An Alien Harvest: Further Evidence Linking Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions to Alien Life Forms, Linda Moulton Howe, Linda Moulton Howe Productions, 1989, 0962057010, 9780962057014, 455 pages. Television producer-director-writer Linda Moulton Howe received her Masters Degree from with a focus on science, medicine & the environment. When animals, especially cattle & horses, were found throughout the world in the 1970s with the same pattern of bizarre, bloodless excisions of tissue, she investigated the story as an environmental contamination until eyewitness testimonies forced her to confront the possibility that non-human intelligences are interacting with us, our animals & our plant life. The result was her 1980 Emmy Award-winning documentary A STRANGE HARVEST. A decade later, Howe has synthesized her research & contacts with alleged government insiders in AN ALIEN HARVEST. One Air Force intelligence officer told her: "That documentary you did upset some people in Washington. They don't want animal mutilations & UFOs connected together in the public's mind." REVIEWS: "This book comes as close as any yet toward boring right into the heart of what the UFO mystery has become... By following Linda Howe's odyssey through an American West littered by the carcasses of mutilated livestock, by discovering with her the distinct UFO connection to these mutilations which have not gone away by any means, & by becoming involved with the U.S. government itself to the point of being shown a briefing paper prepared for none less than the President of the U.S., you will learn what is REALLY about now some 42 years after its arrival into our consciousness. The book has the impact of a runaway freight train."--Bob Girard, Arcturus Books. "If seeing is believing, then here's what you've been looking for: a large format, 476 page volume with many graphic color pictures."--Martin Burkey, The Huntsville Times. "If books could convince, skeptics would be an endangered species after reading AN ALIEN HARVEST."--Dennis Stacy, New Age Journal. 4th printing, May 1995. LMH Productions, P.O. Box 300, Jamison, PA 18929. Phone: 215-491-9840, FAX: 215-491-9842..


The Occult Connection: UFOs, Secret Societies and Ancient Gods, Volume 1 UFOs, Secret Societies and Ancient Gods, Ken Hudnall, Oct 1, 2004, Body, Mind & Spirit, 208 pages. This is a reprint of the 1989 cult classic involving connections between UFOs, Secret Societies and Ancient Gods..

Disneyland of the Gods , John A. Keel, 1988, , 174 pages. Are we being invaded from outer space, as many UFO hobbyists contend? Are secret government agencies tapping your phone and tampering with your mail? Does somebody else really ....

Dimensions a casebook of alien contact, Jacques Vallee, 1988, Body, Mind & Spirit, 304 pages. A serious scientist who has studied the phenomenon of alien contact stories examines past and present claims and offers the startling conclusion that they are true, but that ....

Confirmation The Hard Evidence of Aliens Among Us?, Whitley Strieber, Apr 15, 1998, Body, Mind & Spirit, 290 pages. The author draws on a combination of scientific research and personal struggle to explore his personal efforts to procure the physical evidence necessary to prove his case that .... UFOs and the Alien Presence , Michael Lindemann, Sep 1, 1995, , 234 pages. ken all together, the evidence for an alien presence on earth is enormous. Few people know the evidence of UFOs better or have thought about it more carefully than the ....

Warren Ellis' Atmospherics , Warren Ellis, Ken Meyer, Jul 1, 2002, , 48 pages. Warren Ellis and painter Ken Meyer unleash a totally remastered version of this terrifying alien tale that has been out of print for many years and never before collected into ....

The Abduction Enigma An Investigation of the Phenomenon, Kevin D. Randle, Russ Estes, William P. Cone, May 1, 1999, , 416 pages. Three researchers who have spent much of their lives devoted to the study of UFOs combine thousands of taped interviews with abductees with an overview of aliens in myth and ....

Glimpses of Other Realistics Vol. 1, Facts and Eyewitnesses, Linda Moulton Howe, Jun 1, 1997, , 365 pages. GLIMPSES OF OTHER REALITIES--VOLUME 1: FACTS & EYEWITNESSES details investigations of the worldwide , animal mutilation, & human abduction mysteries, with ....

Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles , Linda Moulton Howe, Dec 1, 2000, , 240 pages. In 1999, a teenager reported seeing crop circles and mysterious lights on the field beside his house in Hoeven, Holland. Within two weeks he reported more variations on this ....

Inside Job Unmasking the 9-11 Conspiracies, Jim Marrs, 2004, , 216 pages. The official story about 9/11 is discredited. That is the sobering conclusion reached by millions of Americans, all across the political spectrum, who have sifted through the ....

Scientology: A New Slant on Life , L. Ron Hubbard, Nov 1, 2007, Body, Mind & Spirit, 371 pages. What are your goals? Where are you going? Why are you here? What are you? Scientology has answers to these questions, good answers that are true, answers that work for you. For ....

Grossed-Out Surgeon Vomits Inside Patient! An Insider's Look at the Supermarket Tabloids, Jim Hogshire, Jul 1, 1997, , 147 pages. Offers a brief history of supermarket tabloids, describes the "big six," introduces the types of stories and headlines used, and examines the influence of these publications on ....

"An Alien Harvest, told by Linda Howe, is as intriguing and absorbing as a good spy novel. She has had the energy ­ and guts to pursue her field work. It is a compilation of challenging data. The issues it raises should concern all of us." - Jacques Vallee, Computer Scientist and author of Dimensions and Anatomy of A Phenomenon

Like Linda, I had my 'grounding' in physical sciences, UNTIL my eyes were opened. It seems that now, I tend to read all I can get my hands on, about things NOT neven mentioned on the 'news'. I have tossed out newspaper and television news, because of their narrow point of view, and perhaps, control by God only knows who.

Linda Moulton Howe has courageously persisted in a topic that has been ignored by the mainstream press. Her personal interviews, documentation, photographs, and personal experiences all qualify her as one of the premier UFO investigators in the world. Like her co-author, Jaques Vallee, she is a visonary in a field dominated by crackpots and willfully ignorant skeptics.

I am done with volume 1 and volume 2; now about 1/3 through volume 3 of Linda Moulton Howe's encyclopedic alien tomes. I have to say at this point, not only does a HUGE amount of it parallel in "anecdotal" and documentary evidence (as well as SOME "hard" evidence) what the Cassiopaean's have been saying, but what the C's have been telling about "inside info" and "motives" and so forth provides a HUGE key to understanding the confusing elements that Linda MH has collected and made no real attempts to sort and explain, admitting that it is almost impossible considering the proven abilities of the beings to completely screen and manipulate our thinking processes.

Yes, what the Cassiopaean's say DOES tend to be confirmed by this amazing and thorough research... yes, it does SEEM to make sense of it ... BUT, could it be more of the "mind manipulation" ? And, if so, is it due to just simple "overlay" of mental controls, or actual "time travel" to "set things up" so that the information SEEMS to be confirmed????

Now, if any of you decide to get these books, let me warn you that they are FULL of photographs that are pretty grim and disturbing. They are also full of photos of actual military documents released through the FOIA and others that were obtained by other less standard means. There are complete transcripts of interviews and a few "hypnosis sessions," and so forth.

Colin Wilson wrote the forward, in which he says: "I have never read a book that excited such a powerful series of reactions in me. Again and again, I found myself thinking: 'If this is true, then we are all asleep. Something tremendous is going on, something that is going to affect every human being on this planet sooner or later, and we still go on living as if we were in the comfortable security of the Victorian age.'

"If you take these cases individually, each one can be subjected to skeptical analysis and, if not dismissed, at least reduced to a minus on the credibility scale. [...] But once the total picture is grasped, it is overwhelming. Nitpicking criticism leaves it unaffected. And that total picture tells us that something very strange is going on, and very important. [...] "There are certain things that I find very hard to accept. For example, the notion that the aliens can travel backwards in time. It has always seemed to me that time travel is an impossibility. It would involve obvious paradoxes... "Like Linda Moulton Howe, Jacques Vallee and John Keel and everyone else who has studied the UFO phenomenon, I find myself trying to formulate a general theory that encompasses a mass of utterly confusing and contradictory information. [...]

