Extensions of Remarks 15467 Extensions of Remarks Igor I

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Extensions of Remarks 15467 Extensions of Remarks Igor I June 11, 1969 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 15467 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IGOR I. SIKORSKY AND IDS GREEN designers, never flew," and (when asked why SALUTE TO THE "GREEN GIANTS" GIANTS: TRIDUTES TO THE MAN his first helicopter did not fly), "Insufficient (By Mrs. Helen Glasgow, Bridgeport, Conn., AND IDS MACHINES knowledge, insufficient horsepower." dedicated to the Sikorsky HH-3E helicop­ Among those seated at the head table with ters on their first transatlantic flight, May Mr. Sikorsky were Mrs. Sikorsky, Capt. Ed­ 31, 1967) HON. ROBERT N. GIAIMO ward V. Rickenbacker, Brig. Gen. H. Franklin We salute you, Green Giants Gregory, USAF (ret.), pioneer military heli­ OF CONNECTICUT On your great achievement: copter pilot; Comdr. Frank Erickson, USCG You've made it, you've made it, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (ret.), pioneer helicopter pilot and pilot of You made it again! Wednesday, June 11, 1969 the first helicopter mercy mission; Admiral Arthur W. Radford, USN (ret.), former head With perpetual motion Mr. GIAIMO. Mr. Speaker, one of the of the joint chiefs of staff and a helicopter You flew over the Ocean greatest pioneers of the age of fiight, Igor pilot late in his career; Arthur Godfrey, for­ To bring to mankind I. Sikorsky, recently celebrated his 80th mer helicopter pilot; Capt. Boris Sergievsky, God's perpetual love. birthday. I rise to pay tribute to the man test pilot of Sikorsky's flying boats; C. L. The fires are burning, the waters are churn- and his work. (Les) Morris, pioneer helicopter test pilot; ing, Clarence Chamberlin and Bernt Balchen, pio­ All hope for salvation is gone. Mr. Sikorsky, still active as consulting neer ocean pilots; Najeeb E. Halaby, president engineer with Sikorsky Aircraft in Strat­ Then-hark! From the distance of Pan American World Airways, which used As if coming from Heaven, ford, Conn., led the way in the develop­ Sikorsky's "Flying Clippers" to pioneer trans­ Those green helicopters, ment of the world's first four-engine air­ oceanic air routes; William P. Gwinn, chair­ The familiar drone! plane, the development of the famous man of United Aircraft Corporation; Wesley "Flying Clippers," and, most important, A. Kuhrt, Sikorsky Aircraft president, and Oh! Jolly Green Giants, GOd keep you and in the development of the first practical B. L. Whelan, former general manager of bless you. Sikorsky Aircraft. Oh! save us, oh! save us, save us from our helicopter, a machine that is valuable to­ Mr. Sikorsky, now engineering consultant plight! day but is made for tomorrow. I can for Sikorsky Aircraft, was born on May 25 The guns are a-roaring, the wounded are think of no better living testimonial to 1889 in Kiev, Russia. A pioneer in three groaning, his accomplishments than "his machine," phases of aviation, with the world's first All hope for salvation is gone! the helicopter. four-engine airplane, the Grand; the "Flying Then-hark! From the distance In New York City last month, many of Clippers," and the first practical helicopter, As if coming from Heaven, the most famous names in aviation his­ he has received more than 100 honors from Of those green helicopters the famlliar drone. tory gathered to honor this man. I would the aviation world, including the Wright Oh! Jolly Green Giants, God keep you and like to include at this point in the REc­ Brothers Memorial Award in 1967. bless you; ORD an article in the May issue of Sikor­ I would also like to include the text of Our guardian angels--the Angels in Green! sky News, the company newspaper, which an article in the May 21, 1969, New York describes this event and those who at­ Times which describes the same event. tended it. The article follows: ONE HUNDRED HONOR SIKORSKY, Now NEAR 80 STUDENTS TO HELP DETERMINE IGOR I. SIKORSKY, 80, HONORED AT PARTY More than 100 aviation leaders paid tribute "Presented to: Igor I . Sikorsky, pioneer­ yesterday to Igor I. Sikorsky, aeronautical U.S. HIGHER EDUCATION POLI­ gentleman-friend, by his many admirers in pioneer and founder of Sikorsky Aircraft, at CIES? PICK THEM BY "POINT recognition of his 80th birthday May 25, 1969. a testimonial luncheon held by the Wings SYSTEM" (Presented May 20, 1969, at the Wings Club, Club in the Biltmore Hotel. The occa~ion New York City.)" celebrated Mr. Sikorsky's 60 years' of service Thls is the inscription engraved on the to aviation as well as his 80th birthday next HON. WILLIAM G. BRAY Sunday. silver tray, which, with eight silver wine gob­ OF INDIANA lets, was presented to Mr. Sikorsky at a testi­ Roscoe Turner, pioneer aviator and racing monial luncheon May 20 at the Wings Club pilot, presented a sterling silver tray and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in