Penultimate draft of a paper published in in Theoria, a Swedish journal of philosophy, LXIV 2-3, Thales, Stockholm 1998, pp. 243-282. Epistemic truth and excluded middle* Cesare Cozzo Università di Roma ”La Sapienza” Dipartimento di studi filosofici ed epistemologici email:
[email protected] Abstract: Can an epistemic conception of truth and an endorsement of the excluded middle (together with other principles of classical logic abandoned by the intuitionists) cohabit in a plausible philosophical view? In PART I I describe the general problem concerning the relation between the epistemic conception of truth and the principle of excluded middle. In PART II I give a historical overview of different attitudes regarding the problem. In PART III I sketch a possible holistic solution. Part I The Problem §1. The epistemic conception of truth. The epistemic conception of truth can be formulated in many ways. But the basic idea is that truth is explained in terms of epistemic notions, like experience, argument, proof, knowledge, etc. One way of formulating this idea is by saying that truth and knowability coincide, i.e. for every statement S i) it is true that S if, and only if, it is (in principle) possible to know that S. Knowledge that S can be equated with possession of a correct (or ideal) finite argument for S in an optimal (or ideal) epistemic situation. For example, mathematical knowledge can be equated with possession of a proof of a mathematical statement. But the notion of ideal argument should be wider than the notion of proof: for empirical statements like “strawberries contain sugar” an ideal argument should contain also some sensory evidence.