THE ACADEMY...... P. 4

Philosophy – Key figures...... P. 6

Our team...... P. 8

TENNIS & SCHOOL...... P.10

Curriculum - Program...... P.10

Content - Calendar...... P.12

Academics...... P.15

Rates...... P.17


Degrees - Courses...... P.20

The scholarships...... P.22

Alumni - Testimonials...... P.24


Programs - Rates...... P.30


Junior programs...... P.33

Adult programs...... P.35


2 3 ONE OF THE MOST THE ACADEMY BEAUTIFUL TENNIS • 30 Tennis courts FACILITY IN 20 Hard /10 Clay (7 indoors )

The school, located on the campus, enables our • Synthetic multisports playing field • 8 padel including 4 indoor Located on the Mediterranean shore, the With more than 300 students to combine within the best conditions the • 2 squash French Touch academy benefits from an of sun a year pursuit of a high-level tennis programme based on • Fitness area ideal geographic location and an incom- total commitment and the conduct of an innova- parable climate. tive schooling, adapted specifically to the needs of • Restaurant The region benefits from a the student. • Pro-Shop Our sport facilities and campus are ideal- highly favourable climate which ly situated within the heart of the holiday makes for the best possible • Seminary room conditions to play tennis and resort and only a few minutes from the An academic and sport education is our priority, • Cinema hall train all year round. hence why at the FT Academy, we are committed sea front by foot. • Student rooms (60 beds) to all our students obtaining the Baccalaureate and • Study hall benefiting from a university prospect in the US as a • Game room scholar once the Bac obtained. 4 5 THE DIRECTOR’S FOREWORD KEY FIGURES CHARLES AUFFRAY AND HIS TEAM SINCE 1998 "LIVE AN OUTSTANDING + More than + More than + More than HUMAN EXPERIENCE“ 8500 800 115 campers players placed players ranked in American negative universities

When at the time, when I was one of the best junior For the last 20 years, I have decided to share this players of my generation, and after having fol- dream by dedicating my life to training and edu- lowed the traditional federal pathway, I decided to cating young players up to the Baccalaureate, opt for a university curriculum in the USA, contra- and by becoming a pioneer in the placement of 98% 85% 78% rily to most of my fellow players who, for the most players in American universities. success of our students = An average part, had decided to attempt the professional cir- rate at the have obtained a scholarship cuit at 18 years old. Today, I am proud to see to what extent the many Baccalaureate scholarship It was without a doubt, the best decision I made in students who have gone through our school, have my life. A unique adventure which allowed me to for the most part, succeeded beyond our expec- pursue several of my dreams: to live an outstan- tations. Not a day goes by without hearing from ding human experience, to pursue a high standard one of them: whether they have become a sports University education, to improve my tennis game, journalist, a financial analyst at Wall street, a Ma- play on the professional circuit and become an en- nager for the 2024 Olympic Games in , coach, trepreneur. an entrepreneur, or a professional tennis players. A network of All have in common to have made the decision to pursue a curriculum in the USA. To enable our students to access this pathway of 470 160 46 excellence has been our ambition for the last 20 students US university who achieved an ATP years. in tennis study partners or WTA ranking Charles Auffray


CHARLES General Manager School Principle MAËVA AUFFRAY Founder and Director of the ISP Academy REVERTE Physics & Chemistry teacher (2003 – 2017) PhD in Chemistry Former pro player, High-level coach

Head Coach Men & Head of Tennis Study Responsible for Scholarship USA

MARCELO Former professional player ranked in the top 50 French 20 years of experience and more than 750 student- STEPHANE PACHECO players athletes placed in American colleges BECOUARN 25 years experience at the highest level of coaching Co-Founder of ISP Scholarship USA (1998-2014) General Manager of the Academy : Ines Gorrochategui Former Operations Manager - Mouratoglou Center (Argentina) from 2005 to 2017 Tennis Academy

