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Roswell Daily Record, 1903-1910 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

3-23-1904 Roswell Daily Record, 03-23-1904 H. E. M. Bear

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VOLUME 2 Roswell, New Mexico Wednesday Evening. March 23, 1904. ... t NUMBER,

Is Your Name on the Registration List? If Not Why Not? ' ; " ' L .. 111 - - ...... -i- ... . . communications for the good of the ; touch. --with the Russian's. The mili- neighboring fiats were overcome. association will be given due consid-- l tary organ says the occupation of The dead are Otto Grossman, host- BARNES eration by the Journal. The Journal I THE JAPS Anju lying at the best roads leading TROUBLED ler, his wife and Rosle Longfellier. is considered the ablest paper in the tO 'Wiju, Seoul, Gensan, and Kirin a seamstress boarding with the fam- Territory and was selected as the affords a strong screen1 to the move ily. Grossman had threatened to end ADDRESS official organ of the Association af ATTACK ment' of troops from Ping Tang. But COLORADO his life and that of his wife ... ter due consideration. The $5 you much of this natural advantage has o i , pay per year for the membership been lost by lack on the part of the In The Senate. , j. ; Japanese fees includes a subscription to this of mounted skirmishers. Washington. . March . 22. In .... the paper for one year." Senate today duay offered a resolu- Those who joined last evening NO WILL. tion directing the Secretary of the

were: Ballard Land Co., . ADDRESS and Cattle Treasury to send to the Senate a , EXCERPTS FROM THE PORT ARTHUR THE SCENE OF A John Shaw, Herbert J. Hagerman, J. Jud J. T. Evans Decides That the STATE TROOPS TO BE PLACED statement showing the difference In MADE LAST EVENING. FURIOUS ENGAGEMENT. M. Lusk, of Roswell; General R. O. Instrument Submitted is Not a Will ON A WAR FOOTING. value between the currency and the Benson and the Penasco Live Stock The fiercely contested case that gold paid the Delaware Indians be- Company of Carlsbad; J, N. Brown- has been in progress In the probate tween 1862 and 1870. Under object- - ing, of Felix. court the past week on the proba Ion the resolution went over and the At the meeting of the National tion of the will of the late Capt. J. Senate then took up the Indian appro Live Stock Association held in Kan C. Lea, mention of which has alrea piation bill. LOUDLY APPLAUDED A SUNK sas City January 13 to 16, 1903, a BATTLESHIP dy been made in these columns, was 1500 ARMED MINERS number of New Mexico cattle rais concluded yesterday afternoon. FILIPINO REBEL CAPTURED. ers 'were called together to consider Judge Evans after hearing all the the advisability of forming an As evidence and argument submitted Macario Sakay, the So-Call- Presi sociation of men interested in cattlef decided that the Instrument which dent, is Captured. The Address Was Plain Truth, and raising in New Mexico was brought before him for probation Manila. P. I., Mar. 23. Captain Battle Ship. the Speaker Talked of the Many There was a strong expression Russians Lose Another was. hot a will, and as the law di Labor Men Charge That Militia is to DeWitt with a detachment of con Japanese Preparing to Invest Port Tribulations that Confront the from each one present that such an rects he ordered that the instrument Be Used to Break the Strike. stabula ry and Lieutenant Hitney with Cowman and of the Efforts That organization was sadly needed in our Arthur From the Land. Cavalry together with the proceedings be Will Recruit the Guard to Three a detachment of scouts have just Maneuvering on the Yalu River. - are Being Made to Eliminate Him. Territory and the belief was general transcribed and handed up to the Thousand Men. encountered Macario Sakay, the so-- The Question of Passes Discussed. that the cattle men would give it district court. called president of the Philippine re List of New Members. hearty support and financial backing public. Sakay with 15 of his follow A temporary organization was per REPUBLICAN CONVENTION RIOT. ers was captured. There were no fected and Wm. H. Jack of Silver casualties among the Americans. City selected as president and Will Furniture Wrecked. Order Restored o Tokio. (6:10. a. m.) Mar. 23. A Denver, Colo.. Mar. 23. Adjutant C. Barnes of Dorsey, as secretary by the Sheriff. Bids special from Moji (opposite Shimon- - General Bell Issued orders today for Wanted. and treasurer. Salem, 111., Mar. 23. A riot mark oseki, Japan) says the Japanese fleet recruiting all companies of the na- The Board of County Commission The . address made by Will C. President Jack appointed an Exec ed; the gathering of the Republicans made another attack on Port Arthur tional guard to their full strength. ers will consider sealed bids for Barnes, of Dorsey, N. M., the secre- utive committee consisting of Hon. of Marion county in convention here painting, calcimining. March 18th. They bombarded the ci- Orders were also issued commanding papering, etc.. tary and treasurer of the Cattle W. H. Hopewell, of Santa Fe; Mr. during which the delegates charged be court jail, ty and its defenses and fought a fu- Captain Greer to mobilize the Meek- house and coal house (jowers Association of New Mexico, W, C. McDonald, of White Oaks; Mr. upon each other with uplifted and rious engagement with the Russian er troops of cavalry and be prepared water closets and band stand, before the association yesterday af- W. H. Greer, of Deming; Hon. Jas. chairs. The chairman of the central as per specifications fleet outside the harbor, destroying to ride for Rifle," a distance of forty on file In the ternoon at the court house was well F. Hinkle, of Roswell; and Mr. E. A. committee had announced the tem- one Russian ship. Seven Jap- miles, there to take the train for Probate Clerk's office. Contractor to received, and he was heartily cheer Clemens, of Magdalena. battle porary officers as selected by the anese casualties are reported, but no Telluride. No orders have been made furnish all material and perform all ed at the conc'usion of the address. The first meeting was held at Dem central committee when the disor- own expense. information is given concerning the at the state house for the home cav- services at his Bids He said in part: "We cannot frlamejng on March 13 to 14 when over a der started. More than one hundred must be filed with the Probate Clerk " condition of the Japanese fleet. The alry troop at Telluride. General Bell the railroads for being careful in giv- hundred active cattle raisers were delegates sprang t their feet and not ten o'clock a. m. navy department has not been advis- - says he will recruit the guard t later than of ing return nasses to the cattlemen present and signed the constitution. then began general fighting. The fur- April 4. 