"When I try to look at the whole phenomenon, I come back to my most basic intuition which has been at the heart of all my work since 'The Outsider' in 1956: that there is something oddly wrong with human consciousness. Although we have evolved further than any other animal on the face of the earth, it is at the cost of an absurd narrowness which means that we look at reality throught the long end of a telescope, failing to see the wood or even leaves because we can only focus on individual trees. Our evolution in the past twenty-five thousand years has been incredible, yet it has been largely wasted in the sense that we take it for granted and go plodding on dully. We see the world from a worm's eye view, when we urgently need a bird's eye view.

"Studying the UFO phenomenon, particularly as it is expressed in Linda's books, has made me clearly aware of one thing that I had formerly grasped only vaguely: that, far from being the most intelligent species in the universe, human beings are not really so far ahead of the cows who graze in our meadows. [...] Our greatest need at this point in our evolution is to change our intellectual viewpoint - to recognize that we are not alone in the universe and that we ought to be making far more vigorous use of the intelligence we DO possess. Our narrowness hypnotizes us into passivity. [...] "The UFO phenomenon is gradually forcing us to accept that there ARE other realities and dimensions, and that we cannot continue living like cows ruminating in a field. ... what is now happening is demanding out attention with a persistence that cannot be ignored and will become more persistent until it gets our full attention.

It's easy to fluff off the Cassioipaean's because, after all, it IS channeled and highly suspect. But, you can't go through page after page of photographs that have not been published in other media, to SEE the evidence, to see the documents, to hear the stories directly (in print)... and NOT realize that something is going on here that we really need to get a handle on.

On 25 May 1980, Linda Moulton-Howe's landmark (and later Emmy award-winning) TV documentary `Strange Harvest' was aired. The film focussed on hundreds of cattle mutilated and killed with a distinctive modus operandi throughout North America, from Canada down to Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. The phenomenon was and still is worldwide and features distinctive parts of the animals excised with what appears to be laser-like surgery: typically the entire contents of one eye socket, one ear, flesh from the mouth and jawbone, udders, reproductive organs and rectal area. The carcases are found at or near where the animals were last seen, exsanguinated with no footprints to or from the site. Avoided by predators and even their own calves, they often display signs of being dropped from above (a few have actually been found high up in trees). Bright lights in the sky and luminous disk-shaped objects - UFOs - are frequently reported by ranchers and other witnesses at these locations before, during and after the incidents.

`Strange Harvest' was subsequently purchased by HBO and screened nationwide in 1982. Following the broadcast and the public stir it caused, LMH was contacted by Richard Doty from AFOSI at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque who, during a series of meetings and phone calls, gave her the run-around by promising genuine film footage of crashed and recovered ET vehicles, dead and autopsied alien bodies and even a live alien to be used in a planned film which HBO had agreed to finance. At KAB she was given documents to read which purported to be a Presidential briefing but was allowed no copies, nor allowed to take notes. This, dear readers, was a classic disinformation campaign to kill the story by contamination but Linda did not - at the time - see what was being done and how. She was strung along until the offer from HBO was finally rescinded, the story died away and, of course, the promised film footage from the Air Force never materialised.

This substantial book, which had six printings between 1990 and 2000, is the story of how all this unfolded and a summary of evidence about the phenomenon itself as the author perceived it in 1990. In the foreword, Jacques Vallee (who, with Barbara Bartholic, personally went out into the field to investigate a large number of mutilated animals) writes "...Linda Howe is not simply fulfilling her role as an investigative journalist when she asks these questions; she is also performing an important service on behalf of the American public."

