Top News of the period ...... 2 announces Investment Visa 2 Politics and Law ...... 2 Private notary offices are being created in Uzbekistan 2 Uzbekistan plans to implement infrastructure projects with World Bank 4 A new stage of reforms in agriculture has been identified 4 Cooperation prospects in information and mass communications are discussed [between Uzbekistan and Benelux countries] 5 Economy and Finance ...... 5 Uzbekistan plans to introduce luxury tax 5 Uzbekistan VAT could be cut to 15% 6 AIIB implements 2 multi-million dollar projects in Uzbekistan (Exclusive) 6 Business 7 Another major petrochemical project is viable in Karakalpakstan - Uzbekneftegaz chief 7 Chinese company to produce pickups in Uzbekistan 7 New shoes production plan opens in Ferghana region 8 European Commission: Uzbekistan to become one of most attractive investment destinations in Central Asia (Exclusive) 8 Uzbekistan plans to build a mining and metallurgical complex for US$1.3 billion 9 US$ 1.8 billion wind farm to be erected in Bukhara province 9 Uzbekistan to host International Robotics Challenge 10 Bukhara launches renewable energy investment project 10 New types of import-substituting and export-oriented products to be produced in Karakalpakstan 10 Uzbekistan establishes FEZ Nukus 11 Uzbekistan attracting experts from EU to help manage energy industry 12 A new cotton picking system is being created in Syrdarya region 12 Tourism and Culture ...... 13 Interface Tourism Group to help Uzbekistan to promote tourism brand abroad 13 Chinese Loong Air to launch a charter flight to Uzbekistan 13 Uzbekistan Turns To Foreign Social-Media Stars To Boost Tourism 14 Uztemiryolyolovchi launches a new railway ticket sales system 14 New terminal to be built at Samarkand airport 15 Navoi launches Ecotourism Center 15 Uzbekistan Airways to launch direct flights to Germany 15 Kokand is included in the list of World Crafts Cities 16

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Uzbekistan announces Investment Visa The September 19 presidential decree has supplemented the list of (non-electronic) visas categories with the new type of visa, the Ministry of Justice said. The Investment Visa has been added to Vatandosh (Uzbek-natives), Student visa, Academic visa, Medical visa and Piligrim visa announced earlier this year. It is issued to foreign citizens and stateless persons who invest 1.723 billion soums, or over 183.1 thousand dollars. The Investment Visa shall be valid for three years. Times – Only soums can be withdrawn from Uzbekistan ATMs as of October 1 As of October 1, 2019, only soums can be withdrawn from Uzbekistan ATMs accepting international cards, such as VISA, MasterCard, UnionPay or others. Some ATMs have already been issuing soums only from September 24. While, residents may withdraw cash dollars at the bank's cash desks, in this case, citizens must bring an ID along with the card. According to the Central Bank, the move is aimed at combating the legalization of proceeds of crime. Tashkent Times –


Private notary offices are being created in Uzbekistan High-quality, prompt provision of notarial services strengthens the trust of citizens. The Decree “On Measures for the Fundamental Reform of the Notary System in the Republic of Uzbekistan” signed by the President envisages precisely these goals. Firstly, from 1 January 2020, private notary offices will be created. These changes will prevent the waiting of queues in notaries and walking around the authorities for the population. A Notary Chamber is created, based on the membership of all notaries. Secondly, a number of requirements are canceled during the execution of transactions related to property. In particular, from 1 January 2020, it is not necessary to obtain the consent of the khokimiyats when disposing of unfinished housing construction, to obtain the consent of the guardianship and trusteeship bodies when renting (renting) property on behalf of a person under guardianship. Thirdly, the mandatory notarial procedure for certifying a number of transactions is canceled. In particular, from 1 October 2019, a notarized power of attorney for the right to use and drive vehicles between close relatives is canceled.