1904. of this engagement, but evidently is 3,000 within a week. A detachment ' who ship stock. To my personal The attendance and enthusiasm at niture in the court room where the expecting news. of 400 state troops are encamped at The Board reserves the right to knowledgs there are four hundred this meeting exceeded the fondest convention was held was wrecked, any Trinidad this morning in accordance eject and all bids. return tickets in the scalpers offices hopes of any of the original movers and when It seemed imminent that By order of the Board. Kieff, Mar. 23. is with . orders issued last night by the Russia. It learn 1 in Oklahoma City. Some take advan- the matter and it is believed that there would b bloodshed., ,tbesherlff W. M. ATKINSON. ed here that an attempt was made governor , who declares that a state tage of the railroads by getting the the association will be a power in the drew a revolver and restored order. 2td-lt- Friday night to blow up Odessa uni of insurrection exists in Las Animas Chairman. return tickets and stay in the east territory, for the good of the cattle- o o - supposed to be on county. The troops will be distribut- and sell the return ticket. This is men. versity. This is MILES ADVISES WAITING. account of expulsion of students ed in the various coal camps. The For Rent. not right, and you cannot blame the present officers are: the The seeking revenge. Bombs governor been told One stone building with or for" protecting their inter- who are If Other Party Platforms are Satis- has there are railroads President Hon. W. H. Jack, Silver out-hous- exploded which smashed the 1,500 armed striking miners in Las chard, and stables in con ests. The railroads will a'low trans- City. were factory, There Should be No wall and shook the quadrangle. Nine Animas county ready to commit acts nection, seven lots In alfalfa. Will portation to the cattlemen, but they Vice-Preside- W. C. McDon- Prohibition Ticket. 1st is by rent for one year or term of years. pay other bombs were discovered which New Mar. 23. Rev. of violence. This denied the must for the ticket when they ald, White Oaks. York. James No failed to explode. . local labor leaders who say the sick people need apply. Wive, and when they return the re- Vice-Preside- A. B. Dunn. D. D., of this city has re- 2nd E. Clemens. guard was sent' to Trinidad to break J. H. HENNING. fund will be made by the company. Magdalena. ceived a letter from Lieutenant Gen- -- 308 Missouri Tokio, Mar. . 23. The house of rep- the strike and that the same methods Avenue. An action of this kind is just to all Secretary and. Treasurer Will C. eral Nelson A. Miles, retired. In today appointed a com- of desperation used in Cripple Creek concerned. One of the worst feat- Barnes, Dorsey. resentatives which the latter advised the temper- to investigate the charge that and Telluride will be resorted to. ures that ..the cattlemen have to con- Executive Committee. mittee ance party not to hold its national See that entertainment to Tiesuke Akiyama, a member of the This said Major Hill will establish tend with is the infernal delay in W. S. Hopewell, Santa Fe. convention until after the two great night. , is in employ of the a press censorship at once. shipping stock. The way conditions J. F. Roswell. parliament, the parties have made their nominations. o Hinkle. government. Akiyama is the o -- are at the present time the stock is J. P. Stuyvesant, Folsom. Russian Should either make such nominations Business Changes Hands. publisher of Kirokuspitbun, a Tokio FEVERISH STOCK MARKET shipped at the rate of five miles Sim Holstein, Dwyer. and announce such principles as will There has been a change in the paper which has been bitterly assail- an hour when it should be shipped J. D. Isaacs, Organ. command the approval of the temp- mercantile line here and the Record ing the government, particularly on Resulted To-Da- y From the Announce- at the rate of twenty-fiv- e miles an o erance people, they can give such has been requested to not give the policy. It has also charg ment of Terms of Distribution hour. This quick service would cost its financial candidates cordial support. If neither names of the parties interested for REPEATED. government having forc- of Securities Co. Holdings. a little more, but the advantage ed the with party makes satisfactory nominations a few days until the deal is complet- request---to-nigh- t, capitalists to toward New York. Mar. 23. An excited gained would make up for the little The Princessby ed subscribe the temperance people can then still ed and the inventory finished, recently issued, and has and feverish stock market resulted extra cost. The cattle market is like i March 23rd, Opera the bonds hold their own convention. o at predicted that a second loan will be today from the announcement of the the snakes in Ireland, there is no o Cement Walks. House. a failure. The local prosecution in- terms of distribution of the Northern cattle market. Several years ago the ANARCHISTS ARRESTED. you are going to put down, ce- stituted resultedi in a decision yes- Securities Co. holdings of Great Nor- If entire territory was full of cattle This beautiful play was given ment anyways soon you terday ordering the permanent sus- thern and Northern Pacific. Trading walks should buyers, but they seem to have dis- All Perpetrators of the Bomb Outrages see E. O. Swink once. Mr. to a packed house before. pension of the publication and the in Union Pacific and Southern Pa- at Swink appeared with the summer rain (ap- at Liege, Belgium Caught. to few who saw it were enthusiastic imprisonment of the paper's signato- cific was on an enormous scale and intends leave Roswell In. a plause); and the cattlemen have to Liege, Belgium, Mar. 23. The au- days and would like to do your work ry for four months. The case was ap- almost monopolized the market for Kfnt the buyer instead of the buyer in their praise. Let all go and thorities have arrested the authors goes. once pealed, and both Akiyama and his a time. Some fears were entertained before he See him at if hunting the cattleman. .A new meth- go of the recent bomb outrages here. all who went before-- again, buying Pa- you want a cement walk. 2t deny that he is a spy. They-ar- e that the excited of Union od must be adopted before the cat- friends two Frenchmen named Lao --o thereby helping the School Lib- m m cific represented a contest for con- tlemen will make money. A scheme bin, alias Beaumanche. and Gude Japanese Tea. St. Petersburg, Mar. 23. In regard say trol, as that company is insured a that has been tried and been suc- rary. fern. They have confessed and There will be a Japanese Tea In to the last attack on Port Arthur the large and influential share of North- cessful . is to accompany your stock their object was to avenge the ex- parlors There will be new special- military authorities seem to manifest ern Pacific and Great Northern un the of the Roswell Club on to points In Kansas and advertise pulsion from Belgium of their fel- Friday evening, follow- r ' tac- of March 25th. you are and have stock ties entirely, consisting f vocal no displeasure at the Japanese low anarchists. der the terms distribution without that there compensatory holdings ed by a dance. All club members' are yesterday. On the contrary they - " ..' in the Union for sale. In instances that this plan solos by Messers Porter Phillips tics o cordially Invited to participate. , such bombardments "on- Pacific on the part of these compa- has been tried it worked to perfec-- - and Rupert Hamilton assisted by declare that ENTERTAINMENT COM. ly wear out the guns and machinery Prof. Axelson the violinist nies. There was much mystery in and the stock . brought several McKay. Another