Athletics WA Directory ______2 Annual General Meeting 3 – 4 Chairman’s Message _ 5 Chief Executive Officer’s Report _ 6 – 9 ™ Facilities 7 ™ Integration______7 ™ Coaching and Officials 8 ™ Development 8 ™ Finance 9 Programs and Events 2007/2008 10 – 19

™ Perry Lakes Final Hurrah 10 ™ Strive Season 11 ™ WA State Championships 12 ™ Telstra Selection Trials & Australian Athletics Championships 12 ™ WA All Schools Championships 13 ™ IGA Australian All Schools 13 ™ Telstra Australian U20 & U23 Championships 14 ™ Development 14 - Schools Knockout 14 - Regional Development 14 - Little Athletics Transition Program 15 - Coach Development 15 - Officials Development 15 ™ Drug Free Junior Elite Squad 16 ™ Out of Stadium 17 - 2007 Australian Cross Country & Road Walking Championships______17 - 2008 State Cross Country Season______18 - Synergy Gallipoli Run______19 Vale Ed Neimanis 20 - 21

2007/2008 Audit Report 22 2007/2008 Financial Statements and Reports 23 – 28 2007/2008 Season Results 29 - 38

2007/2008 ANNUAL REPORT Western Australian Athletics Commission (Inc) t/as Athletics WA Page 1


• Life Members The following individuals have been recognized for their significant contributions to athletics in Western and are Life Members of Athletics WA:

Patricia Carr Geoff Garnett Persephone Lazarakis David Carr John Gilmour Anne Masters Jacquie Cattermole Valerie Hancock Ray Mawson Rick Cattermole Joan Harris Ellen McKenzie Robert Chalmers Robert Harris Fred Napier * Gwen Chester Arthur Hindle Ed Neimanis * William Collier * Ross Holland Pamela O’Connell Martin Crowe Kevan Hook Valerie Prescott Frank Day * EV Horsley Jeanette Robertson Shirley de la Hunty * Beris Johnson Bruce Stanton Margaret Devine Terry Jones June Streeter Jacqui Dufall Don Keane George Tempest Brian Foley * Doug Lambert Mavis Tempest Bruce Wilson

* Deceased • Athletics WA Merit Holders Lindsey Glass Clive Murtha Stephen Stingemore Kate Glass Shirley Sardelich Eric Weigel Yvonne Flavel Anne Stingemore Lyn Weigel • WAAC Board Members Peter Bacich (Chairman) Wendy Ryan Stephen Stingemore (Deputy Chairman) Russell Stranger Steven McMahon Chilla Porter James Taylor Bob Schickert Cameron Yorke • Staff Members Chief Executive Officer Administrative Assistant Wayne Loxley Jessica Stingemore July - March Joanna Clucas March - June Development Officers Accountant Consultant Gareth Elliott July – August Bronwyn Christie Adam Erceg September - June Kylie Wheeler Book Keeper Roslyn Rogers

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Western Australian Athletics Commission (Inc)


5.30pm Tuesday 30th October 2007 Meeting Room Subiaco Hotel Hay Street, Subiaco

1. Present: P. Bacich (Chairman), R. Stranger (D/C), C. Porter, S. McMahon, C. Yorke, J. Taylor, W. Ryan and W. Loxley (CEO).

Apologies: B. Schickert and S. Stingemore The Chairman opened the meeting at 5.40pm welcoming all in attendance.

2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

It was moved R. Stranger and seconded S. McMahon that the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Carried unanimously.

3. Business Arising: None

4. 2006 / 2007 Annual Report:

It was moved R. Stranger and seconded C. Porter that the Annual Report be received. Carried unanimously and without dissent.

5. Annual Accounts and Auditor’s Statement for 2006/2007

The Chief Executive advised that at the request of the auditors, the accounts had been adjusted since accepted by the Board to include a provision for Long Service entitlement for the CEO. This adjustment of $14,000 had reduced the profit to $17,700. C. Porter enquired if this was a pro rata amount and the CEO advised that this was for 11 years service.

It was moved C. Porter and seconded J. Taylor that the accounts and audited statement be accepted. Carried unanimously.

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6. Election of Board Members

The Chairman asked the CEO if any nominations had been received and Mr Loxley advised that there had not been any nominations resulting from the advertisement on 22nd August. He had received written nominations from the retiring members J. Taylor, S. Stingemore and C. Porter seeking re-election.

It was agreed that the nominations from the retiring members be moved as a block. It was moved S. McMahon and seconded W. Ryan that the three members J. Taylor, S. Stingemore and C. Porter be appointed to the board for a two year period, expiring at the 2009 AGM.

W. Loxley also advised that the nominations from the Federation of C. Yorke and B. Schickert to the Board needed to be ratified by the WAAC.

It was moved J. Taylor and seconded R. Stranger that the nominations by the Federation of Mr Yorke and Mr Schickert be endorsed and they be appointed to the board for a two year period, also expiring at the 2009 AGM.

7. Election of Office Bearers.

The Chairman advised that he had nominated for a further year as Chairman and asked if there were any other nominations. There being no other nominations he advised that he had been re-elected as Chairman unopposed.

The Chairman asked the CEO if any nominations had been received for the position of Deputy Chairman. He was advised that a nomination had been received from S. Stingemore and with no other nomination, the Chairman advised that Mr Stingemore had been elected unopposed.

8. Election of Auditors and Agree to Remuneration.

The Chairman asked the CEO to comment on the current position and he advised that Francis A. Jones had been the auditors for several years and were familiar with the structure in place and they were happy to continue. The Chairman asked regarding the fee charged this year and he was advised that they had charged $1660. It was moved S. McMahon and seconded W. Ryan that they be re- appointed for a fee of up to $2000 for 2008. Agreed unanimously.

The Chairman advised that the only item left on the agenda was the to close the meeting but before he could do so, Mr Porter suggested it was appropriate to compliment W. Loxley on the excellent contribution he was making to the sport and congratulated him on his efforts. The Chairman endorsed these comments on behalf of the board.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 6.05 pm.

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In accordance with the constitution of the Western Australian Athletics Commission, my term as Chairman expires at the end of this year and I leave the position with a feeling that the glass is now half full, rather than half empty.

While there is so much progress to be made, particularly in relation to the sport having a functional development system in operation, there is a sense of optimism as a number of strategies are in place that will hopefully provide a better pathway for the many thousands of young people who start athletics at a young age.

The boldest of these is the WAAC decision to directly invite several Little Athletics centres to join Athletics WA in the hope that this will facilitate one administrative body the opportunity to coordinate athletics for all ages. This initiative is the last option our board believed we had after so many unsuccessful attempts to form a genuine alliance with WA Little Athletics. For the future of this sport, we sincerely hope this move is successful because its future is not bright without a more efficient development system.

Perhaps the most exciting thing to happen in athletics in WA since the Empire Games in 1962, is the opening of the new facility. We are confident that the presence of lights to allow twilight competition in our ideal climatic conditions will attract a greater number of participants to compete at senior level.

As a result of the opening of the new facility, the Drug Free Track and Field Classic in December was the last major event to be held at Perry Lakes Stadium. We invited many of the sports champions of the past to be recognized for their performances over the years and the crowd in attendance, were warm in their appreciation.

As Chairman of Athletics WA for eight years I have been amazed at the contribution of all the officials and volunteers that are responsible for the conduct of this sport. I salute all of you and together with our coaches, many of whom volunteer their time, your dedication and commitment is acknowledged.

It has also been my pleasure to have had Wayne Loxley as General Manager initially, and more recently as Chief Executive, during my tenure and have thoroughly enjoyed our association. There have been several staff members to compliment the management team and I would particularly like to thank Kylie Wheeler, Adam Erceg and Joanna Clucas for their current roles in supporting Wayne and the many volunteers.

One of the strengths of our board has been its stability and I would like to thank all members for their continued and long serving contribution to the governance of the sport. I hope to continue as a board member for a short time and will look to assist the new Chairman in the transition period.

Good luck to all current members and future participants in your athletic endeavours.

Peter Bacich Chairman

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As we prepared for what many believed may be the biggest and best ever Olympics in Beijing, the 2007/2008 year should have been a year that athletics in Australia celebrated its existence.

To the contrary however, closer inspection of the state of athletics across the country, presents a far more bleak picture and future for this cornerstone sport.

The presence of two independent governing bodies for junior and senior athletic across the country, continues to prevent athletics from being able to plan and implement coordinated programs that enable it to compete against other sports and attract a higher percentage of first choice athletes.

This situation needs to be rectified to allow the sport to capitalize on the opening of the new state facility, which should provide a great fillip for its growth and development.

Further detail on these developments will be provided later in the report.

On behalf of all athletics members and supporters I would like to thank the Department of Sport and Recreation (DSR) and Healthway for their continued support as our partners. The support and advice in particular from our designated consultant, Evan Stewart at DSR, is greatly appreciated.

Other corporate partners we acknowledge are Synergy and West Coast Eagles along with media partners Channel 7, The West Australian Newspaper and Radio 6PR.

During my time in athletics I have been fortunate to have a fantastic group of people to work with over many years and this year one of my favourite and most productive employees in Jessica Stingemore left us to continue her full time studies. Thanks to Jess for her contribution and personal assistance, and we look forward to seeing her back in some capacity in the near future.

I would also like to thank and acknowledge Kylie Wheeler, Gareth Elliott, Adam Erceg and Joanna Clucas for their commitment to the conduct and promotion of this sport which often places a heavy demand on their time.

My gratitude is also extended to the board of directors who have always provided every support in pursuing our agreed objectives and have operated in a manner that allows the staff the freedom to get on with the task at hand. I would also like to make special acknowledgement of our retiring Chairman Peter Bacich, who has been strong and supportive throughout his tenure.

It is with pleasure that I offer you this account of our business for the year, that relates to the Key Performance Indicators from the Athletics WA business plan.

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As this report is released, we are literally months away from the opening of the new boutique style facility that, in addition to providing ‘state of the art’ conditions for our athletes, will provide an administrational base for the sport.

It has been well documented that astute planning ensures that this facility is unique in having the finish line on the eastern side to allow the runners to enjoy a tailwind as they run in the traditional direction.

We are confident this facility will attract world wide interest with best performance conditions that the orientation of the track, combined with the Western Australian climate, will provide.

We look forward to all of our members finally enjoying the benefits of this facility which will hopefully attract a new generation of athletes that elect to participate in this marvellous sport in more appropriate surroundings.

