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COVID-19 Technology in the EU: A BITTERSWEET VICTORY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS? May 2021 COVID-19 Technology in the EU: A Bittersweet Victory for Human Rights? Publisher This project has been supported by the Civil Liberties Union for Europe e.V European AI Fund, a collaborative initiative Ringbahnstraße 16-18-20 of the Network of European Foundations 12099 Berlin, Germany (NEF). The sole responsibility for the project lies with the organiser(s) and the content may not necessarily reflect the positions of Editor European AI Fund, NEF or European AI Orsolya Reich Fund’s Partner Foundations. Assistant Editor A grant from Digital Freedom Fund allowed Jascha Galaski initial research to be conducted in twelve EU member states for the purposes of deciding Copy Editor over possible future strategic litigation actions. Jonathan Day This work is licensed under the Creative Authors Commons Attribution 4.0 International Nikolett Aszodi (Austria, England & License. To view a copy of this license, visit Wales, France, Greece, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal) or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. Jascha Galaski (Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden) Oleksandra Konoplia (Czechia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Netherlands, Slovakia) Orsolya Reich (Introduction, Hungary) 2 COVID-19 Technology in the EU: A Bittersweet Victory for Human Rights? Table of contents Introduction 4 The risks of tracing
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