EASTBOURNE, SATURDi|f, JUNE '2 2 , 1918.

J^ASTBOURNE C O L L s ;g e H|E LADIES’ COLLEGE MARY H. COOPER, Court Dressmaker. T AND KINDERGARTEN, President t G^tASSINGTON ROAD, EASTBOURNE. BEUFOED& SON, THE DUKE O f DEVONSHIRE COAT DRESSES, SUITS & RESTAURANT GOWNS for Spring Wear. A Day School for the Daughters Watchmakers, 9. B. W TT.LTAM S, M .A . Principal: M ISS HITCHCOCK. Tele. 7«3. 6, IilSMOBE BO AD, EASTBOURNE. P upils prepared, if desired, for the Prelim inary. Junior, JEWELLERS & S] LVERSM1THS Senior and H igher C am bridge Local Exam inations, also -fcrioulatlon London U nlverslt ‘ BEST VM.UK.] SCHOOL for the Bom ation by the A ssociated Boai (P roprietors, dem y of M usic and R oyal Colli QUALITY GUARANTEED. A N D B og prepared CorJbaU nlTenltlM , the A nar. N avy desirous of pursuing th eir studies af tier leaving Bra’ ' Command D e p d t DICKER CO. E. & F. SLOOOMBE), n d CR t B B errlm s, Pnfeeelons and O am m eroial Life. illegal use of petrol Join A dvanced C lasses I d English L iterature Repairs bp Expert Men. ~ T here ere tpeatal A b e t a n d N a v t C l a j w s s . French, Italian. L atin, M att em atlcs. Singing, & e.. ndant alighted from a HIGH-CLASS PROVISION MERCHANTS AND GROCERS, F o r P roepeottu and Inform ation ae to recent Buooeeeee. rive and walked up a , 100, Terminus-rd., Eastbourne appilotW on should be m ade to the H e a d M a b t t o . FROE TRAINED TEACHER foT the Y|OUNGER don Golf Links. On- ■ CH TLD RBN . .V ji And at KKBTBB. w hole School. i ;d [that ho was playingp Opposite Town Hall, Eastbourne. * Hookey and Tennis Clubs. where he alighted was OVELL A , FEW BOARDERS ARB RECEIVED. jiolf links. -j EASTBOURNE W INES, SPIRITS a n d MINERAL WATERS. i-cab driver, said ha EASTBOURNE. H /r i|S S LIZZIE BARTHOLOMEW )ther officer from tho OP OOMMEBOE, M ftw hfiT ift HOe 08« .‘T " JC ertiP ianlst, T.O.L., and C ert. Senior R.A.M . ,nd Depot. The other aad R.C.M .) gives Lessons in eiiduut instructed l a i n | r o a d PIANOFORTE, THEORY OB M UStO a n d top of tho hill.” Ha C m t h e ndant was going. (tee on oath, stated thaft. ! Shorthand, Type’ k -k e e p in g i suffering from a badly 1 ann otuier colleges. Schools visited. R eceives or visits BAKER & SONS’ U N D K B ROTAti P ateovace. in the Camp go f c o r n s J and Businei !?lvU *2L5'?pS 8-n :Apply’,by l6tter> qrookham Honse, whether he would b e ! fork-road, Eastbourne (near Tow n | H all)T or C lift’s DANCING and RHYTHMIC EXERCISES. Singly got the t a x i - c a b W . H. ROBERTS, F.O.T.8. , n o . M uslo Saloons, G ildredge-road, E astbourne. ‘ vards up the hill W i f c - MACHINE MADE BREAD. I S S ELEANOR RATCLIFF E i im the Medical Offioer, (A w arded Gold IONA HUDSON., M 10 years A ssistant to M r s . W ORDSW ORTH, il constituted ono o f h i a I M em . LB A t, H a s R esumed Bee Glasses at the GRAND H O TEL’ mil ’ ] ■ ■■ DELIVERIES TO A L T . PARTS OF THE TOWN DAILY. I PU PILS for SINGING, V blC E CULTURE Satubday, a t 2.45; Juveniles, 1 1 o’clock. JFORTE PLAYING in London and East­ bourne. -; 7 ~ A l s o W ednesday, a t 3 o’clock. 1VILY FINED!. At DEVONSHIRE P A R K , T ransition C lass & 21, CHURCH STREET; 15, PEVENSEY ROAD aot> 175, SEASIDE.- who was stated t o b e 1 9 a tio n 'S W ednesday, 2.45; Special Baby Class, 11.15. t honours. Special arrangem ents for V isitors. U;,“ , was charged w i t h T el. 160. At SAFFRONS ROOMS, W ednesday, a t 3.30 , on tho previous day G AND PAINTING CLASSES. C om m unications should be addressed! to M is. H u d s o n Jjvenffes, 2.30. At THE LODGE, BLACK- -.r’: i .. •• . . care of) M essrs. C u re. G ildredge-road ; or T he L ibrary' erty of Freeman; Hardy D alton-terrace, M eads-atreetL T W ATER ROAD, B eginners’ Class, F riday, 3.15. MARGARET D eportm ent and Ball-room Dancing (for Girls over 15), ;d young lad;y, waa PASS?. “ 0 W. Rothengiefan) H O LD S M onday, 5.30. Special C lasses fof Operatio Technique Idermayer, who pleaded ^ W ^ a .r t THE STUDIO, B A T H ------ELSIE S. M. REED, irtificated Daily. T e l e p h o n e 623. to m, GROVE ROAD). M1 idyanced G rade A ssociated Board K REDIC. S. SHELLEY, R.O. . and ger to the pr osecuitora, ^ g ijjaflr K>—« and on Tuesdays and T hursdays 7AB “ ino and O rgan (Honours). Orgi i t o f t h e A D ance P ractice Class for Adults, W ednesday J C ollege. A ssistant O rganist a t ; S a v i o u r ’s a n d F riday E vening a t 8.45. y prisoner enitqred h?«t Builder, Decorator, Plumber, Gas, H ot W ater and Electrical Engineer. Eastbourne, A ccom panist to the i t b o u r n e lady assistant show ed ^ r 8 ^ssM^pp*5s^rnta ratio Society. Open for Eng f o m e n t a s A n A merican T ea a n d D ance, T uesday, 4.30, the assistant’s b ck w a s i Contractor for General House Repairs. G IV ES LES30N S In P ----- J R T E a n d a t T he L odge, B laokwater-road (opposite tbs .tockingS in her pocket; f l S S M. GRAHAM SCHOFIELD, PL AYING and in HARM Ol THEORY. Presbyterian C hurch)) ’ w here all particulars may bo Ti.-oner offered ; *him £5. Office and Showrooms - - - 8, TERMINUS PLAGE. its prepared for the various M udoal l i t l o n s o b t a i n e d . ■ v D iplflm de, P arle i t T B K T b b r a c b m inutes from .tb the case. ani» a s 48,.MILL ROAD. Personal attention given 1v M o r^ s.^ . ^ (8 I t a t i o n ) , :©j charge rwas also g i v e n Rat Glass Oertlfleate), B a s t b o u b b b . ,nt in the employ of th e rte LBSaOMW In PRACTICAL DRE88CUTTING DANCING, DEPORTM ENT and EURHYTHM IO and MAKING. FRENCH^^TTERN MODELLING ISS B. NOAKES, Certificat >| Harmony EXERCISES, jner was given nto h ia TH E EASTBOURNE M and C ounterpoint (Senior L ocal,. a ted B oard tak in g s, g i v m I 9N S on the (he stole the; st boys inten d i olaas teaching in schools. priT*ta PIANO FORTE.and Am erican On a H a r m o n y jyjT SS HUTTON-M OSS a n d M ISS PA IN S that she put stock- r o s : FOR BUBINE88 LIFE, and O m nterpolnt,—For Term s app' The Bubjecta of lndndo those taught at SANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY CO., L i m i t e d Blouse Patterns a Speciality. r l e y - r o a d . ,id she had them i in h e r an Public Secondary andriin addition, PRIVATE LESSONS, d-c. ike to hferr She inten d ed b paid to CORNFIELD TBRBAOB ialB abJeots i Works: 146, LATIMER ROAD, EASTBOURNE. "OILNOFORTES, AMERICAN Special arrangem ents m ade for Schools. half decided to c o n v i c t , The beat & most thoroughly up-to-date Laundry o n t h e South Coast. ~ Fitted with the Latest Machinery. .HARM ONIUM S and H A R F guilty to givir.g f a l s a H e a r t M a s t b b . SAVIOUR’S SCHOOL, For particulars apply— lormj while staying a t t h a Flannels W ashed Inla R ain W aterater.after after the Jaeger System . Provision m ade (or “ S i B y tl e Beet. M akers, on the Lowe^. BfXTNIOIPAL IOHOOL OF ABT 3 -^ Hand W ashing when required. H ire and on the Three Y ear 39a, H abrington-road, L ondon, S.W ., or th a t tho . risoner’a i n . <(Tmohnioal I n stitu te, Gbovk-boas). EXTENSIVE OPEN-AIR DRYING GROUNDS. BOYS ABB TAKEN FROM THE AGE OF BIGHT. LYON * HALL, Warwic 8, G orbinge-road, E astbourne. d up in the n a m e o f Funs 48 a n Arauic. KA Y and EVENING CLASSES ate held la aU Punctuality. Correctness. Special Terms for Hotels, Schools, &o. k u n r 6j KING’S ROAD, BRIGHT Telephone 05. a , — ■ ------som e of w hich cover .0 prisoner did r i o t g i v e ■ n uu bes of A rt, tnoludlng C lasses In M etalW eak, M M . K . Hill, Manageress. t h e w hole am ount of the Fees. Experienced Tuners sent to all parts ofth Country. M I S S MARGARET GARDNER " '" l Oatrlng”1 ”L eather W ork, T raining for B ualneea L ife. R eceives P u pils fob Classes (Elementary and view to misleai. d i n g t h e Illustrated; C atalogues Free! by P o Advanced) m M usicianship and Singing, and for se. i o r s h o r t p e r i o d s . MONEY. Ebxablibbbd 1879. WARDROBES, F or Prospectus and other Inform ation apply P iano Lessqns. £15 for the firsi offence PAL SECONDARY . A Y SCHOOL THE WARDEN. APER, Visiting Cards, &t„ in most _M i b s GARDNER has studied under Dr. Y o r k e [in default of payin'iept o ne FOR! GIRLS. MOl WARDROBES. X I fashionable styles, at Farucom bo and C a’s, Ltd. TROTTEH a t the Incorporated London A cadem y of M usic,' spect of each fine. T h e y >OTar- W. T. LAMB & SON, -Sri is a G old M edalist, and holds the C ertificates for T each­ Inch to pay the money. (U p f e b x o n - b o a d ; ing according to the R hythm ic System . G LIG H T. ?AL SECONDAB AY SCHOOL Pawnbrokers, 'Jewellers and General Salesmen, A d d r e s s : 1, COLLEGE ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Grange-road, Was sum - 104, SHASIDH ROAD (opposite the Colonnade), EASTBOURNE. without a red ear light, BO AD), Rudge-Whilworih SINGING, VOICE PRODUCTION & CULTURE jk-roadi on the 6th- inst. it of NEW and SECOND-HAND WATCHES, CLOCKS, ON SALE a Luge Britain’s Best Bicycle TVTR. C. W YNDHAM ROBINSON receives (ind said he saw defendant &2{M &!3S2Ui» Jewellery, Saver PtateT Blacteo^ ^ Q o o ^ ^ t lm y . Tetopopo^Mariim^Field and Opera Glaiwcs, i-Toad without rear reel PpWllaOJDB, Ml n n u o W f T f W i^if iii( A v L L and V isits Pupils. Term s :—S ingle L essons, 10s. 6d .; 10 Lessons, £1.13, I him and he at first refused Oath if ifraniwt m every description o f Property, L adies’ end Gentlemen9e Wardrobee Purchased f i r Prompt Oath | address. He su!baequ u en tly IT AT RUDGE S Special T erm s for Schools. i j jileutehant Weston PARTIES WAITED ON AT ANY TIME AT OWN RESIDENCE. A nd G et V alue for M oney. W e invite ydur inspection of our large stock K ya L ami, T he G reys, E astbourne. to give evidence o n O i j t h . M*-1. 8ILVKRD * * ROAD, EASTBOURNE, o f ^L adies’ and G ent’s Oyoles,o l e s a------new consignm entL -‘of w hich is just...... to hand. London, W ednesdays, W eekes & C o.’s Studios, 14, give his name and addrera. H anover-street, W . | was showing his a m p o n W e also have a nioe selection of PR A M S ind PUSH OHAIRS, Aprons, was so stupid h i m t o LANGUAGES. B askets and other P ram A ccessories. Pram Wheels Re-tyred. is was wearing th:r o e s t a r s “EXTRA-ADVANTAGE’ Patronised by R oyalty, His rear lamp h a d o n l y the best and soundest — CYCLE ACCESSORIES IN GREAT ’VARIETY. — the Public & Entrance Examination, ffithM T H E GYM NASIA attention pi to LANGUAGES. NATIONAL WAR BONDS Xndge-Whitwortb. I*tjd., 1 0 , T e r m in u s - r o ad and Schools of P hysical Education W ith Interest Already Started. YORK ROAD, HabtHOVbn* (near T ow n H all). Is;, 917 TeL 364. Under Royal Patronage. ' E st. 1899. and DERW ENT ROAD, MEADS NSTABLE. IJIHE CENTRAL GYMNASIUM, Also at BEXHILL. E very branch of Physical E ducation solentlfloaily tau g h t CORNFIELD ROAD, Eastbourne. £5,000 ADDED TO THE PURCHASING POWER OP £100,000. by fully qualified and experienced Instructor and Lady EblTOE.j Proprietor, P r o f . G E O ] 1Q E R A B EY (late) Sergt.- T eachers, under the direction of M r. M oss. Instructor H .M . O oldstream G uards. There is a M edical G ym nasium attached for R em edial newspapers follow m e h e r e , The 8uhtdects of Instruction are:] G ym nastics; D eport- Full particulars from War Bond Dept., Exercises and Sw edish M assage, under the direction ol en Attracted by t h e c o n - Physical land Sw edish D rill, Boxing. M i s s V. O. Charlesw orbhTM .G .T.L, M .N .S.F.H . ktcbj Committee f a n d t h e F encing, SW ord, Single stiok, Life Saving, R esuscitation, ilso been much interested, F irst A id, &o, Gas Economy worked under iny n o t i c e B lret-claea A rm y Instructors. Schools attended. td HOTCHKISS SON. [ should person;ally r e g r e t Ladies* and 'Juvenile- G lasses are held daily in D eport­ OETZMANN & CO., L f n g i n e e r s , millwrights , cjl£ in a false poeiiition. B u t m ent, Physical and Sw edish Exercises, and are under Assisted by PATTERN MAKERS, th e personal supervision of M rs. G e o r g e R a b e t . TOTTENHAM OOT7BT EOAD, LONDON, N.W I, E impression that he, a l i k e - F or Particulars apply a t the Gym nasium . Tl^e “ Onward ” Roaster. blacksm iths a n d b o i l e r m a k e r s , | of the Police Fbrce, w a s OFFICIAL AGENTS for the Sale of A nd R epairers of all kinds qf M achinery such as iof weekly leave under t h o 260x. S t e a m , Oat d> Water Engines, Hydraulic Liftstde&t by) Act, 1910, m ade a claim, o r The “ Joyce” (Jacketted) Kettle. ayment, along wit! th e re s t R . N. COLLINS, Sp< ts Outfitter, £ 5 57. NATIONAL WAR BONDS ASHFORD ROAD, EASTBOURNE, tiy the sub-commitifee o f t h e Engineering W orks at R ear. the impression of the C h i e f The “ Fairy ” Smoothing Iron. the claim for p a y m e n t SOUTH STREET, EAS! JOURNE Can be paid for at the rate of £1 per month per Bond mmittee, the Tov n C o u n c i l N ear Tow n Hall). without loss of interest. . jired tho impress] o n o f t h e (JOKE. !/■■■• .] (JOKE. ed the claims,' or payments* CRICKET A N D TENNIS. Makes the H ottest F ir e . hree or four year*, A pire how the legal!ty o f t h e N eves Blocks the K itchener F lues. i !n the aggregate ' to £ 2 4 2 , i s CASH OEP PROMPTLY 1 0 , Snsscx-gardcns Mixed w ith a Little Coal Makes Splendid Ijief Constable appiCars t o b e R esident Lender, D ining and D rawing R oom F ir es. per having obtained £242 w hich APPLY to the W E ’VE DONE IT 1! had. But why m ore t h e R f l S B A . P e e C h a l d r o n , D e l i v e r e d ...... 1 7 , 3 ab-Committee, or the W a t c h , ! —and every article o f Furniture in our Home comes from PETEK S. Vn Council, or the A u d i t o r e t IN SQUARE, Eastbourne, L WHiMING' „ „ Meads&H ampden P ark 18/- rfcf " jhat if thet; EASY REPAYMENTS. FO R it is better to deal w ith ijprit after all? V ACTUAL LENDER than w ith A genda or Financial Furniture to last many lifetimes T e L 4 4 0 . P eb Sack, 1/11 • Meads, 2/-. ithe payments? Ii a n y e a s e , O tan p an lee. ■ the thorpy mal sr to thel E . M O R R IS & SONS, iently sensible, anc if, i n t h e , ± to add distinction to the Home, to be pleasing to the eye, and of comfort to the body, The above Trices are subject to Alteration iciihoui NUiis, 1 V A _ _ / S a s h a d v a n c e d d a i l y to 2 1, SEASIDE HOAD, EASTBOU BN B. has to refund t ie m o n e y , to retain ita newness to the last, to always proclaim that none but the best m aterials were n authorities will r e m e m b e r M O N E Y > Farm ers, Tradesm en; Clergym en, _ __n in. t Hotel r . i . i d- JUJp p rietorsa I a w , aand n d Aothers, t t i o M ' W n n n i n used in its manufacture, and-only the moat-skilled labour executed it, and withal to blame w ith him fo: t h e s i t u a - R a t e s curing d the W ar, on N ote of _ _ — Ironmongers, Cutlers, Electric and Gas Fitters, Eastbourne Company. wind accordingly, or Furniture w ithout rem oval. Advice offer yon a : Hot Water and Sanitary Engineers. iithfully, t— o j and Inform ation Free. Strictly cor A R T H U R MA £1.000 fidentEu I Saving of 3/- in every £ 1 spent. FOR REMOVING ALL SUPERFLUOUS' HAIR M. LANCASTER, 4, P a b k L a n e , ;gc Wells, 13th Ju n e (TELEPHONE LENT. C l isso l d P abk , L ondon, N. ’ Call and ramble through our Entire Store. All visits are free from importunity!! HE RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT. Sure, u p W ARDS lent at Safe a n d Painless. _Prieo 10s. 6d. and 21s. Gd. a o few hours’ notice upob MARK MARTIN &, s o n s T r ow n signature, also on furnL- To be obtained at A dair G anesh E stablishment, HONEY j w ithout rem oval. N o fees c r FOR L ondon, 92, New Bond-street, W. (Oxford-street oud). TO BE INCREASED. ilw ay fares charged. E asy repay* Telephone: Gerrard 3782. WITHOUT m e n t s . REALLY HIGH-0 LASS WOI Remove Superfluous Hair comfortably in your own "3 W r i t e : R. HA RRIS, P E T E R S & ; . j . . ' ' IN home. t tee w as held 42, LANSDOW NE PLACE, H o v e . T h o r n t o n i n SECURITY. M ai lager attends E astbourne D ali; r. p Building, Decorating, Electric Hot Water t h e M a y o r OMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, W . B olton. and Sanitary M e s s r s . L S’ 6 to 10 and 24 to 27) Kensington Gardens, . Telephone No. m . “ 0HRONICLE W. Fovargue CHAKLES BREACH, rdson ( A s s i s - Five minutes’ walk from Central Station. Trams stop at Comer. ibsence w e r e Builder, Contractor and Sanitary Flm&ber. e. Erskine. __ i . , j - D airym en’s OB n a m TBEEQ, Tel. : F.O., 218. National, 830x. W E CLOSE at ONE o’clock on SATURDAY. aembers of the W e st End Building W orks, M eads. R esidence: 13 Matlock-ro&d^ M eads, Resolved t h a t er quoit front BOSES, • ESTIMATES GIVEN EOS GENERAL ROUSE REPAIRS. should b e 8d . and Hardy Flowers, &c D O L P H I N SOAP SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DRAINAGE AND HOUSE SANITATION. THE HOME ECONOMISER. ’Phone Ox. MILLER & SELMES, E stim ates Free, HUBSIBIllS 113 A0BB3. Bar. B id , per Bar. Builders. Decorators. P l u m b e r s . CATALOGUES FREE. 5 id . per ■t- E v e ry Description of Building and House Repairs done at moderate Charges, , Special attention'to Drainage and Sanitary Work. Office and Works: 75, TIDE8WELL EOAD, EA8TB0TJENE. S O N S , Ltd. DIXEYS, 21. KING’S ROAD, BRIGHTON. Branch Workshops i 96, Western Road, Hovei NURSERIES OBAWLEY. It 1 MANUFACTUBIN Q OPTICIANS EARNCOMBE & CO., -Limited, T o i h s S u s m x E ye and C ounty H ospitals. B urgleal A id Society, f c o , Folded See., EXECUTE ALL KINDS OF COMMERCIAL AUTISTIC ORIAL CARDS. — Artistic Spbotaolbs and Evug lasses from 2/0. ;: 12, 4a 26. 6e. Sd.; 30, 7a; « 9 s . ; 1 0 0 , SPFO TA O LES .and EY EG LA SSES a Speolalite. • MODERATE CHARGES. Edged Folded C ards; 12, fs. 6d d C harge for S l*ht T esting. F i u l d a n d O p u b a G i x m u s B a u o m b ^ , T h ^ o i o t h h ^ Tulbscopub, », U a Sd. G ash w ith order. These pricefi M i o e o s o o p b s , & o . Estd. over 70 years. B r i g h t o n ; H ours,0 till 7 ^T hursdays, 9 tin 1.. Bovu.t.Bonrs, “ CHRONICLE ” PRINTING WORKS, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. “ iBNOOMBB Sc Co., Ltd., Printers; 9 t i l l 7 ; Saturdays, 9 MU 1. T ele. :_4,482 b oth Shops. and Eastbourne.; EASTBOUBNJEB OHBONIOIiE. SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1918. 2 DEVONSHIRE PARK.

AM M ICKS IilM ITED, ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS. In honour of A lexandra R ose D ay at Eastbourne, the arlisle R oad (T, 323). A lso M eads (T. 316). concert on Saturday evening w as devoted to English I B & 1 5 , national m usic, a series of popular selections being flayed by the orchestra in spirited and’ im pressive asnion. M r. J. H . Scotland, the versatile entertainer, BAKE S, CONFECTIONKBS, CATERERS. concluded a week’s engagem ent, and had a warm reception from the large audience. O n Sunday, in a The Popular Price COMMENCES ogram m e- of * exceptional -——**— ' excellence,----- " ----- the the orchestra orbhesJ|ra . u n t i l 6 p.m ., W ednesdays included (Saturdays, 8 o’clock). H o u r s o f B u s in e s s :— 7 a . m . ______ide an 'entirely _ satisfactory_ ___ appearance, . every num ber b e ing m ost effectively interpreted under the conductor- D r a p e r s , LunchLuncheons and Teas served Daily, except! on Sundays. ship of M r. G- C athia The vooalist was M iss A gnes sday, June 27th. of Confectionery and Catering according to opportunity and O roxton, the gifted and favourite soprano, w ho charm ed A ll classes and forms tsem bly oy her sw eet anda n ...... w holly pleasing render- TERM INUS ROAD. restriction. | . ' > • j i n gs of well-chosen ’ ballads. allads. The concert derived in many ways our service is not as satisfactory as we would the solo perform ances of the We are aware tha accom plished ’cellist, M r. W illiam 'Sasbaoh, w ho played wish it to be, f e a t we do our best and rely on the indulgence of our Customers. m ovem ents from G olterm an’s ’cello concerto in A m inor This'particularly appliesnnlifi.R tnto thethe_ aualituquality of our 1various goods-fbread in particular. w ith m arked skill and taste. ^ m Z ^ ^ ^ ^ c y of tke mfyrs whb in their tur^have To-m orrow evening’s ooncert w ill be adapted in cele­ BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. We are in -.iv. - -- — j- Have Yeasofi,tioiveveir, a very gtood explanation of the present quality of Flour.r .. rm m rrH ntrlit' bration of the G ounod C entenary. . T he instrum ental - i . t o expedt an early improvement in this respect which the p u b lic will immediately portion of the program m e w ill consist entirely of com ­ positions by the distinguished French com poser. The REMNANTS MARKED A T L E S S TRAN HALF PRICES. receive the benefit of. vocalist i w ill "be C adet Thm K inniburgh (the popular K o t i .—TJntai further notice our chop, S o. 15. C rliele-roaa, k OnQBEi) D o i o t from 1.16 to 2.1^ Scotch basso), whose engagem ent extends over the ensuing week. 'To-m orrow night’s orchestral pro­ g r a m m e : — .*■ H osiery and Gloves- S h e e t s . N e c k w e a r . “ L a M arseillaise”".._____ Special Value in Black Cotton Hose, Plain Cotton Sheets, 2-yds, by ,2J-yds. M a rche C ortege from “ La R eine de Saba" ... , Special Value in M uslin Qollars, H em ­ - Gounod ■with C oloured Clocks. . Suita ole for single beds. O verture, “ M ireU le" ...... Gounod Sale Price, med and Tucked; Sale Price, 6 f d . YOU STARTED , i J u dex from “ M ors et V ita” ...... ;.....Gounod Sale Price, 1/- pair ; vyortti 1/1 1 J 1 0 /1 1 . S e renade, “ Q uandtu C hantes” ...... Gounod Oddments in M uslin and Lace Collars, F a ntasia, “ U om eoand Ju liet”...,...... Gounod Plain Cashmere finish Lovat M ixture V e r y ' Heavy W hite Sheets, for double “T he F uneral M arch of a M arionette ’’ ...Gounod Hose, slightly faded. b e d s . To-day’s V alue, 25/ to Clear, at 2fd. each; Danse des Bacchantes from “Philemon et SAVINlCx W ASTE • PA PER ? B aucis” ....; ...... Gounod Sale Price, l/ 6 Jr i r e g u l a r v a l u e , 2/6 J Sale Price, 15/11. some worth 1 / 6J E x cerptsfrom “ F au st" ...... Gounod N et Scarves in all shades, tucked ends. It is urgently needed for Munitions and other National K erm esse Scene—V alse—Trio and F inale- Black A rt Silk Ankle Hose. Twill Cotton Sheets, heavy weight. S o l d i e r s ’ M a r c h . < Sale Price, 8 /- pair, slightly im perfect. Double bed size. Sale Price, 21/6. >’. . . Sale Price, 2 /- purposes/ Not a scrap should wasted to-day. D uring next week the second part of each eV 6n To-day’s value, 3/6 pair. m g’s program m e will include light m usic, including Art Silk Knitted Scarves, slightly : j - T H E ' " ' 6 P i e c i si O n l y . Twill Cotton] Sheeting, F i n e s t I ragtim e and other duets by M iss Lilian H oare and M r. W hite Beaver Grey & Chamois Fabric im porfoct. n i • s t e e l blj Percy K ahn (from tho London Coliseum ). Som e C harlie for single beds. W orth to-day, 2/6. C haplin film s w ill also be show n. G l o v e s Sale Price, 6 f d. Sale Price) 2 /- ; some w orth 3/11$- S u s s e x W aste Paper Com pany 50 dozens of these to clear. i Sale Price, 1/3.V. SPECIAL AM USEMENTS. j . (O. O. B a b l b t , Proprietor), • ■ lllllllllllllllllll The second part of the evening program m e in the W inter G arden is filled this w eek by a series of “ tu rn s” Underclothing?. a Tideswell-road, Eastbourne, by special artists, whose engagem ent has been m uch D ress Fabrics. 6 7 appreciated by large assemblies. For the opening Travellers’ Sam ples to Clear. Xiace C urtains. Is a local firm, -employing local labour and makes regular and systematic ( feature M iss Jean' A lyw in, an experienced Scottish Several Pieces! Black and N avy Coating aotress, and her com pany are responsible, their inter­ Ladies’ Corsets, Sports shape and Serge. Perfectly fast dye. To-day’s collections in Eastbourne and district, assorted shapes. Special Lines for this Sale. pretation of a dram atic playlet, Something to His value, 3/6. j Sale Price, 2/- Send us a! postcard and we will send jx sack, oy call, immediately. Advantage, whioh resolves itself into a spirited and Sale Price, 2/- ; some w orth 5/11 J som ewhat exciting scene between the two leading, 40-in. 'vide, 2 J - y d s . l o n g . . 2 / l l i P a i r . artists, being vigorously and forcefully sustained. T here Striped Cotton Underskirts, Best All-W ool French Delaines. To clear, G o v e r n m e n t rmit Holders. * Good Prices Paid. Tele. 5 8 8 . follow s a charm ing little “ C hristm as ” fantasy, entitled Quality Cambric. Fast Color. ,! - r 1/ 0?. “ Colum bine and H arlequin,” the characters being 42-in. „ 2J-yds. „ . . 3 / 6 ' „ taken respectively by M iss Miolly H ughes and M iss Sale Price, 2/- ; w orth 3/6 W o r t h 2/ 1 1 $ . E lsie D onald. T he form er is an accom plished danseuse, 5 4 - i n . 3-yds. „ .. 4/11/r „ 40-in. Covert Coatings, in three shades. and h er skilful execution of tw o or three novel And dainty Ladies’ Ribbed Vests, full size, with' figures evokes enthusiastic applause. M iss D onald’s or w ithout sleeves A very sm art cloth. .2/11$ Yard. m 7 5 P a j r s O n l y . EDUCATION AND THE CHILD. chief contribution is a pretty song, w hich die delivers Sale Price, 6 Jd.; regular value 1/0J M a dras, 36-in. wide, in a capable and winsom e m anner. The com bination 2 J-yls. long m Full size Print Overalls. Sale Price, 1/- 4/lli Pair. R e m n a n t s Dress M aterials a t H a l f OTTISH INSURANCE CORPORATION includes another gifted artist in M iss A pril Pendarvis, THE SCOTTISH INSURANCE w hose adm irable contralto voice is heard to advantage W e cannot repeat this line. W o r t h 8/ 1 1 . P r ic e . Special Accommodati| Are prepared to issues PPolicies as under WITHOUT MEDICAL EXAMINATION. F o r an in favourite ballads ; and the entertainm ent concludes Stori * 1 Annual Premium, of £10 the following options can be secured;— w ith a solo dance by M iss M olly H ughes, w ho aohieves a great success in the fam iliar Sw an dance, of w hich, on I j' M O D E R A T E the night of our visit, the audience insisted on a repeti­ Q u i l t s . Cease Premiums at the B l o u s e s . C a r p e t s . P - t Continue Premium Cease Premiums at the t i o n . a n d secu re a g e o f 2 1 an d ta k e a g e o f 2 1 a n d ta k e VAUDEVILLE ENTERTAINM ENTS. D ainty W hite Voile and M uslin Blouses. Large-size Honeycomb Quilts, hefavy Very Special Value in A r t S q u a r e s. O p tio n 1. Option' 4- Option 7. Option 10. The light m ixture of pretty m usic and whim sical Latest Style. ' Sale Price, 2/- mak|e. W orth 1 2 / 1 1 . - . J £695—Endow m ent Insur­ hum our of w hich the typical-vaudeville entertainm ent 2 - y d s . b y 2$-yds. . . 16/11 each, i DO N O T £50 per annum at the age £672 — P aid - up Policy, £484 — P aid - up Policy, is m ainly constituted is evidently m uch to the liking of - Sale Price, 7/11$. I pf io, IT, 18 and 19, ance; w ith P rofits payable payable at D eath or age Special Line in Ladies’ Striped Cotton 2$-yds. by;3-yds.■■ . . 2 1 / 6 „ at D eath or age 45. payable at D eath. the public. Of course the favour extended varies ontji] you are really ill| OB , • ; ' ; . 5 5 , o b according to the originality and the artistic capabilities S h i r t s . , 250 Full-size Quilts, reliable quality. 3- yds. by 3-yds. .. 24/6 ,, Option 2. . Option 5. of the com pany appearing, but given a reasonably Sale Price, 10/11.. treatm ent. Im rdediat £800— Endow m ent Insur­ Option 8. H A LF CASH at age of ’ Sale Price, 1/6 J. E xtra llirge size, a l­ 3- yds. by 4-yds. .. 32/6„ jdwaya be given to m ini £263 at the age of 21, 21, H alf Policy continued talented com bination of artists, the patronage afforded lead to m ore serious troll ance, w ith Profits payable £362 — Paid - up Policy, at H alf Prem ium , is seldom otherw ise than liberal and enthusiastic. “ T he so % below To-Day’s Cost Price. Printed Bedspreads for double b ds. 4- yds. by 4$-yds. . . 47/6„ ■ O B at D eath or age 60. payable at D eath or age Ideals,” presented by M r. D onald G ilbert, are perform ­ «che—a tendency conj C ontinue prem ium 4 5 . OB Floral Organdi Routes, dainty designs. Sale Price, 8/11-J. Huge Stock o f A x m i n s x e r H e a r t h ­ discom fort after I eatin Option 6. ing to substantial “ business ” in the P avilion this w eek, drojwBineM during >worM and s e o u r e H alf of O ptions N os. 1 & 2 the attendance being alw ays gdod and som etim e^ reach­ To Clear, 5/- each. r u g s , in all sizes, at Very Lbw Prices. £905— Endow m ent Insur­ Option 9. ing crow ded proportions. B y com m on consent also the 180 Bedspreads, for single beds. appetite— these are all sL Option. 3. ance, w ith Profits payable t . e . , • W hite Pique Dress Skirts, full shapes. the; m ost im portarit o rg| at D eath or age 65. £424 — R aid - up Policy, entertainm ent is excellent. The. chief burden of the D ainty designs and colourings. LINOLEUMS and. FLOORCLOTHS stom ach and the Silver— i £1188— W hole L ife Insur- payable at D eath or age H alf Prem ium paid from com edy side of the “ show ” falls upon the shoulders of Reliable quality. Sale Price, 2/- - ance, w ith Profits com ­ L arger or Sm aller the age of 16 to 21- M r. A rchie W allen, w ho is a rare laughter-m aker. H e Sale Price, 5/6$. At Reduced Prices for this Sale. faotorily. The ri^ht re I m encing at age 21. A m ounts at pro rata. appears, to have an endless store of jests and funny stories, the effeot of w hich is enhanced by th e com edian's Full Prospectus from — ’Phone 859. droll and eccentric m anner. M r. W allen scores som e of ! . ! . . . t a ALFRED E. KETT, District Manager Southern Counties, 87, Upperton Gardens, Eastbourne. his greatest successes in association w ith M iss Jessie Cream Flannelette, heavy weight, 5fd . y d .; worth To-Day, 1/Of. M etcalfe, a bright and resourceful com edienne, tjhe w henever there is jthe a couple m aking a pronounced hit in hum orous vocal all in not well w ith the w ith a pension of £1. 14s. 2d. per w eek. H is w ages for duets w ith accom panying dances. Songs byjM iss A enr- is Beecham ’s Pills— th| POLICE COURT. the previous w eek am ounted to £3. 11s. lid . R ayson.son (oontralto),^ooncrairo;, M iviiss iss Eniisie lsie Gu regory regory andana Mm r. Jesij esse w orthy preparation ■ A fter a retirem ent the B ench decided to convict, and H ackett3kett are a prom inent feature of the program m e, and Y IN A L L 'S , The Popular Price Drape s, TERM INUS ROAD. enorm ous success iin _ prisoner’s discharge papers w ere inspected. H e was M issss D orothy M . L loyd is an efficient accom panist, and f c ive disorders. Thoeel M onday.