Monthly Newsletter of “Blue Mountain’s UFO Research Club and National Australian Underground Space

Base Investigation Network.

Vol. 9 Issue No 6

JUNE, 2018



Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – June, 2018. Blue Mountains UFO Research Club News. PLEASE NO SMOKING ON THE PREMISES. ALSO, NO LARGE BAGS IN THE CINEMA OR THE HOUSE. PLEASE NOTE. Please contact us prior to bringing along any new friends interested in UFOlogy and the mysteries generally. Don’t forget our meetings are usually held on the third Saturday of each month. Contact Information: Phone: 02 4782 3441, Email: [email protected] [or catch our website on or]. Also see us at ‘Rex and Heather Gilroys Blue Mountains UFO Research Club’ on Facebook.

TH FOR OUR MEETING ON SATURDAY 16 JUNE, 2018 at the home of Rex & Heather Gilroy, 12 Kamillaroi Road, [Corner Ficus Street & Kamillaroi Road – enter via a the Ficus Street entrance] – anyone coming for the first time, use the Ficus Street entrance - there is plenty of parking in Ficus Street. Our side gate will have our Club sign so you can’t miss us.

PROGRAM for 16th. Weather permitting there will be a ‘round table’ discussion in the back yard, followed by a UFO Documentary presentation in the Rex Cinema. We also have newly-acquired documentaries on the ‘ancient astronaut’ theory covering a wide range of subjects for future meetings. At this meeting we welcome new members to our group. A report on extensions of the Burragorang Valley space-base will be given with latest UFO sightings reports and we invite anyone with a UFO experience of their own is welcome to share it with us as we are all interested to hear. Weather permitting, a Skywatch will be held out on Narrow Neck Plateau. As the nights are beginning to get cool don’t forget your winter woollies. Bring your camera, binoculars or telescope. We always have a great time even if a UFO doesn’t show up!

PLEASE NOTE. Anyone with any personal experiences involving UFOs or the ‘unexplained’ and willing to share them with us all are invited to do so.

Bring a plate of food to share for afternoon tea. Look forward to seeing you all, and if you have friends to bring please phone us beforehand. If you have a suggestion for a guest speaker please let us know. To assist with the costs involved in producing the newsletters a donation of at least a $2 gold coin is requested. Catch us on facebook – “Rex and Heather Gilroys Blue Mountains UFO Research Club”, and “Rex and Heather Gilroys Mysterious Australia”. ~~~~~


Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – June, 2018.



NB. These reports are presented for your perusal, information and enjoyment and whilst all care is taken with their presentation no responsibility for their authenticity is taken by the editor. Please exercise your own judgement.

The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.

ANCIENT PALEOLITHIC MONUMENTS SHOW INTEREST IN UFOS Throughout Europe ancient cavemen drew pictures and made copies of UFOs in their caves and monuments. Some of the greatest names of European Paleolithic sites, such as Altamira, El Castillo, La Pasiega, El Pendo and La Garma, show knowledge of the shapes and sizes of UFOs. Cavemen frequently drew UFOs in their cave art above exact replicas of Bison, and deer. Aimé Michel did a study of cave art and reports at Las Chimeneas (Santander, Spain) is a cigar-cloud and its attendant discs. At Altimira, Niaux, and La Cullalvera, discs are shown in flight. Perhaps most interesting are the cryptic trenches like the Cursus that are numerous in Britain that are similar to the cylinder UFO I saw over the Stonehenge area. After more than a century of research, decorated objects have been recovered from nearly all the Upper Paleolithic deposits that have been dug. These human occupation sites also contained unusually large carved discs indicating ancient mans interest in the discs.

Lascaux, France possible disc thanks to the University of Pennsylvania

WERE DISCS WORSHIPPED IN ANCIENT TIMES? Assuming the discs continued visiting Earth, I found an authoritative historical work by William Long (Esq., M.A., F.S.A) titled “Stonehenge and its Barrows”, published by Devizes in 1876 from the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, vol. xvi. Barrows are 5000 year old disc shaped burial mounds. The book has a survey map of the barrows which surround Stonehenge to a maximum distance of about 2 1/2 miles around the Stonehenge central stone circle. These barrows are not scattered randomly throughout the countryside but are clumped together in definite groups, some of which look very much like known constellations of the stellar heavens, i.e. bright stars that can be grouped together to form a recognizable shape. At the Stonehenge Barrows, 3

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – June, 2018.

this unmistakable similarity holds particularly true for the stars of Scorpio, which in prehistoric times marked the line of the Equinoxes.

Stonehenge map showing Barrows as black dots. Archeologists William Long Andis Kaulins thinks that the Stonehenge Barrows mark stars of the sky in an organized formation called a planisphere, a hermetic practice evidenced for example among the archaic traditions of Native American Indian tribes. The barrows support an Astronomical Interpretation of Stonehenge. The identified star groups for the Stonehenge Barrows are located at the same relative geographic positions on the ground and with respect to the sky as the positions of the sarsens and trilithons of the main Stonehenge circle. Simply put, the position of Scorpio on the main Stonehenge Circle matches the position of Scorpio in the barrows. Its apparent the ancient Bronze Age men were fascinated by stars and visiting space ships. Ancient Samarian and Indo texts claim the space ships and their occupants were worshipped as gods or as messengers of god. There was no electric lighting and the stars and space ships shone much more brightly than today. The Bronze Age culture flourished some 5000 years ago with the main temples at Avebury, Silbury, and Stonehenge all of which lie on a generally north south path. Some 18,000 round burial mounds called barrows or tumuli are scattered around Britain. Each is constructed on a precise plan that follows the design of various disc shaped UFOs. Bronze Age archaeology shows that Britain, Ireland and Europe were dominated by the disc shape craft.

