .«alo of gooils anil banishment of John llmlson. (1) LC. (2) VIIS.

IV. R^yf: (1) .Misc. Pap

Cited from "Nn. UX U."4!.-ttr l«...k .inrin- Iho i; ii'. i.f Sum' .\rtMli K-i' M.linirMl. A fnr >• time p's.-iit, {.riiniiMl r,MU'. ni Virt;>.," n ili 'ml imr now known lu bo in existence.


40.* John Rolfe. Letter to Sir Kduin Sandys, giving the .story of the jounicy from Plynionth and the good condition of the colony, though in nee(: Ferr;ir I'.ijiers. Ihdj: Va. M.H,. of J/i^t., X, b'?4-i:-;S;.

X. L. S. Encior^cl liy .-ir Edwin S.-mdys.

12(J J\'l'h-()nt rriOX [1617


41.* Privy Council. OlKt.- I'nr IransjuiiUUii.u (it prisduers, luculiuncil liy name, lo A'iivriiiia.

I. /.-/. Frivy Ohiinril Koj,'i?kT, Jaiur.-- I, Vol. IH, 91, llM. IV. [NY]

J'uh: .U,u». nisi. She. Coll., i'i.'V. A, V(,l. ]X, j)).. 1-4.

Tri\iwri|.t v: N. V. I'lilj. I,ih.. JlnrluM I'lvlt^ Viit'niin. Vol. I.


42.* Governor Argall. r:,T.inii i<, Georno Wlutc fur running away tn tlie Tn'lians \vitli anr.s-and

ainnnniition; aUo lo Artliur I'Mwarils and to Homy Potter. (1 J l.C. (2) VHS.

JV. H'-f: (1) Mi-f. I'apcrs, IGOli-ll'iS:!, (|iiarto. (Ab?tra<-t only.) (.2) JNIS., Coll. Va. Hist. W, .Tolm Karidulph MSS., lit, HI.

.See No. Ill R.'uiark^.

-x of for of tin- several 43. . Co;iimif. Iradt^ to north parts Virginia ami coiumandcns hundreds. (1)LC. (2; VHS. ]^•. lUh- So.iin,dui N'm. 40.

!;tie No. Ai), Kfiuarks.

to the governor and 44.* . Aiipointmc-nt of 'Williani Vowell, captain of enarJs belonging lienteirjnt-governor and eonunandei' of James Town. (1) LC. (2) VHS.

IV. };if: f-ce under Xo. 10.

Sci' No. 40, Kcmnrks.

]'ait.-- in I.C. VHS. 45.* . Coinmi,=Hon lo tnide in south and thebay. (1) (2)

IV. ]!,:/: See under Xn. -HI

See Xo. it), Evmark'..

general. 46.* . Coumiission to Captain Xalhauiel I'ool to be serjeant major IV. AV/V See under No. -10. (1) LC (2) VH.S.

Si-o No. !CI, E'.-mnrks.

during life. IX'. VHS. 47.*- . Commission tn Francis "West, master of ordinance, (1) (2) IV. He/: See uuder Xo. 40.

See No. 40, Remarks.

of tlie Jyird Gpneial's company. 48.* . Commission to Nathaniel 'West, l" bo captain

IV. i?t/.- See under No. 40. (1) LC. (2) VHS.

See No. 40. Ucmarks. novi:mb3vH. 13

49. Si. Edwin Sandys. A letter to the Pinitans. III. I'al:- Xeill, Virginia Cjmpnnu <,{ Ij.ndr-o, 124-125.


50.* Governor Argrall. C.>utiiniati'.ns ar, to cattle. (1) LC. (2) VHS. IV. llrj: See uiid.-r X.>. 40.

Sec No. 10, Ili'inurks. NO\TLMBER 27

51.* Citizens of Bermuda Hundred. A letter signed by the recordiT and nine other citizens clainnng West and Shirley hundreds as b.donging to them. (1) LC. (2) VH.S.

IV. A'

See No. 40, Ufimirk.?.

1617-1G18] LIST or Tin: i;i:vui;i>s 127

NOVEMnn; 30

52.'* Governor Argall. X.Mvr t" i-ili/.riis oi r.vnimil;i Iliunlicil lli:it lie will iifl infriu^jp Uu'ii-

riL'hls ImiI lic^'H that coliniy sirv;iiil< may n'lnaiii tlicrt." tlii.- year. (1) ],(.". ('-') VHS. IV. n,j': Sec uiiiUt No. 10.

y\:v No. W, Ki'iuarkv. DECEMKEK 4

5-3." Privy GouiicJl. 0?-.kT thai tin' Viiirinia ("iiiii|uiiiy sliould luMustom fi-cc for troo'l'j rctiirncil from the Colony until exjiiratiou of tln' ^;raiit. I'C fNV] I. 7,V/V IVivy Council IJc^ii-tcr, Jaiuc^ 1, Vol. Ill, p. L'dl.

'iriiiiSi-ripl, XoM Y.>rk I'lilili.- I.ihr.iry. tlarhnv ra|„r-, Viiuiiiia. Vol. I.


54.* Lord De LaWarr. Lor.! Dc l,a \Varr'.-^ covenant to l.onl Z.r.icli for his ailvcntuic to Virtriuia.

Vll. AV/".- StatcTapcr.s Oilonial, Jamw I, Vol. 1, -\o. Sii. PC. [XY] I'lih: Sahi.-bury, Cahndnr cf S:

Tranvcriiit. New Ynrk I'vililic Literary, BiUU-riilt CoUcciinii, Virgiiiiii I'iijjcrs Vol. I. pii. WU-20t.

1617 18

55.* Governor Argall. "Certain Kca.son.s iou-hiiiL' y' most convenient times & seasons of y*-' year for y inasaziue shiji to set fiutli fur KnL'l' towards Virj;."" (1) LC. {-2) VHS.

IV. }.'

.S<-'c No. -10. liciiKOk,^.

56.* . l.etirr to the Com.cil for VirLiinia. wishin.u: to he relieved as governor, ctiniplaining liecau^e they lia\e joined tlie e.ipe merchani with hiin in equal trust.

IV. /.vr.- See under Xo. 40. (1) l^C. (!') VHS.

i^ec- Xo. 10. RviDark.-.

'^ 57. . Four warrants as to trade and relations with the Indians. (1) LC (2) VHS. IV. Iltf: See under Xo. -10.

SfO No. 40, Kili.ark>.

[1618 ?J

58.* A complete list in alphabetical order of the " Adventurers to Viiginia," with the several amouut.s of tlieir holding. I'KO.

III. /.'t/.- :N[aneliet^ter I'apers, X.j. 141.

P;'6.- Calendar: Hist. ilS.-s. Com., T:i

The datf may be HU'J. .scc an unkr .)f tht- Vir:--iiiia Ct.iiii..niy Cimit B..,ik. Ulc. l.i, Ifil'.i, aii.l .tune 23. lilJO.

59.* Defalcation made ti.> the fan net.s of the cn-loms for t-he subsidy of gooilsfrom and to Virginia, liilo-lS. KI'. III. Uej: :\ISS. eolkrtion of l,,.rd Sackvillc. Piih: Calendar: Hist. M.SS. Com., llhihlh lUp.i.l, L'ol.

60.* Abraham Jacob. Keeeipt of tobacco from Lady-day to Miriiaclmas; Michaehuas to .Tannury

1':!. Total of £,i,646 ISs. fid. KP. III. AV/.- MSS. collection of Lord SaekviUe.

I'ltb: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., lUirth Rtp^M, oU.

2til0.i— 0-5 9

128 ISTIiohl c'ilOS [1617,18 1617 18


( (.onofriiij.^- Uio tk-Mtb of l\K'iib'jiil;is. 61. John Chr.mberlain. A k'tu-r Id .

JAN^IAR'l' 27

I'linUins). l/'Ui-r lo Sir .li.ljn Wm1,-|(:i,)i..1,i .62. John Robinson and V/illiam Brustor (

VI. /•"'.. .Nciii, i:., iv,v/;,w" r,.. „r /,..;"./., i-.'-s-ii.''i.

.TANU/iK'jf 3 1

( tlie lU'p.irfiuo of tS3. John Chamberlnm. .\ loiter (> >-ir ImiUcy 'iirlcton (•..iiornint; Loid

l.ii \Vurr for N'ii^-inia. PKO. VJI. H'f: St;iti- l'iii.rr~, MoiiH'slic, .lames 1, Vol. -J.'i, No. -'7. rnhii'lnr S' ,! J'upu-s, Colofiin!, 19. i'ah: Siiiii^liury. <:J l>.


64.* Governor Argall. Older adi.Uvs.Sfl to ihf foiiimaiickr of Ki.iuotan not to permit landing of .sailors on arrival of vessels. LC

IV. lif/: Mi.-i;. PapLr.=, ItiOii-l f'>s;;, .nuirlo. (Abstract only.)

Si-eXn. 10. n."u;.rk«. FKERUARY 20

65.' Governor Arg-all. C'oinniisHioii to William C'radoek to be provost marshal of IV-miuda City andllmidred. !-<-'• IV. ;,../. :Mi?e. Faper.'^, IGOii-ir,.--:;, (juiiito, pp. 02-93. (Al)slract only.)

Sio Xu. 40, Rf!nark>. MAECH 6

66.* Privy Council. Loiter to Lord 1\' La Ware statiiiL' tbat Henry .'^berley, an esraj.eil debtor itate I'apers, Domes- I. ]!/: (hi Trivy Council Register, .Tames I, Vol. p.

tic, James I, Vol. 4(;, p. .')27.

M.'iECH: 10

cond.ilion wliicb 67.* Governor Arg-all. l,.-tter to il,r Vir.'ioia Company de>eribin_' vbe ruinous in be found tbe cLmy and tbe iiuproveu-eii;,- be had made. LC billii-hiSii. Abstract only.) IV. ii'-^/V Misc. I'ap.'rs, . i

Sei- N... W, Urinark-. MAKCH 16

Carleton, cnceridn;.,' tbe departure of Lord La 68. John Chamberlain. .\ letbr to ^ir Dudley Warr for Virginia. 1 RO. H3. VII. Jiif: .State Paper-, Domestic, .lauus 1, VnL 4."i, Xo.

I'lib: Sainsbary, rol.'iular of Slot,. J'nj.u-i, ('oroiikd, p. 10.


name, to Virginia. 69.* Privy Council. <'>rderr< for transjiortalion of prisoners, mentii>iied by Ill, :'U>. l'^""- 1. y,'.7.- Pri\ V Council Regij^ter, .Tame- I, Vol. p.

4 )

iGisj J.i^T OF Tin: ui;coii])fi 12i)

1618 MARCH 20

70. Virginia Company. A IrtliT to llu.' iii;iyni- nf S;ili-5l)niy coni iMiiiiii; a i-ulloj^o for Virginia. 111. PrU: .\\jr j::i(j!an,! Ilhl. ••„

MAY 2.

71.* Governors of the Virf,inia Company. I.i'tliT to the iiiayor ainl iiMcrnu'ii of Lcici'-uter,

.-nlicitiji.; c iiiiiiti-nM!)r<' cii tlir lottory for tln' fiirtlier:uicc of llir cutli'iuor of the wii'l

ro,„,,Mi,y. LEI.

]Jf. lo-f: Curi-orutiou of ].ci,-f?tcr, (Itli v.M. of Hull Tapers. Vlir.

Ki;ihth /!,-pnit, ].t. -V.h. J'uh: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., 1. i..


72.* Lord .Vdmiral Xutliii;,'lutni'H pass for the "V'.dwiii " of I,oi)d

Yl. /,'./.- Slate Papers, Domestic, James 1, Vol. XCVII. Xo. .Mi. I'UO. J'uh; Saiiishury, Cnkinlar of Sl

73.*^' John Bargrave and James Brett. .Jolm liap.'rave, owner, and .lames Krett, master of " Kdwin:"' liond for £100 to iiideimiify Lord /oiicIj for delivering the ship to them.

VI. K,f: .-late rai)ers, Domestic, James I. Vol. XCVII, No. r,ii. I'KO.

I'rJ,: Saiushnry, rn!e,„.l,n- '/ Si'ilr J'.ij,.,:-: Coh.-iu-il. ,>. .VliS.

MAY 10

74.* Governor Argall. I'r.ielamalioas or edii-t- reiatin;: to attenda/ne at ehureli. LQ. IV. H.f: yU>x. Taiiers, ItiOli-liiS;!, .jnai'to. (Ahstraet only.)

.-I-.. Nu. i'l. Ki marks. MAY 18

75.* Governor Argall. Proelamatirjns or edicts n

IV. }iif: :Misc. Papers, li;0ii-llj>^:i, .ni.irto. i AK.straet only.

SeeXo. 10. Rein.Hrks.

76.* Sir E. Sandys, H. Timbertake, J. Ferrar. Meelini: ':>f a eonimiltee forSmytlies llunilred to jjrovide for transportation and furnishing of 3.) men to he sent to the Colony, giviii;; methoel of Hundreds. .AlC. [LC] IV. R,f: Ferrar Papers.

Photogrjiiih ami traus'jripi in Lil-niry (A Ceiit;i'.'^>. ('orrrctinns by Nit-holn^ Ferrar autl adtlrui?* ami notes by J. tVTrar.


77.* Iiord Zouch. Letter to Captain Ward cini/eriiini: tlie venture of a pinnace to A'irgbiia witli John I'.arL-rave. PRO.

VI. Rrf: .State Papers-, Douie.-tic, James I, Vol. CI J I, Xo. AA. Pl'h: ."^ainsbury, lah mhu- <•/ Sim, I'ap.rx, O.lou'iL p. 19.

JtTNE 12

78.* Governors of the Virginia Company. Letter t) the mayor and aldermi'ii of Leicester

Account of drawings of lottery. June IL', itilS. LEI.

III. A',/; .-^ee under Xo. 7.%. Pub: .See under Xo. 7-5.

130 ISrj\01ii

79.* Privy Council. Order Uii--ii.irt;iliori ol pii^duers tu Virgiui.a. PC.

1. He/: i^ceuiuler Xo. 41. I'vh: See uiu'.er Xo. 41. AUGUST 23

'" 80. Virg-iaia Company. 1a tter to Capt. .Suimu'l Aru'iill S'-nt by the "W'lUuiui uml Thomas

conconiiu^ liirs aimse of the cmiiiaiiy's iiroprity. LC

111. jR(/.- MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., 11, L':i.

/.-.•".•(;.. ) I V,-,/;„../ ' „., 1 1, i l'; l'.n.,-k, I'ov/o.;./ '>„„/„„„,. 1 1, ;;i-:i:;. Piih: ( 1 Kin--hury,


81. Virginia CoiupHny. An exhoi;t I'lom a copy "T a Irtler .-eiit (o Li.nl \h- l,a W'arr, hy '•\Vililani and Tlioina,-," tiMU-hing Capt. Samuel Ar-uU. U'.

III. /.'./. MS. Court Bi.ok, Virginia Co., II, 2'.J.

J'kIj: (1) Kiiig.-^bury, /.'reoiv/.s ]'irijinia Cv.,}i. (-J J!ir>ek, royo/i.f ' <"/'^)'i/.y, II. ::!;'.-35.


82.* Captain Andrews. A letter to I-onl Zourli, eonccrniiig hi.s inlendi-(l \-oya'.''- tu Vir^'inia with Jacob Braenis. BKO- [XY] \n. Mef: Stale Papers, Domestic, .Tame.^ I, Vol. CJll, Xo. .'a. rnh: Sain.'bnry, Oi!,,i'l'ir u/ St'tl.' J'npr,:., Colin, i'tl, p. Itl.

Traii-ciii't in X. Y. I'uMir Libnuy, BniirToii ColliX'ti.)ii. Viisiiiia I'lil'ir-, I. p. ::i'-X'S.


83. John Cham'berlain. A letter annotuicing tlie death of Lord La Warr and the .shipinni; of 100 boys and pirl? to Virginia by "City." TUU. VI. Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, VoL CIIl, Xo. oX

Piih: Oil.-inja,-, Slnh- I'npo-f, llme.'tic, Janie- 1, 1611-lLiUs, p. j4S. .


84. Sir Ed. Hext. A letter from the jur^tice of peace of Somersetshire, to the Privy Oiuncil, eouceriiin^' lb.. i'iipre~>mcijt ef inaiden.s to be sent to Virginia. PKO. VII. Rif: State Paperv, Domestic, James I, Vol. ClII, Xo. 42. I'iih: (1) V'l. Mu,7. uj Hid., VI. L'^S-^SO. (2) Sainsbnry, Cnhmh,,- of Stole P'tpe,:%


85.' John Pory. A letter to Sir I)ndley Carleton, ennceriung tlie appuintment of Sir Geo. Yeardley as governor of Virginia. I'RO. VII. Hif: State Papers, Plnme-tic, James I, Vol. ClII, Xo. 40. Piih: Saiusbm-y, Culeivhie of Stnfc ]'


86. Virg-inia Coniijaiiy. Tlie form of a patent nf land. III. I'lih: r.rowii, Fh:

87.* Virginia Council. Proprietary instrnctions to <*ieorge Yeardley, governor of Virginia. il)I,C. (i'l VMS. III. Ill}: (1) Mi.-e. Pc-or.ls U'.0ii-1M92, pp. 72-S.S. f2) Pandnlpl, MSS., Ill, 44-lHll. Pub: Vin/iuia .V(ojn:,,„: of Jli-tu,,/ oml niojraj.h,, 11, l.J4-lt,-3.

I6i8-i6i« 10] LIST Of thl: hecouds 131


88.* John Pory. A Ictt'T 1.. Sir liinllcv (";nIcton, min'i riiiii_r I>,,rv'.s uiiimiutnicnt as srrrelarv of Viri;iiii:i. PKO.

VII. n,f: Statv riij.Lr^. |),.nii-stic, Jamts I, Vul. CI 1 1. N,,. ill.

I'l'h: <_'alru,!

S9.* John Ciiamlierlaiu. A IdiiT ^tatiiiL' lliat Yi.-arillry, "a riifaii tVlldW," f.'<.rs to 'N'iriiinia aJ: gowiiK.i-, kul-liti-a 1)\ Kin.', an.l llaiiiil,-' tl;.' s.wiv. V\l().

VII. AV/V State Tapers, liometti<>, .faiue-^^ 1, V,il. CllI, N,,. 110.

i Piili: Sain>b>iry, '/ili'ift/ar m' Sini,- I'iti„:r.i, roh,i,:ii/, j.. L'li. novt;m.ber 30

90.* Piivy Council. A warrant to si'iid .lainen StriiiL'er, a reprieve.l ]irisone)-, from Xewpite to Virginia. )\'!

I. lief: Privy Coiineil liei^ister. .Taiues 1, V.,1. IV, •'>.'.. 1619 91.* Ferdinando Yate. '•The vnyaue . . . to ver.Lriiiia," a .<^tr.ry uf liie jouriicv. NY. VI. 7.V/V .«liiytl) of Vihley |-ai,ei>. K!.

Pnh: X. y piih. i.;i,. i:„ii, t to-tl'.

.\iil .LTiii.l. .l..i-iiifK-:it. 1 lu' vuva^'o v.ii.< irroliiiMv ill .^cplemlicr, nmi the aceount vrj;ten in III 1111:11 y.

92.* Virginia Company, ".\nute of the sliippiiiL', im-ii, ami Pruvipion.i, .sent to Virc-inia bv the Tiea.surer anil CoiiiiiaiiV, ia t)ie yeere Itily." I'rintf'l: l(il9. (liXY. (i'j KV.

. 111. Ilej: ( 1 ) Broailtiide. (:.') MSS. iu llio Collection of Karl De l.a \Vnrr.

I'lih: (1) Force, Troch, III, Xo. V. (iM ]%,. ^[,i,j. of Jfhl., VI, 231-2.

Thi^ liru.iiisiiio is u-iUiiliy iiu-linl.il in llic lnoluriilioi! of llic Ptulc of Viminin, liV'O .«cc ,,':S. [1619]

93.* [John] Delbridge [Yeardley]. .\. letter to Sir Ivlwin Sandys, eoneerniiis Captain ArguU and the ?peritic affairs of the enlnny njioTi his arrival. yiC. [IX'] IV. }l>-f: Ferrar Papers.

All indnr^emoiit in 11 latiT luuiri ifi\ us Lticr :,« fri.iii p.jlbriilsi'. .\iitOL,'r«[.h is S' fle.i. Y..anl-

Ifv's. Writlcii Miim iifirr.Vi.ril •2^^. IC.I'i. [I'Ii(ii,-.i;riir.liii- r./pioiliKtinn ot ].Brt, luiri ir>iii>fii[.t in the Ulmiry of Congress.]

94.* Sir Geo. Yeardley. .\ letter to [Sir Kdwiii Sandys] eoneeniin-; the seatin.:^ of old settlers. Captain Ar^-ol!, tohaeco sent to Fliishin;,', and rchition.* with Opochaneono. :MC. [LC] IV. Jiif: Ferrar Papers.

A. I..

95.* Sale of ship "New Year's CFift," to Uoliert, Farl of Warwick, by Pocer l^iiinster and Jolm Thompson. PPO. VII. /.'(/.• :Manchester Papers, No. 2IS.

Piih: Calendar; Hist. M.-S. Cntn., Kujhih lUpod. pt. 2, p. :«. 1618 19


96. Lord Riissell. A lettor to Sir Clement lOduarde-, e.'iieerninu' a [irisoner to Vie sent to Virvrinia. VIJ. nej: State Papers, Doinestie, .(ames 1, Vnl. CV, Nn. 7:1. pi>0. Pnh: Odai'hir, Sl.de Piqierf, Iknurstir.

132 ixmont criox [leis 19-I619

97.* Indenture 1h4\vccu Sir Win. TlnurkniiTlnii lui'l llic Viririiiia ('(uni.aiiy ot al., for a |ilantation ill Virginia. NY.

III. AV/; Siiiytli .if Xil.ley Papers Smylli :! (4), p].. r);;-nS. Pak X V. ;'-.'.. Lih. Ho//.. lS!i:i, ni, Kil -l(i4. A (nnt(:iu|«)rjir) copy.

98. Wm. Ward. A letter to i.or.l /..jiu-h, v. av.leii of f'ini)ne Torts, coiu'criiuij; ^[r. Upton aK captain of a iiiniiare to Virginia. CHILD.

VI. n,J: MS. collection of .1. Eliot Ilorl-kin, esq., ]~. S. A.

J'ah: Calenilar: Hivt. M:^S. Com., Fi/in'tdh n<,„„/, j>t. 2, p. -iTit.


99.* Iiord Zouch. A warrant lor John Feiiiier, captain of "Silver Falcon," and Henry Racon, master, to jki^s to Virginia, and trade witli colony and .'-ava'.'c.'i. I'lvO. [XY]

VI. J!rf: State Papers, Colonial, James- 1, Vol. T, Xo. 44.

Pii/>: Sainsliiiiy, C'l/cii'l'tr !/ S/aL: fa/n'rn, Colorila/, ji. 21.

Traii-^,Ti|.t. New Y,>rk I'liblic Lilmiry, Eiiiicruit r;i|.M-. I. (.p. L'ltViS?.


100.* Sir Wrn. Throckntorton and others. A letter to Sir Geo. Yeaiclley, eoncerning a xiatent fi>r their \'irginia iilaiitaiion. X\. VI. J!cf: Smyth of Xibley Papers, 4.

Pnb: Calendar: X. V. I'n/j. Li': Bn//., ISHH, Vol. HI, p. 10."i; I, j,. 1S7. A lontcijiponiry cupy.


101.* Privy Council. An order concerning the .ship "Treasurer," and its offence against Spaniards. 1. Hej: Privy Council Hegistcr, James I, \o\. IV, 4:!3. PC.

Puh: Brown: F'ir.-<1 liepuhlic, 35S.

102.* Grant to Abraham and John Jacobb, collector of customs or inipiosts on tobacco inji>orted into England and "Wales. Yearly foe iloO. PKO. I. Hef: Doctjuet Book, Signet Ofliee.



103.* Sir Wm. Tbrockmorton. A letter to John Smyth, concerning the plantation in \'irs

Puh: Calendar: .V. Y. Pn/.. T/./j. Pal/., I, 187.

A. L. S. with seal. APRIL 13

104.* Richard Berkeley. .V letter to John Smyth, of Xibley, concerning the p)lanfation in Vir- ginia. XY. VI. Pej: Smyth of Xibley Papers, Smyth, 5. Pi'h: Calendar: X. Y. }•,:/>. l.ih. i:,iU., I, 187.

A. L. ;;. with ,«eul.

1619] Li^T ui TJiL i;/:run/n< 13;j

105." Saudys, Harv/ood, Wolseuhan. Kich, Johnson. liiat'l nf a tt-i.urt of a comniiltw ilfs-vrihiiijr tliu " piirtii'iilar ilutif<" (pI Ihv si-M-nil ullii.-cis ci tlw \"ir^'inia (.'iiinpaiiv.

' III. A'(/.- Maiwli.'

Rqiori, pt. -J, ],. :;:;.

ICm. APRIL 36— 16!i^. JUNK 7

106.* Virg-inia Company. Tin- Court linnk .if th.- \ii'4iiii:t (nnipiuiy of Ixmilon; tin- iiiinufcs of

the exti-aonlinarv, jircparatiM', ami jjcin'ral .|uarli'j c.nrt-J fiom li;pi, .\i)iil I's, to UV-M,

June 7, exivpt May UO, and tin; lii>t jiarl of .Mav L'l'. KiL'O, w liirh nrv ini-^iui.'. LC. IJ. /.''/. :\IS. Jlec. Virginia Co., V..N. I, II.

1-iih: (1) Kii,i,'sl)iiiy, y.'.r,,,,/.. I7,y;„;„ r,,., Vnls. 1, II. (J| r,r,H-l;, r/r./o,;-/ r.„„;„o-./.

Vols. I, II. (Kxlnu-ts.)

A rotHL™i.<;riiry ri.py, iiiu-^tu.l Ijy thi- M;.r..t)U y ul' tin- ioin].;iiiy. Kilvviirti rullingvvo


107.* Notus ma.!'- fioin tlic Coliit Honks [nf the \'ii--iioa Cojiipany] •• I'oiu-iTDiiiL' the iiiaimcr of levying pul.lir .liargcs," iti:., IGl'.', April L'.s-.hily 21. I'lU). II. 7.V/> .Mamlii'st.-r Papers, Xo. LMH.

I'uh: CaU'iidnr: Hist. .MSS. Com., Enjhih j;.-j>,„l, j,t. 2, p. 03.


108. John Chamberlain. A letter to Sir Pudloy CarlftiiU, concerning election of .Sir ICdwin Sandys, treasurer of the \'ir!J:inia Company. PliO. VII. P,i;f: Stale Papers, Domestic, James I, \'ol. CIX. Xo. IS. Pith: Calcnihir, Sl,ite Po/ierM. Jt.,„io''t:r, p. 4-1.

MAY 28

109. Governor Arg-oU. An enactment lixini: the limits of Janj.-stnun, Virginia. LC. IV. Pef: ilS. Court Book, ViiginiaCo., II.

Pvh: (I) Kingshin-v, J;>:c. \",vi,il't (%., JI, Index. (2) limck, Vinjhuu Compa,,!,

) I, :;7. jun:e 17. 21

110.'* Treasurer and Council for Virg-inia. (1) .\ conuidssion to Wye. (2) A letter to Sir Geo. Yeanlley, expiessintr pleasure at reforms enacted and oiitlinir.s iiolicv toward the Indians.

III. Jlef: Admiralty Court, In.-tance und }'riz.% Liliels ,S(I, No. IL'M. PRC>.

Ill the rooorrl^ of tlie suit of tlie Virciuiu Cemimny wiili \V>o. WIQ. i^iv post. Xo. UK. JULY 2

111.* Geo. Thorpe. A letter to Joliu Sniitlie. of Xililey, ;Y_ VI. }!'/: Smyth of Xibley Pai)ers, Smyth, 7.

Pnb: Calendar: A'. }". Pah. Llh. Pull., 1, lh7.

.\. I,. S. wi;h seal. JTTLY 8

112.* " The Counsell of "Virginia." Copy of minute:- rolatinf; to the censure pa-sscd on Alderman Johnson by a committee of the Council of \iri:inia. PKO. III. Pi-j: Manchester Pafiers, Xo. L'-JO.

Piih: Calendar: lli.rt. MSS. Com.. Kiijhlh Rrport, pt. _', p. 3:!.

134 ISTI^ODICTlOy [1619

113.* A short tlr.ifl of CfU.-arf :i.;aiiist AltltTiiuin .l.ilin^on ;il';iiul(.niMl in fiivor.il "t!»- prtcOfUns;."

IIJ. 7.V/V Man<'lu-:-torr:ii.ei-s, No. •-'"il. PRO.

:MSS. F.hjhih lUj-ort, ;!4. I'i'h: CaU-nJar: Hi.-^t. Cux.. pt. 2, i>.

114.* Geo. Thoijie. A letter to .Toliu Suiytli, I'mi' i-iijin^' raitiiilgi''.s mi.-.tx'luivior. NY.

VJ. LW: Smylli ..1 Xihloy raperp, KiuMli, .S.

}-iiK- Oaiendar: .V. Y. Pub. IJK J!„ll., I, 1S7.

A. I.. S. with >c:\l.

115.* Sir Geo. Yeardley. A Iftrer conofriiinj.' Art'oli's li-tteis iroui Lor.l liitrh. IV. }!,/: l'errdrl\i].r\f. MC. [I.C]

JTXLY 30. 31; AUOUbT 2. 3, 4 lie* Mr. Pory. " .V );i'iv.:tf oi tin; in.cnrn'r uf l'rixei.-iliii^' in tin' GojiLral .\s-eiiilily convonted at .Taiiifs tlic ai-.tivurajih of Tory iiuiorsiil l)y .Sir Dudley City." In .John " Carlftun. " IV. «f/.- Stati' Paper.:, l»onu•^ti"., .Tanifsl, Vol. 1, No. -1.5. PKO. [NY] rii!i: (1) Wynne ami Ciliiian, Colvitl'il I'.rconl.i n/ ^'In/'iNlfi. (Stale- ."^onati' Document, extra) Kit-lmionil, 1874, pp. 1-32. (2) Now York Hist. Soo., 2(1 for., Ill, ;i'!5.

(3) Saiii^bury, Ctatt' I'aperf. \>. '^2.

TriuiM ript in X. V. lliblic Libinry, Kiirlow Piipi-rs Kiun-roft Par.ors, 1, 2.'il-3J3.


117.* The cost of furnishing the " Marparct. " I'aynie'jt lor tiiiniM boii;_'lit in Lomlon l.y Mr. Thorpf in July, Aiijjust, and Septoniljer, 1019. NY.

VI. Rtf: Sniytli <,i Xibloy I'apers, Smytli, 3 (13 (-(Ki), pp. 79-93. Fill,: X.' y. Pnh. Lih. Bull., HI, 213-223.


118.* Sir Ed. Sandys. A lottc-r to Sir George Yeardley, conunending to him the care of Berkeley Hundred. NY.

VI. ;.V/: ^niyth ot Nibley Papers, Smyll; (12j, ji. 7S. rill: Cataloiiue: A'. V. I'ulj. L:h. 'B"U., I, 1R(3.


119.* Gabriel Barbor. A letter to Sir Ed. Sandys, reconmieniling ^Ir. Newland. JIC. VI. PkiJ: Ferrar PapeiS.

A. ti. S. wriiteii from Exeter.


120.* Sir Ed. Saudys. A letter to John Ferrar, eoncerning the faction.s in the company and concerning Smith'.s llundreil. MC. [PC] VI. Rpf: Ferrar Papers.

.\. L. P. AUGUST 18

121.* Charter party v.ith Mr. 'Williams, of Bristol, for the hire of his .ship "Margaret." NY.

VI. KeJ': Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (17), pp. 94-%. Pub: (1) .V. Y. Pill. Lib. Bull.', Ill, 166-1(>7. (2) Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com.,

Fiflh ];>-pr,rt, yi. 1, p. 341.

' 1G19) LIHT Of Tlil-l RJJCOIfnf< 135


122.* Bcmuiubrances Iwr Cuijtiiin Wdii.Uvufo a!:r:iinst. tlio rfliirii of the f^liip. NY.

VI. lief: Siuytli ol Xilvlry l':ii.oi>-, Sniytli, :i (S), pp. 71-7L'.

;--«?..• C;ifal..;Mi.'-. .V. )'. /"'.. Lll: Hull., I, ISti.

133.* "A lyst of Ihu men iiowt- srnt (m- plantacon viicicr Captuyiie WooiUwii' governor." NY.

VI. /:,/: Siiiytli .it XiMfV ra]>er.-', Smylli, A (Hi, pj.. 7;i-7.">.

i'(k- x')'. /'../-. .;.;/-! 7;.'.'.'., iii, l-io-i'il-.


124." Sir V/iu. Throckiuorton et al. .V ri.iiuni.s-iMii lo ('apt. .loliii Woodlft-fc as irovfrnnr of tlic town of ISarkley in MrL'iiiia, ami I" art as chief luerclian! for them. NY.

:! 'V.M'.O. VI. A't/.- Smyth of XihU-y r;.;H'r>, ,>myth, (.=1!, pi>.

r'ab: Catalo^ne; .V. V. I'nh. /,,'.. /.'"//., 1, ISt',.

125.' An at^rtoment betwei ;i Sir V.'m. Th'e.'kmeri.in. Kiehai'l I'.erkelcy, (reo. Thoip(>, .John Smyth, and Capt. Jnhn W'ooiUeaf, '.nviML' the term,-. NY.

7.'./.- !i, VI. Siuytli of XiMey I ^ht--. ^mylti, aKo :; (7), pp. (W -70. 7'"/-.- .V.'l'. l;ih J.ih. JJnII.. Ill, 1(17-171.

126.* Wra. Throckmorton, Rich. Bearkley, et al. " Onhiiapues direccions ami Instructions to Caplaine JmIiu W'ooillife t\ir the <;overmeiil of n' men & scrvanta in the Towne an

VI. Ji,f: Smyth of Nibley Tai.ers, Smyth, 10, al.'^o ;! (til, pi.. fjl-(j:!. [uh: N. Y. Pub. IJI.. n>ill., Ill, a)S-210.


127.* Indenture between the fnar adwntnivr.'i of I'erkeley ami Nortli Hnndied Robert Coopy' of Nil>ley. NY.

VI. 7.'-/.- Smyth r.f Xibley Papers, .

Pith: Caiendar: X. Y. l','!,. Lll,. linll., T, 1S7.

Orit;iiml ildOliiiLolit witli seal.-* :inixo.l. SEPTKMBEK

128.* Sir William Throckmorton and his three associates. Letter dated at Bristol to Sir George Yeardley, askiiiL' hhn to jnin in the project. NY.

VI. Rrf; Smyth of Nibley Taper.s Smyth, .'! (Ill, p. 77.

Pith: Cataloi-'Ue: .V. >'. Pnh. IJIj. 'lliiH., 1, ISti.


J 29.* The Certificate of .Tohii Lwye, tlie mayor of V.risto], relating to the men shipped under Capt. John AVoodleefe. NY. VI.' /.'ley Paper.-^, o (10), p. 7(). 1619-20

1610, SEPTEMBER 16-1620, SEPTEMBER 16

130.* Account (.f A. B. of tiie expense.'s of the hi.-^t voyaL'e, from September Ifi, 1819, to September 16, IGL'O. NY.

Vi. Jtff: Smyth of Nibley I'aper?, Smyth, :i (:;2), p[i. 140-141.

Pub: Catalogue: N. Y. Pah. Lib. Jlull., I, KstJ.

18(') iXTifonrc'J'lON . [1619


131.* Sir Edv/in Sajidys. A U'ttiT to J.ilm lMM-r;ir, lUixiii^ a !-tcai.lfa.st policy aii>i the securing of warrants. ^^ MC. [LO] VI. Ju'f: IVrrar Pajiei's.

.\. 1,. .<. SEPTEIirBKH 29

132.* Sir Edvrin Sandys (?). A Ittlei t(j tlu' [Karl nt t^niitliaiuptoii], conceruiiig plaii-s for planters ami Yfar.llcy's resi,miatioii. JIC. [J.C]

VI. -/.''./'.' Forrar I'uju'r.j.

A r..Uk'li ilriift ill s..ih1\V Miilosraph.


133.* John Pory. .\ hotter tn •' tlic Ui^'lit Hon'''' ami luy siiijiular gouil lorde" from James city in

Viiyiiiia, ciiiuvniiiii; llii- <-.\pi-Jilluii n!' Cuplaiii Ar-all to the W't-t^t iiidiof-; the need of tlie Kn}5li.--li plough, viii>-s, and cattle in the colony; the .snceeHS of some of the colonists in acqiiirinfr wealth. NY.

IV. lief: liarlow CHll,.,-ii,,n, --'I'TO.

\. r,. s. OCTOBER 2

134.* Gabriel Barbor. A Irttcr to Sir Edwin Sandys, conccrnin

VI. A'./.- Ferrar I'apors.

X. h. S. OCTOBEK 4

135.* Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to .lohn Fcriar. couccriiin.^ entries in the Court Book. VI. }!,/: Ferrar Papers. .MC. [LC] OCTOBER 18

133.* Sir Edwin Sandys. \ li-tter to John Ferrar, coiicernint; factions in the coinjiany and his own

' linances. " >rC. [I.C]

VI. JC'f: Ferrar I'aj.ers. rnli: Vh-yinia ihnj. lltM. and I'Any., X, 41i>-417.


137.* Trivy Council. A letter to .Xbralia-n Jachs to releasi- the tobacco to the Vir>.'inia Company.

I. yi'/.- Frivy Council lie^xister, James I, Vol. IV, p 3.=).S. I'C.


138.* Council inVirginia. 'The putting out nf the Tenants that came over in tlie B. X. w"" other orders of the Coumell." JIC. [I.C]

III. /.'./. Ferrar I'apers.

IiidiiirsemciU and lujiTginal initew in John Ferrar's Ijuiidwritinj^. Ptiiitograpliic rcprorlurtiun ami tnin^i-ript in tla- Lilirary of Con>,^rcss.


