Roads Sub-Sector Semi-Annual Monitoring Report FY2019/20

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Roads Sub-Sector Semi-Annual Monitoring Report FY2019/20 ROADS SUB-SECTOR SEMI-ANNUAL BUDGET MONITORING REPORT FINANCIAL YEAR 2019/20 APRIL 2020 Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development P.O. Box 8147, Kampala MOFPED #DoingMore ROADS SUB-SECTOR SEMI-ANNUAL BUDGET MONITORING REPORT FINANCIAL YEAR 2019/20 APRIL 2020 MOFPED #DoingMore TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS ....................................................................................................................................... ii FOREWORD ...................................................................................................................................... iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................. iv CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................1 1.1 Background .................................................................................................................................1 1.1.1 Roads Sub-Sector Mandate ..................................................................................................2 1.1.2 Sub-Sector Objectives and Priorities ....................................................................................2 1.1.3 Sector Financial Performance ...............................................................................................3 CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY .....................................................................................................5 2.1 Scope ...........................................................................................................................................5 2.2 Methods .......................................................................................................................................6 2.3 Criteria of selection .....................................................................................................................6 2.4 Limitations ..................................................................................................................................6 CHAPTER 3: SECTOR PERFORMANCE .....................................................................................7 3.1 Overall Performance ...................................................................................................................7 3.1.1 Sector Financial Performance ...............................................................................................7 3.1.2 Sector Physical Performance ................................................................................................7 3.2 Programme performance .............................................................................................................8 3.2.1 Ministry of Works and Transport– Vote 016........................................................................ 8 East African Trade and Transport Facilitation Project (EATTFP) .......................... 9 Improvemet of Gulu Municipal Roads Project ..................................................... 14 Urban Roads Resealing Project (URRP) .............................................................. 17 3.2.2 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (UNRA-Vote 113) ........................................ 24 3.2.3 Uganda Road Fund (URF – Vote 118) ............................................................................... 38 District, Urban and Community Access Roads (DUCAR) Programme ................ 40 National Roads Maintenance Programme (NRMP) .............................................. 64 CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................91 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................94 Roads Sub-sector: Semi-Annual Budget Monitoring Report - FY 2019/20 i ACRONYMS AfDB - African Development Bank CARs - Community Access Roads DBST - Double Bituminous Surface Treatment DDEG - Discretionary Development Equalisation Grant DLP - Defects Liability Period DRRU - Districts Roads Rehabilitation Unit DUCAR - District, Urban and Community Access Roads FY - Financial Year GoU - Government of Uganda IDA - International Development Association IPC - Interim Payment Certificate IPF - Indicative Planning Figure KCCA - Kampala Capital City Authority Km - Kilometre LGMSDP - Local Government Managerial and Service Delivery Programme MC - Municipal Council MFPED - Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development MoLG - Ministry of Local Government MoWT - Ministry of Works and Transport NCR - Northern Corridor Route NRC/R - National Road Construction/Rehabilitation Programme NRM - National Roads Maintenance OHS - Occupational Health and Safety OPM - Office of the Prime Minister PPDA - Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority PRDP - Peace Recovery and Development Programme Q - Quarter TC - Town Council TSDP - Transport Sector Development Project TMEA - Trademark East Africa Ug shs - Uganda Shillings UNRA - Uganda National Roads Authority URA - Uganda Revenue Authority URC - Uganda Railways Cooperation URF - Uganda Road Fund US$ - United States Dollars USD - United States Dollars USMID - Uganda Support to Municipal Infrastructure Development ii Roads Sub-sector: Semi-Annual Budget Monitoring Report - FY 2019/20 FOREWORD The Government strategy this Financial Year 2019/20 is to promote import substitution and export promotion, and incentivize private sector development. It is envisioned that this will be achieved through industrialization anchored on agriculture and agro- industrialization, manufacturing, and mineral potential. This will also ensure inclusive growth and the creation of jobs, while promoting development of other key primary growth sectors. According to findings shared by the Budget Monitoring and Accountability Unit (BMAU), majority of the sectors monitored got over 50% of their budget releases, however fair performance was noted in terms of service delivery. This is attributed to the persistent challenges of delayed procurement and poor planning which must be dealt with as the country moves to implement the third National Development Plan. This report is produced at time when the whole world is affected by the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). It is prudent that the sectors devise cost effective means to ensure that their stakeholders will still benefit from the government programmes/projects. Keith Muhakanizi Permanent Secretary and Secretary to the Treasury Roads Sub-sector: Semi-Annual Budget Monitoring Report - FY 2019/20 iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction This report reviews selected key programmes and sub-programmes within Roads sub-sector, based on approved plans and significance of budget allocations to the Votes. Attention is on large expenditure programmes including both development expenditure and recurrent costs. Focus was also placed on sector gender and equity commitments, and outcomes. Programmes selected for monitoring were based on planned annual outputs; regional representation; level of capital investment; and value of releases during half year, Financial Year 2019/20. The methodology adopted for monitoring included literature review of annual progress and performance reports; interviews with the respective responsible officers or representatives; and observations or physical verification of reported outputs. Physical performance was rated using weighted achievement of the set output targets by 31st December, 2019. Financial Performance The total Works and Transport sector budget for the FY2019/20 increased by 34% from Ug shs 4,793.829 billion in FY 2018/19 to Ug shs 6,425.028 billion. By 31st December 2019, 47.6% of the sector budget had been released and absorption was at 77%, which was a good financial performance. The good release was majorly contributed by the Government of Uganda (GoU) component of the budget which had a release of over 49% in the three key sector votes that include Vote 016- Ministry of Works and Transport (MoWT), Vote 113-Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA), and Vote 118- Uganda Road Fund (URF). Overall Physical Performance The performance of the roads sub-sector was good at 71%. The MoWT and the URF performance were fair at 62% and 69% respectively, while that of UNRA was good at 80%. Achievement of targets across all the votes was majorly affected by the inclement rains in the first half of the financial year which disrupted progress of works and caused emergencies on the national and district road networks leading to deviation from planned activities. The performance of the Roads sub-sector in the MoWT was attributed to the good performance of the projects which had activities rolling over from the previous FY like - Improvement of the Gulu Municipal Roads, and the East African Trade and Transport Facilitation Project (EATTFP). Performance was however mainly affected by the force account implementing units whose failure to achieve targets was attributed to the prolonged heavy rains in the first half of the FY which disrupted works; and delays in procurement of service providers which continued to affect commencement of activities. However, projects like the EATTFP had funding short falls during implementation and thus activities were implemented beyond the stipulated timelines. The good performance of UNRA which implements the National Roads Construction and Rehabilitation programme was on account of achievement
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