Archeologists explain that the Bronze Age people worshipped the sun chariot or actually the Sun chariot’s wheels, therefore they built barrows to symbolize the sun. I suggest this is farfetched reasoning if you except the validity of disc shaped UFOs. I personally feel the Bronze Age people like us saw the UFOs. They saw the disc shaped ones, the mother ships, and the cylinders that are copied in detailed monuments all over Europe. I chased them while in the Air Force and had them on my radar and have seen them visually. Assuming the archeologists are correct and the barrows are positioned to represent the stars in the Milky Way, then they may have attempted to get the UFOs to land, to provide gifts such as healings. They may have been taken on board and healed with the green or blue lights. Most religions promise everlasting life. Once dead you either decay in the ground or are taken to heaven. To entice the ancient astronauts to land the Bronze Age men may have built landing sites. Several of the barrows contain the skeletons with unusually large heads that do not appear human and are likely extraterrestrial.


Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – June, 2018.

SILBURY HILL Silbury Hill, part of the complex of Neolithic monuments around Avebury in Wiltshire (which includes the West Kennet long barrow), is the tallest prehistoric man-made mound in Europe, and one of the world’s largest. It is 130 feet (40 m.) high, with a circular base circumference of 1640 feet. It is composed of over 12 million cubic feet (339,600 cubic m.) of chalk and earth and covers over 5 acres and must have taken years to build. The mound consists of thousands of chalk bricks forming walls enclosing terraced infill at three levels. Each of the six steps was concealed within the overall profile of the mound, except the last one at the top which was left as a terrace or ledge about 17 feet below the summit. Assuming the mound was then graded with chalk to give an angle which is coincidentally the same as the pyramids at Giza. Quartz crystals have been found in the surface soil. Silbury Hill is located just south of the village of Avebury in Wiltshire and north of Stonehenge and is a massive artificial mound with a flat top. Circular steps climb to the top and are concealed within the overall profile of the mound, except the last one at the top which was 17 feet below the summit. This terrace or ledge makes an ideal spot to watch a UFO land. It is possible the hill was designed to encourage UFOs to land on its flat top. The original purpose of Silbury is unknown, although various explanations have been put forward over the years. Various legends have been attached to Silbury Hill. Folklore has claimed it to be the burial place of King Sil. I suggest this largest man-made prehistoric mound in Europe, is a landing place for space ships. Hundreds of pyramid structures were built around the world and many still have energy of various types emitting from them. The Bronze Age apparently had many UFO sightings and possible landings. Their murals, burial artifacts, shields, all point to standard UFO shapes, sizes, and structure.

Another object that has the archeologists confused is the cursus which are 1.3 miles long and 100 - 150 meters wide about the size and shape of a standard Mothership shown below. Nearby are numerous barrows that were made of white chalk and stone and would have been far more conspicuous than they are today and are similar to discs launched from Motherships.

Here is a recent photo taken above Eccles, England showing a similar shaped UFO.


Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – June, 2018.

In addition to the Cursus are long barrows that were used for burials although most of the building was used for other purposes. I feel the Bronze Age long barrows, and their cluster of discs represent cylinder and disc shaped UFOs. Bronze Age man apparently also recognized the huge Motherships and designed the cursus to match their size and shape. Archeologists claim the ancients worshipped the sun, but they likely saw the same objects we see today and they chose to worship the UFOs passing over. We are frequently told the aliens have ability for time travel and may visit Earth at different times. Silbury Hill and the stone circles were likely designed to call the UFOs down to land and possibly refuel. Ancient Sumerian and Indian texts claim the UFOs were space ships carrying the gods or messengers of god that had the ability to heal, taught wisdom, and could carry the souls of the dead to heaven. Within the barrows people were often buried with small discs suggesting they were thought to help in being chosen for the afterlife. Brian O´Leary PhD Apollo Astronaut There Is Life Out There

Brian O´Leary PhD former Apollo Astronaut states, “The technological implication of UFOs is one reason for the secrecy that surrounds them. The way they can stop on point and move any direction they choose brings up a big question; what type of propulsion systems and operating characteristics are involved? If we know UFOs are real, one of the questions to ask is how they operate and how they get to where they need to be. Given all of the official documentation and credible witness testimonies, we are able to question further and make reasonable connections. With the amount of effort and time spent to cover up the reality of UFOs, it is logical to assume that the ones responsible for the cover up have the same questions that we do. How do they operate? Maybe more exists beyond the secrecy, maybe some questions have been answered and seized by those who control the money supply. Anti-Gravity, clean energy, the list goes on and on. Even without UFOs, human beings have the scientific and technological capability to change our planet. It’s time to start asking more questions, if we have alternative and more efficient ways of operating on planet Earth that could benefit everybody, why are they not being implemented and who is responsible?”Former Apollo Astronaut Leaks Info on Mars NASA Leaking Brian O´Leary stated regarding Mar’s Ancient Civilization, it looks like we do have life out there and I think the public is ready to accept it. astronaut-leaks-info-on.html


Photo of Oberth and Von Braun William F. Hamilton III writes, “In all probability the first saucer scientists were rocket scientists. Without a doubt one of these great men was the pioneering rocket scientist, Professor Hermann 6

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – June, 2018.