139.* Governor and Council in Virginia,. ,Vn order apjiointin^ tasters of tohacco. MC. [LC]

III. /.'(/. Ferrar I'apers.

PhotogTiiiilii'.' roiiriiduf'tioii uinl tnintfript in tlif Lilimry in Cnv.grvfs.

16)9-1620] i./sT Of liif-: f.'/.ro7,'/).s' i;37


140.* Sir George Yeardlcy. CVrtilu-iili' uitli n-trar.l lo llic :ii rival i>f the "^Margarft" in Virtriiiiti, with tlio iiaiufs

IV. ]:,( Siiivtli of NiliU-y PajuTS, Smylh, :! ( ISl, p. ',(?.

I'nl,: Catalo-iv; .V. )'. I^nl: Lil,. Hull., 1, Isii. DECKMIiEU 30

141.* James I. rrinlnl )iti>,!aiiia;i.iu to rr>tiain 111.' plantinj; of IcLucim in I'ar^'laixl and AValis-.

(!)ri;o, rJjKi'. (.!) .\nt. (4) i^.

I. ."1 AV;V (ni'niolamati.jii-', .ramc.<< I, Nip. 71. i J'arl I Vl.aWarr CnlUrtion. (3) .Vnti- i|Uarip.<. (4) CoUiH'tion.^nf ].rnrlaiiialii'n-.

Piih: Cali'iiaar: lli-t. MSS. (•,,iii., F,;i,th /,'-/.,,.,', |.t. 1. |,. L'll'.l.

[1620] (?)

142.* Adveiiturer."; arc! Plantors. Ci'liy "f a ["'tilion (.p th,- " l.ils iV: tvst of tljc liody politic foj- 1'' tlif .'^tatt- of liih .Miij's Ciplppiiy in X'iririiiia," from ''inaiiy of ]i(.tfoii, ailveiitnrers it

ipjanti rs williiiganil na.Iy lip |.iv|parc lliilli.T.'" TKO.

HI. A'./.- Maii.'lupsUT rap.a>. N.p. 1M7.

r^'h: CaUiii.lar: lli^t. MS-<. Ccpm., /•.',;//,//, A".;..-,-/, pt. :'. p. X).

143.* Sir Hathftiiiel P^ich ( ?). StalfimTit. |po-:sil.ly inl.ii.i.'.l f. iv a :^pr.'i-h lirfiprc \'iri;iiiia Coiiipaiiy

in del'i.Mi.M' of tlii- i;arl of W'arwii k. PRO.

III. }i, N(p. L'7!1.

/•./'/,//. I'lih: (.'alcnilar: lli^t. M.^.-^. Opm.., /../..„/, ]it. i', pp. ;!.')~.'>>.

144.* Eoui;li noloH for liis pU-fiiise Ipt-fon- iIpc coiin. il of tli.' \'ip_'inia ('oinpnny on tlu- oliarire

of liavin;4 altt'rcil an oi.liT of tiif ipiun<-il, v, hn-li !,. IkuI I'l'cn n'

III. 7iV/".- Manrlu-trr i'apcr.s .\o. -.'SO. )'UO.

I'nI.: CaUiidar: IliM. .\iSS. <'.,ni.. Knihfl, /,',„..,•'. pi. _>. p. :;ii.

145."* Rough draft (pf prppppisition affi'rlini,' tlu' \'ii_'iuia l'o;npany, viz, tliat matters in dispnti'

bctwi-t-ii tlieni an-l (_ apt.iin .Vru.ill lii' iifcrn-.l to arl'i; lation, ctr. I'U(». HI. n.f: Man,-lic-lcr TaippT.. .\... L'SI.

I'nh: Calt-ndar: Hi-t. M.--S. C.m., Ei'jhih l:.).,„i, pt. L', p. :;i;.

146.* List of nanii.^ of His !Maii.>ly"s iipntn-il f.pr Vinjinia, u'iv. ii in tin- tlir. o pati-nt.j and .^iniT. PKO. III. Jul: :Man.;-li.'.-t.r Paprr>-, N.>. L'HK.

I'ub: Calondar; IliM. MSS. Omi., /.V,;/,//. i:,j„„l, pt. '-', p. ;!7. lEAKiYI

147.* Governor Nath. Butler. .\ litt<-r to [Sir Natli. I;ii!i] I'l from tlio SnmmiT I.-land colony, referrinjr to tin- "Trca.-nrrr." PKO.

IV. L'ff: Manchester Papers, N.s. L'li;) -L'7it.

Pub: Calendar: Hist. M.ni., i:-jl,iii ll.,,',il. pt. l', p, ;5r>. 1G20 22

148. Capt. Nath. Butler. Ili.-'tory of tin- P.eniin.la-. BM. VII. n


(.'..iiipliinl ar.-i .-i. p.nii.anyipii,' 149.* Virginia Company OP. n Wye. . pl.p.uments. PRO. I.ilpel-Ml, III. J!f/-- Adniirahy court. In-tan.-.- \ Pri/e. Nos. Ilil-lL'l.

.Si'P- •111/'- Np>. I 111

138 ISTJ.'ODI VTloy • [1620-1619 20


150. Banoeil. "( JbstTvation.s to Iv Inllnvviil, for the niakiii;: nf fit rooinos, td kccpo Silk-woniies also, [or the lust of iilaiilinj.' Miilbi-rv lives to fi-cd tliein." I'riiitei.1. in: as liuimuT ' V. (1) JOB. (2) NY.

CJimrtn. -Ji [iiipes. Iiui'r.riti.'

l.cro.I. This work i'ont;iiiH i<'i.it Xo. IM, pp. 'J-V-JS. Rci.rinliM). K.'.'J. K™ (m»( No. S47.

151. ^Virginia Company. "A Valuation of the C'oniuioditU'.s growing and to be h:id in Virginia (?) raU-d as tliey" are worth.'- J-rinted. (l)}'Ko. (2) KOI). {:i) JCB. (4) NY.

;,'(/.• l';q.er.s, .laiHOs I, Vol. 1, No. 24 (?k!SS.). (2) MSS. No. 5n^ 14. V. (1 ) Stale Colonial,

Jllilli^l. .1 ill Um )iriiiti.-'i Look. litL-J iiliovc. No. fill.

152.* Vivfjinia Company. ".V note of Shiopins', Men, ami rrovi.siunp, .sent and Protiidcd for Vir-inia." Printed. (1) BM. (2) ANT. (3) PRO. V. AV/V (:> Piii, led broadsides, .hones T, .Vo. ISO. (:V) Manehester Papers, No. 291. 1619 20

jy ^,'UARY

153.* John Peirse. John J'eirse tu Sir Kdw in Sandys by the "George." MC. [LC]

IV. 7iV/'.- Ferrai- I'apers. A. L. .s. JANUARY

154.* John Rolfc. A letter te> Sir Ed. Sajidy?, .onivrning the first ineetinfr of the .\sgeinbly and othrr details of the O.lony. MC. [LC] IV. J!rj: Ferrar r.i|..Ts. JANUARY 10

tlie assijrr.ed for our 155.* Sir Geo. Yearclley. "S'. ( ieo; Yanlles I'r 10. ,Tan: UdO; of Plaee Berkely." ^'Y. VI. R'f: Sniyth of Nibley Paper.-, Smylli, 14. Piih: \.'y. /•„!,. J:.i,. Hull., ]. 72.

.\. S. JANUARY 13

156." John I'ory. A letter to [Sii Kd. Sandy.-] by the 'George," conoorning .Sanuiel Argall. IV. AV/V Perrar Papers. MC. [LC]

[I'liotogriiiiliic ripr' "tuition oi part iinrl transPrij.t in tlio I.itirary of Congn-sf.] A. L. S.


loeation of 157. John Pory. .V letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, coneernin>j the arrival and men. MC. IV. AV/- Ferrar Papers. Puh: Vn. Maj. of IM., X, 2Sil-290.

(riioto.^r.iph 111" bt'siniiing iiii.t oi enrt, Vol. X, pp. 41C-117.] .\. L. .S.


156.* John Pory. X htter to Sir l^dwin Sandys, oonecrnina; Gov. Yeardley and also various com- modities. MC- [I'C]

IV. /.'<;(.• Ferrtir Papers-.


159. Council in Virginia. Letter from eolony to eonipany concerning tobaero. LC.

IV. A'./.- MS. Court l'..iok. N'irglnia Co., II, 220. 116. /;-.,,,-./.< ( h^jml, II; ) P.roek, Vmj!r,Hi C..„ij,a,ni. 11, Puh.- (1 ) Kingsburv, Vi,-rf,„hi (2

1619 20-1620] i.i:i:it.H 139


160. Sir Edwin Sandys. A l.'tli-r t" Sir Itnlit. Xauntnii, com-ciiiiiif.' iho |Hior chil.lron ti.) he soiit to Viririiiia. PUG.

HI. J;,f: .>- 1. V.'l. Ill', No. -I!l.

l\ih: \'\. 2:-'.. Va. Ma.j. ../ Jf,,/., p. l':3L'; <;ii!..-l)Ury. CnhiKh,,- „f shiir l'>ij„-i->:, ( hhmkil, ji. JANUAKY 31

IGl.''- Privy Cou-ocil. ' inln- ;:iyiii}; iHitliorily I'nr 100 i-liiMri-ri to )•• .'^.ut tn Viv_'iiiiii. IV.

I, l;.f: I'livy (...iiiii-il Ilcu-isU-r, .liini,-.- I, \mI. IV, |., Ino. >EBRU.\RY

1G2.'' Charj^es iiiciiind in •il,i;ninij_' fo: the |'l;ui!;iti.'r: iirw ;~uiiplic.- M'MI \\'\\\i ( iovcriicr 'I'luirpe.

/.'.,;'.• :'. .Nllil-y ( '.)S-'.i:i. VI. Siiiytli of I'lipfrs, Siiivl)i, 1!H, i.p, NY. V:'l,: CMn.\o:-w: X. Y. I'nI.. I,;i,. l:ull_. I, p. Isii.


ItiiJ. fair John iJanvcrs. A IrlN-i l.j tin- M.iiiiui.- nf I'.ni-kiii-liam, inin iriiiii;,' a lui'iiositicii I'nr liis Maj< sty's profit. DROP. VII. ;,,/; M.'^S. of llcii C. M. Fortc-cii.-.

J'i'li: Calt-nilar: lii.-t. MS.<. r.ini., S,,;„,'l H./inrt, p. 57. FEBRUARY 25

164.*'" Jas. Berblocke. Onler to yu. Venar to jiay Ci:\ to Tiiomas .'^te\'eiis fnr Smitii'- Ilnn.lriMl. VI. Urf: FtTiar Papeij:. >[(•. [LC]

[I'liotogniphif r.'i'r'iiluciii'U oi the i-imI in ilic I.il'rary i.i Ciingri^.a.] FEBRUARY 25

165.' Privy Council. An onU-r cnnecrnini: tiit- nftVnet' u!' tin." 'Trca.-nrer" a;.'aiiist tiji' Spaiiionls.

I. Uef: Privy Coum-il lifgL-ter, Jaiiios I, Vol. IV. p. i:\?,. PC.

]'nh: Brown, Firi'l R'-jwIjVc, 3.!SS. MABCH

166. » Wm. Weldon. A IfttL-r to Sir Kii. Sandys, fOPiiiilaiuiii;; at provivioii.s .sent and ri'purtinf: on College Land. MC. [LC] IV. /'//. Ferrar I'apers.

[I'liotograi.liic rii.rudMclinu ni ii;ivt in die Library oi Con^-rcss.) 1620

AI-RIL 5. lO

167."- Sir Thomas Kowe, Mr. Leato, Mr. Caning-, et o.l. f 1 1 Petition to the Privy Coniu-il for a tohacfi. fiir patent for the sole import of 7 yoar.~. I 2^ A piojeet for the sanit;. (1) PC. (2) P.M. [LC].

I. Uef: n) Privy Conned Kejfister, James I, Vol. IV, p. 4;o. (2) I^uisdouTie M.-^S., i«2, fo. l'>9. APRIIj 10

168.* Privy Council. An order allowin;.' the -ole importation of tol.aeeo as above. PC. I. A'-/.- Privy Couiieil Ke^'ister, .lam.s 1, "\\il. IV, p. 47-=.. APRIL 15

109.* "William Tracy. A letter to John .Smyth, i-oncernim.' emleavors for men for the plantation. VI. Rrf: Smyth of Xililey Papers. Smyth, Hi. NY. rill,: y.'y. Pnh. lu',. />-.,//., m, in..

A. L. S.

14-0 ixruuDi criox [I620 _

170.* Oopy (if niiiniiin ul" i-oiin;\'l U|iun tin- patents nf tln' [Vir;^iiii:i] (.'.)iLi]i;iiiy with s|n'i'i;il iflrn-nrr

In tin- j.ower of rpiiioviiiu' Sir 'rihiiiKi< Smith from nilicc ..'f tn•;l^illR:r. PKO. [!.(_'] ]U. AV;V .\f!inchf"sler TVipcrs, \,i. L'Tl.


171.* Sii- Edwin Sandys. A Kttrr tn .lolin I'rrr.ir, confOiJiini: llii.' cxaiiiiiiation of the acts cif the

.\s,--,iiihly in \'ir-iiM:i :iii.l also Ihrir accuiims. MC. [IX"] VI, j:,j: iVirar I'uj.ei-.

A. I.. S. ITnui- ii|,l iiii'l i.li..i..Kr.ii.liii- rri.ri.'lii.li..,, ,,f juut ill tin- l.il,iiiry i,f Cuiigris.s.]


172.* Indenture assiyiiiiiL' Sir Win. Throckinoitun's shaix- nf I'.ciki'lcy lliiinlred In Wm. Traiy.

V]. I;,/: Siiiytli of Nil.k'y I'ai.urs, Siiiytli, :; (I'Ui, |p|). 100-lOL'. >;Y.

7v/.; .V. )". /'»/,. ;.;/,". /;-)//., in, 2-is-l'.'>(i.

MAY 16

173.* Aldei-ni.T,rL Johnsou. .\ Icllei- tn Sii )vl\\ in Sandys, t-onri-rnin'^ the salt' of tnl.iaci'o.

III. J;,/: Krrrar I'ai.cr.-. MC. [l.C]

.\. I,, .s. [Iriia-r-rii.i iiail i.liot.ii^f.ii.liic- rL|iri..l'i.-iiiin in il.r l.il.iiuy of ruii-rts.-.] MAY 17

174.- Treasurer, Council, and Company for Virginia. .V liruad.sidc cnnevriu'ii^ the enndition nf th." i-i.il(.ny and isiiceially the c-cunninditiesi tliere iTndueed. I'riuted. NY. V. liiilor-eiiiunt ill iiut..i:rai.Ii nf Jnlin smith ..f Nil.ley c'l- [JUNE)

175.* Vfm. Tracy. Tun letters tn John Smyth "at ye lilew Unn in Ciiauserilane this," a.skiiii; aid

tor raisiiiL.' a ennipaiiy. NY. VI. J;,/: Smyth ut Xiiiiey raper.-. Smyth, lH.

/"'.. .V.' }. l'„h. i:,h. I'.nll.. Ill, -.'.V!.

.\.. I,, s.

176.* Wm. Tracy. \ letter tn .Inhu Smyt'ii, eniieerniii!.' aeenyuits. NY. VI. !:/: Smyth ni .XiMey l'a|„.rs, Smyth, IS.

I'vIk y. Y. Pnl,. J.-.h. ]:,'!/., Ill, :.'.-,L'.

A. L. S. JUNE 1

177.* John Smyth. "Copy nf my lettie tn M' Berkeley. I. Junii. lOl't"! ahunt our aeenmiits for the VirL'inia ship then rotnriied". NY.

VI. j;,j: Smyth of Xibley Papers, Smytli. l-i. y.' . pIiIj: v. I'i'I,. j.;h. ii„ii., iij, 2^,0-20].

Indorsed by .lolin .sinytli. JUNE 7

178.* Sir Kdwin Sandys. A letter tn Manpiis ni lUiekiiiuham, jiistifyini; his nf SirThns. " exiinsures Smyth. PKO. [NY]

VI. Hcf: State Pa])ers, Colonial, I, No. .il.

A. h. S. Transcript, N'ew York fuljlic- Lilmiry HMnrn.fi I'iiihts. I. :;i.V3.«.

179.* Sir Geo. Yeardley. A Uter to [Sir Vd. Sandys], cnmplainiii'.' at the lack of provisions sent. IV. A'./V Ferrar Papers. .MC. [LC]

.A.T.. S. Ind.ir-e'l liy Sir Ell. Sur,rlv..i.

1620] i.iKi or Tiu: i;jjruh-n.s 141

180.* John Pory. A li-ltn ti. Sir lv.h\ in Saiiuys, iriving an ilaliDViiU- (lcs(.-ri]itioii i-oiK-crniii-.' the i-on.lili,iii ,.[ til.- inl..n>-. Mr. [l.C] IV. 1!,/: Vvvi-Av rapt-rs.

I.. S. .MiU--.:iii!il lH'K- ill Ji'lm Ken.'rS ;inlr.5.'r.ii.li. t'li'.i.^fi.ii.lm- v»-i.r.»lii,lin]i »i„I Imnscrii.i in til.- Uil.rary ot (.'onjrrtss.

181.* Sir Edwin Saurtys. A littn- tn .Tolm Fi-niir. cniu-i-i iiiiig U-tin-' fivnu \'ircriiiia. MC. [LC]

VI. l;./: l-Vn-ar I'.ii. r?.

182.' 'WiUiain Tracy. A l.'ifr t'. J-hn .Si,i,\ Ih, 'al-.iil hi- Oi>|,alrl) iiiln Vir-ynia, .lunc lO.O." ' VI. /.V/; Smyth (.1 Nil. ley I'a, ..,.-, Sniylh. 17. NY. /'"/-.• .V. V. j;,h. !.ii',. i;„ii.. Ill, i:.M.c.

\. 1,. «. JUNE 22

• .4" 183. ••Couuseil x"or Virj^iia;'. ". '-.V 1 i.-chua(ii.u thi- Slalr ..1 tin- Culuiiv ami Ali'aiius in Vir-

t'inia". Printed. Inchidinn al.^o the li.il!.,\v!ni;:

'•A Xotoof th. Shi|n.iii>r, Kiln":

" Tilt: Xainc:; Lit till- Adventurers " w itli the ^luiis ad\rntiired;

.\ Declaration ut tlie .-'n|'].!iL- t<: 1 f fenl, July IS, lliL'O;

"The Order.- and (.'ons^iiliuions . . . fur the heller gciniTnin;_' of tin- -U-tiuns and affaire? of the [Vir.iL'itua] Cnnnjianif'':

Alsn ill

And \ Di'claratir.n of Noveniher !•=>. Ki-O. (T) J'.M. (•_') CA:^!!'..

C'l IIAIIV. t4i.rci'.. (.^1) LC. (ti) NKWn. (7)Xy. V. I'uh: Fnree, Trarl.'. 1]], .\os. X, VI.

Yut a ili.si;u.-.«iijn ni the ditlcrfiK-t- Ijonnrii th.' i.liiiun- ami thr Oi(Tori-iit Mici.lcmemary "Dei'lnriition^" mldnl iiiiiT tlir im-.Kt^ ami i''>n-titiiiii.n~." sue ant-. y\,. mmO. .See also

List r,f Rernrrl«, Xos. 9-J. •JJO.


184.* Jaraes I. Vrinted i>r.)eUuiiati'pn for the restraint nt the disnrdrred trailinj: fi.r tobacco. 1. Ill: rroelaniati' •:!;:. .Tames 1. Xn. !SL'. PKO. JUI,V

185.* [Privy Council.] C'onnni-s.siuu to the Loid Tieasunj- to i-.mtraei with .Sir Thomas Kowe, Ahniliam .Tacoh, and Hurdnian, I'.n.i.l. et ah fur the iiiii'ort'.ition of toliaeco. PRO. 1. Ill/: Pocijnet Book, .^ifjnet (.)tiice. 186.* Mr. Riissell. "Mr. Rus-ell'-s proioct toueiiiii'_' artilieiall wyne iu Virginia." XY. IV. R.f: Smyth of Xihlt-y Paiiers, Snu th, 30.

I'nh: N.' y. J-nf,. Lilj. llnlL, III, 25.5-2.irt.

* " 187. "William Tracy. .V. lettej- to .Jolin Smyth, eiin.erning niy cousin barkll ". XY.

V). J!,i: Smyth of Xihlry l'a].ers, Smvfh, -.'H.

J-i'lc A.'r. /'"'. I.i'',. l:nll.. Ill, -,v-;.

-\.. L. ,S. JULY 8

188. John Chamberlain. A letter to Sir Dudley Carletoii, from London. concerninL' th.' election of the Karl of Southampton as Trea.

VTI. /,V/.- State I'ai>ers. Domestic. .lame- I, Vol. CXVI. No. 1:1.

I'lit-: Shil,- Calen.lar; r.ii.us. Ihutf^ir, Vol. CXVI, ],. ItlL'.

14'2 i.\Th-o/n r-j'ivx [lesc

189. Virginia Oompsmy. "A Cuiiuiii.-.-iou |^iam\ti-.l viilo Wiilm Trnry i;.--ij lor ;i voyaj,' iutrii>k

HI. A',/; .Siiiytli of Nil.U'V l':ipci>. Smylh, :! (I'L'l, p. li;:j.

yv'-; .V. 5". /'«'.. /..'. ./;/!/(.. Ill, L'.".1--J.V).

.\ ci.y. JULY 14

190.* Wm. Tracy. Tuo 1,-ltrr- 1,. .Inlm Suiytli. KY.

VI. ;,'•;/". Siiiyt!, .,; Nil.!, y l'M|.r,>, .'^inylh, :.'l, L'L'.

/»',. .V. )'. /'"'^. /.>^. /.""., Ill, L'.vl-L'.'.).

.V. I. .-. . . JULY IS

191." Sir Edwiii Sandys. A hiirr In .Inlm I'uriiii-, e-ouariiing I'ltsmu;!! aii'l (i]i:uii'i;il ;it!":iii>. !\R'.

IJI. /;-./; I'Vrrar V:\i,vi<. [L(J]

-V. L. S. JULY 23

102.* Privy Council. OnliT In tlii' Snlliritni' (.n-iii-r;il to [irpiiaro ii patent lor North Colony of Vii-i.iia. rC.

1. JOf: I'rivy Coua.il K.-gislor, .lain.'- 1, Vol. IV, ."o 1. AUGUST

193.* Vh-g-inia Conncil. K.xtra.l from a k-tlcr atfoctin- Cap!. Arfrall. I'KU. [LC]

III. ]!/.- MaiR-lK-tor rapei--, No. L';i'.


194.* Wui. Trficy. A li-tit-r i" .lo!iu Suiytli, (•oni.t.-iiiijig lit-rki'lfy Ifnu.lroil. NY.

VI. Jiff: .Smyth ..f NiMoy Taper-, Smyth, 23. y.' J'k: V. V'lh. l.,>,. Bull.. Ill, L'.Xi.

X. I.. -. AUGUST 9

19-5.* Wan. Tracy. A U-ttor t.. .l..hii .7.

.\. T. ^. AUGUST 18 OK AUGUST 28

196.* Throkmorton. Berkeley, Thorpe

VI. Ilef: Smytli of Nihley Pai^rs, Smyth. ;-! (2:!|, [i. VJ4, al:-o ;;i.

pill,: X.' y. Pah. I.ih. Jkdl.. HI, L'.^7-L'.5S.

:M;S.,ec.p.v. 31, ••Vera nnAn cc' p. Knh: MmmimIov." AUGUST 15

197.* Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to .Tohii Terrar, eor.reiiiiii.i,' ileiuainl,-- from lIuiMleston.

III. AV/; Fenar I'aiiei-.-. MC. [I,C]

A. L. S. AUGUST 23

I 198.* •' Covenants ami atrreements hetweeii Kielianl Berkeley of Stoke . . . ieo\'e Thoriie . . .

Willm Tracy of (faylrs'' . . . ami . . . ".lohn Smyth of Northimldy" . . . NY.

V]. l;,/: Smyth of XiM.-y l'aper>, Smyth, 3, al.-o S Cj.-)), ],[: }27-V2d.

Pid,: ,V." r. /'../,. l,h. /.'"//., Ill, ird-L'TH. Copy.

1630J i.isr or Tin: in.rorai^ 1:43

199.* Co!r,n\iss;oii tn (i _'r Tiiori.c A \\ in. T^:^( y :<< iinvcn.Mis c.f llir |,l:uil:ili.Mi in A'iigiiiia. NY.

VI. K,j: Siuytli i.f .\'il)U-y I'lipiT-s Siuytli, S (L'l), iip. l:;,", -iL'li.

rub: Cat:ilo-no: X. Y. J'nb. Lib. J!, 'II., 1, JSd.

C'op.v. AVOVST 31

800.* Chnrtor yiarty witli Win. Kuius fur tb.' y]\\[i "Snpiily" in which AVin.Tiac y wont to Virgiiii.i.

111. /,',/.• Smyth ni Nil,l,-y J'aj.ors. Sinyll). :! IL'!)|, j,,,. i:iM:;G. jNY.

'}". /'-'/..• C;iialn-uo: .V. J'i'b. Li!-. 'r„dl., I, ISi;. Copy. SF.PTKMBKR

201.* An account wiih VA. Williams fc.r liiiv ..f i!ic lir., am! tliu wages of Tfiby Ft-lgale, pilot in the first voya/i'. NV. V], Ri-f: Sniylli of NibU'V V\\.\«:Ty, Siiiylli, 8 (.•«), p. 1!2.

Pab: Cataloguo: .V. ")'. I'nb. Ub. JUill., 1, 1S7. POO.* Tho f-o-^t nf fii'-iiivllln.' thi' "Supply" bviit frni.i Hristnt. NY.

VI. 7.V/".- <^inyth of Nihloy I'apern, Smyth, -i, jip. M3-).>0. iV6.- X )'. /'»A. r.;b. linil.. Ill, rs:;-:'Hi).


203.* Berlrr'k'y, Thorpe, Tracy, and Smyth. A.iiti'i.'iin-nt to s\iii].!y llicluiril Smyth and wife, Anthony ami V. m., their son?, lioht. IJi.-akct and wife, and I'iehard Hopkins witli land for eultivation in Virjjiinia. XY.

YI. AV/".- Smyth nfXililey Papers, Sinydi, .•! (L^T), pp. l.'V.^-l.-W. r,'b: Catalu-ne: X )'. /''/.. Lib. 'll,.ll., 1, ISC, 204.* Wm. Tracy. .\ letter t.i .h.hii Smytli eiMiriTniiij,' Berkeley Hundred. NY'.

VI. R,-J: Smyth of .\iMey I'aper.-, Smyth, i!.i. y' Fub: y. 1','b. Lib. Jinii., HI, L^r.s.

A. L. S.


205.* List of Settlers. "A list of men imwe sent I'dp jilantaeou in Virginia." NY'.

VI. I!ef: Smyth of Xililey I'aj.ers, Smytli, :i (81), pp. i:W-l;39. riih: X. y. l-'ib. Lii. 1!>:II.. III. L".i0-L'l)2.

The di!}- of momli imt KiviTi in M.-s.

SEPTKMii>:R 10

206.* Hichard Berkeley and John Smyth. InstiTidions and advice to duo. Tliorpe. XY. VI. /.V;V Smyth of Xibley Paper-, Smyth, 8 (l.'G), pp. ll'!)-i:-31. P'nb: X. Y. pub. Lib. JloU., Ill, 27.<--2S0.

septew:i3?;r is

207.* Wm. I'racy. A letter to John Smyth. IVrsmial affairs of the plantation, otherwise unim- portant. XY.

VI. Ju'f: Smyth of Xihley Papers, Smylli, I'll.

pi(b.- Calendar; X. !'. V'lb. Lib. i:„ll., I, iss.

.\. T.. s.

208.* Agreement between Kiehanl lierkelcy, (Icmjie Thmpe et ai., and Kobcit Pawlett logo to \'irgmia as pi'Laclecr, .-urL->on. and phy.-ician. NY.

VI. Sef: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, :! il?.S), p. ]:-;?,.

piib: Catalogue: X. Y. /'•''-. /../.. Jii'H., 3, 18ti.

2()10.=i—05 10

141 L\TRonrc'rioN [1020



209. "* Account of iiioiiey e\i.cn

iiins, lli'jL'. XY.

VI. Kef: Suiytli of Nil.U.y I'^ipors, Stii.vlh, :! (;«), pji. ]r)l-l;V_'.

I'ub: Cat.'iIoKiie: A'. )'. J'tih. Lih. 'llnU., 1, 187.



210.* Thomas Pnrker. CertilR'att' of llif mayor of Bristol to .'^ailin^' of " Supply," with mujiep of passengers. NY. VI. AV/; Siuytli of Xil,l,-y Papers, Smytli, S (Sn), p. V.il.

Pvh: Catalo-ue: .V. )'. I'ul: Lih. 'nuU., 1, ]8i5.

211.* Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to .T.-.lui I'errar, urifini.': !Mr. Carter to niake tlireo I'atalogues of inilebted aaveiitnrers. MC. [LC] VI. J!ef: Ferrar Papers.


212.* John Smyth. Aeeount of expenses for Virginia phiutalioii. NY.

VI. R,:f: Smyth of Nililey Papers, Smyth, 3-'.

Ihil,: Calendar: A', f. I'uh. IJf,. Ball., I, ISO.

.Vutofjnipll Ml" .lohu Snijtli. SEPTEMBER 23

213.* Timothy Gate. A letter to his " eosyn 'SI' Willia Tiaey att I'.ristol". NY. VI. lit/: Smyth of Xibley Papers, Smyth, 45. Pi'ib: V'.'l". ruL Lib. Bnll, III, 281. SEPTEMPEK 23

214.* John Bridges. A letter to John Smyth concerning the ineurecralion of Traey. N\'. VI. Rrf: Smyth of Niblcy T'apers, Smyth, 29. r'ab: y. y. Puh. Lib. Lull., Ill, isl-282. A. L. S. with M'al. SEPTKMiSEK 24

215.* Wm. Tracy. A letter to John Smyth concerning the journey. NY'.

VI. /.'(/ Smyth of NiMey Papers, Smyth, l'7. Pah: S:' y. Pub. Lib. Pull., Ill, iiss.

A. L. -s, SEPTEMBER 25

210.* William Tracy. .\ letter to John Smyth concorning his inipri>onment. NY\ VI. AV/; Smyth of Nililey Papers, Smyth, 2S. I'ub: y. y. Pi'b. Lib. [:>di.. in, i\sl'-2s:;.


217.* Indenture between George Thorpe on one part ami Robert OMesworth ami John Smytli on the other. NY. VI. Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 12.

Pub: Calendar: A", i'. Pnh. Lib. Pull., I, 1.S7.

1620-1C20 sij List or Tin: i;i:<<)i;i>s I45

218.* Capt. BuUer. Cniitaiii I'.hIIit to Nalli;uiii-1 Kicli, staling' (liffcrtMicc In'twecii the2carlH [Soiith- aiiiiilon aiul Warwi.k]. I'KO. VI. U.J: .Ma.ichf-ter V:s],-^r^, No. i'.s4. 219.* Sir Edwin Sandys. A l.ttor to ,l.,liii J\rnir, with a iv)c;vikv U> L-tiI ('haiutx-rhiiii. VI. /.V/; FiM-rai l-aprrs. MC. [LC].

.\. h. s. NOVEMEEB. 3 5

220.* Councell for Virginia. Iicclaralioii in addilioii tn that .>f July Is ui Auyta aii'I .su]i|)1ies to be

.'•flit to Virginia, and sulii-itinir ]>1anlei's an^l iii' y. I'lintcl. NY.

V. ttef: In " Divlamtion of tiie Slnte oi tlic (Olony ami Affaires' in Virginia."

See anir, Xo. I8o; also niitr. {.. ."S-VO.


221.* Geo. Thorpe. A leitpr to ,Tolm Smyth from "S.mtliairipton Ilimdreil." NY.

VI. ;.'-:/.• ymyth of Nil>ley Fap,-r>i, .^niytli, :!:i. Pub: X.'y. ]'oh. Lih. livU., Mi, l.""e-L';«.

A. L. .<.

222. " Greevovs Groncs for the I'onre," dcditatO'l to the 'Cuniiiany of the Virginian and Sommer Hand Phint;Uion.«." Printed. Ni:\\'B.

VII. Kef: Collection ..f K.i. K. Ayer.

rriiilo.l for .^liehiu•l Spr.rki-. 1621

223.* Virginia Company. "A note of tlie sliij>|>iiij.', men, and proiii,~i(iii? . . . pronidcd for

Virginia hy . . . Soiuhampfon, and tln' C inqiany ..." Printed.

V. Ucf: (L') Colleetion of Broadside?, .lanu-s I, No. 194. . (1) XV. (?) ANT. 224. Eenry Fleet. Henry Fleet's Journal of Voyage in the " Warwick" to Virginia. LAMB. IV. Pah: Xeill, Tlic Euyli.'ih rulo,

225.* Virgrinia Company. " A Coinis.-ion ijranted by (he TrcasnnT Connsell and Company for Virginia to S' Thoma.s Smith for the free I'lsiiinge on the coast of America." BM. [I,C]

III. 7Cc/.- Additional -^iSS., Ul'so, fo!.-=. 7.'5-74. 226.* Earl of Warwick m ith Edward Bruster concerning the ship.s "Treasurer" and "Xeptnne."

III. Jief: Admiralty Court, Instan<'e and Prize, Liliel 81, So. ti. PRO. [LC]


227.* "Wallons and Erench." Promise of certain 'MVallons an

I'ub: SainsliLiry, Cnlcnil'ir if Slate I'^ijirr-i, ('jlonial, p. 4fiS. 1620 21


228.* Sir Geo. Yeardley. Certificate to Council and Company of Virginia of the arrival at 15erkeley

of 50 persons, with li.st of names. XY. IV. /.'(/. Smyth of Xibley Papei-s. Smyth, :>4. Fuh: Calendar: X. Y. Pnh. Lih. P.kl. I, 18>i.

A. S. of George Yearflioy and Ju: Fury, .Socr. .Seal au

146 i\ri;uiti (-rios [1620,21-1C21

229.* Sir Geo. Yeardley <^ the Couni;il in Virjiiiiia. Copy (if n letter to Earl o{ 8oiiUi.im|iton

and OniiK'il iunl ('inuiiany for Virginia, forwardin<; a petition o( cnlonists vs. tlio Kint;'s iiroclaniation forliiddiiit' importation of tobacco. Pl!(t.

IV. A'./.- MaiK-lic^tcr I'apcrs, No. L'liO.

I'uh: Calendar; Vlist. >ISS. Com., Kiijhlh Ti.-port, pt. 2, p. ?,7.

Coi-tilif.i hy,I..liri I'ory. rEBKUAHy 28

230.* . . House of Lords. .\ct for rcpvcssintr l^dinus . ^iii of dninkonnes'.'s and n-s^traint ... of ex'xiJs pric,.- of Ikht and a!e. i of penalties tii [j.o to the Virjania Company. IIJ.. h riih: Calen.Uir; Ili

231.* Privy Council. Order upon the coni]>!aiiit of I'arlianient of great abuse of lotteries for raising

monies to^^ards the advancement of the plantation in Virginia, t

Transript, N. Y. Pub. Lib., r.unercift I'apcrs, I, fo. 357. TiAKCII

232.* Sir Georg-e Yeardloy. Grant by Sir ( ieo. Yeardley, Govcriior of Virginia, to Geo. Harris-on

. . . of 2CHJ acreri of land . . . PHO. [XY]

IV. Kef: State I'apers, Colonial, James J, Vol. I, No. 53.

I'lt/j: Sainsbnry, Cnlcn'inr of Sinle J'apers, Colonial, p. 2.5. tiriginal liocuuitnt willi autograph signatures, indursed by John Pory. Transcript. K. Y

I-ulj. Lib. Bnncrnft, I, ?.i;i-5.


233.* James I. Proclamation by the King conmianding Virginia Company to forbear license for keeping and continuing any lottery. (1) Q. (2) ANT. (3) PRO. (4) JCB.

I. Ref: (15) Proelamatio:i. James I, No. 80.

Pub: Sainsbury, Caleiuhir of State Papern, Colonial, \\. 2.5.


234.* Geo. Thorpe. 'A note ffor JI' Ffelgate to receaue his ffraight" NY. VI. Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papere, Smyth, 3.5. Pvb: Calendar: X )'. I'nb. Lib. Pull., I, 1S9.


235. A true relation of a sea Aght between two great uell-api>fiinled Spanish men of war and the "Margaret and John."

VI. Pub: (1) Purchas, His Pibjnwes, IV, bk. i.-c, ch. U. (2) Brown, Fiml Prpubllr, 415-416. 1621

236.* Wm. Powell. A letter to Sir Edwin Sandys concerning a difference with Yeardley. IV. P^f: Ferrar Papers. MC. [LC]

.\. L. S.

[TraTiKTipt all"! phiit

1621] LIST or Till-: UJA'ORnH 14.7

237.* House of Lords, liraft of ''.Vii Art fur tlie fi^'ei lilKrIy m' iWhin^ ;ui(l lishiii^' voyages to be

luaJe aii'l I'orfcii'nieil in ... the sea coa.^ts . . . X'irginia, New England . . . and parts of .\rueriia." IIL.

I. AV/V CuniniDjis .liuirnal, 1,578.

Puh: Calendar: Ili^t. M.<.-<. Cum., Thlrit }iq,ort, p. 21. MAY

238.* V/hitlaker. .V l<'tter tn Sir )'",duin Sandy;., by " Hnna Nova", ooncerning rot-eption of now men. MO. [KC] IV. Krj: F.riar I'aper.-.