— lefore Sir A lfred D ent (in the chair), M r. foundw ind to have ldftlefft the arm y -with-w ith a good| character. alsoi contributes songs at the piano. M iss M etcalflk etcalf _is rem edy— and they . no PAL itham , Oolj |A. B. M em and Dr. M uir Sentence of 14 days’ bard labour w’ as passed. seen to advantage in a hum orous character study, and m ultitude— are entirely S m i t h . the perform ance further includes som e tastefully-ren- correcting ailm ents of] T E BEACHY HEAD HOTEL. deredi d cconcerted ' ' num bers,' and' a very m erry' ^ burlesque - voice of thp guns ” (A lford); valae, W e a n e r M a d ’l n ” ELYSIUM CINEM A. l i v e r , f th e re j ia no M r . W . T . Jam es applied, on behalf of the licensee of finale, “ O peratic Police C ourt.” “ The Ideals” con­ THE PIER. (Z iehrer); interm ezzo, “ In the night ’ (G ilbert); selec- tho Beachy H ead H otel) for perm ission to vary the ROYAL HIPPODROME. clude their visit to-day, w hen they are due to appear at tion, “ The Y eom an of the G uard” ',(arr. O. G odfrey); “THE M ACKLIN EXPEDITION.”—“ NATURE undertaking given w hen M r. T. A . A lm ond, the licensee 3 a n d 8 o ’c l o c k . “ CUPID IN A CARAVAN.” idyl, “ E vening breeze ” (L angey); K ustspiel overture, A T W A R . ” of the Queen’s H otel, was perm itted to hold that “ The Tourists” have been engaged for next week, The announcem ent that M r. Brom ley O hallenor and “ T halia” (G ilbert); Siam ese patrol (L incke); selection, Fully m aintaining their high standard of excellence ' B E E C license as well. The undertaking was that the hotel “THE PROFITEER.” w hen they w ill be presented by M essrs. W ill G ane and M iss M arjorie B ellairs w ere to be seen in a new play, “ A rlette ” !(Le F euvre and N ovello). and general attractiveness, program m es presented at should be opened for no purpose w hatever, and the A nother change has taken place this week in the C ecil M orley, w hose nam es are a guarantee for the high rior to its production in the Kingsway Theatre, T he “ K nuts” w ill 'subm it the following program m e this up-to-dato cinem a seldom fail to prove greatly ow ners now sought perm ission for it to be opened for nature of -the entertainm ent provided at the Royal quality of the attraction. iondon, excited considerable interest. There were at their concert:— acceptable to patrons. A s the principal presentm ent PIL| this sale of tea and m ineral w aters and as a boarding H ippodrom e. There is a reversion to the topical play Svery few vacant seats in the Pier T heatre on M onday, B allad , [** C o ra ” ...... -...... A. M . F reer for the early half of this w eek “ M elissa of the H ills” house. M |r. Jam es said he w as w illing to give a second of the m elodram atic type w hich seem s to appeal to the and the principals could not com plain of the w arm th of S o ng, “jM y R achael M yor" ..... La-Corpl. M unroe , achieved a large m easure of success. In thi 3 s t i r r i n g undertaking that--all intoxicants should be rem oved great m ajority of the audiences, judging by the bursts their welcome. The cordiality was due as m uch to T r io, “ | know a g irl” ...... :...... dram a the role of heroine is played by charm ing M ary ’ j „ P r k p a r e e from the house and the bar locked up. H e pointed out of applause w hich punctuate the perform ances. M r. O. their ow n popularity as to any outstanding m erit in the M o nologue, “ Fra G iacom e” ..... P rvt. C ulverw oll M iles _ M inter, w hile the story, set am id rugged sur­ DEVONSHIRE PARK THEATRE. S o ng and chorus. “ P uritan______M aid ...Prvt. Efford THOMAS BEECHAj tho large dum ber of visitor^ w ho won’t to B eaohy H ead V ernon Proctor’s hero is one of those despicable m er­ play. Opinions as to the ohanoes of Cupid in a Song, I had a little garden roundings, treats of the b itter feud betw een tw o fam ilies lor health reasons, and the fact th at there w as no other chants who hoard the food in order to sell it at an Carqvan in London w ere fairly equally divided, but it Ballad, “The Grey North Sea” J ...... Old K nut and of the tragedy w hich results. T he lead in to day’s Sold everyw t accom m odation in the vicinity. • advantageous price. Gideon Blaokiston is taking Y .” ■ ft w as generally felt that w hatever m easure of success is Duet, Hezekiah Johnson's Ju b ilee”...... exhibition is taken by “ If thou w er’t B lind,” a pow er­ The M agistrates’ C lerk: W hat you really" wish to advantage of the hour of his country’s need to coin M iss Eva M oore and M r. H . V . Esm ond are moat attained .will be ow ing m ainly to the personality of the Song, My Rachael smiles ” ...Lo.-Corpl. Munroe ful dram a based upon the pathetic song by N oel John­ do is to w ithdraw from ' your undertaking, and you ask m oney. V ery cleverly he disguises his plans so that efficiently represented in the com pany w ho this week hero and heroine and the excellent suppbrt they receive Conoer ;ed. “ Swank.” ...... ,...„ son. Events concern a sculptor, who becom es blind, his nephew , H arry Blackiston,' w ho has on him the One St ing Fiddle ...... Prvt. Childs us to m ake a note of it. ? are appearing in the latter’s clever and diverting com edy, from the rem ainde# of the cast. Song, ‘ Bells of Normandy ” ...... I...... A.M. Freer and. his fiancee. The latter forsakes him , but as tha M r. Jam es : I w ish to vary the undertaking. m arks of the conflict in France, lauds his patriotism . Eliza Comes to\ Stay. M iss M arjory Clark has no easy |M r. Ernest Goodwin’s story is the subject of a Monologue, “ TheDandy Fifth,” Prvt. Culverwell result of a rem arkable dream returns. A happy ending Tho B ench decided to| accept the undertaking regard­ H e is in league w ith an adventuress in the pay of the task to follow an aotress of the calibre of M iss E va , ipnlar novel of the Garvioe type. A distinguished Song and chorus, “ The musical girl ” ...... subsequently ensues. ing the sale of intoxicants. K aiser, and is assisted by his foolish secretary, E va M oore, but her success in the title p art is)unm istakable painter hides from the fam e w hich he has struggled to Special interest attaches to program m es arranged • for Col. M ein : W ehave ho authority in the m atter of tea L oring, w ho is head over ears in love w ith him . N orah and reveals her a talented and engaging character achieve, in the pseudonym of Jones. H e travels the the com ing wfeek. These are to include “ T he M acklin and m ineral waters. I . ; R uston, a clerk in B lackiston’s office and his nephew ’s student. Eliza, the rongh diam ond w ith whom the country in a caravan and finds him self one day on the E xpedition ” and f‘ N ature at W ar,” tw o exceptionally fiancee, is the first to arouse suspicion concerning her young bachelor; the H on. Sandy V erral, finds him self com m on at O useton-under-M ere. H e plies the trade of PICTURE HALLS. fine film s, v hich no picture-goer should m iss seeing. In . THE PIER PAVILION. em ployer’s “ patriotic ” m ethods. She puts H arry on rather aw kw ardly saddled, having prepared for the photographer, and to his studio com es R ose N ieugente, addition, the services of M r. F. C. E lliot have been M r. H erbert Ow en Taylor applied for confirm ation the scent, and ho discovers w ith horror that not only is reception of a child instead of a rather vulgar, self- orphan of an artist and and a dancer, who is kept in secured, w t o w ill lecture on each film as it proceeds. cf the tem porary license granted to. him in respect of his uncle a profiteer, but that he is actually supplying w illed grow n-up, is not easily im personated; but in strict seclusion at the Priory. “ Jones” is also CENTRAL CINEM A. “ T he M ao! din E xpedition ” is a veritable trium ph of the P ier Pavilion. the enem y w ith food and petroL H e seeks the aid o M iss C lark’s portrayal w e have a very happy conception unearthed by M onk, his friend, and Iffelstein, w ho is “STELLA rM ARIS.”—“ THE HONOUR the screen i ,nd gives a realistic idea of life am ong the T his w as assented to. Teddy Parker, a Blue Boy, and Rosie Selfridge, a of this interesting personality, and the hum orous possi­ anxious to purchase his piotures. H e and the charm ing big gam e irJ darkest A frica. T he expedition cost £10,000 plucky little m otor driver, in unm asking the villain. bilities of the role are turned to the fullest account. 'r '» . SYSTEM.” ; and travell jd 2,000 m iles, through the Soudan D esert to Lefore M ajor H, P . M olineux (in the chair), M r. O . A . little m aiden at the P riory fall in love w ith each other, ng all those features w hioh go to the m aking ___ ,_ _ D ent, M r. C laude BBis ishop, Col. G ilbert Blackiston, however, m eets his fate at the Perhaps the m ost am nsing phase of the story is that in but opposition is strong at her hom e until bid M rs. | the border 3 of A byssinia. Several striking incidents FATAL AEROPl Leathern, Sir A lfred hands of the women of Porjham pton. H e has twice which Lady j Penny broke, anxious to relieve Sandy of G ram pette m akes the erroneous discovery that the yable and attractive exhibition, this w eek’e are depicted, including a hyena hunt, w hile there are A. B . M ein, C ouncillor O. W . B olton and M r. Sydney refused thepleao f Jane H iggs, a m unitioneer, to release w hat she, quite w rongly, regards as an em barassing photographer-m an is Lord'Bam field. T he lovers have es have been highly appreciated by a succes- num erous scenes of anim al life in its w ildest stages, H u d s o b . •ge assem blies. To-day’s star attraction is a Inquests-w ere held: at th l | ACCIDENTALLY LIT. the food; and led by her the w om en track him dow n. encum brance, endeavours to get Eliza to m arry the a m oonlight pionio, chiefly through t]pe generosity of a frequently taken at great risk to the “ cam era m an.” M r. Oswald Cray’s com pany give a com m endable elderly M ontague Jordan. The girl, in love w ith her garrulous - old w idow er w ho has just re-m arried, add nelo-dram a of the w ild W est, entitled “ O n ’’ N atu r; at W ar,’ w hich com es for the latter half of M r . G. Vere Benson, Frederick Shelley, of M ill-road, w as fined £T for presentation of this striking play. M r. C yril G rier is guardian, yet w illing to do anything to advance his whose weddingw edding group Jones has photographed. The in whioh the principal role is played by the w eek, is an equally interesting film , w hich should fatalities arising from tbh] perm itting an unobscured light to be show ing on the responsible for the repulsive role of the villain, and his happihess, reluctantly yields to the suggestion, but chief incident occurs later, w hen B ertha* Babbage, a i r d . win much popularity. , first case the deceased n ig h t of I Ju n e 6t h . I im personation is so realistic th at hisses m eet his every Jordan’s acquiescence vanishes w hen he discovers that statuesque beauty qf the village, com es to be “ taken ” 1 8 , w h o s e mother rjesidej A ccording to the evidence the light was showing appearance. A s bis nephew M r. B ert B annister enlists he m ust take, not the transform ed Eliza, but the Eliza in borrowed plum es. Rose returns, and seeing the OLD TOW N CINEM A. 1 . w hen trying to l a n d , the r from a window of the dow nstair room in a house iu one’s sym pathies and his effbrts are greeted w ith w ell th at shocked everybody on Jjer first arrival. T his is all couple together im agines her lover to be faithless. ‘THE ULING POW ER”—“AM ARRIAGE OF of 2 5 0 - f t . andmose-diving I ! Frideaux-road w hich j defendant was decoratings It deserved plaudits. Effervescent Teddy, the B lue Boy, to the good! for the w ild and im pulsive stranger, who O ther arrivals prevent B ertha’s return to her hom e J CONVENIENCE.” a technical term for laekin w as supposed one of !the w orkm en bad accidentally is played in a delightfully m erry w ay by M r. V ictor finds Sandy) now discarded by his self-centred fiancee,, inseen, and she has to sleep in the barn w ith dire ieir custom ary enterprise, the m anagem ent m a c h i n e in the air.. An knocked! on the sw itch] red splendid fare for the com ing week. A G om pris ing a highly attractiv e ohoice of film specim ens, t h e “ stalling ” -Avas n|ot dii M ason.l H e relieves ,the dram atic side w ith a w elcom e V era Law rence, m ore than ever devotee) to his lively •esults to the borrow ed finery. E arly next m orning she this w eel :’s exhibitions have proved entirely to the taste j j CASE DISM ISSED. touch of m ischievious fooling. M iss W innie W ebster is charge, w ith the custom ary blissful issue. M iss C lark returns to the caravan, and the village policem an hould prove a firm favourite is to be presented w h i c h was prdperly tested! ) first half. “ Stella M aris ” has been adapted of patro is, who havb “ rolled up ” in the custom ary D e c e a s e d had done! a to M argaret Pierce, oi Leslie-street, was sum m oned an effective em otional! actress, and does justice to the is strongly Supported in the other prom inent parts, M r. revives in search of the m issing clothes. C om plications large num bers.. role of! “ Jane H iggs,” w ho has sacrificed her beauty W illiam K ershew being notably good as “ Sandy,” and ensue, as old M rs. G ram pette, a confirm ed klepto­ to the screen from the absorbing novel by W . J. Locke, ‘f l y i n g , and was quite! capal under the C hildren’s [Act for receiving an infant for that her country m ay have m unitions of war. M ass other parts being! satisfactorily taken as follow s:— the. tw p] characters of “ Stella1” and “ U nity B lake” W ith com m endable enterprise, M r. Percy Lunch has w h i c h h a d in it an in$truh rew ard w ithout giving] the requisite notice. , m aniac, has abstracted part of them . R ose also visits being interpreted in com m endable fashion by the secured iwo further “ C haplin” films for presentm ent D efendant denied that she received rew ard for the Sybil H am m ersley displays charm of m anner as “ N orah “ A lexander Stoop V erral,” M r. W illis O ollins ; “ M on­ th e com m on and tells Jones of w hat she bad seen, w hile | f r o m t h e ground. ’] i • R uston,” while M iss, B etty Em ery is sprightly and tague Jordan,” M r. W . Besley B eltram ; “ L ady Penny- her relatives hear w ith horror that the photographer is fam ous star, M ary Piekford. The appealing and con­ during t le com ing w eek. “ T heG ure,” to be show n on T h e jury returned iL child. She loaned a [bed, as M rs. Potter, who m ain­ broke,” M iss G race B aring; “ V era.Law rence,” M iss trasting story depicted show s hojw U nity; a crippled” the first three days, is excruciatingly funny, as are all j adventure,” and the! Corel tained the boy, had not sufficient accom m odation. delightful as “ R osie Selfridge.” T he easily led “ E va inot a peer. T he tangle is straightened by Iffelstein, w aif; and in love w ith one Jo h n R isca, sacrifices her ow n piotures w ith w hich this great favourite is associated, M rs. Potter corroborated this and the base w as dis- L oring” is in the hands of M iss Dolly W right. L ast M arion C ourtney; “ M rs. A llaw ay,” M iss Constance w ho reveals the identity of the hero, w hose plausible s y m p a t h y with the reia’tii of all M iss K athleen M agee scores as “ W ilhelm ina Groves. | • ' j explanations assist to a happy conclusion. life ana happiness in order that he m ay be happy w ith and should prove very popular.. T he all-star program m e f n i s s e d . T he com edy is preceded hy a laughable and w ell-acted Stella, a, rich girl and one-tim e cripple. will also include “ The R uling Pow er,” a pow erful UNNOTIFIED DEATH. K a y ,”1 th e K aiser’s spy, , M ost of the w ork falls on M r. B rom ley O ballenor in A picture deserving of special attention is announced V itagraph feature in three parts. T he dram atic story I n the other case tihedel Tw o perform ances w ill be given to-night. little sketch, In and Out of a Punt, the characters being the role of the eccentrio artist hiding from the lionising Frederick Walter Elstoif A simi s u m m o n s 1 had been issued against Sarah ■pitally filled by M r. W illis Collins (“ H ugh”) ana w hich his fam e is sure to cause. H e has all the qualities for Thursday. A m asterly “ Fox” production, “ The depicted treats of the gpQd result^ of W om en’s Suffrage. A nn Potter, of Leslie-street, in respect of the sam e H onour i System ” is a terrible indictm ent of old-tim e H ugh V illiam s is _ disow ned by his angry father for and fatally injured t>y„ai NEXT W EEK’S VARIETIES. M iss M arion C ourtney (“ M argaret”). ■> w hioh are needed in such a gaily irresponsible character. work with a pair of !hor& child, jit appeared that he had been sleeping at M rs. Olevbb Diving Display. j The com pany conclude their visit to-day w ith per H is sw eet little m aiden is played! captivatingly by M iss A m erioan prison m ethods, w hile a story is unfolded that m arrying beneath him . Subsequently, w ith the form er’s Pierce’s hom e, but as he w as taken ill defendant-kept is at once thrilling and convincing. T his, “ the greatest death, the father offers In vain to adopt the girl. The pilot of the ahropi| T he star feature of next w eek’s entertainm ent w ill be form ances at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m . M arjorie Bellairs. M iss Lucy I Sibley is sufficiently starting and alighting, i him at her house on June 13th. N ext day the child stern and forbidding as “ Anniej. G ram pette,” w hile a hum an story ever told,” treats of the am azing life led G ripping events succeed, and the m other in desperation d i e d . ! ' ■ ■ the appearance of the clever D iving B elles, introducing “A SOLDIER’S BRIDE.” dby o e sa in!Voting spite inventor, of every w ho obstacle is innocently put in im his prisoned path, ain n da asks hifia to lend ..his influence to W om en’s Suffrage in H e was travelling lbw: D athane, the beautiful and daring E nglish exponent of delightful little oharaoter sketch of the quaint old hour to make his Mirth D efendant w as also sum m oned for failing to notify A rom antic m ilitary dram a, entitled A Soldier*s kleptom aniac, “ M rs. G ram pette,” is contributed by finalllivingr allgrave ends at happilythe instigation for him of and. ap his arch-villain. “ little l lac a d y Sub­ o f suppressing r the dance saloons. The m ovem ent v ins, the death of the child. She adm itted the offence and the art. The com pany w ill give a rem arkable exhibi­ thesequently flow ers.” reform T he s arefilm introduced contrasts the.old and S tanton prison is released system and a joyful reunion follow s. “ A cross the R io G rande” o f the presence, of the ml tion of w ater tricks and dives, and the finale w ill be a Bride, is announced to be played throughout next w eek. M iss Ju lia B assett. M r. C harles F. Lloyd as the rustic tion, and on getting ouq pleaded ignoranoe. The production is by that popular playw right, M r. onw ith condition m odern thatm ethods he returns of hum oh anitarianism a given day. in vivid This style, he is the ^itle of a strong and thrilling story of love and T he first case w as dism issed and a fine of 5s. im posed w onderful illusion dive, arranged by H orace G olden, G u b b i n 8” and M iss D orothy D uncan as his blushing and, true to' life in every sense, should cause m uch adventure. To prove him self w orthy of Teddy Ran- and parts of the ppup-i the distinguished illusionist. O ther artists engaged for W alter H ow ard, whose Seven Days' Leave has had such bride add to the com edy of the story. T he spice of the ribbon from a main's- in the second. M r. A H urst conducted the proseoution a successful run both in L ondon and the provinces. piece is given by M iss M innie Leslie in her im persona­ e n t h u s i a s m , j , . som e, his sw eetheart, D ixon L ee goes railroad building lor the B oard of G uardians. the w eek are Leslie -H arris (hum orous sketches at the EASTERN CINEM A. in M exico. H e is put in prison but is rescued by aeroplane. - He-hap fL piano); Stalm an and Russell (in com edy duologue); B esides the six evening perform ances there w ill be a tion of “ B ertha B abbage.” O ther characters w ho give T eddy, and after a desperate fight w ith brigands he ia type of machine and h.L FORGOTTEN LAMPS. A rty A sh (com edian and eccentric dancer): and M adge inatinec on S aturday at 2.30. com m endable assistance are “ M onk” (M r. A lexander “REBECCA OF SUNNYBROOK FARM .”— ' able t prove his devotion to her, and all ends happily. a t the time of thevalcciucj L ester (m ale im personator). . B radley), “ Iffelstein” (M r. H . T ripp E dgar) and “ P.O . ] j “STOLEN HOURS.” A ileen D em pster, of Sidley-road, w as fined 5s. for COM ING ATTRACTIONS. 99” (M r) J. W . W ilkinson). O n T hursday and follow ing days w e are to have a fine The jury returned a tiding a bioyole w ithout lights on June 9th, at 12.30 Of the usual high quality, this week’s program m es “ N ordisk ” production, “ A M arriage of C onvenience,” a n d added that -they For the week com m encing July 1st two three-da- .T here is a matinee to-day at 2.30 and an evening per­ have been show ing to large num bers of picture-goers. B - m . , form ance at 7.30 p.m . in w hich a thrilling dram a is pictured w ith great pow er sufficient care to. dee tij D efendant had forgotten to put the lam ps on her engagem ents are announced. T he w eek w ill open wit! *?j)m ighta L ast R aid,” to-day’s principal item , is a and effect. T he story, w hich is in four acts, show s how , f r o n t of him. GOOSEBERRY GROWERS’ HARDSHIP. a pow erful w ar play, entitled Out of Hell (by H erbert gripping dram a of life in Texas w hioh has evoked con­ cycle, w hen she left hom e early the previous day. “THE ROSARY.” after m any dram atic incidents* an enforced m arriage The funeral of the Thomas),! whioh is being brought direct from the N ext week’s attraction in the theatre will be the siderable enthusiasm . ended in perfect happiness. O ther popular features of DISCHARGED - SOLDIER SENTENCED. Am bassadors’ Theatre, London, by M iss Frances Ion imedy is the prevailing feature of M onday’s Monday at WiiliuJdor On M onday M r. R upert G w y n N e , M .P., asked the favourite dram a The Rosary, w hich/is to .jbe produced the program m e w ill be a C harlie C haplin com edy film , E h tone (wid -Av .i, M rs Bert) E rnest H ollrdan, 20, L inton - street, Brighton* Parliam entary Secretary to the M inistry of Food if he and M r. H . Brough Robinson’s Compahy. On the exhibition, the chief presentm ent being “ R ebecca of entitled “ Easy Street,” and a striking “ M utt and T hursday and followinging days the attraction w ill be The by M iss Jessie M illw ard and a powerful com pany. Suinybrook Farm ,” a picturization of K ate Douglas P . J. Jackson andtVirs.1 w as brought up on rem and charged w ith stealing on w as aw are th at there w as a colony of sm all fruit grow ers There will be one matinee only, viz., on the Saturday, Jeff” cartoon. I’ • i peiffprmed by tin.* t n June 14th £2. 10s. in Treasury notes and tw o paw n in Blast Sussex who grew practically no other fruit Little i,, Brother, ™ .„, iiu n w „hich h i o l M essrs. L yn H ard m g, Fisher a t 2 . 3 0 . W iggm s fam ous story. T he title role qf the irrepres- tickets, valued at £ , w hich w ere contained in a leather exoept-a certain class of dessert gooseberries, and w ho W hite, B en N athan and London com pany w m appear, BJ-bl e R ebecca is played by popular M ary Pickford, and 1 SUNDAY’S CROWDS. the hum orous story should prove very acceptable. Tho ■ ItV allbtl. " I j had p ut all their m oney into its cultivation, w hich cost L ast Sunday bright sunshine com bined w ith popular 6 , ^ 0 0 F o o d T r a c t o r s .— The G overnm ent H enry K eyse, who gave a B righton address, said he about £30 to £40 per acre; and as the result of the various episodes com prising the greater part of the m usio to attract exceptionally large crow ds to the B ier, picture, treat of the w retched life the “ naughty ” have| ordered 6,014 food tractors, of w hich 3,000 have TO! Ti was a forem an painter in the sam e em ploy as the recent G ooseberry O rder, w hich fixes the price at £27 several hundreds of chairs being occupied during the alreaidy arrived in this country ; com plete parts .of a prisoner. B oth of them w ere w orkingn g at the O rdnance per ton, these m en w ould suffer (financial loss and in LORD WILLINGDON AND INDIAN R ebecca leads her old-aunts.w hile in their care. The pleasant, stim ulating perform ances of the Sum m erdow n film ik entertaining from first to last and, like all f u r t h e r 1,200 and the bulk of the parts of the rem ainder f a r d W itness hun g his coat on Friday in the usual som e cases ruin, and could he see his w ay to re-cohsider c .lamp ...... Band, w hile the deck generally was thronged have also arrived. |Suss ^ D-.vvA: p l a c e and the walle it and contents w ere in one of his the m atter, so th at this particular class of fruit,, grow n HOME RULERS." . w ith prom enadep. In the evening, when the “ K nuts” Pickfqrd productions, is universal in its appeal. “ T he or grnvf.iLe-.le. ley belonged to their em ployer, for a particular m arket, w ould not com e w ithin the Perilqus Plunge,” the tenth episode of. the sensational B r i g h t o n T r a m w a y P r o f i t s .—T r a f f i c o n pockets. The mo gave one of their pleasurable concerts the theatre pre­ serial, “ The Fatal R ing,” shows how Pearl, escaping oft L >vi-h th W itness and defend m t w ent out at noon for a glass of o r d e r * . , ^ . L ord JV illingdon, G overnor of B om bay, addressing a sented a crow ded aspect, and the excellent program m e the C orporation tram w ays at B righton last year exceeded weet smelling iheir return th at w itness discovered M r . Olynes, M .P., in reply, said : I an} aw are that from im prisonm ent, secures the diam ond only to have all records, the total num ber of passengers being nearly beer, and it w as on conference held to devise m easures to ensure the fullest presented w as m uch appreciated. 1 ri forced from her by C arslake, L ater, w hile searching [ yellow g- -na.- hia Iqss. H e notifii th e police. j certain varieties of gooseberries' are grow n m E ast possible utilisation of the Presidency’s resources and T he band plays to-m orrow at 3 and 6.30, and tlie con­ 17,000,000 and the net profits over £15,000. _ Ourtis spoke to searching t h e Sussex for dessert purposes. They can, however, be foil Tom , the floor gives way beneath Pearl and the , jerbead tin: lai m an-power, referred (says a R euter m essage, dated cert in the theatre will com m ence at 8 p.m. In the S p i d e r . R ustic: “ I see you are sketching those old trees.” flite clirfs that - prisoner and finding the notes produced in the rig t l e g used for the m anufacture of jam . # It is believe^ that Ju ne 11th), to the activities of the H om e R ule Leagues, afternoon the band (under the conductorship of T rum pet- A rtipt: “ Yes, I am ; but its no business of yours-. of his pants. As! he was being searched prisoner thie operation of . the m axim um price of £27 a ton w ill j 'A capital film is included in T hursday’s selection, Instead of interfering w ith m e you had better get on The smuggitvrV w hich w ere such as to throw doubt on the sincerity of M ajor M eOonnel) will perform the grand march stolen H ours” is a ripping com edy-dram a of love and endeavoured to hide them . Prisoner said they w ere inflict no serious hardship upon th is class of fruit grow er. their support. T heir objeot seem ed to he to enibar “ N ibelungen” (W agner); tone poem, “ Carnival in w itli your w ork.” R ustic: “ W ell, ray w ork is to chop tent is pkrhu his own property, land he put them there for safety. I regret I cannot see m y w ay to exem pt this particular adventure. D iana, im personated by E thel C layton, is therfl trees d ow n ; so hurry up w ith your sketching ! ” the G overnm ent. T he G overnm ent passed a resolu P aris” (Svendsen); Prasludium (Jarnefelt); valse, thp daughter f a m an ow ning a gam bling den. A raid /here lanes a?t C harged at the Latim er-road* police station, H ollm an class of fruit from the provisions of_ the order, m view expressing loyalty to the K ing-E m peror and the 'deter­ “ Espagnole” (M ascheroni); ballet m usic in “ W illiam 6 1 hearts £•• 1‘ac­ denied any know ledge of the,Cheft. of th e absolute necessity of ear-m arking all com m ercially m ination of the B om bay Presidency to do its duty to its T ell’ '(Rossini); melodie, “ Aubade Printaniere” is jm qde by the police, and the latter is forced to flee to Tlihe Cuck:neiV.'| w irJ grow n soft fruit for jam -m aking. the room s of her lover, w here she becom es com panion F v e r y V i s i t o r should read “ T o m C l a d p o l e ’ s utm ost capacity in the present crisis. to his sister. T hrilling adventures follow, and instead i, do wil ls n •. T d r]aws M r.'T ilsk, w hile expressing the H om e R ulers’ deep ofi m arrying D uron she is saved for C arton. Episode 7 J u i i N K Y T O L u n n c n ,” one of the m ost am using boiks of aptive t>> that j grei T h e individual m ust often suffer for th$ loyalty to the C row n, critioised the G overnor’s referenoe the serial, “ The Fighting Trail,” entitled “ The its qlass ever published. W ritten in pure Suss-'X dialect. ray in war- class—the m an or wom an be judged or m isjudged on to their attitude. H e and other H om e R ulers then left . . ------. ------1 (F raser Sim eon). P r i c e , 6d .; by post, 7d. M ay be had of all Booksellers 1 71ack in iie- folds to | t h e h a l l . I t em s in the evening program m e are m arch, “ The on s P rey is full of thrills and the story continues as and the Publishers, Farncom be & Co., L td., Chronicle. th e follies of the sex. teresting as ever. W orks, Eastbourne.