Oberth was a writer, scientist, and visionary from Austria-Hungary whose paper.” The Rocket into Interplanetary Space was published in 1923 and served as an inspiration to the rocket designers that followed. Influenced by Verne’s books and ideas, Oberth constructed his first model rocket as a school student at the age of 14. In his youthful experiments, he arrived independently at the concept of the multistage rocket. By 1917, he showed how far his studies had reached by firing a rocket with liquid propellant in a demonstration to Hermann von Stein, the Prussian Minister of War. Werner von Braun read Oberth’s work in 1925, and joined him in rocket experiments in 1930. Oberth is considered the Father of Rocketry. In letters to Major Donald Keyhoe, Oberth mentions his belief that saucers are spaceships manned by superior beings. He says that the marvelous aerodynamics of the saucers is accomplished by generating an artificial gravity field. This is the famous G-field theory. The saucers create their own gravitational fields which enables them to hover motionless above the earth, accelerate at tremendous speeds, or execute violent turns that would cause ordinary aircraft to disintegrate. Even with swift changes of speed and direction, the passengers would feel no effect. It would also explain the silence of UFOs in flight as the artificial G-field would drag the surrounding air along with it. And, because the air is not flowing pass the hull, it would eliminate heating caused by friction.

Statements have been made that saucer behavior defies the laws of physics. It seemed impossible that a manned craft could execute such tremendous accelerations from a hovering position to a high- speed linear velocity or in high-speed acute-angled turns. Inertial forces caused by such accelerations would tear apart an aircraft frame. And, often, the picture came to mind of a human pilot ending up flat as a pancake against the cabin wall. Gerald Heard, in his book, “Is Another World Watching?” hypothesized that the saucers were being flown by insects because only insects could survive those wrenching turns. All of these concerns evaporate when one considers the physics of G-field propulsion. Our science appears to have missing explanations for the advanced technology. In a revealing document published in Status Report VII by the late

pioneering researcher Leonard Stringfield, a preliminary report refers to a recovered flying disc. The report does not specifically mention Roswell, but states that the data in the report was provided by the engineering staff of T-2 at the Air Material Command at Wright Field. One of the scientists examining the evidence is Dr. Theodore von Karmen, founder of Aerojet, and then head of the Army Air Forces Scientific Advisory Group. Dr. von Karmen was a leading authority on aerodynamics and had authored papers, both in English and German on the subject. Another renowned scientist mentioned in the report is Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, Director of the Manhattan Project and a leading physicist of his day. In the opinion of these two famous scientists the interior of the craft contained a compartment with an atomic engine. The device was a donut-shaped tube approximately thirty-five feet in diameter, made of what appeared to be plastic material around a central core. A large rod centered inside the 7

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – June, 2018. tube was wrapped in a coil and the investigators believed it to be the source of electrical potential which ionized the surrounding air around the craft. diagram. PAPERCLIP After World War II key German scientists were brought to the United States in a project called PAPERCLIP. According to the Cantwheel documents it seems that the Germans (Von Braun’s group) were in a position to identify whatever they found whether they were a V weapon or advanced disc craft. About 100 of them were assigned to PAPERCLIP projects at Fort Bliss, White Sands during this period. Ordway stated that they were issued special War Department ID cards that specifically stated that they were not to be held or questioned by authorities and had permission to leave the Fort Bliss test range sometime in early July 1947 for unspecified reasons.

It has been my belief for a long time that the Germans were brought into the classified UFO Program since they had a 25-year head start in advanced disc aircraft and rocket research. General Donald Putt was responsible for their employment at Wright Field (Putt is mentioned in Top Secret Project SIGN files as head of Air Force R&D in 1947-48 and was a student of Theodore von Karman). The CIA’s PAPERCLIP files contained biographies of Germany’s top scientists (some were declassified for me in 1994) for possible recruitment in the U.S. PAPERCLIP was a illegal project to prevent Von Braun and approximately 200 other Germans from standing trial at Nuremberg for war crimes. Army and Air Force CIC deleted any information of their Nazi affiliation and SS positions (Von Braun was a SS Major) and the CIA misled the White House about their pasts. The U.S. considered their knowledge as vital to National Security and defense for the Russians had captured and recruited some of Von Braun’s people to work on their missile and jet aircraft development projects. The Germans were also instrumental in creating the Russian’s atomic bomb program and ICBM projects. The Germans essentially ran NASA and missile research for the US for at least 20 years. As far as I know from reading Linda Hunt’s book on the German’s PAPERCLIP was a going concern as late as 1990.


Curiosty Rover and Jen Eigenbrode, On June 7, 2018, NASA announced Mars the Red Planet could have building blocks of life, Curiosity rover has revealed the latest results from its Curiosity rover gathering samples from the surface of Mars. NASA the US space agency announced Mars has the building blocks of life, in a discovery that could suggest the planet was once inhabited – or even still is today. During a press conference at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Goddard, Md., and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., scientists noted that the molecules provide fresh insight into Mars. “We found organic molecules in rocks from an ancient lake bed,” explained Jen Eigenbrode, 8

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – June, 2018.

research scientist at Goddard. A variety of molecules were identified in rocks billions years old, she added. While NASA was at pains to explain that it has not discovered life on Mars, the organic molecules could provide vital clues. “Organic compounds are fundamental to our search for life,” said Paul Mahaffy, director of the Solar System Exploration Division at Goddard. Described as the most technologically advanced rover ever built, Curiosity launched on Nov. 6 2011. The rover landed on Mars’ Gale Crate on Aug. 6 2012 with the goal of determining whether Mars was ever able to support microbial life. Thanks to NASA 1976 Life Found on Mars Similar Landers reached Mars in 1976, with Labeled Release (LR) experiments developed for NASA’s Viking Landers 1 & 2, by Dr. Gilbert Levin who states, “The scientific process forces me to my conclusion, the Viking LR experiment detected living microorganisms in the soil on Mars”.

