THE EMPLOYER’ S GUIDE TOO Chances Are, You’re Working with Someone Who Has Asperger’s Syndrome SPERGER S I’ve written this guide to show employers how to utilize the tal- A ’ ents of a capable, intelligent, well-educated and underutilized work force: individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome. YNDROME Asperger’s Syndrome is a recently recognized neurobiological dis- I order. People with Asperger’s Syndrome have a hard time under- S Working with smart, talented people standing and responding to social who have trouble “fitting in” cues. They may make blunt or inap- propriate comments, alienate col- People with I leagues with quirky behavior, or Recognizing a disorder that affects as dominate conversations talking Asperger’s Syndrome about areas of personal interest. many as 1 in every 250 people have a hard time Although only officially recognized I by the medical community in 1994, understanding Solutions for employees with social, Asperger traits have been observed communication or organization challenges in many prominent individuals and responding to throughout history. It’s been specu- social cues. I lated that Isaac Asimov, Johann Advantages of “the Asperger mind” Sebastian Bach, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Vincent Van Gogh, Thomas Jefferson, Mozart, Isaac Newton, Carl Sagan, Vernon Smith (Nobel Laureate, Economics), Andy Warhol, and Ludwig Wittgenstein had/have Asperger’s Syndrome. Today the prevalence of Asperger’s Syndrome is estimated to be 1 as high as 1 in every 250 people in the United States. Chances are you’re working with or have worked with people who have Asperger’s Syndrome. 1 BY BARBARA BISSONNETTE, PRINCIPAL The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome, ©2007 Tony Attwood FORWARD MOTION COACHING ©2009 Barbara Bissonnette, Forward Motion Coaching • 978-298-5186
[email protected] • 1 The business community benefits in two important ways from understanding how to effectively manage Asperger individuals.