The Road Apple Is Publis�Ed �Ix Times a Year at 1121 NE 177Th

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The Road Apple Is Publis�Ed �Ix Times a Year at 1121 NE 177Th JJ'ffu[i �@®@t �JP)jp)�ri \,,. .Rn .Rpple I I .. End Users .. Underground Newsletter Semper Apple II •llllllllllllllllllllllllllllh Special AppleFest '89 Flyer---See special Subscription Offer! Edition ............................... [fromVol. 2. No. 41 3.0wi ll be the standard �which other · GS a brand new mrchine. It 's so improved Copied from "News, Views, and Half-Truths integrated programs are judged. No review that the new documentation is a must. By Thelatest goss ip in the MacCommunity" here, just read the tmie and user group the time yru read this, it, and the freedisk JlacCuideliJJes,July, 1989, p. 25 p.ililications.Th is is the psfOffforthe long­ upgrade, shruld be avmlrble from yrur suffering Apple II users who remained lCPjsl Apple dealer. ·11 Far Gone all theseyears. The $79.00 upgr&ieand the 6. HyperStudio, "t:r Roger Wagner, is a Thefuture of the Apple II looks evermo re $100.00 amnesty programs are a steal. It breakthrough for GS owners in the hyper· bleak with the merger of A+ Magazine and should be re8dy for delivery� the end of card technology pioneered and touted � IJJCider(sic). Software developers in The hlgustor sooner. the Macintosh people. Tutor-TeclJ, e Valleyhs:re forsaken the Apple II line 2. upgrades to 3.0 willwork on hypercard programfor the lie and lie from and no newdevelopment is imminent. Buy all Appleflorksbeginning with 2.0. As fur Techware, was relesse lsst yesr and is still yoor Mtv:Snow: The GS h(ISno future." ss I knOVi', the "Beagle &ddy" systemwill sellingwell. Oh . yeah?Read on. still be in force. The new installer system, 7.'s new PriJJfSllop is said in TimeOut's ReportYiriter, is e to be greatly improved with all sorts of gem. The upgradesmost l ikelywill be ready dandyfeatures. The .Rpple II when AppleiYorb3.0is rel essed. B. Applied Ingenuity demoed an internal 3. ReportYiriter, a new irrneQ.\t en­ hard drive for the GS at AppleFest '88 in revolution, phase 2 hancementfrom Beagle Bros, is the greatest San Franciscoand now Applied Engineering b.lsiness productivity enh8ncement ever hss begun delivery of their version, the This fall and 1990 will see the greatest brrught to AppleYiorks. This program, VulcaD internal GS hard drive. Applied number of Apple II developments since the along with AppleiYorks 3.0, will m8ke s Engineering is also selling the CoJJsener, roll-rut of the He several years ago. The l:winess package that will knock the socks a GS externalfan and �e protectordevel­ rumors that the Apple II is dead are dead. offmany of the Macand IBM packages. opedby Ideas.MD The rumors at'e de&:l ss doornails, shot 4. Bsrney Stone's DB Maste.r Profes­ 9. Apple Inc.'s VideoOrerlllf Cud is no downey the following pro:lucts and devel­ siOJJals hruld be a realwhiz-bMg with the small annooncement for those who like to opments: 3.0 Appleflorb. Again,an incredible­ mess around editing video tapes and pro­ 1. AppleiYorb 3.0, a completely new iness productivity packsge that can stand ducing custom tapeswith comp.1ter gener· and improvedversion of the cl8Ssicstandey, aloneor merge withApple Works. atedgraphics. hss been reworked 1:ythe Beagle � 8Ild 5. System 5.0for the GS is a ·huge 10. Nite Owl Productions, 5734 L3m& "(1sssic" AppleWorks m1thor BobLissner, improvement of the original GS}OS (go Ave., MissionKS 66202, hss a replacement so yoo. know it 's a clsss act. AppleYiorks slow/or slower) system disk. It makesyrur battery, the Slide OJJ; for the GS at just $9.95; a real rut from the $30-$50or more charged� dealersfor replacement. 11. Zip Technologies crankingis rut their The Road Apple is publis�ed �ix times a year at 1121 NE 177th.,. Suite 8, Portland, OR 97230, tel. t503) 254-3874. East coast office: The Road accelere.tor Zip CIJips ss fast ss possible Apple, Dennis McClain-Furmanski, Senior Editor, 2565 Shore Dr., Virginia with more designs in the works. Ditto for Beach, VA 12451, tel. (804) 496-3839. Telecommunication address: Rocket ClJip and the AE J'8IJST IYarp for (804) 456-9165, 00371. INFO*SHARE account number TWA the GS; both are doi�well. There are also "so 8 Subscription price for The Road Apple is $9 . 