Mold or lichen on Mars Rock 1976 Green added

1976 Mars Viking Lander’s labeled release microbial life signs detectors … the two devices which BOTH gave positive signs for Martian Life, back in 1976. The LR test was one of three performed by the lander. JPL used the results of another test, the gas chroma/to/graph which was designed to test for the presence of organic chemicals. The LR test was designed to look for life.NASA has claimed these experiments approved by them were in error when they actually found life. All of the multiple rationales attempting to explain the Mars LR results as chemical or physical in origin have now been effectively refuted, but their impact remains. A tried and true scientific axiom says: once a method to probe the unknown demonstrates utility, the exploratory tool should be refined to investigate the causes of the phenomenon discovered Mars exploration might greatly benefit by elaborating on the demonstrated LR technique. I spoke with Dr. Levin he is convinced life exists on Mars and his experiments and Mars Photographs of Moss or lichen of many of the rocks are proof. The color film coming back from Mars showed blue skies and only some red soil and grey rocks. The red color was increased to delete the blue sky and mold on rocks. Argument is made that each of the vital links in the chain of life connecting Earth and Mars has a probability of one. Today’s knowledge makes it very difficult to conceive of a sterile Mars. Indeed, it now seems that Earth and Mars form one biosphere. This sheds new light on the results of the Viking LR experiment on Mars. Together with growing acceptance[32] of the fact that no chemical or physical experiment or theory has satisfactorily explained the extensive and consistent LR data, significant support is found for the conclusion8 that it detected microbial life in the soil of Mars. While the case for life on Mars has strengthened in recent years, many will require additional proof before accepting such a major change in paradigm. It has been proposed8,[33] that this important confirmation can be obtained by a simple modification of a miniaturized version of the original LR experiment[.


Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – June, 2018.

ALL LINKS IN THE VITAL CHAIN CONNECTING MARS AND EARTH ARE NOW ESTABLISHED 1. Microorganisms are widely distributed on Earth. 2. Meteorites impacting Earth eject soil and rocks into space. 3. Microorganisms in the ejecta can survive the shock and temperature of impact. 4. Microorganisms in ejecta can survive heating through Earth’s atmosphere. 5. Microbes can survive the temperature and vacuum of the space environment. 6. Microorganisms can survive the ionizing radiation of space. 7. Mars-infecting ejectus can approach Mars and be captured in its gravity well. 8. Microbes can survive the temperature of entering the Martian atmosphere. 9. Microbes can survive the shock and temperature of impact on Mars. 10. Terrestrial microorganisms can grow under Martian conditions. 11. Microorganisms are capable of adapting to or evolving to spread over wide regions of Mars. 12. Earth and Mars were hospitable over epochs that would have permitted infection of Mars by Earth microorganisms—and from other sources. It is now more difficult to propose a sterile Mars than a live one.


Face on Mars in Cydonia Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli, who in 1877 reported the appearance of certain long, thin lines he called canali, meaning channels in Italian. He was followed by Percival Lowell an American the wealthy astronomer who ‘discovered civilization’ on Mars. Lowell built his own observatory and studied in detail Mars and what he called canals. In his day, Lowell was far and away the most influential popularizer of planetary science in America. His widely read books included “Mars” (1895), “Mars and Its Canals” (1906), and “Mars As the Abode of Life” (1908).’ To pursue his misguided obsession, Lowell founded and funded one of the world’s great observatories on a 7,200-foot (2,195-meter) mountain peak he named Mars Hill, near Flagstaff, Arizona. There he scrutinized the heavens, and particularly Mars, with, his own custom-built 24-inch refracting telescope, built in 1894, which became a marvel of the age.


Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – June, 2018.

Lowell carried the matter much further. Captivated by these sketchily observed tubes or dark areas Lowell spent many years attempting to elucidate and theorize about them. The lines, he thought, must “run for thousands of miles as far actually as from Boston to San Francisco.” What Lowell was likely seeing were a series of tubes or tunnels perhaps under construction a hundred years ago.

GIANT MARS TUBES THAT CAN HOLD MANHATTAN, NY On Mars there are a series of tubes several miles wide that show up within several craters and natural low valleys. They are similar in size to Manhattan, New York and could actually contain skyscrapers as shown. According to the MSSS supplied statistics, the strip above is 2.98 km wide or 1.85 miles wide. Remember that the tubes extend from one side edge of the crater to the other and off the strip with no signs of diminishment in size.. These tubes within the craters are 8.92 km or 5.54 miles of tube length. However, we can also reasonably assume that there is still plenty of tube system unseen off the left or west edge of the E12-03186 strip and off the right or east edge of the E11-03408 strip that appear to go underground. Note that the dark area spread on the crater floor that is mostly the tube mass tends to confirm a much greater mass size beyond the limitations of the strip views and therefore probably substantial more tube length. So, we’re talking about a colossal tube system substantially longer than 5.5 miles and in fact many kilometers or miles longer than that. Much smaller tubes are found in valleys and places where the soil has been blown away.

Besides the giant tubes that have been found in the Mars crater photographs, there are much smaller “tubes” often referred as glass or Plexiglas tubes because they are translucent or even transparent. There are miles and miles of them … some mostly buried … a few completely exposed as in these photos. The diameter of the smaller tube is 20-50 meters (66 to 164 feet) in general. That’s about big enough to put two interstate highways through. Supposedly, they are exposed through the mechanism of geological weathering of the surface soil. It does not appear that these tunnels or tubes are geologic or natural construction. This leaves us with the awesome conclusion that they have another origin of which there are only two possibilities … they are organic … or … they are artificial. I should point out NASA claims these tubes are actually sand dunes. While the European Space Agency feels many of the tubes are lava flows. Prevailing winds form sand dunes from one direction, while the tubes run in many directions making sand dunes unlikely.


Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – June, 2018.