Head Coach Girls & Head of the Training Centre Coordinator High-level coach since 2010 Former Communication manager - BASTIEN Current coach of Dalma Galfi (n°1 world junior et ANIS Piatti Tennis Center FAZINCANI winner of the Junior US Open in 2015 – currently BOUFAFA WTA n°230). Professional chair umpire (FFT & ITF) Former coach of Alize Cornet (WTA n°60), Dayana Co-Founder ITF Juniors Primavera - Colomiers Yastremska (WTA n°24) & Natalia Vikhlyantseva (WTA n°100)

COACHES SCHOOL MANAGEMENT BOARDING Tennis : A team of 1 head master 1 manager 6 experienced coaches 8 teachers 3 supervising staff Fitness : 2 coaches


1 Obtaining the Baccalaureate Reaching a consistent tennis level 2 to play in US College teams TENNIS & SCHOOL 3 A Good knowledge of English Taking the placement tests for American universities at 4 the beginning of ‘terminale’

American university placement 5 after the Baccalaureate SPORT PROGRAM CURRICULUM

The program has been conceived to allow for HIGH SCHOOL UNIVERSITY ENTRY EXAM an intensive practice of Tennis and competi- FOR AMERICAN tion at a high level, without jeopardising the • From 6ème to • Bachelor & UNIVERSITIES Terminale Master in the USA MEDICAL FOLLOW-UP good conduct of studies. The Academy objec- (all fields of study • SAT tives are high and the pace is intense. All the players who integrate the Academy be- • Curriculum : E.S combined) • TOEFL • At the academy: nefit from a medical follow-up , which includes BTS (1 or 2 years) The sport program is articulated around physiotherapy with one of the best sport physio- 4 major pillars: therapy specialists in the region. TRAINING PHILOSOPHY • Hard work and the repetition of essential Upon arrival, all players have to pass a full test • In-depth technical/physical work technical fundamentals • High training volume & high intensity which provides the sports team with a thorough • An intensive physical preparation Please note: • Coordination/Loosening medical analysis, which will be used throughout practice of 600m2 • Work on the technique/game identity • Mental coaching and player stimulation the year for the best possible medical following. is currently under • Fine tune the mental strengths construction which • The implementation of an intensive • Become a competitor Students also have access to physiotherapy care will be available for competition program Academy students throughout the year in case of injury. from the end of 2021. 10 11 The sport season is articulated around 5 distinctive periods:

CHALLENGES SEPTEMBER OCTOBER-DECEMBER • Fitness tests • Work on the technique and major Students are regularly stimulated through different changes if required challenges which contribute to forging their charac- • Video analysis of each player ter by strengthening their appetite for effort - the en- • Work on the physical fundamentals • Full tennis / fitness assessment gine to fuel their mental capacities. 1 (endurance – strength – flexibility) which enables the implementation 2 of an annual training plan which • Progressive in-situation matches (2 Integration highlights the major aspects to be to 3 tournaments max) – Develop a worked upon game identity Organised over 3 days at the very beginning of the year, the integration weekend is an obligatory gateway for all students. It includes long distance challenges in teams which enable students to mea-

sure their physical and mental capabilities. It implies JANUARY - MARCH APRIL-JUNE camping, spartan living conditions which facilitate • Tactical work related to match play • In-situation match play nearly every day the social links between students. (beginning of the competitions) – Implementation of the game • Intensive competition practice 3 identity 4 (between 6 and 10 tournaments) « The red line » challenges Every month, tests are held in the form of challenges, •  Specific fitness work linked to the • Physical training competition preparation – focus on on and off the court, enabling each student to deve- explosivity work lop his/her competitive spirit.

• Competitions (between 4 to 6 tournaments) SUMMER Combat sports • Implementation of the work done Combat sports such as supervised boxing, judo, or throughout the year via an intensive competition program wrestling are organised on a regular basis to hone 5 the competitive spirit of every student.

PHYSICAL TRAINING Physical training is an essential component of the training at the Academy, which allows for rapid progres- sion. All Academy students train for 1 ½ hours a day. The nature of the trainings and their intensity depend on the season.