the Biltmore Hotel, in celebration of his wine goblets to Mr. Sikorsky. H. M. Horner, Wednesday, June 11, 1969 approaching birthday anniversary. chairman emeritus of the United Aircraft Approximately 100 leaders in the aviation Corporation, was master of ceremonies. Mr. BRAY. Mr. Speaker, a story in the world attended the affair honoring the aero­ Sikorsky Aircraft is a division of United New York Times on June 1, 1969, re­ nautical pioneer and founder of Sikorsky Aircraft in Stratford, Conn. Lauren D. (Deac) ported that the U.S. Office of Education Aircraft. Lyman, retired vice president of the corpora­ is getting ready to give students a larger H. M. Horner, chairman emeritus of United tion and a former Pulitzer Prize-winning voice in shaping Federal educational Aircraft Corporation, served as master of cere­ aviation editor of The New York Times, re­ policies that affect campus affairs. Ac­ monies, and introduced Col. Roscoe Turner, called the highlights of his more than 40 pioneer aviator and racing pilot, who pre­ years association with Mr. Sikorsky. cording to reports, this is being done to sented Mr. Sikorsky with the gift. Mr. Lyman traced Mr. Sikorsky's interest meet some recent student demands­ Lauren D. (Deac) Lyman, retired vice pres­ in aviation from his youth in Kiev in the everything is a demand nowadays-for ident of United Aircraft Corporation, former Soviet Ukraine, when he switched his goal of student involvement in all facets of de­ aviation editor of The New York Times and becoming an electrical engineer and "de­ cisionmaking, planning, implementation, Pulitzer Prize winner, was guest speaker. He cided that aviation, aeronautical engineer­ and evaluation of the agency's multi­ traced Mr. Sikorsky's early days in aviation, ing, was to be his way of life." The decision billion-dollar educational program. both in Russia and in the United States. was influenced by an article that Mr. Sikor­ Dr. James E. Allen, the new U.S. Com­ Mr. Lyman recalled in detail the first and sky had read about Wilbur Wright's early last flights of the VB-300, Mr. Sikorsky's first exploits. missioner of Education, was quoted as successful helicopter. In speaking of the first saying: flight, in 1939, when this helicopter was flown Perhaps the most moving tribute to I am very definitely supporting this gen­ tethered to the ground, Mr. Lyman empha­ this man's monumental accomplish­ eral move to involve young people here. sized not only that it was the first flight of ments, however, is a short song written a. true helicopter in this country, but also by Mrs. Helen Glasgow, of Bridgeport, The demands being made were pre­ that Mr. Sikorsky, the designer and test pilot, Conn., a perceptive, patriotic woman pared at a recent 2-day meeting to which was making his first flight in a. helicopter. whose work has appeared in the REcORD the agency had invited 15 student lead­ The last flight of the VB-300, also with Mr. ers, some of the~ veterans of campus Sikorsky at the controls, took place in 1943 before. This song, dedicated to the Si­ korsky HH-3E helicopter or "Green activism. The students attending the before Henry Ford, when Mr. Sikorsky pre­ meeting had said they had considered a sented the helicopter to Ford's Edison Mu­ Giant," might well have been written by seum in Dearborn, Mich. sit-in at the Commissioner's office, but a wounded soldier in Vietnam waiting to agreed to give the Federal Government a Mr. Lyman quoted examp1es of Mr. Sikor­ be airlifted to safety or a downed pilot sky's wisdom, which, he said, the aeronautical "second chance." I find this very gener­ pioneer often expressed in the most casual tossing on the waves waiting for the help ous and tolerant of them. manner. Among these examples were: which may never come. I would like to All this dates back to the last admin­ "A great many airplanes were designed include the text of her song in the RECORD istration. The former Commissioner, which, to the great good fortune of their at this point: Harold Howe II, issued a memo last Oc- i5468 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 11, 1969 tober endorsing calling a conference and If working their way through college sored jointly by all the veterans and estabishing a youth advisory panel and with a part-time job, five points; patriotic organizations of Springfield. student participation on advisory boards If still actively involved in community­ The master of ceremonies was C. H. and review panels. After the students wide projects while in college, five points. "Pat" Patterson, an active Legionnaire, met the second week in May, in Wash­ These are only suggestions for a be­ writer, poet, and the current president ington, they charged Howe's proposals ginning. I am sure there are other areas of the Greene County Memorial Associa­ had not been implemented and did not which can and should be counted in.
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