V W*- * ' v . V


M any cth<}i exclusive and Charming Designs in - Gold Bracelet atebes are inc!u- tied in the maginificent display at Saqui & Lawrence's. i n H i g £5 5 0 £5 5 0 T _ 1; Lady’s fashionable Wrist Watch. : C3-’ — ' •3-'’ Tonneau design. 1 5 jewel, lever M agnificent G ob Bracelet movement, compensation balance. W atch, w ith lum inous dial. Straps in various colours. War­ •Fully jew elled, keyless lever m ranted for five years, f Q 0 Q movement. W arranted 5 years. G enuine - _ b a r g a i n . * . D O U H E magnificent display at Seqa & Lawrence’s Every article guaranteed. Money i . — 1 T includes a wonderful profusion of beautiful Jewel­ r e tu r n e d in f u l l i f net c o m p letely WEDDING RINGS. lery, set with Diam onds, Sapphires, Rubies, Pearls, High-grade Wrist Watch. Luminous dial. Reliable a b l e C o u r t EXQUISITE PEND ATT L atest fashion - E xclusive deslgn-in and precious gems, marked at so considerably sa tisfie d . "ewelled keyless movement Handsome shapes, in 2.•-ct. .S olid N“ickel i Silver Case. Worth 3 5 /6 . N ow 25/- G o l d . s e t v v i t h IJ e a r l s | ■“ below present value that every article is a bargain G old, at '.owe; t s t a n d a r d and fine .Peridot of remarkable investment value. An early visit of CALL prices. W ith. e v e r y R i n g a S p e c i a l centre ar.i drop. j- inspection is suggested. Extracrdi- e n ; TODAY! FKEI KEDDING PRESENT. nary'offer. ,7 iLIars, H em - P rice , 6 i SoperU •worth 3/111 And at 75. NORTH STREET ( ~« BRIGHTON. H llllllf

ICS. EASTBOURNE COLLEGE v. EAST ANGLIAN M r.: H ugill: W e recom m end 13 w eeks. i TWO MONTHS GR LCF. layy. Coating CRICKET. I RESERVE BRIGADE. I LOCAL TRIBUNAL. °f. ne “fl?1*?"*6'3 w crk “ : G . Cole, a practical upholsterer, carrying on basic -3 tvei To-day’s This match, played on die College-ground on Thurs­ : h l ,H ea1^6h, Insurance w as ; in M eads, requested exemption'. M r. HiUm ata EASTBOURNE COLLEGE v. OFFICERS’ day, came to a premature conclusion owing to rain. J i1 Price, 2 /- MILITARY HOSPITAL GARDENS: SHOULD toem Srio ^ d h Trlbanal agreed to six m onths’ , appeared for him , and stated th.it he is 45. in gran - COMMAND DEPOT. e x e m p n n . _ • c r D v t ,. i i m arried, and has an adopted child to m aintain. ~ R e s e r v e B r ig a d e . . E a s t b o u r n e Co l l e g e . WOUNDED SOLDIERS HELP? This match, played on the College field on Saturday, Rev. E. C. Quick, lbw. b j G. L. Still, b D a v ie s ___11 _ _ _ _ CARMAN TO SER\ E. j A pplicant said he bad been a voluntary mem ber f =s. T o c l e a r , Hall ...... 20 j K. W. G. Patterson, c j. ^Ir* y. B- ^Leacb, carm an contractor, asked for ■, the Y .A .D . for tw o years. H is‘ brother, who kx p: i resulted in a wm for the Officers’ Command Depot by erst. White, c Baylis, b ! Roebuck, b Davies___19 for S. I*eacb, 46, grade! 1, m arried, a carm an j shop near his \vorkshop, cc^iild give no assistance "• .' c, , 1 / O i . 146 runs. For the Officers Butcher took six wickets for McLeod...... :. 32 N. C. McLeod, b Davies... 4 t THE STATUS QF “ SPECIALS.’ W orth 2/11 J. 22 and Burton and Blake two-each far 5 and 29 LL Williams, b McLeod. 28 , A. R. Morres. lbw, b fn his employ. c I . , i as he was not a practical man. He had net surr respectively, and Smithnrsfc fear for 9. For the College it. C. Davies, c Stewart, | Brown 2 ____ ;______4 M r* H illm an, w ho represented/the applicant, said the | know ledge of the business to supervise a subscihuto* three shades. H a ll took five wickets for 81 and Maclead four for 73. b McLeod...... 22 L. C. Payne, b Brown ... 2 The Iiocai Tribunal considered twenty-three cases on m an w as engaged m ^the carting of food staffs from the i T he workshop, w ould have to be closed if He w ere “c- Capt. J. Kendle. b Morres 22 H. J. M. Young, not out. 35 Wednesday morning. The members present were s t a t i o n to various shop-keepers and w holesalers in the s e r v e . 2 11 j Yard. Of f ic e r s ’ Co m m a n d De p o t . Major Marsham, c Still. V . C. Baylis. b 1____ Major H. P. Molineux, J.P. (chairman), the Mayor towii,i H e was i n a certified occupation. T he application w as refused, but'the calling-up not: >> Lieut. Maynard, b Half.. 32 CorpL Smlthurst, b Hall. 33 b McLeod...:.______6 L. North, not e a t ..... 1 Alderman (X O’Brien Harding. J.P.), the Deputy Inquiries by the Tribunal elicited the fact that the deferred till A ugust 15|h. rH]_ Lfeut Johnson, b Mae- Lieut. Bleachey, b Mao- CoL Disney-Roebuck, b Mayor (Councillof^O. W . Bolton, C.S.L, J.P .), Mr. employer him self is liable for service under the latest a t H a l f ' leo d ___:______— 1 leo d ------5 1 M cLeod.. I...... 46 R. E. . J. H. CASE OF AN OLD j SOLDIER. Special Accommodation for Lieut. Butcher, n o t o u t... 36 Claude Bishop, J.R , Mr. R. J. Mines and Councillor A c t . Lieut. Buckley, b Mac- Lieut. T. S- Fish wick. Smyth . R. HaU M r. H ugill suggested that short tim e should be given A personal- plea for exem ption was d u o i n b y L \ E ffects. leo d ...... 1 ...... 2 Lieut. Blake, st Still, b ont'.i.U...... 101 did no B. HasdeU, J.P., with Mr. H. W. Fovargue (clerk) Storing Private Capt. Reynolds, c Mac- B aylis...... - _. 2D Lieut. J. Unwin, b Baylis 7 i the National Service Representative (Mr. W. W. to enable the em ployer to replace the m an. B row n, who is a w arehousem an. 4o, and in grade 2. Leach : I can’t g MODERATE CHARGES. Ieod. b H all...... 22 Lieut. EL T. Rowley, c M r . ! _____ ;____ get a____ m an. . The Clerk read from the application form chat the Capt. Burton, b Macleod 19 McLeod, b Bavlia„___ 2 A IR M INISTRY’S PROTECTION. T h e T ribunal refused the application, bat Leach will -applicant had servied in the arm y thirteen years atbread Lieut. Rands, c Baylis, b Capt. CL W. Brown, not not be called np to serve till the end of July. ana four years at home. jH eiiad.been placed on the 3- H all...... a _____12 o u t ...... 13 D. Carter was again appealed for by his employers, reserve ,on account of ham m er toes. H o asked for Capt. Wells-Cole, c Mac­ E x tr a s ______10 ____ 17 MeBsra, Miller jk. Selmes, whose representative stated M fiDICAL EXAM INATION QUESTIONED. A r t S q u a r e s ./ leod. b H all______J...... 17 ______.22J that the man is engaged on aerodrome construction exem ption as his return to the arm y w ould m ean great* Total 1 . ..2..„.307 l for 6 wkts.U 20 M r| H illm an w as the advocafc^l concerned in the case loss and hardship. H e had got together a hom e w ith a 1st Inna. Eastbouhne Co ix xss. 2nd Inna. work. Application for protection had been made to the kittle garden w hich he cultivated,, and in the last tw o 1 0 / 1 1 e a c h . . DO NOT WAIT N. O. Macleod, b Butcher 10 c Blake, b Smith­ Ak Ministry, and they had communicated with the o f 8. iJ. M ason, -45, grade 1, a ladies’ tailor, carrying on rust..______16 National Service authorities at Brighton. The firm had business in O ld Tow n. years nad also. attended to an allotm ent for a soldier’s S U 6 | „ K. W. G. Patterson, b Batcher 0 run out _ ___ _ ...... 0 M eidical certificates concerned the delicate state of w ife and fam ily. H e was quite.w illing to do auv w ork onto you are, really SI b if ore resorting to nojw been informed that the men must go through the for the G overnm ent. 24 6 „ koatment Immediate attention should Q. L. Still, b Butcher ------1. 13 c Buckley, b Smlth­ ROLL OF H0N< usual Tribunal procedure, and when they received their M rs. M ason’s health, and a 'statem ent concerning the urst______1 applicant’s only son w ere put in. R eplying to M r. H ugill, applicant said w hen he Ieftf always be given to minor [ailments lest they A. R- Morres, c Butcher b these must be returned through the Air 3 2 / 6 „ lead to more serious trouble. A bilious head­ - iiTV. M il H illm an said there was some doubt about the the arm y he had passed his tests for the rank of ^ser­ Blake ------8 c Maynard, b The following names have appeared in the current accuracy of the m edical grading, but he was, unfortu­ geant, b ut held the rank of corporal. 47/8 „ ache—a tendency to oorwtipation—a feeling of Smithurst ___ 8 week’s^offidal lists of casualties:— M r. H ngill suggested that the application should b e m C. Payne, b Butcher...... not o u t ______4 nately, not in a position to appeal against that. In answ er to C onncillor Bolton, B row n said he left), diaoamfort after eating—a sensation of I r e f u s e d , as the m an’s papers could be sent hack. the arm y in 1906, and the'ham m er toes developed about ITER H e ARTH- drowsiness during working hours—impaired H. J. M. Young, b Butcher...... b Sm ithuret ___ 0 Four weeks’ exemption was granted. A pplicant said he cam e to Eastbourne from H enley, 1 ROYAL SUSSEX REGIMENT. tw o years before that. W hen it was in his interest all symptoms that two of R. I N . Vaughan, b Blake------not o u t ______The same decision was arrived at in the case of A. E on-Tham es suffering from chronic influenza. Soon after zo. y Low Prices. V. O. Baylls, b Butcher ...... 3 K illed . do so the authorities w ould not let him com plete his ______organs in the body—the Way mark, also an employe of Messrs. Miller & Selmes, his arrival, five years ago, his hair cam e out, and since 21 R. C. Stewart, b Burton ...... — 4 Lance-Carpi. F. B. Bargees, Hailsham. he had suffered from rheum atism and lum bago. H e years’service in the arm y, and now that ho had got a. ) 0 R C L 0 T H S stomach and the liver—are not working tatis- G. H. Smyth, b Burton...... 6 who was said to be in a similar position. nice hom e together be_thought it w ould be hard if h o factonly. The right remedy to W. B. HaU, not out...... 2 D ie d o f W o u n d s. w as only seven stone in w eight. Extras * __ __ A TRADE UNION OFFICIAL. C ouncillor B olton said little notice need be taken of had to return. or this Sale. E x tr a s ______18 Private E La wee, Eastbourne. M r . H u□ g rill: W e dissent, Mr. A. Chester Hillman appeared to present the case that.! M any a jockey of seven stone had done w ell in T he m an is an old soldier, Total ...... ------74 Tl. (5 wkts.) W o unded. . of W . O. Billings, batcher’s manager, 45, grade 2, t h e v t a 2f . ■ [ ■ - ■ - . and as suenicn very, useful. TAKE married, with four children, two of. whom are in the Councillor H asdell: -I do take notice of it. It is A pplicant said'he felt He w ould be m ore nuisance than \ -• ( | : Lance-CorpL CL T. Astridge, Eastbourne. playing w ith the lives of m en. he w as w orth, even on hom e service. H e knew a little EASTBOURNE v. R.A.F. (EASTBOURNE). Private F. J. Barnard, Eastbourne. my. 1 f ’ about the arm y, and if he had honestly felt ho w.is fio whenever there is the slightest suspicion that Played on the Saffrons on Saturday, Eastbourne Mr. Hillman pointed oat that, in addition to his A fter a retirem ent the Chairm an said perm ission all is not wed with die organs of digestion, * Private E Carter. Eastbourne. would be given for the applicant to ask leave of the to serve in any w ay he w ould have been there before row .- gaining an easy 1 victory. For the winning team Joy Private D . G . Markwick, Eastbourne. important occupation, the applicant is president of the T he application was refused- A pplicant will not be is Beecham’s Pills—that well-known trust- CorpL W . Taylor, Eastbourne. Eastbonrae Branch of the Journeymen Butchers* A ppeal T ribunal for re-exam ination. - ( worthy preparation which has had such took eight wickets fpr seven runs. Score:— •called till the end of Ju ly . E astbourne. R.A.F. Private J. Tidball, Eastbourne. Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. As an official SPECIAL TREATM ENT FOR “SPECIALS”? ROAD enormous success in Hie treatment of diges­ Private W allis, retired.,.112 A,M. Barker, st W ege­ CorpL W . W est, Eastbourne. of a Trade Union Ire should not be called ap at the CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS EXEM PTION tive disorders, J Those who have tried Has Private Ed sail, b Knight 12 ner, b Joy------present time, and his (Mr. Hillman’s) suggestion was E iS. K enw ard was appealed for by M essrs. Si B r a d ­ REVIEWED. remedy—and they now number a great W. Martin, b Knight...... 4 AM . W ells, b J o t ------o t h e r u n i t s . that the case should be adjourned sine die. Mr. Billings ford & Sons, fpr w hom he acts as m anager to their corn P.F.O. Glover, c Martin, and forage store. The case of R. J. Soddy, 34, grade , chartered mnltitode—are entirely satisfied that, far F.F.Joy,bMcQueen---- 9 TTtt.t.vti- was, he said, manager of Messrs. C. O’Hara’s Terminus- 1 oaCroc&ng sOise&tt of tJxo stomach and the F. G.Wagener, c Knight, b Joy ______road branch, and had two small boys to help him in the M r. H illm an, w ho appeared in the case, said the m an accountant, w as taken Jn camera. H e was represented P.F.O. 8 mithelia, c W al­ liver, them k nothing to sarpaaa b Dutton ------28 Private W. Avard (Lincolns), Eastbourne. rving of 1,700 registered easterners. had been a special constable for three years. He- by M r. F. Law son Lewis. CINEM A. j . Capt. Frost, not out ------5 lis, b W orrall------— Sergt. J. Fraser (Essex Regiment), Eastbourne. A t the same tim e the application of M r. Soduy’s C. W. Robinson, not out. 2 A.M. HalL b Joy Mr. Hugill: We looked on it more as a case where quoted from a Loudon daily paper a statem ent that IDITIOy.”—“ NATURE a .m . Spadhow, e Wor- D ie d o p W o u n d s. tM man should present himself for examination. We special constables in grade 2 and 3 w ho w ere efficient head clerk, J. B. M arrian, w as also considered. H e :3 m en w ould not be called up. Tw o sons w ere in the arm y. 44 and also in grade 1. H e has acted as special con­ AR.’ B IHAM’S raU, b Joy...... Private j. Brown (Middlesex), Eastbourne. recommend 1 2 weeks. P.F.O. Knight, bWorraU A p p l i c a n t : _ Y ou practically forced m e to have a Inspector BosweU, w ho w as.called at the request of stable, cultivates an allotm ent and has had a year’s igh standard o f excellence P.F.O. Dutton, at Wago­ Private P. G. Gainer (M.G.C.), Eastbourne. the Tribunal, confirm ed the statem ent that a circular training w ith the V olunteers. programmes presented m edical exam ination. ner, b J o y ------W o u n d e d . Mr. Hu gill; I know nothing about that. letter to the sam e effect as the new spaper statem ent M r. H ngilPs application for review iu the case of M r. jtn fail to prove great _ PILLS. A.M. Bland, st Wagoner, had been received by the police. Soddy was granted, bat calling up was deferred to b o ;he principal presentment bJoy ------Private F. Bridger (Hants Regiment), Eastbourne. Applicant: But I do. I received my papers and sent A.M. Schofield, not out... Private G. Creaaey (Royal West Kent), Eastbourne. them back to Brighton, pointing oat on the form In view of that fact, and as M ajor E . J. J. T eale, the m iddle of A ugust. . The other applicant was given kldissa of the Pills ” chief constable, is aw ay, the case was adjourned for a eight w eeks’ exem ption. kj\ iuccess. In this stirring P.F.O. s t Private G. H. Currill (Royal West Kent), Hailsham. enclosed that I am a Trade Union officiaL They i | . h PABID o n ly BY ^ Wa Sergt. H. G. Davis (R.E), Eastbourne. tamed the papers by the next post and said I had f o r t n i g h t . splayed by:charming Mary Extras ..... 29 The M ayor: It is s m atter that rests w ith the C hief ENLISTED. - Story, set amid. ragged sax- . Gunner F. W. Dennis (R.G. A.), Eastbourne. itter report for medical examination at once. f vw w rtH BEE CHAM, St. Helens, lame. Driver F. Gosden(R.F.A.), Eastbourne. C o n s t a b l e . The case of F. J. M archant was w ithdraw n, as the irfeud between two families Inns, dec. elosed-2 0 1 Total 37 Mr. Hngill: I don’t understand why Brighton sent t m an had already enlisted. dts. The lead in tofday’s Sold everywhere In boxes. _ Private H- Hookham (Duke of Cornwall’s L.L), East­ the second notice. ON M EDICAL GROUNDS. ' Mr. Clande Bishop pointed oat the desirability that Tw elve weeks’ exem ption on. m edical grounds was r„j we^t Blind,” a power- OFFICERS’ COMMAND DEPOT v. SUMMER- bourne. _ Jthetic song, by Noel Jobn- Pioneer R. W. Leach (R.E), Eastbourne. all men between 42 and 50 in the butchers’ trade should given to R . S. Stepnej-, 45,' grade . 2, m arried, w ith four ilptor, whcj becomes blind, DOW N CAM P. Sapper S. Pattenden (R.E), Eastbourne. come up together. Meanwhile the importantt p o i n t children, w ho was represented by M r. H illm an. ALEXANDRA DAY. forsakes him, but as the Played on the Saffrons ground on Tuesday, and Private A. P. Pantenay (Durham L.L!.L Eastbourne about tne applicant’s status as a Trade Unioni o f f i c i a l A pplicant was, said his solicitor, an upholsterer and I l returns, i A happy< ending in a win for the Command Depot. Blake SZ/141 L. F. T. Saunders (R.N.V.R.),, EatEastbourne, could be settled. repairer, em ployed by M r. G. E M aynard, and the claimed three wickets for 15 runs, SmithurBl three for Sapper E W. Towner (R.E), Eastbournete : ; [ Twelve weeks’ exemption was.accordingly given, and only; repairer left in that em ploy. H is wife was iu A SPLENDID RE- PONSE. programmes ai 22 and Stratton four for 79. Score:— Private W. Wood gate (Hants Regiment),, Eastbourne.I in view of the lengthy hoars of work the man was delicate health, as w ell as certain of his children, and Saturday was A lexandra .Rose Day in Eastbourne, to include “ The - Summerdown Cami\ Com m and D epo t . Private O. T. White (M.G.C.), Eastbourne. exempted from the V.R. condition. lical certificates in respect of till, including the aud the sale of artificial wild roses on behalf of tho at War,” two exceptionally CorpL Evans, b Butcher. 10 Lieut. C. W. Johnson, c Private J. Wisssm (Lincolns), Eastbourne, applicant, were produced. It was m entioned that Bostock, b Stratton ... S “ OF NATIONAL IMPORTANCE” local hospitals and other deser ving charities took place 8-goer should miss seeing. In Private Frost, b Burton. 19 Stepney cultivates 20 rods of ground. The V .R . con­ C.3.M. Demanesq, b Lieut. H- A. V. Maynard, Missing. dition w as not im posed. ■ am id favourable atm ospheric conditions. The -com­ Mr. F. C.: Elliot haye been ^ c Limmer, b Stratton.. 42 J. W. Adcock, bacon and cheese merchant, who m ittee, of w hom M r. E dw ard Strange is chairm an, . Butcher...... 7 Private W. A. Andrews (King’s R oyal Rifles);, E ast- applied for exemption, was represented by Mr. C h e s t e r in each film as it proceeds. Capt. B. G. Tudor, c Lieut. C. J. Buckley, o bourne. __ MUST BE REPLACED. W ebb and M r. D over W illiam s., joiut Lou.'secretaries, ” is a veritable triumph of [j; Bleackleyi b Blake-----41 Blaber, b S tra tto n ---- IS Hillman. Applicant is 4 4 , in grade 2, m arried, w ith and M rs. Lacoste hop. treasurer, had m ade oxctnleus Private T. H . Bannistjpr (Wiltshires), Eastbourne one child. M r. Hillm an also sougHt; exem ption for Vernon istic idea of life among! th e { C Lieut. E. T. Hill, b Smith- Capt. E. G. Reynolds, o Private H. J. Brock (Queen’s Royal West Surrey), arrangem ents for the occasion, aud had the suppo* t''pi -t The expedition cosl nrst ...... 4 Tudor, b Frost ....------123 Mr. Hillman pointed out the importance of t h e Chatter, 46, grade 2, m arried, w ith three children. Capt. R. C. Burton, c Hailsham. ! large body of energetic lady helpers, whose united ihrbugh th^ Soudan " CoL J. S. Bostock, b Bur­ business to the public, and the applicant said, in reply A pplicant claim ed to be a chartered accountant, as w ell efforts resulted in the raising of a total of over V o d u .- - . FATAL )PLANE MISHAPS. ton ...... — ...... 7 Bostock, b Demanesq... 72 Private E. J. Gansden (Coldstream Guards), East­ to a question from Councillor Hasdell, that he r e c e i v e d as-secretary to the E astbourne A rtisans and L abourers’ . Several striking Bomb. Wallis, b Smith- Lieut. R. S. J. Rands, bourne. ^ „ Im proved Dwellings Company, Ltd., Eastbourne In the^vening; in an interval; c* the concert in tho hyena hunt, while there are lbw, b Stratton...... 8 perhaps a bigger proportion of cheese than s o m e of the urst ! ...... 29 Sertfj. A. Gower (M.G.U.), Eastbourne. big sheps. M utual B uilding Society and the E astbourne Provident W inter Garden, Devonshire Dark, M r. Src.vN'F? al life in its wildest stages, Inquests were held at the Town Hall on Saturday, by Private Limmer, c John­ Capt. G. C. Wella-Cole, b Private W. R. Pepper (Ess^x Regiment), East- M edical A ssociation. announced the result of the day’s effort. F irst of ail ho risk to the “ camera man.” X I . son, b Smithurst ...... 2 W allis...... 23 Mr. Hugill: We recognise the importance of the G. Vere Benson, the coroner, respecting two bourne! ’ 1 T- ijlr. jH ugill opposed on the ground that the applicant asked to be allowed to thank the directors of r.h o [ hi comes for the latter half of «ri inner fmm the nse of aeroplanes. In the Private Stratton, c May­ CorpL Smitimrst, b. Wal­ business in providing and distributing food. D evonshire Park for affording hiai the opportunity f interesting film, which should nard. b B lake...... 0 lis _____ 8 Twelve weeks’ exemption was given and, in r e s p o n s e wa$ not doing sufficient w ork’ as a chartered accountant first case the deceased was Second -LieutL Pullen, aged Ganr. Blaber, c Butcher, Lieut. E. W. Bleackley, to claim to be in a certified occupation. H is position as appearing there for .thatpurpcY ^: H e,also w ished ri^ 18, whose mother resides at Slough. He was killed to applicant’s request, the V.R. condition was not b Blake ...... 2 not out ...... 47 CONFERENCE OF EVANGELICAL imposed. . | secretary of the com panies nam ed could be filled by thank the M aym : and C orporation for aJIowiug tb- m to MfN CINEMA. | , i , when trying to land, the machine “ stalling ” at a height Private Luff, not out...... 0 Lieut. E. G. Butcher, sodieone else. coileet in the streets and oa the parades ;*the Prss^ : .'C o f 250-ft. and nose-diving to the ground. “ Stalling” is lbw, b Li miner _____ 21 WOUNDED SOLDIERS AS GARDENERS. the invaluable help they had given in bringing the f* Lieut. G. P. Blake, not CLERGY AND LAITY. M r. H illm an said he w as instructed by the A rtisans* E R ”—“ A M AR R IA G E O F a technical term for lacking sufficient speed to keep the The application for exemption made by A . Boniface* D w ellings C om pany to. support strongly the claim for event to the notice of the public; the local ch.'.- m ;.s 2N IE N C E ” ; machine in the air. ; An expert witness said he was sore out ...... -...... -— I Extras ...... 40 Extras ----- 22 gardener at All Saints’ Convalescent H ospital, w as sup -1 exem ption. M r. C hater had ouly the assistance of a for puttiug* the advertisem ent on thsir screens, and--/.il activeohoiceof film specimens, Hie “ stalling” was not due to any defect in the engine, ported by the late steward, who now has charge of the; lady clerk and a collector in that office. He- did the others w ho had helped in that yvay. T ° M iss W \!'b, which was properly tested before the machine went up. The seventh summer conference was held on Monday we proved entirely to the taste Total „„ 161 Total (for 9 wkts).3S9 1 Holy Trinity Parish Room, Eastbourne, on Monday gardens. Mr. A. J. Hart appeared for the applicant, practice in his spare tim e as a chartered accountant.. their lady secretary, they owed great gratitude ; rolled up” in the customary Deceased had done a total of about ten boors’ solo _jrt. War f conditions and difficulties of travri made who is 42, grade 2, married, with an adopted child T he T ribunal refused the application, but the calling- riving up her w^brk in London to com e dow n and . :i flying, and was quite capable^of managing the machine, v. SUMMERDOWN dependent on him. up! notice is w ith-held for tw o m onths. “ Steps m ust be help them to organise the day. • Lie also wished : > which bad in it an instrument that would tell the height the conveners hesitate at first about holding the con- terprise, Mr. Percy Lunch has CAMP. ference this year, but the wish waia widely expressed that Replying to Mr. Hart, the chief gardener said 3J taken to replace the applicaut/’isaid the C hairm an. ’! thank the lady w orkers at the depot j who had be ;:i from the ground. w orking from four to six w eeks to prepare the bioor: '«■. ilin ’’ films for presentment This match, played at Brighton on Thursday, was it should be held, owing to the importance of the two acres of land was under cultivation as a kitchen garden. ; rVThe Care,” to be shown on The jury returned a verdict of_ “ Death from mis­ subjects to be discussed and their relation to after the This supplied the convalescent patients and staff— EXECUTOR’S APPLICATION.*/ r fand M rs. C ave even longer; and when he a.'-'id a adventure,” and the Coroner and jury expressed their interrupted by heavy showers and had to be left drawn. that 45,560 bloom s and 9,646 leaves had heenvprcpar J, Excruciatingly funny, as are all For Snmmerdown Stratton took five wickets for 41 and war.” The numbers present were not as large as in numbering between 50 and 60—at Deerhaddnn. He and M r. A. J. H art, asked on behalf of. J: G. R eeve, a ja great favourite is associated, sympathy with the relatives and: with the Air Service. a total of som ething like 55.500, they w ould get) scm-D W allis four for 38. Score :— previous years, although nearly a hundred clergy and the applicant were the.only men working there, and groeer’s traveller, for a couple of m onths’extension in iipular. The all-star programme laity from different parts of the diocese assembled. they a l s o assisted i n the c a r e of the pleasure gardens order to_ ___ finish______w inding0 -op r . his ____ father’sv __ estate.___ _ - H is i d e a o f 7 the w ork.done. M r. D over W illiam s, t;.. ir p Ruling Power,” a powerful Brighton College. Summ erdow n Camp. m o ther had just died, and a sale of cottage proper tv i other secretary,- had w orkeu earlv and -ite, alsn In the other case the deceased was a farm hand named The Rev. Canon J. S. F ltnn, U.D., vicar of St. used b y the patients at the C anadian M ilitary H ospital. a p t 1 see parts. The dramatic story Frederick Walter Els tone, aged 38, who was run into C. H. F. Edwards, c Hoy- CorpL Evans, run out ... would be held in July. j i *.i Lacctete,' their hon. treasurer. Thanks wete* Lke-A-o land, b Stratton ...... 12 Sergt. Hoyland, ran out. John’s Hove, presided in the morning. The devotional : M ajor M olinenx: Can’t you get wom en to do this od results of Women’s Suffrage. and fatally injured! by an ascending aeroplane while at C.S.M. Dumaresque, b w ork ?— I haven’t tried, bnt our servants com e up in the Tw o m onths’ exem ption w as granted— till- A ugust j due to the counters for their w ork, for no less than.i'.\> wned by his angry I father for E. O. Young, lbw, b address was given by the Rev. C. E. Wilson, vicar of l v t t h . ' . ' ' If worth of coppers had passed through their hands.— w eek with a pair o£ horses and^mowing machine. W allis...... 4D rak e ...... ~... Christ Church, Gipsy Hill, S.R, who was warmly afternoon to help w eed. T he convalescents help a little 1 Subsequently, with the former’s The pilot of the aeroplane said he had been practising P. R. D. Spurgin, ibw, b Private Frost, b Bennett in the pleasure grounds. A M ONTH’S ADJOURNM ENT. * som ething liku 37,500 epp ^rs. T his jt-ar, ow ing o. tho rs in vain to adopt the girl, Capt. Tudor, not o u t ...... 38 welcomed in his old diocese. “ Speak ye unto the ptart.mg and alighting, and had descended three timee. Stratton ...... - ...... 27 Children of Israel that they go forward” was his ; T he M ay or: A re you aw are that convalesoent soldiers The Eastbourne CleaaW Com pan^pffiied for ! ^ eS p fl^n b uS u riea^ KjT .and the,mother in desperation H e was travelling low at a rate of about fifty miles an G. Carter, not o u t...... 46 Bomb. Wallis, c Longley, cnltiv& te a (sim ilar garden at Sum m ordow n C am p ? inence to Women’s Suffrage in B. R. Sprake. b Wallis ... 17 b Drake...... 17 message, ’and he said that the subjects for discussion Ei Boyce, a dyer and cleaner in taeir em ploy, rrbo is 4y j forwarpd and lent them their ^ Sc„ W inding rt. boor to make his fourth ascent, and did not see or know Sergt. Mewett, not out— called for “ action.” We needed a great vision, a great don’t think these m en would be strong enough. They and in (trade 2. saloons. The movement a ins, of the presence of j the machine. He felt some obstruc­ B. R. Bennett, b Stratton 1 are not convalescents, but in. hospital, and as soon as Davies G ilbert, Sirs. G errvrd, Sire. H olliday; - l lows.: “ Across the Rio Grande” •W. C» Drake, b Wallis ... 1 ideal and a great obedience, and he lllustratea fn3 M r. H aft pointed out the shortage of dyers and ! M r s M i,s Thiruton. M r. tion, apd on getting out found that a wire was broken R. Nutt, b W allis...... 4 points by lessons from the war. they are getting better they go to Shom cliffe. deaneis, and produced letter^ to. prove,that the W r,r ^ndereou, M r. Coulter, M r. J. Slar-.iudl and and thrilling story of love' and Ami parts of the propeller blades gone. Parts of the A. G. Davies, b Stratton 1 I T he T ribunal decided to dism iss the application, but himself worthy of Teddy Ran- ribbon from a man’s hat ! was also attached to the G. O. Jardine. b Stratton 1 An excellent paper on “ The Possibilities of Reunion” B oniface w ould not be called up till the end of July, Office C ontracts D epartm ent ^ere-m oetm * tne trade chapm an ’ The sdhooD in the tW n. which had lixon Lee goes railroad building was read by the Rev. G. M. H a n k s, ALA., vicar of All aeroplane. He had flown seventeen boors in another A. J. W. Longley, ran j i The C hairm an said they were of opinion that some it in prison but is rescued by type of machine and 9^ hours in the machine being used out ...... 0 Saints?, Eastbourne. arrangem ent shonld be com e to w hereby soldiers could tperate fight with brigands he is Extras ...... 10 Extras ...... at the time of the accident. He was followed by the Rev. R. Talbot, of Hastings, do a share of the m an’s w ork. ion to her, and ail ends happily, and the Rev. J. R eid, minister of the Eastbourne ^ n “ o r m 3 ’ <• x ' J ;1 ^ | ev'enitig they were-nob so hoppy, as the w eather lowing days we are to have a fine The jury returned a verdict of “ Accidental death, Total ...... 124 Total (for 5 wkts.)... 64 The case was adjourned tor a m onta to near the | ^ J pQr 0yp i t i 0U3, and th-.v’were deeply' and added that they did not think the ■ aviator took Presbyterian Church. Seven other members of the A CERTIFIED OCCUPATION. r<;sult of the m eeting. ; ^ *- * • A. Marriage of Convenience,” Si conference took part in the discussion, which was well M r. H . W . R oll appeared for T. E B ryant, 46, grade them , too, for their excellent work. It ima is pietored-with igreat power sufficient care t o see that there was a clear course in OFFICERS’ COMMAND DEPOT v. CANADIAN invidious to pick, any out for special m entic- front of him. maintained. fc ' ... 2, a baker; and pointed out that he w as in a certified MARKET GARDENER’S PLEA. t . which is in four a,-ts, shows how, TRAINING SCHOOL (BEXHILL). As no lunch was arranged because of war conditions, occupation. felt He m .ust m ention M rs. A:it toy R oberts, incidents, an enforced marriage The funeral of the late Mr, ’ Elstone took place A . O. .Cosham asked for pxcCmp’.ion frdhi' m ilitary j pieditheposition she alw ;iy- took up oirL ffe This match, played at the Saffrons on Thursday, many of those present brought their own food, of wbich M r. H ugill said the applicant need not have suo- service. H e is- "46, in grade; 2,, and culoivates tbreb: ness. Other popular features of Monday at Williugdon.ugdon. Tpe ifliief mourners were resulted in a decisive victory for the O.C.D., thanks they partook on the Vicarage lawn. m itted him self for m edical exam ination if he hud and had al-*o organised •ti.e outside distn : a Charlie Chaplin comedy film, Elstone (widow), Mrs. Saunders (mother-in-law), Mr. quarters of an -acre "of -m arket[garden. F or four or, five | had brought in £ *). T he c-yiunittee yen. mainly to a brilliant century by Capt. E G. Reynolds. At the afternoon conference the Rev. A. C. D o w ner, returned \h e form stating w hat certified occupation he hours each day he acts as substitute in a w holesale ; 2 t,” and a striking “ Mutt and P. J. Jackson and Mrs. Lovett The burial service was Lieut. Blake took eight of the Canadian wickets at a D.D., vicar of Selham, presided, and again a remark­ w as engaged in. ! expenses; all the m oney received except tne performed by the Vicar, Rev. O. L. Tudor. pjre^ngrocery business arid t-laims to w ork 16 oY 17 I; flowo.rs and the five per cent, w hich t o t cost of 46 runs only. Score:—; ably good and suggestive paper on The Church and Councillor H asdell inquired w hat exem ption Other hoiibs per day on food production and distribution. lie | collection would go to the ice d h:«pita!s C o m m a n d D e p o t . T raining School. the Democratic Movement” was read by the Rev E A. bakers held, and w as tola that som e of them w ere con­ is tparried and has three children,, one son being in institutions, and during the f-*»?r y« ar> the D unn late vicar of St. James the Less, Bethnal Green, ditionally exem pted. H e then suggested that the sam e Lient. C. W. Johnson, Cadet Cobham, c B:ake, F r a ' n c e . • had been carried out £1,04' S.CTOR8 .— The Government TO THE DOWNS. runout ...... -■••• 1 b Butcher...... 23 K , who was well qualified to speak on his subject. coarse should be pursued w ith the applicant. | M r. H ugill dissented. The am ount of ground culti­ od tractor-, of which 3,00(1 have Lieut. H . A.V. Maynard, Cadet Thereby, e and b A most interesting discussion followed, amongst those M r. H ugill: Y ou can’t do it. Y ou can only give Six 1 (applause). They wished'to thank Mr. vated w as too sm all, he sard, jtp w arrant vexeni.pttoUj ^ cess- H -r is country ; complete parts of a b G raham ...... ■••• •• 8 B la k e______taking part being Canon F ltNS, Canon Cremer, Canon m onths’ exem ption. ; chairm an-of the B oard of tie i ’r in A l i c e Cadet Graham, c Back- T he application w as refused, but the caliing-up notice for his«is .H elp, a Is >ulk of the parts of the remainder Lieut. C.J. Buckley, lbw, Clyde H arvey, the Rev. G. M. H an k s and CoL Councillor H asdell: But you say others are con­ w ill not be served till A ugustj loth. . i , . ^ - " i , • j, • l The Sussex Downs!. - How memories of them linger, b Thereby — ...... 33 ley. b Blake...... 56 given up their leisure , Nor grow the less with time, y” R. S. M. Carpenter, c B urton B rown. ditionally exem pted. Capt. E. G. Reynolds, c Throughout the day the papers and discussions were TAILOR REFUSED EXEM PTION. th e streets.- L *ist y ea r th ey Cv»ile.-. ted i' a y P r o f it s .—T ra ffic o n How oft I wish the springy turf beneath me, Wilson, b Carpenter ...103 Bleackley,-b B lake ...... 7 M r. H u gill: They are, but the certificate was issued ing when he left the depot the lo; >ys at Brighton last year exceeded Sweet smelling with wild thyme. Capt. R. C- Barton, c Capt. Wilson, b Blake ... 0 of an unusually high character, and it was generally before M ay. W . C arey, tailor and outfitter,‘Seaside, w ho applied ! Fernstone, b Dobson ... 7 Lient. Dobson, c Rands, felt that the conference was one of the best that bad M r. R oll: W e are quite w illing to take conditional 'or exem ption, was represented V»y M r. Hiilm an. (applause), and there w as at .11 .a i'ittl mber of passengers being nearly T he yellow gorf-e aflame upon the headland; b B la k e ...... I 2 ■Nearly everyone in E astbournem ust profits over £15,000. Lieut. R. S. J. Rands, b Cadet Shone, c & b Blake 5 been held. ! , , , 1 _ . exem ption and risk its being u Itra vires.' A pplicant is a single m an, ini g rade'2. . • _ f O’erhead the lark’s sweet song, Gavrthorp ...... 2 At the close of the conference the members met, as in Tne C hairm an; No, that would not do. Y ou canhot M r . H illm an advanced in support of tla -5 c l a i m ih.A for out-of tho^ct^l received only CV 2 are sketching those old trees.* 1 W hite cliffs that [stand as symbols of our island.iiana Iieut. E. S. Parsons, ran Cadet Doorbar, c May­ and gold— they had som e gold, alibi former years, on Holy T rin ity Vicarage lawn, where take the responsibility from us. W e shall grant!six ’acts that C arey is the ow ner of a buskit*s.s established biit its no business of yonrs. The smuggler’s haunt for long ! out — ;...... 6 nard. b Blake...... 6 notes—and the rem ainder .vr— :n • trith me you had better get on Corpl. Smithurst, c W il­ Cadet Gawthorp, c Rey- tea was provided by the Rev. G. P . Rassett^ and Mr& m onths’ exem ption. 20 years ago, and catering solely, tor the needs of the T hey had aim ed at £500, so it :: r* C/-j\Vell, my work Is to chop Our tent is pitched in Warwick’s leafy counatr|, son. b Carpenter...... 40 nolds. b Butcher ...... 7 Kerry. The social intercourse was mach enjoyed, ana M r. R oll thereupon applied for release from I the w orking-ciasaes.. Lieut. Jordan, b Blake... 8 this has ever been one of the most helpful features of V olunteer condition, urging that B ryant’s w orking A pplicant stated that he was keeping open the place who vrouid care to help there t n. jr up with your sketching! * Where lanes are noted green. Ueut. E. W. Bleackley, fbat sum they would fin«i a ' -old llo P e t hearts go baric to Sussex downlaud pastsre. not out ...... 12 Capt. Firnstone, not oat 1 these gatherings. honrs are from 80 to 90 per w eek. ' of an assistant serving in France, and paying him his The Cuckmere’s winding stream. Lient. E. G. Butcher, c ------T his request w as acceded to. com m ission during his absence. A ll his em ployes w ere sincerely thanke

ESTABLISHED 1888. J. O. TO W N E R * H. W. HASKINGS and SONS, AUCTIONEERS, o u s e a n d e s t a t e H SURVEYORS AND VAIA CLERICAL, NAVAL, MILITARY- AND LADIES' TAJLOES, THE AUCTION MART, 87, TER1 84, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. EASTBOURNE. For Particulars of Properties To Let i I *j ' " by Private Treaty see page ' FROMENADE COSTUMES AND RIDING HABITS A SPECIALITY. THE AUCTION MART. Ail Garments Made on the Premises hy First-class Workmen in good Sanitary WoiKshops. 57, TERMINUS ROAD. EASTBOURNE; J. 0. TOWNER ft BROMLEY W ill Se l l b y P u b l ic A u c t io n , a t th e a u c t io n M a r t , oh THURSDAY, «t h J u l y , 1818, Telephone No. 441.' JOHN NIX o u s e h o l d f u r n i t u r e JOHN NIX H AND EFFECTS. j . G o l d s m i t h Catalogues in dne coarse. m To be Sold W ith o ut R eserv e. 3 Terminus Road E3FIELD, SUSSEX % W atch m ak er ft (Three miles from Uckfleld, 51 miles from Lewes and 10 H minutes’ walk from Isfleld Station, L.B. and S.C. J ew eller. Railway). MES3RS. J. R. THORNTO X f t CO. “ ELIZA COMES TO STAY.’ JOHN NIX Have been favoured with instructions t. om the Exors. JOHN NIX. of the late Mr. H. Hobden to Sel l by 4.UOTION, up o n the Premises, on THURSDAY, JUNE !7t h , 1918, th e M O N D A Y , J une 24th, for Six N ights a t 7.30, and E s t a b l is h e d 1880. ’ : A GRIOULTURAL MACHINERY, compris- One Matinee only, Saturday, at 2.30. r \ ing six, seven and eight h.p." Traction Engines (by well-known makers) in good working order, six Thresh­ and td ing Machines, six Elevators, nearly new Ransomes FRANCIS SONS, L ., Huller, No. 23720, Webster Magneto, Bamford’s Grinder “ A SOLDIER’S BRIDE.” and Crasher, Self-binder (by McCormtek). quantity of ’ EAST BO XJ It N E C EM ETER Y M ASONS '■ " ------" i Tools,^Timber, The Romantic Military Drama. THE Grindstones, Lainb'Creep and Miscellaneous Monumental Sculptors and Engravers. Sale to commence a t 12.45 o-’olook. ' by 1 .1 Catalogues m ay be obtained a t the Place of "WjALTER HOWARD, tsiio-# Booms an d Studio : 37, T JP P E R T Q N ROAD, EASTBOURNE the A u c t io n e e r s , 86, High-street, Lewes. Tel. I No. 79 Lewes. Author of “ Seven Days’ Leave,” &c. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES SUPPLIED. TELEPHONE 579.