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From 1 January 2020, the mandatory notarization of the agreement on leasing and gratuitous use of enterprises, mortgages, collateral and leasing for the acquisition of property in the primary market is canceled. In accordance with the Decree, from 1 January 2020 the following notarial actions will be implemented: - providing evidence in the pre-trial process in civil law relations; - performance of the duties of a mediator on property and inheritance issues; - confirmation of the date of submission of the created objects of copyright and related rights. From 1 January 2020, the following amenities will be created: - in case of notarization of real estate transactions, verification of information on debts for utilities, the collection of which is the responsibility of the Compulsory Enforcement Bureau, is carried out exclusively through the Bureau’s online information system; - the parties are given the opportunity to notarize transactions in notaries located in different regions by remote servicing in the video conferencing mode; - the electronic form of notarized statements, leases and powers of attorney, placed in an open information system, will have the same legal force as a document in paper form; - it is possible to verify applications, lease agreements and powers of attorney through a unique number when performing notarial acts, on the basis of statements, leases and powers of attorney notarized in the republic without presenting these documents; - the service of preparing the relevant documents and placing them in electronic queue for contacting the notary office is being introduced; - it is possible to obtain copies of available documents from the departmental notary archive through the Unified portal of interactive public services. In accordance with the Decree, until 1 January 2020, 2 experimental notarial offices are created in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regions, as well as 5 experimental notary offices in the city of Tashkent. The following are implemented in these offices: - execution of transactions not related to the alienation of property, executive inscriptions, evidence of the fidelity of the translation of documents from one language to another using an electronic digital signature; - execution of applications using electronic digital signatures, as well as through video conferencing. The opportunity arises for courier service to deliver to the customer the original of a document drawn up by remote service. Until 1 January 2024, transactions involving the emergence of a right to real estate stored in notarial archives will be digitized. UzDaily –

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Uzbekistan plans to implement infrastructure projects with World Bank Uzbekistan plans to implement projects to improve infrastructure, support entrepreneurship and improve living conditions with the participation of the World Bank, a representative of the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade of Uzbekistan told Trend in an interview, It should also be noted that Uzbekistan will direct more than $124.1 million for the comprehensive development of medium-sized cities. "The allocated funds will be utilized on the basis of approved action plans for the project," the official said. According to the representative of the Ministry, Yangiyul, Kagan and Chartak were identified as pilot cities in the framework of the project. "The following cities will be determined based on research during the implementation of the pilot project," the official noted. The representative said that the World Bank Board of Directors has approved the provision of a $100 million loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) for Uzbekistan to implement this project. World Bank borrowings will be repaid over 30 years. IBRD is the main lending institution of the World Bank. AzerNews –

A new stage of reforms in agriculture has been identified On September 6, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting on the priority tasks of development of agriculture in 2020-2030. Uzbekistan has great potential in the agricultural sector. Success in resolving many socio-economic issues – from abundance and prosperity to providing additional income from exports – depends on development of this industry. In recent years, a number of measures have been taken for reforming agriculture and introducing market mechanisms. As a result of an increase in government procurement prices, the interest of agricultural producers has almost tripled. Cotton and grain growing became a real source of profit. In order to introduce new technologies and innovations, increase labor productivity and the wages of workers in the sphere, 76 cotton-textile clusters were organized. In the current year, water-saving irrigation technologies were introduced on 25 thousand hectares of cotton fields. Large-scale activity on restoration of 1 million 100 thousand hectares of degraded land has begun. These are certainly good results, but this is just the first stage of transformations in this area. The President sets the task to bring the reforms in the industry to a new level, not only living today, but also thinking over actions with an eye to the long term. To this end, the development strategy of agriculture for 2020-2030 is being developed, which is designed to become the main point of growth, the driver of the economy. Thousands of new jobs will be created, people’s incomes will increase.

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Uzbekistan National News Agency –

Cooperation prospects in information and mass communications are discussed [between Uzbekistan and Benelux countries] On September 4, 2019, the Ambassador of Uzbekistan to the Benelux countries Dilyor Khakimov met with the Founder and Director of the European Institute of Communications (EIC) Eugene Grey, Uzbekistan MFA reports. Based in Brussels and Dublin, the European Institute of Communications is a professional academic body specialising in PR and Communications. Representing the interests of 3500 members it provides accredited training programmes through the academic divisions of PR, Social Media and Digital Marketing. Eugene Grey welcomed the ongoing large-scale reforms implemented within the framework of the Action Strategy for Further Development of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, including in the field of strengthening the role of the media and enhancing the professional skills of journalists. The head of the EIC expressed interest in establishing cooperation with Information and Mass Communications Agency under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including the organization of practical classes for enhancing the professional skills of employees. It was noted that these courses can be conducted both in the educational buildings of the Institute in Belgium and Ireland, and in Uzbekistan, by attracting highly qualified teachers from Western Europe. Eugene Grey noted that representatives of Uzbekistan can also take part in EIC online courses. Following the meeting, an agreement was reached on elaboration of practical details of the Institute’s interaction with Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan National News Agency –


