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Southern Accent 1970 -

Southern Missionary College

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n u. unnictu MLMORIAL LIBRARY m THE AU6 n 1U Oouthern cnc'ceni SOUTHERN MIKIQHAW COLLEGE. COLLEG604LE. TtNN. 3731 S, AUGUST 5, 1»70 60,000 BOOKS ARE MOVED AS NEW LIBRARY OPENS New GC Youth Leader The Big Move finally hap- pened! Books from the A. G. Here for Commencement Daniells Memorial Library started rolling on their 'journey Commencement services for across campus on Monday, July 43 baccalaureate and 4 associate 6, guided by a crew from Build- ; graduates will be held at ings and Grounds and the li- 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 6. brary staff. One week later, the John Hancock, newly elected new library was open for busi- Youth Department leader. ness, although the move was not

1 1 ie yet completed. President Schni Moving 60,000 volumes from confer the degrees. one building to another and Graduates keeping them in order from BACHELOR DEGREES their original shelves until they were in place again in their new I Lanier flowers, E

: Eugene Brewer. home was a tremendous task. Charles Davis, head librarian, described the process. "We took the books off the shelves in order and placed them on carts with wheels. Then we wheeled the carts onto a van, keeping the this fall, orientation ma- carts in order, drove to the new will be available during library and rolled them into the registration, according to Davis. new shelving area where they school. "I have really appreci- Formal opening ceremonies were again placed on shelves, ated the work of the moving are scheduled to take place in -lit M.ilp.i.W Janke, B.A. L. Johnson, B.S. still in order." crew," stated Davis. "They have September during the annual ice Kallam. B.S. "The first books to go over done a tremendous job." Board of Trustees meeting. Mae Lawrence, B.A. were bound periodicals, the Other materials which had to reference collection, and books be transported to the new li- Two Alumni 2-Veor Nurses for browsing and general read- brary were still being moved Will Stay Here ing," he continued. "Next we during the following week. Die in Crash took the Library of Congress col- Renovation of the old building, Two 1968 graduates of SMC, Sci- occupied the ! entire Associate of and last the Dewey col- which is to be by lection Gary Anderson and his wife, Degree nursing prngnim Math and Physics Departments lection." Glenda, were apparently killed will be offered on the College- catalogue was and Computer Science, is to be- The card in a Cessna 210 that crashed on il.iK' r.iiiipus this fall, according moved on the first day, taking Liin immediately --ifter it is va- , just south of Mackinac Mrs. Del Watson, chairman 180 drawers in the cated. cards from Island, Michigan. They were of the A.D. Nursing Depart- putting them The present capacity of the old library and the only passengers. 360 drawers in the new fa- new library is 100,000 books, into Anderson, an Andrews Uni- presently it is per- o major factors prompt the cility, leaving room for expan- and only 60 versity seminarian, had 195 of the program to College- cent full. Davis predicts that it and Philip Grace Milford Crist before hours of flight time. At the time lack of stiiblc: qiiidifk'd fn<. The actual moving of the will be five years new carry boots up the stairs in the of take-off from the island there ultv at Madison, and a nursing books took five days. The mov- shelving must be added, and could was heavy fog and zero visibil- ntrrii Libmi revision whii ii u ill says that 300,000 volumes ity. Reports showed that several be held in the building with the noise, that shelves. persons heard a loud n to a practicum in several purchase of more could have been a crash, around hospitals Pfefcbmgs For the benefit of the students Seventh-day Adventist Papers getting ac- 5:00 p.m., Saturday, ilu'.njIiMui ihe Southern Ul who will not be library from the plane were washed In program from quainted with the new moving the and found on Sunday. ihnni»li Freshman Composition ashore adison Hospital, Anderson was being spon- v.iluiiWc learning experiences in sored at Andrews by the Caro- tbe Nashville area will be lost. Teachers Are lina Conference. He was to However, the faculty is moving Students Too work there after he received his rapidly to find comparable ex- bachelor of divinity degree in periences in the Chattanooga Summer school enrollment August. His parents are pastor reached 359 during this and Mrs. D. G. Anderson of according to the Admissions of- Most of the student; N.C. one-third of these Hendersonville, pleased to be able fice. Nearly conference spon- His wife, the former Glenda lain campus. students are sored elementary and secondary Ham of Tampa, Fla., was a Dowagiac SMC Hosts school teachers. The Kentucky - Tennessee 1 was held Teachers Conference is sponsoring A memorial service teachers, 41 are from Georgia- June 3 at . SMC held a workshop in pro Cumberland, 25 from the Flor- ve search by the coast reading for elementary teacher ida Conference, 7 from Ala- called off on June 4, horn the southern states served f bama-, 23 from the very little of the college on June 8 to 12. V Carolina Conference, and one the wreckage had been found, Several area teachers also at- from the South Central Confer- and the bodies had not been re- tended the workshop, which was sponsored by the Southern Un- 'on Conference and was directed h John E. Baker, reading spe- cialist for the Spalding Elemen- tary School at Collegedale. Approximately 65 teachers attended the workshop, and stress was laid on the ph<

Program for the fii Assisting Baker was Mrs. & Mildred Spears, also of the SMC g staff.

Others teaching in the work- hop were Mrs. Inez Myers, tupervisor for the Georgia- ^uniberl.inrl schools, .uid .Kirnei D"ke, supervisor for the school; teachers Penno, Aug. 23 New Orleans, La. to make learning fun ? Connor - Paul Eugene L * ^.STLm H.nsd.le, III. ky - Bowman, Aug. 30, teaching the "Learn-by-Ref- | g^RebTsSquist Kei.h vvw,,I erence Way." ******«##M*******«***************vv* J8H&flMB , s## AUGUST 5, 117* SOUTHERN ACCENT The general topics for the programs varied each night, focusing on different themes of the Adventist work including College? missions, education, medicine Why and health, laymen's activities, communication, human the post. Whil. the youth, Two-lhirds of the summer is now in relations, and church growth, are getting ready for a new bombardment campus and faculty a news a their mi The format was the students themselves are preparing of students, commentary style with special crushing daily quizzes and unbelief pocketbooks lor thos i and reports, interviews, and general monthly statements. able news, interspersed with > tempted musical selections yearbooks, we the abundant thorns. Wistfully looking We heard at the conference which about college h t the schoolwork." bad thing added an international flavor. realiz t involves to school to see our friends, but get back of each program and 10-minute bells. A feature the necessary evil ol tests, quizzes, commentary educational insti- was a wrap-up and college more a social institution than an Is Beavon, for- college freshmen will by Dr. Winton H. tution? Like as not, a large number of are "just look- converge upon SMC the last week ol August who report comes out, ion College ing"—socially. Then when their first grade demic Dean at they will wonder what happened, ourselves of Medical Arts. Now during the summer is th< ne to clarify ior Live Reports Speaking of the actual pro about. Prospec > college students all over WSMC Airs what college is all commentator Lee Mc- ork. social activities, dem- duction, and bad things that Intyre of KLLU said, "No mat- riols, arid all the other good Of SDA World Session it was behind the College tile will be most ter how hectic modem college life has come to mean. daily chores to the scene, the team worked for a valuable to those who can see beyond the growing world. The other eight 5 polished production knowledge they are gaining to fit into the going, The Adventist Radio Network accepting the world ing the broadcasts e Advent- Similar broadcasts were pro- A college education is to help us avoid — ARN — carried nine live year by the ARN at pretending that things are broadcasts to 12 stations during duced last OB it is or conforming meekly and into a affiliates of the ARN, including the World Youth Congress held better than they are. It is to keep us from withdrawing the recent 51st General Confer- tearing the seven college stations and in Zurich, . private world of self-indulgence, from condemning and ence session in Atlantic City, VOAR. an AM station in St. Possibilities of using closed down society. N.J. Newfoundland, . television coverage at the With our newly-gained knowledge we are to begin helping Director of the broadcasts was John's, circuit morale, for ex- The potential Adventist listen- next General Conference ses- the world by helping the problems nearest us— Dr. Don Dick, chairman of the !stimated to for 1975, was Communications Department .it s jon _ scheduled whether this ceed 50,000 persons, according discussed by several broadcasters A large number of students have doubts about Southern Missionary College, Dick. Advent- huge, impersonal insti- Loren broadcast director ; n Atlantic City. Many is possible. Society looks like a series of and as-idling him was Dr. government, During the session, the ARN ; colleges and hospitals are tutions, big , big business, big labor, big Dickm-on. chairman of the st Speech Department Walla had a direct line to the conven- presently using closed circuit and a big i tion floor and recorded proceed- television equipment which ; like these, Walla College. affect the things are. s °f tne session that would be C0luu he made available for such is any room left to be one's self and to way Approximately 20 youngin n a mg

of i i endeavor. It is difficult: but impossible, no. broadcasters, many of them col- and lie. Editors cut from these tapes When our school classes become our biggest problem lege -Indents or recent gradu- inviting, portions that were concise, and freedom from that seemingly endless struggle more ates, represented the seven college then timed them for broadcast. need to look again and see that in the mode North American colleges that begins. Meanwhile, news reporters degree is where a successful career have radio stations—KANG at recorders went out We can look at the people around us who do not have a Pacific , KLLU at with portable part of interesting people college education, and see if they are doing the thinking . KGTS to interview influencing the world, or doing the routine, repititious work. at Walla Walla College. WGTS-

get unless i broadcasts. These Is that what we want? Well, that's what we'll FM at Columbia Union College. the look beyond the everyday ews were edited to cov the we make it different, unless we can WAUS at Andrews University. school thi give chore part of college and see our places in making the KUCV-FM at Union College, lain points and Minner. a better place, and ultimately, the whole world. and WSMC-FM at Southern LH Missionary College. Script writers then wrote hac k»r

"The church is listening to visited all of the standing com- Pierson, also met with the group us—they are trying to bridge mittees except the nominating and discussed the problems and the gaps. They have listened to committee," said Doug. Dia- plans of the church. us—they are actually crying for logue sessions brought the youth "I found that a misconception our impressions." face to face with leaders such as of what the General Conference This is how Doug Foley, an Elder Neal C. Wilson, president was really like came because of official youth observer at the of the North American Division. a lack of communications," said 51st World Conference of Sev- "Our youth are a segment of Foley. "I feel a real burden to .— enth-day Adventists, describes the church from which we have communicate what I saw at GC^H the attitude of our church lead- not been hearing much offi- to the kids back home and at ers toward the young people of cially." said Wilson. "Our sys- SMC." tem which provides the nearly The college plans to have a Doug, a senior theology ma- 1800 delegates gathered here program at the beginning of jor at SMC, was one of 18 doesn't have many slots for this school year where Doug students official vouili observers who at- young people." will be able to tell the tended the conference in At- The president of the General about his experiences at the lantic City, N.J. All were col- Conference, Elder Robert H. General Conference, lege or graduate students both Computer System Used in and out of our denomina- tional system. For Meals in Cafeteria What did these young people do at the conference? "We The cafeteria recently ran a rhinc .mil its operation, says two-week trial run on a system Ted Mohr, who is helping to (Continued from page 2) of charging meals through a install the system. Dr. Mitchell Thiel, chairman computer, and present plans of the chemistry department, call for the system to be perma- presented a Chemical Rubber nently implemented on Aug. 25. Publishing Co. award to Clar- Each student will receive a ence Blue, freshman physics coded identification card which he will carry to all meals. The Candice Connor, a junior total charge of his meal will be math major from Metairie, La., added up, and the identification was continued in a three-year will be placed in the ma- card scholarship by the National records the chine, which then Maritime Union. This award in a punched card. data carries a $2,500 stipend and this "This method will save the year it was renewed for her sen- cafeteria about $400 a month, ior year. The scholarship was cost of the ma- including the re-awarded on the basis of Scho- lastic Aptitude Test scores, high Campus Construction Booms; school grades, and teacher rec- Old Buildings Get New Look ommendations. Ten students received $100 apart- Construction is booming mi Wright Hall along with scholarships sponsored by Mr. campus this summer. With the ment space for the nursing staff and Mrs. O. D. McKee, McKee new library nearly finished, the employed there. Baking Company, Collegedale. made action has moved to other build- Changes are also being The scholarships are based upon with the ing projects, such as the new in the Science building, academic achievement, char- Chemistry Depart- house for the dean of men be- Bii>lug\ and acter, and cooperation. hind Talge Hall, the new Col- ments moving into the space va- The students are Robert lege Market, and renovation of cated by the Physics Depart- Geach, Ronald Homer, Linda the Campus Kitchen. Nantt, Linda Thomsen, Lynn The old A. G. Daniells li- Hayner, Jimmy Williams, brary building is being com- James Hawkins, Mrs. Willie pletely redone inside for the Mae Affleje, Roy Dunn, Ertis Math and Physics Departments Johnson. and Computer Science, with Thirty-four writing awards tiered lecture for stories accepted for publica- seating. tion were presented by Miss Third floor of Jones Hall and Evlyn Lindbergh, Mrs. Minon half of second floor have been Hanim. Miss Carolyn Luce, and converted into extra dormitory Mrs. Ann Clark, all of SMC's space for nearly 100 English department. the English and Art The stories were accepted for Departments are expanding publication in the "Guide" and their office space "Insight." formerly occupied by Health "Insight:" Sylvia Youngberg. Service. Carol Adams. Health Service will "Guide:" Everett Brown, Doug Mayer, Lynne Guest, David Gardner, John Altman, Betty Chastain. Mike Doherty, Beth Frederick, Leslie Hess, Keven Ippisch, Peter Malgadey. Larry Soule, Andrew Woolley, Carol Barrett, Helen Berecz, Ann Burke, Gene Conley, Paul- Hadley, ette Goodman, Lanny Carol Hamm. Ginger Harvey, Suzanne Jackson, Doug Jacobs. EXPENSES HIGH? Blair Murphy. Anna Moler, Lei us help you Jan Schleifer, Sheila Myers, with a top paying job, Shafer, Vena Shattuck. Jim Rose chances for advancement, Teel. Diana Weaver, Eva Lynn plus a share of the profits. Zollinger. Little Debbie McKee Baking Company 396-2151

Coffegedaie Cabinets, Inc.

Manufacturers of High Quality

Laboratory Furniture for Schools and Hospitals SOUTHERN ACCENT WSMC Adds Extra Hour; Gets New Epuipment By Bev w equipment and expan- operator on duty to do other and open the of the broadcast day are types of work, training indications of the progress studios for use in and production. Broadcasting stu- dents will become acquainted was with the theory of automation . .._., peak limiler in- presently be- skilled early in July. This is a systems, which are Bob Korryniowjlti checks out ing used in many radio stations.

has Sign-on time is now one hour malic volume control, and Plans are underway for a n signal quality by earlier. On July 1, daily broad- boosted the multi-media show about the s keeping modulation levels con- casting began at 6:00 a.m. Day- tion which will be used for p break Stereo, a program of light motion in the Chattanooga at music is aired until 6: 30. when An automation system, origi- with clubs and civic organizal sta- a new program. , Ron Hand leeps his eye on (he ball backed up by catcher Don Giles nated and designed by the engineer. Bob Korzyniow- with Joe Crews begins. At 6:46 tion Applications have been < standings will be installed before the Daybreak Stereo returns along Williamson Tops ski, ing in from students who hopl This computer- with Community Calendar, and summer is over. to work at the station during thl will not only make at 7:00 a.m. Newsbreak 70 Summer League like device school year and are available o the regularly sched- [he daily broadcasting more ef- request from station manage* only one game lo go for Wilh also allow the program. ficient, but will Self, WSMC-FM, College! softball Don dale, Tenn. 37315. UT.Ipv II I vith | Elder

Willi. MllSfll! i the lop.

Most of the games played under ilic lights. One of ^resting notes on

; that Rimer's team was the first to beal William- son's, and the Engineering 1 the last, notwithstanding the final standings.

A new record was set in the length of lime taken to play seven innings when Fende team beat the Engineering

Industrial Road 396-2199

,| St.irr. Sharon s record library for the adc ; f ; nn

Stevens, Daniel Stevens. Richard Stone. Donna

\.--h..l..L.t..-. M ik lull Nielsen, Penny

Swilley, Sharon

Taylor, Donna Taylor, John

leap. Pe«gy Trivelt. Beverly liclwds, Bill Twin,,. Cynthi. Richardson, James Underhay, Susanne Richlor. Heartier Vincent, Bennie tiffel. Ronald Walters, Clyde Walters, Keith Wanto. Jerreen Warner. Madelyn Sa«,ert. Mark Wasson, Ruthannr Waterbrook. Viroinia Sampson, Pot Waters. Eloise S,h,rn»,h.,rn. Suianne Weaver, Diana S.hlerfer. Jonelh Webster. Dulcie -illy, Lindsay Schmidt. Gail Welch, Sandra .iml.' Hull, ichnc r. Kurt Wheeler, Nadine :ivinRslon. Paula Whiioker. Susan Schv.erin. Nancy Wies.nd, Heinz Seeley. Inn IViehn, Kathleen Srelcy. Sandra W.Ikes. Clarice Winters. Deborah Winters, Judy s t.ladslone Wireman, Evelyn - .1 Smith. Frank John Witt, Maurice

Murray. Brend;, House hold Items 1 Myer,, Clifford Myers, Lois Try Southern Mvi-rs. Sheila Mercantile | Myers. SIlirl.T Nantt, Linda Colle ge Plaza Neet, Judy "«* T«„„. Jones 3731 Hall, Ree Room House Overflow Talgc Hall' riled Of into a men's barracks, and the 1310 total number, 762 modeled Jones are former students Hall echoed More and 548 are s voices than two-thirds are new again as SMC en- resid- registrants. in the Collegedale led 1310 students, topping g residence Curriculums last ( ~'" attracting the most live in the College- students are four-year nursing, dale community and ele- mentary education, of lando campus. two-year nurs-

KcL' breakdown w 472 freshmen—206 f Student and Affairs Kenneth Spe, 266 women; 312 sopho- i— 134 men and 178 women;

n; 213 seniors— 102 men and


SOUTHERN ACCENT Faculty^ian^Show7

COLIEGEDALE. TENN. 3731 S. By Debbie Peepli SEPTEMBER 1 Anyway, this perfoni If out theme, you think that all faculty announcing, or curtains ' should ": be something to behold! Record will be taken. Be in your Church Officials I should like assigned seats at 8:32 Launch MV p.m., Sept. Weekend; program so that will confirm all you7 19, you'll gel a big "P" marked on your Holland, attendance card, "p" for Stevenson It Ask Involvement has become my respon-ibtln-, pleasure! to convince Elder you that it is Editor's Don E. Holland, MV Sec worth- Note: No record will be taken. while to make an appointment relary for the Southern Union, with "P" stands for persiflage. \our favorite chair for September kicked off this year's MV Weekend the gym at precisely 8:32 during chapel this morning with a i. legacy, (yes. I 8:32). SA PR call for students to get involved in Since the spring : personal evangelism. tie band of Get New fearless leaders h.i. Heads been Climaxing his appeal, constructing on evening of he asked Wll be held i Ihe first class entertainment to student body, assembled in the prove to us that not all "faculty church, talent for the Student .... to organize into "In , e a iy30 Relations Committee, Groups," to help with the "Mara- according to he Ode to SA President nalha" and "Way Out" programs Elton Kerr. The office of Legacy underway editor will here at a faculty also be SMC. filled during this electio Elected PR chairman, Jerry on our curricular problems with __ MV Week- Johnston, will not be attending visual aids from "Look" -— the Friday evening and and "Sat- SMC this year. Kathy Sk-adman ^i.hbath ' nrdi> Evening Post." a scene , morning from has services a" been appointed acting chair- the NBC news triumvirate early-evcnine, quest ion-and-i. —Brink- man until the | _ election. ley - Chancellor - period with Elder McGee, possibly Candidates for | Mike Stevenson, both Legacy and some poetry newk elected from our illustrious public relations , associate MV ! may apply for Dr. the |tary of Knittel and maybe offices the General Confcren by submitting their names musical number. (Will and qualifications to the student MV President Doug Foley during the The PE filing period Among the activities that Elder their church. Holland mentioned in his talk to- day, the most basic is the "In Pianist Dudley Groups" program. The "In Group" consists of 6 lo !2 students who To Give Concert gather to study and pray, building Raymond Dudley, distinguished Canadian pianist, will present their evangelistic skills Then- main a concert at 8 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 20, project is to expand their group by in SMC's Recital Hall. gctiing others to join. When each Dudley is currently Pianist-in- L'roipp reaches a membership of 12, Residence at the College -Conserva- Ihe group splits into smaller two tory of Music, Cincinnati. He will groups, which soon grow and di- be using a replica of the piano with vide, starting the process over which Mozart was familiar, Among the many prizes he has won arc the "Unanimous Medal" "Maranalha" is the main visita- from the International Competi- tion program to be attempted this tion in Geneva and the Harriet year. Students will participate in Cohen Commonwealth Medal as door-to-door visitation with pre- the outstanding young musician of pared material-;. Those visited arc- the British Commonwealth. invited to stud\ lessons answering In the past several years he has questions they might have about made an intensive study of Haydn's today's problems. keyboard works and has been Elder Don Holland awarded a grant by the Canada The "Way Out" program wa° Council for the Arts to enable him designed by the Voice of Prophet, to continue his research in Europe. j o_More ???! and appeals to the urban youth with issues 'Here Comes the JOKER' who are concerned such as drugs, sex, and other "hang 'The 'Joker' is coming soon and in it docs, you will know for i told =." says Jim Cress, editor. The ._ find a way out—by writing "Ik'iv Press is printing the 96- for information and lessons spe a S e publication. ci.iIK prepared to appeal to them Helping Cress with the compila- l and layout as assistant editors plcJcd, the vouih will he visited by Sharon Cress, Bob Peeke, and ihe local church representatives— in this case, SMC students. Marilyn Leitner and Bradley Elder Ste- ning students New tediously think out one more test during * directing computer pro- ed on Daniel, orientation w.™k" "' Penality, vocational interest, and t Babylon. ; Raymond Dudley, pianist academic': ability ——

SOUTHERN ACCENT SA Presidents flWBON ME.*- 1 GoT b. FLVEfif Editorials Define Activity

SMC Continues "Traditions"

t Several traditions al SMC have again be> i renewed First of all, there is the typical been a (act student body expansion, ll has, in the past, always nany things to I a school can have to be proud of. One wonders, however, how much many people. We heardl complete education and facilities for words and phrases such as "govern-f expand and still provide '" ment," "a society," "useless," each student. tegral part of school," "a waste hurried renovation of Jones Hall, an extension wom- With the money," and "a mess," tossed ; it seems, a decision en's dormilory has been created. Every year- batted about in countless discus-l building to is made to lei bygones be bygones and allow the sions and arguments concerning thel Ihe linish falling apart, but what happens?—a little bit more of subject. are building is remodeled and dragged back into use. Carpets But very seldom does one s floors paneling is nailed to the sag- laid over the undulanl and down and actually try to detcrmin ging, cracking walls. just what the SA is. The idea itj

is very simple one. Student Yes, we are helping students to come to an SDA school, in self a for pari. About 40 percent ol them are, however, from out of Ihe fell the need of an organization t Southern Union area where not-so-crowded schools can be found. bind them together, ,ed about the preslk ving studeni But loo often has this simplJ idea become bogged down The ho using shortage isn' among Ihe women alone. One look at the ora turned barracks reveals thai

v. ill probably leave soon and even truth. True , some of the men concepts, while neglecting thJ out the room situation; they m y prefer to have only one room- or tv mate rathe than a dozen [n the new SA adminisl hope to avoid some ol Perhap s the second traditi sn continued seems humorous lo

micatcd and ; by picturing our asso some and reproachable to others. Anxiety at registration to death for stub- as consisting of two spheres gelting into classes before they close is so high that studei tivity. One is the existing just cannot seem to resist rushing through the door before it be the center of the: turc. i.e. the traditional Nalurally. it is better to do that than to have riots a opened. programs, and policies, whic Or note Columbus who was ted and vocalized opin scorned and faced with mid-vovage slowly evolved out of the pasfl afte irtually every subject to have to keep repairing the door semester s'owly evolved out of thi nuiliny over his belief in a round i taking issue wilh God's orig Granted, these existing rcsponsi One would think students could conlain tt rather lhan flat world. And even bilities arc important anc" knowing full well they face 90-something degrei though he was not swallowed by — 1 public opinio must be handled effective! registration building, not lo speak of hours of sta sea serpents and did find land we must not allow them to across the ocean, you may still, for the price of yearly dues, join the my. registration quite so great as that of The: reward al Flat Earth Society. For instance, shouldn' nt of the line. There is no disappointment quite politicians, budgets, in obedience chapel be more than a Other opinionated masses de- g< iching the front of the line and hearing an em- lo Gallup. Harris and Neilson. sembly? Why not provide pro clared that Fulton's boat would beings work, purchase, re- ir Ihe loudspeaker that "registration is now clos- Human govern ihemsclves never run, Edison's bulb never ins .mil by opin- to accomplish. But really, there

, and the Wrights' machine which they tenaciously ions to must be more lo the SA than this r fly. And our own grand- Despite Ihe ;e questionable, continuing traditions, SMC's stu- cling, doubting an\ new viewpoint activily irs vowed that man would In the second sphere of dents do have s ome things to be thankful for. For instance, what as revolutionary'. John Locke ob- entirely r explore Ihe moon, regardless new ideas must be de if we had 5000 ! LVH veloped. The new Student Servici

Committee is a good example

Speculum Diverges this. It \ . the SA 'T.MI1I/.HIO are having trouble finding your favorite column, per- best m help you, and along with explaining some changes Ihe fresh interplay of ideas i at, inlroduce lo scenery in the The public buys its opir you some new "Southern occurs at a Senate meeting or tht mys its meat, or takes ir • 1970-71. ling on grounds insufficient for intcresl generated during acti m the principle that it i npletc demonstration; a more or bate in general assembly. In o do this than to keep a So irly formulated idea which this second sphere of SA ac but t llllk ! l.l.ely t concerns you the student ant be watered." (Butler) intellectual relationship to the SA|

Jim Cress will be editing Ihe column to be called "Cerebra- Some men's opinions are based If you are interested in li tions." a Latin word meaning '"thought movements." According on facts; others on wishful think- ing. should to him. the purpose of this column is "to provide an opportunity One hold to those bilities for joint action bctw opinions have valid for sludents lo say what they probably otherwise would not take evidence, SA and you, then you can providB and drop ihosc that are merely a this second concept activit; H.-.,, ihis of part of wishful thinking, bias, or constant infusion of inspired i i liable to be heard. This can be done in wrii prejudice. into the organization. vill be soliciting opinions by way of personal surveys and random questioning of the student body. ly letters to the editor which do not specifically deal with lal publication ol Ihe "Accent" will be handled through this colurr

In Roi i called PASQUINADE. The word has come to mean "to lampoon" or "satirize," particularly in a public place. Our column by this name will be edited by Andy See Woolley. Its purpose is to give the humorous viev the people in the lines Lenglhy lines! lile and to gently poke fun at the "humanity" of us all. What a world of painfullness their lengthincss defines! Sportlight appears under its previous format, edited this year How they wrinkle, wrinkle, wrinkle, by Bob Wade. Instead of lisling as many slatistics. however. Hail the tempers Ihat arc there! Bob says he plans lo give sports analyzations and predictions. While Ihe blankets oversprinklc Sports statistics will bo available through a weekly statistics All the sidewalks, seem to crinkle sheet published by the SA's Recreation Commitlee. Like a heavy woolen fright; Moving Don't bury your nose so deeply in tho "Accent" thai you run like slime, slime, In a constipated time, into walls and trees, but do enjoy yourself. CPS To the groaning of the studenls (hat s From the lines.

From the torment and the I rturc of the lines.

Why the horrid iting lines?

world of painfulnt when. harmony could I Why the horrid, flogging pain From so many varicose vein:

\- I talked ling, ».ih Mr! Watson dur- screeching i

-,,,< . iik ins ii, crCi i wns Vl fV inl And From each paining student throat the To faculty lhat governs, while they dote- On our doom! Oh, spare us from the useless lines, Give us pre-rcgistration for upp Stop the lin._ Save our minds! In the future May the Lord richly fateu you —use zip code »*ou ko forth lo finiih ihe work It will lift a heavy load Sinc«ely, Of Ihe moving and the grooving Mrs. Carole Homing Of the lines, lines, lines Of the lines, lines, lines, lines From the pushing and the shoving of the lines! 8

SEPTEMBER 10, 1970

Photos by Mike Foxworrhy "Hey! There's Elton's flyer!" Kelly Greenleaf. model

You Gotta Know Your Way Around

New Publication to glad I had Replace Town Crier

A new weekly newspaper edited to reach from 2.000 to unit written by journalism students be expected compared with Construction Finished; may soon begin publication. S.000 readers, VVSMC-l M-s estimated 10,000 lis- The new paper is planned to Better Service lake (he place of the Apisoi New CK Opens With U.Lh. Collcgcdale "Town for payment of their The Campus Kitchen is sched- ion building :r," a biweekly begun 1 uled to open Sunday, Sept. 13. af- iths ago by Leamon Short, then The ter expansion and remodeling. William Hulsey, manager of Col- seating area will accommodate 50 I Corporations, esti- i It will lege Subsidiary Mr. Short and his partner, Dan my journali cost of SI 2,000 to com- Broom, from the College Press, mates a COLLEGE PLAZA Varied methods of serving will everything the staff, Garber said. plete the work. Through this im- e the 'Town Crier' — of the paid positions are be used to take the place BEAUTY SALON froi almost. While no provement, the Campus Kitchen n investors to printers method previously used, planned for the beginniny statf, u one menu 396-2600 I mortally to accommodate Thus the 'Crier" was Townsend, a man- will be better able that many staff members said Mrs. Roy wounded Short left last is hoped students. when Mr. part owner of the CK. the present influx of can be paid for their work as the ager and I lune to take a position with the During the rushed times, people 1 " publication grows. Peoria, HI., 'Journal-Star,' Wil- will pass through a cafeteria-siyle liam Garber, new journalism in- from line and choose their fare UP A CREEK? Bank Gives serving decks. There will be an The new weekly, yet unnamed, for area to serve vegetables, hot and would be the creation of students, Free Checks cold sandwiches and drinks. Men's Wear, mostly from School Supplies, I SMC Students may purchase Campus Women's Lingerie. hooks in the administra- Sports Wear. _.__j fall will have an extra Kitchen provided them by the Household Items American National Bank and Trust While praising the "Cri Plaza. Company in the College Try Southern Mercantile who opens a omphs Garber Each SMC student dietkint; account with the bank College Plaza 'given SO free per-mali/cd afford students the addt will be according to Charles Gib- ence of working on a weekly checks, manager of the East County Ikation, while the responsibility son Branch of the American National financing and distribution is EXPENSES HIGH? Collegedale. istablished publisher. Bank in folder given a Cfeaning i help you This .men! should allow He will also be checks. There are sev- hold his I top paying to j for the check il choices of colors "ore emphasis to gathering and er es for advene. planned that the COLLEGEDALE Siting of the news. This function, holders. It is on the plus a share of the profit,. SMC seal will be imprinted Garber emphasized, is the main CLEANERS holders. se in publishing such a paper check made avail- Little Debbie The service is being that students Road able. Gibson said, so Industrial McKee Baking Company Na- patronize the American <-"inp.H r.ih] L- in some ways to radio will 396-2151 Also they can start 396-2199 n WSMC-FM, Garber said. Bank. personal 10 handle their went on to explain that while learning affairs. .,<.ccM'ni"ie and business 1 <*>


of Beverly Solomon Hotkey who at- tended Southern Missionary By Roy Dunn years and Resident Assistant College for four School began one week early for graduated last May with a he 10 Talgc Hall resident bachelor of science degree in elementary education. Mrs. Horkey was killed in a traffic dorm prepa- accident on Aug. 19, 1970. ns, worships and recreaiion. Uties and responsibilities of the Lyle , were explained by Dean Lacey Makes Grass Green By Norma Carlsoi "When things lly acquainted with each dents take more

them that way: there's less tearing I n week, the up now; lawns and bushes don't RA's had opportunities to get ac- true, but get trampled like they used to." quainted with the college adminis- the students at Southern Mission- and understand their duties. ary College arc finding it harder to The flowers around campus have Dean of Students Kenneth Spears say since Charles Lacey became the been planned so "something will I reviewed the student handbook. grounds supervisor. mng long freezing," said Lacey. Not only is the grass getting Dean Frank Knittcl gave a lecture it is growing greener— now "My main purpose is to provide I Prospects Good on discipline: and ['resident W. M. Season Schneider told the 10 men what landscaping that is neat and color- of 32- the administration expects of them ful—yet low in maintenance. That's

since I cceiving—especially and the resident assistant program. why we put the wood chips around the campus r lave been cleverly never played t inc. ludenls had the plants—they act as a mulch, cans of prickly hedges, corner rock gardens, un- down weeds. I like to sec people predictable sprinkler systems and school chaplain; Clifford M appreciate something beautiful and I other deceptive deterrents. campus security; Mrs. M protect it. There are several stu the Kuhlman, Health Service dire Standing guard in front of dents working with me now tha n >ger imposing Wright Hall (administra- Charles Fleming, arc interested in nursery work as ; of finance and development; tion building) is a series of ncwly- vocation. We need to provide i Davis, director of counseling pl.mtcil -lobe locust trees which neth variety of alternatives for students I resemble the top-hatted cabbage thai hadn't already proven them- and testing; and Ed Avant, Tri- — not just 'college or nothing good selves in the game. However, there Community Fire Department chief. were approximately 20 that were The morning worships were spe- On Ihe hillsides Hanking the chosen by learns as a result of ihe cial. Studying the life of Moses buiklins; arc two circles of beauty ver played at SMC. things that and considering the that spell out "SMC and "1892" Gary Gryte. who scored three Although the teams for A- — the founding date of the school. ouchdowns in the game and was I naramoun I c.igue have been chosen it is Ihe Hundreds of brilliant geraniums

kcling here that Ihe time is not yet encircle the mall, and clusters of The success of this resident as- rich! for any predictions on the crepe myrtle lend their charm to sistant program will not mea- outcome of the season. We feci be the picture. sured by the efficiency of the 10 Much of the "Beautify SMC" men in carrying out the rules and campaign has been done since last regulations of the dorm or school. game. gave us It appears, however, t December v. hen [he Lacev family played m ihe They Its success depends almost entirely League, as a whole, \ arrived at 18 years a much tougher game than we had upon how well these men arc able SMC. With expected. until the final play strong and possibly stre experience as a landscaper and Up to fulfill the needs of the men in game, the score 26-18, last years. lawn-care expert in St. Louis, of the was the dorm— physical and spiritual. Lacey was well qualified to take up his new challenge. Ford Motor SMC Students Share Time Co., B. F. Goodrich, Holiday Inn. By Norma Carbon and several large schools were unique experiment co-sponsored among his customers "Whadda' ya want?" for many the Southern Union and the K "We're from 'Better Living.'" tucky-Tennessee Conference. 'What's that?" Carina for the No college credit was offered just trying to "Well, we're be I SMC. plus the Collegedalc / ce got anything you need help m grounds and the SMC trailer — be in the future. As Elder Smuts .irk. requires a good deal of help. van Rooyen. assistant professor of accy has about 50 students work- religion at SMC and co-director of "We're not selling anything, rig for him (compared to about 10 the project put it: "We were Irving 1 we'd jusl like to he friends — say — .Niplmcd before in maintaining the could we mow that lawn for you! And looks tike you coult" ." help p.untinu your house . . . "Must be some kind'a gim-

Thesc were typical reactions that members of the "Better Liv- ing" team got when they first knocked on doors in M iddlcsboro. Ky.. early last summer. The learn included SMC stu- Ron Koeslcr, Pat Brokaw, Verna Johnson. Carol Barrett, Don

, Dianne Jenson Ike HoUnnm. Brcnda Smith, Lorella Crago, Al- lenc Hunt, Lois Hildcrbrandl and Sue Stokley. "Better Living" and purpose was something the

whole i

Nestled in the scenic Cumb land Mountains, Middlesboro, ulation 15.000, became SMC dents' home for eight weeks.


#1 Sl.l. f.rmA, C0LLE6EDALE

Fred Fuller DISTRIBUTORS College Plaia A COLLEGE PUZA,C0LLEGEDALE E- DAWEUS MEMOHIAL USMr» Sautter, Missionary Colleg, CollBEedale. Tenn. 37315 Brock Opens McKee Library Ceremonies During ceremonies yesterday, ing was named McKce Library i.. and honor their devotion to truth, Following a response by O. D. former professor of history; and uthern Missionary College offi- honor of the family that operates interest in Christian educa- McKce, the SMC senior class of Linda Lee Rcile and Terric Jean illy named and opened its new McKee Baking Company in Col- and their unstinting generos- 1970 presented $1300 worth of McAlexander, SMC nursing stu- brary. Congressman William E. legcdale. The family was a major ity. Southen isionary College books in memory of three members dents killed last March in an auto- contributor to the building cost. gratefully dedicates this "library ... of SMC's school family who died mobile accident near Collegedalc. The plaque installed in the en- Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. McKee and this year— Dr. Everett Watrous. (Continued on page -I) separate plaque ceremony trance to the library reads: "McKee their children: Ellsworth, Jack, < $700,000 build- Library, 1970, To commemorate Wyn and Beth."


By Charles Mullis ATS Mans Booth, Clinic a Several questions arose in my By Roy Dunn the ATS last spring in Five-Day the nonspirilualistic crystal ball re- Plan and asked SMC's ATS to man mind Tuesday after chapel: Was "The following information is veals that the SA cannot be neg- a booth at the Home Builders" the SA just born in chapel, or provided for you concerning your lected after its birth; it still need-. Auditorium. role at the American Cancer Ex- Show in Memorial was it another September miscar- to be weaned and trained. interested in co-spon- hibit, Interstate Fair, September He also was riage? Also, if it were bom, exactly soring a Fivc-Day Plan with SMC's 20-26. . . . You will have full con- who was the father? ATS in Chattanooga, but since it Speaks trol of the exhibit. . . . Thanks for President Elton Kerr, in his ini- Steed was May already, the ATS was forced to refuse but hoped that his tial address to the student body, Weekend This letter from Al Hodges, At ATS interest would still exist in Septem- promised that this year, "the Stu- executive director of the Hamilton ber. Hodges letter above was as- dent Association will play a signif- This year's Temperance and Bet- American Cancer Society chapter, was received ei^ht days that he had not forgotten. icant and legitimate role in the life ter Living Weekend was kicked off He and the ATS officers decided Senate Elects of each student of SMC." How- last night in joint worship. Speak- that this fair booth should serve the ing was Elder Ernest H. J. Steed, purpose of telling people of Sommervi//e '" executive secretary of the General clarcd that SA ad- and inviting them to a Five-Day Lewis Sommcrvillc, sophomore Conference's Temperance Deparl- i he i future ology major, became the 1970- Taylor, director of pub- I Student Association parliamen- of the more astute SA slated to speak to- contacted the rian last week when the Senate to some Steed is also is at SMC. Chattanooga's new itified his appointment. critics lo be contradictory. night at th of if the first time in both church YMCA and asked him ATS The Senate met for the Kerr then lists seven "tangibles" morrow Five-Day Plan i iji.-m.I,i) and was leader o: night, Sept. 8, to be expected from this year's SA, .iceoiJiiig to Roy Dunn, iroduced lo the parliamentary initiating at least two new ideas: SMC's American Temperance So the will be practiced YMCA ocedurc which (1) a standing committee on Stu- ciety chapter. lly furnish the audi- all meetings. dent Services, which will endeavor Highlighting co-sponsor included luld like to Other items of business to bring more service to the stu- planned the ATS and ACS. lification of Public Relations dents, and (2) featuring "provoca- of ducted attracted to the fair tairman Kathy Steadman and tive speakers" for future SA chap- Also and Al Hodgi ; Judiciary Committee. els. The SA will continue various igarctte pack king size "Can- ted was that the SA would pay social programs of the past, of the Haml — With However, this ;rs"—full, rich tobacco. The flip rent the film, "To Sir this i Cancer Society. >p on the pack of Cancers reveals ivc," which was shown after the ever, making improvements over from a cancerous lung in a i picnic. A nominating com- the past. stage at press time. display case. the front of the iltee was appointed to select 36 On annual affai The general opinion of the stu- This weekend, an the theme spelled with ludents to serve on faculty com- informal to remind dent body (based on an is designed igarcttes, "Ban the Butt." littecs in accordance with a re- survey at the head of Rachacl's and acquaint them wit Buest by the college administration. Once there, visitors may watch a Ladder) seems to be one of con- living and temperance principl I The 36 students will be selected, fidence and support, or al least Steed recently assisted Dr. L. Hays Senate Chairman Bill Boyle, Smoking Sam or Modern Milly hope for this year's SA. Scnseman in launching Bccording to the committees on (smoking i "Four-Dimensional Key Which they could be most helpful. The Kerr administration seems ten to anti-smoking radio spots, or Cause of Alcoholism"- ashtrays, which his program was expanded from to have all the potentials of raising sec the new lung show very vividly the effects ciga- Bnly a few student representatives Steed oiLVim/ed .itid direeled the rettes have on lungs. Some visitors ft 1968-69 to a much larger num- first Five-Day Plan to Stop Smok- get anti-smoker's buttons to wear, ing Congress at in April, and everyone is given the opportu- Calendar 1969. This SDA community serv- fac- world-wide. nity to register for the Five-Day I benefit of the ice has now extended Plan in November. Blly and students. Friday, Sept. 25 Steed, a native Australian, grad- Test, Wright I College Admission I From the 36 selected by the K:0U ; uated from Avondale College and This year the ATS at SMC is Benate Committee, the college ad- 207 served as a pastor in New South striving to be an organization of Weekend begins, Collegedalc Church, Temperance and Western Australia. community service. Other organi- Ernest H. J. Steed out ftrvc as follows: President's Coun- Elder Prior lo his present position, he zations and individuals—in and of Collegedalc arc welcome to ' 3; Academic Affairs, 3; College Saturday, Sept. 26 was the director of publi — barn party, pasture ations, 2; Student Affairs Ad- 8:30 p.m. Student Association iind temperance secretary for the listration, 2; Student Affairs Tuesday, Sept. 29 Australasian Division. Days begin General Progn 8-00 am. Teacher Education Recruitment secondary education . InkK. and Kehy 6:30 p.m. Banquet for elementary majors, student lounge S W d Wood H,„ lTo ^ *ud?„, Association E,ec,io„, Lynn Hall. Conference Room A 4:00 p.m. Press conference. Wright Lynn Wood "TS^M- Association Election continues,

Hall . ... . Convocation, auditorium 1100 a.m. Missions Promotion C 2 Frid a mission- church, Carol Smart, student 7 3'o°p m. MV vespers, ary ()

Sa, d y O "8 PE Center 30 'p m''New students' talent program, S Lynn Wood Hall, Room 218 ",oS a.m. Faculty meeting, Tuesday, Oct. 6 Missions promotion field day O 7 W« d°rad"J y Ha. Confere„ce, Camp Kulaoua, *See Bi„le arrangement. Col. Ed Association assembly, auditorium Bocated in College Plaza, the 50- ".Too'; .^Student director of NASA assistant to the better living. japacityCK reopened Sept. 13 af- Mohlcrr. fair-goers to —

Editorials Letters SA Seeks Balanced Image

This year's Student Association organizers leem to be seek-

t, All im* . ing a totally balanmrf iphistication, unsophistication v 1 Infer, .„/ • with this polk (assembly Sept. 15) __tivity and student services. wilt'l e permitting, Le The SA govern .hows the usual be ginning -of -t he-year ay be edited. government. This • rjt mmonl (woops!) begs nc • (nc ude name, address, and phont ly to be evaluated as a student service organizatic • lr id attach on ersonalities.

er of planned activities determines whether or not i

1 is actually a service, the new "wheel" is, indeed. Front-page Pianist

The officers can work themsel until perspiration leaks out P ...r.'l, fron"page wite Associ from under the Student Hice doors, but the student Kavm.,,,,1 i") dley, pianist. uuuybody mustIHU31 helpucijj ifu is the goal. Committees can light the i will encourage sparks, but the students themselves must also burn with en- Til.

thusiasm. G.rdi'dlv .... S, U,.|-,r Does that necessary enthusiasm lie dormant among the many Musk Department new, anonymous faces mingling on the campus? Will the faces tum in interest or will they withdraw into dark, little comers and SA Needs ACCENT throw out darts?

The former contenlion seems possible as evidenced in the We've been calling all over for you.

first SA assembly. Although the slat presented by the SA officers ounirv called Utanguana. Now Mcnicc is dying with undulant cannot really be classed in as high a category as humor, it defi- Jtanguana was a beautiful country, nitely was not staid and serious. Perhaps you could describe it or it had lovely rolling hills and she dies. Please, try to come in."

as a political cartoon personified. nany. many large trees. But the uifi. and I ImIi. v, Orol.r,- Tom rushed to the gate, but the Kr' v s that J SA" and have listened interestedly, smiled with her gritted teeth, "I'm though not naively, to the only by president's speech which followed. sorry', but no one is admitted into Sincerely, The reaction ol the total student body to the assembly pro- Utanguana after samba Now Utanguana was a very hour." Elton Kerr. Pr gram was characteristically summed up by one of the SA admin- small country, covering Student Associi only about "But." Tom cried, "My girl istration's most notorious critics: "I was really disappointed it — two acres. And trade could only friend is dying in there." wasn't a flop!" ing calls into Utangua go on In Utanguana during (he day. "I'm sorry," the guard said, The ultimate effect of the "But samba hour." new Student Association is not only After samba hour, no one but the rules are rules, and there are no the responsibility of the officers, but of the Student Association Desperate, Tom ran back to inhabitants could enter the barbed exceptions." the | the student border where he s body—the students individually! wire gales, and fierce guards were Tom ran lo the nearest grapevine ly crawling across the border. placed at the entrance to keep all booth and tried to talk to her once she JOKER Breaks foreigners SMC Record out and to make sure before she died, but the guard said, grabbed her, and they left, nei that the foreigners could not "I'm sorry, but we allow'no The JOKERS are out! A world record must have been broken make incom- to return to Utangua: calls in by the grapevine. lor getting pictures, names, and type faces coordinated so quickly. A state record? Well, anyway, an SMC record. Sometimes, by sitting outside (he The Cress Computer Company may now pick up their school entrance, foreigners could books contact with again or set their alarm clocks for more than two hours of the inhabitants sleep at night. catching one of the inhabitants she was leaving and begging her The product is slartlingly useful besides funny (the usual return and relay mes c ""-" faces). Now we won't know who the freshmen are they won't — wandering inhabitants ask questions; they'll just refer to their JOKERS for where to go. few far and bi often found only when the individ-| when to go, and how to get there. ual takes his place Now, one year a lovely young of service as Perhaps if the females in the officers' section wear slacks next girl named Merlicc Mumhii moved year, the CCC won't have to bisect them halfway from north into Utanguana and since Utan- How do you feel to south. For the one or two which escaped bisection, SMC compai maybe guana could only with accommodate fd/Jr^F;) other SDA colleges in co Chiquita stickers could be stuck in appropriate places. women, her boy friend. Tom Tom- -<-!,;„. cern with the current Nevertheless, SMC shoppers religious now have early access to the lin had to move into the adjoininc Male Order Catalogue (o r Female Order—whichever the case countryside. For the most pari, Where When I attended may be). are the greatest areas of the General! the arrangement Conference weakness and strength session. I found I < factorily, for in the SDA Tom d give Mer- less informed Church's communication on many issues tl._.. lice an appointed t „ with its MV Entertainment Draws Crowds students from the northern and! and they would blissfully romp western colleges, probably becausel Well, we knew it couldn't be the registration line ber together through the hills of Of all Aca- places, we arc missing the these had never registration is already been a problem r and classes have begun. It couldn't youth in the local churches, not me personally. be the cafeteria on Other colleges : li either: who goes to the cafeteria at 8:30 on a One day, shortly after samba the campuses. In many more aware of present Saturday night? localities situatio hour. Tom was waiting the social for Mcrtice MV is non-existent, or older responsibility in religic MV Saturday night drew crowds this outside year. The only out- the border. He could see members are the while SMC is more missionary standingly ones who plan noticeable diiference between (he guards, fiercely the line at registration growl inn al him and attend youth evangelically—minded, a m o and the activities. Youth one Saturday night was that in the latter through the barbed" wire, but conservative college. everyone was that don't know a smattering of smiling, what is being polite, and standing patiently rather didn't really bother him, for he going For example, than crushing on in the MV department of issues on off; each other through knew Mcrtice would soon the unopened door. (Maybe we should have be com- the conference or union. campuses are never even a ouesiii dates and dress ing. But she didn't up for registration.) come. Soon here at SMC. You will h:.j| Probably the Some Tom began to worry. greatest area in essays have spoken of the advertising for "Five Flags on the legality of Over which we succeed in Collegedale" as a communicat- lion's involvement "professional job." Whatever the job was, the Just as he was starting to really ing in Vietnai with our youth is the junior results worry, ., re- (he Southern were professional. Not only an inhabitant rushed Accent, Race . ._ did the advertising show a out. groups. With Pathfinders, summer lot of planning and hard work, Seeing him on the lawn by lions, inter-ciiy problems, socialB but the program itself must have the camps, etc., we generate border, an en- duty— these involved hundreds of people she rushed nvw m him ar,A thusiasm arc hardly discusse cooperating and coordinating. An that is often lost in the astonishing (claimed, "When Often the only burning issue on o phenomenon to some was the free food—an unheard- academy and through college and campus is hot water for met of happening on this college campus. the dorm or the length Each one students' of sideburr of the five countries represented in the program lagging Happily situated here, with i showed elaborate planning. Costuming, decorating and pro- Ula burning issues, we go out on SatJ graniming blended into "" 8**" a stimulating evening for those who were •" "i" J»°9«™. °»d - big thank bath aliernoons and vouyou to T.%the Southern!!f n'Union Conference do our d "passengers," and even for those who MV men who helped in What we planned the evening. ft. plannmg really lack is fire! and linancmg. to the ¥0ry ,hal our cam us religious whole MV stall and helpers, ..* P organization ____. . . and especially ,o Doug What about the accusation i inspirational weekend Foley. MV president (who spent climaxed by an enthusiastic and the nex "t'i standards lew days regaining his health). are impossible antiquated? Resident Our Training Benefits Many failure is not in the standi ards or The now resident assistant the leadership, rather in| program is definitely an our men, in concepts of spirituality. fcdl commumcaHon among Ih. I men. The BA's will we are e 9aP W " still tryini: to be cool, like " "° """"' °" 01 sid°" °»<1 ft", the world. othJV?other side ^' " We often think well —apologies to the deans. keep more youth in the church ifj There or. times when a student has a problem that we don't express

-• equate spif'l ility with s«^^r^,si-a" lies and not goi ig to movii*| lions and can regula- help the men in their section way of what benehl Ihem which will worldly scholastically and spiritually and se> Oiten with in a largo dormitory, the whether „ a . deans , b too busy to help student a Kook lha/i ,l: when help is needed .slrcssins! I'elluwsriir) 'i l most. The BA'« ™ill i. idily Christ. What ' available-especiaUy in the evenings wnen arc the ans R^X donn. church-youth problems' A standard answer Looking at the is th new program from the a new what RA's point of view inspiration. How this com<»| "mal *nan having • . . a dean's about is „„ . "internship"? There another qucstio... . d0C ' 0IS eaChBrS C °mmun lost for a place to put the Name h"§ ' * ' icati0 -udenta andl^ - non-commitment; it falls i

SOme of ,heir re uIc

along the road- Bay Recreational rding to Brad Lewis, PR anagcr for SOS.