95 per year (6 issues) U.S., rumors of AE doing me research in $10.25 Canadian or $12.95 foreign. Back issues are $2.00 edch, post paid. possibleGS TJ'8IJSI'arpchip. Permission is hereby given for copying of articles as lor.g as credit is given to 12. SluiJJk IT, a new compacting free­ The Road Apple. ,1\.rticles for publication may be sent as · hard copy, ware tm software package � Andy Nicholss r 3.5" or 5.25" AppleWorks or ASCII fo matted floppy disks. All ·�opy is from Paper Bag Productions, c/o Andy subject to editing and none can be returned. (c) 1989 by AI Martin, Publisher. Nicholss , PO Box 435, Moravian College , The Road Apple App(efest Special, JXUJCZ 2 Bethlehem, PA 18018, is a real &:ivsntage !From Vol. 1, No. 31 in faYOr of voting to changethe name of the for those of us who like to send files � Build a better user grrup to TeclJAJJiBBce, "Apple Com­ modem or archrre them usingdisk S:fXCe to piter is requiringa license to use the word its best&:ivsntage. mousetrap and 'Apple.'"! 13. The Ram 3.9, software that lets yru Rpple, Inc. will buy No longer can yru go to the store androy easi�10&1 DOS 3.3 programs on yrurGS � a dozen apples or sing the song "Don't Sit producing a DOS 3.3 RAM drive in the GS. the company under the Apple Tree· or profess beliefa in !WI 3.3uses all the memmy on a GS God, romtty and apple pie withrut a li­ memoty expansion 'board from 256k to Styleware came rutwith CSWorks and censefrom Apple, Inc. 1.5meg. Cont!d ROC, Inc., 408 S. Baldwin claimed it to be better than AppleWorks. TJJeRoad Apple sugg ests the following St., Mtdison, WI 53704 for details. They Guess the claimwas validsince Claris (a.k.a. substitute unpronrunanCid:lle rcronym shruldbe at AppleFestSan Francisco. Apple, Inc.) l:o.lght rut StyleWare. Nothing •res�tt( for the word "apple." Resfttg 14. Rumors of the Apple fJSzareall over like fi>sorbing the competition. GoocllJteto means ·rrund edible solid thlit that tastes the place. Seems that besides being e. new CSWorks and hello AppleWorks CS. good." Actu�, "resfttg"is onomatopoeic in comp.1ter, a motherboard upgr&:ie forolder SUrprise,rurprise, rurprise. that it approximates the srund madewhen GS mrchines is estimated to be in the The I /e version of MultiScribeis kap.1t one sneezes in thedirection of Cupertino. $200-$300range. Therewill be some extra and the 8-bit version of AppleWar.bwill So there yt1.1 have it. We can now go on ports (SCSI?)and 1 megof memmyat least. be renamed AppleWorks Classic. Re­ S3)1ing things like "she is the resfttg of my &dly,the speedremains the same.Nothing memberwhat Coca-Cola did severalmonths eye•or we enjCtfresfttgsaice or we can read of substance in the windaboo.t the GS-Mrc �o? Jeeze, don't the corporatetypes ever TileRoad Reslttg. • ColdeJJBridge.· Mtfbe next year. learn? The next prcduct to look foris Diet Meanwhile Sculley is in Japan. Ttying to 15. Laser Comp1tersis going gangb.lsters AppleWorks witlJ 1/utnStreet Or, make a production deal for the Golden with their Applecompatible line. Demandis SoperNer Diet AppleWarksCold Bridge, perhaps? Better he shruld stay at the 12,000 units per month level. Look Classic NoCalteiDe in the new deposit­ home and Jllt rut a few fires. Word is that for exciting new products from this fast­ refundible package.Sey, didn't John Sculley even Mrcintosh owners are getting a bit risingcompany in the Apple II compatible once work for a soft drink company? testyal:oot Apple, Inc.'s policies. b.lsiness. Hmmmmmmm. 16. The banding together of the Apple It seems to me that if Claris, Apple, Inc., �estion: Steve Wozniakendorses Applied developers at the A-2 Central Developers' or whomever wruld spend as much time Engineering's products which enhances Conference will enhance the developers' providing what rustomers � W8II.t at a their sales.What wruld happen to the sales and consumers'voice at the top Apple, Inc. reasonableprice as theydo thinking up cute of productsmanuftctured lJj a companythat levels. new names for old stuff or gral:bng up usedJohn Sculley'sendorsement? 17. AppleFest Boston '89 was a smash hit companies,all of us Apple// typeswruld be and San Francisco looks to be even bigger in fatcity. Wishful thinking. andbetter. With so manynew prociucts and !fromVol. 2, No. 31 developments, they'd l:etter Jllt rubber Free macro doorsin theBrooks Convention Center. What·s in a name? I do relieve that the speo.Ue.tion of the If yru have ]meO.J.t's Ulfrllllacros and death of the Apple II comp1ters is more What's with national Apple p.lblications SoperFODts.liS everyoneshruld, here are a thana bit premature.Semper Apple II! dropping the word • Apple • from their cruple of m&:ros to make italics the e8Sf titles? Both OjJeD-Apple and .AJ1J1LE. way: Co-op have changed their names--.A-2 <sa-<>:<awp : print • <ib>">! italics CeJJtral and TeclJAJliBBce respective�. IJetiD Methinks there might be a bit of legal <sa-»:<awp: print "<ie>">! italics skulduggety going on between the Apple, eJJd Inc. legal types and }:llblications with the nfllne • Apple• in theirtitles. From the "Notice of Members' Meetingof Apple Pugetsrund Program librsxy Ex­ change (A.P .P .L.E.) ..
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