attract- iion Mrs. will play at The Princess to-- the' whole movement, and the suspi- dollars more per head than if they of the ships and waste ammunition ive feature will be music by the cion it might be manipulation Everybody help the School were sent to the open market. On without compensating advantages. night. that Norfleet to-nih- Little Sisters. They point out comparatively in- - kept the tone of the market feverish Library again t. the open market it Is a case of sell the . too the Roswell Band will bom- - and go When I ship my Then significant damage done by the Land For Trade. uncertain. quick or broke. ' play. Let everybody go - bardment of Santiago by the Ameri- One hundred acres f land. 6T ... o Barbecued Meats.' f ck I am , going to try the same futility. iO pas- TWO MILLIONS FOR POOR. Barbecued meats . for sale at all ,,a.n and will go to the towns in Admission 35c Go right now can fleet as a proof of their in cultivation. acres in - Pay-ton- Japanese ac- ; house, good times. A specialty of furnish- Kansas and will spend money on and reserve your seat at s' So far as known, the ture, i six room well of made complished . nothing. On the other all under feace. Located east Estate of Fanny S. Wilder Goes to ing families and - boarding houses. printers ink, and I am confident that Drug Store. Children un- vater. " luck. on k. IV roa-- I the Poor of St. Paul. Call at tbe little green house on the I will realize more than by sending der 12 will be admitted for 25c. hand the Russians had better of Delias th3 T. would A shell from the Retvizan which was trade for Roswoll propery. Refer lo St. Paul, Minn., Mar. 23. By the Lea place. North Main. stock : to the open market at the Remember it is tomorrow one filing of the report of the appraisers --o 1 ' Kansas City. The stock in the north- firing over the hill. landed on T. .. RUSSEL. night- -. Wednesday, Aterch 23rd. , - appointed by the probate court to We' Cant Tell' ern part of the territory is in good of the Japanese battle shiua. The 3t Roswell feeling Japanese tac- ' I --o ascertain the value of the estate of About the railroad or reservoir. condition, hut a rain is "badly need-;.t- . here is that the . STORM AMARILLO. on the late Fanny S. Wilder, of St. Paul They may be a fake. ' John Duff Is The stock! in other portions of SAN AT tics are a preliminary. to landing Lecture. attempt cut it is announced that the entire Wil- the man to see If you .want to sell the territory If only in fair condition the peninsula and an to Dr. Klnsinger will lecture at the Telegraph Wires are Working Under off Rus- Friday night der, estate coupled with that of Mrs. or buy' second-han- d goods, and that' -- 1 in this portion of the Port Arthur. For this the high school auditorium the stockj amoun- Is 334 - Great Difficulties. sians declare they are fully prepared, AH are cordially invited. E. V. Appleby, her daughter, no Josh. Phone rritory is ip the poorest shape of ,; i 23. A heavy v ' ' ted to about 12.000.000. It is to be O -- Amarillo, Tex., Mar. y I have siesn. I am in favor of o sand storm is blowing at this place SL Petersburg, Mar. 23. (2 p. m.) Musical. used for the poor of 8L Paul Inde- Mouey to loan on personal, real 5 i;w Mexico Cattle Growers As-- " . today, and telegraph wires are work- Further details ot yesterday's at- The musical that was to have been pendently of any other charity. and chattle. C. C. C. White. 40g N joining the National Asso-- " O i ing . great difficulties. expected du- Thursday Spring River Ave. 8. ft M It-cil- costs $5 a year "to under tack on Port Arthur are given at Mrs. Fred Hunt's ILLUMINATING GAS. ' . indef- '3 and all of the ring the day. but nothing additional afternoon has been postponed o - pasture 1 1-- yet received. initely, . - Good alfalf mllr 1 ' ' J be members. The Tt.2 has been "ivt: lv It is Prlr.zzzz ct Ctztz la Kills Three Persons and Overcomes North East of Cot.r House.. 1 zz J i3 the z-- to-r.::!- :t, - cc!il - ?r V . ' R. Smith, - -i 23. Accord- F:-- Number of Others. 2t. U " r- ttzy Ct. Feterebur. liar. Pr; o-- tXzl pers-c-r V rr"?t the Jip--r New YcrJt. liar. 23. Three irn k C 1 - i Y.. v - r " ty c As we to the r.'.zi grow 3 c l!i c! Ar, r .AT'"" vers L:l VZzzZlzz o irrers j C zt ' c- -i c-- atreet . c ( V ! a t: llti crs tr la rt crrt r li It 'I c":" I t" you registered? and will repealers nOSVELL DAILY RECORD Have enable the to THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. make at least a strong minority if Friday is day for registra Democratic In Politic. the last not a majority report, which will get How The Public Can Be of The ' ' Greatest Assistance. tion. the bill out on the floor of the House H. F. M. BEAR, Editor Roswell, N. M., March 23, 1904. Special Sale of Children's can fought for.-- .' ;? Remember if you want to vote you where it be Roswell Daily Record. Catered Majri9iu190r at Roawell ' ' This question has always been a My Dear Mr. Editor: In view must register. ? Nw Mexico, , under' th act; of i Con- non-partisa- n one, but should the of the fact i that there have been., a great many , lately, gress of March, 3, 1Z79. r" f stockmen do well to a act on House refuse to consider, the bill, fires we, desire The ( to hake a statement for the guidance ' principle that in union there is the Democrats will undoubtedly Hats, Saturday, Mar. 26. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION the of the general public. strength. make of it a party issue, taking as It would facilitate the working of their basis not only the unquestion-- i the Department if, when an alarm is Dslly,' per Wwk; ...... v....$ .15 carefully: from the Read the article ed fraud unrlr these laws but the given the general public who are Dally per Month, . .60 - is- fire department- published in .this I siro',s of 'being of, service; would ira-.-'- .. In opportun utterances of the - President order to give every mother the Paid In Advance, .50 ' 5 : ...... sue, and acU accordingly Ji, - J:mediateiy:.,repair to the fire house. In nf his annual w" mflasn?M ' 1 . 1 1 A 1 "up-to-no- Dally, Six Months 3.00 itiui aBiBL il.iuc ure mjy a tu geti me ity of purchasing a stylish Easter in his public speeches insisting upon Dally, One Year 5.00 Arrangements are being made for hose cart and hook and ladder to Bonnet for her child, we will have a special do- ; Ros-we-ll the preservation of the public the scene of action. Please do not (Daily Except, Sunday.) . a direct European market for ' main for and no insist on helping,, the engineer and i season. actual settlers that Member Associated Press. fruit for the coming ' dis-pose- up Thlj more government land shall be d driver harness the horses. is a very simple process and is done The, matter of increased , water of without residence and im- THE" RECORD I TMEi OFFICIAL t t in a minute. As our horses are young Children's Day, I I to' provement by PAPER OP THE COUNTY OF pressure is pushing itself the actual farmers who and as yet not well trained, we find - CHAVES ANO-- THE- CITY OF front- - by the course of recent events. will till and make homes upon it, managed 1 that they are easier and ROSWELL. none of which is practiced under less nervous if the doors of the flra And while of course any lady wishing to purchase With a team of horses at the fire