A. L. P. Oiitlino.l in Xiilinlas Frmir's Aiil.,ii;ra|.li.

ur.il [.lintojiriiiiliio ripriHUic'liiin iif i.i tli.- I.ilirnry r.f [Trimvcript part emigres'! ]


239.* Richard Bricke. A lotter to Sir Kduin Sandys, re^jncstin^' payment of tlie sums due. ' ' ]V. AVr> I'errar Papers. MC. [l.C]

.\. I.. S., Mitll.-'lill

240.* Council of Virg:inia. Warrant by Counril fur Lieutenant Saunders to have custody of cattle left in Virsrinia by Cajitain Martin. PKO.

IV. Ilcf: State I'apern, Colonial, James 1, Vol. Ill, No. .T), ]]I. ra!,: r.,;7ote/ M,uj. o/IHsl.. VII, HIJ.


241.* Geo. Thorpe and Mr. John Pory. A letter to Sir 1'. Sandys. Cooii.laints against Powell and Madison. ^ MC. [LC] IV. I!i-j: Ferrar Papers.

MAY 13

242.* Governor and Council of Virginia. Wanant eoneernini,' Capt. John Martin. I\'. Fill,; Brown, K;v( Rciinhlh; 414.

MAY 15 AND 16

243.* Geo. Thorpe and John Pory. A letter to Sir Edwin Sandys eoneernin? Indians, com- modities, and perplexities of i-'overnment. MC. [LC]

IV. /.'(/•' Ferrar Papers. MAY 16

244.* George Thorpe and John Pory. A letler to Sir Eil«in Sandys, eoucerning the commodities and need of clothes, etc. JIC. [LCj

I V. Ref: Ferrar Papers.

Autograph luttor. with nn iU'lorscit sui'imnry liy John Ferrar. [Trrtn?cript and photograi'hic ropnidut-tieii uf part in tlie Library oi CVai^riss.] MAY 10

245.* Sir Geo. y[eardl.ey (?)]. C^^py of a letter to the New Magazine (,'onipany by the Pona Nova, con erning personals. 3IC. [EC] IV. Rij: Ferrar Paper.s.

246.* . Copy by John Pory of a letter to Sir IMwin .'^amlys in answer to that of Nicholas Hyde." MC. [LC]

IV. /.'(/• Fenar I'apcrs.

1-lS i\'i h'uhiCTioy [1021

247.*' Sii Geo. Yfeiu-dlej'. A letti'i- to Sir l^iluiu f^'aihlys, raiiri rtiin;^ liis acts in the colony aiul his drsiiv to icturn liome. jMC). [Lt_'] l^^ 7iV;V Feriift- I'aper.s.

Pub: ]':r

A. I,. S. Imlorstliuiit l.y J -l-.li l-'frnir.

MAY 24

348.- Ahraliam Piersey. Two k'ttfi-s to S' IMwiii Saiulvs:, coiu-trniiij; a lisliiiig voyat;e to New Fonndhiiiit Ir.'sn Jamos City, aii'l r. nu rriiiiii; l(,il)Uc'Co tfade. MC. [1-0] IV. Ni'f: 1-^rrar Papors.

Pali: i'>r>/li,!,t Ma,,, o/' //-ri., X, -IIS.

A. 1.. S. Witll SLul.

[TriinsiTii>t aiul ir)ioI'i,"i^iI>'iii' n prortuiai.ni in iln- Lilmiry iif (Ujni,'r._.ss.]

MAY 27

249.* Cnpl. Nuce. A Utter to Sir E'hviii Su^cly^', ooiic-eriiiiig tl)C- cointimilities ami lark of jirovisions.

1\'. /.'./.• Fcvrai- I'a|.ors. MC. [LC]

III luindwritiii^' ol ii < Ili k. [Trnn


250.* Francis Smith. A letter to .Sir Kihviti Sandys. Unimportant. MC. [LC] VI. lirf: I'V-rra:- ra;.er.-.

A. !,. s. [Iruiisriipt luai plLOiiigrMpliic reprodueti'Hi of pi\rt in the Lit •rary of Congress.]

JUNi: 18

251.* Pri-vy Council. Order coiieerning North and Soiitli Colonie-^ and their iii^hiiij.': relations.

" I. B,f: Prtvy Comieil Keiri-ier, James 1, \'ol. V, ).. bH. VC. [LC]


Kicliard .-\ letter to Sir complainin;^ 252.* Bucko. Kdxvin Sandys, ' that agreements are not kept by the company. iMC. [LC] IV. J!cj: Ferrar Papers.

A. L. f>.

[Truii''.'jript ami pliotographic reproductioa of part iri tlie Library oi Congress.]

JUNiS 27

253.* Thorpo. A letter to Sir of George Kdwin Sandys,' concerning matters small importance.

IV. l:e/ .- Vcvi.ir ]\\iK-K. MC. [LC]

A. I.. S.

254.* Sir George YearcUey. A letter to Sir Kdwin Sandys, concerning tlie election of a .successor and new ai rivals in tlie colony. MC. IV. Itif: ]"errar Papers.

I'll',: Vin/nini .Uiiff. of ll',.-l., X, 2SS-2S9, (photograph of signature).

A . L. s. JULY

255.* John Kov/e. A letter to Sir Kdwin Sandy.s. MC. [LC] IV. R,J: Ferr.ir Papers.

A. I., s. [Tran«rript ami phulogrti;ihir reproiUiotion of a part in the Library of Congress.]


1621] /./vv OF Tin: i:i:c(>i:i)s 349

25G.* William Ewcii-^. Covi-iK.ut I'li i>:irl of Wui. Iswrns fnr 4sii'' tn .-cc lliiil the Slii|. Ceor^'p

150 tiifi is st-.iuiu'li aijil i-tioiif; ;iiiil liUiii lUil willi liiiiiilun- ;\nil willi iiiairiiu'i-s ami soa- iiK'n, to tiikc on jiussi'iiL't's and pimls aii.l to btin^; l.acU toliaini Irorji tliu |>lanUitiriii, with forfeit of inoii'. I5.M. [IX'] 111. Jirf: A(Miti.HKil. M.sS., ]42,So, fo^. 7Sa-79a.

257.* Wm. Ewens. Covirunit l>y Win. Kwens to fit out the Shi|i Cliarley, SO tun and lake same

wilii fiaiilit and i..is--enyei.-^ tu Vinjinia foreert.iiu [lilanic] ,snin. Forfeit of l()00'' for uut utuniini.r ship Willi iniglu. KM. [LC]

III. I.-rf: Additional .MS.^., 142s.j, fos. SO-81.


258.* Nicholiis Ferrar and others. Wairant tn paN Geo. S[aiid_\>] C20, addre.-sed to the Karl of SouthiUiililou, si'.Mied hy .Nieliolas I'crrar, Kenett, lllancy, Wysenian. MC. [LC]

J II. /.V/; Kerrar Papers.'

Aiilo>;raph .sigiialiires; iiulorsemcnt by .lulm Ferrar. [rivot.Rrraiihip r'-priMurtinii in the IJlirary of f'.i!iLT,-s.] JULY 24

259.* J. Baruard and others. Wan-.mt to Deputy J [ohn] r[errar] for Xli to .Josejili Fiteh: siijued— J. Barnard, X. Kieh, r.uil, liielutrd Ca.swell, John IJlaude. JIC. [LC] III. AV/.- Ferrar Papers.

[i'hi.!oi;rii[iliii' rv|.r.«Iii,ti.;li in (he Lilirary (if Confjrfs.s.J

260.'* Virginia Company. "lustruetioris to the Governor for the time lieiug, and Counsel! of State in Vir;;inia." LC. HI. /.':/; (1) ;MS. Iteeor

I'lih: OutUne: Ilening, r/'/v/Zjua Sfntuh.-- at Lanji', I, p. 114. Outline: Stitli, FfVy/nio, pp. 194-]9i>. 261.* Treasurer and Comijany. An Ordinanoe and Constitutiou of the Treasurer and Conijiauy in iMiglan.I lipr CiHui'il ami .\.ssend>ly in \'ir:.'inia. LC. III. }.V/.- (1) -MS. Rer., Virgil da Co., 111. (i') Instnirtious, eouuiiitons, ete., 160(j-lt>s3. 21-23.

Hl.-I. Cdl. Pub: (1 ) Hazard, ;/ Stale I'aprrs, I, l:;i-l:j:;. (2) llening, Vn-.jnmt StntoUs

ul Lanj,, 1, 110. Cil .vtith. F-V./^"'", anp. 4. Outline, p. )»i!. JULY 25

202.* Treasurer and Company. Letter to <_;o\ernor and Couneil in Virginia coiu^eruing AVyatt a? governor. LC. III. /.'(/. (1) MS. Kei-. Virginia Co., III. ii, 1.5, Hi. (2) Inftruetions, eoinniiOons, etc., 1000-1 (iS3, pp. 6S-7.5.. Pub: Neill, Mryiuin Cainjiaiiij af Lijin'luii. •2'2Z-2">Z. JtTLY 30

263.* Privy Council. Copy of a Council order that Lord Treasurer may make warrants of as.sj.-;!- ance for suppressing the importation and sale of tobacco. KP. I. Hef: MSS. of lOaii De La \Vair. Pvh: Calendar: Hi,st. MSS. Com., Foodli Tifpurl, iV.i.


264.* Virginia Company. Answer to the reinu-st of t)ie Walloons and French to plant in Virginia, signed by John Ferrar, deputy. PRO. [XY] III. Rcf: State Papei-s, Colonial, James I, Vol. I, No. br>.

Pub: SainsViury, CaUiaJai- af Sial,' Pujiers, Colonial, p. 20.

Transcrii.t: N. V. Till.. I.il... Baiienift Papers, I, fns. M9--J71.

150 l\l'l!OI)l C/'/O.V [1621

.-lUCrUST Jt;

265.* Virginia Company. l.etttT comviiiiii',' tlio .-fMiliii,i,' nf iiiiiirls; (^'ajil. Xr.itoii ami thf Italians, niakiiit; IhwIs; Mr. Gookiii; tlif Fifiuli nion ami families to sail. LC.

ii, 17-18ii. III. A'//'; (1) -MS. Roc. Virginia C'li., Ill, I't. I'l'. (!') Justiurtinns, Coiiiniicons:, etc., ir.Oi^KlS:), pp. 70-83. ]'iil,; Xeill, J'lj-jjiiiVi Ciiiiip'iiiii of Lnmlijii, )ip. L'3:i-l'3il.


266.* Virginia Company. ".\ ( 'oaii.i.-i.jn giaunti'd liy \.s tlu- Tht tViuu^cll and Company for Vir- ginia vnto our loninfTf liviuils Capt .\rtluir (iny and Xicliola.-: Xorlnirnes fur a \'oyage int4'ndr(l to Virginia." B.A[. [LC] m. liif: Additional MS.':., 1428.5, fos. 70-70a.

267.* Treasurer and Company of Virginia, t'ovcnant to puyCajif. .VithurOuy, Ki)bcrf Toakley, and .John I'acUo.-'all .300" more for virtua.ll and tranypdrlatidii nf said KliJ persons, in. A',/; .Additional -MSS., 14285, fos. 71-71a. KM. [I.C]

268.* . Covenant tn pay to Capt. Arthur Guy ot al. .">'' fur oaidi (nn of goods, provisions, and oonnnodities licie pnt aboaril and there deiivcri'd. BJl. [IX']

III. A'./.- Ad.lilional :\IS.'<.. 142S.5, fos. 72-72a.


269.* Virginia Council and Company. Letter to Governor and Count-il in Virginia, eonceruing the failnre of the old magazine and di^.-atisfa(lion with the new. I,C.

III. 7.V;V (1) MS. Records Viririnia Co., Ill, pt. ii, pp. 19-20. (2) Instruetion.s. eomniicoii.s etc., 1GOI5-16S3, jip. 84-92. I'nlj: XeiU, V:,ylHUi Compnuii of London, pp. 241-2.=i0.


270.* Ed. Blayney. .\ letter to Sir Kd. Sandys concerning an Ka>t India .'hip. MC. [I.C]

VI. liif: Ferrar I'apers. A. L. S.


271.* Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to John Ferrar, or to X. Ferrar, concerning personal matters.

\l. J!.f: Ferrar Tapers. JIC. [LC]


272.* Privy Council. Order that tlie \'irjinia Company is not to have a foreign house for importa- tion of their goods; ti.>bacco to be first lamled in Fngland, with respite for four liioiiths.

(1) rC. (2) PRO. [XY]

I. Jiif: (1) Privy Council Register, James 1, Vul. V, p. 173 (new nnnibcr). (2) Colonial kntry Book, Vol. 79, pp. 201-202. I'uli: Saiiisbury, OileiiJur of Slal'/ Papcrit, Colunnil, p. 2i).

Transcript, Xew York Public- Library, Bancrol't i'apiTs, II, I'os. 373-375.


273.* John Stratford. "M' Tho: Dawson note for all my tobacco sold by him, for mee w'"" much labor at tliis poare rate." HY. VI. Ref: Smyth of Xibley Papei-s, Smyth, 39. Pah: Calendar: X 1'. Pu>,. Lib. Bull., I, 1S9.

" 151 1621] LIST or Tin: Ri:ronn,^

1021, NO v'EMUKR- 16a4. AI'EIL aiKi AKlfrnum 274.* Sir Thomas Smith and Alderman Johnson. K>-ply ai Sir Tlionuip Smitli W'O. Jolinsun lu the ixtititui ui .lului llarsinivi'. .liaiie;^ Ill, No. 1-'. 111. A'./V ."^liili' I'iiiUTH, ('Ml(.iii;il, 1, Vul. OilcukirofSlolrJ'apers, //'>'.. VI, ;i;.S-:;si. (2 I Si.iii-l.ury, . I'lil,; ( 1 1 l-.n/inia M.i,j.

(U,„ilal, II. CO. NOVEMBER S Soutliami.tun 275.' Sir Edwin Sandys. A l.Alcr to John F.-rrar, n.n.vniint; Lis .Icl.ts, and also llu.uhvd. -^It'- [I'C]

VI. 7.''/.- l\-rr;ir I'aiKTS.

tin- l.il.rnry ..f Culigrcs.) [1'r.ai.ioriiil ;;:'.. 1 |.!i.)I.';,-rat'hi.- rcprnilni-IiriTi in NOVEMBEI. 21

" I>arliii^r," aii.l a permit to ti.=l. 276.* Virginia Company. Grant to liani.-l i iat- to l.c nia!:ttT of l''^f. [LC] on the coa.-t of Virginia hotwcoii :i:l° and -to" X. lat.

III. J:.f: Additional M.SS., nLN.-,, fo.s. T4a-T.^. to John Iluddkvton 277.* Council and Company for Virginia. " A < omi.-sion Graimtt-d ... Anarira." I'.M. [LC] for a Voyad-L- to Vir-liiia and tor a in-v li.hioi:.- on tlu-foast ul

III. l!'f: Adilitional MSS., 142s."">, foF. T.'ni-TC.a. Tlio: Jon.-s ^I' ,.f tl.f Kisomory, lor the free 278.* "A Con,ission<; ranted . . . to Cai.tainc V,M. [LC] fishini;c on the Coast of Aniirlra. Tradin_-.' for furs in Virginia."

14_':-.-'., fo.s. 77-7Sa. HI. /.'(/.- Additional .MSS., NOVEMBER 26 Virginia, concerning the send- 279. ' Virginia Company. A l.-tt>r to ilie govrrnor and council in l^C. ing of maids and the trading for funs. ii, 20, 20'. Instructions, Com- III. /!/: (H .MS. Kecnrd.s Virginia Co., Ill, pt. p. (2) miOons, etc., 160l>-lti83, pp. y:;~!t.J. I'nk Xcill, Kdward, Vu-.juun Comi»nnj of L>,„Jon, pp. 26S-2ti6. NOVEHTBER 30 280 * Governor and Council in Virginia. IVodarnation warning person,s from going aboard I'^'- ..hips. IV. JUj: MS. Kecord.s Viigini.. C.. 111. I'L u, p. 4-)". DECEMBER

4^ subscription in the 281.* Nicholas Ferrar. Receipt to .John Smyth ..f Nihley of tH V.r for " of boat;- and houses. NY. " Koule" for trade of furs and for the Koule" for building III. Jiff: Snivih of Nihley I'apei^^, .Smyth, Sti. I'uh: Calendar; .V. I". }''il>. Lib. ]!„!!.. I, IS'.).

.Signature t>f Niil.ciliis Kiirrar. DECEMBER 3

liis enemies in the Company. 282.* Sir Edwin Sandys. .V letter to .Tohn Ferrar, eonceming ^It'. [LC] \l. ]:>'/: Ferrar Papers.

.\. I., s. DECEMBER 5 and 283.* Virginia Company. Letter to the L-overiior and conmil in Virginia concerning trade discovers-. '

ii, 21. Instructions, conmiicons, etc., '111. AV/V (1) MS. liec. Viigiiiia Co., Ill, i.t. p. C^) "loo(v-itjs;;, pp. yo-101. Fub: Neill, yu;j!„:a 0,-.y";o/ ] l.„i.'b,n, 2(17-27:;.

152 i\'n-(>f)r

ra:cEWT3ER is

284.* Privy Couucil. A le^trr to Sir liu.Ui'V Carlili.n, ain!).i^>:iili>r at Slates of Unitcil I'rovincp, a>;aiii-t Hutch s.-tlliiifr in N.irth Colony .if Viiyiiiia (lalUa New KiiLrlaiui). PC.

]. Jlif: I'livy Council J{c;,'istcr, .Tallies 1, \'oi. V, [.. L'tl'i.

285.* Peter Aruudell. A letter t'l Sir l-jiwin Sain.Iys, ciiiiiplainiug at tlic lu-j^lcct of the Com]ianv, hut |.r.>Miisin;r In liidc defects. yiC. [LC]

IV. 7.'//.- Fcrrar ].apers.

A. L. S. TniiiM-rii.t i.ml i.tiologrnphii- rc-'pr.irlu<-ti.,Ti ,,f [.(.rl in Ilii- Lilmiry of r..iigTOss. DECEMBER 23

286.* Governor in Virg-inia. C'>iia-iissii>ii by the governor and captain-general of Virginia to Dan'l Tucker to trade with tlic Indians. LC.

IV. AV/V MS. Kec. Virj^inia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. oli.


287." Broft of a letter to .see that errant of the Kinv' to the Company of the imi-orlation of tohaceo

h'r .-even ycMs from Vir^'iuia and llermuda i-' consigned lo them. KP.

VI. A'.y-.- MSS. of Lord Sackville.

7'"'..- Calui.lar: Hist. MSS. Coin., S,iei,lh H.j.oH, p. 2.5'Jl,.

288.* Mr. "Wroth. Xotes from lists showing total nuniher of emigrants to ^'iri:inia, and making total los.= :;,nOO and survivors 1,700, HilH-KSl'. PRO. VI. L'lj: Manchester Papers, Xo. L'DS.

Fuh: Calendar: Hist. M.SS. Com., Eljlilh lU-j.oil. pt. 2, p. :{8.

.S- 6'' 289.* Patrick Copland. A Doel;iration ho-.v the monies vi/ , TnC were disposed, which were

gutlicied by Mr. Patrick Copland, towanls the building^ of a free sclioole in Virginia. Printed. " PR. V. /•»/,.• Calendar: Hi.-t. .MSS. Com., Thn-.llUfud, p. HO.

290. Bermuda Company. Laws of Permuila Com]>an__v on the selection and settlement of "I..aiHl in Virginia." XXX, in "Orders and Constitutions" for tlie Summer 1,-lands. Printed. (I) LC. (2) XY. ^'. I'lih: Le Froy, Mtmnrinl oj the Bcrmudiis, I, 228.

A!i oiitor of court Ket>. 6, 1621,'2. Imprint, Felix KiUKstun.

291. John Brinsley. " A Consolation for ovr Grammar Schooles: more especially for all those of

all places, . . . witli an inferiovr sort, and ruder countries and namely' Virginia the .Sonimer Ilanils." Printed. (l)JCB. (2)XY. V. kl pa-cs, fi\iarto. Priiit.-.l l.y flichftnl FioM K.r Tln.Mas >ran. hV2. 292.* [Virginia Company.] 'The Inconveinencies that have happened to .some Persons which have transiKirteil theni.selves from Lngland to Virginia, without i)rouisious necessary to sustaine theNi.>--elves: For Preuentioa of like disorders hereafter,— is jmblisheil this short declaration— of necessaries— .' Printed. (1)XY. (2)AXT. (.Ij JCB. V. Jitj: (2) Collection of Broad-iile.s .lames 1, Xo. 19.3. I'tih: Reprinted in I'luchi.-i, His I'ihjnm,'/:, IV, P.k. IX, ch. 1.^, sec. IV.

Imprintcil U\ Fcli.x Kingston. Broaiisiflo. For di.-cus^ioii ot fiiiiuii. .sec nyitc, p. *J\.

293.* Edward Waterhouse. '• Declaration of the state of the Cohmy of A'irginia with the Rela- tion of the Massacre" and the nanie.s of those ni.assacred.

V. (l)l-C. (2) JCB. (3) H.\RV. (4!XK\VP.. (-5) PR IV. ' Cofiits (1) Hiul {2i iiicluile The Inconvenienoes." .*ee mile No. 2>W.

1G23-1631 2;i Li.rr OF Till: in:coRi)H 153

1622 (0

294.* Francis West, Wm. TJlaiborne et al. IVIitioii tn tlic Kiii./ mi ))cl]alf of the flistre=.scil sul)jc

IV. /,'./.• Stall.- I'apiTs, Culoiiial, Jaiin-s I, Vol. ]I, Xc. l.S.

I'nh: (I) Vi,t., VI, _';!:!. (!') Saiii.--hniy, CtJnuhir (jj StaU P'ijjers,\K'ir->.

1621 22

895.* Virginia Coxmcil. l.'-tti-r to Viririnia Company of Lou. Ion, di'.Sfriliiiig tho fonditions and iiee'.ls of the colony in detail. LC.

IV. Rcf: MS. Her. Virginia Co., Ill, j.t. ii, pp. ]-l.'a.

ruh: Neill, Viruhi'i,, (hinjunn/ of Lou'l'nt, L'74- .'Stl.

896.* Peter Arundle. Fta"iiifiit of a li-iti-r to John Smytli of Nil, ley cincfniini,' oj.portunities of Virj^'inia. NY.

VI. Ref: Smyth of Mhky I'ap.'i.s Suiylh, :;7.

fub: Calendar: .V. }'. J'uh. l.lh. livll.. 1. 189. A.L.


297.* Virginia Council. Settlement of the \sa;;ts of trade-'nien in N'irtrinia. LC.

IV. Ref: MS. Kee. Virginia Co., Hi, pt. ii, p. 4-;.


298.* "A Commission srranted by v.s the Tref Counsell and Companies for Virginia vnto our loninge frend Theodore \\'ads\vorth for a Voyage inten

ill. /,'-/.• Ad.litioiial MSS., 1428.^, f<.?. tiO-tJila.


299.* Virginia Company. The forme of a i'l'.tent to sueh Adiieu" whose share.'S exceedinpe oO'"': are exempted from jiayinue any lient to y Company for the per.'!onf! they transporte. " HI. JUf: Additional .M.SS. 14iS.5, fos. 58-

16S2. l-EBHUARY 4 AND 1623, HECEMBER 1 1 TO 1624, NOVEMBER 27

300. Council iu Virg-inia. The Conrle lii'oke. The oriirinal minute.-? of the Courts uf the Council in VirL'inia, held about once a nuMitli, to deii.le eoiitniversie.-', to hold trials of aeeu^ed persons, to hear petitions, and to pass orders coni-erning the affairs of the Colony.

' IV. Ref: HIS. Kee. Virginia Colony. LC.

1621 2


301.* Mayor of Plymouth. Request t'l Lord Treasurer of the fiillilmeiit of the promise that they be not interrupted in a lishing voyaj;e for Viririnia as tlireatcned by Sir Ferdinand Gorges. PRO. VI. R'f- State Papei-, Domestie, James I, Vol. exxvii. No. 92.

Pah: Ciile„


154 isjRuni cnox [1621,2-1022

KEBRUAnY 10 (i-

302.* State of cnsi- uiiil drii^ioii l»-t\vf.'ri .lohii Harvrav.-. pUilntilJ', and Sir Thcnms Piiu the et al.,

de£e!id:ii)tt;, wifW n-fcreiK'c to los.'^i':i of Barj^ravo liy beiii;: iirobilntoil Irt'e trade in \'ir- ginia, accoidii)!? to his jiateiit. PRii. [NY]

HI. licf: Slate f'aj.ers, Colonial, JallK^ I, Vol. II, Xo. 4, 11.

Piih: Saiii.-lnii-y, Culiuhxr

Tr.iii-LTii't, -Vew Ydrk Piiljjic Lilmiry. liiun-rofl VA\ms. I. Fo-, «7-).j:t. FEBRUARY 25

303.* Soiners Islands Comi^auy. Court foi Sonicrn I^land.^-. Conmiiftee to consider planting land

granteil l)y Vii-jiinia Conijiany lia-j inA met, and is eoinmanded to meet hereafter: al.-vj names of conuuittee. MC [LC] II. lief: Ferrar Papei-s.

[I'hdtd^niphio rt'prodnclion in the Library of Coiigres.':.]


304. >^ Soniers Islands Company. Cnnrt for Somer.s Islands: To invesliLrate the provernment and laws for Somers l~Uu.^ of yontli.s to Viiginia. ilC. [I-C]

II. i;,f: Ferrar Papers.

[fhotogniphic ri'prculiictions in tlie Library of rungrc^s.] 1622

MARCH [AFTER 25] 305.* Virginia Company eon. \Vye. Defense of Wye. PRO. [LC] III. 7;./; Adnn'ialty Court, Instanee and Prize, Lil>els SI, No. 21G. APKIL 30G.* Colony in Virg-inia. Letter to Virgini.a Company of London, describing the massaere and the needs of the Colony. I,C.

IV. AV/.- MS. Ree. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. 3, 3». APRXL

307.* Sir Edwin Soudys. A brief letter to John Ferrav rerpiesting frequent letters. MC. [LC]

VI. J!if: Ferrar Pajiers. APRIL, 12 (?)

308.* John Eaigra,ve. Cl..

VI. I'.'f: State Papers, Colonial, James 1, Vol. II, No. -I, I. Fiih: (1) Vii. Mag. ofllisl., VI, 22.1-228. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of Stat,- Pajieiv, p. 2S.

Tnmstrirt. New York IMblic Library. Bancroft Papers. I, fos. 4r>.T-47o.

309.* . Petition to til'- Privy t ouneil, complainhig against the eonipany and asking that his new plan of government be considered. PRO. [XY] VI. Ptf: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, Xo. 4. Pub: Sainsbury. Cahihlar of State Pa]ier.% Culoiiiul, pp. 28-29.

Triinsfripl. Xcw York I'ublic Library, Bancroft Papcrsi. I, fas. 4io-127. APRIL 13

310.* Governor in Virginia. Commis.sion by ( lovernor and Cajitaiii-General of Virginia to Capt. Roger Smith to eommand Charles City. LC.

IV. lief: ,MS. Records Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. 37.

APRIL, 15 311.* Governor in Virginia. Conani-ssion by governor and ea[itain-general of Virginia to Capt. Ralph Ilainer for trading. LC.

IV. Pef: >IS. Kec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. lu.

' 1633] /,/Nj' "/' 7///; i;i:( {.)!: I i.s 155


31 2. Patrick Copland. " Vii-'^inia's ( In.l l>i- Tliniikril, ur ;i Sciiucii of riinnksKiviiig for tlio Hjppie

snrrc.-s nl l!n' ;iil:ivn's in Vir-;;iiii;i tliis l.-i-l vcarc." I'rinir.l I'V nnliT of tin' I'oiiip.my. (l)JCT. (L'l NV ^n NKWn. (4)r.KlV.

V. J-ub: Nvill, ]•;., M.mun- ,,/ J:.:r. ralricL- Co/dnml, Cli. III.

D.Aliiiitr.l May .'J. I'rirui-i by ,1. ]>. fur Willhuu Sla'tTor.l !l[.

ii. .MV', IV. AVfV -M.'^. i:i-v. Viiyiiiia Co., Ill, pt. i'. APKIJj 20

814.* Governor i)i Virginia, ('ouiiui.—ioii by lln- ;^ovi rnor ami captaiii-frciK'ral of \'iri.'iiiiK lo Captain Smilli to niaove llif poopli, of llcniii-o IlfUUil aii.l Coxcnc.lalf. LC.

IV. /."./. M.'S. r.LV. Vi':'ii.i:i Co., III. pt. ii, ]'. :?7. APIUL, 22

315.* Sir Bdv.dn Sandys. -\ litter ti,' Julin l-orrar, alleging,' that iictitioii.-' to tbii Kiii^ onianatf

t'roiji Sir Thoy. Smith, and discii^.-iiij; Sjiaiii.-h at-fiL-atioiw. ^IC. [J.C]

HI. ]:>•/: Fwrar Tapers. APHIX, 26

316.* Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to Johu Feirar contennnf: valuo of Pfirpe in the I'ai-liiinal differences. ilC. [LC]

VI. I\if: Fonar Tapers.

A. L. S. APRIL 30

317.* Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to .Tohn Ferrar, nri:;inf; ii.-.:e of "'form" in State affairs and a]>proving Cajit. Kaeli's propo-itioii with reirard to fortifications. j\IC. [LC] III. AV/; Ferrar Tapers. MAY

318. Sir Francis Wiat. Letter from Sir Frar.eis ^Viat, ,i;

IV. I'uh: Outline; rurrhas, //;.- I'lhjn,,,,:.; Vol. IV, \)k. IX, Ch. 1.5, Sec. III.

319.* "Accomptof the cliar^e of the . 4 . servants sent into Virginia in the Shipfurthcninco."

VI. Hef: Smyth of Xibley Tapers, Smyth, ;h (oH), p. 1.5.3. NY.


320.* Privy Council. Daniell Frank, AVilliam and John Ireland, prisoners ... to be delivered to the "Governor of the Company of Virginia.'' PC.

1. Rcf: Privy Coun<'il Ketrister, James ], Vol. ^, p. o42.


321.* Governor in Virginia. Commission by governor and eajitaiii-general of Virginia to Capt. lialpli Hamer for trade. LC.

IV. J!:1: MS. Kee. Virghiia Co., HI, pt. ii, j.. 37".

MAY 18

322.* Governor in Virginia. Commission by governor and c.iptain-general of Virginia to Captain Smith to command "Tas-behay." LC.

IV. A'(/; MS. Itec. Virginia Co., HI, pt. ii, p. 37.

156 is-THonivT/os [I622

for siuli ;l^^ iin> A.Iuriituri-is liy pnyin^v inonvy 3S3.* Virginia Company. "TIil' Fdi-iiu' >>i :i riiti-nt int.i tho TiTii.-^ury (if y- Coiiipaiiy viiilcrtukiii}; to ti;ui~ii: ami plant loU: piTscm^." ]>.M. [LC] J II. AV/V .\a(Utional MSS., l-lLHi,"fn^. 4i)-.53. iiiclciiturf brtwctu tla- Virginia Com- 324.* . . "Tliefornic ofa Tateiit U>i a riaiiliTimly." Ad pany an

Jll. ]irj: A.Mitioiial M.SS., 141^5, f,,.-. ,>1-57.

15M. [LC] . I'lantation to .lolinn I'ounall, a Fri-ialmian. 325.* . A jrrantfor a private III. /,'//. .Vd.litional .MSS., I4L'.s.'i, los. ti.VOS. MAT 30

326.* Capt. John Bargrave. The answer of Capl. .Tohu r.argravf to his own a?peis)onf atrainft the presonl niiinagonifut. PRO. [XV] HI. Kef: State Papers, Colonial, .Tamc.'= I, Vol. II, Xo. 7, I.

I'ub: Sainsbmy Call itnar i>j .Suik I'lynr.i, Cvloiiinl, ji. ?,(>. TrnuaTipt, New Yerk Pnl.iic I.iljrary, Bancroft I'liix-rs, I, [us. -litf-llO.

jxrNE (?)

327.* Capt. John Bargrave. Petition to Privy Council, ilcelarinj; he had stated the present povern- nient frood horan-e pres--e(l by the Conneil for Vir>rinia to do so. PRO. [XY] 8. III. /?.'/.- .'^tate I'apers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, Xo. J'ub: Sainslmry, Cnl'mlar of Stale I'apers, <^oUininl, p. 30.

Traiucript, New York i'liWie Libniry, Bancroft p.-ipt-rs, I, fo.-i. •lfil-4i'.3.


328.* Virginia Company. Letter to Governor and Couneil in Vir^rinia, de.«irin.e .?ome commodities sent, and especially silk lor the Kini;. LC.

III. Jiif: MS. Kee. Virginia Co., HI, I't. ii, pp. 22, 23.


329.* John Pountis. Petitions "To S' Franci-^ Wyate Knii;ht Governor and Captaine Generall of Virginia and to the rest ot his Ma"" Counsell in Virginia." LC.

IV. li'f: MS. Hee. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. 58.


330.* The King. "A copy of the Kinjr's letter to the lis. touching the mainteininfr of the decree in Chaccry for S'Tho. Smith against Mr. Barj.'rave." BM. PKO. [LC] StatePapei's, Dome.'Jtic, I. Eef: (1) .\dditionalMSS.,1240rt, fo. 400. Cae=ar Papers. (2) jainesl, Vol. 1.31, Xo. 3S. Pnh: Sainshury, Cnkwhir of Slule Papers, Colonial, pp. 31-32. 331.* Governor in Virginia. Commission by governor and eajilain general of Virginia to Captain Mafldison to a~^;st the Potomaeks in war. LC.

IV. li'f: MS. Eec. ^ir;Iinia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. 37", .38.


332. John Martin, P>.obert Haswell. Petition to Kin^'to take certain forest land in Virj;inia into his own hands. LC. II. llcf: MS. Court Book, VirL'ini.i Co., il, 20. Pub: Kinfsbury, i'tc. Virijiuia Co., IL Court of this dute.

1623] i.i^T or Tin: iti:ci>i;h>< 157

333. Virginia Company. Aiiswc-i- nf tlif cijr.ii«oll ami riniijiiuiy to tlio iirlilioii nf J.ilm M;irliii and Has;-(.'ll. LC II. ;,'./.• MS. C.iurt Hook, Vir.ixiiiiil ('o., II, '1\.

I'lib: {I) Kiii-.-lmry, A'.r. I'/Vym/r, Co., II. (L') llrork, rinjiiilt!. Coi,>ii>i),y, 11, '21. (3) Xeill, K., \'iri/ini^t Ctuvpunii of Loitdon, 3I2-:;i3. 334. Adam Dixon. IVtitimi fn Kiiij: ('onceniiM)» the jio.^soi-sion of lunl in Virpinia LC. 11. R,f: MS. Court H.,ok, Vir;.'inia Co., II, 22.

I'nh: (1) Ki:ii.-iiry, U.r. V;r,j!„;a Co., It. (2) I'.rock, IVn/Z/i/n O w/xi////, I, ls,s-lsi). Court of tliisriate.

335. Virg-inia Company. Answer of the Virginia Cotnpatiy to tho [letitiun of AO.uii I'ixon. LC. 11. lirf: JIS. Conrt ISuok, Vir-inia Co., II, •_':'..

Piili: (1) Kinsi'bury, l;,:c. IV/;/'^"'" ''"., 11. (2) Urorlc, Vinftii'ia Comiiamj, I, ISO. 336. William Kemp. Thi' irrievance;^ of tlie inlialiitnut,-; of Kikatan (HIizabftli City) by tlie testi- mony of William Kenq). LC. II. lie}': JIS. Court Book, Vir-inia Co., 11, 2."..

Pub: (1) Kingsliiiry, /.'.<. I'hyiHi". I'o., 11. (2) I'.rock, Virginia f'o»///0),;/, I, 190-191.

Court of tliis rtnle.

337. Virginia Company. Answer of tlie Virginia Company to the grievances of William Kemp. II. AVf".- MS. Court iiook, Virginia Co., II, 2:5. LC.

Pub: (1) King.-lmry, J!,c. Vinjinia Co., II. f2) Dr.H-k, Viiviain Cow]>ayvi, 1, 191. 338. Capt. jVIathew Somors. Petition in the Kings Heneli to tlie King conceiTiing tho iliseovery and right lo the Somers Islaiul.s. LC.

II. />',/. :MS. Court Book, Viiginia Co., IL p. 21.

Pub: (1) Kingsliury, Po: Vinjii,i

Court of thi.-id:ife.

339. Virginia Company. Answer of the Virginia Company to the petition of Mathew Soniers. 11. Pi\f: :\IS. Court Hook, Virginia Co., II, 2.5. LC.

Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rir. Virifnua Co., II. (2) Kroek, Viroinla Conipamj, I, 193-19-5.

340. . Letter to Captain Aigoll. j^C. II. P'f: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 27-28. Pub: Kingsbury, Ue>\ Vinjinio Co., II.


341.* Sir Francis Wyatt. Coniniis.sion to ^'ir George Yardley to eommand on an expedition upon the coasts from 33° to 40° to make new discoveries for another settlement. LC.

IV. Rff: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., HI, pt. ii, p. ;->i. JVlvE 21

342.* . Proclamation against drunkenness, swearing, stealing boats. LC. IV. Ref; MS. Rec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. -16".

JUls-E 27

343.* Robert Ncv.'land. A letter to Niiholas Ferrar, concerning preparation to sail for Virginia. ' HI. Rej: Ferrar Papers. MC. [LC]

.\. I-. 8. JUNE 29

344. Virginia Company. Propositions to the lord high treasurer concerning the tobacco con- tract. ]^C. IL Ref: MS. Court Book, Viiginia Co., II, 31. Puh: Kingslniry, Rec. (1) Vin/inio Co., 11. (2) Brock, Vinjiuiu Coiiipm, ;/, 1, 19(i-l9S.

345. Viifjiiiia Company. riri[i(wiii.iiis in tlu' linil liigli lir;i:qn\i- cimciTiiin;.' the tubaft-ci luii- trait. LC.

JJ. 7.'.7'.- -MS. (.'(Mii-I ]'.nok, Vir-iiiiu ('o., II, 50-51.