Importance of the basic condi- More specific physical training Physical work adapted to the tioning and work on the funda- linked to the beginning of the cycle of competitions to come mentals in general – Endurance competition season Recovery and core flexibility - Strength work Strengthening work on speed and coordination 12 13 SCHOOLING

A reference in the field We offer a fully accredited US High school pro- gram from grade 6 to 12 featuring NCAA approved courses consisting of American High School’s ro- bust, quality curriculum using Digital and Blended Learning methodology powered by its state of the art, proprietary Learning Management System (LMS) and culminating in graduating with a ful- ly accredited US high school diploma. American High School is a US private school which delivers quality education and is accredited by SACS CASI (Advanced/Cognia) and whose courses are NCAA approved.

Close relation between academics & sport program APPLIED ENGLISH At the rate of 18 hours of lectures a week, classes THE COMPETITION are organised by level and limited in numbers The learning of English is an essential component (maximum of 6 to 10 students per class). This of the curriculum, with an emphasis on all forms proximity accelerates the teaching process and of oral communication. further strengthens its efficiency and effective- English is an essential component of our pro- ness. gramme. Its intensive learning enables students to optimally prepare for American university en- TOURNAMENTS : Goal «Baccalaureate» trance exams and to have already mastered the Students who complete their US high school pro- language at their arrival at university. As early SCHEDULING gramme in NCAA approved courses become eli- gible to apply for scholarships/grants for their as ‘Seconde’, each student undertakes specific college/university education classes which prepare him/her to the TOEFL and Competition is one of the main pillars of the Aca- thern region or in the north of Spain (2 ½ drive by As well as obtaining a quality academic educa- SAT exams. As they arrive in ‘1ère’, students are demy. It enables each student to measure his pro- car). tion, through our modern and intuitive Learning systematically registered for the exams which are Management System, our students also acquire a gress and to work mentally match after match. On average, students take part in more than 15 of- prepared accordingly. number of life skills and positive qualities which Additionally, tournaments are a unique opportu- ficial tournaments between September and June, will serve them well in their higher education and nity for our coaches to see their students evolve in more than in any other academy. To which, one also in their professional life: match situation. can add up to ten additional tournaments during The U.S TRAINING CAMP option The ‘Hérault’ region benefits from a well provided the summer. • A greater interest level and motivation The U.S TRAINING CAMP option: through calendar of tournaments. Players have a choice of A -14 and -18 yearrs old national/international • Better learning autonomy our partnership with the John Newcombe in an interdisciplinary nature more than 45 ‘Open’ tournaments throughout the competition programme is also available for (former triple Wimbledon champion and • Time management and prioritising year, as well as many International youth tourna- players who have attained the necessary level (top • Digital and audio-visual literacy World No1), located in Texas, our students ments (ITS and -14 years old) located in the sou- 20 national minimum). • Development of information search are given the opportunity to experience a and selection skills full one month immersion within the acade- • Positive teacher-student communication my in the heart of the USA.

14 15 French School / French Touch Academy (adapted timetable) RATES 18 000 € Tennis Study without Boarding 27 500 € Tennis Study with Boarding 2 500 € Option US TRAINING CAMP THE PROGRAMME INCLUDES : • 2 hours /day of Tennis + Physical training • Coaching accompanying & follow-up 12 regional tournaments • 18 hours school teaching + guided studies • 5hrs studying hours COMBINE TENNIS & International school online TIMETABLE ACADEMICS IN THE BEST (American high school) POSSIBLE CONDITIONS 19 000 € Tennis Study without Boarding 28 500 € Tennis Study with Boarding The timetable has been specifically conceived to of obligatory studying in the evening for boarders. 2 500 € Tennis Study with Boarding enable students to conciliate studies and tennis in In the afternoons, 4 hours of training Tennis/Fitness THE PROGRAMME INCLUDES : the best possible conditions. 5 days a week, further strengthened by morning trai- • 24 hours Tennis + Physical training In the mornings, 18 hours of school allocated over 5 ning sessions between 7.30 and 9AM twice a week. days, regrouping all the compulsory lectures + 1 hr • 12 hours of tutoring • 5hrs studying hours A typical week timetable MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY

7h00 Wake up Wake up Wake up Wake up Wake up College Prep USA 7h30 Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast 11 500 € Without Boarding Wake up Breakfast Training Training 8h30 Training 21 000 € Tennis Study with Boarding - School Tennis School Tennis School Tennis/ Tournaments 12h00 School School THE PROGRAMME INCLUDES: / Rest • 22 hours of Tennis + Physical training 12h00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch • Online courses follow-up (5hrs/week) 13h45 Warm up Warm up Warm up Warm up Warm up • Coaching accompanying 14h - 18h Training Training Training Training Training Tennis / Tennis / Tennis / Tennis / Tennis / & follow-up 12 regional tournaments Fitness Fitness Fitness Fitness Fitness 19h30 Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Summer Tour 20h00 Studies Studies Studies Studies Studies

21h00 Free time Free time Free time Free time Free time 2 600 € 3 weeks (4 to 5 tournaments)

22h00 Back to rooms Back to rooms Back to rooms Back to rooms Back to rooms 17 THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY SYSTEM The pursuit of a university curriculum in the USA represents a unique opportunity, so long as you are well prepared on a sport and academic level. The US adventure is first and foremost a unique life experience, whereby students get to live in to- tal immersion on a large university campus for 4 (Bachelor) to 5 years (Master). It also involves joining a high-level university ten- nis team with standards that, in some cases, are close to the professional level. It is also the possi- bility to finance part or the totality of your studies through tennis (see Ranking/Scholarship Equiva- lence table). It’s also the assurance of a solid university baggage, recognised around the world and very sought after by recruiters, a complete mastering of the English SCHOLARSHIP USA language, and most importantly the acquisition of “the American fighting spirit” - an essential asset to possess in today’s professional world.

A STEPPING STONE FOR THE U.S WHY FRENCH TOUCH THE GATEWAY TO THE The gateway to the USA is part of Charles Auffray & Stéphane Becouarn are the the Academy DNA. Each student is pioneers of university placement in the USA. USA IS PART OF THE prepared in anticipation of his inte- gration to an American university. Everything is done to optimise the Since 1998, more than 800 athletes all sports com- ACADEMY DNA. chances of a successful integration: bined have been placed by our specialist staff who • Implementation of ambitious tennis goals al- have built a university network which comprises lowing for the integration of an American univer- more than 150 universities in Division 1 and 2. sity with a scholarship • Optimisation of the student’s school record as early as “3ème“ • Intensive learning of English and intensive prepa- ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS : ration for the entry exams TOEFL & SAT as early as ‘seconde’ • Obtaining the Baccalaureate or • Implementation of an intensive competition pro- BTS (1 to 2 years) gramme • Minimum requirements at the • Preparation of the application form obligatory TOEFL & SAT admission • Active researching of universities & negotiation exams of scholarships • Administrative process and procurement of the • A level of tennis allowing to student visa integrate a team • Following-up on the player once in the USA