This project of bcaulifyir :ssec's parks was in conjl with the Tennessee Valley Author- ity and was covered by Chatta- nooga TV and newspaper media, said Lewis.

The SOS has already been carry- ing on an active program this 70 Plan Ahead th afternoo For Bible Camp Sept. 5, was spent hiking up to Sunset Rock on Lookout Moun- Seventy SMC students have tain. WSMC-FM Enlarges Staff; been Sunday, Sept. 18, a group of selected to he delegates to the 1970 muddy explorers emerged from a College Bible Conference lo be hole after Nine Freshmen Fill Jobs held October 7-10 at Camp Kul- at|ua, High Springs, WSMC-FM has added Florida They will be joined by delegates alf ..rdia from O,ikwoo,| College. Manager Don Self. This brings

the lota] staff membership lo .10, Russell and Sherry Al- sions in the program, says Marilyn. the including Faculty Director James ii graduates of Georgia- lir-,1 college confer, Classical numbers will be inter- Hannum. nd Academy. Calhoun, type in (he Southern U spersed among the others. learning IBM key-punch- viously. both Kevin Carlson and Joe Rudd, the colle Most of the songs performed both biology majors from Little Creek Academy, Concord, Tenn., have recently joined the announc-

ing staff. Carlson joined the staff Oct. 25 and 2(> for College Dav.v in August and also works in the The SA officers hope, says Kcr productions department.

Jerry Mathis, graduate of Har- bert Hills Academy, Olivehill, Cathy is -etary for the Columbia a graduate of Summerville High School. Summerville, S.C.

of "In With Ch it. Incorporated with his

The morning I be a discussion period in mall groups of delegates Dr. Malcolmilcolm MiMaxwell. The Wal ;uss the sermon among Walla College professor will ba us before returning to his talks on I Coi Good News for Modem Man, eniy, Berrien Springs, Mich., a

Mauncza Stonewall, graduate of Cress' 1970-71 JOKER Boasts day night Commitment Service. Elder John Hancock, who suc- Paper Almost "Anything That Is SMC" ceeded Elder Lucas this past sum- Named mer, will also be present during By Caylc Bail the layout. All Contest part This Week is a new name for a of the conference. ['he 1970-71 Joker h male, freshman new weekly paper. The paper, sed! This is a month in alphabetical written and edited by the news- MV Vespers: writing class at SMC, conducted a is eligible to submit his verse telephone survey in the Tri-Com- to the "College Student's Po- Carol Smart munity area; the majority of those etry Anthology"— a contest questioned liked the This Describes Island name —until Nov. 5. There is no Week because "it is different." limitation as to form or Hltv copies of the Joker were Those contacted in the poll theme. istrihuted around campus a day were glad to news- hear that a local Shorter works are pre- arlier lhan the rest on elavsroom , and everybody that is SMC paper is several coming soon, and ferred by the board of judges said they were willing to help out.

Newswriling students have been says a Press spokesman. En- information than ever before. Be- One boy call him Robin Hood assigned their "news beats" where — sides having the usual student, fac- -saw a boy walking down the i poem icpa- ulty and stalf photos, (here is also news. These "beats" include the idewalk in front of the cafeteria The ; a school calendar for the 1970-71 schools, police and fire dc- school year, a map of the campus, :ily offices. me book slid to the ground. Robin

II serve the home telephone numbers of both ushed io i he rescue, picked up the : Apis. and Oollewah. students and faculty, and addresses iook to give it to the boy and then Manuscripls should be sent A de in the purchase of the of Southern Union Conferences, lanced down at the cover. "Hey, Press. poctlini; j the Office of the Na- Adventisl col- academies and other 's the new Joker!" cried Robin, there, I was at (he junior camp. onal Poetry Press, 3210 Sel- ie first i'ssu leges. thereupon he was immediately She adds. "1 want to tell the kids Hill Garber lohhed. while die distributor faded Another phenomenal change Friday night what I did this sum- un- lto the crowd and escaped mer, and what I gained from my armed. Cress calls this the Writers Needed leory of supply and demand. INSIGHT magazine is now ac- Cress seems to think tha s staff campus re- Campus Beat cepting applications for Carol will be telling her experi- and sponsor. Mrs. Helen Kniltel, porters, according to Pat Horning, ences throughout the Southern have done an exceptionally good associate editor. If you have basic Union this year, according to Mike job for not being professionals journalistic skills, you may be able Fox worthy, missions director of Union College, I Most of the student body shares supplement your spending SMC's MV society. Also visiting Davis previously to his opinion about this year's Joker other elm re lies will he M.irca Mar- SI 0-1 5 per month, she ysij-f,s and d indents, 1962-65. money by — burger, better, and bolder lhan

organized the . Committee which

nesl scmK'Im nn.s i month. An • liange, says the SA is e spec ling even more business EXPENSES HIGH? Mindi Miller per column inch of t students are used to the idea. Lynn Ludden and additional SI pictures are ;ked with Dwight at the Exchange. material used is paid; with a top paying job, bought separately. SMC area Home Economies Association hosted the Chattanooga chances for advancement, classes. Dr. Applicants should have a feel for I- 17 at a dinner served by The Foods and Nutrition plus a share of the profits. nk Knitlel. academic dean, spoke on "New Frontiers in Home news-making events, Miss Horning and be able lo distill the im- said, Little Debbie a simple news has been portant points in . department chairman, story. Send a brief resume, with McKee Baking Company M-.ualii.ii of Sevenih-du\ Adventisl one faeulls reference, lo Pat Horn- He aedvilie- and achieve objective 6S56 Eastern Ave- is directing ,n- INSIGHT, „-nls. Dr. VandeVere nue NW, , D.C. 20012. iK-nihers informed. SOUTHERN ACCENT

Dudley Demands Rapt Attention

- r SPORTLIGHT <£ JHR x* 'lW*'*iw

Lynn Harper fries not 1

Picnic Day Skips Rain; Kids Ski and Run Track By Kalhy Steadman Women's 50-yard dash Finally, 6.: MiLi.iiioii picnic without any Peggy Parker 6.' Buses rented from Hamilton Pat Brokaw for the virtuosity County Schools pulled out of the Kalhy Hill mall about 10:00 a.m., Sept. 23, Men's 100-yard walking r Bay State Is to Beat; and headed for Harrison Bob Hous-hton 15.! Fardulis One Park for a full day of recreation. Ma Sorcn; Picnic events included track and Fred McDonald

\- ;ist nf f r . u < I i 1 and power. 01 .^.i, Undefeated for 5 Games i sbce football, water-skiing Women's 50-yard we euliir interest was the Adagio bucket bri- and ial games—a Sharon Swillcy height of With the A-lcague :ment, in which the „ ad(

After supper and \ students returned to the school waler-skiim: behind Ihe two to five and saw the film "To Sir With boais available, according to Stan- Ennis, and Marly Van- Love." At the showing Rouse an- rcll, Denny Icy Rouse, chairman of the Stu- one to fill the gap. cither from (he denberghc, ihe team has been un- dent Association Recreation Coin- defeated through its first five players already on the team or by Bach chorale. "Beloved Jcsu, We picking up someone new, it is felt Are Here." in which the soul of composer and pianist blended in a endure the r Fol- ! seemed thai Gary Grvle most moving performance.

lowing was the first movement of Members of the < Men's 100-yard dash sponsible for the picnic are Rouse, l-..rdul and 1 Haydn's 10th sonata, a very lyrical 10." Nelson Thoreson, Dennis Ward, 1)1111. i I-. I II, ilk- ll.i-.ll Lit .Ml/ lIlOll'.'lil and witty piece. Gary Gryte Ross Horslcy 10.S Barbara of a Gryle runaway by lying Grvl i and Rouse— had Dudley's piano, a replica of Sandy Cavanaugh, and 19-19 and then defeating lour oihe Mozart's forte-piano built by Bob Houghton opponents handily. bility, but perhaps Surprise number one of the sea Library—cont'd, from p. I son has been the performance o he younger players. Three Students A plaque was placed in the brows- Dick Slepanske's team. With Del Overall, the league appea ing room as a memorial to them. Go to Intercom mar Lovejoy leading, the team wo |uite sound and the season The volumes arc in the areas of By Randy Elkins its first three games, including e very interesting. history of the South, nursing and The fir t s cssion of Intercom, reading. SMC's an to campus unrest, complete the ceremonies, lr. Schneider's office Gertrude Battle, a long-time at 7:30 p Sept. 21. President of the Seventh-day Ad- Schneider opened the meeting by ventist Church and now a resident slating tha ( itercom is a student's of Collegedale presented a large vo ce hts thoughts di- lamil\ Bible to the new library. the college administra- She had personally and llioroughh lion." He al o said in effect, that ting Bible Inte plai sealing for holds barred" attitude prcvails- McKee Library contains carrels for 316. allowing fo: 689 sq. ft of floor space and has question by the students. dividual, undisturbed study. 1 sent capacity of 100,000 vol- study together Topics of discussion ranged I'm according to Charles Flem- lables in the Student SMC's expansion program to t gcneral manager of SMC. lounge. new Campus Kitchen. On the su the purchase of additional Jcct °f new buildings, it was i ion on the library be- . of the razing on the camP"s will be a home of old Talgc Hall, the . original men's dormitory. economics center to be built where ,hc old The cost of the library building acad"emy now stands. $599,176 Some complaints were voiced | less than about the food half the cost" of and ] Campus Kitchen. Dr. Schneider I

Furnishings and equjp- said that all matters would be taken I $95,162 for a total into consideration and also stated cost | of $694,338. that it would take time for t of the Campus Educational Leaders Offer Counsel, aw it was possible to Kitchen to down so low, Charles cntcd lo the new program. f-leming, Financial Help to Student Teachers general manager of SMC, Probably the big news of Inter- I of money com was the lack of attendance. Of I the 1300 students at only SMC. | the opportunity apply for schol- ,nrcc but neither were present i

pertinent r with the educational leaders from inch-thick pancl- their local conferences on Sept. 29 thc whole of this progran and 30 during Teacher Education from SMC librarian Charles harmonious spirit will be There arc three full lained between the administration I Education secretaries from s and a partial fourth level a nd Staff, h could be Southern Union conference expanded into a The nt 16. interview prospective inform them of the assislancc available to them through their conference. CoJ/egedcr/e Cabinets, Inc. At this time, elementary educa- tion majors may apply for a $300 Manufacturers scholarship available to juniors or of High Quality a S600 scholarship offered to sen- Laboratory Furniture for School, and Hospital,

Appointment schedules for the Collegedale, Tenn. interviews arc available in the edu- Telephone 396-2131

cation department. The inter- McKEE LIBRARY

, , M'S's'-ttiaiY College

. ,•;..... ss . 37315

Ingathering Field Day Predicted Success I'll have faith in the weathe from the college and academy pli Taylor's predic Pastor, if you'll have faith in th faculty and administration mem- S750 which five cars got in people," said William Taylor, d bers departed on Tuesday, Oct. 6, two hours. Tonight six cars will go. Field Day. A letter under clear blue skies for 22 towns Taylor terms advance publicity Aug. 31 by Elder R. A. Wilcox, cstly on that day with us." ' u"t Wl,n| ' n a i^u-miie radius, given (o the program as "modest." president of the South American Taylor says that Montevideo's \tmingat a goal of $16,250 for "Since wc are indirect tontlict wnh During this annual day. TayL Division of Seventh-day Adventists, office group had no idea that Oct. of SMC inclusive except for the the United Fund as to soliciting Montevideo-, was received 6 was Ingathering Field Day here is responsible for coordinate ntary school, S16.150 had this time the of year—and SMC by Dr. W. M.~ Schneider, SMC at SMC and that the letter soliciting bands to collect funds for been reached and supports the UF heavily—we an- president. disaster, welfare, educational prayer "have to be coincidental and and least $750 to be brought nounced our plans on one radio "Each weekday our office staff providential." evangelistic work on projects back from Lookout Mountain to- station only. It was mentioned around the world. unites in a Circle of Prayer re- "The day was a complete suc- night to complete the field "day" four or five times on the Luther questing from specific all years God bless- cess," said Taylor, "with no lost "In my working with and easily top the goal. Show, I think," he said. ings upon college Ingathering, the work. We want you people or accidents—and another the we've Because of a fair on Lookout Taylor cites an incident which to know that will praying for victory." never yet had rain," we be he told the Mountain Tuesday night when the " students in assembly, —hard solicitors ordinarily would have Five rain." hundred fifty students gone, Ingatherers will go tonight. SOUTHERN MISSIONARY COLLEGE SOUTHERN ACCENT


SMC We/comes Ex-Students; Alumni to Show Music Talent

the years will return to their Alma bers of that quartet arc John and Mater to present a weekend of Wayne Thurber, Don Crook and Weekend on October 16 and music for the SMC Alumni Asso- Jack Veazey.

Musical groups and soloists that Traveling with the Adelphian Spcakers will include Elder Quartet and adding her voice to Robert H. Pierson, president of (he theirs is Mrs. Marilyn Dillow Cot- General Conference, who will ion, returning to the scene of many speak at the Sabbath two morning of her musical accomplishments. church services; and Elder E. C. Others who will be coming and Banks, formerly head of Ihe reli- participating in their musical Spe- Legacy, Cabinet and Senate gion department at Andrews Uni- cialties will be Charles Pierce, Mrs. versity, who will speak at the Fri- Judy Fowler LcBaron, Lynda day evening vesper service. Whitman Cockrell, J. D. Bledsoe, Show Run-off, Two Decisions The Quartet Larry Blackwell, and Jimmy will be on campus for the weekend Rhodes. and sing several times. Members Jetter, Nelson are Bob Edwards, Jack Veazey, A string musical group who will Jim McClintock and Jerry Patton. participate is that of Drs. Clifford Louis Ludington, Dr. Brooke Vie for Legacy Brad and Olive Bralcy also will be and present and participate. Summerour and Don West The original SMC Adelphian The Saturday night program will ing for years be cmcecd by Charles Fleming, Jr., general of the college. approval for a Stu- Southern Union v manager jn Public Relations Committee chairman, and a final decision for two village senators. Calendar Friday -Saturday, Oct. 9-10 Nursing students visit Orlando campus Saturday, Oct. 10 8:00 p.m. Sports social. Physical Education Center, SA Recrc- sfe Ron Nelson urges I dents to "air your thoughts" in Sunday, Oct. 11 Legacy. The two top contenders for 8:00 p.m, Chamber Series, Music building, Donna Jeffrey, Legacy were confirmed Tuesday Platform soprano nurses' Platform when the Orlando campus Monday, Oct. 12 Three-Point Program ballots arrived at SMC. Since I The Legacy is only one of the 8:00 i neither Cheryl or Nelson pulled ^publications by and about the I. Not merely an expression t by Receptio majority support, the run-off today ustudents of Southern Missionary of the SMC student. show a decision between those ^College, will Tuesday, Oct 13 but possibly the most election two candidates. Run-off II. Reaching outside the val- W'nportant and certainly the one 11:00 a.m. Assembly, church, Elder J. V. Scully results will be posted within 24 arms youthful wvith ley with the of 6:30 p.m. Phi Delta Chi Reception, student lounge the most potential. As its hours of the time balloting closes, Mname insight. Thursday, Oct. 15 implies, the Legacy is to according lo Senate Chairman Bill moe 11:00 a.m. Student Association scholarship assembly, audito- something handed down Boyle. III. Capturing and encasing rium. Dr. Horace Jerome Traylor of UTC mfrom the past, a reflector of tlie In another category, Kathy the pulse of 1970-71 as felt by Friday-Saturday, Oct. 16-17 contemporary student thought Steadman, who has been acting as contemporary college stu- the Alumni Weekend Committee chair- '/ this scliool year. It is my de- Public Relations tentative appoint- Saturday, Oct. 17 ire to expand tlie Legacy to in- man since her 8:00 p.m. "Through the Years," Physical Education Center, ment at the beginning of the term, -lude all tlie varied facets of approved for the of- alumni program tudent experi- was ol'liciullv life and student of fice by 305 votes or 87 percent Sunday, Oct 18 nce, to bar no legitimate ex- the 46 College Admission Test (prior application the total 351 cast, offsetting 8:00 a.m. Medical pression of what it is like to live Votes Pere. Total required), Wright Hall, 207 (13 percent) dissenting voles. Room ™re. The Joker, Southern 6:45 p.m. Fall Week of Religious Emphasis begins, church, Memories, and Southern Ac- cent all reveal who is here and

"hat they did. The Legacy is Law School Admission Test (prior application : WC's literature; a vehicle for quired), Wright Hall, Room 207 'e 19-24 'f -realization, the growing Monday -Saturday, Oct of Religious Emphasis continues, churt of creativity, an insight We/come, Therefore, in order to qualify as a 11:00 a.m. Fall Week candidate re- p.m. Elder Lloyd Wyman the moving force behind nujoruv winner, each 6:45 of 52 fus college. quired at least 51 percent Thursday, Oct 22 of half total cast), or 27 8:00 a.m. National Teachers Examination (prior applicant '/ selected by the student (majority Alumni! required), Wright Hall, Room 207 'o^r / will call upon tlie edi- the outcome of the Southern Accent publication torial and organization experi- According to er balloting, Cress and Myers now Friday, Oct 23 >ce } received in academy to repre- will attend Senate meetings, Produce a work that truly en- sentmi; their sections of the village. fmpasses life on this campus. I



Student Conduct Destroys Honor lhan a grand Assembly Sept. 29 was somelhing less of the year. to make the understatement not appeal to ever accepted fact that all assemblies do orally ou, appr in which some ol as express or.. However, the way generally accepted. ciation or LACK ol it is NOT lor all I care-a. The program can bo absolutely rotten, it is ol the program-bul when this is not to be an evaluation dedication, the audi a serious nature and especially a silence. rtt lonot the minimum respect— applauders, hooters, Perhaps the noise-makers, uncontrolled the rear of the ai and whistlers were more prevalent in teeny-bopper way to respond than in the front. What a barely touches our hves at all. thing which, lor most ol us, minutes, which we will be exposed lor only 50 educational standards which has spent 39 years working lor the Wfl who helped to lead the Possibly, the scholarship recipient rightfulness to his award other disruption plans to demonstrate conduct in public- than by the responsibility of orderly programs. "Honerary." indeed! not such a ternbl. Perhaps acting childish in one meeting is represents what is on. nli.i. violation of culture, except that it basic problems affecting all ol America complains that elders do not respect us, what we don't show in return? "> Receptions Were Exciting Reception used to be exciting! First of all, there precious little envelope—or eager rush to the mailboxes for the

envelopes if one were lucky. And then—but Reception is tonight, an any little envelopes YET! But the same little scene plays and replays all "Hello, lane? This is Harry." "Harry? Harry who?" to "Harry Black. I was wondering if you'd go

nth i "Reception' Oh! Wait a minute— JOKER." exciting, Yes, Reception i be really


the programs appeal to the com- ; bad, if r and elementary asked the the other one. another textbook? munity or academy you vc a copy of ZELDA school ages r "Do He asked how much it was. The ZONKLE MEETS THE GREAT, room. Busy writing. Objective legc-agc students. saleslady replied, "S7S." Now, he If tickets were sc GREEN GLOB?" disgusted. quizzes. Bible class? was thoroughly In l/i.:t. Ihrrr luis nrr.'r I the programs pleased when she Study. Look for what the tary basis, maybe He was quite "Do you think you can get ,/i.m,;".""

programs which the, :: in Bible' and then Here for the new binding," Required coui ko:iiJin.xl pay for themselves wouia on havi ,ilniK "How else would we pay SA Evaluates

because tickets would , if tendance. Rcqui brought in j, lor look al them for And if you really want students would the grade. Impress the teacher. sell, and the SMC yOU book, you will have to buy Sports Reportingl An understanding of Scripture? A of them, because they are the A meeting was held last week I realize that we as Christ closeness to God? re-evaluate the distribution of i approved standards which do have Ii "Study to show thyself have sighed and turned to sponsibilities for sports coverage < however, unto God?" II Tim. 2:15. —Name kept, and rightly so; campus. An agreement had been! night programs could si Withheld urday made at the beginning of the year,! ) be improved. according to a Student Association^ necessarily express This does not the Campus spokesman, for the SA Rccreati writer, but has happened the the sole opinion of the What Committee to produce a wee!

standards this school used i hold of several concerned students. sports sheet and for the Accent lime now, students so high? We s c slipped For some is amilv The showing of tins one movie ; be a less publish league standings, have asked the question: Why do I nto the mold of not the big prohlem, but is only nformntion predictions and pictures. have to pay for Saturday night : showing of "To Following the first two or th; programs when 1 don't attend Sir with Love." What is wrong? games of the football season, l ther Is the counsel of God so obscure the holy angels weep as they vje Recreation Committee discover* that we find it difficult to under- the poor spiritual condition of oi I can look out my window now that it did not have adequate that charging stand? I think not. but Satan has and sec the happy glow on the power i programs whi blinded our eyes and wc have faces of the students as they return be done, fallen. Faculty a i from what was probably SMC's ing t :chai Slalilil Don't be led by the unconverted lines! chapel 1 have always looked hearts among us. Don't lead us to forward with deep anticipation to VOLUME XXVI OCTOBER 8. 1970 the world, lead us to Jesus. "Rc- SA chapels, but this surpassed even Of unto you. says the Lord of hosts." (Mai. 3:7) —Dan Manzano The quietness and atlentiveness ) matter who keeps and t of Ihc students and the overall at- atistics, more money mus I noticed in the Joker that new mosphere of the convocation indi- opriatcd by the Student AssoeiaJ all seniors are listed as fourth-year cate that wc are deeply indebted to students, whether thev arc two-year some organization for a job well car seniors. So if enormous task." sophomore guy The quality of the audio-visual Bob Wade, current Southern At] i girl for a date (and productions prove that surely ex- cent sports editor, has he d .n't know her well), he perts were working in these fields, from the position as of tl "m the Joker, finds that she particularly the area of musical re- because he "cannot spend the litfj cordings. The noiseless and order- the job requires." An appheatiel : is probably two years older ly fashion in which the students for replacement has been !

exited from chapel is mute evi- on condition that t

dence of their reluctance to leave. is approved. Surely all were persuaded (or al- most persuaded) to become teach- budget for the Southern AcctJ doubt the Southern Un- sports coverage has been submi<«f to the Student Association

and a decision is expected s SOUTHERN ACCENT ege Grows: 500 Join New Faculty and Staff Come In Groups Mo: sponded to an invitation made by Elder Don Holland, Southern Un- ion MV leader, during MV Week- Charles Lacey, from Case Wcslcrn | end, Sept. 10-12. peri n ten dent University, Those who volunteered for "In grounds. Lacey, SMC from 1959- Cleveland, Ohio, Groups" will separate into groups

wife. Gloria, % Eldcr Davis was also dean of i graduate fellow- of 12 or fewer, meeting regularly their four daughti Union College, ship. Elder Ric to study the Bible and pray for arrived at South Lancaster, the SMC last SDA Church from their project—to get more students 1948-58 he served as dean of boys serving December. He has in several slates. He holds to join their group. at Forest Lake Academy, had 18 years' expe- Mailland, a B.D. degree in New Testament When each group reaches 12 e as a landscapcr and Fla. studies from University. lawn Andrews members, it will divide again into expert in St. Louis with such His wife, Janet, is currently work- two groups, each of which will firms as Ford Motor Co. and Holi- ing on her M.A. in secondary coun- Singer Coming continue the original pattern. day Inn among his customers. seling at the University of Tcnnes- Miss William Garber, Donna Jeffrey, soprano from Florida State University, Ted Winn, associ- instructor in jour- Tallahassee, will be presented in ate dean of men. He nalism. He comes concert Oct. 11 at 8 p.m. in SMC's was formerly dean ! from a three-year music building. of boys at Blue teaching position at Jeffrey Mountain Academy, , Mc Miss debuted with the Hamburg, Pa. Winn Academy, in Wat- New York City Opera in 1963 and sang leading opera roles until 1968 ^m received his B.A. sonville, Calif. Gar- when she joined music ^B * ^^^ degree in history ber was educated in SDA schools the faculty of Florida State University from Walla Walla College, College from elementary level through col- as a lege at Berrien Springs, Mich. e, Wash., in 1964. His wife, He former Patricia Jo Scyphers of received the B.A. degree in English She studied on scholarships at Timber, Mont., also received from Andrews Univej-sity in 1966 Syracuse University, Syracuse, B.A. from Walla Walla Col- and the M.A. degree in journalism N.Y.; New Conservatory from Michigan State University, of , Mass.; lege—hers in business administra- Music, and in East Lansing, in 1967. C. Lloyd Wyman Milano, . Miss Jeffrey con- tinued her education in the USA under the auspices Stewart Bainum, Will of the Martha Wyman Baird Rockefeller Foundation. The "In Groups" form the core instructor in busi- of workers used in the "Mara- ness administration. Lead Meetings natha" and "Way Out" programs. He recently received Elder C. Lloyd Wyman, pastor "Maranatha" is the visitation pro- his M.B.A. degi Cleveland Opera, Santa Fc Opera of the White Memorial Church in gram in which students use current management fi and Lake George Opera. , will conduct the Fall University ithc Week of Spiritual Emphasis Oct. Mrs. Dunscombe in private lite, boring homes. This program California at she will be accompanied by her stresses the three angels of Rev. 14. Bainum holds a B ' Meetings will be held weekday husband, Dr. Harry Dunscombe, MV officers arc hoping to begin history with a mine 11:00, and evenings also of Florida Slate University. the "Way Out" program this year from , 6:40, the first nice ,u except for tine Dr. Dunscombe has had exten- in the Chattanooga area, according Angwin, Calif. His wife, Vikki, is which will be Sunday evening at to Foley, president. sive conducting experience as well Doug MV economics major al home 7:30. will also have Using rock-music radio announce- Elder Wyman as a distinguished career touring SMC. Friday meeting, by the of the evening and South America. Greece and the ments produced Voice the Sabbath morning Prophecy, teenage youth will be Elder Robert invited to send for the "Wayout Mills, assistant gen- will Magazine" and the ensuing "Hang- attended eral manager. He Market. He be "Dare to Live Now." ups" lessons. from 1957-59. Robertson comes to SMC from SMC Elder Wyman spent the first 14 Burkett was last em- years of his life in the Southern with Cobia |# urer of the Middle ployed Asia Division, particularly in r Earns Ph.D. U ' - /^ East Division of Burma, where he was born. He H ."^ifc Seventh-day Advent- attended school at the Vincent Hill The latest faculty member to at- Bsls. Elder Mills previously served School in northern . tain doctoral status at SMC is fin the Far Eastern Division and His family returned to America Marvin L. Robertson, present Bhc Korean Union Mission. after heine bombed out of Burma chairman of the Fine Arts Division. during World War II. Elder Wy- He received the doctorate in man finished his academy years at music education from Florida Stale er.iJu.iteJ EPA Seeks Aid: Auburn Academy and University in Tallahassee. The title 1950. from Walla Walla College in of his dissertation was "A Com- Since then he has pastured a parative Analysis of the Treatment churches in North Pa- Four Students From SMC number of of Music in Selected Children's cific and Pacific Unions having General Encyclopedia been ordained in 1954 jor professor was Dr. Jack Swarlz. To Advise Publishers Oregon Conference. Besides pas- Dr. Robertson is an alumnus of department toring, he has worked as a singing I A proposed Youth Publications by the public Colorado State College in Greeley, mgelist. Advisory Board was the discussion of the SPA. Colo., where he received his M./ Also in the past 10 years, he leature of the recent Communica- degre His The Board w completed his B.D. and M.A. de- at Walla ions according to thre luate work was Club meeting, <( en , s from Andrews University. grees at College Place, fer. Don Dick, club sponsor. College, ( Represen taii> In recent years. Elder Wyman I Miss Paula Becker, public rela- the studc "^ has also conducted similar Weeks College itive of Lincoln, Ncbr., Dr. Sons director, and Bob Nixon, of Prayer at Pacific Union to rive**™ tot. at SMC serv- look editor, both from the South- and Walla Walla College and 2 West his present position since ern Publishing Association in Nash- ' several academies on the "ac^yc" r" f Rillc, presented the idea to the lishins house


i Campus Beat semi-automatic The industrial arts department has purchased a burner, and a protype machine which produces type I The representatives' main duties. welder, a plate headlines. laid Miss Becker, will be to read film for Bie manuscripts which are sub- New brochures describing Advcntist Colleges Abroad have arrived; mitted for publication that have a inquire at the language department interested students arc invited to ftossible youth audience and to includes French al Collonges. ; office (LH 216). The program i Bvaluate the youth, The Bogenhofen, ; Spanish at appeal to German* at" Darmstadt. Germany, and gepresenta lives attend two t Flor- will Valencia, Spa js, ; and a workshops during the school year , Italy. B which they will discuss their Knltlel, academic dean, and Dr. Carl Mille , ttinions and ideas. Dr. Frank program, met in Washington. of the baccalaureate nursing I Newly elected officers of the rsing education i 21 and 22 with a committee appointed Communications Club with Mil- Seventh-day Adventist colleges. B>rd Crist as president, have been nursing, recently attended Bven the authority to initiate this Mrs. Doris Davis, assistant professor of federal government and presented by the COLLEGEDALE Bew advisory board on campus. At a workshop financed by the Memphis. The workshop, en- Hresent. the proposal has been Southern Regional Education Board at CLEANERS for Selecting ( onient lor Associate Degree Bused on to the College Publica- titled "Toward a Rationale various nursing schools to Board for Nursing Programs," was presented to aid Industrial Road ision as to the method which prepare integrated nursing curriculums. used for selecting the repre- Marilyn Johnson, instructor in home 396-2199 sentatives from SMC. Miss the national convention of the land, Ohio, Oct. 6-9. Men and Machine Fight Steam] SPORTLIGHT "Park" Succumbs to Repairs

I hours of manpower and lower put an end to what an object of increasing and controversy for scv-

Fivc feet under the sidewalk, re- pairs have now been made on what Francis Costerisan, head of plant

terms as a "leak at the joint of a buried steam line." He added that the pipe should have lasted much longer but must have been faulty;

it has been there only since 1957.

The leak was first evidenced by increased steam output from the sidewalk grates. Daily the steam increased until walking lo class was literally like driving through a heavy fog. Thoresen Makes A -League Steam pipe ruptures Finally the steam spread under- dying bush to bubbling pool (O ground, says Costerisan. leaking up A Three- Battle gaping hole and Way pile of dirt emanat- around the sidewalks and killing ing steam, the phenomenon Reception Riding back-to-back victories several bushes. was over Stepanske's learn, Thoresen dubbed by students as "The Burn- Since the leak was so deep, Cos- has moved into the championship mg. ing Bush," "Jellostone Park," Date Nears terisan continued, the repair work spotlight along with Grytc and "Grand Canyon" and "Mt. Vcsu- Around the rest of the league, Oct. 13 is the day! was put off as long as possible. He At that ti Rouse, Maretich, Pleasants, and the men of Talge Hall will prest explained thai they had to shut off As was expected. Stcpanske, Fcnderson are all still hanne their Costcrisan says the repair should (heir reception in the studenl| all the steam power in the cafeteria problems. At times rhey have minus a quarterback and despite ,i been now end all steam while the repair was being made. leaks from un- playing as fine hearlded defense, seemingly is fall- a game as anyone The reception is to begin a Therefore, der the sidewalks, bushes, and out else in the league, the time had to be right ing along I he wayside in the wake but champion- of the grates. ships are nor won in the for cafetct of three straight defeats. A-League like to have photographs (al by periodical fine play. may begin to arrive at On still another hand, Gryte 6:30 p As of this writing it appears that Rudy Achata ' punctured a sizeable hole in the Ingathering Field Day seemed of Chattanooga [he championship be Fardnhs boiler by romping to a may up for like the right time to shut off the take photographs posed on steam, said Costerisan, in the lobby of Wri touchdown of the students were olT campus, performance by Buddy Rogers mtput became gnificant, causing a bubbling nd the base of one bush, they decided the repair to Don Pate, president of the could not be done in one day alone club. He explained that they ar noi dKi.iMn-,' the method of invila

The dress will, as before, b formal. For members of the men' club, tickets are $2.50; for non rs, $3.00. The entertainment for the eve

ning does not include a film and i: Mrs. Lilah Lilley, assistant pro- "very unusual," according lo file fessor of education at SMC, was "I think it is going to honored in a surprise ceremony be the bes by far that has been held here foi recently for her 39 years as a teacher. a long time," he added. Pate also said that plans have! began the college's been changed as /ashington — (CPS) inual Teacher Education Recruit- point of the student lounge fori draftees have almost tv session in which representa- reception. Instead of entcrimj thcl a chance of being killed in Vietn from the seven stales of the McKee Company lounge by the Wright Hall elevator,| as non-draftee enlisted men, Southern Union Conference of students should use the usual t cording to Seventh-day a U.S. Army study. Advcntists meet at Works SMC Kids trance at the rear of the building.! right. SMC with future During 1969, draftees w teachers. McKee "" Baking Co. is employing :illed at the rate of - The strains of "Here Comes the 99 students in Vietnam, but other figures this year in their Col- tnd injured at the n in- Bride" took Mrs. Lilley Banquet Photos and her legedale dicate thai S.000 draftees arc sent plants, announced SMC's 1,000, while first-t husband. Herb, back to the year to dean Vietnam each month. The of students' office last week. 1959 as Elder E. J. Barnes, educa- monthly draft call has been run- tion. Professional. i| superintendent of the Florida The 99 students employed ning about 10,000. Thirty will percent Conference and Ihe mumier .dm collectively receive on their RUDY of all draftees then in the Army SMC ACHATA The married the Lilleys, appeared on statements were serving about $4,000 a week, in Vietnam on July 1, s that records indicate. This compared with 25 percent of first- in turn will the Army, in a procedure different Elder pay term enlistees. and Mrs. Barnes remi- a large part of the students' nisced with Mr. and Mrs. Many persons, including Lilley as who enlist for three Sen. years to choose Proxmirc, slides of former students Hashed on what feel thai Ihe three-year job they want. Because of Ihe sereen and their accompanying enlistees should not be able to op- ibis, draftees who make up 56 per- voices paid tion out of combat tribute to her. >cenl of the men while draftees entering the Army, must COLLEGE MARKET light; the Army is apparently lend to make up a much hielier unwilling to remove the provision percentage of combat units. for because enlistments might drop, CAMPUS KITCHEN College graduates are slightly forcing a drastic rise in draft calls. HOURS SAVINGS less likely to be assigned to combat "As strange Sun.-Tnurs. duty, but there are no figures sep- Brahm ?«.!,.,. said, 'only 800 \ou\v:. men Fri. arating draftees from" enlistees 7 a.m.- 2 js.m. a month out of 200 million Ameri- among college graduates. Sat. 30 min. after Thirty- cans are Fresh Fruits, enlisting for combat. If Vegetables, six percent of the graduates who ed Goods, and entered the Army in IVfiU were as- 10:30 p.m. other Srocerie signed lo combat jobs, compared GOOD FOOD with (he overall rate of 43.3 per- COLLEGE PLAZA cent. Sixty-one percent of the graduates were draftees.

The higher death rate of draftees in Vietnam would have been ended Co/fegedo/e Cabinets, EXPENSES HIGH? by an amendment to the military Inc. procurement bill, which would Let us help you have barred the sending of draftees Manufacturers of High with a top paying job, lo Vietnam unless they volunteered Quality chances lo go. The amendment, authored for advancement, Laboratory Furniture by Sen. tor School, and plus William Proxmirc, (D- Hospitals a share of the profits. Wise.), was rejected by a vote of Little Debbie CgllegedoJe, Tenn. Telephone The Army says 394-2131 McKee it has no figures Baking Company on the chances of a draftee serving 396-2151 "

Bible Conference Delegates Inspired to "Go, Tell beautiful great!' — ling for truth." The ob ing "I'v "A wonderful experience!" ject was t ) find out what Paul said What else can one say about a and how o apply it to today's liv- "Brighten the Corner" and "Only a weekend that had a definite emo- ing. Boy Named David," impact on over lional 100 students Another qualified and interesting -'— Climaxing the entire weekend from Oakwood College and SMC? speak. was Elder C. D. Brooks. were the two Sabbath Delegates to the services—the first Collegiati secretary of the Colum- morning sermon by Union Presi- Bible Conference held in the South- bia Union Conference. Through dent Elder H. H. Schmidt, and the ern Union found themselves at a his descriptions Elder Brooks made evening Commitment Service by loss for words as they attempted to graphic what was all Elder Holland. Closing the con- relate to others the feelings that about. Words fail when one tries ference, the delegates gathered they had experienced during the to describe how Elder Brooks por- around Camp Kulaqua's famous four-day weekend at Camp Kul- trayed the crucifixion, for example. spring. Lighting Capping Elder Brook the night with candl 'he students Undcr the direction of Southern numbeTTby^thT other «. signified their Union MV leader Elder Don Hol- dedication to finish soon the task land, the Union MV staff had ar- assigned them by Jesus nearly 2000 nged for several special speakers of the Southern Ui years ago, that of telling everyone Elder Wilbur Chapman, pastor Besides the music provided by everywhere the gospel. of the College View, Ncbr. (Union Elder Brooks and the delegates, College) SDA Church, conducted those present were treated to a the early morning 6:30! devo- concert "^ "=»«» — — each evening by the King's South Using practical, everyday Heralds Quartet. Their inspiration SOUTHERN MISSIONARY cEiQt'LetSE""'/ Con,,,,, :ggT26'Te examples, he showed the delegates was not limited to just singing, for keep from being lonely they also participated in the dis- spiritually, and how to guard the cussions and other programs, in- precious deposit of hope and trust, cluding recreation. faith and truth" that has been left Flashbacks of the conference vith us. might be: the entire SMC delega- Perhaps one of the most inter- tion singing choruses while waiting SOUTHERN ACCENT ring segments, and certainly the to register after a 500-mile bus longest were the discussions led by ride; the strange feeling of sand in COLLEGEDALE, Elder Malcolm Maxwell from one's shoes: playing volleyball with Walla College's Theology 12 to a side; slaying up late learn- Department. Using I Corinthians ing Oakwood's favorite choruses and teaching (hem SMC's favorites; and asking the King's Heralds to TV Class Writes for TV 12; SA Plans Road Rally; Features Student Missionaries

Girls Will Enter Too! Three students from SMC i students. Under the direction of sisted of shots of the students as featured Sunday, Oct. 11, Dr. Don Dick, chairman of the de- they studied and worked on the By Bab 1 WDEF-TV, Channel 12 in Ch partment, and Bill Garber. instruc- SMC campus and as they do "their From the looks of things, Ten- nooga. In a half-hour program tor in journalism, the script for the thiivj," rich tint; today's problems. cssee appears to be a pretty slow program was written by the writing Foley, the first of the three fea- tate for road rallies, but wc hope for radio/TV/film class. tured on the program, spent the nis appearance will change in our iund- Smart and Don Pale were shown Earlier the week before, the pro- entire summer two years ago in rea on Nov. 8. The Student As- ings carefully and follow speed fighting today's problems in their gram was video-taped at the Honduras as an assistant to a mis- ociation is in the process of plan- own special way. WDEF-TV studios under the di- iing a road is rally, and much help The navigator must be as good The show came about when rection of Harold Coe. On-air rgently needed. as the driver, and here is where the WDEF-TV offered SMC's commu- personality Bill Smith conducted a Bill Boyle is looking for students sharp-eyed girls come in. The department with each of have participated in a rally navigator watches for the land part of the show, fore who would like to help. marks which enable the driver to nder of the show con- gram for teenage iGirls, if you want to get in with the follow the directions. younger children. guys and you have good eyes, vol- Hence the problem and joy of Pate, a sophomore theology ma- Unleer to help with check points, or road rallying: arriving at the right jor, was the third student featured hint around that you would like to place at the right time. during the show. During the past help "him" drive ex- (Women make summer participated in Boyle said that the date has been he a Vista Icellent co-drivers and navigators)! Sunday, Nov. 8. Volunteer- type program sponsored Fellows tentatively set for I are needed, says Boyle. the Seventh-day Adventist Whether the date can be met de- by who know the highways and by- Church in Middlesboro, Ky. pends on who volunteers to share would like ways of these hills and object of the half-hour his knowledge and experience. The pro- to help lay out the course. gram was "to tell the story of three And, drivers If this is what you've been wait- I of course, lots of students who care enough about land navigators are necessary. You ing for, start looking for Bill Boyle, today's problems to do something and rally to the cause. about them," said Garber. He con- cluded, "Yet, these students are carrying out their commitments in Calendar a different way than do most youth today. That's why we called the program 'A Different Kind of War.' Sunday-Monday, Oct. 25-26 Speaks Here; College Days NASA's Mo/i/ere Jetter Plans a Monday, Oct, 26 Describes Tangible Benefits Bigger Legacy 8:00 a.m. Deadline, Southern Accent upplu.i t 8:00 a.m. Graduate Record Examinations (for Col. Edward D. Mohlere of the "By the mid-1970's wc hope to Cheryl Jetter was elected by a deadline date Sept. 18), Wright Hall, Room 207 National Aeronautics and Space produce 14-day weather predic- wide majority over opponent Ron Tuesday, Oct. 27 Administration spoke to SMC's tions with 85 percent accuracy. Nelson in the run-off election for 11:00 a.m. Assembly, church, Elder Eric Ristau, Southern Un- student body Thursday, Oct, 8. He Accurate long-range weather pre- Legacy editor held Oct. 8. Includ- series of speakers dictions can save more than SJ bil- ing Orlando votes, Cheryl's total ion Publications Secretary ; the first of a Student lion a year," he said. "By early was 282 (59%) out of 478 ballots Thursday, Oct. 29 : sponsored by weather satellites. 11:00 a.m. Professional Club Meetings tracking of U. S. cast and Ron's total was 196 Friday, Oct. 30 (41%). some 70,000 people from the path End of Mid-term Cheryl slates that she is quite of Hurricane Camillc. Without 7:30 p.m. Vespers, church director at NASA's enthusiastic about her new respon- early warning, some 50,000 people Friday-Monday, Oct. 30 - Nov. 2 Marshall Space Flight Center in sibility and that she didn't even might have perished," Mohlere Nursing Students Visit Orlando Campus Huntsvillc. know a $200 scholarship was in- added. Saturday, Oct. 31 Mohlere concentrated on little- volved until the day of the main center 8:00 p.m. SA party and benefit film, physical education known tangible benefits flowing "One of the most intriguing election. Her two main objectives 1970-71 Tuesday, Nov. 3 from the well - known major enigmas in space has been die dis- for the Legacy, she says, 11:00 a.m. Assembly, church achievements of NASA's space ex- covery of quasars—short for quasi- are expansion and meaningfulness. Thursday, Nov. 5 stellar objects. They produce 11:00 auditorium, ATS orations difficult to measure I a.m. Assembly, "It is often energy on such a gigantic scale that publication terms. Southern Accent benefits in monetary their origin and their identity can

1 Ingathering Friday, Nov. 6 Who, for only be guessed at. Study of the Van 7:30 p.m. MV Vespers, church tag on the discovery of the Total Friday-Saturday, Nov. 6-7 Allen radiation belt that encircles ergy. Study of the quasars might Religion Retreat the earth? This discovery might lead to an even more powerful Goal: $16,250 Saturday, Nov. 7 be one of the clues to understand- center, orchestra source of energy that could be 8:00 p.m. Concert, physical education ing how the sun's various radiations Final: football field, SA including harnassed for the benefit of man- $16,319 I 8:00 p.m. All-star football game, control our atmosphere, Committee our weather and climate." — |


"To Sir" Is Progressive Step

The showing ol the controversial "To Sir With Love" film on a progressive step nearer to a beautiful SMC's campus has been Gentlemen: battle against determined opposi-. scenic view, symbolically speaking, to the large majority of stu- A few weeks ago, a very rare tion, but by changing the park's you have brought much dents, as was intended, and in contrast, a step closer to a treach- bird was sighted in our region by terrain, I avid nearly a thousand people in the enjoyment to many bi erous cliff for a minority. watchers. With more natural t vicinity of I he Hammurabi Natural This film was introduced by the Student Association as one rain, we can hope for more f quent visits from this rare bird. l^ftF of a new group ol "college-only" presentations, with the idea We hope that you gentlem that adults and near-adults are mature enough to grasp the ob- will continue to work together vious moral and not be led astray by the segments portraying keep away the natural and i dancing and below-par language. natural enemies of our beloved]

fowl. It is through this < Naturally, anything that deals with the public EN MASSE The wardens and rangers arc to tion of wisdom and maturity I will inspire some and weaken others. Those that admired "Sir's" be congratulated for their hard more birds will be attracted t handling of the slum teens, and as a result will deal with their Letters work in the area of cultivating region. friends and. possibly, students, more patiently are the ones for And so, gentlemen, on behalf of| whom the film was meant. The morals presented in educating alue.

Unfortunately, there is the other side of the question. Some "could not see the pearl for the shell." For those who could see only the medium and not the message, yes, the movie was detri- mental. You "see what you look for," the saying goes.