Once the state facility is opened, we will need to encourage the state government to revisit the State Sporting Facilities Plan that proposes four synthetic tracks in the metropolitan area. These are imperative for the sport to grow, particularly in the southern and northern corridors.


At a meeting in June with senior representatives from the Department of Sport and Recreation and the advisor to the Minister for Sport and Recreation, the WA Little Athletics Chairman expressed the view that they were not responsible for promoting a pathway into athletics.

This position was reaffirmed at a national level by the Australian Little Athletics Chairman and Chief Executive to the Australian Sports Commission when they advised them that they did not see themselves as a feeder sport to senior athletics but rather as a movement, in a similar vain to Scouts and Girl Guides.

The sport of athletics can no longer afford a system where there is no cooperative pathway for junior participants to progress through to senior athletics as the talent pool this sport has to develop, diminishes every year.

Consequently, this year the Athletics WA board resolved to invite several Little Athletics Centres to join Athletics WA to commence a national program and to establish a clear pathway for transition.

Importantly, Athletics WA received the support and endorsement of the Department of Sport and Recreation, , the WA Institute of Sport and the WA Sports Federation to proceed with this course of action.

It is critical for the future of this sport that we continue to explore avenues and opportunities that provide an efficient, clear development pathway for all participants.

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Coaching and Officials The dysfunctional pathway referred to in the integration section above, has an equally detrimental effect on the development of coaching and officials as it does on the athletes. An effective pathway would be a positive outcome for all participants of the sport.

We have been working very closely with Athletics Australia (AA) in an endeavour to streamline the accreditation process for coaches with a particular focus on decreasing the costs of the course to attract an increase in participants. AA’s National Coaching Coordinator, Michael Poulton, has worked diligently in managing the Australian Track and Field Coaches Associations’ attitude to these changes and he is to be commended for his perseverance.

AA have also introduced a national coaching licence that will encourage coaches to register with their member association that will facilitate a quality of control over the many coaches that currently operate in isolation to the sport.

We are confident that these initiatives, combined with improved communication to the many coaches in the junior area, will enable us to better support and develop athletics coaches in WA.

Our officials remain the backbone of the sport and in addition to supporting our current group, we are anticipating that the initiatives discussed earlier in this report will bolster the number of registered officials.

Jeanette Robertson again fulfilled the role of Officials Education and Liaison Officer admirably and I thank her for her efforts in this regard. Her report detailing those activities appear later in the report. Jeanette’s contribution and dedication to athletics was recognized this year when she was awarded an Order of Australia Medal which was richly deserved.

Two of our long serving servants to the sport were recognized for their contribution during the year when AA upgraded them to higher honours. Congratulations to George Tempest who was elevated from Life Member to Life Governor and Lyn Foreman from Merit Award to Life Member. They will receive their awards at a ceremony in later this year.

Development The specific objectives in the area of development as outlined in the business plan are referred to in detail by our Development Officers in their report.

The area of development has been a paradox as it has provided a sense of frustration in not being able to achieve a unified model for the sport, but that predicament has led to me forging a number of professional relationships with volunteers at Little Athletics Centres.

These individuals are outstanding people as they lead productive professional and family lives while still finding the time and energy to be the driving force at their local athletics centre. Their attitude and energy towards providing a more effective development pathway for the sport has been refreshing and motivating for all of us to feed off. I look forward to working with them and other like minded individuals to foster a better development system for the sport.

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It is disappointing to declare a small loss in trading this year, the first in many years, which is a direct result of two contributing factors.

Firstly, the state of Perry Lakes Stadium has resulted in a downturn in some membership activity and the general use of equipment. Secondly, we have invested above our original budget in our attempts to forge close links with several Little Athletics centres and for the long term benefit of the sport, the board believed this investment appropriate.

We continue to look for new partnerships and believe this more likely when we move to the new facility, hopefully in March 2009.

We are extremely grateful for the financial support of the Department of Sport and Recreation, Healthway, Synergy and the West Coast Eagles.

Media partners Channel 7, The West Australian and Radio 6PR also provide vital support to the promotion of our events.

Finally, it is also important to note the contribution of and assistance provided by our national body Athletics Australia and the Western Australian Institute of Sport.

One of the key indicators for this sport is the success at national and international level of competition and Athletics WA continues to fight above its weight in this regard. This is largely due to the guidance and support of these two organizations and their role is important to our future in the high performance area.

I would like to conclude by acknowledging the support of the following businesses that participated in this year’s Corporate Classic. Thank you!

Ascot Capital Limited BG Agencies Community Newspaper Group Develop Finance Eziway Yokine Fremantle Football Club Greenwood Hotel Hire Society J Y Signs Motive Travel Mustard Catering Central Phoenix Holden Sports Media Stephen Browne Lawyers Strategy Finance Tabec The Marketing Mix West Coast Group Wilson Parking Youngs Holden

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™ Perry Lakes Final Hurrah Athletics WA hosted the last major athletics meet at Perry Lakes Stadium with the Drug Free Track and Field Classic on December 15 2007.

First opened in 1962 to host the Empire Games, Perry Lakes has been the home of athletics for hundreds of thousands of school children, members of Little Athletics, inter- club and elite athletes.

The stadium which has also played host to some of the worlds best athletes, including Cathy Freeman, Linford Christie and Betty Cuthbert, will be replaced by a new boutique style, state of the art facility adjacent to Challenge Stadium. With lights and the orientation of the track designed to facilitate a tailwind, this facility will provide some of the best performance conditions anywhere in the world.

The farewell also provided an opportunity to recognise the outstanding contribution to the sport of our Olympic and representatives as they were acknowledged on the track before the crowd in attendance.

Although bereft of strong representation from our Eastern State athletes this year, the Classic produced a number of quality performances.

WA’s Commonwealth Games representative stunned everyone including herself when she threw a personal best and an Olympic B qualifier in the womens javelin (59.36m). This was an impressive performance this early in the season after sustaining stress fractures in her back in Europe earlier in the year.

New Zealand’s Andrea Miller won the womens 100m (11.63) ahead of local sprinter Jody Henry and Queensland’s Fiona Cullen. Miller also won the womens 100m Hurdles (13.46) defeating Cullen who represented Australia at the .

Mandurah member and former 400m National Champion had a great victory in the mens 400m winning comfortably in a personal best time (46.13). It was a big day for Offereins who had run a quick 100m earlier in the program to win his heat, but he was unable to back up for the 100m final which was run only 30 minutes after the gruelling 400m.

While the Classic was the last major athletics meet to be held at the stadium, it will remain open for inter-club and school athletics meetings until the new facility is completed in early 2009.

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™ Strive Track and Field Season The 2007/08 Strive Track and Field Season started on October 7th and ran through to March 12th. All interclub events were held at Perry Lakes stadium while a couple of distance State Championships events were held at Coker Park. Ten of the interclubs were held on Sunday mornings, while six were held on Saturday afternoons to try and accommodate the various athletes and event groups with the best conditions.

WA records broken this season include two Open athletes bettering their own marks with Kim Mickle stretching the tape to 59.36m in the javelin and Kylie Wheeler scoring 6369 in the heptathlon. Congratulations to the following athletes on setting new WA records: Kim Mickle Open Womens Javelin Kylie Wheeler Open Womens Heptathlon Ray Williams Under 18 Mens 200m Mitchel Zilm Under 18 Mens 100m U18 4x100m team of Brendan Crowe, Jared Bezuidenhout, Ray Williams & Mitchel Zilm

• Super Series The Super Series was an interesting affair this year, with a number of athletes being penalized for entering more than the allowed events. The results were amended after detecting the error & the results were as follows:

FEMALE Team Score University of WA 304 Karrinyup / Northern Districts 287.5 Curtin 277 Canning Districts and Mandurah / Rockingham 247.5 Stirling Swans 208 West Track 124 Melville 105

MALE Team Score Curtin 283 University of WA 268 Stirling Swans 256 Canning Districts and Mandurah / Rockingham 251 Karrinyup / Northern Districts 217 West Track 156 Melville 30

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™ WA State Championships Conducted on the weekend of 7th – 9th March, 251 athletes competed in 171 events with more than 400 entries for the weekend.

Some of the highlights from the Championships were:

Brooke Pires-Parenzee: Gold U16 200m, Gold U16 400m Zoe Timmers: Gold U20 High Jump Lauren Miller: Gold Open 800m, Gold Open 1500m, Silver Open 400m Cody Wilks: Gold U16 100m, Gold U16 200m, Gold U16 Discus, Silver U16 400m Raheen Williams: Gold U16 100m Hurdles, Gold U16 200m Hurdles, Gold U16 High Jump Andrew Emsavana: Gold U18 100m, Gold U18 200m, Gold U18 110m Hurdles

™ Telstra Selection Trials and Australian Athletics Championships Twenty seven WA athletes travelled to Brisbane to contest The Telstra Selection Trials and 86th Australian Athletics Championships which were held at the Queensland Sport & Athletics Centre from 28th February to 1st March.

This year’s Championships were even more important to athletes as they incorporated the Selection Trials for the 2008 held in Beijing, in August.

It was a successful competition for the WA contingent with three open national champions, an U23 national champion, eight silver medalists, and one bronze medalist. and Kylie Wheeler defended their national titles, while Emma Knight claimed her first national title in the open womens triple jump.

The results below highlight the success of the West Australians:

Steve Hooker Gold Open Pole Vault Emma Knight Gold Open Triple Jump Kylie Wheeler Gold Open Heptathlon Warwick Cregan Silver Open 110m Hurdles Jody Henry Silver Open 100m Kim Mickle Silver Open Javelin Vicky Parnov Silver Open Pole Vault Lyndsay Pekin Silver Open 400m Hurdles Kyle Rasti Silver Open Decathlon Dane Richter Silver Open 400m Hurdles Ellen Pettit Bronze Open High Jump Kyle Rasti Gold U23 Decathlon Chris Johnson Silver U23 Decathlon Steve Hooker

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™ WA All Schools Championships WA’s premier High School Track and Field meet, the WA All Schools Track and Field Championships was host to almost 300 athletes from regional and metropolitan areas across WA. The Championships were held at Perry Lakes Stadium on 2nd - 4th November.

Numbers of entries for the meet were down from the previous year, however large numbers remained in the Under 16 boys age group and Under 14 and 18 girls. The decrease in numbers was due largely to the promotion of the meet to both primary and secondary schools. This will become a major focus in 2008 during inter-school athletics carnivals and the Little Athletics mentor program.