18 19 DEGREES AND Other departments CURRICULUMS PROVIDED Engineering UNIVERSITIES IN THE USA Applied Mathematics Art Astronomy DEGREES : Biology Division 1 Div 2 - NAIA - Junior Colleges Chemistry • BACHELOR UCLA Barry Civil Engineering • MBA Berkeley Armstrong Atlantic Stage Communication University of Florida University of West Florida Computer engineering Florida State Hawai Pacific Computer science AVAILABLE CURRICULUMS Construction engineering University of San Diego Concordia College The available curriculums in American universi- Criminal Justice University of South Carolina Lander ties are numerous and varied. Students must fol- Education University of Souh Florida Abilene Christian low a general requirement for approximately a Electrical Engineering UC Santa Barbara Ouachita Baptist year and a half. They are then able to choose a English San Diego State Florida Southern College “major” or speciality. Environmental Science Cal Poly Drury Here is a list of the main curriculums generally European Studies Fresno State Florida Tech offered by most universities with which we work Food & Nutrition Pepperdine university Delta State Health Communication Grand Canyon unievrsity Valdosta State History Hospitality & Tourism Management St John’s South Carolina Aiken Humanities Florida Atlantic university BYU Hawai Information System University of South Alabama Francis Marion Journalism & Media Studies University of Miami Asbury university Business Department Linguistics Loyola Maymount Loyola university New Orleans Mathematics General Business Coastal Carolina University of North Georgia Mechanical Engineering Boston universtiy Baker university International Business Micro Biology Stony Brook Seward Accounting Nursing VCU Tyler Nutrition Finance Clemson ASA Miami Physics Information system Political Science Sacramento State Eastern Florida Management Real Estate Portland Stage Laredo Economics Social Science Georgia State Barton Sociology Marketing James Madison Collin Statistics University of Louisiana Lafayette Wallace State 20 21 SCHOLARSHIPS BENEFITS / ASSISTANCE The American university system enables athletes to obtain women. Their amount also varies depending on the level of a scholarship to represent the sport team. The number of the player and the university. available scholarships varies depending on the sport and The table below represents the correspondence between • Profile evaluation/Interview with the pa- • Visit of one or more universities when divisions. In tennis, the number of scholarships attributed the level of tennis and the scholarship amount generally al- rents/definition of the project required to each team in division 1 is of 5 for the men and 8 for the located depending on the level of the team. • Opening of the registration form (1ère) • Register for the NCAA clearinghouse BOYS & GIRLS / POSITION IN THE TEAM • Registering for the TOEFL & SAT exams • Finalising the academic file after obtaining (compulsory exams) the Baccalaureate UNIVERSITIES DIV 1 • Translation of all grade notations since «3ème» • Providing assistance for the visa University 1 2 3 4 5 6 procurement ranking • Researching universities and creation of the Top 20 Top 100 Top 150 - 15 - 15 - 4/6 - 4/6 registration form • Advice before departing for the USA & organisation of the pick-up upon arrival Top 20 - 40 Top 100 - 15 - 15 - 4/6 - 4/6 - 2/6 • Video shooting and editing – send the video Top 40 - 60 - 15 - 15 - 4/6 - 4/6 - 2/6 - 2/6 to all coaches interested • Following-up with candidate in the USA / school counselling / coach relation Top 60 - 80 - 15 - 4/6 - 4/6 - 2/6 - 2/6 0 • Negotiating the scholarship amount accor- ding to the criteria communicated Top 80 - 100 - 4/6 - 2/6 - 2/6 - 2/6 0 0 Top 100 - 150 - 2/6 - 2/6 - 2/6 - 2/6 0 0 Top 150 - 200 - 2/6 0 0 1/6 2/6 2/6 Top 200 - 300 0 1/6 2/6 2/6 3/6 4/6

Universities Div 2

University ranking 1 2 3 4 5 6 Top 10 - 15 - 15 - 4/6 - 4/6 - 2/6 0 Top 20 - 4/6 - 2/6 0 0 1/6 2/6 Top 30 - 2/6 - 2/6 0 1/6 2/6 3/6 Top 40 0 0 1/6 2/6 2/6 3/6 Top 60 1/6 2/6 3/6 3/6 4/6 4/6


GIRLS BOYS n°1 100% n°1 85% à 100% n°2 100% n°2 80% à 100% n°3 100% n°3 70% à 80% n°4 100% n°4 50% à 75% n°5 70% à 100% n°5 40% à 60% n°6 70% à 100% n°6 0% à 50% n°7 0% à 50% n°7 0% à 50%

* (100% scholarship or “full scholarship” includes the cost of studies, accommodation with full boarding & food, tennis trainings, as well as all the competitions and traveling) 22 23 ROMAIN LACHENS STÉPHANE MATHEU PIERRICK IZERN Manager for the organisation Manager Team Pro Winamax Director Media Rights Groupe Bein Sport of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games ALUMNI FORMER STUDENTS