Uzbekistan plans to introduce luxury tax Uzbekistan intends to introduce a tax on luxury upon purchase of expensive cars and houses, Trend reports citing Uzbek media. Restaurants and bars are also subject to the new tax. The draft presidential decree published on the legislative discussion platform, provides for a special fee from buyers of expensive cars and real estate, which will be used to finance a fund for the treatment of patients with cancer and blood diseases. A special fee will be levied on the purchase of cars manufactured by UzAuto Motors (previously GM Uzbekistan) worth more than $20,000 as well as real estates with a total area of more than 200 square meters for apartments and 500 square meters for private homes. The proposal was initiated by the Antimonopoly Committee and various volunteer groups of the country. Trend News Agency –

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Uzbekistan VAT could be cut to 15% The value added tax rate is expected to be cut from 20% to 15%. Cutting the VAT to 15%, together with measures aimed at ensuring its neutrality, proposed in the new version of the Tax Code, will boost businesses, the Ministry of Finance said in a statement. While, according to the ministry’s estimates, cutting the VAT rate by 5% will reduce budget revenues by 10 trillion soums per year, or about 2% of GDP. Earlier President Shavkat Mirziyoyev at a government meeting instructed to cut VAT to boost businesses. Tashkent Times –

AIIB implements 2 multi-million dollar projects in Uzbekistan (Exclusive) The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) currently has two proposed projects in Uzbekistan, representative of the bank told Trend in an interview "The first is Bukhara Region Water Supply and Sewerage Project with the objective to provide access to safe, reliable and affordable water supply, and sanitation services in the Bukhara region," the representative noted. The official stressed that the project includes investment in water supply infrastructure and in sewerage infrastructure along with capacity building and implementation support. The project is expected to benefit about 1.67 million people. "Phase I of the project is expected to benefit about 1.05 million residents of the prioritized areas in the Bukhara region. Phase II of the project is expected to benefit about 620,000 people," the representative added. The official stressed that the Phase I project cost $422 million; the AIIB loan is $357 million (85 percent) and $65 million (15 percent) will be covered by Uzbekistan. "Phase II project cost is $236 million. AIIB will loan $200 million (85 percent), while Uzbekistan will cover the remaining $36 million (15 percent)," AIIB’S representative added. The official stated that Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of Uzbekistan will be the implementing the project. "Estimated date of loan closing is April 2024," official noted. The second project, according to the bank’s representative, is Railway Electrification Project (Bukhara- Urgench-Khiva), which aims to improve connectivity of the railway network connecting the cities of Bukhara, Urgench and Khiva in western Uzbekistan, reduce travel time and increase the freight handling capabilities of the rail connections amongst these cities. "The project will be implemented by Uzbekistan Railways JSC under the Ministry of Finance. The project is expected to be completed in December 2022," the official said. The official underlined that the project comprises of the electrification of three railway segments and the construction of associated auxiliary facilities. "The three railway segments are 357km line between the cities of Bukhara and Misken, 77km line between the cities of Misken and Urgench, and 33km line between the cities of Urgench and Khiva," the representative stated.