these laws. house are kept closed. Kindly rem- DEMOCRATIC CITY TICKET. house, and steam up in the engine ember this and do not hurriedly op- a hat for herself will receive the usual attention as doing so is now Mayor, ...... J. F. Hinkle every Roswell citizen has an increas A SUMMER NORMAL en the doors, the Clerk, ...... F. J. Beck the signal to the horses that the dri- and courtesywhich has made our store the most ed feeling of ; security. Plans have been completed for the Treasurer. . . . . J. Q. Cummins ver is read for them to start. A fail- .... establishment- - of a summer school shopping place in the Valle), the spe- Couneilmen. ure to observe this rule a few days popular First Ward Sylvester P. Johnson, Not a &inSle statehood resolution. for teachers at the Normal School ago was the cause of Mr. Hopper be- cial feature of this sale will be Children's and M. D. Burns. but a mild anti-jointur- e resolution is at Las Vegas. The sohool will be- ing thrown from the seat, as after Head-gea- An- Second Ward Geo. L. Wyllys, R. the way the press speaks of the re- - gin June '6 and continue eight weeks, the team had started he had no Misses r of every description. time to strap himself on. M. Parsons. cent statehood resolution of the Ter closing July 29. Such schools are other lot of fresh new styles has just arrived Kinsinger, " Six of the regular firemen have Third Ward Dr J. W. peo- ritorial' Republicans. U ; M , common in the states, and the James , Devlne had assigned to them the duties of and usual" you will find a pleasing surprise Fourth! Ward J, P " Church. W. ple of Ktiw Mexico will receive the nozzlemen; they have been selected "as year 1903 highest tem- Ogle-Fif- For the the news of this new enterprise at the with care and know just where the W. th in the way of new things on display Saturday. Ward A. Li.. Whlteman. perature at Roswell was 97, and the Normal University with much favor. application of the stream of water EVERYBODY INVITED. E. Brooks. lowest temperature .was 7 degrees This is not to be a county normal will do the most good. Please do not no;.l-- away School Board. - ex- attempt to take the below zero. But each of these institute in any sense of the term, ' First Ward J. A. Cottingham. J from , them, nor insist on ctating tremes was only of a very short du- but a regular school in which sys- A. Foreman. to them where to direct their c.forts Second Ward L. K. McGaffeyand ration. tematic work is done for a period this is the duty of the chief or of Mark .Howell. of eight weeks. The studies that his assistant. Rodey Third , Ward Dr. W. T. Joyner, B Mr. Roosevelt tells Mr. he will be pursued will comprise all of If you do not care to assist in - putting out fire, plfsase do not F. Smith. (Roosevelt) is In favor of joint state- required the those for first and second way Fourth Ward W. W. Gatewood, noodf and Mr. Loeb tells Governor get in the of the firemen. If grade certificates. In each of the in the discharge of heh- - duty the G. M. Slaughter. Brodie that Mr. Roosevelt is not in Fifth Ward C. C. Emerson, W.-C- . common branches more than one nozzlemen should accidentally sprin- favor of joint Which is Burrus statehood. class will be formed, in order to kle you. do not sue the city for dam- (The first named in each ward is for ,he more "kely to know where the give students an opportunity to take ages. The boys are all volunteers, question- - and several of them, to our personal the term of four years, and the J President stands on this such parts of the study as are suited tor tne term or - knowledge, have renedered the city second named twoiMr Roosevelt or Mr. Loeb.? Albu- to their special needs. The circular years.) I faithful service for a number of "STRONGEST IN THE WORLD" . Tnnmai- mirrmo sent out by President Vert empha- years. They like to be praised when sizes the fact that this school has they do good work, and as a matter ANNOUNCEMENTS. The stockmen of this territory do been established for the special ben- of fact should be; they are not in well to organize, and it should only fallible, but make mistakes like oth THE EQUITABLE LIFE - of In town country The . undersigned hereby announc- efit teachers and be a few months when all of them er people, but when they do so it es himself aa a candidate for the of schools, and others who wish to do should be affiliated with some of the is an error of the head and tot of fice of superintendent of schools of work In the common branches, peda- the heart. In conclusion we desire county, stock associations now organized or Chaves New Mexico, subject gogy, physics, state we realize ASSURANCE SOCIETY I elementary elementa- to that the fact that to the decision ; of : the Democratic in process of organization. We the ry zoology. the department is not able to do ef I botany and elementary party. , also advise that all county and dis fective work without the assistance T. W MiPTIM I The teachers in the school will be of the public. Plea?e help us with OF THE UNITED STATES. President E. J. Vert, Albert S. Otto, association, all your might, in stretching hose, Territorial for the better Lora Levens, and Mareth Furro. B. I hereby announce myseir as a . t hoisting ladders, tearing down build- HENRY HYDE, Founder. These four are selected from the ings, removing obstructions, and in - stand, but divided they must fall.- - oace of sheriff, subject to ;the decls- twelve members of the regular fac fact every way that would suggest lon of the ' Democratic voters at the I Albuquerque Advertiser. itself to a practical person. ulty . ot the University, and are a comlac primaries. We sincerely trust that the engine guarantee as to the quality of in TUBE JL1SM. AT WASHINGTON will not have to be used, except for Outstanding Assurance Dec. 31,1903 $1,409.9 18,74 2.00 struction. practice, in a long, long time. But I The long-waite- d for decision of the New Assurance Issued in 1903 322,047,968.00 I if does, we beg to assure you I hereby announce myself as a court in Se it that suDreme the Northern Thos. A. Welsh and E. R. Spencer candidate ' for the nomination of Su it shall be our earnest endeavor to Income 73.7l8o50.93 curities R. R. case rendered on Mon- - Belding, Michigan, nArint Anient of Public Schools of of who have been respond as promptly and faithfully day, is the one topic of discussion in in the Valley for several weeks left. as we have done Assets Dec. 31, 1903 381,226,035.53 Chaves county, subject to the decls--1 heretorfore. Washington. prohibition of this morning for Oklahoma. They ROSWELL VOLUNTEER ion of th Democratic i Toters of said The the Assurance Fund and all liabilities. 307,871,897.50 both purchased land near Dexter other county. I merger is received with lively satis FIRE DEPARTMENT. 1 38-- B. L. JOHNSON, and Mr. Welsh will return and lo Surplus 73.354. 