Fewer Hearing Mostly Bad News About Economy
1 NEWS Release . 1615 L Street, N.W., Suite 700 Washington, D.C. 20036 Tel (202) 419-4350 Fax (202) 419-4399 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 Andrew Kohut, Director Michael Remez, Senior Writer Penn State Scandal Tops Public’s News Interest Fewer Hearing Mostly Bad News about Economy The Penn State child sex abuse scandal topped the public’s news interest last week, but Economic News Seen as Less Dire Americans also continued to closely track news 80 % hearing mostly bad economic news about the nation’s economy. 67 The public’s perceptions of economic news, 58 which took a decided downturn in August, are 48 much less negative today. Currently, 48% say 41 they are hearing mostly bad news about the economy, down from 58% in October and 67% 42 in August. Still, very few Americans say news 29 about the economy is mostly good (3%). Nearly 24 half (48%) see the news as a mix of good and bad. Jan Dec Jul Jul Jan Aug Nov 2008 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 The latest weekly News Interest Index survey, PEW RESEARCH CENTER Nov. 10-13, 2011. conducted Nov. 10-13 among 1,000 adults by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, finds that 32% say they followed news about the Penn State scandal, which led to the firing of legendary football coach Joe Paterno, more closely than any other news. By comparison, 18% cite news about the economy as their top story while 12% cite sexual harassment accusations against GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain.
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