J't'tb: (1) Ki]p-'^'t)un, /;..•. VInjnui (o., H. (i) Bn.ck, \-h;jmin 0.>:nj-r,„;/, I, 215-21S. JVJ.Y 10

34G. MoCu'jrnmge A'ir;^iiii:i. rrintc.l. ( MentiniRMl in llt-eistiT of I.onilon C'diiipuny of Stationers, 15(iL>-l(i:!S.)

V. /'«/.. Cit,-.l: ]i..[inrt nt .\iiuT. Hist. Apmc, IWiG, Vol. I, pp. 1l;51-1i'61. JULV OR 11

347.* John Bonoeil. Imprint of tlie treati.-^o on the culture of .silk worms, ineluiling:

{ ) The King, l.iltfr tn Irvii.'^urer, (U^puly, anil others of I the Virginia ('oinpany, roconiniend- in^ the netting up uf -ilk work?.

('.'.) "Virginia Council and Company. Letter to the i;ovei n^r and eonneil in Virijinia, endors-

ing the King's letter. Printed'. (IjlIAltY. (2) JCH. (:!) NY. (4j PKIV. V. Pah: Sainsbnry, Calfiidur of tftatt^ I'npers, Colonial, pp.31, It (Kin;;'s letter).

Impriiitefl I'tli-v Kius^tDn. King's letter is monfionud in Docquet Book, James I. See n»/e. No. 150. JULT 11

348.* Privy Council. Order concernina: the Spanish vessel wrecVicd on roa.'-t of Bermudas, of which Virginia Comiiany liad made re^lilntion. I. lief: (1) Privy Cunncil Kegister, James I, Vol. V, p. 4.31. (2) Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 7!i, p. 202.

Puh: Saiusbury, Coh-nd'ir of .'^lutc I'ajicn, Coloinal, p. 31. JtTLY 13

349. John Chamberlain. .\ letter to Sir I>udley Carlcton, concerning a pln]i arrived from Vir- vinia with news that savages have by .snr])rise sl;nn 350 (cireum) of the lOnglish. PRO. VII. lief: State Papers, Domestic, James 1, ^'ol. 132, >'a. 3S.

Puh: Sainsbury, Oilen'liir of Stale Papers, Colonial, p. 31. jtrcY 14

350. Sir Thomas Wilson. Indians have killed in Vivgiida 300-100 Englisli, and but for accident man, mother, and cliild had all Ixvn slain. PRO.

VII. ]iif: State Papers, l)onie.

I'ah: Sainsbury, CaU ndar of State Pajirrs, Coloiiiat, p. 31. JXn.Y 16

351.* Privy Council. Order for a report on j)etitiou of John Bargrave against Sir Thomas Siiiythe, Alderman Johnson, and others for unjust practices and miscarriage of government of the Virginia plantation. PC. [XY] I. Hef: Privy Council Re._-ister, Jaines T, Vol. \\ p. 43ft. Puh: Sainsbury, Cah:ndar of Slate Paper/, Culaaial, p. 31.

Transcript: New York Publii! Library, Bancroft, I, fo. Jii.

352.* Governor in Virginia. Comn-ission from governor and captain-general of Virginia to Daniel Tucker to command a plantation. ]^C.

IV. A't/V MS. Rec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. 36".


353.* Note of articles ready or to be provid.ei! for e.vportation by Virginia Company. BM. [LC] III. i?./.- Cotton MSS., Otho, E. X., fo. 121.

16S2] Lli^T or TLilJ unruium .. 159

354.* Note of nniis in tlic T<>\\ir N.r whii.li thf \"ii:fii)ia Cniiiiiaiiy aiv siiiliir.<. To be ileliveretl to tlu'jri. I'KO. I. AV/V St;.tc I'a|.ri>. C.lui.ial, .laiurs J, Vol, ]1, .No. ».

I'uh: Saili.4iury, ( it,„'l,ir nj St.n,- Pufrr.^, OJnnial. p. :i2.


355.'' Privy Council. Oplrj- of I'l i\y C'ouucil lli.it uLU-a-l arm- in T.jv,ci. niiiit for mo'lcni >i.s<;,

bi-' .li-li\(MV(l to N'ir.'ini.i (".mi|.ari_\' for n-- apiinst Iinliaii.-^. (1; I'C. (•_') I'liO. [XY]

!4'.i. I. A'.;'.- (\) I'rivv ('..nn.-il K.'L'islor. .Imiw< I, \\.l. V. [.. (2) Colonial Kntrv Book,

Vol. 7;-. p. '<:'..

I'lifi: Sain.-'biiry, r,il,,i'h:i- af StuI, J'lip, rs, Cnlnninl. ji. ilL'.

Trans(Ti|.t: Ni'W V..;l, Pr.l.Iii- l.il.rnry. HiUirmft I'.i]-. iv. |, f,„. 4S1-1K3.


3t)6.* Treasurer and Council for Virginia. I.i.ttor tu frovi-niur and council iu \'irr,'iuia, concern-

in;_' [>nitcrtin?i {npin Imlian-^ and sdic ini|iortatii>n of tol):icco. I.C.

ill. }l--j: (1) M.<. Kri-. N'ir'.'inia Co.. Ill, pt. ii, ]>[). iW'-ih. (•_') instrnrtions, Conimis-

sinns, an. I l.i-tt. i>. Iiim; -li',';:;, pi). !irj-107.

I'oh: Xcill. Vn

357.* John Smyth. .\ li-t of -crvaiUs i> niaininL' in Vimini.i. XY.

VI. lirj: ^\n\\\\ of Nibloy I'apcrs Sniytli :'. (:;7), pp. l-".:! -l.'il. J'l.h: X. v. I'i'l,. Lih. }!,.!l.. Vol. ill, pp. •.'!i:;-:.'!i.|. Cataln-ae: II.U/., I, p. 1,S7.


358.* Privy Council. .V w anant ^layiiiu' tlic f\cTntion of .la.~. W'liai Ion and an order sending him to vii^diii.i. rc.

I. AV/.- Privy Council Uc-i.-;.-,-, .lame- [, V..1. V. p. R>.i. BEPTEMBBR

350.* John Carter, rrtitimi t" thr I'rivy Ciiiiinil ^i a ]i'>or di>lrc,--cd pri-oucr bi be reconnnended for transportation to \'ir;.'inia. PlvO.

III. Ref: State I'apeit', C'lonial, Janus I, Vol. 11, Xo. li'. State Faper.s Honiestic, James

I, Vol. i:;.!, No. 10.

I'hIk Sainslinry. C-l. „.;„, vf >l,:t, I',:/., rs, i „l.„iiiil. [u :'.:i.

til 300.' "A warrant to the lord TrOr, L'ive nrdii- . . . for . . . delivery vnto tlie Company for the Virginia Plantacon of ItMiil. hn.une liill.^." TRO.

1. 7,V/.- Doc.|iiet Hook. Sii;net ( iHi.e, V,.l. 7. 861.* Sir Edwin Sandys. \ leiler im Mr. .lolm I'er-ar, com-cniiii:.' the discouragement? iu the Vir-

ginia bi!.-ine,=s, the ill effect-. 'f the lia.l m \vs fr.iin Lady Wyatt, and his phin.s for Virginia.

III. R'-f: FerrarP;M"i-. MC.

I'lil,: ]^in,i,i': .V.f;/. .///.-./., .\", .117-llS.


362.* Governor in "Virginia. Coiumissir.ii by governor ami captain-general of Viru'inia l.> Sir George Year.liey to make war on the hLiian-:; also for bis voyage to ramunkey. IX'.

IV. A\;> ilS- I'cc. Virginia Co., HI, pt. ii, pp. '.'.s', :j9.

2610.5-0.5 11

KiO iMJ.'iini rv/ov [leas

f'.EPTKlvttiKR 11

363. "The Late Miissaiiv in Viijiiuui." "Al'nfiii." I'RO \'. /!t/: MaiU'liy.-tt.T l';i|Hrs.

IMir,, J'lib: Cited: -l//,tr. Jli-^t. A.-s,,r. Iq,!., 1. pi,, ]2.">l-12(il.


364.* Sir Edwin Sandys. I.i'lti.-r to Juliii l\'uui, mihiiiiin;,' t.rx.ks :iu.l Icttor^ U> Ijc sent to Colony l.y "Abi-Mil." MC. [LC]

in. Ri'J: Fcrrar Papors.

.\.L. s. 1G22 3


365.* Thomasin Woodshawe. Petiti'in to tlie govcrnoi- ot ^'niinia. LC.

IV. };]': .MS. Roc. Vir.'iiiia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. os. 366.* Richnrd Pace. Petition to j.'o\>>rnov and coumil in Vir;rinia. LC.

IV. U,J: V.>. !Ur. Vir-iuia Cc, HI, pt. ii, \,. 5S. 1622


367.^ Virginia Company. .\ li.-tti.-r to the L'ovprnor aii'l niinu-il in Vir;_'inia, rc.ni-i'iniii;^ Inrllii-r advii-e alinut il-.-stroyini: the iIulian^l. LC.

III. l;,/: .MS. Ke. . Vi.-inia Co.. 11 J. pt. ii, p. L'.-r'-l'7.

i'l'l:- Nl-i1I, Vn-fj;i,ia r,j,„j„,„,i ,_,/ I.,„,'lo„. pp. :;i7-3-=iil.


368.* Sir Edwin Sandys. ,\ k-ttt-r tn .lobn Fc-rrar, concerning " Fonar"s rtniembranri-.-^.'' 'brieves at de^pcrati- con.lition of (,'olony. MC. [I,C] VI. Jtcj: Fenar Papers.

A. I.. S. OCTOBER 18

369." Thomas Kamour. Petition tii ;jiivernnr and council in ^'iri:il)ia. LC.

IV. }:,•/: MS. lUr. Viiv'inia Co., Ill, ]it ii. {i. oS.


370.* GoveruOi- ofVirginia. Cnnnui.-sii-ii to Capt. Ualiili Ihinu-r to force a trudewith the Indian.-^ for provi-'ii'iis for the ( 'nlony. LC.

IV. Ji'f: MS. Par. Vir.'inia CV,., Ill, pt. ii, p. :-!9.


371.* Governor of Virginia. C'lninii^.-inii to Cajit. William Fdni, alia.-i Smup^,,]!^ i,, trade for corn, etc.. between tiie kit. -VA^ and tll^ LC.

IV. J:


372.* Pri-vy Council. Order tliat, on TliurMlay A. y.. Nov. M [IHL'2], the partie.-^ on both fides bring witnesses before the I.tds, and the (ape Mi-n-bant ni the N'iiL'inia Company be present. PC. \'«[. M'.I. 1. !!rf: I'rivy Comicil Ret:i>ter, .Jainea 1, \ , \k

1C22] LIST or iiti: ui:rvnijs \qi


373.* George Sandis. «l'>r anil loiuu-il in N'itiririia I'uiioiTiiinj; tlio trjiisfer nf ••^iTvanl.-- lit William Nmv, lalrly iloi-i-ascil, to liis t'-tatis in litii nf KM iiidohtiHlnoss. IV. A'./; MS. lie.-. Vii-^'inia Co.. Ill, y\. ii, p. :«l. Lc.


374.* Governor ofVirgiuia. ('nIlMlli^^i.u t.i rai)tai7i ]^aak ^^aKii^^ol^ and lIohiTt Bemu't to t>-.;iif for corn lutnt-i n tlic !at. :;:'.= and 4o'. \q

.-'..•'. ]V. /;,/. MS. K.T. Vir.'iniaC'o., Jll, i.l. ii. [..


375. John Djiine. .\ (rcr'uoii pn-at-hc-il Im tli" IlonoraMo O'Mij.anic of tin- Viri:iiiia I'lautacoii by .lolin Dun (i. o. Jiouni') di.-anr of M. I'aul-. l.oud.Mi. I'rinti d. V. mJCi;. IIMXY. i:i)l'l!IV. (4) .A111.<. ^o) xewu.


376. John Chainberlaiu. .\ 1. tti-r to Sir l)udlcy Carl. •Ion i-on rrnin^r tliL- slthkiu liy tho t>can (jf Pauls. PKO.

YIl. /,'./; Slato I'ai..,T.-, J)oln.v-ti.-. .fames J, Vol. livl, No. ).").

I'oJj: CaK-udar: Stnl.- V'lj,,::-. Jj;„it.-^llr. \\.\. l:j4.


' 377. Privy Council. .\ warrant to drliwr .Juliii C;til.-r to l....rd .Sackville to Ik- si-nt !• VirLrinia. \'. ]. !;/: ]'ri\y Coiiiiril Kt-iristt-r, .lana- I. \\A. j.. .Mf;. , IX'. NO^rEarEER 20

378.* Privy Council, i )rdrr to Cai>t. Jolm ISarL'ravf if. Sir Thomas Smyth to delivir Iiif complaint ill writin;.'. p(j^

I. AV/.- Pri\y Comu-il i;o.'i>ti-r, .lamos I, \'ol. V. [.. .^IS. BECEMBEK

379.* Henry Karten. Iv-rrfc in ca-c of tlif Vir.-iiiia Coini..iiiy with W've. absolving' Wvo. III. A' Garland, e.\|itlkd Younge on a-spcr- sioiis of Ki.ibfrt-. PKO. III. AVyV .Vdmiralty C'mrt, Instance and Prize. Libels SI, No. 2^li.


381. Doctor Donne. .\ letter to Sir Thus, lo.c, givini: particulars concerning; his sermon befoie the Kin^r and Virginia (.'oniiiany. I'fiO.

YIL J!>/: State Papers. Domestic. .Janes I. Vul. r.jl, Xo. .5;'.


382.* John Maiten. "Tlie Ke.inest.s of my Irt.itlicr Jolm Marten to tlie Virginia Oipaiiy: (iis offer

touch, that Col>any/' i\yi^ [-j_(^'-|

III. i;>'/: Additional MSS., 1lM!m;, f-. -|.=ii>. (Caesar Papers.)


383.* Governor and Council in Virg-iiiia. Proclaniatiou of <;o\ernor ami council in Virginia

against enjrrossin.!^ commodities. j (_'

IV. He/.- :MS. Kee. Vip.:inia Co., 111. ].t. ii, p. 47.


162 i.\Ti;oincriox [I622-IG23


384.* Jho. [Johu] Martin. "TIio m;iniit-r lioui' in l.iinjio thr Indians into !-ubiL-i.tion \v'''ont luakingi- an uttir extirpation of tlieni togfllior \v"' the reasons. BM. [LC]

^'I. 7i'-/.- Aa

385.* • "Tlio manuor liuwe Virginia may be made a Royall iilantation ." ]'>M. [IX'J VI. L'tf: Additional >ISS., ll'Wii, foa. -I.i


386. Council for New Enffland. I.i'llci In l><- writhii tn Ihe In-ii-iiier nl' \'ir'„'inia Cniupauy

again.-l .Jnjn > I'ni roliViin;,' nali\ •- n|' N'lw Ijr.'iiiidnl lin'ii I'nr- .ind lakiir^' >nmi' jirisniuT.-.

VI. AV,.- Slate I'aper.", Colnnial, .laiiicsr 1, \nl. II, pp. _( -jr-,. I'KO.

rii!'.- S.iinslmry, Culafl",- nf Sim. l',i/,.,:\ r,,/„„;.(/, p. :;.->.

387. Sir Thomas Coventry. Sir 'I'linuius C'nvenlr\- (allnnmy i.'eiuT;il ) In tin- l-;arl nf ."Middlese.x,

retiiriiiiiL.' the I'roelamalinn I'nr Tnl>aeen, enrieeU-d. KP.

\U. nrf: y.>i<. of l-arl De L:'. Wair.


( 'aptaiii lUitler's ot Virginia. ( ) 388. Captain Butler. Di.-masking 1 1>C. C.'jPPO. [^'V] IV. JieJ: .MS. Court Ko.ik, Virginia Co., L'Tl-L'. (2) State Papers, Colonial, (1) .IJ,"^ James I, Vol. II, Xo. 20. I'lih; (1; King.sl)iiry /.'/v. 1";, ;/;„», r,,.. 11. (L'l iimek, Mnjlnin rcij.'nni, II, 171-

173. (3) Sailir-buiy, ('tlcmidin/ Si„tc Pajurs. p. 'd\K


389.* Governor and Council of Virginia. Petition ti_) tlie King lor the grant of the sole importa-

ti..in of tohaeco to them and to .Somers I^rland. PRO.

III. lii-'J: State Papers, Colonial, Jame.s I, Vol. I, [i .5.

Pub: Salnsbury, Oilrndar of Sale t'np,:,/', p. .50.

[1622 3]

390. Paper touching the disen^si(jn of salaries in the Snnuner Islands eompany. PRO.

II. J.'ff: -Maneluster Papei-s, So. 300.

Pub: Hist. MSS. Com.. Ki-jhllt Rrptji-I, pt. 2, p. 3S.

1623 (?)

391.* Proportion of the eharge to furnish and transport si.K men to Virginia, estiuiated at £114 19'. tj'.

III. AV/V State Papers, Colonial. James I. \'ol. II, No. r,4. PRO. [XY]

Pub: Sainshury, Ottnuhrnf .^hile P./jn;-.'. Oihjni'il, p. .56.

TriUi.-cript N'oh- York Put.lic Library, liunftuit, II, fos. 5-7.


392.* Petition for a warrant by the late Undertakers for the importation of Tobaeeo. At counril it

was agreed that the I'nilertakers should reeeivi/ 3 il. per pound on '-'SiiOO pounds. III. AV/.- MSS. of Karl De I,a Warr. KP.

Ptib: Calenilar: Hist. JISS. Comnj., fuvrlh Pqiorl, p. l'.s3.

1623-1GS2 3] LIST OF TUi: UlXOints lfi3

1623 (?) OR 1617

393.* The King;. Oiik-r \^ Aielibirhoii^ of Omterbiiry and York, leiiuiiiiif; ttiein to avraiige for tlii> collection of liberal coiitrilintions, go that the Undortakors of the Virginia plautatioii may erect rlnnvheM anil sfhools. I'KO.

1. ;.'./.• iSlute rajicrs, Colonial, Janieb I, \'ul. 11, No. J7.

/'";..- ( Anderson, Ifhlorii the Churrh JJniihuul in ll„- 0'l-)iii,\~\ ."15-316. 1) of cf i>\>. (2)

.^ainslmry, Oilnirljir ',/ Sl,il,_ l;_iji,rs, ('„/„„;„/, j,, -iji.

Diik' ill S.iin.vlniry. I6J;;, but triveii l.y AiL.x:iniloi Kr.iwii, li;i7.

1623 (?) EARLY

39-1.* Mr. Gibbs. To Sir K. Sa[n.i]. \oti-s of proroedinjs before l,ord<-' Conimissioners coueernin;; (.'a|itain r.;i!li-r',- uajna--kinu' of Viru'inia. Tli'imas Suiilli's records, the "black box," etc. 1. 7,V/.- Ferrai- Papers. MO. [IX']

IlMlor.-i'UU-m ill tlu' nutuyr.-.ph ,,i .I.ihii I'lrnir. l'liol,j!ji;,p!,i.- rc|.m.lurtion ill llu' Lilmiry «t

395.*" Alderman Joliiison. "Aldoruian .Tolinsons Declaratione of the rrosperouM estate of the


]JI. Hef: (1 ) MS. Uec. Vir-inia Co., Ill, pt. 1, p. 4. C-') Manchester Papers, Xop. 344-340. The >(:inflic.

1622 3 (?)

39G.* Statement of adv.mtaire.s tu VirL;iiiia and Siiiiiiner l.dand companies of a contract in force cciniparcd wilh a jircvious periinl from Kilfl. PRO. A'./; -Alaiichester ]'ai>ers. No. 3U.

I'uh: Calendar: Hist. MS.S. Com., J:iihlh liqj.jrl. [.t. 2, ].. 3S.

Kflwiinl .'i. .^moKiaiili m" ColliiiKw.H).! i


S97.* John Robinson's son. Petition to 'iovertmr Wyatt. LC.

IV. AVrV AIS. Kec. Vir;;inia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. .5t>."


398.* Governor in "Virg:ima. Instiuctiuns Ijy j./-uvcnini- aid captain ^'enural of \'irt;inia to Tucker concerning; ti'ade. j (j

IV. 7.V/.- MS. Rec. Vir.ri7iia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. :;r..


390.* retiti.ai to Ch^^rlcs Earmoun. (locci noi \Vyatt. X,C.

IV. J:-f: MS. Uec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. :',S.


400.* Virginia Council, letter imm Cnuncil in Virginia to Virginia Company of London, acknowledging arms sent, and defending colonists for acts in ma.=.sacre. LC'. IV. lii'j: MS. Uec. Virginia Co., Jll, jit. ii, pp. A-n.^

Pub: Xeill, Viryinia Compmuj of London, \^\>. 303-370.

104 !X-Ji:oin cTiox . [I6223


401.* Privy Council. Ordor tliut Jolm iiaivnivc |. iilii-ar Iruuliliii;^ Sir 'I'hoiiia- Sniilli. I'C.

I. 7iV_/V IVivy Counci! Eegistor, .laiuc^ 1, \'ol. V, ji. 5i)4.


402.* George Harrison. Letter to hi.sbr..tlii-r, .Jolm Harrison. .\(!c-onnt-;\vith Mr. Ik'niiftt. PRO.

VJ. AV/V State Tapers, Colonial, James I, V..1. II, No. IV.

I'vli: Sainsbury, Cj' !^kilr /'up>-i!<, Oihniinl, p. ",(;,


403.* The Governor, (ioiineil, and .Vsseitidly of Virfrinia to thfi Kins, represi'Dtina; C'ajit. Xathan liullcr's iiifonuati.ju entitled '-Tlie Unuiii-skinj; o£ Virginia." I'KO. [XY]

IV. Ref: State Tapers, Colonial, James 1, Vol. II, No. 20.

I'uh: Sainsbiiry, ('itlmihii- •/ Si.ilr I'li/tn-^, Otl

A. R Trunseriiit. New York I'lil.lk- l.iNrary. Uancrnit I'iipcrs, I. Fns.4'i7 .W".

404.* [Sir Wnthan. Ttich ] Toiv_'li note's toiiehini! tbe affairs nf tbe Virginia and Sinnnier Island Companies, especially the .salary, (frasmeiit). PRO. VI. nej: Manchester Papers, No. S04.

Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Kujldl, JUpi.rt, pt. 2, p. .38.


405.* Pai^ers t.inehinjc discussiiin of salaries in the Snnimer Island Company, on Feb. 17, 1022,3, Jnne 111, Tds. I'RO. II. 7.V/.- .Manchester Papers, No. 309.

I'nh: Calen.lav; Hist. MSS. Com., E'tjhth ];rj„„-t, pt. 2, p. 3S.


406."- Privy Council. Order for a eordract between the Lord Trea.surer on behalf of Kin<; and the

Virginia Company tounlun^r the impMrtation of toliacco. (1) PC. (i'j PRO. I. AV/V (1) Privy Council Reyi-ter, James I, ^'ol. V, p. .>S3. (2) Colonial laitrv Koi.rk,

Vol. 711, ].. 203.

Pah: Sainsbnry, ('lUnidar of Slulf papers, (.'ohnial, p. 37.


407. Mr. Wrote. Mr. Wrote's Project concerning salaries. LC. II. At/.- :MS. Conrt Book, Vir-inia Co., II, 136. Pub: Kingsbury, Rfr. ]'ir;pniH Co., II.

408. Objections against the salaries. LC.

II. Ilf'f: M.'«. Court P,..ok. Virgini^i Co.. II, IGS-llW.

J'lil.: King.=bury, AV'-. Vn-'jinu, C,,., 11.


409.* Governor of Virginia. Order or \\an-ant demanding sap^afi-as, tiO,000 poinids, to be sent home. LC.

IV. J!>f: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii. p. r,v:


410. Proiiosition agreed on by the Lord High Treasurer of England and the Comi'any


111.* [Sir Nathan. Rich.] Kir-i l;..ii>'h Hr.iU of :i i.M,i)u.--ili,,ii f,„- ih(.> ^ulvaiK-eiiifntol ills Majesly'n Jifilil, ami tlic ).'o,i.l c,l \ir-iiiia :iihI thi' Smniiirr I-hiii'l-' !> si'llliii*; tlie trade of tobacco. VliO. III. n.j: M;iiirh'.-trr ]'ai..TH, Xos. 312, ;!13.

/'./'.; Calcii.!:!!-: Ili-t. MSS. Com., Ki'jhih l;,i,„rt, \>\. L'. p. :!S. 412. Pn.per t.iirhiii:; the dlsc.-ii-.-ii.ti nf .Nilarii-.-^ in tli.; SuiiiriuT I^;lall'l- ( 'niiipany. PKO. VII. /../.Man.'luyKfi- l'ai»fi,s -Vu. :;iii.

/'".'-. C'alcn.lar: Uisl. >iSS. Com.. /.'/;/.',//. /.'./...,/, \,\. i. p. :;s.

1022 3, MAKCH. TO 1024. JUl.Y

413.^ Eoug-h i;iat> ol an (.Jliuiait.- ni ihc \.'iliir to tlu< Kiiiir icr a year .if tlu- inoposcil prcomption of tnliaocound iicpjicr. J'RO.

III. n>-J: Manrlu'stiT I'ap.Mv, X,.. MM.

l',il,: I'alrihlar; lli,-l. .M.^S. Com., /.V./A//, /.Vy.'.

["MA near]

414.* [Sir Nalhan. Rich.] Notes ui. the T.jl.aero C,,ntia,t. PKO. III. ;.-/. .\laiulu-ter I'ai.irs, .No. :;|i;.

I'tilr Calendar. lli

415.* G. S.[audysl? A letter to .Mr. Farrer l,y the '• Ih.pcwell." PRO. IV. lUf: Manehe.-ter IVjiers No. Ids.

I'lil-: lli-t. MSS. Com., Kiffhih lUj.'ni, \.t. L', ]i. 39.

A. I.. •<. Iii'.iii»r„i.li iif Miiic.Kr:,(.h ill ilu' Lil.nuy iiiCmKrP.is.


416. Privy Council, ("jrder eoneirnin.;.' the iiii[ini(atiiin of L'ood.i Irom enlony to enforce order of October ir.LM. 21, I IX:. (2) Plit). Ill) PC. [.\Y] II. Rif: (1) .M.'^. Conrt I'.o,.!;. Vii-inia <'o., 11, 2:;2--2:::;. (2J Coloi^ial Knfry r...ok. Vol.

79, p. 2u:J. C.i) Pn\-> O.iin.il Ue^i-irr, .lame.-^ I, V,,l. V, p. (IKS.

I'ul: (1) King.

417.* Governor in Virginia. Ord.>r of ihe l,'o\ ,-rii,.r and eaptain-Keneral of Viiijinia to ke'eji tlie 22dofMar.h holy, forever after. Pale of the nia.~.-aeic. LC.

IV. B,j: MS. Pee. Vii-inia Co. , 111, pt. ii, p. ."d".


418. Virginia Colony. I'e'tition to KiiiL' eonr.-rnin'.' the tohai 7-0 trade. LC. II. AV/.- M>. Court Hook, Virtriiiia Co., 11, 221.

J'lil.: (1) Kin;.'shary. AVr. ro-./oe-i C,,., Vol. II. (2i P.roek, \'h-ijmk( Comprnn, II, 221.


419.* Frethorne. Copy of a letter from I'retlioriio to i'.alenian, de^i'ribin;x the distre.*,- of theoolonv due to the nia>saeiv. ^ PKO. VT. };>/: Mauehester Paper-, .\o. .S17.


420. Virginia Company. .\np«er to Privy t'ouneil, eoTavrnini; imjiortation of nooils and toliaceo iroi.i eoiony. LC. II. A't/.- il^. Court r.i.ok, Virginia Co., Ii, 2:;iJ-2:;7.

I'nh: (ij Khi>.^i'nry, A'.e. V,r-jn.;„ (;,., II. (l') Binek, T7/-^;,i;<( ('ompmij, II, 130-131.

160 ISTIiOJJiCTIOX [1622 3-1623

421.* Order of roml f.ii Virginia uud Suinmor Isliiiul. rnMc'triiiu- I.'.pl r'avrmlisJi's fiiviiDission of «

part of L(>nl Trfii.-iirer'.s S]ii-.x'b -.a CIouu.si'll 'rabk- toiuliiiij,' AKiiTijiaii Joliiwon. 11. A'-yV renar l>aiKTs. MC. [LC]

Pliotograi'liic rei'Vo.lui-li.in in l.il.niiy ct I'.niKress.

Sik'llOil hy E'l. CnlliMi;«,«i,l. Ili^lorsed ill :llltngTiipU nf CdllillgwiK-l. 422.* A rough ilraft of above. JIC. LC. II. liij: Feirar I'apers.

Inrtiirsod in ColliiiBwi nixl .Inliii Ki.'imr's iviiting.

Holograph of JCii. Ci.lliiigHo.i.1.


423.* Extraordinary court of SiiMU'i- Islarnl. coiucniiu!: the trrievaiico.s of inbabitants of Siiniiijer Island. Part of the bhirrtMHiook (.'). MG. [liC] II. /'./.• Konar fajicrs.

Plir.iiignii.liic ruijroiliiitioii aiul lriiii-;iTiiit in the l.itirury "f Coiigiess.

.Mait.ij:.iK,lliic- ili«,il,.t;r,ii.I, (..'.loliU Kiil.ir.


424.* Reasons offereil to I''rivy Coiiiipil a:_'aiti''t Sir lAhviii Saiiclys's (.ontract ami jonit .>--toek for the

Virginia ami Summer Ir-land toliaeco, ami aj^'aiiir^t nioiioj-nly .'f tobacco. VllO. [XY]

III. /./.- State Papers, Colonial, .lames I, Vol. Ill, X'o. 10.

I'ni: Sain-'biny, Calendar of Slali' ]'aj)ei:i, Culonial, p. oV).

Tniiiscript: Xinv York I'ublic Ubmry, Uiuu-roft I':i|.trs, U. 4i:i-4J9.

lni!f in Sain-lmry, Mar.'h iU. liv.':; i. On M.';. in rijm™i|«iiioy « riling. March 20, ]C22'3.


425. Virginia Coxnpany. Petition to tlie Privy Council concerning.' importation of tobai'co. LC.

III. P.rj: .MS. Court pMink, Virginia i\<., 11, 1.'-I4-L'4.h.

Ptih: (^) Kin;rsbnry. U,.-. Vi,-;/!iiHi C,,., Vol. 11. (!') Prork, Vir'jin'ia rmnpnvii, II,


426. ' [Lord Treasurer Iliddlesex.] Copy of a letter to •jffiier? and farmev.s of customs, and to Abraham and John Jacob), the collectors wlio had delayed the passing; of the tobacco in a ship from the Pennudas. PKO.

I. liff: Manchester Pajier-, No. 2!I3.

Pn},: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., I-j'jhIh ];.p,„i, pt. l", ].. :';7.



427.* George Sandys. Letter from Cer.r^;e S.-mdys to Samuel Wrote. PKO.

IV. P,f: Manchester Papers, No. ;;i;).

Pub: Xeill, E., Vinjhiia V,lu.



428. Samuel Matthews. .V letter conecrninj; the property of Thomas Shetlield, and his .son, who was tonj;iie-tied. PKC. III. Ref: Admiralty Court, Instance and Prize, Li bids SO, Xo. IIS.

1C23] J. 1ST ill' 'Jiir l,'i:roniis \Q1

MABCH SO 429.* George Sandys. A letter to his l.rothcr, .Sir- .~<;uuiiul Saii.lys. imimlitij; the cau^o of "theyv ill in. ir,-fdiiiL.'s to y" (liri\'tinri,-i from hi-iici'." I'RO IV. y,'./.- Maiu'Iu'.-^tcr I'aiKT-. Xo. :«).

/'"/,: .MS.-.. Calund.u-: lli.-i. Com., lli-jhH, I;.jmi-I, \.t. 2, |i. .">

430.* l.'tu-r to lii-- Sir A br.Ulirr, Milrs Sanilys, coMiplainiii- tlrat the cokmy -svonli] have " tiOfii >lii.n;r liail tlioy s.-tHcil close togothi-r. PRO. IV. J:,f: .Mau.-hesti-i- l'ai.(>r>, Xo. ;5l.>l. J'kI.: Calendar; Hist. "M.

Traiiscrii.t: N,-w Vurk rul.li.- I.ihnuy. liMiu roft papers, 11. foli...: y-i3.


432.* "William Capp. letter to .lohii A F

IV. /.Vf.- Manchester Pai,er~-, Xn. :';2-i.

I'lih: Calendar: Hist. MSS. C..m., i:i,ihll, Ilcimrl, \,X. 2. p. :l<».

(MARCH OR APRIL (?1] 433.* William Capps. .1 li-iler to Dr. AVyiisloii, .-.iisir.-iu;.: thironneil. A friejid of Captain Butler.

VI. /,'(•/.- Maui-he.-ti-r i'apeis, .Xo. "iT.'.. PRO.

Pub: T'alendai : Hist. MSS. C.,in.. i:i:ihll, l:,,„jrl. pt. 2, \k :W.

[APRII,"] 434.* [Nathan. Kich] Bur:.frave's eharire a^'ain-^l Sir Tlioma.-^ .Sniyth. «ith answers in roudi draft ' l>y [Xathan. Rieh.] Pj^q VI. i.V;'.- Manchester I'aijers, Xo. .'^rd.

Pub: Calenilar: lli-t. MSS. ','om.. Kin)in, Hrpnrl. jit. 2, p. 4;!.

[APRIL OR TrtA-y-']

43.e>. Nathan.. Butler. .\ letter to Xathaniel Rich. VRO VI. 7u/.- Manchester Papers, Xo. .3.5.5. Pub: Hist. Calendar: MSS. Coin., E'ujhih Pepnrt, pt. 2, pp. 43—14. 436.* List lit of names of persons to be Governor an.l Deputy fJoveruor of Virf;inia and Summer Island Companies. PRO VI. iiV/'.- !Manche-ifr Papers. Xos. :!.)(;, a.)7, 3.58, 359.

Pub: Calendar: lii-t. .MSS. Com., Eii/Iifh Pejmrt. pt. 2, p. 44.

(APRII,J^Uin5] 437.* [Nathan. Kich] Xotrr- of the " Ires from Vii-ginla; all hut Fretliorne's, well must be added ' out of the Copj.y at hn-L'e." PRO VI. A'//.- .^[anehestcr Papei-.s, Xo. .'JIO. Pnb: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Ki./hlh I:^p,„l, pt. 2, j,. 42. BEl'-WTEEN APRIL AND MAY

438.* [N. Rich] Rough notes of heads and references ^o prove charges of misnianageineut atrainst the Sandys faction of the \'ii^inia Company. PRO. [LC] VI. Pef: Manehestcr Papers, Xo. 342. J'i(b: Calendar: Hi~t. :\rSS. Com., E!'il,l!i liepm-i, pt. 2, p. 42.

1()8 IMUiilil crWX [1623


439.* Adventurers and Planters. C"ni|il:iiiif Imiu iiihotiliirors ami phuilfis t.i ]Ii<; .Maji'.-tv's

cOIi)Illi^.-.i'ln"^s iipiin^^t Sir VA. ^nu(\\< e-t iil. in tlir ln-t t'imr ytMis of the i;(iveriiiiif>nt. HI. /!,/: M.iii'hi'Hlcr I'jipers. N(i. :;4;;. PKO. ;•/(',. C'drn.lai-: \\i

440.^' iif [Alderman Johnson] I'ait oi a .Inift :i ^tateiiiciit i im.ltT heads iiuiiilxMed ]iV,S9) touching; tlu' lui.-i'rahle cuiiditiMU of \'ir;;inia and its cau^rc.-^. VW).

VI. I:,-/: Maiifhi-sicr I'aprr.s, ^no-. 'MT. '.U'^.

Piih: Calen.lar: lli-l. .MSS, C,,,,)., I'.ujhlh l!Kj.n,l, j.t. 2, pp. -i-J-iX

441.* Statement "froiii attestation ni i'.Ivits sinlirinit aniloi-.laiidinj; sea lucn" a.-' to Iho bad condi lion in Virginia. PKO- IV. A'«/.- Manrhustir I'a).. ns No. 319,

/'»/,.• Calendar: Hist. (-..ni.. /w-//-//. J!./,,,,-!, pt. 4:!. MSS. 2, i>. 442.' [N. r>,ich] I'.i'Ljiiiuiiiu' of ronLdi iliaft nf a reitilicnte allii'miuf.' Ilic trntli of statements of Captain I'.iitli-r. VllO. HI. Hrf: Manrhester l'a]>crs, No. :;.">0.

/'"/.. CaleJidar; Mist. MSS. (-,,ni.. K'-yhlli JUpoii, pt. 2, p. 4:!.

443.* Note of the men sent to Virginia in Sir Tliomas Sinythe's time, over liOO '' confessed," witli nanies of shij'S •onveyiiig them. PRO.

VI. }!pf: Maiiehester Papers, No. :i-")2.

Pah: CaUnidar: Hist. ?iISS. Cm., VJuhlh flrj.ort, pt. 2, p. 43.

(APKH. ?]

444.* Answer of Adventurers and Planters in Vir^'iiiia and Summer l!'Ianited to His Majesty hy Lord Caveiidi.^h et ah in name of Coiupanies. PRO.

HI. /.'<;;"• .Manrlu-st>-r Papter^, No. ;>");?.

P'll'.- Calendar; Iii>t. M.>S. Com.. Eii/hth i:.,.n,l, pt. 2, p. 43. APKIL

445. Alderman Jonnson. Ivtitiou of Adventurers and Planters to the Kiiii;, jiraviug the appoint- ment of a eommission to investiL-afi the ahu.ses of the Virginia affaii-s and propoimd a reform. (1) PRO. (2) LC.

A'..:'.- .;2S. VI. (1 ) ;Maiadic.~.ter P.ijier-, No. '2) MS. Court Book of the Virtrinia Company, il, 270-271. Piih: [V) Kingsbury, I!,r,,nly Vnylnln Cn., II. (2) Neill, rirgbva Coinpany of Lon- don, pp. 387-3S9. (3) Urock, Virifmki Cwiipnnij, II, 169-170.