3 faction at the White House, and ver cate permanently. They are here Want to Match a Game. satile minds are busy with a proposi prominent citizens of Belding. Paid Policyholders in 1903 34,949,672.27 announce myself a can- - Joseph F. Page of the Coliseum I hereby tions how to make politics for the o - county, Bowling alley left last evening for didate for sheriff of Chaves coming campaign out of the verdict Something Opera House subject) to the Democratic primaries. at Carlsbad to look after his bowling says, to-nig- ht. E. H. SKIPWITH Senator Elkins "Ultimately alley in that town, and will be absent congress will have to take cogniz o-- for several days. Mr. Page says the James W. Alexander, Edward Grunsfeld, Mgr. five-me- n team at Carlsbad is anxious COUNTY CONVENTION. ance of the fact that railroads are , C. C. Paule of Burlington, Iowa. to bowl the five-me- n team here. The President. Albuquerque, N. M. commanded to . maintain rates on the W. A. Robinson of San Francisco, T. A convention of the. Democratic Carlsbad bowlers are hot ones, and one hand and enjoined from combin J. Clegg of Snyder, Texas, W. R. a game between Roswell and Carls- voters of Chaves county is hereby " Forbes of Albuquerque, A. L. Circle James H. Hyde, Ross L. Malone, Dist. Agt. ing to maintain them on the . other very of Alva, Oklahoma, Thos. C. Wal-lett- e, bad would be exciting. called to meet at the court house Vice-Preside- hand a solecism which must be o nt. Roswell, N. M. in Roswell on-- Saturday April 2nd, of Missouri, B. H. Smith of corrected Amarillo and A. L. A at 7:30 p. m, for the purpose of se Matloch of St. Pretty Sight. There are those who intimate that Louis are registered at the Grand Since the fire one can get a prqtty lecting eight delegates to the Terri Central. of palatial C. the President, is to be as gentle as 'iew the residence of DR. H. JENKINS, V. S. torial Democratic Convention , to . be C Emerson on South Hill from Main T. V. HAYS J. a iamb concering anti-tru- st legisla held at Sliver City, April 13, 1904. street, from the Joyce-Pru- it store to tion It is even hinted that the Mer1-- Graduate of London College Based on the rote as cast for Hon. the Grand Central. The rotunda ARCHITECT. ger decision has reconciled the Rock Correct Clothes for Men up H. R. Fergusson in 1892 the several shows fine, and it is indeed a Plana and specifieationH promptly VETERINARY SURGEON, efellers to their unfortunate posi beautiful sight in the distance. The and neatly executed. wards, and, precincts will be entitled tlon i and ! that they will contribute O matter whose view was obstructed before the fire ROOM 4 HANSOM BL'K. to delegates aa follows: At Slaughter's Farm. handsomely to the Roosevelt camp clothes you've by the large stack of hay in the Will Roswott City, Precinct No. 1. iamson wagon yard.e aign fund.' "There's no help for what been buying in K. H. SKIPWirir. C.M.JUYKS IT you desire thf ser vines of nil (60S ' cast in precinct) , o rotes has been done, only don't do so any the past, at some PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. expert, phone the Slaughter Roswell, 1st ward, .., .... in Will ' more." time the Office Over Roswell Drug Co Farm. le at the Slaughter Roswell, 2nd ward, e e future you'I! buy Farm until April 1st. ' UOOMS 4 AX I) T. . Roswell, 3rd ward; v; LAND LAW IN CONGRESS. ALFRED BENJAMIN Roswell, 4th ward. , Congressman Reeder, of Kansas, copmcfc Ntt,A.&.ca & OfTUv Telephone 2fC. COS and SAVE YOUR EYES, Residence !'hom .f Dr. Nklpwith 149. RosweU. 5th ward.; ranking of Irrigation stick to them. A fair trial will Kemdeiice of Dr. Mayea 3T5. V. R. Kenney, C. E. the member the Dr. Arnold A ronton,, one of Phone Roswell; outside city limits. . ... 6 convince you that they are in COUNTY SURVEYOR. Committee of the House, executed a Chfca pro's leadingr graduate op- 2 custom-mad- e. Land Precinct 2. South Spring (20votes) coup day which , may every way equal to fine Office next door to Office on little the other ticians, who was been in Roswell West Second St. Precinct 3, Glen, (11 votes) .... 1 This label develop Into great proportions. The five weeks last sum mer and made 4, Hagerman. (92 9 Co. rotes) ., Precinct Public Lands Committee of the for himself quite a reputation i Prompt, attention given to all Precinct 6. Lower Jtenwco (23jts) 2 House hftjj avowedly opposedto jljfedPenjamins me. - Wn here as he has elsewhere, will le work entrusted to A meeting of the Democratic vo- , . , .. di i. nd legislation, from Chairman MAKERS NEWyORK March and will re- tors of Precinct No. ,1 is herebcaU- - turn 30th, If you' want to rent or buy a Leave orders with J. M. Peacock to, on Lacey down., with one or two excep-- six only. If you have d meet at; the court house is your protection in buying ready main davs Sewing Machine or require ma- - 31st, 7:30 p. m. . year to-wea- Thuradiy. Uarch at tions. Land bills introduced last r; as it is ours in selling. trouble with yourejesor if your chine supplies. for the purpose of t selecting, the del-- ani this have been quietly but firm prlasses don't suit you call on kailroad Time Table. pro-- custom-mad- erates for precinct. 1 as above ly smothered. Now Mr. Reeder comes Equal to fine e ia all but Dr. Aronson Grand Central (Railroad time.) price. The makers', guarantee, and at 209 MAIN STREET along and Introduces a bill amending ours,' with every garment We are Central Hotel from March 30th, SOUTH BOCJfD. TLa - for all other ctinUttstsea. ExcSashrt distributors ia this dry. - p. jxttl'tt YJ1 call a meetlsj la their tn Irrigation Act, tacks onto it the till April 5th. No charge for Arrive, daf'y .4:45 M. will VISIT BIDWELL'S Depart, daily ex. Sunday... 6:05 P. II. rrrctive creciaets for a like nur--1 Queries land law repeal bill, j and consultation. Dr. Aronson tzz3 tt v Czti cct Utrr itzx Zlarcb gets It referred to the Irrigation visit Roswell three times a year. Candy Kitchen for fine home NOKTH BOUND. MonrasoM Dnos. . 1 daily ex. Monday ,11:05 a. u. Committee, which is evenly divided made Candies and Ice Cream. Arrive, Depart, daily... 11:33a.m. a. - I The Princess repeated tc on the land qut-tio- This will in- North of Peeler. M. D. Duya, ic3 IT c:rit-"Msrc- b - CZT3 cc-lrrrt- cf t',11 23rd. . 410 Main tv? ts J Street. cleaned off and ' the debris - is being w. T. KINSINGER, removed. ; Captain Graham of the Salvation Army is having the work Brother of Dr. J. W.. and Ed Rinsing done, and the big ary tent is being er, Locates : Near Artesia. erected in the center of the block Dr. J. er left last even- The.' middle of the tent will be Just ing for Artesia and will be there for days for ml where 'the old Silver Dollar saloon several . arranging plans; stood. Captain Graham was busily new buildings on his claim six miles engaged there last evening when a southeast of the town. His brother well "known dealer who is employed W. T. Klnsinger. who has been a far- ..v. .' in a local gambling house passed mer near Pulaski. Iowa, for years, Ar- . "I f. and said, "Hello, Captain,' you are arrived on last evening's train at THERE WILL BE ABOUT TWO placing your tent In a very wicked tesia with a car load of stock, farm- HUNDRED SILENT ORATORS place. The old Silver Dollar saloon ing implements, household furniture, AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. stood about the middle of the tent." etc., and he will make his future Quick as Captain Graham re- home on the place. His family will v. ,c ."Vi ,! " a flash. plied, "We'll convert it." join him later. Mr. Klnsinger was on o the road nine days, coming with the The New. Ferguson Well. car. Dr. Klnsinger will make exten- J. H. Fox brought In another of sive improvements on the place, HAGERMAN. A HUSTLER the finest artesian wells ever