Myuma Group News RAINBOW GATEWAY LTD J U L Y 2 0 1 4
MYUMA PTY LTD DUGALUNJI ABORIGINAL CORPORATION Myuma Group News RAINBOW GATEWAY LTD J U L Y 2 0 1 4 Prevocational Graduation July 2014 The second Dugalunji Prevoca- the graduating trainees received Smith-Marshall, Jameson Wil- tional Training Program for their certificates and enjoyed a son, Jerome Woibo, Jesse Cal- 2014 commenced on 30 April at lunch on site, accompanied by lope, Jesse Clemments, Kelvin Dugalunji Camp, Camooweal. their families, as well as indus- Dempsey, Lawrence Roos, Lew- try, community and government is Bambrick, Lymon Dunne, Myuma welcomed participants representatives. Michael Mudd, Murrandoo Yan- referred to the Program by ner, Regan Rankine, Robert industry partners MMG, Glen- This Program’s participants have Grego, Russell Barlow, Sam core Mount Isa Mines and Rain- come from communities across Wells, Shaqille Amini, bow Gateway Ltd. A total of the State, including Burketown, Sherridan Sarmardin, Stafford 26 trainees took part in the 10 Croydon, Hopevale, Norman- Chong, Troy Mullins and Wil- INSIDE THIS week training course and paid ton, Mornington Island, and liam Andrews. ISSUE: work placement, which has Mount Isa. focused their skills development We congratulate all of our grad- Dallas 2 in the areas of Construction, The 3026 graduation group uates on their achievements in consists of Anderson Bee, Cael McNamara Mining and Metalliferous Under- having successfully completed ground Mining. Watson, Chandel Simmons, the Program, and wish them Hayden Smith 3 Christel Barry, Curtis Dempsey, well in their future endeavours. At a ceremony held on 8 July, Dallas McNamara, Hayden -Marshall Trainee 4 Current Duga- Awards lunji Prevoca- Meet Evan Ah 5 tional Training Wing Program par- ticipants, pho- Rainbow 6 tographed at Gateway Dugalunji Horticultural 8 Camp, Camoo- Projects weal, prior to Visit to Split 12 their gradua- Rock tion on 8 July.
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