The indijrsemtnt givi's .Vltlermiiii John^nn ivs the author. The auto.^mph is .mite dillerent from Johnson's. TiiJ- i< reoor.lc-.l in the Conn Bonk mifler thft dnte oi .-iprii Is.

446.* " Names of Adventurers that dislike y present proceeding.s of busiuess in y' Virginia and Somers Island.s Couiji.inies." PRO. VI. /l./.- :Manehester Papers, No. .327.

I'll',: r.iowii, r.V,,,,;..', II, 0.s2.

Inilor-enieiit in Kutoit.-niili of K. Rich.


447.* "Articles of luquirie for the Coune''- of Virginia" etc. Addressed to Nath. Itich. PRO. VI. n,/: Manchester Papers, Xos. 331, 332, 333.

Pi'h: Calendar; Hist. MSS. Com., Eighllf }!

Antoijnii'h siniilnr to George t>iinilys's.

. .

1623] //•->•/• o/' 77//; h-iyuL'iis IGy


4.48.* Aldermau Johnson. " .\1.1itiic:ih .Toliu^^rin's rmi'^Ii ilrau^-hl Ici u ('iiiTiissl..ii A tin; ]>etirini to lii^ UiiV.- I'KO. [LO]

Vr. A'./; blanch, .-irr I'apL-.-. N... ."L".l.

/'»'.. Cat.'ii.i.ir: lli-t. MSS. Cuni.. Klf/Iill, H.pnrl. j.l. ?. p. .10.

l'li.'(oi;n,i,h of J.arl in I.!l.r;iry r.f Ciiili.'n's.s.

449.' Heads .>[ iii.|inrH - in N'iru'inia l.y ro:iuui.-'-'hiin-i-s tlicnv. VW).

VI. /;,/: .Maiielir>lrr Papers No. :;:;i. I'lih; -'0-11. (/aU-n.lar: \\\>\. MSS. Coin., /.'.V/A'/' ll'i""'' I''-. I'P-

Allto-nii'l. •-imiliir t.. J,.!.i: IlMrvi-yV.

450.'^ P. Arundle. K.xiract I'rnm letter ot 1'. .Vruialle, rec. .imtiii!.' Imw Spilnian was cut off by Indian.^, ami altribtitiii;; treaehery to the example nt Iliircipean-^. PUD.

\'l. ;.V/; Manclie:4ei- Pai.er.-. Xo. M]

J'i'l.: Oalen.lar: lli>t. MS-^. Cunx.. i:;,jhlh l:.i,.,rl, pi. L', p. IL'. • 451.* Aceount el a .-luall .«;i|vply .^enl to \iru'inia in the pM.nny Kes-," .\piil, KIL':;. XY.

VI. i;,f: Smyth .,t Xihl,-> P.ipei--, Sinylli, :i i:;.Sh p. hV..

y'».'-.- Calaln-ue: .V. K. I'nl,. /.,/,. '/;„//., I, l.-,7.

Ill J.ihii Siiiiiir.suai(ij;riii.li. BETWEEX APRIL AND SEPTFMEKR

462.* Samuel Moll. Petition to Covenmr Wyatl to -ell an.l retiini to Kiejland. LC.

IV. Rd: MS. Kee. Vir-iiiia Co.. 111. pt. ii, ).. .W. 453.* Thomas Passmore. I'etition to (iovenior Wyatt loneernin^' service of inoentiirfj .^^ervant.

IV. R.f: :MS. Kee. Viririuia Co.. Ill, pt. ii". p. oil. LC. 454.* Petition to Govenmr Wyatt hy "Marj/aret atid .lohn'.-'" Ci'iiipaiiy, askini; freeilijin from hoiid ' to Mr. Dom^Uh. I.e.

IV. Rrl: ^l<. Kee. Vivjiiiia Co., 111. j.t. ii, ]i. .".!'.


455.* Kichard Frethorne. .V enpy of a letter to hi.- lather ami mother, eonceniing suffering from want. PRO.

^'I. AV;"; Manchester Paper-, X.>. -.Vlh.

J'lih: Calemlar: Ili.-t. MSS. Com.. 7.-;,//,(/, 7.'t;,.„/, ),t. •_>, p. 40.


456.* Council in Virginia. Letter from tlie Coumil in \iri;iiiia to the Vir<;inia Company in Loiiilon, tellincr of the recovery of the rolon\ LC.

IV. AV,-:- -MS. Kcc. Virginia Co., IIT. pL. y . p. 7.


457.* Council in Virginia. Letter to ^"i!;.'inia Comjiany of Loinlon, ileserihinp: attciniits for sa.ssa-

fra.s I'c silke-tira-.-: return of planter.* to .hi'lerent hou.-es, etc., ami troatv with luilians. (1)'lC. (2) pro. IV. ]!,/.- (1) MS. Kee. Virginia Co.. HI. pt. ii. pp. li, li'. i2) State Paper.-, Colonial. Jame.

/'.(/..• Sain.-hury. I •n!. „.lfii- ',/ St.ite f^jitr.,-, (V,/„»;,j/, pp. 41-41'. APRIL 12

458. Virginia Company. Petition to the Kiu'j conretriins,' .Milerinau Johnson's petition. LC. III. AVi; MS. Court Do..k, Vir.:inia Co., II, Jii;;-L'i;4.

fill: (1) Kiuyshnry, A'-c. \':,;,:„i'i O... II. (-J) P.rock, Virrjuwi Conipanij, II, lt)4.

170 isTf!u]>i CTiox [icas

459.* Sir Francis Wyatl. A k'ttor to Julm I'Vrrar, gi\ ing piirtii nlurs of rcbuililiii^; nt folony ;mil mlvisin^ extinction of the Indians ami martial lau. I'KO. [NV]

IV. Ji.j: Slate Paper.-;, Coluiiial, Janie^J I, Vol. 11, Nii. lm;.

J'"h: Sainslmry, tjdnhhjr of Slutr Papers, ('<>lo,:i

•|'r,il\Mii|.l, Nrw Y...-k I'ul.ii,- Liliniry, Hiu.ir.ift i'„|..TS. II, U>>. IvS-il.


460.* George Sandys. A Uttfr to John Fonar, n-UUinu' tlir ilislu-sscil condition of tlie colony.

IV. I!,/: Slate Papers, Colonial, .ianios I, Vol. II, Xos. 1'7, lio. PHO. [NY]

}'(ili; Sainslmry, ('nli'iidn- nf Slixir I'tqui-.i, Coliriiial, p. 42.

No. » i>- nniiinoi;riiiili luiloninil is inrtorscd .saiidys la tiio CmnpMiiy. 'riiiiiscri|it. New Ynrk r\ll.li.- l.il.rnry, H;iiht.jU r;i;.ci>, II, l..s. J.Vb'J.


461.* George Sandys. A letter to .Jolin I'errar. I'llO.

IV. J!

I'll',: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Con;., /.V;////// Hr/iorl, pt. 2, ).. 10.


462. Virginia Coiiipnny. .\ relation to llie Kinir conieinini,' the proi-eedings of colonie.«. (!) ].C. (2) PRO.

HI. Kif: (1 ) .MS, Court Book, Vir>:i:iia Co., II, 2.3-3 -2t;8. ^2j .Manchester I'apere, No. SiiO.

I'ub: (1) Kiiig.-hury, /.'co. MrgiiiiaCo., 11. (-) Bro<'k, Virfjinin Cuinpiiuii, II, 152-102.

(3) Calendar: Ilist. MSS. Com., Eipldli J!cport, \>\. 2, p. 44.

463. .\ declaration of the present state of Virginia presented to the Kinir. LC.

III. n.'f: -AIS. Court P.ook, Virginia Co., 11, 2.>:;. J'ld,: (1) KinL-sluu-y, AVc. TV/v/'-oV; Co., II. (2) r.riKkJ'h-i/hi!,! Codijiiihii, 11,148-1.31. APRIL 14

464.* Christopher Davison. A letter to .lolui Ferrar concernin;.' the ;irrival of the "Mari.'aret and .Tohii" in distress from an attack, by the Si.aiiish. PRO. [XV]

IV. f.'.y; Slate Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II. Xo. 2s, PiiIk (1) YirijiiiUi Ma.j. uj lllsl., \-j, 2-l:!-2l4. i2| Sainslmry, CuliidiimfSliilePapen.;

CiAinuat, ]•,. 4;-;.

Tnin-crii.t, N\-w York I'liMii- Ml.rary, Biuii-roti Papers, H, t'o.«. lil-io.

465.* [Nathan. Bich.] Praft of inr-tructions to the commissioner.* to investigate the Virginia affairs.

VI. Ref: Manchester Papers, Xo. :!;iO, I'KO, pid,: Calendar: Hi,-!, MSS. Com,, Khfnih H.i.nrt, pt, 2, p, 40,


466.* Captain Kendall. .V letter from tlie Snmmer Islands to SirKd. Sandys tel!inj.'0f the blowing ujp of the ".'^eailower," homid for Virginia. MC. [LC] IV. Ri\f: Fenar Papers.

.\. I.. P. I'hotiisinrlii'' rfpriwlucliun ol" pMit i\n(\ traiisrrifit in llie Library of C'oiigres'*.


467.* Privy Council. An order tliat, upon lieariiu: Lord Cavendish and others, representatives, a eommissioii he appointed to inipiire into the true state of Virginia and Soniers Island plantations. PC.

I. Rif: Privy Council Kegister, James I, \'(\. V, p]\ 608-600. Rid,: (1) l.(iVxoy, yfi-incrkdaof the Jii'r„vid.i)i, I, 2.S9-2U0. (2) Sainsbnry, Cn/tw?(o- o/ Shdi' I'api'iK, Culoiu'd. p. 44.

1623] i^i'Sr or Tin: ui^couns IVI

468. Lord Treasurer Middlesex. A li'itcr t^ St-r'ivtury C)nw:iy, cuiiccniiut.; iinjo<'rirmgs in I'rivy

C'lunril I'l.r the Kiii^''s intoniialiiiii vi-.-pei-fiii.j tin- .liffcrriK-rs ..I' tlir tno eoiiipunic- of

Vir^'iniu :iiilancl-- PRO.

I. J!^f: SlaU- riipfis, Dm],, -tir, .laiiiL'S I, A.UK-ii.la. V..1. 4;r I'tih: (1) I.rFroy, .Uriimri'il.-, „/ Ihr llrn,>ii,l,i^, ], L'UO L'iH. (2) Sainslmry, CaUwhir of

Sl„f, /../„,>, Cnl,,,,:,,!, ],. 4-1.


489. John Chamberlain. .\ letter In Sir Du'llry ('iiilc'l.Mi luurrriiiiii.' IIh' gn^at I'acliuii in llir

Vii;;inia ( 'nii]|i:n]y. I'K* '•

Vll. I;,/: State \\l\«T<. |l..im-lir, .lauii s !, Vol. 1 1.;, N... L'L'.

/•"/..• ( Saiii.-:.nry, C, I, ,„l, ,,'/ SInir />„,,. r-s V,/,,,,/,,/, j,. -II.


170.' "Coppio of Ih" Court. • li..ok~ .loliuorol l.y ooloiof tlic J.oiM^ of \i\> .Ma'"- CoiiiiHoll to llio

SoiTi-taiy." .\ Kfcoi|.t lor (..uil I'.ooks from .Itiii. 2S, IBOf;, to .\pril _', ItJl'.';. III. A'mV Vvii^u- l-apfis. MC. [I,C]

fh'.l..-r,ui|iif Hi-|.rodii,ti.iTi in Ih.- I.il.rary i.l (..iikuv-s'.

471.'' "A Memoriall of .-ohil- tliiiifrs W'' it may jiU-ase the ll> t.. iiilaii.l--." I'KO.

VI. /?./.• .MaM.-lK..^toi- I'apiT-, No. :;:;.-..

Pah: Calen'lar: lU^y. .M.SS. Com., /v;//./// /.'./-or/, pt. 1', p. 41.


APKIL 23. '^5

472." John Wright. A pelilioii to < lovenior Wyatt .U-maiiaiii;; that :\rr. Doii.u'la.- ilelivrr certaiii

JrrlOll^ Ici liiin wliioll tie liail liai! in parltn'r.-liip w itb M r. Laiiiili-y, ileiea-^e^l, ina.-ter of ^hip.

IV. /.Vf; MS. IJec. Viiviiiia Cn.. Ill, pi. ii. p. >•:<. LC.


473.* Petition to (^..vrriior Wyatt an.l Coimoi! in Vir^'iiiia liy pasj^onirers in the Mai^'aret and .Tolin eoinplainiiiL; of evil Irealinent. IX'.

IV. ]W: MS. Kee. Virginia C... Ill, pi. ii, p. ."iS'. APRIL 24

474. Lord Treas. Middlesex. I.oul Tieas. .Miildle.-ex to Stcivtary Conway, elating tliat tlie iliaff of tfie Ireland and ^ill.'ii.i.i e..ihiai-.^iniiers i^ ri'a.ly. PKO.

Vil. ]!/: State I'aiier.-, pnme-tir, .lames 1, VmI. 14:1. No. (111.

J'i'h: Calendar: Sl.ilr /Wy„ ,-.-•, I >,„„<.


475.* John Loyde. Pel it ion toi'lovenior and Comu ii in Viii.'inia deiiiandini: freedom from appren- tieeinent to l.aiigley. LC. IV. }:

476.* Privy Council. ()rder disallowiiiL' tin- letter.- of tlie N'iiL'inia Company to the colony ainl dis- \^) s..lvin>; the tohaeeo eontraet. (1 I PC. (2} ^k LC.

1. };,/: 111 Privy Counril Register, James I, Vol. ^, p. (i74. (2) MS. Ree. Virginia 1". Co., Ill, pt. i, p. f.'i) Instnietioiis, C'ommi-si.in. an


I, i.".i:;~l".i4, (l'/ Cil.uilar i,j I'lil.: (1 I l.eFroy, Mnn..nuli„it!,.' n,r„nnhis, Sainsluiry,

Slulr I'llpriX, Viih.iiiiil. p. 4.5.

172 i\ii;i)/}i viiox [1G23

'• 477.- Privy Council, l.dii-iln ( lovrnwr. C'.iiiii-il au'l ( 'i.Imhv in \'iiv'iiii;i," iir-iii'-' ciirr dl I'mi ii- li.'iiti.ni^ iiruvisiniis, ;in,l iKil.itatiniij-. (l).'c(:!)LC. (I'lI'liO. (-l)l'O. [XY]

I. J!'/: (ll .M.S. n>v. \ir-iiii;H'..., Ill, (.t. i, j.. 1. (L>) Cul.mial Knlry Bi".k, \',.l. Vs, p. lU"). (:V| liistiucti..n-, (•..iimii.<.-i..us, Ix-ttiTs, lOOii-Ki.S.'i, pp. 59-()0. (4)I*nvy

("onmil Ut'gistiT, .Tuuivs !. \'ul. \', p. u;."!.

I'lili: Sainsliury, Oihn^hn- <,/ Sl.il,- J',ij„i-<, Culnninl, p. An.

TnlUMTi|.t, Ni.'W Yi.ik I'ui.li.' Lil.niry, U-iii.:n,it IM|.,:is, II, l\).s, a;;-^!,",,

478.* Lt'tu-i t.. till' "('ouiu-i-ll ill Vir-iiiia,'' aniuniiirii.-,' .V.t utCi.iiil iu. l.niKlim o)iiririiiiif:

Tol.iiiio. J,C. l'l:i).

I- /.'./' I Ci.l'.iiial V'.l, ( ) llntry Kn.,!;. Vi,l, p, .'ul, y2) I'riw Cnniirij Hf-islcr, .lainw J, Vol. V, p. (;74,

/'i''.; SiiiM,

.\ii>.\\ of " '' 480. Planters. it I'lantiis to Cuitain lliitli-i's riuua.'-kL-il fai-e of \'ii._'iiiia a.~ it was

wriiti-ii ill liiL'-. l^f>.

IV. /../•,• M^. (.oiiit JJooU, Nir^inia Co., II. l.'7.".-L'77.



481.* Governor in Virg-inia. rio

IV. j;a.- yi>. ]Ux. Virjriiiia Co., Ill, pt. ii, j.. -'lO'.

[MAY :•]

482.* Nicholas Ferrar. >'icliolac Ki.'riai's cumputatiou by wliii-li 1r- uonid jnuvi.- tiiat to pay bitt 0' per ixnind lov I'laiitiM>;' toUu'co ami luiii.i,' all in i>^ woix- tlian before to pay ll"' anil be at lilierty to briii^' in wbat we will, I'KO. VI. Jit/: Colonial Kntry P.ook. Vol. 74. p. L'o-l, Mamlie.-ler I'apers No. So4.

J'i'h: Calemlar: Hi.-t. .^I.'-S. Coui.. i:i,/hll, JUpn.t, pt. 2, p. 4:).

IiuIiirMj.l ill ;uit..u,'ni|.Ii of .Vaili. lUcli.

483.* "A Briefe .Vu^were to a ilerlararon luaile ami ileliwreil to hi,-' M;'.tie" iji Kaster week, ciin- eernin

}'uh: Calendar: Hi-t. .^IS.<. Com.. Kiiilill, J;,j,„rl. pt. 2, pp. 44, 4-^.

Xn. Si.l U ii, Nulluiiii.l };ul|-- iiiu.i'^i.i|.li, Ni.. -Ml i< ill tliiil ..f .\l.i(:-ri,iMli .IoIiiim.ii.

484.* [Nicholas] Farrar. "The name.- nf divers Kiiit:hts, Citizens and lUnp-s.-^^s of Lower Hoii.se of Coiiunon.« that are Adventurers and Free of Virginia Coin].a«uy and yet have not followed the biissiness for sundry yeare.^." PRO. VI. 7.V/V .Alam-he.-ter I'tpers, Xo.";!7l. /•"/'. Calendar; Hi.-l. Ms.<. Com., Ehjhlh n,:,.u,t, ].t. -J, p. 4iJ.

.^uiograph n: NivIiuIm^ r.-nar. Iii'lor-i.l in auiui-rai.h of .\. Itiuli as l..v .Mr. Faniir." [MAY]

485.* [Nath. Rich?] Head; of two Utters to be written to Virginia Company by llr. .Secretary, declaring His Majesty's pleasure respecting lestraint of factious persons, and suggesting limitation of adventnrer-, PRO.

VI. Ri'f: 'Manchester I'apers, X'os. :J7-, .S7;!.

I\ih: Calendar; Ili-t, .MSS. Com,. KUjhih J;,i„„i. pt, -J, p, 4t>.


1623] /./.nV (if Tin: i;i:c

480. The Petition ;mi! tli>' luM.l.- oi >iiu,:i .-iril aii^wrr In :ni iiitcmlrd |.itilhiii i.l tiif VirL'itiiu C.ui-

pany tn tlit: Kiiii; to nc-uiisi'li-r h'n- letter lesiioitiiit; <.nn--tituli.>ii df tliriv oniirtH. I'UO.

VI. li.f: Man.-lirster Tiipeis. Xos-. 374, :i75.

I'nh: Calon.lar: Ili^t. :\IS??. O.in., El;ih!h 11,,,,. ,t, pt. •.'. p. -tr,.

487.* /jlclerniai). Johnson. I'laftof 'Sit. .TohH.-oii'« (li'^ervatiwn- mi thr nimlr nl iiilerprotiri;.' lii- Miiji'.sly"? letter. a.lu|itiil Ipy .-oiiie nieni'ier- r,i tli.- [VirL-iiiia] coint. VIM. \\. /.'.;; :\Iaucli.sler 1-apeis, X,,. ;;:7.

/'"'..• C;,len>lar; Hist. Mf^S. C'niii., KnilJj, K.j.'h-I. pt. -J, ).. -Hi.

48&.* Adventurers snd Planters. I'elid'Hi tu llu^ I'rivy Cimin il by siupliy ailveiiturer.-- ainl pLiuter-

111' tlie Virginia aii'l Siiiuiiiev J.~lainl.< t'liinp.iliie.-, eonrer/iiiiL'' iiiijii-l acciiwilinii-. ii-a^l l.\

.".o. .Nieliola.-^ I'eiiar on ,\|.ril PKi ).

111. /,'./.• A[.,,i,lie

J'lih: Calen.lar: Jli.M. M^S. Com., AV/Z-'A AV/ivr/, pt. L', j.. ih.


"• 4.89, Virgiaia Compiiuy. l.itlri to the < lo\eiT,or ami ( 'iiiuiiil in \'ii'.;inia, eoncernint' eonuiioiliiief

ami the toliaceo eonti-aet. };evi.~^eil hv tin- I'l iv>- 'ouneil. I.C.

111. J:,/: MS. Uec. Vir;riuia Co.. Ill, j)t. ii. p. l.'7. " In-tnietioii.-r, Coininii^ioii.s ami L"t- ters, ltiOi;-l(>s:l, pp. Mo-IIl',

j;,i,; Neil'., ror/o,;,r r n/,,/)./,,// ../ /..„,(/o», ;;ii ! -;',!ll.


490.* Anthony Hilton. A letter to his mother, eoii.-erninL' tlie eolnny. PKO.

VI. j:,t: Manche.-ter rap.T>. No. :'.i;i.

J'ul,: CaleiHlai-; Hi.-t. MSS. C.m.. AV-;/,//, l:,,„j,-l, j.t. 1', ],. Li.


491. Virg-inia Company. True un.

in Virginia." (1) l.t^. (:.') lOI. PKC).

/.'<;/'. :\IS. C.inrt Hook, l'si>-l's7. III. I 1) Virginia fo., U, (-) Sloane, 1039, to. pi' (jiart of the do,-:menl).

( I'l'b: {]) King^hnry. AVr ]'in/:i)lii V,., IJ, •_' i I'.roek, Vi,->/i„:,i Cninpar;/. II. 191-l'.i4. 492. Virginia Council. Deelaration to his Majesty by tlifCotinsell for Virginia [in London], con- cerning ili.-.-ontion- in the Companies. LC. III. AV/V M.>. C'onrt liook, Virginia Co., H. lnS-L'sis.

t P,ih: (1) KinL'sUnry, /.Ve. l7,7/o-V( o., II. 1 1! i Brock, rov/o,,,; r,„„y,,„,v, II, I'.i.VlTO. 493. Planters and Adventurers. The answer of planters and adventurers to .VMerniaii Jiihnr-on'.- fictition. LC. 111. J!,/: .M.S. (ourt I'.ook, Vir-inia Co., 11, l'M!-JS.->.

( I'lih: I i;,r. I'ir;/:,,;,, \',,-,/iiii,i I ] King>hnry. Co., It. (2) Brock, ,„„,,', n;/, II, lsi>-l!)l. 494. Virg-inia and Summer Islands Comp.inies. I'etition to King reiinesting thnrough inve>ti- eatiou of Virginia al'faiis and the return of their rC-'ords, seqnestored Udays since. LC. III. K-f; 'S\>. Court Look. Virginia (/o., II, •JV'.t. riil,.- (1) King-bnry, /,..:. Cov/o./a r„.,IL CJ) Hrock, ro;/;;i;,( Cf.»,y«,i;/, II, l'0.Vl'07.


495.* Adventurers and Planters. I'etition of "sr.ndry adventurer.^ and planters of the \'i'--in;a and .Summer Island.s Com|.'anies to I'rivy Coniu'il to comncainl -Lord Caveiidi.-li, S F. Sandys, ilr. .lolin aii'l Nicholas I'arra- to appear with certain uriting.s of >hiy 7.'' PRO. '[LC]

JII. A'. 7.- .Manchester papers. No. :;i;(;. - J'lilj.- Calen.lar: Hist. MSS. C,jm., /;,,,/,?/, ;.',,„„/. pt. 1', p. 4.5.

] 74 i\ri;oi)i i-rms [i623

49C.* Secretary Conway. A Intur to Sir Ivd. Sackvillc, from Tlicnliuhls, fniu-eniiiij; tin- pctitu.u

on lioliiilf of \'ii>rini;i. ]']<( ).

VI. ;,',/.• Siato I'ai.or.s Iinm.-li,-. .huiuv 1, Vul. L'U. /«.'.; S;iiii;-l.iii'y, r V. /,,„/,„•„/ ,s/,,(, /'.,/„ ry, Ch.ui',!. ),. .J,",.

497.* . A Ifttt'ito Son-tarv Cilvert. fnim Tli-ol.alils, tn liasleii tho i.a;:;-iii- of tliu coinmi^-

."iioii i-oiii-ci iiiii'.c Viivinia.

1. /,V(V Sliite l'ai.'/i>, D'.iiu-tic, Jiirn.- 1, Vol. L'U.

/'"'-.• Sainslim-y, i/olaidnv i>j Slnh I'up.r^', CiJhuhil, p. .).->.


498.* Governor in Virginia. I'roLlainalioii of thr ;:ovi'rnor and iaiitiiin-;'i'iifral uf Virj,'iiiia to In-. careful of ilic siva;.'i' trcai-lu-ry. LC AV/V MS. Rivont.s Virginia Co., Ill, [.t. ii, p. -I7\


499.* Privy Council. Coiiiini>>ion to Sir Williaiu Jones, Sir Nicliolas Forlf.) I'KO. (3) LC.

l.'!i!i7o, I. lUf: (1) Additional MSS., f..s. (W-64. (iM Iior.|Uet Book, Signet ( )Hiee, Vol. 7;

Patent Roll I'l, ,Iame- i. Hnh part. {:<,) Virginia .Mi.-c. Jtceord.- (J'.land copy), pp. 126-132.

500.* Governor in Virg-inia. Prijelamati'iii by tlie governor and eaptain-general of \'irgiida for

planting .sutticient ( orii. LC.

IV. i:,f: MS. IJec. Vir._'iiiia C'..,, HI. pt. ii. p.

MAY 11

501.* Governor in Virg-inia. Commission by governor and eaptain-general of X'irginia to Captain

Smith t..i hiiild a fort at Warosqnayak. I.C.

IV. l:,j:- MS. Uec. Virginia Co.. III. pt. ii, ji. 40.

MAY 12

502. Governor in Virginia. Coniiiii>.-ioii by gctvernor anil eaptain-general of Virginia to Gilbert Peppet to trade with y Indian?. LC.

IV. lUf: MS. Kee. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. 4t\

503.* . Connui.r.-^ion liy <:ove:niir of Vir^rinia to Caj.t. Ralph Tucker to eo agaiii-:t tljo Indians. LC.

IV. lief: IMS. Kec. Vir-inia Co.. ill, pt. ii, p. .50'. MAY 13

504.* Governor in Virginia. Warrant of governor in Virginia for sending every twentifctli man to work on the lort at Wariscayack. LC.

IV. AVj> :MS. Kec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. .iC. 505.* Privy Council. Order demanding tliat .lohn and Nichola.- Feirar, of the A'iiu'inia Com|.any,

be confined to houses till further onler, as guilty of contempt of f>rder of Coujicil Talile. (1)PI!0. (2) PC. I. Rcf: (1) Colonial Entry Pji.iok, Vol. 1\\ pp. L'0.'i-2(iG. (2) PrivyCouncil Register, James

I, Vol. V, [.. G'.iO.

I'lib: (1) ISrown. First R.jiiil.li,; fii'tj. (-J) .Sajnsbury, Cahiahr oj ,Vf/(c Papers,

ro?o)(<'o/, ]ip. 4.'>—4').

1623] Ll!

506.* Secretary Calvert. A Icttt-r l<> tin- K.Mrl nf .^(Hilliaiiiiilon, ii.ilit'yii,;; llic VitviiiUi t'ninpany not to |i!i>cfe(i with fk'cliiui of ollkois un1il llic pU';isinc nl Kiiij.' lie known.

I. Hrf: Slate I'lipcTs, Colonial, .TanU'S I, Vol. II, No. L".i. I'liO. [NY]

J'lih: Sainsl.iiry, Cttmdur of Slnte I'opcrs, Chloiinl, ]<. AC,.

'rniiisiTi|.t: .Niw Voili I'ublic Library, Kaiicrod I'^iimt^. II. in<. lul-2.

507.* Secretary Sir George Calvert. A letter to Poi-n-lary Conway, statinu' that election of omrer.-^ of Vir-inia ('oin|)any is nnlerei'l i>ost|.iine.l hy Kinn in Counrii till next L-i.iurt. Vll. y,V/; Slate I'apens l>onustie, .Tanll<^^ I, Vol. 144, No. 4.>. PUO.

J',''l.: .'^ainshni-y, < ilrwhimf SVit, /•«//-.,,., Cohuial, [.. 4tS. MAY 16

508.* [Nathsin Rich.] " Note which 1 inesently took of Cajitain .lohn t5art;iave's discoui>-e lo me

eoiiei'rniiiL' Sir Ivlwin Sanily.-'." PRO. VI. Juj: Maiu-he-ler I'ai.CTs, No. MS.

-•"'• Pol- r'filen.liir: lli-1. MSS. Omi., E!fihlh ];>-p„rt, j.t- :', Ji- MAY 18

509. The King, l.^'tler to the Vii;_'inia Coioi.any conreniini: the aii])ointnieut of (Joinmis-^inners. :n7-;51S. LC. . I. A'f/V MS. Court liouk, Virginia Co., 11, Pah: (1) King?hnry, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) lirock, Virjlnia Compinnj, II, 217.

MAY 18, 21

510.* Privy Council. Onli-rs releasing Lor.l Ca\en.li^h, Sir Ivlwin Sandys, ami .lohn and Nicholas Ferrar. I't'. 70<1. I. /,'./. Privy Council Register, .Jain-.s f, \n\. I, i>.


511.* Virg-inia Coinpauy. Reasons alleged to pei-siuele the King to recon.sider his letter of May IS nut pcrniiuiiig members of Company to meet unless having phinters in \'iiginia.

III. n.f: Manchester Papers. No. :?7(5. PRO. Pah: Calendar: Hist. ilSS. Com., Ki>jhth Report, pt. 2, p. 46.

For the iiftilioii formuluteil. .^ec nnlr No. 4«'J. MAY 20

512.* The King'. Copy of a letter to tiovernor and Company of Summer Island.* to keep meetings and place distinct fmui Virginia Company, and concerning choice of officers. PRO.

I. Ref: :Manchester Papers, Xo. 3(39. Pah: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eaihih Rrporl, pt. 2, p. 4-5. MAY 32

513.* Privy Council. Order demanding that all records of Virginia and Soiuers I.^lands Companies be delivered to the Connnissioners, and that packets fruu! the Colonies be opened by the Commissioners heivafler and be disposed of at will. (1) PRO. (2) PC.

1. Ref: (!) Colonial lOntry Book, Vol. 79, pp. 20(J-207. (2) Privy Council Register,

James I, Vol. V, p. 714.

FiV.rf •''•^2-");):-). Sainsbury, Oilen'liir St'ile Pub: (1.1 Brown, A., RepnhHc, w (2) of Puprr^, Colonial, p. 4»j. MAY 20

514.* Governor in Virginia. Commission by gnvernor and captain-general of Virginia to Captain

IV. Rrf: MS. Rec. ViiginiaCo., Ill, pt. ii, p. Mr.

2til0j— O.'i 12

176 n'TUoDi cTiny [ic23


515." Draft nf a pnOiminai-y report of the (:oinnu.s~iU>in

VI. /.Vr- Maiu-hcstLT Papers, Xo. S.S2. I'KO.

J'lih: C'alen.Iar; Hist. MSS. Cum., Jughlli. JUpurl, pt. 2, p. 10.

[jxr>-E ?]

610.* [N. Kich.] V;oui;!i draft of a ietter govermuent i.f (lie colony and company. VI. AV/> Manche.-^tcr rapcr.s No. 3S1. ritO. [LC] riih: Calendar: Hist. M.-


517.* Virg-inia Council. Treasurer and conncil for A'irginia to the Privy Council concerning C'apt. John BnrgraveV I'etitiou. TF.O. III. HrJ: State Papers, Colonial, .Tames I, Vol. II, No. 7.

I'uh: Sainsbury, Cakndur


518.* List of 72 patents granted to several persons named, all (if wliom have diveis ]>artners "whose names and several shares we do not know." PRO.

III. /,'(/.• State Papers, Colonial, James 1, Vol. H, No. oS. I'lih: (1) P.roun, Fii:-t RqivhVr, pp. 02S-t):50. (2j Sainsbury, Calendar of Slate Papers, Cnlnnial, p. 47. 519.* List of shareholders in Virginia Company, with the number of shares and reason for allot- ment—by purchase or otherwise, Manh, 1010 Jmie, 102.>. PRO. HI. lief: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 33. Pnh: (1) Virjihiin Maij. of Hist, IV, 299-310. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar vf Slate Papers, Colonial, p. 47.


520. The King. Letter to the Virjrinia Company. (1) LC. (2) PRO. Papers, No. 37S. I. I!ef: (1) MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., 11, 319. (2) Manchester Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Pee. Vlr-jlnia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Compamj, II, 21S-219. (3) Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 46. The dix-iimurit in Miinclic-^tcr i«ipers is iudorsorl "Vera Copiu" unit b.^urs tlie Biiiogriiph .«!sn;'.lure of Ed: ColliMgwoud, Score.

531.* Examination of Captain Isaac and Mary Madison and Serjiant John Harris, taken before Sir Francis Wyatt, Governor, and the Council of ^'irginia, and Christopher Davison, Secretary, touching supposed contract of marriage three or four. days after husband's death; since she has disavowed said contract and formed a new one with William Ferrar. VVIO. IV. Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 30. Puh: 0) Brown, FirM Rei>:ihHe, .5C3-50.'i. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 46. Signed: "Extract," Ed. Slmrplesi, Clcr.


522. Colony in Virginia. Letter to Virgiiiia Company, concerning a settlement aViout the fort, Martin's Hundred, and the seizing of Dutch and French Traders as prizes. LC. IV. Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 34^(. U, 'So?<-9. Puh: (1) Kingsbury, i?fO. Virginia Co., l\. (2) Brock, V'o-ginia Company,

I'l'^^i' Tin: i:i:c<)UDS 1623] OF _ 177


523.* "Notes TaluMi i.ut n[ trj.s \\k-\\ taint' from Virt^iiiia iu tlio .Al>u.'ail an-l v.t-rc lU-T tlio CniTi""

VJ. l:,J: MauiliCst.T l'ai«is, Xf.s. :!oS, 3;J0. PICO.

}'uh: CaU-uaai-: Ilisi. MSS. Com., KUjhIh l;,;,.jrl, pt. L', pp. U-l-'. JU^n; S3

524.* [Sir Nathaniel Rich]. Draft of a ]..rui>ositioii, .U'livfiud to tliu l-ord Treasurer, for n-f^fttliiit; the cst;ite of Virf^inia. PliO. VJ. Rrf: Maiu'hc.-tfr I'apirs:, No. 379.

I'uh: CaK-ii(iar: lli.-r. MSS. Com., Khjhlh h'rpurl, \^t. 2, p. 4i>.


525. Jamos I. l.ctler to Virginia Company, l<. f..irl>.Mr flection of oIFumts. (] ) LC. (2) PRO.

I. J!cf: (l; :MS. Court P.uok, VirL'inia Co., II. :«). {2) Manfliu.'^trr I'apors, No. :«0.

I'uh: (1) Kiii^'sliury, A'-.-. ]'!iyhiia (j.,U. IL') Hrork, ]'h/j:,i!iU'<,mpc()i>i, 11, 2-20--S21.

(o) Calendar: Ui.-t. MSS. Cora., ;;w/i//i y,'.;m-(, i)t. 2, p. 4(5.


526. A quarter cciiivt held for \iigiiiia. MC.

II. y.V;".- Fenar PajH'rp.

Pub: Kiiitrsbiiry, A',r. V!njln!a Co., II.

OrigiUiil uf Ihu fiilry in tlic ^:?. Cunrt Ii.x>k; tec Oale.


527.* Secretary Conway. .\ U'tttr to Sft-rotary .Sir Cforge Calvert, concerning desire of King that

l.ord.< 'if of the Virginia llic the Pri\ y Counril attend promptly' to the business Cu)npany until coticluded, ITvd.

Vll. AW'; State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vt)l. 147, Xo. 88. I'iiIj: Sainsbury, Cdlrif.Uir of Slali: I'ltji^r.--, Oilunin!, p. 47.

[JULY f]

528.* Draft of an an;-\ver or notes for an answer to the proposition made bv Lord Chiehester for the better settling of the I'lantati'm in \'iryinia. PRO.

VI. Ri-f: Manchester Papers, No. :JS7.

rub: Calendar: Hi-t. >1>S. Com., Kirjhlh Ihjjorl, pt. 2, p. 47.

529.* Captain Baily. I. Project that the Kint; ;-honld make a plantation in Virginia or New Kng- land by transportation of pour. II. Project concerning Vir>_'inia. PRO.

VI. AV/V State Paiiers, Domestic, James 1, Vol. ISW, Nos. 'M, .53. /'»/). Sainsbury, Oi/mdar of State I'ojure, Colonial, pp. 5U, 56.


530. Virginia Company. .\n>v,cr to the Prixy Council slatin>; that they have taken con-^ideration

a^ to a supply, and a-kin-.; until Friday to advise. (1 ) I.C. (2) PR( >. [NV]

III. AV/V (i) M.S. Court J'.ook, VirL'inia Co., II, 333. (2) State Papei-s, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 34.

I'lih: (1) Kiny.-bury, A'..--. I'liyhua ' h., /,o.-!, Coloiiiaf, p. 47.

Trimscrii't: Nuw York PiibUc I.itjniry. Ii.iiiernft i.npers, Vol. II, Ids. IlS-115.

178 ixtik-odlctiox [less

531. liOrd Presidont Mandoville. A litlur to S.rn>liiry Conway staling that the "\'iigini;i Com- pany liavc taken lueasurt'.s for the reUef of iniKory in colony, ami are consi'lerinu' rules for lietter froveniment. I'KO. [XYj

Yll. ;,',/.• State rai'ers, CoIunirJ, James 1, \'ol. II, ^'o. So.