There were some exceptional results throughout the Championships with the highlights including Francesca Da Rui winning three gold medals in the Under 14 and Under 15 age group and Aisha Collymore winning three gold medals in the girls Under 15 age group. There were also some outstanding boys results coming from Michael Craggs winning five gold medals in the Under 14 division and Jordan Dobson winning a special six gold medals in the under 16 division.

™ IGA Australian All Schools The 2007 Australian All Schools and Youth Championships held in Sydney from the 6th -9th December fielded one of the biggest Western Australian teams for many years and the performances of all athletes involved were exceptional which holds a bright future for the sport in WA.

Taking a team of 97, WA came home with a total of 39 medals of which 15 were gold, 15 silver and 9 bronze. The medal tally was down on previous years but all competitors deserve an admirable mention for their achievements during the Championships.

There were some exceptional performances for the WA team, which included Mitchell Zilm’s state record run of 10.72 to win the boys U18 100m, Raheen Williams stunning jump of 1.99 in the boys U15 high jump, Andrew Emsavana's performances in the 200m hurdles, 200m and 100m hurdles, and Catherine Van der Walt incredible win in the girls U15 1500m run. Congratulations to all competitors, in particular the below list of WA gold medallists

Brianna Beahan U17G 100m Hurdles Rachel Birtles U18G Pole Vault Matthew Cowie U17B Shot Put James Davidson U15B 3000m Andrew Emsavana U16B 100m Hurdles and U16B 200m Kieran King U17B 400m Coni Macri U15G Javelin Liz Parnov U14G Pole Vault and U15G Pole Vault Tahnee Reynolds Hopkins U18G Triple Jump Catherine Van der Walt U15G 1500m Raheen Williams U15B High Jump Ray Williams U18B 200m Mitchell Zilm U18B 100m

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™ Australian U20 & U23 Championships The 2008 Australian Under 20 & 23 Championships were held at the Griffiths University, on the Gold Coast, from 14th – 16th March.

Forty athletes made the trip to the sunny Gold Coast to compete, a week after the WA Strive season officially ended after the State Championships. WA came home with a total of 19 medals of which 5 were gold, 10 silver, and 4 bronze.

It was a case of the women outperforming the men at the Championships as they collected the majority of the medals won by WA athletes. There were some exceptional performances for the WA team including Larissa Perry’s World Junior qualifying jump of 6.16 to win the U20 Long Jump and Vicky Parnov’s Olympic B Qualifier of 4.35 in the U20 Pole Vault. Other notable performances included Lyndsay Pekin’s gold in the U23 400m and silver in the U23 400m Hurdles and Ray Williams two silver medals in the U20 100m and 200m.

Congratulations to all competitors and in particular the below list of WA gold medallists Lyndsay Pekin 400 Metre Sprint Under 23 Brianna Beahan 100 Metre Hurdles Under 20 Zoe Timmers High Jump Under 20 Vicky Parnov Pole Vault Under 20 Larissa Perry Long Jump Under 20

™ Development • Schools Knockout The 17th Schools Knockout Championships provided schools an opportunity to compete against other schools prior to their athletics season and also give winning schools the chance to partake in the National Final in Sydney. Teams entered in the meet were lower than the previous year but there were still enough girls teams to warrant a qualifying round.

A rain affected State Final caused an early conclusion to the Championships with Penrhos taking out both the Junior and Senior Girls division and Kelmscott Senior High School winning the Junior Boys and Guildford Grammar School winning the Senior Boys.

• Regional Development This program was coordinated by Athletics WA Development Officer, Adam Erceg with the support from regional Department of Sport and Recreation personnel with the primary aim to guide and prepare the schools for their regional athletics carnivals. There was also a talent identification program conducted in many of the high schools.

The regional areas included the Pilbara, Goldfields, Kimberley and the South West and there was a strong focus on the indigenous youth.

The Pilbara region included visits to Paraburdoo, Tom Price and Port Hedland while Kalgoorlie, Leonora and Esperance were serviced in the Goldfields. Bunbury and Albany were the focus in the South West with the highlight being the visit to the Djidi Djidi Indigenous Primary School in Bunbury. In the Kimberley, Jacko Whitby (level 4 ATFCA coach) conducted a Level 1 coaching accreditation course to the Broome Little Athletics Centre.

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• Little Athletics Transition Program With the developments between Athletics WA and various Little Athletics centres, the focus was on capatilising on the enthusiasm of these groups through the Training Centre Mentor programs. As interest in the Club training sessions had diminished over the years, they were not offered in that format. Clubs still however had access to external coaches through the Training Centre Mentor program.

Seven centres were initially targeted with six mentors ended up being appointed as follows: West Track Club and Kingsway LAC – Russell Mathanda Melville Seniors and Melville LAC – Roger Parenzee UWA Athletics Club and Perry Lakes LAC – David Leeder Curtin Club and Southern Districts LAC – Darren Rogers Northern Districts Athletics Club and Inglewood LAC – Rick Cattermole Cockburn LAC – Mark Ormsby

Although Cockburn was not linked with a senior club, the main aim of the program was still achievable with the mentor trying to facilitate links between the junior club and senior level athletics. The mentors facilitated training sessions at the various centres as well as encouraging participation at the senior Strive competitions.

• Coach Development Athletics WA once again provided travel assistance in an effort to recognise the outstanding contribution of our coaches to developing our sport. A travel subsidy was available to any Athletics WA registered coach who had an athlete achieve an Open National Qualifying performance and consequently travelled to the Championships

Seven coaches qualified this season, but only five travelled due to a couple of unfortunate late withdrawals of athletes. Congratulations to the following coaches who travelled under the subsidy; Lyn Cole, Lee Derby, David Griffiths, Anne Masters and Nenad Peisker.

• Officials Development The high standard of officiating for which WA officials have become known was again in evidence throughout the interclub, school and state events held during the last full season at Perry Lakes. As in previous years, the continued dedication of our track, jumps, and throws officials, together with the steadfast commitment of those who attend our walks and outside events have ensured that the athletes of all levels have been given every opportunity to achieve their goals. We should be proud of the professional way we conduct our business and contribute to the smooth running of all events in what have been sometimes extremely difficult conditions.

National Representation Fiona Brown, Marion Buchanan, Jacquie Cattermole, Bob Chalmers, Bev McCagh, Jeanette Robertson, June Streeter and Bruce Wilson were again chosen for national duties in 2007/2008. In all these nine officials travelled 71998 km on eleven occasions during the year to officiate at the three National Track and Field titles. In addition to our local successes, on the basis of their Athletics Australia gradings John and Christine Oldfield were accredited as Track Officials in the UK thus enabling them to participate in a number of meetings there. Given that selection for national events is both merit based and extremely competitive, our officials are to be congratulated on their achievements which 2007/2008 ANNUAL REPORT Western Australian Athletics Commission (Inc) t/as Athletics WA Page 15 will leave them well placed for international duties when Perth rejoins the national circuit following the completion of the new track.

Achievements It was pleasing to see so many people attend the seminar on the IAAF rule changes held in October. Nine officials were successful in obtaining their first qualification while another six were successful in obtaining their B grade accreditation. The total number of qualifications held by the 115 officials registered in Western Australia now stands at 206, of which 23 are at the A grade level. Adam, Kylie and Joanne from the office were also successful in their exams during the year to add some welcome flexibility to the teams managing jumps, throws and track events Other achievements in 2007/2008 were the OAM presented to OELO Jeanette Robertson (for services to nursing, athletics the Perth Zoo Docent Association and other voluntary roles) and the 10 years service badges presented to Heather Boxall and Anne Stingemore who reached milestone in 2008.

Future Developments With the impetus of Beijing behind us, the construction of the new venue at the AK Reserve well under way, and a bid for the 2018 Commonwealth Games in sight, WA officials have much to look forward to in the future. It is therefore vital that, through recruitment, education and service, we continue to capitalise on the expertise we have in our ranks and use it to embrace the new era of athletics in WA in 2009.

Jeanette Robertson OAM WA Officials Education Liaison Officer

™ Drug Free Junior Elite Seventeen athletes qualified this season in the Drug Free Junior Elite Squad. This number is slightly down on previous years, but still includes a number of new athletes who will hopefully continue on.

The Junior Elite Squad is a joint initiative between Athletics WA and WAIS aimed at developing and assisting talented U16 and U18 athletes before they reach WAIS scholarship level. Selection is based on World Youth qualifying standards. Benefits received by athletes in the squad include: - Financial assistance for travel to National Championships - Squad merchandise Congratulations to the 2007/2008 Drug Free Junior Elite Squad: Kent Adams Sean Fitzsimons Ellen Pearce Brianna Beahan Ethan Heywood Raheen Williams Rachel Birtles Jasvir Kang Ray Williams Matthew Cowie Kieran King Daniel Williamson Andrew Emsavana Madeline Murray Mitchel Zilm Samantha Fenwick Elizabeth Parnov

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™ Out of Stadium

• 2007 Australian Cross Country and Road Walking Championship The 2007 Cross Country and Walk season climaxed with the Australian Championships being held in Western Australia at the Alderbury Street Reserve and Bold Park on 1st – 2nd September. This is a combined event between Schools Sports Australia and Athletics Australia with the local State body responsible for the conduct of the events.

The efforts of volunteers and the organising bodies in the planning, preparation and conducting of the event was nothing short of extraordinary.

Surprising for a Western Australian event the participant numbers were extremely high with 839 cross country and 80 walks competitors from around Australian and New Zealand. The event encouraged and catered for students with disabilities who certainly earned the admiration of the very large crowd who were in attendance.

After much initial concern and trepidation the course was deemed exciting and challenging by all participants after the officials’ concerns were allayed. Competitors during the familiarisation stage of the Championship lavished praise for the course and the facilities.

The weather for the competition days were typically magnificent Western Australian days which resulted in exciting races and walks.

Racing for the Cross Country Championship started at 9am and ran like clockwork until the last race concluded at 4 pm. A long day for all concerned!

Although Western Australians did not feature in the medals as well as desired, all WA athletics represented the State with pride and passion.

Overall the event was declared an overwhelming success and highlighted the commitment and dedication of the WA volunteers.

An event on this scale is probably the largest event held in WA for a long period and its success can be attributed to the efforts of School Sports WA, Athletics WA staff and volunteers who work tirelessly during the championship. A job well done!