This is the same group who say SMC is becoming the devil's

playground when, in reality, its administrators constantly are

seeking to upgrade its Christian atmosphere, studying its effec-

tiveness in training students for chanted and v.r, K . Ahhou E h post-graduate witnessing, and Regarding the film "To Sir With relationship between the same time, attempting to maintain a high scholastic standard. Love" shown on this campus at the teacher and his students as pc

imp'oo^lViHlor'-^V^iV'.',. SA picnic, 1 feci it was the type of trayed by Sidney Poiticr in "To Sir The college and student administrations cannot rashly lay n rlmrch and school family, movie that the majority of mature, With Love." Not only did i down a law which states, "All theater pictures evil." mkiIv what we need. Or are are Neither colk«e-.ige, adult citizens enjoy film bring home the striking < adult for that? can they say all of the available entertainment films are good. and arc interested in. I understand l that i.- tbei latch I S that the "adult patterns" that To that there has been consider. ihk- involved with his fellow i complicate matters of selection, all critics do not agree which ailed -Indent leaders hove at- criticism by a minority. Please, let also demonstrated the selflessness | them remember that they chose to with which each one must searc

A 1937 (!) REVIEW AND HERALD given to the ACCENT by a attend the movie on their own free out his role in a life dedic.,h-i.l i concerned critic enumerates the principles of right and wrong in will. This school has standards which must be, and are, upheld, f There are tho: motion pictures. The RH editor who wrote the article referred to, do not believe that anything shown states that "The very principle upon which these (motion pictures in the movie was detrimental to with dramatized theatrical plots—is that what saw?) slowly slipping into we are con- now the Mme Christian standards or to the image this film, ft is my opinion th; structed d ..-,;, m-r.u v i-\i,ts in the world is inherently wrong, and cannot be approved or con- of our school. If everyone was as any individual whose intellect around u* Derived In llie k,n R oi doned by the church. understanding as "Sir," in ... Its themes are built upon human pas- the »vi,-Ud himself, we are. day by this world molded such a shallow fashio that it will sion. It graphically presents, by portrayal and suggestion, the not allow him to searc sl.-p fin-rli.T in sin. until, mih wlial out a questionable detail upon! sins and crimes of humanity—murder, adultery, robbery and which to leap, is a misfit i every other evil."

i of higher learnin

What was "To Sir's" main principle—sex, murder, robbery? As a senior, trembling on the verge upon which it was based was none of these, of student teaching. I would the right track. Let': but that of a teacher's devotion like to express my appreciation for oneem for his students and :hool that is truly ; the help and encouragement in the how he helped them become m motivated young people Christians, maybe? Bob Dillor The tide says ' when they de- meaning for me and made r further < "We c » convinced that certain motion Campus Enterfainment cided to combine and ask myself a few questio pictures can be used effectively and helpfully in God's richment, and c Why am I a student in a Christian! cause, for purposes of education, enlightenment, and wholesome Dear Editor: rewarding evening. Those who institution.' Why have I dedicat entertainment" and lists In reply lo Don Schmidt's lett< as acceptable, "films which impart in- this audio-visual portrayal my life to the service of others?! the last issue, how about some n formation and teach truth in any branch first Why? Because of learning." For the and R r.,iiiude to our teaching experi- of those \

majority of the *.!<( li know Christ as I do. audience for whom it was meant, "To Sir" easily in plant,, Many fell in these categories. are searching for ; are? These thing better, something lasting! To stand back such as and criticize will not help. For a critic to the love, respect and Chrh judge the message without tian attitude shown to thei even having seen the medium is rather perturbed, worse yet. ,h , We all must realize the responsibility at the pc e in selecting fanatical «>«s1 re.r.i. .°?! ".'.'S''J fittmg entertainment for I thank the film college students. It isn't an easy task. illy published the \ nittee for their judgment i Those who find fault with the selections made Southern and lose their ir Christian spondent, With Love" and encourage the! experience over it will probably also lose in his condemt their faith howing of just in associating the SA' more films of with SMC's average student—for we are all -'giate nature. — Debby 1 human and make mistakes. "To Sir With Love." has undoubt- edly overlooked the fact that we If we will train ourselves to look, in the light of mature Chris- as young adults should by now be I want to express how much I tian attitudes, for the best and not the sin in everything, life—and recreation and enierta able to progress from our "milk" appreciated the letter by DatiB entertainment— easy. Many factors diet to Manzano will certainly be more worthwhile. m on something more solid. on the showing of thc| ed: different' interests movie "To Sir With Love." LVH Furthermore, need we be so ap- What a tragedy palled at reality? The film would that we ; VOLUME XXVI have been ridiculous had lating some of the very principle! OCTOBER 22. WO NUMIER 5 text for which our church been distorted to delete the stands. _ For us to curl.,ifl| "questionable." It was an accurate allow ourselves liberties presentation of a slum condition, ... , and the youn- teacher campus is a violation of ChriS' night be a bro.,<'- ,,„-.c t was cert, mils n itynda experience.) admirable in ins h.uh standards and "'' rds, against the teach-l ln s of the slap] Let's lake a look at the motives. E Bible, and a direct t the Spirit of Prophecy. : indeed held F°r nc qualities. ° t0 say ,hat v a' u a blc >roRrnms A school of o,,r It even chal- . _ kn^.l sons can be learned movfeB nn .HtnJil\ to evaluate. Now, from a -...- of this „, „r,1." I. I type would indicate spiriliull "i'.-.V, wonder who is so rash as to be- >rojrrnim By ha>,n the immaturit ft the y- Instruction give " = judge of whose heartsii aira C unconverted ble and in the S ir and then draw from p ?' P such a conclusion that this fill being condoned is indicati Adventist. "the poor spiritual condition »iml J sidl be p.pcs Besides', there school"? Donclla Some have said thai went thaimony available. — Hunt " this type ha: ill entertainment schedule for Saturday niRhls Let's 1 a t be thankful for them ,heinfl " ;: S|" ri, i^StS^^S '""" ' .^. beiD* entertained ^^. on t hose rather ,fi tho" dCnCC in ' he ™° ma,uril v 'hose who are weak? SincereW nM.^ , The~ApoiJ y Evgr *"tent Pa«l \ -arns in I Cor. 8:9 of liber* Mimlyn Uwmnn Asst Proiewnr VT!!^ ? Physical Education that become stumbling blocks : opportunity t *"" - :weak. — Jim Co SOUTHERN ACCENT From the Student Associate come, Seniors!

ning for men, physical education cenler. is tours in Purple People Treatcr, inchi.l,; , n.n 2" noli'-- 1 plant, lasts approximately 30 i

Worships. Tolge (men), Thatcher an. -10: 15 i Hamming in the Round,"F physical education by a Candlelight Hour, student loum 10:30 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 26

/'.-. ci,!.; !:

. area of his choice. G7 ! for work, departmental, i As president of SMC's Student As- Approximately 3S0-400 of you sociation, I welcome each of you to academy and high school seniors our annual College Days program. are on campus this weekend. Well Our officers have spent many hours ;'-;.',(. over half of you will be back here preparing for your two-day stay. I !;. next fall as college freshmen. You enjoyed planning and coordinating won't become involved in school the activities—entailing everything activities unless go out of your from prestige to sanitary engineer- you active. ing (clean-up committee). If you, way to be Here is where in the physical educe prospective student, are inter- the Student Senate can become Supper, cafeteria very important. It will a place ested in the functioning of the SA, Worship, church be our office on the first floor to meet and become friends with y Band, orchestra, ebo , physical education c dministration building; we'll the active students on campus, a

tell you all about it. I'll be glad to place to express your talents, help you in any way to enjoy Col- whether on Senate subcommittees

lege Days more. or SA standing <

Suzanne Jackson Bill Richards Robert E. Lee High School '69 Highland Academy '69 The Public Relations Committee is SMC's spiritual atmosphere is one Little Creek Academy '67 Shenandoah Valley Academy '69 of the things that distinguishes it While the SA treasurer has no spe- Being a secretary, in a sense, is a take place during from Any Ole School, USA. No cific duties relating to College lot like being everyone's slave. many events to Sunday efficient an SA organi- Days, the first two months of Many hours are required every your stay on campus. matter how school are usually busy ones for parade i I welcome week just to keep the Student As- morning our registratio You him. The financial errors of the lead you to i sociation's paperwork in order. and for s , life previous year's administration must Part of this paperwork has been lacking without religion. Come to be corrected and their books correspondence with you at your our College Days worship Monday closed. The accounting office rec- academy. Remember? Now we night at 7:00. ords for the SA must be checked can meet when you come to the for possible mistakes. The treas- registration tent. Besides getting urer must also set up books for our enthusiastic welcome there, this year's administration and main- you will also get a name badge for tain adequate control over expendi- tures, which not be allowed identification and meals, and a Committees Which Planned must to exceed amounts budgeted with- schedule of events. Watch it out specific approval. We take closely so you won't end up getting care of your student dues and sec left out or going hungry. Mean- Your Visit that they arc used effectively. while, have a good time!

Nelson Stanley Rouse JDwightStudent Services Committee n State Eastern Far , : Memorial 4fc*V uucrny '68 '69 ™ ademy '68 Academy | JBMSBU) One of the highlights of College We have carefully planned an prospective freshmen, please Our Student Services Committee for you Days is the sports activities be- into this new school evening of entertainment fl free to ask us any questions has launched night. The WSMC-FM tween the college freshmen and year with one primary goal: to pro- for Sunday t you may have concerning your seniors. competition sinuers will make their first ex- academy The vide the student body with new sademic: program.i Our commit- is always keen. This year we will plosive (!) appearance on campus facets of student aid and services. :tions have a flagball game one evening in the Student Associ- short this year. Most of the performers We will try to make your i and a basketball game another eve- provide the students with Sunday will be your schoolmates from last stay at SMC enjoyable. u "~- ning. I already : College Bowl, and that They were part of the "new have to see morning we will serve free refresh- year. ^formative proached by some of( the freshmen speakers arc scheduled to begin the day find, dux'uv.;.. will sponsor a ments about these games, and they

: dining SA assemblies. your whole stay, provide Candlelight in the student lounge do next year. Mean- vaiting with eager e scholarship as cafeteria. We hope would like to chairman serves music in the after the Sunday night program. enjoy the talents of this we're looking forward to ; mouthpiece you seniors will enjoy the while, to the administration each of have you. challenge from the senior campus. year's new students. We'd love to t students' academic problems. three days you spend on —

Topless Bus to Tour Campus; People Treater Rides Again the bus used College Days visitors will have prt^peeti\ students, it also over SMC's ihe chance lo ride all inosmen's !>roup\ ele- a "sawed- roof didn't leak for long. campus and vicinity in Thc mentary students, etc. Fleming said. Victor off bus"— Ihc "Purple People however, College Days engineering, removed the The tour which Treater." Taylor, students will go on blends sponta- lop and redecorated and remoJeled The white topless bus wilh pink the bus. Now it boasts pink and polka dots, dubbed and purple purple vinyl seals and a purplish land, "Fleming's Folly" by College carpet. Several horns (including school and and President W. M- Schneider, was an "ooga horn") and a fire bell campus buildings, Jones Hall. purchased about four years ago for were installed. Maude S500 from ihc Bradley County Schools. The bus nol only cost the small Campus Clubs' Parade just sum of SSOO— it was worth about that much, says Charles Will We/come Vistors Fkmini?, general manager of SMC. to be overhauled The i : had the man of the public relations coin- club, American Temperance So-

Seniors To ciety Chapter, etc., says William Applications for entry may be relations Taylor, director of college made with Kathy. The parade will judges. See Talent and one of the contest form at 9:30 a.m. in front of the Five dollars for decorations and administration building. Philip Rafey (Greater Mi each or- Academy) and Doug S m will be furnished to (Greater Academy) (atypical?) tion of the cars must be completed Seniors May play Ihc typical says and visiting doctor before the money is paid, students' talent progi Taylor. See Lookout I for Sunday, Oct. 25, To qualify for the parade, cars On Tuesday morning, Oct. 27, 8:00 p.m. in the physical cducal have the proper liability in- after College Days is officially | to abide by the surance and agree ended. College Days seniors rules as well as city traffic Their skit, which brought l.nighs parade their sponsors may wish to William Piatt of the from beginning lo end in its first laws. Chief Lookout Mountain Incline presentation to [he college student-, Collcecdale Police Department will Lookout Point Park on their way | several weeks ago, is one feature be the leader of the parade. out of the area. of 11 to be included. for I $15, Although several schools have|| performers and schools Other 5. Besides Taylot grins fi this in ihc past several ycai they graduated from are Dehbie Bruce Herbert out done II Boyle, SA vice pre; Peeples (Mount Piseah Academy), the College Days parade not all of ihcm thought about nd Kathy Steadman, chaii Mary McPherson {Mount Pisgah made to Kathy Steadman. Academy), May Kocrber (Blue rangements. Mountain Academy), Terry Lacey SMC students are welcome to (Blue Mountain Academy), Mark £ with their friends, providing I Dallon (Spring Valley Academy), RcNac Shultz (Mount Pisgah Hints they do not miss classes and if they I College Days have a ride back to college a Academy), Julie Marchant (Ozark the Academy). Dave Durham (Broad- most of the buses will probably I view Academy). Bill Shelly (Broad- want to leave for their destinatio view Academy), and Warren Ruf directly from Lookout Mountaii (Little Creek Academy). Down" from "Rodeo" by Aron Also on the program arc the Copland. The 50-piece group will WSMC-FM Singers who guarantee play about 12 numbers. Grads Vie for Typing Honor; an experience you'll never forget, The 80-membcr band will play and Russell Davis, former theater what its director, Robert Warner, MPA Leads Past Trophy Record Enlcrlainment scheduled for the "fun music.'' Visiting seniors have Typists visiting lor College Days second evening of College Days is heun notified by letter, says War- minutes. It is a straight-typing lie engraved on a plaque in the of-l a three-part orchestra, chorale and ner, to bring their instruments and will have a chance to compete for live-minute timing administered by concert band program .it K:00 pan. join the college students in the distinctio tward Monday, Miss Lucile White, assistant pro- She (or he) will receive a $10 gifl| Monday evening, liaeh will make presentation, Joint band practice Oct. 26, fessor of office administration. The certificate to the Southern Mercait D 20-minute presentation, says Wil- is planned for 11:00 a.m. Monday, Wood H winning timing will be the one with tile in the College Plaza and liam Taylor, director of college re- Oct. 26. j the highest words per minute and trophy to take back to her school. | The chorale, louring group the fewest errors. J he- will The orchestra, under the direc- composed of distinctive head of the office administration Contestants will be allowed nounced and the trophy presented! tion of Orlo Gilbert, assistant pro- campus, will sing under Ihe direc- department. Past winners have fessor of musie is at ,ne Monday evening program- planning "inci- tion of Don Runyan, assistant pro- represented the following acad- before the dental pieces," including "Hoe actual liming to select the type- writer they would 1961 Collegedale Academy prefer using manual or electric. 1962 Mount Pisgah Academy Electric type- ID and Meal writers include 1963 Bass Memorial Academy Selcctric, Royal and Remington. Students may 1964 Mount Pisgah Academy also Tags a Must have prc-test practice 1965 Mount Pisgah Academy lime. : College Days ' 1966 Fletcher Academy Only 10 or 12 students took Ihe h -T oilI ,„. . . „. , be provided their food free 1967 Mount test last,„, ,„year, , Pisgah Academy said Stanley, so , the , c charge, Ihey will be given 1968 Fletcher Academy individual contestant's chances 1969 Madison Academy quite encouraging. identification badges which ' 1970 Mount Pisgah Academy cause their meats lo be antomati-l Each student who participates cally cX-I said that charged to College Days Stanley the test is very will be given a ticket for a free uncomplicated, taking only pensc. 15 the winners name will The badges are not only f°r B Teachers to Give Milkshakes meals, but for identification times; therefore, they should be| After Personal Interviews worn constantly.

The Campus Kitchen has been SMC Student Associatioi pointments may be during Ihe advised to reinforce itself with ccrs and faculty wearing! one 1 1/2 hours following the meeting will be more milkshake or later green machine for Col- during the day. After his badges (available at registraT

- lege days, says William Taylor, di- appointment, each student will re- tion tent) for food and identifies ! ceive a ticket good for one milk- lion; visiting faculty, gold badges, f shake at the Campus Kitchen. Following the 8:00-9:30 a.m. as- Food credit by badge is av All sembly meeting Monday morning, contestants in the typing con- at the cafeteria only. The badge*! test will also receive will College Days visitors may make milkshake not be honored at the Campf'l tickets, says R. C. Stanley, head of Kitchen due to condition*'! appointments to talk with teachers crowded the office administration depart- according to the college rcla or department heads. Their ap- office. Shirley Kinsman, Elton Kerr, Teresa Trimble, Doug Foley. o flflfo* 706*

Each year approximately 1,000 colleges and universities in the select candidates for the annual edition of Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. In selecting candidates, campus nominating committees are to choose students who are decidedly above average in their academic standing, service to the community, leadership in extracurricular activities, and future potential.

On this campus, the -.indent Senate < hose a group from among 95 names made available by the registrar's office as being eligible (GPA)i from this group recommended by the Senate, the faculty selected the final 24 nominees. The quota of nominees is carefully calculated to insure a well- rounded sample of the student body. It is, however, kept small enough so that nominations are confined to an exceptional group of students, says H. Pett vs Randall, publisher of Who's Who. As evidence of this honor and in recognition of their accom- plishments, a certificate will be presented to the Who's Who nominees, says Randall. A special reference/placement service is also made available to nominees to assist them in reeling post-graduate employment fellowships, admission to the Peace Corps, International Voluntary Three SM's Back; Six Out Service, or other similar positions. of SMC's nine student "stretched to 35 beds," iikkm missionaries— four of them have returned to the n . Charles Mills and Cliff Opera Singer Adds SMC campus after spending a summer in The girls' assignment a Hoffman are teaching English at foreign service. During the past pital was to be medicii he Osaka Center, and Pat Samp- To His List of Careers are in Hiro- Carol Smart, junior ele- but when they arrived, and Donna Taylor By Cheryl Jctter Unwell Davis. mentary education major, assisted covered that the medic shima. Elsewhere, Joan Murphy SMC theology ma- Mission Academy in jor, #42657, special music, class- at the youth camp at Dos Bocas, also has charge of the the Short order cook, farm hand, Islands of the male, friend Russ. Ambition and Puerto Rico. Two four-year nurs- nursery. West Caroline carpenter, ditch-digger, grocery — Mitchell Nicolaides is drive brought this man from the ing seniors, Marga Martin and life i Pacific, and clerk—Russell Davis. Freelance show- East back of a restaurant kitchen to the Bonnie Bcrger, spent the summer exciting ri cold at Gitwe College, Twanda, designer, architectural engineer, at Hospital Adventista in La Trini- ning or a field trip psychologist, actor, singer—Mr. love of God brought him from the dad, . ir. The two student opera si.ige to us. Carol, an MV-sponsorcd mis- shared a room in the gradu- sleeping in 13 Yrs.; ionary, reports that she did "just rses' dormitory, Ackerman Quifs After (Beware of false rumors. Russ about anything, just about every- Davis has never been part of the t-hour-a-day, City Manager Position where in Puerto Rico this past Assumes New York Metropolitan Opera. He immer." lime she is not a vanished broadway star.) Most of the Dr. J. M. Ackerir red Evangelist Club—he drove up to ss at the however. youth camp, from SMC's testing and audio- i week to work on Russ's first voice lesson was in The camp director at Dos Bocas children and played tb educational admin- visual service after 13 years' service 1961. While studying at Georgia the church. as surprised to find that Carol was in This he Tech, he couldn't make the standby at this institution. He has taken Marga was another of t >t a physical education major, for earned in 1962. list for freshman men's chorus. duties as the city manager for sponsored student rr up at was what he had expected, ex- Sounds just like some of us right past sumn College-dale. Taking his place as He is married to t ains Carol, adding, "I was sur- out during the Evans, a now, doesn't it? her of testing and counseling, Dorothy mem prised also that they were expecting Bonnie accompanied director music faculty at SMC s Russ ts a of intellectual ipporting missionary. Kenneth Davis. man cu- unchody athletic. I did my best, is Elder riosity and drive. Born in Chatta- id I hope they weren't disap- came to Before Dr. Ackerman nooga, he received his higher pointed." whatever he's doing," and the SMC, he attended classes full time magership of Collegedale be education at Georgia Tech. (engi- Carol, who had earlier spent a m may at Andrews University (1926-29), onl\ the first step in a new career neering) and the Univ. of Chatt. ar at the Seminaire Advcntiste in worked in various positions for the (psychology) and studied music in Collonges, France, found that her next 20 years and finished his B.S. , Chicago and New York. 'knowledge of French helped her in education at Union College in i: ''ni .Vmish. hut the language was Then Russ accepted a contract 1949. He stayed on in Lincoln for onfusing at first. "I also learned with the Mainz Opera House in obtain an M.A. in sing in Spanish," she adds. another year to Germany. at the One of the memories still firmly educational administration Alone in Germany—studying impressed on her is that of University of . mind history and art and culture, singing, being serenaded at the 5:30 in While serving at Madison Col- acting, dancing. One night Russ morning. It seems that such sere- lege for three years as assistant spent some leisure minutes reading is a custom at the camps dean, registrar and professor, he a piece of literature that his mother Carol laughs when she re- took night classes at Peabody Col- had given him before leaving counts how "everyone really lege in Nashville, earning a special- 'bought I was a tomboy, since I ist of education degree in 1957. '*cd to hike and climb in the While serving at SMC—first as di- life about the Biblical nearby mountains." rector of admissions and later as Sabbath day. Impressed by the Bonnie and Marga worked to- director of testing, professor of Spirit of God through his natural gether at the Hospital Adventista education, director of audiovisual curiosity, Russ added to his long dc Nicaragua, her student missionary post located in La Trini- During of the SMC La Trini- services, sponsor the Nicaraguan provii at Hospital Adventista in chapter of the American Temper- ance Society and the Literature Dr. J. M. Ackerman |1|

SOUTHERN ACCENT New Business to Open Soon; SPORTLIGHT Stocks Interior Furnishings ...... , ri:. present„.,.*, office,nffifr> loungeInnnne and home furnitur(furt will lit the decor of his "Collegcdalc In they also planned. . ined an opening for Jan. 1, the con- Agreements with suppliers have I Charles Flem- Fleming also slated that 1, according to some purchases a combination been reached and The cern « ill employ | SMC business manager. and expert and manager have been made. Mr. Mrs irtcd because of interior design attend furniture show. be named and will Flemini' will _ volume of interior design who is yet to ,rge York and Atlanta to choose handle a complete line of interior in New I of furniture. design complements. a line both Fleming said that H. R. Collin The lines to be stressed are given a $26,000 contrac discontinued and new lines of has been build a Dixie Steel warehouse lo I oirpciiit!: along with drapes from a 10 house the business; the building is I

complete : of Complete SMC Self -Study wav thai I. Her expansions Ci added as the business grows. The| Directed by Chem Professor budding will be located just e shop. of the i the present broom In o'liii'h.i Mill i Some nvesiisMied are history' and pur- The front section, explained ; Southern i | organization, Fleming, is (o be a showroom a Gryte Leads A-League; of Colleges and Secondary Schools, oscs, .rogr.mis. library services, faculty, p'antiiii'3 room, while a portion of I SMC is "now conducting an exten- personnel and services, the back part of the warchous Race for Top Is Close sive self-study of its lotal operations ludent lumni, research and special ac- be used for general school storage. I uities, financial structure and rc- ources and the physical plant. The initial step in evaluating Talge Gets

Thereafter, like , i 1950. reditcd schools in the A Rooml decade. One questionnaire Sauna SMC must do a sel last quests current personal data and Down in the basement of Talge, I LEAGUE STANDINGS "A" titudes toward the institution a: - [he Whole and asks for suggestions im v t on be a redwood steam room. • of the current study, the P™ ^° The other questionnaire, tailored will be a gas unit with two layers I purpose is to comprehensively re- for each major, asks such questions of chairs, scaling approximately 25 evaluate the total facilities, pur- as: "What courses helped the most men, according to Don Pate, pre poses, objectives and operations of in your profession'.' WIikIi <.oiir^e dent of the men's club. Pate estimated about SI 500 of Marty Vnndenbcrghe scoring a the club's cash-on-hand has already yard field goal with one sci Real Teachers; Seniors Become been used in this project. Practice chosen field? Was there Elder Ken Davis. dir« 48 Begin 8 Weeks' you took that you felt was of no testing, along with the help of thel

mil be i dorm residents, new "teacher" and Dr. Campbell reports that out of force for the project. Hopefully, I tmospherc develop; 1200 questionnaires sent out, over says Pate, half have already been returned Thanksgiving and at the latest by| of and more are still coming in. He Christmas.

assumes feels the response has been excel- Pate is planning an oriei ring the lent so far, considering the usual program to lay down some :tice teachers will begin eight last two weeks. At this time the percentage of returns from this and lo show how lo use the ks of observation and pitrticipa- student teacher is responsible for type of mailing. "We don't want any problei in the Caloosa County schools every phase of classroom activity, When the returns are complete, cause of ignorance of how under the supervision of the rcgu- a series of correlations will be one safely," he said. The officers! thorough report of of the men's club want the fellowsl Mrs. Lilah L. Lillcy. ill be written up next su to be proud of their club and hope| stated that after the final research has they appreciate the sauna. lomJ! Spears Becomes the public schools could not get enough of our teachers. . „ Broom Manager ugh and "One principal has called me Bleachers In not over Don Spears, who iously three times, asking for our student de ' 'l dulis arc in charge of SMC's instructionalitional teachers. The last time I sent him :d by | ytc and ;m j ofliee supply, has reeenllv been he hired her permanently.'' the game-watchers. They i lo 1 play uansfcrred l0 a position, ac- »frs. Lilley. new Missionary on Friday, Sept. 11, and ntl). A ctlrc ling to Charles Fleming, general interest him; the voice that has ready for use on the football field u un e manager of SMC. (Sins* ?5) made his living for the years past the following Tuesday. Spears will assume the general Alone in Germany, he ondary. When God Elton Kerr, SA president, until he became convinced that the that the two groups of bleachers! liroom.hop and Supreme Sides seventh day was the only day insti- will ho'd up to students. He| >n as we In- 100 tuted by God to be holy, and he present a concert on ihis campu also said that there had been n began to keep that day for himself. to support student missionaries. favorable reactions among the The role of first tenor in an opera Take a good look at this pictun dents and faculty members. house calls for Friday night of Russell Davis. Then ask hin The Senate approved this 1970-1

I Russ knew that he about his pi 71 project last year in order for( kr being manager since he liked In Mrs. Rita Mills will assume the contract gathering. " football • ing (or responsibilities of Spears Don in Returning to Chattai the purchasing of instructional and nis family, Russ then show somebody has got them ihe evidence that he had Aflei his firsi dav found. His brother listened and Col/egedale Cabinets, Inc. Spea nly comments SOon began to visit the Collegcdalc of pi; ) raise produc- church. Interested members began Manufacturers of High Quality to study with the Davises, and on also states that Fogg the last two Sabbaths of the 1*J69- Laboratory Furniture for Schools and Hospitals in charge of receiving 70 school year, Russ, his brother, ig: John Wesibrook. his sister-in-law and his mother Collcgedale, tment; and Hcrschel were baptized into the Seventh-day Tenn. Telephone 394-2131 c'ion. Advenlisl Church.

COLLEGE MARKET LittleDebbie for CAMPUS KITCHEN HOURS SAVINGS Sun.-Thurs. 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. -2 LOVE AT p., I 12 CAKES I Sat. 30 i . after

McKEE LIBRARY Southern Missionary College Collegedale, Tennessee 37315

Foley Will Tell State of MV

)-minutc "State of the MV hope to have all who commitled guarantees that no one will sleep s" by MV President Doug themselves to belong to In Groups' during the program. Foley will highlight vespers tomor- in one of these groups. Incidentally, Following up the Friday night w night in the church. some of these groups have already meeting will be a workshop Sab- bath Foley's talk will climax an cve- had some very interesting experi- afternoon in the Student Lounge. "In Group" leaders and ng of "lots of music" and reports ences which they will tell about others interested in sharpening their of the "In Groups," says Caryn during the program." evangelistic skills and personal de- Carman, programs director of the Foley says that although an ad- votional life are welcome to attend. society. dress entitled MV "State of the MV The workshop is scheduled for 3 By this time," Foley says, "we Address" sounds quite boring, he


COLLEGEDAL6. TENN. 37315, NOVEMBER 5, 1970 SMC Orchestra Plans Concert be presented by Featured in the conccr the SMC Orchestra on Saturday, Gilbert, will be Shirley _K; I duardo di Capua. "Suite No. :00 p.m. in the Physic; flute soloist for Bach's Beginning with "Marchc Mili-

according to i 1 1 in B Minor," and Russell Davis, i.iirc Fr.mcaise - Op. 60" from the three director, Orlo Gilbert. It \ vocal soloist for numbers— Algerian Suite by Saint-Saens and - 1 "Martha M'Appari TulfAmor" i of incidental pieces from ending with "Hoe Down" by Cop- "Mattinata" Copland. by F. von Flotow, by land, Gilbert promises an interest- ing variety. Nov. 8-74 Is Nurses' Week; SMC Students Open Clinic SMC's student nurses will ac- following from 5:30-S:30 p.m. The clinie will be held at SMC's Health /cly participate in the Tennessee Student Nurses" Week, Nov. 8-14, Service Dcpt. says Suzanne Undcrhay, an officer Senior bachelor of science de-

sf the Dist. 6 chapter of the Ten- cree nurses will manage the clinic icsscc Association of Student under the supervision of a nurse •iurses (TASN). and a doctor from Chattanooga's Public Health Dcpt. During this week, all nursing indents "that are interested in being This program is part of SNIF nvolvcd will make visits to local Student Nurses Interested in the a state project for 1970-71. Set for Sunday jnities inviting parents to at- Future, Road Race end a free FannK Planning Clink. The main goal of the project is to By Bab DuBose have a l/10th m 16 and every third Monday become involved, Suzanne said. the odometer unlcs Those who have been eagerly Jerome Hines, Bass Bring S2 for rcgist awaiting the Student Association will road rally are aware of the ap- The rally Calendar kc about Opera Bass proaching day and are ready to go. Friday, Nov, 6 hopefully. . The fir

: 9:20 7:30 p.m. State of the I The program begins at the Stu- Friday -Saturday, Nov. 6-7 Plans Visit dent Park Sunday morning with

:, Camp Indianhcad The SA has opened ihc rally to Jerome Hines. leading bass of registration at 8 to 9. Printed in- Saturday, Nov. 7 mu' will all residents of the city of College- the Metropolitan Opera, will be lounge, MV dale. Bill Boyle, rally chairman, 3:00 p.m. In Group Workshop, student ailable at that i there orchestra heard in concert at 8:00 p.m. on 8:00 p.m. Concert. Phvsical Education Center. SMC is hoping (or about 30 entries. Recreation Saturday, Nov. 14, in the Physical 8:00 p.m. All-star football game, football held. SA dig up that will be helpful in this Those who helped in the organi- Committee Education Center. moving experience. They include zation and layout included Gerald Sunday, Nov. 8 Hines' program includes Philip a stopwatch, a clipboard with pa- New, Bachinan Fulmcr and Harold Week president the Beginning of Student Nurses' II in Verdi's "Don Carlos," Colline per, a slide rule and a navigaior Rose, former of road rally Sports Car Club of America, Chat- in Puccini's "La Bohcme," The 218 necessary that yo tanooga chapter. * Teacher in Rossini's "Barber of rather social, auditorium Faculty Seville," and the title roles of Monday, 9 Nov, Mozart's "Don Giovanni" and Deadline, SOUTHERN ACCENT 8:00 a.m. Moussorgsky's "Boris Godounov," Faculty Admit Students Tuesday, Nov. 10 among many others. 11:00 a.m. Assembly, church The six-foot-six basso came to Committees \\ Governing i-diu'sihn, IV. 1] To Metropolitan during the 1946- p.n inference, Conference Room I he 4:00 President's Council: Judy Bent- 47 season. His voice, dubbed "vel- The question of what role stu- vet" and "golden" by New York dents should play in the decision- zinger. Roy Dunn, Suzanne Jack- critics, netted him an immediate making [unctions of a college or son and Leslie Smart, success. Through the following perplexed adminis- Friday, Nov. 13 university has Academic Affairs Committee: well Cummings, prest- seasons. Hines became equally faculty members across 7:30 Vespers, church. Elder Desmond trators and Bill Boyle, Ken Matthews, Donna p.m. of " Conference known for the depth and power Georgia-Cumberland Stone and Wayne Swillcy. his operatic portrayals. i Saturday, Nov. 14 year ago, the Board of Relations sung as soloist with all One College Committee: 8:00 p.m. Art Physical Educatic Hines has United Trustees of SMC faced the same Bill Cash, Kathy Steadman and Hin the major orchestras of the South America. question and decided that students Joyce Wright. Sunday, Nov States, Europe and December gradu- on both the should and can be given a greater Undergraduate Record Exams for He records Religious Interests Committee: aptitude and RCA Victor labels and has voice in govcniin-j the college than ates, Wright Hall, Room 207, Ben Davis, Wayne Hicks and Dot- favorite. also become a television the few committees they had 10:15 a.m. GRE area tests lie Peterson. 1:30 p.m. GRE area tests (for two areas) Some years ago, he invaded yet helped on for the last 25 years. As Student Affairs Committee: Monday, Nov. 16 another branch of the music field, a result of that decision, 25 stu- Carman. Kerr, the religious separate Caryn Elton GRE field tests . when he composed dents participated on eight opens Family Planning Maurice Witt and Terry Zollinger. SMC's chapter of TASN opera. "I am the Way," based on standing faculty committees last last summer Clinic the life of Christ; then school year. Student Activities Committee on Room A world of musical 7:30 p.m. In I. Conference lie conquered the General Programs: Charles Fergu- pro- After viewing last year's success, comedy in Guy Lombardo's son, Susan Spears and Judy Socol. Dr. W. M. Schneider, president of duction of "South Pacific." appointed 24 stu- Student Activities Committee on Thursday, Nov, 19 _ ihc college, has I „„,: to former Owens, presi- The singer is married Adventure Programs: ' 00 auditorium. Dr. Robert dents to serve on seven standing Travel and a.m. SA assembly, Lucia Evangelist.-.. Ihev soprano Selma Martin, Ron Nelson and dent of Knoxville College faculty committees during this SOUTHERN ACCENT publication school year. Beverly Trivett. •



SA Wants Instant Xmas Program The Student Association Senate has demanded that their Programs Committee bake a 30-minute cake in ID minutes, so to for ll.e wonderful enterlammonl enjoyed ihc two months wc li Christmas se lighting instead of In planning an elaborate lived here .it SMC. SMC is like has have lived in m the usual momentous Christmas product a, the committee onsis to us. for we ,,],.,. «, l„ne [.,<>. the only Advi found themselves holding the wrong in< sdients, even though ist couple. the Senate originally ratified the decision (supposedly because It's wonderful to be living on n eom- of semester tests). ,,„, with so m.-mv ..-rintiu. encriM" takes mr hack to ms Now that the committee has spent hours—days?—working ,-ownff adults It ,11,,., ,].„-, 11 >,„,- when I ".is said , ..c lighting, the Senate has turned right around and .ill on the tree „ ,,,...1,,,,.,,, I W....U L-.w lohcRm beautiful, momen- „„.,- .,,.„,„ 1,1 rl.. -nue lliin^ "Stop! Scrap those plans and do this—a big, I « .Ml..,,.,,! I.ul Im - th-uilful [-. ill,

That's nice—that's really nice. We WANT a production which the SA's reputation can ride high on. But can the Programs Committee create such a program in the amount of time left before the December production date? To lighten the blow, involved! You may only walk I* iral Senate members pledged their help. way but once. Make ^ many frien-

ii5 possible, for they will become mo 1 The Programs— Committee took their verdict—and will bake r cake "with a grain of salt." It's a lot like writing a 10-page Students, please don't burn "ll term paper and finding out two days before the deadline that you have written on the wrong topic and, furthermore, that the paper is supposed to be 10 pages longer. SA Votes for Big Show Now we will see if the Senate stands behind their demands and gives the committee all the help required. The reputation By Gaylc Bailey joy the c

ironically, diploma in the programs ( of the 1970-71 Student Association government, may , you will hove that hand In a special meeting held last hang on this production. Tuesday night by the SA Senate, that there would not be enoughl matters concerning the annual was no small decision. The program is a Reversing plans ..,,,.,,.! - .,!,. lm-h.m.| ,h. i,n Christmas program were discussed. big undertaking at this late dale, a big challenge. If the Pro- „.l enrolled as a fr,-h ». We ,,ie Originally, the traditional "big pro- gethei , r grams Committee—with the help of the Senate—can call it by ,.'.,, »'..i'i'l,.|lul '-f "u'.'.'id'il!.'.,-!" tl„' ; „.,nd duction" Christmas program had According to Mrs. Genevie a big and create a program worthy, they are indeed effi- name VS\II (-,„„) .S;ihh;illi Silex.l chides been canceled and what remained Met ormick, faculty sponsor of tl

,,!.; . cient. Good luck, ; was a glorified tree lighting on the SA Programs Committee, "WtB ,,,,.1, night of December 1. nd helpful Colic The c have had as much t' staff. M( Kee Bakery whi, Chri (Dec. 12) but never before have we beenj Committee Studies CK bled us to purchase thet ne would have been occupied by pro- faced with final exams durin for the pasi two months, liviOR fessional club parties. same period." Also, she A progressive step has been taken with the formation of a have attended Why was the SA's Christmas it that very t faculty and student committee to investigate Campus Kitchen and also' (or the Scv would be hard enjoy the editorials program canceled? There were a people out service. Thankfully, interest has been taken by the school ad- lly for rehearsals and number of reasons involved. One if they did get a program to^'herl

she did not think it would be wclj| Besides investigating food prices and quality, the committee Mrs. Belly Sue Pow uled before Christmas vacation this is studying over-all atmosphere. Perhaps students' disappoint- year. It was thought thai students would be home, and others ment at the results of the recent renovations will be replaced by Outdoing the World would be too busy studying to en- satisfaction and. consequently, increased patronage as the results of the committee's work begin to take effect. R7 LVH

Campus Potpourri

that they'll I really enjoyed Alumni Week- learn from ; else's mistakes instead end with all the really great music of lh_.. -., ,_ — John md is required to I Brownlec, Herri ided io bring the circus at a peak from some of yesteryear's vocal and Randall man, Dave reduction season. They figured instrumental Piatt, Larry Laura. All for solitude. groups, but never in len Louis. Chuck Pierce. Stairl supervisors made sure thai each that the workers could help to Don en- my life have I heard a more beau- Forrest Hilton. Bill Richards. Kcnf worker did his share of the work tertain the prospective workers tiful and If u faculty member is so beset by sound than our own SMC Benedict, Joe Harder, Ross Lyrr and, if he didn't, was i-,.-,.„r. , H„.i ,i, ,J l!rt . .,..-,,. he shown the also keep up with : u,a>i...w.-i-ks lie the choir under the very able direction Kenneth .*,.. k, .;-."! ot.K .h., - «-«...» Burnham ncarcsi door. So all the workers t of Mr. Don Runyan i when they I- I-...-Iind "time for. people,,.. tried their hardest to complete tlx sang ,.| ,-, "Glorious Everlasting." supervisors brought in the crplayrpl.u of personalif . >,,,!, We requirements. iniciclungr ..f ' should „l-„. . thank Wc have workers and If God for that beauti- become rather Each year there was a traveling ful hymn sung by our beautiful ccrncd about some people's choir. tudes circus thai the supervisors brought their work and — Dick Hollingsworth about our school "sli into the same degeneracy that in to entice new workers to come it was iust imo •ep one from ., M.ii.mut and work in their plant. All the a month ruimmi; v.rn.1.1 in the world around us." To >| As observers of the • Gods house accident that sure, old workers enjoyed it too. because our school isn't perfect, — happened Oct. 22 about 6:?" it gave ihcm a diversion and a haven't heard of THE perfeo (before the Week of Praye chance to get out and mingle. The d like k, „All -. i "i during a One event, 1 so. they lowered their wages. And sympathies to Linda and wish her like poor s the year when the factory v duct the families of the workers were the best and speediest recovery in chapel, is not the decidin peak production and a go pos- factor of the upset because they didn't make the sible. Also, we'd like to social condition of o was had by all. extend our school. Nor is m.i'.oij > they look them out and th.mks to the -.Super Car Clan" the negative the supervisors dc- shot them. of Talgc Hall and the community ity attitude of some studenis you ccrning strengthen the di for sanely and sensibly "To Sir With Love" while deciding :'.'„ the first aid team factor of our sch u""!,'.:.), and traffic directors took over spiritual condition. deliberate si. of Ih prior to the journey r' 'I "'h. .: ,„ to the hospital. i|„. Wwhul'win,'] „i How docs one judge the spirituJ Ims w"™y bgvV We arc also condition of any thankful that it was^f only a Honda Every member's to Cods infioi 100. not a supcr- individual exp« i encc sprinRS of mswle driven by some leadfooted influences the total Soml more bundattdy." good maniac of the type positive signs of a hc-.ilthi Sincerely. which condition had the near-miss racing to at our SMC are 1) larrf Dr. Robert Morrison Professor beat percent the crowds out from the of students attendioj Modern Lnnfiuagcs gym ' drive pr.iyci tu Happy Valley Public Drag- bands on Friday night. strip just huh degree Cafeteria Has after Week of Prayer of concern to rW-» Plates others meeting the same night. outside Happy VallJ Dear Mr. Luce- Maybe through Outreach. Maranalh' the accident will wake The Student prison bands, etc., rcspoffl Association Senate up a few lads who 3) the have the idea of about 500 students to an t that a loud exhaust and burning to care enough rubber about others to J ,s "cool." If it does wake of themselves. them up, ihen maybe. ,„ the long Wc feel that these points sometimes th overlooked by . who are quick io judge the -.pi.M-l ui..deuu.icy of our school. — SI Galey. Bonnie Bcrgcr. Aslrid Uj aration, Linda Sloncbrook, Vrvfl NOVEMBER 5. 1970 SOUTHERN ACCENT Campus Beat Dean, Five-Day Scholar, The Plan which the Collcgedale Rapid Reader— chapter of the American Society Temperance had scheduled «o begin last Monday has been post- poned two weeks due lo late advertising and a resulting Knittel smnl] attend ,nce Even Knows Shorthand according to Chapter President Roy Dunn. ' planned I By Judy Socol Nov. 16 and continue through fourth grade, all of us children on Nov. 20. What would this man be like the program were required reading high three appointments, in English history and mathema school and college material. five visits to his office, and finally Later I went to the University of one desperate call One SMC student wanted to to his wife be- Colorado and studied for Ph.D. a speed of 71 my wpm and 3 fore I was able to know if interview him? in English literature. you thought of yourself as the 'white An electronic calculator has been Dr. Frank Knittel, academic -shirt -and -tie, horn- added to equipment used by the In college were you involved in dean at SMC. leaned rimmed - glasses, seven - year - old ctronic forward with extracurricular activities? printing calculator has also been his elbows on the desk and neighborhood genius' who always sometime his 1 in December, chin Yes, I was editor of the school according to in his hands as he spoke. had a verbose, terminological ex- paper r of office administration. Occisiomdly and yearbook at bolh Kecne there would be a fast planation for all occurrences. A shift of and Union Colleges. I was also Thirty percent of SMC's 1970-71 the chin from one hand to yearbook will go (o the printer involved with the men's club Not really (a short laugh). It is the next, a periodic folding and un- some Nov. 14, says Carol Smart, editor. interesting, but this is the The cover design, and , . . ah . . . well, for two impres- drawn by Fred folding of his hands, a quick smile years sion given Wuersllin, was finalized last Sunday. at Union 1 played on the school to my wife before we sometimes followed by a nervous ever baseball team sponsored by the met. She imagined that I laugh as a response to some of my Goodyear Rubber Company. The would be wearing horn-rimmed first year we were second. The glasses and have kind of a vacant His followed next year we stare in my eyes; you know, that Faculty Roster Expands came out first in the city of Lincoln. sort of thing. She thought that I would look sort of wan, pale, weak, Did you >inds date around much in With Another Report of shapes!) He would and thin. I wish I were thin! ne for a brief second, then Why do you read the second installment your talks? of holds a medical library science de- would rove around the Quite a bit. faculty report. The first gree from the Because I consider the way an University of Wash- Did you and your wit hnclh. I idea is t npp, cfore starting on put together and the words ;ared in the Oct. 8 issue. ington in Seattle. their trip Union College? that carry the thoughts are ex- No. I was halfway th tremely Miss Allene Hunt, important to the effective- doctoral program when ness of the speech. ^^k Crago, instructor instructor in A.D. Therefore, I we were married in '56. choose very nursing. carefully how I con- 'T A.D. nursing. Bcfoi Miss Hunt Knowing that Dr. Knittel is ^J" That's interesting struct my thoughts, how my words Tl Miss Crago received her B.S. onstant demand as a pul tl together, wailed until go and how I use my < from you we 28 her B.S. degi SMC last May. speaker (he delivered a speech t before grammar. I don't feel I could do SMC last May, she she Chattanooga home e you were married. this by memory. was enrolled finished her dipli itly in the and has just Oh, I was in the frame of mind course at Andrews urncd Do you ever waste three-year diploma from speaking appoii to get married after finishing col- time? University nursing course at Andrews Univer- in 1967. She worked at n Florida), I looked forward to I thought it would be I try not to. If I am caught Hinsdale sity, finishing in 1967. for a year, then returned ctriiing more of his background. She worked ' age. without anything to do and some to Andrews for more study and at the Hinsdale Sanitarium and Dr. Knittel, do you mind being I understand thai you took short- : hospital in Niles. Hospital Mich. for one year, then re- hand in 1954, 1955. Did you take turned to Andrews for il to aid you in your classwork? Do you ever rest?

No, not really. I just did it for Yes, I'll tell you! ... at night. the sake of something different. never carry my work home with One day I was just looking at a

shorthand book and thought it would be rather exciting to learn. cady to go graduated from academy and Dr. Knittel, I was told you read islecp in 60 s college in Kcene, Texas. quite rapidly. Have you ever University Thank you, Dr. Kntttcl, for al- : in home the of SMC counted the number of words you lowing from me this interview. Before Un- .- Academy. After com- read per minute? I leave, there are just two more Collegc in 1946. plclmg studv in January of tins questions Before My reading rate has been as high that I would like to ask coming to SMC.'she taught /orked for five months as 7,000 to 8.000 words per min- —but you don't have to answer physical education and typing at Memorial Hospital in ute. Of course, it fluctuates ac- them if you prefer not lo. One the SDA Indian Mission in Hol- cording to the material. I was student wanted to know how you brook, Ariz., and was dean of girls. fortunate enough to have been part obtain your aggressiveness. Her husband. Lyle, is employed in experimental control group SMC's engineering department. of Californi; Another student told me to be first four years of school. \ nny sure and ask how old you are. : on a rapid-reading progr; Elton Kerr, SA president, op- posed this idea. He realized that the committee did have more or less a problem regarding semester College Days Visitors exams, but believed that the holi- day deserved a little more recogni- tion from the SA besides the Greeted in Rebel Style July of 1969. They previously Christmas tree lighting—expanded Dr. Frank Knittel lived in Phoenix where Mrs. Spears Kerr thought it would be ad- attended Arizona State University vantagcous to have the Christmas (ives an( . She completed her wcre tree lighting the same night as the nursing at SMC this Q ur ,j cc i s j on was brought Christmas program, but he wanted S( , na(c and ra(jfied make sure the committee undcr- Following a long, involved dis i that in his mind, the Christ- cussion in the special Senate meet program and the tree lighting ing. a motion was passed that then "two entirely different things." would be a big program College President W. M. Schnei- regardless of who put it on. The stated also prior to the special der — Senate rc.ili/ed that to add 'his ne« Senate meeting that he considered — responsibility to Ihe Program- the calendar change .i good move" Cotiitintiee s present plans for the it showed "good. tog:cj( Spalding Ele- and that tree lighting would be almost too thinking from the students' point of mentary School for the past six much for them to handle. years. She holds educa- view. Real work is hard, night af- a B.S. in However, Marilyn slated. "Wc personally, believe 'ion from Stephen F. Austin Uni- ter night. I, ,ire willing lo do a program if ihe give the time." Dr. "-isity. Njeagdoches, Tex. (1959). they can't Schneider was also of the opinion from "the" University feelings; it seems that Ihe Senate Chattanooga that, if the professional club the one holding the hard feci in were held on Dec 19, they would We have a very competent be a "fiasco" and he would "rather mittcc and will be glad to do Loranne see more °f an affair made of the lighting, as it is periodicals Chrisimas tree Mrs. McCormick supports "if the students want our co Ice to have a big program, SMC from an eight- have one, even if wc have tc for n> t producing month term of serv- t Marilyn up all night for weeks." ice at the SDA Mid- nual big product on. Marilyn Committee The senate pledged their support dle East College in r. SA Program; in planning the program; Marilyn . Lebanon, where she was imniL'dialL'K called ,i meeting ol the J'brarian. Born in Frederic, Wise, Programs Committee and Ihe Sen- phe graduated from Walla Walla ale for the following night to begin John Gilbert, Ji Fol| ege, College Place, Wash., with

! A ' plans. i Civil ' history (1964), She also Committee. A number o War days theme. f1

NOVEMBER 5, 197Q | SOUTHERN ACCENT Engravings On Display SPORTLIGHT of the permanent art A portion collection of SMC is presently on Gryte Still Pushes Top display in SMC's new McKee Li-

works displayed—25 I By Bob Eggenberger and Nelson Thoresen brary. The woodcuts and etchings I 39. Pleasants 14. engravings, football season has come lo —Maretich The donated to I young learn could have —were recently SMC an abrupt end. Due 10 (he short- Maretich's way with some breaks. by two of ils patrons. ened Dniester and the time change. gone all the Pleasants 20. Mrs. : be com- —Thoresen 27, Early this year, Mr. and of pleted. With ihis in mind, Thoresen won on the last play Daniel W. Strishock, Washington, L now look at the possible final the game. D.C, donated 25 of these original I Rouse 26. Rouse standings. Thoresen 32. works of art, appraised at a ci" it wrapped up. but Thoresen gets the Grytc (9-1-1) has finally scores markct value of $1,125. despite having one more game to More recently, Sidney Kan . play againsl Thoresen (7-3). If Fardulis 25, Rouse 0. Let- — representative Thoresen should defeat Gryte, hurt Fardulis, woodcuts and other worts manufacturer's in I downs and injuries Dock scene with boats—one of 25 engravings, they could end up tied for second Mrs. Daniel Strishock, Wash., D.C. Atlanta gave SMC 10 works on a I f flrt donated to SMC by Mr. and with Fardulis (7-2-2), depending religious theme. Both gifts will be I upon how a tie is counted. at the McKee Library! "A" LEAGUE STANDINGS on display in Pleasants (4-6-1) is all alone Insight Support Continues for another week, according fourth. His team played well at Jackson, chairman /as necessary in order to recapture Mrs. Eleanor times but lost too many close ones. ne attention of the youth. SMC's art department. Maretich (4-7). whose team took Defenders of the weekly pointed donation consL an upset role, will end up in a tie Advenlist Church The Strishock to which criticism from church offi- ut that the target group for fifth along with Stcpanske (4-7) heavy of original works by William E. C.I met here in Autumn be journal attempts and Rouse (4-7). Stepanske started cials who Morgan, Julius J. Lankcs, Louie I weeks ago. ; and early | strong but ran into a losing streak Council two Ewing, Lionel Arthur Lindsay, "B" LEAGUE STANDINGS adults. "Static" from older just „„ ..eekly. Insight, which older after Lovejoy left, and Rouse Marie tie Lydis, Thomas W. Nason.L May, has members docs not represent the couldn't put together a string of began publication last Charles Martin Hardie, Atessadrol youth, pointed been having heavy sledding sub- thinking of the M astro- Valerio, Ian Strang, Rey-I delegates reported, Carcich, chairman of the Fenderson (2-8), although finish- scription-wise. no!d Weidcnaar, Paul B. Arnold C& trustees of the Review and | largely beci board of ^ ing last, has one of the hardest- Marco Richterich. Association, and members of ic denomina- Herald Publishing teams, and it is my feeling Older hitting are valued I said, we having diffi- which produces the The individual works that he could have finished much tion. they that each, shifting gear after reading The charge was made between S25 and S75 accord- better if he could have put all culty years. articles carried by the magazine ing to appraisers Antonios Kara-L phases of the game together in one many College Days polarize youth and adults Rodolfo F. Agra, the I Insight replaced the 1 18-year-old tended to fyllakis and Youth's Instructor. Surveys had in the church. Publishers admitted former from the Royal Art Acad-" Running through some scores: The academy seniors received of the that perhaps and the latter the direct-. ... their initiation into college sports led that the youth cmy —Maretich 25, Thoresen 20. An Gallery, both in Wash-| Sunday and Monday afternoons of In- The Agra upset during the Week of Prayer D.C. College Days. structor. The editors of the new ington, shortened games which iced it for delegated the could be expected. A need for On Sunday afternoon SMC's magazine had been Kanne, donor of the religion Gryte. ""*" could talk to production of a weekly ' who freshmen welcomed the seniors by works, is a businessman who deal format and definitely youth in their language was cm- —Gryte 31, Maretich 26. A beating them 99-60. Jon Schleifer often with SMC, representing content. It was felt phasized. close game in which Maretich came iCi'lleeed.ile Academy) and Steve youth-oriented manufacturer of contract furnitun reported making it two in a row. that something extremely different College administrators inches from Spears (CA) led the academy sen- according to Charles Fleming, gen-l left in student with 10 points apiece. Roger that piles of Insight —Grytc 25, Stepanske 14. An- iors cral manager of SMC. Jowles lounges for pick-up rapidly van- other close one for Gryte with a Bird (24 pts.), Doug (17), piles of exhibit may be seen _ and Randy Cockrell (15) combined ishej. whereas in the past The deceiving final score. It could very Thursdays from Si of the freshmen's remained virtually days through well have ended the other way. for almost half to 10 p.m.; Sundays from 101 points. untouched. They felt this indi- a.m. 1 Stcpanske 7. froml —Fenderson 3, The next day Joe Hardy quarter- cated the magazine was serving its a.m. to 10 p.m.; and Fridays Fenderson should have had more both the firsll backed the freshmen to a 34-7 purpose of communicating with 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on like this. McKee| victory over the seniors. The only youth of the church. and second floors of SMC's senior touchdown came from Delegates unanimously pledged Spears to Dave Dassenko (Forest continued support of Insight and Lake Academy). aimed for a subscription goal of 65,000 for 1971. Help Teenagers Us Students Help Mrs. Claudia Mountain Payne, a .-Thurs. By Dorothy Rcid One of its main objectives is wil- 7 a.m. -9 p.m. 1969 two-year nursing graduate of With derness survival. The Fri. 7 a.m. -2 p.m. Generation gap? No. Problems? club's activi- SMC, wins the title "Miss Red Rose ties Sat. 30 min. after worthwhile include flower study, a star Your Naturally. Anything Nurse 1970" from among 1.000 study, compass reading, rope work sunset-10:30 p.m. has problems. Fun? Most defi- peting registered nurses in Cleaning and rappelling. Judy Peterson, a GOOD POOD Soutru l California. education major and one Scvcral college students arc in- COLLEGEDALE volved in the Pathfinder and Teen Club activities of the Collegedalc Seea's 'rjfi'owe/ts & Qf^ts CLEANERS church. The P.ithtinJer kuh with

whom they \ and to show them God. "Nature Holidays? challenging age to say the least! is God's second book," she says Try fresh Industrial Road Every Monday evening the coun- "and by teaching them to know decorations and gifts. 396-2199 selors meet with the 7? Pathfinders. nerd Road 629-3205 The Pathfinders, grouped in units of six or seven children per unit with two counselors, participate in activities which include a monthly COLLEGE MARKET campoul, Co/Jegeda/e Cabinets, Inc. for What about time? Says Alctha Mitrakes. j nursing student, "I just SAVINGS find time, because it is what I want Manufacturer! of High Quality to do. I am the happiest when I am working for and helping peo- Laboratory Furniture for School, and Hospitals Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, led Goods, and other Collegedale, Tenn. Telephone 396-2131 Groc.