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The total cost of the project is $339.1 million. AIIB’s loan amount to $168.2 million, while $170.9 million will be covered by Uzbekistan Railways. The representative added that a potential collaboration with Uzbekistan and the neighboring countries may help the bank to achieve better connectivity on both sides of the border, and foster Asia’s integration and economic growth through the implementation of inter-regional infrastructure projects. Trend News Agency –


Another major petrochemical project is viable in Karakalpakstan - Uzbekneftegaz chief A new gas-chemical complex could be built in Karakalpakstan in the near future, as the huge natural gas reserves were discovered in the Ustyurt region, Uzbekistan 24 reported. "The Ustyurt exploration region has the most promising oil and gas reserves. Today it is divided into 23 investment blocks, with Uzbekneftegaz working on seven of them. We have handed over ten investment blocks to the globsl oil and gas companies, such as BP, Total, Mubadala. Whilst, while Gazprom and Epsilon have already commenced exploration at six blocks," said Bahodirjon Sidikov, chairman of Uzbekneftegaz. The projected reserves in three fields of the central Ustyurt are at 1 trillion CM of gas, which means that another major petrochemical project is viable, he concluded. Tashkent Times –

Chinese company to produce pickups in Uzbekistan Chinese company Hebei Good Hope Logistics Development Co. organizes the production of passenger- and-freight electric vehicles (pickups) in Uzbekistan, Spot writes with reference to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers. The corresponding agreement was reached in April this year within the framework of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s visit to China to attend the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. In addition to pickup production, Hebei Good Hope Logistics Development Co. will launch a number of projects in the territory of the free economic zone “Angren”. This includes production of:  high-quality architectural glass (3−12 mm);  bicycles (localizing the production up to 50%);  electrical products (motors, pumps, electric construction tools and so on);  PV modules; and other. The projects are expected to be launched starting from January 2021.

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New shoes production plan opens in Ferghana region An opening ceremony of Vodiy – Shoes with the participation of direct investment by the French company Atkorschultz Ltd. was held in Ferghana district of Ferghana region. The new enterprise with a total project cost of US$8.5 million is aimed at producing high-quality men's, women's and children's shoes made of genuine leather. It has installed modern production equipment from Germany, the Czech Republic and Italy. This is the first enterprise with an automated shoe production cycle in Uzbekistan. Soon similar enterprises will appear in a number of other regions of the country. Products are made mainly from local raw materials. The annual capacity of the enterprise is more than 1 million pairs of shoes. UzDaily –

European Commission: Uzbekistan to become one of most attractive investment destinations in Central Asia (Exclusive) Uzbekistan will become one of the most attractive investment destinations in Central Asia provided that current economic and administrative reforms (including the reform of judiciary) are successfully carried out, European Commission representative told Trend in an interview. “Its location within the region, relatively well-educated workforce, mineral wealth, favorable conditions for agricultural production, adequate transport infrastructure, potential for the development of renewable energy sources and improving trade environment within the region already makes it a desirable place for investments,” the official added. The representative expects that the investment climate will further improve over next years with a growing number of European companies getting a foothold in Uzbekistan. The Government of Uzbekistan has the ambitious goal of reaching the top 20 in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Businesses Index by 2022, after having climbed from 166th place in 2012 to 76th in 2018. “EU investment flows to Uzbekistan are still limited but show a growing trend,” the official noted. According to Eurostat, Uzbekistan is the EU’s 83rd largest trade partner, with trade relations most developed with the UK, Germany, Spain, Italy and France. EU imports from Uzbekistan include industrial products, textiles, chemicals, plastics and manufactured goods, making the EU the fourth largest trading partner for Uzbekistan. The fuel industry, mining, manufacturing (automotive industry, transport, construction equipment etc.), metallurgy, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering are key traditional pillars of the Uzbek economy, with further potential to be untapped including by EU investors. The European Commission representative stressed that the textile industry, electricity sector, telecommunication industry, renewable energy, agriculture and food processing, the banking sector as well as culture, the creative industry and tourism also have good development potential. Uzbekistan’s Development Strategy for 2017-2021 points to the need of improving the investment climate, active attraction to the economy and provinces of foreign investment, especially foreign direct investment, he reminded.