drilled which will cost him $8,000. The Im- in the Orchard Park neighborhood provements will Include a nice resi- on the 16th Inst. The well, is owned dence, barns and an artesian well. by Wm. M. Ferguson, and Is situat Ed Klnsinger. the druggist, was at ed on his 320 acres on section 15, the train last evening here to meet township 12. R. 25 E.. 9 miles his brother, but did not accompany The Pictures of Scenes at Roswell, down the Pecos Valley railroad. The him to Artesia. W. T. Klnsinger Is Artesia,' Hagerman, '" Dexter and well is " 120 feet from the " railroad a solid and ' substantial Iowa citizen Carlsbad Will be Exhibited at the track on the east side and is 882 feet and he and his family will make We are ready now to drill your wells, surface and artesian Louisiana Purchase Exposition. deep. Engineer Wilson of Roswell welcome additions to the Pecos Val- estimated the flow to be 720 gallons ley. The Record wishes hlra success per minute. The "water is strongly in his new undertaking. CARPER & SON, impregnated with sulphur and other o THE HUSTLINQ WELL DRILLERS. Carper's Phone, No. 333 minerals. Mr. Ferguson will have the PAUL A. F. WALTER, water analyzed, and If it proves valu- The city of Roswell and the entire able he will make an effort to put Postmaster at Santa F and Asso- Pecos Valley will be represented at up a suitable sanitarium. He also in- ciate Editor of the New Mex-"- " the Fair at St. Louis and one of the tends to plant at least 100 acres of ican. Visits the City. LOCAL NEWS. most effective means is good photo the 191 he owns on, the east side of Paul A. F. Walter, of Santa Fe I J. B. DILLEY & SON, I graphs. Herbert J. Hagerman, w,ho the railroad in orchard. left last evening for his home after is a member of the Territorial Board Thus is the great Pecos Valley a visit to the city. He Is the post UNDERTAKERS & LICENSED EMBALHERS Pur- asso to-nig- on Exhibits for the Louisiana brought into tillage, and when ail master at Santa Fe and is the f Go to the Princess ht chase Exposition at St. Louis for the soil in the Valley underlaid with ciate editor of the New Mexican, the ...... Jack Porter returned this morning engag- gar- Bodies prepared for shipment to all parts 01 tne world. f New Mexico, has been busily artesian water is in orchards, best edited paper in the Territory. answered day or night.' from a trip to Artesia. ed in the last few days in securing dens and alfalfa, indeed it will be Mr.' Walter attended the meeting of Calls promptly exhibit, which Growers' Association of t 1,000 good second-han- d grain sacks photographs for the the garden spot of the earth. the Cattle A wanted. Roswell Produce & Seed will occupy a prominent place in the o New Mexico yesterday afternoon - $ Day Phone 168. Night Phone 306. $ Co. tf New Mexico building at the greatest Proper Treatment of Pneumonia.. and sent a telegraphic account to the fair in the history of the world. New Mexican. This is the first time 404-40- 6 North Hain Street. Duff is man to see if you Pneumonia is too dangerous a dis- John the There will be about two hundred that Mr. Walter has been to the city or stoves on pay anyone attempt to doc- want furniture the scenes around this city, Artesia, Dex- ease for to and he was favorably impressed by plan. a little at a time ter, Hagerman and Carlsbad, and in tor himself, although he may have the Pearl of the Pecos. "Did Roswell FOR RENT A neat cot- fact the entire Pecos Valley will be the proper remedies at hand A phy- come up to your expectation. Mr. tage, close in, with water and sewer represented in the great display of sician should alwavs be called. It Walter?" was the question asked on Dr. E. H. Skip-wit- will be six large him at train, and he replied. connection. Call photographs. There should be borne in mind, however, the Stack pieces of card board 22x28 inches "Yes sir, and way ahead of my ex Hav in pneumonia always from thirty-thre- e photo-- that results pectation. You have a beautiful city I Kaffir Corn "John Duff does not drive a mule and there will be - a cold or from an attack of the grip, ;ai P AT any more, though he is getting there giauo vv w vuu v 1- ' here." mo which will make 198 pictures in all and that by giving Chamberlain's o just the same in the second-han- d bu- i.s plaques. The Notice to Contractors. siness. there are six of the Cough Remedy the threatened at- SOUTH SPRING RANCH. will be 198 pictures when mounted tack of pneumonia may be warded The undersigned will receive bids A. A. and George Herriman of placed in a handsome frame, with I Or Hilo liaise. by until March 30th. 1904, 12 m.. for Brook, Indiana, are among the recent be off. This remedy is also u:sed be fed to or wneep on the ?lass over same, and they will Can cattle arrivals and will be in the city for physicians in the treatment of pneu- the erection and completion of a one premises if desired. Inquire director olaced in a handsome oak cabinet some time. - story brick and stone bank and by telephone to which will open like a book with six monia with the best results. Dr. W. FOR RENT Two or three furn- leaves. Under the cabinet there will J. Smith, of Sanders, Ala., who is store building. 100x150 feet to be booklets Joyce-Prui- t ished rooms for light housekeeping, be shelves for circulars and also a druggist, says of it. "I have erected for Co. In the Pecos Valley and the W. F. GRbENWOOD, or a five room furnished house. 110 regarding the selling Chamberlain's Cough city of Carlsbad, N. M., according to Roswell, which will be dis- been South Spring Kanch. Penna. Ave. city of plans and specifications now on file tributed gratuitously to the visitors Remedy and prescribing it in my. stoves, large small. at the First National Bank of Carls- Will contract now at top j Today, cook or at the fair. The cabinet will be plac- practice for the past six years. I U3e ; wood or coal, cheap for cash.. Lib- ed in a prominent position in the it in cases of pneumonia and have: bad. N. M., and at the office of J. eral terms to the credit buyers. John Dr. Ervilla L. Earl prices for next Fall's crop. New Mexico building, and it will be always gotten the best results." Sold M. Nelson & Co., architects, Ros Duff, Phone 334. greatest advertising one of the by all druggists. well, N. M. OSTEOPATH 1ST. schemes that has ever been gotten FOR SALE A good gentle milch o Each bidder will be required to cow. Durham, giving three gallons out for the Pecos Valley, and Ros Mrs. Childs Is III. accompany his bid with a certified ROOM 6. Over Morrison Bros., store of rich milk per day. Inquire at 1301 well. Millions will view the silent of New Captain Frank Childs the passen check, made payable to the order North Main street. 