REMOVALS under personal supervision. M O N D A Y , J uly 1st, for T H R E E N IG H T S a t 7.30, £<0UNTY BOROUGH OF EASTBOURNE. AREHOUSING in and One Matinee, W ednesday a t 2.30. New Central Lock-up Stores. B .-ls'W . !p£' NETT, Etd. W FRANCES ION and H . B R O U G H For lowest Quotations apply ROBINSON, S O U L P T O K S a n d M A S O N S , XiECTUBES l fr e d w r ig h t , 85, 87, 101, 103 a n d 108, SOUTH STREET, ROAD, BRIGHTON. A a n d W is h R oad. In a Remarkable War Play, 120, L E W . I b y Miss M. L. MAXLOW, Ik Supervisor of Domestic Subjects for the Borough, E M O R tA L S “OUT OP H E L L .” WILL BE . GIVEN IN THE rriERRYS AUCTION ROOMS By H e r b e r t T h o m a s. Of E very Description E xecuted, and Inclusive Estim ates given for their erection in any part ■ . and SALE YARD, Direct from the Ambassadors’ Theatre, London. Of the COUNTRY. SCHOOL OF COOKERY, 10, Snssex-gardens, CORNFIELD ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Submitted Free. Illustrated Catai On THURSDAY and FRIDAY, ■ .' ’Phone 844. T H U R S D A Y , J uly 4t h , for THREE NIGHTS at June 27th and 2Sth, 7.30, and One Matinee, Saturday at 2.30. ~~ r Ore, Bexhill, Tunbridge TERRYS — Auotions Mondays. And MR. PERCY KAHN And at Hove, Hastin FBOSI 11 AM. TO 12 P.M., AND FBOM 5.30 P.M. TO W ells am Chichester. TERRY S—Furniture Received Dai] y. j From the London Coliseum, 6.30 p.m. E ach D ay. HANDING, TERRYS—Furniture Bought. No Expenses In RAGTIME & OTHER DUETS • TERRYS—Moderns and Antiques Valued. FISHER WHITE, BEN MATHTTN and Morning Lectures.. Tickets 6d. each. CHARLIE CHAPLIN FILMS. TERRYS — Auction Rooms always on View. L ondon Company, in Afternoon Lectures Tickets Free. TERRYS—Valuations for Estate Duty. g&rtha, geaths. TERRYS—Auctions at Private Residences. Seats m ay be Booked at the Box Office, or Clift’s, 4, Gildredge Road. | .a 11 — I , —. | ~ —^ ^ T hursday ( S u b j e c t : THE LITTLE BROTHER.’ TERRYS—Estate and House . MARRIAGES. M obning \ D bying F bcit and V egetables. COWLEY—BOWE8. —June 15, at Alverstoke1 Parish TERRYS — Exclusive Lists of Furnished and Unfur­ | T hubsday j ■ Subject: j : • nished Residences. Church, Aubrey, younger son of Mr. W. A. Cowley, of A ftebnoon\ P ickling and B ottling. Grange, Ovingdean, to Dorothy, second TERRYS — Insurances in the Norwiioh Union effected daughter of Mr. T. Bowes; of Roe Green, Hatfield, | k a i D A Y “ / S u b j e c t : only. H erts. '• M obning ( P ickling and B ottling. PIER THEATRE, NEWMAN—GORDON. 4- On the 19th June, at the TERRYS—Rents Collected. Properties Managed. Baptist Church, Ceylon - place, Eastbourne, Pte. J. Friday f Subject: TERRYS —Agents for all Eastbourne Houses,. Newman, R.D.C., of Kastbonrne, to Elizabeth Gordon, A fternoon!D rying F bcit and V egetables. eldest daughter of the late Charles Alexander Gordon, and Mrs. Gordon, of Birmingham. TO -D A Y (S a t u r d a y ) a t 2.30 and 7.30. Tickets can be obtained at the Town H all; the BARRATT TERRY, F.A.I. Eastbourne Gas.Co., 10, Sussex-gardens; and ,THS. the East-street Cookery SchooL (SO Y e a rf Local j BUNSTON.—June 13, Rev. Thomas Bunstota, vicar of BELLAIRS, in a New Play, entitled Monday, Tuesday, W ednesday, June 24th, 26th, 28th. | Arlington. - | DROUOHER.—At a Nursing Home in London, on June MESSRS. TDS “CUPID in a CARAVAN.” loth, Alexander RichaijdGrouoher,M.D., St. Andrews, A Comedy of Love and Langhter.in 3 Acts. M.R.O.S., Eng., L.S.A., J.P., aged 82, formerly of St. A UCTIONEERS, VALT I a n d ESTATE THE M ACKLIN EXPEDITION. Leonards-on-Sea. I TpASTBOURNE DIVISION GENERAL J\. T AGENTS, Skats ... 3/- to 6d. (excluding Tax). LEWI8.—At Redhlll, suddenly, on June 16th, Laura EQUIPMENT 6, GILDREDGE ROAD. EASTBOURNE — ‘ j i n AMONG THE BIG GAME IN WILDEST AFRICA will be shown and we have Mary Lewis, of 47, South-street, - Eastbourne, second (Road Faalng the Railway Station). SUNDAY, JUNE 23b d . daughter of the late Rev. E. T. Lewis, aged 79. R IP . s e c u re d M r . F. C. ELLIOTT as Lecturer. | AND WAR HOSPITAL SUPPLY DEPOT, Estates Managed and Rents Collected Weekly and I n t b k B a n d s t a n d . Afternoon at 3. Evening at 6.30. Quarterly. Prompt Settlements. Expedition. cost nearly £10,000 and travelled 2,000 miles through the A Sale~of Work t■ ■■<’ - THE BLUE BOY BAND. desert to the borders of . Abyssinia and lasted over 9 months. Ocklynge. . . WILL BE HELD AT Among m any interesting incidents is a H y e n a H u n t and some striking photographs SCLATEK.—June 17, at Kilwarlin House, Hillsborough, o u s e a g e n t b u i l d i n , * L io n s drinking at a w ater hole were taken, at great risk, the Camera m an, in some Co.' Down. Edward Selator, son of the late James H. THE CLIFF, ST. JOHN’S ROAD, AUCTIONEER and V.- Sclater, D.L/T, of Newtek Park, aged 56. H cases, being only a few feet away from these ferocious animals. \ To-Day (Saturday), June 22nd, ELM B B U IL D IN G S , 51, S I YOUNG.—On the 18th Inst., suddenly, at Barclay's Bank I W e also.see the L e o p a r d in his haunts. House, Soasldo-road, Eastbourne, Elsie Ellen, wife of In Aid of the above. Mark Voung. First portion of service at Holy Trinity j •Mr. H., having had over 88 yi___ local experience Seats at 2/-, 1/6 and 1/- may be reserved in advance at 1 T h e 'R h in o c e r o s —T his beast is very dangerous and on occasion will attack anything. C hurch a t 1L15 a.m. to-day (Saturday), 22nd Inst.

- j .

- . B o a s D a y A p p e a l F a v o u r e d w ith weather that Contrasted LOCAL NEWS. ftognai anS gorial. most pleasantly with that of the previous day, t h e Alexandra Rose Day collection for 3hadjrs'Q Lights The Rev. R. D. Pi^rpcint is removing from Blonilielti Tata,. T o S h a J a - House* Spencer-road* to 120, Eevensey-road. tingnished by a splendid response to the well- Lights. We re^reti to hear Shaz Mr. Tabor has been com­ organised appeal of the committee. The Saturday. June .22 ._ 10.11 _ 10.40 _ 9.4S pelled, through continued ill-health, zo resign che effort had entailed much patient, strenuous Sunday, June 2 3 ___ 11. 1 ._ 11.23 9.48 position of hon. treasurer to the War Hospital Supply preparatory labour. It was also no light Monday, June 2-4 ..... 11.46 9.49 Depot at Gonville House. Mr. Cowley Lambert, who undertaking to recruit an adequate force of Tuesday, June 2 5 ...... 0.26 9.49 has been doin*r M r. T abors work for .the past nine voluntary collectors, aid generally to organise W ednesday, June 26. 1. 1 9.49 montns, has been elected hon. treasurer tn bis place. the plan of campaign in a way to ensure the Thursday, June 2 7 _ 1.51 9.49 Bombr. H. R. Balconjbe. R.A.. has: been awarded ground being effectively covered and to pro­ Friday, June 28.....__ 2.33 9.49 Mecitorous Service' Medal “ in recognition of duce the desired smoothness and regularity of valuable services rendered with the forces in, France working. Bat all this and other business details during the war.J Bombr, Balcom be is head master of were duly and fully provided for by Mr. E. C. Royal Society f o b P rev en tio n of Cr u e l t y Hampden Park Council School. Other Eastbourne to Animals. Eastbourne Branch. Hon. Sec^ M)aa recipients of the Meritorious Secvioe Medal are Serktr. Strange, Mr. Dover Williams, Miss Webb, Loose P addon, l Compton-streee. Subscriptions P. Andrews* Royal Sussex Reeiment. J. Mrs. Lacoste and the others immediately are urgently needed, and may be bald to the Hon. Colber. R.F.A.. Ccrpl. H. Millard. R.E.. Su pc.-Clerk responsible, and with the public co-operating Treasurer. Henry Holyoake, Esq., at Lloyds J. T. Parks, R.R., and S.S.M. W. M. Tidy. A.S.G. Bank. Ltd. All complaints should be addressed to in the customary hearty and liberal fashion STOOD, a t the 1a. Com pton- . The first place on the'Eton Scholarship list* published the celebration passed off with a success that s t r e e t . n e ; or 5, S t. Jam es's-b e. Potegace. in the Times on Saturday last, was taken by R. W. Lr. was most gratifying. “'is, aged 12. younger son of the Rev. Wi N. Willis, WILL BS H KLD G o l d . | S i l v e r . J k w k l l k b t , i q u e S i l v e r , &C-. P u rch ased for C ash o r Exchi nee. Specialite: a phpil of Ascham St. Vincent’s (Messrs. Willis, Remounting and Remodelling Je- vellery. bringing Topham and Kingdon}.. the Devonshire Park V o l u n t e e r C a m p . old Jewellery up-to-date at reasonal He cost. Designs 'Die Rev. F. Shergold. who has been minister ot the (Kindly lent by the Chairman and Directors), Th e weekly camp recently instituted for the and estimates free.—F. G. C leh G oldsm ith. Cornfield-road. Eastbourne. Primitive Methodist Church, .WhitieV-rcad. cor nbouft nr AID OP THX local Company of Volunteers promises to two years, is shortly leaving Eastbourne, ite will be 1 ’V' LOCAL RED CROSS HOSPIT. and WAR prove a great success, not only in its appeal Notice.—All those who wish succeeded b y the Rev. G. Bicheno, of the S o 5 tor iu g HOSPITAL SUPPLY D] to the interest of officers and men, but in its their Furniture should not do so! until they have Circuit. . ' bi- i 1 inspected Messrs. G. E. Ma y n a s d ’8, L im ited, W a re ­ fbr instructional value. Already good results are houses. which are the finest in Eastbourne. Estimates An engagement is annooneed between C;tlpC. Or. M- On SATURDAY, July 6 t h , 1 9 1 8 . traceable to the special facilities afforded for tree,—Note the address, G. E. Ma y n a ird . L im ited, Rambaufi, D.S.O.. R.F.A.. son of Dr A. A. R-uiib-auc. { definite military, training. There are not R emoval and Storage Contractors,■s, G revstone- F.R.S., The Observatory, Oxford, and Gladys Evelyni T h e F e te w i l l b e O p e n e d at 11.30 a-m- by buildings. South-street. Eastbourne. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Vansittart Frere, Abbots- H is W o r sh ip-t h e M ato a o p E astbocbnk. wanting signs also that these week ends have rood. Meads, Eastbourne. their personal and social 'recommendations, T a i l o r i n g f o r Ladies’ and Gentlemen at H a r t not least in promoting a spirit.of comradeship and Son’s, 21, T erm inus-road, al^o a t ISl an d IS6, Charles W. K. Horne* eldest- son of Mr. Charles E. IH B BANDS OF Regent-street. London. W. Service Outfits and Horne, has passed his final examination for master and in stimulating the enthusiasm of the rank Breeches, Coats and Skirts, Riding Habits, Astride H.M. Coldstream Guards and file. C~ oats, " etc. (West End Cutter and Fitter). mariner in London. He entered the Merchant Service (By kind permission of IA-C oL Hon. 6 . Crichton, M.v.o.y early in 1910, and is at present.serving as second othoer H i g h - c l a s s F o o t w e a r . N o better value. Under the direction of M ajor J. M at enxie Hagan, with one of the largest pondon S.S. Companies. , A Q u e s t io n o f S t a n d i n g O r d e r s . N e w season's goods.—J . J . S a u n d r b s . 106, South- M.V.O., llu a . Bac. H on. E.A.M. street (between St* Saviour’s Church and Devon- The late Mr. George F. Kendall, who died at Burling- Th e Rural District Council have discovered flhire-ulace). ton-place, Eastbourne, has left estate valued for probate 13th Hussars a t £1S5,61S. (By kind permission of Lt.-CoI. S. Ft lett, Officers’ —with some surprise apparently—that they S e l l Y o ,ur O l d G o l d .—I s it advisable to Command Depot). possess a code of standing orders, a set of store old gold articles no longer oft use w hen the gold The'marriage arranged between the Rev. Desmond Conductor—Mr. J. Hop! roles, that is, for regulating the order of their can be exchanged tor m oney f W e are prepared to L. Bickersteth Ottley, C.F.,.sonof Canon H. Bickersteth value old gold in large or sm all quantities free of Ottley, St. Elaohaxine’s Precincts, Regent's Park, Blue Boys Barn roceedings and definiug the rights and privi- coat and: to give cash or cheque paym ents in exchange . leges of the members. W hether the revelation fori it.— W - B ruford St Son, lot). T erm inus-road, E ast, London (formerly j Vicar of Eastbourne». and Eva kdnd permission of CoL bourne, and 2U , H igh-street, ExetJer. Telephone 452- Leonora, daughter of Dr.r Glover, of Winkleigh, will uctor—1Trumpet- Major McCooneL ‘ is agreeable to the Council or is a cause of take place, lei permitting, at Torquay suspicion andannoyance is not clear. This G a s S a v i n g . — The Y ankee Cooker Idea July. . you shire Park Orchestra alone is vouchsafed, that the matter has been (M ultiple-Steam ers) prom otes econom y, from lls. tki.— -. Norfolk Alegone, Musical Director. The marriage arranged between Captain Clauda referred to a committee, whether with power E astbtiurne G as C om pany. ! Masshiter Alport, the Black Watch, attached R.A.F., to re-inter the exhumed “ orders ” or with D o | It T o-D a y ,:—Turn out those old books younger son of the late Mr. Lawrentje Alport and of imerdcncn Campski Great Russian instructions to consider their adaptation to and papers you have been storing for years and convert Mrs. Alport, 14ba* Sioane-street, ^.W .. and Violet, only Circus and Menagerie present conditions is uncertain. It is due to them jnto ready m oney. ’W aste jpaper is urgently child of Air. and Mrs. Leslie JG- Wintle, Lantao, East­ (By kind permission of Col. Bostock). the Rural Council to admit that they have got required by the paper m ills.— W rite the Sussex W astie- bourne, will take place quietly on Wednesday, June a x d y M a r k e t , V a u d ett pl e Co n c e r t s, .on very well hitherto without the aid of hard Paper;C om pany, 67a, Tidesw ell-road, Eastbourne. aC 0.15, a t W arbleton Church, Sussex. vg and a host of Varied Entertainments. and fast rules of procedure. Having the M a r r i a g e . — M iss E dith S. Taylor, a local C apt. W . S. G orringe, R .E ., youngest son of t h e l a t e ATTRACTIONS FOR CHILDREN. advantage of a chairman, who is at once soprano vocalist, w ho has sung at m any public concerts Mr. IS. J.T G^ orringe, J.P ” ., .....just died of wounds strong and impartial, and whose presidency and fulfilled a lengthy, professional engagem ent at [ in action. At 7.30 :| G ra n d M a s s e d B a n d C o n c e r t. has inspired a sense of confidence and. defers N icholson’^ Tea Lounge, was m airied at A ll Saints’ Church on Saturday to M r. H arry Septim us Pears. O y er 100 P eepo rm ebs. , ence, they have allowed their discussions to the youngeet daughter pt M r. W . J. Taylor, U n d er ({traction of M a jo r M ack en zi: K ogan, M.V.O., take a free and easy course, a friendly under­ w ho gave her aw av. and the bridegroom COMING CROSS Coldstream Guards, with standing prevailing that, within reasonable is tne | seventh son of M r. E- A . F :ars. of Streathain. W estminster Singers. limits, members may speak as often as they M r . Leonard Pears, nephew of the bridegroom , acted as think they can usefully contribute to a beat m an, and there w ere no bridesm aids. A fter the G ood progress has been m ade w ith the arrangem ents RU A d m issio n for the great fete at D evonshire P ark on Saturday, Ju ly : 1/3 (including T ax); C hildren, N .C .O .’s ractical solution of the question under debate. cerem ony, Jwhich w as perform ed by the V icar, R ev. G . and M en in H .M . Forces, 8d. (including T ax). fn matters necessitating the observance of M . H anks, the new ly-w edded coup] e left for T unbridge 6th. T he m usical, attractions previously outlined still The Fe'e is promoted, by the British Red Cross Society statutory requirements the Council, no doubt, W ells for their honeym oon. stand, w hich m eans that besides the tine band of H .M . (Eastbourne Division). Registered l have been kept straight by the Clerk ; other­ V i s i t o f R e v . M a r k G u y P e a r c e .—L a r g e C oldstream G uards, the tw o local cam p bands and tho Charities Act, 1916. congregations, w ere present on Su iday at the C entral STRAIGHTENS | wise the members have nttet and parted with­ D evonshire Park O rchestra will play during the pro­ ANNOUNCE THAT — ■ / Miss A Whitfield, Devonshire W esleyan C hurch, the preacher hot l m orning and even­ Hon. out troubling themselves overmuch about ceedings, w hile in the evening there is to be a grand l CROOKED TOES/ \ Mr- E. A. Brown. Park. ing being the R ev. M ark G uy Pear The rev-, gentle­ points of order. Whether a body charged m an also gave a B ible reading on M onday afternoon, concert by the m assed bands. Co r r e c t s t public interests ought to go ou and in the evening, in the presence of a large’ audience, In connection w ith*the sale of artistic and m iscel­ A LONDON FOOT SPECIALIST .BUNIONS indefinitely in this way is, perhaps, doubtful, he gave his popular lecture entitle)! “ A Bio o’ B read.” laneous articles num erous tastefully-decked stalls w ill .Price and we .shall await with interest the com­ T he philosophy of the subject and its m oral lessons oe erected. A ttractions of an entertaining character WILI i BE IN ATTENDANCE l^each.1 mittee’s recommendation on the newly-found w ere forcibly illustrated by the lecturer, w ho rivetted w ill include som e novel features, the chief of w hich ::H ‘AT T H IS STORE ON :: CENTRAX, . « • -. V' ■ • standing orders. the attention of his hearers. Councillor B. B radford perhaps w ill be 11 a great R ussian circns and m enagerie” lided on the occasion. C ollections for the Trust by the Sum m erdow n Blue Boys, who are entering very 24th, 25th. 2 6 t h * SEASIDE ROAD. C I I E M i . ds am ounted to £37. 0s. 4d. heartily’into the project. A N orm and v m arket prom ises 5 2 4 * 1 a., D u s t , O ! to excite considerable interest. There will also,- be M o s t objectionable to both shopkeeper^ and vaudeville concerts, dancing and a host of other am use­ ledestrians is the practice of sweeping off the m ents. M oreover, it will not be by anv meanh a fete ITIO N. n A TT.Y—M a t i n e e 2.45. Doo rs open 2.30. NOTICE. exclusivelyily for‘ grown-ups, as a series ot special attrac- Irv dust from road surfaces w hen preparing tions for cbildrencb are being arranged. To g iv e Ezpe: Advice for tar-spraying. Several main roads have ------' own and we have —E v e n i n g 6.30 to 10.31 I. Doors open & M r. R oland B urke is organiser in chief of the under­ OF C lately been under renovation, and one has T h e! return of any unsold new spapers by taking, and the hon*, secretaries are M iss A. W hitfield TO-DAY (SATURDAY), June fin d , been -daily confronted by the spectacle of .gents to th e publishers w ill be prohibited and M r. E- A. Brown. Further particulars of this %through the Sopdan clouds of dust stirred up by the busy brooms fter jejune 24th inst., under the Paper popular fixture, w hich is being prom oted on behalf of m onths. of the workmen. When there is the least R estriction (P rohibition o t K eturns) O rder. the local R ed Cross H ospitals and the W ar H ospital “QN THE LEVEL” wind the powdery element is carried in dense T hose of our readers w ho have not already Supply D epot, appear in an advertisem ent in another iki ng photoglyphs To anyone troubled wii:h Foot Ailments c o l u m n . • - ’ era man, in some F iaxurino FANNY WARD. volumes through the open doors and windows done so are respectfully requested to place animals. of business premises — a nice experience, a (definite order for the “ Eastbourne of any description. > especially for shops stocked with food-stuffs ! O v C hronicle ” w ith a new sagent, as the pro­ 1 H O N D A Y , J u n e >4th, a n tto ’wo fo llo w in g D ays. It is; high time a little common sense were prietors w ill only be able to provide the i! will attack anything,lythiB •APPOINTMENTS ARRANGED. ---- 1 brought to bear in such elementary matters. agents w ith the num ber j o f p a p e r s su ffi­ i), is seized and I MARY PICKFORD „ The simplest thing in the world would be to cient to m eejj their- reg ular w eekly sales. For THIS DAY (SATTJBDAY) lightly water the road before brushing the gritty surface. ______and MONDAY. ,ken, and consider- D e m onstration of Scholl STELLA MARIS.» lpe of the party1 they jOOO E x c e e d e d . — Eastbourne’s total S i l v e r T h i m b l e F u n d . subscription for War Bonds is now £600,230. Last oot Com fort Appliances : A n y doubt about the expediency of attempt­ hotographs fas’ too DA Y , J u n e T7th, a n d 1 ) following days, week’s return was £13,230, as against £29,190 in the ing a general collection in connection with this ceding week. 0 N e w C o s tu m e s WTt.T. ALSO b e g i v e n . fund has disappeared with the joint experience Occident.—Mr. William Charles Eastwood, HONOU] of the lady collectors, who appear to have met of 36, F irle-road, met with an accident while at work BSst Navy Blues, Blacks, it. n with remarkable success in their peregrinations. at Caifyn’s Garage, Seaside-road, on Wednesday night. The product of the combined effort exceeds, The steps on which he was stalndiing to repair a battery Drabs, Bottle, Shantungs. F eaturing GLADYS BROCK W ELL. we hear, all expectations, alike in the number slipped and he fell on an emery wheel, cutting his chin of articles collected and in their intrinsic severely. He was conveyed to the , Princess Alice S p e c ia l P h ic e s : HALL, Mas. (Ox on .). Hospital and the cut stitched, but the patient was not B.C.O., SEA TS— 4cL, 8d. and. Is. 3d. (including Tax). ! value. In due course all the broken and unsaleable gold and silver stock will be melted detained. j I ' lirm aater of A ll Saints’ I ______I______. £3.19s. 6d.. £4.19s. 6d. Eastbourne, r ; ' ' P—: down for the MiDt, and the value applied to C o m in g S a l e o f W o r k — A sale of work in | the cause of our wounded soldiers. House­ aid of the Eastbourne Division General Equipment and £ 5 . 15s. 6(1. I x o f S t . Jaantes’ Cl holders or others who from any cause were War Hospital Supply Depot is to be held to-day (Satur­ Visittin e S inking S E A S T E R N T elephone 706. day) at The Clin, St. John’s-road. Lady Sbackleton T ottenhamim, , London. N. not seen during the canvass of the lady will open the sale at 3 p-m. The' proceedings will be All Wool Cloths and Best Finish. >j Terminus Road, collectors are asked to forward forthwith any or by Correspondence, S E A S I D E , _ c £ n t e m a . enlivened by entertainments. and all recognised Opposite Railway Station, articles which they desire to include in the collection. - ______T h e C onsecration o f E a s t b o u r n e Co l - Offered for Sale by l i n a t i o n s . TO-DAY (SATUBDA y I, June Stnd, lege C h a p ex took place 44 yeare ago la st Thursday. A tA. S a in t s ’ C h i l d r e n ’s H o s p it a l .—T h u rs­ or the Stndy of STBOURNE. C h o r a l S o c ie t y ’s Co n c e r t . id all branches of “Sunlights Last Raid.” day was the 27th anniversary of the opening of • the Telephone 461. | ! F eaturing MARY ANDERSON. T h e performance at the Town Hall on above hospital by the then Prince and Princess of Wednesday of Brahms’ “ Requiem” attained CHRIMES, the high quality one looks for from the East­ f. '-"I-' B ed ford W ell B oad, .. u The Ledge of Despair.” WARE OF Moth.—To guard; against the bourne Choral and Orchestral Societies. The iations of moth and to your from all The Costumier, E astbourne. E p i s o d e 6 of “TH E FIG H TIN G TRA IL.” a s s u r e f u r s work is peculiarly one! in which w orthy results Store them at once at Maisou Flora’s, Ltd., 59, 61 G for CYCLE! and MOTOR MONDAY, June tfth, and Two following Days, are only possible where the forces engaged are and 63, Grove-road (near the Town Hall), Eastbourne. - Cycle Repairs. musically proficient and yield themselves AdvU\ TERMINUS ROAD. pt Cycle and MARY PICKFORD AS whole-heartedly to the exigencies of pre­ YICTUALLEBS’ it. OIL, TYRES. P rinc ess A l ic e M e m o r ia l H o s p it a l , AOCKSSORIKS, HIRING, liminary stndy and training. At such a time ipported by voluntary contributions.—The follow: NEW INNER TUBES, 2/6 to 5/-. CON SI-/- TO 1V-. SPECIAL LINES. “HEBBCCA of DERATION. >9 as the present it would not. have been surpris­ is the weekly return of patients for week enc 200 K ewest Shape ing had the difficulty of demonstrating these June 19th : Number of inmates June 12th, 36; D0TJLL, the Cycle and Motoi 48, GROVE ROAD. admitted during the week, 15 i; discharged during the I AT EASTBOURNE. >9 conditions proved insnrmonntable. It says L a d i e s ’ ’Phone 608. Garage and forkahop: X, WEST STREET. “The Perilous Plunge. much, therefore, for the keenness and enthu­ * 15; died, 0;;remaming in hospital at date, 36. of the Sussex L icensed V le­ loepital is open to the inspection of the public ers’ Federation w as held on th e . Episode 10of “ TH E FA TA L RIN G .” siasm of the chorus, as well as for the success any week-day between the hours of 2 and 4 p.m. T R E N C H & R A I N C O A T S H otel The President, M r. of Mr. Foote’s instruction and organisation, Patients may be visited bv their friends on Sundays, the chair, he being supported TB URSDA Y, June 17th, and Two following days, that the societies rose grandly to the occasion Wednesdays and Bank- Holiday from 2 to 4 p.m. All Shades. (Eastbourne), vice-president, and afforded an inspiring and wholly convinc­ Additional annual subscribers are urgently needed. Brighton), treasurer, and M r. E s t a b l is h e d 1877. “STOLEN HOURS.” ing rendering of Brahms’ wonderful oratorio. Contributions will be thankfully received by the Hon. £1.15s. 6d. £2 9s. 6d. y. Am ong the delegates F eaturing ETHEL CLAYTON. Conductor, soloists, chorus and orchestra most Treasurer, Mr. CL O’Brien Harding, J.P.,15, South and W . P. Glazjebrook, J.P . be congratulated on a highly' creditable and Clift. House’ visitore: Mr. O, W. Iton and M r. A . J. Many are Lined Best Check. ctuallers), A . E Sell' T & “The Lion’s Prey.” memorable achievement. Bowen. H . Pinn (Eastbou: Episode 7 of “ TH E FIG H TIN G TRA IL.”, i), J. A. Cox a FU R COATS at H alf-price i), H . H ugheedon u P A T H R G A ZETT E and other Interesting Film s. T h e P r o s p e c t iv e L i b e r a l C a n d i d a t e . 1 and j. W inder (Horsham COURT FLORISTS?L and FRU IT SPECIALISTS, PENNY-A WEEK FUND.. EVENINGS — 6.30 to 10.80. It was before a edmparatively small audience A pologies w ere received from M atinees Monday, Wednesday and Saturday only. listings), W . A. Sargood (H or- Doors open at 2^0 and 6. that Sir A. Callaghan made bis maiden speech I A t the annual m eeting of the society responsible for ALL FURS at Half-price D. M ackenzie (R ye and D istrict Have the Choicest Selection of Flowers, as “ prospective ” I Liberal Candidate for the P ricks : Is., 8d., Bd. and 4d. (including Tax). the above fundi held last evening at pevonshire_Park, the visitors present w ere M r. F - Divirion. The occasion, as will be re-called, the H on. M rs. R u p e r t G w t j &» t h e E x e c u ­ M essrs. W . Ashdown, F. EL Fruit and Vegetables in Eastbourne. was the meeting 'convened on behalf of the j tive C om m ittee presented a | report on the operations ! G. At H unt, Wj H . H ills, R . R eal W hite Arctic Fox F. Sogno (secretary E astbourne Discharged Sailors and Soldiers’ Federation, during the past year and generally on the w orking and the promoters of which had taken such feeble J iccessof the fundi : - j - ■ " T a n n e r . Floral Art Designed |^ ,Aion by Expert London Artists. Subsequently the m eeting proceeded to allocate T A N G O C A F E that he and the V ioe-Presi ^astbourntC ^ronide steps to make the event known that nothing m oneys in hand, am ounting tjo £1,069, w hich had been Secretary, attenjded a m eeting A warded S everal Gold and Sil ^h b M edals fob E xcellence. more than a moderate attendance was to be collected during the first four m onths of this year. for £7. 17s. 6d. Worth 10 Gns. to m eet the delegates of the Kenfe expected. Had those who will probably be T here is still £2So in hand. It transpired that last year am ents w ere m ade to hold a SA T U R D A Y . J U N E 22, 1918. Sir Alfred’s supporters been aware he was to no less than £2,504 w as subscribed. lolders at Tnnbjridge W ells to speak, many, doubtless, would have made a A n interesting address w as given by M ajor the H on. xebase and control, and several 5, C0RSF1EL1) ROAD AND 3 & 5, CARLISLE ROAD, E d w a r d W o o d , On Sole the whole of above prom ised to-A ttend, hut, aa point of attending to accord the new candi­ len through, it w ai decided to rsu. 769. EASTBOURNE. Tel. 768. STRAY NOTES. date a'befitting reception on his first public ' O N / for the tim e being. appearance. Sir A. Callaghan’s speech, as the M essrs. H . Mi occasion obviously demanded, was of a non- T10NING OF COAL,. party complexion; but revealing, as it did, Saturday, and Monday. illow ay— w ho, atten. P r ic e s o f A p a r t m e n t s . d V ictuallers’ Defc warm sympathy With the aims and methods >g rep orts of the In expectation of another busy summer of the Federation, it naturally was cordially T J i e C o a l introller w ill issue copies of the O rder for heartily thanki eason apartment-house keepers are _ pot received. 'Possessing a voice of somewhat rationing fearly next w eek, As the O rder comes into lace as to the pi TO SMOKE. — S m o k in g i s a Fine Tonic. unnaturally keeping up their prices. Visitors light timbre, the candidate speaks with a force on Ju ly fist, the local com m ittee, have not m uch comparisons were draw n w itn I are inclined to complain of the high charges tim e ixkw hicl to put m atters into trim , Supplies in A T.T. k i n d s OF TOBACCO, CIGARS and CIGARETTES TRY quiet, yet earnest, persuasiveness. Whether counted in the rations. the retailers in the! various tow ns FOB for moderate accommodation, and to talk his oratorical powers are sufficiently robust to cellars are to ARTHUR ig w ide diffe Tobacconist, 56b, GEOVE BOAD. ____’P h o n e 608 censoriously of a policy of killing the goose assert themselves with effect in a large build­ » respecting 1 D O U M i j The that lays the golden eggs. But there surely is ing must be left to the test of more suitable Trade at the Geq Election, R o y a l ic s s e x R e g im e n t P r is o n e r s o f Parcels sent t o ooxir u r Troops iia any part of the W orld something in the householder’s contention conditions than were experienced on this ■In aid of this fund, w hich m uch needs a d o p t t h e f i v e I s questions as that the value of an article is what it will W a r F u n d .- ouference to every p arliam entary CARRIAGE PAID AND POST FREE. initial occasion. Powerful voices are not further snpp irt, “ T he Q ueries’’are to give an enter- CHRIMES, fetch, and all the while the demand for rooms It w as also resolve to ad visa aU KEEP THE TBENOB. PIPES BURNING always and necessarily the most penetrating. taimnent on IVednesday evtning next at The K inem a, iheir associations I | is so keen that people are willing to pay the Newhaven. [An appeal is m ade specially to friends and C o s t u m i e r , on-.fees to the L icen. ------— - , enhanced rates, contentment with pre-war nrelatives u u T n uiof then in tbe regim ent to purchase tickets, ;L ti w as carrying on *ich good w o rk rices, it is not unreasonably argued, would P r a c t i c a l L e c t u r e s .— M i s s M. L. M axlow, w hich m ay be bad at M essrs. B annister’s, H igh-street, etray a sad lack of worldly wisdom. In supervisor of dom estic subjects for the borough, is to Newhaven. M r. Frank A. E tcell is business m anager TERMINUS ROAD, Tin s IS THE BEST PAPER FOR further justification it is pointed out that, give a series of four lectures on T hursday and Friday [or|'“ T he Q ueries. side by side with the greatly increased cost next, at the School of C ookery, 10, Sussex-gardens. O n ALSO C a s t l e .—T he best history j of living, additional expenditure has to be Thursday m orning and Friday afternoon she w ill deal b is published by Metors. J?an ADVERTISEM ENTS o f a l l k i n d s . w ith the drying o f fruit and vegetables, w hile on T hurs­ .Artistic W rea th s, C rosses, H earts, H arps, i Chronicle Printing I Works, incurred in the purchase of furnishing and day afternoon and Friday m orning her subject w ill be C haplets, Sprays, W edding B ouquets, & c., Gs., 7a 6d . , [being beautifully illustrat general household requisites, the price of “ Pickling and B ottling. Tickets m ay be obtained at 1 0 s . 6d., IBs. E xtra large sizes, 21s. to 63s.—J. C. 6 0 Odd Skirts, Ctic account of the fine old nearly everything required to “ run ” an apart-' the Tow n H all; at the office of the G as C om pany, and H astings, 10, Pevensey-road, la, Com pton-street, 1 sixpennyworth. OFFICE . mei it house haring risen to an alarming figure. at the E ast-street C ookery School. T e le . 5 8 0 , 7 0 6 . 12/9 16/9 296


