The Library Books

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Images of the Quantocks & their Villages, Friarn Press, 2004 Williams, David, Bridgwater Inns Past and Present, Oxen Books, 1987. Wrigley, V.J., A History of Burnham-on- Sea and Highbridge, Harry Galloway Publishing, 1998. BLAKE FAMILY Admiral Blake Museum, Bridgwater, Your Faithful Servant, Pryor Publications, 2000. Baumber, Michael, General-At-Sea Robert Blake and the Seventeenth Century Revolution in Naval Warfare, John Murray (Publishers) Ltd., 1989. Beadon, Roger, Robert Blake Sometime Commanding all the Fleet and Naval Forces of England, Edward Arnold & Co., 1935. Blake, Christopher, Times arid Seasons A biography of Humphrey Blake 1888-1988, Mendip Publishing, 1989. Blake, Jeff, These Were My Grandfathers Reflections on Fifteen Generations of Blakes, Franklin's Printing, Augusta, Georgia, 1999. Blake, Richard Charles, Story of the Blakes. 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LOCAL HISTORY - BRIDGWATER Beet, T., Around Bridgwater, Frith Book Company Ltd.,2001 Belshaw, Guy, Bridgwater St. Mathew's Fair, New Era Publications, 2004 Blake Museum, The Archive Photographs Series - Bridgwater, Chalford Publishing Company 1998. Blake Museum, The Archive Photographs Series - Bridgwater The Second Selection, Chalford Publishing Porter, Edmund, Bridgwater Industries Past & Present, Purnell Secretarial Services. Powell, A.H. (Rev.), The Ancient Borough of Bridgwater, Page and Son, Bridgwater, 1907. Powell, A.H. (Rev.), Bridgwater in Later Days, Page and Son, Bridgwater, 1908. Smedley, Brian, November 17 The Bridgwater Czech/Slovak Link, 1999. Squibbs, Philip J., Squibbs' History of Bridgwater, Phillimore & Co. Ltd., 1982. 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