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“To achieve this, major economic reform goals for the Government of Uzbekistan until the end of 2021 include, inter alia, WTO accession and the removal of trade and export distortions to hasten the process of transition to a market economy and its integration into the global trading system; and the unbundling and liberalization of aviation, rail, telecommunications and roads sectors,” the official underlined. He also noted that the government of Uzbekistan established the State Committee for Investments in March 2017, which is responsible for coordinating the formulation and implementation of a unified state investment policy and attracting foreign investments He added that ongoing negotiations between the EU and Uzbekistan for an Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (EPCA) could pave the way for more trade and investment, as does the start of European Investment Bank (EIB) operations in the country in 2017 aiming to support public and private sector projects in the areas of infrastructure, energy and energy efficiency, and assist small and medium- sized enterprises in the country. Trend News Agency –

Uzbekistan plans to build a mining and metallurgical complex for US$1.3 billion Uzbekistan wants to build a mining and metallurgical complex for US$1.3 billion. Uzbekistan Temir Yollari plans in early 2020 to begin negotiations with the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UMMC) on the construction of a mining and metallurgical complex in Uzbekistan. This was reported by RIA Novosti citing the head of the construction department of the Uzbek Railways complex Botir Rustamov. Back in April 2017, UMMC and Uzmetkombinat JSC signed a memorandum on joint implementation of a project to build a mining and metallurgical complex on the basis of the Tebinbulak titanomagnetite ore deposit in the territory of Karakalpakstan. And in January 2018, the Shavkat Mirziyoyev, by his decision, determined Uzbekistan Temir Yollari as the general contractor for the construction of the complex. "The UMMC company determined a number of activities that we needed to carry out in order for them to make a final decision in the future," Rustamov said. At this stage, the project is estimated at US$1.2-1.3 billion. The mining and metallurgical complex will process up to 33 million tons of ore and produce up to 1.5 million tonnes of rolled metal per year using the introduced technology. Moreover, 35% of the products are planned to be exported. UzDaily –

US$ 1.8 billion wind farm to be erected in Bukhara province Wind mast installing ceremony was held in Bukhara’s Gijduvan district as part of the implementation of a wind farm project with the Chinese corporation Lioaning Lide, the Foreign Ministry said. 6 thousand hectares were allocated by the Bukhara governor’s office for the US$ 1.8 billion project with 1.5 thousand MW production capacity. It is planned that the project will be implemented in three phases. In phase I, the construction of a 200 MW power plant is planned to attract foreign direct investment in the amount of US$ 240 million.

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In the ceremony were present the Bukhara governor Uktam Barnoev, the president of Lioaning Lide Zhang Yulian, officials of the involved ministries and departments of Uzbekistan. President Zhang Yulian said that his company intends to continue to make efforts to implement major renewable energy projects in Uzbekistan, using the best international experience and modern technologies. Tashkent Times –

Uzbekistan to host International Robotics Challenge The International Robotics Challenge contest for member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) will be held before the end of 2019 in Uzbekistan, Trend reports via Uzbek media. The relevant departments in Uzbekistan will develop an event program by October 1, including approving the list of foreign guests. The competition is held with the aim of further enhancing the knowledge of young people about the exact sciences and improving the country's image in the international community. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation is an international organization of Islamic countries headquartered in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Established in September 25, 1969. It includes 57 countries, such as: Azerbaijan, Albania, Algeria, Afghanistan, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Iran, Yemen, Kazakhstan, Cameroon, Qatar, etc. Trend News Agency –

Bukhara launches renewable energy investment project Gijduvan district of Bukhara region hosted a solemn ceremony of installing a mast designed to measure wind power. The event was held within the framework of implementation of a project on building a wind power plant together with the Chinese corporation Lioaning Lide, Uzbekistan MFA reports. The total project cost is 1.8 billion USD with a production capacity of up to 1.5 thousand MW. The khokimiyat allocated 6 thousand hectares of land. It is planned that the project will be implemented in three stages. At the first stage, it is planned to attract 240 million USD foreign direct investment for construction of a 200 MW power plant. The ceremony was attended by the Khokim of Bukhara region Uktam Barnoyev, the President of Lioaning Lide Zhang Yulian, representatives of relevant ministries and agencies of Uzbekistan. The President of Lioaning Lide noted that his company will continue to make efforts to attract and implement large-scale investment projects in renewable energy in Uzbekistan, using the best international experience and modern technologies. Uzbekistan National News Agency –

New types of import-substituting and export-oriented products to be produced in Karakalpakstan Today, Uzkimyosanoat joint-stock company is working on 17 investment projects worth 1.66 trillion soums, aimed at developing the chemical industry in the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