mpout every month. COLLEGE PLAZA

Violet Camera Utile Debbie Shops, Inc. pizza villa for RINGGOLD ROAD Top quality development of your film lore AT Also — | 12 CAKES I F/fST TASTE ON LY49<| Cameras, film. 8 supplies |

McKee Baking Company Sf>"Hi.n Xsio" <"? Col.'-ge 7315



Collegedale Has Vietnam Days; Students Collect Gifts, Money

By Judy Str&wn nam, , 1969. Company D For his valorous action, the Through the direct efforts of was moving along the front line of medic, Sp5 Ron Hagen, was SMC student Ron Hagen and battle on a search-and-destroy mis- awarded the Bronze Star Medal, alumnus Gary Garner, November the Army Commendation Medal 15 and 16 were declared Vietnam One of the soldiers was shot. A and the Purple Heart. Days by Collegedale's Mayor Fred medic rushed forward to help the A sophomore pre-med student Fuller. Two hundred packages and wounded man and was shot him- here at SMC. Ron's thoughts now $425 were collected to brighten the self. In spite of his own wound, turn back to his buddies still in Student Christmas season of SDA service- the medic reached the first man Vietnam as Christmas appro, h:1k- Twenty-four cars line up in the student park for the 73-mile The cars returned for men in Vietnam. and began moving him out of the Students, faculty, and commu- Association-sponsored road rally held Nov. 8. The students' motivation was line of fire. Again the medic was nity worked together during Viet- their final check-in at the gym, genuine. It began in South Viet- shot and badly wounded. nam Days to send Christmas pack- ages to 500 soldiers, some of whom Hilliard are Ron's special friends. Van Buren and $ Sharon and Gary Garner, Sharon Swilley and Sharon Ingram stood Win 73-Mile Road Rally in front of the College Market Sunday and Monday loading First place winners in the 73- any planning the night before, and cookies, candy, pens. Kool-Aid, mile Student Association-sponsored then we realized the formulas they flashlights, shaving cream and other road rally held Sunday, Nov. 8, things that people brought onto an quite a bit harder than we'd cx- Doug Hilliard, igator, with 181 pected." points. (The c with the lowest Second and third place winners points won.) shoppers and asked them for Twenty-four entered the Bn nations, coming to the total $425. and Mark Bainum, In Thatcher Hall, girls worked and Shirley West, navigator, with late Sunday night baking cookies 376 points, respectively. and brownies. Some girls, unable Rick Hardaway and Joe Rudd to find an empty oven in the dorm, were driver and navigator, respec- commandeered the kitchen of a tively, of the car which compiled faculty member and baked there President Bill Boyle. the highest seore—4,845 points. for three hours. "I thought we had a pretty good Both "all-girl" teams that entered A housewife gave $25. A col- chance of winning. " eoriimi. nkd placed in the lop half: Vicki Fults "birdhoi Curiosrry-sflBltera inspect Rock City's biggest package of lege student brought a Van Buren, "but it turned out to be and Lynda Eadie were fifth; Marie lugedale's Vietnam Days, Nov. 15 and 16. the cookies and sighed, "That's all a lot harder than 1 had expected." Meyer and Mary Edmister placed college money I had." Another "We were sure trying to win," eleventh. packages student brought several said Hilliard, "but we hadn't done ' hard, it just took wasn't Calendar of gum; then, deciding that a little co mmon sense," commented tract donors. Also contributing Vicki, dr ver of the fifth-place car. Thursday, Nov. 19 were Congressman Bill Brock and Dr. Robert Owens, up on all the math and 11:00 a.m. SA assembly, college auditorium, ihe Alumni Association. SMC formulas decided just to use a College and president of Knoxville Plaza The Collegedale Pathfinders un- The stores in the College little wor ian's intuition. More girls SOUTHERN ACCENT publication the direction of Mrs. J. C. reduced prices on recommended der should'vc entered; Haney packed and wrapped the items for the project. McKec's Bakery gave Little Debbie products 21 Ron reports that in addition to Saturday, Nov. and boxes to send the food in. physical education center, packages ready to mail, he 8:00 p.m. Adventure series, Lookout Mountain's Rock City the 200 Clay Francisco is hoping for an additional 300, sent a display "bird house" Tuesday, Nov. 24 No chapel Building Renamed; Wednesday-Sunday, Nov. 25-29 O. D. McKee Wants Thanksgiving vacation Hall Tuesday, Dec. 1 Industrial Education Now in Ledford 11:00 a.m. Assembly, church : privileged Christmas tree lighting, mall 1930 when a student working with 7:00 p.m. Joint worship, SMC's industrial __. misunderstood instructions, to pay tribute," s.iid Fleming, "and originally named him building, industrial education Ledford lost his left arm, also in name our Hall, was renamed Ledford Hall in continued serv- building in his honor, the C. E. Friday, Nov. the shredder. He Dec. 4 a special assembly Thursday, and In Group reports without word of complaint Ledford Hall." 7:30 p.m. MV vespers, church, movie of SMC's former ng 12, in honor Following the assembly, a tribu- for three i Saturday, Dec 5 and industrial manager C. E. farm given to tory plaque was placed on the out- center ; who has 8:00 p.m. Band Concert, physical education Ledford. building. SMC the 17 best years of his life— side of the Sunday, Dec. 6 , »i*„j Mrs. O. D. McKee, duo, Alfred Mr. and Scries, recital hall, stnng-piano 8:00 p.m. Chamber owners of Collegedale's McKee Csammer-Sontraud Speidel Baking Company, built the indus- Peeke Leads Senior Class • Monday, 7 in 1964 Dec. trial education building ACCENT deadline SOUTHERN and have now requested that the Tuesday, Dec. 8 name be changed since the new Assembly, church after them, 11:00 a.m. library is being named meeting general man- 7:30 p.m. Senate said Charles Fleming, Wednesday, Dec. 9 . ,,. .* college, during the as- deadline) ager of the Record Exam (application the Graduate Room A sembly. McKee requested that Wright Hall, Conference of 4:00 p.m. Press Conference, building be renamed in honor Thursday, Dec. 10 some appropriate person. Board 9:00 a.m. SMC Executive . first man to Dennis Payne, Ledford was the assembly, college auditorium, and 11:00 a.m. SA serve here as farm manager consul general industrial British teacher in agriculture and Friday, Dec. 11 said Fleming, "and "Messiah" arts (1917), vespers, church, knowl- 7:30 p.m. Sacred was considered the most Saturday, Dec. 12 edgeable and diversified fanner in club parties he 8:00 p.m. Professional the greater Chattanooga area," was listed said "He continuously Dairy on the Honor Roll of the 8:00 p.m. Faculty social Herd Improvement Association." and 207 "Without the experienced Wri h. M, Room *S'.»oL,t Record Ex.™. S dedicated help of Brother Ledford, Tuesday, have con- Dec. 15 the school could not class Sandy Cavanaugh, vice president; 1 church "He Nowly-elecied senior officers 1 :00 a.m. Assembly, tinued." Fleming added. and Teresa Trimble, secretary-treasurer, discuss 7:30 meeting in 1922 Bobby Peeke, president: p.m. Senate literally gave of himself; while duties while Mike Huitt, pastor, conscientiously entertains Ledford lost his right arm In paweri-by. working with a corn shredder, " . )

SOUTHERN ACCENT Letters r Editorials FlfiiT, to uice/i .. Mistreated

Riders Meet Drivers

/ ,' College , Those of you who were very perceptive and had long necks Da I J^2>Mn 1 soiir' u: i he visiting studen and ears in chapel the other day, and you who keep up to date "> , i ' '\if / on your surroundings, now know that the Student Association treatment. So ther vill i,ll ihnv v.1,.,

prove worth much more than the few square feet of wall space ;„-..• U.I iIil-i :.«!, . 0... by „,„„:, !fi mJHf mplin it occupies in the entrance of Lynn Wood Hall if only students : of «ww lit will it consistently especially for Thanksgiving and Christ- use — ly student.

; vacations. 1 happen to know s o Say, for instance, that you get out of class on the first day of V*?l5 ire o :00 a.m. The driver of your ride doesn't get out of class until 3:00 p.m. If all drivers and riders would put their cards Li the appropriate cubbyholes, the nine-o'c lockers could leave at 9:01 and the three-o'clockers leave at 3:01 with maximum, smiling, happy carloads.

A service such as this has been needed for a long time. It's much easier than knocking on doors, interviewing during dinner and soliciting during classes.

If everyone just walks up and looks at the contraption hang- ing in the entranceway and doesn't participate, the gaping holes Bill Cash, sei The areas most readers would will remain gaping. If you walk up, take a card, fill it out and put u'h \ !::':< sm-.iv the, tions major and former Accent leave out include the sports, car- it in the appropriate box, you can help begin a system which eJm R sludeiilsdents at SMC ..«„.also. If the editor, is completing a "readership toons, Pasquin uk .imj advcrtisim:. every future student will appreciate. tudenls lacked confider survey" of Southern Accent read- However, another reader stated "If

ers. One of the opportunities dvon I was (sic) the editor, if anything, I Press Entertaining Conferences Prove the 500 "randomly-selected" par- would leave out nothing, because I ticipants was to finish the following would have to work harder to find Now the press conferences held monthly to facilitate effective statement: "If I was (sic) the editor, something equivalent." communication among students and faculty alike are becoming if anything, I would leave out .... Not only did the readers tell more than just informative—they're actually quite entertaining. what they would leave out, but they Where else on campus can X-student hear such Alice-in- Apparently the readers of the also stated what they wanted to sec Accent Wonderland stories about buildings appearing and disappearing enjoyed playing editor; more of, or improvements they fcit most of them wrote To those few students who felt as if overnight; about monster businesses beginning in closets not 'only com- were needed. These include re- iccessary ments as to what they would to participate in such ui and creeping out to engulf the school, city, and state; about the leave turning Speculum (good-bye Cere- ;indness toward vour visitor?, I woul out, but other suggestions as to Campus Kitchen Affair; SMC tomatoes that don't go bad: a car- ike to go on record as saying, to pi how they would change the Accent peted supermarket, etc, etc. t bluntly—You make me sick! if only — "I were the editor." what kids doing for Christ, The way things are beginning to look, the administration Well, just for the record, here might do well to put the press conferences at 8:00 Saturday night arc some of the actual responses to up to a quality standard, u and require student cards for admission, and put the Saturday "If I was (sic) the editor, if any- better grade of printing papi night programs on Tuesdays once a month at 4:00 thing, I It would . p.m. would leave out . . Cam- concerning the ; Unrealistic be a rather big jolt, probably, but it's a new idea and new ideas pus Beat, nothing particularly, one- change of Southern Missionary aren't always valueless (look at the Wright Brothers' invention). half the sports, letters. Pasquinade, College. ?, calendar, articles cniicizin-j Finally Several clubs and organizations on campus have gotten the there were the numerous teachers or departments or attacks readers who replied either idea already and sent their reporters to press conferences to "Keep hear, on personalities, some of the ads, up the good work, Lynda;" or see and tell. That's the way the family planning clinic opening Lynda's editorials, cartoons, adver- "What is the Accent? I have never and Vietnam Days stories got into print, to cite only two. tising altogether, "same old things. even heard of it, and I feel that I Even if you don't have news to tell, Sportlight, nothing you might want to add — somebody cannot answer the questions ac- the press conferences to your schedule anyway—they could get must like it or it wouldn't be there, curately." your dinner conversation off those nickel quizzes! LH old news, unnewsy articles, Cere- about books, but I s, the yellow paper, sports, believe il ,il plies to movies. "There is m .-ate Cerebrations, non-con- class of books—love stories and troversy mushy say-nothing PR lous, exciting tales— which are a editorials, and t to everyone who reads them,

,',' moral. Ofte™ idU'',,' ' -','m'm, ( woven all through Senate Recalls Decision these books, 1 most cases, Satan is but cloth- Consider the hopeless student side his door, discussing the merits angel robes to deceive and all,,, that is unsuspicious." (Counsels a resident of the men's of pop art. And so, he reaches his to Pa For Christmas Teachers, and dormitory. Driven out of Program Students, p. 134) the breaking point, sitting in the corner The lounge the SA Programs Coram by talk and laughter and of his room, beating his head was relieved out of the library of its Christmas pro by the constant against the wall in time to the rock in Bible s"udy°as m^artakirTof gram assignment in of the the fourth reg Boyle said other activities? vacuum cleaner, he music coming from downstairs. that since the Dec. If so, good! I ular ^ meeting of the Student Asso I ask that they ) the dormitory. Consider the hopeless student, Saturday night assigned to the Stu- try this metho< ciation see what s Senate held Tuesday, Nov happens. Da they No r does he sit down at studying in the bathroom, sleeping dent Association falls before a Sun- 10. SCCrel PrDyer WlUl i than the group on a pew in the chapel. day full of semester examinations, Saviour? upstairs A u - recalled . ph. —3 two it will be handled by the Student Why not study the "real" ]i\ r their motions which had been carried in football t Services Commi as the dust slowly a special meeting the week before. begins lo consist of refreshments and musical The motions stated from the ceiling, the group that the SA vniLTi.munent from would about 7:00- door begins their all-night cou be responsible for a major This is 10:30 or 11:00 p.m. Middlesbort music festival. Then the Christmas program and that the m "It will be handled in responsibility such a lover in the room on the o specifically would be way," he Practical View said, "that students will assigned to the ; that this is the r SA Student Services Programs Commit- be free to come and go as they he will listen have time around studying Prceeding for their ic that Bach the assignment was a iviiiLi up all Week "misunderstanding" between the Meanwhile, the SA Senate and Programs Programs to go lo bed. But Committee in Committee, under Chairman which the Mari- 1 congregated out- Programs Committee as- lyn Leilner, is continuing sumed the power original to reduce the an- plans for the Christmas tree light- nual big production to what the ing -.ii-ice the VOLUME XXVt Programs release from the Sen- Committee termed "an ate's Christmas program decision. expanded Christmas tree lighting." Plans had proceeded ac

Francisco will take his audience the a pictorial tour of Brazil, from of u o Paulo in the South, to Brazilia leges, schools, college divisions, in the interior and Belem and the programs, majors, departments, Amazon in the north of Brazil. branches and other units as may be The lecture will introduce Brazil inJu.iied by (lie master plan. in Washingtoi -its size and location, with a little Plans are now underway for the The Council also decided to istory thrown in. Francisco also hold North American Evangelistic Cru- the next session of the lans to show "a diversity of exotic General Campus Beat sade to be held, if possible, in every Conference in Europe in 1975, lants and flowers, a collection of if city sometime in 1972. A prime- mats and an assortment Three rooms in Jones Hall have been adapted for use of the art

f unusual fruits." department—-a new art studio for oil painting, an office and a women's Various Brazilian cities will be WSMC-FM Covers Election -atured in the course of program: Don Human, assistant professor of music, has been asked to serve Paulo, the commercial center as the choral conductor for the Southern Union Music Festival next f the country; , spring. razil's fun city, with its beaches and 'J life; Brazilia, with its new Physics students Johannes Penz and David Wheeler have made hiteciure; Bahia, the two-level calculations based on previously obtained measurements of light emitted i'v with its African influence. by atoms in a fusion reactor experiment at Oak Ridge National Labora- Clima\ine the evening program tory, said a physics department spokesman. These calculations of emis- ill be a film tour of Iguaca Falls, sions have given numbers never before obiained by science. These num- ne of South America's most inl- bers arc of use to people who want to measure temperatures in rocket : sights. The mighty, ihtui- flames or special furnaces. Plans are to submit these numbers for pres- ering falls, deep in the bush, are entation to the American Physical Society in New York in February, the icated at the junction of Brazil's, spokesman said. araguay's and Argentina's bor- The Smart Slioppc reopened Monday, Nov. 9, in the basement of female bring their "little-used- His traveling experience began Jones Hall. Students —male and —may exchange them for others they like better, "ring his three years in wartime but-still-good" garments and participating member of the Campus Women's At 18 years of age, Fran- says Mrs. Joyce Dick, a purchased. zas trained in amphibious Club. Clothing may also be Floor director Randy Russell signals staff announcers arfare, later to participate in the during WSMC's Student Association committee is collaborating ( A live coverage of the national elections Nov. 3. Guest anchormen were SMC alumni Ray Minner, formerly station manager, and Bob on Leyte Island, first Philip- Coolidge. island to be recaptured from Bill Boyle, Suzanne Jackson and Ken Spears, sponsor. he Japanese. He also was a mem- cash last week- * of the first assault wave to land Student Missionary funds were increased by S700 in presentations, according i Okinawa. end by offerings taken in Atlanta during program Coffegedafe Cabinets, Inc. Committee. The thai i of the Student Missionary lecturer received his degree i Mike Foxworth), public relations in 1948 from the 'niversity of After Missouri. Manufacturers of High Qualify ;aduation, be became associated S£ea's ^owe/is & Qifts

' i h ime, Inc., for six years, and A Laboratory Furniture for School, and Hospital, Blowing that the Holiday House was publisher of 'fi Vest Coast edition of Playbill, na- i For new ideas in Christmas 'nal theater program magazine. Decorations Collegedale, Tenn. Telephone 396-2131 Francisco has produced films for 629-3205 levision and is also associated in 3482 Brainerd Road production of classroom educa- Jnal film, using material from his -vels around the world. Insurance Admission prices are: adults, Trip «-00, children, $.5 0, season for ticker, little ., J ID cards. Debbie Thanksgiving Vacation CAMPUS KITCHEN $5000 - Medical — $5000 - Life HOURS Activity Sun.-Thurs. 7 a.m. -9 p.m. Covers Any Fri. 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. $2.05 for 5 Days Sat. 30 min. after sunset-10:30 p.m. FULLER INSURANCE AGENCY GOOD FOOD I

SOUTHERN ACCENT All -Stars Defeat Gryte 37-26 score TD. The extra point By Bob Eggenberger yards for a TD, making the led 26-24. 19-12. and he All-stars ensuing The 1970 All-stars vs. Champs The fired-up All-stars defense The drivel with minutes' left in game was well worth the numbing then forced Gryte to punt for the started 2 the! After a short kick-off, cold, as the victor was not decided first time in the game, and the of- game. theyl to the 7-yard fense took over. moved the ball line, I Fardulis, using Tom Fogg for Fardulis then passed 7 yards to I running, kept Gryte's defense off- Mike Huitt for the go-ahead s with The extra point was good and from scrimmage, Beau Fardulis, hainncc. and capped this drive itl strike to Russ All-star quarterback, and Mike a 37-yard touchdown now With time running out, Grytcl Huitt connected on a 40-yard pass Rodenberg. The score was got the ball for one last chance. play. A couple of plays later, Far- But his team was unsuccessful i dulis ran it over for the score. The moving and gave up possession o point after touchdown failed, mak- downs. This time Fardulis wasted no The All-stars got a meaninglesjl Gary Gryte took the ball and time as he again tossed a touch- final touchdown and the gameB methodically marched down the down pass to Fenderson, this one ended with the score 37-26. field, scoring on a 10-yard pass for 40 yards, and the All-stars re- The game was close all the way,! from Nelson Thomas to Gryte. gained the lead, 24-19. with the cold taking its toll off Their point after touchdown was Gryte responded by marching missed flags and dropped good and the score was 7-6. down the field for a score, Thomas but the fans were treated to After receiving, the All-stars throwing to Rogers 17 yards for the ing again moved the ball, but their drive ended when Buddy Rogers intercepted a Fardulis pass on Gryte's one-yard line. 1970-71 All-Stars Gryte promptly moved 99 yards,

ROAD RALLY—from page I with the big play bein^ a 35-yard fifth-place car. "Wc just entered pass reception by Buddy Rogers; a for fun-—kind of like a scavenger 15-yard pass from Thomas to Rick Griffin made the score 13-6.

i and 29 seconds. The All-stars again had a drive There were a number of fill-in- stopped when Buddy Rogers inter- thc-blank questions in the driving rally; each leg had a check- cepted another pass, this one from point whose location was unknown. Tommy Fogg, All-star halfback, According to Boyle, the official to Fardulis. 10 points Gryte could not score, and the official lime-out of each car, was were added to the score, the lowest first half ended in his favor, 13-6. recorded at each checkpoint score thus winning the rally. The first half revealed potent of- If a checkpoint was missed, there The Rally Committee consisted fenses on both sides, with Gryte was an emergency envelope for of Boyle and Harold Rose (from showing the edge in defense by each of the first two legs telling the Chattanooga) in charge of course intercepting the two passes. location of the checkpoint. The layout, and Bachmao Fulmer and with IMfiij The second half began penalty for opening the envelope Gerald New in charge of check- point personnel. Gryte receiving the kick-off. They again brilliantly moved the ball, 24 t Starting the cars in the student mixing plays well running ing to Boyle. park were Boyle, Rose, Suzanne between For every second they were Jackson and Cindy Reile. Fulmer and passing. Gryte himself gained valuable yardage the ground, slower than the official elapsed and Nita Daniels were operating on time, one point was added to their the first checkpoint; New, Leslie and Griffin scored again on a five- score, and for every second they Smart and Bill Wood, the second; yard toss. Gryte now had a sub- 19-6. were faster, two points were added. and the third and last checkpoint stantial lead, "Some of the kids made real again handled by Boyle, Rose, The All-stars, now wary of mis- good runs," Boyle stated, "like Tarr Jackson and Reile. takes but also having to play catch- and Martin on the second leg- Trophies were presented to the up, didn't wait long. On a fourth- first, second, and third-place win- down play, Ernie Fenderson took a ners in a later SA general assembly. pass from Fardulis and streaked 43

Flagball Season Ends; Gryte, Moore Lead Teams By Nelson Thoresen passing and Moore's running abfll -League ity. As the A-league flagball season Two nights later, the All-sl imc to a close, Gryte and Thore- led by Adam Meister, tried t sen finally got to play their post- knock down the league champion! " poned game. The hard-hitting "... On a good field, the scrambling

' Muik! ,

COLLEGE MARKET for Top Quality Development SAVINGS of your film Alto_ on Cameras, film, & juppl Fresh Fruits, Vegetables Canned Goods, and other Grocer COLLEGE PLAZA "

Church Headquarters Reports SMC Passes UF Goal [New High on College Campuses WASHINGTON, D.C. Columbia ; Union College president must be a change tents on Seventh-day Advenlist George Akcrs. are going out week- * ampuscs arc experiencing a high, ends to visit their churches. officials report lunch here, and the "They're asking for the privilege of ausc is Christ, not drugs. speaking at the Sabbath morning prepare for a service and telling The 3,300-mcmbcr Sligo Ad- what this new thrust, a youth-to-youth progr Christ venlist Church in Takoma Park, on means to them. of witnessing and Bible study. the northwest skirt of the nation's The CUC experience is not an At Columbia Union Collccc, illy closes its Sabbath isolated ' Ollicia here have Takoma Park, 100 students 2:15 on Saturday. A received word from academy < -uieduled to go to New York City recent Saturday was different. At puses, as well as college, telling of to bear their testimony on the 2:00 p.m. things were still going the unusual movement among the streets. They will spend the Christ- students. "We really believe the mas holidays there—from Decem- 'It started out pretty much like Holy Spirit is being poured out ber 16 to January 5. other Sabbath services," says a upon our young people," comments Asked if he thought the experi- member, "but after a brief dis- Michael Stevenson, associate sec- ence was only a passing phase, 3n the nature of the Holy retary of the denomination's youth Stevenson said, "I was hesitant to the speaker the department. is Spirit, opened "There something say anything at first, but now it has students visiting nearby g. I think the young peopli been going on long enough so that

Columbia Union College from ecn the results of student un- we know it is real. These young Placing the 1970 UF campaign award plaque in place at SMC is Kathy A University i college campuses, in Berrien and they people are for real as they say Steadman. student coordinator, and Dr. W. M. Schneider, president. ^^ Mich. 5C enough to know that there Springs, Christ The goal of $2675, six percent higher than last year's total, was surpassed. 'The students began to talk about Christ. They weren't just iding up there reciting some- School Costs thing they had memorized. They SOUTHERN MISSIONARY COLLEGE obviously intensely thrilled with what they were saying. One Rise Again told of finding freedom from drugs through Christ. 'LSD can't with thrill, compare the ; Council of Pri the joy of having Christ live within you and just letting Him take care SOUTHERN ACCENT of your life," he told Sligo mem-

:rs. 'It's beautiful.' VOLUME XXVI COLLEGEDALE, Special student-initiated prayer 71 to a total of S1560. Room r rviccs are being held in both the will be up $28 over 1970-71 en's and women's residences on $378 for the year. SMC prcsid New Plans for Registration hr f as Con es And Senior Correspondence Factory Superintendent J l\ n ! To SMC£ Dec. 4 r on Spears, new superintendent Second semester registration pro- Frank Kniltcl, academic ic College Broom Factory, was n official approval by the ; cedures are scheduled for some Senate-elected student ; registration, the following changes, aceording to ;m announce- composed of Bill Boyle, Ken ment just released by Director of Matthews, Terry Zollinger and -re^ponJence work: Admissions and Records, Dr. C. F. George Flcchas, submitted regis- sfor W. Futchcr. tration suggestions to the faculty 1971 were Marion Linderman, urged that new The experimental procedure be- committee and a sistant librarian; Dr. Robert Morri- setup he implemented ilu* coming gan last Tuesday when students son, professor of modern lan- instead of putting it off picked up registration pass cards at registration guages; and Dr. H. H. Kuhlman, until next school year. the student lounge. The cards professor of biology (partial leaves 1971-7" guarantee that a student will be In the new registration instruc- for able to register at his selected lime, tions, Dr. Futcher stated that stu- says Dr. Futchcr. If the student dents currently enrolled at SMC fails to register at the time allotted who re-registcr for the 1971 spring Read About him, he will be required to register be given i for which they at 1:00 p.m. Thursday afternoon of Pantsuits of appear for Page 2

and records; and Dr. fee Calendar

Logger Don Cooper Saturday, Dec. 19 Part-time 7:30- 11:00 p.m. Come-and-go Christmas party, student lounge, SA in Full Color Sunday-Monday, Due. 20, 21 To Show Canada Semester examinations platform approach have nadian Holiday," a full-color Tuesday-Tuesday, Dec. 22 - Jan. S audiences throughout the i vacation gue narrated by Don Christmas spent Admission charge is $ Cooper, will be presented Saturday His last six years have been Wednesday, Jan. 6 and SMC ID cards for adults i Jan. 16, in the physical edu- loi^inu dunnc the summers 8:30 a.m. Registration for children. Season tied center. The film will begin iLxfiuine during the winters. His and 1:00 p.m. honored. Bt and easy-going be 8:00 p.m. "spectacular films Thursday, Jan. 7 'Canadian Holiday" is the result 8:30 a.m. Registration through and 1-3 p.m. Canadian provinces of Ont 7:30 p.m. "A Man for by brothers Don and Den- education cei

' Cooper. The result is a film h in history, beauty and human 8:00 a.m. Classes begin merest." Saturday, Jan. 9 Included in the film are pictorial 7:30 p.m. "Rascal," physical Vi [Wis to Atlantic coast fishing vil-

. 11 ages; the quiet farms of Ontario; Mmiilav,

copy i , office the old-world charm of Quebec and 8:00 ; ACCENT ACCENT

canoe trip through the northern Wednesday, J . 13 ">"i,r,. The climax is 4:00 p.m. Press conference, conference room A village, show- Thursday, Jan. 14 _s—work and 11:00 a.m. Assembly, auditorium, Scholarship Committee Pl.»v tor everyone. .Saturday, Jan. 16 Cooper was born and raised in 8:00 p.m. Adventure series, physical education center, "Cana *e Rocky Mountains Montana. of dian Holiday," Don Cooper Most of his life has been spent ' Monday-Friday, Jan. 18-22 g in logging camps from Ar- Student Week of Religious Emphasis, church, MV to the Arctic. While log- , he was so impressed *ilh the scenery that he purchased I — |

SOUTHEBH ACCENT Women in Pants Is a Matter Editorials Of Individual Conscience urn Merchant veil. A man wearing Privileged Control she could easily be mistaken! Driving Is iclal Feature Biblical times or in some The principle is today would be directly violating lor a traffic accidents in which people were injured have Several modesty, there is slated in the Bible Deut. 22:5. There is nothing wrong Concerning n faculty. Possibly, occurred recently among SMC students and that the fairly long, and in Mrs. Ellen in wearing a veil in itse'f, but it doubt but full! used to rushing from appointment to appointment on we get so White's writings that would imply to everyone that the skirt is the most modest apparel for| driving, although we campus that we forget to slow down when one's dress and ap- women. Unfortunately, few weai position of control that have placed ourselves in a privileged pearance should be In the 1850's and 60's, only a them today. Pants, contrasted tc today, could encroach upon another's life, if not used cautiously. such as (o clearly in- class of people somewhat in dis- the shorter skirts of offer a dicate the sex. The wearing the American different variety of modesty. They! Now that Christmas vacation is upon us, many are planning repute were avoid the situation (consisting of cap, coat, certainly cover the body better, but trips as distant as the West Coast—maybe further. During this Costume | boots). The error was do reveal the shape of the body ti welcome 2'/i-week break from studies, be extra careful to drive vest, pants, that in wearing the entire costume a greater extent. intelligently. with the hair covered by a cap, it Due to revealing the shape ofl was impossible to tell whether the the body more, tight pants shouldl D quarters, etc. Being unable to dis- person was a man or woman. To not be worn. For the same reasoi One Unifying Concept tinguish the sex of a person by his dress like this would bring reproach the pantsuit in which the hips ai great The Christmas season has its own special meaning for each appearance would result in covered, or partially so, is moi confusion and increase of crime. preferable to slacks and blouse person on campus. Unlike last year and the years before, stu- ( It is the total appearance presented the dents won't have to worry about facing semester tests as a "Wel- mg )f that is important, rather than any Costume. It certainly Inasmuch as there is little que: come back to campus" when returning. Teachers won't have to was not wron? to wear pants, for in tion but that pants are warmer am carry home head-high stacks of term papers to decorate with Selected Messages, vol. 2, p. 479, therefore, more healthful in wintc red marks. In Abraham's time, both : Mrs. White says, 'Whatever m3 than skirts, practically no mentio look advantages of a vacation It • Have you ever tried to at the and women woi robes. be the Ien3r.l1 of dress, femali of that has been made above. Dean Spears not for wo from someone else's point of view? For a few days wrong should clothe their limbs Inc 1 loll just because n (student affairs) won't have to listen to long lines of complaints i;hly as the r This r rbe inasmuch as the denominatio Women's robes might have been ." spelled out and excuses, and won't have to hand out great stacks of chapel done by wearing lined pants . . . never really the pracli-l cut or shaped slightly differently or absence letters of warning. Dr. Hanson can turn from the ab- Today, if a girl or woman wears cai applications today of Mrs. been of different colors, but they While's statements on the subject, stract constructs of math and wrestle, for a change, with simple femininely cut slacks or a pant- I still robes. The chief dis- suit, a women's hair style, and because there realities such as "eight more days until Christmas" (though he and those times was the. there is no mistaking her for a really knowing how they should be I might rather express it in base 5). Dwight Nelson, the harried applied today except by human I Student Services Committee chairman, may, for a few days, for- well accepted the wearing of pants wisdom and reasoning, it would get refrigerators, pantsuits, cars for freshmen and cafeteria menus. by women as acceptable style of l Ihe v time, faculty member pursues At the same each student and dress. On the other hand, if she ng of pants by \ 1 become, hip own kind of thing, one concept still ties everyone together wears mannish pants and shirt or the real reason for Christmas, the Christ of Christmas. Echoing over the campus are the strains of "Silent Night" and "Oh, Come All Ye Faithful" broadcast by the radio station, Pushing Refrig's inviting all to unite in mind with the spirit of the season, forget petty hang-ups which grow to seem so important amid the ring- ing of class bells, receiving of grades and the complex system of May Kill the Cause rules and regulations, and return to the "Do unto others as you A report on the refrigcrator-in- moting or agitating such i would have them do unto you" guide of our Leader. dormitory-rooms issue was recently [unofficially]. We [the admin Whatever your personal point of view, when you return to presented to the administration by tion] have had no chance to campus following vacation, not only a new year will have ar- the Issues Subcommittee of the sider them [the issues] before the] Student Services Committee. faculty." rived, but also refreshed attitudes and courage to face a new

The report presented major ob- Dr. Schneider also e\proM...i i< I LVH Cindi Merle! models pantsuit. jections voiced by various members opinion that if the students keepl of the administration to the use of pushing, they will, themselves, killB portable refrigerators in residence the issues. He urged the sttidcnul Needs Rules hall rooms. It then presented the to New Age Updated realize that democratic^ the

process does take t By Darryl Ludington, revised. We're not looking for a rules than to understand and re- tee had com According to Dr. Schneider,| Mike Doherty revolutionary change in the school, spect the reasons for them. When the old established ways or even a new slant in the general We believe that the students Mike Doherty, chairman of the basics. It's just that some of the should have a more active and truly Issues Committee signed the report, Collegt rules do not seem to apply reason- representative voice in making the and, according to Bill Boyle, the Cincinnati. At this time, he willl ably to current problems and ques- rules that govern them. Attempts Senate approved it on Dec. 3. No discuss the pros and cons of thesej 1 life again assum tions. Could it be that a change are being made now to do just this action has, as yet, been taken on issues with other presidents of A x. This change i would be unwise at the present through the Student Services Coun- this issue. ventist colleges. HI. When he rerun 1 a problem, a wa Of cil. Unfortunately, the administra- In a recent interview, Dr. W. M. the issues will be (m:seni< J Ki^S mak i ng being too much trouble? Student tion does not appear to relish the Schneider expressed the opinion the faculty and some decision :l 'l icding is growing steadily. Some- idea of listening seriously to the that "there is little point in pro- Our country thing has got to happen—either a student pleas and does so very be- way—a new idea, a new people, a statement or a change. grudgingly. new philosophy of living. It was We're asking that these useless Why has there been so strong an a change. It was an adaptation. rules be changed so as to save the objection to such requests as re- But most important, it was the way respect of the students for the other frigerators in the dorms, seeing it had to happen. Every growing existing guidelines which make that ice chests have been allowed requires a animal new, larger skin SMC what it is. One bad apple can for some time; and to pantsuits Dear Santa, or fur. Every growing insUiuiion spoil the barrel. It takes only one for the girls when several other also requires new rules and policies To say that we've been or two strictly enforced unneces- Seventh-day Advenlist colleges and good is needless, for after 4| v existing order. sary what rules, which are outdated and many SDA academies allow them; trouble can girls get into? So we think that you shouii unreasonable, to cause the students and to mixed swimming, which is give us everything ' we have asked for. The to lose their faith and respect for allowed without reluctance in Santa, you know how cold It is time has come when several of the all of them. Such rules grade here and how far it is L develop on school and many academies; and rules and policies based on out- forth to classes, so we ,;.'| the part of many students a slyness leaving the lobby of would like for you to bring us real dated traditions (that have no and semi-rebellion which is not Pantsuits. They would help so much in . keeping our f moral, ethical, social, or philosoph- easily removed. Students worry little exposed legs warm. And you know how modest A ical base) should be updated and about how to get demure we will look in them. "

Santa, we think it is unfair that our little sisters i school can wear them when we can't. Please do quickly to erase this inequality. If you do as we ask, we will _ always be good and 1 tgain.

The Girls of SMC

And She brought forth Her first- "" And^d Hi ^''"^ m * s„,ddling

And laid Him i„ a M,„gCF •' »"" ; SL £ . h on the plntf-

i billion Mile: —Luke 2:7 —E. Dickinson is, UV.ufihthough we nityity of.,f knknowi lade it worth His e would like.

i Mrs. 0. D. M* [Hallmark Hamlet Production SOUTHERN ACCENT Drains Universality of Play Hagerman, Botimer By Sandra Lechler appears to thrive on the produi doubt to the marvels of television i Foil "madness" that of a young Complete Degrees Televi — cameras, coupled with the emo- tional and passionate qualities of The Hallmark Hall of Fame Two faculty members at SMC gree was a "Handbook for Resident youn;; Hamlet, brings to a television production of Hamlet mind | immaturity upon have completed requirements for Assistants at Southern Missionary question of the Ghost's validity. raptivatcd its viewing audience a youthful Hamlet, pO'tMi.idiute Jugrces recently. College." He pioneered the pro- Could it perhaps have been merely recently with lavish eighteenth cen- students to dened with a ratio Miss Zerita Hagerman, associate gram which employs costuming and a figment of the boyish Hamlet's tury scenery, so who has accepted, professor of nursing, has obtained assist the deans in specific duties imagination, bowed below the ten- much so that at times it seemed programming, [ brutally a doctorate of nursing science de- such as counseling, handed sion of family disappointment and and residence hall procedures. i heavy for him to bear. gree from Boston University. He l he cennuss of a graveyard at dawn. an adolescent Hamlet still in his in t of this Lyle Botimer, second year however, the plot bloom of a close relationship, a as dean of men at SMC. has com- roses should i doubt go to Rich- thread its way an SA Plans well portrayed relationship, in sec- ^ with ard Chamber! who portrayed his pleted a master's degree neath the imperial raiment and his school friend, Horatio, pushed Hamlet very equitably, but orchids ondary school administration from coiffing, the baroque portraitures, into the role of a revenging man. arc demanded by the outstanding Loma Linda University, Loma Xmas Party revolving bookcases statuary, with This tag of extreme emotional- Linda, Calif. peepholes and the Greek divans, The Christmas ism and romanticism is Miss Hagerman, a of found at- bsric, built on s member to shed, perhaps, a new perspective and with it comes the Student As- tached to both Hamlet's pretended trating innuendos. the SMC faculty since 1963. re- sociation Christmas party to be on Young Hamlet. ceived her B.S. in nursing from Though the ; of Claudius, held this coming Saturday night, At the definite disadvantage of Laertes and Horatic Union College, Lincoln, Nebr., and according to Dwight Nelson, chair- taking the words from the mouth tiol. the grief of Laertes, what incongruous psychiatric nursing the listening man of the Student Services Com- of Polonius, there does appear to Gertrude's glimpse when found falling from ity of Colorado. mittee, which is sponsoring the doctoral disscrta- be method in this madness. With mirror. The villainy of mouths of characters molded in her its plush staging, the sion of the Claudius is far more dominant traditional Dickens style, Verbal Interpersonal The party will be in the student decaying splendor of ruling fam- when young Hamlet is surrounded though Rosencrantz and Guilden- i a Select Patient and ily was admirably established, and by the swords of his stepfather' become No-Patient Group." She received yet, established with a great drain Floods • hand Tweedle-de-dee and Twee die- de- National Institute of Mental on the universality of the play; for wringing, and signs of the dum, followed closely by Horatio Health traineeship for her three- year doctoral study program. it was extremely difficult to see the overshadow the one-time revered Little Boy Blue, all in all the horizon of Danish citizens beyond trait of self-control. As for the evening profitably spent. Botimer received his B.A. in was Between the hours of 7:30 p.m. clearly-placed castle walls. apparition of King Hamlet, his still fancifully however, business administration from Co- wonder, and 11:00 p.m. there will be musi-

- facet of Hamlet, however. very ghostly appearance, due i lumbia Union College in 19S9. cal entertainment arranged for by His project for his master's dc- Dave Mauck, and "homemade" re- freshments. Nelson commented Eight New Faculty Robertson Attends NASM that all students arc urged to take a break from studying and attend Make List Complete From SMC's Music Dept. the party. agency responsible Writers, Poets The following eight new faculty holds a B.S. degree in home eco-

i of i members complete the total list of nomics from SMC and an M.S. in Have An Outlet 24 which have been printed in pre- textiles and clothing from the Uni- degree curricula with specialization

i springtin versity of Tennessee at Knoxville. Music in New Orleans by Dr. in the fields of applied music, mu- The Legac Marvin L. Robertson, chairman of cation at SMC, is now underway. Mr Mabel sic theory, composition, music assistant dean SMC's fine arts department. The small paperbound book in- instructor in , therapy, musicology and music as Schutt, cludes photos, poems, writings and . Orlando 400 member schools were nursing, Orlando Ex- Some a major in liberal arts programs. campus. represented by the deans of the tension Campus. Its deliberations will play an im- departments in most SDA Mrs. Schutt earned portant part in music education and colleges and by the Cheryl letter, a B.S. degree in country during the conserva- manu^criVts^'shou^'b^^ubmitl^ " heads of nursing educ; coming years. - ---» and Georgia- beginning i ( , gah 1954 fro: t Cumberland Academies. SMC has been member of to have the book ready for an early She has taught Forest Lake NASM since 1968. publishing date. Academy and has served Dr. Clyde Bush- Members of the staff appointed Southern Asia Di nell, guest lecturer by Cheryl, a senior music ma- Mrs. Helen Knit- jor, include Marsha Drake, Col- guages. Dr. Bushnell Campus Beat lei , Instructor in leen Sykes, Richard Stanley, Ron has a Ph.D. in Latin- English. The wife of presenlatio the Oakwood College campus Nelson, Cheryl Oliver, Carmen American history The College Orchestra SMC's academic anal Service and scheduled Swigert, Darryl Ludington and Ar- and Latin-American Nov. 12 was taped by the Alabama Edi TV dean, D r . Frank Alabama during following week. literature from the for showing on FTV Knittel, she received student wishing to submit University of Texas. His M.A. in Selma Martin, sophomore nursing student, :d to sing the Any secretar- her B.S. in Symphony production this season. Spanish is from the University of "Messiah" Chattanooga ial science in 1960 office in the English depart- : Legacy : i of Runyan, and his B.A. in German is under the Don and her M.A. in English in 1967 from Union College. Previously at from Andrews University. From SMC from 1952-65 as chairman of 1960-67 she served as an instructor the communications department, he Loses Curve; in office management at Andrews. Car is currently chairman of the Social Miss Miriam Graver Recovers Kerr, assistant pro- College, Dalton,Daltoi Ga Four SMC students were re-

i COLLEGEDALE CLEANERS fessor of nursing. Hal Curtis, guest :ntly involved Returning to the lecturer in SMC teaching staff ni cations. for of 9 after an absence tional Merit Scholar- five years, Miss Kerr Curtis broken jaw and previously taught in graduated from La ficant injurics-a Dry Cleaning, Wash, Supplies missing. Pas- he nursing division from 1954- College with all but three teeth sengers were Joyce Wright, Jerry i in speech- i Industrial 396-2199 Ed I The Road — Buick Skylark, was totaled. Hospital in Orlando 1945. She Columbia Union College speech at home, recuper- is Donna is now at also i French and . he holds a B.A. 67 . At present from 1965 return Col- ing and making plans to jerman from Atlan Union emp|oyed at WBAC Radio in M.A. in et Cleveland i in library Peabody College. Trip Insurance Curtis Carlson, in- for pizza villa structor in commu- RINGGOLD nications and direc- CHRISTMAS VACATION 3*07 ROAD tor of WSMC-FM's - Life production services. $5000 - Medical — $5000 Carlson recently re- Any Activity ceived his master's Covers degree in radio/ TV/ $4.70 for 21 Days Um from Memphis State Univer- ity. While taking work at Mem- FULLER INSURANCE AGENCY phis State, he was employed at the educational station WKNO-TV as COLLEGE MARKET for Little Pebbie Mrs. Ruth Hig- gjns, associate pro- SAVINGS fessor of home eco- nomics. Although HM3HH Fruits, Vegetabli tired, she is teaching Fresh Groceries ,ed Goods, and other PLAZA \cadcmy until her return to the COLLEGE MC staff this school year. She 1

smc Campus Home Ec, Plaza Store inspected on More Shape | Take SPORTLIGHT nd Safety Comi formed on campus Teams Begin Basketball Season operation approxi- years ago. The job ttee, headed by Elder general man-

) inspect the buildings :ind rounds of the campus to make

lire that safety features function ropcrly and install new ones if

the present time, has met three limes for of the campus, starting with buildings and looking for repairs that could be hazard-

lights that are burned" out. CK Plans Specials

Mrs. Patsy Townsend, manager of the Campus Kitchen, announced Campus Accent several new CK services, two already be- gun and two coming S Tacos have been served several Saturday nights already, she says, and in the future will be alternated with pizza or some other "special." The CK will continue to open about 30 minutes following sunset Saturday nights and be open until

now being considered

Mrs. Townsend. is tables outside the and the bookstore

«JeJ Insight Awards Wentworrh| Set of Books in Drawing MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIF. ithored by the Jon Wentworlh, freshman theology ventist writer Mrs. Ellen \ major, is the winner from SMC in eludes Desire of Ages, Great Con- a book drawing contest sponsored Iroversy, Acts of the Apostles, I by Pacific Press Publishing Associ- Patriarchs and Prophets and Proph- 1 ets and Kings.

Wentworth is one of eleve i stu- Entrants in the recent drawing I dents-—one from each Adventist were required only to fill college campus in North An mail a coupon published i ti the Southern Missionary magazine. Pacific Press reports that I Coll contest. Each winner will r will be the setting a set of the "Conflict of the it received dozens of entries f College Bowl- development series in the new heavy-duty soft- each of the eleven Adventist no one learn establishing ing si\ colleges April 1-3. Accord- chairman; Ransom cover edition designed esp cially leges of North America. One ' ity. Scores: Corbet 5(X In-er-oll ing lo Kenneth Matthews, SA Luce, college cafeteria; Robert ning coupon was drawn from t Merchant, treasurer; 35; Vise 5S, Corbet I 55; Siepanske Committee Chairman, Mrs. Gene- college. 64, Davis 51; Erlel 40. Ineer-oll four team members from each of vieve MeCormick, associate profes- the following schools will represent sor of speech; and Bill Garber, in- their schools in ihe Bowl; Atlantic Stu- Union College, Columbia Union College, Union College, Andrews University, Oakwood "College and Southern willi Dunon und Miller looking to Missionary College. Viotjet Camera Matthews also states lhat to de- Miller 59. Bvers 2S; Dutton 68. termine who Ihe four representa- Shops, Inc. Waldon 39; Dalton 35, Byers 34. lives will be from SMC, the pro- fessional clubs are competing.

[ "A" LEAGUE STANDINGS Games have already been played and biology

I represent SMC.

Co//egeda/e Cabinets, Inc.