2007/2008 ANNUAL REPORT Western Australian Athletics Commission (Inc) t/as Athletics WA Page 17

• 2008 State Cross Country Season The start of 2008 cross country season was delayed and due to re-scheduling, some events were not programmed. However, the season started off with great enthusiasm from AWA competitors supported by school groups.

The change of date for the Sunset Coast relay, which historically is the first event of the calendar, did not deter competitors as the event again attracted a large field of competitors.

Although the AWA calendar featured the traditional events and club sponsored events it is becoming increasingly more difficult to avoid clashing with other major running events.

Statistical results confirm the best outcomes are achieved prior to school championship events. More specialised cross country events attracted competitive runners but lack mass participation. The participation of the under age local national cross country team was disappointing this year when compared against the commitment of 2007.

Involvement of and support from schools is continuing to increase and the senior men events are becoming competitive and exciting races. An improvement in the quality of senior women events was evident but the Under 20 women still has potential for improvement.

As detailed previously cross country participation has continued to grow and the future of this component of athletics is positive.

Acknowledgement is made of the support of the AWA clubs who traditionally compete in cross country events, the WAMC for assisting with the State marathon, half marathon and 10 km road race and Mr Geoff Garnett and Henri Cortis for their support in officiating during this season. Stephen Stingemore Deputy Chairman Cross Country Co-ordinator

Photo courtesy of Patrick Smith

2007/2008 ANNUAL REPORT Western Australian Athletics Commission (Inc) t/as Athletics WA Page 18

• 2008 Synergy Gallipoli Run The 2008 Synergy Gallipoli Run was held in the picturesque setting of Synergy Parkland, Kings Park on Sunday 20th April, commencing at 9.00am.

Race patron and Changhi survivor John Gilmour addressed the crowd in attendance highlighting the Anzac spirit and the importance of all West Australians remembering the efforts of his war colleagues. A live rendition of The Last Post was played by a bugler from Churchlands Senior High School and the race started in slightly overcast weather conditions.

485 people participated in the event which was just below the entries for the 2007 event. A major factor in this reduction can be attributed to the poor weather in the lead up to the day and the overcast conditions that formed on the morning prior to the start.

The winners on the day were:

8km (M) Roberto Busi 25.36 (W) Monique Oliver 32.12

4km (M) Stephen Stingemore 12.59 (W) Monique Hollick 15.39

The largest corporate team was again won by Synergy.

Roberto Busi with Synergy’s Managing Director Jim Mitchell Photos courtesy of Lindsey Talbert

2007/2008 ANNUAL REPORT Western Australian Athletics Commission (Inc) t/as Athletics WA Page 19

Vale Ed Neimanis Dedicated sportsman, coach, athletics official, coaching course presenter and humorous story teller, Ed Neimanis sadly passed away on 29th September 2007 after months with motor neurone disease. Known as Big Ed to many people, he was a mentor to many athletes and coaches for over 40 years. He was active in club administration (Nedlands AAC 1964 – ’78 and later Melville AAC). Ed was a member of the AAWA Board of Management as coaching director (1979 – 85) and was a life member of this association along with Melville AAC. Ed was president of the WA Branch of the Australian Track and Field Coaches Association from 1981 to ’86, a course presenter for 20 years and was made a life member for his contribution to the Branch. Ed attended many IAAF courses over the years (Seminar Strength training for T & F Athletes 1972, Congress of Sports Sciences in Canada 1978, Oceania Advanced Coaching Course in Canberra 1982, Olympic Solidarity Throws Clinic in Auckland NZ 1989). A summary of Ed’s involvement and achievements in Track and Field and other sports follows:- Contribution to the sport of Track & Field 1964 –78 Associated with the Nedlands AAC in a variety of roles – as Club Secretary, Treasurer and Club Coach. 1981 - International grading as shot put and hammer throw judge. 1979-85 Member of the AAWA Board of Management, as coaching director. Ed is a life member of AWA and of Melville AAC.

Coaching achievements 1959 – Ed began his coaching career, coaching juniors at the Fremantle Boys AAC, for about 2 years. 1973-75 - Lectured and conducted clinics in throwing events in Singapore, Malaysia, Burma, Japan, Thailand and Papua New Guinea. 1978 - Gained Level 3 accreditation (equivalent to the current Level 5) 1978 - Assistant Coordinator and Throws coach at Summer Camp at University of Washington. Conducted clinics in San Francisco, Alabama, Chicago and Los Angeles. 1982 - Conducted ‘National Advanced Coaching Course’ in Kuala Lumpur, with 5 other coaches. 1981, 83, 85 Senior Advisory Coach for Malaysian National T & F Squad in Kuala Lumpur. 1985 - Invited by IAAF to conduct seminar on “Development of Young Throwers” in Japan. 1986 - World Juniors (Athens, Greece) – coached two finalists – Vanessa French and Bentley Laidler 1988 - World Juniors (Canada) –Vanessa French – discus finalist. 1988 - Southwest WA Country Coaching Tour (20 schools) 1988 - Coaching in Japan (10 days) 1988 - Penang, Malaysia – Throws clinic (one week). 1988 - Seoul Paralympics – Bruce Waldrot (wheelchair athlete) wins 2 gold, 1 bronze (discus, javelin and shot) 1990 - Awarded “Coach of the Year” by the WA Disabled Sports Association. 1990 - Commonwealth Games, Auckland, NZ – Vanessa French – discus finalist. 1991 – 95 - Assisted in “Shell Development Squad” and “WA Talent Development Squad”; Coached 2 athletes for “2000 Squad”.

2007/2008 ANNUAL REPORT Western Australian Athletics Commission (Inc) t/as Athletics WA Page 20

Summary of results of athletes coached

1 Commonwealth Games finalist 1 Paralympics gold medallist 2 World Juniors finalists 2 National Open Champions 5 National Open place-getters 26 National Underage/Juniors Titles 12 National Underage/Junior placegetters 16 Little Aths U/12, U/13 titles (in National Teams championships) 8 Little Aths U/12, U/13 placegetters

Contribution to the Australian Track and Field Coaches’ Association 1981-86 President of ATFCA, WA Branch 1976-95 Course presenter for WA Level 1 and Level 2 courses for throwing events. Ed is a life member of the WA Branch of the ATFCA

Personal Sporting Achievements State champion hammer thrower Olympic lifting and power lifting 1976 Australian champion power lifting (over 110 kg class) 1970 Australian representative in hammer throw, bronze medal Coached women’s basketball (5 yrs) and men’s soccer (5 yrs)

With thanks to Anne Masters

2007/2008 ANNUAL REPORT Western Australian Athletics Commission (Inc) t/as Athletics WA Page 21

2007/2008 AUDIT REPORT


Scope We have audited the financial report, being a special purpose financial report of Western Australian Athletics Federation for the year ended 30 June 2008. The committee is responsible for the financial report and has determined that the accounting policies used and described in Note 1 to the financial statements which form part of the financial report are appropriate to meet the needs of the members. We have conducted an independent audit of the financial report in order to express an opinion on it to the members. No opinion is expressed as to whether the accounting policies used, and described in Note 1, are appropriate to the needs of the members. The financial report has been prepared for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of the Associations Incorporations Act WA. We disclaim any assumption of responsibility for any reliance on this report or on the financial report to which is relates to any person other than the members, or for any purpose other than that for which it was prepared. Our audit has been conducted with Australian Auditing Standards. Our procedures included examination, on a test basis, of evidence supporting the amounts and other disclosures in the financial report and the evaluation of significant accounting estimates. These procedures have been undertaken to form an opinion whether, in all material respects, the financial report is presented fairly in accordance with the accounting policies described in Note 1 so as to present a view which is consistent with our understanding of the association’s financial position and performance as represented by the results of its operations and its cash flows. These policies do not require the application of all Accounting Standards, UIG Consensus views and other mandatory professional reporting requirements and other mandatory professional requirements in Australia.

The audit opinion expressed in this report has been formed on the above basis.

Audit Opinion

(a) In our opinion, the financial report of Western Australian Athletics Commission presents a true and fair view of the financial position of Western Australian Athletics Commission as at 30 June 2008 and the results of its operation and its cash flows for the year ended in accordance with the accounting policies described in Note 1 to the financial statements.

Francis A Jones Pty Ltd ......

Mario Natale Cattalini CPA Registered Company Auditor 154 High Street Fremantle WA 6160

Dated this 22nd day of August 2008

2007/2008 ANNUAL REPORT Western Australian Athletics Commission (Inc) t/as Athletics WA Page 22

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS 2007/2008 (The accompanying Notes form part of these Financial Statements.)


BALANCE SHEET As at 30 June 2008 2008 2007 NOTE $ $ CURRENT ASSETS Cash 70 425 81 941 Receivables 2 41 139 30 936 Inventories 7 088 7 181 Other - 417 Total Current Assets 118 652 120 475

NON-CURRENT ASSETS Plant and Equipment 3 10 400 16 129 Total Non-Current Assets 10 400 16 129

TOTAL ASSETS 129 052 136 604

CURRENT LIABILITIES Creditors and Borrowings 17 493 13 111 Total Current Liabilities 17 493 13 111

NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Provision for Long Service Leave 15 333 14 000 Total Non -Current Liabilities 15 333 14 000


NET ASSETS 96 226 109 493

ACCUMULATED FUNDS Balance 1 July 2007 109 493 91 785 Excess of expenditure over income for the year (13 267) 17 708

TOTAL MEMBERS’ EQUITY 96 226 109 493

2007/2008 ANNUAL REPORT Western Australian Athletics Commission (Inc) t/as Athletics WA Page 23

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS 2007/2008 (The accompanying Notes form part of these Financial Statements.)


INCOME AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2008 2008 2007 $$ INCOME Accommodation and travel 32 254 49 389 Canteen income 3 421 3 521 Clothing and uniforms 20 950 6 187 Competition fees 44 942 43 098 Equipment hire 14 137 22 371 Government grants 186 145 174 400 Grants – Athletics Australia 17 230 25 500 Interest received 7 204 4 869 Registration fees 17 770 19 167 Spectator fees 2 174 9 655 Sponsorship 129 124 134 234 Sundry income 4 802 2 508 TOTAL INCOME 480 153 494 899

EXPENDITURE Accounting and audit fees 11 332 8 830 Advertising 377 5 828 Bad debts 943 3 333 Bank charges - 851 Coaching 10 122 7 842 Cleaning 1 520 1 520 Clothing and uniforms 26 448 2 580 Competition fees 4 282 3 498 Computing 2 401 2 080 Consultancy 19 493 21 194 Depreciation 8 059 10 414 Donations 3 000 3 709 Electricity 1 011781 Electronic timing 10 531 5 791

2007/2008 ANNUAL REPORT Western Australian Athletics Commission (Inc) t/as Athletics WA Page 24 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS 2007/2008 (The accompanying Notes form part of these Financial Statements.)

