Edited by Pieter Bergé, Klaas Coulembier Kristof Boucquet, Jan Christiaens 2014 Euro Leuven MAC Eighth European Music Analysis Conference 17-20 September 2014 Abstracts EuroMAC2014 Eighth European Music Analysis Conference Leuven, 17-20 September 2014 www.euromac2014.eu EuroMAC2014 Abstracts Edited by Pieter Bergé, Klaas Coulembier, Kristof Boucquet, Jan Christiaens Graphic Design & Layout: Klaas Coulembier Photo front cover: © KU Leuven - Rob Stevens ISBN 978-90-822-61501-6 A Stefanie Acevedo Session 2A A Yale University
[email protected] Stefanie Acevedo is PhD student in music theory at Yale University. She received a BM in music composition from the University of Florida, an MM in music theory from Bowling Green State University, and an MA in psychology from the University at Buffalo. Her music theory thesis focused on atonal segmentation. At Buffalo, she worked in the Auditory Perception and Action Lab under Peter Pfordresher, and completed a thesis investigating metrical and motivic interaction in the perception of tonal patterns. Her research interests include musical segmentation and categorization, form, schema theory, and pedagogical applications of cognitive models. A Romantic Turn of Phrase: Listening Beyond 18th-Century Schemata (with Andrew Aziz) The analytical application of schemata to 18th-century music has been widely codified (Meyer, Gjerdingen, Byros), and it has recently been argued by Byros (2009) that a schema-based listening approach is actually a top-down one, as the listener is armed with a script-based toolbox of listening strategies prior to experiencing a composition (gained through previous style exposure). This is in contrast to a plan-based strategy, a bottom-up approach which assumes no a priori schemata toolbox.