Ranked 1/6 before leaving to the US Ranked -30 before leaving to the US Ranked 0 before leaving to the US

« Charles enabled me to integrate the University of Las « I was ranked O at the time and had obtained the « I left for the USA via the intermediary of Charles Vegas (UNLV) in 2000. My profile was rather unusual at equivalent of a Bachelor degree in France. I was a a few years ago and was fortunate to be able to in- the time, because I had already played on the profes- good club player but with low professional tennis ex- tegrate a University in California (University of San sional circuit (former 280 ATP) for 8 seasons before de- pectations. I lived an absolutely unique experience Diego) thanks to my level in tennis (ranked 0 at the ciding to go back to studying. I thereby took the oppo- at St Mary’s University in California over the course time). It was a truly extraordinary experience. The site pathway to most players who normally first go to of 2 years. Learning the language and the quality of high university tennis level enabled me to progress the USA, and then integrate the professional circuit once the lectures in general have enabled me to acquire to the point where I was able to join the professional they complete their studies. the necessary experience to succeed in my career in circuit after obtaining my degree (Best ATP ranking: the world of sport – working conditions I have always This experience has simply No 374). dreamt of. changed my life. The diploma and experience ac- Upon returning in France, After obtaining 2 Business degrees (Bachelor in Manage- quired during these 4 years have I was lucky enough to work for ment Information Systems in 2003, followed by an MBA also enabled me to rise up the in Finance in 2005). After my studies I worked in real es- the Lagardere Paris Racing, tate for 2 years also in Las Vegas. I then embarked into ranks of professional life faster. the management and coaching of professional poker I then pursued my dream to par- I am today the Head of Audiovisual rights for the players in 2008, notably alongside Bertrand Grospellier. Group Bein Sports. I owe it partly to my fulfilling take in the Olympic Games by Today, 11 years later, I am blessed to still be able to work journey in the USA.» becoming the Manager for the in this particular field as I am the manager of the Team organisation of the 2024 Olym- Pro Winamax since 2010.» pics.»

24 25 ALEXIS RAFIDISSON CHARLES BOTTONI ÉMILIA MILOVANOVIC Global Relationship Manager Consultant Sales Force COJO 2024 Crédit Agricole Groupe Magellan Consulting Paris

Ranked -4/6 before leaving to the US Ranked 1/6 before leaving to the US Ranked 0 before leaving to the US

«I made the decision to go to the USA at the Univer- « At age 17, I joined the ISP Academy in Sophia-An- Simply the best decision I have made in my life. Thanks sity of Pepperdine in Los Angeles via the interme- tipolis, which was managed by Charles Auffray. This to Charles Auffray, I was given the opportunity to join diary of Charles Auffray. My choice was guided by specialised education programme enabled me to ob- a 1st division university in the United States. Despite my will to find a mix between academic excellence tain my Baccalaureate in Social Economics (ES) and to the anxiety of leaving everything behind in France, (Pepperdine is in a partnership with Essec) and am- improve my ranking up to -2/6. I quickly understood that this adventure would be a bition on the tennis side. In my life there is a before I then studied for 4 years in the USA from 2008 to 2012 big steppingstone for my future. During my studies and after Pepperdine. at the University of East Tennessee State – a top 40 at the University of South Carolina and at Wofford, I I graduated with a Bachelor in In- division 1 NCAA team. learnt to manage the schedule of a high-level athlete and student. This proved to be an asset when I joined ternational Business. Following this It was a unique experience which the professional world in France, where I integrated experience, I was able to integrate combined both high-level tennis the Olympic and Paralympic committee for the Paris 2024 Games for 3 years. High-level sport has taught a prestigious business school (the and studies. me rigour, how to be a team-player and how to push EM Lyon) in France to do a Master one-self. 3 essential attributes that I find on a daily I got to travel and play against the best players in the basis in my professional life. Every new professional in finance. country (UT, Florida, Georgia..) and even participate in challenge is a tennis match that I try and win. I am Today, I have been working for a corporate bank the team / individual NCAA tournament ! today Responsible of the Olympic activation for Brid- (Crédit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank) for 14 gestone in Europe, Middle-East, India and Africa. years and I am about to leave for Shanghai in a few In the end, this adventure pushed me to get out of my weeks time for a Director’s role as an expatriate. » comfort zone, enabled me to obtain a Bachelor degree I can only recommend this (Business Administration & Marketing), become fluent in English, improve my tennis game and make long lasting experience, which is a true school friendships across the world. » of life.