3t orators for the coming city Mexico, and one of the finest Val ger conductor left this morning for of Joyce-Prui- t Co., Carlsbad, N. M.. First Class Accommodations. Special Rates to Home Seekers. WANTED To rent a four room leys in the world. It will consequent Los Angeles in response to a mess- for the sum of five hundred ($500) GH1SH0LM, ly in the immigration of hun- - age he received last evening from THE JORDAN HOUSE, CLIFTON house, close in," with barn and water. result dollars, as a guarantee that they Will for 6 months or one year. the Pecos Valley. The pictures are , that city announcing the illness of RATES $1.35 PER DAY. lease will enter into contract and bond Address P. O. Box 745. being placed In New Mexico building his wife. Mrs. Childs left here two 708 1 Block West, 2 OASIS RANCH. N. Main street, by popular subscription from the cit- weeks ago to spend some time with within ten (10) days from the date North of Depot. last, evening W. C. Winston left izens of the Valley. friends in Los Angeles and she has of being awarded the contract. The - MEXICO. City, Texas, and will be ROSWELL, NEW for Colorado Mr. Hagerman was out in the city been ill since arriving there. In owners reserve the right to reject days attending to there for several last evening for only a half hour and the letters she has written here she any or all bids. March 8th. 1904. some important business. says is damp and cold in Los DR. J. ODD HAMILTON, secured subscriptions from the mer that it Joyce-Pru- it Co. TOM If you went before go again, chants and business men for $130. Angeles and that the Pecos Valley Carlsbad, Artesia, Hagerman and climate Is far superior to the Cali- DENTIST. to-nig- Northern Securities Dividend. New specialties. up Dexter have promised to put in fornia climate. New York, March 22. An official o I 1 K 5 o'.Bl.l- S3 Block. Charles L Ballard returned last proportion to the size of the towns. report declares the Northern Secur- Rooms 2 and Texas Vegas photographs, in DeShongs Leave For Wichita. To. Suc(;eanor evening from Las where he The cabinet and the ities Company has declared divid- Telephone, 275. meeting of some N. W. DeShong, wife and four boys Dr. W. has been attending the stallation of the same will cost ends of nine per cent payable In to J. Harnett. state- morning for Kan- the Cattlemen's Sanitary Board. thing over $200. A complete left this Wichita. Great Northern and Northern Pacif- make sas, where they will be for several There are a large number of camp ment of those who will the ic stock pro rata. According to this expense of install months. They came here six weeks ers on the Whiteman camp ground donations for the report the Northern Pacific stock Is Dr. L. A. Combs, will appear later in ago for the benefit of the health of on South Main street, They all came ing the cabinet taken at 115 and the Great Northern Surgeon photographs are be- Mrs. DeShong and she was greatly Veterinary and long and the majority the Record. The at 180. a distance by climate. She Operator on Horses Teeth posts. ing prepared by the Wilkinson and benefitted the has o brought in fence years they Frost studios in this city, and 175 been an invalid for and Best Remedy for Constipation. WANTED Position as book keep- already been selected by Mr. are from Paris, Texas, and went to have "The finest remedy fer constlpa MefGhant Tailor At Overman's Feed Yard, South er or salesman." Seven years exper- Hagerman. Bentonville, Arkansas but she was Main Street. ience. Can give references. Will work o not benefitted there and came here tion I ever used Is Chamberlain a CLARENCE ULLERY for moderate salary until established TWENTY YEARS AGO. from that town. Stomach and Liver Tablets." sa t Call at Record office. Mr. Ell Butler, of Frankvllle. New A. M. Dr. King The Payton Drug Co. have bought T. J. Banner, Who Formerly Lived A Favorite Remedy for Babies. York. "They act gently and without Makes' His Visits Few. the stock of the Roswell Book Store Here, Its pleasant taste and prompt any unpleasant effect, and leave tbo of all newspa- T. J. Banner left last evening for OSTEOPATH and subscription list cures have made Chamberlain's condi- M He was bowels In perfectly natural pers and magazines. . We solicit your home at Seven Rivers. Cough Remedy- - a favorite with the Office Judjre Iiea Building. trade and guarantee you satisfaction. formerly a resident of this city, and tion." Sold by all druggists. 121 1- -2 W. and, Ground Floor. is to be hoped that he will make J mothers of small children. It quickly o y, it T. R. Zickes and Mrs. J. Aus-te- Mrs. his visits more frequent. He lived cures their coughs and o'ds and Wanted. of Cleveland, ; Ohio, who have Ua. 4.. Office hours: 9 to 12, 2 to 5. here for several months twenty pneumonia A reliable man to represent the for weeks prevents any danger of been in the city several ago. and had not been back be-- Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co.. 7 to 8 p. m. on Mondays, Wednesdays years or serious consequences. It are delighted with the climate and ..1-- XI a. I other and Fridays. Night and residence lore mis u ip ojiitcnl Vn ttmauiuc of Newark, New Jersey, at Roswell. stay. They are uiu - K,ven oalls made. Office phone 247. will prolong their formerly owned the Baby silver mine not cures crouP- but when N. M. Undertaker, stopping with Mrs. E. A., Reilly on says as soon as the croupy cough appears Surplus; market value, ... 6,710,142. PHONE 90 OR 111. Residence Phone - - - - 389 In the White mountains, and he North Main street. I blew In a fortune" here , in a few wjh prevent the attack. For sale by Assets, market value,'.. $87,458,889. W. E. Gatewood, a prominent far- months when he was a resident of al druggists. Organized. 1845. Address W. J. Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured. - - General Agent Albuquer mer of Frisco, Texas, arrived at the town. He did not explain in what j Cardwell. brakenjin 0 aeijg William Shaffer, a of Greenfield last evening and will like- manner he "blew himself." If hej Notice. que, N. M. 6t. r.onii lnec? Valley re-- m Dennlson, Ohio, .was con to his ly locate. He . came to the waits twenty years more before it Members of Valverde Camp No. Ter-rill- ,' .- Lambing Ground For Raat. inflam- through the Influence of R. W. n .- - olack-sinithiu- g bed tor several weeks with rorninB """" 1490 U. C. V. are requested to as- Prepared to do all klnda or Will rent 1920 acres aeariy all prompt- matory, rheumatism. "I use.? many who recently located near Green- ita the city m isz on Broadway or;iemble the house at x p .nd Macnine work a Roswell will fenced with plenty of water tm Peo-- neat- field from Denton, Texas. East 114th ; street.; 26 ly. Carriage and wagoo work remedies," he says. "Finally I sent March m4 oc eveninjc a population 01 . one nunarea river near Artesia. ly done. John Stldger left, last for have J. A. FOREMAN. to McCaw's drug store for a bottle accompanied thousand or so by that time. He is lOt John Richer. Artesta. N. M. Midland, Texas. He was . ..; Acting Commander. of Chamberlain's Para Dalra. at by two children and Mrs. engaged in the stock ' business at o pp. his little J. T. EVANS, Adjutant. ' which time I was unable to use Shenherd his mother-Ia-la- Mrs. Seven Rivers. Fruit Trees. 1 Oano em ago Am-arill- o. We havo a few' hundred at 9 hand or foot, and In one week's Stidger died a short time To RenL . , and Missouri Pippin left which wo time was able to co to work as hap- Mr. Stideer wiir leave the chil- Will Convert the Old Ctand. man bur-tt- , - block was ti A room os Utln street, first fioof will cloM out at low Crure. py as a, clan." For sale by all dren with his relxtives In Texas and The Whitest that t will return to tie Vailsy. Cz-- n moii week aca i fceizs east frost. Call at Record oCoa. &...

A m We . War coie . to everybody Mew Silks

For -- .Shirt-waist Suits.