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The implementation of these investment projects will allow the processing of local raw materials for the production of new types of import-substituting and export-oriented products. As a result, it is planned to increase production by 828.3 billion soums, exports - by US$42.5 million, budget revenues by 38.6 billion soums. The total number of new jobs will be 1,074. Six investment projects based on Kungrad Soda Plant LLC will be implemented by selling 51% of the company’s shares and attracting foreign direct investment in exchange for investment obligations. Currently, the market value of the enterprise is evaluated and studied by an international consulting company. An international investment consultant participated in the preparation of the company’s pre- sale documentation to ensure transparency among potential investors, as well as to develop conditions for the sale of a company’s share. Information materials (teaser, information memorandum) and an extensive list of strategic investors were prepared jointly with an investment advisor. Information materials (teaser) were sent to 97 potential investors for consideration. At the end of August this year, the conditions of the auction will be approved, and in September a short list of investors will be compiled and until December the winner will be determined by the results of the tender, the necessary agreements will be signed. New types of products will be produced at the expense of local raw materials with an annual production volume of 324.3 billion soums and budget revenues of 16.9 billion soums, including the creation of 494 new jobs. Uzkimyosanoat JSC also develops such promising investment projects as production of paper from limestone and polyethylene, production of sulfate potassium fertilizer from sulfate and chloride potash raw materials, production of bottles from soda ash and quartz sand, glass production and the production of metallic sodium from technical salt raw materials. To date, the concept of these projects is under development. UzDaily –

Uzbekistan establishes FEZ Nukus Nukus Free Economic Zone (FEZ) has been created in Uzbekistan, Trend reports with reference to the Ministry of Justice. "It was set up on the basis of Nukus Farm, which specialized in the production of pharmaceutical products," read the message. The main objective of the Nukus FEZ is to attract direct foreign and domestic investments for the manufacture of import-substituting products that are in demand on foreign markets. Its term of operation is 30 years. Special tax and customs regimes will operate on the territory of the zone, and Nukus-Pharm participants will be able to obtain the status of participants in the Nukus FEZ without additional procedures. They will also retain previously provided benefits and preferences. In 2017, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed decrees on the creation of four new free economic zones in the Bukhara, Samarkand, Fergana and Khorezm regions, as well as seven pharmaceutical free economic zones - Nukus-Pharm , Zomin-Pharm, Kosonsoy- Pharm, Sirdaryo-Pharm, Boysun-Pharm, Bustonlik-Pharm and Parkent-Pharm.

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Trend News Agency –

Uzbekistan attracting experts from EU to help manage energy industry The Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan will use the EU grant assistance to train personnel and attract European specialists to managing of energy industry enterprises, Trend reports citing the press service of the Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan. The first deputy minister of energy of Uzbekistan, the head of the Uzatom agency Zhurabek Mirzamakhmudov met in Brussels with EU ambassador Romana Vlahutin. The parties formed a number of project proposals for financial and grant assistance from the European Union. The parties agreed to work out the possibility of attracting European experts to the Ministry of Energy enterprises as consultants, as well as for senior positions. Currently, 48 power plants with a total capacity of more than 12.4 GW are operating in the power system of Uzbekistan, including a total capacity of 10 thermal power plants - 10.6 GW. The rest of the electricity is generated by hydroelectric power plants, which are part of the Uzbekhydroenergo structure, and autonomous thermal power plants of industrial enterprises. The potential for electricity production is more than 60 billion kWh. AzerNews –

A new cotton picking system is being created in Syrdarya region On 7 September, with the participation of the First Deputy Minister of Employment and Labor Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan Erkin Mukhitdinov, a training seminar was held in Boyevut district of Syrdarya region. The main objectives of the seminar were the effective organization of work during the cotton harvest season, the creation of all necessary conditions for cotton pickers hired on a voluntary basis, the exchange of views on the prevention of forced labor, and the provision of practical recommendations on this issue. Within the framework of the seminar, the conditions of the experimental tent camp created by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers were studied. In addition, on the day of the seminar, the opening ceremony of the Boyevut Center for Employment Promotion was held. In the future, this center, equipped with all modern conditions, will serve to provide better services to ensure employment. UzDaily –