We can speculate a Mars civilization may have decided to go underground due to being hit repeatedly by meteorites or radiation from space. The tubing appears somewhat transparent and likely allows some light to penetrate while stopping the radiation. Underground water appears to seep in on the sides of the craters and dams collect the water. There is oxygen, water, and the building blocks of life found on Mars indicating life likely exists. There’s no magnetic field on Mars so the ceaseless hazard of ionizing radiation could result in shortened lifespan for Martians, Using absorber materials such as Plexiglas for beta particles and lead for X-rays and gamma rays is an effective way to reduce radiation exposure Read more at: w I have seen too much evidence of tampering on such a fine level and small scale to convince me that this could have been done only with much larger closer in views. That implies that the MOC cameras are capable of much higher resolutions than are being publicly reported and that someone is artificially pulling back to lesser resolution distances for our benefit to hide small evidence and to hide the tampering that now shrinks down to appear a more natural part of the terrain. POSSIBLE RECONNAISSANCE OF EARTH BY ASTEROID?

Scientists were surprised to detect — for the first time — an interstellar asteroid passing through our solar system. That is unlike any asteroid or comet observed in our solar system to date, and may provide new clues into how other solar systems formed. Asteroid 1I/2017 U1 was discovered October 19, 2017 by the NASA-funded Pan-STARRS1 telescope in Hawaii. Additional observations brought more surprises: the object is cigar-shaped with a somewhat reddish hue. The asteroid, named Oumuamua by its discoverers, is up to one-quarter mile (400 meters) long and highly-elongated- perhaps 10 times as long as it is wide. Some scientist thought it had the shape and size of a spaceship cleverly disguised as an asteroid. From its trajectory and speed, scientists determined it came from outside our solar system. It was a special day when this object was first discovered. We had been waiting for the discovery of an interstellar object for decades basically. This object is simply a piece of another solar system that was expelled and it has been traveling through interstellar space for – hundreds of millions of years, billions of years? We don’t know. A number of our survey projects and other observatories immediately turned their telescopes to take observations of this object. NASA basically missed seeing a huge asteroid that passed unnervingly close to Earth on 17 April 2018. While the world was busy doing its thing on Saturday, a giant asteroid the size of a football field whizzed by our planet. We only had a few hours of warning. NASA scientists noticed the massive asteroid at an observatory in Arizona just a few hours before it gave Earth a surprise flyby. 12

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – June, 2018.

As shown asteroids will pass Earth several times this month. A small one crashed into Asteroid 2018 LA entered Earth’s atmosphere at about 9:44 a.m. PDT (12:44 p.m. EDT, 16:44 UTC), and June 3, 2018 later disintegrated in the upper atmosphere near Botswana, Africa last week.


Photo: Sunrise by Arek Socha/Quimono The increasing military importance of space permeated the 34th Space Symposium in April. Speakers from Vice President Michael R. Pence down through a range of military and Air Force officials underscoring the need to focus on space as a war fighting domain, as the Trump administration has declared it to be. The emphasis on the national security space enterprise has been an increasing focus in Washington in recent months. It has been prominent in, for example, the administration’s December National Security Strategy and in continuing calls from some in Congress for establishment of a space force or space corps as a military service separate from the Air Force. Pence’s remarks, pointed to Trump’s statements that “space is a war fighting domain, just like the land, air, and sea” and calls for the Pentagon to strengthen the resilience of US space systems in the face of Russian and Chinese pursuit of anti-satellite capabilities. It was Defense Department officials at the conference, who really hammered the point home.

GENERAL RAYMOND PHOTO: DAVID GRIM/USAF Gen. John W. Raymond, commander of Air Force Space Command headquartered at Peterson Air Force Base and the Joint Force Space Component under US Strategic Command, pointedly predicted that future historians will look back on 2017 and 2018 as “one of the most critical times in our national security space history.” It will be seen, he suggested, “as a strategic inflection point for national security space and a bold shift toward war fighting and space superiority.” Also high on the agenda was the recurring theme that the defense and security elements of the US government are increasingly focused on dealing with national security issues raised by the changing space environment. Gen. John Raymond, head of Air Force Space Command, speaks at the 34th Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, Colo., in April. 13

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – June, 2018.

General John E. Hyten, commander of US Strategic Command and former commander of Air Force Space Command, told reporters there was “no doubt in my mind we’re going to have to deploy defensive counter space systems because our adversaries are building offensive counter space systems.”“The nation’s going to have to make a decision on what we do in order to challenge somebody else’s space capabilities. I think we have to go down that path,” Hyten said. He said understanding of the threat in space has grown in Washington policy circles in recent years. He praised the House Armed Services Committee’s Strategic Forces Subcommittee for defining in legislation—including the National Defense Authorization Act—what needs to be done in space. “But the real benefit, the real strength of that law was the identification of the problem. That will allow us now to engage with the broader members of Congress to further educate them on what the threat is. And we’ve also shared a very detailed tabletop exercise with the members of the Senate and House Armed Services committees so they can see the full implication of all the things that we’re worried about,” he said. He pointed to a number of steps already taken, including the administration’s 2019 budget request that includes almost $7 billion more for space, growing partnerships with the National Reconnaissance Office and with industry, establishment of a four-star Space Component Command in US Strategic Command, and the planned conversion of the Joint Space Operations Center into a Combined Space Operations Center. However, even as the government has already taken steps to focus more on national security space, “it is time to go further,”

Air Force Secretary Heather A. Wilson said, and she announced a series of steps at the symposium to do just that. SBIRS-4 is ready for encapsulation in January 2018 at Cape Canaveral AFS, Fla. Wilson said now is the time to expand national security space relations with allies and partners because the US faces “a more competitive and dangerous international security environment than we have seen in decades.” As America’s great power rivals, “Russia and China are developing capabilities to disable our satellites,” she added. She announced the Air Force would, starting next year, increase the availability of Air Force space training for allies and partners by adding two more courses to the National Security Space Institute, including one on space situational awareness. USAF would also open more of the existing advanced national security space courses to members of allied nation militaries, including those of France, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, and possibly others—Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom were already in. “Countries with allies thrive and those without allies” do not, she told reporters before her speech. Wilson said US satellites are to become more resilient and defendable and must be developed more quickly. She said the time for replacing the canceled seventh and eighth Space-Based Infrared System missile warning satellites would be cut from nine to five years for the new satellites. Altogether, the Air Force is working to make its space capabilities more flexible so it can respond faster, winning wars in ways enemies can’t predict. Thanks to AFA


Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – June, 2018.