' Phone 32. OF The Ripest flillinery Beauty from New York City; ig Cut in Groceries. Together Most Beautiful Productions from Our Own Hampton is closing out hi entire grocery stock and hit With the a large line of goods that can be bought at cost or les. Following is a brief list showing a sample of the reduc- Workroom on Public View, tions being made. Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuits 15c, now 10c Pickles 15c, " 10c 10c Package Sage.. " 5c Thursday, Mar. 24, From 2:30 to 8:00 p. ra. 20c Blueing " 15c 41b Package Soda, Anvil Brand, 25c California Canned Goods,. . " 15c 35c Bottles Spiced Sardines, Pigs Pect, Tongue ALSO and Tripe, " 15c 25c Bottle Catsup, " 15c 15c Bottle Catsup, " 10c and Wraps. 10c Bars Tar Soap, now 4 bars for 25c Tailormade Suits Four 10c Bars Mechanics Soap for 25c Every day as the sun keeps climbing, climbing, new beauties blossom forth among the Spring Wraps, and each newest is more suggestive of bright, balmy days its predecessors. "OUR DOORS ARE OPEN TO ALL WITH A Similar reductions on nil other articles included in my arrival than grocery stock, which must be closed out this niout h. SPECIAL INVITATION TO COME AND LOOK AROUND. IT'S NOT NECESSARY TO BUY." J. H. HAMPTON. All Goods Marked in MORRISON BROS, Our Motto: Selling Figures . One Price to Everybody. Plain LET US nCil'RE ON VOUK KILL- - 313-3- 15 Main Street . Kemp Lumber Company.

Attorney Cameron left last even- FOURTH STREET AND RAILROAD. PHONE 35- - ing for Carlsbad after a visit to the city. . HENRY WALL, Colonel Boyd Clarke of St. Louis J. left last evening after a visit to the ABSTRACTS. city. AIR. PARK OF ECHOLS WILL FIX IT. Carls-las- Largest experience in the County. Thorough, Correct Drink Iron Brew. L. O. Fullen, editor, of the t bad Argus, left evening for his and Perfectly Responsible. PARK & MORRISON, Henry J. Wall, Notary Public. home. Office in Rear of Citizens National Bank. Has just purchased several dozen set rinss for less than John Duff, the second-han- d man. the manufacturer's price. These rings usually sell for 0 Henry J. Wall, Nctary Public, to $8. While they last your choice for George Neafle of Amarillo is here. lice in rear of National A free show at John's second-han- d Bank. $3-0- 0 Cash. An office room on the first floor Gamble is the only man in town store. i - WANTED A cook. Call at Mrs. on Main street. Location excellent. who can furnish you with pure wa- D. of was here yes- J. Hart Kenna Davidson's boarding house on North Apply at Record office. ter. 110 West Second st. terday. , Main. tf. STACY 4 CO. place go Will set your buggy or wagon tires r J. H. Hampton's Is the to Henry Wall has the largest Type Writing and Fine Paper Hanging J. while you wait, at Rabb & Sharp's Shorthand. SA. tor line candle. tf perience of any the Pupils desiring to in on their cold shrinker. ' learn the touch ' Mrs. J. Scott, of Douglas, Arizona, county. method of type writing and short 109 Main Street. tacyo is in the city. Rabb & Sharp don't scratch or hand in a two months course call on Judge Alexander J. Nisbet left We have an exclusive sign and carriage shop under the break you paint when they set your Miss Bishop at Mrs. Mehl 's No. Dan Majors has a fine gunsmith evening Carlsbad on legal management of K. (jr. Stacy. Ilring us our and have last for tires on their cold shrinker. 302 North Richardson. busies from StXLouis. business. them painted same as done lv biir factories. housekeep- me fit you up with your camp- Nice rooms for light Let Rufus Smith left last evening for ing outfit. John Duff. ing. Apply to Mrs. Bennett over the Lake Arthur to look after his ranch Hobson-Low- e cold storage building. Pure water is found only at The interests. A nice bedroom suite . cheap, lib- 1 i Roswell Bottling Works. I will lend a few thousand dollars eral terms to the installment . buyer. ii t ' W. 8. Davisson, the Hagerman on first class real estate' security. See John Duff, Phone 334. . real estate man, is in the city. Henry J. Wall. he Felix Land & Cattle Co.. m Don't forget Jim Hampton's place 1 Tl Richard P. Barnett went to Arte-sl- a Go to Simpson & DeFreest for when in need of anything in confec- 0 last evening on business. long . time loans on improved farms. tionery or fancy groceries. tf Offers to sell to actual settlers about 1.100 1 IHKHiATKI) Dan L dl M sicres of the FINEST LAND Geo. Cole Is the gunsmith at 3 . 0- Majors shop.. He is first class. m lWi ix THK n:cos vai.lkv. prtn;Ks LOW. TKU.MS KASY. (Joinjr wil h tlie laud is a per- See Mrs. Mehl for furnished rooms from the Northern ('anal. It is of all kinds. 302 Richardson are. II petual water riht 1 al-- o in the Artesian licit. We have refused to put Insist on having drinks made from this choice land into the hands of speculators. We C:3 pure water. Gamble, 110 W. 2nd st A Cop of Good Coffee ive all purchasers trie advantage of bed rock prices. 0 The land speaks for itself. (Jo and see it. Last year C;3 FOR RENT A furnished" room 1 we sold 25O0 acres to pood farmers who nrenowcul-t.ivtinp- r Apply Record office. C:2 close In. at it- - About 1OO0 anes of apple orcluirds are , days Moreland is bein brought o . - In the morninar does wonders towards making the work Fir bciii planteflthissjirin. Hampton always on hand has the a sacces. It clears up the mind, adjusts the nerves, instills a , and other improvements made in Cnext fruits. nuU and .candles, tf O under cultivation o new vigor and starts you out for the day as nothing else can Ilajrerman-reli- x I.'piwr. by the district thnn in all the 4k ' do Providing it is GOOD. The following brands roasted Rabb Sharp's cold shrlnker does THE NEW YORK COFFEE CO., are superior to any others of Valley. On account of its SOLID M Kit IT this is the perfect work; Every Job guaranteed.1 price. Breakfast Bell in 21b. cans, selected Java and most propessive farming spot in New . Mexico. In- 0 Sual Old ' 31b. cans .pair of gold rimmed spec 75c Government, Mocha ana Java in quire at theolficeof the company at South Spring 0 LCST A 1. Broadway, in lib. cartoons, 25c. Central Park in 51b. Ranch or of the following. 0 tucitti Flease leave at Record office. sealed cans, 91. Soki in Roswell only by ii e T7AWTED A first class cook. No SAAVL ATKINSON, Roswell, N. M. ra c'Jt'T csed arrly. Csll at Record of-fr- s. D. BALCOM, Hagerman, N. Al. ' E. n "tf." ' mm i I REEVES & DAVISSON, Hagerman, N. Al. I r f r L- - ' J trd knes&ns I t y, c - 1 i tzl xri izr tris- V P ..W .gBf fsr--i ftfKi JSH .,