SCHOOL PROFILE 2019-2020 10 MAIN STREET Cheshire Academy was founded in 1794. The Academy is a selective independent, coeducational CHESHIRE, CT 06410 boarding and day school enrolling 362 students in grades 9-12 and a postgraduate year. Cheshire Academy endeavors to enroll students who are eager to pursue their passions and realize their potential. 203-272-5396 The Academy has a rich tradition of enrolling a diverse student body and providing a student-centered FAX: 203-439-7202 program. Cheshire Academy is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges CEEB CODE: 070095 and is approved by the Connecticut State Department of Education. Among other affiliations, the school is a member of the Secondary School Admissions Test Board (SSATB) the National Association of WWW.CHESHIREACADEMY.ORG Independent Schools (NAIS) and the Connecticut Association of Independent Schools (CAIS). * ADMINISTRATION CHESHIRE ACADEMY AT A GLANCE Julie Anderson • 362 students, 57% boys, 43% girls • 57 full time faculty Head of School • 16 PGs, 108 Seniors, 94 Juniors, • 46 with advanced degrees (up to M.A.) 94 Sophomores, 50 Freshmen • Average class size: 11 Laura Longacre • 51% boarding, 49% day Chief Academic Officer • From13 states and 29 countries * As of September 1, 2018 GPA DISTRIBUTION—CLASS OF 2019 * COLLEGE COUNSELING OFFICE ACADEMIC INFORMATION & GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 4.1-4.0 2.4 % of class Madeleine Bergstrom • Semester system 3.99-3.67 17.1 % of class Director • Over 110 courses offered in 6 disciplines 3.66.-3.33 25.2 % of class 203-439-7550 • International Baccalaureate® Diploma Programme 3.32-3.0 18.7 % of class
[email protected] 2.99-2.67 17.1 % of class CLASS RANK & GPA 2.66-2.33 15.4 % of class Laura Dempsey Beginning with the 2016-2017 academic year, Senior Associate Director Cheshire Academy no longer applies weight to 2.32-and under 4.1 % of class 203-439-7294 the student GPA.