2008 2007 $$ Food and beverage 15 466 14 176 Fringe benefits tax 6 664 8 733 General expenses 3 340 1 865 Grant expenditure 1 000 - Hire grounds and equipment 17 916 11 292 Honorarium - 1 740 Insurances 2 981 12 760 Legal costs 508 - Long service leave provision 1 333 14 000 Meetings 2 480 1 035 Motor vehicle expenses 26 779 24 000 Plant and equipment (sundry) 809 1 335 Postage and courier fees 3 304 2 804 Printing/stationary/copier 13 741 20 921 Prize money 3 880 4 932 Promotions 1 284 10 225 Purchases 6 557 2 876 Registration numbers/cards 2 975 3 355 Rent 5 000 5 000 Repairs and maintenance 5 589 3 029 Report expenses 2 472 - Salaries 60 000 60 000 Sponsorship 28 356 18 632 Staff training 64 1 186 Subscription fees/conferences 1 877 1 805 Superannuation 14 597 12 658 Telephone and fax 10 826 11 120 Travel and accommodation 72 252 86 497 Trophies 6 442 6 316 Wages 75 409 56 648 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 493 420 477 191

NET (LOSS)/INCOME (13 267) 17 708

2007/2008 ANNUAL REPORT Western Australian Athletics Commission (Inc) t/as Athletics WA Page 25

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS 2007/2008 (The accompanying Notes form part of these Financial Statements.)





These Financial Statements are a special purpose financial report prepared in order to satisfy the accounts preparation requirements of the Commission’s constitution. The Board has determined that the Commission is not a reporting entity as defined in Statement of Accounting Concepts 1: Definition of the Reporting Entity, and therefore, as there is no requirement to apply accounting concepts or standards in the preparation and presentation of these statements, none have been adopted.

The statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Commission’s constitution.

The statements are prepared on the basis of historic costs and do not take into account changing money values or, except where specifically stated, current values of non current assets.

Income Tax

(a) Income Tax

The Commission is a non-profit body incorporated for the sole purpose of promoting and coordinating the sport of athletics in Western Australia. As such, the Commission is not subject to income tax in Australia.

(b) Plant and Equipment

The depreciable amounts of all fixed assets are depreciated over the useful lives commencing from the time the asset is ready for use. The carrying amount of fixed assets is reviewed annually by the Board to ensure it is not in excess of the recoverable amount of those assets.

2007/2008 ANNUAL REPORT Western Australian Athletics Commission (Inc) t/as Athletics WA Page 26

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS 2007/2008 (The accompanying Notes form part of these Financial Statements.)

2008 2007 NOTE: 2 $ $

RECEIVABLES Debtors 41 139 30 936


OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT Office furniture and equipment at cost 52 523 52 523 Less accumulated depreciation 49 526 48 075 2 997 4 448

PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Athletic plant and equipment at cost 72 892 70 562 Less accumulated depreciation 65 489 58 881

7 403 11 681

WRITTEN DOWN VALUE 10 400 16 129

NOTE: 4 The sponsorship revenue from Healthway is $70 000.

2007/2008 ANNUAL REPORT Western Australian Athletics Commission (Inc) t/as Athletics WA Page 27

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS 2007/2008 (The accompanying Notes form part of these Financial Statements.)


STATEMENT BY THE BOARD The Board has determined that the Commission is not a reporting entity as defined in Statement of Accounting Concepts 1: “Definition of the Reporting Entity” and therefore there is no requirement to apply accounting concepts or standards in the preparation of these Financial Statements. The Board Members have determined that this Special Purpose Financial Report should be prepared in accordance with these accounting standards and the basis of accounting outlined in Note 1 to the accounts.

In the opinion of the Board Members of the Commission:

(a) The accompanying Income and Expenditure Statement is drawn up so as to give a true and fair view of the results of the Commission for the financial year ended 30 June 2008; and

(b) The accompanying Balance Sheet is drawn up so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Commission as at the end of the financial year.

At the date of this statement, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Commission will be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due.

(a) The Commission has kept such accounting records as correctly record and explain the transactions and financial position of the Commission.

(b) The Commission has kept its accounting records in such a manner as would enable the accounts of the Commission to be conveniently and properly audited in accordance with the Constitution of the Commission.

This statement is made in accordance with the resolution of the Board Members and is signed for on behalf of the Board Members by:

Mr Peter Bacich Mr Stephen Stingemore Chairman Deputy Chairman

22nd August 2008 22nd August 2008 Date Date

2007/2008 ANNUAL REPORT Western Australian Athletics Commission (Inc) t/as Athletics WA Page 28

RESULTS 2007/2008

Drug Free Track & Field Classic National Series Meet- 15/12/2007 Perry Lakes Stadium, Perth

Women 100 M Finals: (w: 0.5) 1, Miller, Andrea, NZL, 11.63. 2, Henry, Jody, WAIS, 11.74. 3, Cullen, Fiona, QAS, 11.89. 4, Hodge, Leanne, SA, 12.05. 5, Knight, Emma, WA, 12.12. 6, Cope, Ebony, WAIS, 12.22. 7, Norup, Madison, WA, 12.53. 8, Blackburn, Angeline, JMP, 12.69.

800 M: 1, Miller, Lauren, WA, 2:10.06. 2, Vanderwalt, Catherine, WA, 2:14.60. 3, Carmody, Jessica, JMP, 2:19.09. 4, McCormick, Rachel, WA, 2:19.97. 5, Jason, Jessica, WA, 2:20.72. 6, Castle, Hannah, WA, 2:24.47. 7, Hadwiger, Loren, WA, 2:28.49.

100 M Hurdles 84cm (w: +0.0): 1, Miller, Andrea, NZL, 13.46. 2, Cullen, Fiona, QAS, 13.97. 3, Wheeler, Kylie, WAIS, 14.10. 4, Cope, Ebony, WAIS, 14.72. 5, Robinson, Kimberley, WA, 15.67. 6, Shearer, Freya, WA, 15.90.

High Jump: 1, Pettitt, Ellen, WAIS, 1.86m. 2, Narrier, Casey, JMP, 1.75m. 3, Wheeler, Kylie, WAIS, 1.70m. 4, Timmers, Zoe, WAIS, 1.70m.

Pole Vault: 1, Parnov, Vicky, WAIS, 3.90m. 2, Tiong, Miranda, WAIS, 3.80m. 2, Birtles, Rachel, WAIS, 3.80m. 4, Parnov, Elizabeth, WAIS, 3.70m. 5, Scroop, Jamie, WA, 3.50m.

Long Jump:1, Wheeler, Kylie, WAIS, 6.40m, w:1.6. 2, Perry, Larissa, WAIS, 5.85m, w:-0.6. 3, Cope, Ebony, WAIS, 5.60m, w:-1.0. 4, Wardana, Sinta, WA, 5.37m, w:2.2. 5, Melis, Laura, WA, 5.34m, w:2.0.

Triple Jump: 1, Knight, Emma, WA, 12.76m, w:-0.5. 2, Melis, Laura, WA, 11.35m, w:-0.3. 3, Talbert, Lindsey-ann, WA, 11.30m, w:1.2. 4, Wardana, Sinta, WA, 11.06m, w:-2.2. 5, Collymore, Aisha, WA, 10.90m, w:-0.7. 6, Webb, Loughlyn, WA, 10.80m, w:3.2.

Javelin: 1, Mickle, Kimberley, WAIS, 59.36m. 2, Mitchell, Kathryn, VIS, 56.87m. 3, Cornford, Laura, NSWI, 50.85m. 4, Fenwick, Samantha, WA, 43.34m.

Men 100 M Final (w: 1.4): 1, Tucker, Steve, WA, 10.56. 2, Sheehy, Keith, SASI, 10.61. 3, Mott, Adrian, VIS, 10.70. 4, Bezuidenhout, Jared, WAIS, 10.82. 5, Harrison, Lane, VIC, 10.94. 6, Eyears, Greg, NSWI, 10.97. 7, Mata, Lucas, WA, 10.99. 8, Finegan, Gary, QLD, 11.02. --, Offereins, Ben, WAIS, DNF. 100 M B Final (w: 1.5): 1, Gander, Liam, JMP, 10.97. 2, Jeanes, Aiden, WA, 10.99. 3, Xavier, Thierry, WA, 11.05. 4, Morfea, Nathan, WA, 11.13. 5, Veron, Mark, WA, 11.17. 6, Daley, Duan, JMP, 11.27. 7, Williams, Michael, WA, 11.42.

2007/2008 ANNUAL REPORT Western Australian Athletics Commission (Inc) t/as Athletics WA Page 29

400 M: 1, Offereins, Ben, WAIS, 46.13. 2, King, Kieran, WAIS, 47.99. 3, Richter, Dane, WA, 48.52. 4, Tuccandidgee, Peter, JMP, 48.69. 5, Williams, Ray, JMP, 50.58. 6, Choate, Steven, WA, 50.81. --, De Castro Cruz, Felipe, WAIS, DNF.

3000 M: 1, Carter, Courtney, WA, 8:22.84. 2, Busi, Roberto, WA, 8:29.07. 3, Stingemore Jnr, Stephen, WA, 8:36.64. 4, Ingraham, Todd, WA, 8:49.45. 5, Lennon, Julian, WA, 8:51.93. 6, See, Marc, WA, 8:59.84. 7, Bruins, Thomas, WA, 9:14.45. 8, Sutherland, Nathan, JMP, 9:29.43. 9, Mitchell, Paul, WA, 9:44.77. 10, Marsiglia, Simon, WA, 10:05.76. --, Liddell, Anthony, WA, DNF.

110 M Hurdles 106cm (w: 0.7): 1, Eyears, Greg, NSWI, 14.12. 2, Cregan, Warwick, WAIS, 14.36. 3, Holt, Jacob, NSW, 14.43. 4, Purcell, Ryan, WA, 14.56. 5, Webber, Mitchel, WA, 14.97. 6, Devenish, Luke, WA, 15.38. 7, Johnson, Christopher, WAIS, 15.58.