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Interface Tourism Group to help Uzbekistan to promote tourism brand abroad Acting Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development Abdulaziz Akkulov met with the President of Interface Tourism Group Gael de la Porte Du Theil and the Development Director of the company Julie Geoffroy, in France. At the meeting, the parties discussed the promotion of the tourism brand of Uzbekistan in France and in Europe. Interface Tourism Group is one of the largest PR companies in the French market for over 20 years. According to the Committee for Tourism Development, during a constructive conversation, the parties discussed issues of promoting Uzbekistan. Following the meeting, the French company expressed its readiness to forward the most effective proposals on promoting the tourism potential of Uzbekistan, based on a rich cultural heritage, taking into account the wishes of French tourists. It was also decided that Interface Tourism Group would develop and submit to Uzbekistan a comprehensive PR plan, including the preparation of special materials, an analytical selection of targeted media, various cultural and entertainment programs and articles in tourism. UzDaily –

Chinese Loong Air to launch a charter flight to Uzbekistan On September 27, the first direct charter flight of the Chinese Zhejiang Loong Airlines Co., Ltd., operating on the Xi'an-Tashkent-Xi'an route, will land at the Tashkent International Airport, the State Tourism Committee said. The flight will be carried out on the Airbus A320neo with a total capacity of 173 people. The first passenger on the flight will be the head of the airline Liu Yi. The launch of the Xi'an-Tashkent-Xi'an charter flight is the result of the negotiations between the Uzbek Embassy in China and Zhejiang Loong Airlines Co., Ltd on increasing the tourist flow from the PRC to Uzbekistan. It should be recalled that the representatives of the Chinese airline took part in the International Investment Forum in Tashkent in November, 2018. During the forum, the parties discussed issues of cooperation in the tourism sphere, ways of attracting tourism companies who can invest in the country’s infrastructure, creating special tourism products and increasing the flow of Chinese tourists, including by opening new direct flights. Zhejiang Loong Airlines Co., Ltd. (Loong Air), established in 2011, is based at the airport of Hangzhou Zhejiang Province. Loong Air fleet has 44 aircrafts and 3 Boeing 737 cargo airplanes. The company has opened 269 passenger and cargo routes in 14 international and regional directions. Kun –

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Uzbekistan Turns To Foreign Social-Media Stars To Boost Tourism It is a scene reminiscent of a Hollywood fairy-tale ending. Popular Internet travel bloggers Raquel da Silva and Miguel Mimoso stood together atop the 45-meter-tall Kalyan Minaret in Bukhara at sunrise gazing into each other's eyes before a probable kiss. Behind them, the well-preserved medieval Central Asian city, including the turquoise onion domes of the Kalyan Mosque, stretching into the distance. For those who know Uzbekistan, it is not the first -- or probably even the 100th image -- that comes to mind at the mention of the former Soviet state. "We're going to be honest," the Instagram post accompanying the image and celebrating the couple's 500,000th follower, begins. "We didn't know much about this country. Actually, almost anything." Most of their millennial followers are probably in the same boat. Which is precisely why Uzbekistan -- once one of the most closed countries in the world -- invited the Portuguese couple -- along with nearly 100 other international social-media influencers -- to wow their followers with creative photos and videos featuring its ancient cities. "One of the problems for our tourism industry is the absence of quality content about Uzbekistan," Behruz Hamzaev, the 30-year old strategy adviser to the country's tourism chairman and the person who came up with the idea, told RFE/RL. "There is not much out there. So, we wanted to fill the Internet."

