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EASTBOURNE, SATURDi|f, JUNE '2 2 , 1918. J^ASTBOURNE C O L L s ;g e H|E LADIES’ COLLEGE MARY H. COOPER, Court Dressmaker. T AND KINDERGARTEN, President t G^tASSINGTON ROAD, EASTBOURNE. BEUFOED& SON, THE DUKE O f DEVONSHIRE COAT DRESSES, SUITS & RESTAURANT GOWNS for Spring Wear. A Day School for the Daughters Watchmakers, 9. B. W TT.LTAM S, M .A . Principal: M ISS HITCHCOCK. Tele. 7«3. 6, IilSMOBE BO AD, EASTBOURNE. P upils prepared, if desired, for the Prelim inary. Junior, JEWELLERS & S] LVERSM1THS Senior and H igher C am bridge Local Exam inations, also -fcrioulatlon London U nlverslt ‘ BEST VM.UK.] SCHOOL for the Bom ation by the A ssociated Boai (P roprietors, dem y of M usic and R oyal Colli QUALITY GUARANTEED. A N D B og prepared CorJbaU nlTenltlM , the A nar. N avy desirous of pursuing th eir studies af tier leaving Bra’ ' Command D e p d t DICKER CO. E. & F. SLOOOMBE), n d CR t B B errlm s, Pnfeeelons and O am m eroial Life. illegal use of petrol Join A dvanced C lasses I d English L iterature Repairs bp Expert Men. ~ T here ere tpeatal A b e t a n d N a v t C l a j w s s . French, Italian. L atin, M att em atlcs. Singing, & e.. ndant alighted from a HIGH-CLASS PROVISION MERCHANTS AND GROCERS, F o r P roepeottu and Inform ation ae to recent Buooeeeee. rive and walked up a , 100, Terminus-rd., Eastbourne appilotW on should be m ade to the H e a d M a b t t o . FROE TRAINED TEACHER foT the Y|OUNGER don Golf Links. On- ■ CH TLD RBN . .V ji And at KKBTBB. w hole School. i ;d [that ho was playingp Opposite Town Hall, Eastbourne. * Hookey and Tennis Clubs. where he alighted was OVELL A , FEW BOARDERS ARB RECEIVED. jiolf links. -j EASTBOURNE W INES, SPIRITS a n d MINERAL WATERS. i-cab driver, said ha EASTBOURNE. H /r i|S S LIZZIE BARTHOLOMEW )ther officer from tho OP OOMMEBOE, M ftw hfiT ift HOe 08« .‘T " JC ertiP ianlst, T.O.L., and C ert. Senior R.A.M . ,nd Depot. The other aad R.C.M .) gives Lessons in eiiduut instructed l a i n | r o a d PIANOFORTE, THEORY OB M UStO a n d top of tho hill.” Ha C m t h e ndant was going. (tee on oath, stated thaft. ! Shorthand, Type’ k -k e e p in g i suffering from a badly 1 ann otuier colleges. Schools visited. R eceives or visits BAKER & SONS’ U N D K B ROTAti P ateovace. in the Camp go f c o r n s J and Businei !?lvU *2L5'?pS 8-n :Apply’,by l6tter> qrookham Honse, whether he would b e ! fork-road, Eastbourne (near Tow n | H all)T or C lift’s DANCING and RHYTHMIC EXERCISES. Singly got the t a x i - c a b W . H. ROBERTS, F.O.T.8. , n o . M uslo Saloons, G ildredge-road, E astbourne. ‘ vards up the hill W i f c - MACHINE MADE BREAD. I S S ELEANOR RATCLIFF E i im the Medical Offioer, (A w arded Gold IONA HUDSON., M 10 years A ssistant to M r s . W ORDSW ORTH, il constituted ono o f h i a I M em . LB A t, H a s R esumed Bee Glasses at the GRAND H O TEL’ mil ’ ] ■ ■■ DELIVERIES TO A L T . PARTS OF THE TOWN DAILY. I PU PILS for SINGING, V blC E CULTURE Satubday, a t 2.45; Juveniles, 1 1 o’clock. JFORTE PLAYING in London and East bourne. -; 7 ~ A l s o W ednesday, a t 3 o’clock. 1VILY FINED!. At DEVONSHIRE P A R K , T ransition C lass & 21, CHURCH STREET; 15, PEVENSEY ROAD aot> 175, SEASIDE.