Manufactureri of High Quality

Laboratory Furniture for Schools and Hospitals

Collegedale, Tenn. Telephone 396-2131

. $£ea's 'tFfowe/ts & s CAMPUS KITCHEN Q$ ^ HOURS Holiday House jSfi For ew ideas in Chri tmas & M-ft ' Decorations Sot. 30 min. after 3482 sunset-10:30 p.m. Brai erd Road 629-3205 GOOD FOOD ScKEE LIBRARY

dale, Tennessee 37315

SOUTHERN MISSIONARY COLLEGE Dr. Carman to Speak At Nurses' Dedication #

Seventy nursing students will be department, lights the nurses' can- SOUTHERN dedicated on January ACCENT 23 in the Col- dies. The nurses will recite the fegedale church at 5:30 p.m. says Nightingale pledge. COLLEGEDALE, TENN. Caryn Carman, head of the Dedi- . JANUARY 21, 1971 cation Committee. They will in- clude the freshman class of the MV Religious Empha A.D. program and the sophomore class of the B.S. program. The dental secretary for the Southern Union Conference of Realistic Communion Seventh-day Adventists. Dr. Eldon Service Carman of Marietta, Ga., will ad- following Will Climax Spiritual Week the in- student communion service The Commun are Mrs. Del Watson, week of services the A.D. program and Dr. Carl year's MV student Week of Re- dents. Doug Foley, MV Miller, chairman of the B.S. pro- bus Emphasis. After the Or- is the speaker for Friday nigh gram. They will call roll as Mrs. lancc of Humility is celebrated service in the church, "To Rcmi Ellen Gilbert. instructor in the A.D. (he church, students will make bcr Me." :ir way to the Student Lounge Mark Franklin, sophomi for the Lord's Supper. ogy major, spoke Monday Five SMC Pit Rappellers Trying to make the service as about "Humble Pie."

ise as possible to the Bible ver- Ken Bonaparte, a junior th m of the supper, the MV leaders ogy major, chose the subject Rescued by County Squad ve arranged lo have the students "Equal Opportunities" for his Five SMC students were trapped ploring for a new cave and made ated around tables in groups of during Tuesday's chapel. in a pit at the foot of Elder several unsuccessful rescue at- 12. Mountain for four hours last week. Ray Ford, Rob Hagar, Rick Hard- The two finally called for assist- away, Larry Brooks and Kurt ance by the Cave-Pi t-ClifT Rescue 2nd Semester Enrollment Jaeger rappelled 85 feet down the Squad. After they arrived, a spe- pit, but because of extremely diffi- cial hoist designed by one of the cult footing on sheer, muddy walls, members Record Again found the return of CPCRS was used to as Usual MV President Doug Foley will speak climb impossible. lift the students from the pit. at Friday night's service of the MV While the five were making their .es have begun for the scc- There are 426 freshmen, 307 student Week of Religious Em- unsuccessful elfort. two members No ill effects from the trapping nester of the 1970-71 school sophomores, 270 juniors and 194 phasis. His topic is "To Remember of the Chattanooga - Hamilton reported except mild results : Southern Missionary Col- seniors enrolled for the current se- County Resue Squad came by ex- of (he mud a lege with an all-time record second mester. Fifty-one arc registered as "special students," a design..! ion given to students without class. Rayfield to Give Concert, Workshop

Dr. Robert Rayfield, associate awarded a Fulbright .scholars hip The Talge Hall chapel organ First on semester enrollment was rofessor of music at Indiana Uni- for organ study in Paris, where he which Dr. Rayfield will perform 1336, indicating that the school's ersity, will be presented in an studied under Rolande Falctnelli while on the SMC campus is the enrollment took its "customary at rgan concert SMC Sunday, Jan. and Jean Langlais. new Holloway Organ installed last ilmp" hot ween -.cnieslcrs. 10'M "A drop 4. The concert, part of SMC's He has appeared as recitalist, spring. In its present state, the 10 percent for the second se- 3-69 'hamber series, will be in the lecturer and panelist at Regional organ is not complete, as plans call tter is usually expected, so this 1969-70 1233 Conventions and National Con- for moving this organ to the pro- gear's 6.7 percent drop might be 1970-71 1248 claves of Deans and Regents of the posed Fine Arts Center when the considered a relatively small one," year's registration figures This i Two SMC organ American Guild of Organists. Pro- center is completed. Presently, the ays Miss Mary Elam, assistant di- show that during the semester. 43 Dr. Rayfield will conduct Sunday fessor Rayfield has also played con- organ has 13 ranks of pipes and ctor of admissions and records. 25 students dropped out of school, and Monday workshops. James certs in the U.S. and Canada and two keyboards. An additional key- Of the total registered for sec- completed graduation requirement McGee and Stanley Walker have has mude several records of organ board and 17 more ranks of pipes nd semester, 1227 are students at the end of the first semester. 125 an open lesson period scheduled ludying on the school's College- students who were enrolled during for high school students Sunday -^ale campus, and 21 are on the from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the music Orlando, Fla., campus. Dr. Rayfield will continue the workshop on Monday from 10- 11:30 a.m. and 1:30-3:00 p.m. in Calendar either Talge Hall or the church. Monday's workshop is open to Friday, Jan. 22 area members of the American Last day to add class Guild of Organist*, college and MV vespers, church high school students. member of the Indiana Uni- Saturday, Jan. 23 A music faculty since 1963, 5:30 p.m. Meditations, church, ,k-die.iiion, Dr. Eldon versity Carman Dr. Rayfield holds the doctor of music degree from Northwestern Sunday, Jan. 24 University. Earlier musical edu- McGec-Walkcr 1:30 p.m. Organ workshop, music hall, cation was completed at the Ameri- 8:00 p.m. Organ concert, Talge Hall chapel, Dr. Robert Ray- can Conservatory of Music in field Chicago.

student at the American Monday, Jan. 25 While a the Con- 10:00 a.m. Organ workshop, Talge Hall or church, Dr. Robert Conservatory, he won commencement contest, Rayfield servatory the Van Dusen organ recital con- 1:30 p.m. Organ workshop continues test and the Society of Conference A 7:30 p.m. Intercom session, Room Musicians Contest. He Dr. Robert Rayfield, Organist Thursday, Jan. 28 11:00 a.m. Assembly, auditorium, McCoy Campbell, personnel chapel) director of the American National Bank (SA Faculty Votes Down All Pantsuits; • Saturday, Jan. 30 "Man for All Seasons," gymnasium Refrigerators in With Restrictions Monday, Feb. 1 faculty of Southern Mission- Dr. Schneider said there were use of portable rcfrigcratot 8:30 a.m. National Teachers' examination, Wright Hall, Room The meeting on Jan. two main objeclions to the pro- residence 207 ary College, in a halls. Tw 17. rejected a request by the SA posal. One was the problem of however, were placed on the use of Tuesday, Feb. 2 Student Services Committee to al- controlling what may be worn as refrigerators. of the Southern 11:00 a.m. Assembly, Elder H. F. Roll, secretary pantsuits for "pantsuits" on campus, and the low women to wear The first is that they not exceed campus other was the question of whether and general four cubic feet in size, and the sec- Medical students' banquet or not the pantsuit is proper for ond is that the owner of the re- general campus and classroom at- Thursday, Feb. 4 frigerator must at any time allow 8:00 a.m. Dental hygiene test, Wright Hall, Room 207 residence hall officials to inspect the proposal was voted On the following morning, Jan. appliance. Both of these Professional club meetings _ I that the restric- linst by a substantial number of 18, the Administrative Council tions were recommended in the re- Friday, Feb. S that a noticeable voted unanimously for a proposal, port presented to the Administra- School : faculty and Vespers, church. Elder C. L. Brooks, Sabbath also presented by the SA Student tive Council by fhe Student Serv- Secretary, Southern Union Conference iemeo Committee, lo allow the ices Committee. In Answer to Your Article

Editorial . . 1 I Would Say .

Loud Computer Didn't Have a Chance Crying Pretty Mike and Dairy!: Computer dating at SMC is annually acquiring expected _rse reputation. Woe be to the hapless hopeful who partner. to be swept off his/her feet by a potential life (~*\ The whole idea of the occasion should have been thoroughly * 'explained to the participants. Who could rightfully expect to find questionnaire a scientifically selected date absolutely free? The used, in fact, was not scientific at all, but just for fun. What possible influence could your date's choice of deodorant have on your compatibility? Running the questionnaire results through the computer only made amateurs expect the results to be ac-

Maybe some of the campus elite didn't see a whole lot of fun in a tall girl-short boy combo, a senior girl-freshman boy match, or dumb guy-smart girl (or vise versa). But everyone knew and understood that the date you had wasn't necessarily your "perfect match." Besides, everyone was in a similar On the other hand, many students got a chance to meet de- lightful dales whom they may never have known—not necessarily because they were The Ones, but because they were new friends

I dissatisfying evening was endured by those who i stood up—by a number, no less—not even by a person. If the dates who didn't show weren't willing to take whomever they got. then they should not have signed up! The whole deal was an elaborate game, and standing up a stranger was an elaborate demonstration of poor sportsmanship.

Perhaps "computer dating" at SMC will eventually evolve

into something valuable. Until then, it should be enjoyed in the

spirit ol what it is—unscientific fun-making or, if you would rather put it this way. Mix and Mismatch. LVH

Joe and Mary were college stu-

I less. Just average college students. But Joe and Mary didn't know They heard that soon the college

was j.'oinj!. to h.ivc conipiikrr .l.ihn^ Both of them filled out the sary forms and waited in eager ticipation to find their perfi natch. Finally the night numbers were called and Joe and Mary rushed over to their places.

They saw each other and knew it was the perfect match planned by the all-wise computer.

We are now beginning the sec- ) learn to bear a little hardsbjj ond year of this decade. school ore concerned, Should I thought it Was not '- this be the year we see earth's — of most B irU h, ,™ ,.„ goal later, Should we b and history close7 Should not not this be occupied with mini-skirts, paD Of (.__ the year wc see Jesus fJ come? I suits and beards that we forget tf ifllity because SMC think so.- Some of us arc here for greater things? four years, others for e SMC i s proud of iu only two or little guru" I would like to with t and wants " one, but all of plead menATloc" look pretty. us arc here for one student of SMC to forget our .•- reason—or wc should be— and that differences * is and work together fChrUi to team how to tell others of the the wonderful greater goal—to feed a love Jesus has for us. Santa Claus world the Bread of Life. It is part of the maturing process —Dick HollingswoHJ 37 Make

Il I ..I.I vsssf vilh . Hi Honors SA Head Kerr Pinch-Hits for* in n nrld ,.r,

i selecting absolute The following 37 students were named to the Dean's List Absent ii..-. ..luMons !,..,. by Aca- • may not 5A Assembly Speaker demic en sufficiently tried and proven Dean Frank Knittel for at- od. taining a grade point By Judy Slrawn average of staled that there is a tentative set —They may not work for all people 3-5 or better (on a 4.0 scale) for The scheduled speaker for the which he will submit to the Student „., Jnovnorjenced analysis may in- the first semester the lilllllllf of 1970-71 January 14 SA chapel. Harvey school year. They have ni.nm nn^ Someone asked about the out- this average with a minimum of 12 the refrigerator question.

_.l be discussed in the faculty meeting," Kerr

It was then suggested from th floor that, "If Thursday mor chapels were made voluntary, doubt the quality of the progra

Fifty-five more pages, the last major shipment, of the 1970-71 Memories, will be mailed to the publishing company t according to Editor Carol Smart. That only leaves about 20 pages of planning for an early May distribution date.

The SA Senate passed In-laws containing financial policies, parlia-

md duties of the officers in their meeting last Tues- *m± night. The two remaining sections will be presented at the next if} I


5 %*Bfc for | (,%0Er SAVINGS T

Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Canned Goods, and other Groc COLLEGE PLAZA

Collegedale Cabinets, Inc.

Manufacturers of High Quality

Laboratory Furniture for Schools and Hospitals

Collegedale, Tenn. Telephone 396-2131 — I

SOUTHERN ACCENT They Miss Ho New Music 6 SMC Students Say MayBeHeard| SPORTLIGHT New music writers now hi opportunity to let their mui Missionary Life Busy heard, says Joel Diamond, < tive coordinator of Contemporary! gets tired of By Bill Cash for themselves—"One Product of Warner Bros. Music, cornflakes for breakfast, corn- Diamond feels that a progressive "Siudent missionaries are busy." flakes for dinner, and cornflakes organization must constantly seekl This comment by Joan Murphy for supper after a while," states out new writers in order to buildl iould qualify as the understatc- Charles. upon their already solid foundation.! the year. ent of Of all the hardships that the six "With our various projects c suffered ing up for Warner Bros, au Joan, a junior math major, is student missionaries have greatest was visual department," said Diamond,! one of six student mi-.Mon.inos this year, perhaps the publishing from Southern Missionary College having to leave the people and "we feel that our housed back home. will have quite a bit of appeal still serving >heir terms abroad. Be- places that they loved fori writers. certainly sides te.iehing four classes at Palau But, as Donna summarized in her new We wel-! material," he Mission Academy— algebra, Iresh- letter, "the rest of the hardships come new concluded,! the long hours, the budget scrimp- "which can be sent to Warner Bros.1 111. m English and two sections of Madison Avenue, sophomore English—Joan gives ing, the diet—they're just part of Music, 488 New| piano lessons, serves as sponsor to living." York, N.Y. 10022. both the Student Association and Biological Expedition

Fardulis, Albright, Tayloi Planned by Two AU Profsl

gettin i said. "I'm A South Seas biological expedi- Teams Hard to Follow; tion to study plants and wildlife ferent one here— not them." has been scheduled for the winter four credits and Ritland, quarter, 1972, by two Andrews raphy for five. The remaining Greene and Fardulis Vie She isn't the only busy, isolated three I student missionary. Mitchell Nico- University professors— Dr. Asa C. credits will be offered by both pro-l

gunning for Greene. Scores: Far- laides. a junior math major, wrote Thoresen, professor of biological feasors under the heading of speciall dulis 64, Defoor 58; Bolimcr 73, that during his two hour, 56-mile sciences, and Dr. Richard M. Rit- scorecard. All three Albright 64; Greene 49, Botimer trip from the airport to Ihe Giiwe land, professor of paleontology and The group will camp in tents, plivers switching back and forth, 44; Fardulis 70, Albright 65. Seminary in Rwanda, Africa, he geology. three to a tent, and everyone r new players being chosen and old Wayne Miller's and Larry Hoi- paved traveled iver all six miles of Thoresen states that they plan lo travel light. The trip will cost ( players leaving. It will be weeks kind's hnjh scoring h.f helped Mil- " roaQ j, tat country. lake group of interested a students student approximalely $1400, plusl ler's team dominate C-League ac- LlM an, Mitchell teaches, with on the expedition which will feature food and tuition. The cost of food| tion, but the team will be hurt be- stopovers at New Zealand, Aus- |M geometry, trigonometry, should not exceed $3.00 per c i lhan ihe cause Holland will be drafted into £ ^ drawing and tralia, Tasmania, Tahiti and the s or B-League. Atkins is the do, A Applications for the trip are drawing—all in French. Fiji Islands. has become virtually a strongest threat lo knock off Miller. A-Lcague being received. There will 1 Prayer meetings, diesel engine re- The expedition will leave the two-team race, if the current pace Stepanske has taken an early maximum of 24 students accepted.l B-League pairs, and painting the church/ West Coast shortly after Christmas continues. Greene has relict! upon lead in the race. So far Write lo Dr. Asa C. Thoresen,! he has combined high scoring and classroom building keep Mitchell 1971, and return on March 10, a touch defense and good ball con- Biology Department, Andrews Uni-I busy when he's not teaching or 1972. trol to capture the lead. good ball control to win easily. In versity, Berrien Springs, Michigan! ihe bie game, he defeated second preparing for class. Fardulis is a game back in sec- A student may receive 12 quar- place Ertel 75-44 as Ertel could ond and has the potential to win it Perhaps not quite as isolated, never get in the game. Ertel did all if he can come up with a con- but certainly busy, are the four keep pace by defeating Hallman sistent attack. SMC student missionaries in Japan. Weniger Fellowships Available 46-42. Defoor, with the addition of Teaching English at the Hiroshima Third place Corbett has been Gene Conley, could be even English Conversational School are For Graduate Studies at AU rather inconsistent, losing to Ste- Donna Taylor and Pat Sampson. stronger, and we can sec him with Sixteen Weniger fellowships are panske 68-50 and defeating Inger- Donna, a 1970 graduate of a good chance should Green and SMC, available for the 1971-72 school soll 76-60. They gave Stepanske a and Pat, a senior biology major, Fardulis falter. year for study in the rough time before a cold put Andrews Uni- hand are assisted by one other student These financial awards, namedB Albright obtained Randy Cock- versity School of them too far behind. Ingersoll, Graduate Studies. missionary in leaching 150 stu- for the late Charles E. WenigerF rell from Defoor and should now Two graduates of SMC are cur- former dean of the graduate have some help for Taylor under- rently studying at AU on Weniger are made on the basis of outstand-B neath. He could finish fairly high The three usually teach four to ing academic records in college and! Holm five hours each evening, and about promise team play and relies heavily one-and-a-half hours each morning, on Ingersoll 64, Harrell 52; stipend of $2000 for a study, according to Dr. F. E. J.| Thomas. New players could eh.inge besides studying Japanese three Ertel 46, Hallman 42; Harrell 66, arts degree in religion. A 1968 that problem, though, hours a week and teaching Bible Hallman 49. alumnus, Norman Bcrnal. reeeiveJ classes on Saturday and Sunday. We sec the second part of the Girls' basketball is officially be- Pat and Donna live Japanese-style, ginning this coming week. Look even getting first and look for the teams to be around on a small Honda cycle. "A" LEAGUE STANDINGS Charles Mills, junior communi- cations major, and Cliff Hoffman, sophomore music major, are Eng- lish teachers at the Osaka Evange- listic center. Also living Japanese- style, they find that one of their greatest hardships is having to cook

"C" LEAGUE STANDINGS Violet Camera Shops, Inc.

Top Quality Development of your film *• BILL BATTLE Cameras, film, & supplie CHRYSLER

CHRYSLER I Mr. Phelps is now the new "B" service LEAGUE STANDINGS control operator ar Bill Battle, formerly a «- AUSTIN CHRYSLER manager for the Dodge dealer ; PLYMOUTH at 1900 Broad, in Chattanooga for 19 years, ' Chattanooga. is now sales manager for Let Mr. Phelps was formerly AUSTIN CHRYSLER with the Dodge PLYMOUTH, Broad, Us dealer in 1900 Insight Chattanooga for 2 years and Chattanooga. Wants Good Reprints; prior to that Help he was associ- Bill has been a resident of ated with the service Will Pay $10 to Submitter With of Chrys- Collegedale for 19 years. He ler products around Washing- and his family are members Insight, the Seventh-day Advcnt- vkv. .md llu-.ild Publishing Asso- ton, D.C, for 25 years. of isl youih magazine, the Collegedale SDA publishes oc- ciation, 6S56 Eastern Avenue, NYV Mr. Phelps and his family Church. casional rcprinls and will pay $10 Washington, Cleaning D.C. 20012. live to anyone who in Collegedale and recommends an ar- are Bill has always given a spe- ticle that the editors find acceptable members of the Collegedale COLLEGEDALE cial price consideration to the for reprinting in the magazine, ac- CAMPUS KITCHEN SDA Church. residents of this area on cording lo Don Yost, editor. HOURS Mr. Phelps would CLEANERS like you Chrysler will Sun.-Thurs. products. He Correspondence, 7 a.m. -9pm to give him an opportunity including 1) a of continue to do invites Fri. 7a. servicing so and tear-out of Ihe article being recom- m..2p.m: your car's needs Sat. Industrial Road you to call him at 266-1234 or mended and 30 min. after He is 2) a brief paragraph experienced and well 238-9236 on sunset- 10:30 p.m. concerning the put' why it is being ree-nnmel-ided. 396-2199 qualified to serve you. Call chase or information on any should be addressed to Insight, Re- GOOD FOOD 266-1234. Chrysler prod^ 7


ath Club Leads College Bowl Competition

Professionalisional club CollegeCollect BowlRnwl nnvt nr ..,k:„u :, ._l.j..i.j *__ ims were coniesied last week in Ihe process of choosing the most outstanding individual contestants

to represent SMC April 1-3 when several SDA colleges meet on this campus for the annual College Bowl games. Teams played each night, Sunday [hrough Thursday, at 5:30 p.m. in Conference Room A. Colleges expected to enter the meet in April are Columbia Union College, ,

Oakwood College, Andrews Uni- . :rsity and, possibly, Pacific Union College, according to Ken Mat- Ihews, SA Scholarship Committee chairman. 'The games are to encourage demic achievement and moti- e the students to plan a well- rounded educational program," Matthews said. The following scores e first of two or three

SOUTHERN MISSIONARY COLLEGE Photo Class Shows Works Twenty-five siudenl plminyr.ipln "It d

class works arc currently on dis- to do « picture play in McKec Library until Feb. said. Most of the display were taken with $45 10. The 8x10 enlargements in- cameras supplied to the students by clude still life, action, scenes and the department. portraits. In ihe class, Garber said, the ACCENT learned that SOUTHERN Bill Garber, instructor in jour- amateur photographers nalism who taught the class, says the essentials of taking good pic- some of the lures consist of having a "good COLLEGEDALE, Ihe pictures represent students' best work, all having been eye" for a potential picture, notic- pli.iiuur.iplnjd. do-doped, enlarged ing details and knowing the proper techniques of taking the picture. Redely to Show Twain's Europe

ecturcr Dick Reddy will his motion picture lecture, huge

Mark Twain in Switzerland," to- and a trip t norrow night at 8:00 p.m. in the Chillon and Lake Geneva. Reddy attempts to bring a fresh, hysical education center. Reddy has traveled in both west- unique approach to all his film, Reddy will take his audience on ern and eastern Europe, including both in the narration and in (he pictorial walking tour of Switzer- several filming-camping trips to the photography. Much background and with Joe Twitchell, showing . In his film-making capture the un- he sights through the eyes of Mark trips, he seeks to Admission to the evening pro- usual on film. gram is $1.00 for adults and S.50 his master's degree Climbing Rigi Mountain; Hying After earning for children. Season tickets for North the Alps in a balloon, the Mat- in school administration at SMC's Adventure Series are also :rhorn, Lucerne; and St. Bernards Texas State University, Reddy honored. -all these sights mixed with a spent several years as a leather and ommentary with stories of .n1imni'[i,iior in Texas and Cali- spiced Oration Contest: hat Mark Twain did while he fornia. Subsequent studies in cine- Switzerland. matography at the University of included in the film are a ATS Says Skits uggy trip over the Brunig Pass, a Will Be Okay The SMC chapter of the Ameri- Newlyweds to Match Wits on Feb. 14 can Temperance Society will have — Christ! lywcds its oration contest Feb. 11 at 11 chance lo By a.m. in the auditorium, according will have a

i they arc free, during the S if lo Roy Dunn, president. memories : will know Ihe quan- party Sunday, Feb. 14, Dunn says this is the first year tity of refreshments to provide, in the student lounge. that the SMC chapter has allowed Other parly features I include committee oration contestants to use dialogue, Other members of the "surprise entertainment," a comedy planning the evening's activities are skits and pantomime. film and refresbmenls, according to George Dullon, Leslie Hess, Blair the A panel of judges is now in Linda Ryals. Social Committee Murphy, Margaret Pierce, Caroline process of screening the top five chairman. Thatcher, Teresa Trimble and Es- orators from the rest of the poten- Admission will be by ticket only. ther von Pohlc. bases of tial contestants on the coverage and presentation of the give topic. The panel will also Calendar whatever assistance they can to the selected contestanls prior to their public presentation. Confercnc student body will judge the The Saturday, Feb. 6 remaining contestants on orig- five 8:00 p.m. Adventure series, physical appropriateness of inality, content, Twain in Switzerland," Dick Reddy message for high schools and the Sunday, Feb. and how well they present colleges, 8:00 p.m. Chamber series, fine arts recital hall, Pat Cobos, temper- their particular aspect of ance—alcohol, tobacco, narcotics, physical fitness or driving safety. 8:00 a.m. ACCENT deadline for Feb. 18 issue Each of the five orators will re- Wednesday, Feb. 10 addi- ceive $20 and the winner an 4:00 p.m. Press conference. Conference Room A tional $10. r-jtuky- Hoard banquet Other officers of the ATS are 2 church Ken Matthews, vice president in 7:3 MV vespers, Charles charge of church activities; Saturday, Feb. charge program, physical education center Ferguson, vice president in SA talent Du- of high school activities; Bob Sunday, Feb. 14 charge of bose vice president in 10:00 a.m. Faculty meeting, DH 109 community activities: Judy Dubosc, 7:00 p.m. SA Valentine party, student lounge, SA Social Com- Rolfe, secretary; and Dr. Cecil sponsor. SOUTHERN ACCENT Letters Editorial

Positive Action Bubblegum Surveys

Colleges, in general, and SMC, particular, seem to be poll-takers. In essence,

'ice being offered, to re- this is an effective way to improve a ! late material being published, or to p For instance, a selected dorm student juld have been sub-

jected to at least live polls so far this year— health service study, a dorm service poll, a pantsuit poll and ACCENT polls (neither conducted by the ACCENT). However, special care needs to be taken when these polls O For they are no are being sponsored to PROVE something.

proof at all unless they are conducted responsibly with a soundly- cho; Perhaps the health and dorm service polls could be dismissed

at this point, since they were not really to prove anything pub-

licly, but merely acted as questionnaires and probably should have been presented under that name.

Although the SA Student Services Committee seemed to have had good intentions, they appear to have only one drawer of Sincerely yours. only solutions labeled "Proofs for Disputes" and in that drawer, J. R. Spongier, Edit. one subheading—"Random Polls." The Ministry

The worst part is, one or more of these polls have been very random indeed. Take, for instance, their ACCENT publication

poll (a terrible degradation of the word). It consisted of exactly one question—Do you think the ACCENT should be published

and was conducted at roomcheck time by the ; weekly? Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to bury I

When questioned by some of the uninformed i ss of dorm resi- friend that was among us for a short time only.

dents being polled as to her/his opinion, sevt 1 of the equally This wonderful friend tried to help and protect us. Bui

uninformed monitors were so generous as to offe r their opinions we sent her away quickly, not knowing what good she woull for consideration before the pollee "voted." have done for us. Some invited her here, but some could not accept hJ This poll had one MAJOR and BASIC problsn . It was about

because she was a little different and not cut exactly ^ as logical as something like, "Do you think we should have two the everyone else cafeterias on campus?" Now, how could you POSSIBLY attempt is. Some wanted to accept her at certain places and times, to judge that question unless you know why the problem is bsing others felt that she should be excluded completely from oul considered, whether there is enough demand, whether it can be cozy little clique. staffed and whether it can be supported? These very questions i have not come to praise her, but to bury hel related to the ACCENT in students' minds may be why the results to this "poll" were never made public. Perhaps they didn't sup- port the "right" idea.

Many researchers demand that a valid poll MUST have a

50% minimum return of questionnaires. Probably the most sci- entific survey conducted so far on campus this year even had this problem. The ACCENT readership survey, conducted for a

senior's class project, had only a 32% return. There is also a probability that readers responding to this survey were largely those with complaints or compliments. The broad majority in

between had no burden to respond. For this reason, it is best to have at least 50%.

The readership survey did, however, closely adhere to the obtained by a companion of Inn thal. But i'v ( ;ry possible partner. The scm "random sampling" theory, sending questionnaires change recently, as it has been said systematically -..fli possible match are tlion •!.. over the to every 10th years by literally millions. made. ACCENT reader—on campus, in the village and in One that i it And brings to mind the various 8 ' and is not sure. It is a "'"!'!'" the field. If it were taken of only dormitory readers, for instance, change of !^?' types of changes to be made. Mmftyp^of I choice, and it makes all the differ- ample, "each question for which it would be badly distorted. There is the change you receive when you have purchased an arti- Finally, if survey results are published, certain information cle. There is always too little of the about methods ol conducting the survey should also be in- cluded in the report. Population description, sampling method, There is the change you make from plane to plane question wording and other crucial elements can be expressed as you travel. And there is always loo much of in a very few words. This will permit the reader to judge for that. himself the validity of the results. There is the change you make of By the time i baby's diapers. A very unpleas- students become involved in college studies and responsibilities, they should be able to produce something be- i the change of a nam sides "bubblegum" surveys. They should also be able to tell a mage altar. Usually responsible survey from a railroaded point-proover, and vote—or There is not vote the change of clothes —likewise. Lyjj from work lo classes. Appreciated by your classmates to no end. There is the change of seasons that brings while, then ereen. then brown and then all sorts of colors. SOUTHERN ACCENT There is the change in a boy's voice as he becomes a man. Pain- VOLUME XXVI ful while endured and relieved when completed. There is a change in your grade point average. Usually with regret. There is (he change in rule-,. Ac- cepted sadly by some, rejoieed over by many. And finally, there is a chanee through Christ.

'Two roads diverged in a wood,

I took the one less travelled by And that has made all th, dm,,. LLU Med School Takes 10 Now SOUTHERN ACCENT Garren 's Art Shown At Local Gallery

By Adan Saldana pitchers and mugs. He also enjoys Pottery molded by Robert Gar- sculptural pottery. In the pottery market, vases sell best, said Garren. but sculptural Ten hibitcd in the Next items have a limited pre-mcdical studcnls just received Door Gallery's lellers of acccplani "New School of Medicine Member Show" and is sched- at Loma Linda University, Lorn. Linda. Californ uled to be out through In throwing according Feb. 21. a pot, the clay must to Dr. Frank Knillel. academic dean. Garren has been chosen for be kneaded perfectly with neither membership in Chattanooga's air pockets nor lumps. Garren ex- There are others yet to receive Gal- letters, the Dean's office says lery, an exclusive group of artists plained. It must be plastic, but their reports are being delayed for reasons such as test scores ind which does not exceed 20 members. neither sticky nor stiff, and must It is operated in conjunction with be aged at least three weeks in a Hunter Art Gallery. Acceptances to date are Bill Boyle. Don Giles, Mickey Greene The artist has exhibited The clay ball is centered on the artha in the Kendall, Ellon Kerr, Mike Lilly, Bob MacAlpine. Ed Sammcr. 1969 Tennessee All-State Show. potter's wheel and, as it spins, the won the jurors nod for inclusion in potter pulls the clay with his hands both the 1969 and 1970 Hunter into either a bowl, cylinder or bot- fi Annuals in Chattanooga, was ac- tle form. It is then set aside to dry. cepted for the Tennessee Arlisl- When dry it is bisc-fired, then •eling Exhibit which glazed and finally glaze-fired. A

showed . Hunter Gallery on SMC Alumnus Pat Cobos SA Talent Pots can be hand built, said Gar-^^ its I 970 tour of Tennessee, has and ren, or thrown on a potter's wheel, eslnhited at the Signature Show Shop depending on the ability of the poi- Gallery in Atlanta. To Give Violin Concert Here of Feb. 13 Garren enjoys throwing func- Palricio Cobos, a former con- next Sunday in the recital hall. tional pottery, such as casseroles, certmastcr of the Chattanooga The violin Cobos will use for the Symphony Orchestra and a gradu- concert was purchased at a flea Symphony Orchestra. Prcs market in Narbonnc. France, dur- he is a member of the Cha ing the summer of 1969. The in- Symphony Orchestra. strument was made by Matleo Gof- Cobos started playing the friler of Venice in 1 726. After the dealer showed Cobos the violin, National Conservatory of M valued at 53,000, Cobos picked it Santiago, Chile, al II. He made up and "played it right there on the his solo debut with the Chile Na- street and drew quite a crowd," he tional Philharmonic at 16. Pres- said. He had to cut his trip short ently, he is an assistant professor of music at Winthrop College in Cobos served as concertmastcr Rock Hill, S.C. of the Chattanooga Symphony Or- Pianist Jess Casey, Dean of the chestra for five years while he at- School of Music at Winthrop Col- tended Southern Missionary Col- lege, will be the accompanist for lege and taught for the Hamilton the program at 8:00 p.m. Admis- County School system. He is also sion is 52.00 for adults, SI. 00 for a former Koussevitsky Foundation children. Season tickets for SMC's Fellow in Violin at Tanglev.ooil. Fine Arts Series will be honored.

Richer! Joins SMC Staff As Asst. Math Professor

Loor's Different Crusade ence from the University of xas in 1967. Of his five years UT, four have been on a teach- Sponsored By ^Search' ip. "The Hixson meetings"—what studied bv all. with each [tended SMC for four are they? The phrase has been go- having supplied by the ig as president of his :etings. .mil graduating with a ing around campus for several The meetings, beginning at 7:30 r in math and physics weeks now. The Chattanooga tele- p.m. every Wednesday, Friday, e is the great nephew vision program "Search" is spon- Saturday and Sunday niyhts, hciian Jones, who taught soring this "different-type" of Jan. 9 with the topic "Is the Bible from 1917-1950 and for evangelistic crusade in the audi- an Exploded Book?" Meetings e original Maude Jones torium of the Hixson Utility Dis- will continue through Feb. 19. trict Community Building. One outstanding aspect of the

Instead of the usual preaching series, reports Elder Loor. is the approach. Elder John Loor, pastor "c\ei_ptionall\ high quality musical of the College dale Seventh-day Ad- performers featured nightly." Rus- presenting this sell Davis, a former opera singer in

for Truth" i like Europe and the U.S., is in charge large lible study of the pro- ganized arrangement of l«u arc gram.

SMCs physics department presented a project in the Clinton Suite for the American Physical of the New York Hilton Hotel last Wednesday Pcnz and David Coffegedafe Cabinets, /nc. Society. The paper reports the work of Johannez and of professors Ray HefTet 11 '''"ivJii';;, heated up s Manufacturers of High Quality i of t opper

i the x Furniture were trca Laboratory for School, and Ho spitali Prc-mcdical, pre-denlal and biology students Southern Union Confer. bullet supper last Tuesday by the Sunday in The music faculty presented a recital last were given by faculty mcr Collegedale, Tenn. Telephone 396-2131 recital hall. Four numbers Dr. . contralto; . . Mam list of 1.2.5. (Pcost?) Makansi. pianist; Doroih\ Ackerman. McGee, pi accompanist; Orlo Gilbert, violinist; and James COLLEGE MARKET

< SAVINGS \ ,,,„,„. I, .,(,.-. i.-ll- ;§^P l.'i .on.pul.T brujik) tor Vegetables, ' Fresh Fruits, 'I UK, 1,1 I,,- I, . Ill Canned Goods, and other Groc

Sincerely, COLLEGE PLAZA Donald Giles Computer Scic I f1

SOUTHERN ACCENT Two Campus Building Projects According to Plans | SPORTLIGHT Proceed iigned the ! by B & N Architecis 1 be baked in of Chi tanooga. The interior decor

In -out arc being designed Greene Widens Lead and by 1 SMC i

iry display, 60 ft. of frc

:upicd by the Mercant

Home Ec Building Students May | Dig Relics

General Conference 7975 Jiiil: programs and rapidly

graves. Iron-age settler Planned to Be in Vienna man villas and lascinalii medieval towns, all over WASHINGTON, D.C.—Vienna, American students free from | controlling mid-May, and with previous ar- ill, with Thomas still nee of the Seventh- chacougieal experience, are invited e action. They do have a team Church. The action was taken by the Albright has a tough team, es- final season's dig of the important Committee heavily in giving consideration t General Conference Anglo-Saxon site at North Elm- upon recommendation at last year's ham, Norfolk. The excavation is expected to throw important new the major business session of the of nationals ass lining prists light huu the Anglo-Saxon fore- 1 a quicker defense. on church be held outside the United leadership in chu ch organizat. problem as they i of the Engl States. outside the U.S. Another set Dcfoor. They could pen All the church's GC sessions ioard for helping in this i have been held in the U.S. Dele- church, they gates expressed the fueling ih;it an felt. Other students withou overseas session would be another uuli Lie I. The indication of the world scope of the ore, 57--I $$$$$: church. The Advcntist Church now rity which Harrell College, Oxford, organized t Slcpnnskc bounced back has work in 193 of the 227 coun- Association for Cultural Exchange! Mailman, 71-59, then had to tries recognized by the UN, and in 5 Sections to 915 languages. overtime to beat Ingersoll, from participating in this lo Last session Ingersoll lost a six-point year's GC in At- Insight Contest program which ends by ith just seconds to play. lantic Citv. N.J., in June drew more weeks' participation on digs i than 30,000 members from all Brochures describing Insight's I. olhelt Ertel, 72-35, ferent parts of England or Scot-

parts of the world. In the : 1971 contest for student writers icn had lo fight a lough Harrell land. Cost, inclusive of Trans-A overtime he ton. winning of • arc now available from Bill Garber. :am into lantic travel by scheduled jet, 42-3'J, journalism instructor. Harrell has re l< 1 1> imnro\ ed $750. and is much heller than the records lasiglu editors believe that the Write now for further details show. They won easily over Ertel, Poster Girl value of sharing ideas and experi- Professor Ian Lowson, 539 West I 56-36. Ertel beat Ingersoll 57-44, ences with others in this case, — 112 Street. New York, N.Y. 10025. but lost twice, dropping them from through journalism — is immeasur- second Throws Kiss place to third. Hallman able to the continued life of the For Flight Instruct! and Ingersoll both have played church. In Insight, writers have

Ground School . . sironu uiiiiie-., vel are Iil'IiIiiil' I'it the potential to share with other Contact: Jim Mori last place. 5-year-old fault young Advcntists that which is Talge 2t C-League ha- seen an iihmil lute, student assembly Hall last week. most important to this generation. as Miller has lost two in a row and Paulette was the poster child for categories are open in the slipped to fourth place. We figure the March of Dimes campaign m 1971 he still has a chance, despite the Hamilton County last year. Last essays, shorter itings and poetrv departure of Larry Holland to B- week she was a special guest on A first, sccon. .i:ul tin:, award League. In the big game, Atkins— campus to help promote the Violet Camera in first place — defeated Miller, Mothers' March of Dimes cam- Amounts of Shops, Inc. paign. rds are S75, S55 and S35. In She attends the Siskin Founda- ilion, a grand award of SI 00 tion Child Study School. Last year /ailablc. All manuscripts should the national March of Dime, (ul.ii n the Insight office by April 9, 1971

: liini l Brochures Beck and Waldon still have a ai also available by "A Letter from Jimrr writing directly chance. And it looks like WSMC was shown throughout (he country. Review and Bycrs battling for last. Other and Herald hing As- The Hydas family attends the ise one over Albright, bV-u" scores: Waldon 63, WSMC 45. sociation, 6856 Standiier Gap Seventh-day Advcnt- Washington, D.( 1 LEAGUE STANDINGS "B" LEAGUE STANDINGS ist Church. Mrs. Sue Wescott, a coordinator of College-dale's fnnd-raisinr: drive, reports that a total of 5,13^53 was eolleeled in the dormitories follow- Holiday House ing Paillette's visit. For All Your Valentine Needs GIRLS' BASKETBALL

11 CAMPUS LEAGUE KITCHEN a STANDINGS HOURS Sun.-Thurs. 7 a.m. -9pm Fri. 7 a.m.. 2 p\m. Sat. 30 min. after sunset-10:30 p.m. GOOD FOOD Southern Missionary College Collegedale, Tennessee 37315

Piekaar Takes Grand Prize With Original Song To Girl Marc Piekaar won grand prize and German major. He 1 Saturday from Rock Springs, Ga.; Dr. last night, in the annual iota! of $45. Schneider, president of talent show sponsored SMC. by the SA Second prize went to Karen These judges chose the lst-3rd with the theme, "Some Enchanted kuik'd.ui- and Rose Shafcr. They prizes, while the student body Evening." performed a gymnastic routine on picked the grand prize winner. a seven-foot Piekaar sang a song platform. Karen is a entitled "For The Collegians entertained with two-year nursing student. Julie," written by himself for Rose is his lighl popular music while the a sophomore physical girlfriend. He was accompanied education judges made major. They their final decision. Bill Boyle on won a total of $35. by the bass violc. They are Jim Teel, Dave Mauck. Third prize went to Debbie Piekaar is a sophomore studying John Loor, Jr., and Charles Fcr- Pecples and Mary McPherson with prc-optomctry. His home is in the selections from Rodger.- Hammer- San Fernando Valley in California. stein's A plaque was presented by the "Cinderella." Debbie is a He won a total of $55. communications major, and Mary Ludington for First prize went to David ing student. Hayncs, playing a piano solo en- titled "Toccata" by Aram Khatcha- turian. Hayncs is a freshman mu- lived in Collegedale for 40 years and have been married 58 years. Mrs. Ludington was asked the sec- Vicki Heath Wins ret of their long marriage, and she said they keep falling more in love, "and I like to kiss my husband," ATS Speech Contest "He

Vicki Heath, freshman Vicki spoke of living in San Masters of ceremony were Vicki Francisco, walking the streets of and Stu Bainum. The Programs N.C., was voted winner of the an- Haight-Asbury, and seeing the Committee, headed by Mrs. Gene- mial speech contest sponsored by gaunt and sallow faces of young vieve McComiick, sponsor, and the SMC chapter of the American people who have just returned Marilyn Leitner, chairman, was Temperance Society. from a "trip." "There were hun- responsible for the program. Com- Vicki, a graduate of Mount Pis- dreds of others that none of us will mittee members are: Sherree Al- gah Academy, is the first female to ever see because they took a trip, ford, Connie Crabb, Carol Crabb, enter SMC's speech contest in but they never made it back," she Steve Dennis, Larry Daniels, three years, according to Roy said. "To them, that little sugar Cheryl Allen, Cheryl Oliver, Peggy Dunn, chapter president. No cube was only a one-way ticket." Hough, Sylvia Stickrath, B e v Moon, Sharon Swillcy, Elsie-Rae stranger to temperance speeches, This speech will be presented in Pike, Bobby Peeke and Carl Peder- she gave one each of her four years high schools and colleges in the in academy. vicinity as part of the ATS com- Her winning speech, entitled munity activities. "LSD: Thrill or Terror," was The two other contestants both SOUTHERN MISSIONARY chosen by a vote of the student spoke on alcoholism. Bob Swof- COLLEGE body who judged the three entries ford. a sophomore theology student on originality, documentation, au- from Collegedale, estimated that dience appeal and overall presenta- based on the fact that over 65% 80UTHERN ACCENT

Yen den To Lead Prayer Week

L. I'aslnr is Pastor Morris Vcnden \ endm Ml . conduct SMC's Week of Spiritual Emphasis Feb. 21-27.

His theme is to be "Faith that He has been a pastor and cvai Works." Subjects scheduled are: gclist for 17 years in Californi: Oregon and Colorado. He

in Portland, Oregon, ant 1 grew up in New York, Pcnnsyf' Hatchet," "Doing Worse," "Three Pastor Venden House," Angels," "Cleaning third-generation Adventist i "Working Out" and "Broken second-generation minister.

Heart." During the last two years, Pastoi Pastor Venden is presently pas- Venden has conducted weeks of toring the San Jose, Calif., church, emphases a( La Sierra Col- the Central California Confer- lege, Pacific Union College, drews University and now at SMC.

v graduate of La Sierra College The next stop on Pastor Vcn- Vicki Heath, a "veteran" speech-giver, accepts the first-place 5 Loma Linda University Aeck from Roy Dunn, ATS chapter president, in the annual spe. sity, Oregon State Uni *«t. Other contestants, Leslie Lewis and Bob Swofford, look c Bucher Chosen Student Nurse of the Year; Emphasis Calendar Presents Award Plaque to Chairman Miller ind clinical eperier Year" in the stale of Tennessee appearance. presented a plaque to Dr. Carl Mil- and entitled, "What ler, chairman of SMC's B.S. Nurs- His speech was Judges ing Department in student assem- Nursing Means to Me." Intercom March 1 both its content and de- bly last week. ei. iluated livery. They were profe Bucher, a senior at SMC, re- ceived the slate award and plaque week at the an- in Knoxvillc last Final nual Tennessee Association of Stu- Legacy Deadline February 21

Buchcr, father of two. was chosen from among nine district on contestants. The inscription Elections 31 cer- SA March -April 1 the plaque reads: "This award performance tifies the oulst.iiidint! ilans go, a master's degree may bi professional nursum student of a project. for lis next selected on the basis of ability speech SMC will have the school plaqui self expression, sincerity, reduc- presentation, faculty rce can achieve- Larry Bucher tion considering scholastic |

SOUTHERN ACCENT Complain Where the Power Is Editorial By Mike Doherty to do re valid and s rovi almost every < "Just another committee that will P the wrong person!| iver do anything, if you ask me! Al Right Direction referred iomc complaint aboi to in tl at if you would do all your com- made to decrease rvice, be it the high n is the Cafetei Nearly ©very ph. ;truggle ainin" to the committee instead food ] Commillec. Its purpose is interest pizza r the slow service. So to hearl ambiguousru , The active me, they would have something and act on suggestions from exhibited by the SA Student Services Committee in dents concerning the food set ision which is now in progress by the the student handbook So far this year, the contmittci the right direction. Student Affairs Committee is a step in met only once and, accordin recognized by stu- SMC AND YOU as it currently stands is Ransom Luce, director of the food| dents and faculty alike to be outdated in structure and diction. service and committee chairman, Besides the help of the regular student members of the Student not much has been accomplished. suggestions are being This is to inform you that Affairs Committee, the SA committee's Two Viewpoints Luce considered. and the student members of the I Vicki Swanson, These suggestions are a responsible attempt to make each committee— Mindil Miller, Reggie Tryon and Marilyn! unredund- i think of nothing more dis- sentence, each word of the handbook meaningful and long smee it was I can just gusimfi than a bunch of drippy Johnson—ar ant. These students have taken into consideration the fact that h.,rdi> sii siil] of suggestions from students and fac-| whole djv dedi- girls lollygagging over a bunch certain basic rules are necessary. Acknowledged, some of their ulty alike concerning the food si And Sarah will flowers and candy brought by proposed revisions are a bit presumptuous, perhaps, but most of equally drippy guys, Bunch of So, the recommendations show good verbal budgeting and clarity. uarh.^c thai was probably dreamed hope the administration will recognize the proposad re- We up by some candy manufacturer. i attempt on the behalf of some students to And if anybody asked mc what I which will communicate " help in creating a student handbook was getting my girl for members. to their peers. I'd icll ihcm a fat lip. But perhaps you're one of who has no complaints about the

plaints from even the most patie

It is this: Soon after graduatia the present cafeteria-home ec nomics building will meet the fate I of the walls of Jericho. The cafe-|

teria will be temporarily housed ii

one of two places, the Tab or thi present College Market building, The first reaction of the residents | of Thatcher will be to vot cafeteria in the Tab bccai closer proximity. But before jiimp-l ' to th

(he la the Tab c Consider this also: Not only I

would the market location offer tl

student a better atmosphere fi

dining, but more important, it o fcrs better facilities for those I who'll be preparing our mcalfl healing and air-consuming,!

storage space and othvr I .oli-f lies). If were not mistaken, there'sf \ll topics, no douhl .in old Chinese proverb i thoughts of the S MC popula- that something like this, "Happy Cooki aps some of these GOOD FOOD." Unfair Fee npus. The Legacy <.,!', i explain why m.rried >lu- houghts arid e S .... f..r ,1. "sA. A h!"b,id . ,Twife

sacrifice that ' vns made for us oil so -1 '" I.m/iL,.!^,, long ago. I vent home so thankful to be port of school .,:,') ,'|'„ that made such 1|m n,|| . lu.l. 'ill'' ^m i'm a beautiful scr vice possible, and most- of legisla-l but there is still ,i v.did ly, for a Savio ictivities of the Student Associ- tive literature—a revised SMC audi ation this year. the For past two You. In it, the Student Servicefl Many thank to the MV Society for school years, this student organiza- Committee stressed the responsibil-I tion has captured a lot of dust. which preced d" thiU ^fa"^^ ity and maturity of the college s< Elton Kerr and evening. I h ope that die results of his associates, how- dent. Whole sections of neediest! ' ilh die blessing ever, have of the managed to shake loose redundancy were eliminated. The| Holy Spirit, rill remain in each of this dust and make effectual prog- entire address of the book ress. With the inception of changed to Gratefully yours', present, for once SMASA (Students for a Mrs. LoU Mohr More Ac- pleasant outlook on SMC. ' not be belter tive Student Association), • , a move- Student Affairs Committee has ap-| ment of student feeling and opinion pointed a sub-committee to draft tailed along this inch) arose. And this year the idea has new SMC and You. One of t i that the student himself things they will certainly consider! is the SSC revision proposal. his life on this college campus. The Committee has expanded it : it, as is the custom ui vnur Looking over the achievements vluch of tlie publicity >( thr thus outreach even further. Student*! far this year, the Student Serv- who feel they have been dealt will! ices Committee has to stand head and unjustly in any area of their collegif shoulders above the rest. The idea experience will find the Studen'l of the formation of such an elastic Services Committee a sympathetBJ body as the SSC has be- come, ing to help as far as possi'i is traceable directly to the ble. Thi elastnH present student administration tremendously During body has the potential of helping the course of this year, the SOUTHERN ACCENT the Committee "little man" in college, has expanded its activi- ties with the use of sound judgmeDl! from the book exchange and pizza may become the most effective toolf on Saturday nights, to search- "Ul of ing means m the hands of a responsible Stu- hi:r room "ilmesing the "vacuum of making the life of a dent 1 student Association administration. ;-"" ' "" ""• ™" ^- more meaningful 1, 'r and rea- P sonable **" through projects With the Studcntl won't be Ui°e us'uaT'iece of a coming of the Ta "T widely diverse nature. Services Committee, a new day half Several policy changes were sug- dawned for the students of South] gested by the <-m Student Sen.,ic l,\, Missionary College. With coif ib.,i November. These ideas were for- '"Hied viiid leadership, misundef' - H,.,i warded to the SSC for investigation standings between students, facuUj'B - 'id nil auion. The result: and Refriger- administration a ators m 1 that funny m the dormitories, oi and the breached, progressive ideal aboriiw "pantsuits" project. on unchanging n in Thotchci The standards t.._, 5| latter, on the """ surface, does not achieved, and responsibility in "M Fri"day" seem to be a point a'ft ( for the SSC. but sectors of the college communilM " is. It showed that students were can become a reality. But thes<| Tough days canX Xr M "He rested in taking Tins not up an un things may only « a new problem- favored be achii proposal and working hard measure as effort is put forth biM even under the prospect of defeat individuals are found to steer si UP To Our Necks In Dirt Undaunted, the Committee held dent thinking together to and action i" produce one of the proper and ambitious channels. Royal Family of Guitarists To Give Concert This Week 's royal family of the gui- Celedonio Romero, one of Span's finest guitarists, mnmmww- brought his SMC's physical education c Saturday, Feb. 20, at 8:00 p.n s and

i records and television ap- pearances. They have appeared on the Today Show, the Tonight Show, the Ed Sullivan Show and" the Hol- lywood Bowl with the Cleveland Orchestra and the Honolulu Sym-

On their first national tour, the s Romeros played two New York re- citals, appeared at the Seattle World's Fair, and made three tele- i^J

Allen Hughs of the New York ##VV Times wrote: "Since their artistry is rooted in dignity, they are a Mrs. Joyce Gotham takes up hei deeply satisfying group of instru- New Dean Digs Camping * By Sharon Reynolds five-foot-seven Texan and Coledonio Romero, be Termed one of Spain's finest guitarists wi $200 for adults and $1.00 for fon student of SMC has joined a bachelor of science degree in of-

on the SMC campus children. the staff ; fice Feb. 20 with his sons Celin, Pepe and A. Students will be admiited administration. Asked how with ID cards. Season tickets will of Thatcher things go at home when Mom has Ralph be honored. Cotham fills the vacancy left earlier Cotham Franklin to Bring this year by Mrs. Doris Irish. 'The Mrs. Cotham is the sister of mcndously Carolyn docs most of Kenneth the 'Grecian Holiday' Soon Spears, dean of students, cooking, and the others join in and Don Spears, manager of the and take care of the chores."

