SPRING ‘ Convention 16

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SPRING ‘ Convention 16 SPRING ‘ convention 16 Convention Highlights March 14 – 16, 2016 Trade Show March 14 TRADESHOW The AAMDC’s annual tradeshow took place on Mon- day, March 14 and featured 164 different vendors from around Alberta and beyond. This special event provides a unique opportunity for municipal staff and elected of- ficials to interact with vendors and discuss the new and innovative products that municipalities can use to en- hance services, reduce costs, and improve operations. A number of excellent door prizes were provided by the vendors including a $750 travel voucher provided by the AAMDC’s Aggregated Business Services Divi- sion. Thank you to all of the vendors and members that made this event a tremendous success. SPRING 2016 CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS 2 SPRING 2016 CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS 3 Convention March 15–16 PRESIDENT’S SPEECH Following the Spring 2016 AAMDC Convention’s nicipalities. Recently, the AAMDC completed a survey opening ceremonies, AAMDC President Al Kemmere of its members’ inter-municipal financial arrangements provided some opening remarks to the attending del- that support regional services and infrastructure. The egates. President Kemmere highlighted the AAMDC’s survey showed that in 2014, Alberta’s rural municipali- submission into the upcoming provincial budget which ties contributed over $160 million to their urban neigh- focused on four priorities: sustainable funding for mu- bors or to regional initiatives. nicipalities, transportation and infrastructure funding, President Kemmere closed his remarks by noting an water and wastewater funding, and clear direction on ongoing initiative to engage more extensively with the the environment and climate change. newly elected federal government. The Trudeau gov- President Kemmere also spoke about the ongoing re- ernment has promised a large spending program for view of the Municipal Government Act (MGA) and how infrastructure across Canada including $700 million in the AAMDC will work to gather input from members for Alberta. The AAMDC wants to ensure that rural mu- submission into the legislative process prior to the final nicipalities are able to access these funding dollars so approval of the legislation in the fall of 2016. that they may remain sustainable, and that Alberta’s The remarks then turned to the ongoing debate regard- rural infrastructure can continue to support communi- ing the distribution of linear tax dollars and how the ties and industry across the province. AAMDC has advocated on behalf of Alberta’s rural mu- SPRING 2016 CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS 4 KEYNOTE ADDRESS Michael Kerr, an award winning interna- tional speaker, workshop facilitator, and the president of the Humour at Work In- stitute, was the keynote speaker at the spring convention. He spoke about the importance of humour in the workplace as both a recruitment tool and a strategy to increase productivity and strengthen teamwork. Through countless stories, props, and of course, the infamous dancing, Michael Kerr had the audience laughing while selling the message that business culture is far more important than strategy. Humour enables influ- ence and is a crucial component of ef- fective leadership. PREMIER NOTLEY’S ADDRESS Premier Rachel Notley spoke to the AAMDC convention on a number of topics facing the government and Alber- tans. At the forefront was the ongoing economic challenges as a result of depressed oil prices, which have reduced provincial revenues by nearly 20%. To help ease this financial struggle, Premier Notley emphasized the need for greater market access for Alberta’s natural resources and further diversification of Alberta’s economy and trading partners. Premier Notley indicated that the upcoming budget would support small and medium sized businesses with programs intended to stimulate job growth and economic development throughout the province. Lastly, Pre- mier Notley spoke to the Alberta Climate Leadership Plan which was released in late 2015 and includes a cap on oil sands emissions, a carbon levy, and the phase out of coal power generation. These components of the plan are touted as a step to hit the restart on Alberta’s environmental performance and reputation around the world. SPRING 2016 CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS 5 Focus on Convention SPRING 2016 CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS 6 PROVINCIAL AND FEDERAL MINISTERS Minister of Municipal Affairs, the Honourable Danielle Larivee Minister Larivee’s speech highlighted the contributions that rural municipalities make to their urban neighbors through revenue-sharing, cost-sharing, and other types of collaborative agreements. She also indicated that the review of linear assessment is ongoing with decisions being taken to Cabinet in the next few weeks, and that no linear dollars would be flowing to Calgary, Edmonton, or any other city in Alberta. The Minister then spoke about timelines for the review of the Municipal Government Act which is expected to be tabled in the spring 2016 sitting of the legislature, with consultations taking place over the summer and final legislation approved in the fall of 2016. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board, the Honourable Joe Ceci The Minister responsible for Alberta’s finances took the podium on Tuesday morning to outline some of the key themes of the provincial budget expected on April 14 – most notably the impact of depressed oil prices on the Alberta economy. With this in mind, Minister Ceci outlined the province’s commitments to economic di- versification, infrastructure funding, and ensuring gov- ernment programs are sustainable in the long term. Minister Ceci emphasized the return of some key fund- ing areas in the fall 2015 budget including enhanced funding to Family Community Support Services (FCSS). The Minister closed on an optimistic note that, in time, oil prices will rise and with it, the economy of the province. Federal Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, the Honourable Amarjeet Sohi Minister Sohi’s speech highlighted the federal govern- ment’s efforts to fast track $700 million in infrastructure funds to Alberta. Minister Sohi also mentioned the $40 million recently announced that will go towards stimu- lating new technology and innovation in Alberta. Minis- ter Sohi recognized that the key to many of the federal government’s infrastructure commitments is ensuring that local knowledge is harnessed to make sure ap- proved projects have the greatest value to the com- munities they serve. SPRING 2016 CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS 7 Minister of Transportation and Minister of the minimum wage increases in Alberta and identified Infrastructure, the Honourable Brian Mason that the provincial government does intend to increase Minister Mason’s speech focused on the Government the minimum wage but has not committed to a specific of Alberta’s recent investments in Alberta’s infrastruc- timeline. Lastly, the Minister spoke about the Summer ture, including $34 billion in spending announced in the Temporary Employment Program which was revived province’s five-year capital plan. He also referenced under the NDP government and has received 2,600 the return of the Strategic Transportation Infrastructure applications from municipalities, small businesses, and Program announced in last fall’s budget and the ongo- non-profit organizations. ing efforts to consult with rural municipalities and other Minister of Environment and Parks and Minister stakeholders on the future of that program. Minister Responsible for the Climate Change Office, the Mason closed with statements regarding an expected Honourable Shannon Phillips energy efficiency plan which will utilize low energy Minister Phillips spoke about three key priorities in her technologies to ensure government buildings are ef- Ministry: climate change and the Alberta Climate Lead- ficient and more environmentally friendly. ership Plan, land-use planning, and flood mitigation. Minister of Labour and Minister Responsible for With regard to the Alberta Climate Leadership Plan, Democratic Renewal, the Honourable Christina Gray Minister Phillips spoke to the carbon levy and meth- The newly appointed Minister Gray spoke to the AAM- ane reductions plan, as well as the phase out of coal DC about several key projects in her Ministry. First, fired electricity generation. When it came to land-use essential service legislation was announced the day planning, Minister Phillips highlighted the progress in prior to Minister Gray’s speech. This legislation chang- creating the regional plans, including the North Sas- es the circumstances in which certain types of public katchewan Regional Plan which is currently under servants are able to take strike action. Second, Min- development. On flood mitigation, the Minister spoke ister Gray spoke to the farm and ranch safety legisla- to the recently announced 51 flood mitigation projects tion (Bill 6) and the soon to be assembled consultation spanning 15 different municipalities and the govern- tables which will inform the regulations that are to be ment’s commitment to ensuring that the likelihood of developed at a later date. Third, Minister Gray spoke to the floods of 2013 repeating themselves is minimized. SPRING 2016 CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS 8 BREAKOUT SESSIONS Planning Proactively: Inter- municipal Development Plans In this workshop sponsored by Ur- ban Systems, delegates learned of some best practices when it comes to developing inter-munic- ipal development plans with their neighboring municipalities. The speakers: Darryl Howery from Ap- plications Management Consulting, Harry Harker from the University
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