It is aimed at high level players who wish to train in a high-performance environment with expe- rienced high level coaches and whos’ goal is to progress at a national or international level - on the ETA, ITF, ATP or WTA circuits.

It is suitable for young players (from 10 years old onwards) up to professional players. PERSONALISATION

The tennis & physical training is intensive (approxi- The trainings of the Pro training centre mately 6hrs of daily training). Nicolas Coutelot (Top 80 ATP) - Éric Prodon (Top 100 ATP) - (Former Jr are systematically conducted by groups of The coaching is assured by experienced coaches World n°1) - Benoît Paire (Top 20 ATP) - Marton Fucsovics (Top 50 ATP) - Danilo Petrovic who have been involved on the circuit as players 2 players which make for an almost total and/or coaches. individualisation of the training sessions. (Top 150 ATP) - (Top 200 ATP) - Tak Wang (Top 250 ATP) - Dayana Yastremska (Top 25 WTA) - Alizé Cornet (French N°1 top 20 WTA) - Élina Svitolina (N°2

WTA) - Dalma Galfi (Former Jr World n°1 – Top 200 WTA).

28 29 RATES

THE PROGRAMS «SPARRING» PROGRAM Low season High season No boarding Full boarding No boarding Full boarding (october-march) (april-september) SPARRING PRO Aimed at players who seek a high level of 1 week 295 € 495 € 1 week 395 € 595 € Sparring services are aimed at players who personalisation. require a training base which comprises 4 weeks 990 € 1 750 € 4 weeks 1 350 € 2 000 € Training groups are limited to 2 players/ per high-level facilities, training partners at coach max. 8 weeks 1 750 € 2 950 € 8 weeks 2 600 € 3 500 € unbeatable value for money.

TYPICAL PROGRAM (5 days / week) TYPICAL PROGRAM (5 days / week) «PRO» PROGRAM Low season High season No boarding Full boarding No boarding Full boarding MORNING : Serve working session (45 mins/ MORNING : Serve working session (45 mins/ (october-march) (april-september) day) Group Sessions (2hrs/day) day). Session with 2 players/coach (2hrs/day) 1 week 890 € 1 290 € 1 week 990 € 1 390 €

AFTERNOON: Matches or sparring training AFTERNOON: 2 players/coach + Matches 4 weeks 3 200 € 4 650 € 4 weeks 3 450 € 4 900 € (2hrs). Physical training (1 ½ hrs) Session. Physical training (1 ½ hrs) 8 weeks 5 650 € 8 250 € 8 weeks 6 350 € 8 850 €

Free access to the sport facilities of Free access to the sport facilities of the complex. Access to the Physio/Medical the complex. Access to the Physio/Medical Centre services Centre services TOURNAMENT COACHING FOLLOW-UP (ETA – ITF JUNIOR – ATP – WTA) Low season (october-march) Aimed at high level players looking 1 250 € 1 semaine to benefit from high level coaching TYPICAL TIMETABLE 4 500 € 4 semaines during competition



8h30 WARM-UP

9h00 Fitness Tennis Fitness Tennis Fitness 9h30 Gammes & Drills & Intensive ball 10h00 Panier intensif feeding Tennis Tennis Tennis 10h30 Observation Integrated Integrated Test & Analysis physical 11h00 physical Fitness preparation Fitness preparation 11h30 12h - 14h LUNCH & RELAXATION

14h30 WARM-UP Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis 15h - 16h Drills & tactical Match play Service & return Match play Service & return schemes