There are a small number of witnesses to a UFO crash in Cape Girardeau, in South East Missouri in July 1941- Couple of mentions in documents about a UFO crash in 1941. A letter was sent to UFO investigator Raymond Fowler and reprinted in a UFO crash retrieval report by Leonard Stringfield in July 1991 regarding this incident. The letter was from a woman called Charlotte Mann

about her grandfather Reverend William Huffman who was born in August 1881. In the spring of 1941 at Cape Girardeau, he was asked by the Cape Girardeau police department to go to a plane crash outside of town. The letter said “Grandfather said it wasn’t an airplane or like any craft that he had ever seen. It was broken and scattered all around, but one large piece was still together and it appeared to have a rounded shape with no edges or seams. It has a very shiny metallic finish. You could see inside one section and see what looked like a metal chair with a panel with many dials and gauges, non-familiar looking to him. He said that when he got there, men were already sifting through things. There were some police officers, plain clothed people and military men. There were three bodies not human, that had been taken from the wreckage and laid on the ground. Grandfather said prayers over them, so that he got a close look, but he did not touch them. He didn’t know what had killed them, because they did not appear to have had any injuries and they were not burned. It was hard for him to tell if they had suits, or if it was their skin. But they were covered head to foot in what looked like wrinkled aluminum foil. He could see no hair on the bodies and they had no ears. They were small framed like a child, about 4 feet tall, but had larger heads and longer arms than a human child. They had very large oval shaped eyes, no noses just holes, no lips with a small slit for a mouth.” Thanks to Linda Moulton Howe for this report. Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit Summary July 9th 1947 – Page 4


Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – June, 2018.


Mikhail Graham writes, “No, you’re not in the Twilight Zone: That really was Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign chairman and former White House Chief of Staff John Podesta on Ancient AliensFriday night.” The long-running History Channel series is a haven for believers in the government/UFO conspiracy, alien abductions, and “The Reptilians.” (Season 8, Episode 5: “Could ancient myths about reptilian creatures provide evidence that they are more than just a pop-culture creation?”). The show has even pondered whether the moon is hollow and houses a secret alien base (Season 11, Episode 11). This weekend Ancient Aliens kicked off its 13th season with a review of efforts to get the federal government to release its treasure trove of documents and data on what really happened at Roswell, Area 51, etc. Hillary and Podesta And there—in between artist renditions of flying saucers and interviews with UFO conspiracy theorists like Georgio Tsoukalos and Stephen Bassett—was well-known Democrat politico John Podesta. Among the conspiracies promoted in this new (ahem) “documentary” is the suggestion that the real reason Hillary lost an impossible-to-lose campaign in 2016 wasn’t the Russians or the FBI. It was aliens. As conspiracy-debunker Jason Colavito says in his review of the episode: “The show speculates that Clinton would have led a UFO disclosure movement had she won the presidency in 2016, and there is a strange implication that ‘the CIA and the Pentagon were worried about Hillary Clinton’ and therefore arranged for her to lose the election.” John Podesta’s obsession with alien encounters and government disclosure is no secret. The Washington Post and others have written about it in the past. And video of Podesta’s 2002 appearance in a press event urging the government to release all its UFO files has a staple of “The Truth Is Out There” documentary industry. Podesta’s passion has even made an appearance in the #Russiagate story, as InsideSources has reported. Among the Podesta emails released by Wikileaks during the 2016 campaign were several from Blink-182 front man (and UFO activist) Tom DeLonge referencing “Classified Science,” “DOD topics” and Roswell. What is unusual about the latest Ancient Aliens episode (“The UFO Conspiracy”) is Podesta’s decision to sit down for an on-camera interview, participating directly in the program. “Right after I left law school, I started working on that at the Department of Justice then at the Senate Judiciary Committee, and then when I worked for President Clinton’s White House,” Podesta says to the camera. “I was one of the people spearheading an initiative to declassify what turned out to be over a billion pages of documents that were resident at the national archives in President Clinton’s case. I think he was interested in the phenomenon.”


Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – June, 2018.

Podesta also discusses supposedly alien materials found at alleged UFO crash sites, materials currently in the possession of budget-hotel-billionaire-turned-aerospace-exec Robert Bigelow. “There were also indications that there were certain polymers that were discovered at crash sites that were unexplained and reviewed,” Podesta claims. San. Augustin Crash Debris Thanks to Art Campbell Podesta’s expertise on polymers may be suspect, but he knows his politics. In fact, there are a surprising number of political names in the episode: The Clintons; former Senators Harry Reid, Daniel Inouye and Ted Stevens; George Stephanopoulos, even President Obama who, the History Channel reminds us, oversaw the CIA’s release of 13 million documents, many of which related to the UFO issue. “Secretary Clinton was also interested in the topic” of releasing UFO documentation and was very open about that fact “if elected, she would have ordered a more thorough declassification review,” Podesta says. After this statement from Hillary’s campaign manager, the show’s narrator intones: “Many believe that if Clinton had won, there would have been a seismic shift from the government’s long-held policy of secrecy concerning UFO investigations to a new policy of full disclosure.” Is this the answer to Hillary’s question “What Happened?” That’s certainly the documentary makers’ implication: “The CIA, the Pentagon, they were worried about Hillary Clinton…winning the presidency and going to the Pentagon and basically saying, ‘you’re going to get me the information I need to disclose the extraterrestrial presence, or I’m going to fire every single one of you,’” Bassett says. He’s followed by Linda Moulton Howe, whose previous work includes “Neil Armstrong’s Secret: UFO’s on the Moon?” “As this year went forward. We all expected that this headline that we’ve been waiting for that is going to break,” she said. “John Podesta was trying to get ready to open up [the fact] that we’re not alone in the universe.” “All of that crashed when a different person became president of the United States,” Howe said. Was Hillary Clinton’s historic loss engineered by shadowy government figures afraid she would expose their relationship with our alien overlords? Was the real villain of 2016 the “Cigarette- Smoking Man?” The truth it out there. On cable TV. And it stars John Podesta. ancient-aliens/ DELONGE’S CONTACT WITH TOP INSIDERS