Ralph J. Franklin, Col I eye dale Broom Factory. She The Cotham family lived in San j producer- cutter, "Captain Nemos," to the College Bowl has lived here Diego for 10 lecturer, will in Collegedale for a years. Their favorite present his film Saronic Islands. year and a half while working as pastime was to drive down to "Grecian Holiday" Feb. 27 at 8:00 Famous sights in Athens, such as Teams Vie secretary to Dr. Carl Miller, head Tiajuana, Mexicp, on weekends. p.m. in the physical education cen- Hill, the Monastary of Kasa- of the four-year nursing program. "Mexican children intrigue me," The Cotham family includes she said. Does she speak rane and the Acropolis are in- Professional club College Bowl four Spanish? teams are competing again (his daughters —Carolyn. 17, a senior "No. But it was fun anyway." Two new features in the field of week in the double elimination al Collegedalc Academy; Jeannic, production, designed The sound track was recorded in by Franklin, tournament. According to Ken 14; Nancy, 12, and six-year-old will stereo on location, making the she be demonstrated in this film. Matthews, chairman of the Student Laurie Ann. Since the family is -and ving : too large for the apartment usually her clothes, Supervision, a widescreen tech- Association Scholarship Commit- provided favorite time of Admission to tee. "No team is ahead of any other each dean, the Cothams the year. Thai's nique, showing more color, light the program will will wait until sometime after sum- when the family "hops in the sta- be SI.00 for adults i detail is used. '. FlO ,1)11 and S.50 for In the double elimination tour- mer begins to move in; then Caro- tion wagon" and drives off to visit camera children. Season tickets for SMC's effect is employed, giving nament there are three rounds of lyn, after graduating from CA, can relatives, friends and spend a few Adventure will .the audience an illusion of actually Series be honored. play-offs. Teams that lo;e twice move in as a dorm resident. nights camping. Why did Mrs. Mrs. Cotham will be working [being on the scene. an: automatically out of the run- Cotham choose to in become a girls' dean? "I love the dorm during regular hours ex- In the film, Franklin portrays young people, and have substituted cept on Tuesdays—her day off. here several times. brother IGreecc as it is today—not just My How does she feel about being a also seems to enjoy his work so girls' dean? ancient ruins, but a country of peo- Mrs. Cotham em- much and marked up. But. the five — I\ tary phatically answers, "I like it very ple and natural wonders. for so long." much. It's a tremendous challenge. Girls of college age really I While producing "Grecian Holi- need a lot of help when they're away from faay," Franklin became acquainted ; number of times home. I just hope that I can be of with the Grecian farmers, shep- a team loses is very important. the same help that I would want herds and fishermen in their work someone to be to Matthews stated that the final my daughter." play-off round will be held in be film. March sometime and that the learns playing in the final round will de- Upsilon Delta Phi Men £ I The lecturer will take the audi- pend on who wins and loses in this Ince on is- a ferryboat ride to the second play-off which is presently Choose Sweetheart Queen land of Cephalonia, on a train ride occurring. Ultimately, the point accumulated has no bearing. jo Kalavryta, and on a 50' auxiliary total The following is a schedule of

If Could Be Worse Sunday, February 14 Physics vs. Chemistry By Lynda Hughes cay; many lived in .i street of lent Monday, February 15 houses, hurriedly pitched, half Busim My dorm room heater quit run- Mai frame and half canvas, each lent ling last week just quit. No life. Tuesday, February 16 — housing four students. When it fto heat. The temperature outside Biology vs. Art rained, umbrellas were opened over [as all of 5° with a thin layer of Wednesday, February 17 the beds in order that the course of pow on the ground. vs. Elementary Ed. rain might be sent in another dircc- WSMC-FM It i Thursday, February 18 iconvenienced, but Even Thatcher Hall has changed Communications vs. ould'vc ." been worse . . . since then. "In the Thatcher man- Winner of Physics vs. Chemistry About 1917, SMC had no men's sion there were 12 rooms. The ormitory at all. "Most of the second floor was the women's dor- n which green wood was burned. ten lived in buildings that were mitory for the first year. The heat- Dne room had no stove, and the :ady to collapse system c isted of little s with age and de- l ;irls huddled around a large lamp a bit of warmth. That win- arried wood and >oms, built their i kerosene lamps.

jsly elected her "Sweethe, > President Reggie Tryon i

from the caves." .... Twenty-four hours later my heater was again blowing warm md melting Collegedale Cabinets, Inc.

Manufacturers of High Qu< men's residence— like ours, built of Laboratory Furniture for brick from top to bottom, heated Schools an and lighted—with roofs built of norma! ceiling materials, not of umbrellas. Collegedale, Tenn. Telephone 396-2131 (Quotes from SMC: A School of His Planning.) SOUTHERN ACCENT Former Prof To Come Here

| SPORTLIGHT Greene Out With Injuries; Team Suffers Setbacks A graduate of Newhold College ,md Andrews University. Dr. Hvde Bibli- is presently working with the cal Research Committee. He is a former teacher of SMC. For 12 years ('56-'68), he was head of the department of communica- tions, and he was head of the reli- '68-'69 gion department during the

ATS—cont'd, from p. I of Americans drink, there are 75 inii.ior hangover every weekend. Leslie Lewis, sophomore religion major from Takoma Park. Md.. said that in one year 28.1)00 people are killed by drinking drivers. Dunn said that this is the first year that dialogues and skits have been permitted, but that evidently

who could say that the speech

contest is still "accepted" by the student body at his school. "I don't know whether we should attribute this to the student body or to the Thatcher Hall Residents or.ilor>." he concluded wryly. Could Form 'Cast Club' A-League has finally become a Stepanske won. Hallmar

Ingersoll both have lost By Randy Russell ,' in a car and spooked team show. Greene has been re- players to A-League and ha had Thatcher Hall seems to be form- Both Sharon and Anita duced (o the status of a beatable to pick up new players nuking : road. Sharon broke i» : a Cast Club— apparently an up- wrist team. The winning formula? In- hard for (he team lo work to^cihc ,nd-comin<; i\,d at SMC. So far her right joint juries. With three seconds to go, Ertcl finally pul it all together in bas a cast up to her elbow. Greene had a 51-46 lead over Boii- iurprise victory over Sttpjn%k> accident happened on Sharon's| mer and nothing to worry about. parents' wedding anniversary, But suddenly Greene wen! down, abled Ertcl ii'j crutches. ami the season was far from over. Final score Mei bers" of 1 p re- that fall rests the hope of "B" LEAGUE STANDINGS On the 40. crew arc Bctti Finch. Lorctha b four other Atkins C-Lea^ue still has setting Daniel, Sharon Swillcy and Lore mor phvsieal therapx si: Greene's team then lost three in the pace. He had two easy wins. Bailey. ria. 111. She tore son

a row, and things look even worse 65-34 over Waldon, 56- 1 over and 5 Betti Finch, a freshman p in her right ankle whi with col, ipl.iin tiw/t Hurrmann ail- Beck. Dalton kept up by also gel- dental hygiene student, Onaw.

ing. They picked up Randy Elkins ting two victories, 63-56 over ' Mil- was th for strength underneath, but so far ler, and 46-36 over Nelson. Every- utches. have been unable to compensate one is waiting showdown for the wears a long cast earned when she for their captain's absence. Stanley landed wrong coming out of a front Rouse has taken over some of the Meanwhile, N e hand spring at tumbling class. She offense load, and Eddy Crokcr and WSMC, 51-37, a had surgery on her knee lo replace

Dennis Ward have added hustle CAMPUS , Waldon, 84-50. I KITCHEN lorn ligaments and expects to get and scoring, but still it hasn't been done good jobs, b HOURS enough. Popular opinion is that a chance due to at Loretha McDanicl, a two-year Sun.-Thurs. 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. they will be overtaken by another ulcs. Waldon wot senior olliee administration major, Fri. 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. 33. Orlando, was snow skiing the day Sal. 30 min. after wo ,,r v before semester sunset- 10:30 p.m. eof classes started and fell, breaking the tibia just above his three losses in GOOD FOOD her ankle. She wears a long leg game, 47-44. It was "A" LEAGUE STANDINGS Greene's team's best effort without "C" LEAGUE STANDINGS Greene, but Gene Tarr's hot hand Violet Camera from outside, and Fardulis' driving Shops, Inc. was too much to handle. We sec from Farduhs as possible clumps, should Jacksonville. She ar friend, Anita Daniels, were h Top Quality

. back riding double when some Albright also has a good chance - Development alter taking an earlier win over GIRLS' BASKETBALL I Fardulis, 70-58, and beating Greene easily, 74-57. Randy Cock- rell and Don Taylor have really been scoring, and team defense has improved. Ernie Fendcrson has sparked the offense several times to help give a balanced attack. Dcfoor has begun to move. Gene Conlcy has started to play up to COLLEGE MARKET par, and Joe Hardee and Roger for Bird have been scoring well. They Little Debbie won over Albright, 74-65, in a big victory, then went on to take SAVINGS Greene, 64-51. They have started to show good team play, and we can see them as a possible league ih Fruits, Vegetabl id Goods, and oth, Boiir er has played steadily, over Dcfoor, 73-67, and J Albright, 81-70. They, COLLEGE PLAZA

c a chance at winning it will have to give Nelson

strong defense and \ COLLEGEDALE CLEANERS

bounding and Eggenberger's __._ for side shooting has put Corbctt in a M.-j game lead with four games left Dry Cleaning, Wash, to play. Stepanske's team stole a Supplies win from Ingersoll when they scored three times in the last 30 Industrial Road — 396-2199 Berkshire Group Says Return Trip Different By Mike Doherty over each bus muchi-:. oi.isu-.j and ing. The Ordinance of Humility Yet there were 361 students from the GC, Everyone is asking, "How was studying God's word. At truck was he'd in the small hallways of AU, AUC, KC, "How did the CUC, KCMA, and an i it," weekend go?" stops along the way there were the old hotel. We celebrated the SMC and UC, and 54 adults were White Es And what do you say? Wonderful 1 prayer bands in the parkin" lots, Lord's supper in the back in the there, including some 13 men from Fantaslic! Unbelievable! Bui then especially at the one in Virginia you stop and say, could these where one of the buses broke Elder Robert Pierson of the GC words, or any others for that mat- down. And our prayer in that ease IkUI t ! Sabbath. The omc near describing only was answered, the bus was fixed in other programs consisted of te of what happened at a couple of hours less time than inars, small group discussions, sin Camp Berkshire and the Intercol- ins and fellowship. An air of spiri :giate Fellowship Retreat? On the way back, we made a ual informality made our commi The only thing I can say is that, special trip through New York ion with Christ seem even m }od was there. City. While driving through the real, you forgot that you w Long bus rides on such trips are Lower West Side a street fight black or while, or that you wer iever a joy, and the trip up was broke out right in front of the lead student of CUC, AU, or SMC ,o exception. People trying to bus—some first-hand evidence of whatever. We were all children tudy, some talking about how how badly the. world needs the God. rowded it was, complaining about Savior had we grown so close to. All weekend long we prayed lur fumes and the jolting ride, Rook You're no doubt asking, but the spirit of God to be with us ami games here and there to combat the what happened at Camp Berkshire? those of you who weren't able to be boredom. Frid.iv night ;if(er registration and there. The last fellowship Sunday But the trip back, Wow! Even supper, there was a Communion it was so though much lonccr Service. The meeting was held in

' ' i, N.Y., to Collcgedale— the solarium of the hotel. Every- The real miracle of Camp Be 28 hrs,). When we weren't sleep- one was seated on the floor talking shire was in the planning. It \ ing, there were small groups all with one another. singing and pra\- planned only for a month previo

SOUTHERN MISSIONARY COLLEGE Board Report: O Commencement Is to Be SOUTHERN ACCENT Even Earlier Next Year Commencement c\crcises will he fessor of education and psychology. one week earlier next year than COLLEGEDALE, — Summer graduate study leaves they are planned for this year, ac- for Mrs. Thelma Cushmnn, head cording to plans made in the last of the home economics department; Board of Trustees meeting, mov- ing graduation up to , 1972. home economics: William Garber, First semester will again end before Ex-Pro Coming for Rees Series Christmas. Ne'son Thomas, acting head of the physical education department. SMC is in for a double-header that he — w.-L'kciid. Behind the action planned prcdicte Promotion of R. C. Mills, associate general miracle story of a potential formerly manager. B Of I to college Meanwhile, his wile became ac- manager. (Charles Flem-

; gcnci quainted "iili [lie P.uili for Today passed are as follows: ager television broadcast and visited an — An increase in student fees Adventist pastor. She soon decided from the current S1475 per school kiskeikill star John Rudometkin to to join the Adventist church. She year to $1560 for the 1971-72 help with a big sports weekend, was dually overjoyed when her hus- school year. instructor in home economics, Mrs. ing himself and the Rees band began to recuperate and also — Summer service leaves for Dr. Series. decided to become an Adventist. Robert Morrison, head of the mod- ning Thursd The game warm-up Saturday languages department; Dr. — Clair Barnhart hired as pro- physical education ct night will begin at 7:30 p.i duction manager for the Collcge- big games of the Rees will include by the dale Bindery. ries —dorm-village competition. Georgia-Cumberland Academy pep of business administra- — Leaves for John Durichck, Friday night at 7:30 p.m. Rudo- band, a smaller representation of tion; Dr. Mitchell Thiel, associate assistant professor of industrial edu- ;tkin usual concert band. They will professor of chemistry; Robert Gar- will "most likely" tell his Former President Canard Rees jfe story, says Don Pate, men's perform during time-outs, says urd.n nights' games, ,i live-niiiiuk lull president. And it is a very Linderman. assistant professor of playoff will follow to decide who ecial life story — especially be- library science; Dr. H. H. Kuhl- gets the trophy. This trophy, also use to him it means life itself. man, head of the biology depart- displayed i Rudometkin, an Adventist from ment; and Dr. LaVeta Payne, pro- Kocrber esno, Calif., is a former All- tumblers Terry Lacey, May nerican basketball player of the and Shelly Jennings. added to each year at the niversity of Southern California, The Rees series is an innova- Concert Band Offers You time of the annual Rees Series. three years he playctf profes- tion this year, named after former weekend is jointly sponsored ~ isident Conard Rees. The by Upsilon Delta Chi, Sigma Theta Soft-Seat Entertainment k' a high school basket- Student Association Recrea- says Pate, and has al- Chi, tion Committee and the Missionary niiercstL'd in kids and r Society. will he presented with signify the Calendar chai Han. I Dm better than in the physical educa- tion building where the band per- 7:30 p.m. Vespers, church. Dr. Gordon Hyde, chairman formances arc usually given. the GC Biblical Research Committee The academy building seats 560. Saturday, March 6 8:00 p.m. SMC Concert Band program, academy building Originally. SMC's Tuesday, March 9 End of Mid-Term (after your last class) , but thai March 16 Tuesday, i canceled, ac- 10:30 p.m. Spring Vacation ends = Coach Nelson Wednesday, March 17 4:00 p.m. Press conference, Conference Room A Thursday, March 18 11:00 a.m. Assembly, professional club meetings 5:30 p.m. First game of Rees Series, physical education ccnti Friday, March 19 ex-professional baske 7:30 p.m. Vespers, John Rudometkin, ondly, the studei ball player Saturday, March 20 7:30 p.m. Second game of Rees Series, physical educatio

Monday, March 22 12:00 noon Platforms for SA elections due Tuesday, March 23 ' 11:00 a.m. Assembly, church, Dr. Richard Hammill. Andrew University Thursday, March 25 Association 11:00 a.m. Assembly, auditorium. Student Ex-Pro John Rudoi —

MARCH 4, 1971 Editorials n

Hostess Without the Mostess

the mostess. That's SMC is going to be the hostess WITHOUT right. We're going to make a bad showing. We the time we host the Inter- unless we get with it between nc nd collegiate College Bowl in April. members don't even I say "Boo!" when our competitive team clubs. Boo! show up lor their team's matching session with other most of the when they haven't even been informed. Boo! when questions were written by the SA sponsoring chairman and his questions to- right-hand man, heavily weighting the final lot of students are ward the fields with which those two particular familiar.

But maybe the rest of the students think that's okay—they continue r< weren't at the meets to comment, or care. But then, to the vicious circle, you probably weren't aware that the meets were taking place—or trying to take place. second If you went to one meet, you probably couldn't take a time around. Those who did attend—boyfriends and girlfriends of those on the panel—saw the whole thing operated like < race, recruiting anyone in the right r field who walked ii

j we cannot even conduct a responsible College Bowl for our campus, how can we play host? Gathering questions seems a problem (since they are reusing the questions they have). Do these questions ne< rily ha 1 by department chairmen? Why couldn't they I

fields? Certainly, by this time seniors know so i of the ideas in their chosen field of study. Likely, they would have more time and interest than detached department chairmen whose im- mediate goals do not encompass "Questions for College Bowl." There are many great problems take the free-will offering of your- are not We complain that some of the other colleges replying that face this generation-— (he self and give it to others for you. to our repeated letters about the up-coming College Bowl. We bomb, "ecocide," racial tension. But This final phase links up all the complain about our guests not making the proper arrangements the greatest problem that each previous phases. Through the power to attend our dinner party, when we haven't even learned to serve member of this generation faces is of Christ, true knowledge can be the acquisition of autonomy. If this found; through the power of Christ, to our own family yet. can be obtained, many of the major true contentment and direction can We urge the committee ills that exist may be cleared up. be found; and through the power legally—a balanced Aristotle said "know yourself," of Christ alone can true service be led interest. SvneCLi said "control yourself," and Christ said "give yourself." These (Cont'd, on .3; are the three steps to be taken in becoming autonomous. He "Got Real" • The purpose of higher education Head Librarian Supports To the masses of students demanding "Get real! Get real!" of is to become personally acquainted with yourself. ask then, the abundant pulpit-pounders, last week's religious emphasis You why do I study survey of civilization meetings must have been sent directly from above. Longer Library Hours the story of kingdoms that are By Randy The West Coast preacher's heavon-sent messages stepped separated from me by hundreds of Russell unnecessary material in the hand-l

through the curtain of abstraction and stood on the stage of years.' Why do 1 stud\ science, The SA Senate constructed a book—cutting down the size of the| math and religion? written resolution reality. With only an expression or gesture, this speaker led the What has this supporting the handbook, if printed a; to do with knowing myself? The recommendation of a revised mended, from 22 audience to see the "intangibleness" of word traps such as finding Stu- pages to approxi-l answer: everything. Only by know- dent Handbook (SMC and mately 8 pages. God by "beholding the Lamb," falling on the Rock," "reaching out YOU) ing the slory of the travail of man, presented to them by the Student Rewording of many of the regu and taking God's hand." These are pet phrases used constantly the common points of all of man's Services Committee. lations and guidelines contained io| by Seventh-day Adventists, but to searching college students, they systems, the way man has con- The Senate resolution read, "We the present handbook. are as vague as getting to the president's house by "taking the ducted himself throughout his his- resolve that we as a Senate body As far as rules go, the first t wheel in your hands." You have to know where the car and the tory, can you know the forces that encourage the type of new ideas change was that no approval ofl silently work on you as a tiny mem- deans id, al- would be needed for campuil ber of a large and complex society. leaves, such as going into town. The speaker's slow, deliberate speech in an unrhetorical style, f an Only by the study of science do you that Second, in the dating rules. ; his graphic illustrations and surprise sense of humor served to stands changes in the present format are now, anyone who is a fr emphasize his sincere advocation of a personal, private devo- that needed. Therefore, we present these man, sophomore or under 20 n tional life, which he named as THE key to a successful Christian ammended except by the will of ideas only to stimulate faculty and double date or have a chaperonH God. Only through the study of administration consideration to the SSC (Student Services Committee)^ math can you see the basics of lo^ie revision changed si He said of our present handbook." the rule to "Freshman

dents under the age of 20 are i "show us the Major revisions made by the pected to file written consent frc ONLY way ANYONE will find Christ is by reading the Bible and Only by studying "religio Student Services Committee in- parent or said. cluded a guardian for single dating! praying, he If we are searching for Christ, we will read the you sec the zenith md . new prologue to the hand- book The third change recommended^ parts of the Bible ABOUT CHRIST and His We. If are searching of man— that third and a new philosophy stated we dime nsk by at SSC was the resii for Christ and vow to read "the good books," we will read the larger struggle that uses ma the beginning of the book. Two closed at 11 of the first big p.m., Sunday through ones ABOUT CHRIST and his life. suggestions were: Thursday, and 12 midnight oil It is through this study that you i of what the Student that We hope this practical instruction in Christianity doesn't come to know your place, your Committee felt would be cause an emotional uprising now, but more that it begins to be abilities, and your respon-ilnlniev really noticed as the weeks progress, indicating true Christian if you have not become cognizant growth. LVH of this, someone has been dodging

The advice of that Roman phi- losopher, Seneca, to "control your- self," is directly related to the first step. After you have come to know

Anyway, i SOUTHERN ACCENT yourself, after you have come to it was you I caught, — - of the museum I'll kindly discover your identity, a content- thank you to stay out grabbed my hand and shook ment should settle it my business." in. It is not vigorously. a contentment through apathy — I was slightly rebuffed, but! rather, "We have a new going a contentment that is de- shipment of to give up artifacls rived by a clear understanding of 1 m sure ih..i you will hforr be interested in," he said, leadinc me down the Within these bounds that you htive hall. ;aughl

discovered, Soon beautiful > you will be able to he led me into a huge room chair, but it work with "lied wiih great zeal toward a goal long display tables cov- that you have received ered with priceless through treasures. I ran your knowledge of yourself. You table and picked will live, day by day, not allowing Ming i anything to interfere with your "No, ' pur- shouted the curator, pose, especially immaturity. For "You c touch any of the these acquisition of maturity comes condone c through security "But and experience "But, those the old and r people over there. that is derived the I in the period of I hey same thing. What makes re picking up objects. knowing yourself. Why difference?" The third and final step is giving "We condone the old." "Because they are on yourself. This you cannot the other "How can do. A side of the you do that?" room, and I don't greater power than want yourself must to walk over there to stop them. —

ISSC Chairman Nelson Says SOUTHERN ACCENT Committee Is on the Ball Ludington Answers His Phone is filtering around campus about the effectiveness Mi And Is on Way to Thailand of the new SA Student Service Committee, whetIter it should be By Arlenc Potter continued next year, and as to "Long distance calling Darryl who actually is the committee. Ludington from Singapore." So be- Accent reporter Randy Russell gan Darryl's year out—out of the held the following interview Draft and "out" of school. with Dwight Nelson, chairman This very surprised SMC student of the committee. heard the above quote via satellite ACCENT: Some studcnls on from the Southeast Asian Union, campus don't know what ihc Stu- asking if he could come immedi- dent Service Committee is. As chair- ately to Thailand as a self-support- man of the committee, could you ing student missionary for one year. tell us what the committee is? After Darryl agreed to go, ar- NELSON: We're a brand new rangements were made with the committee set up this year, by General Conference, who in turn the Student Association under last lade the call official for the college year's new constitution, primarily sponsor Darryl, for the purpose of meeting the serv- Having a conference ask for ices and activities which fall outside student missionary by nam the realm of the Social Committee, ite different from the usual stu- ACCENT: nt - missionary - choosing Recreation Committee and the Pro- Exactly how do you Mmdi Miller and Stu Bainum, our procc- That's find out what the Generally, the area in year deferment from his draft grams Committee. what our students want? advisor. I'd say a lot of the credit need .lies the which requests the board the first deferment like this main thing is. We're here as a NELSON: By polls and student should be given to Mike Doherty GC — select a qualified appli- they had issued. lobbying committee for the stu- opinions expressed orally. If you Darryl's sister. Donna Ludington, dents — between the students and remember, we conducted a couple In this case, however, a student missionary the administratton- of polls before second semester someone from Union needed immediately to serve in College, is also in Thailand teach- the Student Assoc i; began. Also, I have a lot of students a double capacity — to revive a ing at the language school. speak to me on things they'd like of student affai failing Seventh-day It sounds done the student handbook. Adventist radio like a family hobby. HEAD LIBRARIAN—from 2 but, irking p. station in (rewiring equip- through the Senate, the students Doherty, one of the more active Longer hours during the ment and writing new programs) BERKSHIRE—from I to speak to their se and the members of ihc committee, said p. would facili to and leach English in the Phuket I have given you senators bring the issues to the nc, P is needed — especially from just a small in- hours, This was discussed language school (replacing another sight of the events at Student Service Committee in Sen- Camp Berk- Charles Davis, head librarian. He student missionary who left early). shire. The real story of what hap- said he is in full support of SSC's Darryl was a qualified ACCENT: How many members choice. He pened will be evidenced in the lives recommendations and will leave the already knows the language and of those of us who were there. library open, if passed by the people, having lived in Thailand for We who went would like to administration. 10 years while his parents were thank the administration of this Fourth, SSC requested that all missionaries there. From working school for the help in planning and off-campus, non- scheduled, non- making our trip possible. And we ; told that Mike. religious activities on Friday eve- would especially like to thank you ning or Sabbath morning before for not putting restrictions on those who wanted to go, such as NELSON: No, they are working GPA writing for the "Faith for Today" and other factors. in the Student Service Committee. television residence hall dean. broadcast. There is one request that we who On the matter of weekend lea' The man placing the original ca)l went would like to make of our Miller, Dave Price and Ken Bona- SSC requested that the adminis' heard about Darryl's qualilic;!N"ii. fellow students here at SMC and parte. Our faculty advisor is Stu lion not drop its limit of one we father, Dr. Louis Luding- anyone else who may read this end or overnight leave per moi vmg paper. All who were at Camp ACCENT: We heard that some in ily young women un Bangkok at ihc Berkshire arc praying at 6:00 each of your 21 need file \ evening for God I signed. their parents c guardians for worked hard," says Nelson. Darryl, 21, isr an NELSON: Only one. night leaves. really wanted to be on i nyway. girls. He enumerated the following Glendale, Calif. Student Services Committee re- He r And we plead for you to join i ACCENT: According to the Stu- activities js those sponsored by the quested changes in two motor ve- dent Association vice president, Student Service Committee. hicle policies. 'That committee has really been a — Book Exchange fir^f semester. Insight to Bring Out Any resident hall freshman under flop this year." What do you have — Loading Zone (driver meet 20 who maintains a minimum GPA to say about that? rider set-up in Lynn Wood Hall of 3.0 throughout the first semester, Special 32 -Page Edition NELSON: Well, he's never men- Wipe off the dust and fill out a will be permitted to have a motor '" lything '"""' l "' u vehicle at the college during (he ',''["'"', ,"- " In May "Insight" will publish a will be included in the oi

I Several polls. , , is L . . mink there p enty of — second semester,, with the stipula- 32-page issue designed especially sue, the isst improvement — Christmas party. expansio and for youth outreach programs, ac- tion that he maintain his 3.0 GPA with the Student Service Com- — Pantsuits and refrigerator Nhroughout the second cording !o editor Don Yost. mittee, but I feel the committee campaigns. (As opposed to the previous rule It will include some of "Insight's" has done a good job. — Pizza one Saturday night. of no freshman cars.) best articles of the past year. One ACCENT: What have you your-' — Sno-cones after chapel. I Any other student — whether copy will be sent to each subscriber. Copies of the outreach issue may self done in the committee? — Student handbook revision. be ordered now at the rate lophomore, junior or senior—who "Insight editors have of $.09 NELSON: I started the com- Watch for faculty c planned lias a GPA of less than 2.0 is not each plus S.25 postage for each 50 mittee through the efficient help of , (lie i this issue to be useful copies (or fraction permitted to have a motor vehicle throughout the slimmer, especially of 50). Request your copies from your Book I the college. for students working on ACT and Mrs. Roberts Joins Flo. Staff; Bible House. I The Student Services Committee teams, operating coffeehouses, con- Jcquested that the administration Gunther Stays As Teacher ducting inner-city evangelism, and Jacks in the Miss meeting people on a one-to-one Bafeteria. library, gym, or anywhe Joining the B.S. morial Hospital in Chattanooga Continuing on as nursing faculty on The content of this special issue l- i Miss the Orlando Campus pharmacology is has been chosen to introduce young served for six years of SMC is Mrs. ther. She people to Christ and to the Adven- The last was the administrator of Shrii I major suggestion Umlauf Rob- tist Church, Pat Horning, associate hat at Crippled Children in St. young men may call That- s (SMC '67). She pital for editor, explained. Articles will deal 1961-67. She organ- pcr Hall during all dormitory a part-time clini- Louis from with topics of particular interest to for awhile the lours. As it stands now, a young * cal assistant and re- ized and directed American youth. Departments such practical nursing at Flor- pan can't go into Thatcher Hall or s. Mabel Schutt. Mrs. school of there after 6;30 p.m. worked at Me- ida Hospital. m : previously I be Basically anything else in the

J -tvised handbook recommended by Bic Student Services Committee is Campus Beat that appears in the present hand- book, but in an abbreviated form. has a new schedule with longer hours y department TRY OUR H If any student wishes to see the new schedule is: Monday, Wednesday, for driver's license t sts. The evised handbook, all senators and 8- Tuesday, Thursday— 1-9 p.m. Friday, Saturday— I p.m. VEAL CUTLET BURGERS ifudent Services Committee mem- are gone to the publisher, says Editor The final pages ( f the yearbook fers have copies. ROBINSON'S CORNER RESTAURANT

I CEREBRATIONS—fr< people attended the Intercom last Monday In Approximately 10-15 attempting to at new Student Union subjects discussed were plans for the ree goals, you must ev; bt. Amom- and seek t improve voted regular meeting, Ihe Student Association Senate You In Its seventh & i it be enmeshed Recreation Committee MeDebhie the current budget of the SA mosphere that enhances the ac- S250 lo be added to permanent trophies. lisition for the purchase of some of knowledge and the a college jour- students were recognized as runners-up in jderstanding that is so important Two SMC competition sponsored by ihe Middle lBEBBEBi3B Hhe nalism students' slate-wide essay road toward autonomy. What of America. Lynda Chapter of the Public Relations Society rennesse. mrm-r oninuiniiMiions major and Gene Louden, ., sentoi . (Student comments on this article Huehes is a The subject.of. he essays was ^eRoteofPubta r "mmunica.ions major. -"iy subject can be made ti Society." SMC's students were two of four Relations in a Complex winner frora Memphis, received The first-place \&e in the Cerebrations box o runners-up who University received an award of S500. lb side of the college cafet Slate 8

SMC Students Hamilton Explains Plan to Canvass Thirty-five SMC students have College Ed Abroad SPORTLIGHT now made definite plans to canvass executive di- Q: How [his coming summer, according to John T. Hamilton, Adventist Colleges Fritz Newman, president of the rector of the A: Room, board, program, was on our cam- insurance, and transportation Signals (literature evangelist club). Abroad fronL pus recently. Following are his re- New York for a year at the school| presented a panel dis- The club frequently asked sponses to some in France or Germany totals S 1 at a recent assembly pro- cussion questions about Ihe program. For the schools in Spain and A Bill Boyle, gram. On the panel were is SI 695. Q: What is the ACA program tria the price If the i. SA vice president; Doug Foley, dent wishes to include a 15-daJ Signals officers MV president; and A: The Adventist church spon- tour of Europe, which is held bef Newman, Lonny Liebelt and Lynn sors six colleges in foreign countries fore the start of the school cost that are affiliated with ACA. Semi- there is an additional of S20t)| nar Schloss in Bogenhofen, Austria; The cost of a year at River P Eighteen teams of six students Seminaria Adventista Espanol in College in Argentina is $1795, each will participate in a Coordi- Valencia. Spain; River Plate College eluding plane fare from 'Mk.„„ nated Evangelism Plan organized by in Argentina; Seminaire Adventistc, Florida. These prices are less than will in Signals. Four teams work at Colkmtiev 1- ranee: Seminar Marien- the cost of a year an Advcntis| Oin.U-.l-.n-.i (.VnlVr- i he <.K-.'fL-u hoehe." Darmstadt, Germany; and school in the U. S. four in Carolina, four in ence, Middle East College, Beirut, Leb- (Reprinted from Clock Tot Florida, three in Kentucky-Tennes- anon, which was recently closed see and three in the Alabama Miv due to the tensions in the Middle sissippi conference. Violet Camera Q: What are the benefits of going The teams* activities will consist Shops, Inc. to school in a foreign country? of group colporteuring, or religious

. A: Spending a year in another bookselling. The students will get society develops an nnderMaiuling acquainted with the community. of the people of that country that followed up and contacts will be cannot be gotten in any other way.

by a scries of meetings where the Then there is the obvious advantage ind Kenny Defoor watch Randy students may speak, lead music. of learning a foreign language fluently. Elder Pierson. GC presi- dent, recently stated that the SDA Housing is being arranged by the church's need for trained linguists conferences free to the students Greene Races Albright great who participate. A total number of For A-League Lead Spot 65 students have shown interest in the project. .,.s hi eh scorer with 23 points. Collegedale Cabinets, Inc. Defoor won, 65-60. CAMPUS KITCHEN for first place in A-League. Rouse hit 12 out of 16 from the charity Manufacturers of High Quality line and had a total of 26 points. ; ardulis 55, Defoor, 56; Fardulis Teammate Elkins was right behind Laboratory Furniture for Schools and Hospitals with 23 points. Final score — sunset-10:30 p.m. Greene 82, Taylor 46. Corbefl has clinched first place

First place is still possible for n it-League as the season nears its GOOD FOOD Collegedale, Term. Telephone 396-2131 any of the five teams. Greene, of end. Corbet t's team has been play- course, has the best chance, needing ns strong and hasn t lost a game

nlv i . lake i ince Christmas vacation.

i h.'v been l Mepjnskc's team dropped out Let after losing their five games. last Us -Ijrrcl s team bid for a first place ie was destroyed by a loss to Cor- Help nell. Second place is still a toss-up >etween Harrel and Stepanske with Erlel having an outside chance at it. Your 'A" LEAGUE STANDINGS GIRLS' BASKETBALL Cleaning


Jtav-lU I 3 .§00 3 CLEANERS

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f° r f^v savings fri^r ly * c^ m^ «m^ on ^Vj Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, ^^ Canned Goods, and other Groceries "B" LEAGUE STANDINGS COLLEGE PLAZA

EUROPE S245 Round Trip— Large selection of dote, Mr. Phelps is Stud, Too,, oed L..,..,e C.u„e, now the new service control operator at Bill Battle, formerly sale; AUSTIN CHRYSLER manager for the Dodge dealeJ PLYMOUTH at 1900 Broad, in Chattanooga for 19 years! Join Notional Union of Student, Inc. now for full bennfifs Write or Chattanooga, is now sales manager fo call for full information and brochure. Mr. Phelps was formerly AUSTIN CHRYSLEf wiih the Dodge dealer in PLYMOUTH, 1900 Broad| Campus repremntative required. Chattanooga for 2 Chattanooga. Applicant, for this financially re- years and prior to ward,,,, po.rt.on .hoold that he was associ- Bill has oil marl envelope Programme Co-ordinalor." been a resident ated with the service Write to: of Chrys- Collegedale for 19 years. H| ler products around Washing- and his family are member ton, D.C., for 25 "C" LEAGUE STANDINGS years. of the Collegedale S D I °" S ""'" '"" Mr. Phelps and his family Church. S°r°,',^'5 w T^Z'J" Bill has always given members of the Collegedale cial price consideration SDA Church. residents of this ar„ - Mr. Phelps would like you Chrysler products. He will to give him an opportunity of continue to do so and invi servicing your car^s needs. you to call him at 266-1234 He is experienced and well 238-9236 concerning the p> qualified to serve you. Call chase or information a 266-1234. on Chrysler product. McKEE LIB Southern Missionary College 37315 Collegedale, Tennessee

SA ELECTION SPECIAL - Pages 3 & 4 Contestants Chosen To Be on SMC's Team Four

natc for SMC's College Bowl team

were selected this week: Mike Lilly, Delynne Durham, Ron Nelson, lege will moderate the Advci Brooks Horsley, and ,illeni;i!e Paul Iniercollegiate College Bowl Tou May, nament. said Elton Kerr, presider of SMC's Student Association. Six colleges from the Advcnlist

Inici. i'lk'Lii:i(e Associations' East- Questions have been obtained

from all the colleges participating in Ihe -3 for the Advcnlist Inler- tournament, and each ques- tion is being reviewed te College Bowl Tourna- by the Ques- tion Clearing Committee headed In ihe SMC College Bowl sponsor, K. The six colleges in the Eastern A. Davis, who also heads the Division lhat will be participating counseling and testing department the tournament in ' are Andrews for SMC. University, Columbia Union Col-

The tournament will I lege, Atlantic Union College, Un- and Liukk'lijiu- set down ion College, Oakwood College ami Southern Missionary College. The College Bowl will r The five teams from colleges other than SMC will arrive on Gymnics to Show Sound, Color, Motion L.impus Wcdncsd.n evenini:, March osen from the 175 to 200 appli- 31, and will play the first game Gymnics, will presented i physical cduca : SMC on Saturday, March 27, at 8 p.m. SOUTHERN MISSIONARY COLLEGE abroad. During the summer of The international theme of the 1969, ihcy toured Europe and per- affair is experienced through (he formed at the Seventh-d.iv Advent- i Hai , Fram ist World Youth Congress in Zu- the Middle East, Latin America, and the continental United States as a background for routines done studenls for their parlicipa- SOUTHERN ACCENT on bars, boards, balancing block-, i the Gymnics, even though and other apparatus. s a lot of practicing during

The team is composed of forty 'eral hours of practic 1 young people ranging from eight I VOLUME XXVI COLLEGEDALE, years old to college age. Also traveling with (he group are the head coach, Bob Kalua, two assist- Village Team Takes Talge Hall; ant coaches, three light technicians, a music director, an assistant music

to Rees : a sound technician, Award valua started the present te Commemoratory n discussing the philosophy of nnics when he joined th program, Kalua says, "Our By Richard Bacon For three years he had placed about telling his ivs University physical c ing temples nil ess tonal basketball with the story to young :ople, hoping that the The village basketball team upset lew York .Knicks and the San it will help ther as it helped him. t of each school year, he : hopes of Talge Hall's team in r.mciseo Warriors. His profes- Conard Rees, a resident c ling pro : 10-miniitc overtime game of the legedale and former presid those who desire . torn i-ing when the body it annual Rees Series at Southern glory, then unexpectedly began to SMC, after whom Missionary CoIIcl'c* last weekend. fade. He visited a doctor who gave named, was presented with a plaque "" village team won the first him the startling news that he had Saturday night in a post-game cere- game by a score of 72-67. Talge contracted one of the most virulent mony commemorating his work and Self New Program Manager; came back and took the sec- game 81-76. The 10-minutc Office Closed to Students , imc game broke the tic in basketball coach. favor of the village 27-19. l the appointment of a "ohn Rudometkin, former AU- bringing erican basketball star who, while ion of studen ending USC, broke 20 of the 28 Calendar : college radi. isting basketball records of that church. She was i vcrsity, was present for -the her husband begai ics. The 6' 7" former star related and also decided life story to the students of Adventist. m manager be- :C last Friday night. Rudometkin, nov s Group from Andrews University, physical > student man-

Tuesday, March 30

: Millsaps, sponsored by the

i Scholarship Comm

t professor of theology ; \|,UI, lary, Talge Hall chapel

Saturday, April ; Religion Retreat meeting, Talge Hall Religion Retreat meeting, Talge Hall Religion Retreat meeting, Talge Hall -%r^ Elder Harold Metcalf. ministerial secretary of (he Southern Union Conference, dedicatory service for ministerial students and wives, Talge Hall chapel College Bowl run-off/ 8:00 p.m. Orchestra program, physical education center Sunday, April 4

president, accepts plaqui ', Conference Room A , former SMC >n Pate, while Ron Hagen looks on. !

Faculty Members Comment On Editorials Student Services Committee

Bill Garber, Interested Candidates Following is a sequel feature I like Mexican food. - Student municalions: for more power lo the article on the SA SMC's Now Generation mixes the demands don't know too much Services Committee which ap- However, I that "nothing is going and influence with apathetic comments about the services the SSC has been Hanson, professor peared 111 the last (March 4) on around here." performing. In short, they haven't mathematics, handbook com- issue of the Southern Accent. of just wait until we see affected life much, but then, that are If we think nothing is going on now, my mittee: I feel they con- tendency not a student. handbook the results of our growing apathy. America's reputed I'm cerned about the and filing concern is warranted, al- not to want to get involved is reflected at SMC in skimpy Dr. W. M. Schneider, college that their lof t of Stu- though they reacted as I would for 5A offices. president: The structuring a >i.iJan h.mJK.ok SMC and You. react. Their Association was not ill- expect students lo re- potential candidates have the attitude that "somebody dent SSC Some committee drew up a proposed vantage point The conceived. For tolal effectiveness, port, lacking the of the job better." The actual truth is, however, that else could do revision and presented it to the was a little idealistic to most however, the members of such a experience, the person who could do the job best is the person who is Affairs Committee. Now, in Student committee must consider a broader work. They did a good thing, how- interested not what he's done in the past, but with what en- midst of the Student Affairs — the base of operation. A committee ever, by pressing the handbook is- the future, whether he wants the job for what Committee's work on their final faculty thusiasm he laces should not be judged by its first sue to a head, as we mem- get (glory). version, short opinion statements he can contribute (work) or what he can "round of experience. bers get a little bit set in our 'ways. were requested from active, exciting campus is about the SSC They did about as much as students The direct way to a more more Taylor, director of various faculty members and ad- William H. are channels of activity that still lie un- could do. to get involved. There college relations: I think that the Genevieve McCormick, as- touched. SSC is an excellent idea and has ex- Mrs. in that it should sociate professor of speech: I have Time is a problem often named that inhibits participation cellent potential, but positive met with them twice and, from my Student Government and club activities. Studies are very im- and limited observation, I think they recognize the tremendous practical h| portant, but we must also intended to serve and think it was are doing a real service to the student training in leadership and organization available positive and serv- Dr. Frank Knittel, academic the students in a campus. From what I act his age, or maybe committee: The who will get out of his rocking chair and iceable way, but the only things dean, handbook them, I think the SSC is a be a most effective organi- get out of his study carrel for a little break. 1 known of them doing SSC can even that have the riulit direction.' zation for cooperative planning by should investigate our own values and, next week when in several months have been more We Stewart Bainum, matter-; than service- SMC faculty and students. We must the chance comes to determine next year's student leadership, on "political'' that not all projec- business administration, SSC spon- I would hope that if it is all remember are going to show us where the able ones. support the candidates who think that the fellows and going to be a student service com- tions of either faculty or students sor: I girls the committee are sincere, mittee, they could find can necessarily be implemented, of their approach to im- students than even when coming from a student- but I differ in programs. I think "poll-taking." faculty This does plementing their they could be more persuasive in Worship vs. Entertainment their approach. Sabbath School programs on the SMC campus have taken several experimental forms this year. Almost all of them have varied from the usual speaker-on-platform-to-audience-on-floor Letters approach. Sometimes the audience is wrapped around the speaker's station in a 360° circle, sometimes in only an arc, and occasionally just in the usual row-upon-row fashion. Polls however, is Changing the pattern of the audience seating, tAM^i'dWt not the only experiment tried this year. We have seen the solem- Vote, "for +At nity of the recent dramatic presentation of the story of a song; of your cfoilt - titf wfe last Sabbath we got a taste of joviality, junior-camp style. Variation from the usual staid forms is good, but when does a presentation cease to be a worship service, a tribute to God, and begin to become an entertainment session? Last Sabbath's program was definitely on the entertainment side and if a simile can be forced—if the program had been a movie, it would defi- nitely not have been labeled "adult."

With the talent available on campus, it seems possible to present a more upgraded program with a deeper message like that of the former Sabbath School program, a program whose message would not be detracted from but would be enhanced

the in which it conveyed, by mode was # Probably the key to improvement is more planning ahead. Certainly a more collegiate worship program could be planned. LVH

i-> i'l: im?.eil ur sir u\y influenced the irruimn'iis with which they are identified. However, they are dead This slalement would suggest and only their recorded thoughts

is and actions remain; they that —Ford Motor Company i hu shadow of Henry Ford; the Su- exercise control over tl

preme Court is [he shadow of John body they lend their

Mui-shall; medicine is the shadow reputations to. of Hippocrates; theatre is the Unhke these, we have the i shadow of William Shakespeare;

tution is the shadow of the living

1 Christ. The difference lies in the shadow's source. Whereas these men are gone, He remains; where- (sung to the tune of "Camelot")

This Some t i books be were ordered many months ago here of Christianity, but And still, months later, they are than being sought any other institution. For And even though we even as the distance know they'll never get here, • SOUTHERN ACCENT between .i licht Still, thanks lot. source and object distorts the a shadow image, so too. the institu- We know you really wanted i obtain tion becomes distorted as it sepa- them; Our grades don't really rates itself from the Source. The meai in awful lot. only way It's just we'd like to overcome that distor- to pass sor of our courses. tion is to once again conic close to So, thanks a lot. the Source. Thanks a lot, Thanks a lot. We know it sounds a bit unreal Oh, but, thanks a lot, Thanks a lot left is the individual Although m title We got the better goes with it. the so-called 'In deal. tie man" does alfect the total pie So, next time ture of when we wan :U institution or inslitu take son And we need the tions lo which he belong, and u textbooks the dot that We degree exercises control 11 run away from here 1 l; ii:iy. Adveniism, And get and evct them quick, oh, dear SMC itself .-, hkc this. How far i. And you'll be stuck with it trom the Source? cything and then your books will rot. Meager List of Candidates SOUTHERN ACCENT Rimer Promises One of SA's Biggest Failures Students By BUI Cash Five The two candidates Main Objectives (Ed. Note: This article, written for the pub- Election Candidate: lications, Randy Elkins and Sandi In filing for the office of Pre by last year's Accent editor, Lechlcr, seem to be dent of the Student Association went to press last Monday noon qualified by their past experience, have five main objections (sic before the Senate hid nominate,! and promise which I to do reasonable jobs in editing the would work to the exten candidates to fill the rest the of of abilities to get fulfilled. Accent and Memories, if one my The; ballot. Only those candidates can judge by their past. who had filed by that time are The weekly included in the following anal- paper proposed by ysis.) The many rumored candidates iof a for this year's SA election have finally crystalized into just a few III. I would announced and approved candi- dates. And, quite frankly, ihe by Elkins, some of the meager list of candidates was quite problems can be solved. And I feel disappointing, and might be con- that there are definite advantages offered sidered one of Ihe biggest failures!'.'] by the Ihis year's weekly paper, if only that news of administration. A little I fill (sic) that I am qualified toi more publicity on the part of the Kerr- Boyle the office of President of administration could Theology dent Associ because I have Maj have had the election b.illot tilled k^h- filled the following positionposit in the by the filing deadline, and would g III. Squad Leader in A have capped off what has been, IV. Barracks Sergeant in Bar in the S.ud , until now, a betler-than-avcrage In this area, to m V. Shift Leader in SA k.T H> Am none C h of the three candidates "r VI, Assistant Non-Comm tioned. s, as do most of the other Rumor has it that the SMC Adven-

: college don for hospunl. students will be presenting a Chat- newspapers. This way, I.M.h.Tdll Army VII. Supt. of College Sub tanooga Youth Crusade next spring : devoted

and 1 feel that the SA lejdersfup the should work with the MV in pro- information moling this affair. sws in Collcgedale, but arc Ward Says Flexibility essential by those Ward and Rouse both were con- living in Mississippi, or Michigan. ner, is probably r cerned about the SA committees, Necessary for Progress Judging mgh to even fore and it should be that way, since from the platforms and A. INTRODUCTION un-offs. make the SA's personal acquaintance with the other announced There doesn' program real. candidates for the The purpose of any elected stu- remaining arly favorite in the race between For the students to rate their SA position: sidcr and Rouse. Both served this well, the SA must have a strong PR them qualified for the posi- those who elect him so that the tions they seek. i the SA admit These include: majority may receive benefit. This Carol Adams, secretary; Lois Hil- is especially true in the office of the derbrandt, social i of the Kerr-Boyle era. committee chair- presidency. Therefore, it is essential

In comparing the platforms of recent l\. and I have yet to have Witt, pastor; Linda e two above-mentioned candi- seen a truly effective PR program struck at how much carried out in the SA during my specific Ward attendance here. and plans for the Both Rouse and Ward alst is elected. Rouse, their Student Services Commi however, has some good iding for (he students' the campus, such as the special Ron Nelson, the

\\ ,ifJ - [.:.i.. lu.T C.ilual often controversial, but successful vices Committee. If

:en implemented. It elected, he will direct the Senate, 10 see what he perhaps even arousing them lo pro-

idea, if he's vide student proposed by the as he's concerned, he will jested in Ward can go a long way, with any of the three president ssfully applied, e.ind.d.ilcs. in governing the siudei showing Chattanooga that Adven-

Rouse Will Put Out Effort To Continue '77 Movement

bring about (he success of Ihis year. This year's program has set a strong base for next year's officers to work on, and has placed a large responsibility upon sure the program does not slack off. >

SOUTHERN ACCENT Platforms for Southern Memories Election Candidates

office of (as of press time) I am filing for ihc Southern Memories editor for the school year 1971-72. These arc my qualifications: Student Association Vice President .- • Indent. . 1 ,.„).!>. t . 1 given book of beginning mv ing and purpose, and will, if 1 must admit at the requires. that the dedicated leadership it motive for running is fear; fear Student the SA will return lo the impotent As Vice-President of the Kcrr-Boylc respon- body it was before Ihc Association, it would be my the University o Cha tano the sibility to oversee the actions of Student Senate. I Welcome the op- uthcrn Mtmorie portunity to head this body that is ear 1970-71. formed to represent you and your backgrou id in lode the goals which should be upper- 4. My greater I can envision no be disregarded. ideas. book, most will nyhtlv ublic high school andd iinn challenge than interpreting elected, I'd like the of this If I am We cannot afford to allow the desires of the students toward a better quality of pictures Student Association to return to the school You need not fear but lhat is student needs. with the addition of more colored "normalcy" it enjoyed for two years lop pnoniy with me support the There is ample evidence to pictures, and a better variety of prior to Ihis. It demoralized activities with the such a degree that Ihis through my candid shots. student body to Student Services Committee. many felt it should be done away campaign with. And it should if it can offer If you will support my

I support you, I will be no more than it did! Bui 1 firmly the way your Vice-President in 1971-72. o e that Ihc SA c

Public Relations Southern Committee Accent Social PR is an important office in the

fact that it presents to the students I, Randy Elkins, hereby file Committee each activity that the SA produces. have my name placed on the bal I- have worked hard on the Social of Ihc upcoming SA e' I, Lois Hilderbrandt, do hereby Editor of the Soulh- Committee this school year. I enjoy state my intentions to run for Social working for the students, to try and Committee Chairman for the Stu- o |.U .of I! improve life on campus. That's one

college before the students and reason I'd like to represent the stu- others in a regular and comprehen- 1 am interested in working with dents in the Public Relations office. sive manner is prompting me to the Student Association and feel I plan to use my time and the com- file. Observing what our sister col- that I have the needed qualifications leges are doing with their papers, mittee funds to the best advantage to fill the position of Social Educa- 1 feel thai we here at SMC need to so that each student can be better club our paper. This leads tion Chairman. I was Girls' upgrade mc informed. to the one major point of my plat- president my junior year at Mt. form—make the paper a weekly. Vernon Academy, ATS president my senior year there and worked Since the idea of a bi-weekly Lois Hilderbrandt weekly basis. newspaper is obsolelc and is not the Stu- The idea of meeting weekly dead- conducive to the reporting of the At SMC I was lines is nothing new to mc. news of our times, I feel that we Home Economics Club president need a weekly newspaper. Lest the voters think my news and held an office in Sigma Theta could do a good job. From past conscience has been blunted in my By using other printing methods Chi. Also, I have been attending experiences, I feel that I know what shuffle to make the paper a weekly, than those now employed, we can SMC for Ihc past three years and the students like and dislike, and I let it be known thai I'm a journalist cut the cost of printing per issue feel lhat this would be an advan- will do my very best to plan the and publish a weekly without at heart. I feel that t type of activities that will be en- a drastic increase in the present run in the proper clcctcd, I feel joyed the most. budget.

