Congr.Ession Al Record- Sen Ate
··.· .. \ ... 1921. CONGR.ESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE. 19 NO:lliNATIONS. NOMINATIONS. FJa:ee1tti1.:e nominations received by the Senate March 9, 1921. Executive nominations received 1Jy the Senate March 10, 1921! To BE AssiS'l'ANT SECRETABIES oF THE TREASURY. CoMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. S. Parker Gilbert, jr., of Bloomfield, N. J., to be Assistant Sec D. R. Crissinger, of Ohio, to be Comptroller of the Om·rency, to retary of the Treasury. fill an existing vacancy. Nicholas Kelley, of New York, N. Y., to be Assistant Secre CoNsULs. tary of the Treasury. The following-named persons for promotion in the Consular Ewing Laporte, of St. Louis, Mo., to be Assistant Secretary of Service of the United States, as follows: the Treasury. CLASS 3. To BE BRIGADIER GENERAL, l\fEDICAL SECTION. Lester :Maynard, of California, from consul of class 4 to con Charles E. Sawyer, from March 7, 1921. sul of class 3. CLASS 4, Willys R. Peck, of California, from consul of class 5 to con· CONFIRMATION. sui of class 4. Executive nomination confirmed by tlle Senate Ma1·ch 9, 1921. CoNsUL oF CLAss 6. To BE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. Charles C. Broy, of Virginia, formerly a consul of class 6, Theodore Roosevelt to be Assistant Secretary of the Navy! to be a consul of class 6 of the United States of America. CONFIRM..-\..TIONS. SENATE. Executive norninations con{im~tea by the Senate Ma1·ch 10, 19~1~ ASSIS'J:ANT SECRETARIES OF THE 'J..'REASURY. THURSDAY, March 10, 19~1. S. Pa1·ker Gilbert, jr. Rev. J.
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