Thomas Matthew DeLonge Jr. born December 13, 1975) is an American musician, film and record producer, author, and entrepreneur. He is the lead vocalist and guitarist of the rock band Angels & Airwaves, which he formed in 2005, and is the former co- lead vocalist, guitarist, and co-founder of the rock band Blink-182 from its formation in 1992 until his departure in 2015. DeLonge grew up in the suburbs of Poway, California, where he embraced skateboardingat an early age. DeLonge received his first guitar shortly thereafter[when?] and began writing original punk rock songs. He formed the Blink-182 band in his high school years. The band created a following in the mid-1990s through independent releases and relentless touring. Blink-182 scored a number one album with 2001’s Take Off Your Pants and Jacket. The band broke up in 2005 following internal tension, spearheaded by DeLonge. In 2005, he formed Angels & Airwaves, which has released five studio albums and has evolved into an “art project”, encompassing various forms of media. DeLonge reunited with Blink-182 in 2009, releasing new music and touring frequently, before parting ways with the band again in 2015. In addition to his musical career, DeLonge also manages business ventures that he founded: Macbeth Footwear, and technology and design firm Modlife. He helped score and produce the 2011 science fiction film Love, and has multiple film projects in development. Chasing Shadows (Sekret Machines


Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – June, 2018.

#1) was released in April 2016. The release was a collaboration between DeLonge and NY Times Best Selling Author A. J. Hartley. In 2015, Tom Delonge founded To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences, a breakthrough scientific research, aerospace and media company incorporating Angels & Airwaves and a number of his books, including the Sekret Machines franchise. Reported partners include Jim Semivan (Vice President Operations), Hal Puthoff (Vice President Science & Technology), Steve Justice (Aerospace Division Director) Luis Elizondo (Director of Global Security & Special Programs), Chris Mellon (National Security Affairs Advisor), Garry Nolan (Genetics Technologies Consultant), Paul Rapp (Brain Function & Consciousness Consultant), Norm Kahn (National Security & Program Management Consultant), Colm Kelleher (Biotech Consultant) and Adele Gilpin (Biomedical Research & Attorney). Delonge describes how he is being helped by a team of ten advisors with direct links to corporations and Department of Defense entities involved with the U.S. development of a secret space program, and knowledge of a similar program simultaneously developed in Russia and the former Soviet Union. The public should be aware that the Soviet Union and the United States are allies when confronting and chasing UFOs and certain enemy aliens. Even today Russian and US astronauts are working together on the International Space Station. Don’t believe all the hype against Russia on the news. It turns out DeLonge was having conversations with insiders according Wikileaks email releases. DeLong had meetings with Major General William N. McCasland, the Commander of the Wright-Patterson Research Laboratories. His bio states: “He is responsible for managing the Air Force’s $2.2 billion science and technology program as well as additional customer funded research and development of $2.2 billion. He is also responsible for a global workforce of approximately 10,800 people in the laboratory’s component technology directorates, and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.” William Neil McCasland (Credit: USAF) had the following assignments: June 1995 – August 1997, Commander, Operations Squadron, Aerospace Data Facility, Buckley AFB, Colo. August 1997 – March 2000, Chief Engineer, Navstar GPS Joint Program Office, Los Angeles AFB, Calif. April 2000 – September 2001, System Program Director, Space Based Laser Project Office, Los Angeles AFB, Calif. October 2001- May 2004, Materiel Wing Director, Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles Directorate, and Commander, Phillips Research Site, Kirtland AFB, N.M. June 2004 – October 2005, Vice Commander, Ogden Air Logistics Center, Hill AFB, Utah. October 2005 – June 2007, Vice Commander, Space and Missile Systems Center, Los Angeles AFB, Calif. June 2007 – June 2009, Director, Space Acquisition, Office of the Under Secretary of the Air Force, Washington, D.C. June 2009 – May 2011, Director, Special Programs, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. May 2011 – present, Commander, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio These assignments imply the General knows the latest Air Force capabilities. One could just shrug McCasland’s participation in the meeting aside, and speculate that he may have attended to humor DeLonge and Podesta. This point of view could be supported by a follow-up email from DeLonge to Podesta, in which DeLonge seemed disappointed by McCasland’s participation. The meeting took place on January 25, 2016 at 10:30 am. In an email from DeLonge to Podesta sent that afternoon, DeLonge writes: He mentioned he’s a “skeptic”, he’s not. I’ve been working with him for four months. I just got done giving him a four hour presentation on the entire project a few weeks ago.


Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – June, 2018.