J\ih: Siiiusbury, Cald.d'tr ./ Still,' J\ijniv, Coloiiiiil, p. 47.

Trunsiriiil: Now York I'liblh: Lit.mry, lliincmrt piiponi, Vol. II, i"n>. lOiMU.

532.* DelphebuK Caiine. A lettei- from ,Virf;iiiia to .lolin Delbrid^re, eoneeniiiig want in the colony anil the hojie for a gooil harve^Jt. TliO. [XY] VI. ;.V;".- State Papei^^, Colonial, James i, Vol. II, No. 30.

I'lth: Calendar: (1) I'ln/m -r Mmj. i.f lIlM., WIZ-AH. (L'l Sain.-lmry, Oihmhir nf Skik

I'tipcrs, Colonial, ]i. J«.

Trmi«Tii.t: New YrTlc I'ulilic I.il.r,iry, Bamrofl impers, \i.!. II, f.,s. 117-l-,a.

533.* Privy Council. Kules set down for tin? })eil^'r jrovernment in Virginia. I'RO.

I. lu;: State Papers, Colonial, James I, \"ol. H, No. .'J.i. J'lih: (1) Brown, /o,,-/ JlipuhUc. 54:1. (L') Sainsbuiy, Oikiu.lnr of .SUtlc J'ajicrs. Cohj- yiial, p. 4S. JULY 3

534.* Secretary Conway. A letter to Lord Trea-nrer Miildlesex, eofieerninj; the refu.^al of the Virginia Company to comply with tlie King's request; to be referred to the Attorney- General. I'RO.

VII. J!(/: State Papo!>-, Home.-ti,-. James I, Vol. 14.S. No. 19. I\ih: Sainsbury, G.tl'ii'l'tr of Stale J'tqirr.-i. Colonial, p. 4S.


535.* Privy Council. Order on a reiire^entation of Lord Cavendish and otheis of the Virginia Comjiauy, eoncerning relief to Virginia planters in danger of famine by a general contriliution of the whole eompany. (1) Pl'O. (?) PC. [NYJ

I. Ref: (1) Colonial F.ntry Book, Vol. 7H, II. i;07. '(2) Privy I'onneil IleL'ister, James 1, Vol. VI, p. or,.

Pub: (1) Brown, First Republic, .?:;;'. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State I'aperf, Colonial, p. 49.

Transeript, New York I'uWic Library, KninToft Piij.er.s, Vol. II, f..>s. 121V-131.

JULY [4]'

536.* List of nanies of those who will adventure, and amounts subscribed for victuals and ))rovisions to be sent to relief of colony and to particular friends. PRO. [NY] III. liif: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No, 3S.

Pvb: Sainsbury, Cnhador of Slate I'aprr.i, Colonial, p. 49.

Tran.icript, Xuw Yor!; Public Library, Bancroft Papers. Vol. II, fos. 135-149. JTTDY 4

537.* Privy Council. Order to restore Samuel Wrot to his place of counsellor for Virginia ami to have .session and free vote in courts, notwithstanding deprivation from counscll and suspension from courts. PC I. }'ef: Privy Council Reiristcr, James I, Vol. VI, p. b7.

538.* List of names who will adventure and amounts to be paid to Richard Caswell, eho.sen treasurer for the present magazine, for necessary provisions for Virginia. Total, £727. III. Ilef: State Papers, Colonial, James I. Vol. II, No. 8'). PRO. [NY] I'nb: Sain.sbury, Calendar of State J'aperK, Colonial, p. 4ti.

Transcript, Now Y'ork Public Librury, Kioicnpft I';ipcrs. Vol. II, fos. Vjr>-127.

1623] t.isr or Tin; injcoh-n.'^ 179

539. "At a Court lu-l.l [i.r \'irj,'inia on Kri.lay in y' I'dicnonnr y' -Itli ol .luly, 1G2:?." JI(J. Jl. /.W> I'lTiuv ]'a|,fr>.

PuIj: Kiii^'sl.ury, /.'... \;n,:nl., (\,., II.

Origiimluf ili.- i-niryiii itu- Ms. (-..iiri Jiouk. soc (lute.

540. IiOrd Pre.sident Mandcville. A k-(ti,'r !> SoiivLnry Cuiiwuv, ((iiufniiiiLC the incasun-.s taken by tlK' \'ii-inia Coinjaiiy for the ivlirf of tlio ..-oloiiy. I'KO. [XY] VII. AV;V .^tatL- I'aiKT-, Colonial, Janu'.s I, Vol. If, No. 40.

I'tih: SaiiislmiN, r,,l,„.l,ir nf Sl.il, l;ij„r.<. < i,/.;,!'il, ].. 4'.'.

TraiisrriiJt, Nen- Y..rk I'liMii- Lilmny, U.unruft I'api'i-^, Vol. 11, i.w. IM:H37.

541. Virginia Court. " M' Pcpnly aci|nayiitiMl y C'omfi" tluit acronlinn; to \" dirccOoji of y' Lat^t Court 1..' ii,r,-,:iti.a to y I.I.', ,if ]i\< M;;'- privy Coun.-rll a >Iiort Dcc/lararon that was tlifii or.liTt'il to 1)0 (Iraurie vp, wlii'rein (anions; other tliiuL's) was sixjiifveil of y' Coni- pani.-s intt'nl |o -.fno a spei-'ly .-u|.)iiy to \'irj;inia." JK;.

JI. AV/-; Fenar I'ai.ei.-^.

( I'li.b: Kiiigslniry, AV<-. \'injinin 'o., jiorl, 11.

OriKinal i.( tlii.' I'lUi y in tin- Ms. (Vim l!o.,k. .

542. [N. Rich.] Roni,'h draft of heads of eharge.= a.irainst governursof Virtiinia Conijjanv presented to the eoinniissioiiers. PRO. VI. /,'./.• ^lanehoster I'ajiers, Xo. .3Si!.

I'v},: Calendar: Hist. MS.-s. Com., KuihOi J!>'porl, pt. 2, p. 47.

543." Record of a nieining of tiie .L'land e...niniittec to answer to the l-'i articles prepared against the company al a ineetinir of llie commissioners. 2HC. in. /iV/V Ferr.ir Pa|iers.

JULY 17, 23

544.* Governor Wyatt. Commissiipn to ('apt. Pierce to hnrn y' Indians' Corn; with, a minute of tlie oilier coniniis.-ions ot that sort and thi' time when they fell njion the Indians.

IV. iiV/.- MS. Koc, Vir.L'inia Co., Ill, pt. ii. p. 41. 7^C.

546.* Privy Council. Order giving allowance of ]iay to oliiecrs attending on the commissioners to exansine the Virginia business. }>Q^

I. /.•./• ' l-JUry Vol. ( ) Colonial Hook, TH, p. 207. (2) I'rivv Council Register, James I. Vol. VI, p. 72.

I'nli: Sainshury, Oikivhir cf Stiili- Pupci:-<, Col, p. r>0.

546.*, [Secretary Conway.] .A. letter to Sir Thomas .Smythe et al., asking their opinion on Captain Rally's prc>poS!tion. PRO. VI. R>'J: .State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 14(i, Xo, IG.

I'uh: Sainshury, Oil, lalur i.J Sink I'ujn !<, (hlcinul, ]i. 50.

180 l\Ti:ol>l CTIOX [1623


547.* Privy Council. OrIlm' apiwiiitiii;,' T-ni.l.-- < ;nm.li-^iin, f'ai-ow, iiiid CIiiclu'sttT to tako iiot.'S

lioii'to adjoiufil into ooiisiiU'ratii)'!, ami li> (raiin- llini'lnim siu'li oiiU-rs aa are most lit

I'm- n'^'iilatiii'j till' ^'(.voniiiieiit of Vitv'iiiia. 1' (1) I'K'n. 1 ) I't'. [NY]

7!i, I. J!'/: (!) ( nlniiial Kiitrv i'.r.ok, Vcl. p. liU. (L'i I'livv Ccuihil Kc sri.tor, .lam, < 1,

V.il. VI, 1.. 71'..

J'lili: Saiii.-lmry. Ciil>iiihii-,,/Si,,i, I'lip,!-.", Culiuinl, p. .">().

Tr:iii.«criii!, New York luhli,- Lil.r iry, llaM-rmt I'lq.. ivJ, Vul. II, f,,. \». i JULY 23

548.* An accoxiut <.i" sums i-iili>;iTLlii_'il an

111. ]i,f: .-^tate Papers, Colonial, .laiues 1, Vol. II, Xo. .(lV

ruh: Sain.-^l)ury, Val.-iidur I'f St,il, I;ij„;:% Ctuiual, p. .")0.


r<49. John Chamberlain. A letter tn Sir liii'lley (.'aileloii, eoneeriiin^' the .'-d\n^\mTy, C'lli-nd'tr uf Slal, J'apirs. Cln,,:,,?, p. .51. JUI-Y 28

550.* I/Ord President Maudeville. A L.tter to Secretary C'oinvay, fitating that the Attornev-

(ieneral is to jias-s upon the jiowerof the Kin:,' to i<:^ue another i>attr.t to the \'ir;,'inia Company. PRO. VII. J:if.- Stale 1'ai.c-i-s. Doine-trf; Janie.- I, A'ol. 140, Xo. 7''-.

}'ul,: Sain.-lnn-y, Oilrudm- of Shih /'.i/i./.v, r,,l,,in,if, p. .'>!. JULY 31

551.* Attorney-General Coventry and Solicitor-General Heath. A letter to the KiiiL', giving an opinion (oneernin

Pub: (1) Brown, Flr^l li. pi.hr,,; .>47-.'>4.S. (L') Sain.-hnry, CtihnOnr of Si'il,' P'r.->, Colonial, p. nl.

Tninspript. New York Piibiie Lilimry.Diint-rol't Papers, Vol. II, fn=. ir.VlTl.

552.* Note of virtual?^ and ]>rovi.-ion sent by private pi-rsou.-' to Virjiinia in the "Gforf;e," wliich i.- to go to (irave^enil on Monday next. [Total, £.106.] I'Ko. [NY] III. Rrf: State Papers, Colonial, .lames I, Vol. II, Xo. 43. I, II.

J'ub: Sainsbnry, I oh-nda,- of Sl.iln J'op,;:-!, < Uunlol, }.. .M.

lrllll^.•ril.t, Nr«- York I'ul.lie l.il.riirv, ]i:iucr.ul Papers, Vul. II, fos. 15.Vl.Vi. [flive.s liate Julj K.l AUGUST

553.* Protection to C:'ptain .lohn Harirrave. PRO. I. AV/.- Docipiet Knok. Si-net Otiiee.


5.54-.* Virginia Company, belter to the t;overnor and council in Virtrinia, coneornin.i,' the> letter of Lords Council in re>;ard t


1G23] - IJfiT OP 77//; If/CeOIHl.'i 181


555. I/Ord Chichester. A li-tUT lo llio Cnuriti-ss .it \V:)rwirk tDiirliiu^; tlie proji'dod

til.- Kail of Wurwi.k unci l.or.l C:^^!!.!^!!. I'KO. VII. AV- M:mrlR-^lur I'liptTH, No. Kill.

Pah: CMleuilar: Hist. MSS. Com., Klr/hlh }!(;,orl, j.t. 2, |.. I'll.


556.*" Governor ill Virg-inia. T'rnflaiii.-ilioii si'ttliiiL' llio r.itcs of coiinniKlitios. LC.

IV. I!rf: MS. Iter. Vir-iiiia Co., HI, pt. ii, y. 4S'. 557.* Profhiinalinii iilmiit tin- [i.iynwnt of (U'hts. LC.

IV. A'./.- M.'^. lice. Vi.-iiiJii Co., Ill, pi. ii. p. A'J. KKTWEEN SKPTEMHER AND OCTOBER

558.* Stephen Gingby and others, rrtitiou |o ^.-ovrrimr of \'ii;.;inia hy Sti'|ihiu rjincrliy ami tlio rest of the i-oiiipany InloiiKMiit: (• tin- '• F,v.-iv(t'" of Mi,llrlK,i.iUL.'li. LC.

1\'. A'./.- -M>. lire. N'iljiilia Cn., Jii, pi. ii, ],. (10.

550." William Crakephice. I'rliliou t'l tin- l'^voimmi- in \'iri;iiiia, (Uuiatiiliiii,' that tin- contrart

with .Mr. l.aii-li'V In- liillilli.l hy Mr. liou-la.s lii.< ^^u^^•^^.-,.r as llla^tor of tin- ">hu-^:ai.t " " aii.IJohn." LC.

IV. AV/.- .M.S. Hvr. Virginia Co., Ill, jit. ii, p. .51)\


560.* John Peureis. IVtitioii to jjovernor anil coiuiril in \'ir.;inia in regaril to riglits of trailiutr.

IV. J!e/: MS. Kec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, j.. 5ii\ LC.


561.* Governor in Virginia. Ptia-lamalion alioiit trailitii; with Indians for corn in the bay. LC.

IV. AV/.- MS. r.oc. Vir-inia Co., Ill, i.t. ii, p. )!!.


562.* Invoice of guods sent Id ^ili,'inia hy Jolin llanison in "Marniadnke," John I'onnis, master, for use of (n'oi-'/e Hairison. PRO.

VI. AV/; .State Paper-^. C..l<.nial, James T, Vnl. II, No. -1!.

Fair. Sainsliui-y, Cul. .Hhtrof S.tl,- l;,,u ,:<, Ci'hnhil, p. .52.


563.* Governor in Virginia. ProiUunation ahout stealing of bird." and beast.s of domestical and t;'.nie nature. LC.

IV. AWV MS. Koc. Vir-inia Co.. Ill, pt. ii, p. 49.

1623 4


564.* Michael "Wilcocks. Petition to CuvciiU'r Wyatt, dcuiaii'ling that at Ihe end of his year'.s service William Candy pay liim IMI pn-inds of tobacco aivl build a house, as agreed.

IV. A'./.- MS. Kec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, ],. t;i>(. LC. BETT^EEN OCTOBER AND FEBRUARY

565.* Carsten Berksain. I'ctilinn to gDVernor and council, requesting to be sent home because of


IV. li,J: :MS. Kec. Virginia Co.. Ill, pt. ii, p. tiO.

]82 i\j nam cTioN [1623


566.' Thomfis Pasmorc. tVlitinu tn jic'VcniMr i.i' Viiyinia, ciinoi'riiin^'iiayiiifiit l)y N'aleiitine (Kss-eily

i.f iiuiiu-y dm-. I.C.

IV. /.',/. M.<. Kit. Vir-inia Cc, HI, |.t. ii. p. (W. 567.* Go\ ernor in Virginin. A\'an,iiit lor tlio levy oi" t:ixi-s. LC.

]V. j;./: S]<. V:,'c. Vir-iiM-i (..., HI, j.i. ii. ).. ."-:.'. rv^,,.

5G8."-- . ( ir.l'. r iviliuiiii; tho lli-.i' l'i>r )ioiiiiaynit.'iil of ;i ta.^ of (jii )M>uiids of .'ai^.-iufras on each mail fi'oin 10 pounils on eai-!i IdO jiouiid.'^ of Ki^^afras to 4 jMJunds iA toliacoo. ].('.

IV. fl'f: ^IS. ]?,•(. Virginia ('•., i>t. ii, iiji. .^I'-iL''.


5SP. Lord President Mandeville. A li-tlcr to [SociTlavy Conway], di-'iiatrliins a messenger after

tlio de|.uty o[ Virginia C'(iiniiany, ar- none of lli^^ roini>aiiy will Ijike anvtliing upon tlioniM'lves in tlir- ali-c nn- of the governor. PRO.

VII. l;,f: Htate I'aper.^^, 1 >,.i.i.-li.-, .lames 1, Vol. l.".:',, N... 14.

J'nl,.- Sain.ilinry, di/nul",- nf Slat,- J'ap^is. Cn!nii'i"l, ji. 52.


570.* Privy Council. A letter to the L'overnor and eonnril in \'irginia, announcing tlie intention

of the King to cliange tli: trovernnient of thr Colony. Their I.ori.'. lir.-t Order. (l)-(3) LC (4) I'KO [NY]

J. Hrf: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. i, p. 2'. (2) MS. Conrt Look, Virginia Co.,

II, .3;W-3:jO. {-.i) In-tructions. Comniissiont: and Letters, liilKi-KkSo ( Vellnin Book),

pp. 63-(>4. [KSth .entury copy.] (4) State Tapers, Colonial, 1 1, Xo. 4.5; Colonial 1-aitry T.ook, Voh 7V). pp. 19,VUi(>. J'lib: (I) Kingsbury, AV<-. V'li-y'inin O/., /xw/, II. (2) Brock, y'lnjinhi ConijM;,ii, II, 229-230. (3) Brown, Fh-tl Jle/'nUir, .5.5t)-.>M. (4) Sainsl>nry, Colcmhir of Slate

I'ltpers, C'llniiiiil, ]>. -52.


571.* . Order for S' William Jones et al., the connnissionei-i», to examine into the state of Vir- ginia and the Summer Islands, to continue inrjuiry and report to the board at convenient lime. (1) PRO. (2) PC. [NY]

I. lUJ: (1) Col.jiiial Kntry Book, Vol. 79, p. lO.-i. (2) I'rivy Coimeil RegL-ter, .Tames I Vol. \-I, p. 123. Puh: (1) Brown, Fir.-t Hep'ihUr, 5.50-5.52. (2) Le Froy. .Vfiiiorio^ of Ihe Jlenmidai>, I, 323-324. (3) .^ain^bury, Oikmlar of Slat, Pop,,:-'. Colonial, p. 52.

Transcript, Ntnv York Pulilic Liliniry, Banrri.ft I'Ji.crs, Vol. II, fo. 173.


572.* George Jemison and Mr. TJndergod. "To the right AVor" H' Francis Wyatt Knight

Gouernor and Captaine < :.nerall of Virginia. The humble I'etion of George Jemison" ' and 'SV. Cndcrgod of the .-hi;. Mverett.'' LC

IV. A'./.- MS. Rcc. Viru'inia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. fiO.


573.* Privy Council. Order dispensing with attendance of Justice Sir William Jones because of his other en}ployments: also ordering conimis-ion to ai^fioint certain days for meeting so as tobeex].edition.s. (1) I'C. (2) PRO. I. AV/- (1) Privy Council Register, James 1. Vol. VI, p. 12.5. (2) Colonial F,ntry Book, Vol. 79, p. 19(;. Puh: Sainsbury, Calendar of State PajH-r-^, Colonial, p. 52.

1633] LIST or 'Jin: in:rt)j;ni? 183

574. Virginia Cou;pauy. Aii.-wrr lo an onliT nt lln' J'rivy (,'oiuicil of Clololior 8, ]C,2A, b(.-t.'i:iiiL'

r.-pitr uiiiii Xovrinl.fi'.i. (1) ri;0. (i-'j I.e. [NVJ

III. l:,j: I 1) MS. C.urt l'.....k. Vitj,'inia O)., IT, SM). (L") Stale ra].(.'i>, Cclunial, Jan.es

J, \nl. II, N,,. 4(1.

I'ld,: (1) Kiii-sliurv. /,,,-. T7iv/iV/.( ( .i.. 11. (L') r.n.cl;. IVrv/ii/" Cu>,iparni, TI, l':5l-i;.

(SI Painshury, (\il,„'hii- i>f Stale /'„/„/.-., r„.'„„,„/. [,. .VJ.

Tnin^iTipt. New York I'ul.lii- IJhrurv. ll:iiii-r.i(t 1'.ii.,t-. V..I. II, f(w. I.VV-I.ST. (Ii.Uv nivc-n

.N..V. ly.l OCTOBKK 17

575. Lord President Mandevillu. .\ lotlcr to Sctivtai y Conway, louconiini,' an iilltiation in llie fi-anif ol ;;c>V(.Tnrnciit. I'RO.

VII. A'./.- State I'uiK'i-s, DoiiiusLii-, Jauio.s I, \'ol. 1.5:!, Xo. liT.

I'lli: SaiiL-^liury, ('uti-uilnr aj Stulc 1'i.ijnrf, Ciiloiiiat, y. X',. 570. Privy Council. \n ontiT to th" Vir;.'inia Company. Scrond miliT in council. Cop}-. 0)-t3) IX;. (-1) l>KO [XY]

I. ]Uf: (Ij .MS. K.T. Vir.;inia Co., Ill, j.!. i, [.. :U. (iM .MS. Court FmioU, Virginia Co.,

II, i!ll-:U2. 1.'!) Instni.iion-. C.Hi.niis.-^ioiis, ami Litters, ICtW-KiS:', (Vellum

Hook), j>. (>i. (-1) Coluiiial iMitry r,o,,k, \'ol. 7!i, |.|.. 1'.I7-]S)8.

Pal: (1) Kingslmry, /.Vf. Vir,iii,i,i C,., ,„...l, II. IL') Jlmck, Viriiioia Compunij, i\,

238. (HI Calendar: rV/v/oi/.i .)/./;/. u/" ///.s/. VI, :;,SL>. (4) Sainslmry, C'.-/f/it/.(C

of.sintr pdj,,,:-!. c„i„„;

TnmsiMii.l, N\-w York IMI.lio I.il.mry, ItMiar.in TainTs, Vol, II. fo.i. KS9-191. OCTOBEK BO

577. Virg-inia Company. .\nswiT to an i.r.lir I'l the I'rivy Conmil (,jf (Jctober 1", ]62o. (ll LC. (2) PKO. [NY]

in. R'f: (.1) MS. Cnurt l;o..k, Vir-inia Co., IT, :;t2. (2) .State I'apcrs, Colonial, James 1,

Vol. II, .\'o. 47.

J'ul,: (1) Kingsbury, AV,-. \-;,yh, i

(o) Sainsbury, < .dnxhn- of Su-.l:' J\ij:(iy, Cohnoiil, p. o.'S.

Transcript. N'^-w York I'liljlic I.iljniry, Hiincr'ift P.apcrs, Vol. II, fo, 201. [Kinl.s with •' were of a culltniry opiiiicin."]

OCTOBKR 20, 21

578.* Privy Council. I'rivy CoiuK'il to the \ir_'inia Cnmpany, urging; the speedy sending of the ship to Virginia and that the oider.< shonkl be published in \'irginia.

ill, 12) .<: (4) I.e. (3) PRO. (.5) PC. (G)MC. [XY]

I. y.VfV (1) MS. Records \'ir'jiniaCo., Ill, pt. i, p. :!.f. (2) MS. Court P>ook, Virginia Co., II, 343. (3) Coli>nial Ijitry I'.ook. Vol. 7W, pp. ]i)'.;-200. (4) Instruction.^, Commi.s- sions and Letters, ll5l)i)-lll.S3 (vellum book), pp,(y;-ii7. i.i) PrivyCouncil Register,

James I, Vol. VI, ji. 131. (til lerrar I'apers. Puh: (1) Kingsbury, A'-r. l7/-;/,„,„ (V,., ,„„i^ \\, (2) Brock, Virr/iii'm Conqiaioj, II,

234-235. (3) Sainsbnrx. Calnnhir „f Sl.,ir /'„;;,•,.-, Colonial, \.. .53.

Transcript. New V. ik flil.li.- I.iljniry. r,,iiiiniit Tiipurs. Vi.I. 11, ios. I93-116. [Oct. 20.] OCTOBER 20

579.* Schedule nf names of th"^e pie-ent at ati extraur.linary rourt of the Virginia Company by appointment of Loids, tnuching the mum niU-r uf tlie charter.s, distinguishing those who weie lor from those a.Liainst. PKO. III. A.;V Stale I'apers, Colonial, Ja s I, V..1. 11. Xo. 4S.

rub: i?ain-biiry, (\il.-,uhir <•( .

Transcript, New Vi.ric ful.lii- l.il.mry, li,in.r..!i Pap, rs. Vol. II. f.,.s, 197-199.

184 lyTUOnrCTION [1623

580.* Governor in Virginia. "A Wnrnmt tiiC;i|it. ^^:vc.lisllu tohriii^' 40 soulilii i-s fur y' March."

IV. j;,i: MS. Kccoril* Viri.'iui:i Co., Ill, j,l. ii, j.p. Tn', .VJ,j. LC. OCTOBER 22

581."^ Robert Byiig. A Ic-tU-r to Xiclmla^ Fcnur, < iiuvrniii'; tlie upiiointiiicnt to ;i poMitinii. VI. Jifj: Forrar J'apery. MC. [i.C]

I'lioii'gnipluo 'fpriiilp.rtio!! ;iM.l traiiHcript in tlic Library iif Oiigrc.-i. OCTOBER 24

582.* Privy Council. Order to .Tohii Hurvoy to investigate tlie cotiflitioti;.- of Viiyinia —plantations, fortilii'Mtiniis, jirovisions, boats, jiublie vrorks-, and relalioris with the lndi:ni:!. PC.

I. nrf: Privy Oinnieil llegister, .laiiiu:^ I, Vol. VI, p. i:!7.

Tran-cr:!.!. Ncv. Vi.rk I^iibli.- Library. liaiurr.ft Laiiit-^, V..1. IL f.>s. L>iVi-207.

5S3.' Privy Council. .V K'ttertothe (Jovemur and (.'onncil in S'li'^inia, instrnelin;; Conneil to assist C'oi]inii:--sionersaiiiiointed to inve~ti-ate the Coh.ny. (1) ],C. (4) PKO [XY]

i. }!./: (J) MS. lu-c. Virginia Co., ill, j.t. i, ]>. -J. (L') Coluiiial Kutry Book, Vol. 79, llSOli-lCs:! |>. 200. (3) Instruction^-, eonii.^.>^ions, and letters, i vellum hook), p. 62. [18tli century cojiy.] (4) Colonial Kntry P.uok, Vol. 79, \: L'OO. l\b: Saiiisbiiry, OiUmhir of !

Transcript, Nt-w York Public Library, Bancroft Papers. II, to. 200. NOVEMBER

others. Kiter Secretary 584.* Sir Thomas Smythe and X to " Conway, conccrnini.' Captain Baily'a project. PRO. [NY] III. Hi-f: State Papers, Colonial, .Tames I, Vol. II, No. .51.

/'»?<.• Saiiisbury, Cnleiuhir of Slate riipcr.<, < 'uhjuinl, p. 54.

Transcript. New York I'nblic Library. Bancroft Papers II, los. 22I-2l'3. 1623. NOVEMBER 4 TO 1624. MAT 24

585.* ftuo Warranto and Proceeilin'js, by which the Virginia Company was dissolved. (1) PnO. (2)MC. [LC]

I. ReJ: (1 1 Ciiram Kege lioU, Janics I, 21 year, Michaelmas Term. Roll Xo. lo28, mem- branes, 39-08. (2) Ferrar Papers (writ only).

rhoLograpbic reprtxinction in the Literary ol" Congress. 1623


586.* Commissioners for Virginia. Wprrant concerning sundry petitions referred Xo them for

examination. They re'iuire a Iriuik >>f wrilings locked np under custody of clerks of Privy Council to be delivered to the bearer. PRO.

I. /.•(/.- State Papers, Colonial, .Tames I, Vol. il, Xo. 49.

l\ih: Sainsliury, (_'iili:Hd'(r . .")4.


587.* Governor in Virg-inia. A Comuiission to the Council of State in the Governor's absence.

IV. }:ef: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. 41. 1,C. NOVEarBEH 19

588. Note of sliijiping, men, and priivi.-ioiis sent ami ;iro\ided for Virginia by the Ri

" 1623] I 1st of } III-: unciiUDti 185


589.* Govei-nor in Virginia. Onli>r to Capliiiii ^laiMismi aii'l otlicr (iII'kvis to collect sa.-'.'^afras ami tohaci-o. LC.

IV. A',/.- MS. ];,,•. Vit-inia Cci., Ill, \A. ii, p|.. .^.l', W.'m.

• 590.* . Wairaiil to Cai.tain ri.-ive t.i W\x :\m W-. of lolar.'c. U>v tlic fort at Wari-i-i.yai-k."

JV. /.'.;•. MS. i;,.,'. Vir.'inia Co., III,'].!, ii, |.. r,-J. LO.

591.* . Oi-,liT to Caiilaiii I'i.Tsc to U'vy thf tax of Oci.il.cr, \fC:). LC.

IV. ii. .V.', ;V_'„. Hn: .MS. lite. Virtriuia Co., IH, i>t. i.|..

592.* . .\ wanaiil ffw Mr. r.cm't tor hi.- iiu'anes. LC.

r<'.„. ]V. A,/- MS. Urc. Vir-inui Co., Ill, in-. W.\ NOVKMEER 21

593.* Privy Council. Onlcr for ilel.vcriii'; tlic \'iri;ir]ia Ciiiii|nniyV book.--' ami writinss to tli-c Vir-

aii\ , a;_'aiir

I. y.V/. CoL.nial Kniry l; .ok, Voh 7'.', p. :.'ns.

I'ltii: Sain.shnry, ' W/, „,/,,,• ../-.s),,/, /,,/„,>, ihlmiinl, \,. :">).

TraiiMMii.t, X. w V..rb I'.il.i.i,. l.il.niiy, Miin.n.il IMpiT.-, II, fus. 'JiV 227.

594.* Virginia and Somers Islands Companies. Petition to the Kiiiir, that a oommlssion

pi'aiiteo on rei|nest of .\Meniian .hihnsoii ot al. iiroceed; thai books sei|ucstered 14 days lie lestored, ami Ihat they h.- preserved in ri-ht.s. (1) I'lK). (2) K 1'. [N'Y]

III. Itfj: (1) State I'apei-s^ CoL.nial, James 1, Vol. II, No. 50. (•„') Do I.a Warr'.s collec- tion of MSS.

r,ib: (I) Sainsl.nry, < ul, .,.!.,, „( Sial,- i'e/.n-.s-, Cnlmihtl, p. ,>). (L') Ili.-I. M.SS. Com.,

Fonrlh j;,i,url. \>. L'.s:'..

Tnui.serii.l. .\e» Vi.rk I'llhlie l.ilimry, liiincrofl I'iipery. U. fns. LMV2-17.

595.* Governor in Virginia. '" .\ warrant '.'nuiMled to .Mi. JJollon for his meaiiea." LC.

IV. J;>f: M.S. Kec. Virtrinia C.i., Ill, pt. ii, fo. .'.:!. MOVEKBKR 22

596.* Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to .lohn Fi-rrar, concernin;^ pergonal debts, as.suring him that

no Olio will lo.s'i; by him. MC. [LC]

VI. ];,f: Ferrar Paj.ers. NOVEMBER 27

597.* Governor in Virginia. .\ vkarrant to Captain William Tucker t

IV. Mej: MS. Kec. Virginia ( o., Ill, ].t. ii, p. o.'i.


598.* Council in Virginia. Order fMr propar;ition of list of all who perished in massacre, as per order of the eompany. LC.

IV. A''/.- .MS. Kec. Vip.'inia Co., Ill, pt. ii, fo. hX DECEMBER 8

599.* Privy Council. Order touehin;: the costt- of a ijiio w.irrant'/ affectinj; the charter of the VirL'inia Company. (I) PC. (2) & (3) PKO. [XY]

I. Kef: (1) Privy Council Ki-ister, .lames I, Vol. VI, [,. hS.S. (2) Colonial Entry Book, \'ol. 79, p. 2(Kt. (oi M.iiieh.'ster I'apt-rs-, Xo. r!!l4.

Pub: (1) Saiii.-bury. <.,l,,ui.,r of .v..(,; J',q„,s, r„Ju,wil, p. 5.5. (2) Calendar: Hist. WSS. Com., Kiijhlh l:.,.vrl, pt. 2, p. 17.

Tnmscrii.t, N.« Vertc I'lil.lic l.il.niry. Kiiiirr.nl I'ufKTs, II, f... 1.-J9.

186 hXTJUHiLCTlOX [1623

TO. 600. Privy Council. ( "r.U/r n[ Doci-mluT !S, ny:;. (1 ) I.C. (2)

y.'./.- ) Couil i'.iMiU, Virj^'inia Co., II, 3()1. (L') Colonial Kntry Book, Vol. 79, j.. 209. 1. ( 1 l-iih: (U k'in-tfliiiry, /i'.v. 17r;/''"'''i I'o., J I. 1.2) lirock, Virijini.-i Coinijanii, 11, 2-l',l-2.M).

(;.)) Saiu^lmiy, Oil, N(hir oj Slal,' J'np,',.-^, Cnlininil, p. r>.i.

601.* ()i(Ji-r (liivctiiij; Ww atl..inry-L;i iu-nil to ivpoit mi ii jMiitiou of >\irli..la> Fcrrar, deputy of Vir^'iiiia Company, who alliiias that coMiitussi'Hi for oxaininiii^' Vin^'inia Comiiaiiy and !>uiiunfr Island^ Coiiqaiiy had imt f^-l coiusi- lor payiii;^ delit- ul Iho ouinpaiiifs,

i^- (.S) }'K(). which was ivtViTwl unto tlit-ni by Ijoaril. (1 1 I'C. (_') 1S8. (2) Colonial Kntiy IJook^ I. . AV/V (1) I'rivy Coiindl Uogi.sli.-r, .lames 1, Vol. VI, II. Vol. 7!l, pp. 2lt'.)-210. (ij) Jlanolu'stur I'apois. \o. ,31i:',. J'nb: (1) Saiii.>l)Ui-y, Culcmhir „/ Shih' /'(-/., t.v, Ci.lonUil, p. o;j. (2) Calendav: lli.-t.

Mss. Com., /;;.(//;//, nijM-t, pt. 2. p. 47. 602.* Order dircctini; tlio attorney-L'oneral to report uj.on a complaint of William Cannyn [CaiuiiriL'] 's. Thomas Keifrlitlv for arri'?tint; him on arli.ui of C-'.IH). (1) PC. (2) l'i;0. [NY]

1. I'of: (1) Privy Council I'ori^-'cr, .Tamc^i I, Vol. VI, p. 1S7. (2) Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 79, p. 209. Pnh: .Saiusbury, Gden'hir of Stale I'diifi-i:, CnhmUil. ji. .55. Transcript, New York I'liljIU- I.il.iary, liancroii I'iq.crs, II, fos, l.'3:i-233. 603.* Council in Virginia. Onler cuiiciTning every 20"' man to work on the fort oi Warisooyack.

]V. K.\l: M.^. Hec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. h:i. LC. 604.* Mr. Captain Eargrave. .Mr. Captain Bargrave's I'loiect touching Virginea." A copy ol a letlerto the Lord Treasurer. (Ij BM. (2) PRO.

2-1'. papers, VI. AV;Vil) .Additional MS^S., 1 'G, to. 4.54. (Cae.-^ar Papons.) (2) .Manchester Xo^ 402. r,ib: Calendar: Hist. JIS.S. Coin., Kirihth lleporl, pt. 2, pp. 47-48.

DECEMBEK 11 t?) 605. Council in Virginia. Action concerning release of a bond of George Yeardley to ^Ir. .South- ern; Concerning good.s sent home on the " Tem[icrance." J.iC.

IV. /I'tf.' -Mi^. Court Book of the Colony. DECEMBEK 19

\'.\ Martin. 606 * Privy Council. .\ letter to the governor and council Virginia concerning Captain •(])LC. 12) PKO. (:-!) PC. [XY]

ii, 70". Coloui.il Entry Book, Vol. 79, I. AV/V (1 ) :MS. Rec. Virginia Co., IIT, pt. p. (2) 199. p. 210. CM Privy Council Regi.-ter, .lames I, Vol. VI, p. Pnh: (1) Vii. -1%. of }risl.,\\\, pp. 272-27:;. (2) ~^:\m^\A\ry,C,[lf,i,l

Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, l"o. 5:1. IV. ]!'f: M.S. Rec. DEOEMBER 30

^'ir'_'iIiia to bring to them 608. Privy Council. A letter t.) the deputy governor of the Company unopened all letters arrived in a ship hltely from \'irginia. (1) LC. (2) MC. (3) PC. (4) PRO. [XY] Perrar Papers. Privy Council L i;,;^V (1) Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 35S. (21 (3) Register, James I, Vol. VI, p. 215. (4) Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 79, p. 210. 24fi. Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Her. Vin/inla Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Com},an!i, II, Slate P,ij,er.i, Colonial, (3) V't. Mag.oflhsL, X, 132-134. (4) Sainsbury, OileniUir of p. 55. Transcript, N'tw York Piiblip Library, Bancroft Papers, 11, fo. 241.

Tiir. i;i:ruh'i)>< 18-7 ..1C23-IG2.3 4J I'i'sr OF


609.* Council in Virg-inia. rr.M'buiiatii.m coni-eriiiii;; Tucker's ccillf-ctioii ol' t;ix on tolxicro. LC. IV. Uej: MS. l;.v. Vir-iiiiit Cu., l.oii.loii, III, pt. ii, fo. 5:3. 1623 4


610. Council in Virginia. Coiilvoversv luhvicn 'Ihoiuns Siifraiu and Clarke and the sucocs.sors for of ('apt. Williiini I'<'iVL- atiil Oii't. William I'mvcr omcoiniiu; an a'jreeuient wages Ij^'- of a voyau'e in '' Furllii-nuice." 1\'. y,V/V MS. r.nirt r.iMik of the Colony.

611. Brief iiiolivcs to niaintaiii Kin-'s ri-lit to Kivcr .\nia/.on and coa.st of Guiana. Note added in

anotlior liain! tn point uut prcjiidiir l.i llio plantation.s sliould Kins "»ake agreement witli Virginia and Bermudas <-onipanies for toliaeeo from those places only. VII.

612. Council in Virginia. Controvei^y liftween (ieopje Mynilie for Thouia', llamoraud Thomas Gilib.9 eonrorning a bargain hflwrn [luni. LC IV. JUf: M.S. Court Uo.ik of the C<.lony.


613. Attorney-General Coventry. .\ letter to the Pi ivy Coancil concerning the ca,so between William Cannin- and Th.imas Ki-htley. PliO.

1. Urf: State Papers, l>..nR-tie. .lames 1, Vol. \T,^, Xo. IL'. I'uh: Sainsbury, Cnl. ndnr uj S\il, ]'iip>r.-, Oibuwi}, p. .nG.


