Expression of Identity of Pastoral Activities Lithuanian Franciscans in 1940–1990
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VYTAUTAS MAGNUS UNIVERSITY Rev. Saulius BYTAUTAS EXPRESSION OF IDENTITY OF PASTORAL ACTIVITIES LITHUANIAN FRANCISCANS IN 1940–1990 Summary of Doctoral Dissertation Humanitarian sciences, Theology (02 H) Kaunas 2011 Dissertation was being prepared 2006–2010 at the Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania Scientific tutor Can. prof. dr. (h. p.) Kęstutis Žemaitis (Vytautas Magnus University, humanitarian sciences, theology – 02 H) The Dissertation is defended in the Scientific council of theology constituted by Vytautas Magnus University Chairman Rev. prof. dr. (h. p.) Andrius Narbekovas (Vytautas Magnus University, humanitarian sciences, theology – 02 H) Members of council: Rev. prof. habil. dr. Stanislaw Celestyn Napiorkowsky OFM Conv (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland, humanitarian sciences, theology – 02 H) Prel. prof. dr. (h. p.) Vytautas Steponas Vaičiūnas (Vytautas Magnus University, humanitarian sciences, theology – 02 H) Rev. prof. dr. (h. p.) Kazys Meilius (M. Romer University, humanitarian sciences, theology – 02 H) Doc. dr. Vaida Kamuntavičienė (Vytautas Magnus University, humanitarian sciences, history – 05 H) Opponents: Rev. doc. dr. Josef Lupinski (Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw, humanitarian sciences, theology – 02 H) Doc. dr. Pranas Janauskas (Vytautas Magnus University, humanitarian sciences, history – 05 H) The dissertation will be defended in an open session of Scientific council of theology of Vytautas Magnus University in Didžioji aula (The Great Aula) at Vytautas Magnus University at 12 a.m. on 25th of March 2011. Address: Gimnazijos str. 7, LT – 44260 Kaunas, Lithuania The summary of dissertation is sent out on the 24th of February 2011. The dissertation can be found at the library of Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas and at the National Library of M. Mažvydas in Vilnius. VYTAUTO DIDŽIOJO UNIVERSITETAS Kun. Saulius BYTAUTAS LIETUVIŲ PRANCIŠKONŲ (OFM) IDENTITETO RAIŠKA PASTORACINĖJE VEIKLOJE 1940–1990 METAIS Daktaro disertacijos santrauka Humanitariniai mokslai, teologija (02 H) Kaunas, 2011 Disertacija rengta 2006–2010 metais Vytauto Didžiojo universitete, teologijos katedroje Mokslinis vadovas Kan. prof. dr. (h. p.) Kęstutis Žemaitis (Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, teologija – 02 H) Disertacija ginama Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Teologijos mokslo krypties taryboje: Pirmininkas: Kun. prof. dr. (h. p.) Andrius Narbekovas (Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, teologija – 02 H) Nariai: Kun. prof. habil. dr. Stanislaw Celestyn Napiorkowsky OFM Conv (Liublino Jono Pauliaus II katalikiškasis universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, teologija – 02 H) Prel. prof. dr. (h. p.) Vytautas Steponas Vaičiūnas (Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, teologija – 02 H) Kun. prof. dr. (h. p.) Kazys Meilius (M. Romerio universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, teologija – 02 H) Doc. dr. Vaida Kamuntavičienė (Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija – 05 H) Oponentai: Kun. doc. dr. Josef Lupinski (Kardinolo Stefano Višinskio universitetas Varšuvoje, humanitariniai mokslai, teologija – 02 H) Doc. dr. Pranas Janauskas (Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, humanitariniai mokslai, istorija – 05 H) Disertacija bus ginama viešame Teologijos mokslo krypties tarybos posėdyje 2011 m. kovo mėn. 25 d. 12 val. Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Didžiojoje auloje. Adresas: Gimnazijos g. 7, LT – 44260 Kaunas, Lietuva. Disertacijos santrauka išsiųsta 2011 m. vasario 24 d. Disertaciją galima peržiūrėti Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto ir Lietuvos nacionalinėje M. Mažvydo bibliotekose. INTRODUCTION Actuality of the research subject. The justification of the problem and its revelation. In 1250–1251 the King of Lithuania Mindaugas was baptised, and since then the Catholic Church entered Lithuania. Franciscans were among the first who spread the teaching of Jesus Christ and stayed in Lithuania for several ages teaching and educating people, till in the XIX century their monasteries were closed because of their active social cultural participation in the national life were closed and totally destroyed. Kretinga monastery was the only one that was left, but the aged and ill Bernardines, monks from other orders, and priests, accused of national activities, were gathered there. After Lithuania regained its independence in 1918, the Commissioner for the Franciscan brothers was appointed by the Province government. Since then the Franciscans began to act broadly and new monasteries were established. In 1940 Lithuanian Franciscans already had 6 monasteries. During that time 25 