The Eclipse 500 Very Light Jet Presidente: Prof. Fernando José Parracho Lau Orientador: Prof. Rui Miguel Loureiro Nobre Baptista Vogal: Prof. Carlos Manuel Pinho Lucas de Freitas ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Firstly I would like to thank my supervisor Professor Rui Baptista, of IST, for the support, freedom and confidence he gave to me and all his hard work reading the draft version of my thesis and helping me making it final. His comments, literature, suggestions, enthusiasm and encouragements were very important for my work. I found it very valuable to be able to learn from his experience throughout my writing. To Professor Marc Reunis, of TUDelft, it is very difficult to express how grateful I am. Marc was the lecturer of Purchasing Management at TUDelft, where my work about the Eclipse 500 started. His enthusiasm made me believe in the potential of my idea to explore the supplier involvement this aircraft. After that, his commitment and careful reviewing of my work let me learn a lot about how to properly write a scientific paper. Furthermore, Marc was kind enough to help me on several occasions in the early, and perhaps most difficult, stages of this thesis (without any benefit or obligation to do so), when I had to define its structure and goals, even though he was in The Netherlands and I was in Portugal. I would also like to thank Mr. Rich Shepherd, from Eclipse Aviation, for answering and distributing my questionnaires to his colleagues thus making it possible to obtain the direct contribution of Eclipse Aviation supply chain management employees.
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