Interview Physio Physio Physio Physio 17h - 17h30 Debriefing follow-up follow-up follow-up follow-up (optional) (optional) (optional) (optional)


MINI TENNIS LEISURE TENNIS 4 to 6 years old 7 to 14 years old Mornings only, from 9 to 10.30 AM Formule 2 h en matinée uniquement 7,5 hrs of tennis and games 12 hrs of tennis and games TRAINING CAMPS The formula for toddlers, A playful and sporty camps adapted to all pleasure and motivation guaranteed type of players


All our camps are supervised by experienced Campers also have the possibility to choose the coaches and respect a strict ratio of 4 players per “Tournament” formula which involves participa- coach maximum. ting in a homologated competition during their Our camp offering is one of the most diverse in camp, or they are given access to the “Summer France (10 camp programmes) comprising of ten- Tour”, which is available to confirmed players who nis & fitness training, full boarding accommoda- seek to participate in a wide number of competi- SEMI-INTENSIVE SEMI-INTENSIVE + ANGLAIS from 6 years old from 10 years old tion under F.T. supervision, transportation, as well tions over a time period of 3 weeks. Half-day formula, mornings only En demi-journée, matinée uniquement as non-sport activities. All-inclusive accommodation is located only a few Languages are also an important component of minutes away from the sport installations. It is 10 hrs of tennis + 7 ½ hours of 10 hrs of tennis + 7 ½ hrs of the French Touch Academy camps. At the rate of 1 reserved for the campers following the intensive coordination, motricity and English lessons + 2 hrs of matches ½ hrs per day, campers are given the opportunity programmes (from 9 years old onwards). It in- games to take part in English lessons with a specialised cludes an animation programme throughout the Ideal formula for youngsters which blends Perfect for young players willing to com- teacher. week outside of the sport slots. bine tennis training and progression in progression, motricity and pleasure english

340 € 390 €

32 33 JUNIOR PROGRAMS - INTENSIVE ADULTS Are also accepted in this programme, youngsters WE OFFER WEEKLY CAMPS FOR ADULTS aged 15-18 years old. The groups (of 4 campers maximum) are put together by our Head Coach OF ALL LEVELS. and are respectful of the levels and expectations of everyone. We offer weekly camps for adults of all levels. Our programme guarantees personalised sessions, adapted physical intensity and, most importantly, WEEKLY ADULT CAMPS great moments of conviviality, effort and discove- 6 days (from Monday to Saturday) ry. 2 hrs per day Formula INTENSIVE TENNIS INTENSIVE TENNIS + ENGLISH from 9 years old from 10 years old Loosening, breathing, work on the technique and Full day Formula Full day Formula body, tactical analysis, personalised tips, we do 290 € 16 hrs of tennis + 7 ½ hrs of physical 16 hrs of tennis + 7 ½ hrs of everything to ensure an important progression. All preparation + 6 hrs of matches + 7 our programmes include a physical warm-up, exer- English lessonsb+ 6 hrs of matches WEEKLY ADULT CAMPS 1/2 cises, debriefings, video analysis and matches on 1/2 hrs of leisure activities + 7 hrs of leisure activities 6 days (from Monday to Saturday) hardcourt and clay. Ideal for players seeking maximum Perfect blend of intensive training and 4 hrs per day Formula 360° progression progress in English No boarding Boading No boarding Boading Our camps are open to adult players of all levels 565 € 975 € 665 € 1075 € and ranking. 480 €

INTENSIVE TENNIS SUMMER TOUR + TOURNAMENTS From 11 years old From 11 years old Full day Formula – 3 weeks Full day Formula – Minimum 2 weeks 16 hrs of tennis + 7 ½ hrs of 16 hrs of tennis + 7 ½ hrs of physical preparation + official matches + physical preparation + official leisure activities matches + leisure activities The ultimate camp for competitors The essential tournament road tour for confirmed players

No boarding Boading Boading 1190 € 1990 € 2600 € 34 35 Montpellier

Cap d’Agde Marseille


Contact [email protected] + 33 (0)6 98 27 97 77