priests, 34 seminarists, 70 friars, and 10 novitiates there were at the Franciscan province of St. Casimir. Also there were 340 brotherhoods of the Third Order which united 48800 members. But during the first soviet occupation the monasteries’ activities were suspended and re-established only after Lithuania regained its independence in 1991. The Franciscans experienced very different working and living conditions in 1940- 1990, when they had to cherish the Franciscan spirit and national consciousness. The presumption can be made that namely this period has been very important for the experience and for the realisation of identity of Lithuanian Franciscans. For a long period of time there had not been any possibilities to learn more about the activities of Lithuanian Franciscans during the period of 1940-1990 as the sources were inaccessible. After Lithuania regained its independence, some of the archives of St. Casimir province were brought to Lithuania from the USA in 2005. Thus the opportunity occurred to investigate the Franciscan pastoral activities and identify the major features of the pastorship of the Lithuanian Franciscans at the period which had not been investigated before because of the political- ideological situation in the Soviet Union. This unique situation raised the problem of the research: The pastoral activity of the Lithuanian Franciscans during the occupation, in emigration and exile has not 5 been revised, and systemised; and it’s relation with the expression of the Franciscan identity has not been revealed. Problematic questions are: 1) How the identity of Lithuanian Franciscans has formed and what influences its expression? 2) What were conditions of living and what kind of pastorship the Franciscans did during 1940-1990? 3) Did the perception of the Franciscan identity and its expression in the pastorship mediated under the occupation and emigration circumstances? Object of the research: The expression of the Lithuanian Franciscans’ identity at the pastoral activities during the period of 1940–1990. Aim of research: The aim is to reveal the expression of identity of the Lithuanian Franciscans through the pastoral activity in Lithuania, in Diaspora, and in the exile in 1940-1990, referring to the archives, published sources, and scientific investigations. Problems of research: 1. To describe the features of the identity of the Lithuanian Franciscans. 2. To discuss the influence of the first German and Soviet occupations (1941- 1944) on the further existential-pastoral development of Lithuanian Franciscans of the Lithuanian St. Casimir province. 3. To clarify the priorities of the pastoral activity of the Lithuanians Franciscans in the war refugees camps in the Western Europe in 1941-1945. 4. To characterise the relation between the identity and the means, aims and priorities of their pastorship in the USA and Canada 1945–1990. 5. To review the efforts of the Franciscans to preserve the spirituality of the St. Francis and the continuity in the activities in the occupied Lithuanian in1944–1990 , and the missions of the Lithuanian Franciscans in the in 1984– 1990 m. Methods of research: Descriptive Method is used for deeper and more detailed specification of the Franciscan pastoral activities. Documents about the pastoral activity are analysed additionally using the historical -critical method that helps to reveal the standards of the pastorship in the church during the period analysed, the possibilities and problems of actions. 6 The analytical method allows to look to the development of the identity as the multi- faceted phenomenon and to ground the features of the identity with their pastorship aspects. Analysis helps to evaluate the sources that describe life and activity of the franciscans. The method of syntheses is used to summarise theological, historical, social and other literature, summarizing the theme, compiling information on the Lithuanian Franciscans, searching for common policies, forms and aims to show settings and preferences of the franciscans. It helps to view the object-the development of the identity of lithuanain franciscans in the pastorship- in the complex way, accenting the most important facts. The comparative method was used to compare the Franciscan activity throughout different historical periods, different political system periods, under different social cultural circumstances-in the emigration and in the exile. The system of the investigation let to find out the features of the Lithuanian Franciscan identity, and to see in what way Franciscans succeeded to fulfil their vocation, adapting to different circumstances. Bibliography. The sources used to analyse the activity of the Lithuanian Franciscans in 1940–1990, can be divided into five groups: 1) Collected, systematized and generalized archives, that cover the Lithuanian Franciscans activities during period 1940–1990 .These are the archives of the Order of