614. Council in Virginia. 1. ('.Mitr..\ .-isy between Daniel ( i.iokin. through Kichard Kensan, master of ship ''Mary," and Robert i;oberts of I'.iisto, for delivery of eonnnodities. II. Controversy between Jelui C'liew and William JJunglas for goods used on the "Margaret." LC. IV. Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony. the transitortaliou of goods. 615. . Controversy between Weston and .lames Carter ceneerning IV. Hej: MS. Court P.ouk of the C-lony. LC.


616. Adventurers and Planters in Vir^jinia and others. Petition to the Privy Council that those who oppose the siineu'ler >if the charter shall bear the expense of the suit. LC. IV. Rrf: MS. Court Kc.nk, N'ir.-inia Co.. II, :)iiL'. Ptih: (1) Kingsliury, A'.v. TV,;/;„;.( r,,., H. (1!.) Brock, TVrr/i'ora Comprt,;-/, II, 2o0-2.51.


617.* Governor in Virt'inia. A ('"iMi->;ion tn Cajitain Ilamor given aboard the " Willm and John" fe.r trading. LC.

IV. I!'f: .MS. Kee. Vii-inia Co.. III. pt. ii, p. -11.


618.* Governor in Virginia. -V commi-^sion to S' t-eory.- Yeardley for punishing of swearing and drunken iie.-s. LC. IV. RrJ: MS. Bee. Virginia ( o., Ill, [.t. ii, |i. 10.


188 . ixTuoiii rrnjy [I6234


619.* Governor in Virginia. Wai niiit-^ Tir ImlcliiiL: rl

IV. J!,/: MS. Itw. Virjiiiiia d.. Ill, i.t. ii, f.i. .=.:{. LQ- JANUARY 30

620.* Council in Virginia. A lett'.'r Id thi.- ^l^^'ilua C'wnipany uf I.rnul.iii, (U-^ciiliiii;.' rvvi'ii;.'i- uii In.lians. (1) LC. (L') l'K( ). [NY

IV. Hi/: (1) MS. Kft.-. Vir-^inia Co., Ill, ]>t. i, i>p. 7-.s. (!') StaU- rapri-s^, Dniue.-tic,

Janii-.s I, Vol. l.'itl, No. 1.

Fill: (1) Calendar: Vinjiuiii, M

of Slale I'lijK'i:', Ciilun^nl, Pit. ri6-'}~.

Tianscript: Xt-w York IMiblii- I.ilmiry, Haiicrofi I'nprrs, II, fi>s. 2W^-.>i;'J. FEBRVAKY

6:31.^ General Assembly in Virginia. Tho An--\ver tu Ca]it. lUitlcr's vuuiasUiiif,- nf \'i?L.'iiiia, bv

the <.4enL'ral Assembly Feliruary, ^>V2^i. DIrtTtcil to the King'.s nio.--'t Sacred Ma"". LC.

IV. Hcj: :\[S. Rec. Virgiiiia Co., Ill, ]it. i, pp. 9-11. J'uh: NeiU, Virginin Coinpnuii of LomJoti, 40ii—107.

622.* Robert Poole. Petition "To the Right Wor:tl S' Francis AVyatt Kuijjht," a.'-king for payments due. " LC.

IV. !!(/: MS. Kec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, fo. 60.


623. Virginia Council. Letter to sovernor and council in Viri:;inia, concerninf; tlie conijilaint.* of Capt. .lohii Martin. ],C.

III. }!ef: (1) MS. Tx-c. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. 71. (2) .AIS. Court Book Virginia Co., II, sm. Pub: Kingsbury, liccords ]'hyiiua Co., Vol. II.


624.* John Bnrnett. Petition "To the ritrlit WorTt; S' Francis Wyatt Kniglit < iouernor," for sums due from the agent of Mr. Gookin. LC. IV. /lV/- MS. Rec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. 60". BETWi:EN FEBRUARY AND OCTOBER

625.* William Paney. Petition "To the right Worft S' Francis Wyatt Knight" for a claim from Captain Nuce. LG.

IV. /.'.:/. MS. Rec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. 60a.


626. [Davison?]. A letter to [J. Ferrar?] giving a list of names of the living and dead in Virginia. IV. Jirj: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. Ill, No. 2. PRO. [NY] Pub: (1) Wynne and Oilman, Chloiiio! Rovrih of Virijiniu, 37-60; 61-GO. ^2J Sains- bury, Ciilcwlar of Sln(,- Papers, Colon hi I p. 57.

Transcript, New York PiiWic Lilirnry, Bancroft Paiurs, II, pp. 277-3'J7. .Secretary Davi^oa died before this date.


627. List of 13 letters and papers, iucluiling one book received from and sent to Virginia. VI. /?(/. State Papers. Colonial, James I, Vol. Ill, Xo. 3. PRO. [NY'] Pub: Sainsbury, Calfndar of SUtle I'apcf-i, Colonial, p. .57.



628.* Genural Assembly in Virginia. "TIr- auswcri- u( lli.- ^'cMu'nill As-^oiiilily in Vir-ini.'i, ti. a J>wlara(i'Uie of tlie^Jtato of tin- ('cilonie in tli.; IL' years of S' Tlioi.ui,-- Sinitli's (ioviiinoiit

e.xhil.ifo.ll.y Al.UTman.Ioliiwntu'an.lotlK-r-." (1)1.0. |,L') TKO. [N'Y]

IV. ;,'«/.• (1) MS. lU'O. Vir-iiiiaCo., Ill, pt. i; ].. 1\ (2) Slato I'aiKTs, Colonial, .Tames I, Vol. II, \o. 20.

I'ah: (1) Noill, Viiijiwn. rvmi"'!)'/ '•/ L"i''l',,-,, ],|,. .107-411. (2) Saiiis.bury Cnlaidar of

Si'ili- I'lipcrx, Ch'oMia!, \>\<. o!l-!0.

IJ. S. Tliiri

629.* Governor, Coxmcil, and Assembly in Virginia. I.rltti 'To y" rijjht llono'^ our very good

Ixir: thf l.oi-s: of hi,- Ma''" i.io«l Ilouo"^' PnvieCouiiscIl,'' rfiiUfi^tinj; the liberty of their general a^.^euiblios ami ilefeinliii^ the .S;iii.lv- administration. (1) LC. (2) FKO. [NY]

IV. 7lV/'.- (1) MS. Kec. N'irLriiiri ('•>., Ill, pi. i. [i. -'j. (2) State I'upeis, Colonial, James

I, Vol. UI, No. -1 (vi-ia eopia).

I'lib: Saiiisbury, Cnhniinr <•/ St.il,- ]',

TraiiSLTii.t: Nciv York Vn\,\W Libniry. I;uin;i-..ft I'apcrs, II, |.p. 3ta-371. (Date Fub. -IS.] MARCU

630. Ballad conecriiin.t; the nja.~

that be good fi'llowes." I'rai.-es tt].> men of the eolony. I'KO.

Rcf: Manrliester rapens, Xo. .'K-l. I'u},: Calendar; Hist. MSS. Com., Ei.jldh J!,j.o,i, pt. ii, pp. 30, -10. MARCH

631.* John Haruey. "To the ri-^dit WorTt S' Kranei.s Wyatt Ac and tu the C^ounsell of Estate." I'etition coneerning disobeC.

IV. Jhj: MS. Kee. Virduia Co., Ill, j.t. ii, j). r.l".

632.* . "To the ri-lil Wortl S' Franeis Wyatt Kniyht A.C and to the Counsell of Kstate the second complaint and peticion of .lolin Ilaruey E.^q'." LC.

IV. Bef: >I.s. Kec. Vir-inia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. 02.

633.* Robert Guyer and John Wliito. " To tlie Honu:''' S'' Francis Wyatt knight t^ccand y"= right Wortl the Counsell of Stale. The Answer to y" Complaint and Petition of Cap' John Haruey Es(|uiere." LC.

IV. J!>:f: MS. Hec. Virginia Co., HI, pt. ii, p. (52.

634.* — . "Xo the hono:'''"S^ I'raneis Wyatt kni.dit Ae and the ri^ht wortt the rest of the Coun- sell of State. The ansu'e^r to y- Sei'ond Complaiiit and petieion of Cap' John Haruey Esq'." LO. IV. AV/.- MS. Ree. Virginia Co., HI, [.t. ii, p. 62\

[MARCn] 2

635.* Haruey and others, comniisiioiieri of the King. A letter to Sir Francis Wyatt, governor, and to tlie as.-eml.ly. I'KO.

I. Ji'J: State Papers, Colonial, Janjes I, Vol. HI, Xo. 6 (second pajier). MARCH 2

636.* Haruey and others. Form of subseriptinn p'esente 1 to the general assembly, agreeing to a revocation of the lelters patent. PKO. [NY]

I. JUf: State Paiier.s, Colonial, James I. \'ol. HI, Xo. 6 (third paper).

Transciiiti: Neiv Y'ork I'ulilic Litjrai-y. Ilanciuit HupiTs, It, pp. 397-399.

]U0 Tyj'h-oDL ("j'loy . [io2y4

637.* General Assumbly in Virginia. \ Icttrr tn 1 l;Miify (Iciaainliin; a i'()iniiiij

IV. l!.f: State Tapens, Colonial, .laiues I, Vol. Ill, No. (i (lifth paiier). 638.* General Assembly in Virginia. " The i;cneRill assomblii'.s ariswore to tho^?e fowcr Projio^i-

tioiis madf liy the (•.jur,iii>sioni'r-' to he pro-sontcil to the Lors': of hir; Ma""^ luost honor''"

l>riviecoiin:4ell." ) [A'. I'lM). ( 1 (2) [NY]

IV. AV/".- (1) :\IS. Kec. Viru:iiiia Co., Ill, pf. i, p. 6\ (L') Suite Taper.-, Colonial, Jamea

I, Vol. III. Nn. 7.

/"/'/-. Sainsbury, Calnvhimf Stul,' ]•!/,, -f, (h!,,tt;„l, p. .=.s.

(1) I). S. in I'ul.Iii' Ki'r..nl Oltlce. (-J) Tiiiilseii|,|. Non York riihli,- l.iliriiry. Jiuiicr.ift I'Hrcrs,

639.' Governor, Council, and General Assembly iu Viigiiiia. "The ,\?is\vere of (ioii"'^, and Couiireell an

IV. n,/: (I) .^IS. Kec. Vir;:inia Co., Ill, pt. i, p. 7'. (2) State Pai.ert^, Colonial, .lames 1,

Vol. IIT, No fi (fourth paper;>.

iJocuiiKnit in Stiui.- Puper*. CoJniiiiil. in tin; aiiliiKi'iph of Ed. SUar]ilcss, mid c-.MtitiL-a by iUni.


640. Commissiouers in Virginia. "X liriefe deeUnalioue to the .\ssemhlie" (by John Ilarvy, John I'orey, Abraham Peirsey, and Samuel .Matliew.s.) with a list of four enriuirii'S as to the Ptate of the colony. (1) LC. (2) PKO.

I. J:rf: (I) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. i, p. 6. (2) State Papers, Colonial, James 1, Vol. Ill, No. 6 (first paper).

Pub; Sainsbury, Citloi'!'ii- of St'itr J\'/>'-rs, Coloiiiul, p. ,nS. Doeuiuent i:i .State fui'tTs. Colonial, in autograpli of Kd. Slla^l'lt^s. and certified by liim.

raABCH 3.

641. John Haruey and others. .V letter to Governor "Wyatt and the assembly, answerins: a demand for authority and aokno\vled>jing that they had none to move them to conform to sub- scription. PRO. [L. C]

I. He/: (1) MS. Ree. Virginia Co., Vol. Ill, pi. i, p. 7". (2) State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. Ill, No. 6 (sixth paper).

Pooumciit in tb.c StaTO Papers. Colonial, in the autoirraph o[ Kd. :?]iarple?s. IMiotograph in the Library of Congres-*.


642.* Governor and Council and Assembly in Virg-inia. Laws and Orders of the Assembly in Virginia, by the Governor, (.'ouneil and 2 burgesses elected nut of every plantation by

major parts of voices. February 1(3, 182:5 4. (1)LC. (2) PRO. [NY]

IV. AV/; (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. i, fo. 8. (2) State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. Ill, No. 9. J'lih: (1) Ilening, Sfalvl.:.<, I, 122f. (2) Sainsbury, Calaidnr of Slat,' I'npcr"-, C'oln„:a!,

]). 59.

Docinneiit in Strife l'Kj».--r Oflifo in antnu'raph of Kd. Sharpk>v. TralisiTipt: New York VniAU:

Library, Bancrot'l raj".r.*. II. l..s. ail'J-Sl.'i.

643.* Governor, Council, and Assembly in Virginia. Order loncerning a levy of tobacco. LC.

IV. 7.V/V :MS. Kec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. i, p. 9.


644. Council in Virginia. Action concerning a claim against the company. IX}. IV. Kef: MS. Court Book of the Colony.


1023 41 Liav or Tin: urroinj^ 191

lOi.T 4 TO MARCH 7. 1024 S

645. Court- in Virginia. Tr.in.siriiits ini:ii loml it-i-ui'ls in \iii;iiii:i. in ii\i;irtir conrtH at Jaiiu's-

lowii, of j.-iiiils rrlatiiiu' t.i tin- iK'l>l>- of (iejuw Tli.iq.c, by I'.fnjainiTi Harrison. NY. IV. l;,(: Siiivtii of Nil.K'v r,ii.cr.s Smyth, HS. 1«'». JV/-.- CaiuM.lar: -V. Y. J\.l.. /-/'. />'"//., I,

1623 4 MARCH

646. Council in Virginia. Coiut T.uok of the CoiuhmI in Virt;iiiin, concern iii^' a ra.sc between Mr. Home an.l Mr. rroeli-r, com eriiini; .-service. IX^.

TV. }:,'/: :>r.s. C.)nrt r.o(A of IheColony. 647.* Henry [Horner]. "To the ri>;ht U'orn S"" Franci.s Wyatt Kni-lit .vc and Counseil of Estate liero .V.a.-enililed," ileniamlinfr ^'oods Jiie from Procter. 1-C.

IV. J!rf.- MS. Hec. Vir^'inia Co., Hf, pt. ii. p. C.J.


648. Council in Virg-inia. Court Ilo'.k ot the Coiiiieil in Vir^'inia, concerning deirra^lation of ]^.ii-)mnl (iuaih> fjon. I'ai.tain to cariu-nter. I-C'-

IV. I!'f: >hs. C

.September'), l(iL';i.] LC.

IV. Ji''/: MS. Pee. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. 01.


650. Council in Virginia. Court Pook of tlie Coiineil in Vir^.-inia, concerning a controversy between Dr. Pott and Capt.WiUiani Hohnes for iiaynieiit i.if three cheats of phy-ic. PC. IV. Kef: MS. Court Pook of the Co!.>ny. 651. [Edward Nicholas.] \ letter to [.lol,n Xichola.s] eoneerning the arrival of sliips this week from Virginia and the Sonn-rs l.-lamls, certifying the welfare of the people in Virginia

still in enmity witli the native.--. PRO. VI. Jirf: Stale Papers, r)ome>tic, .Tame^ 1, Vol. KiO, Xo. 70. Pith: Sain-bury, 0-(Un''ai- nf Sla'e Fainrs, Colonial, p. 59.


652.* Governor in Virginia. A commis.siMii to Pawleigh Cra.-haw to tra.le witli the Indians. LC. IV. Ret: MS. Kec. Virginia Co., Ill, j't. ii, p. 41.

MARCH 23. 24. 25

653.* John Harney. ''To tlie right wor:tt S' Franci.< W'yalt knight i-cc and to y" Counsell of f:state the tliird pttition of John Haruey, Y.hi'." concerning his admiralty of New England. PC. IV. Hef: MS. Kec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. ti.'J. 654.* Robert Guyar and John White. "To the right bono:'"- S^ Franci.-- Wyatt knight Ac the Cajitain Haruey. riglit Wortl y Counstdl of State." The Hund)lc Petition against LC. IV. Rrf: MS. Kec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. G.'i. MARCH 30

of Estate in 655.* Jane Dickenson. "To the hi.not right Worlt I'v,' the Gouernor and Coun.-iell Virginia." Petition to Iv relieved from service. PC. IV. 7o7> :MS. Kec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. 61.

2610.')— Uo 13

• 192 nrh'Oin rrioy . . [ig34



656. [Sir Nathaniel Rich.] Ihaas nl ;i ^pc«li in the ilou.-^f ui CuMiinniis on a i/Otilion iircsentua by thit Viririiiia (.'.Jln;.:)ny. VB.O.

VJ. J^:^• :Manflioster Fapern, Xo. 410.

Pub: (.'alemlar: Hist. MSS. tV.ni., K:.jl,lh K,;,,,,!, pt. L', p. IS.

APKJl. 8

057. Planter.? in Virfrinia. I'ctilion (u tin- ICiii;;', ivi|ni-vtiiiL' In l>u rulii'vi'il ii( the iiniiu.'^t on

tobacLO Icr ii (iniv. ''C.

IV. /.v/V M.S. CV.uil l^...k, Vii-iiii.i (-'o., II, .SV:M:!7I.

/?.-,. r,, I'l/'i/i-'m 257-2.30. 7V/,; (1) Kingolniiy, r,,-.//,,,,/ , II, (L') Bvek, Oj»'/..n/y, H,

APRIL 8. J 4

0o8. Trivy Council. An? \M'I? f'.intinu ll^' ;il.o\f prtctinii. LC. JiV/V MS. Court J^ook, Vii-iniii Co.. II, :il\. Pah: (1) Kingsbury, lUc. Vn:f,,r,a O,., II. (L'l Uroi-k, r-V;//,,;,; Oin,,,c,wj, II, 2.=)9.

AVRIL 13. 19

659.* John Hall. -'To the ri-lit Worlt S' Friinc-is W'yatl Knight Ac" concerning a cUiim against John Hall. LC.

IV. Ikf: 'S\>i. Kcc. Virginia Co., Ill, |.l. ii, p. 61.

APKir. 17

6C0.^- Council in Virginia. Letter "to tliu right llonorbl Ikury Karlc of Suthainpton \\ith the Lord.s and others of the Coun^ell and Compenie of Virginia," concerning act.s of tiie Assembly sent by John Pountis, and the needs of the colony. LC. y». IV. i.V?'.- MS. Kec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. i, p.

(APRIL 221

Iftter to Secretary entreating him to attend the Grand Com- 66 1 . Sir Thomas Smythe. A Conway mission of Grievances to-morrow in order to help to ^top John Bargrave n. Smythe. VIL Kef: State Papeis, Domestic. James I, Vol. 163, Xo. I'S. PRO. Pah: Saiusbury, Cohmhir of Stntc Ptiper», Colonhil, p. liO. 662.* Capt. John Bargrave. A letter to the House of Coninions on behalf of liiniself, absent planters in Virginia, and adventurers asainst Sir Thomas Smytlie. PRO. in. Pcf: (1) ^Manchester Papers, Xo. -lOl. (2) State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. Ill, Xo. 11. (3) State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 10;!, Xo. 28. Pah: (1) Sainsbnry. Cokiidiir nf SUife Pajiers, Colonic!, p. 60. (2) Calendar: Hist.

MSS. Com., Ehj.hih lUport, pr. 2, ji. 47.

Docuaieut in the Colonial Stat'.- Papers sigiifi l>y Burgnive. The ihitc is unrertain.


063.* John Ilarvcy. A letter to Sir Xathaniel Rich, 'ending the reply of the Assembly to Capt. Puttier's and Alderman Johnson's accusations. PRO.

IV. Jief: Manchester Papers, Xo. 400. Piih: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Kujhth Pupoi!, pt. ii, p. 47. Autograph documeut.

1624] - Ll-rr or THU HEVOUDS 193

Al'J'.Il. 8rt. S3

664. House of Commons. "A i>ctiticin [nr Vi:,i;i]}i;i icMil"iii iIh' llonsi' dl CVhiuikims, ami al^ia

letter trnm Uu; Kii:-. (iM.r. ( :;) i-i (-) IIL. (-J)]'!;*!. :!77-:!7'.i. 1. JliJ: (I) .MS. l',,iirt i;k, Vir>.'iiiia Co., 11, yl) 1 Inu.-c of Lor('«, .Suiijilc-

lui-i'.taiv I'aUii.lai, C. .1., 11. (ii!l.!!M. (S) J.mnials of Cmiiiioii.'-, I. (4) State

raivi>,' Colonial, .ianir.-^ 1, Vol. Ill, No. \-2. -•/-'. I'nI.: \^\\ l,cl-roy, .l/.,r. .;/;/„• l:o;nn,l„s, I, :;:lii. CJ) Calon.lar; Hist. MS.s.

[it, IL'-. {'Xj Vn-'/ntin <\niipn,iii, 2(i3-i'il(). Com., rom-lli Hfiioi-t. 1, i>. Uroi-k, II, (1) KiiiLr^bury, A'.r. r,n/o-.V, r,,., II. AITII, CO

665.* James I. A k'ltfi to tla- .-[.cakcT ol" thr llou-i- oi ('oiuiiion-' imt l.. Ironl.li- with tlio i>etitioii,

as it woiiM ruiU'U tin- tailioii~ ui ilic iMiii|iaiiy. wliicli wrn- in -;i_'ttk'ira.'iit l.>y the Kin>r.

I. 7.'./.- f^tat. rai.i-i-, Doiiir.-tii-, .lauKv^ 1, Vi.i. li;.;. No, 71. PRO.

Puh: (II l.rtroy. .l/,,.,/.iW<','.* ',///„• 7,', ,)„/«/./.<, 1, 3:;()-:i:i7. (2) Saiii.-buiy, Cub'iidar oj

666.* Georpe Menefie. A letter to Joliu Hajri^MH. telliiiL' of tlio.lialh of hi.- lu-otlicr (Teor^e, of his will, anil ol an inventory of hi.- i.-tali.', ami a.-kin- i"V in,-1rnetioiis. TRO. [XYJ

VI. lUf: .

I'lih: Sain.^hury, Culrwhr „f Si.,i,- I'n,,n:<, Coh„;.,l. |., i;i.

Tnci^^rrii.t: N<.\v Yurk I'liMic IJIjnir.v, I'.uiiir.ill l',ii.ii.>, II, 17:1-175.


667. Sir Isaac Wake. A letter lo S.-iri-laiy Conway, lollin'^' that King's letter was reeeived with univer.'^al aiiiilau,-e ai»I ha.l i|nutiil iho ;:rcal schisui laused by the Virginian.s. PRO. VII. Juj: Savoy Corre-lioncK-ncc, ini'l, .Vpril l".l.

/'('/>.• a/ si„i. I':,,..i-s. Cohjuiil, (10. Sainsbury, Culejuhir i>. AVEIL 30

668. John Chamberlain. A letter to Sir Iiu.ili'v Carloiun eoneerninj,f the King's letter to Lower House yesteriiay toueliing Virginia, and re.-erving the iiiatler likely to have bred dissension. PR(.).

VII. 7^'/.- State Pa)., is. Doinesti'-, .lames I, Vol. IC:;, Xo. 74.

/'.'//. (l; LeFroy, .V./,/rtnVa'.-:i;/'//'c' y.V<-»( »'/((.>, 1, 337. (2) Sainsbury, r,,;,->jr/

Papers, ColijiikU, p. (il. MAY

669.* [Nicholas Ferrar.] .V ron'_'h draft and a foyy of a petition to the Coinnions eourerning the loss to England by allowin.' the iinportation oi tobaeeo from Spain. I\IC. [LC] VI. Pef: Ferrar Pajiers.

Eough dr:i!ti:i Nifholiis FiTnir s muncraiili iiiid v. coi.y in Kd. Collingw.^id'.s writing.


670. lloiise of Lords. Matlir-- bronudit from tiie lli>n:-e of Coimnon.-, liut no further proceedings. I. /,VV Lord-.Toe.rnal, ]ll.:;ii). ilL_ Ft>b: Calendar: lli.-t. .MSS, Con.,, /'.,//,/// Ji,jmrl, p. ll'3.


671.* Richard Barnes. "To the liono"' S' I'raiuis Wyatt Knight Governor and Capt. general! of Virginia The Hnnibie Petition" re.|m'stia_' a riinvestigation of censure. LC.

Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, 01". IV. A'./.- MS. Kec. i<.

' IV-l lyjUODLCTlOX [1621

672. Sir Francis Notliersole. A It-tli-r to Sir DiuUey Carlctnu, fuiicfiniiiy: the (lis. us^ion uf Vir- ginia aiiiiiiv in tlu' Ikuwo of Coiniiiciii;-. I'lIO.

Vll. y.'./- .^tatu I'atiors, DoiiR-lic, .laniw 1, Vul. KU, Xu. -10.

J'lili: (1) Culeiidar; i'inj.nia Mn;,. of JII.-'I., \i, ;iy2-o!S-!, (L') Saiusimry, Calender u/

•Sldie I'tipirr', Cijhiiiinl, [.. lil'. MAY 10

673. Council in Virginia. Action cnuccininj.' tlic chrtr,'c a;;ainst l/Uvavil Sluirjilcs. claik to the

m!' conn. -i! stall-, ul lictr.iyii,-

ao'l sciiiic' .if til.' coinnii-:i./!i.'r.- f.u ri'waol. LC.

IV. /,../. MS. Cuiiit r..iok of tl..' O.l.iny.

674. . Ai'lii.ii cou.'crnijiy tlic tcn-tuf of li'ichanl r.arnw for r[.fakiti^ ill of the governor.

IV. ./'.J. M>. C'.ntrt Hook of the Colony. \,C. MAY 12

67&.* Coitiicil m Virj^inia. I^.'Kcr 'l... the Ki^ht Ih-iiolile llcniy Karle of Siithnniiiton «'" the

Lo: aii.l i.thfis of ilie (.'.iiui^.'ll ;iii.l t^.iopeni.' of Vir:;inia." Complaint concenn'iii; Mr. Tory. LC

IV. Jlrf: y\X. Jiet. Vir(,'iuia Co., III. \A. i, ji. !(. MAY 20

676.* Koljert Heath.' A letter to .'-^ir Kohert ilarley reijiiestin,!.' liini t.i taki' opinion on a bill ]'ro- li.iseil in I'avlianient on the' iniportation of Spanish toliaci'.i. 1*110.

YIL AV-V •--tale Paper.*, P.,aie-ti'j. Vol. CLXV, No. .=>.

J'lih: Oilni'J'irij/Sl'if,' J'ai:,f, humr.^lii-. James I, lG-2:i-lf;i!.i, p. l'.>0. MAY 28

677.* Sir Robert Heath. "Severall j;veinances presente.l to King: .James by S' Robert Heath (tlien Sollioito' eetlall) vpon Fri'lay the 2Sth of ^Mny in the name of the Lower House of Par- liament in tlie Ban.inettin;.' llonse at "Whiteliall bl'J4—concernincr Trade" ami tobacco.

YIL llej: Harleian MSS., 2244, fo. l.Ti. BM. MAY 30

678.* Ralph Kamour. "T.. the hon ~ S' Francis Wyall kniu'lit t'ic an.l tlie rest of CoiinseU of P^state in Virfrinia. The Hnnihle I'etili.jn" concerniiiir the destruction of his patent in the massa.cre. LC.

IV. It.f: MS. ll.'C. VirL'inia Co., III. j.t. ii, p. Gl.

JUXE (?)

C79. Henry, Plarl of Southatnptoti.anil certain other Lords appointed a Council for Virginia.

1. lUj: Minutes, Colonial Correspondence, 16()y. p. 1. PliO. Fah: Sain.sbury, Cnleii'hir of .stale Pnjjd-K, Culoiiial, p. 63. 680. [Nathaniel Richi ?).] An act concerning tobacco. [Proposed bill by Parliament.] PRO. W. Ha: Manchester Papers, Xo. 4<16. 681. Rough diaft of a suggestion for preemption of tol'acco, an.l prohil.ition of i)lanters in Kngland,

Ireland, and Wales, and importation of any except from Virginia^ and Summer Islands. TI. l:,/: Manchester Papers, Xos. ?,o.5, 404, 407. PRO.

PhIi: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., El:/lilh Report, pt. 2. pp. -ir,, 48.

682. House of Commons. Petition to tlie King for exclusion of all tobacco ji.it grown in his Majesty's r)omiiiion. PRO. I. Rri': Manchester Pajierr-, Xo. 40-i.

J'ah: Calendar: Hist. M>S. Com., Jj/jhlh lUforl, j.t. 2, p. 48.

j.isr OF /JUL laxunjif; iy-5

683.* Secretary Conways. A k'tter to Sir Thmiuis Mi-rry s-Uitinir tlml Ow. ICi!i>: dc-iiivd li'tlfr;: aiid

Iiai.ois n-laiiii'j- tci affairs ol' Vip.'iniii in pn-s-cssitni of lii.s lute cDUsiii, I'liiiiloywl in tliat

hii^iiirs,-', tain-i-s on tlu- busillLe^^. I'Rt).

,la!iic-,- 1. J:,f: State J'.1|ut>;, I )..iui-.-tir, I, Vol. Ili7, Xo. (iO.

J'ulj; Sair.sl.iuy, I h/r,,,!,,,- of S'nU I'a/nr.; („/.,„;.,/, ,,. .;:.'.

JUNE 15(;-')

684.* Goirernor Sir Francis Wyatt. ('..iiin/il. aii'l As-viii)>ly in Virginia. IVlilioii to the Kini/, i'X]iro?sing tVar that tin- ]i''liliiin sent liv John I'onntis was not delivi'ioil an

\ng of thv dcspcrali' .^tat-' I'f llic Ci.loiiy. J'KO.

IV. ' AW"; State I'aixTs, (.'..lonial. James" 1. Vol. Ill, Xo. 4l'.

I'lil.- Sainslmry, Oilntihiruf Stni€ I'oi'crs, Ca/uinul, p. 74.

11. H. Tr;MiMTi|.l- N.w Y..rk riil.lir I.iimin, li:nifrnfi. It, r.svrvia. JUNE 22

685.* Petition eoiueniiiij; Virginia inlemle.l fnr ilelivery in tlie Kin^;, elainiin^ a desire i

VI. 7.',/.- Matuhesl.T- Taper-. N... -|o:;. }\ih: Calendar; Hist. ."^ISS. (.'..n,., Ili./hll, H.-porl, i>t. l!, ]i. 48. JUKE 24

686.* Assembly in "Virginia. Law a-.'ain-t nnlawfnl iniiilied eontracts of marriajje.

IV. 7.V/; M.S. ];oe. Virjiinia Co., Ill, pt. ii, |.. 41). LC.

687.* Privy Council Order appoiiitiii:.i lA)rd IV-.-ident Mandevilio, Lord Paget, Lord Chiehe.ster, and others, Coniniissioiiers to resolve on the \nll settlinL,' ui the cohjuy, to give order there-

fore, to certify proceed inu'S to the Kinc, and tii receive fnrtlier directions. Kiiic; deter- mined to give new cliarler. (1) PC. (2) PRO. [XY]

I. J!(,i: (l)Col.^nial Kntry PmcU, Vol. TK,].. L'lO. Ill) Privy Conncil Ke>jistcr, James I,

^'ol. VI, p. :ui'.

I'ah: Sainshc.ry, Cnl. iri

Trioi^iTi[.t: N.'W York I'ulilir l.il.nuy. lliOiirofl I'npi'i^, IJ, .177-179. JUNE 26

688.* Commissioners and Adventurers of "Virginia Company. Petition to Privy Council that Captain John Bar^rrave's pr. ile.tioii he not ivnowed till conrse be taken for the payment of .eSOO Ixmd for dehi of t-VHl. PRO. [XY]

III. /,'-/.• State Papers, Colonial, Janirs 1, Vul. III. X,,. Ki.

/'"'-.• Sainsbnry. Cnh ,ular :•! Stui, /'ri^,.«, (;,l,,i,i,il, p. (i2.

Traa-rrii.t, N.'W Y.'^t I'nl.lii- l.ibiur). Hmicrolt fii|.iT^, II. l-'..>-l>,7.

689.* Privy Council. Order for >Ir. Ferrai, liepiity, to brint: t,(.i the Council Chamber all jiatouts, books of account, and invoices of the lalo corporation and lists of peoj'le in the Ci.>loiiy, to bo it'ti^ined by the Kee['er of the Council Clu'st till further order.

{\) PC. (-1) PliO. [XY]

I. Rtf: ^l) Privv Conueil P.-i.-^ter. Jame> 1, Vul. VI, p. ;.;44. (21 Coloidal Kntrv Book, Vol. 7i), p. 277.

Pah: Sain.sbnry, Cul, luhu- nf Stnir r

TriiliM-ri|.t. .\r« York I'uMi. I.il.n.ry. K:'l..rnit IMpiT.s, II, .|si.

690.* Oder to the C omi!n.->i..iiers i"..r tin; \"iiLMnia bnsiness concerniui; th.' stock, etc., of the Vlririnia Comi..iny. PC.

I. AV;".- Privy Conncil U. -i^ter. J.m.e.. 1, \-,,l. VI, p. Mr,.

' ll»(j lyTHOOCCTWX [1624


691.* Reasous iillcjjcd on t>olialf ot Kiii;;'.- FaniiLi.- o[ tlir custom and iinpo.-t on tohaLTO, forroilrftis of grii-vainrs. I'lto. [NY]

. VI. />'-/. Stiitf I'aper.-', Colon!;:!, .Iium's 1, V.,1. ]I1, Xo. L".'.

/'(.•/(.- Sa!ii?l)nry, i ;il, ,.'!,, mf .

TrMiisciii.t, Ni-w Y'.ik I'i.btir I.il.r.iry, r.,H.rruit V:\yvT<. II, .')7:i-5S:!.

692.* Urief niisw.T to :i pnipo.siliou toiiiliiui; t'^l'acTu !:ilfly d.'!ivi:rcil \i\ {\n\ I\!np;'s Farmers of (.•ust<,in.-^. 1>R0.

VI. lUi: Stato I'ajioij^, Coluuia!, .Iaim-.« I, Vol. Ill, No. L'!!.

/'<'/.• .Saiui^hiii'v, Ciih'n.hiv <•! Slate I'lli>,rf, (Ui'iiiul, ],. C'K

ess.'' Keciuost to [I'lMvy Coimci! ?] tlial as K!ii<,' is coiuliidiri'.' a coutrait willi divers persons fur liis

own u.-iti, orders sijould bo L'iven to tlie < luveruor iu \'ii'^:!nia init to suffer trade '.vith the

IIollaiideLS who are timv lreii;li!!iii: sliips for tlial purimse, sim-e llieir produee is not iieedeil there. PRO.

VI. /.'/• i^t.de I'apu-s, ])uli;.-lie, .laiiics 1, Vol. li;".l. Xo. 7.

J'lili: Sainsbury, <\i!. ,rl,ir <>j si,d, /iij.ris Coluninl, [>. i;:!.

69-1.* "A 15riefe Deelaration of the p!aiit;ilion of \'irj;!nia diirinj; llie lirsl twelve; years wlien S' Thomas 8niyt.li was Governor of the (.'oiupauie [UiOii -HiUl] and downe to tlie present tyiue [ltiL'4] Ijy the Ancient Planters imw remaininir alive in Vir;:inia."

III. J;,'/: i^tato Papers, Colonial, James I. \"o!. Ill, p. IM. PRij. [NV] Fnh: (I) ^Vynlleand (.iilniau. Lul,jn„il Il,n„\U -/ \'ii-'j'u,ki i.stato Senate Document,

K.xtra, 187-1). (2) ISrowii, /V;'»( /.'(;,»/,/»•, .">72-.':i74. (:!) Painsbury, Cd/'./K/or (//,S?u/-? Piijicrs, Coluniiil, pp. (iG-CS.

Xr.uistript, Nov,- Yf.rk I'uWir Lilmiry, Bam-roil l':ijier<. I. l'ii«. oJlMinti.

C95. [Solicitor-Geueral Heath.] Statement as to a contract ordered by King July 2 24 on " as to toba-'co. PRO.

I. /.''/. State Papers, Pome^tic, James I, Vol. Hill, No. ti.

I'ch: .Sainsbury, Cutriuhi,- i.f Stal.' I',iiar.<, 0>h>n'(ui. p. t5:>.


696.* James I. A letter to Solicitor-General Heath, concerning a petition of Hou.so of Commons against the importation of fureign tobacco, and a i"tition of planters and adventurers for a reasi inable price. PKO.

I. Rijf: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. Hit), Xo. 5.

Pah: Sainsbury, Cdhndar of Slntij J'uj/ct!', Colnutci!, p. 63.


697. Nethersole. A letter to Sir Dudley Carleton, com-erning tlie nvi'ittimw i)f the Virgiina juitent by the 'luo irarrunlu. PliO.

VII. nrf: State Papers, Domestic, Jame- J, ^'ol. Kill, No. 14.

P,'l,: (1) Calendar; Vrynun Mo.j. of lli-l.. \'ll, ::!9. (2) Sainsbury, Cnlcudnr;,/ Slalf

l'ai>„-/, Cnhuial p. 6Z. 698.* Governor, Council, and Colony in Virginia. To tiie King.-' moFte Exeelent Ma''". "The Humble Pi-titionc of the (iou'nor Counsell and Colony of VirgiTiia in theire general!

.\>iemblie," priiyiiii; fur a i untiiiuation of tlie ]iresent government. ^l ) LC. (2) PRO. IV. Rff: U) ^IS- Itc'-urd-, Virginia Co., III. i.t. i, p. .5^ (2) State Papers. Colonial. James I, Vol. Ill, No. 21.

Pith: (1) Calendar: Vir,ji„ia .V'lj. ,./ //.'.v/., VII, 4.i. (2) Sainslmry, 0/?UHf.rr e/ Shile

Papers, Colonirtl, p. llri.

n. S. ill fill- state Piiprrr-, Colonial,

fiiiti- uiii-i-rlaiu.

1684] Ll^T 01 TILE ULVOUI)^ li)7

JUI-V 1'.