- who was stated t o b e 1 9 a tio n 'S W ednesday, 2.45; Special Baby Class, 11.15. t honours. Special arrangem ents for V isitors. U;,“ , was charged w i t h T el. 160. At SAFFRONS ROOMS, W ednesday, a t 3.30 , on tho previous day G AND PAINTING CLASSES. C om m unications should be addressed! to M is. H u d s o n Jjvenffes, 2.30. At THE LODGE, BLACK- -.r’: i .. •• . care of) M essrs. C u re. G ildredge-road ; or T he L ibrary' erty of Freeman; Hardy D alton-terrace, M eads-atreetL T W ATER ROAD, B eginners’ Class, F riday, 3.15. MARGARET D eportm ent and Ball-room Dancing (for Girls over 15), ;d young lad;y, waa PASS?. “ 0 W. Rothengiefan) H O LD S M onday, 5.30. Special C lasses fof Operatio Technique Idermayer, who pleaded ^ W ^ a .r t THE STUDIO, B A T H ------- ELSIE S. M. REED, irtificated Daily. T e l e p h o n e 623. to m, GROVE ROAD). M1 idyanced G rade A ssociated Board K REDIC. S. SHELLEY, R.O. and ger to the pr osecuitora, ^ g ijjaflr K>—« and on Tuesdays and T hursdays 7AB “ ino and O rgan (Honours). Orgi i t o f t h e A D ance P ractice Class for Adults, W ednesday J C ollege. A ssistant O rganist a t ; S a v i o u r ’s a n d F riday E vening a t 8.45. y prisoner enitqred h?«t Builder, Decorator, Plumber, Gas, H ot W ater and Electrical Engineer. Eastbourne, A ccom panist to the i t b o u r n e lady assistant show ed ^ r 8 ^ssM^pp*5s^rnta ratio Society. Open for Eng f o m e n t a s A n A merican T ea a n d D ance, T uesday, 4.30, the assistant’s b ck w a s i Contractor for General House Repairs. G IV ES LES30N S In P ----- J R T E a n d a t T he L odge, B laokwater-road (opposite tbs .tockingS in her pocket; f l S S M. GRAHAM SCHOFIELD, PL AYING and in HARM Ol THEORY. Presbyterian C hurch)) ’ w here all particulars may bo Ti.-oner offered ; *him £5. Office and Showrooms - - - 8, TERMINUS PLAGE. its prepared for the various M udoal l i t l o n s o b t a i n e d . ■ v D iplflm de, P arle i t T B K T b b r a c b m inutes from .tb the case. ani» a s 48,.MILL ROAD. Personal attention given 1v M o r^ s.^ . ^ (8 I t a t i o n ) , :©j charge rwas also g i v e n Rat Glass Oertlfleate), B a s t b o u b b b . ,nt in the employ of th e rte LBSaOMW In PRACTICAL DRE88CUTTING DANCING, DEPORTM ENT and EURHYTHM IO and MAKING. FRENCH^^TTERN MODELLING ISS B. NOAKES, Certificat >| Harmony EXERCISES, jner was given nto h ia TH E EASTBOURNE M and C ounterpoint (Senior L ocal,. a ted B oard tak in g s, g i v m I 9N S on the (he stole the; st boys inten d i olaas teaching in schools. priT*ta PIANO FORTE.and Am erican On a H a r m o n y jyjT SS HUTTON-M OSS a n d M ISS PA IN S that she put stock- r o s : FOR BUBINE88 LIFE, and O m nterpolnt,—For Term s app' The Bubjecta of lndndo those taught at SANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY CO., L i m i t e d Blouse Patterns a Speciality. r l e y - r o a d . ,id she had them i in h e r an Public Secondary andriin addition, PRIVATE LESSONS, d-c. ike to hferr She inten d ed b paid to CORNFIELD TBRBAOB ialB abJeots i Works: 146, LATIMER ROAD, EASTBOURNE. "OILNOFORTES, AMERICAN Special arrangem ents m ade for Schools. half decided to c o n v i c t , The beat & most thoroughly up-to-date Laundry o n t h e South Coast. ~ Fitted with the Latest Machinery. .HARM ONIUM S and H A R F guilty to givir.g f a l s a H e a r t M a s t b b . SAVIOUR’S SCHOOL, For particulars apply— lormj while staying a t t h a Flannels W ashed Inla R ain W aterater.after after the Jaeger System . Provision m ade (or “ S i B y tl e Beet. M akers, on the Lowe^. BfXTNIOIPAL IOHOOL OF ABT 3 -^ Hand W ashing when required. H ire and on the Three Y ear 39a, H abrington-road, L ondon, S.W ., or th a t tho . risoner’a i n . <(Tmohnioal I n stitu te, Gbovk-boas). EXTENSIVE OPEN-AIR DRYING GROUNDS. BOYS ABB TAKEN FROM THE AGE OF BIGHT. LYON * HALL, Warwic 8, G orbinge-road, E astbourne. d up in the n a m e o f Funs 48 a n Arauic. KA Y and EVENING CLASSES ate held la aU Punctuality. Correctness. Special Terms for Hotels, Schools, &o. k u n r 6j KING’S ROAD, BRIGHT Telephone 05. a , — ■ ------------- som e of w hich cover .0 prisoner did r i o t g i v e ■ n uu bes of A rt, tnoludlng C lasses In M etalW eak, M M .