Pole Vault: 1, Lucas, Blake, NSW, 4.80m. 2, Devenish, Luke, WA, 4.50m.

Long Jump:1, Rasti, Kyle, WAIS, 7.39m, w:3.6. 2, Blair, Rodney, JMP, 7.05m, w:-0.9. 3, Evans, Daniel, JMP, 6.33m, w:1.2.

Javelin:1, Dzuibak, Oliver, WAIS, 72.93m. 2, Sheehan, Mark, WA, 64.96m. 3, Idris, Jamal, JMP, 62.31m. 4, Williamson, Daniel, WA, 57.39m.

Mixed 200 M Wheelchair (w: +0.0): 1, Stitfall, Bryan, WA, 32.63. 2, Peters, Nicholas, WA, 32.73. 3, Smith, Peter, WA, 33.07. 4, de Rozario, Madison, WA, 34.99.

400 M Handicap 1, Phillips, Toni, WA, 51.50. 2, Dybdahl, Bjorn, WA, 52.62. 3, Dennehy, John, WA, 53.77. 4, Staunton, Matt, WA, 54.84. 5, Schickert, Bob, WA, 54.89. 6, Till, Campbell, WA, 55.55. 7, Neale, Chris, WA, 56.00. 8, McAuley, Duncan, WA, 56.32. 9, Smith, Colin, WA, 56.36. 10, Baker, Matt, WA, 56.37. 11, Antoniolli, Rob, WA, 56.38. 12, Miltec, Nick, WA, 59.35. 13, Bowman, Carol, WA, 1:02.42.

Mixed 800 M Wheelchair 1, Peters, Nicholas, WA, 2:14.18. 2, Stitfall, Bryan, WA, 2:16.26. 3, de Rozario, Madison, WA, 2:24.52. 4, Smith, Peter, WA, 2:34.22.

3000 M Race Walk:1, Fitzsimons, Sean, WA, 13:36.8h. 2, Dib, Samuel, WA, 14:38.2h. 3, Ventris, Lynette, WA, 14:54.1h. 4, Grgurovic, Katarina, WA, 15:58.3h. 5, Ninyett, Christopher, WA, 16:12.7h. 6, Fitzsimons, Kate, WA, 16:21.4h. 7, Grgurovic, Ana, WA, 16:22.1h. 8, Smyth, David, WA, 16:34.8h. 9, Lowe, Daniel, WA, 16:39.1h. 10, Smith, Jacqueline, WA, 16:43.9h. 11, Smith, Kimberley, WA, 18:04.1h. 12, Sullivan, Melissa, WA, 18:05.1h. 13, Chapman, Harley, WA, 19:36.4h.

Seated Shot Put:1, Stitfall, Bryan, WA, 10.18m. 2, Doughtery, Alicia, WA, 7.99m. 3, Radovich, Nick, WA, 7.97m. 4, Smith, Peter, WA, 6.83m. 5, Salter, Ben, WA, 5.85m. 6, Beer, Christopher, WA, 5.03m. 7, Alexander, Natalie, WA, 4.73m. 8, Frost-Barnes, Luther, WA, 2.30m.

2007/2008 ANNUAL REPORT Western Australian Athletics Commission (Inc) t/as Athletics WA Page 30

2007 Australian All Schools & Youth Athletics Sydney Olympic Park Athletic Centre 6/12/2007 to 9/12/2007

Women U14 400 M: Heat 3: 7, Anna Howarth, WA, 61.91.Heat 4: 4, Brooke Pires-Parenzee, WA, 59.96q. 800 M: Heat 3: 1, Rachel McCormick, WA, 2:19.00Q. 80 M Hurdles: Heat 1: (w: 0.6) 2, Loughlyn Webb, WA, 13.06Q. 4, Naomi Henn, WA, 13.28. Heat 3: (w: 0.6) 1, Amy Walton, WA, 12.81Q. Triple Jump: 2, Francesca DaRui, WA, 11.64m, w:0.7. 6, Loughlyn Webb, WA, 11.21m, w:5.7. 11, Kate Sexton*, WA, 10.05m, w:3.2. 400 M: Heat 2: 7, Brooke Pires-Parenzee, WA, 61.09. 8, Tessa Marshall, QLD, 61.74. 1500 M Race Walk: 4, Tiffany D'Agnone, WA, 7:10.60. 6, Krystal Leinasars, WA, 7:17.59. 10, Melissa Ierace, WA, 7:38.03. 80 M Hurdles: (w: -0.7)6, Loughlyn Webb, WA, 13.09. 8, Amy Walton, WA, 13.49. Long Jump: 1, 4, Loughlyn Webb, WA, 5.35m, w:-0.1. 5, Francesca DaRui, WA, 5.35m, w:4.5. 200 M: Heat 1: (w: -0.4) 3, Amanda Filippou, WA, 26.27q. Heat 2: (w: -1.4) 2, Brooke Pires- Parenzee, WA, 26.04Q. Heat 3: (w: -0.5) 6, Francesca DaRui, WA, 26.70. 200 M Final: (w: -1.6) 4, Brooke Pires-Parenzee, WA, 26.13. 8, Amanda Filippou, WA, 26.48. 800 M: 4, Rachel McCormick, WA, 2:16.97. 4 x 100 Metres Relay: 2, Amanda Filippou, Francesca DaRui, Loughlyn Webb, Brooke Pires- Parenzee, 49.26.. Pole Vault: 1, Elizabeth Parnov, WA, 3.40m. 100 M: Heat 1: (w: 0.8) 3, Amanda Filippou, WA, 12.88Q. Heat 2: (w: 1.4) 3, Brooke Pires- Parenzee, WA, 12.82Q. 100 M Final: (w: 1.0) 4, Brooke Pires-Parenzee, WA, 12.71. 5, Amanda Filippou, WA, 12.75. High Jump: Loughlyn Webb, WA, DNS

Women U15 200 M Hurdles: Heat 1: (w: 1.7) 4, Naomi Henn, WA, 31.16q. Heat 2: (w: 3.2) 3, Francesca DaRui, WA, 30.58Q. 2000 M Steeplechase: 5, Madeleine Murray, WA, 7:24.26. Pole Vault: 1, Elizabeth Parnov, WA, 3.40m. 6, Amy Manford, WA, 2.85m. 7, Dariya Salmin, WA, 2.70m. 200 M: Heat 1: (w: 0.8) 5, Karina Zilm, WA, 25.89. Elora Bartlett, WA, DQ. 800 M: Heat 1: 1, Catherine Van Der Walt, WA, 2:18.35Q. 200 M Hurdles: 6, Francesca DaRui, WA, 30.58. 7, Naomi Henn, WA, 30.88. Discus: 6, Concetta Macri, WA, 30.89m. 100 M: Heat 1: (w: -1.1) 3, Karina Zilm, WA, 13.00. Heat 2: (w: -0.8) 5, Jasvir Kang, WA, 12.94. 6, Kate Booth*, SA, 13.27. 7, Amy Bates, NT, 13.54.Heat 3: (w: +0.0) 4, Elora Bartlett, WA, 12.90. 1500 M: 1, Catherine Van Der Walt, WA, 4:42.53. 9, Madeleine Murray, WA, 4:56.36. 3000 M Race Walk: 4, Kate Fitzsimons, WA, 15:04.50. 8, Krystal Leinasars, WA, 15:43.53. 9, Tiffany D'Agnone, WA, 15:52.84. Long Jump: 2, Jasvir Kang, WA, 5.78m, w:1.4. Javelin: 1, Concetta Macri, WA, 39.14m. 6, Elora Bartlett, WA, 33.55m. 800 M: 2, Catherine Van Der Walt, WA, 2:13.73.

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Women U16 200 M Hurdles: Olivia Beor, WA, DQ. 2000M Steeplechase: 4, Zondile Chongwe, WA, 7:36.19. 5, Caitlin O'Donnell, WA, 7:43.33. 12, Charlotte Lane, WA, 8:02.65. Hammer Throw: 9, Louise Richardson, WA, 28.05m. 200 M: Heat 1: (w: 1.8) 3, Madison Norup, WA, 24.89Q. 200 M Final: Madison Norup, WA, DNS. 4 x 100 Metres Relay: 4, Aisha Collymore, Karina Zilm, Elora Bartlett, Madison Norup, 48.78. Discus: 10, Samantha Fenwick, WA, 31.31m. 100 M: Heat 2: (w: 0.5) 5, Madison Norup, WA, 12.61q. 100 M Final: (w: -0.6) 8, Madison Norup, WA, 12.69. 1500 M: 9, Caitlin O'Donnell, WA, 5:11.68. 10, Charlotte Lane, WA, 5:22.66. 3000 M Race Walk: 6, Jacqueline Smith, WA, 16:36.50. 8, Louise Richardson, WA, 17:41.36. Long Jump: 11, Aisha Collymore, WA, 5.03m, w:0.8. Javelin: 2, Samantha Fenwick, WA, 41.04m. 4, Aisha Collymore, WA, 41.02m. 4 x Relay: 5, Elora Bartlett, Aisha Collymore, Anna Howarth, Karina Zilm, 1:43.95. Triple Jump: 9, Aisha Collymore, WA, 10.76m, w:-0.5. Shot Put: 11, Samantha Fenwick, WA, 9.27m.

