University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Roswell Daily Record, 1903-1910 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 3-23-1904 Roswell Daily Record, 03-23-1904 H. E. M. Bear Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/roswell_record_news Recommended Citation Bear, H. E. M.. "Roswell Daily Record, 03-23-1904." (1904). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/roswell_record_news/171 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Roswell Daily Record, 1903-1910 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. II A HE KOSWELL DAIL V RECORD VOLUME 2 Roswell, New Mexico Wednesday Evening. March 23, 1904. ... t NUMBER, Is Your Name on the Registration List? If Not Why Not? ' ; " ' L .. 111 - - .... ...... -i- ... communications for the good of the ; touch. --with the Russian's. The mili- neighboring fiats were overcome. association will be given due consid-- l tary organ says the occupation of The dead are Otto Grossman, host- BARNES eration by the Journal. The Journal I THE JAPS Anju lying at the best roads leading TROUBLED ler, his wife and Rosle Longfellier. is considered the ablest paper in the tO 'Wiju, Seoul, Gensan, and Kirin a seamstress boarding with the fam- Territory and was selected as the affords a strong screen1 to the move ily. Grossman had threatened to end ADDRESS official organ of the Association af ATTACK ment' of troops from Ping Tang. But COLORADO his life and that of his wife ... ter due consideration. The $5 you much of this natural advantage has o i , pay per year for the membership been lost by lack on the part of the In The Senate. , j. ; Japanese fees includes a subscription to this of mounted skirmishers. Washington. March . 22. In .... the paper for one year." Senate today duay offered a resolu- Those who joined last evening NO WILL. tion directing the Secretary of the were: Ballard Land Co., . ADDRESS and Cattle Treasury to send to the Senate a , EXCERPTS FROM THE PORT ARTHUR THE SCENE OF A John Shaw, Herbert J. Hagerman, J. Jud J. T. Evans Decides That the STATE TROOPS TO BE PLACED statement showing the difference In MADE LAST EVENING. FURIOUS ENGAGEMENT. M. Lusk, of Roswell; General R. O. Instrument Submitted is Not a Will ON A WAR FOOTING. value between the currency and the Benson and the Penasco Live Stock The fiercely contested case that gold paid the Delaware Indians be- Company of Carlsbad; J, N. Brown- has been in progress In the probate tween 1862 and 1870. Under object- - ing, of Felix. court the past week on the proba Ion the resolution went over and the At the meeting of the National tion of the will of the late Capt. J. Senate then took up the Indian appro Live Stock Association held in Kan C. Lea, mention of which has alrea piation bill. LOUDLY APPLAUDED A SUNK sas City January 13 to 16, 1903, a BATTLESHIP dy been made in these columns, was 1500 ARMED MINERS number of New Mexico cattle rais concluded yesterday afternoon. FILIPINO REBEL CAPTURED. ers 'were called together to consider Judge Evans after hearing all the the advisability of forming an As evidence and argument submitted Macario Sakay, the So-Call- Presi sociation of men interested in cattlef decided that the Instrument which dent, is Captured. The Address Was Plain Truth, and raising in New Mexico was brought before him for probation Manila. P. I., Mar. 23. Captain Battle Ship. the Speaker Talked of the Many There was a strong expression Russians Lose Another was. hot a will, and as the law di Labor Men Charge That Militia is to DeWitt with a detachment of con Japanese Preparing to Invest Port Tribulations that Confront the from each one present that such an rects he ordered that the instrument Be Used to Break the Strike. stabula ry and Lieutenant Hitney with Cowman and of the Efforts That organization was sadly needed in our Arthur From the Land. Cavalry together with the proceedings be Will Recruit the Guard to Three a detachment of scouts have just Maneuvering on the Yalu River. - are Being Made to Eliminate Him. Territory and the belief was general transcribed and handed up to the Thousand Men. encountered Macario Sakay, the so-- The Question of Passes Discussed. that the cattle men would give it district court. called president of the Philippine re List of New Members. hearty support and financial backing public. Sakay with 15 of his follow A temporary organization was per REPUBLICAN CONVENTION RIOT. ers was captured. There were no fected and Wm. H. Jack of Silver casualties among the Americans. City selected as president and Will Furniture Wrecked. Order Restored o Tokio. (6:10. a. m.) Mar. 