points—112 to 107. O ne of the six Sussex rinks was com posed of the following well-known Eastbourne GREAT VlRE AT LEWES. EASTBOURNE RURAL THE GENTLE HUN. MILITARY SERVICE ACT. SPOBT—AND OTHER players: G. (Broom e (Redoubt), F. U English (M ot- A LETTER Tli-OM L0. ccm be), L. M acLachian and W . H . H ill (skip) (East­ TRIBUNAL.' To t h e E d itor. SfiAB HOTEL a n d TWO CORN STORES : | • ■" THINGS. bourne," Saffrons),. and their gam e was all even at BOMBING THE RED CROSS. Sir: It is to be hoped that every m an w ho is over the Br “THOUGHT-READ t h e 20th end, but at the 21st their opponents DESTROYED. age of 43 years, w ho has been passed grade I, and who B y SPECTATOR. m a n a g e d t o 1 get the w inning shot. Scores : 15 j.6. BED CROSS CONDITION MUST BE has reasbn to be dissatisfied w ith his grade, w ill at once ’ \\ • * * * . COM PLIED. W ITH. B y RICHARD GILBERT. appeal the sam e, and on such appear insist that the A Lfc.Ssj.iN FI ruling of Sir D ouglas M aclean, SI.P., chairm an of the T ill; CATE To-day (Saturday) Eaetbourne journey to Tun­ T he m ost destructive .fire th at has taken place in T h o n o w arc In spite of the som ew hat ioold and cheerless w eather bridge W ells to play the G rove B,C* of that tow n, H ouse of Com m ons A ppeal T ribunal Ire follow ed, viz., - p i l l a r j / < \ s t ; th at has. prevailed, there has been a-pretty full w eek and will be 1 fairly w ell represented* Lewes and the distriot, at all events w ithin living In Eostbov rne, w'here the enem y raiding- planes th at au tom atically grade I be treated as grade 2. . very u .il m em ory, occurred early on Tuesday m orning and Eastbourne R ural Tribunal sat at A venue H ouse, never penetrate, you can scarcely realise the sensation indeed, t.'.it pd'ar.s an- of excellent cricket, the outstanding feature of the Eastbourne, on Thursday afternoon. M r. A. S. It is also greatly to be desired that all provincial I wavs out) in resulted in the com plete destruction of the Bear of being bom bed, but those who have' been in London Tribunals will throughout the kingdom voluntarily i\ mdsorj («i' it play undoubtedly being the brilliant batting-of C apt. The individual who coolly appropriated the head­ H a y n e s w as in the chair, other m em bers in atten­ of f i n e o a k :iv i’s> jiiiro a.- H otel, the hotel shades, and a m otor garage adjoin­ during ono rif the H uns’ visits can perhaps better adopt this ruling of Sir D ouglas M aclean, otherw ise the E. G. Reynolds, of the Officers’ Com m and D epot line of this colum n and appended it as his signature dance being M essrs. J. Birch, G. Hornsby, J. L. estim ate our sensations as wo lay in bed in a big principle of equality of and uniform ity in the adm inis­ tender gifoenjj leavrrt had b to a letter appearing in the Eastbourne Gazette l a s t ing ; a com m erchants’ store and content# on the Reid, F. J. Hickm an and M iss C. Blanche Long, Crawling ;Hnp of iin iiiM-ct team , who gained the som ew hat unique distinction w ith the Clerk (M r. T. E. V arley K irtlan) and the hospital area in Franco while the; bom bs crashed tration of the law w ill be infringed. T hat this can only of m aking' tw o separate centuries in tw o successive W ednesday was playing the gam e rather low. It sam e side of the R iver O use; and a sim ilar store dow n in broken rhythm ical explosions, shaking the lead to profound dissatisfaction, if not to graver ultim ate O v e n p "StitVrou* H un, was hardly fair to me, and it was certainly not belonging to another "firm on the w est side of the N ational Service R epresentative (M r. A. H untj. ground with ev;ery detonation. The wards wero consequences I can, as pne advising T rades U nions and pillam*. B t It 16 Jl<>L < m atches on tw o follow ing days. B oth these perform ­ cricket. I don’t'know who the w riter is and I am filled w ith patients suffering from' every kind of other L abour bodies, testify., suffering); I have Int-jy b«-»-n do'. ances w ere on the Saffrons. - ' ; w ondering w hat qualifications he possesses to sign river w ith stables attached; considerable dam age also THE RED CROSS PROVISO. ltllb_. g r o a l n i n ; of t«hc. fruit, furiiu being done to other property in the. im m ediate The Chairm an announced that a: letter had been w ounds and diseases, sonje w ith lim bs.m ost carefully T he m uddle w hich exists as to the standard of exam i­ * f * h i m s e l“ f "Sport— and O ther Things.” H e is evidently supported i oi suspended in order that all possible nation, and from w hich scandalous consequences result, G arden cjf E (. land: is an agony that. ' no Sportsm an. perhaps he is' one of the O ther vicinity. T he B ear H otel, w hich was probably about received from the Com m andant of the British Red in all hoartljk djhoinee bfc-fui'o th Eastbourne’s m atch at j the Saffrons on Saturday Cross Society stating that certain m en w ho had been pain from rrjovem ent should be obviated, som e with is declared to by em inent heads of Tribunals like Sir ' ~ ! e l T h i n g s . 300 years old, w as the property of the Southdow n and nigh fevers, too weak to m ove, and, perhaps worst D ouglas M aclean, M .P., Sir H erbert N eild, M . 1’., M r. (Nature has foncspired against East G rinstead Breweries Ltd. For m any years it given exem ption by the Tribunal w ith the R ed Cross o f bad Nveajther in May and sided character. The hom esters w ere anything but proviso had not reported for service w ith the' V .A .D .. of all m any with shattered nerves—war-worn or A lbion R ichardson, M .P .,and M r. B ettesw orth Piggott, strongly represented, but they had m atters m uch had been a w ell-know n com m ercial house, as well as shell-shocked— to w hom anything in tho nature of a and by the Press w ithout a dissentient voice. N o blam e harvestrvest is,|st gping toU !.<• light! and their,ow n way. First of all Private W allis, by dint a centre for recreative and social organisations, up to the tim e of w riting. H e (the C hairm an) wished loud noise is! agony beyond description. Jinratirationed Kippotitie of tin.- cuterpil RDRAL DISTRICT COUNCIL.' it to be distinctly understood that w hen the T ribunal attaches to the doctors. T he standards have been chan­ Beenill it expressed,expj the liarv.-Ht will of hard hitting, knocked up 112 for them before notably the Lewes Row ing Club and the old Lewes T he long |M ay day has beon one blazo of brilliant, ged, and that change has- been m ade in direct breach of retiring, and they w ere able to declare w ith the score Cyclists’ Club. For a little over four years it had gave exem ption. w ith that condition the m en m ust the prom ise m ade by (Mr. Lloyd G eorge to the H ouse I do not. intjlnd to (pursue tik:, been under the proprietorship of M r. T . L. D ulake. carry it out. If they did not do so the Tribunal sunshine, i the poplar trees, visible from m y bed, of this hnwelconioMiUr/i : it g, that at 201 for-five w ickets down. - W allis gave a good The m onthly m eeting of the Eastbourne Rural m ight consider that they would be better em ployed have stood alm ost com pletely still all day save for an and the nation when the last Bill was passed. T hat display and ie to be con gratulated upon his .century, occasional breath of faintest breeze w hich caused their change has resulted in a m uch higher proportion of m en jratioiR-d appetite, of thn eaterpillar D istrict Council was held at Avenue House, The •DISCOVERY OF THE FIRE. in the A rm y and cancel their Exem ption accordingly. mo to-d.jy. [He is ji tiny b.’u ■th b u t it m ust bo confessed e w as favoured w ith a large A venue, Y esterday. Lieut.-C ol. Ow e n presided, and yellow -green heads to shake the spanglelike leaves in from 43 to 48 being placed in grade 1 than w as the case T he prem ises w erq know n to be safe at 3.30 a.m ., The M ilitary R epresentative suggested. that the w ith m en betw een 3S and 43, and the assurance thab -thing, arid iF you v.atcii imn share of luck. ~- * *;| there w ere also present M iss Long, the Rev. A . A. but ten m inutes later a shunter nam ed W . W eller, C lerk should send' to tw o particular m en requesting seem ing im patience at even such slight im pertinence. has happeuojl after he luu- he* Evans, the Rev. J. T. B um s, M r. J. Birch, M r. G. them to attend the next T ribunal and give particulars A squad of Germ an prisoners have been [working only about sevqp per cent, of the older m en w ould be Then when the R .A .F. w ent in to face the bow ling working in Lewes Goods Y ard, noticed flam es and 1 required rem ains ludicrously falsified by the facts. you will ooiliij to the eonxiu- H ornsby, j M r. J. L. Reid, M r. J. Youell, M r. C. sm oke. H e called another shunter (G. Borrer) and of the am ount of R ed Cross w ork they w ere doing. w ith no great application outside the hut digging a eats to lj\e. hut livcw to <-,it of F. F. Joy they were simply helpless. Joy had Thom as and M r. T. E. V arley K irtlan (clerk). As they had been doing som e he did not wish to trench and banking the loose earth [and chalk against Farther, the Prim e M inister assured the H ouse of them____ o guessing,all______the til ie, w ith the result I that the they im m ediately gave the alarm . B orrer ran to the the w alls—tihis is to, be the.protection in cake of an Com m ons that the M edical Boards would consist of ration.him!LiLittlc more tha P u b l ic Of f ic ia l s and M il it a r y S e r v ic e . fire alarm post at Cliffe C om er to call the B rigade, raise the question against them . A third case he five members. They have been reduced to three, plague of human, haterprijan? in th w h ole side w ere all skittled out for a paltry 37, Joy w ould bring before them officially at the next m eet- air raid. They packed up their'tools and, left for. having the rem arkable analysis of eight w ickets for, The; Local Government Board forwarded and m eanwhile W ellor sent a telephone message their barbed wire com pound in the early evening, w ithout (as Sir H erbert N eild, M .P., has pertinently t o o wore, voracious, they tc through to the police. B orrer then called- at the Supplies; o f food were running low only seven .runs— a truly splendid perform ance. H e m em orandum in .regard to the officials of Local *n g ‘ % A MISTAKEN CALL. and now -there is little sound to be heard [save the observed) the H ouse being notified of the fact. is a s'ow to m edium bowler and has played once, I A uthorities and m ilitary service. It w as as .follow s: hotel, but the ocoupants— M r', and M i b . D ulake, their passing of an occasional m otor am bulance or |a distant Y ours truly, difficultil'd o seaborne traffic, hut til am told, for a representative South~ o f EEngland i X I. “ Special consideration should be given to the cases family of three, eight. or- nine visitors and M r. G ilbert Soddy, carrying on business in East­ jup uncohce ledly just, bccaiice they- train whistle— those delightful French locom otives LEX. g e t ;at ill or of the officials of'.Local A uthorities, particularly, m the staff of five— were already astir. M rs. D ulake bourne as a baker, applied for exem ption on behalf with whistles tuned in chords. The sun has sunk If they .had" lan-n a had been awakened by the sm oke and roused her driing it ' should 1 iil\ i- had gr On their own ground Eastbourne College were view of the raising of /the m ilitary age and of the of Thom as Edw ard C lark, of W annock (43), m arried, Ibw over tho sand dunes and his last rays (light up increasing duties of Local Authorities. ^ Looal husband. G oing intq his son’s room at the back of G rade 2, a bread baker-in hie em ploy. the huge red cross, on a neighbouring reception hut, country dm istated of food, great* r A uthorities are carrying out duties the efficient per­ the hotel, he saw that the fire w as already attacking •r T he em ployer pointed out that owing to hie age short of tli< ■*iete;'4aries of lHtf„'-Ahd which m ust be visible at a great height. I can see C U N A R D m eant disaster, form ance! of w hich is of high national im portance at the window fram e of that room. H e im m ediately and occupation the m ap should not have been called this througp the open door against: the post.; of -which LIME. \";ot a moment, too the present tim e, and they m ust have a [sufficient roused the household, who left hurriedly in their for m edical exam ination. RKG UiiA R PA SSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICES ov * f Fa. ood pup t!H i* . gobblers ‘ on >11 .1 ratioi <1 in g little fault"could be [found, but I am afraid^ their night attire w ithout w aiting to gather UP any of leans one of the “ up ” patients talking to the Sister, ■all have an least !a mdlieieiicy. batsm en w ere all more'! or less frightened at Lieut. gxperienoed staff for this purpose. It is for T ribunals Six m onths! exem ption w as given. who has jjist com e on duty, in a scarcely audible to deal w ith each case w hich com es before them on their belongings. They were accommodated by LONDON—NEW YORK. Cation all caterpillars! B utcher’s expresses. (W ith the wind behind him , residents near, w ho very kindly placed their houses •PEVENSEY LEVELS ENGINEER TO SERVE. undertone so that, the sleeping inm ates of, the beds B utcher bow led at a terrific pace and very few of the its m erits, bearing in m ind the standards w hich have within sha t not he awakened. Drowsiness comes LONDON-CAN AD A—NEW YORK. THE MIRACLE OF RAT; now to bb applied. B ut if it is show n that an officer at their disposal and did all that w as possible in the M r. W . A. R aper appeared to request exem ption s n s i BRISTOL—CANADA—NEW YORK. boys played ;him w ith any confidence. A nd it was is employed on responsible work of essential unfortunate oiroum stanoes. M r. Dulake also tele­ on behalf of Joseph H enry A nderson (43), m arried, T h a t f e a t id beyond tie,, or, at ler? just tnia w ant of confidence that w as the principal phoned the alarm , w hich reached the Fire Station at B ang 1 [everyone is aw ake, w hat 1 is it? . .lorry over LIVERPOOL—NEW YORK. afi. tho m om oilt. B u t one m v.-r Rii cause of their dow nfalls im portance and that other reasonable arrangem ents, w ith three children, an engineer em;mployed ‘ by the such as the em ploym ent of m en of low m edical grade 3.45. T he autom atio call to the offioere at once w ent Commissioners of the Sewers for Pevensey, ■ Ac., again? T he anti-aircraft guns are firing w ith increas­ For Rates of Passage, Freight, Dates of Sailing, and m any of uW felt that food rationing • * * out and Chief Officer R oberts, who resides at the L e v e l s . ing uproar, the shells go, w histling aw ay 1 i n t o t h e Particulars as to Loading Berths, o f G r e a t Britain was an im po^iljjii or of wom en, cannot be m ade for carrying on his upper air And in the spaces betw een the reports one The O.C D .’s batted first and for a tim e did only w ork, exem ption should not be refused. This^ provi­ w estern end of the tow n, cycled to the spot, arriving M r. R aper explained the extrem ely im portant and Apply, Cu n a r d L in e , Liverpool; London, 51, Bishbps- s e e i t in a - e t u u t 'being, and nurrf r’F a m oderately w ell, losing!| their first tw o w ickets for 20 sion applies to all classes of L ocal A uthorities, includ­ there at five m inutes to four. By that tim e Lieut. technical nature of the w ork that A nderson perform s, hears the distant explosion of the shells like the gate, -E.C. 2; 29-31, Cockspur-Ktreet, S.W. 1; 65, Bald win- ing w ith all the wonder widt h the runs. Lieut. H . A. V . M aynard put together a very ing' public health, asylum and Poor Law . G. E. Carter, who lives in the Cliffe, was, with articularly in connection w ith sea defences. The sound of two men shaking a (blanket. A low street, B ristol; 1 and 2, Millbay-road, Plymouth; 18a , days iriucjt have (marvelled ja' nicely played 32, w hilst C apt. E. G. Reynolds (22), assistance, running out a length of hose. The steam levels consisted of rich grazing land which was throbbing sound m akes itself heard, rapidly settling High-street, Cardiff ;1I7, New-street, Birmingham; or to m iraculous] It- is barely a year sir C apt. R . C. B urton (10), Lieut. R . S. J. R ands (21) F in a n c e and G e n e r a l P u r po se s Co m m it t e e. fire engine arrived alm ost im m ediately and w ater ffrequently in danger of being inundated by the sea. down to a steady hum —the unm istakable buzz of Local Agents. , .w ith tho' peril of the food q u 4u and C orpl. Sm ethurst (33) all helped to keep the score Standing O rders.— M r. J. Y ouell inquired w hether being obtained from the street hydrant a t the end It was at tim es a hand to hand fight between the Jerry’s engines.* T he Sister in charge of the ward .'alarm ed about the pWpefts, afrhi m oving. Still, nipe m en w ere out for 16^—none too there wwere ere any Standing O rders ofot triethe Council,Council, and 0f Foundry-lane the m em bers of the Brigade,B rigade, who sea and the w orkm en. , oomea down betw een the tw o row s of beds. “ I think g et their Ah are of jthe food that safe a total— but when the last pair of batsm en, the C lerk produced a print of these dated 16th July, w ere ay j,y this tim e at their posts, soon got to w ork, T he Chairm an suggested that there should be co­ you had better m ove out, boys,” she says, j “ G o into SOLDIER FATALLY KICKED. © i n g l e week a million; and it quarto; Xiieuts. B utcher and B lake, got together they , laid 1897, which had not been seen by, and w ere not j The garageg a r a g e at ,______the back. of the B ear H otel was bum - operation betw een the engineers of the B oroughs of the trenches if you like, or; if you stay hero, you i n q u e u e s to buy f hd. Germ an; about them with 6uch a will that the board showed known, to; any of the m em bers present. On the i n g like a furnace and the fire had reached the end H astings, Bexhill and Eastbourne to share the w ork had better get under the beds to protect yourselves H u n s s e e m ed'to thh k that their pi ) 220 before B lake w as stum ped for 20, B utcher carry­ proposition of M r. J. Youell, seconded by M r. J. of the Bear H otel pn the one side and the large w hich the m an is responsible for. from broken glass.”, The situation is certainly CORONER’S INQUIRY. food lino v as beaiiir/g fruit, and th ing out hiA bat f°r a | vigorous 36, the top c o r e o f hum orous and we all realise it*—som e wag dow n at would soot: be stalryfd into submit 6 B irch, it w as resolved to recom m end the C ouncil that granary belonging to M essrs. Strickland on the other M r. Raper thought that im practicable, as the W hile Private W illiam Jam es G allichan was lead­ th© innings. they be i referred to a sm all com m ittee for considera­ side. T he energies of the B rigade w ere devoted to engineers w ould be fully em ployed in their ow n area the further end is softly, singing “ G et out and get himself gloated at the prospect of u n d er!’! R olled in our blankets and w ith at pillow- ing a horse to be clipped at Seaford on A pril 1st;' tha mercy. B ut oiico/ /again he reckj tion w ith a view to their revision or enforcem ent. saving the property on the southern side of Cliffe w hen a storm had broken. animal became frisky and kicked out. Private I hardly expected the C ollege to get very .near this T he report was adopted, on the proposition of the H igh-street, w hich is separated from the hotel by a The Chairman pointed out the high medical throw n down on the floor we endeavour to, m a k o ; • resource of the BHti»h race. I ourselves as . com fortable as possible—som e of the , G alliohan was hit in the forehead and his injuries introduced fc the food queue*? melted total, but I was unpr( pared f*r the quite m oderate Ch a ir m a n , s e c o n d e d by M r . R e id , and a com m ittee passage only 15 feet w ide, and w hich is w ell,know n category, and said all G rade l. m en m ust expect to necessitated his conveyance to the C anadian M ilitary show they set up. G. L. Still put together 13 and was appointed to deal with the question of the to bo of an inflam m able nature. C ouncillor J. O. H . serve -in the Foroes. patients have. high tem peratures and shiver for a ; N avy got busy, and film submarine tim e with the oold night air, but an additional Hospital at, Eastbourne. A fter an operation he a| menace to justm nuisance. j N . C. M acleod olaim ed 10, but no one else besides Standing O rders. M artin m otored to the reeidenoe of M r. A. W ells, M r. R aper said it would be im possible to replace becam e sufficiently w ell to leave his bed, but relapsed these tw o got into doi bio figures and the w hole side m anager of Lewes W aterw orks, and he im m ediately their engineer. The absolute necessary looal know ­ blanket or tw o speedily puts this right. -j speaking ration atro^ the Atlanh w ere disposed of for ’ 4. A s I said before, -Butcher H ig h w a y s Co m m it t e e . arid died on Sunday. An inquest was held at the shall not- lio starved,” and tighten took steps to have the full pressure of raster at the ledge could not be acquired under a year. By now the hum m ing aircraft 6eem to be right hospital, by M r. G. V ere Benson, on W ednesday was______the______bow ler who______r five, and L ieut. G . P . B lake feet from the centre of the road in accordance w ith from this source. A- gradually increasing body of John H enry W aldron, aged 45, m arried, whose shakes the w hole h ut to its foundations j^jt is quickly clerk in the registrar’s • office at the* hospital, said iare bulgirg with Supplies that will the sam e num ber for 29. It is w orthy of note that the resolution of 10th July, 1914. O n the proposition helpers, fem ale as well as m ale, cam e on the scene, occupation w as described as innkeeper and gardener, follow ed by five or six m ore in quick, irregular succes­ that deceased was bom at G aspe, Quebec, nineteen 'Emergency in the pear future. '• year* ago. T here waa, no record of his father,, but w ith one exception e. I the C ollege w ickets that fell of thej Rev. J. T. Burns, seconded by M r. G. and m any of them w orked well in attem pting to save was appealed for by his em ployer, M r. Dyson, of sion. T here is a pause in the firing— the searchlights llEA Tuic THE PATA w ere clean bow led. H om sbiy, it w as resolved that the recom m endation be the oontents of the burning buildings and those W illingdon H ouse, Polegate. T he m an was, he said, wave their giant tentacles to and fro and one his m other lived in O ttaw a, w here the deceased had * * * « a p p r o v e d . adjoining. Som e of the furniture w as rem oved from engaged in the cultivation of three-quarters of an presently grasps the raider, w ho has just let fall his enlisted on D ecem ber 4th, 1916, in toe C.A .S.C. H e The achievements of our Food N1 Som e splendidly keen cricket was seen on the Lullington.— A letter from M r. T . A xford w as read, the hotel, but the flam es very sooi> obtained the acre of land on w hich m ainly vegetables w ere grow n. deadly i burden; instantly the filing breaks out w ith was previously em ployed as a piano-m aker. A t the the great food, emergency of last y Saffrons on Tuesday, when the Sum m erdown Cam p com plaining of the great nuisanoe of dust caused by upTxJfiaiid and the great bulk of the ‘contents of-the T he clayey nature of the soil m ade it im possible for redoubled energy. A gain a series o f, flashes and tim e of enlistm ent he gave his age as 18, although no parallel in the world's history/ and Officers’ Com m and D epot team s m et in friendly the^ large am ount ^of^military traffic passing his house, house, aa well as those of the H otel Shade^ w ere him to be replaced by a wom an, and he (the another salvo of bom bs crash dow n— from m y position he was younger. H e had not served in France. IWrith his flocks *nd herds, and the rivalry. A s I heard a spectator rem ark, it w as som e and suggesting that a few yards in the im m ediate com pletely destroyed. employer) was unfitted to do the work through I can see the streak of light as the last of the batch Corporal Robert Stephen, C.A.S.O., said he granaries j of Egypt, ran mere s m atch. Col. R ostock's m en took first knock, and, front should be tarred. It was resolved to recom ­ a c c i d e n t s . rushes i to earth. T hen another brilliant flash and a w itnessed the accident on A pril 1st. The horse that with the gigantic undertaking thanks principally toy vC j apt.t t p t . Tudor,jl U Cu j i , wy v ho u u txjuectcuoollected 41 r nienam end juiittthat up{incii.uuaapplication b should u u u i u bew um u ade i u b ifor u i flie m o aroad HELP SUMMONED FROM BRIGHTON AND T he application w as refused on aocount of the high bom b detonates w ith earth shaking force not very deceased was leading had been kept up since the ’of Lord lihrinjcldai and .Mr. J. Fi­ in his own finished style, and Private W allis, who to be scheduled in order that this m ight be done, NEWHAVEN. grade in which the m an is plaqed. - T he calling-up far off, then another nearer—only a few seconds previous Saturday arid was, therefore, som ewhat fed G reat Britain! in apii© of this supplied a, very useful 29, the score reached the 1 . T he j D istrict Surveyor reported: T he condition of M atters appeared so threatening that C hief Offioer will be deferred for a m onth. elapso betw een each one, and yet the brain feverishly lively. It commenoed to rear and kick. Private to destroy us. by! hunger, and, respectable aggregate of 161/ It would have been rth e roads w as on the w hole very satisfactory having R oberts, after a hurried consultation w ith the M ayor w aits for each and calculates the direction of the Gallichan was standing at toe rear and received a 3iave managed toi provide liberally m uoh less than this had not .the unusually large regard to the shortage of m aterial. The work of AGRICULTURAL REPAIRS. I. fatal line the missile^ are taking. A nother and kick from too hind leg in the forehead. H e fell for the An lied nations. America!i (Councillor A . E. R ugg), who w as early at the fire, ing in this great ta>k, and whe num ber of 40 byes helped to sw ell the total. This I repair [w ith the steam roller had been interrupted by decided to ask for help from B righton and N ew haven, M r. John V inall, builder, W eetham , sought exem p­ another nearer still— then a strange w histling sound instantly, and w as at once conveyed to the [m edical was far too big an /allowance of extras and m ight I the shortage of coal. Resolved to authorise tion for his w orking forem an, John W ilm shlurst (47), like the noise, so fam iliar to w ild-fow lers, of a wild hut. Deceased wan accustom ed to deal w ith horses. m an wlirJ has organised th© fab and while M r. E. Jenner, of M essrs. Rice & C o . , United’ State* fori war service, co well have lost the O .C.D .’s the m atch. Lieut. B lake, | tem porary supplies and that a truck load be also saddlers and cycle agents, telephoned to the B righton m arried, Grade 1, who ie engaged pn repairs to duck’s beating.wir^g© — just.a brief m om ent and then The Coroner m entioned that toe C ourt of Inquiry, w ith 3 for 15, and Corpl. Sm ethurst, w ith 3 for 22, I obtained. A rrangem ents had been m ade and all was agricultural buildings. a deafening crash seem ingly outside the very door,' be will (Jo shortly, we must ta’ Fire B rigade, M r. F. Stone got into com m unication before which Corporal Stephen and other w itnesses know fully and frankly our w ere the m ost successful bow lers. I practically ready for tarring the roads except the with Newhaven to ask for assistance. The Lewes T hree m onths (final) w as granted. the echoes of the explosion m ingling w ith the sound had appeared, found that the occurrence was an V I supply of sand, as to which quotations w ere sub- B rigade continued to w ork on energetically at their of falling tim ber, earth and glass. A W ard has been aoeident for w hich no one w as responsible. indebtedness and gratitude to hiir ...... Em itted. Resolved.\ that the m atter be left to the __I 'll J__ l j _!