Women U17 5000 M Race Walk: Section 1: 4, Kate Fitzsimons, WA, 26:59.81. 100 M Hurdles: Heat 1: (w: 2.9) 6, Kate Brown, WA, 15.37. Heat 2: (w: 1.4) 3, Courtney Stubbs, WA, 15.59.5, Melissa Bognar, WA, 16.03. Heat 3: (w: 3.1) 1, Brianna Beahan, WA, 14.22Q. 3, Olivia Beor, WA, 14.71q. Shot Put: 4, Isabella Stewart, WA, 11.41m. 5, Ashleigh Bailey, WA, 11.34m. 400 M: Heat 1: 7, Jessie Newton, WA, 63.89. 100 M Hurdles: (w: 2.8) 1, Brianna Beahan, WA, 14.06. 7, Olivia Beor, WA, 14.98. 400 M Hurdles: Heat 2: 15, Jessie Newton, WA, 72.95. Heat 3: 3, Ashlyn Chiera, WA, 66.57q. Long Jump: 2, Lauren Brophy, WA, 5.62m, w:0.6. 3, Sinta Wardana, WA, 5.57m, w:0.5. 4, Javelin: 2, Concetta Macri, WA, 42.59m. 6, Rebekah Millard, WA, 39.21m. 7, Marie Decker*, WA, 34.72m. 200 M: Heat 1: (w: +0.0) 2, Brianna Beahan, WA, 25.20Q. Heat 2: (w: 0.1) 3, Meggie Ostle, WA, 25.38Q. 200 M: (w: -1.4) 3, Brianna Beahan, WA, 25.15. 8, Meggie Ostle, WA, 25.90. 400 M Hurdles: 6, Ashlyn Chiera, WA, 67.62. 2000 M Steeplechase: 9, Loren Hadwiger, WA, 7:48.45. Triple Jump: 3, Sinta Wardana, WA, 11.60m, w:1.3. 5, Lauren Brophy, WA, 11.37m, w:0.8. Discus: 9, Ashleigh Bailey, WA, 30.41m. 100 M: Heat 1: (w: 3.2) 2, Brianna Beahan, WA, 12.18Q. 7, Rebecca LaMaitre, WA, 12.53. Heat 2: (w: 0.4) 4, Meggie Ostle, WA, 12.42. 100 M Final: Brianna Beahan, WA, DNS. Hammer: 5, Ashleigh Bailey, WA, 35.86m.

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Women U18 800 M Heat 1: 3, Alana Doig, WA, 2:17.80Q. 5000 M Race Walk: 3, Gabrielle D'Agnone, WA, 28:31.94. 5, Kimberley Smith, WA, 29:58.86. 6, Louise Richardson, WA, 32:38.10. 400 M: Heat 2: 4, Alana Doig, WA, 58.58q. 400 M Hurdles: Heat 1: 7, Saskia Valenti, WA, 72.35. 4 x 100 M Relay: 4, Courtney Stubbs, Rebecca LaMaitre, Zoe Salem, Emily Longo, 49.38. Long Jump: 4, Tahnee Reynolds Hopkins, WA, 5.43m, w:0.9. 6, Saskia Valenti, WA, 5.20m, w:1.6. 200 M: Heat 1: (w: 0.1) 6, Zoe Salem, WA, 26.85. Heat 2: (w: -0.6) 4, Emily Longo, WA, 26.12q. 200 M: (w: -0.9) 6, Emily Longo, WA, 26.36. 800 M: 2, Alana Doig, WA, 2:13.45. Pole Vault: Rachel Birtles, WA, 3.85m. Triple Jump: 1, Tahnee Reynolds Hopkins, WA, 12.36m, w:0.7. 7, Saskia Valenti, WA, 10.67m, w:0.4. 100 M: Heat 1: (w: 2.2) 4, Emily Longo, WA, 12.68q. Heat 2: (w: 1.5) 5, Zoe Salem, WA, 12.92. 100 M Final: (w: -0.7) 8, Emily Longo, WA, 12.84. 400 M: 5, Alana Doig, WA, 56.99. 4 x Relay: 5, Alana Doig, Jessie Newton, Catherine Van Der Walt, Emily Longo, 3:59.03.

Men U14 400 M: Heat 1: 2, Zechariah Morlumbun, WA, 54.11Q. 3, Lionel Velho, WA, 55.97Q. Heat 2: 6, Mason Zappavigna, WA, 57.76. Heat 3: 2, Declan Spencer, WA, 56.03Q. Heat 4: 5, Timothy Pitcher, WA, 56.66q. 800 M: Heat 1: 7, Timothy Pitcher, WA, 2:16.55. 90 M Hurdles: Heat 1: (w: 2.2) 4, Mason Zappavigna, WA, 13.57q. Heat 2: (w: 3.1) 5, Jasa Anunciada, WA, 13.76. 8, Trent Bradshaw, WA, 14.07. Heat 3: (w: 1.5) 7, Jacob Byrne, WA, 14.32. Heat 4: (w: 1.2) 1, Michael Craggs, WA, 13.05Q. Triple Jump: 6, Daniel Monaco, WA, 11.64m, w:2.8. 400 M: Heat 1: 1, Zechariah Morlumbun, WA, 55.06Q. 5, Timothy Pitcher, WA, 56.79. 6, Declan Spencer, WA, 56.92. Heat 2: 4, Lionel Velho, WA, 55.03q. 1500 M Race Walk: 4, Samuel Dib, WA, 6:46.80. 8, Rhys Brett, WA, 7:21.77. 12, Jacob Dib, WA, 7:42.18.16, Corey Littke, WA, 8:00.89. 90 M Hurdles: Heat 1: (w: 1.4) 7, Mason Zappavigna, WA, 13.91. 8, Matthew O'Brien, WA, 13.36q. Heat 2: (w: 1.8) 1, Michael Craggs, WA, 13.09Q. 90 M Hurdles: (w: 2.2) 5, Michael Craggs, WA, 13.14. 8, Matthew O'Brien, WA, 13.80. Long Jump: 2, Michael Craggs, WA, 6.07m, w:4.1. 9, Daniel Monaco, WA, 5.54m, w:0.3. 200 M: Heat 1: (w: +0.0) 4, Trent Bradshaw, WA, 24.68. Heat 2: (w: -0.9) 2, Michael Craggs, WA, 24.45Q. Heat 3: (w: -0.1) 6, Lionel Velho, WA, 25.80. 7, Nick Heggie, NT, 27.06. 200 M Final: Section 1: (w: -1.7) 7, Michael Craggs, WA, 24.69. 4 x 100 Metres Relay 4, Jasa Anunciada, Michael Craggs, Daniel Monaco, Lionel Velho, 48.00. Pole Vault: 3, Ben Salmin, WA, 2.90m. 100 M: Heat 1: (w: 0.2) 5, Michael Craggs, WA, 12.20. Heat 2: (w: 1.2) 8, Trent Bradshaw, WA, 12.58. 400 M: 2, Zechariah Morlumbun, WA, 53.36. 6, Lionel Velho, WA, 55.27. High Jump: 7, Michael Craggs, WA, 1.69m. Jacob Byrne, WA, DNS.

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Men U15 400 M: Heat 1: 6, Raheen Williams, WA, 53.66. Heat 2: 1, 6, Cody Wilks, WA, 52.60. 200 M Hurdles: Heat 1: (w: 4.1) 3, Stuart Berryman, WA, 27.04Q. Heat 2: (w: 2.5) 5, Owen Curtin, WA, 29.16. 6, Bryce Leath, QLD, 31.28. 2000 M Steeplechase: 4, Alastair Henderson, WA, 6:40.43. 5, Matthew Storer, WA, 6:42.20. Pole Vault: 8, Ben Salmin, WA, 2.85m. 200 M: Heat 1: (w: 1.8) 3, Cody Wilks, WA, 22.93Q. 200 M Final: (w: 0.9) 3, Cody Wilks, WA, 22.88. 800 M: Heat 1: 4, Owen Curtin, WA, 2:02.70q. 3000 M: 1, James Davidson, WA, 9:13.84. 9, Matthew Storer, WA, 10:05.51 100 M Hurdles: Heat 1: (w: -0.6) 5, Stuart Berryman, WA, 14.61. 6, Duncan Bradbury, WA, 14.90. Heat 2: (w: 0.6) 3, Jordan Dobson, WA, 13.90Q. 200 M Hurdles: (w: 2.4) 4, Stuart Berryman, WA, 27.32. High Jump: 1, Raheen Williams, WA, 1.99m. Shot Put: 6, Jordan Dobson, WA, 14.75m. 100 M: Heat 1: (w: -0.6) 13, Jordan Dobson, WA, 11.60Q.Heat 2: (w: -0.6) 2, Cody Wilks, WA, 11.76Q. 100 M Final: (w: -0.2) 5, Jordan Dobson, WA, 11.64. 6, Cody Wilks, WA, 11.70. 1500 M: 5, James Davidson, WA, 4:21.34. 3000 M Race Walk: 2, Samuel Dib, WA, 14:21.38.

Men U16 400 M: Heat 1: 4, Christopher Punch, WA, 51.01q. 200 M Hurdles Heat 1: (w: 2.0) 5, Joshua Webster, WA, 26.60. Heat 2: (w: 2.8) 1, Andrew Emsavana, WA, 25.08Q. 2000 M Steeplechase: 7, Ethan Heywood, WA, 6:29.67. 18, Matthew Longworth, WA, 6:46.44. 200 M: Heat 1: (w: 2.3) 1, Jacob Pritchard, WA, 22.30Q. Heat 2: (w: 1.7) 1, Andrew Emsavana, WA, 22.16Q. Heat 3: (w: 2.1) 3, Clayton D'Souza, WA, 23.12. 800 M: Heat 2: 3, Christopher Punch, WA, 2:02.74. 3000 M: 6, Ethan Heywood, WA, 9:22.18. 100 M Hurdles: Heat 1: (w: 2.1) 1, Andrew Emsavana, WA, 12.92Q. Heat 2: (w: 2.5) 4, Jacob Pritchard, WA, 13.58. 8, Joshua Webster, WA, 14.01. 200 M Hurdles: (w: 1.6) 1, Andrew Emsavana, WA, 24.80. 4 x 100 Metres Relay: 3, Jacob Pritchard, Andrew Emsavana, Jordan Dobson, Clayton D'Souza, 43.77. 100 M: Heat 1: (w: -0.1) 5, Clayton D'Souza, WA, 11.76. Heat 3: (w: -0.3) 3, Jacob Pritchard, WA, 11.37q.. 100 M Final: 4, Jacob Pritchard, WA, 11.42. 400 M: 8, Christopher Punch, WA, 51.43. 1500 M: 7, Sam McEntee, WA, 4:12.98. 11, Ethan Heywood, WA, 4:28.24. 200 M Final: (w: -0.2) 2, Andrew Emsavana, WA, 22.27. 7, Jacob Pritchard, WA, 24.10 100 M Hurdles: (w: 0.6) 1, Andrew Emsavana, WA, 12.84. 4 x 200 Metres Relay: 4, Andrew Emsavana, Joshua Webster, Clayton D'Souza, Cody Wilks, 1:32.09.