23. A Denver, Colo.. Mar. 23. Adjutant C. Barnes of Dorsey, as secretary by the Sheriff. Bids special from Moji (opposite Shimon- - General Bell Issued orders today for Wanted. and treasurer. Salem, 111., Mar. 23. A riot mark oseki, Japan) says the Japanese fleet recruiting all companies of the na- The Board of County Commission The . address made by Will C. President Jack appointed an Exec ed; the gathering of the Republicans made another attack on Port Arthur tional guard to their full strength. ers will consider sealed bids for Barnes, of Dorsey, N. M., the secre- utive committee consisting of Hon. of Marion county in convention here painting, calcimining. March 18th. They bombarded the ci- Orders were also issued commanding papering, etc.. tary and treasurer of the Cattle W. H. Hopewell, of Santa Fe; Mr. during which the delegates charged be court jail, ty and its defenses and fought a fu- Captain Greer to mobilize the Meek- house and coal house (jowers Association of New Mexico, W, C. McDonald, of White Oaks; Mr. upon each other with uplifted and rious engagement with the Russian er troops of cavalry and be prepared water closets and band stand, before the association yesterday af- W. H. Greer, of Deming; Hon. Jas. chairs. The chairman of the central as per specifications fleet outside the harbor, destroying to ride for Rifle," a distance of forty on file In the ternoon at the court house was well F. Hinkle, of Roswell; and Mr. E. A. committee had announced the tem- one Russian ship. Seven Jap- miles, there to take the train for Probate Clerk's office. Contractor to received, and he was heartily cheer Clemens, of Magdalena. battle porary officers as selected by the anese casualties are reported, but no Telluride. No orders have been made furnish all material and perform all ed at the conc'usion of the address. The first meeting was held at Dem central committee when the disor- own expense. information is given concerning the at the state house for the home cav- services at his Bids He said in part: "We cannot frlamejng on March 13 to 14 when over a der started. More than one hundred must be filed with the Probate Clerk " condition of the Japanese fleet. The alry troop at Telluride. General Bell the railroads for being careful in giv- hundred active cattle raisers were delegates sprang t their feet and not ten o'clock a. m. navy department has not been advis- - says he will recruit the guard t later than of ing return nasses to the cattlemen present and signed the constitution. then began general fighting. The fur- April 4. 1904. of this engagement, but evidently is 3,000 within a week. A detachment ' who ship stock. To my personal The attendance and enthusiasm at niture in the court room where the expecting news. of 400 state troops are encamped at The Board reserves the right to knowledgs there are four hundred this meeting exceeded the fondest convention was held was wrecked, any Trinidad this morning in accordance eject and all bids. return tickets in the scalpers offices hopes of any of the original movers and when It seemed imminent that By order of the Board. Kieff, Mar. 23. is with . orders issued last night by the Russia. It learn 1 in Oklahoma City. Some take advan- the matter and it is believed that there would b bloodshed., ,tbesherlff W. M. ATKINSON. ed here that an attempt was made governor , who declares that a state tage of the railroads by getting the the association will be a power in the drew a revolver and restored order. 2td-lt- Friday night to blow up Odessa uni of insurrection exists in Las Animas Chairman. return tickets and stay in the east territory, for the good of the cattle- o o - supposed to be on county. The troops will be distribut- and sell the return ticket. This is men. versity. This is MILES ADVISES WAITING. account of expulsion of students ed in the various coal camps. The For Rent. not right, and you cannot blame the present officers are: the The seeking revenge. Bombs governor been told One stone building with or for" protecting their inter- who are If Other Party Platforms are Satis- has there are railroads President Hon. W. H. Jack, Silver out-hous- exploded which smashed the 1,500 armed striking miners in Las chard, and stables in con ests. The railroads will a'low trans- City. were factory, There Should be No wall and shook the quadrangle. Nine Animas county ready to commit acts nection, seven lots In alfalfa. Will portation to the cattlemen, but they Vice-Preside- W. C. McDon- Prohibition Ticket. 1st is by rent for one year or term of years.
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