_1 ...h M ll, rma, A HntviAn TWO MONTHS FINAL. struck, the cries of the injured, the crashes o f the It is no.srnall thing that America, A score of 161 is"not a very form idable total for a | uphill task, and while’ they sought to fight the flam es M ajor C harles A ndrew Y oung, C.A.M .G.,^ surgeon system of voluntary rationing team of such batting strength as the Q .C .D .’s to face. S u r v e y o r . . their chief concern w as to confine them to the river M essrs,...... A. E. . j & F. J. Dann, . - of v W . estham, . also . , bomb9, the reports of the anti-aircraft buns and the at the hospital, said deceased cam e under his charge ved the confirmation of the oom- requested exemption for their general jobbing hand, | hum of the aeroplanes suggest the utmost confusion, entirely, on an appeal to the pe- B ut the C am p bow ling is by po m eans to be despised, B ear Yard. This about 11 a.ma . m . on A pril 1st. . H e wae im m ediatg/jr the American people—to save so and w ith the Sum m /rdow nore them selves as keen as mitteri’s proceedings, and the motion was eeoonded irnpana ortan from the t°^jM fact that e^w . h irp^if-_ j who V 4 3 , m arried, "and in ,but , _notwawh : , , ■•^tentlj|AnibiJ,^iceii'hurry- , i , , - f r - , uiaoKu ou the operatingoperating-, table. There was a largo l a r g e by M r. H ornsby and carried.. /were abl© to ship to us up to. the m ustard upon w inning, the gam e wae now in a m ost i n g I at the tim e w as blow ing in that direction. H ow the scene and m any willing hands assist to rem ove, wound on his forehead passing through ih a n 457X00 toms of bacon and interesting state. T he first w icket fell at 10, the w ell "they” succeeded in this endeavour .is proved by I One of the partners urged toe necessity for the the suffering victim s of this infernal o u trag etq both eyebrows. Blood and cerebral fluid was oozing- tlm fLrt that a cycle store occupied by M essrs. R ice m an^e retention on the ground that he repairs cottege .which these are retailed may eco” second at 32, and then Lieut. M aynard and Capt. ^ r „ i l f ™ ♦n’l therefrom . W itness found .that there w as a fracture to check dissatisfae^4m=»mi tha slvivn vUl^ntrlncr property on the R atton Estate, at Pevensey, and in Scarcely," " ” too, has the" falling dpbris ceased than the“ of toe frontal bone, through which tho m em brane R eynolds becam e associated,j both playing extrem ely lAILSHAM PETTY SESSIONS! benevolent voice of the im perturbable [m ajor w ho is ihhinks of tho much grca’t.©r**t__^ w ell. M aynard, the* skipper o f the team , is a pretty, Stricklands Ltd., of H ailsham , becam e ignited eight Eastbourne. The health of the com m unity would covering the brain protruded. T he base of the skull ‘.German (would gladly, pay for ti tim es but wae Extinguished on each occasion before *uffer !f the house»_w ere allow ed to get into a bad our M .O. is heard as he w alks dow n toe w ard inquir­ was, also fractured. Deceased recovered from the stylishouyuou bat, uttu, andauu ntz/he! playedj/rajuu admauiuuauio irable cricket u/iivavv ivifor -ri-42 i , ^ L r '. state of repair, and B eal could not be Replaced. ing after the safety of the patients. T he Sisters, too, iho grerit and comforting thing before being finely caught from a hard drive at m id-'| W ed n esda y .— Before M r. H erbert Curteis (chair- m uch dam age was aone. The B ear H otel and con« operation sufficent'.y to leave his bed, b ut about three hero and available ce and’ w^ion ' 1 _ . . 1 % A T»._ I . .1. i TIT TT Tl___ tents b urn t furiously and the flam es gradually secured | Tw o m onths’ final exem ption wae given. are as unconcerned with the danger. ( One of us, weeks ago com plained of a violent headache and o f f off S trutton. m an), M r. A. Burtenshaw, M f. W . F. Beauford, suffering from i high fever and disorganised nerves, is prices aijo not wiithout tlieir. use: " i • ’ , M ajor de Room er, Sir Richard Stapley and M r. firm hold pn M essrs. Strioklands* granary on the other becam e unconscious. A further operation was per­ ^ver present in tiio mind of the- 1 side of the garage. The fire burnt so fiercely that unm anned by the shock and 1 the Sister, aided by form ed. There w ere sym ptom s of cerebral inflam m a­ T hree w ickets w ere dow n for 98 w hen C apt. B urton | G. |W . D eadm an. those of us lying near him , assists him into bed and is a war" on, and that the rule joined R eynolds at [the w ickets, and these tw o m en, the shingled turret of the T abernacle School H all 80 tion and the fnan gradually becam e w eaker, passing jthough it the moment there is j A SQUABBLE AT HEATHFIELD. yards aw ay, on the opposite side of the river, becam e covers his shivering body w ith blankets. U p at the aw ay on June 16th. , aa, in a previous m atch last week, entered into ‘An Army m arches on its stom ach.’ p f top of the hill a great blaze illum ines the sky, the provide ahead, and bo con ton partnership w hich vyas not broken until the gam e had Adolphus Riche was summoned for assaulting alight either from a spark or the great heat, but Capt. Joseph Derby M oore, O.A.M .C., said toe .which is as good ns a feast. been well won. The pair m ade a m agnificent stand H enry W hite outside the latter’s house, at H eath- Supt. C. K ent, of the Lewes B rigade, by m ounting H uns; have set fire to a big hospital building ,on MACKINTOSH’S w hich too"great Jtod ^C roas'ltselTTs'bla^oned.^ "'it Post m ortein exam ination disclosed a large abscess on OUR EFFORT MUST N and dw arfed everything else in the m atch by their field,j on th e 12t h i n s t . the escape w ith a hose and w ith difficulty clim bing bum s rapidly for half an hour and then dies down. - thf. Ief‘ “ de of the brain w hich w as congested and brilliant hitting. R eynolds w as the m ore aggressive | M r. [I. B . C am pion Coles w as for the defence. . on the roof, succeeded in extinguishing this, and thus Toffee de Luxe soft. D eath wae due to the pressure of toe abscess, Thants' to the work of the of the tw o, b ut hisipartner rarely allow ed a loose ball Com plainant, ■ a farmer^ said there had been a saving the building, which, w ith a pitch pine roof M eanjwhile the bom bs have been crashing all around f r people can no\v| continue the v feeds, nourishes and ^ and too falling particles of our shrapnel w histle by, w hich w as the result of toe accident. to go unpunished. Col. Bostock, that m ost astute of I transaction relating to a; calf. D uring a dispute covered w ith tiles, w ould have proved unextinguish- A verdict of “ A ccidental death ” was returned. that the food supplies will be skippers, rang change after'change upon his bow ling defendant seized him tightly by the collar and after­ able had it becom e fairly alight. Shortly afterw ards sustains. It satisfies unpleasantly closo som etim es. Tilery is a pause, the fered with ag to mean any risk o a spark from the burning buildings reached a canvas raid [seem s over, but noj three w histle blasts in the and tried by every m eans At his disposal to stop tho w ards struck him in the faoe. that craving caused by darkness betoken the return of the bom bing planqg. privatio 1 ; but tliat does not a run getting, but it w as all in vain, and it w as not till Jelsse Fox spoke to seleing defendant knock the advertisem ent sign attached to the w arehouse belong­ strenuous w ork. TV**"* continued eliortj to-economise-f the C am p score had long been passed ahd 239 hoisted com plainant’s cap off after the latter had oalled R iohe ing to M essrs. R ichard Stevenson, of Lew es, sotting A gain the anti-aircY aft guns belch out, and this tim e Way an l produce more and m. on the board that he him self caught B urton at the a liar. M rs. W hite, com plainant’s wife, also gave it on fire. - T he flam es crept through to the hay and It is the a “ arid ” shell scream s over the hut and thum ps into use. Any slackening of offor w icket for a faultlessly played 72, the pair having evidence in support of the inform ation. straw inside and soon this building too w as in a blaze, British Army's the earth a fow yards aw ay, qriite near enough to be would undo much of the -gc p ut on 141 rune betw een them . D efendant, wno is 74 years of age, having m ade a the Lewes B rigade by their im portant work on the com fortable. . B ut the raiders are too frightened by M in istr; of Fcjod haj already statem ent to the effect that he m erely “ pushed C liffe side of the river being practically pow erless to ToffeeRation-W<%mQ. the barrago to aim well, for their bom bs Jail a full m ust not be. >Yhat w© can dc W hite’s faoe aw ay ” when oom plainant approaohed cope adequately w ith this extension of the conflagra­ half/m ilo away in the innocent village. They pass try. A year agio v,e were sh< W ith B urton’s departure R eynolds w ent on hitting tion, although Supt. K ent, w ith the help of the C hief m m r n r . ovei] and gradually the pursuing shells burst further fiercely, but after he had passed his century he him m enacingly, the Benoh, being of opinion that aw ay and less frequently, till all ie once m ore quiet. ‘daily portions of rice and .pole becam e careless and wild and w as m issed m ore than the assault was only of a toohnical nature, im posed Officer’s son Eric, and Firem an J. A . B aird, did good potatoc Stihiukited by. the, w ork in attacking the flam es at this spot. Exhausted by the long-continued strain we m ake up farmnersl ers put their^ Ij^cks into f once in the long field. Capt. Tudor finally secured a f i n e o f 2s . 6d . our [beds once again (for tw ice previously w e thought him and he retired with a grandly hit 123 to his ARRIVAL OF THE BRIGHTON BRIGADE. year1r’s potato crop by 680,000 tr GIRL CHARGED W ITH DISHONESTY. all w as over) and settle dow n to sleep. It wae tw enty s u b : credit—a very fine exhibition of forceful, vigorous T he B righton Fire B rigade, under the well-known to eleven when the guns [cdmmenced, it is now a sidy for doing lit, but it w« cricket. Later on in the innings Lieut. E. W . N ora Danson, domestic servant, who had been tho cominuniwi In pre-war da arrested in London, w as charged w ith converting to fire fighter, Supt. Lacroix, w ith whom was Capt. quarter to one. The genial m ajor comes through Bleackley played 1 in very lively fashion for 47 not EASTBOURNE RIFLE CLUB. again— the last attack found him on the open road b u y 680(000 toris of potatoes; out, the innings eventually totalling 399, the biggest herj ow n use a 10s:' note belonging to her m istress, M ills, arrived on the scene w hen the fire w as at its d u e e d juhafc additional supply R ehbena G oldberg, at H eathfield, on M ay 30th. height. They received the call at 4.15 a.m .| and (A ffiliated to the N .R .A and the SIM .R.C.). hurrying -to som e urgent case— he (tells the Sister sCore yet m ade on the Saffrons this year. It w as a after com m unicating with the Chief Constable of laughingly that he “cairic back quicker than he £1,500,000. Pqtatoc# are jholp: great w in for the O .C .D .’s and they fully deserved it It appeared the accused was sent to m ake A tho L’-obat, and we must sce t 1 urchase and did not return, but took tho train for B righton (Sir W illiam G entle) they w ere quickly on GILDREDGE PARK M UNICIPAL OUTDOOR w ent,” and passing a jest or tw o toi cheer everyone on their m erits. up i he goes on to his other patients: T he voices of strength is in iio way wo-ikene iopdon, w here her friends live, their way w ith their m otor fire engine. W ithin 40 M INIATURE RIFLE RANGE. perhaps' gbt all tliat \vo wou Elanson w as bound over in £5 for six m onths. m inutes of the receipt of the call they w ere at w ork thq toiler^ round the shattered w ard grow m ore faint On the following day (W ednesday) ■ they were on the burning buildings on the east side of tho The public are adm itted free every W ednesday, and tho am bulance m otors pant their way to their shortage to-day is something opposed to the C anadiap Training School from B ex­ CASE FOR QUARTER SESSIONS. coirim eneing at p.m ., for rifle practice. R ifles are to make, the future more ce river, having connected up the hose w ith the hydrant 6 garage. There, is a grow ing light iri the east— it is the holm-grown cattle, from hill and won stil another victory, though not by so (I’rederick A rthur C harm an (alias Chandler, alias at the foot of School-hill, as the w ater in the river provided. A sm all charge is m ade for am m unition. not daw n, it is tho. m oon ,rising in 6low , solem n, heavy a m argin df runs. T he C anadians w ere notice­ Frank W atson), R oyal Engineers, wae charged w ith h a d n o t 1 rieen sufficiently at that tim e to provide an peaceful dignity. H ow tho Heavens m ust shudder at WORKING IN THE WET CAUSED these home-grown cattle are ably very sm art in the field and m ost of their bow ling I n d u c e m e n t t o L a d s . such vile w ork! juicy pa slur a go of our Briti w as quite good. So good (indeed w as it that several stealing a bicycle,- value £3, the property of H arry efficient!supply. T hus reinforced, the Lew es B rigade T he Olnb presents a prize of 2s . 6d. to every youth this-saying could not be done i; of tluf O .C.D .’e best bats! w ere dism issed for sm all Pago, on 18th June. ( redoubled their energies and w ore able to'concentrate betw een 14 and 18 years of age on m aking his first inch [D uring too raid several Sisters w ere killed, som e CHILL ON THE KIDNEYS AND Tho rcgulatioris have their scores; and it looked at (one tim e as though their Prosecutor said he last-had the m achine safe on the upon the buildings on the Cliffe side of the river, group on the target. L ast W ednesday A lfred J. Izzard, m em bers of Queen M ary’s W .A.A.C., as well as inoonvenicnces. no doubt,' bu total w ould hardly reach w inning proportions. I. previous m orning. It w as lying on a, piece of groun leaving j those on the tow n side to the Brighton patients. There is nothing a soldier would not BLADDER. B rigade. Chief Offioer R oberts, am id m uch else to age 15, succeeded in getting an inch group. long view of fill tho*o things,' then■ ’ ■"Capt. • " Reynolds - - cam e to the- rescue and- -by - his - 1 over the hedge w hile he w ent and pitched som e hay. rather face than the terrible im potence of lying in bo th a: we mriv have at least This took half an hour, and when he returned the occupy I his attention, gave a thought to any*, live I W . W . D enham, H o n . S e c . hospital w hile the H un ’show ers borribs dow n— sm all THEN DROPSY SET IN. fearless, resolute hitting proved the saviour of his stook which m ight be in or about! the .burning It is really t. le siime principle s i d e . ; - I cycle w as gone. , w onder that all of us feel som ew hat unnerved when ’ In 1901, . M r. :W . D ean, of 36, jBeeclifield-road,- attitude do tlie g r e a t conflict * - » * P.C. B rett (Laughton) said ho found prisoner premises. Seeing a horse looking out of a stable all is over, then the reaction seats' in. T he reaction Doncaster, lay helpleee for two m onths through sacrifices of t^-day are hca\;y / Lieut. Buckley w ith 33 and Corpl. Sm ethurst w ith detained in a m otor lorry at Lewee by M t. Tw ort, w indow at the fire on tho hotel side.of the river, he in our chse reveals itsejf in th e‘rapidity w ith w hich kidney com pletions,' and was told he “oould not t a k e the Fong view we shrill] 40 both rendered useful assistance, but it was left to of. Itingm er. Prisoner then said: “ I bought this ran rourid and effected an entrance to the stables at N ervous and j,.' everyone falls asleep. W e shall notTforget tins night • w ork again.” . . it is ({inly by j ^.criTice that gr R eynolds to again overshadow everything else by his m achine this m orning from a tall; dark, thin m an, M essrs. Stevenson’s warehouse. H e found eight how ever— it is tho feast of C orpus C liristi. ' . j • “ W orking in th e, wet began the m ischief,” her .Theroj is a post in Euroyd, a|. exhilarating play. A s I Said last week R eynolds is and gave 25s. for it. ’’ j horses there in a terrified condition, but w ith help explained. “ It caused a chill’and led to bladder dis­ unratipned appditV- for powri Prisoner was com mlitted ij t i for trial to the Q uarter He succeeded in releasing them w ithout m ishap. Tw o S l e e p l e s s . order and backache. a hitter, but not m erely A hitter. H e has a sound m en nam ed N ew nham and M ilson helped to release must dostrov jit conipldehi am defence, a taking style, a supple w rist and can play W EAK, W ITH INDIGESTION AND LOSS OF CONVERSION OF THE JEWS. “ T hen inflam m ation of the kidneys Set in, followed again kv<‘ shall bo able to enje - good bow ling as it deserves to be played. B ut above a horse from M essrs. Stricklands’ prem ises. A s the by an alm ost suffocating attack of renal dropsy- in dud svasop. all he can hit, and hit trem endously hard. H e is the tide rose tho Brighton Fire B rigade were able to REST, BUT SOON CURED BY From head to foot I w as sw ollen beyond recognition. sort of batsm an likely toi knock any bow ler off, And obtain an unlim ited supply of w ater. , DR. CASSELL’S TABLETS. GARDEN M EETING. I was .only kept going by’sips of m ilk, and there he certainly knocked the Canadians some in this BY ROYAL WARRANTS Of APP01KTMUCT seem ed to be no hope for m e. -HHKWGCZOeStV —•« r OTHER ASSISTANCE FROM BRIGHTON AND SUSSEX VOLUME m atch. O ut of a total of 223 which the O.C.D.’s !. ' NEWHAVEN. ”Y et I mrride a w onderful recovery,*for when at aggregated ! he m ade .103, and thus credited him self WK 0M i e < M t t £ rU D r. Cassell's Tabtete reinforce the vital povier of Serm ons in support of the B ritisi Society for the imy low est ebb I was advised to try D oan’s Backacha 4th BA TTr w ith his second (successive century this week.'- It w as The B righton Railw ay Fire B rigade arrived w ith the system and give new strength to every bodily Propagation of the. G ospel jamongejt the Jew s w ere K Kic* idney Pills: _ a splendid display and he fully m erited the ovation their engine on the 6.20 a.m . train from B righton, function. H ere ie proof preached on j^unday in the Prim itive M ethodist C hurch, | This m edicine overcam e all obstructions; tha “ C ” C om w hich greeted.him on his[ return to the Pavilion. under C apt. G lendenning, w ith Lieut. B one, Engineer M re. -Longthorn, 1, H erbert-place, Princess-street, .back, the urinary flow ^increased, and C o m p a n y Headquarters: The W heeler and Firem an Short. The engine, one of the M asbro’, R otherham , saye: “ I was in a dreadful state gradually subsided. B efore six weeks had Ea s t bon; i * * m ost pow erful m the country, pum ping 750 gallons a of w eakness, w ith m y nerves all shattered, and utterly v ... r i — - o - i - i ______..^s absolutely w ell-again., T hanks to D oan's’ • O rders for w eek copim ei a n d I m inute, added four powerful jets to those of the broken in health. I could hardly eat anything, and 8, verse 23, he show ed the reason wjhy the Jew s have , Pills I am back .at w ork and never felt better in my, C6.Mr.vxy C o r t w o other Brigades from the river supply. The New­ as for sleep, I never had any real rest. W hen I not been exterm inated in spijte of tejrrible persecutions i life. {Signed) W . ' D e a n . ” lUv W ell, but the m ajority played in a style j haven , M arine Fire B rigade journeyed up the river dozed off I had dreadful dream s of falling and other all through the centuries. From history and from the A l l Parades at the Drill Hall peculiarly their own. They m anaged to knock up on the trig “ H auler,” w ith Engineer-C om m ander W . horrors that m ade m e wake again with a start. M y Bible he quoted passages to show! that God had More than 16 Years Well. Eastbou . 134, how ever, and this was greatly to their credit. A. G raham , R .N .R . (Assistant M arine Engineer to nerves becam e so bad that I was afraid to cross the purpose to fulfil through them in bringing redem ption O n January 7th, 1918, M r. D oan said : “ A m ‘ doinrr Sunday.—Cariin at Iiatton. Cadets Graham and Copham m ade a long second the B righton R ailw ay and A ssistant C hief Officer of to the w orld. Monday.— j\in.: Machin street till som eone cam e and took m y arm . I sufferedl m y bit ’ at w ar-w ork now , and busy all hours of tho Tuesday.—1.::u p.rn. : Sign? w icket stand, during w hich (they put on 78 runs, but the Brighton Railway M arine Fire Brigade) in terribly w ith w ind,, too. On M onday afternoon a garden m eeting was success" day. I m aintain too splendid health D oan’s Pills Balehin. 7.U0 p.m.: Recruits after the tea interval they W ere both quickly got rid j charge, ; accom panied hy Lieut. Joseph Cook and “ I had medicine, and waa advised to have my fully held at Taorm ina, Carew -road, by the kind invita- restored to m e, over sixteen years ago.” Thursday. —{-T..-?**' p.m .: Sigrs of and the rest collapsed before the good bow ling of [ eight or! ten engineers and firem en. They grounded tion of M r. and M rs. Spink. The Kdv. IV. M acfadyen Balchin. t Uii p.rn'.: FeerriitsS Lieut. Blake, ' who captured no few er than eight teeth out; but nothing did"m e any pjood. Then at! To ensure the same results as Mr. Dean, insist at Sound Bridge owing to the low tide, but 1 g o t last I got D r. Qassell’s Tablets, and alm ost from the S cott presided. A pologies for absence w ere read from ujpon the same K idney M edicine — DOAN'S BACK­ Friday.— p.m.: Musketry w ickets at a cost of 46 runs. under w eigh again. G rounding pgain opposite Lewes first they helped me. All my pain went arid my the Rev. J. Salwey, tho Rev. G. M . H anks, the Rev. instruction, j Gas W orks about 200 yards from, the scene of the A C H E K I D N E Y P IL L S . Sokl hy fill Dealers, or 2s. 9d« Satrirdav. June 22-kI^—W c J • . I * ! * __ , nerveer becam e all right. Now I can eat and sleep W . P. Jay, the Rev. F. Shergold and the Rev. D. a bottle from Foster - McClellan C o 8t W ills - street? Ratton. Parjute S.'lu p.m. (I? fire and being unable to proceed further they rani like other people, and feel quite w ell and strong.” B a r r o n . E a stbourne to-day are- playing the R .A .F. (Pole- out their hose over four barges and w orked effectively! Oxford-street, London, W. l. marching on} u . Se<-'tion A, j: gate) on the Saffrons At 2.80, and on W ednesday at w ith four .jets. By 8.30 a.m . the com bined efforts- D rj C assell’s T ablets are the Proved R em edy for— T h e R e v . I saac L evinson’s address w as devoted to a regularly fdrfptogie-.-i ve trai. ' the sam e tim e aind place the Officers’ Com m and of the firem en suoceeded in m astering the flames, Nervous Breakdown Anaemia description of the m issions to be opened in M esopotam ia Pevcn- D epot will m eet Whe R oyal A rtillery team stationed N erve Paralysis K idney Trouble and Palestine after the w ar. A school for B ible study, E dith : “ W hat did that R ussian noblem an w rite ia though the fire was not com pletely extinguished till CT7Q nnH ol.nvir. *—. 1.—.I . r Tuesday.—rLlJ-p.m.: Field \\ at Preston Barracks, Brighton. The Sum m erdowu m id-day. M inor outbreaks still occurred until as Spinal W eakness Indigestion to which M ohammedans, Jew s and Christians m ight ^onr autograph album ?” M aud: “ Oh, something Thursday.—7.15 p.m : Field C am p team ; a^o ajvay to-day playing L ancing College. Infantile Paralysis- W asting Diseases come, would, he said, be ritarted jin Jerusalem . In ! linsnftakahl°unspeakable ! ’ nvnt.iv*Edith : ““.nnw Goodness intw a graciouscrT’n,,|nn'; ’! \\ ,mlhat Saturday.— n;p. Sec abc late as W ednesday evening which necessitated the N eurasthenia P alpitation B ethlehem they hoped to establish a hom e of industry was it ? ” Maud : “ His name! ” J" | > j * ' - * Lewee B rigado rem aining on the alert. „ Sleeplessness V ital E xhaustion Hailsh w here converts who w ere disow ned by their relatives T he M odel.—M r s . Goodwin : “ I wish to seject a Sunday.—lie. a.m.: Drill. — ' The death is announced in N ottingham on Thurs­ It is difficult in a fire of such m agnitude and w ith Specially valuable for N ursing M others and m ight find m es-ns of support! birthday present for my husband, and I can’t think of day last of Frank G utteridge, the old Sussex arid during the C ritical P eriods of L ife. anything. He doesn’t smoke or drink, or go out at nightsa Tuesday.—IT:-!’1 p.m.: Field v property of so varied a oharacter and belonging to so A few frjends gathered in the B aptist C hurch in the Thursday.^; p.m.: liceruit N otts cricketer. H e w as born on A pril 12th, 1867, m any different ow ners involved to com pute the actual Sold by Chem ists and Stores in all parte of the or play cards.” Friend: “ Is he fond of knitting l " extended order--. and was a good all-round m an in his day. By the evening, but m any w ere deterred by the rain or other A “ T h in ” T ime.—Sergeant: “ He’s as weak as a Satrirday. --1 .'am p. See ;\bc am ount of the dam age, but the general opinion of world, including A ustralia, N ew Zealand, Canada m eetings in the tow n. The Rev. D avid B arron, t h e w ay, I see toA t Wisdert gives his nam e as G uttridgb, S u s s e x a n d t h e R o y a l M a so n ic I n s t it u persons w ith experience in such m atters places the A frica and India. kitten, sir.” Officer “ Well, give him a job in tho -tores Recruits can be taken al Er local president, occupied the chair. —he’ll clean the rifles.” Sergeant: “ Yes, sir—but tout this, I believe, is w rong. W ill'any of m y Sussex tio n .— A t the anm M festival of the Royal M asonic toW dam age at approxim ately £25,000. P rices: le.^ Is. 3d. and 3s. (the 3s. size being the d o t o On Tulcsday.-i, Thur-dav.- and readers kindly supply m e w ith the correct spelling? Institution for B oys last w eek the list of M ajor R. L . m ost econom ical). M r . L evinson indicated, in an interesting address w h o ’s g o i n g t o p u l l him t h r o u g h ?"—The Passing Show. The origin of toe outbreak ie unknow n, but the how Jew ish prejudices had been rem oved during'the M r. W inks, looking over the paper : “ The local drug • : * * T hornton am ounted to £4,579 as the contribution from fire undoubtedly originated in the garage at thd back IM PO RTA N T, -r Dr. Cassell’s Tablets are Sussex Freem asons. guaranteed free from iron and from narcotics. l a s t 15 years through the w ork of m issionary societies. stores are selling all sorts of patent medicines at half- The Inter-County Bow ling M atch betw een Sussex of the hotel. The local detachm ent of the Sussex H e spoke hopefully of toe future of the w orld through price.” M rs. W inks: “ J u s t o u r luck I There isn't any­ and Surrey was played at Norwood on W ednesday D e a t h o f a C o u n t y C r ic k e t e r . — T h e M otor V olunteers held f. drill in the garage on the T hey can neither constipate nor induce a drug* thing the'm atter w ith any of us l" T h . •• N e w S m nth W ales Ca the oonversion of the Jew s. d u c o [legi-lajt :o n providLng-j last in w eather of the m ost inclem ent description. death has occurred in a N ottingham hospital of Frank preceding evening, but w hen they left toe prem ises y°u de®ire further inform ation, Selina: “ D o vou think it would be concerted for me Aa very----- ____ close - j .___ __ j „ i - _ - t a a G uttridge, the w ell-know n Sussex and N otts orioketer. w ere apparently secure. w rite to D r. C assell’s Co., L td., C hester-road aKaU “ eejiugf resulted in the acquisition b r e a c h o s o f t i n c.'-\B ting law hom e ended in a w in for Surrey by five M anchester. g s * a ’ “ ’ of about i/o to th© society s funds* i to tell m y friends I m ade this dress myself?” Louise: a n c e s [ s h a l l b e d ijranchised f “ N ot conceited, m y dear—superfluous 1” y e a r s . an d ;i in:\.xiinum nerio' qualilicd frbm holding public ■EASTBOURNE CHHONICU!, SATUBPAY, JUNE S3, 1918. t CE ACT. ’Pamnc 844. A LETTER FROM LONDON. INTERESTING WJSDDING. at SPKOlAIi Br “THOUGHT-RKADER." ; . T - ' i ' ’ . PBXPAXD BATES. m an who is over thfe- jTwo very well-known young town^eople of East TERRYSM grade 1, anfi wht> WESTSttSSTKB. Grinstead were united in the bonds of holy (30 wears' Local ExperienceK MAYNARD his grade, will ac once CO, appeal insist that the , A LESSON FROM THE CATEBPTT .T .AR, matrimony the Wesleyan Church jon Wednesday Auctioneers, House Agents and Vainers. OF ATX KINDS, afternoon. The bride was Mias Dorothy Alice Jenks, IL P ., chairman of. The newspapers are full of t esap about, the eater- o f LO N D O N „ a LIMITED lihaal h i1 followed, - foliar pest; a very real and very serious topic only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Jenks, of 34, Offices and-Auction Room : SERVANTS WANTED, ted as grade 2. indeed. Caterpillars are everywhere. Last Sunday Cantelupe-raad, and the bridegroom Mr. Edward 19, CORNFIELD ROAD, EASTBOURNE. SITUATIONS REQUIRED, that allprovii I wa« out in Windsor Great Park, and I saw hundreds John Burfdot, son of the late Mr.: and Mrs. H. ARTICLES WANTED or FOR SA T.F, Have All Houses iej- kingdom vsluna o f fine, oak trees b a rs as! ha! w inter, an d all th eir Borfoot, Hi e-long residents of this district, Mr. PROPERTY WANTED ob FOR SA LE . -M aclean, otherwise t tender green leaves had been gobbled up by & little UNFURNISHED HOUSES TO LET:— EMOVALS Buxfoot for many years carrying on business as a ob To Let or for Sale !f>rmity in the admin -crawling Hun. of an insect)who. like the greater1,and cartage contractor and being also for a time pro­ Q55.—W Il HN’SDO V.—Containing 2 reception, i bed- HOUSES APARTMENTS TO LET. igid. That this can on db rooms, bath room; garden; vacant September. nr! • ■ i | even inore pestiferous hnn^ lives on destruction and prietor of the Swan Hotel. The bridle’s parents are TERRYS Are Advertised in the Whole of the following riif|not to grater ujtia pillage. But it is not merely oak trees that are both natives of this district, and, with their daughter, [riailsg Trades U nions s ■suffering; I have lately been j down into Kent, and I held in high esteem and possess many friends^ Mr. O.*75.—UFPERTO N DISTRICT.—Detached : close to W i d e l y C i r c u l a t e d S u s s e x N e w s p a p e r s : & the groaning of the fruit fanners in the famous Jenks is one of ithe leading locaI#workers in the d& Iras; containing 3 reception. 5 bedrooms, bath EASTBOUBNE DISTRICT STORAGE. room; garden and greenhouse; vacant Midsummer. E ast Ssis8esc Neru:*, h ; ; J ■ 4 t the standard of exarfii- Garden of England is an agony that will; find an echo friendly society movement and also a keen miraudari - ■ TERRYS. |us consequences i Eastbourne Chronicle, in *11 hearths and homes before the summer is out. who has done much to foster a knowledge of both L ocal Ow ic *— .. of Tribunals i ^Nature has conspired against jus this year; because vocal and instrumental music in the town. Young FURNISH ED FLATS TO LET:— East Grinstead Observer, Jdrbert of bad weather in May and late frosts the fruit Mr. Burfoot is very widely known. He served his _____ JS ROAD.—First floor; l reception. 2 bed­ rooms. bath and electric light; 3 gns. TERRYS Sussex and Surrey Couriet Air. Eetteswotth Bigg harvest is going to be light, and because of “the apprenticeship a journalist in our office, and then 1 16 TERMINUS ROAD| Goods Warehoused S e p a r a t e rdent voice. No oh Xmrationed appetite of the caterpillar,’* as I. have took over tjhe district work for the Southern Publish­ JJLA CK W A TER R O AD.