The book's title of course echoes the original TV documentary and includes a long first section detailing the mutilations, their geographical spread, interviews with ranchers and law enforcement officials and facsimiles of newspaper reports about the phenomenon. The writing and organization of material is exemplary, with plenty of thoroughly researched detail which will leave the skeptical reader in no doubt that this is a very real, persistent and disturbing issue which has nothing to do with any human agency.

Unfortunately the train then leaves the tracks for a while as LMH, in all innocence and eager to take on board any seemingly credible `insider' sources to gain enlightenment about the subject, gives credence to the extensive disinformation dished out by Doty and co and to the notorious MJ-12 hoax. A long chapter is devoted to promoting the fabrications of the late plagiarist, pathological liar and fantasist, William Cooper (who died in November 2001 after he shot a County Sheriff's deputy in the head and was in turn gunned down by other officers). This lets down the book somewhat, but at the time a lot of people in the field were taken in by these characters so LMH was not alone.

The appendices run to more than 200 pages. 73 pages are devoted to the full transcripts of regression hypnosis sessions run by Dr. Leo Sprinkle of the University of Wyoming with Judy Doraty and with the mother and son involved in the Cimarron NM abduction case. There are transcripts of radio interviews, newspaper cuttings, images, and a sizeable bibliography for reference.

The book is physically quite large at 28cm x 21cm, and runs to 450 pages. It is, however, something of a classic of the field and despite the questionable value of some sections (i.e. those devoted to Doty and Cooper) overall it's very informative, a gold mine of sound information and solid reference material. This author, despite an uneven history of promoting often questionable ideas in recent years, has earned eternal credit for bringing the animal mutilation issue to public attention with such a thorough and rigorous examination of the facts leading to a most disturbing conclusion. Read more ›

Television producer-director-writer Linda Moulton Howe received her Masters Degree from Stanford University with a focus on science, medicine & the environment. When animals, especially cattle & horses, were found throughout the world in the 1970s with the same pattern of bizarre, bloodless excisions of tissue, she investigated the story as an environmental contamination until eyewitness testimonies forced her to confront the possibility that non-human intelligences are interacting with us, our animals & our plant life. The result was her 1980 Emmy Award-winning documentary A STRANGE HARVEST. A decade later, Howe has synthesized her research & contacts with alleged government insiders in AN ALIEN HARVEST.

Portions of this page may be (c) 2006 Muze Inc. Some database content may also be provided by Baker & Taylor Inc. Copyright 1995-2006 Muze Inc. For personal non-commercial use only. All rights reserved. Content for books is owned by Baker & Taylor, Inc. or its licensors and is subject to copyright and all other protections provided by applicable law.

A hallmark of these incidents is the reportedly surgical nature of the mutilation, and unexplained phenomena such as the complete draining of the animal's blood, loss of internal organs with no obvious point of entry, and surgically precise removal of the reproductive organs and anal coring. Another reported event is that the animal is found dumped in an area where there are no marks or tracks leading to or from the carcass, even when it is found in soft ground or mud. The surgical-type wounds tend to be cauterized by an intense heat and made by very sharp/precise instruments, with no bleeding evident. Often flesh will be removed to the bone in an exact manner, consistent across cases, such as removal of flesh from around the jaw exposing the mandible.

Since the time that reports of purported animal mutilations began, the causes have been attributed variously to natural decomposition, normal predators, cryptid predators (like the Chupacabra), extraterrestrials, secretive governmental or military agencies, and cults. "Mutilations" have been the subject of two independent federal investigations in the .[2]

Reports of mutilated cattle first surfaced in the United States in the early 1960s when it was allegedly largely confined to the states of Pennsylvania and Kansas.[citation needed] The phenomenon remained largely unknown outside cattle raising communities until 1967, when the Pueblo Chieftain in Pueblo, Colorado published a story about a horse named Lady who was mutilated in mysterious circumstances, which was then picked up by the wider press and distributed nationwide; this case was also the first to feature speculation that extraterrestrial beings and unidentified flying objects were associated with mutilation.[3]