My experience on the Tri-Com- this campus, with the munity newspaper This Week gives people who a

me the experience I will need lo

Linda Ryals Junior Home Economics Majoi

will do my best to Student Association Secretary VIII. Student Services It is my sire and wish that this committee c through. There "can iinue to grow both in size and in so I am running for position of Stu- responsibilities, nes for open discus- ice to you the student. An idea wh o Ihe General Assem- I Pastor dent Association Secretary because would personally like to reinstate Besides taking two years of typ- all that is planned, that of an AM rud;., siot.on to I I ing and one year of shorthand, I d early. know would enjoy the job and broadcast to and for the students nvolvement—Large- I would like to run for SA Pastor feel that I could capably handle the have practiced my secretarial skills sincerely believe this con become for in the following capacities: the year 1971-72. IX. Socio/ Committee— Origins influence for Private secretary for V.P. of Sales, good the students of SMC Ch.imoil Cornell} , H„^rs- dents are Ihe key thoughts. Stude

just thoughts. StUl ...l.,li hi, ist lor culki

s far Freshman-! ,!',iv,. Y;;.-' Typist for Creoti ,—.. lhat the. entire

Editor r. of school C. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE term papers; have transcribed from Edilorof school ne My previous experience includes dictaphones and my own short- two years as a senator at Forest hand; have used Xerox, spirit dupli- Lake Academy; one year cator, mimeograph, postage and as vice president of the Senate; other kinds of machines; and made president of my senior graduation up finance statements, newsletters, class; and one year as a senator from and many other wonderful things SMC, as well as serving usually dumped on secretaries. on several sub- committees. I feel that with your filling In the named positions, I It would be a privilege to serve support, the SMC Student Associa- have typed everything from busi- Ihc students of SMC as Student tion can proceed ness letters to a successful to research articles and Association Secretary. 1971-72 school year. SOUTHERN ACCENT Wayout Faces Cutback Unless Funds Come From the Public Don't enroll another the good book, but in my mind it always seemed a fantasy that you'd of Prophecy. better believe or you'd get it! But

any < now it's REAL! I mean like Through these and other appeals. I be- lieve now thai . I heir ;pcctedly large it really, really hap- it is hoped by the VOP staff that of 170,000 requests for suliicicnt funds will come in to con-

. \. Miii- Wayout brochures is the reason tinue the Wayout. accept people as they by Pastor H. M. S. Richards, Pastor Douglas Pond, coordina- arc. I have never read a publication speaker of the VOP, tor for the Wayout youth ministry, that has been so direct and honest for slowing dow for reports that, at the end of 1970 about something so important and more than 156,000 requests for In presenting the Wayout materials had proposed bud- come in. This There is simply no money to get for represents 1971, David Hartman, VOP a growth rate of 6.000 pri,nt and process more Wayout treasurer, percent over indicated that if funds the number of persons materials other than that which is did not come in rapidly within the who took the previous VOP youth sent in by those interested in seeing course the program Help Needed: next few days, a 10 percent reduc- —Bright Horizon. continued. tion would have to be made in all Early returns from the "Wayout phases of the Voice of Prophecy Trip" (a firs ministry— the broadcasts Tickets 4 Benedict Shows Ecology and the sponse from (he youths) Are BihV schools. Already a number of trend of five out of every seven the staff have been dismissed. The Exhibit applying for the High Way Bible On Sale Now in McKee Wayout program Library would also have Course— approximately 1,050 out The annual SA spring banquet "I'm trying to generate pcople of the do in everyday first 1,500. will be held Sunday, on April 1 1 , at thought on pollution and its effect is presenting a problem. the Read House in keep the Wayout pro- Requests for specific topics pre- downtown Chat- on ecology; people pollute and don't The exhibit tanooga. Tickets priced illustrated pollui ig, the Voice sent a profile at $2.75 arc even realize what they're doing." of Pro- of the interests of by soaps, wrapping phecy is producing radio announce- these early Wayout contacts: Kent Benedict, a junior, sum- papers and tissues; showed how ments by well-known personages marized his one-man ecology ex- prepare cans, bottles and paper fo such as Phyllis Diller. Johnny Cash hibit in McKec Library and com- 6:30 p.m., will recycling; and showed the effect: be available to onl mented on the aspects and others, appealing to the general he covered. of pollution on wildlife. 400 students. public for funds. Also "I've tried to present some an urgent prac- Benedict stated that several After-dinner entertainment wi com message has been sent tical points so the individual can to supporters munity members have made com include the feature length filn through the of help preserve the ecological bal- Voice Prophecy mitments (o follow his "eco tips' News, asking for financial aid. and in pronmie the idea of cleaninc Another special appeal

C hrisij,, M>ini<: people' Special guest entertainer will be Mickey Mclntyre, a drama major "We n compare. says I'aslor from Memphis State University. Runyan to Help Direct Music Festival Mclntyre will be performing a r response variety of songs. He is formally Don Runyan, SMC's of 170,000 assistant academe and colic uc choir directors taneously, according with the singing to Runyan. ^ only 2,600 group, "Up with professor of music, requests has been chosen by the Music Festival Committee, People," Some numbers will be performed received tor our previous and spends his summers by the Southern Union Conference youth made up of the music teachers and by the individual academy at Disneyland in California training groups, Bible course in all of of Seventh-day Advenlists to 1969. This lead principals from each academy. others to open-the new Disney World by the massed choir, and gigantic response in the choral section of their annual means that we About 1 15 academy students will some by the massed hand and choir. Florida. must find more than 60 music festival at Bass Memorial participate, says times the the program coor- The festival is divided into three funding for Mclntyre. from Jacksonville, Academy in Lumberton, Miss., dinator, Forest Lake Academy's this first year of Way- , band and key- March 31 -April 3. music out operation than we needed for teacher. Instead of all the plays in his hometown and now is This is Runyan's second time to music students from each acadeim the 1969 full-year youth outreach." Besides the religious concei starring in a play in Memphis. be chosen for this job in the last participating at the festival as be- during the Sabbath hours, a secul three years. He was chosen from fore, this year just a percentage be presented Saturd; among all the Southern Union i each academy Judging from past years, 1500 arc expected to attend, says SELF—from p. I you might face from the Broadcasting, a funding agency for Haydn up to today will be repre- festival was held at educational broadcast : sented. There is even some of the Georgia Cumberland Acaderm last order to maintain its standing very modern year and at Mount Pisgah Academy he corporation and be eligibl and sung words are done the funds available, WSMC ally upgrade the quality of period of build up the number of full- Campus Beat employees. I f is the second full-time staff Publication of (he first national standardized test for college survey nember employed at the station. of chemistry courses, which was prepared by Dr. John Christenscn, has ~urt Carlson, the first, joined the been announced by the American ( hcmica! Society. Chemistry profes staff this year as head of the Pro- Campbell and Dr. Norman Peek were commended r luction Services. by the Society for their part in the preparation of this test. me program manager will Three students gave music recitals last Sunday—Lutricia devote i day program ning, quality control and staff raining. James Hannum, faculty f f broadcasting, is capacity handling the financial, Egal, and developmental aspects of he station and, in the general man- lgcmcnt of station and related ctivitics.

CAMPUS KITCHEN HOURS , Shea's STfowete fi Qi^s Sun.-Thurs. 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. ^ $ Fri. 7 a.m. 2 p.m. rT^T Holiday House 8~A Sat. 30 min. after \J£jSj— for All Your Easier Corsage Needs sunset-10:30 p.m. W?k GOOD FOOD 3482 Brainerd Road 629-3205^," a

Greene Loses Albright Beats All-Stars fn Comeback


this respect, Albright from is a great team. Fighting back

last place, they won it [ill by Both int> Greene in a phivolT game finished with 9-7 records. Albright had to win 4 in a row and win a final crucial game against Farduhs

58-57 ii

had tot t lioun Albright finished Ihe season by tinued to score inside, and the r to keep the streak going. beating Ihe All-Stars, 78-74, in gin between the two teams slowly j erratic, to early came together. Both teams traded i an Team play was sometimes overtime. They jumped | but never in doubt as team eapi.un lead and went ahead by as much as baskets, until Banfield hit a short

Jell' Albright and center Don Tay- 32-14 before Ihe All-Stars could get jumper to lie the score at 69-69. lor took control in the final stretch. moving. Albright's fast break and Time ran out. and the All-Stars did tie the score again. of not Albright I In the victory over Fardulis, it the accurate shooting Randy lead and ' was Albright's outside shooting and Cockrell enab'cd them to have a quickly took the kept it a kept i.iir-i. leal The Cockrell hit two foul shots with lfi Taylor's dominance inside that J

to ni-*fl:e the . them ahead for most of the game. only reCuiiJ-. left 78-74. Farduhs again had trouble working , Albright won by using together, but had eood perform- Banfield. good I ances from Warren Uanlield. Stu The second half found the All- teamplay and scoring balance — Stars he .'inning to play good ball. which helped lead them all y> I 11, n could Brin Kochenowcr Marled hilling long. They always stayed witi problem is that Bean Fardulis — not eet his fast break going con- and rebounding and Beau Fardulis reach and never gave up - the s sistently. heyan ti> List break li.uitieW enn-

Greene in the playoffs, Against l-Leaqu it was Albright again hitting from out and Tayforscoring underneath. The game was interesting because All-Stars Defeat Corbett of the return of Mickey Greene to the lineup. Although he fouled out, Village Wins Rees Series he did help spark the offense by scoring 14 points. But it was the shooting and hustle of first > accurate O I Scries— village had it for this game and that n Ihe Talge easily look the series. They domi- Edie Croker kept Gi

t of t dorm and village—was won by Ihe nated from start to finish — behind ^"' as as 10 village as they easily look ihe third the play of, in our opinion, the Albright trailed by much most of the time, but game of (he three-game series. most valuable player—Don Taylor. points for again fought back to within 1 point. The village won Ihe opener, 72- Taylor also look rebounding With seconds left. Albright took the 67, behind Don Taylor's 27 points. The All-Stars easily defeated intimidate Corbett. At half inbounds pass, dribbled to Ihe right, The Milage look an early lead and Corbett in the B-league All-Star and hi! a 20-foot jump shol. Final Banfield with 15 each, never looked back. The first half and Warren game. Corbett jumped off to an They picked up where they left I score: 68-67. with II. It and Stu Bainum was a early lead, 8-4, but the All-Stars off in the second half, with 1 iljero- Thomas, as he stumbled and li.ird-foughi Series, with plenty of caught up and went ahead as they hilling foul shots consistently »m STANDINGS sprained an ankle in the closing sec- excitement for the fans and plenty "A" LEAGUE began to lake control. They never getting numerous fast breaks. He | onds, He had 18 points for his of enjoyment for the players — a (railed after that. It was never close was high scorer with 27 p as Wayne Liljeros hit consistently High scorer for Corbett's tean 'l,yl, from out and Jerry Harrel scored Bnli 1-ggenherger with 17 poir

underneath to lead by as much as late surge by Corbett fell short, as I AWARD—Cont'd from page I 20 points. They used a pressing, they could not gain momer Jeff Albright, captain of the vil- man-to-man defense to confuse and Final score: 70-54. lage winning team, accepted the I fell , fiee. Series trophy for ihe The second game, on Saturday Rudometkin was presented with night, was a different story with the Rus Davis to Perform in ' large SMC dorm jumping off to a quick lead. :alshir he Again it was Kenny Defoor spark- I goinf Student Missionary Benefit ing their offense as he scored 26 points, many on long jump shots. Ken Defoor received the "booby" singer, will present Gene Conley and Ben Koehenower prize for his four air balls. The cert on April 10 a each had 14 points. For the village. prize was a men's club T-shirt with physical education Don Taylor had another strong ;r at SMC. Mr. Davis in the benefit include | yellow p.iint on it. The shirt had game, scoring 23 points. Jeff Al- II proceeds fron benefit will James McGec, Ross Calkir bright had 17. But the dorm, play- toward a new mission outpost Tccl. Tom Labianca, and the col-l breaking in) by Pat Brokaw. w ing up to expectations, stymied all in Nicaragua, sponsored and main- village rallies and won. 81-76. tained completely by the students A special feature, Mr. Davis says.l ment was provided by Marc Pic- "B" LEAGUE STANDINGS will Then came a 10-miniile playoll of Southern Missionary College. be a song dedicated toWomen'sf kaar, SA talent hour grand prize game to Lib. He adds, "The mood of the| decide the series winner. winner, the Georgia -Cumberland Eight students have heen chosen This time the dorm could not get concert will be light and will Academy Pep Band under the di- by a special college committee as going and were never close, as Don lot of fun." rection of Jo Ann Klaussen, and missionaries to this post. Five of Taylor once again led the village Mr. Davis discovered his i by tumblers Barbara Kocrber, them will spend a year there: the team with 18 poin for singing when he took a Wayne Liljeros and Jim lngersoll other 3 will spend 3 months of ihe lesson while attending UC. AflCtl summer there. They will build and graduation, he pursued this intere develop Ihe new educational-medi- and studied ar sored by Upsilon Delta voice in Atlanta Chi, Si o Chicago, and Yorlj Kenny Defoor and Ben Koche- Thela Chi, the Student Associate then in New ower were under Olaf Olson. high scorers for the Recreation Committee and the M sionary Volunteer Mr. Davis appeared in oper Society. that funds houses throughout Europe, espeeil e and a school and for ally Germany, where he medical supplies and equipment. He first American male in the past fe\|

from German critics on his fir^

i 1 1 age to another, Europe. graduate of Red Bank - presently altendit and the University of is working on a degree ij Rouse Wins Next SA Presidency With 51% By BUI Cash »ML publications were unopposed. Stan Rouse, Randy polling a clear ma- Elkins, sophomore commu- major, Linda outpolled Linda An- jority in a three-man race for presi- nications major, received 89 percent of next of dent year's SA administra- the vote, as he was elected edi- Electcd chaplain for next year tion, was elected last week to that tor-in-chief of next year's Southern was Maurice Will, junior theology post. A junior theology major, he Accent. Next year's Southern Mem- major, who received 94 percent of won 51 percent of the 597 votes ories will be edited by Sandra tech- the vote. cast for his position against Dennis ier, freshman art major, who to- Richa Rowlands, junior nursing Ward and Harry Rimer. Because taled 94 percent of the 602 votes major, won 92 percent of the votes Rouse won the clear majority, there cast for her position. Judy Strawn, cast as she was elected chairman of is no need for a run-ofl between sophomore communications major, the Student Services Committee. top two contenders. collected the 92 percent of the voters Lois Hilderbrandt, junior home Nelson, as she was Ron junior history ma- elected editor of next economics major, also received 92 uncontested year's Joker. jor, in his bid for the percent of the vote as she gained vice-presidency, was approved by the In the election's closest race, chairmanship of the Social 84 percent of the voters. However, Cheryl Oliver received 15 more Committee. the 95 disapproving votes against votes than did Andy Woolley as she Next year's Recreation Commit- him were the highest recorded by was elected editor of the 1972 n will be Wayne Liljei unopposed candidate. any Legacy. Cheryl's 296 Voters selected Carol Adams as percent of the 577 next secretary their SA over Joyce position. Holland. A sophomore music ma- No candidate was posted for the In a contested race for Scholar- jor, Carol polled 81 percent of the Programs Committee Chairman. Chai votes in her category. This position will be filled at a rph>-i Jim Morris, junior business admin- later election. istration major, outpolled Charles 69 percent of the vote against Jorge The election results \ : posted Pierce in their race for the SA Flcchas. on IBM print-out sheet treasury. Morris collected 58 per- In the only other contested posi- year as the Election Committee cent of the votes. tion, Linda Ryals garnered 67 per- computerized the election. For the Three of the four candidates run- cent of the voters in the race for second straight year, students ning for editorship of the four Public Relations

1 the i TO to New Mission; SOUTHERN MISSIONARY COLLEGE Davis to Raise Money By Norma Carlson pi* Carving a niche out of the ji igle wilds of Nicaragua to build a medical -educational center serving 80UTHERN ACCENT the Mosquito Indians of its eastern The area has a tropical ruin cli- coast is the objective of eight stu- professors of SMC mate—the wettest in Central Amer- a region of malarial who will leave for this ica. It is low plains that arc American country in June, swamps and drained toward the Carribbean Sea To raise funds for the first phase by three rivers. One of these, the of the three-year project, Russell Coco River, is 300 miles long. Fox- Davis, a local actor-singer, will pre- Union Takes College Bowl Trophy; worthy stales that one of the aims sent a benefit concert Saturday of the group is to obtain and equip night, April 10, at 8:00 p.m, in a medical launch to travel this SMC's physical education center. Host SMC Holds Out Till Final Game river, treating the natives who live Davis, a graduate of Red Bank ByP 1971 Intercollegiate College Bowl Atlantic Union College, Columbia High School and the University of He said that this is the first year Uni Tournament was held on the cam- Union College, Oakwood College, cur- Tennessee at Chattanooga, is that faculty members are par- SMC Interet'lk-ijijit College Howl Tour- pus of SMC with six Advcntist Southern Missionary College and says rently enrolled at SMC. He ticipating on the actual foreign nament April 3 and was awarded Colleges participating. Two rounds Union College. The second round of the concert will be composed with the student e the Worthington Cup. Held in the of games followed by a short third eliminated Oakwood College (alter both classical and modern music. physical education center, the round determined which colleges two losses), while the third round He has appeared in opera houses the emleil would play in the semi-final games, eliminated Andrews University and I'm a I iMine in the tournafiKTii throughout Europe. : P la, with Union College scoring 345 and which determined who played in Columbia Union College. The semi- Nicaragua mission project is the 10 people going will The Five of SMC scoring 145. the final game. finals eliminated Atlantic Union being directed by two SMC campus stay for one year, then he replaeeil All six teams participated in the College. Beginning Thursday, April 1 , and organizations the Missionary Vol- by others. They arc Milford Crist — ending Saturday night, April 3, the (Confd, on f unteer Society and the Student As- and Ray Wagner, communication^ sociation. This is the fifth year that and industrial education majors SMC has been sponsoring students as foreign missionaries from periods of three summer months to one in the program, known offici- West, Bermuda; and a young n have not s the Collegiate Overseas Mis- ricd student couple, who sionary Exchange. yet been selected. go for one According to Mike Foxworthy, The five who will summer arc Christine Pulido. jun- from San An- SMC and director of the project, ior nursing major Pate, sophomore 10 people are going to Nicaragua tonio, Tex"; Don Portland. Ore.; this summer and will be working in religion major from Smith, sophomore reli- the outlying vicinity of Puerto David E. major from Miami; Mrs. Gene- Cabezas. This is a city located on gion astern coastline of the coun- try, known as the "Mosquito Coast."

Bentzinger to Lead Way In Next Year s Activities Society for the College Bowl team finishes good game against ColumbL ... College junior thc- sionary Volunteer SMC I Danny Bentzinger, tea school year. Bentzinger and the moderator organiies his next questions. Members of the lology major, has been chosen to 1971-72 selected by the present MV Mike Lilly and Delynne Durham. •serve as president of the SMC Mis- was College- staff and approved by the dale SDA Church Board. sophomore nursing major: On- task next year win Bentzinger's Coordinator Mark Frank- various mis- campus be to coordinate the lin, sophomore biology major; In action groups among the sionary Group Coordinator Lance Thomas, Emphasis Calendar provide programs students, communications major; evening services, freshman during the Friday Director Bev and and Public Relations as the religious leader April 11 Spring Banquet and act Moon, sophomore communications representative of the SMC student

body. .„ , be a Next year's MV staff will take April 19 Intercom Assisting Bentzinger will at graduation this year, but composed of Secretary Loreiha office staff function as a group office admin- will not really McDaniel, sophomore How- April 21 Spring Holiday Treasurer Dennis until registration istration major; major; rMVs (I will dire Millburn, junior business Harp, Programs Director Joan Advice Given on SA Elections; Editorials Students Urged to Speak Out Indirect Influence hand sufficient information abouJ By Mike Doherty First. to the voters. Carefully will to SMC next year and one of those this Changes come evaluate the candidates you vote Ihe candidates to make choice.l will in top leadership college president. Dr. changes be — for. Consider whether the candidate Therefore, instead of wasting has accepted a West Coast post (see interview, p. 3), Schneider filed lo run for the office or had to their time putting up absurd p academic dean of back to the country from which he came (as be asked by the SA Senate to run. tcrs, riding about in the back s to be Pacific Union College). uiKlerijkitms have left much Voting for a candidate just be- of a gaily-decorated, noisy c The best and most recent An influential or crusading person should not ever be able desired. cause he or she happens to be a vertible, or writing ambiguous plat-l example, was the SA general elec- lives down candidates their c to look back and say "Everyone liked me." And neither can Dr. sports personality or forms, and worse than should devote their t Schneider. For instance, many students still mourn the negative the hall from you is paigncrs voting at all, from the stand- to contacting voters personally and| vote handed down on the pantsuits on campus "issue." Others not point of improving Ihe SA. In other en masse, and distributing i felt a little bit left' behind in some of his assembly lectures. words, do your part to make the ingful and informative campaign! Yet those who dealt directly with Dr. Schneider recognize election something more than an advertising. for the intelligent man he is and respect him for standing him academy-type popularity contest. The brunt of the burden for j for what he belives. Any who had complaints (and many did) A voter is hardly in the position successful election, however, licsl were welcomed to his office (and some were invited) for discus- to make an intelligent choice in with the SA Elections CommittecT f he or she does i The rest of my remarks may then! indirect one. Many students would His influence was an be considered an open letter of sugT the But still not recognize him if they passed him on campus. gestion to the chairman of n even they know that during the last four years we have never year's Election Committee, SA v felt "the boat rock," but have felt a certain security that SMC president-elect, Ron Nelson. was being guided intelligently. The SA should devote three gen-l Though Dr. Schneider may not have the satisfaction of hear- oral assemblies to the election. The| ing some students praise his administrative decisions now, in first, one month previous about 5 to 15 years those presently dissatisfied may look back election, would be one in which thej

current SA officers would give i

its philosophy. This summarization of the educational and social progress at SMC. At the heart of discussion over compatible with brief prc-l student must lie college has attempted to produce requisites for holding, responsibili-[ Then, at that time. Dr. Schneider will think back to SMC a new handbook Itm

What, in reality, is the philosophy? less, it has been a failure. The lan- the opportunity to s e what they'n and, What should the philosophy, guage, rather than stimulating in for. in reality, be? The second, twe

\ this c candidates' speech a u/fu-, Time To The latter question is much sim- sinners long abide. Many of the The third, one week before thel Hit the Sa>

UNION TAKES TROPHY—from p. The Worthington Cup awarded tion will determin

College Bowl i Union College is a "roving trophy," held. It was the general c staled Elton Kerr, president of of SMC's SA and coordinator opinion among the six CollegeB of the The Adventist Intercollegiate As- Bowl teams lastl tournament. Last year the "Soy that competed composed of the Student weekend Bean Bowl," (Kerr's nomenclature that the next College Bowl I A'm:.liji from all the North be held at derived from the trophy), was Union College. There a dventist colleges, will several ll located at Andrews University. reasons for this, with delegates who occupy main reason being that the weste fnj|..-r Kerr revealed that at the April .. in the present Student colleges would find it more co 24 Adventist Intercollegiate Asso- Assoc... lions for the 71-72 term. venient to participate. It was a perfect day for baseball. "Look," he cried. "A I the players ciation Convention, the SMC dele- .According. to Kerr, he will be at- Pacific Union College had planned! The sun was shining brightly, and are going lo right fielc gaiion will propose some changes tending with Stanley Rouse and to participate in the last'ti a field," the the breeze was just strong enough "Us good in Intercollegiate College Bowl Ron Nelson, SA president and vice and submitted questions t to keep everyone cool. But ihe fans replied calmly. The main proposal president-elect, and approsim.iteK used, but the team had a transpor-1 "But what if they lit to a dif- seven were eager for a victory. It was other delegates. tation problem that prohibited theirl fcrent field? What a •e the right- Delegates Floodioun"s home game and the at the spring conven- attendance. fielders going to do tl fans "Well, one of them -an try to get The Floodtoun team took the field COLLEGE over there and get it.' BOWL SCORES first. The opponents had strong hit- "But that's almost impossible." ters, and they would 1 be sure to put Listen, they're the bctl in fibril Round 1 Round 3 them first. up But as Ihe Floodtoun field. There is no rca on why they Same 1 team went out on the field, some- shouldn't be able to Game 7 thing si range happened. Everyone field." Andrew. University 225 Southern Missionary College 25 but thv.- pitcher was going to right So the game was played. And the O.kwood College 140 Held. Andrews University 205 Someone ran over to the Floodtoun learn lost >y only 300 points. Game S Southern Missionary Co lege 320 Union College 380 Columbia Union College 285 SOUTHERN ACCENT Columbia Union College 145 Game 3 Atlantic Union College Semi-Finals Union College 290 Game 9

Southern Missionary College 21 Spring Atlantic Union College 255 Same 4 Game 10 Atlantic Union College 300 Southern Union Holiday Missionary College 85 College 250 Atlantic Union College 175

One Week &*»mb» u„io, &««,. 230

From Wednesday Game 6 Union College 345 Union College 195 Southern eca^o^£?z tjvs^ca Missionary C _^3s GZs*j&^i% Oakwood Collego 105 President Schneider Leaving To Take "Lewis and Clark" Coming West is Coast Position Thayer Soule coming to SMC again this year, this time with his Word is out that Dr. W. M. travelogue. 'Trailing Lewis and Schneider, president of SMC Clark to Oregon.'' It will be pre- since 1967, has now accepted a sented April 17 in the physical edu- call to be educational secretary the Pacific Union Conference. of This Lewis and Clark adventure Following is a probing interview has taken two years of research and by Judy Socol, in which Dr. was filmed in the same general 'meider discusses his motives location as the actual adventure leaving SMC, what he feels took place. has accomplished and what The picture not only tells of the he predicts for SMC, in the expedition itself, but also shows Ihe incredible changes that have oc- By Judy Socol curred in the 160 years since its Dr. Schneider, I understand that completion. you have recently accepted a call to Soule's story is of the great become the educational secretary of the Pacific Union Conference. if course our big question is, why? - Thayer Soule

I think it is rather difficult to say Thomas Jefferson. After his graduation from Har- hy a person pulls his roots and The producer of the film, Thayer vard University in 1939 with high cocs elsewhere. It is rather difficult Soule. decided on his career at the honors in Romance languages and leave a place in which you have age of seven, after seeing an illus- with special courses in exploration, estcd yourself with Lireat cnthu- trated lecture by an author-explorer. geology and history, he became pro- sm in building up a place as Thrilled with the idea of talking duction assistant to Burton Holmes. lovely as SMC. As money becomes pictures, he promptly tried it, his Holmes coined the word "travel- .ivailable, SMC will grow and will first shows consisting of postcards ogue," and for c likely he able to consider itself the projected on a sheet in an attic beautiful our most campus among theater. Before he was 10 he had a So it is a little difficult alleges. to Brownie camera and took his first for himself, ,ay why wc arc leaving. It was a movies while still in high school. : traveling more than ever. to hard decision make. The position By his freshman year in college, he laking I am presents a real chal- was earning pocket money with his miles and through more lenge, as there arc about 25,000 programs. young people enrolled in schools the president eertainly has the op- seeking the kingdom is that they all levels. It will be of a little portunity (o mold a total campus not be swept off their feet with a different nature than that of a col- program and. if he's worth his salt false sense of revival which docs After the war, the country be- of faith in the hearts of our consti-

lege president. I will still be in- at all, he will be able to take his not produce the necessary change came very prosperous. In general, tuents, SMC could be in serious volved in policy-making decisions, faculty with him in terms of worth- in the life that comes with the people had tin affluent experience. trouble. while spirit dwelling in the heart. perhaps I will be a little further achievements. of God In time the objectives became very What is SMC's image? the understand (hat you had a sign why lind oved from Are you satisfied with what you I Well, it seems to he from what among youth and adults today the have achieved as president? I have understood from people desire 10 do 'his own little thirty.' writing in calling that they feel I'm never satisfied, but I do have and People are struggling to find objec- that wc have earnestly sought to a spirit of contentment. I suppose tives and perhaps' identity, so they the standards high in terms of any administrator feels that the sit- keep to extremes in so ways. go many there have been some uation at times isn't as he would dress, (and disappointing experiences there, I like to be, especially if he is an among youth today. ; say) and deportment. If the idealist. I suppose "" search myself, ot But we have always had extremes to avoid. Mustn't our colleges change to meet the changim; time..' : ideal that I would We have no specific instruction had. a that we must accept one mode of Do you think that when we get What i new president that this image will life, whether it involves fashion or ally other areas. We must, however, change? ahead. In order for an institution to avoid the extremes. There are many We hope not, except for the be dynamic, it must not be static. things that need to be adjusted over suc- I have a feeling that someday in the the years. On the other hand, I'm Who would you like- to see will be president? very near future people not assuming all change is for the ceed you as without going able to get degrees of the school or for the stu- I would be very derelict in my will on a college campus. This dents. Change is interesting and responsibility if I voiced myself on W. Schneider was be achieved through independent ... Dr. M. mportant, but change can also un- that issue. I can say this, that today interested in you as ihe student. study. I think there will be more lcrmine a very fine program. no one is standing around Waiting your wel- flexibility built into a college cur- He was concerned with for the opportunity to become a you. What is SMC's future as you see riculum than wc have today, and fare and took time to talk with college president. : boards of 1 feel that this is a must. Individuals aimhiin; dial sity and Pacific Union College. skirts get my In closing, is there not structured the same in After 14 years of college adminis- arc you would like to say? thought or action or the ability to tration, this new position will give Yes, my colleagues recognize appreciated by the constituency of We'v very happy 1 think. we must come to the the pressures So Adventist me a little relief from that I have been very concerned this Union, and also by conclusion that college isn't for adminis- that come from being a college proper attire on this campus believers throughout the country, ihe staff and my peers in have over- with everyone. I think we have asked for and so every once in a while, some SMC will have great days ahead. tration. I could not professionalized. Spiritually we need more have come Up with a But mark it well, if the image of more cooperation and a said that a president's of them Someone to be moving ahead, also, and I is changed to permit the loss blessed experience. responsibility Inn humorous gimmick. SMC job has a lot of think wc arc making strides in this no! authority. Would you are Has the change to the extreme in much area. I think more students society, reflected by dress, morals, agree with this statement? study inn the Bible and Other writ- on !• answer to and music put more pressure Beat to find the Campus ings, Well I guess it would be true, trying in the last few greatest concern I you as president since ihe Board of Trustees makes their lives. The those who are earnestly years? the final decisions Nevertheless, have for

meatless dishes, at the Phoenix House, a counseling center for the Uni build a gle cleared enough to Tennessee iChait.inoo^ai. They are conducting a similar school for NEW MISSION—from p. I sity of they will live hoardim.' house clinic, people who attended the Hixson meetings tat the location where the mcet- Durichek, built, ded'.ictit: . be )r of speech; and John in tents. When the clinic is " Collegcdale, in Es hcld). 1 SMC, industrial ol L k 1 1 Mi professor of Christine will visit the villages of Mike Mosquito, Sumas and Carih Indians health Foxworthy. Mrs, McCormick and David in the vicinih to administer Tickets for the Russell Davis ever conducted in Lakeland, Georgia, marking the Smith Puerto Cabczas By the end of the summer, first band concert will live in care. night can launch benefit concert Saturday opening of the annual Cancer Fund Campaign. and teach at a Seventh-day Adven- Ihcv hope to have a medical be purchased at these places; I'at- tist 300 the Coco River. day academy, which has operating on More garden plots arc available to college students, says Charles len Hotel, 1EH; Brainerd Bapnsl twelve. asked what it would take I students in grades one to When" Cooley's Lacey of the buildings and grounds department. Also, a garden club begins stance!. Church, 300 Brookfield; Sixty the Mosquito In- get this mission outpost percent of to 2224 Dayton Blvd.; tonight at City Hall and is planning spnni; outings soon. "Money." For the Fine Clothing. dian population is illiterate. In a Foxworthv said, Music. 732 Cherry Street; protect. House of The cover story for Ihe June Tidings has been assigned to SMC. letter Mrs. McCormick received first phascof the Hixson 0,00(1. Picklcr's Dry Goods, 5437 cost about S 1 Bill Cash and Doug Foley arc working on the feature which will have from SDA pastor P. R. Wood in he said ,1 would donations Pike Shopping Center; American Puerto Cabczas. she learned that xpprosimakh ss.nnf) m the theme "student involvement." Hank. Collegedale; Love- students and other National the school has a little band with a from interested and Millers, Fastgate; and at could been raised to date. man's [few old trumpets. "If you people has Mis- the cashier's office, Southern b>ick us up a few discarded ones. Fox worthy added. Foxworthy said sionary College. [our is mechanic and Besides money, piiza villa band teacher a reserved, S3.00; tools, ma- Ticket prices are [docs quite a job of patching up they need construction iJuli I'cncral admission, 52,00; and 3407 RINGGOLD ROAB 'instruments," Pastor Wood said in maybe our spaghetti" students and children, SI. 00. piis letter. Op** Sunday Thru ThundoT others who [ Durichek and the six Cabczas will 'will not be in Puerto A ££ea's 31ou/e/ts & Q«flts Jf Friday «nd Satuidar i i® be working to clear the jungle and n establish cen- PzL a medical-educational f-Xj Holiday House ter in Waspan, a native village ap- fesdj7 All Your Easier Corsage Needs WjA proximately 50 miles from Puerto For 629-3205 [Cabczas. 3482 Brainerd Road ^>

I Until the group can get the jun- Henderson and Stanley Team Win 97.1 -Mile Road Rally in the navigator, Bush, finished scc- secondary roads Collegedale By Ctarlcs MullLs Pam | Eiich driver-navigator lean ond They were just 6.T mmu'esoff vicinity. Lyle Henderson and Riehard oft etal n e. was given a set of typed instruc t he :-hour 55 s-.nn.ute . Stan lev placed firs, in the Student Thtrd plaee went to the Chat a- lions at the beginning, telling ex Spnnt: Road Rally, Assoeia, on they were to go and nooua team o Fu lie, and Lehen- actly where a Sunday. March 28. The Hen- held honor of plac- what rale they should travel, and hart. Along mth the | derson-Stanlev team finished the of S15, S12 and were then started at two-minuic course only 2.9 minutes P"** 97.1-mile from the student park, J-51U.UU. intervals oft of the official lime. questions .mainly of There were also to be Slccn and his ever-faithful The course consisted Jim answered along the route and three unannounced checkpoints where ROAD RALLY STATISTICS

The final score was calculated I min.l: LEG 1* LEG IB LEG 2 LEG SCORE ME ERROR (in on the basis of 1 point for every I Hondo.,™ - Stanley —1.6 tenth of a mi +0.4 c. #> St... lush. ~~ ' at each check, 2 points for every I 5 08 2*31 163 tenth of a minute early, and 10 I 171 r", «rd I.i -S.37 —5.15 D„i,.S.. f — points for each question answered I +o. incorrectly. The lowest total : +0.3! —6.M —16.0 #1 Oliphant- Hough A laudatory comment perhaps | #3 in order for each of the would be | participating teams. Scores on th: - DISQUALIFIED C, #< Bainum Wost rally ranged from 69 to 500 (th cspcrt BMW team of Bobby Mat Alpine and Marc Pieka;

, Mill I Weather Slows Softball; Ornithology Class Observes aged to finish), wilh everyone the BMW team being under : :(1 I A-League in 3-Way Contest in Florida points. In the 2-hour 1.5-mii Over 160 Species Fall Road Rally, the 75-mile, SA I ranged from 9-2 to 21-19. First scores went 181, 237 ond 375 fori During Ihe recent spring vaca- was done at Payne's Prairie— a vast place is up for grabs so far with the first three places and ranged ail tion, the 30 -member ornithology swampy prairie south of Gaines- | Parker and I'cckc leading the way the way to 4,845. class and instructor (raveled about ville, Fla. The greatest concentra- can- without losing any. even seen the second game 2500 miles through Georgia and tion of birds was observed in the Unfortunately, the publicity for I celled because of snow. Anyway, Florida, seeking out birds in their -Kennedy, Cocoa, three- 9-2 this year shapes up to be a 21-10 over Christensen, and varied habitats. Merrill Island area on the east scant, and not everyone who would I way battle between Botimer. Pleas- over Gallimore. They have shown coast of Florida. participate During the trip, more than 160 have liked to was ants and Thorcsen. both hitting and pitching Pceke species were sighted, and Ihe The highlight of the trip, says aware of it. Don't despair, how Pleasants are beat Gallimore 13-4. and Moore So far, Botimer and avowed purpose of the trip — to Grundset, was Ihe sighting of ap- Because of this and the keen int 10 good 10-4. He appears to have a bal- undefeated. Botimer looks become acquainted with birds not proximately a dozen Swallow-tailed of those who did participate, there I timely attack Willi both hilling and defense and speed along with anced Kites 'wheeling, gliding, and float- will be another rally—the BBCM | getting pitching. I'hey alio have been i hilling. and to notice the relationship that ing overhead" on ihe way back Road Rally wilh cash prizes consistent pitching behind captain Moore is in third, losing only to exists between the environment and from the town of Flamingo. Sunday, April 25. Lyle Botimer. Pleasants also has Peeke. In their two wins, they bird distribution —was amply ful- Dr. Melvin iCampbell, professor good speed, but relies more on scored a total of 40 runs, winning filled, say- instructor E. O. Grund- of chemistry, accompanied the strong hilling and ihe pitching ot the 19-5 over Long and 21-19 over [roup and acted as office photog- captain Jim Pleasants. So far they Gallimore. A little pitching could bird study raphe,, treasure. have handed Thorcsen his only loss easily put them in first place. Thorcsen has possibly the best- Christensen beat Long 8-5 and Help balanced team. Combining gmul lost to Parker, Long and Gallimore hitting and, of 1 Student to Join Gymnics; speed, adequate have yet to win and Dunkel hasn't With course, the strong arm of captain played yet. Nelson Thorcsen. If his arm holds We see a closer race after a few Will Tour U.S. and Canada up, we see them as the learn to heat more games have been played. It Cleaning Seven students from have sions. So far. Ward's problem has been could be anybody's league and all SMC Each member of Ihe group piichiriL'. Should Ihey come up with those runs make every game c\cil- been recommended to ihe General will also make personal one-lo-one Conference Missionary a solution, they could be a spoiler ing. Volunteer Christian contacts with other youth COLLEGEDALE because of their potent attack — Department as prospective mem- following every appearance. capable of scoring at any time. GIRLS' BASKETBALL SMC's seven prospectives are CLEANERS Davis does not seem to have the the AU Gymnics, to be known Carol Adams, Andrea Dickinson, The 1970 Girls' All-Star Basket- overall strength. They have stars at "Gymnaires for Christ." One s Sharon Swillcy, Karen Rutledgc, ball Game saw the All-Stars win Industrial Road certain spots, such as Ernie Fender- dent from SMC will be selected. Ross Calkins, Sidney Nixson and over the acedemy. which was led by son; and Bob Ambler shows signs Although a core of the summer Sandy Cavanaugh. The game was 396-2199 of pitching good ball, but they learn— IS of Ihe 30-mcmber group probably the most exciting of the —is to be composed of Andrews All-Star games, as the margin of Gymnics, each North American Ad- victory could have gone either way veniist college will be represented by Both teams played spirited bas- s like anollici hil- one student. Christian character, ketball and neither could make a speaking ability, musical talent, big move as the first half ended and gyn "A" STANDINGS 20-19 in favor of the All-Stars. The Little Debbie LEAGUE iiy . I m; c second half finally found the All- Stars taking over behind the bal- anced attacks of Marilyn Lowman, Hancock. General Confere: Wanda Herb and Barbara Black- burn. Only the shooting of Sandy After Cavanaugh and Lrnie Underwood and training period Ihe first half of 3 kept the academy in the game. June, ihe group will begin a series With about 3:00 minutes left, the of public appearances in the U. S. academy narrowed the lead to 40- anil Canada June 15 [brunch Sept. 35, but could only trade baskets 15. Robert Kalua, associate' profes- sor of physical education at An- drews University anil present team t Underwood director of the Andrews. Gymnics, was fouled. She hit the first shot, Co/Jegeda/e Cabinets, Inc. has been named director and coor- . missed Ihe bonus, but Cavanaugh dinator of the national team. rebounded and scored, brim: inn them wiihin two. Usually ihe group will make two Time was running Manufacturers of High Qualify public appearances at each out as the academy stole the ball stop on their itinerary, f-verv program will Laboratory again, but unfortunately could not Furniture for Schools and Hospitals include gymnast, es. music? personal get olf a shot before the buzzer. It testimony and youth was an exciting and close finish, witnessing training. The witnessini; (he All-Stars winning 40-38. training Collegedale, Tern. Telephone 396-2131 will be done in after-performance High scorer for the All-Stars was workshops and during daytime ses- Lowman wilh 13 points. She was helped by Herb with 7 and Black- burn with 6. Academy high Violet Camera "B" LEAGUE e Cavanaugh with 18 points and COLLEGE MARKET STANDINGS Shops, Inc. Undei Willi I

CAMPUS KITCHEN SAVINGS HOURS Sun.-Thurs. 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. m Fri. 7 a.m. -2 p.m. its, VegetabL Sat. 30 min. after Canned Goods, and o*h sunset-10:30 p.m. GOOD FOOD COLLEGE PLAZA —


Knittel Named Next President; Schneider Plans to Go West — .- Dr. Frank Knittel, mentary school, three years as an SMC's academic dean since 1967, instructor in the army and eight accepted (he position of president :hool enrollment of 25.000 on all years in college. His teaching at of SMC to be vacated by Dr. Wil- Andrews was on both the under- bert M. Schneider June 1. Prior to Dr. Knittel's present po- graduate and graduate level. Dr. Schneider announced ,his siiion as academic dean, he \v,is the resignation earlier His administrative experience in- last week to ac- vice president for student alfairs cept the position cludes nine years on the secondarv of educational and associate professor of English secretary of the and college levels in addition to his Pacific Union Con- at Andrews University, Berrien ference of Seventh-day eight years at Andrews as vice Adventisls. Springs, Mich., a position he held president for student affairs. He has served SMC as president for eight years. for the past four years and was He earned a double major in Professional organizations of formerly academic dean from English and mathematics from which Dr. Knittel is a member in- 1960-62. Union College, Lincoln, Nebraska. clude Phi Delta Kappa, the Modern The presidential selection was Language Association, and the

made by SMC's Board of Trustees Society. He is also a at the eight-state Southern Union versify of Colorado. His doctoral of the Lions Club. Quadrennial Session in Jackson- dissertation was titled "The Women Kn the ville, Fla. in Chaucer's Fabliaux." While at Dr. former Helen Dean, who is an in- Schneider's new duties in- the University, he served as assist- Dr. Frank Knittel clude directing (he educational structor in English at SMC. They have two children —Jeffrey Scott, iching includes one year in ele- 10; and Sherry Anne, 8.

Reality: SOUTHERN MISSIONARY COLLEGE Concert Receipts SOUTHERN ACCENT Net $1500 Progress M500 nearer to becoming a realih COLLEGEDALE. as a result of the musical hcnetii program April 10 featuring Russell Davis, professional singer and SMC and Miss Uctly Uuonc, Atlanta soprani Robert Shaw Chorale. ; Steps to Christ Distributed The first half of the program consisted of live German lieder or Music & Food art songs and a number of operatic To 730,000 Chattanooga Homes selections The mood changed alter Are Planned titled "Relax and Smile." By Brenda Wood With a promise of S1000 from respondence resulting from ihe sup- Assisting poncho-attired Davis lions are trying something new for the Ooltewah Seventh-day Advent- plement. those Supplementary copies of the in a medley of country and western who don't like hard chairs, ist the ok Steps to Christ were inserted Church and S1000 from Garber suggested that it will be songs were the Jubilate Octet from 130,000 copies of the Chatta- Georgia-Cumberland Conference, the eventual one-to-one personal Cli.m mja the project was presented at Friday contact with the readers of the in- nooga Times and am dents a relaxing tune without taking News-Free Press on Easter Sunday night vespers, March 19, and the sert that will determine the success Students a gift to the public from approxi- following day at church. or failure of the project.

atcly 4,000 Seventh-day Advent- pledged S780 and the church mem- pledges reaching church members in the area. bers S2900. With S5680, the wor*d was definitely The idea for this project oc- "go." irred to Bill Garber, instructor in collected so far for the Nica- Bill Sue, a local artist, was hired .# journalism at SMC, as he was re- project to approximately to do the illustrations, design and ing Steps to Christ, he said. ,000 of a SI 0,000 total needed layout. The supplements the first year phase of the thrce- Feeling that the most appropriate vcar project, according to livered to the newspapers on April project project would be 1 be along the idea of a French for such a director Mike Foxworthy, senior 6. From idea to finished product— pin. r, Garber began circulating communications major. Plans for with 28 days. your friends in the sprin; lea for its appeal and feasibil- the project arc being co-sponsored at the end of another school ti the supplement is by the Student Association and On the back of Dr. Robertson said they have jy. "V. an offer and order blank for a Bible plenty of formal concerts The interest was there, but the Eight students and two faculty correspondence course and the spring already and this will 5,400 the project would cost was ;mbcrs will leave from SMC in little change of pace. books Steps to Christ and Desire of ot. ne for the city of Puerto Cabazas Though financial plans were Among other numbers, thi Ages. A post office box has been the eastern coast of Nicaragua. ncertain. other aspects of the pub- reserved in Chattanooga for all cor- )Out 50 miles from there they will cation were investigated. Unadi- ious approval and permission for Hacharach's from he undertaking was secured World," Sim. the Gives New Insights E. G. White Estate. Author Noorbergen "April Comes

stioncd about the cost of the dion, the publisher said he About Weil-Known Psychic Jeane Dixon

order the paper vow of poverty). Journalist Noorbergen is now have to New insights ning the iwcrs believe the also involved in a lecture program, lock by March 15 to have it in psychic work of world-k operation, but it bringing to light what he claims to nc for printing. There was no Jeane Dixon were presented in as- She the delay is be- be the true nature of Jeane Dixon's sembly last week. Rene Noor- iy to give him a definite affirm a- of funds. The work. To public a/td Ad ventist bergen, author of Jeane Dixon n by that date, Garber said. The Dixon originally udicnecs alike he draws compari- My Life and Prophecies, related r went ahead and ordered ! would I lave cost S 175 mil- :ning, lasting from 20-30 first-hand experiences and opinions laid Noorbergen. Most of the Mrs. Dixon and Mrs. Ellen G. K'/j tons of paper, costing SI 275, he formulated during many inter- noncy that goes to the Foundation White, prophetess of the SDA or which he had no Use other than views with "Mrs. D." individuals with little Church, using Biblical support. corre- omes from Ihe Steps to Christ printing. This A former magazine war noncy and big hearts. Although Mrs. Dixon realizes knew spondent, Noorbergen is now a full- Has six days before he is not spreading lite- said that his book, Noorbergen good time free lance journalist (and Noorbergen Blether the deal was definite or long Seventh-day AdventistJ.^ He astically promote his book, which highly discounts Mrs. Dixon's ac- held 18 the national best- "Children to differently from weeks on were ap- tivities concerning her I Local newspapers 1960-70. slated Rulh Montgomery, seller lists in Why? For Children Foundation." the how Mrs. proached by telephone about the in- says. a Washington columnist, recorded the money. Noorhcrgcn objective of which is to construct sen. each of the men holds Garber said in the first book on Mrs. The influence Mrs. Dixon hospital in Washington, D.C. them Dixon. Publicly. Mrs. Di.xon attrib- is likely underestimated by many claims that all the funds "She authors In fact, she sent a_copy of one of two newspapers. « as interested anil to utes ihe discrepancy to the her lectures and books go from mange interpre- "her" books to Pope Paul, inscrib- the herself having ftlpful. "It was strictly on (he Foundation, occasion or the ing a tribute and ending it "with poverty-mow fit the fcputalion of SMC that they took token the vow of (Conid. on p. i) millionaire, she can well Be job," he said. that she's a Editorials Gulliver Goes to Way Out Needs Help - is trouble urge all ACCENT readers Mash "The Way Out" in and we Southern Mish to help when or before they are contacted (and even ii they . Reprint: See Note aren't) by a representative ol SMC's Student Association or MV. By Frank Salinger Young people all over America are responding to this inno- bined IQ of the broad- The other week 1 hod a marvelous vative youth ministry created and sponsored by the SDA's - t |.,rn„„l, lo mi* a wliolo <-i - cast arm, The Voice of Prophecy. Now requests for materials are .oc cUws, as your very obi-J:et»t much better sleet [aster than the money. ...,-,.„,! I. c.mif ,i llmd string si ,i le.

