RCS Mediagroup Press Release
RCS MediaGroup Press Release Guarantee agreement signed between RCS MediaGroup and the members of the guarantee consortium for the rights issue Capital Injection Milan, 14 June 2013 – Further to the press release of 13 June 2013, RCS MediaGroup announces that it has signed the guarantee agreement with Banca IMI and BNP Paribas, acting as Joint Global Coordinators, and with Banca Akros, Banca Aletti, Commerzbank, Mediobanca, Ubi Banca and Credit Suisse. Under the agreement, the members of the guarantee consortium have undertaken to guarantee, separately and without any joint liability, the subscription of any common shares that still have not been taken up following the offer on the stock exchange of the unexercised rights, up to an amount of Euro 184.5 million. Since the Company has already received irrevocable and unconditional commitments from the shareholders, currently totalling Euro 195.5 million, the common shares Capital Injection is already guaranteed by an amount of Euro 380 million, with respect to a total approved amount of Euro 400 million. Any additional commitments from shareholders that are received from the date of signature of the Guarantee Agreement and 23.59 hours on 16 June 2013, shall reduce the part of the Capital Injection that is currently not guaranteed. For the period between 12 to 13 June 2013 the shareholders Mediobanca S.p.A., Fiat S.p.A., Fondiaria SAI S.p.A., Pirelli & C. S.p.A., Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A., Mittel Partecipazioni Stabili S.r.l. and Edison S.p.A., belonging to the Block Voting and Consultation Shareholders Agreement, have made lock-up commitments, in relation to the newly issued common shares, for a period of six months from the completion of the Capital Injection.
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