—Two reception, 5_bedrooms. A t One Charge, via.; standards have teen c seen it expressed, the harvest will be lighter still. b a th ; Ju ly to Septem ber; 5 gns. TERRYS Opposite tee Station ing Company. He has recently been placed in O N C E .« ONE SHELLING f o r 12 W o r d s Lock-up C’omj l e n t a . in jns.de in direct, breacl^ I do not intend to pursue the why and the wherefore charge at Eastbourne, and has always been popular LOSE TO STATION.—Upper Flat.—One reception. Uoyd George to the .” -erf this unwelcome turn: it ia| that phrase “ the un- and respected wherever he has become known. There C 3 bedrooms, b a th ; for two m ouths; 6 gns. And Id. for each additional word. EASTBOURNE asS Bui was passed., jationed appetite of the caterpillar ” that appals to was naturally a large congregation! in church to TERRYS ROVE ROAD.—Three reception, 4 bedrooms, bath ; T hrxe I nsertions for Doable this Charge. Fiu«rt Fireproof Warehouse® a higher, proportion of i jnn to-dav. He is a tiny beastie, this creepy, crawly witness the ceremony. Telephone 87. Telegrams •• Elpam. ” 1 grade 1 than was the (fase thing, and if you watch him at work, or note what The britjie looked very nice in a cream doth coat- July to September; 8 gni TERRYS Special Quotations for Longer Periods on application at | ' either of our Uffices. in Eastbourne. 43, and the assurance that happened after he has been working a few hours, frock and]Tuscan hat trimmed with black,and pink. FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET:— of the older men wcukf be you will come to the conclusion that he not merely Her bouquet was of pale pink roses and white * IT .SRAM. — Two reception, 3 bedrooms. _bath Thereby securing, at a small cost, an amount of publicity falsified by the fSets, eats to iiye, but lives to eat as! well. If only we’could heather, and she wore a long gold chain and locket, TERKYS throughout the large and im portant district of East ster assured the House of 2is Sussex, among the most influential inhabitants. Smart and Up-to-date Vans. ration him I Little more than a year ago we had a the gifts !of the bridegroom. She was attended by TPPERTON GARDENS.—Three reception. 5 bad- oBoards would consist of plague of human caterpillars j in the country. They Miss Phyllis G. Grevatt, whose dress was of cream J rooms, b a th ; If gns. v' TERRYS UNEQUALLED IN VALUE BY ANY OTHER Jor or to Jet, been reduced to three. to o % were voracious, they jtoo were unrationed. embroidered silk trimmed with pink rose buds and. t ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Experienced and Careful Men }L P., has pertinently Supplies of food were running low because of the forget-me-nots. She had a blacks lace hat, carried a EADS—Detached.—Well furnished; electric light; large garden; tennis court; 4 reception. 6 bed­ LL AVAILABLE HOUSES.—Illustrated Register tihedid of( the fact. | difficulties of seaborne traffic, (but they gobbled things black gatln Vanity bag and j wore a gold and emerald rooms,M bath; 20 gns.. or offer for long let. TERRYS only Employed: brooch, ihe gift of the bridegroom. Master Jim Note.—IT th:8 class of Advertisement is not prepaid, rnentsf1141 ^Qide.—-Selected Lists on receipt of reqojire Yours truly, Up unconcernedly just because they had the power to an ex tra charge will be m ade for booking. A get at thenu - H they jhad Ijieen allowed to go on Grayling! officiated as page, and was- attired in a LEX cream suit and wore a gold ,safety pin, the gift of the F ob TERRYS Accnos /L-'-g5RIA DRIVE.—Capital little Modern doing it we should' have had great areas of the see page 4. Orders-and Remittances should be sent to Earn COMB* (i HOUSE FOR SALE, with i in mediate! S B T I M A T E S E B S E . country devastated of food, great numbers of people bride. Tho bride! was given away by her father, and and Co.8 (Ltd.) Offices at Marketistreet, Lewes; South- \ possession: |5 bedrooms, bath room, two reception! short of the necessaries of life, and that would have her brother, Flight Sergeant E.” C." Jenks, R.A.F.j street, J ; o r fit.]London-road. E at sGrinstead. t ' rooms; price £675; ground rent £5 per annaxnJ meant disaster. Notjja moment too soon th^ Ministry carried out the duties of best man. The bride’s J Folio- S. 73L APPLY > LINE. c f Food put the gobblers* on I rations—mid to-day we mother wore a putty-coloured Grafton voile dye53 UAM PflEN PARK. — A very! attractive; UtD FREIG H T SER V IC ES trimmed with Merve silk and nigger facings, and Sextants & JUsistants SRantet double-fronted detached MODERN KES1- all have at least a^sufficiency. If only . we could DENCE,nsi nlnnnArlplanned ranon Crontwo drw..L-floors only, _containing______1 cation ail caterpillars! her hat was of fanev straw. TOWNER & BROMLEY, 4 bedrooms. 2 receptiou rooms -and excellent Y O R K . I The service was conducted by the minister, idle AITRESS REQUIRED at once for Boarding G. E. MAYNAED, L t d ., House and Estate Agents, domestic offices: large garden: FOR SALE, with •NEW YORK, j [ [t h e m i r a c l e o f RATIONING, Rev. T. J. W. Tllke„ and the hymn “The voice that W House ; also DAILY WOMAN. — Apply, 8. possession, i at Christmas next; low price and D A —N E W Y O R K . That feat ia beyond us, or, at __ least, . __it seems_ _ to be breathed-o’er Eden ” was sung. Miss Rusden pre­ Wilmington-gardens, Eastbourne. ground renteL < FolioS. 75.] a | the moment. But one never knows. A year ago sided at. the organ and played suitable music during arehouseman ANTED, ineligible for Army. 57, TERMINUS ROAD, EASTBOURNE. LM3 AVENUE.—Modern, well arranged and Complete House Furnishers, - N E W Y O R K . xritany of us felt th a t food rationing for the population, the service. The sunshine was glorious as the newly- ■Apply, W ightrnan & Parrish. Lewes.______----E11 convenient HOL’SK. with 2 reception rooms. Dates of Sailing, a 5 bedrooms; bath room and ground floor offices; of Great Britain was an impossibility, but to-day we! wedded pair left the church, a happy omen, we trust, ANTED, SEAMSTRESS, regularly, by lady living M essrs. Towner ± Bromley are Agents for all Available see it in actual being, and marvel at its smooth work-, for their future. I A reception was helci at the home in hotel.—Apply, Room 241. Grand Hotel, East­ price £7te;|ground rental £15 ; vacant possession Oreystone Bull din g-s, W Eastbourne and Neighbourhood, and a Care- on completion of purchase. Folio S. 77. • ■1 I " . ir '■ ; London, 5L, ing with all the wonder which the people of ancient! o f the bride’s parents, after which the bride and bourne. 10 to 1L List will be sent, poet free, on application. t,S.W . 1; So, ' days must have marvelled at the seemingly; bridegroom left for their honeymoon, the former T T Y D E GARDENS (sunny -ido).—Ono of these me, ANTED, GENERAL or COOK-GEXER AL: wages ocses bay-road, PI travelling in a ! Navy blue gaberdine costume. £22-£24; tw o in family (ladies); housemaid k e p t; X l commodious and centrally .-itaated H Eastbourne. -street, “ or t o miraculous. It is barely a year since we were faced W FOR SALE, with early possession : 6 bedrooms. .with the peril of the food queue.; .People were Appended is a list of the presents received:— safe from air raids; good outings.—Write, Glover, Moss IGHit cGROUND.Q ■—>» — To — Let (Unfurnished); - -- - t. l______accom-a *.1 3 reception rooms, bath room; price £950 : ground Abri, Stanmore, Middlesex. mod at ion 3 reception rooms, 5 bedrooms, bath alarmed about the prospects], afraid they would notj ; the| Canadian Military Navy got, busy, and ti}e submarine peril declined from Miss j F. E. Steer, silver-plated serviette rings and OOD POSITION. — To Let (Furnished!, close to F“*= ' ------*------^ ‘ REWARD.—LOST, on Wednesday. June 19th. & menace to just a iruisance. “ The ^great English- serviettes. ANTED. Junior YOUNO LADY for Draoery Station and the shops, comprising 3 reception ' After an operation he- Mr. aiid Mrs. A. E. Ridoutt. present. Grooms, 7 bedrooms, bath room; electric light; gas cooker; between Town Hall, Gransu-'road. Siiyerdivle- > leave his bed. but relapseA speaking nation across the Atlantia said: “ England Departments; live jOuE—Young & Sons, High- TTTTJt.i»_ ^ -r —•“** — » road.Grand Hotel. Western'Lawns, wish Tower. Grand- Mr. ajnd Mrs. A. Willmer, silver-plated sugar basin. W street. East Grinstead.______.______immediate possession; rent 8 guineas per week. ^West, Estate Office, | parade to Burlington Hotel, a LADY'S GOLD WATCH. . n inquest was held at the- shall not be starved,”] and tightened their own beltsf Messrs. Cruttenden & Sawyers, silver-mounted salt Folio 14704. dge. East Grinstead. i ere Benson, on W ednesday to save food for us, and to-day we have not only a1 cellars and spoons • ANTED, reliable TIMBER CARTERS MATE ; with cluster of diamonds on back, attached to gold fob sufficiency of food, but we are in the happy position Mrs. Forbes and Mr. and Mrs. BrackpooL, silver plated East Grinstead and district.—Apply by letter, to OOD POSITION.—To Let (Furnished); accommoda- OVE.—TWO compact Five-Roomed FREEHOLD I with small sapphire inset.—Finder returning same Co tbe tea not. T.W 2, “ O bserver” Office, Blast Grinstead. State wages V I tion 3 reception rooms, 6 bedrooms, bath roomJUl ,; !COTTAGES FOR ^5.LEI — Stone. 15, Gq Manager, Burlington Hotel, Eastbourne, will receive Douglas ^imister, jiischargo- of knowing that our grenaries and our cold storages electric light; very well furnished; small Karri—en and— street.H Brighton. the above reward. bulging with supplies that will tide us over any Mrs. Sims and Miss Nott, silver-plated butter dish and required, ______office at |tea hospital, said knife. • law n; rent 8 guineas per week. Folio 1100L rEAK PARK, price £1000, rent £250; Meads. : A FURNISHED SCHOOL HOUSE REQUIRED for , at Gasped Quebec, nineteen em erg en cy in the need- 'futurp. Mr. and Mrs. Barton and family, silver-plated batter freehold; Upper Avenue, £3 000, rent £150.- S\- August for party of children ; rent not to exceed no record of his .father, bat BEATING THE PATRIARCHS. dish and knife. '—a, 58, South-street, Eastbourne. o gns. weekly.—Tower House. Brockley Dark. Forest iwa, where the deceased had Mrs. Grevatt, silver-plated eggspoons. f ; gas cooker mu. The achievements of our Food Ministry in meeting Miss P. Grevatt, sardine fork. IJ- ANTED, a YOUNG GIRL as Second Kitchen-| Folio 1470L ji. 1916, in th e C.A S.C. H e- Mrs. Doran and Mrs. Stafford, silver,sauce boat. m aid; easy place; good wages.—C., Fen Place, A POUND of SUGAR PRESERVES up to EIGHT id as a piano-makeu. At the the great food emergency of last year have, of course, W iA POUNDS of FRUIT. Six Recipes. Is. Apricot no parallel in the world’s history. Father Abraham Baby Donald, framed photo. T urners Hill. j______Marmalade from Rhubarb, powier tid. — Britannia gave hia age as 18, although Mrs. and the Misses Reeds, silver-mounted sweet dish. ANTED, at once, in Lewes, JU N IO R G IRL A LFRISTON— Fv r x isu ed With his flocks and herds, anp the Sage who filled this Mr. and Mrs. Harold Raw, silver-mounted salt cellars Picturesque CC _ PAGE j League of Housewives, 1, Upper Montague street. ad not served in Fnnce. granaries of Egypt, ran mere side-lines compared CLERK, able to type. — Apply,y, stating wages,1 JTA. (large), for three mouths; three sitting, for bed. 1 Bloomsbury, Loudon; and spoons. f - _ toW Box X. X., “ Jiast Sussex News.” Lewes. i j$ert>anis & A ssistan ts SHantei. kitchen; shady garden; lovely country. ieejiKen. C.A.S.O., said he with the gigantic undertakings under the direction . — H., of o o k s e l l in g b u s i n e s s w a n t e d mew or on April 1st. The Ihorse that. Miss D. HollingdalClprckle fork. " E a s t Sussex News," Lewes. Of Lord Rhondda and Mr. J. R. dynes. They have Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hills, case of carvers and after­ ANTED, i strong, able - bodied WOMEN for I - A DVEBTISEMENTS are Inserted under either of second-hand) along South Const.—Principals should bad been kept up since the fed Great Britain, in spite of the great German plot noon teacloths. LABOUR SIRS' W O R K : wages good.—Apply, XjYASTBOURNE (facing Sea). HOLIDAYS.—Two Bed- replyB in first instance, in confldence; to Principal, care of W | P\ these headings ad the following change, if cash is JCJ rooms.! Sitting Room ; i was, therefore, somewhat to destroy us by hunger, and, what is more, they Mrs. Healey, oak’ table. The LeWes P ortland Cement and Lime Co.. Ltd. ' rith the order: One insertion, not exceeding 12 ------„ ------T comfortable, ■tfaL — ‘Chronicle Office. South-street, Eastbourne. to rear and kiclL Private Mr. and Mrs. J. Rice, leather handbag. Thfe Hut,” Royal-parade, Kastboarne. have managed to provide liberally at the same time Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Roser, case of carvers. ANTED, a CARMAN for Forage, Van: also Boy j 1 One Shilling; and Id. for each additional word, I T>OOTS, Left-off-CIothing. Household Linen. Curtains. at the rear and received « for!the Allied nations. Anierica, of course, is help­ or Young Lad to deliver goods by cycle, and to 'insertions for double this change. Special quota O &a. Wanted to Purchase (or Cash.—Send Postcard; Mrs. Marsh, bread board and knife. Mrs. E. Morgan. 6a, Ocklynge-rOAvd, Fastbourue. ikk in the forehead: He fell. ing in this great task, and when Mr. Hoover, the Mrs. Middleton, silver plated tablespoons. assist in Store. — AApply, Richard Stevenson, Ltd ‘ dons for longer periods on {application at either of our Bonce conveyed to the' medical man who has organised the food resources of the Eastbourne Journalists, silver-mounted inkpot. North-street, Lewes. USINESS WANTED. —Confectionery. Teas. Re- 1-----omed to deal with horses. dinted States for war service,- cbmes to England, as Mrs. Shotter and Mrs Sowton. fruit bowl. ANTED, good GARDEN ICR ; current wages ;. 4 STRONG LAD for Garden and Co atssist on Poultry B freshments(orother): establisheil: goo,l turnover; ineu that the Court of Inquiry, lie will do shortly, jwe; must take care to let him Mr. and Mrs. Wintle, silver-plated butter dish. w found.—Apply, Mrs. Craig. The Rocks, Farm ; must have good character.—Hoe kin's Farm, URN IS HKD ROOM TO LET. suitable for lady full particulars.—W. G„ 61. William-street. Herne Bay. 1 Stephen and otbir witnessed- Mr. C. Rice, oak armchair. F ast Grinstead. ' taking pupils or requiring office.—Secretary, 10, know fully and frankjy Lour -realisation n of o u r ' Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Roger, afternoon teacloth. Nor¥orth street,| Lew es,______- v ' : ■ J IAST-OFF CLOTHING. —Ladies'. Gentlemen's and that the occurrence was an indebtedness and gratitude jto him and to hie people. Miss Brooker and Mr. J. E. Rice, silver-mounted OUNG GIRL to ASSI3T in House and take out Boy PRENTICES WANTED TO DRESSMAKING; Cj Children's Boots. Household Lipqn. 5cc., Bought for jo one was responsible. It is no small thing' that America has been able by a of 5.—Mrs. Carter, 17, Terminus-road. Eastbourne. . short hours7 paid from commencement.—Apply. MALL HOUSE (Furnished), pld Town, four to six Cash.—Mrs. Hart, 5. Station-street, Lewes. marmalade jar. Y i Cooper. Lismore-road. Eastbourne. weeks; | efficient servant left.—3318, “ ChranicTele ** iv Young, C.A.M;0.. surgeon jiystein of voluntary rationing—a system based Mrs! C. Brooker, jun., pickle fork. VTOUNG LADY ASSISTANT REQUIRED.—Apply. See,; Eastbourne. HEESEMAKING AT HOME—Milk Cheeses, Potato iceaged came under Eg change entirely on an appeal to the personal self-sacrifice of Thelma Brackpool, sweet dish. 1 Carter. Stationer. Eastbourne. TJEEK CELLAKMAN and assist General Work C CheesCheeses. Simple directions. Rennet Cheese "1 1st. He was immediately the American people—-to save eo much food that they Mrs! Sawyers, afternoon teacloth. JCY Public-house, Eastbourne, REQUIRED; live in, MALL, comfortably FURNISHED HOUSjE for Powder, Sd.Patent Cheese Shape. Is. 6d.—Britannia Miss N. Burrell, batter dish and knife. . I,. . I ', . y y . 'r }. sleep out ;.good references.—Apply, personally or letter. summer months ; two sitting rooms, three bed­ League of Housewives, 1. Upper Moutaguu - street. ilg table. There was a large s Were able to. ship to us up to the end of May no less A ll a t 68, Moat-road, crepe de chine collar. The Barrington. Cavendish-place, Eastbourne. rooms.S gas and electric light; central position. Apply, Bloomsbury. London. his forehead pacing through tha-TT 457,000 tons of bacon and hams. The prices at E. K., “ Chronicle” Office, Eastbourne. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Broadley, tea caddy. Situations Qfomttb. /~100K-GENERAL REQUIRED; two in family; ; 2 r e s s m a k e r r e q u i r e s w o r k at Ladle? ' land cerebral fluid was oozing- Which these are retailed may seem high, but it is easy Miss E. Taylor, table centre. not under 23; help given in morning.—Mrs. Ste WO FURNISHED ROOMS.:’ pleasant part Old Houses; good cutter and fitter.—13. Royal-parade, und that there was a fraeture- t o check dissatisfactio n on that score if only one Mr. |T. H. Lo vell, cheque. I - Richmond Lodge, SL Anne’s-crascent, Lewes.______Town.—Apply, A. E., “ Chronicle” Office; E ast­ Eastbourne.D [ through which the nvmbrana- frtiink* of the much greater price which the hungry Miss B. Smith, bread board and knife. ISCHARGED SOLDIER SEEKS -SITUATION T bourne. Mrs. G. Lambert and family, fruit bowl and glass dish. __ 1 where motor drivingcould be learned; willing to OOK-GENERAL W ANT HD, family two ; house­ 7ICONOMICAL MILK BEVERAGES for Invalids, otruded. The base; of the skull German would gladly pay for the same article; and Mr. find Mrs. J. Court, silver sugar tongs. D m aid k e p t; separate rooms.—21, Tbe Avenue, East- li Consumptives and Persons who canuot take the treat and comforting thing is j that the food is All up time in garden.—T.Funnell, 48, Queens-road, East C 1 Deceased recovered from the Miss L. Hoad, willow pattern butter dish. Grinstead.______hoarjie. 1 ■ , ■ . .. . ; ______ordinary cow> m ilk: Almond, Barley. Creairt, Egg and leave his bed, but about three here] and available as and when we require it. Stiff Miss Blanks, silver-plated butter dish. Milk. Lemon. Oaten. Savoury. Spiced. Vanilla. 5d. each ; a d y c l e r k r e q u i r e s l i g h t o c c u p a t i o n . AILY GIRL WANTED for House (16 20) ; liberal A rticles for gale. 4s. 3d. dozen assorted, including powder to convert pint icd of a violent hjeadache and prices are not without their uses—they help to keep Mrs; C. Wood, hand-made jam pot frills. • wages.—Webb, Ontfltter, Seaford. . A further operation was per- j0^er present in the mind c f the consumer that there Mrs; Tomsett, duchesse set. disabled left arm; good references.—Write, 7 B., D of cow’s milk into quart of easily digested, nutritious M r. IW. Parsons, salad bowl. '•Chronicle”L Office, Eastbourne.______APERY ASSISTANTS for FANCY DRAPERY milk. — Britannia League of Housewives. 1, Upper 1 svmptoms of cerebral ltiflamma- is a war on, and that the rule of war time, even | Montague-street. Bloom-bury. London. though at the moment there is plenty, must be to Mr. A. Ambridge, silver-mounted inkstand. ADY, as Useful Help. REQUIRES POST from 9 till D__ 1 REQUIRED ; live out.—Apply, Dover Williams, Y7IOSTERS EAST GRINSTEAD LIMITED, "ually became wether, passing . Mrs. W. Cooke, set of jugs and candlestick. i 87, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. [ -T CANTELUPE GARAGE. T el. 131. provide* ahead, and be content with that enough 2 p.m.—Box Y. T., •* Chronicle ” Office, Eastbourne. URNISHED HOUSE.WANTED. U-20 guineas.-with Mrs. Leppard, photo frames. ARDENER WANTED for Andrew's Bank, Cole­ PETROL. TYRES. REPAIRS. CARS, STORED. six family bedrooms and accommodation for four bjby Moore, O.A.M .C., said the yrhich is as good as a fearft. Miss Mortimore, glass vases. T ADY CHAUFFEUR REQUIRES Tem porary F servants.—H. J. Chartres, 59. South-street. Eastbourne. A friend, hot water j ug and teapot stand. I J W URK in Eastbourne.—Apply, M. 9, “ Chronicle ” G mans Hatch; single handed; no glass; good wages. AGENTS. HIRE CARS. ition disclosed a. lark'1; ;e abscess on OUR EFFORT MUST NOT SLACKEN. —Apply to Mrs, de Rougemont, Pickridge, Forest Row. ingested and. The girls a t 34a, Cantelupe-road, oak tray. Office, Eastbourne.______. , URNITURE. — WANTED, to Purchase, every' brain, which was Thanks to the work of the Food Ministry, our Mr J and Mrs. H. W. Cullen and family, oak coal cabinet. )ENER; reliable, willing; good wages; cottage. description of FURNITURE for cash ; good prices the abscess, . HA NIST, from London. REQUIRES POST. Cinema, j M a c h in e Departm ent. F g to the pressure of people can now continue (the war without any fear Miss E. Marsh, table centre. __ Restaurant; good sight reader.—Apply, J. Cra —W rite at once, giving full particulars, Tbe Lodge, given.—J..—J. T. WenhamWenharn &3c Son,Soil, 122 and Til,124, Pevensey- ; of the accident, that the food supplies will be so impaired or inter­ Mrk Blackboum, present. care of Mrs. Vinail, 54, Ashford-road. Eastbourne. Hey Heath, Surrey. ■' ..... Complete Set Exhaust Heater Coils (salt Laundry'. road, Eastbourne, and at Hail-ham. returned. Mr. andlMrs. Mark Ridley and family.breakfast service. Six-Ton Traction Engine.-—Sold. idental death ” v fered with as to m ein any Irisk of famine or of serious iOSITION REQUIRED, in or near Lewes, by Lady, ERAL WANTED; respectable person who can Single-Horse Albion Mower ; nearly new. TAURNITURE, P ianos. Stc.—W antf.d. to P t RCHASx. Master Jim Grayling, crumb brush and tray. do plain cooking and assist lanother servant in 17 large quamtities of Furniture. Plands. Sec., or the privation; but that!does not absolve any of us from Mr! and Mrs. C. Steer, silver teapot. as Cnmnaninn or Help ; musical; domesticated.— Nearly New Hay-sweep.' Contents of a whole House ; good prices given: no continued effort to econoimae food in every possible Mrs. Humphrey. bread fork. Apply D., care of Mrs. P. H. VinalL Bracklynne, ■al household work.—Apply, R ev. W. EL Dalton de Vicarage, Lewes. j j M achinery of E vert D escr iptio n W anted. expenses incurred.—Wright, 85-57, South-street, East- Way and produce more and more food for our own Miss M. Everest, hand-embroidered cushion. Cnilfail, Lewes. I bourne. SergL Jepson. R.A.F., dinner gong. ERAL SERVANT REQUIRED for small house, Good Prices Given. use. Any slackeniing of effort in these directions OUNG LADY REQUIRES POST; small estate, nr. /"I ENTS and LADIES' CAST-OFF CLOTHING : best would undo much of the good work which the London; assist poultry and general farm work; two in family ; every inducement. — Apply, Contracting Departm ent. Y I no experience.—11, Stonehills-mansions, Streatham. ills. Littlem ead. Blindley H eath. S. Godstone. VJT prices.—Cricklowood Dress Agency, Cricklowood- Ministry of Food has alijeady accomplished. That EAM ROLLERS FOR H IR E : 6, 8 and KUTons. lane, N.W. 2. 'Phone : Hampstead 29U. must not be. What we can do we know not till we INERAL, Wortbipg, three ladies; some cooking SHIP’S CAPTAIN FINED. help given.—G„ care of Norris, Newsagent, Worth- P1ENTLEMAN REQUIRES BOARD - RESIDENCE try. A year ago wb were|eo short of potatoes we had ATHING TENT FOR SALE, in good condition, YIT (permanent).—Apply, D. F., “ Chronicle'' Office, ’daily portions of rice and polenta (maize) instead of ARLINGTON. B 19s. 6d.—Apply, 43, Carew-road, Eastbourne. Eastbourne. ______potatoes. • S t ■ted by the Food Ministry, our Before Mr. F. B. Whitfeld (in the chair) and other P I OOD JOBBING COMPOSITOR (KJB.) WANTED.— S u d d e n D e a t h o f t h e V ic a b —T h e d e a t h I V I Earn com be tc Co., L td.. Le T> (CYCLES.—A large selection FOR SALE or HIRE, I IRL’S BICYCLE WANTED: good price for good farmers put their jbacks into it, and increased last itrates at Lewps Petty Sessions on Tuesday, __J 3 including_____ Premier, . Swifts, Sunbeams, Triumphs machine.—W. L. Small. Spence, s-road. Crawley. year’s potato crop by 680, 000 tons. T rue, they got a Otturred suddenly on the i3th i ^ ofthe ReY T. TTOUSEMAID WANTED on 29th list.; three maids and: Enflelds. Also Perambulators and Mailcarts. A G subsidy for doing it, but it w*s a _ cheap l _ bargain for William Hume Macmillan, master of a transport, Buns ton, who had been vicar of Arlington since 1889 when J g | kept; three in family; please State particulars quantity of good Second-Hand Furniture for Sale__Jury f y OOSEBERKIES. RASPBERRIES ami any -oft fruit guilty to being in unlawful possession of six he accepted the living at the special request of the | and wages required.—Mrs. G., 9, Hartfield-road, East- VX WANTED : Government prices paid,—S. H. Brooks the community. In pre-war days it coot £5,000,000 to and Son, Trinity-buildings (near Trinity Church), and and Co,, West-street, Crawley. - ___ b a y 680.000 tons of potatoes; th e subsidy which pro­ 1 tins of veal loaf, 7A-lb. of sugar and 4-lb. of bread, Bishop (the Right Rev. Dr. Durnford). The church | bourne. 13L Seaside, Eastbourne. was then in a ruinous condition, but Mr. Bunston went r ------OOSEBF.RRIES. STRAWBERRIES. Hasi’Iikkries, duced that additional supply last year ran only to ither of tbe value of 10s., the same being Govem- f OUSEMAID, thorough ; assistance given ; ( FTABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALF- - Sutton's Early WANTED; also other Selected Fruit for Bottling: 111,500,000. Potatoes are helping us to-day to beat i to work with a will and succeeded in raising £3,000 to needlewoman; Church of England.—Apply, . Drumhead ; Flockmaster and Enfield Market; TT-, . , -.- ,, ...... ,i incut stores, at Newhaven, on June 12th.—Detective- restore the sacred building and erect a school and . Kent Lodge, Seaside-road, Eastbourne. pride 5s. per 1,000 on rail; bags charged unless returned in la:rg» _ or small quantities.—Apply, The Mid-Sussex tha U -boat, and we must see to it teat this source of . gg—± j. w . Cdeg of the Metropolitan Police, said he teacher’s house. Before coming to Arlington the rev. | at once.—J. Cornwell 8c Son, Barcombe Mills, Sussex. Fruitt Pireserving Co.. Ltd.. Newtek. ■trength is m no way wakened. Of meat ^we d odo n not o t j, ^as'called waa ^ to the north police boxat Newhaven Harbour ■ fOUSKPARLoL RMAID REQUIRED for cosy flat gentleman was successively curate of W arbleton (1879- i I T cook and nurse kept; two in- family and two /CHESTNUT GELDING FOR SALE, six years old: ADY OFFERS SERVICES in return for Board- perhaps get all that we would like, but the meat - 8 p.m. on .the previous Wednesday, and saw 1887) and Rotherfield (1887-1889). T he deceased, who children; comfortable home and every consideratic- 16 hands; qniet to ride and drive; price 100 gs.— L Residence; hotel .or boarding house, Eastbourne.-* shortage to-day is something we are willingly facing defendant and Ser^t. Leo, of the Railway Company’s was 79 years of age, had been in failing health for a Write, Mrs. L., Flat A, Dorley Court. The Avenue. E G. S. Franks, Cbarlwood. E.--E.. •* Chronicle ” Office, Eastbourne. to make the future more certain. Wo are saving ! poUce. There were two parcels on the desk, which botgne. • - , ' ' |______1* OST, on Friday (June llth) afternoon, between / ’ - considerable time, but continued to do duty and he was IRICKET SET FOR SALE.—Yard, juu.. Horseshoe the home-grown cattle, from the' slaughterman, and | contained the goods mentioned in the charge. Witness at church on the Sunday previous to his death.—The OUSE PARLOURMAID WANTED, family two c Farm, East Grinstead. |, 1 J Uppetton-gardeus and -Hampden Park^ or in the these home-grown cattle are fattening daily on “ * 1 took possession of the articles which were produced in Insurance paid; good outings. — 12. Hartfleld Park, a Lady’s large linked GOLD BRACE LET, much THE tVET CAUSED juicy pasturage of our British grazing lands, funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon. - | H J^IYCLES, MOTOR CYCLES and CYCLE CARS.- worn ; little value except to owner. .Reward.—Mrs* “ i1 Court, with the exception of the bread, which had been deacon of Hastings (the Ven. B. G. Hoekyns), the Rev. square, Eastbpume. We have the Pick of the Market. Triumph, RS. A., Braden 2U, Uppertou-gartlens, Eastbourno. _____ this saving could not be done if we were not rationed. _ of td prevent waste. He recognised the G. M. Russell (Upper Dicker) and the Rev. O. E. OUSEPARLOURMAID . /IK ED . I ! 22-30, for kbrook and Raleigh. BARGAINS in SKCOND- THE KIPNE YS AND The regulations have their irksome side and their articles as being similar to Government stores, and on Chiswick, London.—Apply, Irstly, 2, i rew-road. JD MOTOR CYCLES.—Rugg. Lewes. Phone 147; JO W IS THE TIME to have your PERAMBU- inconveniences, no doubt, but we have to take the asking defendant to account for possession of them he Eastbourne.H LATORS and MAIL-CARTS Re p a in t e d and long view of all these things, and be sparing to-day IIR3T-CLASS BATH CHAIR, four-wheeled patent e-tyrkd. and J ury’s is the place to take them. fBLADDE said a friend of his, who was a staff-sergt. on the other I aw OUSEPARLOURMAID ; good references ; £ so that we may have at j least enough for to-morrow. .-Miaul jy suv v • v • • m !■» —- —- — — — \ ^— — j — / J — — F Albert, for" donkey, pony or hand; carries two Trinity-buildings and 131, 8easide. Cycles and Peram­ D R O P S Y S E T I N . - side of the Channel, promised to give him some white I Buchanan I Dunlop (Selmeston) and the Rev. F. G. Fox outings.—Mrs. James, 32, St. James’-road, persons; good condition.—Write, Westout, 53, St. Anne’s-bulators Let on Hire. It is really the same principle that governs our entire bread. - He added, “ This morning before leaving a Gi—H instead. mid. r (Ripe). There, was a larae attendance of villagers and | creiscent, Lewes. ______-V- ■[ . J j•;* ; UBLICANS’ SPIR IT BOOKS One Shilling and DeaiiJ " t>i -36 Beechfield-rpad, attitude to the great conflict of the moment. The paccei waa brought to the ship for me. I hgd it placed OUSEPARLOURMAID WANTED as soon months through ieavy and grievous, but if we 1 other sympabhiBMhji^ frienas. P Sixpenceence eeach__ (Postage. 2d. extra).'. ;Larger si: Iplese for two sacrifices of to-day are heavy and grievous, .tout :if^ we bi^my cabin. I did not know its contents and this H X>ossible.—8, Lansdowne terrace, Eastbourne. 1 for tbe wholesale trade.—Farncombe 2£ Co.) Ltd.,. Lewes and wa4 told he “could inot take the long view we .shallshall always remember that.... |; eveevening— I asked the apprentice to carry it to my private and Eastbourne. it ia only by sacrifice that great ends are achieved, address and he was stopped at the police box.”