,,, tlio G-IL.K'.' Bowl team. ..:i.i of SMC's women's and men's dorm residents have been CUC pork a Massey-Fer 1 and have responded with money for this broadcast and •e, Formall, or In Dotewah, TenneUe, and cur .,.!.; (I,. ,11 ,,., and woml.i.d wi,\ formal, sound, graph- sicr. Other small ' direct-mail ministry featuring contemporary :ollege. Southern Mish-Mnsl, ics and language. The Student Association and MV are helping, 'hi l.u:i; mi.i:i:im Ii all llu> w.i\ ' ,',',, ". report will appear in the next ACCENT. ,< (.','llV,!' Bowl team- IW . down the hall. also; a full "Gulliver goes to state of i: • ED. NOTK: ,„-. mdly. a word nbout the lunllvour stiiv o.ttir to mi end i thai dollar they receive will A VOP representative said each re- flviog to: >... Southern Mish-Mash" is a .,, I luim-d tm dor , !" the Wayout magazine plus the foldouts "The Man from Way- hi'T.'.'.-.Tmi'mf i'^mIi'icC'i ol loose ntliiiR holis lihe Cli.s -..lot send print from the April 1 5 Sligon- will .ou n, (.1 ilir :li the lulls ol C .in.. north oi"! hit 'ho home of lhi> I.mlc out" and "Wayout trip" to one person. "Each of these youth ian of Columbia Union College KMifiii am! arrival. do,ly and battered. .lus . Wayout in a language he can Debbie Pecan Pic e>.-n be introduced to the Man from in Washington, D.C. Evidently understand." really ; famed Southern corn- disappointed to discover that This is our chance to help continue the gospel outreach to mght gull SMC actually has indoor toilets personally, wound the "hills peers. II you are not contacted you may send your ' and that the students wear shoes rchilecture.rnhecture." It1 can money with a copy of this editorial to the Wayout at Box 2829, to classes, the CUC-iles :- !, some of , I,-,,", U.i „ I., f.iu,.|„! Hollywood, Calif. 90028. early-Morrison Hall. The plate recently visiting our campus^

ally overwrought and reaclcd in Jeane Dixon/EGW For Public Market down-home, horn the reprint l- he'll do right well, mo, nine. aUF,.-..|.|, .!.: redolent of print. Included with fore I'd see him a Catholic prophetess Jeane Dixon Seventh-day > of old Civil war movies. is a letter written by an SMC-ite Roman and ee him burn in Adventist prophetess Ellen G. White are to be compared in a book aps CUC isn't too for the public market next spring. Rene Noorbergen, author of '..[-'-h- S.MC e u-ls are true. "Jeane Dixon—My Life and Prophecies" and author of the up- coming book, revealed this fact in assembly last week.

Finally the church, through its aid in this project, is broaden- ing its evangelistic outreach and approaching the public with EGW counsel in their language and terminology. For so long, ;) the O.II.1!. h"ii,- thm ill EGW books which have escaped from among the four walls of „,,!,. futUt. lend ol mine who h our own denominational book stores have been cast aside by 'first of all 1 1, non-SDA's after a glance al their "packaging," as potentially ' heretical literature and, therefore, offgrounds for public consump- id the ad. s fee ""SVC-lV irl„-nIrl'n'leu-'e publish,,uld,J a Soi ,„uld d;

itcident.ident. ThereThm: ish a real >need /or cornmenTon the IQ's of I - ' Noorbergen's journalistic ministry specializes in a subtle ~- journal,;. udents ua, due rnamh approach, outlining the work of "Mrs. D" and explaining her nee. Admittedly, a larpe prophecies. Then, EGW is introduced after the audience becomes acclimated to discussing prophecies in a secular sense. Condoned led it mar be. uasua, ailed /<>- ucr, this is a problem by the While Estate and General Conference, Noorbergen's new all SDA schools, incltid- book should have tremendous public readership. is planning He a attended a"plat . After having observed sales program which he expects will put the book on the bestseller

• that the,. list.

This next year will be an important time as national and politi- cal events continue to fall into the pattern outlined by the Bible and EGW. The entry of this new book to the public market should Most Parochial act as a catalyst in breaking denominalional barriers to warning the world of what is in store. LVH Ignore Students By Mike Doherty

Warren G. Bennis said i "Searching for the 'Perfect' Unive

mi\ President," "Of the 2500 or 5

accredited colleges in the United I

States, only the most parochial I (say, Bob Jones University in South | Carolina) would proceed presi- with his work and gave him other on a numbered drawings. These loo he did with painstaking care, but he small tried to keep his dream ever before group c Now that the time choosing I him. Sometimes it seemed a little for a new college president at SMC h dream ol the masterpiece that dim, but with coneen I ration he come and gone, is o he would one day paint. could recall it well. our school viously one of Mr. Bennis'. "or The weeks passed and he was most parochial." very' busy, and. doing so well that Two weeks ago when I became^ he no longer needed the numbered aware of the fact that o drawings. Soon he could reproduce Iloc president would cry privileged. No c be chosen ml the master's style completely and lunlry village had eve do the paintings from memory. He- of money to stay and paint for him. an opportunity. thought of his dream, The simple man was overwhelmed seemed very hazy now, and al the master's generosity. He ac- tieh ihuru was a numbered es he couldn't even remember cepted gratefully and went back to Hu explained that il was t was. He didn't worry very his country village to tell the good g of one of his own trrcal Ihougb; the great master news and to bring his wile and chil- i best. dren back to (he city to live. His family and friends were very , the t pel aniimissinn dues not ,,pp!\ N>il| happy, hut they asked him if he During Missions to the Emphasis freak and the hoary , ...I ,. in.. his I .real masterpiece. Weekend, this basic truth struck He told them, more with embar- Courageous Thought Needed me: The Adventist evangelical pro- rassment than with sorrow, thai his The Adventist college student gram has experienced an evolution. dream was dead But he didn't capable of meeting the challet This factor seems very important worry very much, because, after to presented today. He needs gu me. If this is true, all, wasn't he so skilled thai he then those who ance and leadership, but not str SOUTHERN ACCENT could reproduce painting of glorify the Adventist past as turization. woild- the The molds that h; wide v acclaim? What could be "good 'ol days' and lament over produced "good" Adventisls in greater than that? the past social change that has taken must not be discarded, I His in the city place in America and throughout may have to take a back se is the There a certain need I world, arc antiquated in a new special day of progressive and exciting age. Dr. Gottfried and cou thought. Broadmindedness Oosterwal, who spoke during the prerequisite weekend, to effective n was trying to tell us to Let us not quickly lihl look condemn for the new opportunities that styles. We are not called upoi abound. The Letters day is gone when the "«--

advise and counsel others, : e methods that Adven jespect the holinel 'ploys by and large meet "the ndividttal as seen by GoT itablished nothing for the for the purpose of self-a -winter culture peers of the Ad- The greatest enli,i challenge Indeed, the truism "edit young person. Therefore, today is that of recognizing the nl here is a_ great need for a new "Pp.. n, unties. urge of Wi inventiveness and cxperi- our (Cont'd, on little idols: we p. 3J That is, unless the gos- ancestor worship. The Way' Is Dedicated Students Will Begin Gastro To Practical Witnessing Exodus in Tab Next Month By Judy Strewn Recently "The Way" By Mike Doherty freezer installations from the pres- Thirteen kids dedicated On the morning program in an Orlando church and of , cnt college market. :al witnessing 1971, the students for Chri Have Mauck. a tenor of Southern One innovation will he two jet- in the group, schedules, then practice. call themselves "The Missionary College are scheduled Way (old the audience that the group powered vegetable cookers, which Wayne Hicks explained to where the youth arc and tell them was praying for each begin a 14-month gastrc listener. "The Way" was rist and what He has done organized. Late that night, after the group Mauck personally. and I, unbeknown We will emerge from - —iundly \uldei asleep, a heavy knock other, «cre out objective," says to form a group ness into a brand new cafeteria o leader unded at the door c such as 'The Way.' Both us Wayne Hicks, "is to show the youth of were August 1, 1972, according to som and contacting many of the specifically, same people hitherto reliable sources, that demanded to talk to the "dude who thou! realizing it. One day, while < ]|M nily , than and his food serv : of said he would for pray me." Mauck 'ng the Christii group with a ice faithfuls wi be performing their and several of the fellows spent classmate, Dave thrice-daily fe lly fun and Christ i.e. relevant." some time in prayer for this youth, asked whal we were talkine .iliout "The Way" is basically a singing rewired, replui ibed and redesigned "The Way" has put in appear- Thereafter, we pooled our efforts." group. Some of their somas "are building. ances many places this school year. 'There's More to Life," All potential members were The environmental systems ex- "When They have represented SMC at For- interviewed perts at You're Young," "I searched the to determine their buildings and grounds re- est Lake Academy in Florida, at relationships with port (for what it's worth) World," "His Name Is Wonderful." Camp Christ. Prob- that the Cumby-Gay in Georgia, and lems in the area of persona! present heating system singing is not their main evan- in the Tab at Fletcher Academy in North Car- gelism were thrown out to will suffice for all occasions. j'.'.il. Sharing .nnl talking with other them to The solve air-conditioning their thing. and their voices were audi- equipment from

In the i tioned. the surrounding ' i present are e g r> p Some who were interviewed cafeteria will be trans- ias sung and witnessed in Metho- dropped from the list voluntarily BIBLE—from p. 2 ist I the err ni in churches, juvenile detention i stabilized i the volved will , Pioneer National Bank Three members be the

i Chattanoga and many times on the group was the SMC campus. Members of the officially formed. e Cindi Merkel, " Students and Establishment Jolene Le- Hicks says that 'The Way,' im- land, Karen Merrill. Bonnie [vcr- mediately after forming, was faced

, Margarel Pierce, I popularity. It Agree on Domestic Needs , Ed Loney, Ross Cal-

By Adan Saldana era ivc elTort: (1 ) povert) ieadins. Ric Griffin, on. (3) social justice h and Mike Huitt. : to use us. We realized any hshed in the spring of by rcf >rni of parly politics. nt we had belonged to Him and 1970 John D. lerely prayed He Rockefeller III, undertook Student EBort a study to determine through a for- fo create a nu-.ntmt:liil

mal research program whether a all sound basis exists for building a ne working relationship between youth mu and the country's older leadership LO groups, particularly the business a t leadership. C rc

In the course of the study, a total E-> of 872 students and 403 business u:t executives and other establishment the leaders were interviewed. tin

lately 500 seniors, faculty members attended the senior-faculty banquet last Sunday ever lounge. The program included speeches by Dr. goinj president, Dr. Frank Knitlel. academic dean and incoming presi-

dent, and Bobby Pecke, senior class president. Comments of s the its perfectly into of the past and present were heard during a slide and tediums, spiritual psy- tjpe presentation. student opin spiritualisiic clairvoyants, nt that Shirley Kinsman, flutist, and George S«jiisnn, iiuml.miisl, presented so flagrantly ignored nit nothing I recitals last Sunday in the Fine Arts Recital Hall. making such an important decisn SOUTHERN ACCENT Three Students SMC Wade Gets SPORTLIGHT Bail Out of Plane Internship By Sharon Reynolds those who want to learn. The course senior commun to com- Bob Wade, Rain isn't the only thing falling costs approximately S40 advances tions major from Orlando, Fla., has I out of Ihe sky around plete, but as the jumper with been granted a 10-week inlernshipl Sunday. March 21, three sludenls beyond that, the cost rises by (he Florida Hospital in Orlando. I from SMC bailed out of a small each jump he makes. education The S700 internship is the first I privale plane lo become skydivcrs. Brcnda Cox, a junior ever passed by the hospital board! This was their most exeilin-j step in major who has now made her first and will involve all facets of hos-f ihe skuh vmg course they have been jump, is thrilled with the results. adding that pital PR. i.ikin:; at the Hixson Airport since "WOW!" she says, describe her Don Bradley, PR director of the in January. there arc no words to | hospital, will have Wade in or: Brcnda Cox, Ric Tryon and Jeff experience. She has made definite her tion during the first two wee Howlands were the first three of six introduce him to all departments of SMC students to jump. The entire number of jumps. | the hospital. class consists of 25 members, 18 of Ric Tryon, a senior theology the Wade began working at the hos-l whom arc from Ihe Hixson area. major, says "The scary part is 1963 as a page boy, Twenty-six-year-old Jim Godsey few seconds before leaving the pital in of Hixson leaches the course. He plane, but after you'i

< learned to skydivc while in the allv : ally riny and has made approximately 17 jumps, giving him a C rating Plans Get Approved for a jumpmasler in an A Ihrough scale on which D is the highest. Ties Botimer What is included in the training Central Production Center Thoresen a student receives before his first jump? Godsey begins by leaching WASHINGTON, D.C. — Plans expressed an ureencv, slating thai I everyone how to take PLF's (para- for a communications pioduction their New York location i: chute landing falls). Next they learn center for Seventh-day Adventist ideal. "We feel that the southern | or the title, positions to use while falling from dep.iiinicnls and radio and televi- California address will be !< arc lied and the plane. Packing the chute cor- sion programs were approved here advantage both talent-wise ugh lo make rectly is emphasized because of the in principle. weather-wise," the TV pastor de-l "Every time we schedule "A" LEAGUE STANDINGS dangers of malfunctions. The center will combine produc- clared. I Godsey usually gucs h:> students tion equipment for taping filming an outdoor shooting in New York,f 20 hour- before and printing for the church's long- On time radio program "Voice of All three of the major programs! Ihcy have shown so fai procedure has taken no longer than will then identity, Prophecy," its Long Island-based retain f Any edge right now goes to hut three or four hours, Godsey ielev:Mon program "Faith for To- "Faith for Today" is the olde Thoresen since he defeated Uonmcr prefers that his students have more day." and its Washington, DC, denominationally sponsored tel in their first meeting. He used training. based television program "It Is vision program, having begun i overpowering pitching and timely As a sport, skydiving is much Written." 1950. Voice of Prophecy, with I hitting lo win 5-0. The breaks in less dangerou- than often supposed. Details organization have H. M. S Richards as speaker this the of been game could have gone II ranks among the low-accident gan 40 years ago. It is now heard other way so could have the referred to a study commission | and group and is considered safer than charged with reporting to the de- around ihe world in 39 languages. score. Thoresen outslug -:cd I'leas- "Faith for Today" is aired on 250 ants 16-6 in a game for Ihe hilterS- stations across North America. Neiiher pilclicr wlis parncnlarl) im- October. In the meantime, the accident in skydiving is a broken pressive, but Thoresen showed lhal church will move ahead with the hu teiini could hit when needed. hr.1 phase of creating the center. For students under 21, the sig- CAMPUS KITCHEN Present planning lists the West Botimer also took two wins. He nature of a parent or guardian is HOURS easily defeated Pleasants in another required before the student An- may Sun.-Thurs. 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. high-scoring game, 14-5. He. too, jump. A few have had to drop the Fri. 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. showed good power and offense. class for lack of legal permiss:on Sat. 30 min. after William well :n;oj A. Fagal, speaker and sunset-10:30 p.m. ,.fi, . ginator of the 19-year-old tclc- GOOD FOOD ion program, "Faith for Today."

Pleasants, despite pitching ,i

lefense lapses, has a chance to f SENIORS ! ! sh first. Bui wc feel that they ji lon't have the overall balance "B" LEAGUE STANDINGS LOOKING FOR EMPLOYMENT Engaged Couples' WITH A GROWING COMPANY? cr Davis. Hei Retreat Planned fcnse and d< SEE

; like this or could put his i the : McKEE BAKERY

Ward still has pitching problem-., April 30, and Sabbath, May 1. giving up too many walks. In his Dr. Frank Knittel. SMC's aca- victory over Davis, 6-3, he showed demic dean, will speak for the Fri- that he could hit and gel an ade- day evening meeting. Elder George quate elTori the pine villa from mound, but Rice, associate professor of reli- so far he hasn't followed through. gion, is scheduled lo present the Ward does have one of the best of- Sahbaih School lesson. Dr. Knillel This year soccer has fensive learns, and could be a become a will have the worship hour. top sports attraction. Four spoiler. good Then Sabbath afternoon there ipeting to Davis won a return match with make the will be a panel discussion by min- feature. So far Ward, 15-12. in a game where the isters, doctors and members of the it appears to be a battle between hailing average ruled. He seems to il faculty. Newman and Garcia with the edge he lacking the balance needed to held the guing lo Garcia, win. although super performances due to his 4-0 win over Newman from some individuals might make in their first meeting. As top scorer and leading the it rough on the other teams. Davis at- tack Garcia should Benedict Wins could pull a couple of upsets before be very tough. Retzer ^^ the season is finished. is in third place, losing to Three-Mile Run COLLEGE MARKET Garcia and Newman. He- stilfhas j£) Dunkel has gone undefeated Kent Benedict completed the a chance if he can finish the season take i lead SA-sponsored with Chaslain Farm Run softball. a winning streak. : they last Sunday in 16 minutes, 34 sec- SAVINGS 'owenng ollcnsc 10 great Simmons has handed Garcia his onds. The three-mile race ended only loss :. winning by such scores so far, but has three de- at Wright Hall where he was pre- 23-7, 24-6. i and In the sented a trophy by Stan Rouse, SA back with only 5 games left. ;h F , Kcere.uion Committee chairman. Others ed SOCCER STANDINGS completing the run and Good receiving ribbons were, in order, Bill Richards, Don Sleinue- and COLLEGE place. They are PLAZA followed closely Laurence Loveless^ by Parker and Moore who arc bat- tling for third place. Moore de- feated Parker. 13-9, to put them in Violet Camera Shops, Inc. Col/egeda/e Cabinets, he. Mining over C rin,iensen, 8-7, and -ong, 18-15. They still have a bailee as the season Hears the half- **. Manufacturers of High Quality Christcnscn Laboratory fell Furniture for Schools and Hospitals

Collegedale, Term. Telephone 396-2131 College dale Tennessee 37315


SOUTHERN MISSIONARY COLLEGE Moody, Brooks, Beaven Scheduled to Speak

Dr. H. W. Moody, medical s tary of the Carolina Conference, 90UTHERN ACCENT will lead off in graduation weekend ceremonies, speaking for Consecra-

tion service Friday, , at 8:45 p.m.

Baccalaureate speaker Saturday at the 11:00 service will be Elder C. D. Brooks, ministerial secretary Futcher Named Academic Dean of the Columbia Union Confcr- To Dr. Winton Succeed Dr. Frank H. Beaven, dean of Knittel < the Kettering College of Medical SMC's administrative shuffle was years prior to Ibis he was the regis- in 1938. He received his master's Arts, is scheduled to speak for continued last week with the ap- trar and mathematics ami science degree in education from the Uni- Commencement Sunday, pointment of Dr. Cyril F. W. teacher at Newbold College in versity of Maryland in 1958 and at 10:00 Futcher, director of admissions, to Bracknell, a.m. England. his doctorate in education from the recently vacated position of Dr. Futcher attended Newbold there in 1964. College lor part his of undergradu- The title of his dissertation was Eighty-eight The shuffle began when Dr. W. ate college work, then transferred "An Analysis of Selected Elemen- Students to Andrews M. Schneider, college president, re- University in Berrien tary Arithmetic Texts published in Springs. signed his present job lo become Mich., where he earned a the USA from 1877-1917." educational secretary B.A. in religion and history with Get Awards & Scholarships of the Pacific He was ordained to the Seventh- minors Union Conference. Dr. Frank in mathematics and I nglish day Adventist By Sharon Reynolds ministry in 1938. Knittel was consequently appointed Dr. Futcher is a member of the Nearly $6,000 in to' assume scholarships, SMC's college presi- Southern Regional Association of prizes and dency. three other awards was re- Nursing The changes become Registrars and Admissions Officers, cently presented to eightv-cii/ht effective , the day following Phi Dr. Carl Miller, chairman of the Delta Kappa and the Com- students of Southern Missionary graduation. A successor for Dr. department of baccalaureate nurs- parative Education Society. College. Futcher has not yet been an- ing, awarded Marga Martin, a sen- He is married lo the former The school departments which ior, the Dcyo Memorial Scholar- Gladys W. Hyde of Wembley, Eng- gave awards are history, business ship of S50. This award was based land. They have three children: office administra- on grade point average, character Anthony, iO, who's working on his sition for the past The two and promise shown by the student doelorale in biology and teaching formerly and four-year nursing programs in her work. taught mathematics and at Columbia Union College in history for two years at Columbia also presented several awards, as The Calkins' Student of the Year Maryland; Carol Margaret, 29, an Union College in Takoma Park, did O. D. McKce, president of the Award in nursing went to Larry elementary school teacher in At- Md. From 1949-1957 he was McKee Baking Company. Bucher, a senior B.S. nursing stu- lanta; and Terence John, 21. an the registrar and taught mathe- dent. This award was for SI00. administrator at the Florida Hos- matics and The Junior Calkins Award was history at the Seventh- pital in Orlando. Both Carol and Dr. Jerome Clark, chairman of day Adventist-operated West Aus- received by Sylvia Dunn, a junior Terence arc alumni of Southern the history department, presented tralian Missionary College. For 13 Missionary' on the Orlando. Fla.. Campus of Dr. Cyril F. W. Futcher College. Linda Nantt with a $2300 scholar- SMC. ship plus full tuition from Loma Mrs. Christine Shultz, acting Linda University to work on an Arnold Kutzner Will Join M.A. in English. Miss Nantt is SMC a nursing program, presented ihe senior history major at SMC. Kate Lindsey Award to Sandra Bill Worth, also a senior history Welch, a sophomore. This award As New Admissions Director ® major, will receive half tuition to given for grade point average, dcdiealU" progra Breaking the chain reaction in Kutzner is currently complciine iught five years at Canadian Un- Loma Linda University. and Christian .i.mJ- the internal changeover of admin- .inurements for his doctoral dc- n College. Communications istrative responsibilities announced ree in limber education and school He has completed a one-year Sandra received a framed cita- during the past two weeks for next dmmistration at' Arizona State Dr. Don Dick, chairman of the tion and a cash gift, and will have school year, Arnold Kutzner has Jniversity. mmunications department, His

her name engraved on a plaque been hired as the new director of 1 the f I of t awarded three internships for this missions program and admitting the which is kept in the nursing depart - admissions and records. and the conferral o\ the degree will first 1 studenls, to Bob Wade, a senior, will 100 according Dr. The changes began when Presi- be at Arizona State in September. SI,000 scholarship for Frank Knittel, academic dean. Business Administration Kutzner is employed teaching in public relations at "I first became aware of him chemistry at Thunderbird Academy Florida Hospital. Dr. Wayne VandcVere, chair- when he was suggested as a valu- Union Confer in Arizona while working on his man of the department of business able addition Judy Socol, a junior, has an in- to our staff," said Dr. fcctive May 1 7. the day following degree. He received bis masters .dmini-.iration. presented the "Sen- Knittel. "We thought it would be ternship assignment for S700 to degree in higher education from ior of the Year" award to Bill profitable lo have someone from off 'n productions at Faith for Consequently, Dr. Frank Knitid, Loma Linda University, and his Today Richards. Richards is a senior ac- campus and a public university." in New York. current academic dean, was ap- bachelor's degree in chemistry from counting, major. He also received will Ron Nelson, also a junior, will points! president as of that same Canadian Union College. Mr, Kutzner arrive to as- the Wall Street Journal Award, re- ceive the 51,000 P. Hurst Kutzner served sume his duties "in the middle of Marion ceiving the Journal for one year. as the head of a Memorial Scholarship during his the summer," Dr. Knittel said. Meanwhile. Miss Mary 10 weeks at Hialeah Hospital, school in India for five years, and Elam, as- Hialeah, Fla. Nelson will work rccords, will bridge the with closed-circuit television. McKee Scholarships gap be- In addition, two other studenls O. D. McKee annually Eives Gymnaires Take Carol Adams; from the communications depart- $1,000 to ten students from SMC. Van Rooyen to Be a Manager sold articles written in a jour- Each of the ten receives a S100 nalism class. scholarship (o be used while attend- By Richard Bacon croup of the Gymnaires) made a the |„| Ac ing the school. recent visit to our campus. The Mrs. Norma Carlson, a senior. Smuts van Rooyen. assistant pro- These students are cnoscn for official call came later from the Id two articles, receiving a total fessor of religion, and Carol 1 II. their good work records at Mc- General Conference. of SI 60 for both of them. Fritz Adams, a sophomore music major. mnuwrihT where they arc re- Kee's bakery have been selected from SMC to The van Rooyens were not sure 10 have worked for at least if Smuts should the call. quired tour the United States and Canada accept As school years before being eli- he put it, the idea of leaving Dorm Assistants two with the "Gymnaires for Christ" his gible. A grade point average of at family anil living in a Greyhound allowed, Chosen for 71-72 least 2.5 is the minimum The "Gymnaires for Christ" arc citizenship at the col- hut while good thiriy-eight-membcr intercollegi- desirable, that after the meeting Ten students have been selected a also considered. last week he has become real lege is ate tumbling-music-witness team ex- serve men's residence hall assist- McKee The recipients of the composed of students from the cited about the whole thing. The unable untships for the coming school Carol is lo scholarship are Richard Davis, has agreed to fly Mrs. American Adventist colleges GC Arlene go this summer, says Lyle Botimer, dean of North alternate Lance James, James Hawkins, van Rooyen lo be with her husband Samuel They are scheduled to visit 65 Thomas,- a freshman religion ma- Tien. These assistants will be paid Fullbright. James R. Cox, ," for one week out of each month. John throughout North jor, will take her place. 1260 for the year for duties in- Giles and Edwin Cook, Donald has rcc ally Carol said she was selected "on cluding Smuts van Rooyen counseling, programming, The Gymnaires arc to meet at Fred Levoy. returned Irom a meeting held a her musical abilities— not her gym- residence hall procedures, control, Andrews University on for Office Administration office of Robert Kalua, associate nastic abilities which equal zero." among the education at She stated that she never really had Stanley, chairman of the professor of physical [thermen. Richard the (our is lo last till September 15, department, Andrews University and director a chance to develop gymnastic The 10 assistants for 1971-72 office administration Van Rooyen will have to leave the senior and coordinator of the group. At abilities because the SDA grade e Ric Griffin, Takoma Park, Md.; announced that Jean Lemon, team before the tour schools and academies she attended is complete to administration major, is ihe meeting, plans for this summer ^on Pate. Portland, Oregon; Ken office get back to SMC for the fall se- This were discussed and van kooven were unable to offer instruction be- lonaparte, Greenville, S.C.; Jim "Secretary of the Year." grade point was named chaplain (or the group. cause they lacked the facilities. rtorris, Madison, Tenn.; Leon award was based on with His duties will Carol said she is very excited Jim Binghan from Kings way Ontario; Fred average, previous interviews organiza- of .about this summer. "It's going to College in Canada has been se- 'arkcr, Cayuga, N.Y.; Bob Bretsch, executives from various mayor of Col- leader of the wilne sings be a great way to witness for lected as the music director for the Saigon. Vietnam; Wayne Liljeros, tions, including the Christ. That's what I like to group. overall citi- Van Rooyen wi do He is planning to make a Vaync, N.J.; Loney, Strouds- Jegeclale, and general Ed best, especially through music," she the Gymnaires at I Uvmnaires record, called the "An- ;, Pa.; Mark Sorenson. Thomas- zenship.

, Pa. (Continued on page }) —


shpll we Tea. off plftsr ? Clarification Due Optimism, Idealism and Reform litor: the overriding Optimism, idealism and reform seem to be oral day. during the upi characteristics of the incoming ACCENT administration. Perhaps 'ihvMifioni these are traits of each new staff, and certainly no staff would Accent of "Uullive begin without them. Mish-Mash." I felt

By optimism and idealism, I refer to the editor-elects proposed First, 'uie^caned a wo buddy-buddy attitude between the editorial staff and the advisors. of Gulliver's article to be published. This v. He hopes for an "air of confidence" and a dissolution of the "us- them" altitude. Second, students sho Gulliver has expressed c All Adventist college editors seem to have a less-than-satis- finding their paper's role the factory experience in on campus, ver's weekly column. however, and this problem seems to affect the staff-administration felt except for the son, relationships. Part of this confusion is engendered because of the Gulhvr.s article double public relations-student voice role.

How will the personality change of next year's paper, if it goes co the beauty of tin

,! I w,.i,j,l apace with Gr."Gull; to a weekly, affect the student-administration relationships? Will although"rough I Ibek"

there be any significant changes? ' jlliver missed theireir 10IC le- ' points. (Gulli" Iliver If the ACCENT does succeed in going to a weekly, it will be a 100+ mu ntratiiiR o significant step forward a step that ACCENT editors for several — hirn anyon; cas years have been hoping for. This goal will be realized in the 1971- . of Talge do n<

72 school year if "political" involvements do not impede the action. i me true value of tr

. ..f Thatcher Hall .\„v l.„ For an ACCENT administration with such an apparent good ild hk beginning, great things may lie ahead. L V H

nost SMC students all by one

student publications

student opinion. This twitched and their little hodie-, al I

' the comptroller said, lead- jumped. Screaming from pain and ing me down the clean, antiseptic- shock, they separated quickly. smelling hall. "Why in the world would you tardy* was these organizations that initi- want to do such a thing?" I asked. Muh.H \ndei We entered a large, bright room ated, by and large, the student mis- "Because wc do not want them At the rcccnl Adventisl Inter- ,vy- tilled wilh crawling, laugh- sions program. It was these same touching each other." collegiate Association Convention, ing babies. They were all dressed oriMni/.iiions- that conducted the "Why? It's a natural and spon- Provincial Prejudices the priorities of the Adventist stu- in black gowns and had small Berkshire retreat. Whenever Stu- taneous reaction from love and Dear Editor: dent associations were brought into leather bands on their wrists. On What does the body of Christ s dent action look place, student as- mum.. | affection." the sides of their hands were small question. It was asked if these by the mouth sociations were there coordinating "Our parents were not allowed fain metal strips, connected with small s.Mi groups were nol in actuality miss- toes via SP „!ia.:kii,r. CUC? Or by the programs. These same organi- to express this emotion; therefore, wires that ran up the sleeve of the the hands poking oi eves via PUC ing the boat when they attempt to zations established the Adventist we must repress it before it spreads. Or by t bring about social change on their Inkn ollcL'iate Association a year Our parents had to be right, and imti mi ihf feet via Loma Linda am campuses. questioned over U«lr,v.v' Can we Also was the ago to help structurize student rep- The comptroller walked to we must hold to their ways." body of Christ effectiveness- of these same the wall flicked switch. and e organi- throughout North and on a 'But if they were allowed to ex- sations in planning long-range pro- coordinate open "This will put the current on in the pros themselves, you might not really laugh when He grams. floor," "Watch what he explained. have trouble lateiY Your policy happens it the infants touch each The student associations of the 13 North American msiimiions of "Of < If » higher learning operated by the The major problem of our col- Two of the children approached each other out of natural friendship Seventh-day Adventist Church have lege student governors is the brev- and nol by any means missed (he boat. ity of their administrations. Each touched each other. They a and Union. May In questioning bws made conccrn- year a new leader for these organi- whole educational ; zations has been selected, and, therefore, the personality of the Nelson Elected AIA Head particular SA changes. Personali- By Mike Doherty College Bowl comjieiiiiun. ties aside, the general goal has SA vice president-elect Ron il nrejudin for clarifying the reasons that rule Nel- headed by SMC's Elton Kerr, pro- been the same: Meet the social and is for our i has been elected the first presi- posed a 1 2-point resolut ion that the actions of our college authori- reliiiious needs of their constituents. Maybe He at of the Adventist Intercollegi- i by Peter and Apollos. if I ties. In the past it was easy to say On our campus, contrary to most What He should the a "because I said so." It is no longer other Adventist colleges, the Stu- the 1971 Kerr's a simple question getting a simple dent Association has been separated of the 12 that the next reply. We arc told that the final from the Missionary Volunteer So- Intercollegiate College generation to inhabit and Can- Bowl games be held at Union Col- this earth ciety. Therefore, this association •rofes <.,! JL.-L.ii lege in Lincoln, Nebr. must be anchored in their beliefs. has dealt with secular issues in the This would This year'; April 22- make the games So if wc question the nature of our main. However, this secular group more easily acces- mended that the next AIA conve s held c the beautiful tion educational environment, please did appropriate SI, 000 respectively College Bowl teams from be held at either LLU ' college, Oakwood, West reply reasonably. Don't pull up the to the student mission's program Coast college: Canadian Union College,- T in HunKville. Ah. \ppio\miald\ ilr.iulTiiigc to your administrative and the Way Out. The other recommendations delegates chose CUC on the second I <>!'> delegates from all North castles. I would hale to answer any Amer- would eliminate some of the dis- ballot after hearing an appeal I in closing, let me state that the ican SDA colleges but Southwest- 5 question about my lite style crepancies that were involved in about the beauties of the Canadian I rifts between student administra- ern Union Collegt c I v - I, .|,l ,! College Bowl Rockies and Banff National Park I tions and college administrations i The end . d on where the Canadians they| where the SMC claim they exist—are not un- Cleveland Williams, president of moralizing campus this year. will stage next year's conve reachable. A renewal of com- Oakwood's United Student upon contemporary Advci Move- The subcommittee on AIA or- munication between After the passage of two other! the student lead- ment, chaired the convention. life style it represents. ganizalion proposed a resolution minor resolutions, ers and administrators will go one concerning] a kicked off that provided The student for the election of a the length of associati long way toward healing bureau- by a the convent! banquet Thursday president of the make up the Adventist Inlercollegi AIA and outlined address was given the assembly by! cratic wounds. Prerequisite to this, SMC President Dr. W i 1 b e r°t dutie ale Association have The resolution the Oakwood a good trac however, is respect on both sides, Schneider Dean of Student Af-f g. ( vc (he keynote address. passed with record on long-range some revision, an programs. 1 regardless of age or experience. In the first meeting, Friday assembly nominated candidattatcs for The final meeting held niorninu, a resolution was SunJ was intro- the office. Nelson handily day morning, with the Oakwoodf and passed that set up sub- over AU's VP Jim Hamstu, „,.., „- J College•.-> presidentr giving

co™n.ttec also recom- ple.ed audrence of delegat. SOUTHERN ACCENT the AIA itself. Intercollegiate Col- lege Bowl competition and the fu-

I Campus Beat however, there was a discussion Mrs. Judy DuBosc, organist, presented group her senior recital last Sundai workshop for SA leaders in in lake Hull chapel She was assisted by the brass various areas. quartet: Gary Swinf SMC Was repre- yar. Warren Ruf, trumpet; George Swanson, Don trombone. I sented by Elton Kerr, Stan Litchfield, Rouse, When Dr. H. H. Kuhlman completes this academic wil| Ron Nelson, Randy Elkins, Paul year, he have served as head of SMC's biology department It May, Linda Ry.ds, Mike Doherty to, 25 years. "I in, here," „ork say, Dr. Kuhl,„.,„ ,,„j d and SA sponsor Kenneth Davis. Wx „ „ el | salisBc nine hail opportunities to go elsewhere, but [eel can The three that my service aforementioned sub- vnJ,ie.l here lustascireclivcly as anssshcre else We ,l,o Ilk. !,, .. t during the mumty and the climate." Smuts van Rooyen, assistant professor of religion, becaml limn officially of the United Stales on April gates met for a business 29. As a loyal citizen of Soulf s Africa, he couldn't (at time, conscientiously take the step. I The subcommittee on intercol- legiate retreats proposed a resolu- The multi-media production about SMC, Light,!, tion that was entitled "Into the passed by the assem- has been presented on campus three limes-faculty meeting, general asl bly, setting up an intcrcollegia COmmu ici " " i °"s "»>>• bl WSMC-FM The program was produced ° i ni '" 1 m aior c tl> > °">P«"Ml successfully for ononlSi^r? .st*^' T" .

i liilereol- —

Accenf Editor-elect Elkins lopes to Make Paper a Weekly Below is an interview by an Ga. This is the same company By reporting the ACCENT staff rncrnhrr ui tin- that prims This Week for us, and SOUTHERN and also many of the things that ACCENT editor they do a very fine job. arc not now reported—like news txt school year, Handy El- Why don't you continue having of the various campus Elkins reveals clubs—we his plans, the ACCENT published at the Col- will have no problem in filling a attitudes and names mo:t oj lii* lege Press? weekly paper with. good and per- ,~ members. The main reason we hope to tinent reading Randy, what experience material. I think have leave the College Press is money. with a weekly paper we can also j had thai feel you qualifies you We can print 27 issues of next year's tap some of the writing be editor of the sources SOUTHERN Accent at the Summcrvillc News among the staff and administration \CCENT for the 1971-72 school for about S2000 less than the 16 By allowing professors to expound issues of this year's Accent. on various topics, wo will possihly Well, at the beginning of this In using a less expensive process, enjoy a boiler student-teacher rela- the journalism department of what difference in quality will ap- tionship—since now we have to MC started a newspaper in the guess how some of our prominent topic, it will be made into the form — of Collegcdale, Ool- Thcrc will be no real difference faculty members feel about certain icwah and Apison. of a news story and be run in the Currently I'm in quality from the current Accent, irving as one of the edilors regular form. The editorial p.icc out, The problem stems the of Ihis but we do plan to use a cheaper from How do you plan to finance a carries a section entitled newspaper. The experience I've grade "Letters lack of communication between the of paper, since generally the weekly paper? to the Editor." In this place and two opposing forces . ined with a weekly paper students o such as Accent is read once and thrown — and Next year's Accent will be fi- in this place only, will someone not administration. attitude [his makes me qualified to run the away. The quality of a My toward newspaper nanced in the same manner as all connected with the paper be al- my sponsor will Accent in the same manner as a is not based be one of respeel — on the grade of paper previous Accents—hy appropria- ,'cekly. I've also lowed to express his opinion. I respect for judgment and respect kept in close con- it's printed on. but the — quality of tion from the SA. Some may feel think it only fair to do it this way for authority. will .„.. with this year's Accent, so I the articles I look at the that are printed on its that by going to weekly a paper, since this creates a common de- college have a knowledge of the problems pages. administration in the same the cost will soar out of sight; I nominator for all to use in express- light and will expect no les would just like to say that next ing their opinions. From time to Bj p ogctbci year's Accent budget (which has time, members of the college ad- polarizing, much alrcadv been approved) will be more win lie accomplished than S400 less than this year's budget. ever before.

> Most of your new staff has been

pay : staff selected by now, I guess. What members for the time they spend think. are their positions and names? on the paper. You may or may not be aware News editor. Bob Eggenbergcr. What changes do you plan to that the last issue of (lie SOUTH- feature editor, Judy Socol; colum- make concerning regular columns ERN ACCENT was limited to nists. Ron Nelson, Mike Doherty, like Cerebrations, Pasquinade, campus circulation because some Andy Wool ley; sports editor, Nel- Campus Beat and the calendar? semi-controversial copy—a letter son Thoresen; managing editor, campus opinion col- As far as Jim Jcnks; photographer, Paul umns go, they will all be incor- May; copy editors, Judy Strawn, porated under one regular head Brcnda Wood; cartoonist, Adan

This I decided Each week thei What positions need to be filled yet and what qualifications are you publishing a campus newspaper. If you send your copy 50 miles looking for? I understand that because of way and don't sec it again until it Now I mainly need reporters. I will ur experience with the tri-com- published, how you keep have about three staff reporters munity newspaper THIS WEEK, imc errors from slipping through? lined up at the present and would

disadvantage, 1 hope to make some sweeping This is one like lo start off next year with no changes in format and Nashvi ACCENT and fewer than eight. I feci that with feel that there are a production process. Would you number of eight reporters we can handle the dents seeking social diversions olf ease explain what you have in the work it has done for This major news stories on campus. things as concerts, ind and why. Week. In a system like we arc campus; such Also, students in journalism classes athletic events, art shows, etc., will The format of the new Accent going to use, mistakes will be in- will be given assignments. if be included in the calendar. ill be basically the same except evitable. I feel that directions What do you consider to be your student like to express ;at the pages will be slightly to the printers are made quite clear, If a would and a SLIGONIAN reprint—were strongest area as far as newspaper next an opinion other than in a letter to nailer than those now used. As the number of mistakes in not approved before publication. leadership is concerned—manng- tolerable. the editor, how wilt you handle it? far as production goes, we propose year's Accent will be— What will be your attitude toward in ;, eililiiiji, "riling ur other? wishes to /e the paper printed at the Where will you find enough news If someone on the staff your faculty advisor, belter known Considering my own qualifica- express an opinion about some Summers ille News in Summcrvillc, to fill a weekly campus newspaper? to many students as "censor"? tions, I feel personally that my

I hope that the situation never strongest areas arc managing and trainmc. his goal had always been certificates to 24 students whose from p. I AWARDS— arises in mv newspaper that arose writing. This was the inaugural 100 words per minute. names were announced last fall to Stanley stu- to type also named fifty-nine in the last ACCENT. To put it' year for the weekly newspaper This However, the lop speed he attained appear in "Who's Who iti American dents as recipients of pins of merit candidlv , it was a "bad scene for Week, and I have enjoyed con- since I began to Universities and Colleges." They for was 99. "Ever achievements in beginning and all involved." I think that there siderable success both in the writ- teach typing." Stanley said, "it has are listed as follows: Judy Bcnl-, I ite > ping: and shorthand. should be an air of confidence be- ing and managing sections of 'this been my goal to have one of my zinger. Bill Boyle, Mrs. Marjorie Stanley stated that during his tween the edilor and the sponsor newspaper. I think the ability to students type over 100 w.p.m. This Campbell, Bill Cash, Jim Cress, one having confidence in the other. keep organized is Hicks. Lynda is the first year that I have ever had Doug Foley, Wayne This happen only when the at- Kins- can ikey Socol & Nelson a student type that fast." Linda Hughes, Elton Kerr. Shirley titude that is so prevalent on the Spangler, sophomore business ad- man. Mike Lilly, Bob MacAlpine. SM( t -the ' II on my ability to organize. Get Internships Bill Richards, Ed Sammer, Gail Schmidt. Mrs. Shirley Ruckle, Col- leen Smith, Susie Spears. Richard Steinweg, Edith the field of Who's Who Stanley, Don Senate Votes Sub-budgets q> ludy Socol, junior communicatio Dr. Frank Knittel, academic major, will spend 10 weeks dean and president-elect presented Under Direct SA Control Faith for Today, New York, and Not only will there be a possible SA Vice President Bill Boyle Ron Nelson at Hialeah Hospital. change in Accent publication next says that as of Accent press time, Hialeah. Fla. Announced previ- year, but there will be a definite wsly, Bob Wade has an internship Bob Dillon and Dennis Taylor had change in the business end of the ignment at Florida Hospital, Or- applied lo be Accent and Memo- ries business manager. Taylor held The Student Association Senate the position ot Memories business voted this week to have the SA jtablishcd internship manager under Editor Carol Smart treasurer be responsible for all fi- program, SMC's communications this school year. nancial disbursements involved ment sent in Judy's applica- with the Southern Accent and the The Senate decision occurred iyway. After taking the mat- Southern Memories. Previously, since the names were submitted, so their Board, Faith for Today both these publications had their procedure will vary from original lecided to accept the application, own separate accounting systems. plans. Taylor's and Dillon's names ludy will work closely with Mrs, The Accent and Memories will will be submitted to the Publica- Virginia Fagal, the director's wife, now have advertising managers re- tions Board for approval. Upon ^fer work will involve production sponsible only for bringing in the approval, says Boyle, the two pub- work with the Bible school, accord- money. This redistribution of lication editors will consult with the ng to communica- Dr. Don Dick, applicants to determine whether R. C. Stanley, office adminisfra department chairman. Judy Spangler receiv i award from Linda they arc still interested in the posi- for typing 104 words per minute for fiv. regular internship chai , eceive the tion department tions in their revised form. scholarship of $700. Nelson, junior history major 'ummunicaiions minor), is the COLLEGE MARKET hird SMC student to receive an nternship at Hialeah Hospital. Hill -ash, last year's Southern Accent editor, spent summer 1970 there, and the previous year, the position " ts filled by George Adams, now film editor at Faith for Today. Nelson's 10 weeks of training ed Goods, 'ill be devoted to learning closed- ircuit television on a hospital COLLEGE PLAZA as is. He will receive the Marion Hurst Memorial Scholarship of 11000. >

Student Association and MV

SPORTLIGHT I Raise $1685 for VOP's Wayout'

By Judy Strawn one of the best-going programs in program on faith, assuming that SMC's gift of $1,685 to "Way- out," pooled with thousands of dol- H. M. S. Richards, Jr., VOP di- lars from other schools and rector, feels that "It's wonderful Young people all over the United churches, lias helped to bring the that the students of Southern Mis- States are joining the "Showers of Voice of Prophecy youth evange- sionary College can sec the need of Dollars" campaign in support of mailing $1 to lism program back to its feet finan- this important youth outreach. We the Wayout by "Way- cially. do appreciate the funds that have out," Box 2829, Hollywood, Cali- Under the direction of Doug been raised so far by students, fac- fornia 90028. holey, .SMC's MV has raised $685 ulty members and friends for the The "Wayout" department of the for the Wayout. Foley hopes that Wayout program," he said. Voice of Prophecy is making avail- SMC students will contribute Dave Hartman, a VOP treasurer, able a new song book, the "Way- enough additional funds to make says that because people arc rally- out Singout."

this an even thousand dollars for ing to the aid* of the Voice of This book features 55 songs, in- the MV before he sends the money Prophecy, the money picture has cluding "Less of Me" by Glen to VOP. The SA is giving $1,000. greaih improved. Campbell: "Peace" by Steve Borth; Appeals for Wayout money were Norman Matiko, field service di- and "Put Your Hand in the Hand made by rector for the Bible Correspondence of the Man from Galilee." halls. School, says "all systems arc go" Also included are guitar chords clubs and the faculty for enrolling people in the Wayout. in easy keys, and notes printed

"The Wayout is the most effec- A short time ago 5,561 young peo- tive program to reach the youth," ple were enrolled tn the Wayout said Foley. "Finally, our church course during a 32-hour period on Wayout folder. has developed a program that Daytona Beach in Florida. Three thousand requests for Inn

strikes home to the young people Letters have been written to all book have already come in, a; of this generation." many as 900 in one day. The song-

As a result of Foley's interest iti ing people to enroll youth in the book can be ordered from Hosanna Botimer Leads Fast Pitch this protect, the Student Associa- Wayout course. The Voice of House, Box 1700, Glendalc. Oh tion was approached by MV offi- Prophecy is going ahead with the fornia 91290, for 75*. Dnnkel has sewed things up in cers and urged to contribute to the place in fast pitch, but only in slow pitch. He is Undefeated going Wayo Flto Kerr, SA He and Thoresen bolh have into the final week of play, and 3'j id, "Traditionally, the SA games ahead of his nearest oppo- has not involved itself with any re- nent. The closest race here is for Legacy Shows Year of ligious activities, hut this year we a second place with Pcekc. Parker decided thai religious activities are niiiich helween Thoresen and Fcn- and Moore all tied to this date. a part of the total scope of the pro- Poetry, Prose Photos it and dcrson. Either way, means Peeke lost two games io fall hack gram. In addition to several reli- plenty of viewing excitement. One defeat was a 13-12 affair to gious programs and financial sup- By Arlene Potter Thoresen and Botimer traded Moore. Moore also lost to Dunkel port to MV, we decided to give The "Legacy," SMC's annual : SA, ing to SA I 15-13. Chrislcn- wins in Ihe two games they played Parker won over Bill $1,000 to the Wayout. The SA poetry, prose, and art worl. publi- I against each other. Both were sen, 17-15, and Gallimore, 15-7. budget showed sufficient surplus cation, was distributed to students In previous years, pitcher's games. In the first, it was His team has thai cooJ olTense, hut funds to make a substantial contri- during assembly Thursday, April given, and "Legacy' can't seem to hold Thoresen 1-0, on a home i by down the other bution." 29. purchased individually for $1. Lewis Sommcrvillc. Botimc team with his defense. Any one of "I feel," staled This booklet is Kathy Steadman, composed of The 1 1 the next 2-1, scoring twice the these three teams could take sec- 97 "Legacy" has 64 public relations material SA director, "that submitted by stu- pages, compared with last year's first inning. ond, but Peeke and Moore have when the SA sees a need, it should dents to the "Legacy" editor and 16-7, more games to play than Parker— 40-page publication. Cheryl Jetter, be ready to help. ... In this case, "Legacy" and Ward. 9-1. He has third place giving them a slight advantage. editor, says she wanted I think the money is going to a to give more students chances to nailed. His only loss was in Thorc- Christensen won two games. goodc use. Wayout s to be lion given ,o ,e slu dc us fr ' express themselves in it. rather than Long, and 20-4 over Ward. 12-4. to take fourth place. to be very selective and have just a t it He lost twice to Botimer, 8-2 and few of the best. games and took one against Pcekc. L_ 11-3. His main problem has been Long still is looking for his first getting a complete team at each from victor,'. He's been close and scored Geneva, III. sisted of Marsha Drake, Cheryl Ward lost five games to fall to Oliver (197I's editor-elect), Colcen » last. He hasn't found the right Vs. Seitz, Richard Stanley, Arlene Pot- pitching formula yet. Ho does have "B" LEAGUE STANDINGS ter and Carmen Swigart. Advisors a potent attack, and we're surprised Jm ^ were Jana Rolls, Ken Wilson and Donella Hunt. Bruce Gerhart, English department chairman, was LEAGUE STANDINGS the sponsor. L It is impossible to estimate the time spent putting the "Legacy" i together, says Cheryl, but the last \^ K couple of weeks before the dcad- the staff worked many late

i The : began during the last I

^L.. part of December when i first started coming in from SOCCER STANDINGS students, Stan Rouse, and was finished up a Recreation Committee chairman, presents chan the end of February. trophy to Dick Stepanske in the SOUTHERN ACCENT Open c Each submitted poem, ess photograph and sketch was ai Dick Stepanske, shooting 84, de- lyzed and categorized. Much n feated three others in the cham- pionship flight of the Southern Ac- poor quality, si cent Open golf tournament on the was financed by thc Spring Holiday April 21. Stan Southern it and conducted Rouse, SA Recreation Committee bv the Recre Committee. chairman and SA president-elect, presented Stepanske with a trophy.

Winner of the first flight was Don Tucker, shooting 90 and de- feating four playet Stan COLLEGEDALE CLEANERS


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