The influencer event is the latest in a series of unprecedented steps by the country's government to open itself to the outside world and drive economic growth for its 33 million citizens. Uzbek tourism revenue has the potential to more than double in the next few years, analysts say. Yet the government's open embrace of foreign bloggers contrasts with its own weak record on social- media freedom at home. Uzbekistan only last year eased access for its citizens to Facebook and YouTube -- the two largest social-media networks in the world -- and still detains bloggers for posts criticizing top government officials. The authorities "want to show themselves as hip, cool, and open to the world," and though they have made some progress "they are still interested in controlling the online world," says Steve Swerdlow, Central Asia researcher for Human Rights Watch. Radio Free Europe – Radio Liberty -

Uztemiryolyolovchi launches a new railway ticket sales system Uztemiryolyolovchi launched a new railway ticket sales system after testing for almost a month. Now, the users can remotely purchase a train ticket for domestic and international trains. In addition, if necessary, the users can remotely return a purchased ticket online. This new feature is one of the significant advantages of the new system. Earlier, to return tickets, the users had to contact Uztemiryolyolovchi directly, presenting their passports, filling out all kinds of forms and forms. The new system also allows for transparency in the implementation of train tickets. Improved and simplified design, a much more convenient interface will help to easily navigate. For example, if in the

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4/03/2019 Uzbekistan, September 1-30, page 14 of 16 2019 early version a ticket could be purchased in 7 conditional steps, now the users need to go through only four steps. This service is presented in three languages - Uzbek, Russian and English. Cards of national payment systems are temporarily accepted for payment. In the near future it will be possible to pay through the international payment systems VISA and MASTER CARD, etc. By the way, we note that the cost of an issued electronic ticket is lower than the purchased ticket at the box office. For domestic trains, it is enough to print the issued electronic travel document (to be downloaded from the user’s personal account) in A4 format without visiting the railway ticket offices, since at the entrance to the station and before the on-site inspection by the inspection inspector, a corresponding seal is put down. For interstate trains, the users should visit the ticket office and get a ticket. Among other services, the new site also provides up-to-date information on the historical cities of our republic through the tourist line. It also contains the rules for the purchase of electronic tickets, information for passengers with disabilities, passenger transportation rules, insurance information, information on benefits and bonuses, as well as background information on frequently asked questions. UzDaily –

New terminal to be built at Samarkand airport In pursuance of the president’s instructions, a number of new projects were presented at the Samarkand airport, the governor Erkinjon Turdimov said in a press-briefing. In line with the plan, a new terminal will be built at Samarkand Airport in 2019-2020, with the runway yo be reconstructed, aircraft hangars to be expanded, and the radar system to be improved. After the implementation of these projects, the airport’s throughput will be raised to 600 passengers per hour and will be capable to receive more than 20 flights per day. Tashkent Times –

Navoi launches Ecotourism Center The Ecotourism Center, created by Konimeh – Kizilkum Shubat LLC, was launched in Kanimeh district of Navoi region. Kanimeh is considered to be the land of breeders since ancient times. In recent years, special attention is paid to development of industry and agriculture. The Ecotourism Center can simultaneously serve more than 3 thousand customers. It employs more than 20 local young people. The solemn opening ceremony of the center was attended by heads of enterprises and organizations located in the region, a group of foreign guests, entrepreneurs from different regions. Navoi region’s khokim K.Tursunov addressed the event Uzbekistan National News Agency –

Uzbekistan Airways to launch direct flights to Germany Uzbekistan Airways will launch direct flights to Munich (Germany) from 2020, Trend reports citing the airline’s press service.

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The company noted that the airline ticket sales to Munich opens from September 19. Flights will be operated starting from April 1, 2020, on Wednesdays and Sundays. The price of an economy class return ticket for flights by Uzbekistan Airways in the direction Tashkent- Munich-Tashkent starts from 520 euros. Trend News Agency –

Kokand is included in the list of World Crafts Cities On September 13, the President of the World Crafts Council-Asia Pacific Region (WCC-APR) Ghada Hijjawi- Qaddumi presented the khokim of Kokand Maruf Usmanov with a certificate on designation of Kokand as a World Crafts City (in the direction of woodcarving). The event was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Aziz Abdukhakimov, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan Adkham Ikramov, Chairman of Hunarmand Association Ulugbek Abdullayev, representatives of ministries and agencies, national and foreign media. In her welcoming speech, Ghada Hijjawi-Qaddumi expressed gratitude to those present for supporting the applied art and its inclusion in the state program for development of applied art. The World List of Craft Cities was founded in 2014. Today it includes more than 36 cities of the world. It should be noted that Kokand became the first member of the World Crafts Cities among Central Asian countries. Uzbekistan National News Agency –

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