—By Office, Eastbourne, miecEief,” he I h u b a r b w a n t e d for j a m m a k i n g , in largo the wet began th There is a pest in Europe, a voracious pest with an , XTr Topham: Defendant could have given a pass to a HAILSHAM IM PORTANT NOTICE 1 JAOR SALE, four months BUCK K \BIIIT. between or small q uantities: state lowest price oji rail your used a chill -fcnd lad to bladder dis- miration ed appetite for power and domination. We j member of the crew for carrying persodU effects ashore, M o t o r L o b b y , o n F i r e .—O n W ednesday JP Belgian hare and English ; also Hutch.—Apply. 4,' nearestR station.—Write. The Mid-Sussex Flint Preserv- must destroy it co mpletqly and utterly, and then! once but that would not have'done away with the liability to while in Sonth-road, Hailsham, the driver of a motor Serious Shortage of MOTOR DRIVERS Camden-road. Eastbourne. ing.Co., Ltd., Newick. _____ • ______set in. followed able to enjoy the fruite. of the earth tion of the kidneyp again we shall be b at the police box.—Mr. Topham said the facts lorry noticed smoke issuing from the bonnet of the car. TO ft VOEX or T/tOX-TERRIER PUPPIES FOR SALKJ — Apply, AVW INCOME TAX and accumulate Capital.— ocating attack of r^nal dropsy- in due season.- that a parcel was banded-to defendant just as he was He found the engine to be afire, and, with _ some URGENT NATIONAL IMPORTANCE. JO Turret House, East Grinstead. Accountant. 15, Hydc-road. Eastbourne. I was swolll bey; c Eastbourne. \ THE BRITISH SCHOOL OF MOTORING,^ three reception, 6-7 bedrooms, irooERAMBULATOR FOR SALE good. —Mrs. M. W than H) Tears Well. Eastbourne. - S o l d i e b s ’ P e r i l o u s A d v e n t u r e .— A few - "■' / JT Fuller. School-hill, Lewes.______scullery; in or near Baslow*Troad. Meads, dr Meads end. Sunday.—Cam p a t Ratxon. had been baked for the Army, bnt apart from that he —Apply, Box F. O., “ Chronicle” Office. Eastbourne. 1913, Mr. Dean said: “ Am ‘ doing iya ago three soldiers were under the steepest part of ! TUrUNIOR N IO R CCLERK REQUIRED for Costing Offlce.- RIZE-BRED BELGIAN HAKE DOES, three months Monday.—7.30 p.m.: Machine gun drilL was not aware of the contents of the parceL He had Seaford Head when, to their dismay, they noticed that old, 25s. each.—A M., Turret House. East Griustead. ANTED, in East Grinstead. small Cnkl unishkd work now, and busy all hours of_the Tuesday.—7.30 p.m.: Signallers' instruction, Sergt. always been most careful in seeing that orders as to U Apply,ily. 1by letter only, to The Eastbourne Aviation P ROUSE; moderatereut.—11, " Observer"sOrtico, ilth Doan’s Pills Balchin. 1J3C1 p.im.: Recrnita’ drilL Government stores not being in the poeseasion of any of tee rising tide had surrounded teem. Two at once Go., Ltd.,, AllAircraft Works, Eastbourne. *? CJTOMEHOUSE ” KNAPSACK SPRAYER, new W the splendid he climbedtne cliffs. The third, who was suffering from East Grinstead. over sixteen ago.” Thursday.—7JO p.m.: Signallers’ instruction, Sergt. the crew of his vessel were observed, and he would not DISCHARGED SOLDIER . RE- I last sum m er, £2. 12s. 6d.—Mrs. WilUs, Frith Balchin. 7.30 p.m.: Keel-nits’ drilL a weak heart, waited but after a while he also essayed ______in Solicitor’s Office, with thorough Manor. East Qribstead. 1 ANTED, ill Eastbourne, UN If' JRN1SHKD same result Mr. Dean, insist Friday.—7.30 p.m.: Musketry. 7.30 p.m.: Machine gun have carried this parcel had he known what it con­ HOUSE, In i _____repair,.. with small ;arden, v and tained.—Lieut. A. M. Cad man, R.N.R., attended on to scale the cliffs. He got half way up, and then found knowledge of accounts ; shorthand essential.—Apply, rpWIN-PERAMBULATOR FOR SALE, cost nine W Kidney Medi LOAN'S BACK - instruction. j . - that he could not proceed further. A rope was accord­ Box P„ “ East Sussex]News,” Lewes. plectric light; no basement; five bedrooms and bath PILLS. Sold by (i 'l Dealers, or 2s. 9cL Saturday. June 22nd*—Week end Training Camp at the instructions of Capt. J. D. Daintree and gave i I guineas; good condition; offered for £3.—Write, room ; rent not to exqeed £70.—Address, 7i7, “'Chronicle" Hatton. Parade 4-30 p.m. (late party 8.30 p.m.). Full ingly lowered, but the man failed to reach it. Another f AUNDRY.—PACj IE R and SORTER (experienced) F „ "O bserver” Office, East Grinstead. Office, Eastbourne. iter - McClellan Cc 8, W ells-streets defendant an excellent character.—The Chairman said man was teen lowered over the cliffs, and as a result the j 'on, W. marching order.1 Section A, B and C men should attend the Magistrates had many similar cases before them. L i R equired.—J . Yorsfold, Avenue Laundry, East- f\TANi FOR SALE,.with Tilt ; suit carrier; in good ANTED, earlIV in August-, for one I month or six 4i ' J ■ regularly for progressive training. / Defendant had pleaded guilty, and they felt they coaid soldier was hauled into safety. - o n m e . V order ; five years old.—Apply,- Phillips’s Mineral . weeks, &mal,lj FURNISHED COTTAGE, not less ( | ■ ' -Pevensey. not deal differently with him, even having regard to the AUNDRY.—Best land Finery 1RONER3 W a n te d ; W ater Works, Lewes. W than three bedroom:, in East Gr-instead.—All particulars &•;«j . also General Hands.—Won-fold, Avenue Laundry, to Brett, 24. Mount Ephraim-road, Tunbrid*fo Wells. ,t did that Russian nobleman wnte a* Tuesday.—7.15 p.m.: Field work. excellent character which he bore. He would be fined - REST FOR ALL. JL TKA-VIM POULTRY POWDER will m ake your — ” .—7.15 p.m.: Field work and recruits’ drill. E astbourne.______Hens lay buckets full of fine, largd eggs ; 6d. and SHOP ^Tobacco- .. album ?” -Maud * Oh, something Thursday. £5.—Mr. Topham mentioned that this was the maximum For Ch ild ren Teeth ing . X ANTED. SMALL HOUSE and SHl gracious II W hafc Saturday.—Camp. See above. [ AN WANTED to make himself useful in Laundry; carton lasts 20 hens a fortnight.—Sold byM. L. Russell, nist. News and Confectionery ; meiain tnorough'- ( Edith : “ Goddnessj fine.—The Chairman said that was so, but pointed out KBS. I f your baby is restless and 245, Seaside, and 28, Ocklynge, Eastbourne. W ; “ ffia name!J Hailsham. that there was an alternative punishment provided of __ or Strong Woman might do.—Worsfold, Avenue fare.—A. B., 13 j Wool comber-street, Dover. cannot sleep, give this old- anndry, Eastbourne) J-Mrs.-Jira. uuuuwiuGoodwin . j.I wishwwu tow select . , ~a Sunday.-.—10 ______a.m .: DrilL two months’ imprisonment.—The money was paid. W IN S L O W ’S fashioned remedy a trial, as p o :R SA LE . N ew. ANTED, any quantity, YOUNG CHICKS, early •for,my husband. and I can’t think or Tuesday.—7.:S> p-m.: Field work. _ It cures W in d & Teeth ing |V I AGHINItiT (N.8.) W ANTED, m ost be used to good 6 Albion and Other Mowers. W hatched; da ;e and price: cash with order.—Mr, >esn!t -moke ordrinki or go out at nights. Thursday.—7 p.xn.: R ecruits' drilL 7.30 p.m.: Field and Diarrhcea. You will all ,T I work.—Farncombe 8c Co.. Ltd., Lewes.______3 Bamford’s Side Hakes. Smith, 1, Katri!ne-tece. Well Hall, Klthian Klthkra. Friend: “ Is he fond pf knitting l" extended order. KUXIONS OF PEOPLE SOOTHING have a good night and baby will wake up bright and f UR3EMAID WANTED) July 2nd ; temporary or 2 Horse Rakes. ANTED, CLOTHING. OFFICERS’CKKS’ OUTFITS, piMC.—Sergeant: “ He’s as weak as a Saturday.—Camp. See above. . Have used this economical | permanent. — Apply, 11-5, Mrs. Afriat, Trinity 1 Massey 13-Tine Cultivator. TEETH. High prices paid according to condi- peerWell, give him a job in the Recruits can be takenj a t Eastbourne from 8 to 8230 p.m. FLOBILINE SYRTJP. happy. ansions Hotel, Eastbonrne. ______2 Blackstone’s Swath Turners. W ' ; Trousers 6s.; JacjkotK. 8s. Over- on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Dentifrice with full satisfac­ tion. Suits up to £1 b the rifles.” Sergeant: “ Yes, sir^-but tion. A few drops produoe PICTURE FRAMING.—WANTED, good, all round S econd-hand. | coats, 15s.: Boots, IChu Ladles good Clothing, Jewellery nil him through i '—The Passxhg Show. A. J . H art. Captain. a refreshing lather and “ I have been nearly burnt to death twice, broken my MAN, Ineligible tor Ai my.—Stacy Marks, Art 2 Horse Rakes (Blackstone’s). | and Chilaren’^ Ut derclothing. Bags, [.Trunks, Scc.j oking over the paper: “ The local drop ■ I FOB THE 2 _ 1 ______the teeth y, 54, Terminusroad, Eastbourne. paid.—Locwk, 200 and 6n‘s-road, nose twice and have been nearly drowned three times, ) 1 McCormick Hay Loader. per return. g all sorts of patent medicines at hau- w hite and arroistfxifr decay. said an outfitter, whom East Ham Tribunal exempted on 1 Massey Harris Hay Loader. Sussex. Cash A lso p ut up to Pow der form . jgEt^UIRED for 1 lunition Hostels in Kent, HOUSE- 1 Blackstone’s Swath Turner. j toks: “ Just our luck I There isn t any- The New South Wales Cabinet has decided to intro­ TEETH. W hy not tary It Wednesday. ; T I ' ___AIDS, wages 12s. per week; also Cook-House­ o u n g l a d y d r e s s m a k e r would like ex u .u;k- h with any of u s !” duce legislation providing that those found guilty of “ But, my dear fellow, if you don’t care for her, why | keepers, wages 16s. per week ; board, lodging and 2 Bentall’s Horse Gears. Y mksts at ladles' homes,—Apply, F. F.,“ Ghroniclu ’’ you think it would be conceited for me breaches of tee existing law regarding seditions utter­ laundry; war badge and bonus; usual outings; uniform 5 Sorted size Chaff Cutters. Office, Eastbourne.l ances shall be disfranchised for a mlnimnm period of four on earth did yon propose!’1 “ Well—er—we’d danced T Ransome's I.L.D.T. Plough. j I made this dress myself ?” Louise ». Oar knowledge is the amassed thought and experience three bally dances, and I couldn’t think of anything else overalls provided. — Write Mrs. Bode, 39, St. James s- toy dear—superfluous! years and a maximum period of ten years, and also dis- street, Piccadilly, London. W. RICE BROS. Ltd.. E nginekrs. East Grinstead. ( Continued on page S.) - qualified from holding public-office. Of innumerable minds. I to say 1 "—The P assing Skotc.



yeoman servioe, and members of the choir who have assisted in the general success are Miss Hoadley, Miss POARD OF GUARDIANS. Oarlile, Mias Salisbury and Miss Cousins. Bed Cross nurses very kindly acted as stewardesses, and: the gentlemen of the Bed Cross Auxiliary Aid Society gave MR. jW. E. PRICE’S SUPERANNUATION. valued help. The orohestra of over 50 players included members of Sir Henry-Wood’s, Sir Thomas Beeoham’s and the (t h e OPINION OF THE LOCAL Royal Academy of Music orchestras. 160 performers altogether took partin this memorable production. GOVERNMENT BOARD. Thanks are due to Messrs.: Bobby & Co. for the loan PLUMMER RODDIS J of bunting for decorations. _ eetjng of the Eastbourne Board of Guardians | A further sutn of nearly £20 will be realised by Mr. gt Avenue House, Eastbourne, yesterday. Ltd. Foote and his spin ididbandof workers for St. Duns tan’s by the above e ffo r t.Had------the. weather . . ------permitted the | H . VON E. S cott presided, and there were performance would have been given in the open air and resent Lieut.-Col. C. W. Owen, C.M.G., C.I.E. General and High-class Drapers, a much larger sum would have been available. chairman), Mrs. Fahey, Miss Boldero, Mi63 | The rehearsals of Hiawatha will be resumed next Miss Brodie Hall, Miss B. Long, the Rev. A R E OFFiBRING TO-DAY Thursday and arrangements are being made to give the j H. H. Fain, the Rev. J. T. Burns, the Rev. A. A. N o . 3 , 2 7 7 performance in the open air on Wednesday, Augu Evans, Councillor Bradford, Councillor Eden, Coun­ 2 1 st, on behalf of; our blinded soldiers and sailors. cillor Prior, Councillor Chapman, Mr. C. Thomas, V l B R Y EXCEPTIONAL VALUE Mr. J. McCann Mr. J. G. Shield, Mr. J. Robinson, Mr. J. Youell, Mr. S. E. Buckland, Mr. J. L. Reid, PROPOSED MUSICAL FESTIVAL Mr. ;J. Birch and Mr. A. Hurst (clerk). IN • | A N e w G u a r d ia n . .ai - V ~ 1T*. 01 FOR EASTBOURNE. Mr. E. P. Gorringe, of Exceat, was elected member j of the Board to fill the’ vacancy in the FURS & FUR COATS ’W tf'efcr': "kl representation of the parish of Seaford caused by the To th e E ditor. death of his father, the late Mr. T5. J. Gorringe, JEW EL5 E!W i- SII.y I Sir: Tou were good enough some considerable time I chairman of the Board. ago to announce in your esteemed paper a project I had T h e L ate M a st e r ’s Superannuation . BE ;■ V--L1 in view of arranging an annual Musical Festival for The Clerk -read the following letter;— Eastbourne—not by any means an ordinary competitive Q U k L iT V Musioal Festival which is intended for those able to “ W hitehall, S.W ., 3rd Ju n e . 1918. appreciate the smaller side of musio, with a dangling “ Sir,-r-I am directed by the President of the Local Srpei r;i 'spei b«ut of a few Ishillings’ prize or a nob ultra-artistic Government Board to forward to you for the informa- They have now received deliveriesme for next Autumn of the if 1 certificate at the end of theexeitement—but my purpose tion ot the Guardians of the Eastbourne Union the I 1*100, Tt-rmi ■ g -l-.'l. is rather to stimulate a deeper and wider appreciation accompanying copy of a letter which has been MAIBON ' FLORA, EASTBOURNE, LTD. of the great sacred masterpieces, many of which are all addressed to the Board by the Guardians of the | f r .1 at too poorly known. The outbreak of war caused me for Merthyr Tydfil Union relative to the question of the MOST APPROVED MODELS” AND SHAPES the time being to defer maturing my idea, but T now inclusion for superannuation purposes by Mr. Price, feel that no useful purpoeecan be gained by longer late Master of the Eastbourne iWorkhouse, of a EAST”OUI deferment. Beling in the fortunate position of having sriod of employment' under the Merthyr Tydfil for Winter 1918. the hearty supporb of a host of musical frienaR* pro- uardians, together with a copy ofi the Board’s reply. SC H O O L :OF 5 ?d otherwise, who are keenly in favour of the “ I am, Sir, idea and prepared to aid me to their utmost, it seems Your (obedient Servant, J l S & j - 5 3 k, T e n opportune that one should Co-ordinate and unify such J “ E . A . B r o w n e , The skins have been lnost carefully selected, and they invite Over the Capitp.l an .I Cpur.ti“.s Han aluable forces both for the purpose of advancing the i“ For Assistant Secretary.” an early Visit of inspection, there are many very Choice The communications referred to pi the above letter | Shorthand, Typo-vritir plus profits of the FestivaL The scope w?re as follows -j, ijtml Ih|sines« of the first Festival next year might be as follows:— ‘M erthyr] Tydfil. 23rd M ay. 1918. M n Two days, two performances each day (a longer Festival Siri,—I am instructed by the Guardians of this ] MODEL GARMENTS W . H. EOBK'RTR, F.t] could be arrani after the war), the opening ceremony, U nion to report the following facts to your honour- (AwP.rdi-d ((ok nnd “ Elijah;” e ing work, Bach’s Mass in B Minor, ile d with a view to ascertaining their views Second da; rdi’s Manzoni Requiem; evening, “ The ereoi In 1894 a lad named' W. E. Price, an EASTBOURNE CHORAL AND Rose of I ~~ ” conducted by the oomjposer. Sir inma of the Cottage Homes, was employed in the which when sold cannot bje repeated except at a considerably l i l l SID' lj --T Alexander enzie. The Festival to he-held in office off the* Superintendent of the Homes and 6ub- H .1 . _ i i ii- . .f iL- iu .. a_.f ORCHESTRAL SOCIETIES. the Town The choir to be named the Eastbourne eequently transferredsier to the office of the Master of higher price. ] Pr)cy>firu/:: i-j- Scha Festival and oompleto professional orchestra. _the_j Workhouse.e. - He appears to , have . been _paid M R . w a . .xonf.v, K. a f it,: _Moat| ___ f<___of musical entertainment are provided for small jwage in the first instance, no doubt as pocket B u rm iisa i CoHage.i irim '.ridiL y, Haywards, opposite Station, MEMORABLE PERFORMANCE OF *1 jw snfler 16 tc 'a. vvepfiesd, t l to-day, from [the Jinmble. form at; the pictui money, and as time went on and he grew older and of 8.N .C., j Osborne BRAHMS’ “ REQUIEI Wagnerian Gi ad Opera, many of which are su more , value his wages were increased from time to Special arrangements fer Dav even beyond pre-wari-war days. Far leas opopportunities are time. He also acted as temporary porter at the H acres ui Play!: g ’-] given for hearing the inspired sacred works of the Workhouse and finally, in 1902, he-left the service or Fur Renovations and Re-modelling, OOD WAGES OFFERED to a Willing BOY; must In the long line of musical oom posers there is but one world’s masters, which, I think, is unfortunate, par­ of the Guardians. No deductions were mgde from in d E O E O V G H I t be able to ride a bicycleA-Apply, personally, to Brahms; and Mr. Francis J. Foote, conductor of the ticularly iin these days. his wages or salary under the Superannuation Acts, i t ; UPPF^i. AVF-KUE, Yours faithfully, nor did he make any direct contributions to the T P.R. will gladly give Estimates and recommend Ladies to at,*60, Grove- Lacoste the W ine Mei Eastbc urne Choral and Orchestral Societies, is oertainly fWncinais i ^ FFIOE.—WANT] >, YOONO LADY as APPREN- FRANCIS J. FOOTE. Fund. It appears that Mr. Price was eventually carefully examine their Furs NOW. and have the necessary TICK.—Apply, 1 obby & Go., Ltd., Terminus-road, one of his most conscientious prophets. The perform­ ■ St. Leonards-road Studios, appointed Master of the Workhouse at Eastbourne, ance o the master’s wonderful Requiem at the Town and the question of,his superannuation allowance has work done during the Summer months. Frivats School jtastboume. Eastbourne. Story? witr] 3 acres ol CtTRONG YOUTH iKQUIRKD for boots, Ac. Also HaU < n Wednesday afternoon, at 5.30, as a tribute to come up for consideration. A letter was received ttbjstcai Lt.bore.7ori'is, yyianac S Houseboy.; live 1 a.—Apply, The Butierjttaatboume from the Clerk to the Guardians pf that Union ask­ Psrepurallon for lldnooc Mat Eastb rnrne’s brave sons who have fallen in the wk, and ing; (1) Whether Mr. Price contributed under th. College. ' 1- '' ■' ■ - -j j _ ■- ar.^! ^am bridg as a message of hope and consolation to those in sorrow, Act; (2) if so, the amount of his contributions;! (3) Fees Moderate ai rANTED.'an irienced YOUNG LADY for Pro- was a revelation of what theee*Musical Societies oan'do FORBIDDEN CHAR-A-BANCS. the period of servioe of the officer. The replies , . visions; al ine for Grocery and solicit*"®-— Provision Stores, Old Town in Oratorio work of the/ highest standard. Similar being: (1) No; but I should say thi 'TP* Fj (.j 3 fBradford, f i; Grocery fault. He has now sent me a cnequ< 'bourne. . 1 perfo -manoea have been given by Mr. Foote’s ohoirs at s MESSRS. CHAPMAN FINED. holding until I hear, from you) paying up the deduc- ANTED, M l - STRONG YOUTH (ineligible) Tunh ridge Wells, Heath field and other plaoes, where PLUMMER RODDIS Ltd. FOB SOYS INTfknFD FI Fork about Bakery.—Stretton, 905, tions which should have been majde from his salary. for General he his, by dint of patient energy and hard “ spade” The Rubfect.-. cf ir-.i.rnatlon W Seaside, Eastbourne.] work created a taste for the finest]in music. Having * do not think this should interfere with him deriv- mount of coritmbu- ] all Fcblic H; r' ? --- HOUSEPARLOURMAID J the 1 jyal support of a large and nalous membership, An interesting case affecting the running of horse ing benefit under] the Act. (2) 74 to 82,TerminusRoad, Eastbourne; sittentlcn ts . paid U- Lcmmerc on; good w ag e; sleep in or he ht s been able to continue this work during the war, . uuar-a-uauuchar-a-bancs was decided by the Eastbourne Magistrates tion £6. 7s. lOd. The latter sur is the amount of Siangnsges, out.—X,, “ Chror ’ ' stbourne.______and i|n consequence various war oharitiea have benefited ; yesterday. derman H. W. Keay replaced the Mayor the cheque above referred to hich is being held | arch, 1902. I ha- ■Phone 1000. Resident Managing Director, E. C. STRANGE. For Prosper-n? srplrl ANTED, a t Once, GENERAL: three in family.— to tide extent of m £1.000. Theproceeds of the- in the Messrs. Chapman & Sons, of Viotoria- over. „(3) From M arch, 1894, to Apply. 1, Derwent-road. Meads, Eastbourne. present undi help one of the most deserving dace. were le defendants, and the summons was for sincp received a reply from Clerk th e Guardians of the Eastbournetbo Union, on behalf of the u n i c i p a l s c l T-GKNKRALond H ouseParloub- causes the ANTED. ]- Guardians,J;--- toi- the**•-' effect-«—*■ *— -jannot express any (Tz c fn ic a z iMST.-ruia MAID for I r Ju ly i; w ages £28.—Apply, betw een Homes for M W ’, Eastbourne. ______.bourne opinion nor offer any suggestion iipon the point raised 1 1 and L at U .8 elv in reply to Query 1. I reported all...... the the facte SA Y 1 and EVE'S IN Cr CL. menhen I i ^ “ i . Stanches o£ Art, Inc-iodina / - purposesj»i of the Poor Law Scripture he has allowed the poet to escape from thq TRADING DU IING PROHIBITED HOURS. second approached by Mr. Foote and its inspiring influence notice boards outside both offices describing Jfficera’ Superannuation Act, 11396, and th a t the con- theologian. But wo are not disposed to find fault Walter Eyre, - 3easide-road, was summoned for The Safijects cfj 'Inst ruction! scooking 1 and at| ______. _____ ly e.______|______snent, Military, Physical anl manifested. Some wonderful work was accomplished of the journeys, the fare, &c. Witness ' tributione tendered m ay accoijfdmgly be accepted by with him on that account. Perhaps he- is a trifle keeping his shop open during prohibited hours on PenciDg. Sv.o:di^iriglt -lickJ «noes exchange by ohoir and orchestra, and although crie cares less previously, cm May 25th, told. Mr. William Ohapman, the Guardians of the Merthyr Tydfil Union. bold (though it is a pardonable hyperbole) when he the 12th inst. j bourne. jun., that if he continued running the ohar-a-banca after I • | . ! Firrvt A | [ about their technical equipment than the interpretative I am. Sir. says that Christ “discerned . . . a finer and fitter ' The Town Clerk prosecuted. Flrst- °°mplam of the action of the Watch Com- tion to the latent loveliness arid the irresistible power SE.tun r ‘ r of the oratorio is reached, and the famona praise fugue mlmitb in adopting "" "" African Infantry. Formerly editor of the N atal T*Presbyterian ’ ' ’ O ''liurcb. j # - which by self-revererice and loyalty to tho ideal he The P reside]NT (Rev. Jas. Reid) occupied the chair, — ^ ^ BENEFITS. | is set forth- in a veritable paean of adoration. [The real A n Obviously A bsurd S uggestion Gazette, Sergt. Burns, who arrived at Eaetbourne on portrays- will give every woman reader of this book £1000 lju event ot Death. -1 the 18th December last and left last Tuesday, having being supported by the Rev. David Barron, Mrs. •requiem;” the song- of peace that “ passeth all that had come from the. Ministry of Food that hon -a newand bracing vision of her proper influence and | Marrihant.'Mr.fW.M.uuuuvlj.ijLt.-r II . v/uapuiallChapman rField, 1U1U, IXll.&c. £1000 In event of Loss of Hands or Feet, or Eyesight. undertanding,” the mantle , of the Infinite thrown drawing a char-a-banc neeaeu needed to be^ 8lwclallyspecially IBU.fedi therefore been at Smmerdown exaotly six months] destiny. We venture to add that these ten studies | Mr nnkpM/Jw avaminati™ j I a k m £500 In event of Loss of One Hand or Foot, or One tenderly around a sorrowing and trembling world, is t Mesars. Chapman & Sons had used horse char-a-bancs is a very able journalist, j He has acted as assistant of the women who encountered the Perfect Man will M r. Chapman, the examination secretary, read his Eye. - - r editor of the “ Cam p Jo u rn a l,” to which he has con] not less eloquently epeak home to every knightly report, in the course of which he said the subject of i S ' S e S l ? , T h t f ^— h e — ™ ------^- extensively torfor many many, years.. years. These had beenoeen super-superi tributed largely and regularly, his “ editorials ” and the examination, which took place in March, was j I l OF. H I £ 6 per week during Temporary Total Disable- quality in the hearts of Englishmen, j I ment. from their labours and their -works do Sey m ay rest by -motors, which had been commandeered by descriptive articles being always of a sound and D. B. “ Witnesses for Jesus.” There was also a special 80/- per week during Temporary Partial Disable­ This is the blessing which Brahms remindsindsfollow usua them. exists xi-.ttbe Government.----->------Later-—< they — were amongst mr... the------very eminently readaDlereadable quality,quality. Hefie has gonegond to rejoin examination o a the missionary work of St. Paul for < p i W n a m e n ’l l ment. first to apply gas as a petrol substitute. That was nov [Mr. Orde Ward’s book, “IChrist and Woman,” is primary work rs and teachers. A notable individual through all the ages, and is especially applicable toa the Reserve unit at Woking, Surrey. published by C. H. Kelly, pri^e 3s. 6d. pet], In addition_____to above, all Medical Expenses up to IB per world at war. ■forbidden, and recourse was again made to horses. I success in the special examination was that of Gladys cent, ot the Compensation otherwise payable. 1 The Watoh Committee came along and wanted to 8top I Helena Toyo; of Union Church, Heathfield Sunday 1 /i E O i Larger or Smaller Amounts pro rata. T__ h,e______works of those who have died for the rights of even that, because of something which had been i Owing to the wet there wore no sports on Wednesi- School, who obtained 98 marks Out of a possible 100. freedom will live in a regenerated world.. And so the written by the Ministry of Food. He would rather day in this week, but a numbor of entertainments APPL lOATlON FOR INSURANCE. THE VISIT OE A TANK. Mrs. M arch ant gave an address to the children and Requiem, closes in an atmosphere of solemn happiness trust______to Messrs.______Chapman’s______advice______about horses_____ than have taken _place since our last. In [the Camp also distributed the awards. F irat Tier-? utd Name in full and lofty aspiration, all due to a fine conception of the thatf of the gentleman who was responsible for that , Theatre on Thursday particular interest attached to Address... music and its message and the absence of any jarring •letter. --i miThey------would , j ---*■not *--be such — *- 'fools --as to------work- their - *■a>a *-—boxing UVAlUg ;— -n-*-’-—UI3JJ1UJIdisplay , -aa> —rmlt- Ul^l-uil i^-1-:h -*—* betweenDOI/W------CCli Xll Art! fch,llr wW------arnerl TO [STAND'AT THE PRINCESS ALICE TREE. Occupation. Age...... element, unless, indeed, the unnecessary applause of a hordes, which had cost them thousands of pounds,-to and W. Rayson being witnessed with keen interests] certian section of the audience, unable to resist the Do you aljpreseut„ hold V death. If the horses were overworked there was an A nother attraction was a! new comedy sketch, “ Titi- The War Savings Committee have now heard RATToi? ESTATE TO BE SOLD. f I N U B 8 K U I F 8 an Accidint JPo icy? / ■ garish custom even in the presence of sacred things, organisation that could take legal proceedings. He "B i "ts,’’ ” which ------was produced ’ ’ ’by C.S.M. Crook and definitely from the National| Wav Sayings Committee could be so described. It was intended as an expression „„„submitted that the prosecution had failed to prove that Company. ^ ^ l enclose Cheque \ D th a t a “ T ank ” will lie sent -to E astbourne on th e 29th, ! ! Cl." ALCPl Treasury Note / * ..... of indebtedness tp . the spirited conductor and his the] vehicle------was a" haokney ' - carriage------’-’— for hire 30thand 31st July. At their meeting on Monday last, in Lord Willinkdon’s Ratton Estate is to be sold. His ...... J...... splendid forces one. is .certain-, but an adherence to the within the prescribed distance, and further, claimed The Knuts, who visited the Milita: Hospital lordship has instructed a London firm of auctioneers to Date Signature.. particular request made by Mr. Foote in his foreword to anticipation of this visit, the Committee appointed a me undernde the exception whioh provided that where ; yesterday, \Vish to thanki Mrs. Willougi i >y and ap Pageant Sub Committee and decidedi to invite the aid bring the propliberty under the hammer next-autumn. ALFRED E. KETT, in the programme would have been in better taste. 1 a vehicle’ ’ -was------previously~ hired ’ from* ' ----- a ’’livery----- 'stable ’ ’ * no o , anonymous donor for parcels of dressed -and stage The estate, which extends to nearly 1,800 acres, l/ ... .undry local people as speakers. [The Mayor, who ■J. U P St A Xs 37, UPPERTON GARDENS, EASTBOURNE.] Tfie very handsome laurel wreath, sashed with purple offence had been committed. r , properties received. . They will be glad of furtheir a since kindly consented to do so, will open the includes Rattan House (built some years ago after ths , ribbon, that rested on a stand near the conductors desk fter a retirement the Benoh decided to conviot, and , gifts of the same character, proceedings on the first day. It is to be lipped that the old building ljad been destroyed by fire), the Willing- wasa token from Miss Harmer of her appreciation of a fine of £1 was imposed. In response to an applica­ inhabitants will rise to the oc:asion arid, both in matter don golf course, several farms and small holdings, the uplifting influence of these Sooieties, as well as a tion from the defending solicitor they agreed: to sfstate ground rents And much eligible building land. Tommy Atk , ashore on leave in Dublin, met The proceeds of the late bazaar in [aid of tpo of service and subscriptions, will do their best to make tribute to the loving memory of her brother, who has Prisoners of W ar F u n d am ounted to £70. 10s. And thri visit a success. It is int ;nded to |issne a circular to full-bearded Iris! aan and thought he would have lately been killed in tbe war. ’ little fun with hi ‘ Pat," he said, “ when are ye gom' I a very useful sum, too. The Q.M.A.A.C., who every house. , Miss Molly Curry, as the hon. secretary to thefftast- P rinted by th i Proprietors, F arnoombk & Co.. Limited, to place yer whiskers on the reserve list 1" “ Whin yo jchester is to confer the freedom of the oityon , organised the litklo venture, are heartily to be con The “ Tank ” is to be Iocs ted at the Princess Alice and Published by them every Saturday at their place yer tongue on the civil list 1 ” was Pat’s reply- bourne Choral and Orchestral Sooieties, has rendered Mr. Lloyd George. gratulated. Offices, ioj. ICaok i'oidcfl tree, at the junction of Cornfield-road: and South-street. South-streeti Eastbourne. jOJ fi-. i- *. ; V . C 'inMunc Bowes, La^t biii.-luai ;r