Gelbart, Larry (1923- ) U.S
Gelbart, Larry University), Montreal, Quebec, B.A. in communica- Television Special tions 1970. Married: Bruce Griffin, 1987; two chil- 1994 Contact with Hana Gartner (host) dren. Began career asradio show host, CJAD, Montreal, 1970; began television career at CBC, Mon- Radio treal, 1974; host, interviewer, reporter, various televi- CJAD Montreal (interviewer), 1970; This Country in sion and radio programs. Recipient: Gordon Sinclair the Morning, 1976. Award, 1985; three Geminis. Further Reading Television Series "Gartner to Join Mansbridge: The Current Host of The Fifth Es- 1977-82 Take 30 (host) tate Will Replace Wallin on Prime Time News," Globe and 1978 This Half Hour Mail (June 3, 1995) "The National's New Face: Hana Gartner Brings Gutsy Style to 1982-95, 2000- The Fifth Estate (host) CBC TV," Maclean' s (September 18, 1995) 1995- Prime Time News (cohost) "Star Power Gets in the Way (for Hana Gartner)," Globe and 1995- The National Magazine Mail (June 22, 1993) Gelbart, Larry (1923- ) U.S. Writer, Producer As producer of M*A*S*H, Larry Gelbart provided nu- In the early 1950s Gelbart became part of the ex- merous contributions to one of television's most inno- traordinarily talented crew of writers on Sid Caesar's vative and socially aware sitcoms. Beyond this Your Show of Shows. This group, which included Carl accomplishment, he has been a dynamic force in Reiner, Howard Morris, Mel Brooks, and Woody broadcasting for more than 40 years. Gelbart has writ- Allen, helped define the medium in its earlier days. ten for radio, television, film, and the stage. After leav- Shortly after becoming head writer for The Pat Boone ing television in the early 1980s, Gelbart went on to Show, Gelbart became disgusted by broadcasting's produce feature films, including Oh, God! (1977) and communist witch hunts and moved to England.
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