699.* David Stindis. "To tliv lluiii.''" lln- (;..\irn.ii w"' llu- ri-t lli.' wortt C'lmnsdlors of Estate-." IVtitioii fur jii^lii-o boi-aiiSf of ilclaiii:ili..iis l,y .,t..-, Aliiiil. LC.

|.i. ii, i;i". IV. lU): MS. lUcno.1.-, Viririnia Cm , Ml, ]., sluill <;i\c day's work in ]ilari- 700. Council in Virg-iuia. I >ia.-r tli;U i.i'ivous ivnuiini:.- -.il Ilmih' lioiui- of thost- on till- iir.ir.!i: ..nl.riir:,' a i-.'inhii--i-ii I.. !»• -raiili'd l,.i'nuiu-il at for

.lisiialcU of liiiiriiuss until ..'.r.-oiii.ir'..^ rciiuii; al-i ...iM-.Tuiiij liiiiii'^ 'IMioman Aliu-t for

dfUunatioii of cluinnlcr of .Miiii.-liT >.oi.li.--. I^C.

IV. Itrf: .MS. Court Hook of till' Colony.

701.* James I. Conimii^s-ioii to ct-rlaiii of iho l.nrd- of llic I'rivy Coiiiu-i! and oilier." for (•otlliiif; a J5.M. -oveniniciit in Virjiuia. (1 ) (L')l'l!().

(L') I'atent Uoll, L'L' I. lU-f: (1) Additinnam.'^S., l-.'l;i.i. lo.-. Ii;|-I7:;. ,C.»sn-l'ai.iT>--.) .Icil.v, UVU. Jamc.-^ 1, 1.1. 1, X... -I; Li.aiucry I'riv.v S. al. J'.l;iiiir- I, lu^nlrra, GOiMil:',. /..-"../ i ,.I:,,-1h,„, Is:!, 'J , Uvinrr. XVII, Puh: (1) lla/ard, i/.. I. i 702.* Commissioners for Vii-ginia. Ooha.- -.1 .l.iwn at a iii.rtniL'. .Inly IC, HUM, aiPiiuiiitiii'r 11. provklin;; FoUiorby to be in cliari:.' ..f .b.ol. r.-, -. al-. ao.l u lilii.-s oi tlu' romi'aii.v, and PHO. [I-C] for an inve^li;.'alion of the riilony .

J. Hcf: Stato I'aiK'r.^ dlonial. .'lann- 1. Vol. 111. No. 17. 1. Saiu.-'bury, ]'nb: (1) Calendar: IV,;/o.;.( M,:.,. ,/ Hi :.. Vll. 41--t.-). (L'! Oikudnr of

S!cile I'lqn'i:-', Ci./mil'il, [,. 111.

Tr'iii.-cri] t: I.il>rur.v «i Conxr -<. ]ki:i<-r' P:m.'T~. 11. J.-'i-im.

JUl.V ,10)

703. liord President Mandeville. .\ Icllcr to S.crctary Coiiway, •.'ivin? a brief of the proceedinjrs of the Cominit^sioner.- for Virginia, with reuard to die free imiiortatif.n of tobaeeo. 17. VII. llO'-- !«tate Paper.-, Col..nial, .lanir^ I, Vol. Ill, No. PRO. [.\Y] Pub: (1) Calendar: l';,-;/,,o.i .1/e.,. ./ II. si.. Vll. -i:;-l-l. (L') Sain^^burr, Oilnulnr of Stale Paprrs, O.U.iiinl, p. (M.

TruuKTii.t: N\-v.- V..rk fiiiili. Lil.r.ir.v. li.ini i..|t e..|.rrv, II. 3i:!-.il.5.


704.* Privy Conncil. An order for tl:e allowanre of fl.Mi to [.lobn] Pory, einjiloyed in Virginia about His Maje.-ty'.- e-j.e.ial bi,~;ii.-.-^, (!/ PC. (2) PRO.

.lame--' 1. Vol. VI, |.. :i7ii. (L'l Coloinal F.ntry Book, I. Ref: (1) Privy CoUiK-i! l;'-i-l

Vol. 7il, ].. 277. rnh: Saiu-bnry, Ojlri,.h::- ..f .^,:l. l:>j,.r.<. CJ,.,,:,,!. y. (il.


70.5. Secretary Conway. A letter t.. l.onl Pn-ident Mandeville. .statin- tbat tbe Kiri'j; approver tlio proeecdint:,-- in tbe \ir-^iiiia biiMi:.--,- and liial tin- restraint a.-^ to t.jbaeeo i-^ to be considered. I'KO.

I.ei:er P.oo|;, i:;-;. VII. }!ef: Minute. C..n\vay"..' Puh: Sain.sbury, r,,/, ,,.',>,„/ .v. .;,• I'n.,,-,. r,,!,.„;„l, p. (11.

I^ird CoM-ntry, eon.cyninu' j.uHinu' Mr. I'.ini; in tbe Commission for Vir- 'YOQ, . A letter to j.dnia, if there is no caii-c- to !!„ contrary. PK<.). l.ooU, l:;7. VII. 7lV/.- Minute. Conway'- Lett, r pill,: Sainsbury. ^.,/./i..',i,- ./.V;'.- I'-'r-rs. C"/,,,,;,,/, p. IVI.

198. lyTRODirriox [ie24

707.* Warrant to pa)- Jolin Pory £150 in imyiui'iil of fN-pciiditiiiv of £100, ami for servires in Vii-- ^iiiiii on Kind's businoss. PKO.

I. JUf; Sifjn Miuuial, JanifS J, \ ..1. l(s No. 50. J'ub: Sainsbnry, Odeicl'ir of Slat, /V//)fc.v, Cnl'iiiinl, p. 65.

708. Ijord Coventry. A letter to SecreUry Conway, ."tutini; w by Mr. Biii^ was willin.L'ly for^;ottcn Iri'iu the Commission for Virginia. I'KO. [NV]

Vll. Jiif: State Vapor?, Colonial, .lames 1, Vol. Ill, No. IS.

J'lilj; Saiii.'^bury, ('nlr,iil:tr of Stale Vi.(pci:-s, Culuiiial, p. 115.

TraiiMTipi: NV'w York Public Library, Btuirrofl I'Mpris, 11, ."m-."


709. Secretary Con-way. A letter to Lord Pn-siilmil Man

Vll. ];,/: ^^tate I'apPis, Domestic, James 1, Vol. 170, No. C".. }"l;0. J'til'.- Sainsbury, Cakudar uf Slati I'ltprrx, Colijuia!, p. 6">.

710. Solicitor-General Heath. A letter to Secretary Conway, statinjr that the Commission deems it best that the commission from the King be sent to the principal men in Virginia for the present government of the Colony. PKO. [XY] VII. ]:>'/: State Papers, Colonial, .Tames I, Vol. Ill, No. 19.

I'ub: (1) Calendar: Vi,y)nia Mng. of JIUt., VII, 45. ('.?) Sainslmry, Oikiidar of Slale Papcrs, Colonial, p. 65.

Tninseript: New York Piiblif Library, Eniiiroft I'npors, II, 5().'>-507.

711. Sir Thomas Sniythe. A letter to Secretary Conway, stating tliat the Virginia Comjjany hoped that .lohn Hargrave would pay £500 due before his protection was renewed, and enclos- ing a petition to the King. PKO. [XY] VII. Pof: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. Ill, Xo. 20.

I'l.i.h: Sainsbury, Calendar of St'iU Pupcrs, Coloniid, p. 65.

A. S. Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Pupers, II, fOO, 511.


712. Solicitor-General Heai-h.. A letter to the r>uke nf nnckingbam. entrcatin.1,' Ids a.'^sistance in EOttling the contract for Virginia tobacco. PIJO.

VII. lief: State Papers, Donie.-tic, James I, Vol. 171, No. 7.

Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of Stat'' Papers, C'/luii'ml, p. 00.


713. Sir Thomas Smythe. A letter to Lord President JIandeville, recjuesting him to hinder or defer Captain liaigrave's protection, as he hoj,,..- to procure a cimntermand from the King. PKO. [KY] VII. Kef: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. Ill, X.i. 24.

Pub: Sain.~l.mry, Cahi:d,ir of Suite Paperis, (.'oluii'nd, \). (jt).

A. .S. Transcript: NVi*- York Public Library, Bauero/t I'upcrs, II, .->17-519.

1624] I.IHT OF Tin: I'llCOUIhs 199


714. Kobert, Earl of Warwick. .\ luttir ti) So( jvtary Cmnvay, semlin;; Mr. Pory «itli the com- iiiiv.-iiin [for \'cp_'ini,i], to dcsiie liirii to put (ml Mr. I'utl's tianio, who wn;' a iioisoiier of .sava;.'e3 there and lii'iKc unlit for Slal>' hu.siut'.ss; auil avUiiiK liim to rcinind the King

to write Mr. .Vtti.iney to i>ut Mr. Hinj; on tlie Ccmiini-sion arcordin:.; to piomiee.

VII. /.'./.• State TaiiiT!', Colonial, .James I, Vol. Ill, Xo. L'."). PKO. [NY] 1'"!,: (1) Calenilar: Vir.jin'vi M:ii/. »/ JII^I., \'H, bl. C^} ^-.unyhuTy, Odai'lar of S('ilr

J'ajjen, Vuloiiwl, \i. Oil.

TraliMTii.l: X.-w Vurk I'llljlii- I,il..Mry. liniiorufl T'!i|.. i>. 11, Wl. AUGUST 13

715. Secretary Conway. .V IcItiT lo AltoiMi'y-(k'nvi;il Coventry, ('i>nrernint,' conferring with Sir

Tho.s. Sinyllie and tlic Ivirl i>f Waiwirli alMiiit j.nttini,' Mr. liinu' on the Conunis.

Pilh: Saill:^hliry, Col, u,ltii- nj S;„t, J'ujim, C./oiiin!, \>. U'.l.

71G. -Vli UerliiF'.jIieitjr Cei:! ;.i! lUalh cuiieeiuiii- the relin iiMif tlioCoininis-^ion foraConncil iu Virfxinia. PRO

VII. /!,/: St-lte I'apeiy, iloniestie, J:lne^ 1, Vol. 171, No. 47.

I'ah: Sainshnry, ' nhn.hii- c/ St,:h /.im:-; Culuniut, \>. CM. AVc,\!^r JO

717. John Harrison. Power of alt.n-n.-y fimn ,l,,liu Ihiri-ison, of London, ti> Joliii Carter, master of '•Anne."' PRO. [NY]

VI. n']f: State I'aper-, Cnl.mial, .Iuiih- I, V,)l. Ill, Xos. 20, 27.

Pub: Sainshiiry, Valntihir fj SUiU I'djirrx, Co'imlii!, p. iW.

Tnitiscript: Ncn York I'ubli.- I.iliniry, HnncinH RijitTi, II. 525-5J9.

718. Council in Virginia. Court Book of the Connoil in Virginia concerning tlie complaint of Kn?i^'n John I'lie ('.') aj^ainst Tyler lor blander. LC. IV. AV/.- MS. Court IJook of the Colony. AUGUST 2a

719. Council in Virg-inia. Conrt I'.nok ol the Couneil in Vir;,dnia concerning the sentence of A\'il!iani Tyler for skiiider. LC.

IV. };ef.- MS. Court Book i.f the (^.lony. AUGUST sa

720. James I. Commiijiion to Sir Franeis W'vatl it- -:ipveriinr and to the Council in Virginia. PRO. 2-2 I. ]:./ (1) Pate'iit Roll, .hunv-^ I, pt. 17, .\'o. 'J. (2) Cljanceiy Privy .Seal, 22 James

I, August.

Pal,: (1) Hazard, lUMnnr.a t:,tt.,li,mof Shilr /'„;«,>, I, 1,S9-192. (2) Rviiier, Foedeni, XVIII, (JJ«.

SEPTK>rBEn r,. lo,

721. Council in Virginia. Court l'...n!; nf the O'uneil in Virginia: li.*t of pcr^jons coming to City, \i?u'iiii;c, in the " Punay i'er-'," who took the oath of James snpremacv." IV. A',/: MS. Court lioMk..l! he Colony. LC. SEPTF.MIiKU IS Olt 15 C)

722. James I. Coniini-sion a.- e..\err.or tn Sir (ie.ip.'e Yeardley in the ab.=encc of Sir Francis ' Wyatt. (1) PRO. (2) LC. I. litf: (1) DiM-,|net liook, Honie.-tic, .I.une- L (2) Misc. Records, l(-.0r,-1092. (Bland Copy), 122-12.-.. Pah: (1) Hazard, Ili.-

200 nriiuijicjjoy [1024


723. Council in Virginia. Court Book of tiio Cmuui il in \'irgiiiia conccniing the finin>i several offemior^, 'M uobk-?, toward the rt-pair of the f hiirch, for drinkin}:. LC.

IV. J!iJ; :sliy. Court Hook of the Colony. BEPTEMBKR 23

784. Privy Council. .Vn order for an oxaet aeeoont of .I,ihn runtl-'s iiro|iorty to be sent to Thos. Merry (1) VC. (2) V\10. [NY]

I. J!i/: I'rivy Council llct.'i.

i'nb: Sainsbury, C'al. lul'ir of Slotr P

Ir.iiiscrii.l: Xi'w Yi.ik iiiljli,' l.il.i..ir>, lt.uicn.Ll ^a[1^^^, II, .'Ci-.ia">. SEPTETITBER EO

725. James I. frorlaniation re.=traininu; the imjiorlatii.n of toliaceo except from Virginia and the Summer l^^land.-J. IVintcd. JCB.

I. /'"/-; (1) Hazard, Hidui-loil Colkiii,.,,, ], H"i:5-liiS. (2) Hymer, Fvalfn,, XVII, Cl'l. OCTOEEK

726. Capt. John Eargrave. A lellerto , eoneevning a remodelled po.jeet, the only paf.3 and

profitable way to plant \'ir>.'inia. . I'KO.

VI. 7.V/V i^tate Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 17:?, Xos. IL'O, 121. l'fl>: Sainsbury, Cahiudti of Stair Piip,,:<, Ojl^ina!, p. 70. OCTOBER 4

727. Council in Viig-inia. Coui-t Book of th.j Council in Virginia concerniug Sybill Royall's will. hC.

IV. J-Iej: -MS. Court Book of the Colony. OCTOBER 10

728. Council in Virginia. Court Book of the Council iu Virginia concerning: I. Accusations against Captain .lohn Martin for slanderous sayings. II. Claim that Company had right to appoint ministers. III. Differeme as to division of iiarishes, payment of work- man's wages for church. IV. Complaints of Klizabeth Abbot's servant —having been beaten by ^Ir. I'rocter, her master. LC. IV. R.J: MS. Court Couk of the Colony. OCTOBER 18

729. [Privy Council.] Warrant to prepare a bill for Echvard Diehfield and five others, on the recommendation of Virginia Coninds.siou, appointing them oOicers for searching and sealing tobacco. I'RO.

I. I!if: State Tapers, Domestic, .laiue.s I, Vol. 17.'5, No. bo. Pah: Sainsbury, Calemh'r o/.SVu/c Pujiti:", Culoiiial, p. 71.


730. Council in Virginia. Court Book of the council in Viruinia, granting several leases to persons on governor's and college land for a tenn of live years from date. LC.

IV. J.'./.- MS. Court Book of the Colony. OCTOBER 22

731. Privy Council. Warrant to Lord Carew, Master of Orilinance, to deliver to the Virginia Com- mi.'-siuner one last of powder. (1) BC. (2) PRO.

I. P'j: (1) Privy Council Register, James I, V.d. VI, p. A7i. (2) Colonial Kutry Book,

Vol. 71», p. 278. Pub: Sainsbury, Cahiuhir of SUt'r papcs, Chhnlol, p. 7U.

1624] /7>V' OF Tin: l!i:C<)h-l>^ • 201


732. Council in Virginia, t'uurt Iw^ik of the cciuiiril in \'iigiiiiii, roMi'Ciiung the CMinpliiint of C'apt. Jehu M:\rt\ii ;m;iii!st Iho inii^^ti'r of .-hip for iiiiif wocks' ik-tcutiuu in Now Eng-

" Uui.l. ' W.

IV. J!,i: .MS. Court Inx.k of llu- Coloiiv.


733. "Att the same tymo then- \\:i- ;>. iifwe o([i_t iu:ii1(' hy dyuens hoia>( ?\U'n for Ihu good of the

I'huitutioii iin.l ).rrMiiti_-,l 0. .Mr. Solicitor tlio :L'8"' of OctolxT \&Ji." I'.M. [LC]

VI. A'.r A.l.litioii.il M.SS., iLMlMi, fo. 4-17. (.C;i.'«ir I'apcrs.) [NOVEMUFH]

734. [Sir Nathaniel Rich.] Rough notes in critici-m of Capl.iin .Tohu Ivugravc's proposition. Vr. A'./; ."Manchester J'apors, No. 4011. I'HO.

I'll',: Calendar: Hist. M.'^S. Com., F.ighth i:rji,„-l. pt. 1', p. 4.S.


735.* Meeting of tlie adventnrei~ of .>hirlin'H i linuhed, con, erniiig tlic ):ind for the Ea?l India School. MC.

VI. !!•'/: Ferrar I'aper.-. 736. Council in Virginia. .'utirvn concerning a will, a complaint, and uae of arms by the

hi. Hans. • LC.

IT. J:,f: MS. Court I'.ook of the Colony.


737. The King. " rroclaniation of a concession U> I'M ward Dichfield and othei-s" conceriung totiacco.

I. Pi'h: (1) Ila/ard. ;/;•/./,•;,„/ r V/c-;/.,,,, I, l:lS-202. (2) Rymer, /-'M^r',, .XVII, t5:?3.


738. Sirs Thomas Smythe and others. Sirs Thomas Sniytlie and otljers, of the council for Virginia, to the Karl of Warwick. PKO. [NY]

III. A'./.- State Papers, Colonial, Jauie; I, Vol. Ill, No. 2S. J'liij: Sainsluuy, OjIci'Iai, of Shil, rnj'cr^, CulonUil, p. 70.

Transcript: Now York I'liWic Library, Kiiiioruft Pupur^, II. .=-11-043.


739. Privy Council. .^ letier tn Commissioners for Virginia, to investigate the claim.? of Lady Wyatt on l>ehull of her l:ile hnsh;ind -s. the Virginia Comjiany. PC.

I. h-f: Privy Coun.il Kcgi;-ter, James 1, Vol. \\, p. A'M. NOVEMBER 18

740. [Secretary Conway.] A letter to Solicitor Gen.ral Heath, staling that the King desires him to prepare grant of denization to Beanmnnt. PRO.

VII. Hcf: State Papers, Domestic, James i, \ ..1. ItU, N... No.

I'lih: Sainsh'iry, 0.tlcwVu-of Si.ii^ Pai;,:<, i h/onkd, p. 7t).


741. Council in Virginia. Court Book of the Conned in Virginia concerning: I. Oath in regard to Captain John M.irtyn; ]I. Petition of .-Vlice Boyle, concerning slander of hei-self In Tohane Wilson. LC.

IV. Eff: -MS. Court r...ok ..f the C<.l.iny.

202 ixruoni cnnx [I624-1625


742. James I. A letter lo the (,'o!niiiiseio7i and C'lHupany of Virginia, rccoinnu'iiilinji .Tames Stiuirt

for fit employmeut. I'KO. [NV]

I. nrf: State PapLMV, Colonial, Janu? 1, Vol. ill, No. L'ii.

J'lib: Saiiifbury, Valciular oj' i^Uile /Viyxr.s, OiUminl, \>. 70.



743.* Council iu Virginia, l.itter "To tlie ri:.;ht IIoiioliII llciiiy F.arle of Snthainptonc, with the

T.oriK'S ami other- uf the c'ouiisell i*i; i-oiujirny i^f Vir.-i'iia," coijoeriiiiig the victory over

the lii.liaii;^. (l)l-C. (!') rUU.

IV. A'-/.- (1) MS. lu-c. Virs^iuia Co., Ill, pt. i, p. Jl-(. (1!) State Papers, Colonial, James 1,

Vol. Ill, No. -.W.

Pub: (1) Calendar; Vlnjlri,: .l/ti;/. „f llhl., Vll, i:',il- 1:;1. (L') Sainslniry, Caleixlar

of Slnlc i'lipn-f, (Uniunl, y]>. 70-71.

D. S. Dr.CKHUIKll 13

744. Commissioners for Virginia. A leiier to the Kinp. foneernins tohaceo.

1. AV/". Slate Tapers, Colonial, .Janie.s J, \o\. Ill, No, 'M. PRO.

Fiib: Sainsliury, Oik-inhtr of Slute I'd/ti'is, ('oluniul, \>. 71.

v. S. unJ Willi SL-ul. I'vj-l i.'l.

162-1 (?)


746. Colonists in Virginia. X letter concerniiit: the intolerable rates for coinmodities. IV. I'ub: Pnrrlui.'', //;..-. PUgrbm:>.



746.* Council in Virginia. Older.-; on the demar.ds of Captain Martin. PRO. [NY] IV. Rff: State Paper.-, Colonial, .lames I, Vol. Ill, No. 3f), II. Pub: Virginin Mlkj. of Hht., VII, 14.5-140.

Transcripl; Xew York Public Library. Bancroft I'-ijior-i, II, .'xtv-oTl. Scrie" nttotHd by Seore- tiiry Sovitlierne. BEOMBEK 31

747. Grant to P>eanniont of dciiizatiou, eonliruiiug land.s and liberty in Virginia as granted by the Coinniission fur Virginia. PRO.

I. Uef: Docqiiet Book, Domestie, .lames I.

I'ub: Sainsbnry, O'lnidarof Sinti' J'ujicrs, Colonial, j'. 71.


748. "Considerations Touching the New Contract for Tobacco. As the same Iiatli beene pro- pounded by Maister Ditchfield, and other vndertakers." Printed. (1) I'..M. (.2) I'liO.

VI. P.ff: (1) Additional MSS., P249ll, fos. 44ii-410 (Caesar Papers), (l") State Papers,

Colonial, James I, Vol. Ill, No. 3l'. I'ltb: Sains'mry, Colenihir of Slot,' I'lijinf, ('nlonUil, p. 71. loadP] hitiT or Tj.'f: hjxouds 20;'.

1624 5


743. Solicitor-General Heath. Motion for n-li';i>i' oi " lOlizabotli of Lomloii," liichard r;i;,'o, Ma-'lei-, liouiul to Vivuiiiia. I'KO.

VII. Ilrf: St.ito raiK'r.<, Colonial, .lauua I, Vol. ill, -.,0. olJ.

J'lil,: >iiun^\nuy, Oth u,l,n- of Shtl, l'aj„r:^, Cohituil. \<. 71.


750. Sir Francis Wyatt, Governor, and Council in Virfjinia. A lollir to the P/ul of Soulli- amploii ami tlie Coniiiany of \"ir._'ini;i. I'KO. [XY]

iV. AV/V State l'a|.fr.s Colonial, .Ian,-., 1, \ ol. Ill, No. :!|.

r"o: Sain.-lxiry, (•,h,i,hn-ufSl,il, IMpnf, i;,l.,„',nl, ,,|,. Vl-TJ.

(1) TlMiisdii.!; .V.'W Vi.jk I'ulilir I.il.r.ir;., H.URinil l'.i|,r r>, III, 111-14^:.

(1) D. ,S. with a mmI.


751.* Ccnsiis of li;-.'4. (1) I'K(.». [LC] [XY]

IV. AV/V .•

I'uh: (1) Neill, in X"- j:„.j/.,„'l lli.l. ,ti„l (/,•/,..//. !!r.,hl, ,; Vol. :-!l, pji. 147, 2(i=i. y!):!. (2) Brown, Kr.sf l!,j„:l,l,r, til 1-1:^7. {.i) f

(1) Transcript: Nmv York ruMi<- I.il.nuy, H^im r.n'i l',ip. ri. II, «il-C17. (2) Duciiment in State Piii>cr>, Cloniul, iu tliu ;intii!;ru|'h of K'l. Phurplrs,^. FEKRUAKY

752.'' John Harvey. "A I'.rii.'fc Deiiaiation'of the state of Vitgiiiia at niv corainge from tliein_-e in Februai-y It.lM." [XY]

IV. ruh: .Ma.^.-^. llift. ^joc. Collections, fourth serie.-, IX, t>0-73.

Tninscript: New York pul.li, l.ihi.iry. llarluw I'.iptT?., VirginiK, I, Xo. 27.


753."^ Sir George Yeardley. Answer cil defendant to the demaml of Capt. John Martin, re(iuirii)g reeoiuponfe for wrongr- done, and touehiiii; his riirht to cattle left in charge of Lieut. E.Unund Sannders PRO. [XY]

IV. AvyV ytate Papers, Colonial, .lame> !, Vol. Ill, Xo. :;(.;.

• I'vh: (1)' Vinjiain ifiit/. '-/ JI,st.. VII. i:!6-l-14. (_') Sainsbiiry, Calaular vf .Siile Paperf, Culoniid, p. 72.

tl) Trrtnsoript: New York I'uhlic Libnuy, HMUrrciit I'upirs, III, I4,')-H7. (2) .\utogriipli of Eilwiinl Sllarplc.>^s. lUtt-.^ittil by Ji>lui Soutlu-mr.

754.* Examination of witnesses concerning tlie demands of Capt. John Martin. PKO.

IV. H,-f: State Papers, Colonial, Jame- 1, \'ol. Ill, Xo. 36.

Attt'Sted hy Souiherm'.

755.* Council in Virginia. Letter front eoiimil in Virginia to the Virginia Company of London

coneerning Capt. John .Martin. ( I) LC. (2) PRO. [XY]

IV. lU'f: (1) ilS. Rec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, p. IL'. (2) State Papers, Colonial, James

I, Vol. Ill, Xo. 36. Pub: (1) Calondtir: Virginia Ma.j. nf IVsl., VII, 131-132. (2) Sainsbury CaL-iuhir of State Papers, Colmird, p. 72.

(1) Transcript: New York I'litjiio LiOniry, liuncrott Piipcrs. II, .>19 ,'>.>i. (2) Photosrn pli iu the Library of Congress.


204 I.\Tl;0DLVT10X [1G24,5-1G25

756. James I. I'rocbr.rKition Inr llio niter prnliiliiti'm i.f llic iiii|iiirl:uion •.md u^r nf ;ill t^jliacro,

whic-li is ii'it 01 thr ].rii]R'i' jrruutli nt llu- ciilnriii'.- of V'ii'.'inia iunl the .-^oiiiuilt Islaii'ls or one of tliem. BM. I lUf: AiUlitiuiuil Mt^.S., V2iVi>, i». -iOl. (Cartiir I'ainTs.

I'lih: (I) Hazard, nishnral (.-/'. ./;.,», 1, L'l' 1-I.';i0. (,!') liyiuiT, Focd.ni, XVII, OtiS- 672. 1625 6


707. Privy Council. ( 'niiiiiii.--iMii In (i.i.p."- YnirilU-y lo cxiTi-i.-" '."ivi^niinciil a.- fully an any ^'nv-

criinr in thr pa-i livi' yoius. ]'!;< ).

r;i, LM.s-:'.Mi. J. J:.j: Colninji Kntry J".onk, V..I. pi,. j;.h: (1, lla/unl, /iUorlr,,! ',,11., llu,,, I, L':;;)- -':!!. (-J) KyniL-r, F,j,:,k,-a, XVIII, 311.

(o) r^ain.-l.ury, Vii',iid,i,.,/ .Shil, j;ipc,:-, OjI,j,i>,iI, y. 77.


APRII, i»l

758."' Virginia Company. '' I)isiiHH-'_> of tliu (_)1(1 Company." Anj-wcr tn the- I'rivy Council,

rc'iUfstins a new I'lituiit witli ihc rivilf;-'e5 and libcrtic', and reviewing; tlie history sine; 1(;06. VRU. [X Y]

III. J!(f: State I'ajH'r^, Col'.nial. .laniCH I, Vol. ill, No. 4i).

I'i'h: (\) \'li-ij;i,i't -U,.if/. ijf llisl., 1, l.»-ni7; i;s7-:iO'..i. (2) Sain^ibury, Culcilii,- cj

St'ilc I'miei-s. OAoniiil, j>. 7/1.

TraiKcrii't Xc«- Ynrk l'ul,!k- Lii.r.iry, Biincrcift P.ii.rrs, III, l-l;a. MAY

y'' 759.'- "Extracte of all tillc?: it estates o£ laud" r^cnt lionic Ijy S' Francis Wyatt ! when he returned

for IJngland) viito the L* ot hi^ I'riuy C'ounccll accurdii'i; \ nto theiiOrder in tiieir letter dated at .Sal.-luny. W. t'laih.>unie.'"' (1) & (2) LC

IV. Kej: (1) .MS. Kec. Virginia Co., Ill, pt. ii, pj). 71-75. (2) ^'irginia Uecord.s, 1600-1692, pp. 84-91. MAY 13

760. Charles I. A i)roc!aniation settling the ]>lantatinn of Virginia. PRO.

I. i.V/V Proclamation, Charles I, Xu. 10.

P„h: (I) Hazard, IIIM,,,:,.,! 0_.ll,,-l!,)n, 1, 2o:;~2l).5. (2) Kyiuer, ]-Wih,-a, XMH, 72.


761.* Ccuucil in "Virginia. Letter to the •'l-iight ilonorh''-' the Lord of his Ma"'" moste Honorb''^ Priuy Councell," concerning projicrty nf John I'ountis, imnishnient of Kdward Sharpie.-, arid the solo importation of tobacco. (1) LC. (2) P1!0.

IV. Ikf: (1) M.S. Kec. Virginia Co., HI, pt. 1, ]'p. 14, 14'. (2) State I'apers, Colonial, James I, Vol. IIL X... 41. Pnb: (1) Calendar: Vl,;/,.,;, M',,j. „/ ll'„

of .Sl»!t Piijh r.i, OJ,„,:,'!, p. 74. y*^ 762.* . Letter to "tlie right Honobtl, the Lord.s and other liis :Ma"" Commissioners for affayers of Virginia," concerning the establi.-hment of a new government and the con-

dition of the Colony, defending it f'uin evil report-^. LC.

i, IV. lief: MS. Rec. Virginia Co. ^ III. pt. pp. 12-13n.

[1C25 6-1G26 u>T or Tin: inx'oiiDH . 205'*^

1625 6


703.* Governor and Ccuucil in Virginia. 1a-II.t tn t)n- \U^y:\\ ('oiiiniisHioiifr.j for tin- affairs of Virginia. (0 '(' (-') ''"'O- tiS.Hil. .Slatr J'ai.t.w>, Colouial, JV. Jl.J: (1) M.-^:. l;cv. \'ii>,'inia (.'..., HI, i.t. ii, \'\: ^2)

jaiiK- 1, Vnl. iV, X... 1.



764.* Governor and Council iuVirrrinin. l.riNri., thi- ri:'lit ll<.ii,,i-"' Ihc I.i.f- nf liLs Ma'"' njcist

lloiii.ii.1,1 I'riuy t'..iin-cll." '-C- .

i.'i CnUmial, IV. n.J: (1) MS. !;,,. Vi.L'H.i.i ('<•-, 111, |.l. ii, pp. Vii. {-l) Stale IVpcr^,

.hum.- 1, Vol. IV, No. '.I. 74--.S1. ( olii, I ioiK finulli Koiii.:;-, IX, 7'i!/...- (1 ) •^i;i-."l'i>-'il-' 'ii-l"ii'a[ Sorlrly

(L') Saiu-l.uiy, C.il.vl'ir of .SI'iU fu;,rr.-,C„hiihl, p. Tit.




Anderson, J. S. M.

History of tlic Cl)ur..'li of JCni^'laiKl in the Colonic-?. Vol. I.

BlKCII, TlIOM.\S. The Life of Henry, I'nrjce of Wales, elilwt pon of King James I. London, 1760.

Boston Daily Advehtisi-r. Vol. 114. 1870.

Bui.vST.EY, Jonx. A Con.solation for onr Grammar Schoolt-s: or V faithlnll and nio.-^t Comfortable enconra<,'euieut, for laying a sure foundation of all gond learniiii: in our Seliooles, an.l I'n- l.losperou^: building

thereupon. More especially for all lli.ise of an inferiour sort, and all ruder Countries and places; namely Ireland, AVales, \'ipjinia, with the Somraer Hands, and for the more speedie attaining of our English tongue by the .same labour, that all may speak one and the same

Language, etc. Richard Field f.T Thomas Man. Loudon, 1G22. lS4pp.

Brown, Alexandkr. First Republic in America. Boston and New York, 1898. The Genesis of the United Stato-s. 2 v. Boston and New York, 1S90.

Brock, R. A.

Abstract of the Proceedings of the Virginia Company of London. '2 v. Richmond, 1S.S9.

BcLLETiN or THE New Yokk Plbi.ic Lihkakv. New York, 1S07 if.

Bi'KK, John.

The History of Virginia from its Settlement to the Commencement of the Revolution. 3 v. Petersbnrg, 1822.

Carayon, Avgcstk. Priuiiei'e ilission dcs Jrsuites au Canada, lettres et documents inedits publius par le T. A. C.

Pari.s, 1S64.

Co.v:mons, Hoi'SE or.

Journals, Vol. I. Lon

208 isTuoiH cTioy

C.'oi'l.AMi, ]'\ni:ii K.

Virginia's iinil \k- lli.iul.cd, u\ a S, ijii.ni ol Tluuilis-fiiviiij: fur tin- liiipipv ;-ii. c.-s nf tia- atfairH in

Vir^riiiia this last year. Pulilislio.! \,y (.'oiiuiiaiiilnK'iit of the C^mipany. Kil'L'.

J>cc-lar:itioii liuw llir iiicpiiioi wen' ilispusrd. Londdii, 1()22.


A Sormuii i'reai-lifd in Lomloii liHf.jn- llu- iij.'lit iKin.nirablc tlic Lnnl Lauanr, I.nnl Gowruixir

anil ("aptaine (.ffiiiTall of VirjriiU'a. ainl ulln-rs of liis :\Iait'stifs Cminrrll for tluit Kingilonic, ami tlie rest of tlio adventurers in ttiat pl^'jUation. l/iudon, 1010.

A Dixi.AiiATioN for till' cvrtaiia' tiiKO of dravviii- tlio >rn>at stau.lin^' Lottery. London, IGl.i.

TIk' Rki.ation nf the Riglit I'ononralile tin- l.oid |)i-la-\V;u iv, Lo.d Coveniour and Cajplaine Gfn- erall of the Colonies, planted in Viririnea. London, Hill.


Donne, Jonx, Deane of St. Pauls, Lon^lon.

A Sermon upon the VllI verse of the 1 Clia).terof tlie Aeis of the Ajx^stles. I'leaehed to the

Ilonouraljle Company of the VirL'inian Plantation, l.'l". Nouenib. 1C22. (HOpp. ) London,


Draytox, J. B.

Poeui.s, 1619-10l'O. London, IMinburglt, 1818.

Edwards, Kdwahh.

Life of Sir W. Ralegh based on ciinteniporary doeumenls pre.served in the Rolls IIon.se, the Privy Counril OHice, ete. 2 w London, ISGS.

EoGLESTON, Edward. Beginners of a Nation. New York, 1897.

Force, Petkr.

Tract;; and Otl\er' Papers relatin;.' princiimlly to the Origin, Settlement, and Progress of the

Colonies in Xortli Anieriea. 4 v. Washington, 1844.

A Good Speed to Virginia, Lond.jn, 1G09.

Greevovv.s Grones fur the Poore.

Hamor, Rai-ph.

A True Discourse of the Present E.?tate of Virginia and the 5iiccesse of the affaires there till the 18 of June, 1614, etc. London, 1616.

Hazard, Eijexezer.

Historical Collections. State Papers, Documents. 2 v. Philadelplua, 17iti>-1794.

HiixixG W. W.

Statutes at large ... a Collcition of all the Law.s of Virginia from the first Session of the

Legislature in . . . 1619. 13 v. Kichmond, l.SOti-181'3.

AcrjioiuriKH 209

James I.

)lis Muje-tif:^ (;nu-iniis l.rltcr to tlic K;irlc

anil ('(>iii|.aiiv nl' X'ir^inia lit-.-ir; cuiumaucliim tli.- prc^i-iil .-cltiui^ U)i nl Silki'-\v

lilaiilin;; el N'iiU'S in N'ii-j^inia. Ainl llu' 1-fttfr of llu- Tica-iiMT, Coum-rll, ami Coiiipaiiy In

the (Jdvcriinr aial Cciiinccll i.f Slate there, for the .-Irirl exteutinn \\U >hiieslies Koyall O.iii-

niands lici-i'in. Also a Tivati-^e of thi' Art of niakiiii; Silk; ( )r dircetion- for the iiiakiii- of

lod^'ings, ami the bivedini;, liouriHliinj.', and orderin;,' of Silk «t)rines, and I'o; tlie iilantin;^ of

Miilhory trow, and all other tlun-;.-- I)elon;.'iiic: to the Silke a^ t Aiul in tlie end, a C'oncKisiou

with sniidry profitalile renion.-^tranceri to the Coloiiios. . . . By John I'onoeil, rreueliman.

J.oiidoii. If.-.'L'.

Proclaniatiou forl.iddint; Lotteries on behalf of Virginia. KiL'n.

Proclamation eniieeiiiinv' Toliaeco. 10.' -1.

Lawoi;, r>ivine, Morall and Martial. For thi^ Colony in Virs^iiiiea T.ritanni.i. 1612.

Lefko^', J. H. Meniorial<: of the Diseovery and Kaily Settlement, of the Bermudas or Souiers Islands. 2 v. London, 1S77-1S7'.).

Lesc.uibot, M.vkc.

nistorie de la Nouvelle France, etc. Paiis, Ui09.

Lodge, Ed.minh.

IlluPtration.-= of r.rili.-h Hi.-tory, etc \'A. III. London, IT'.U.

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th.it famous Itnight S'' Xevves from Virginia. . . . With the happy Arrival of and worthy Thomas Gates: and the well reputed and valient Captaine M' Chri.-topher Xewporte, and others, into one of Eonilon, 1610. Viruinia. . . . by K. Kich, (lent., the voyaue.

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