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Men U17 110 M Hurdles: Heat 2: (w: 1.3) 1, Jarrod Smith, WA, 14.31Q. Discus: 5, Matthew Cowie, WA, 50.19m. 400 Metres: Heat 2: 2, Kieran King, WA, 49.58Q. Javelin: 4, Ryan Suckling, WA, 56.10m. High Jump: 5, Robert Harvey, WA, 1.96m. 100 M: Heat 1: (w: -0.4) Jarrod Smith, WA, DNS. Heat 2: (w: 0.3) 7, Brendan Crowe, WA, 11.35. 400 M: 1, Kieran King, WA, 47.64. Shot Put: 1, Matthew Cowie, WA, 17.49m.

Men U18 800 M: Heat 1: 8, Ben Green, WA, 2:00.19. 5000 M Walk: 7, Tim Jenyns, WA, 26:09.25. 110 M Hurdles: Heat 2: (w: 0.9) 3, Glenn Ormesher, WA, 15.40Q. Long Jump: 3, Mitchell Zilm, WA, 7.11m, w:4.0. 400 M: Heat 1: 2, Ray Williams, WA, 49.27Q. 110 Metres Hurdles: (w: 2.0) 7, Glenn Ormesher, WA, 15.57. 4 x 100 Metres Relay: 2, Jared Bezuidenhout, Mitchell Zilm, Brendan Crowe, Ray Williams, 41.60. 200 M: Heat 1: (w: -1.5) 1, Ray Williams, WA, 21.74Q. Heat 2: (w: -0.4) 3, Mitchell Zilm, WA, 22.14q. Heat 3: (w: -0.2) 3, Jared Bezuidenhout, WA, 22.12q. 200 M Final: Section 1: (w: -1.1) 1, Ray Williams, WA, 21.82. 3, Mitchell Zilm, WA, 22.07. 6, Jared Bezuidenhout, WA, 22.50. High Jump: 2, Thomas Brennan, WA, 2.05m. 11, Glenn Ormesher, WA, 1.85m. 100 M: Heat 1: (w: 0.8) 1, Jared Bezuidenhout, WA, 10.98Q. Heat 2: (w: 1.6) 1, Mitchell Zilm, WA, 10.84Q. 100 M Final: (w: 1.0) 1, Mitchell Zilm, WA, 10.72. 4, Jared Bezuidenhout, WA, 10.91. 400 M: 2, Ray Williams, WA, 48.24. 1500 M: 11, Ben Green, WA, 4:12.43. 4 x 400 M Relay: 4, Ray Williams, Christopher Punch, Kieran King, Mitchell Zilm, 3:24.07.

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86th Australian Athletics Championships& AWD Championships Queensland Sport and Athletics Centre 28/02/2008 to 1/03/2008

Women 100 M: Heat 1: 3, Jody Henry, 11.83Q. 100 M Semi-Finals: Heat 2: (w: -0.6) 2, Jody Henry, 11.91Q. 100 M Final: Section 1: (w: -0.9) 2, Jody Henry, 11.84. 200 M: Heat 4: (w: -0.1) 3, Jody Henry, 24.39q. 200 M Final: Section 1: (w: -0.4) 6, Jody Henry, 24.44. 800 M: Heat 2: 6, Lauren Miller, 2:12.57. 400 M Hurdles: Heat 2: 1, Lyndsay Pekin, 59.69Q. 400 M Hurdles Final: 2, Lyndsay Pekin, 59.90. High Jump: Heat 1: 1, Ellen Pettitt, 1.78mq. 1, Casey Narrier, 1.78mq. 8, Zoe Timmers, 1.75mq. 8, Brittany Pettitt, 1.75mq. High Jump Final: Section 1: 3, Ellen Pettitt, 1.81m. 8, Zoe Timmers, 1.75m. 9, Casey Narrier, 1.75m. 10, Brittany Pettitt, 1.70m. Pole Vault: Section 1: 2, Vicky Parnov, 4.20m. 5, Miranda Tiong, 3.80m. 6, Jamie Scroop, 3.65m. Triple Jump: Heat 1: 1, Emma Knight, 13.07mq, w:0.8. 12, Tahnee Reynolds Hopkins, 12.22m, w:1.0. Triple Jump Final: Section 1: 1, Emma Knight, 13.18m, w:0.8. Javelin: 2, Kimberley Mickle, 55.78m. Heptathlon: 1, Kylie Wheeler, 6087.

Men 100 M: Heat 2: (w: 0.9) 4, Steven Tucker, 10.58q. Heat 4: (w: 1.7) 7, Ray Williams, 10.68. 100 M Semi-Finals: Heat 2: (w: -2.3) 6, Steven Tucker, 10.77. 200 M: Heat 1: (w: -1.2) 3, Ray Williams, 21.86. 200 M: Section 1: (w: -0.8) 1, Ray Williams, 21.55. 400 M: 1, John Steffensen, 46.78Q. Heat 3:. 2, Ben Offereins, 47.10Q. 400 M Semi-Finals: Heat 1: 2, Ben Offereins, 47.04Q. Heat 2: 1, John Steffensen, 45.99Q. 400 M Final: Section 1: 2, John Steffensen, 46.17. 8, Ben Offereins, 47.58. 800 M: Heat 2: 6, Scott Tamblin, 1:52.97. 110 M Hurdles: Heat 1: (w: -1.9) 5, Ryan Purcell,14.77. Heat 2: (w: -0.4) 2, Warwick Cregan, 14.41Q. 110 M Hurdles Final: Section 1: (w: -0.2) 3, Warwick Cregan,14.09. 400 M Hurdles: Heat 2: 4, Felipe De Castro Cruz, 53.16. Heat 3: 2, Dane Richter, 51.09Q. 400 M Hurdles Final: Section 1: 2, Dane Richter, 51.50. Pole Vault: Section 1: 1, Steven Hooker, 5.55m. Decathlon Open: 2, Kyle Rasti, 7444. 5, Christopher Johnson, 7224. 100 M Ambulant: Heat 3: (w: 0.2) 4, Thanh Tu, 12.44. Discus: 14, Randal Humich, 43.28m. Decathlon U23: 1, Kyle Rasti. 2, Christopher Johnson.

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Australian Under 20 and Under 23 Athletics Championships Griffith University Athletics Track, Gold Coast Draft Timetable as at 17 December 2007

Women U20 100 M: Heat 2: (w: 0.5) 5, Brianna Beahan, 12.53. 400 M Heat 1: 6, Chandell Fretwell, 59.53. 800 M: Heat 2: 5, Monique Hollick, 2:12.53. 1500 M: 10, Monique Hollick, 4:36.99. 100 M Hurdles Final: (w: 0.2) 1, Brianna Beahan, 14.10. 400 M Hurdles: Heat 1: 4, Lora Storey, 66.62. High Jump: 1, Zoe Timmers, 1.80m. 4, Brittany Pettitt, WAIS, 1.70m. Pole Vault: 1, Vicky Parnov, 4.35m, WJ. 2, Elizabeth Parnov, 3.85m. 4, Ellen Pearce, 3.70m. Long Jump: 1, Larissa Perry, 6.16m, WJ, w:1.5. Triple Jump: 4, Tahnee Hopkins, 12.09m, w:2.9.

Women U23 400 M: Heat 2: 1, Lyndsay Pekin, 56.0hQ. 400 M Final: 1, Lyndsay Pekin, 55.16. 400 M Hurdles: Heat 2: 1, Lyndsay Pekin, 60.09Q. 400 M Hurdles Final: 2, Lyndsay Pekin, 59.88. High Jump: 2, Ellen Pettitt, 1.82m. Pole Vault: 2, Jamie Scroop, 3.85m. 3, Amanda Bisk, 3.50m. 4, Miranda Tiong, 3.50m. Long Jump: 2, Laura Melis, 5.51m, w:1.9. 3, Triple Jump: 4, Tenika Demamiel, 11.98m, w:1.3. 5, Laura Melis, 11.89m, w:2.4.

Men U20 100 M: Heat 1: (w: 0.3) 2, Mitchell Zilm, 10.86q. Heat 2: (w: 0.5) 2, Ray Williams, 10.81q. Heat 3: (w: 0.4) 4, Jared Bezuidenhout, 10.90. 100 M Final: (w: 0.7) 2, Ray Williams, 10.81. 4, Mitchell Zilm, 10.83. 200 M: Heat 1: (w: 1.4) 4, Mitchell Zilm, 22.46. Heat 2: (w: 2.3) 4, Aaron Oliver, 22.55. Heat 3: (w: 0.9) 1, Ray Williams, 21.79Q. 4, Jared Bezuidenhout, 22.24. 200 M Final: (w: 2.2) 2, Ray Williams, 21.86. 800 M: Heat 1: 2, Peter Mondello, 1:51.78Q. 800 M Final: 5, Peter Mondello, 1:52.72. 1500 M: Heat 2: 1, Marc See, 3:59.96Q. 1500 M Final: 10, Marc See, 4:03.40. 110 M Hurdles: Heat 1: (w: 2.1) Adam Nalapraya, DQ. Heat 2: (w: +0.0) 4, Jarrod Smith, 15.04q 110 M Hurdles Final: (w: 1.3) 4, Jarrod Smith, 14.76. 400 M Hurdles: Heat 1: 4, Zac Farrow, 57.76q. Heat 2: 5, Cameron Brown, 59.35. 6, Peter Drzal, 62.66. 400 M Hurdles Final: 7, Zac Farrow, 58.49. 3000 M Steeplechase: 2, Marc See, 9:22.50. High Jump: 2, Thomas Brennan, 2.11m. 6, Glenn Ormesher, 1.90m. Pole Vault: 2, Matei Tzvetanov, 4.60m. Michael Leask, NH. Long Jump: 7, Brendan Crowe, WA, 6.55m, w:0.8. 10000 M Race Walk: 3, Sean Fitzsimons, WA, 45:29.87.

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Men U23 100 M: Heat 1: (w: 0.5) 3, Lucas Mata, 10.98. 5, Nathan Morfea 11.23. Heat 3: (w: -0.9) 5, Aiden Jeanes, WA, 11.13. 200 M: Heat 1: (w: 0.5) 3, Aiden Jeanes, WA, 22.01Q. Heat 2: (w: 0.6) Nathan Morfea, WA, DQ 200 M Final: (w: 1.3) 7, Aiden Jeanes, WA, 22.00. 400 M: Heat 1: 6, Brenton Mizen, WA, 51.11. Javelin: 3, Mark Sheehan, WA, 60.71m.

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