Rockware Catalog 2019.Indd
RockWare Software, Consulting & Training. For over 36 Years. ® Environmental Geotechnical Hydrology Mining Petroleum 303.278.3534 ∙ 800.775.6745 (U.S.) • +41 91 967 52 53 (Europe) • 1 800.775.6745 • 1 RockWorks17® RockWorksRockWorks isis aa comprehensivecomprehensive programprogram Professional Applications for RockWorks include: thatthat offersoffers visualizationvisualization andand modelingmodeling ofof spatialspatial datadata andand subsurfacesubsurface WhetherWhether Petroleum youyou areare aa petroleumpetroleum engineer,engineer, environmentalenvironmental Well spotting, structural and isopach mapping, logs and cross scientist,scientist, hydrologist,hydrologist, geologist,geologist, oror sections, stratigraphic models and fences, production graphs p. 3 educator,educator, RockWorksRockWorks containscontains toolstools thatthat willwill savesave timetime andand money,money, increaseincrease Environmental Borehole database for lithologic, stratigraphic, analytical data; profiprofi tability,tability, andand provideprovide youyou withwith aa point and contour maps, logs, cross sections, plume models . competitivecompetetive edge edge through through high-quality high-quality p 4 graphics,graphics, models,models, andand plots.plots. Mining Drillhole database for lithologic, assay, geophysical data; 2D NowDownload 64-bit! a trial version at and 3D log diagrams, block modeling, detailed volume tools p. 5 Download a full-functional trial version at Geotechnical Borehole database for lithologic, geophysical, geotechnical data; logs, sections, surface/solid models, structural tools p. 6 RockWorks Feature Levels Buy just the tools you need! All are offered with Annual (Rental), Single or Concurrent (Network) Licenses. Starting prices are shown here. Bulk discounts are available RockWorks BASIC – Utilities and Logs & Log Sections $650 Rental | $1,500 Single | $2,625 Network Create maps, models, charts and diagrams in 2D and 3D from spatial and structural data in the program datasheet.
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