Trust me, the advice is already been happening on how to do all this. He just has to say that out loud, but he is very, very aware- as he was in charge of all of the stuff. When Roswell crashed, they shipped it to the laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. General McCasland was in charge of that exact laboratory who up until 2013 was the Commander of a top Air Force Research Laboratory. He not only knows what I’m trying to achieve, he helped assemble my advisory team. He’s a very important man. While it seems McCasland was reticent to share what he had previously told Delonge, this email is not the extent of DeLonge’s shocking claims regarding a previously unidentified general who DeLonge claims helped him assemble his team of insiders. I landed on the Tarmac, walked off the plane, and met a smart and fit man in his 60’s. Never seen a Multi-Star General before.. Let alone talked to one. He led me to a table in the back of a large room. He leaned across the table and said “It was the Cold War, and we lived under the very real threat of Nuclear War every day… And somewhere in those years…We found a life-form.” I said, “Sir, I need help telling young adults this story…” He said, “What do you need?”….”Advisors”, I responded. “I need high-ranking Advisors in the Military, Intelligence and DOD to help guide me.” So- I was given 10 Advisors, each with knowledge in different areas that pertain to UFOs and the very real National Security issues associated with them. I do wish the press would ask me about this, rather than write stupid headlines about Aliens… I have been given a gift, the ability to tell you all our biggest secret. It will come in books, feature films and documentaries. It’s called SEKRET MACHINES DeLonge is suggesting McCasland was the guy who told him “We found a life- form.” There is another email suggesting a general had given DeLonge and Podesta advice on what to add to a potential White House memo, presumably, on UFOs. This email was sent from DeLonge to Podesta in September, 2015.

MICHAEL CAREY (CREDIT: USAF) There was another general in that Google Hangout meeting, who appears to have been working with DeLonge for awhile. That is retired USAF Major General Michael Carey. According to his USAF bio, Carey was the Special Assistant to the Commander, Air Force Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base, which is also the home of NORAD. Petersen is at the base of the famous Cheyenne Mountain. Carey wrote on the back of the Sekret Machines’ book, our adversaries are aware of our undertakings and our doing the same. Many of those spaceships frequently photographed may belong to the Russians and Chinese. Michael J. Carey is an American entrepreneur and one of four founders of ATLAS Space Operations, Inc. Upon retiring after 32 years of military service, he became CEO and President of AAC Microtec North America, Inc., founded M. Carey Consultants, LLC, and CompressWave, In this later email, DeLonge mentions he is going to meet with officials from Air Force Space Command. That makes it likely Carey was the one who sent the pointers regarding the memo. Carey also seems to have an interest in the topic, he even submitted a book review for that can be seen on the book’s webpage on Other attendees at the Google Hangout meeting, were Executive Vice President & General Manager Advanced Development Programs (Skunk Works) at Lockheed and Martin Aeronautics Rob Weiss. DeLonge has had high-level meetings. But can we believe that McCasland has told him the USAF recovered an alien body and is back engineering alien technology and is helping him assemble a team to reveal this information to the public? When I visited Wright Patterson on several occasions, I was told that aliens were on the base as well as crashed UFOs. Numerous people had heard the stories and claimed to know where they were hidden underground at the base. Several people had been shown movies of the craft at Commander’s call.


Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – June, 2018.

There has been an ongoing project to slowly feed this information to the public and DeLonge must be a big part of a phase to this project that is coming to fruition. The hacked email is addressed to John Podesta, chairman of the Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign, and dated January 25th, 2016, with the subject header “General McCasland”: Podesta had previously been named by DeLonge as an official working with him to reveal the truth about UFOs. Pedestal’s involvement in UFO disclosure initiatives is well documented, and involves his service in both the Clinton and Obama Presidential administrations. Arguably, the most significant among Podesta’s many statements about UFOs and government secrecy was his tweet, on the final day of his appointment as a Senior Advisor to President Obama, where he revealed: “Finally, my biggest failure of 2014. Once again not securing the disclosure of the UFO files.” In early 2016, DeLonge co-authored the book, Sekret Machines: Chasing Shadows, which is the first in a planned multimedia series of books and documentaries promising to blow the lid off of a cover up of secret space programs and the UFO phenomenon. DeLonge says I’ve had meetings in mysterious rooms far out in the desert. I’ve had meetings at the highest levels of NASA. I have had conversations at research centers, think tanks, and even on the phone connected to secret facilities. I’ve been introduced to a man whom I call “the Scientist,” and another whom I call “the General.” And there are many more of whom I cannot say much about, but some have become true friends, and all have become close counselors. Each of these men has all held, or currently holds, the highest offices of the military and scientific elite. The point is, I have done it. I have assembled a team of men and women “in the know.” And they all believe I am doing something of value, something worth their time and yours. [Sekret Machines –95-100] Tom DeLonge and A.J. Hartley create a convincing narrative describing the “cat and mouse” game that is timeless between strategic adversaries. It has existed under the sea, on the surface of the earth and in its skies, why wouldn’t we believe it occurs in space. Our military leaders have been saying space is a contested environment for years now, perhaps we should believe them! -Maj. Gen. Michael J. Carey Bob Gates and Henry Kissinger were behind the Reagan UFO Disclosure Program which failed in Rick Doty, Bill Moore, Robert Collins, and Jaime Shandera were key players plus many others. Successful Intercept of intercontinental Missile

The U.S. Missile Defense Agency, in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force 30th Space Wing, the Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense and U.S. Northern Command, on May 10, 2018, successfully intercepted an intercontinental ballistic missile target during a test of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) element of the nation’s ballistic missile defense system. A ground-based interceptor was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, and its exo- atmospheric kill vehicle intercepted and destroyed the target in a direct collision. Visit for more info.


Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – June, 2018.

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PLEASE NOTE: THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE HELD ON 21ST JULY, 2018 SAME TIME, SAME PLACE. Our previous meeting was a success with a number of new people and we look forward to seeing you at our next one. There should be some good Skywatches ahead of us up here at Katoomba weather permitting. Meanwhile, there is a lot happening ‘up there’ at present so – Until our next meeting –Keep safe and Watch the Skies! Rex and Heather